ࡱ> TVSq >bjbjt+t+ "`AA:],,,,8dx\,($,,H ?jJ,,m*Q&A April, 2001 BARRY RAMSEY DIRECTOR OF RURAL HOUSING PROGRAMS SFH How do you get a new (up-dated Borrower List of DLOS #s?) Constructions #s & Permanent #s can be obtained by contacting the ACH Department at CSC (314)206-2060 option 3. A new series of numbers and instructions will be provided. Refer to DLOS training manual, loan parameters chapter - p.16. On rescission loans, do we use the actual shipping date on the Transmittal of Closing Documents or do we use the actual closing date on everything? Does it matter? All documents must be dated on the closing date (the date the documents are signed). Form 3550-19, Transmittal Closing Documents will identify the block "RECISSION LOAN" and be held by the closing agent for 3 business days. Recission loans will be activated in Fasteller within 4 business days of closing (not 3) and received by CSC within 6 business days of closing (not 5). Refer to the Deputy Administrator - SFH unnumbered letter dated 12/22/00. Are we required to attach appraiser certification forms to appraisals? Something was mentioned about it in NASP December board meeting minutes. Appraisals completed by CDMs/CDSs with appraisal authority must have the required attachments with form 1922-8 (authorized by IL Inst. 1922-CA for transactions <$100,000 when staff appraiser or contract appraiser unavailable). In Hot Topics 37, it says flood zone determinations are being performed on existing borrower. Do you know if IL has been done or if the field office will get notice of any borrowers who have to get flood insurance? No flood determinations on existing borrowers in Illinois have been done to Barry's knowledge. If a borrower who is on payment assistance changes jobs and income is different, are they required to notify CSC at that time or wait until they get the next payment assistance renewal letter? The borrower is required to notify CSC any time income changes. If realtors call us for applications packets, can we tell them to look on the USDA web site to print out the 410-4 and the 3550-1 instead of mailing the forms to them? The online forms are an option that anyone with access can use, but we cannot refuse to provide hard copies of forms upon request. Is there any kind of cheat sheet from start to finish regarding sequence of tasks to be done on new construction, forms, etc.? See SFH checklist, Appendix 7 page 4 (pos. 6 items). There are problems with people coming up with a lump sum for escrow for new construction, any ideas? Loan itloans can exceed the appraised value by the appraisal fee, tax service fee, and starting balance to establish an escrow. Forms AD 1047 & ADE 1048 are these used anymore except for the guarantees? Doesnt the application take care of these issues? Forms are used for MFH and C&BP purposes as well as GRH. The 410-4 incorporated the AD1047 for direct loans. Contractors and subcontractors (receiving second tier benefits >$25,000) must still complete AD 1048 even when direct loans are involved. Can there be some clarification of what to do with files that property has been sold short sale, etc. No notice from CSC when debt settled, etc. There are several offices with these files still in active form. All accounts remain "active" until debt settled or paid in full and cannot be destroyed. Retain files as such. Management cards can be moved to the "collection only" section of the card box once there is no security remaining. If a deficiency judgment is obtained, the case files remains active and cannot be destroyed. Refer to 2033-A, 2033.8(b)(4), 2033.8(b)(6) and 1905-A, 1905.7(e-f) This issue has been asked previously: Forms that come from UNIFI are not the latest revision date. Are we getting updates from UNIFI anytime soon? (i.e. promissory note, subsidy repayment, mortgage loan commitment) The UNIFI upgrade now being discussed is a web-based application (similar to GLS). Do not look for UNIFI bundles in the near future, but make sure that your system has the Windows NT upgrade (dated 1/8/01). Where in the regulation does it say about not recording the real estate mortgage until 3 day recission period ends? Refer to 1940-I, 1940.401(d)(4) which indicates that the mortgage is void and the borrower will not be liable for any amount when exercising their right to cancel. If the mortgage is already recorded prior to the rescission period expiring, it cannot be void unless released (additional cost to the borrower). As with conventional lending, no documents are recorded nor funds disbursed until the 4th day when subject to rescission rights (e.g. refinancing or repair loans secured by a mortgage). Any word on when we are to receive new income limits? Income limits (direct and guaranteed) are expected to be available in early May. Graduation can we get someone to accelerate the accounts for non-monetary defaults? Yes. The graduation list will be generated twice a year for field offices. The field office is the only point of contact with borrowers - if you don't do anything with the borrowers, no one else will. MFH Wage Matching Zero Income Tenants, is there any way to push the issue of recovering unauthorized RA? OIG will not pursue a criminal case against the tenant but Management can pursue it and refer tenant to collection agencies. Will there ever be a minimum rent for zero income tenants? It would take an act of Congress to require a minimum rent. No limit on how long zero income Tenants can live in a project, but Management needs to work harder on forcing them to look for work such as encouraging them to apply for unemployment or Public Aid. Remember that recurring gifts from friends or relatives should be counted as income. (Barry Ramsey Cont'd) Other Notes: Changes to MTFS and MFIS reports should be in Phase 3 of MFIS (January 2002). Free Industry Interface software is available at:  HYPERLINK http://www.thecommunitiesgroup.com/downloads.html http://www.thecommunitiesgroup.com/downloads.html 3. Small MFH borrowers will have the option of a web based interface rather than using commercial software (release date projected at January 2002). 4. MFIS II (phase 2) should be released in late May 2001. No changes other than web based application vs. downloaded software application. MFIS reports will remain unchanged (no Area Office jurisdictions available until phase 3 (estimated release January 2002). MARIANNE NIXA ASSISTANT TO THE STATE DIRECTOR Support Staff Meeting - can we have longer breakout sessions between local and area offices? Yes State Office is asking for volunteers to help develop the agenda and provide possible topics. Marianne is hoping to get a representative from CSC to come speak. The Support Staff will be held at the Eastland Suites in Bloomington, June 12-13th. Is there going to be a State Staff Meeting this year? Depends on the budget. It will cost approx. $40-50,000 to move State Office. If no funds come from the National Office to move the State Office, there may not be enough to cover the cost of a State Meeting. But, if a State Meeting is planned, State Office is asking for Association input on new ideas for the meeting. Its understood that there is going to be some UNIFI training in St. Louis, is this paid for on a National or State level? How is it determined who will attend and how many? State Office pays per diem and travel expenses. National Office pays for the training. Barry will decide who goes - he has a list of suggested people. How are FTEs affected with the new budget? May have one position to fill at the end of the year. Old administration slated new FTEs for next year but havent heard from new administration yet. Should get 4 FTEs if it stays the same. Is there going to be any PCMS training targeted to the specific users of PCMS? Yes Marianne and Diana Lesney are working on it. Training may be done at a time other than Support staff mtg. Diana may come up to individual offices and do training with the users of PCMS in that office (late spring or early summer). Is there any training allocation this year? No allocation from N/O this year. No additional training that isn't already on the yearly agenda has been scheduled. RDMs or Program Chiefs need to request any additional training if they feel it is needed. Are Time Off Awards still possible in order to boost employee moral? Yes. Other Notes: Upgrades inconsistencies exist within positions. Marianne is working with Julie Wilson on doing desk audits. They hope to do this at the end of this year they want to focus primarily on L/O Technicians grades 5/6. RON FIRKINS PROGRAM SUPPORT DIRECTOR Environmental Lead Based Paint Inspections what is needed in the files as far as documentation? Refer to RD AN 3593 (1924-A) dated 12/01/00. Follow "Lead-Based Paint Compliance Key" for instructions. Make entry in the running record that LBP information was given to them - either as part of the application packet or at the time of interview. Can also counsel the people to look for post 1977 houses. IT Can instructions on Return Receipt option and Mail Notification option for Netscape/Outlook be sent out statewide? Yes instructions will be sent. UNIFI timeframe it will be put on Web. Also, can State Office get a UNIFI machine for State Office hands-on assistance? Web based UNIFI is approximately one year away, per Barry Ramsey. Would be able to generate UNIFI on any CCE Machine. S/O no longer has a UNIFI machine. Need to ask Barry if it could be put back on Cathy McNeals machine. Need to follow up with Barry or Cathy on UNIFI training CDs. Can we get guidelines on what CDs and books we can discard? There are CP and Environmental CDs that say Not Approved for Non-CCE Machines. What should we do with these? Ron suggested that the board compile a list of their current CDs and books and email it to Ron for a determination since some of the CDs and books were sent to the field by National Office program staffs and didnt pass through the IT Staff. The environmental CDs that arent CCE approved can still be run on backup machines. Do not load any CDs that are sent to you unless there is a letter from the IT Section saying they are OK to use. Backups can we get clarification on weekly/monthly backups? Only twice weekly backups are required for CCE PCs. Monthly backups are optional. You can use all the backup tapes for the twice-weekly backups, which should give you more than a months worth. You must log in on each machine in order for the ZIP files to be created. Just turning on the PC will not create the ZIP file. Backups should be done daily for UNIFI. Virus updates will everyone be able to do their own updates soon? Also, can clarification on the difference between xdat and sdat be sent out? Gary is currently testing the instructions that will place an icon on each PC that will enable users to do their own updates. The individual user will be able to update the xdat files though sdat files will still have to be done by an administrator. xdat are data definition files that can be done by a regular user. sdat are scan engines that must be updated by an administrator. The sdat will update the sdat and xdat. Should we be defragmenting our hard drives? If so, how often? Probably should be done on everyones machine by an administrator. Possibly once a month if the user is constantly saving and deleting files and computer is running noticeably slower. Make sure you have a good backup before you defrag your computer. IT will send out guidance. Any updates on Windows 2000 - When? Will any training be scheduled? National contract will be issued to install servers and UPSs in the LAN/WAN cabinet. Proposed ship date for servers is mid-June. IT will configure servers. IT will also do the installation of the Windows 2000 software. CCE PCs should be converted to Windows 2000 around early fall probably. Deployment schedule will be sent out. Some offices are running out, or are out of ports. Will this be taken care of with the new Windows 2000 Server deployment? Some offices are giving up ports to FSA/NRCS. Server will take up one port. If you do not have ANY ports available, please contact Ron Firkins. A cabling diagram or worksheet representing all Quad/Hex Plate connections should be done prior to server installation. It is recommended that all inactive patch cables be removed from the patch panels, router and hubs in the cabinet . Extra materials (i.e., boxes) should also be removed from L/W/V cabinet. Specific guidance will come from Ron before the server installation. Can information that could be beneficial to the state be emailed statewide? Yes IT currently tries to send out emails to administrators if they see a reoccurring problem. Other Notes: Windows 2000 is similar to NT but administrators will notice more differences than regular users. Additional Screen Savers should not be downloaded or installed. Screen Saver times can be set at a maximum of 20 minutes. Do NOT hit Reply or Reply All to the Regulations Notification email. In order to be added to the Regulations list, please email HYPERLINK "mailto:comments@rus.usda.gov"comments@rus.usda.gov. JERRY TOWNSEND - C&BP PROGRAM DIRECTOR Lots of funding available for direct and guaranteed community facility loans and guaranteed business and industry loans. Applications should be encouraged. Sheldon and others are having a round of meetings on child care around the State. We need to continue working on outreach so potential applicants for funding will know about our programs. A business programs review is scheduled for July by National Office staff. They will be doing file reviews, checking on outreach, determining our success reaching underserved populations and possibly visiting some projects. C&BP budget for next year looks fairly stable. We are not yet aware of any particular priorities of the Bush Administration. Several new programs have been announced recently (Community Facility grants for economically depressed areas, Value Agriculture Product Grant program, loan program for broadband communications, etc.) Check Agency websites or call State Office is you need assistance or more information. No timetable yet when the new system will be out to replace the Rural Community Facility Tracking System. Dave Baggott - Civil Rights Coordinator 1951-BA: Collections and Banking will be upgraded. It's badly outdated but have been waiting for national instructions. National procedure should be out by the end of this FY. Dave will go ahead and update the State Procedure for the interim and will update it again when the National procedure comes out, if need be. Dave will draft volunteers to work on that. Will try to meet with people on the afternoon before the State Support Staff Mtg. 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