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(Ref RONR(10th Ed.),p.457,L.20-32) Treasurers Report No report (see report in minutes of July 30, 2005 meetings.) A summary of new memberships, membership audit responses and receipts thus far in the first fiscal quarter were reviewed: 17 new members contributing $2,250 44 others contributing $6,765.00 6 membership audit responses received without contributions Total receipts 1st Qtr to date - $9,015.00 Nominating Committee Report The committee has the requisite four members; Wanda Briegle, Patricia Watson and Alicia Dempsey, with President John McCann acting as chair. Laverne Woods has volunteered to candidate for a second term as Vice President. Will Smith has volunteered to candidate for another appointed term as Hospitality Director. Terry Voss has volunteered to candidate for an appointed term as Media Director, should nobody else submit his or her name for that position. A candidate for Secretary has yet to be discovered. Jane Williamson has indicated her intention to resign before his present term is completed. Upon receipt of the obligatory written letter of resignation, and its acceptance by the Board, the task of recruiting a replacement will fall to the Board (rather than the nominating committee). The Interim Treasurer will serve out the rest of the present term (ends July 29, 2006.) (Bylaws Art.V;Sec.5) Unfinished Business and General Orders: IRS Application for Exemption The Letter of Determination designating the Friends as a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization (Public Charity) was received. The determination was issued on August 12, 2005 with an effective date of April 21, 2005 (the date of application.) An Advance Ruling was rendered. The advance ruling period ends June 30, 2009. Accepted by unanimous consent and filed. Haas (Jenks) House Roof Repair Project Deferred from 7/31/05 meeting on lack of quorum Paul Jenks, previous owner, has offered to provide pro bono labor if someone else provides the needed materials. John McCann will contact Mr. Jenks to determine exactly what materials and supplies would be needed, and the cost. Chicago area contractor Standard Exterior Installations has indicated an interest in this project Laverne Woods will determine the extent of the companys interest, and under what circumstances they might be willing to undertake the job. Referred to an ad hoc committee consisting of McCann and Woods. New Business: Resignation Jane K Williamson, Treasurer A letter of resignation has not been received. Under the bylaws no action can be taken. Appointments Appointments terminate with the appointing Board. Those now serving as Hospitality Director and Media Director are reappointed for a second term by consensus of the Board at this meeting. Finance & Funds Management Present assets are around $28,000 of which about $22,000 resides in various allocated funds. William Strating provided various archival documents demonstrating that these funds, with the possible exception of a Building Restoration Fund (which has thus far not been identified as to source or original purpose) are all actually donor advised funds, rather than restricted funds. Therefore, the Boards prerogatives as to the use of these funds are not limited in any way. Strating further provided documents indicating that the uses originally advised by those placing this money at the Friends disposal never were, or no longer are, realistic, practical or possible. Accordingly, Strating suggested that this money should now be re-designated as non-designated funds and transferred to the General Fund. The Board, by consensus, conditionally agreed, and ordered that the Executive Director write letters to the heirs of Winston Kitchen and Alan Burdick, and to Katy (Evans) Shank explaining its rationale for doing so, and offering these interested parties an opportunity to comment. The Board, by consensus, agreed that the maintenance of a General Fund balance or Reserve Fund capable of generating earnings sufficient to fund a minimum of essential Friends functions (i.e.: the newsletters and the Annual Reunion) or retire unexpected year-end deficits is prudent and appropriate. Investment strategies and a formula for determining how much money should be held in reserve will be devised. No action will be taken towards redesigning these funds until the next Board meeting, after having allowed a reasonable opportunity for comment, as mentioned above. Gift Acceptance Policy To preclude future misunderstandings with regard to major gifts and bequests, and to encourage members to provide such contributions, the consensus of the Board is that a Gift Acceptance Policy should be published. The Secretary will draft a greatly simplified and plainly worded document based upon the example included in a tutorial by Kathryn A Miree, a philanthropic advisory consultant of Birmingham, AL for consideration at the next Board meeting. Authorization of Activities for 2005/2006 Program Year Member Recruitment/Retention & Fundraising Communications Spring, Summer and Fall/Winter Newsletters authorized at the current expense level (printing and postage approximately $630 per issue.) Holiday Seasons Calendar Mailing authorized at the current expense level (approximately $645 including postage.) This can be offered as a volunteer workshop project for the October November period. Annual View from the Dunes mailing discontinued. This was done with the 2004 and 2005 issues as evidence of the new, improved partner relationship with the Lakeshore. Having received few questions or negative comments over the past several months, the Boards judgement is that the membership is now comfortable in this new role. www.friendsofthemanitous.org web site authorized at the current expense level ($47 per year domain registration and hosting.) Annual Meeting Partially catered luncheon authorized. A meat entree, probably ham, will be provided, with attendees encouraged to pitch in side dishes to complete the meal. Program authorized at current expense level (approximately $200) Beach Activities authorized as an supervised play activity for youngsters during reunion and meeting with refreshments consisting of soda and personal munchables, and as an informal get-together for everyone during the late afternoon and evening. South Manitou island Excursion Island Interpreters Picnic authorized, with Willard Smith investigating the possibility of having a Saturday workshop to build box lunches in order to reduce the expense. Program authorized. A memorial service with a somewhat shorter ceremony and music provided by a volunteer or volunteer group, rather than a paid musician. Complementary parking and motor tours authorized, possibly with expanded or more highly organized interpretation or some other program. Port Oneida Fair authorized. The pavilion should offer some activity of interest specifically to children. John McCann will look into the possibility of offering food or refreshments for sale as a fund raising enterprise. Mission Projects South Manitou Island Interpreter authorized at current expense level contingent on obtaining grants or donor advised gifts sufficient to cover at least a substantial portion of the cost for a Seasonal Ranger and supporting literature. North Manitou Island Visitors Guide authorized as a volunteer authoring project. Distribution of the booklet will then be combined as part of the Island Interpreter initiative, as provided for above (a). Harrison Haas Home Roof repair referred, see item VI.B. (above) Restoration/Remodeling referred to advisory committee of one; John McCann will contact Lakeshore officials and attempt to develop a plan and cost estimate for such a project. The Friends will then consider the possibilities of obtaining grant funding for the project. Theodore Beck Home (The Lodge) referred to advisory committee of one; John McCann will contact Lakeshore officials and attempt to develop a plan and cost estimate for such a project. The Friends will then consider the possibilities of obtaining grant funding for the project, possibly in concert with Preserve Historic Sleeping Bear, who evaluated this site earlier this year. Sheridan (Henry & Maggie (Hutzler) Haas) Home referred to advisory committee of one; John McCann will visually inspect this property sometime in October to determine what kinds of support the Friends might be able to offer. Spring Cleaning Weekend authorized as a volunteer project to clean in and around village and farm buildings once per year, probably in the Spring. William Strating assigned to evaluate the possibility with the Lakeshore and organize the project if approved by the Superintendent. Beach Cleanup authorized as a volunteer project to clean up zebra muscle accumulations and other offensive flotsam along the beach from Sandy Point to the Lighthouse. William Strating assigned to evaluate the possibility with the Lakeshore and organize the project if approved by the Superintendent. Incidental Unscheduled Projects funding authorized at a level of $5,000 for spot projects such as this years fence repair activity on North Manitou. Budget for 2005/2006 Program Year A draft budget provided by the Treasurer was reviewed as to format and content, and was found generally acceptable as a working draft. Further development of the budget will continue after the status of currents funds is clearly redefined (see item VI.C.4 above.) Funding Strategy for 2005/2006 Program Year The general concept of operating most activities as revenue neutral has proven invalid, since some projects easily return much more than cost, while others return little or nothing. The revenue neutral idea is therefore retired. The current membership is probably being a generous as should be expected in supporting the organization with contributions and gifts. Different small contingents of the membership (10% ~ 15%) usually respond when given an opportunity by means the envelopes contained in the newsletter, the holiday season mailing, and so on. In addition to mailings, solicitations should be a regular function at member-attended events. Having now achieved 501(c)(3) status, the Friends is now in a position to apply for grants and needs to recruit volunteers who can bring related knowledge and skills to the table ... mainly how to discover grant opportunities and submit appropriate applications. Laverne Woods will study possibilities and report at the next meeting. Over the past several years, there have been virtually no bequests or memorial contributions. The Secretary has developed a rather nice system for collaborating with survivors who wish to designate the Friends as a recommended recipient of charitable gifts. This, and the fact that the Friends can be a good steward of bequests, donor advised or otherwise, will be promoted as a semi-regular newsletter item. Accounting Standards The Board discussed the requirements newly imposed by the necessity of eventually reporting financial data to the IRS, and of making such information available to sources of grants. By consensus, the Board has chosen to adopt FASB terminology and the UCOA chart of accounts. Treasurers will be obligated to work within these standards, which will also do much to facilitate Treasurer transitions. 4th Quarter Board Meeting Motion by Secretary Strating: that the next meeting of the Board of Directors of the Friends of the Manitous be held at the Township Hall in Empire, Michigan on Saturday, December 10, 2005 at 1:00 PM. Motion unanimously adopted. Open Forum: President McCann and Secretary Strating are tentatively planning to attend The Nonprofit Board of the 21st Century seminar at GVSU in Grand Rapids on September 17. Presbyterian Churches generally consider making space available to charitable organizations as being in concert with their mission. The fee, set by individual church Sessions, ranges from nothing to $20. For future reference, meetings in the Kalamazoo area can be held at the Westminster Presbyterian Church on Helen Street for $10. When thinking about holding meetings in other areas, consider meeting at the local Presbyterian Church. Next meeting tentatively set for late October, possibly in Grand Haven. Adjournment: There being no further business, President McCann declared the meeting adjourned by unanimous consent. Meeting adjourned at 7:31 PM  Respectfully submitted by, William J Strating Secretary Adopted by the Board in the meeting of _________________________, (Date of Meeting) ____________________________ (Signature of Presiding Officer)  %<@EX_`env  + ; B C H m ~ + L a b g h : N    ) X e r v cq% hj6CJH* haKCJ hj65CJ hz?CJ hj6CJhj6jhz?UmHnHuQ  %=>?@`n : ; m + $v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v: $ & F xa$ $^`a$$`a$$a$]<=+ c  * %;d$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$xa$ $ & Fxa$$ & Fa$ $ & Fxa$ $ & F xa$%4DFu)089,7EI\acdi+'0@J "':A hc1CJ hj66CJ hj65CJ haK5CJ hj6CJ haKCJV_l,G'w,!u $v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v: $ & Fxa$ $ & Fxa$ $ & Fxa$ $ & Fxa$ $ & F xa$$xa$  !!$$&&Z)e)))r*}***+,g,n,-,-J.Z.//w/x/|/}///0000y33V4445g5n55566667777788889 9N9P9;;;;<<<ȶ"jhC<OJQJUmHnHuhj6OJQJ hj6CJH* hj65CJhN#hN#CJH* hN#CJ hsURCJ hc1CJ hj6CJHu !C"R""5#2$Q$%%*& ''((()(*+,-.h/i/$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v: $x^a$ $ & Fxa$ $ & Fxa$ $ & Fxa$i//001O3476L6_7778889@;;;;<<<9<$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v: $ & F xa$ $ & Fxa$gdN# $ & Fxa$ $ & Fxa$<<:<;<<<=<O<]<<<====潴hf0h?Sfh?Sf>*OJQJh?SfOJQJhN#OJQJ hj6CJOJQJhmHnHuhC<OJQJhj6OJQJ"jh?SfOJQJUmHnHu 9<:<;<<<=<P<Z<[<\<]<^<<<<<<<=====$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:$v:Wv:Wv:Wv:Wv:Wv:Wv:Wv:Wv:gd?Sfgd?Sfd1$. 00&P/ =!"#$%nsew%~oPNG  IHDRw(A+tEXtCreation TimeSun 4 Feb 2007 13:33:49 -0500Q(tIME (, pHYs.#.#x?vgAMA aPLTE    ;;;111###'''***000...555$$$"""(((,,,+++222 333---%%%888///!!!:::666999>>>&&&)))444???===777<<pk}pýއ{_ýև{}>pk}pnŒה}d˻chۡE7v͛{^[pbh}7Qyxٰ#Flmd%K?YXͪoieim=27;{(UYv& ,mBF,:r޶v 2NIHgaw\Юnw:z0 !.//TѶ(Z~0gQK!t{+@!P]ovhfeVyĝP|dQVelQV7`:?&b {qtuC`у9ɽyc!9v7㾃΄pWfGY9鿏<=p#o{NsϮsգKȳ=Fxl+i{AY"SzdO?k.^ƽ!q;왻gH++?M+]{n= (f!<72~Ovohro-bsbd7fȞorHu~'A:j Eqd<"rM,?1p1 JHJ cB|!USŽ©&Gxn,҇=uN$hyWbP[jOq)  h{7GZm:g耴_t>|qOs@zx\)ɝD٢00zi1q UsYj۵ɿ ^X Cl_UqOsHoP^UWWꈆtn~scOkƚܳDK8{OOtw=JGu.Q5ꁁpCX>I8j޷?V?+H=8[>kۻ!l/>}[/,ƺ !Ԛ]Un/kЖ/% Gc03/@ffԴzO0|) v0pᖽKWL`-YQOܶ[bSTx>q >DՋW.Ϳ&NhAڟ\Ѩ!\3~]ya&KW1[ߙ\]4wȊV]MAA.m>9@ݑ-6nb#C\:(]ɯ{n9 5jQ@2iD9L3(oiym>V;?r03Jp*5^N֕Ч,Ĭ ;| :&_yg JU;-M\1{ p+M{;bmFYzeX0m~!YfFñ~uJqdˈ#V#MسfȎٳh= -R}~.Co7E}a.a2Ӱc/+0َ_ _*YdQuCX?&ةK:8c 5z}F4-ډ޺$#z$󇇠 D`f:٣<ߞH^۪8~=p ٱ1p''Kݡ_  \lvEut5~3bvÁ =b&Ṯmm%B\N0Dz P^\y,[VHl׽kw#Έ?eᵑ7܏1iF+-;dy/6^#nv#/' Gna=Ӆs/zᘸ+IAom\)}9 5,)dkM.;d;M6pG<nsaDOꂎ1>OwnNuCyۦ̓t ea4HӅ0؈C hs=^ CX_[)vn>yT2xҭ" l]NXb2-{~mg҇;a')`S۳tmR:퇁9Eq1"Rҿb;(Ǣ]w}4I7mgcS%vzc~zkdpWx (gCEhmC3G/k2h;H%1ESl"mäv7W 9ʲez`N\Df}7hYY<'Hxa(+bHE`C&wv.4] s]tj?m 07`j0SCa74i:\u[(_9a=7}~XLrPAIKemX##v'M[ !AX42n=>0|M|$s [t>?TaШݶꋣl'jI$qE>yQXG7wNN=Ntp奨)qs(N3 Z2c1V\rp )gCǺ&DtԱ {ƾ\J^.XO&~,w {S[X_xX[2PK?Ha(ēA/~6 b-`T34;m|U#P̘r#|Vp 0}Y}Y8*>/vcj$UDc0p_5]?Hf: 9PɩBk8IiBwo/!C,7OW.&,|_mS~nĆ{+4 5z Auq=22,$tؙϦ:9I6]r/E:z ?C,6tq3!wː/TGK8ęWʵ b:ߎ27ȴm/.wo.!^V=FkNmO@;7}œC#q?/b&ڔ14goϘ6E0Ӕcm܃C&M])2Ic'1s7Sg04%nR)ghcӳss~\*k_=i}އ{_ýև{}>[Fljf, Q3v(zu_{qJ*VRJ]b/}O#lv37C e},H߸z򗏿>.Dߙ/ pb=4al斷 tze ]vJ|Q=!um>qtE݃REs:P~sSC~)3.O44joA@Wr&d0~cnvQ-OkV6Z8"ֵ/Wh4j&ʽD'Nݒa_LF_P .p;j#˺x#wºeڅh+>?}%m< Jr^?zr.w9R[|ٙiV4nȟ˻ud+2>H۱kg=1^Pig>,[E$Nv-"Վ`kmz_v_ŵk#0YS(UKt,'I&c|8sUU]s=Uc=.\,N2g}}LfPPOYwYT X} ;`fUֳ2N{קkαUIg>O_>ZvXW(X(: 9p/=YGPonv `;N47'IГވICǙi%"?Sn8F%šGj+vEpP>wБ$WMF!Y)cf{ }7)&Z!=`\'Ӛw^Rp bvYrp#"w>+vBzK=7 PK[`}ϒiV\7I3^h=?+2gȾŸQM[!vaɣ`nykun,= W1ָmƽ| lY6 < Zكr%"v?n8y} ]ރ[8up.bC #Qn8O;dچf7JWGVe, )dѭ $9p[-=]c:|p9ħ Ac]jطns5#FAկzN:x0Ey.x\1=-7wntORvNTuz4#nN8/B 57Ov6Ưo]n6YhHE>< Į k>nrǰfS㇑PehכH@yfG ۲uoȔ`c'Y싎zi!~DI:Zz1ޑP<"62>| RZ۸&t{ LΝ7f9 }2mϵpn mi P 1.1>SB:CڻSY.NehY}\GG33OߙV] "${?,OTg~]z>D 3 nkXG[BRpR˟{2jkN_ϯoS GӉ3+_{W<]EC2 7^dYc _R]ELX}+Os ZDo40O\ &LzG`rJhj5q "u]sNUe^G(n4! 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