ࡱ> QSP bjbj 7FD[tN$ #pZZZ"]pZZZ:,{}^FC I0NM.$*${{z$TZ<N$ : DEAD WORDS LIST Use this list to improve your academic writing Some words in the English language tend to be overused and, therefore, lose their power. These words are referred to as DEAD WORDS. Below is a list of dead words and some interesting alternatives. This list is not limited to just these words! Use a thesaurus and dictionary (because you should know the exact meaning of your new word choice) to expand your vocabulary. DEAD WORDSALTERNATIVESYOUNo alternatives! In academic essays WE DO NOT WRITE IN SECOND PERSON! a lot, lotsnumerous, heaps, many scores, innumerable, much, a great deal, many times, often alsotoo, moreover, besides, as well as, in addition to awesome, coolfine, wonderful, marvelous, fantastic, excellent awfuldreadful, alarming, frightful, terrible, horrid, shocking buthowever, moreover, yet, still, nevertheless, though, although, on the other hand funpleasant, pleasurable, amusing, entertaining, jolly funnyamusing, comical, laughable, jovial, strange, peculiar, unusual got, getreceived, obtained, attained, succeed in goodexcellent, exceptional, fine, marvelous, splendid, superb, wonderful greatwonderful, outstanding, marvelous, fantastic, excellent guyman, person, fellow, boy, individual have toneed to, must kidchild, boy, girl, youngster, youth, teen, teenager, adolescent likesuch as, similar to, similarly madangry, frustrated, furious, incensed, enraged, irate nicepleasant, charming, fascinating, captivating, delightful, pleasurable, pleasing prettyattractive, elegant, beautiful, graceful scaredafraid, fearful, terrified, frightened soaccording, therefore thenfirst, second, next, later, finally, afterwards, meanwhile, soon very, really, quiteextremely, exceedingly, fantastically, unusually, incredibly, intensely, truly, fully, especially, shockingly, bitterly, immeasurable, infinitely, severely, surely, mightilyPhrases Not to Use I believe, I feel, I think, I know I already know these are your thoughts! Delete. Basically, essentially, totally These words seldom add anything useful to a sentence. Try the sentence without them and, almost always, you will see the sentence improve. Each and every One or the other, but not both. Etc. This abbreviation often suggests a kind of laziness. It might be better to provide one more example, thereby suggesting that you could have written more, but chose not to. Firstly, secondly, thirdly Number things with first, second, third, etc. and not with these adverbial forms (the ly). Interesting One of the least interesting words in English, the word you use to describe an ugly baby. If you show us why something is interesting, you're doing your job. Kind of or sort of. These are OK in informal situations, but in formal academic writing, substitute somewhat, rather or slightly. We were kind of rather pleased with the results. Of Don't write would of, should of, or could of. You mean would have, should have, or could have. Plus Don't use this word as a conjunction. Use and instead. Suppose to, use to The hard "d" sound in supposed to and used to disappears in pronunciation, but it shouldn't disappear in spelling. "We used to do that" or "We were supposed to do it this way." The reason why is because. Repetitive! Get rid of it, or use a simple because. Thru This nonstandard spelling of through should not be used in academic prose. 'Til Don't use this word instead of until or till Try and Don't try and do something. Try to do something. Thusly Use thus or therefore instead. Maybe This word is wishy-washy and doesnt make you have conviction! Get rid of it. Thing(s) and Stuff These words are ridiculously vague. Be specific! What are the things? What is this stuff you speak of? The first example is In conclusion These phrases lead in to something I already know exists in your essay. Delete these introductory phrases. Use a simple transition if necessary, but dont repeat that transition again, and again and again. Any word or phrases repeated in close proximity. If you are reading your paper and you noticed that you keep using the same darn word or phrase over and over, you need to either re-write the sentence to not use that word, or use a thesaurus and dictionary to enhance your vocabulary.=   >?@  5 < T h i r w »³¯¨~pdpVdhWkh%5OJQJ^JhWkh;J5OJQJhWkh;J5OJQJ^JhWk5OJQJ^JhWkhWkCJaJh;JhWkhWk>*hWkhWk5 hWkhWkhWkhWkh;J5 hWkh% hWkh;JhWkhWk6CJaJ hWk6hWkhWk6hWkCJ$aJ$hWkh%CJ$aJ$hWkh;JCJ$aJ$?@   xooo $IfgdWk\kd$$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT dd$If[$\$h^hgdWk & FgdWkgdWk$a$gdWk     % & ' U V v w x y } ~  3 4 5 6 9 :     µhWkhWkCJOJQJaJh;JOJQJ^JhEOJQJ^Jh%h;JOJQJ^Jh%h%OJQJ hWkhWkCJOJQJ^JaJhWkOJQJ^JhWkh%OJQJ^Jh%h;JOJQJ9  & w x y ~ >\kdZ$$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT $IfgdWk\kd$$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT >\kd$$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT\kd$$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT $IfgdWk 4 5 6 : >\kdF$$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT\kd$$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT $IfgdWk  \kd$$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT $IfgdWk   A B C H >\kdw$$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT $IfgdWk\kd$$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT @ A B C G H         T U V W [ \ z { | }   ")4>?@AGHnopqsthEOJQJ^Jh%h;JOJQJhWkhWkCJOJQJaJh;JOJQJ^Jh%h;JOJQJ^JN >\kd$$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT\kd2$$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT $IfgdWk     >\kdc $$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT\kd$$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT $IfgdWk  U V W \ { | \kd $$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT $IfgdWk| } >\kd $$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT $IfgdWk\kd $$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT ?@AH>\kd $$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT\kdO $$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT $IfgdWkHopqt>\kd$$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT\kd $$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT $IfgdWk>\kd$$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT\kd;$$IfT<0M'# (622 l4<aytWkT $IfgdWkܺwlwlw]lwlOlDhWkhEB*phhWkhI6B*]phhWkhIB*CJaJphhWkhIB*ph#hWkhI5B*CJ\aJphhWkh%B*phhB*phhWkh%5B*ph hWkh%5B*CJaJphhhICJ$aJ$h%h;JOJQJ^Jh]OJQJ^Jh%h;JOJQJhWkhWkCJOJQJaJh;JOJQJ^J^aH ddgd $xa$gdWk mq"*4;^`abntvx~~w~w~~wo~hbhE>* hbhEhbhI5>*\hbhI>* hbhWk hbhIhbhI5CJ\aJhWkhI7B*phhWkhEB*phhWkhIB*CJaJphhWkhI6B*]ph#hWkhI5B*CJ\aJphhWkhIB*ph+&-.169:=3:aefŷŷŷŷŷŚxjŷŷŷhWkhI5B*\phhWk6B*]phhWkB*]phhWkhEB*]phhWkhE6B*phhWkhI6>*B*]phhWkhI6B*]phhWkhIB*phhWkhIB*CJaJph#hWkhI5B*CJ\aJphhbhI>* hbhI)GHZ[`g}iv|⿰~vviviv~^vivhWkh]B*phh]h]6B*phh]B*phh]5B*CJ\aJphhWkhWkB*phh@ZB*\phhWkB*CJ\aJphhWk5B*CJ\aJphhIB*phhWkhI6B*]phhWkhI>*B*phhWkhIB*ph#hWkhI5B*CJ\aJph"|hh;JB*phh%B*OJQJphhWkh]B*phh]5B*CJ\aJphhB*phh]B*phh]6B*ph 5 01h:pWk/ =!8"8#$% $$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / /  / 22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / /  / 22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT$$If!vh55# #v#v# :V <(655# / / / /  22 l4<aytWkT^ 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List B^B ;J Normal (Web)dd[$\$PK![Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢Iw},-j4 wP-t#bΙ{UTU^hd}㨫)*1P' ^W0)T9<l#$yi};~@(Hu* Dנz/0ǰ $ X3aZ,D0j~3߶b~i>3\`?/[G\!-Rk.sԻ..a濭?PK!֧6 _rels/.relsj0 }Q%v/C/}(h"O = C?hv=Ʌ%[xp{۵_Pѣ<1H0ORBdJE4b$q_6LR7`0̞O,En7Lib/SeеPK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml M @}w7c(EbˮCAǠҟ7՛K Y, e.|,H,lxɴIsQ}#Ր ֵ+!,^$j=GW)E+& 8PK!Ptheme/theme/theme1.xmlYOo6w toc'vuر-MniP@I}úama[إ4:lЯGRX^6؊>$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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