ࡱ> JLI#` ?bjbj\.\. .0>D>D%"&&&8^ jT"+2"W+Y+Y+Y+Y+Y+Y+$ -hr/X}+}++jW+W+_%hw& pA#&1%k*+0+%/d/ w&/w&}+}+ +"""&"""&""" Lesson 2 - Quiz Matching: a. Deontological c. Normative Ethics b. Meta-Ethics d. Teleological _____1. The part of the study of ethics that asks, "What are the principles we ought to live by?" _____2. The part of the study of ethics that asks, "How do we determine what our moral principles are?" _____3. An action is ethical if it is done from duty rather than for any selfish motivations. The ends do not justify the means. _____4. An action is ethical if it results in the best consequences for the most people. The ends justify the means. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer. 5. Students who believe that rules must be implemented to protect everyone equitably in order to prevent chaos may be adherents of __________. a. The Categorical Imperative b. Cultural Relativism c. The Theory of Natural Law d. Rule Utilitarianism e. Social Contract Theory 6. Students who believe that the best choice is always the one resulting in the most happiness for the most people may be adherents of __________. a. Social Contract Theory b. Utilitarianism c. Theory of Natural Law d. Categorical Imperative e. Subjectivism 7. Students who abhor cheating (and refrain from doing so themselves), but who do not care if others cheat, may be adherents of __________. a. The Golden Rule b. Subjectivism c. Theory of Natural Law d. Categorical Imperative e. Rule Utilitarianism 8. Students who believe the right thing to do is what most students in school think is the right thing to do may be adherents of __________. a. Cultural Relativism b. Categorical Imperative c. Subjectivism d. The Golden Rule e. Social Contract Theory 9. Students who decide what to do by asking themselves what they would like if they were the other person may be adherents of __________. a. Theory of Natural Law b. Subjectivism c. The Golden Rule d. Categorical Imperative e. Cultural Relativism 10. Students who believe that we should behave in ways that we would like to see become law for everyone else's behavior may be adherents of __________. a. The Golden Rule b. Theory of Natural Law c. Social Contract Theory d. Categorical Imperative e. Act Utilitarianism 11. Students whom Kohlberg would consider to be at the highest level of moral development might choose their behavior on the basis of a. behavior that is socially accepted by the school community. b. what is best for the majority of the students. c. the Golden Rule. d. rules set forth by the school administration. e. determination of what gets them what they want. 12. Finding the right management position is important because a. Not all companies have the same atmosphere, and we are more likely to succeed in an atmosphere we are comfortable in. b. If our ethical beliefs are not in line with the company's, we may be asked to do something that we are not comfortable with. If we refuse to do it, we may find our career jeopardized. c. If we are not happy with the company, or the company is not happy with us, we may have to switch jobs and that is costly in terms of lost seniority, lost benefits, and moving expenses. d. If we are uncomfortable with the policies and procedures of the company, we may not be able to model them as we are expected to. e. All of the above For the following situation, use the form provided to enter the decision option, stakeholders, possible consequences of the decision, and the ethical principles violated by the decision. Use the back of the page if you need more space. Situation: Rather than paying pre-set bonuses, management keeps raising performance goals for employees. Workers reach a certain level of performance and then the level is raised. 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