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If the calculated value of t is less than the critical value, the dispersion pattern is random, even if the variance/mean ratio is different from 1.  Equation 2.  EMBED Equation.3  Graphical comparison The observed dispersion pattern can be compared to the expected pattern if the population were randomly dispersed. From lab, we have a series of plots, each containing a number of juniper trees. Sum up the number of plots with varying numbers of junipers (column B) and divide by the total number of plots to determine the observed proportion of plots with 0-5 trees (column C). Table 1. Example of calculating the observed and expected proportions of plots with X junipers. ABC1X# plotsObserved20150.42931100.2864270.2005330.086640075008Sum351.009Average0.943Next, calculate what we would expect if the trees followed a Poisson distribution, i. e., if they were randomly distributed. Use the Poisson function in Excel to do this. You may insert the function by using the paste function icon (fx) on the standard toolbar, by choosing "Insert.function" from the menu at the top of the screen, or by simply typing "=Poisson()" and filling in the required arguments within the parentheses. The Poisson function requires three arguments. The first argument is X, the number of individuals per plot. The second argument is X, the mean number of individuals per plot, calculated from our data. The third argument tells Excel if the cumulative probability should be calculated. We want to calculate the probabilities of each X separately, so for the third argument, type in "FALSE". Enter the formula for the first X (0) in cell D2: =POISSON(A2,$B$9,FALSE). "A2" refers to the cell with the X value, "$B$9" refers to the cell that contains the mean number of junipers per plot. Use the dollar signs to make sure that the rest of the formulas use the same value. Fill down across the values of X to get the Poisson values for those. ABCD1X# plotsObservedExpected20150.4290.3895133531100.2860.367255444270.2000.173134715330.0860.0544137764000.012826175000.002418648Sum351.009Average0.943The numbers in the expected and observed columns represent what we actually saw versus what we would have expected to see if the distribution of junipers is random. We can graph the two sets of numbers (Figure 1). Morisita Index The previous methods as well as some of the other methods described in Brower et al. (1998) has a potential disadvantage in that it is affected by population size and plot size. An alternative is Morisitas index of dispersion, which is not dependent on either parameter. Morisitas index is shown in Equation 3. Equation 3.  EMBED Equation.3  where n = the number of plots, N = the total number of individuals counted on all plots, (X2 = the squares of the numbers of individuals per plot, summed across all plots. If Id = 1.0, the dispersion is random, if Id = 0, the population is perfectly uniform, and if Id > 1 the population is clumped. The degree of departure from randomness may be assessed statistically by computing Equation 4. Equation 4.  EMBED Equation.3  where n = number of plots, X = number of individuals per plot, and N = number of individuals across all plots. The chi-square value may be compared to the criticial value in Table 1.B.3 with n-1 degrees of freedom for the appropriate ( level (in this case, 0.05). Plotless methods of measuring dispersion Plotless methods are usually less time-consuming than methods involving plots (Brower et al. 1998). Two plotless methods, the Holgate and Johnson-Zimmer methods, use point-to-plant distances, unlike nearest neighbor methods, which use plant-to-plant distances Point-to-plant distance methods may be superior to plant-to-plant distance methods due to the scale of nonrandom distributions. Non-random distributions may show patchiness on several levels of scale. For example, if plants are clumped, they may be arranged in clumps of clumps, rather than in simple clumps. An index based on plant-to-plant distances will only show the smallest scale of nonrandomness present. One based on point to plant distances will be affected by most, if not all, the levels of nonrandomness in the population (Pielou 1965). The Holgate Method The Holgate method involves measuring point-to-plant distances for a set of randomly selected points. First, mark a set of randomly selected points (n). Then measure the distance from each point to the nearest plant (d) and the distance from the point to the second closest plant (d'). Then square both numbers and take the ratio for each point. Sum the ratios, divide by the number of points (n) and subtract 0.5 (Equation 5). Equation 5: If the population is randomly dispersed, A will be 0, if it is clumped, A will be greater than 0, if it is uniformly dispersed, A will be less than 0. If A is different from 0, you can test if the dispersion pattern is significantly different from random by computing the following test statistic (Equation 6) and comparing it to the critical value of t in Table 1B.1 of Brower et al. (1998) for n-1 degrees of freedom (n = the number of points sampled). Equation 6. Payendah (1970) found that Holgate's ratio test produced reasonable results for computer simulated random and uniform distributions, but failed to detect nonrandomness for the original, semi-random and semi-uniform simulations. Johnson and Zimmer method The Johnson and Zimmer method of calculating departures from random distribution is similar to the Holgate method. The main difference is that it only uses the distance from the randomly selected point to the nearest plant, and, of course, the index itself is different. The index of aggregation is shown in Equation 7. Equation 7.  As in the Holgate method, A = 0 indicates a random distribution, A>0 indicates a clumped distribution, and A<0 indicates a uniform distribution. Determining if departures from a random dispersion are statistically significant may be done by using Equation 8. Equation 8. Compare the calculated value of t to the critical value of t for n-1 degrees of freedom (where n = number of points sampled) and ( =0.05. If it is less than the critical value, the population dispersion is not significantly different from random. If the calculated t value is greater than the critical value, then the population dispersion pattern is significantly different from random at the 0.05 level. Lab assignment We will select a stand of junipers at St. Edwards Park. We will set up two transects perpendicular to each other. The exact length of each transect will be determined when we get to the site, but will be approximately 50-100 m in length. We will mark off the area at 5 m intervals to create a series of 5 x 5 m plots. Once the plots are in place, we will record the number of junipers within each plot and record that information. Working in teams, each team will randomly select a series of X and Y coordinates and mark those points . They will record the distance from each of their points to the closest and second-closest juniper. If possible, they will record the sex of the junipers. At the end of the lab, we will compile our data and it will be posted on the web for your use. Post-Lab assignment The assignment from this lab is to complete the worksheet. Literature Cited Brower, J. E., J. H. Zar, and C. N. von Ende. 1998. Field and laboratory methods for general ecology. 4th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill. 273 pp. Payendah. B. 1970. Comparison of method for assessing spatial distribution of trees. Forest Science 16:312-317. Pielou, E. C. 1959. The use of point-to-plant distances in the study of the pattern of plant populations. J. Ecol. 47:607-613. van Auken, O. W. 1988. Woody vegetation of the southeastern escarpment and plateau. In: Amos, B. B. and F. R. Gehlbach,, eds. Edwards Plateau vegetation: plant ecological studies in central Texas. Baylor Univ. Press, Waco, TX. p. 43-56. 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De HulluElena Rodriguez Langer LabsRice University Robert EstesThe University of TexasJeffrey Van Myers Pamela CookDavid C. Bloom3Vice President for Research & Strategic Initiatives Sheri Brice Jack HowellSFMartinStephen F. MartinMatthiasCool!Karen P. LewisHalley A. MerrellTina H. StraleyMichael McAseymac15utaustinDivsion of BiologyKlaus Kalthoff UT AustinGary L. MonroeCheryl KrisherjamesLife Sciences Advising chris johnson David HillisCliff CunninghamAnnaFCI Pam RobersonBiological SciencesDepartment of Geographymavis sinkular Jiming JiangMichael J. HaveyOkntSystBot-QuadraGar W. RothwellRobert MartinezGeorgia Harperaj welchResearch & Development Noe Salazar B. Iverson Jeff HubbellDorothea AdamsJonathan W. ValvanoValued Gateway 2000 CustomerRebecca Richards-KortumRaymond De Young Deepika Arora john mullahyJ&J UserRobert J. Volk, Ph.D.foobarBiomedical EngineeringSergey__$ _ Latyshev AlexeiAuthorized Gateway CustomerAuthorized CustomerWilliam A. Phillips, M.D. Adam Tratt Manish Vij Sam Hobson Larry Abraham Thomas Milner Mark Johnson Greg OehrtmanHarvardA Valued Microsoft Customer Andrew YablonJulie CalechmanSherry AndersonvecaGina M. TempleLeslie J. LubinCecchi, Linda M.JDMGlenn T. Baird Tim BuckleMargaret Lovellx Brett PittsJulie RochesterCandia BarracloughDepartment 2782Gateway Authorized Customer Ron Guidotti Dept. 13416-Technology Transfer and Commercialization CtrctTarianne GallegosGeorge LongmireCharlotte BartlettSandia National LaboratoriesGeorge H. LibmanAndrew A. Abeyta Brian Do [4@4NormalCJOJPJQJmH 4@4 Heading 1$@&5PJH@H Heading 2$1$<x@&5OJPJQJ.@!. Heading 3@&60@10 Heading 4@&56*@A* Heading 5@&.Q. Heading 6@&6.a. 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De HulluElena Rodriguez Langer LabsRice University Robert EstesThe University of TexasJeffrey Van Myers Pamela CookDavid C. Bloom3Vice President for Research & Strategic Initiatives Sheri Brice Jack HowellSFMartinStephen F. MartinMatthiasCool!Karen P. LewisHalley A. MerrellTina H. StraleyMichael McAseymac15utaustinDivsion of BiologyKlaus Kalthoff UT AustinGary L. MonroeCheryl KrisherjamesLife Sciences Advising chris johnson David HillisCliff CunninghamAnnaFCI Pam RobersonBiological SciencesDepartment of Geographymavis sinkular Jiming JiangMichael J. HaveyOkntSystBot-QuadraGar W. RothwellRobert MartinezGeorgia Harperaj welchResearch & Development Noe Salazar B. Iverson Jeff HubbellDorothea AdamsJonathan W. ValvanoValued Gateway 2000 CustomerRebecca Richards-KortumRaymond De Young Deepika Arora john mullahyJ&J UserRobert J. Volk, Ph.D.foobarBiomedical EngineeringSergey__$ _ Latyshev AlexeiAuthorized Gateway CustomerAuthorized CustomerWilliam A. Phillips, M.D. Adam Tratt Manish Vij Sam Hobson Larry Abraham Thomas Milner Mark Johnson Greg OehrtmanHarvardA Valued Microsoft Customer Andrew YablonJulie CalechmanSherry AndersonvecaGina M. TempleLeslie J. LubinCecchi, Linda M.JDMGlenn T. Baird Tim BuckleMargaret Lovellx Brett PittsJulie RochesterCandia BarracloughDepartment 2782Gateway Authorized Customer Ron Guidotti Dept. 13416-Technology Transfer and Commercialization CtrctTarianne GallegosGeorge LongmireCharlotte BartlettSandia National LaboratoriesGeorge H. LibmanAndrew A. Abeyta Brian DodsonSNLEducation Outreach Departmentwfo Gary EvansTECHNOLOGY TRANSFERLeRoy Whinnery1840 Paul LemkeLWPMilesGeorge W. Mayes Mark Perra Rob Rinne Julie Clausen Lynn Sanchez Gary FergusonCarol A. MurrayDottie Brockman Rob Banwart Linda Schulz Paul RaglinSandia National LabsTimothy Peterson D. RIVARD Jackie RippleDennis L. MillerKaren Y. Griego-Peralta Julia Norwood Joseph Polito Org. 1200J. J. AnastasioCharles R LoeberLarry Bertholfpc user ALLIED SIGNAL L. E. Pope Mary E. Cocco P. C. User Dick RohdeNicole AndrewsSharon M. DeLandeak Teri WilkinsEdwin Kjeldgaard Dean Jones Sharon TrauthChristopher P. Cameronanne van arsdall John FranklinPC USERJerry L. McClellan David M GoyVictor J. JohnsonRichard K. BrowWalter R. 'Chip' Olson George TreverWFO Brian OsburnF. Lorraine LunaE.M. RenningerJerry L. McDowell E. A. DischMichael T. Dugger Tim ShepoddBarraclough, Candia John Brekke John YagerWord Development R W Lesher Harold HoiumRon Zimmermann Jim Pokorney Brian McMahon Kenneth Wang Monty Kriegergrammar Marti WareDouglas LauffenburgerThe Charles A. Dana Center Karen EiknerCharles A. Dana Center..Authorized UserCARE Saran JanelkellyDwight SweeneyDwight P. SweeneyECE Learning Resource CenterPatricia A. TrellueGeorge Georgiougeorge georgiouGGJohn Yin Research GroupClaire MasperoDMJ John C. White Mel Oakes Ian MolineuxCVISSmyers/Bittner Lab David Posada UT AUSTINNuclear EngineeringDept. of Nuclear EngineeringNuclear Engineering Dept. Kerry HixonEfraim Armendariz David MolinaTSS Connie Stout!The University of Texas at AustinDr. Robert B. JacksonBrenda B. CasperHeroldM. J. WaterwayJacquelyn JimenezUT Inventory #640064TETNKurt L. Bartelmehs Karelys Diaz John SlatinKeith and Hillary Warren Ronda BarnettLynee GilfillanClaire Ellen WeinsteinswaakWouter van joolingenWouter van Joolingen G McGregorton Janine Swaaktoegepaste onderwijskundeJenefer HusmanLinda A. RoskaInstructional InnovationTX Education AgencyTEALearning Technology CenterRichard G. TiberiusInformation SystemsPeter Doolittle"Vice President for Student Affairs John Leamons Lara A. MahanFrieda Jullica Speck Frieda SpeckSarah Abel-DeLucaMSCRobert Duke & Judith JellisonROBERT A. DUKECollege of EngineeringMath Ed ResearchSMFUniversity of Texas at Austin Philip LoganEDMarilyn FowlerMichael Marder EE Department Shido, AlamIDAR. Bowen LoftinDr. Frank MosesmosesDiv 09 Computer OperationsJHT Multimedia Judy JohncoxPeter A. TinkerWilliam K. Andrews Virgil JonesPatrick CorkeryKevin R. MartinuhVasantha K. Kumar, M.D. cathy allenNASA/JSCm m pRodney L. LoftonProgramme des astronautesPeiU of H--Institutional Use OnlyName Dave MooreSVEC Alex Ignatiev T.S. Khurana Douglas Chan Art Schnitzer Victor GillKLA InstrumentsValued Customer Igor Dubrovin KLA LicenseKLA Instruments Corp.MIS Ori Tadmor Ted Leslie KLA Licences Sami Kamhi Gary Omura KLA Licensesy Ilan Elron KLA Israel Steve SchmalzKLA Berta DinuYehonatan CohenI AMiraJason Warshawsky Assaf Feldman Russ ClaysMeyer BouscherDaniel J. Pond Jo Ann Sy Isaac Katz Dan Anton Egen C. WangE A Dave JosephAlan Breakstone John Greene Dave StitesLaurence J. Goldingt tang Brian GoinsNaren BalasubramanianJudy J. Gaitan Peter HsiehKLA INSTRUMENTSRussell M. SingletonWilliam Kobayashi (KLA License)*** John IkovicJENNIFER DRAPER Bert Plambeck Mike RuthBill Broadbent Mish FaeyrmanEugene ShifrinAnatoly ShchemelininBrian E. JohnsonMichaelBill BroadbentVince Pangeliann Tim PrattKLA Site License Jerry Olson Tony VaccaKLA RAPID Marketing*Johnnie R ShuckJames L. Nordin Liz CroomWilliam H. Robertson Greg GrantChristine Pelissier Steven Khanna Mingche Li Crisler Moor Doug Kyer Ken JohnstonePaul R. Regier Paul Kendrick chris fairley John ShiraiRichard L. RyanMicrosoft CorporationGene Greenwood Ron Roncone Dave WalkerDave Mark Jeng Frank Brienzo Denise Wolfe Scott Greiff Andy Macica Stuart PitchmandyChristopher M. Aquino Lam ResearchDavid L. BrownYung-Ho ChuangWRING Ron Gallegos Jason Shields Jon Geniesse Rob RealiniSteven Schmalz Avi Cohen Yosef HazanuserOPGAL Yehuda Elisha SYSTEM USER Soowan LeeSaeed GhadessiCharika Ranasinghe Donn ForbestsmcIgor Dubrovin Brian HigginsHui ChenGary Steinbach David Gee Alex ChuangjzlinMicrosoft User Charles KeySIDs_leeMIcrosoft UserJoe WongISJohn FjeldstadBrian Cavanaugh Neff, Tom Mark KeeferRaleigh EstradaINFORMATION TECHNOLOGIESDennison, Cheri Tencor UserKLA-Tencor UserMiddleton, Nickole Robert Cappel Andrew Carino Jeff Burns Jerry TaganasDavid Fletcherpassword Rich Collins Steve TysonCATALYST Ken SwiszMichael A. Deckerdave l. pefleyFisher-Rosemount Korea Ltd.Scott Ashkenaz Richard Conn Patrick Lamey.Michael SantiagoSantosh Roshan Shetty Shanthi Iyer CHRIS FAIRLEY Kip Turley Mandy Chang Glenn AbisiaSophia DoughertyThomas KlinedinstKerry StuhlmullerSharon McCauley Mike BerlsTED LO Younus VoraChetana BhaskarChristian Bastoul Mark BurnsCecelia CampochiaroLawrence A. Hirsch Tuan V Nguyen RON GALLEGOSDavid Moezidisearl dandridge Lincoln, IanWallingford, Dick R_MONTANOArdisSQA Mike BlairHarvey E. Haney ThanhVan Tran James Lucier David Genrich Ramesh, Raj Fred LinkerDaveR David ReisKenneth P. GrossTencor Instruments Michael Weber Current UserORIONoooAnatoly RomanovskyGriffith, JulieMarie RadewagenTENCORChristopher King ami Kamhi???Pam CookJoe C. CampbellAna Gabriela WhitfieldDevelopment OfficeUT Development OfficeUniversity Development Office Adrian KleinStudent AffairsPauly, Larry (PAULYLC) Larry PaulyDevelopment Library Debra BarnesDarrow ZeidensteinLiberal Arts Dean's OfficeCBA/GSB Computer Services David LaudeElizabeth Stevenson Dave LaudeMellott Mike PishkoRichard M. CrooksCrooks Research Group Dr. CrooksAntonio J. RiccoDepartment of ChemistryChemistry Department Art JanataUnknown MEROZLi Sun rt Janata Tony RiccoKarel Domansky HongShi Li DL BaldwinDon Baer Donald BaerJosowicz Jiri Janata J. JanataC. Daniel Frisbie Peixin He Henry WhitenoneResearch Center WilmWilliam Lackowski Mingqi ZhaoJeanne Jackson Susan E.Thoms Journal StaffEditorial System SupportDavid E. BergbreiterProfessor David E. BergbreiterFrank M. RaushelSteven G. BoxerBoxerlabLinda M. BoxerCremer Boxer LabProf. Michael PishkoKaushik SirkarMichael PishkoIndustrial Engineering Dept. Theresa GoodAndrea and Michael Mellottv deroseDr. Michael PishkoAcademic Optics LabIv.T.$ Janit L. RisserAndrew V. AstashkinMIKEN. Polyanskikh7Nick MikhailovskyBrian Cousineau .Amy Logsdon LASER LABDavid A. Bellnier, Ph.D.Allan R. Oseroff, M.D., Ph.D. Lihong Wang Tim DuongL. Wang, Ph.D. Jim BanksonTony K. Morris K. R. HallChemical Engineering Dept Stupp Group J. FRECHET Jay MenacherPRPKChristoph FunkccSchmitt-Hoffmann Anne-HortenseJoseph Hoffman G.HolderiedDr. G. Hoffmann, PRPKPRPPRPTPRP/TOXBrginDr.U.B.NiederhauserStrobelStrobel, Renate Dr.Toxicology and PathologyH. Urwyler, Dr.med.vet. FVHDr. Timothy D. AndersonJack M. Lipman International Project ManagementRFTNarsingh D. Agnishjorga Theil, F.-P.PRPK, Dr. M. Schleimer M. SchleimerBuchmannRenate StrobelBrita Morgenroth Dr.med.vet. Heinrich Urwyler FVHPharma Research PreclinicalF. Hoffmann-La Roche AGGb R. Buchmannurs b. ranalderPreclinical Research PC-Benutzer Dr.B.Schiffer Wendy DayRoche Nederland B.V.Karen Maigetter S.M. BuserBrianKlaus Dieter BremerHoffmann-La RocheAnne-Hortense Schmitt-HoffmannHeinrich UrwylerMarkus Stephan-Gldnerguest J J ColemanPhotonic SystemsXin TaoElectro Optic Systems bill neufeldChester S. GardnerHUOptical & Discharge PhysicsJohn EhrenfeldLeckbandDr. Bruce C. WheelerDavid J. BeebeJon R GundersonBiological MatsBrginTimothy D. AndersonBill BatchelorCivil Engineering Department Da BatchelorsJuan B. Valdes Jon SchwantesCIVIL ENGINEERINGGerard L. CoteCIS-LSS Mike McShaneMike and Rosalee McShaneYuekuo Ryan RussellTAMU Michael SmithFluorescence SystemTexas A&M UniversityENRIQUEResearch and Graduate StudiesDave BergbreiterDavid BergbreiterThe Bergbreiter FamilyThe Bergbreiter Farm BergbreiterAndrew KippenbergerRobert R. LuccheseCharles Rajaram Sabapathycremer Daniel RomoAaron W. Harper Lane A. Baker Bruce WilsonDr. Paul Lindahl Jeannie ParkStuart L. SchreiberDouglas A Melton Lederle Labs Betty ManganBernard SellingDrug Discovery CONNIE KOHLER Steve AdelmanThomas J. ColatskyCarolyn DiscafaniBRC Drug RecoveryZ. Li R. DufortWHRINet Adm. Bill GarlandJames G. Christenson, PhDmpi PhosphoimagerSridhar K. RabindranAlumni Affairs Beth EbelJohnson School Athletics and Physical EducationVicki Caroline CheatwoodAlumni Affairs & DevelopmentALUMNI AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPEMENT Bonni Voiland Jeri Wallalumni affairs and developementMarge MckinneyProf. Philip B. CarterCindy Westmiller K.J.LindleyBenjamin GlaserPre-installed UserChristine Booth Carina mmlLinmingCharles McClintockWilliam TrochimDaniel McLindenAATTG Bill Trochim Gret AtkinComputer Services Group Ronald Booker Norma Roche Carol J. WiggSavannah River Ecology LabJames H. PunstonBEECS GENETIC ANALYSIS COREjean i. feldmanJean I. Feldman jean feldmansbrewtonHoward C. Howland Arts&Sciences Marie LanglieChen MaoPower Computing UserDMC-3 Carina mm0 l0 Indrawan McAlpine Kelly WalkerRob Corn Corn Group Ag Economics Atsushi AokijfeldmanDr. Azzam N. MansourPatricia Hart Smith Hu lin Li Hugh IsaacsMicrosoft Office UserPat BuePromeon Mary Erickson Leo Hovestadt Holter PC #2Medtronic EmployeeJim Scheidecker Iva McCormick Mike Page Mat Holinka Steve Schultz Carol Siepka brian eggertGregory J Lemke Michael Page Ron Kalin Cecil Honnas Beth DacheletNorman Joan Fredson Wilfred Wong GREG AUSTINwRandall Manderschied MedtronicMedtronic, Inc. Jim MacDonaldMedtronic Inc.Medtronic, PRLDale Staffanson Steve MayM. Brent Shelton Keith ProctorBrady Information Systems peggy MurrayDan Mans Sharon Haag Ed Waschbusch Matt SalchertDarlene BlattenbergerDeborah A. Hassan Kelvin LynnIndustrial Research LtdhuntIndustrial Research nick laycock MCKAY, FionaLucy Jane OblonskyGordon P. BierwagenAlison DavenportHugh S. Isaacsp cLucy J. OblonskykchkongxxJudith Ann Crider Dave GraingerGrainger GroupMacintosh UserBruce ParkinsonjhouserDAVID F KELLEYMarc M. GreenbergJulie Van De Velde Robert DoolenUlrich SteinerBranka Ladanyi Rudy Schlaf Paarkinson Mark NelsonGhassan JabbourBruce A. Parkinson Anne MyersN. Evans/B.McInnes A. D. AnbarSTCMac1Joshua L. GoodmanPreffered CustomerElliot R. BernsteinMaithreyan SrinivasanDebra Rose RolisonMartin Research GroupBarry K. LavineHerbert Silverman Mark Vreeke Krishna Kumar Joseph Papp Alan M. SmithInformation Services Danny Lincoln Kate MidnightlUs^Dr. Romoƅ Kwon, Won JongDing**** Norma Horn Xiaomin Yang Adam HellerSteve MunatonesSMPPPowerMacintosh UserSaltzman GroupWeiyuan John Kao Dan SchwartzHubbellChuck CampbellDr. Mrs. Utpala S. Kane Hagan BayleyBSCSFSouthwestern University   4::::%)029!!.03GIL`bey{:::::HoB$Bw _XbvatB$OI۴_??atB$q@_A)' zatB$*_lai_a?MatB$4X% \&4f~atB$yZqH+Tc<at@2 (  T   C   HB   C DT   C   dsonSNLEducation Outreach Departmentwfo Gary EvansTECHNOLOGY TRANSFERLeRoy Whinnery1840 Paul LemkeLWPMilesGeorge W. Mayes Mark Perra Rob Rinne Julie Clausen Lynn Sanchez Gary FergusonCarol A. MurrayDottie Brockman Rob Banwart Linda Schulz Paul Ru)3*,/248UnknownRon & Kay McMurry Kay McMurryCollege of Natural SciencesUser Life Sciences kathy davis Jim DanielxxxxChad Nolan SmithMicrobiology DepartmentSponsored Projects Office Ken DillerFluorescence Spectroscopy Lab Joni BurkaglinSandia National LabsTimothy Peterson D. RIVARD Jackie RippleDennis L. MillerKaren Y. Griego-Peralta Julia Norwood Joseph Polito Org. 1200J. J. AnastasioCharles R LoeberLarry Bertholfpc user ALLIED SIGNAL L. E. Pope Mary E. Cocco P. C. User Dick RohdeNicole AndrewsSharon M. DeLandeak Teri WilkinsEdwin Kjeldgaard Dean Jones Sharon TrauthChristopher P. Cameronanne van arsdall John FranklinPC USERJerry L. McClellan David M GoyVictor J. JohnsonRichard K. BrowWalter R. 'Chip' Olson George TreverWFO Brian OsburnF. Lorraine LunaE.M. RenningerJerry L. McDowell E. A. DischMichael T. Dugger Tim ShepoddBarraclough, Candia John Brekke John YagerWord Development R W Lesher Harold HoiumRon Zimmermann Jim Pokorney Brian McMahon Kenneth Wang Monty Kriegergrammar Marti WareDouglas LauffenburgerThe Charles A. Dana Center Karen EiknerCharles A. Dana Center..Authorized UserCARE Saran JanelkellyDwight SweeneyDwight P. SweeneyECE Learning Resource CenterPatricia A. TrellueGeorge Georgiougeorge georgiouGGJohn Yin Research GroupClaire MasperoDMJ John C. White Mel Oakes Ian MolineuxCVISSmyers/Bittner Lab David Posada UT AUSTINNuclear EngineeringDept. of Nuclear EngineeringNuclear Engineering Dept. Kerry HixonEfraim Armendariz David MolinaTSS Connie Stout!The University of Texas at AustinDr. Robert B. JacksonBrenda B. CasperHeroldM. J. WaterwayJacquelyn JimenezUT Inventory #640064TETNKurt L. Bartelmehs Karelys Diaz John SlatinKeith and Hillary Warren Ronda BarnettLynee GilfillanClaire Ellen WeinsteinswaakWouter van joolingenWouter van Joolingen G McGregorton Janine Swaaktoegepaste onderwijskundeJenefer HusmanLinda A. RoskaInstructional InnovationTX Education AgencyTEALearning Technology CenterRichard G. TiberiusInformation SystemsPeter Doolittle"Vice President for Student Affairs John Leamons Lara A. MahanFrieda Jullica Speck Frieda SpeckSarah Abel-DeLucaMSCRobert Duke & Judith JellisonROBERT A. DUKECollege of EngineeringMath Ed ResearchSMFUniversity of Texas at Austin Philip LoganEDMarilyn FowlerMichael Marder EE Department Shido, AlamIDAR. Bowen LoftinDr. Frank MosesmosesDiv 09 Computer OperationsJHT Multimedia Judy JohncoxPeter A. TinkerWilliam K. Andrews Virgil JonesPatrick CorkeryKevin R. MartinuhVasantha K. Kumar, M.D. cathy allenNASA/JSCm m pRodney L. LoftonProgramme des astronautesPeiU of H--Institutional Use OnlyName Dave MooreSVEC Alex Ignatiev T.S. Khurana Douglas Chan Art Schnitzer Victor GillKLA InstrumentsValued Customer Igor Dubrovin KLA LicenseKLA Instruments Corp.MIS Ori Tadmor Ted Leslie KLA Licences Sami Kamhi Gary Omura KLA Licensesy Ilan Elron KLA Israel Steve SchmalzKLA Berta DinuYehonatan CohenI AMiraJason Warshawsky Assaf Feldman Russ ClaysMeyer BouscherDaniel J. Pond Jo Ann Sy Isaac Katz Dan Anton Egen C. WangE A Dave JosephAlan Breakstone John Greene Dave StitesLaurence J. Goldingt tang Brian GoinsNaren BalasubramanianJudy J. Gaitan Peter HsiehKLA INSTRUMENTSRussell M. SingletonWilliam Kobayashi (KLA License)*** John IkovicJENNIFER DRAPER Bert Plambeck Mike RuthBill Broadbent Mish FaeyrmanEugene ShifrinAnatoly ShchemelininBrian E. JohnsonMichaelBill BroadbentVince Pangeliann Tim PrattKLA Site License Jerry Olson Tony VaccaKLA RAPID Marketing*Johnnie R ShuckJames L. Nordin Liz CroomWilliam H. Robertson Greg GrantChristine Pelissier Steven Khanna Mingche Li Crisler Moor Doug Kyer Ken JohnstonePaul R. Regier Paul Kendrick chris fairley John ShiraiRichard L. RyanMicrosoft CorporationGene Greenwood Ron Roncone Dave WalkerDave Mark Jeng Frank Brienzo Denise Wolfe Scott Greiff Andy Macica Stuart PitchmandyChristopher M. Aquino Lam ResearchDavid L. BrownYung-Ho ChuangWRING Ron Gallegos Jason Shields Jon Geniesse Rob RealiniSteven Schmalz Avi Cohen Yosef HazanuserOPGAL Yehuda Elisha SYSTEM USER Soowan LeeSaeed GhadessiCharika Ranasinghe Donn ForbestsmcIgor Dubrovin Brian HigginsHui ChenGary Steinbach David Gee Alex ChuangjzlinMicrosoft User Charles KeySIDs_leeMIcrosoft UserJoe WongISJohn FjeldstadBrian Cavanaugh Neff, Tom Mark KeeferRaleigh EstradaINFORMATION TECHNOLOGIESDennison, Cheri Tencor UserKLA-Tencor UserMiddleton, Nickole Robert Cappel Andrew Carino Jeff Burns Jerry TaganasDavid Fletcherpassword Rich Collins Steve TysonCATALYST Ken SwiszMichael A. Deckerdave l. pefleyFisher-Rosemount Korea Ltd.Scott Ashkenaz Richard Conn Patrick Lamey.Michael SantiagoSantosh Roshan Shetty Shanthi Iyer CHRIS FAIRLEY Kip Turley Mandy Chang Glenn AbisiaSophia DoughertyThomas KlinedinstKerry StuhlmullerSharon McCauley Mike BerlsTED LO Younus VoraChetana BhaskarChristian Bastoul Mark BurnsCecelia CampochiaroLawrence A. Hirsch Tuan V Nguyen RON GALLEGOSDavid Moezidisearl dandridge Lincoln, IanWallingford, Dick R_MONTANOArdisSQA Mike BlairHarvey E. Haney ThanhVan Tran James Lucier David Genrich Ramesh, Raj Fred LinkerDaveR David ReisKenneth P. GrossTencor Instruments Michael Weber Current UserORIONoooAnatoly RomanovskyGriffith, JulieMarie RadewagenTENCORChristopher King ami Kamhi???Pam CookJoe C. CampbellAna Gabriela WhitfieldDevelopment OfficeUT Development OfficeUniversity Development Office Adrian KleinStudent AffairsPauly, Larry (PAULYLC) Larry PaulyDevelopment Library Debra BarnesDarrow ZeidensteinLiberal Arts Dean's OfficeCBA/GSB Computer Services David LaudeElizabeth Stevenson Dave LaudeMellott Mike PishkoRichard M. CrooksCrooks Research Group Dr. CrooksAntonio J. RiccoDepartment of ChemistryChemistry Department Art JanataUnknown MEROZLi Sun rt Janata Tony RiccoKarel Domansky HongShi Li DL BaldwinDon Baer Donald BaerJosowicz Jiri Janata J. JanataC. Daniel Frisbie Peixin He Henry WhitenoneResearch Center WilmWilliam Lackowski Mingqi ZhaoJeanne Jackson Susan E.Thoms Journal StaffEditorial System SupportDavid E. BergbreiterProfessor David E. BergbreiterFrank M. RaushelSteven G. BoxerBoxerlabLinda M. BoxerCremer Boxer LabProf. Michael PishkoKaushik SirkarMichael PishkoIndustrial Engineering Dept. Theresa GoodAndrea and Michael Mellottv deroseDr. Michael PishkoAcademic Optics LabIv.T.$ Janit L. RisserAndrew V. AstashkinMIKEN. Polyanskikh7Nick MikhailovskyBrian Cousineau .Amy Logsdon LASEG,HB  C D H  C A ?H  C A ?H  C A ? H  C A ? HB  C DHB  Cs Brent IversonUniversity of Texas Jon RobertusPreferred CustomerVicki L. De HulluElena Rodriguez Langer LabsRice University Robert EstesThe University of TexasJeffrey Van Myers Pamela CookDavid C. Bloom3Vice President for Research & Strategic Initiatives Sheri Brice Jack HowellSFMartinStephen F. MartinMatthiasCool!Karen P. LewisHalley A. MerrellTina H. StraleyMichael McAseymac15utaustinDivsion of BiologyKlaus Kalthoff UT AustinGary L. MonroeCheryl KrisherjamesLife Sciences Advising chris johnson David HillisCliff CunninghamAnnaFCI Pam RobersonBiological SciencesDepartment of Geographymavis sinkular Jiming JiangMichael J. HaveyOkntSystBot-QuadraGar W. RothwellRobert MartinezGeorgia Harperaj welchResearch & Development Noe Salazar B. Iverson Jeff HubbellDorothea AdamsJonathan W. ValvanoValued Gateway 2000 CustomerRebecca Richards-KortumRaymond De Young Deepika Arora john mullahyJ&J UserRobert J. Volk, Ph.D.foobarBiomedical EngineeringSergey__$ _ Latyshev AlexeiAuthorized Gateway CustomerAuthorized CustomerWilliam A. Phillips, M.D. Adam Tratt Manish Vij Sam Hobson Larry Abraham Thomas Milner Mark Johnson Greg OehrtmanHarvardA Valued Microsoft Customer Andrew YablonJulie CalechmanSherry AndersonvecaGina M. TempleLeslie J. LubinCecchi, Linda M.JDMGlenn T. Baird Tim BuckleMargaret Lovellx Brett PittsJulie RochesterCandia BarracloughDepartment 2782Gateway Authorized Customer Ron Guidotti Dept. 13416-Technology Transfer and Commercialization CtrctTarianne GallegosGeorge LongmireCharlotte BartlettSandia National LaboratoriesGeorge H. LibmanAndrew A. Abeyta Brian DodsonSNLEducation Outreach Departmentwfo Gary EvansTECHNOLOGY TRANSFERLeRoy Whinnery1840 Paul LemkeLWPMilesGeorge W. Mayes Mark Perra Rob Rinne Julie Clausen Lynn Sanchez Gary FergusonCarol A. MurrayDottie Brockman Rob Banwart Linda Schulz Paul RaglinSandia National LabsTimothy Peterson D. RIVARD Jackie RippleDennis L. MillerKaren Y. Griego-Peralta Julia Norwood Joseph Polito Org. 1200J. J. AnastasioCharles R LoeberLarry Bertholfpc user ALLIED SIGNAL L. E. Pope Mary E. Cocco P. C. User Dick RohdeNicole AndrewsSharon M. DeLandeak Teri WilkinsEdwin Kjeldgaard Dean Jones Sharon TrauthChristopher P. Cameronanne van arsdall John FranklinPC USERJerry L. McClellan David M GoyVictor J. JohnsonRichard K. BrowWalter R. 'Chip' Olson George TreverWFO Brian OsburnF. Lorraine LunaE.M. RenningerJerry L. McDowell E. A. DischMichael T. Dugger Tim ShepoddBarraclough, Candia John Brekke John YagerWord Development R W Lesher Harold HoiumRon Zimmermann Jim Pokorney Brian McMahon Kenneth Wang Monty Kriegergrammar Marti WareDouglas LauffenburgerThe Charles A. Dana Center Karen EiknerCharles A. Dana Center..Authorized UserCARE Saran JanelkellyDwight SweeneyDwight P. SweeneyECE Learning Resource CenterPatricia A. TrellueGeorge Georgiougeorge georgiouGGJohn Yin Research GroupClaire MasperoDMJ John C. White Mel Oakes Ian MolineuxCVISSmyers/Bittner Lab David Posada UT AUSTINNuclear EngineeringDept. of Nuclear EngineeringNuclear Engineering Dept. Kerry HixonEfraim Armendariz David MolinaTSS Connie Stout!The University of Texas at AustinDr. Robert B. JacksonBrenda B. CasperHeroldM. J. WaterwayJacquelyn JimenezUT Inventory #640064TETNKurt L. Bartelmehs Karelys Diaz John SlatinKeith and Hillary Warren Ronda BarnettLynee GilfillanClaire Ellen WeinsteinswaakWouter van joolingenWouter van Joolingen G McGregorton Janine Swaaktoegepaste onderwijskundeJenefer HusmanLinda A. RoskaInstructional InnovationTX Education AgencyTEALearning Technology CenterRichard G. TiberiusInformation SystemsPeter Doolittle"Vice President for Student Affairs John Leamons Lara A. MahanFrieda Jullica Speck Frieda SpeckSarah Abel-DeLucaMSCRobert Duke & Judith JellisonROBERT A. DUKECollege of EngineeringMath Ed ResearchSMFUniversity of Texas at Austin Philip LoganEDMarilyn FowlerMichael Marder EE Department Shido, AlamIDAR. Bowen LoftinDr. Frank MosesmosesDiv 09 Computer OperationsJHT Multimedia Judy JohncoxPeter A. TinkerWilliam K. Andrews Virgil JonesPatrick CorkeryKevin R. MartinuhVasantha K. Kumar, M.D. cathy allenNASA/JSCm m pRodney L. LoftonProgramme des astronautesPeiU of H--Institutional Use OnlyName Dave MooreSVEC Alex Ignatiev T.S. Khurana Douglas Chan Art Schnitzer Victor GillKLA InstrumentsValued Customer Igor Dubrovin KLA LicenseKLA Instruments Corp.MIS Ori Tadmor Ted Leslie KLA Licences Sami Kamhi Gary Omura KLA Licensesy Ilan Elron KLA Israel Steve SchmalzKLA Berta DinuYehonatan CohenI AMiraJason Warshawsky Assaf Feldman Russ ClaysMeyer BouscherDaniel J. Pond Jo Ann Sy Isaac Katz Dan Anton Egen C. WangE A Dave JosephAlan Breakstone John Greene Dave StitesLaurence J. Goldingt tang Brian GoinsNaren BalasubramanianJudy J. Gaitan Peter HsiehKLA INSTRUMENTSRussell M. SingletonWilliam Kobayashi (KLA License)*** John IkovicJENNIFER DRAPER Bert Plambeck Mike RuthBill Broadbent Mish FaeyrmanEugene ShifrinAnatoly ShchemelininBrian E. JohnsonMichaelBill BroadbentVince Pangeliann Tim PrattKLA Site License Jerry Olson Tony VaccaKLA RAPID Marketing*Johnnie R ShuckJames L. Nordin Liz CroomWilliam H. Robertson Greg GrantChristine Pelissier Steven Khanna Mingche Li Crisler Moor Doug Kyer Ken JohnstonePaul R. Regier Paul Kendrick chris fairley John ShiraiRichard L. RyanMicrosoft CorporationGene Greenwood Ron Roncone Dave WalkerDave Mark Jeng Frank Brienzo Denise Wolfe Scott Greiff Andy Macica Stuart PitchmandyChristopher M. Aquino Lam ResearchDavid L. BrownYung-Ho ChuangWRING Ron Gallegos Jason Shields Jon Geniesse Rob RealiniSteven Schmalz Avi Cohen Yosef HazanuserOPGAL Yehuda Elisha SYSTEM USER Soowan LeeSaeed GhadessiCharika Ranasinghe Donn ForbestsmcIgor Dubrovin Brian HigginsHui ChenGary Steinbach David Gee Alex ChuangjzlinMicrosoft User Charles KeySIDs_leeMIcrosoft UserJoe WongISJohn FjeldstadBrian Cavanaugh Neff, Tom Mark KeeferRaleigh EstradaINFORMATION TECHNOLOGIESDennison, Cheri Tencor UserKLA-Tencor UserMiddleton, Nickole Robert Cappel Andrew Carino Jeff Burns Jerry TaganasDavid Fletcherpassword Rich Collins Steve TysonCATALYST Ken SwiszMichael A. Deckerdave l. pefleyFisher-Rosemount Korea Ltd.Scott Ashkenaz Richard Conn Patrick Lamey.Michael SantiagoSantosh Roshan Shetty Shanthi Iyer CHRIS FAIRLEY Kip Turley Mandy Chang Glenn AbisiaSophia DoughertyThomas KlinedinstKerry StuhlmullerSharon McCauley Mike BerlsTED LO Younus VoraChetana BhaskarChristian Bastoul Mark BurnsCecelia CampochiaroLawrence A. Hirsch Tuan V Nguyen RON GALLEGOSDavid Moezidisearl dandridge Lincoln, IanWallingford, Dick R_MONTANOArdisSQA Mike BlairHarvey E. Haney ThanhVan Tran James Lucier David Genrich Ramesh, Raj Fred LinkerDaveR David ReisKenneth P. GrossTencor Instruments Michael Weber Current UserORIONoooAnatoly RomanovskyGriffith, JulieMarie RadewagenTENCORChristopher King ami Kamhi???Pam CookJoe C. CampbellAna Gabriela WhitfieldDevelopment OfficeUT Development OfficeUniversity Development Office Adrian KleinStudent AffairsPauly, Larry (PAULYLC) Larry PaulyDevelopment Library Debra BarnesDarrow ZeidensteinLiberal Arts Dean's OfficeCBA/GSB Computer Services David La      !"#$%&'()*+.08234567/9:;<=>?@DEFHIJKLM_OPQRSTUVWXYZ[\](`dbcefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}udeElizabeth Stevenson Dave LaudeMellott Mike PishkoRichard M. CrooksCrooks Research Group Dr. CrooksAntonio J. RiccoDepartment of ChemistryChemistry Department Art JanataUnknown MEROZLi Sun rt Janata Tony RiccoKarel Domansky HongShi Li DL BaldwinDon Baer Donald BaerJosowicz Jiri Janata J. JanataC. Daniel Frisbie Peixin He Henry WhitenoneResearch Center WilmWilliam Lackowski Mingqi ZhaoJeanne Jackson Susan E.Thoms Journal StaffEditorial System SupportDavid E. BergbreiterProfessor David E. BergbreiterFrank M. RaushelSteven G. BoxerBoxerlabLinda M. BoxerCremer Boxer LabProf. Michael PishkoKaushik SirkarMichael PishkoIndustrial Engineering Dept. Theresa GoodAndrea and Michael Mellottv deroseDr. Michael PishkoAcademic Optics LabIv.T.$ Janit L. RisserAndrew V. AstashkinMIKEN. Polyanskikh7Nick MikhailovskyBrian Cousineau .Amy Logsdon LASER LABDavid A. Bellnier, Ph.D.Allan R. Oseroff, M.D., Ph.D. Lihong Wang Tim DuongL. Wang, Ph.D. Jim BanksonTony K. Morris K. R. HallChemical Engineering Dept Stupp Group J. FRECHET Jay MenacherPRPKChristoph FunkccSchmitt-Hoffmann Anne-HortenseJoseph Hoffman G.HolderiedDr. G. Hoffmann, PRPKPRPPRPTPRP/TOXBrginDr.U.B.NiederhauserStrobelStrobel, Renate Dr.Toxicology and PathologyH. Urwyler, Dr.med.vet. FVHDr. Timothy D. AndersonJack M. Lipman International Project ManagementRFTNarsingh D. Agnishjorga Theil, F.-P.PRPK, Dr. M. Schleimer M. SchleimerBuchmannRenate StrobelBrita Morgenroth Dr.med.vet. Heinrich Urwyler FVHPharma Research PreclinicalF. Hoffmann-La Roche AGGb R. Buchmannurs b. ranalderPreclinical Research PC-Benutzer Dr.B.Schiffer Wendy DayRoche Nederland B.V.Karen Maigetter S.M. BuserBrianKlaus Dieter BremerHoffmann-La RocheAnne-Hortense Schmitt-HoffmannHeinrich UrwylerMarkus Stephan-Gldnerguest J J ColemanPhotonic SystemsXin TaoElectro Optic Systems bill neufeldChester S. GardnerHUOptical & Discharge PhysicsJohn EhrenfeldLeckbandDr. Bruce C. WheelerDavid J. BeebeJon R GundersonBiological MatsBrginTimothy D. AndersonBill BatchelorCivil Engineering Department Da BatchelorsJuan B. Valdes Jon SchwantesCIVIL ENGINEERINGGerard L. CoteCIS-LSS Mike McShaneMike and Rosalee McShaneYuekuo Ryan RussellTAMU Michael SmithFluorescence SystemTexas A&M UniversityENRIQUEResearch and Graduate StudiesDave BergbreiterDavid BergbreiterThe Bergbreiter FamilyThe Bergbreiter Farm BergbreiterAndrew KippenbergerRobert R. LuccheseCharles Rajaram Sabapathycremer Daniel RomoAaron W. Harper Lane A. Baker Bruce WilsonDr. Paul Lindahl Jeannie ParkStuart L. SchreiberDouglas A Melton Lederle Labs Betty ManganBernard SellingDrug Discovery CONNIE KOHLER Steve AdelmanThomas J. ColatskyCarolyn DiscafaniBRC Drug RecoveryZ. Li R. DufortWHRINet Adm. Bill GarlandJames G. Christenson, PhDmpi PhosphoimagerSridhar K. RabindranAlumni Affairs Beth EbelJohnson School Athletics and Physical EducationVicki Caroline CheatwoodAlumni Affairs & DevelopmentALUMNI AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPEMENT Bonni Voiland Jeri Wallalumni affairs and developementMarge MckinneyProf. Philip B. CarterCindy Westmiller K.J.LindleyBenjamin GlaserPre-installed UserChristine Booth Carina mmlLinmingCharles McClintockWilliam TrochimDaniel McLindenAATTG Bill Trochim Gret AtkinComputer Services Group Ronald Booker Norma Roche Carol J. WiggSavannah River Ecology LabJames H. PunstonBEECS GENETIC ANALYSIS COREjean i. feldmanJean I. Feldman jean feldmansbrewtonHoward C. Howland Arts&Sciences Marie LanglieChen MaoPower Computing UserDMC-3 Carina mm0 l0 Indrawan McAlpine Kelly WalkerRob Corn Corn Group Ag Economics Atsushi AokijfeldmanDr. Azzam N. MansourPatricia Hart Smith Hu lin Li Hugh IsaacsMicrosoft Office UserPat BuePromeon Mary Erickson Leo Hovestadt Holter PC #2Medtronic EmployeeJim Scheidecker Iva McCormick Mike Page Mat Holinka Steve Schultz Carol Siepka brian eggertGregory J Lemke Michael Page Ron Kalin Cecil Honnas Beth DacheletNorman Joan Fredson Wilfred Wong GREG AUSTINwRandall Manderschied MedtronicMedtronic, Inc. Jim MacDonaldMedtronic Inc.Medtronic, PRLDale Staffanson Steve MayM. Brent Shelton Keith ProctorBrady Information Systems peggy MurrayDan Mans Sharon Haag Ed Waschbusch Matt SalchertDarlene BlattenbergerDeborah A. Hassan Kelvin LynnIndustrial Research LtdhuntIndustrial Research nick laycock MCKAY, FionaLucy Jane OblonskyGordon P. BierwagenAlison DavenportHugh S. Isaacsp cLucy J. OblonskykchkongxxJudith Ann Crider Dave GraingerGrainger GroupMacintosh UserBruce ParkinsonjhouserDAVID F KELLEYMarc M. GreenbergJulie Van De Velde Robert DoolenUlrich SteinerBranka Ladanyi Rudy Schlaf Paarkinson Mark NelsonGhassan JabbourBruce A. Parkinson Anne MyersN. Evans/B.McInnes A. D. AnbarSTCMac1Joshua L. GoodmanPreffered CustomerElliot R. BernsteinMaithreyan SrinivasanDebra Rose RolisonMartin Research GroupBarry K. LavineHerbert Silverman Mark Vreeke Krishna Kumar Joseph Papp Alan M. SmithInformation Services Danny Lincoln Kate MidnightlUs^Dr. Romoƅ Kwon, Won JongDing**** Norma Horn Xiaomin Yang Adam HellerSteve MunatonesSMPPPowerMacintosh UserSaltzman GroupWeiyuan John Kao Dan SchwartzHubbellChuck CampbellDr. Mrs. Utpala S. Kane Hagan BayleyBSCSFSouthwestern Universityey{p!!!5::::%)029!!.03GIL`bey{:::::HoB$Bw _XbvB$OI۴_??B$q@_A)' zB$*_lai_a?MB$4X% \&4f~B$yZqH+Tc<@2 (  T   C   HB   C DT   C   HB  C D H  C A ?H  C A ?H  C A ? H  C A ? 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Buchmannurs b. ranalderPreclinical Research PC-Benutzer Dr.B.Schiffer Wendy DayRoche Nederland B.V.Karen Maigetter S.M. BuserBrianKlaus Dieter BremerHoffmann-La RocheAnne-Hortense Schmitt-HoffmannHeinrich UrwylerMarkus Stephan-Gldnerguest J J ColemanPhotonic SystemsXin TaoElectro Optic Systems bill neufeldChester S. GardnerHUOptical & Discharge PhysicsJohn EhrenfeldLeckbandDr. Bruce C. WheelerDavid J. BeebeJon R GundersonBiological MatsBrginTimothy D. AndersonBill BatchelorCivil Engineering Department Da BatchelorsJuan B. Valdes Jon SchwantesCIVIL ENGINEERINGGerard L. CoteCIS-LSS Mike McShaneMike and Rosalee McShaneYuekuo Ryan RussellTAMU Michael SmithFluorescence SystemTexas A&M UniversityENRIQUEResearch and Graduate StudiesDave BergbreiterDavid BergbreiterThe Bergbreiter FamilyThe Bergbreiter Farm BergbreiterAndrew KippenbergerRobert R. LuccheseCharles Rajaram Sabapathycremer Daniel RomoAaron W. Harper Lane A. Baker Bruce WilsonDr. Paul Lindahl Jeannie ParkStuart L. 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In a random dispersion pattern, the observed proportion of plots with X junipers will be similar to that predicted by the Poisson distribution. In a uniform dispersion pattern, there will be more plots with few individuals (1-2) than the Poisson distribution predicts and fewer plots with more individuals. In a clumped dispersion pattern, there will be fewer plots with 1-2 individuals and more plots with more individuals than expected. The graphical examination method suffers from subjectivity as there is no test to determine if the observed pattern is significantly different from the expected pattern predicted by the Poisson distribution. To test for significant departures from randomness using plots, we must use either the variance-to-mean ratio, a goodness of fit test, or the Morisita Index.Goodness of fit testThe goodness of fit test used for determining if a dispersion pattern is random is the chi square ((2 ) test. The observed frequencies of plots with X individuals per plot is compared to those predicted by the Poisson distribution. (Id)4 Ole722329 FWCompObj(+UROlePres000?uOle10FmtProgID *,>anBernard SellingDrug Discovery CONNIE KOHLER Steve AdelmanThomas J. ColatskyCarolyn DiscafaniBRC Drug RecoveryZ. Li R. DufortWHRINet Adm. Bill GarlandJames G. Christenson, PhDmpi PhosphoimagerSridhar K. RabindranAlumni Affairs Beth EbelJohnson School Athletics and Physical EducationVicki Caroline CheatwoodAlumni Affairs & DevelopmentALUMNI AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPEMENT Bonni Voiland Jeri Wallalumni affairs and developementMarge MckinneyProf. Philip B. CarterCindy Westmiller K.J.LindleyBenja  U"U currentpoint " +c ( 2 +=( *()f)-) F)) (N2 (;F"*( (/MTsave save def 40 dict begin currentpoint 3 -1 roll sub neg 3 1 roll sub 2720 div 960 3 -1 roll exch div scale currentpoint translate 64 43 translate /thick 0 def /th { dup setlinewidth /thick exch def } def 16 th 1286 466 moveto 1331 0 rlineto stroke /cat { dup length 2 index length add string dup dup 5 -1 roll exch copy length 4 -1 roll putinterval } def /ff { dup FontDirectory exch known not { dup dup length string cvs (|______) exch cat dup FontDirectory exch known {exch} if pop } if findfont } def /fs 0 def /cf 0 def /sf {exch dup /fs exch def dup neg matrix scale makefont setfont} def /f1 {ff dup /cf exch def sf} def /ns {cf sf} def /sh {moveto show} def /f2 {ff matrix dup 2 .22 put makefont dup /cf exch def sf} def 384 /Symbol f2 (c) 12 565 sh 224 /Times-Roman f1 (2) 266 393 sh (2) 2447 152 sh 384 /Symbol f1 (=) 512 565 sh (-) 1753 324 sh 576 ns (\345) 822 652 sh 384 /Times-Roman f1 (\() 1300 324 sh (\)) 2312 324 sh 384 /Times-Italic f1 (f) 1502 324 sh (F) 2060 324 sh (F) 1838 858 sh end MTsave restore d^MATHR E c 2 =(f-F) 2 F  ypeLibFMicrosoft Equation 3.0DNQE Equation.3V&&{000208D9-0000-0000-C000-0_Global\\Proxmin GlaserPre-installed UserChristine Booth Carina mmlLinmingCharles McClintockWilliam TrochimDaniel McLindenAATTG Bill Trochim Gret AtkinComputer Services Group Ronald Booker Norma Roche Carol J. WiggSavannah River Ecology LabJames H. PunstonBEECS GENETIC ANALYSIS COREjean i. feldmanJean I. Feldman jean feldmansbrewtonHoward C. Howland Arts&Sciences Marie LanglieChen MaoPower Computing UserDMC-3 Carina mm0 l0 Indrawan McAlpine Kelly WalkerRob Corn Corn Group Ag Economics Atsushi AokijfeldmanDr. Azzam N. MansourPatricia Hart Smith Hu lin Li Hugh IsaacsMicrosoft Office UserPat BuePromeon Mary Erickson Leo Hovestadt Holter PC #2Medtronic EmployeeJim Scheidecker Iva McCormick Mike Page Mat Holinka Steve Schultz Carol Siepka brian eggertGregory J Lemke Michael Page Ron Kalin Cecil Honnas Beth DacheletNorman Joan Fredson Wilfred Wong GREG AUSTINwRandall Manderschied MedtronicMedtronic, Inc. Jim MacDonaldMedtronic Inc.Medtronic, PRLDale Staffanson Steve MayM. Brent Shelton Keith ProctorBrady Information Systems peggy MurrayDan Mans Sharon Haag Ed Waschbusch Matt SalchertDarlene BlattenbergerDeborah A. Hassan Kelvin LynnIndustrial Research LtdhuntIndustrial Research nick laycock MCKAY, FionaLucy Jane OblonskyGordon P. BierwagenAlison DavenportHugh S. Isaacsp cLucy J. OblonskykchkongxxJudith Ann Crider Dave GraingerGrainger GroupMacintosh UserBruce ParkinsonjhouserDAVID F KELLEYMarc M. GreenbergJulie Van De Velde Robert DoolenUlrich SteinerBranka Ladanyi Rudy Schlaf Paarkinson Mark NelsonGhassan JabbourBruce A. Parkinson Anne MyersN. Evans/B.McInnes A. D. AnbarSTCMac1Joshua L. GoodmanPreffered CustomerElliot R. BernsteinMaithreyan SrinivasanDebra Rose RolisonMartin Research GroupBarry K. LavineHerbert Silverman Mark Vreeke Krishna Kumar Joseph Papp Alan M. SmithInformation Services Danny Lincoln Kate MidnightlUs^Dr. Romoƅ Kwon, Won JongDing**** Norma Horn Xiaomin Yang Adam HellerSteve MunatonesSMPPPowerMacintosh UserSaltzman GroupWeiyuan John Kao Dan SchwartzHubbellChuck CampbellDr. Mrs. Utpala S. Kane Hagan BayleyBSCSFSouthwestern University  5::::%)029!!.03GIL`bey{:::::HoB$Bw _XbvAB$OI۴_??AB$q@_A)' zAB$*_lai_a?MAB$4X% \&4f~AB$yZqH+Tc<A@2 (  T   C   HB   C DT   C   HB  C D H  C A ?H  C A ?H  C A ? H  C A ? 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Heading 6@&6* vba en olb (PowerMac) ՜.+,D՜.+,l( hp|  'la[4: BPopulation dispersion patterns in Ashe Juniper (Juniperus asheii) Title 6> _PID_GUID'AN{E06B0682-E239-11D3-A059-0050E479636A}MSGraph.Chart.8Microsoft Graph 98 FMicrosoft Word DocumentNB6WWord.Document.8.0H rH  Equation.3R c 2 =(f-F) 2 F  8  Loca Equation.3WDTVAlias MacTCIP #MMUdxpr  e  en-0.5=>Macintosh  Oh+'0  4@ \ h t 'BPopulation dispersion patterns in Ashe Juniper (Juniperus asheii)eopu Kay McMurryay Normalu Kay McMurry26 Microsoft Word 8.0o@}\@(E@΄@v@H values (Table 2) 2s of plots with X junipers (Table 3) Table 3. Goodness of fit test for random dispersion using the Poisson distribution. 8 c 3jbjbSS 1157]xvyyzzz{T(((8`4d91 . Lz "   ] _ _ _ _ _ _ ,Y2M4 zN yy  ,f"y ^z ] zT:{Tyyyy]  {= tz^z] 4ҭF(U Population dispersion patterns in Ashe Juniper (Juniperus Ashei) In this lab, we will examine the dispersion pattern of a population of Juniperus Ashei, otherwise known as Ashe juniper. We will compare the results obtained by using plot and plotless methods. In central Texas, Ashe juniper is the dominant species of most upland communities. Its populations appear to be expanding, based on the relatively high percentages of the smallest size class (40-65%). This differs from the pattern shown in the otheOSTVXZ`hmnprtz#$ 4!!!!&%'%:%&&&&''((()))**++++!+++%,&,3,4,----1.1B1111q22f3Y44555!6! !6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6! !6! !!6!6!6!6!6cScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScS!6!6!6!6!6!6cScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScS!6!6!6!6!#!6!6!6!6!ۿ 66666T66 66u66T   66666T66 66666T66 66666T66 66666T66 66666T66 66666T66!5!6!S! !6! !6!6!6!6!Q!6!J !6!6!6!6!6!Q!6!6 !6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!0.!6!6 !6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!66oG\9 : < > @ A C E M V W Y [ ^ d e g i l r s u w y  p q ^_`bdfhikmu~ !#+12345L.   #$&(*07;<>@BHOSTVXZ`hmnprtz#$ 4!!!&%'%:%&&&&''(((()))**++++!+++%,&,3,4,----1.1B1111q22f3Y44444445@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!H!)))))))))))))))))))))))))))6669J&3J(-6:NZgf)2L J)+.013579MOPAu)3*,/248UnknownRon & Kay McMurry Kay McMurryCollege of Natural SciencesUser Life Sciences kathy davis Jim DanielxxxxChad Nolan SmithMicrobiology DepartmentSponsored Projects Office Ken DillerFluorescence Spectroscopy Lab Joni Burks Brent IversonUniversity of Texas Jon RobertusPreferred CustomerVicki L. De HulluElena Rodriguez Langer LabsRice University Robert EstesThe University of TexasJeffrey Van Myers Pamela CookDavid C. Bloom3Vice President for Research & Strategic Initiatives Sheri Brice Jack HowellSFMartinStephen F. MartinMatthiasCool!Karen P. LewisHalley A. MerrellTina H. StraleyMichael McAseymac15utaustinDivsion of BiologyKlaus Kalthoff UT AustinGary L. MonroeCheryl KrisherjamesLife Sciences Advising chris johnson David HillisCliff CunninghamAnnaFCI Pam RobersonBiological SciencesDepartment of Geographymavis sinkular Jiming JiangMichael J. HaveyOkntSystBot-QuadraGar W. RothwellRobert MartinezGeorgia Harperaj welchResearch & Development Noe Salazar B. Iverson Jeff HubbellDorothea AdamsJonathan W. ValvanoValued Gateway 2000 CustomerRebecca Richards-KortumRaymond De Yor major deciduous tree species of the area, such as Texas oak (Quercus texana), Texas ash (Fraxinus texensis), Lacey oak (Quercus glaucoides), black cherry (Prunus serotina) and black walnut (Juglans nigra). These species show little evidence of recruitment into the smallest size classes (van Auken 1988). PLOT METHODS OF MEASURING DISPERSION The plot method involves setting up quadrats and then counting the number of juniper plant within each plot. The distribution of plots with varying numbers of trees should follow a Poisson distribution if the dispersion pattern is random (Equation 1). Equation 1.  P(X) = where m = true mean number of individuals per plot for the entire pop, e = base of natural log (2.71828), and X = the number of individuals wit c 2 =(15-13.6) 2 13.6+(10-12.9) 2 12.9   +(7-6.1) 2 6.1+(3-2.5)2.5=1.02\)\ProxyStubClsid&&{0FMicrosoft Equation 3.0DNQE Equation.3&{00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}hin a plot. X! means X factorial. For example, if X = 3, 3! = 3*2*1 = 6. Mu (m) is estimated by X, the mean number of individuals per plot. When individuals are randomly dispersed within the population, the values of P(X) will be those predicted by the Poisson distribution. There is an equal and independent chance of a member of the population occurring at any point in the habitat. Testing if the dispersion pattern is significantly different from random There are several ways to test for nonrandom dispersion patterns using plots. We will examine three in more detail. Variance to mean ratio One of the simplest methods of determining dispersion patterns using a plot method is to compare the variance to the mean. In a population having a Poisson distribution, the population mean, m, is equal to the population variance, (2. Therefore, the variance to mean ratio should be 1.0. A ratio much less than 1.0 indicates a uniform dispersion, one much greater than 1.0 indicates a clumped dispersion. 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Baird Tim BuckleMargaret Lovellx Brett PittsJulie RochesterCandia BarracloughDepartment 2782Gateway Authorized Customer Ron Guidotti Dept. 13416-Technology Transfer and Commercialization CtrctTarianne GallegosGeorge LongmireCharlotte BartlettSandia National LaboratoriesGeorge H. LibmanAndrew A. Abeyta Brian DodsonSNLEducation Outreach Departmentwfo Gary EvansTECHNOLOGY TRANSFERLeRoy Whinnery1840 Paul LemkeLWPMilesGeorge W. Mayes Mark Perra Rob Rinne Julie Clausen Lynn Sanchez Gary FergusonCarol A. MurrayDottie Brockman Rob BcScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScScS!6!6!6!6!6!#!6!6!6!6!6!ۿ!6!6 66666T66 66u66T   66666T66 66666T66 66666T66 66666T66 66666T66 66666T66!5!6!S!6!6! !6!6! !6!6!6!6!Q!6!J !6!6!6!6!6!Q!6 !6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!0.!6!6 !6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!6!66oG\, - / 1 3 4 6 8 @ I J L N Q W X Z \ _ e f h j l r s u w y  c d bc  !#%+679;=CNOQSUWabdfhjuvx|+,e}~PQSUWY[\^` %-23579?HMNco]^m b!c!o!p!!!"""%%%''''U(V())))y*z**+++++++w,x,,,,,...112222633+45G5R5U5m5n5o55@anwart Linda Schulz Paul RaglinSandia National LabsTimothy Peterson D. RIVARD Jackie RippleDennis L. MillerKaren Y. Griego-Peralta Julia Norwood Joseph Polito Org. 1200J. J. AnastasioCharles R LoeberLarry Bertholfpc user ALLIED SIGNAL L. E. Pope Mary E. Cocco P. C. User Dick RohdeNicole AndrewsSharon M. DeLandeak Teri WilkinsEdwin Kjeldgaard Dean Jones Sharon TrauthChristopher P. Cameronanne van arsdall John FranklinPC USERJerry L. McClellan David M GoyVictor J. JohnsonRichard K. BrowWalter R. 'Chip' Olson George TreverWFO Brian OsburnF. Lorraine LunaE.M. RenningerJerry L. McDowell E. A. DischMichael T. Dugger Tim ShepoddBarraclough, Candia John Brekke John YagerWord Development R W Lesher Harold HoiumRon Zimmermann Jim Pokorney Brian McMahon Kenneth Wang Monty Kriegergrammar Marti WareDouglas LauffenburgerThe Charles A. Dana Center Karen EiknerCharles A. Dana Center..Authorized UserCARE Saran JanelkellyDwight SweeneyDwight P. SweeneyECE Learning Resource CenterPatricia A. TrellueGeorge Georgiougeorge georgiouGGJohn Yin Research GroupClaire MasperoDMJ John C. White Mel Oakes Ian MolineuxCVISSmyers/Bittner Lab David Posada UT AUSTINNuclear EngineeringDept. of Nuclear EngineeringNuclear Engineering Dept. Kerry HixonEfraim Armendariz David MolinaTSS Connie Stout!The University of Texas at AustinDr. Robert B. JacksonBrenda B. CasperHeroldM. J. WaterwayJacquelyn JimenezUT Inventory #640064TETNKurt L. Bartelmehs Karelys Diaz John SlatinKeith and Hillary Warren Ronda BarnettLynee GilfillanClaire Ellen WeinsteinswaakWouter van joolingenWouter van Joolingen G McGregorton Janine Swaaktoegepaste onderwijskundeJenefer HusmanLinda A. RoskaInstructional InnovationTX Education AgencyTEALearning Technology CenterRichard G. TiberiusInformation SystemsPeter Doolittle"Vice President for Student Affairs John Leamons Lara A. MahanFrieda Jullica Speck Frieda SpeckSarah Abel-DeLucaMSCRobert Duke & Judith JellisonROBERT A. DUKECollege of EngineeringMath Ed ResearchSMFUniversity of Texas at Austin Philip LoganEDMarilyn FowlerMichael Marder EE Department Shido, AlamIDAR. Bowen LoftinDr. Frank MosesmosesDiv 09 Computer OperationsJHT Multimedia Judy JohncoxPeter A. TinkerWilliam K. Andrews Virgil JonesPatrick CorkeryKevin R. MartinuhVasantha K. Kumar, M.D. cathy allenNASA/JSCm m pRodney L. LoftonProgramme des astronautesPeiU of H--Institutional Use OnlyName Dave MooreSVEC Alex Ignatiev T.S. Khurana Douglas Chan Art Schnitzer Victor GillKLA InstrumentsValued Customer Igor Dubrovin KLA LicenseKLA Instruments Corp.MIS Ori Tadmor Ted Leslie KLA Licences Sami Kamhi Gary Omura KLA Licensesy Ilan Elron KLA Israel Steve SchmalzKLA Berta DinuYehonatan CohenI AMiraJason Warshawsky Assaf Feldman Russ ClaysMeyer BouscherDaniel J. Pond Jo Ann Sy Isaac Katz Dan Anton Egen C. WangE A Dave JosephAlan Breakstone John Greene Dave StitesLaurence J. Goldingt tang Brian GoinsNaren BalasubramanianJudy J. Gaitan Peter HsiehKLA INSTRUMENTSRussell M. SingletonWilliam Kobayashi (KLA License)*** John IkovicJENNIFER DRAPER Bert Plambeck Mike RuthBill Broadbent Mish FaeyrmanEugene ShifrinAnatoly ShchemelininBrian E. JohnsonMichaelBill BroadbentVince Pangeliann Tim PrattKLA Site License Jerry Olson Tony VaccaKLA RAPID Marketing*Johnnie R ShuckJames L. Nordin Liz CroomWilliam H. Robertson Greg GrantChristine Pelissier Steven Khanna Mingche Li Crisler Moor Doug Kyer Ken JohnstonePaul R. Regier Paul Kendrick chris fairley John ShiraiRichard L. RyanMicrosoft CorporationGene Greenwood Ron Roncone Dave WalkerDave Mark Jeng Frank Brienzo Denise Wolfe Scott Greiff Andy Macica Stuart PitchmandyChristopher M. Aquino Lam ResearchDavid L. BrownYung-Ho ChuangWRING Ron Gallegos Jason Shields Jon Geniesse Rob RealiniSteven Schmalz Avi Cohen Yosef HazanuserOPGAL Yehuda Elisha SYSTEM USER Soowan LeeSaeed GhadessiCharika Ranasinghe Donn ForbestsmcIgor Dubrovin Brian HigginsHui ChenGary Steinbach David Gee Alex ChuangjzlinMicrosoft User Charles KeySIDs_leeMIcrosoft UserJoe WongISJohn FjeldstadBrian Cavanaugh Neff, Tom Mark KeeferRaleigh EstradaINFORMATION TECHNOLOGIESDennison, Cheri Tencor UserKLA-Tencor UserMiddleton, Nickole Robert Cappel Andrew Carino Jeff Burns Jerry TaganasDavid Fletcherpassword Rich Collins Steve TysonCATALYST Ken SwiszMichael A. Deckerdave l. pefleyFisher-Rosemount Korea Ltd.Scott Ashkenaz Richard Conn Patrick Lamey.Michael SantiagoSantosh Roshan Shetty Shanthi Iyer CHRIS FAIRLEY Kip Turley Mandy Chang Glenn AbisiaSophia DoughertyThomas KlinedinstKerry StuhlmullerSharon McCauley Mike BerlsTED LO Younus VoraChetana BhaskarChristian Bastoul Mark BurnsCecelia CampochiaroLawrence A. Hirsch Tuan V Nguyen RON GALLEGOSDavid Moezidisearl dandridge Lincoln, IanWallingford, Dick R_MONTANOArdisSQA Mike BlairHarvey E. Haney ThanhVan Tran James Lucier David Genrich Ramesh, Raj Fred LinkerDaveR David ReisKenneth P. GrossTencor Instruments Michael Weber Current UserORIONoooAnatoly RomanovskyGriffith, JulieMarie RadewagenTENCORChristopher King ami Kamhi???Pam CookJoe C. 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Theresa GoodAndrea and Michael Mellottv deroseDr. Michael PishkoAcademic Optics LabIv.T.$ Janit L. RisserAndrew V. AstashkinMIKEN. Polyanskikh7Nick MikhailovskyBrian Cousineau .Amy Logsdon LASER LABDavid A. Bellnier, Ph.D.Allan R. Oseroff, M.D., Ph.D. Lihong Wang Tim DuongL. Wang, Ph.D. Jim BanksonTony K. Morris K. R. HallChemical Engineering Dept Stupp Group J. FRECHET Jay MenacherPRPKChristoph FunkccSchmitt-Hoffmann Anne-HortenseJoseph Hoffman G.HolderiedDr. G. Hoffmann, PRPKPRPPRPTPRP/TOXBrginDr.U.B.NiederhauserStrobelStrobel, Renate Dr.Toxicology and PathologyH. Urwyler, Dr.med.vet. FVHDr. Timothy D. AndersonJack M. Lipman International Project ManagementRFTNarsingh D. Agnishjorga Theil, F.-P.PRPK, Dr. M. Schleimer M. SchleimerBuchmannRenate StrobelBrita Morgenroth Dr.med.vet. Heinrich Urwyler FVHPharma Research PreclinicalF. Hoffmann-La Roche AGGb R. Buchmannurs b. ranalderPreclinical Research PC-Benutzer Dr.B.Schiffer Wendy DayRoche Nederland B.V.Karen Maigetter S.M. BuserBrianKlaus Dieter BremerHoffmann-La RocheAnne-Hortense Schmitt-HoffmannHeinrich UrwylerMarkus Stephan-Gldnerguest J J ColemanPhotonic SystemsXin TaoElectro Optic Systems bill neufeldChester S. GardnerHUOptical & Discharge PhysicsJohn EhrenfeldLeckbandDr. Bruce C. WheelerDavid J. BeebeJon R GundersonBiological MatsBrginTimothy D. AndersonBill BatchelorCivil Engineering Department Da BatchelorsJuan B. Valdes Jon SchwantesCIVIL ENGINEERINGGerard L. CoteCIS-LSS Mike McShaneMike and Rosalee McShaneYuekuo Ryan RussellTAMU Michael SmithFluorescence SystemTexas A&M UniversityENRIQUEResearch and Graduate StudiesDave BergbreiterDavid BergbreiterThe Bergbreiter FamilyThe Bergbreiter Farm BergbreiterAndrew KippenbergerRobert R. LuccheseCharles Rajaram Sabapathycremer Daniel RomoAaron W. Harper Lane A. Baker Bruce WilsonDr. Paul Lindahl Jeannie ParkStuart L. SchreiberDouglas A Melton Lederle Labs Betty ManganBernard SellingDrug Discovery CONNIE KOHLER Steve AdelmanThomas J. ColatskyCarolyn DiscafaniBRC Drug RecoveryZ. Li R. DufortWHRINet Adm. Bill GarlandJames G. Christenson, PhDmpi PhosphoimagerSridhar K. RabindranAlumni Affairs Beth EbelJohnson School Athletics and Physical EducationVicki Caroline CheatwoodAlumni Affairs & DevelopmentALUMNI AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPEMENT Bonni Voiland Jeri Wallalumni affairs and developementMarge MckinneyProf. Philip B. CarterCindy Westmiller K.J.LindleyBenjamin GlaserPre-installed UserChristine Booth Carina mmlLinmingCharles McClintockWilliam TrochimDaniel McLindenAATTG Bill Trochim Gret AtkinComputer Services Group Ronald Booker Norma Roche Carol J. WiggSavannah River Ecology LabJames H. PunstonBEECS GENETIC ANALYSIS COREjean i. feldmanJean I. Feldman jean feldmansbrewtonHoward C. Howland Arts&Sciences Marie LanglieChen MaoPower Computing UserDMC-3 Carina mm0 l0 Indrawan McAlpine Kelly WalkerRob Corn Corn Group Ag Economics Atsushi AokijfeldmanDr. Azzam N. MansourPatricia Hart Smith Hu lin Li Hugh IsaacsMicrosoft Office UserPat BuePromeon Mary Erickson Leo Hovestadt Holter PC #2Medtronic EmployeeJim Scheidecker Iva McCormick Mike Page Mat Holinka Steve Schultz Carol Siepka brian eggertGregory J Lemke Michael Page Ron Kalin Cecil Honnas Beth DacheletNorman Joan Fredson Wilfred Wong GREG AUSTINwRandall Manderschied MedtronicMedtronic, Inc. Jim MacDonaldMedtronic Inc.Medtronic, PRLDale Staffanson Steve MayM. Brent Shelton Keith ProctorBrady Information Systems peggy MurrayDan Mans Sharon Haag Ed Waschbusch Matt SalchertDarlene BlattenbergerDeborah A. Hassan Kelvin LynnIndustrial Research LtdhuntIndustrial Research nick laycock MCKAY, FionaLucy Jane OblonskyGordon P. BierwagenAlison DavenportHugh S. Isaacsp cLucy J. OblonskykchkongxxJudith Ann Crider Dave GraingerGrainger GroupMacintosh UserBruce ParkinsonjhouserDAVID F KELLEYMarc M. GreenbergJulie Van De Velde Robert DoolenUlrich SteinerBranka Ladanyi Rudy Schlaf Paarkinson Mark NelsonGhassan JabbourBruce A. Parkinson Anne MyersN. Evans/B.McInnes A. D. AnbarSTCMac1Joshua L. GoodmanPreffered CustomerElliot R. BernsteinMaithreyan SrinivasanDebra Rose RolisonMartin Research GroupBarry K. LavineHerbert Silverman Mark Vreeke Krishna Kumar Joseph Papp Alan M. SmithInformation Services Danny Lincoln Kate MidnightlUs^Dr. Romoƅ Kwon, Won JongDing**** Norma Horn Xiaomin Yang Adam HellerSteve MunatonesSMPPPowerMacintosh UserSaltzman GroupWeiyuan John Kao Dan SchwartzHubbellChuck CampbellDr. Mrs. Utpala S. Kane Hagan BayleyBSCSFSouthwestern University  5::::%)029!!.03GIL`bey{:::::HoB$Bw _XbvAB$OI۴_??AB$q@_A)' zAB$*_lai_a?MAB$4X% \&4f~AB$yZqH+Tc<A@2 (  T   C   HB   C DT   C   HB  C D H  C A ?H  C A ?H  C A ? H  C A ? 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Baird Tim BuckleMargaret Lovellx Brett PittsJulie RochesterCandia BarracloughDepartment 2782Gateway Authorized Customer Ron Guidotti Dept. 13416-Technology Transfer and Commercialization CtrctTarianne GallegosGeorge LongmireCharlotte BartlettSandia National LaboratoriesGeorge H. LibmanAndrew A. Abeyta Brian DodsonSNLEducation Outreach Departmentwfo Gary EvansTECHNOLOGY TRANSFERLeRoy Whinnery1840 Paul LemkeLWPMilesGeorge W. Mayes Mark Perra Rob Rinne Julie Clausen Lynn Sanchez Gary FergusonCarol A. MurrayDottie Brockman Rob Banwart Linda Schulz Paul RaglinSandia National LabsTimothy Peterson D. RIVARD Jackie RippleDennis L. MillerKaren Y. Griego-Peralta Julia Norwood Joseph Polito Org. 1200J. J. AnastasioCharles R LoeberLarry Bertholfpc user ALLIED SIGNAL L. E. Pope Mary E. Cocco P. C. User Dick RohdeNicole AndrewsSharon M. DeLandeak Teri WilkinsEdwin Kjeldgaard Dean Jones Sharon TrauthChristopher P. Cameronanne van arsdall John FranklinPC USERJerry L. McClellan David M GoyVictor J. JohnsonRichard K. BrowWalter R. 'Chip' Olson George TreverWFO Brian OsburnF. Lorraine LunaE.M. RenningerJerry L. McDowell E. A. DischMichael T. Dugger Tim ShepoddBarraclough, Candia John Brekke John YagerWord Development R W Lesher Harold HoiumRon Zimmermann Jim Pokorney Brian McMahon Kenneth Wang Monty Kriegergrammar Marti WareDouglas LauffenburgerThe Charles A. Dana Center Karen EiknerCharles A. Dana Center..Authorized UserCARE Saran JanelkellyDwight SweeneyDwight P. SweeneyECE Learning Resource CenterPatricia A. TrellueGeorge Georgiougeorge georgiouGGJohn Yin Research GroupClaire MasperoDMJ John C. White Mel Oakes Ian MolineuxCVISSmyers/Bittner Lab David Posada UT AUSTINNuclear EngineeringDept. of Nuclear EngineeringNuclear Engineering Dept. Kerry HixonEfraim Armendariz David MolinaTSS Connie Stout!The University of Texas at AustinDr. Robert B. JacksonBrenda B. CasperHeroldM. J. 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MahanFrieda Jullica Speck Frieda SpeckSarah Abel-DeLucaMSCRobert Duke & Judith JellisonROBERT A. DUKECollege of EngineeringMath Ed ResearchSMFUniversity of Texas at Austin Philip LoganEDMarilyn FowlerMichael Marder EE Department Shido, AlamIDAR. Bowen LoftinDr. Frank MosesmosesDiv 09 Computer OperationsJHT Multimedia Judy JohncoxPeter A. TinkerWilliam K. Andrews Virgil JonesPatrick CorkeryKevin R. MartinuhVasantha K. Kumar, M.D. cathy allenNASA/JSCm m pRodney L. LoftonProgramme des astronautesPeiU of H--Institutional Use OnlyName Dave MooreSVEC Alex Ignatiev T.S. Khurana Douglas Chan Art Schnitzer Victor GillKLA InstrumentsValued Customer Igor Dubrovin KLA LicenseKLA Instruments Corp.MIS Ori Tadmor Ted Leslie KLA Licences Sami Kamhi Gary Omura KLA Licensesy Ilan Elron KLA Israel Steve SchmalzKLA Berta DinuYehonatan CohenI AMiraJason Warshawsky Assaf Feldman Russ ClaysMeyer BouscherDaniel J. Pond Jo Ann Sy Isaac Katz Dan Anton Egen C. WangE A Dave JosephAlan Breakstone John Greene Dave StitesLaurence J. Goldingt tang Brian GoinsNaren BalasubramanianJudy J. Gaitan Peter HsiehKLA INSTRUMENTSRussell M. SingletonWilliam Kobayashi (KLA License)*** John IkovicJENNIFER DRAPER Bert Plambeck Mike RuthBill Broadbent Mish FaeyrmanEugene ShifrinAnatoly ShchemelininBrian E. JohnsonMichaelBill BroadbentVince Pangeliann Tim PrattKLA Site License Jerry Olson Tony VaccaKLA RAPID Marketing*Johnnie R ShuckJames L. Nordin Liz CroomWilliam H. Robertson Greg GrantChristine Pelissier Steven Khanna Mingche Li Crisler Moor Doug Kyer Ken JohnstonePaul R. Regier Paul Kendrick chris fairley John ShiraiRichard L. RyanMicrosoft CorporationGene Greenwood Ron Roncone Dave WalkerDave Mark Jeng Frank Brienzo Denise Wolfe Scott Greiff Andy Macica Stuart PitchmandyChristopher M. Aquino Lam ResearchDavid L. BrownYung-Ho ChuangWRING Ron Gallegos Jason Shields Jon Geniesse Rob RealiniSteven Schmalz Avi Cohen Yosef HazanuserOPGAL Yehuda Elisha SYSTEM USER Soowan LeeSaeed GhadessiCharika Ranasinghe Donn ForbestsmcIgor Dubrovin Brian HigginsHui ChenGary Steinbach David Gee Alex ChuangjzlinMicrosoft User Charles KeySIDs_leeMIcrosoft UserJoe WongISJohn FjeldstadBrian Cavanaugh Neff, Tom Mark KeeferRaleigh EstradaINFORMATION TECHNOLOGIESDennison, Cheri Tencor UserKLA-Tencor UserMiddleton, Nickole Robert Cappel Andrew Carino Jeff Burns Jerry TaganasDavid Fletcherpassword Rich Collins Steve TysonCATALYST Ken SwiszMichael A. Deckerdave l. pefleyFisher-Rosemount Korea Ltd.Scott Ashkenaz Richard Conn Patrick Lamey.Michael SantiagoSantosh Roshan Shetty Shanthi Iyer CHRIS FAIRLEY Kip Turley Mandy Chang Glenn AbisiaSophia DoughertyThomas KlinedinstKerry StuhlmullerSharon McCauley Mike BerlsTED LO Younus VoraChetana BhaskarChristian Bastoul Mark BurnsCecelia CampochiaroLawrence A. Hirsch Tuan V Nguyen RON GALLEGOSDavid Moezidisearl dandridge Lincoln, IanWallingford, Dick R_MONTANOArdisSQA Mike BlairHarvey E. Haney ThanhVan Tran James Lucier David Genrich Ramesh, Raj Fred LinkerDaveR David ReisKenneth P. GrossTencor Instruments Michael Weber Current UserORIONoooAnatoly RomanovskyGriffith, JulieMarie RadewagenTENCORChristopher King ami Kamhi???Pam CookJoe C. CampbellAna Gabriela WhitfieldDevelopment OfficeUT Development OfficeUniversity Development Office Adrian KleinStudent AffairsPauly, Larry (PAULYLC) Larry PaulyDevelopment Library Debra BarnesDarrow ZeidensteinLiberal Arts Dean's OfficeCBA/GSB Computer Services David LaudeElizabeth Stevenson Dave LaudeMellott Mike PishkoRichard M. CrooksCrooks Research Group Dr. CrooksAntonio J. RiccoDepartment of ChemistryChemistry Department Art JanataUnknown MEROZLi Sun rt Janata Tony RiccoKarel Domansky HongShi Li DL BaldwinDon Baer Donald BaerJosowicz Jiri Janata J. JanataC. Daniel Frisbie Peixin He Henry WhitenoneResearch Center WilmWilliam Lackowski Mingqi ZhaoJeanne Jackson Susan E.Thoms Journal StaffEditorial System SupportDavid E. BergbreiterProfessor David E. BergbreiterFrank M. RaushelSteven G. BoxerBoxerlabLinda M. BoxerCremer Boxer LabProf. Michael PishkoKaushik SirkarMichael PishkoIndustrial Engineering Dept. Theresa GoodAndrea and Michael Mellottv deroseDr. Michael PishkoAcademic Optics LabIv.T.$ Janit L. RisserAndrew V. AstashkinMIKEN. Polyanskikh7Nick MikhailovskyBrian Cousineau .Amy Logsdon LASER LABDavid A. Bellnier, Ph.D.Allan R. Oseroff, M.D., Ph.D. Lihong Wang Tim DuongL. Wang, Ph.D. Jim BanksonTony K. Morris K. R. HallChemical Engineering Dept Stupp Group J. FRECHET Jay MenacherPRPKChristoph FunkccSchmitt-Hoffmann Anne-HortenseJoseph Hoffman G.HolderiedDr. G. Hoffmann, PRPKPRPPRPTPRP/TOXBrginDr.U.B.NiederhauserStrobelStrobel, Renate Dr.Toxicology and PathologyH. Urwyler, Dr.med.vet. FVHDr. Timothy D. AndersonJack M. Lipman International Project ManagementRFTNarsingh D. Agnishjorga Theil, F.-P.PRPK, Dr. M. Schleimer M. SchleimerBuchmannRenate StrobelBrita Morgenroth Dr.med.vet. Heinrich Urwyler FVHPharma Research PreclinicalF. Hoffmann-La Roche AGGb R. Buchmannurs b. ranalderPreclinical Research PC-Benutzer Dr.B.Schiffer Wendy DayRoche Nederland B.V.Karen Maigetter S.M. BuserBrianKlaus Dieter BremerHoffmann-La RocheAnne-Hortense Schmitt-HoffmannHeinrich UrwylerMarkus Stephan-Gldnerguest J J ColemanPhotonic SystemsXin TaoElectro Optic Systems bill neufeldChester S. GardnerHUOptical & Discharge PhysicsJohn EhrenfeldLeckbandDr. Bruce C. WheelerDavid J. BeebeJon R GundersonBiological MatsBrginTimothy D. AndersonBill BatchelorCivil Engineering Department Da BatchelorsJuan B. Valdes Jon SchwantesCIVIL ENGINEERINGGerard L. CoteCIS-LSS Mike McShaneMike and Rosalee McShaneYuekuo Ryan RussellTAMU Michael SmithFluorescence SystemTexas A&M UniversityENRIQUEResearch and Graduate StudiesDave BergbreiterDavid BergbreiterThe Bergbreiter FamilyThe Bergbreiter Farm BergbreiterAndrew KippenbergerRobert R. LuccheseCharles Rajaram Sabapathycremer Daniel RomoAaron W. Harper Lane A. Baker Bruce WilsonDr. Paul Lindahl Jeannie ParkStuart L. SchreiberDouglas A Melton Lederle Labs Betty ManganBernard SellingDrug Discovery CONNIE KOHLER Steve AdelmanThomas J. ColatskyCarolyn DiscafaniBRC Drug RecoveryZ. Li R. DufortWHRINet Adm. Bill GarlandJames G. Christenson, PhDmpi PhosphoimagerSridhar K. RabindranAlumni Affairs Beth EbelJohnson School Athletics and Physical EducationVicki Caroline CheatwoodAlumni Affairs & DevelopmentALUMNI AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPEMENT Bonni Voiland Jeri Wallalumni affairs and developementMarge MckinneyProf. Philip B. CarterCindy Westmiller K.J.LindleyBenjamin GlaserPre-installed UserChristine Booth Carina mmlLinmingCharles McClintockWilliam TrochimDaniel McLindenAATTG Bill Trochim Gret AtkinComputer Services Group Ronald Booker Norma Roche Carol J. WiggSavannah River Ecology LabJames H. PunstonBEECS GENETIC ANALYSIS COREjean i. feldmanJean I. Feldman jean feldmansbrewtonHoward C. Howland Arts&Sciences Marie LanglieChen MaoPower Computing UserDMC-3 Carina mm0 l0 Indrawan McAlpine Kelly WalkerRob Corn Corn Group Ag Economics Atsushi AokijfeldmanDr. Azzam N. MansourPatricia Hart Smith Hu lin Li Hugh IsaacsMicrosoft Office UserPat BuePromeon Mary Erickson Leo Hovestadt Holter PC #2Medtronic EmployeeJim Scheidecker Iva McCormick Mike Page Mat Holinka Steve Schultz Carol Siepka brian eggertGregory J Lemke Michael Page Ron Kalin Cecil Honnas Beth DacheletNorman Joan Fredson Wilfred Wong GREG AUSTINwRandall Manderschied MedtronicMedtronic, Inc. Jim MacDonaldMedtronic Inc.Medtronic, PRLDale Staffanson Steve MayM. Brent Shelton Keith ProctorBrady Information Systems peggy MurrayDan Mans Sharon Haag Ed Waschbusch Matt SalchertDarlene BlattenbergerDeborah A. Hassan Kelvin LynnIndustrial Research LtdhuntIndustrial Research nick laycock MCKAY, FionaLucy Jane OblonskyGordon P. BierwagenAlison DavenportHugh S. Isaacsp cLucy J. OblonskykchkongxxJudith Ann Crider Dave GraingerGrainger GroupMacintosh UserBruce ParkinsonjhouserDAVID F KELLEYMarc M. GreenbergJulie Van De Velde Robert DoolenUlrich SteinerBranka Ladanyi Rudy Schlaf Paarkinson Mark NelsonGhassan JabbourBruce A. Parkinson Anne MyersN. Evans/B.McInnes A. D. AnbarSTCMac1Joshua L. GoodmanPreffered CustomerElliot R. BernsteinMaithreyan SrinivasanDebra Rose RolisonMartin Research GroupBarry K. LavineHerbert Silverman Mark Vreeke Krishna Kumar Joseph Papp Alan M. SmithInformation Services Danny Lincoln Kate MidnightlUs^Dr. Romoƅ Kwon, Won JongDing**** Norma Horn Xiaomin Yang Adam HellerSteve MunatonesSMPPPowerMacintosh UserSaltzman GroupWeiyuan John Kao Dan SchwartzHubbellChuck CampbellDr. Mrs. Utpala S. Kane Hagan BayleyBSCSFSouthwestern Universityey{p!!!5::::%)029!!.03GIL`bey{:::::HoB$Bw _XbvB$OI۴_??B$q@_A)' zB$*_lai_a?MB$4X% \&4f~B$yZqH+Tc<@2 (  T   C   HB   C DT   C   HB  C D H  C A ?H  C A ?H  C A ? H  C A ? 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We will compare the results obtained by using plot and plotless methods. In central Texas, Ashe juniper is the dominant species of most upland communities. Its populations appear to be expanding, based on the relatively high percentages of the smallest size class (40-65%). This differs from the pattern shown in the other major deciduous tree species of the area, such as Texas oak (Quercus texana), Texas ash (Fraxinus texensis), Lacey oak (Quercus glaucoides), black cherry (Prunus serotina) and black walnut (Juglans nigra). These species show little evidence of recruitment into the smallest size classes (van Auken 1988). PLOT METHODS OF MEASURING DISPERSION The plot method involves setting up quadrats and then counting the number of juniper plant within each plot. The distribution of plots with varying numbers of trees should follow a Poisson distribution if the dispersion pattern is random (Equation 1). Equation 1.  P(X) = where m = true mean number of individuals per plot for the entire pop, e = base of natural log (2.71828), and X = the number of individuals within a plot. X! means X factorial. For example, if X = 3, 3! = 3*2*1 = 6. Mu (m) is estimated by X, the mean number of individuals per plot. When individuals are randomly dispersed within the population, the values of P(X) will be those predicted by the Poisson distribution. There is an equal and independent chance of a member of the population occurring at any point in the habitat. Testing if the dispersion pattern is significantly different from random There are several ways to test for nonrandom dispersion patterns using plots. We will examine three in more detail. Variance to mean ratio One of the simplest methods of determining dispersion patterns using a plot method is to compare the variance to the mean. In a population having a Poisson distribution, the population mean, m, is equal to the population variance, (2. Therefore, the variance to mean ratio should be 1.0. A ratio much less than 1.0 indicates a uniform dispersion, one much greater than 1.0 indicates a clumped dispersion. The popul Nd`b26BJ$^tv$>$$@*TJ$$ T7OI۴_?MUxHx}TMoF\;P &!m0LJ\~XACVh!uoF \ڄ@Ҳ %$0rH+rkg;-~ wjx mO瓒pt ogORzRdWvCtY|g}-_ 6]BQ3.el*Dk.RsKXb9]1jӈWgb6܃'64J [6 CJOJPJQJUVmH values (Table 2) 2s of plots with X junipers (Table 3) Table 3. Goodness of fit test for random dispersion using the Poisson distribution. 8