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How do I get rid of scabies? Scabies can easily be treated with a prescription drug containing 5 % permethrin cream. This cream is applied to the skin from head-to-toe at bedtime and washed off the next morning. The cream should be applied over the entire body (including the palms of the hands, and soles of the feet, and the scalp in small children) and left on for 8 to 14 hours. A second treatment one week later may be recommended for infants with scabies of the palms and soles, or if new lesions appear after treatment. All lesions should be healed within four weeks after the treatment. If a patient continues to have trouble he or she may be getting reinfected and requires further treatment by a dermatologist. Permethrin cream can cause a mild, temporary burning and stinging, particularly in bad cases of scabies. Another effective prescription treatment is lindane 1 % lotion. Patients using lindane are instructed to apply it to the skin and wash it off after 8 to 12 hours. You should not to exceed recommended doses and should avoid a second treatment within a 7-day period. This medicine has been reported to rarely cause toxic effects on the nervous system. Lindane should not be used on infants, small children, pregnant or nursing women, or people with seizures or other neurological diseases. Sulfur ointment and Crotamiton 10 % cream are other special care treatment options. Recent studies have indicated that ivermectin is also effective at a dose of 200 microg/kg body weight with a repeated dose in 1 to 2 weeks. Ant-itch pills (e.g., Benadryl) and (or) anti-itch lotions (e.g. Sarna) are helpful in alleviating the itching that can last up to two weeks after treatment with the anti-scabies medications. It is very important that all members in a household with an affected member are treated at the same time, as well as others who are in close contact with the affected person, such as close friends, and sometimes day care or school classmates. Recently worn clothing, bed linens and towels should be washed in hot water, and machine dried as part of the treatment process to prevent reinfection.   3 Mahoney Ave. Rutland, VT 05701 (802) 773-3553  HYPERLINK "http://www.rutlandskin.com" www.rutlandskin.com Daniel P. McCauliffe, M.D.   )01BRSB̻{hcYLCCJOJQJ^JjCJOJQJU^J5OJQJ\^J jU$jCJOJQJU^JmHnHu5CJOJQJ\^JCJCJOJQJ^J56CJOJQJ\]^J CJOJQJCJOJQJaJ CJOJQJ^J 56CJ OJQJ\]^JaJ4j56CJOJQJU\]^JaJmHnHujCJUmHnHu56CJH\]CJH1B| RS $a$d. h$&+D-` $. h$+D-a$ . h$&+D->#8. &+D1$7$8$H$1$7$8$H$ $va$v Ytuvw$a$BCDWXYstwȿ5OJQJ\^J56CJ\]CJOJQJ^J 0J>*B*CJOJQJ^JphjCJOJQJU^JjICJOJQJU^J#0P/ =!"#$%IDd@ {zz  C VA>C:\Rutland Skin Center\RSC.TIFb{fĊN=>m1~7!WDnOfĊN=>m1~7!PNG  IHDR#0sRGB pHYs+IDATx^mިD'_zfxlJBʯynJұ~sT PM'T Pa @äT @*@)@ S*o?R:?߾}ׯ_+WL=7Xo;"75_,OLxw ʈج҄Sʥ19zzSflcMʕQ3)kZfx\v@Xׄ.?zڔ߅5%C/s.Uh}}6J/qVHH#ne'ռYG"6 WZ£) Y*[ˣe+r j@SF߆+(*Aξ0eu1\Ж]ڽb K_~?E#s dxc7"vΠCED# :51|S VVOjLk #o|y Kh ) cF^+Zj*ޠbJ@"; 4ͻfBg\! )@Rx/*\Q ˑL8!^"qTʍFYӫ8j1|nЈv@Ƹ_19Mk?J?;2X_'q2P*p{/sv^aaPW%vHMP|%P"w319Yu:aCP%[4bܑ;7)ZsLv Dk/MktN(^ K&69`KFy_qsY -|dj\PqvcLrQZ5*`\-C(fpjw[8`̥y)] ;aM?`俉Z[}퇑钨P-H񛩴| ʙܟ2kWat7T,֪@,u.qw_6;`-/kg! g`dY"O)c)#pu>K[*OaR NMx,Y)#L4pV}8Z7>_@1ZLD0ulv*m:ۉXI^#L2i^鵼>: A;aj Dp_<-} 9:hj\r%rTO*KX,2i5Ф'nG0F^oN{?:d4"w`Q`.qN5bP19Q5Dw:Ŋ1t{ EwAQm4ne #>QSQyMj@".ϕ $NztP|W2n1mKP׌\>:0;}ZH\3zuZ.a@>P 0t@ˆh BrFY#a)H9n7DE +B"G P8PEjXeVENղkj @lP:!oK{ X^/x@b{uZ\`JȱE 1ߎA F0.11$bb[AryMm.< w_ u@f-bE47bԴwe(`Oas:93>2S D<:eqk1K[CnPTyޤނ\k "T7u:}nJdh%?g- RCadl'>bHZ3zZ r&TmƀݐUz9# Y @8 ^آ6ˬjt,ZN !/6cVx(T !_ q}b13#3$~48V2n4o[}=; l+ i|sp{&gA@iCia(BUHӿgk+Ϛ==t1"Zxa @5<@eq3Z#SqL r @xD9fvyVPXy5Ad8j;x=k+YdlxOt,\[m@iD[͚=^#|xRF!1Oʑ+΀JRJ\R!4@.mf%M_^hCk}")쌔'Dg͛ 5Gg0VKO JSU EYrú.^`7 " #}c]Uݓ9-os岫C% ͅ!U}k38&տrI/6RaUr̨|n)}=4qxBCsӳr>4QF\z[:AjdO~U\V;g( c\wC&T`󬞦!tMYv.= ذ*ӫa3_?x5J Ug5= /ѓ;_CciqCDonUej0+?Z/^՘!3M ό-uUǹ hz}Mfh1=j2cH2pXgZ v=)8HMU( !z -ĪC9|c6(7}9}nN\ǚz`=x C9탨W]iri$p IW{>*G??3<5KvdcYlw. tŚEɆ;: TI m;בb:7}AwT 4[3!=\R sb#k~C05r=<(Z wrIV^ݰRsA }*sC[k2l/SxT)KZ!.K"s ; ]FHp9Br]'Ţqg1z:N![ҧm:c;|}ĪpA"*Վp A;DLĐZ]r $k/ .k: U@OZpz2򶾄 T7>'xP[|G'"GýB䫹j[w@Sk"бlPn>0!igi F嘭;C;N?$U[N ǥ*tAAMF, JِKtwp&\ʎ٬ZZV)j+Qúw|kr7#'j6&qL A*pU! 7QwmvxG}XGrߞ_ֿXIv/u䨈f*VK.w@ȣHr[S#!DM+@ea h;gil2yҡ=N_-Vp GN5$j!{͚ہt-!Yo+51lWv6\! w#,;ljT׋Oc ץp6K</@qIA로v+jhvZ-\,*QsGq5pPCջȴ&[9~xqv @]cRz5o bC H[@ DŖd a:GQ7n1g@r@pfIK"MA5պ$Rf^ QkBM0 $[ @ފ:ymSM :H.N@X~MXg hX"yx2͑a$ ovB]#S`D5v /˞`@3ok9D Pb6fZ! ;+>@-c2RC^5lO 4mfѳZzyCy+c?܀q)2C6]9KF-?u#B֏6@[A![iK' -($ۻJm^ZgЦPM3 @[%[K @ՇXAd0_c#sz @Q%{O#{Y,A =+'A.2ϹICDϜ! g5.$ a!s+}ni=3+@=N&W<4 ̬4sh;\Z|pIENDB`DyK www.rutlandskin.comyK 8http://www.rutlandskin.com/ i8@8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH r@r Heading 1-$$i2 &+DY1$7$8$@&H$a$ 56CJ8OJQJ\]^JaJ$J@J Heading 2$$d@&a$5OJQJ\^J<A@< Default Paragraph Font.U@. 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