ࡱ> %` wbjbj 4̟̟olllllll((((T<)t@7)t*t*t*t*O+O+O+6666666$:8h:6lO+O+O+O+O+6llt*t*6222O+lt*lt*62O+622ll2t*) p(Q-2k4T70@72F;1F;22F;lG3$O+O+2O+O+O+O+O+662O+O+O+@7O+O+O+O+D#$#llllll Worksheet for the Respiratory System General Anatomy The respiratory system is situated in the thorax, and is responsible for gaseous exchange between the ___ and the outside world. Air is taken in by the upper airways (the nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx) through the lower airways (trachea, primary bronchi and bronchial tree) and into the small bronchioles and alveoli within the lung tissue. Identify the Following In The Diagram Below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.pickens.k12.sc.us/phsteachers/edmunds/lung1.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.pickens.k12.sc.us/phsteachers/edmunds/alveoli%201.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET The lungs are divided into lobes; The left lung is composed of the upper lobe, and the lower lobe. The right lung is composed of the upper, the middle and the lower lobes. Mechanics of Breathing: To take a breath in, the external intercostal muscles (rib) contract, moving the ribcage up and out. The diaphragm moves down at the same time, creating negative pressure within the thorax. The physical law called ___Law explains this. The lungs are held to the thoracic (chest) wall by the _____ membranes, and so expand outwards as well. This creates ___ pressure within the lungs, and so air rushes in through the upper and lower airways. Expiration is mainly due to the natural elasticity of the lungs, which tend to collapse if they are not held against the thoracic wall. This is the mechanism behind lung collapse if there is air in the pleural space (_____). Each branch of the bronchial tree eventually sub-divides to form very narrow terminal _____, which terminate in the _____. There are many millions of alveoli in each lung, and these are the areas responsible for gaseous exchange, presenting a massive ____ area for exchange to occur over. Each alveolus is very closely associated with a network of ____ containing deoxygenated blood from the ______ artery. The capillary and alveolar walls are very _____, allowing rapid exchange of gases by passive _______ along _____ differences. _____moves into the alveolus as the concentration is much lower in the alveolus than in the blood, and ____ moves out of the alveolus as the continuous flow of blood through the capillaries prevents saturation of the blood with ______ and allows maximal (the best possible) transfer across the membrane. The Basis of Gas Exchange: 1. What percentage of air is made up of oxygen? ____ carbon dioxide? ____ 2. Define Respiratory Surface 3. Why do respiratory surfaces have to be moist? Factors That Influence Gas Exchange 4. Which physical process helps to maintain a steep pressure difference across your respiratory surface? Human Respiratory System: Functions of the Respiratory System 5. "Ventilation" = ____ (a more commonly used term) 6. Tiny air sacs making up your lungs are called 7. In addition, control over breathing is vital for adjusting the body's acid-base balance. So, what happens to the amount of carbon dioxide in your blood when someone is breathing fast & deep? What happens to the pH of their blood? From Airways to the Lungs & Sites of Gas Exchange in the Lungs 8. Place the following terms in the correct order for someone performing exhalation. bronchiole, trachea, bronchus, pharynx, nasal cavity, larynx, alveolus, epiglottis 9.What is the name of the muscular partition between the thoracic and abdominal cavity which plays a major role in breathing? 10. What is pleurisy? Breathing: The Respiratory Cycle 11. Which one is an active, energy requiring action? (inhalation or exhalation) 12. What two muscles are involved in inhalation? Lung Volumes 13. Which term refers to the most amount of air one can move into their lungs during maximal inhalation? (vital inspiratory capacity or tidal capacity) Gas Exchange and Transport 14. Why is there a continuous inward-directed movement for oxygen in the lungs? 15. Why is there a continuous outward-directed movement for carbon dioxide in the lungs? 16. Which gas easily dissolves in the blood but has NO significant role in the body? 17. What atom, in each heme group, binds reversibly with oxygen? 18. Oxyhemoglobin molecules will readily give up oxygen to cells in tissues where the blood is warmer, the pH lower, and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide high. Such conditions exist in____. Carbon Dioxide Transport 19. What are the three mechanisms that carbon dioxide can be transported from the capillary beds of the systemic circuit to the lungs? 10% 30% 60% 20. Where is the enzyme, carbonic anhydrase, located? 21. What does carbonic anhydrase do? (Write out the reversible reaction) 22. Which respiratory center controls the rhythmic pattern of breathing? 23. Chemoreceptors (specialized neurons that detect specific stimuli) in the brain are highly sensitive to a rise in ____ in the cerebrospinal fluid. 24. What is apnea? 25. What is SIDS? When The Lungs Break Down 26. What is bronchitis? 27. What is emphysema? 28. What is a pulmonary embolism ? 29. Distinguish between small cell and non small cell lung cancer. Respiration In Unusual Environments Breathing at High Altitudes. For an excellent description, click the link highlighting a study on the effects of high altitude on human physiology.  HYPERLINK "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/everest/exposure/"   HYPERLINK "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/everest/exposure/" NOVA'S Climb To Mt. Everest 30. What is acclimatization? 31. What organ secretes erythropoietin and what does it do? 32. Having lots of red blood cells may not be as beneficial as you think. What is the drawback to having a large number of red blood cells? 33. What is HAPE ? Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 34. Carbon monoxide (present in cigarette smoke) has a greater binding capacity to hemoglobin than oxygen... how much greater? The Immune System Edmunds 1. ____ is an enzyme found in tears and saliva which can destroy the cell walls of most bacteria. 2. ____ are cells that eat other cells or objects found in the body. 3. ____ a type of phagocyte that eats bacteria, viruses, and the debris of damaged cells. 4. ____ destroy the bodies own infected cells, especially those containing viruses. 5. Damage to tissue by physical injury will trigger a(n )_____ response. 6. ___ are the first cells to arrive at an infectious site; followed by monocytes that develop into ____. 7. Injured cells release a chemical called ____ which induces the dilation of the capillaries. 8. During some infections ,a group of chemicals called ___ act on the bodies thermostat to raise the temperature in an effort to kill the microorganism. 9. A group of chemicals called _____act in warning other cells of a viral invasion. 10. A(n) ____ is a recognition system that distinguishes "self" form "non-self". 11. A(n) ___ is a foreign substance that invades the body. 12. ____ are specific defensive proteins which help to counter antigens is various ways. 13. ___ immunity is conferred by an encounter with the actual virus or bacterium. The body actually produces antibodies in its own defense. 14. ____ immunity is a temporary form of protection acquired antibodies passed on to the organism. No antigen is passes on. 15. _____ immunity results in the production of antibodies that circulate around the body in blood and lymph (humors). It defends against free bacteria and viruses. 16. _____ immunity defends against host cells infected with bacteria and viruses, fungi and protozoans, tissue transplants, own cancer cells. 17. The two types of lymphocytes are: _____ and ____. 18. The term _____ refers to the ability of the lymphocytes to do their appointed jobs after maturing. 19. The ___ Response is provoked by the binding of antigens to specific receptors sticking out of the plasma membrane of B cells. This occurs most commonly in the lymph nodes. 20. Once an activated B cell begins to grow and multiply they may give off as many as ____ antibodies per sec. for their ____ day life span. 21. Antibody molecule consists of 2 distinct regions. a)._____ and b). _____. 22. _____ is found in body secretions, help attach antigen to body wall where they can be swept out. 23.____ is the most abundant of circulating antibodies, confers passive immunity in babies, occurs when infection is well established, also activates complement. 24. ____ is associated with the bodies allergic responses, binds to mast cells which release histamine. 25. ____immunity destroys the invaded cells directly. This type of immune response cannot be activated by direct antigen contact. 26. ____ eat the antigen, digest it and display parts of it on their cell surface. They bind with macrophages causing the macrophages to release a chemical called interleukin I, which stimulates the reproduction of the T cells. 27. ___ are the only T cells that can kill off other cells. They recognize the cells by the MHC-antigen complex. They release a chemical called perforin. 28. ____are cells that release cytokines that inhibit the activity of other T cells. The Human Cardiovascular System Answer the following questions completely. 1. Walls of the heart consists mostly of _______ muscle. 2. The ___ have thin walls and function as collection chambers for blood returning from the body. 3. The ________ have thick, powerful walls that pump blood to the organs. 4. The _________ is a sequence of events during each heart beat. 5. During the _______ the heart muscles contract and the chambers pump blood. 6. The ventricles fill with blood during the _____ phase of the cycle. 7____ is the force that blood exerts against a vessel wall. It is greater in the arteries than the veins. 8. In the heart, the ___,between each atrium and ventricle, keep blood from flowing backwards. 9. The _____ or pulse is the number of times the heart beats per minute. 11. Since the cardiac muscle is self excitable it is said to be ________. 12. The ___ ,or pacemaker, controls the rate of contraction of the heart. It is a tissue consisting of both muscle and ______. 13. Blood vessels contain ___ layers of tissue. 14. _______ carry blood away from the heart, while ____ carry blood toward the heart. 15. ________ are blood vessels that connect veins to arteries. 16. It is at this point that any and all exchanges take place between the blood and the _____. 17. _____ is a network of vessels that complement the arteries and veins. 18. This system contains a substance called ___ which it is mainly composed of fatty materials, large proteins and ions. 19. ______ nodes collect bacteria and viruses, and try to rid the body of them. 20. Blood consists of a liquid material called ______, which makes up ____% of blood. 21. The solid part of blood contains: ____________. 22. ___ is a hormone that stimulates the production of red cells by the bone marrow. 23. ____ are biconcave discs, that transport oxygen, lack nuclei, mitochondria, and generate ATP exclusively by anaerobic metabolism. 24. They also contain a red iron based pigment called ___________, 25. ______ are blood cells that function in body defense and immunity. 26. ______ are non cellular structures that function in blood clotting. 27. The process of blood clotting is as follows: _____break upon hitting the rough area of a wound. They releases a chemical called _____ which changes prothrombin ( floating in the blood) to ___. ___ now will react with several other chemicals and eventually cause FIBRINOGEN ( found floating in the blood ). into an insoluble material called____. The Circulatory System : The Heart Walls of the heart consists mostly of __ muscle. The______ have thin walls and function as collection chambers for blood returning from the body. The ____ have thick, powerful walls that pump blood to the organs. Trace the path of blood through the heart using the diagrams below:  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.pickens.k12.sc.us/phsteachers/edmunds/Heart%20Interior.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.pickens.k12.sc.us/phsteachers/edmunds/Cardiac%20Cycle.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET The cardiac cycle consists of the following 2 events : 1). ____, heart muscles contract and the chambers pump blood. 2). _____, the ventricles fill with blood. Blood pressure is the hydrostatic force that blood exerts against a vessel wall. It is greater in the ____ than the ____. Heart Rate: ___ the number of times the heart beats per minute. There is an inverse relationship between the animals size and its pulse. Cardiac muscles are ____( self excitable). S-A Node: the ___, or sinoatrial node. controls the rate of contraction of the heart. Located in the right atrium wall. Tissue is both nerve and muscle. Heart rate is controlled by hormones, body temperature, and by the opposing actions of two sets of nerves called the _____and_____. Blood Flow: Blood vessels contain ___ layers of tissue. 1. Outer layer connective tissue with elastic fibers. 2. Middle layer of smooth muscle and elastic fibers. 3. Inner layer of endothelium of simple squamous epithelium. Arteries carry blood ______ from the heart, while veins carry blood ______ the heart. Veins contain ____ to prevent the back flow of blood on its way to the heart. ______ connect veins to arteries. It is here that any and all exchanges take place between the blood and the body. Capillaries are ____ cell thick. Lymphatic System: contain a network of vessels that complement the arteries and veins. The fluid is called ____ and it is mainly composed of fatty materials, large proteins and ion. The vessels have valves in them and the fluid is pushed along by the skeletal muscles. Lymph nodes collect ___________ and ____, and try to rid the body of them. BLOOD A. __ 90% is water. 10% are electrolytes and proteins. The electrolytes help maintain the osmotic balance of blood while the proteins function in a variety of ways ( blood clotting, immunity, buffering agents, increase the viscosity of the blood. ___ also contains waste materials, hormones, nutrients, and dissolves gases also included in the 10%. B. ___ biconcave discs, that transport oxygen. Lack nuclei, mitochondria; generate ATP exclusively by anaerobic metabolism. Contains ___, an iron containing protein that reversibly bonds with oxygen. Kidneys secrete a hormone called ______, which stimulated the production of red cells by the bone marrow. C. ______ function in body defense and immunity. . D. _____ are noncellular structures that function in blood clotting. Blood Clotting: Platelets break upon hitting the rough area of a wound. It releases a chemical called ____ which changes _____ ( floating in the blood) to _____. Thrombin now will react with several other chemicals and eventually change ____ ( found floating in the blood ) into an insoluble material called ____. Read the following information, analyze the data, line graph it, and then answer questions. A new blood pressure medicine is ready to be tested to determine their effectiveness in lowering blood pressure. A controlled experiment was undertaken to collect data to determine if these drugs could control high blood pressure. 500 men and women, with high blood pressure, were chosen to conduct the experiment. 250 of them were given a placebo while the other 250 were given the new medicine. Diet and exercise was kept the same for both groups. Complete the chart and review the results below. Group given the Drug Group Given the Placebo Age of SubjectOriginal Average Blood Pressure (O)Average Blood Pressure after One Year (F)Difference in Blood Pressure ( O -F )Original Average Blood Pressure (O)Average Blood Pressure after One Year (F)Difference in Blood Pressure ( O - F )20 - 30150 / 95125 / 86150 / 95150 / 9531 - 40155 / 98130 / 88160 / 97157 / 9541 - 50160 / 98133 / 84155 / 95153 / 9351 - 60155 / 96129 / 85159 / 96155 / 9761 - 70163 / 95128 / 83160 / 95160 / 9471 - 80166 / 99120 / 80166 / 98166 / 95.Graph Title: 1. What is the independent variable? ______ 2. What is the average difference in blood pressure in the group given the drug? ________ 3. What is the average difference in blood pressure in the group given the placebo? _______. 4. Based on the above data, does it support the hypothesis? _____. 5. Explain your answer. The Excretory System Answer the following questions completely: 1. _____ are by products of the breakdown of proteins. 2. ______ must be deaminated if they are not going to be used in protein synthesis. 3. During the above process the ____ end group is removed and a Hydrogen is added to form ammonia. 4. This production of _____ occurs in the liver. Birds, reptiles, and insects change ammonia into ____. 5. The removal of nitrogenous waste from the body fluids is tied to _____, the balance between salts and water. 6. The human kidney makes up .05% of the bodies weight and uses __% of the oxygen it consumes. 7. Every vertebrate has a pair of kidneys consisting of functional units called______. 8. The ____arteries and veins carry blood to and from the kidney. 9. The collected waste material leaves the kidney via the ____ and is stored in the _____; it is then expelled from the body through the _____. 10. The nephron's cup shaped ______surrounds a knot of blood capillaries called the ______. 11. The material filtered out is then passed through the nephron tubule, which has 4 main parts : _____, ______, ______, and ______. 12. In the _______, a considerable amount of reabsorbing occurs. Small proteins, glucose, and ions are returned to the blood by active transport. 13. The ____ , lie in the medulla of the kidney. Salt is actively transported out of the filtrate, and since this area impermeable to water, water cannot follow the ions out here. 14. The ____, urine is then passed through here to the collecting duct where it is concentrated due to its permeability to water. 15. It then leaves the collecting duct into the pelvis of the kidney, which leads to the ureter and the_____ where it is stored. 16. Urine composition and the rate of urine formation are largely regulated by hormones ____, _____, and _____. 17. _____ (ADH) is produced by the posterior pituitary gland and increases the bodies ability to reabsorb water. It increase the permeability of the collecting ducts. 18. ______ is a disease caused due to a lack of this hormone. It is characterized by thirst, and the production of large amounts of dilute urine. The Digestive System Oral cavity: Both _________ and _____ digestion takes place in the mouth. _______ is secreted to moisten food, protect the mouth from abrasions, buffer against acids in food, kill some forms of bacteria, and begin _____digestion with the enzyme ____. The _______ is used for taste, manipulates food while chewing and prepares food for swallowing by forming it into a ball. The ____, commonly called the throat is the intersection of the glottis and opening to the ____ (gullet). The ___ is a flap that closes the glottis when the act of swallowing occurs. The___ connects the pharynx and the stomach. _____, wavelike contractions of the ____muscles push food down toward the stomach. The __ is a J shaped expandable organ located on the left side of the abdominal cavity. It stores up to 2 liters of food while mixing and digesting it. The epithelial cells secrete ____ juices and ___making the pH around _____. _____ is an enzyme used to partially hydrolyze protein. Pepsin is released in an inactive form ___. The pepsinogen reacts with HCL to form pepsin. The stomach is closed at its posterior end by the _______ sphincter. Most hydrolysis of macromolecules occur in the ____ intestine. It is more than ___ meters in length. It has smaller diameter than that of the large intestine. It is divided into 3 sections (duodenum, jejunum, and ileum). Accessory Organs (Pancreas, Liver, and Gall Bladder), add digestive enzymes, juices and hormones into the small intestine. Protein digestion: _____ is an enzyme that breaks down protein into to specific amino acids. Fat digestion occurs when _____ emulsifies fat. This creates a larger surface area for the enzyme_____ to digest it. Carbohydrate digestion is under the control of the enzymes maltase, lactase, sucrase. How the nutrients are taken into the body: The lining of the small intestine has a surface area of 600M2 , about the size of a baseball diamond. Large folds are decorated with finger like projections called ___. The nutrients, except _____, are absorbed into the capillaries. In the center of the villus is a tiny lymphatic vessel called the _______. Fatty substances enter the lacteal, along with other materials too large to enter the capillaries. This material is dumped into the blood near the left shoulder (___________ duct). All the contents of the blood enter the liver via the _____ portal vein. Large Intestine or ( ____): The large intestine is connected to the small intestine at a T-shaped junction where a blind pouch called the _____ is found. The cecum ends with a small finger like projection called the _____. The function of the colon is to reabsorb water from the unused food. It reabsorbs 90% of the 7 liters of fluid secreted by the digestive tract. Solid waste is called feces. The bacterium ___ _____ produces odoriferous gases such as methane and hydrogen sulfide, while others produce vitamin K. The terminal portion of the colon is the ____ where the feces are stored until elimination from the body. Nutritional Requirements: Basic metabolic rate: (______). is the number of calories needed by an organism to fuel its basic living processes: ( breathing, heart rate, maintenance of body temperature). The BMR for humans is between 1,000 and 1,800 kcal/day, for adult males and 1,300-1,500 kcal/day for adult females. It takes ______________kcal extra to gain one pound of body fat. Vitamins: The ____ ( A, D, E, and K) and the ___ ( C, B's, niacin, biotin, folic acid, ). In The Space below, list the functions of the above vitamins The Nervous System 1. The ____is the largest part of the neuron and contains a nucleus, cytoplasm, and many of the major organelles. 2. ____ are cell extensions that conduct impulses toward the cell body. 3. ____ are the cell extensions that conduct impulses away from the cell body. 4. Axons usually contain a series of enclosing (insulating) cells called _______. Collectively these cells form the _____. 5. Axons may be branched and end up in structures called synaptic knobs. The gap between adjacent neurons is the _____. 6. The presynaptic knob makes the _____which travels across the ____and bonds with a ____on the membrane of the ____synaptic knob. 7. The cell membrane is negative just inside the cell. The cells is said to be _______. 8. The voltage difference across a resting neurons membrane is approximately -___mv. 9. The plasma membrane of the neuron contain many ____ pumps which require lots of ____to move the ions back across the membrane by ____transport mechanisms. 10. A change in the resting potential can affect its permeability. This is called a de______. 11. If this _____causes a decrease from the resting potential of -70 millivolts in the direction of 0 and on up to +30 mv, the membrane is said to be depolarized. This creates an impulse. 12. The ___of the cerebrum is the brain part that controls personality, decision making, and higher thought activities. 13. The ____ controls body balance, muscular coordination and equilibrium. 14. The ____regulates body temperature, thirst, hunger, emotional responses. 15. The ____ is the brain's center that sorts out the thousands of incoming and outgoing impulses and relays them to the various brain centers. 16.The ______ is the part of the brain that controls the heart rate and respiratory breathing. 17. Label the Brain below using the following: medulla, occipital lobe of the cerebrum, cerebellum, spinal cord, temporal lobe of the cerebrum, frontal lobe of the cerebrum, parietal lobe of the cerebrum, thalamus, pituitary gland, hypothalamus  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.pickens.k12.sc.us/phsteachers/edmunds/brain%20cs.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET 18. List 6 major organs and describe both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems action upon these organs. The Endocrine System AP Biology Edmunds Directions: Answer the following questions completely. The following links will be a tremendous help in understanding what hormones are and how they work.  HYPERLINK "http://web.indstate.edu/thcme/mwking/steroid-hormones.html" For Steroid Hormones  HYPERLINK "http://web.indstate.edu/thcme/mwking/peptide-hormones.html" For Peptide Hormones 1. ____ are specific molecules made by special cells and released into the circulatory system where they travel to target cells causing a specific response. 2. ____ are fat-soluble molecules produced from cholesterol. Sex hormones are examples of these. 3. ____ are the mostly derived from the amino acid tyrosine. They are small and water soluble. An example is epinephrine. 4. ____ are derived from chains of amino acids, or peptides. May act as signal molecules in nervous and endocrine systems. 5._____ are chemical signals that function between animals of the same species. Small amounts are used to attract mates, act as territorial markers, or act as an alarm substance. 6. ____ are modified fatty acids released into extra cellular fluid to function as local regulators. Derived from lipids in the plasma membrane. They work in antagonistic actions. May induce fever and inflammation. 7. ____ hormones pass through the target cell and into the nucleus where they bind to a receptor protein. Here they activate certain genes.  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.pickens.k12.sc.us/phsteachers/edmunds/Peptide%20Hormone1.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET Representative pathway for the activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). In this example glucagon binds to its' cell-surface receptor, thereby activating the receptor. Activation of the receptor is coupled to the activation of a receptor-coupled G-protein (GTP-binding and hydrolyzing protein) composed of 3 subunits. Upon activation the alpha subunit dissociates and binds to and activates adenylate cyclase. Adenylate cyclase then converts ATP to cyclic-AMP (cAMP). The cAMP thus produced then binds to the regulatory subunits of PKA leading to dissociation of the associated catalytic subunits. The catalytic subunits are inactive until dissociated from the regulatory subunits. Once released the catalytic subunits of PKA phosphorylate numerous substrate using ATP as the phosphate donor. 8. ____ are unable to pass through the plasma membrane and have different methods of action. They attach to their _____in the target cell surface and influence activity within the cell through cytoplasmic intermediates . 9. ATP is converted into ____ after a series of reactions on the plasma membrane following the attachment of the hormone to the membrane. 10. ________ is a chemical that uses Ca+2 to help regulate cellular protein activity. 11. The ________ is a region of the lower brain that receives information from the peripheral nerves and the brain and gives off hormones appropriate to environmental conditions. 12. The _______ is an appendage at the base of the hypothalamus consisting of 2 lobes. 13. The ______(posterior lobe) releases oxytocin and ADH made by the hypothalamus. 14. The ____(anterior lobe) produces several of its own hormones. ACTH, endorphins and enkephalins. Others: GH,Prolactin, FSH,LH,TSH, 15. The ____ gland consists of two lobes located on the ventral surface of the trachea. 16. This gland produces ___(triiodothyrone) and ___ (thyroxine) derived from the amino acid tyrosine. 17. ____ is the element that is necessary for the production of these hormones. 18. ____ are 4 small glands embedded in the thyroid gland. 19. These glands secrete the hormone ____, which regulated the calcium levels in the body. 20. The pancreas produces insulin in the ____ cells, and __in the Alpha islet cells. 21. The ____ are located above the kidneys. 22. The hormones produced by this organ are: ____ and_____ . Other hormones produced are: _____ and ____. 22. The gonads produce the hormones: ____, ____, and_____. &6" # SvN!KfFHp_UV鴙%hTh7B*CJOJQJaJph5jhTh7B*CJOJQJU\^JaJph5jhTh7B*CJOJQJU\^JaJph2hTh76B*CJOJQJ\]^JaJph,hTh7B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph&& " MkdF$$If0B[" 0<6234` abpyt7$Ifgd7$a$gd7w!SXNfsKhp!Xgd7_Mi m !w!!q""#T##;$$^%%gd9$a$gd9gd7VXZMN++ ,3,««~g~R<+hTh#c5B*CJOJQJ\aJph(hTh!(5B*CJOJQJaJph,hTh9B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph%hTh9B*CJOJQJaJph2hTh76B*CJOJQJ\]^JaJph,hTh7B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph5jhTh7B*CJOJQJU\^JaJphDhTh70J>*B*CJOJQJ\^JaJfH`phq %$&&=''(('))**++5,0I1556f77$If[$gd#c\$gd#cgd!(gd!(gd93,4,5,m,o,,,--]-_-----`.b... / /U/W///00]0_00000G1I1111122i2k22222R3S3{3}3334 4P4R455556666ֿ)hTh!(B*CJOJQJ^JaJph,hTh!(B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph(hTh!(5B*CJOJQJaJph(hTh#c5B*CJOJQJaJph@6666b7c7d7e7f7g7777777 88K8M8w8y888}9999::;;7;9;m;o;;ԺԺԺԺs\\\\\\\\\\\,hTh!(B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph%hTh!(B*CJOJQJaJph2jIhThTB*CJOJQJU^JaJph2j= hThTB*CJOJQJU^JaJph2jhTh!(B*CJOJQJU^JaJph)hTh!(B*CJOJQJ^JaJph,hTh#cB*CJOJQJ\^JaJph$778M8y8899:;9;o;vqqqqqqqqee xx[$\$gdTgd!(kdw$$If0f-u 0i6234apyt#c ;;;;Q<S<<<?>A>F>H>??@@ A AQASABBBB]C_C4D5DDDDDTEVE]E_EfEgE}EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEꪕ)hTh!(B*CJOJQJ^JaJph,hTh!(B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph,hTh!(B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph#hTB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)hTh!(B*CJOJQJ^JaJph:o;;S<<A>H>?@ ASABBDVEgEEEE F6FaFbFjFFf $$Ifa$ [$\$gdTx[$gdT\$gdTgd!( x[$\$gdTEEEEF FFFFF'F)F5F6FCFEFKFMFUFWF`FaFbFiFjFrFsF{F~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFG)hTh!(B*CJOJQJ^JaJph,hTh!(B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph%hTh!(B*CJOJQJaJph,hTh!(B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph)hTh!(B*CJOJQJ^JaJph:jFsF|F~FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFGGFf]Ff6Ff$If $$Ifa$GGGGGG"G%G&G-G.G6G7G?GBGJGKGSGVGWG^G_GgGhGpGsG{G|GGGGGGGGHHzH|HHHHHHHIVQWQXQ!ThTB*CJOJQJaJph,hThTB*CJOJQJ\^JaJph,hThgB*CJOJQJ\^JaJph%hTh!(B*CJOJQJaJph,hTh!(B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph)hTh!(B*CJOJQJ^JaJph1GGG#G%G&G.G7G@GBGKGTGVGWG_GhGqGsG|GGGGGGHgd!( [$\$gdTFfҜFfFf $$Ifa$$IfH|HHHHIUIIJwJJHKKKtLLXMMN$OOPPVQmQjR$a$gd!( xx[$\$gdTgdg$a$gdggd!(jRRS"TUfXX8]R_S_j__&`v``kaaHbb@cc\dd!epef`fgdg$a$gdggdT[$gdTgd!(!T"T6]8]R]S]Q_S_\dddVgWggggggg9h:hiսզզttYtFF%hThgB*CJOJQJaJph5jNhThTB*CJOJQJU\^JaJph5jhThgB*CJOJQJU\^JaJph,hThgB*CJOJQJ\^JaJph,hThTB*CJOJQJ\^JaJph/hTh!(5B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph,hTh!(B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph&hTB*CJOJQJ\^JaJph`fgg9hfhidjjAkkqlImmupkppppppppgdggdgkd$$If**  0 +6234` abp ytT$If iiJiKi_i`ieifiiiiimmDnEnFnGnHnInlqmqw}}b}OO%hThgB*CJOJQJaJph5j_hThTB*CJOJQJU\^JaJph5jhThgB*CJOJQJU\^JaJph,hThgB*CJOJQJ\^JaJph6 *hThg0J>*B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph/ *hThgB*CJOJQJ\^JaJph8j *hThgB*CJOJQJU\^JaJphmHnInlqukd$$If((  0)6234` abp ytT$IflqmqMrr/ss;ttusuu+vgvv{vvvvvvvvvvvvgdgkd$$If((  0)6234` abp ytT vwFwwwgdTgdgww,hTh6B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph21h:pT/ =!@"#$% DdhP  S ,A lung1b,8<߇RwD n,8<߇RwPNG  IHDREsPLTE3f333f3333f3ffffff3f̙3f3f333f333333333f33333333f33f3ff3f3f3f3333f33̙33333f3333333f3333f3ffffff3f33ff3f3f3f3fff3ffffffffffff3ffff̙fff3fffffff3ffffff3f333f3333f3ffffff3f̙̙3̙f̙̙̙̙3f3f̙333f3̙333f3fff̙fff3f̙̙3f̙3f̙3f333f3333f3ffffff3f̙3f3f9ųtRNS[rbKGDH cmPPJCmp0712HsVIDATx^MsTg6&@bڡY$Ì0YTR6J3oH,L{1RGY$:ZWtR&Q(#FB"KZ;q?'AHcR wu#P:[;l+(nm>{wɛcDqco58cw9F7ڹ~f~ 3u(͏=Ғ ;^ޔ"009A䭷Gm7ƃJt $L?@w<lB%?>c7 UY;cqph"`\+y(9Z֛c#TJUkAʕ|0Yje&^cB14> XmUR cnKW^xq?2֫KYFZ7F/b`"Z#l:l [$IB7PY+|"Y&ĿZn(58c؅~BjAyM*&[u[@AUq?$%/]+9 [:%䶸w09(z6P*ƬCcYLM@  2-&ySx6>jS>@n]Iƌ^$u~cF=Ы\Ty TWA0[<&UUwY -Q'd/Il|RjrURnl|s#5ӽ|t,oY 8b2db#h}uq?KH9YN=\dӰ/7QŢKr24xyzfVdh-"\:[߰EPx& )b]@/VyӰJ0%:}AMa$p("K;+gpCyiVZAs*O7A5`db .+0W[Y=VB aʗ`3 G\g<08pɴfBG4q S0ʵNjd H4}fkAב(b22DUG!qԖJBěp$(1+>?ˠ}ެ8<. 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