ࡱ>  bjbj .xx""eeeeeyyyy\Dy"!!!!!!!$$&f!e!ee!000^ee!0!00: , !0MJyR !!0" R'4' ! !'e !h0!!0"'" +: POLE SHIFT 2008 2016 Turning The World Upside Down Scriptures that describe a pole shift before and/or at Messiahs coming: Isaiah 2:19 Isaiah 13:6-13 Isaiah 24:1, 3-6,18-23 Joel 2:30-31 Zephaniah 1:2-3, 14-18 Matthew 24:29 Luke 21:25-27 Revelation 6:12-17 Revelation 8:7-12 Revelation 16:8-10 [See Appendix A at end of this article for Scripture that gives a description of a pole shift. For further research refer to all Scriptures in: The Season of the Coming of Messiah/January 2012), What The Worlds Elite Are Doing to Prepare Their Ark for Coming Disasters/February 27, 2008, Leviathan and the Ouroboros/June 7, 2010, HAARP Atmospheric Plasma Weapon/May 25, 2011, Whole Lotta Shakin Goin On/ February 2011] Even secular scientists are giving these Scriptures as examples of prophecies about what is coming soonthe descriptions are too detailed to overlook. A small remnant will be saved when this happens in the clefts of the rocksEdom--or in the tunnels under Jerusalem At the end of my seventh year of living in Aqaba, Jordan, I began to learn from personal instruction from the Word and from our Fathers teaching me by His Spirit regarding the final-cycle time-period (from September 2008 Yom Teruah to September 2015/2016 Yom Teruah). This led to much research and study and further revelation about this time-period. My knowing about the Shmittah year began in 2005 when a former pastor felt led by the Spirit of our Father to give me a CD about the Shmittah year prophecy. I listened to it once, then put it away thinking: thats interesting. But, in February 2007, I felt Page 1 strongly impressed in my spirit to re-listen to the prophecy CD. Then, it was like a fire in my spirit. He then gave me eighteen things to proclaim at the Western Wall in Jerusalem at sunset, Yom Teruah, September 12, 2007 that would begin that night, related to the fulfillment of the final cycle of the Shmittah year prophecy. Since then, my research has led me to findings that now match findings of physicists and other types of scientists, including NASA scientists, findings from other Scripture researchers, and those in tune with Lucifer (New Age and psychics of the past and present), as well as from ancient groups that predicted these events and historical records of it happening before from the writings of many civilizations. I learned that the Orthodox Jews found the seven-year cycles from the time of Joshua, 400 years ago, and were able to predict beginning events of the last three cycles beginning on Yom Teruah, September 13, 1993 to September 2016Yom Teruah. [Please: To get the whole picture, ask for The Shmittah Year Prophecy trilogy of articles] Since Father gave me this information, the confirmation has been coming in like a deluge from all sorts of sources. In different ways the final cycle information has gotten out. One fascinating release of information lately has come from an interview by J.R. Church of Prophecy In The News with Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries in Bonny Lake, Washington, regarding his finding on the lunar and solar eclipses 2015next Shmittah year. From the article posted in the May edition of Prophecy in the News magazine: As you may know, this year is a Sabbatical Year in the Jewish calendar. Starting this September 29, 2008, a new cycle will commence. It will run for seven years and conclude with another Sabbatical Year in 2014/2015Intrigued with the Scriptures that repeat over and over again that our Saviors Second Coming will be heralded with signs in the heavensPastor Mark Biltz went on the Internet to a U.S. Government website (NASA) to see if he could find any solar or lunar eclipses over the next few years that might be significant. To his surprise, he found four lunar eclipses and two solar eclipses in the Sabbatical year of 2014/2015. Also, noticed that they all appear on Jewish Holy Days! Pastor Biltz also found something significant regarding the 9th of Avconsidered the worst historical day in the history of Israel because of all the horrible things that happened to Yahuwehs people on that one dayincluding the destruction of both Temples586 BCE (Solomons Temple) and Herods Temple in 70 CE. From J.R. Churchs article: Coming this summer, there will be the first Page 2 of three solar eclipses on the day that introduces the first of Av Our Gregorian calendar dates are: Av 1 August 1, 2008 partial solar eclipse Av 1 July 22, 2009 - partial solar eclipse Av 1 July 11, 2010 partial solar eclipse Mark Biltz seems to think that the solar eclipses on Av 1 could change the course of history, because (according to Jewish understanding), solar eclipses are designed for the gentile nations, whereas lunar eclipses are designed for Israel. Therefore, he thinks that God could begin judging the nations this summerWill there be war in Israel this summer?If so, then the solar eclipses could be announcing judgment upon the worlda sobering thought! This is fascinating because on the 9th of Av, July 18, 2001, Father spoke to me that on that day He was rising to judge His people, and the beginning of the judgment on the nations would begin. He said it was the time of turbulence between the judgment of Saul--the worlds humanism--and the crowning of David, King of Israel (I Samuel 15)picturing the end of the world system as we know it, and the coming of the Son of David, Messiah Yahushua. Also, it is the time of testing for those who will stand with the coming Kingas the mighty men stood with David in the wilderness as he fled from Saul. These mighty men did not forsake David, and were rewarded in his Kingdom, picturing the remnant who will side with Yahushua Messiah and not forsake Him even in the face of the wickedness of Sauls world. Remember, Saul was driven by evil spiritsdemonsand thus went after David to kill him. This pictures the wrath of Satan, who will use his agents to try to kill the set-apart remnant of Yahwueh, as Cain killed Abel. Also, the Jewish sages who found the seven-year cycles 400 years ago, from Joshuas time of entering the Land, and determined that on September 29, 2000 a war cycle would begin that would not stop until Messiah came, they also determined that the judgment on the nations would begin at that time. Therefore, Mark Biltz could be very accurate in this thinking. Once we begin to do research, led by the Spirit, our thinking is often His thinking! Notes from the Horizon Projects DVD with my research also: This DVD is totally from secular sources--based on raw scientific evidence from physicists and scientific astronomy. Yet, the world Page 3 community in many arenas is sounding the details of this final cycle before perhaps we go into oblivion as a human race. Yet, because our Messiah is coming, there will be NO end of the worldthough few will be left alive, but only a transition into the Kingdom of Yahushua. The Devil knows Hes coming, but so do the Luciferic leaders of the world communityand they are going to try to stop Him (Revelation 19:19). From the DVD: There are gaps in human history. For example, why cant todays technology re-create such things as the Pyramid of Giza or the other pyramids around the world, or the temples at Baalbeck, Lebanon, for examples? No technology today can lift that size stones used for these pyramids, nor can the mathematical calculations that went into the pyramid of Giza be understood today. An Egyptian scientist said that the stones of the pyramids of Egypt cannot be lifted by any modern technology. He said 30 empire state buildings could be built from the stones. Recent history of about 5,000 years leads us to believe that modern man has progressed from his early stages, but that is not the caseman has not even caught up to the technology of some ancient civilizations. This is fact. The building of these monstrous objects, fitted perfectly without mortar oftentimes, in line with constellations and galaxy movements, could have been done by pre-Flood Nephilim35-foot giants who were/are combinations of human and demonic beings. (Genesis 6 and Numbers 13) In the year 2008, all knowledge of human history will double every three months. In the year 2010, all knowledge will double every two months. This makes Daniel 12:4, speaking of these latter days more realistic. For example, anti-gravity technology used by fallen angels has been given to man, as well as knowledge of DNA manipulation and the plans to create a race in Lucifers image. Most likely before the Flood they were doing DNA altering--creating combinations of human and other species that could have the strength to lift these stones that our modern lifting devices cannot lift. Brent Miller says that successful brain surgery goes back 5,000 to 7,000 years. Ancient batteries, electric lights and even calculators have been found, as well as evidence of nuclear blasts and spacemenbefore mans written history. Miller says that it is obvious that cataclysms happened to about wipe out civilizations. When the new civilizations began again, the Page 4 technology was lost, and they had to start over. After the flood, the advanced technology was lost-- also between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 there is a gap, where the earth was made void and emptymost likely from another cataclysmic disaster, leaving man ignorant of former times. The creation of Adam and Hawwah began a righteous seed that would bring Messiah and the salvation of a set-apart remnant. Without His preserving a righteous remnant, there would be no human race left. Indeed many Scriptures talk about few men left. Over time, Brent Miller says, the world has had several polar shifts that have changed the earth drastically, and wiped most of the people off the earth, so that the survivors would have to start over. There are many accounts of ancient peoples recording the effects of a polar shift. One Chinese record says that the sun went backwards in the sky. The earth wobbles. Because of its revolutions, most people are drawn to the coastlands to live. In fact 90% of the American people live on the coast, and in other countries most people live on the coasts. Most of the worlds biggest cities are all on the coasts. The total split of the Rift Valley Fault Line at Messiahs coming, when He touches His feet to the Mt. of Olives and it separates two miles apart, (Zechariah 14) will shift the earth back into its pre-flood orbit. We will go back under the atmospheric characteristics before the Flood, when people lived to be almost 1,000 years old. Isaiah tells us that a child will die at a hundred. As Miller points out, in a full geographic pole shift, the North Pole and South Pole are swapped, or the earth is turned sideways and the present equator becomes the North and South Pole. There was a total pole shift during the floodthis is why Genesis 8:20-22--seasons began for the first time. The earth was previously 72 degrees all overno ice, no seasons, no winterno coldbut afterwards there were seasons. At Messiahs coming, when earth is restored to its pre-Flood conditions, we go back to the oxygen count and temperatures of before the Flood. The only way to do this is for another pole shift to occur. In a pole shift, the coastlands are destroyed, dropping huge parts of the continent into the ocean This is why scientists have found major ancient civilizations under the oceans. Scientists record that three pole shifts have occurred. In the Atlantic, off the coast of Japan, Antarctica, and Cuba, for Page 5 examples, they have found evidence of previous civilizations. Not just the cities fell into the oceans but whole portions of the continent they had sat on. The Sphinx shows signs of water damage. Pyramids are being found all over the world, including now Bosnia as well as in China, Egypt, Mexico, Central and South America and places in S.E. Asia like Cambodia. Recently archeologists at the South Pole have uncovered the remains of an ancient civilization under the ice. Petrified forests have been found in very deep water near Antarctica. The trees were warm-weather trees formerly from a tropical zone. On September 26, 2005, while a research expedition was in Ethiopia, there was an earthquake. The ground opened up and within hours a lake was formed. Other openings occurred in the earths crust in Ethiopia and water from the Red Sea filled them incausing inland seas. The Rift Valley Fault line that runs from Turkey, through Israel--through North Israel down the Sea of Galilee and through the Mt. of Olives--into Ethiopia and Kenya is already giving way, and separating the African from the Asian continent on the Graben Fault Line of the Red Sea. [Abba miraculously put this information in my hands around 1991 from a geologists report, and now we are seeing the fault line splitting] Under the ice in Greenland is evidence of former tropical climate civilizations. All ancient civilizations talk about the effects of polar shiftsand many associate them with the power of the dragon, like in China. Many describe dragon shapes in the heavens as the poles shift--the constellations and sun at odd angles. Of course the dragon-look, with fiery red tails could also be comets. In Revelation 12 John saw the great dragon actually appearing--Satan himself in his war with Michael the archangel. Evidently Father shook up the Luciferic world with His interventions of pole shifts. The ancient civilizations all worshipped him as the serpentthe shining light bearerthe revealer of knowledge, also worshipping the stars and sun, moon and planets. Before Genesis 1:2, the world worshipped Lucifer and were taught by his fallen angels. Yahuweh had to destroy that world completely. This is why Genesis 1 talks about renewing the earth. With each polar shift, He began again--finally creating Adam and Hawwah to begin the bloodline of Messiah. Finally, after giving mankind--to whom He always gave a free will--one chance after another to join Him, and watching mankind over and over choose Lucifers lies and rebelling against Him, Yahuweh created a plan where He, would Page 6 intervene in world history through Yahusha, thus setting the final trap for Lucifer and all those who follow him. Yahuweh could have ended Satan and his fallen angels a long time ago but for some reason He has chosen this time-period to do it. This makes it all the more graphic that the Bride of Messiah would be a phenomenon at this final timefor she thwarts the plans of the enemy and opens the gateway for Yahuweh to come and take overfinally and forever. ***Each time the rise of great technology preceded the judgment of Yahuweh. This gnosis--knowledge of technology--has given man the power to try to be his own godthus rejecting Yahuweh and His Torah. Lucifer said to Hawwah: You shall be as gods. Nimrod must have had access to tremendous technologybut Father shopped that cold. Lucifers tree of the knowledge of good and evil could very well have been the gateway to technologys return onto the earth. Much of mans present technology has been given to him by fallen angels, because the fallen angels and Lucifer, himself, were in Yahuwehs presence long enough to learn a few secrets of physics and other sciences. Thus the beautiful wisdom and perfection of Yahuweh has been perverted for Satans evil purposes. The Word says: the life is in the blood. It is in our DNA. But, Satan has perverted it, influencing evil mankind to play with mans DNA, mixing it with the DNA of animals, insects, reptiles, plants and machinesthus creating monstrosities with intelligence. The Pentagons DARPA project is part of this--to create what they call super soldiers. [Refer to the article Eugenics: The Planned End of Mankind/ January 2008] Once again these fallen ones are giving tremendous technology that the ancients had to modern man to bring about a world under Lucifers control. This technology was not supposed to be re-introduced into the world because Yahuweh knew that if man got a hold of it, he would be his own god, and try to control the world. Yes, Yahuweh knew that if given a free will His creation would choose to follow Lucifers tantalizing offer. But, He already had the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world, thus the protoevangelGenesis 3:15. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was the gateway to technology that only Yahuweh had the right to usebut which was stolen by Satan and his angels when they were kicked out of heaven into the planetary areas. This technology includes space travel, as we see in drawings on cave walls in ancient Perumen with space suits and helmets. We know that some of the UFOs being sighted by Page 7 thousands of people all over the world now are Russian, German, or American, but most of them are piloted by fallen angels and by DNA mutates created in American underground laboratories who are vessels for demons (fallen angels) and Nephilim to inhabit. No, this is not sci-fithis is reality! Miller says: Ancient corpses have been found in India that are full of radiation. Signs of nuclear explosion were found in places that are now homes for primitive tribes. Note: Evidently the trees gnosis included weaponry, space travel, and DNA manipulation also. Albert Einstein said: One can hardly doubt that significant shifts in the earths crust have taken place repeatedly during a short time Lucifers prophets like Nostradamos and Edgar Casey refer to a polar shift to come in our future. Nostradamos said that a polar shift would occur around the closing of the 20th century and will be as abrupt as to be within a 9-10 hour period. Continents will cease to exist The mystic Edgar Casey said: When a new cycle begins (referring to the age of Aquarius 2012), there will be a shifting then of the poles so that where there had been a frigid or semi-tropical climate, it will be tropical. Brent Miller said: All ancient predictions and prophets all refer to another pole shift right about now. But, as he and other seculars are quick to point out, predictions of a polar shift include those of Isaiah, Joel, John in Revelation, and Jesus (Matthew 24). The Mayan Long Calendar: It records a complete cycle based on the movement of our solar system. It begins with August 11, 3014 BCE and ends December 21, 2012 CE. It is 4,500 years old and is more accurate than anything we have today. It traces our path through the Milky Way--our galaxy. It was created to give us the beginning and the end of this current age. The solar system is on a nearly 26,000 year cycle called an era. That is how long it takes for the twelve constellations of the zodiac to go completely around the earth. Each age within that era is about 5,125 years. The last age began around the time of the Flood, and is expected to end in 2012 as we begin a new era and a new age. Already the solar system is showing signs of this happening. [Refer to: Leviathan and the Ouroboros, 2010] The Mayan mathematical system was incredibly highmore advanced than anything we have today. Not only did they calculate the day, month and year, but our position at any given time in our galaxy within the Milky Way. Page 8 Not only does the Mayan calendar give us the timing of the last 26,000 years incredibly accurately, but also calendars of the ancient Egyptian, Inca, Aztec, Cherokee (Israelite), Chinese, and Tihuanacan (Bolivia) calendars. Solomon must have also had this knowledge, for many of the ancient tribes of Central and South America and America were ancient northern ten tribes of Israelites who went around the world with Phoenicians to bring back materials for Solomons Temple and house every four years. I was in Tihuanaco, over 13,000 feet into the Andes Mountains in 2010 This ancient civilization produced a calendar like the Mayans as far back as 12,000-14,000 years. The 4,000-6,000 ton stones used in their city on top of the Andes were taken from a quarry about 200 miles away over the tops of the mountains--impossible for normal humans, but not for anti-gravity technology using space vehicles, and/or Nephillim strength. Noah lived 950 years, dying when Jacob was a teenager. This puts the Mayans in the ballpark with Noah. Did the Mayans receive their technology and mathematical genius from Nephilim or from Noah and his sons? The Mayans said that the end of this age would be marked by great cataclysmic disasters. They said it was the 5th cycle--the period of purification. Doesnt the Word say this too? [For Scriptures throughout the Word that describe this time of cataclysm refer to the article The Soon Coming Nuclear War/written in 2011] The Mayans believe that at this time their god Quetzaquatl or the feathered serpent will return from the sky and rule the world. He will purge the earth of all negative forces. This is the New Age message of today. Is this a Luciferic version of Messiahs return, or did they have some understanding of Messiahs coming and it got perverted? What Will Cause the Pole Shift? Miller interviewed Physicist, Dr. Brooks Agnew (Virginia)--well-known scientist-researcher on pole shifts. Geographic pole shift: The planet tips slightly 2) Total pole shift: The North and South Poles swap places In both the sun changes positionscomes up in a different spot. Weather patterns change. Animal migration is affected (which might have something to do with the vanishing bees and disappearing salmon and off-course whales). Dr. Agnew says we are feeling the effects of a polar shift Page 9 nowwith the changing weather patterns. He said that December 21, 2012 begins the next cycle of 26,000 years of planet earth going all the way around our galaxy. He says that all of the effects of this polar shift will not occur just on that day--12/21/12--but that there will be many precursor cataclysmic events. There will be a release of exceptionally powerful winds, waves as high as 4,000-5,000 feet tall, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, storms of great magnitudes, snow, ice--etc. There will be a flux in our magnetic field. Sunspot activity will greatly increase (Revelation 16:8-9). Sounds like Luke 21:25-26. Notice the 3 sets of 3s in 12/21/12 three is the number of beginning, middle, end (conclusion). The cataclysmic events described by Dr. Agnew sounds exactly like the trumpet judgments and Luke 21:25-26 and part of the viols of Yahuwehs wrath as Messiah comes. What will cause the shift according to Agnew and Miller--and also alluded to by NASA? Without saying Planet X Miller says to Agnew, Lets say that something is coming our way. The closer it gets the greater the pull on our earth. Agnew says that not only earth will be affected, but also other planets in our solar system. He said there has been a 33% change in Saturns atmosphere over a short period of time. ****But, Agnew believes that a black hole could be the cause. It is at the center of our galaxy. On December 21, 2012, the solar system aligns and the sun passes from the top to the bottom of the galaxy, but it also aligns with the black hole. NASA calls this hole the dark rift. As of 2012 August, NASA has updated their warnings of potential disaster as the sun passes through the dark rift the place where so many asteroids and meteors and space debris linger, which could cause this litter to fly out into the solar system, striking earth also. There is a gravitational wave created by the black hole/rift. Envision this: The black hole is circular and is flattening out like a disc. It has billions of stars sucked inside, some larger than our sun--it is like a giant vacuum--a huge mouth sucking in. NASA recounts what will happen when our solar system passes from the top of the galaxy to the bottom, encountering the gravitational wave in the center. That powerful magnetic pull could cause a polar shift very easily. The Mayan calendar shows this move of our solar system through the gravitational wave. If this happens all technical knowledge, and even basic knowledge will be destroyed, and we will again become like primitive man, Agnew says. Agnew mentions Revelation 8 referring to the first four trumpet judgment, affecting 1/3rd of the earth Page 10 Referring to a polar shift: From the Intel Hub News Brief June 2011: We have been covering shifting earth changes and relevant positions of the sun and moon. The Inuit in the Canadian Arctic, and in Greenland, might have more insight into the matter than the average person due to their unique perspective in which they can view the sun, stars, and moon from their position on top of the globe. The Inuits have managed to document the fact that in December 2009 the sun barely cleared the horizon, and in the summers the sun is much higher in the sky causing extreme conditions and change to the earth. The Elders of the Arctic have been documenting the changing positions of the shifting earth and stars. A WARNING from Inuit People: `Sun Wrong, Stars Wrong, Earth Tilting On Axis! From Above Top Secret In 2010, NBC news reported that the Tampa, Florida airport was going to have to make some changes in some runways due to the pole shift! Father has had it--up to His fire-filled eyeballsand this is the final cycle and the final eventsbut after itHe will be in control of the world. Think about that and start shouting. Psalm 2 is a perfect picture of His mind-set at this point! From Dr. Agnew: Our galaxy is flat and circular--so is the black hole--and is at the center of our galaxy. As our solar system passes through this galactic plane of our galaxy on 12-21-12we could definitely have a total polar swap. This plane is also called the galactic equinox or central plane. Brent Miller: We are already seeing what the effects of our passing through the galactic plane is having on earth and other planets in our solar system. He says severe weather patterns will continue to increase, unusual cosmic events will occur, meteor showers, huge objects passing by earths atmosphere, as they are loosed by the gravitational pull from the center of the galaxy. As I pointed out in the article What Are The Worlds Elite Doing to Prepare Their Ark? (February 27, 2008) I show that the most powerful and most intellectual people on earth are feverishly preparing underground bunkers to survive the coming events. Why are the seculars, agnostics, atheists, and Luciferics, so much smarter than the so-called children of Light? Messiah marveled at Page 11 that too. It is because they research for themselves to find reality and they find it. Religion is a hiding place of non-reality. Why dont the real children of Light seek to learn from the Creator, who is so ready to reveal His secrets to His servants? ***Miller says, speaking in 2006, that researchers have not put an exact year on all these events to peak. But NASA has come out and pinpointed 2012 as the beginning of cataclysmic events. Miller says that the best researchers say that our passing through the galactic plane will occur somewhere between 2008 and 2015. Pastor Mark Biltz in searching NASA astronomy charts has found that in the year 2015 four lunar and solar eclipses will occur ON FESTIVAL DAYSPASSOVER AND SUKKOT. He gives the final cycle, then, from shmittah year to shmittah year September 12, 2007 to 2015/2016. And, this, of course, marks the final cyclethe 70th week of Danielthe last seven-years before Messiah comes. Perhaps America and Russias scalar technology (weather manipulation for warfare purposes) is only a small part of the whole, creating weather warfare as they have been doing from the Viet Nam War to the present worldwide. It has been intensified in America, where now 65% of the nation is in drought conditions, affecting our food supply, and the rest under severe and bizarre storms, flooding, and destroyingaffecting our food supply. Also worldwide scalar is using storms, tsunamis, cyclones, drought, and other weather conditions to destroy the worlds food supply, to create famine conditions and thus rid the earth of its population. The pole shift most likely has been caused by scalar technology from outer space rattling the core of the earthproducing the eruptions of major volcanoes to shift the earth even more. But, no matter how the pole shift is happening it is happening, and it will destroy the earths food supply, and wipe out most of humanity. Most of humanity lives on the coastlines of the earth. If the sea levels rise, the waves alone will destroy most of the earths people. Luke refers to this in Luke 21. But, also, the polar caps are being melted by scalar Russia and America have made a pact to do this to get to the earths resources of oil and gold and other precious materials. So, we really are NOT experiencing global warming as the hoaxsters are saying. Actually, Scientists tell us that we are entering an ice age. Weather reporters have told us for a long time that there are no natural weather patterns on the earth Page 12 Anymore--using Teslas scalar, or Americas HAARP, technology, man is controlling the weather patterns of the earth part of Yahuwehs judgment for he uses the wickedness of man and Satan to accomplish His own plans. The bottom line is that we must spend more time in the presence of our Messiah and soon-coming King! Seek Him with all your heart, and prepare for your eternity. [Please go on to read What Are the Worlds Elite Doing to Prepare Their Ark? (2008)] Shalom in His love to you, children of Light, Yedidah May 7, 2008/more information added, edited, September 12, 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This information has been compiled from research by The HORIZON PROJECT: DATA REGARDING A POLE SHIFT (DVD2006) -- with Brent Miller and scientists in different fields (www.TheHorizonProject.com), from Prophecy in the NewsInterview by J.R. Church with Pastor Mark Biltz (prohecyinthenews.com), from NASA and other astronomy scientists, and from many secular and Scriptural research by experts in their fields. --------------------------------- APPENDIX A: Scriptural descriptions a polar shift near or at the time of the coming of Messiah Yahushua: Isaiah 2:19-21: He arises to shake the earth From very rich to very poor people hide in the rocks and caves from the great shaking He arises to shake the earth mightily Isaiah 13:6-13: all hands go limp, every mans heart melts, fear, pangs of sorrow and great pain are evident They are amazed at one anothertheir faces aflame (sounds like radiation) Day of Yahuwehto lay the earth waste The stars of the heavens and their constellations do not give off their light. The sun shall be dark at its rising. The moon shall not send out its light ***I will make the heavens tremble and the earth shall shake out of her place. Isaiah 24:1, 3-5, 18-23: earth empty shall overturn its surface shall scatter abroad its inhabitants. The earth is completely emptied and utterly plundered. The earth will mournanguishwither The inhabitants of the earth shall be burned and few men shall be left The windows from on high Page 13 shall be opened and the foundations of the earth shall be shaken. earthutterly brokencompletely shatteredfiercely shaken The earth shall stagger like a drunkard, it shall totter like a hutthe moon shall blush and the sun shall be ashamed (moon turn red and sun hidingno light) This matches the eclipses found for 2015lunar and solar. Joel 2:2-3, 14-18: day of clouds and thick darkness by the fire of His jealousy all the earth shall be consumed, for He makes a sudden end of all those that dwell on the earth Matthew 24:29: And immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give its light, and the stars shall fall from the heaven, and the powers of the heaven shall be shaken. This places the timing of the pole shift at the coming of Messiah 2015/2016 Yom Teruah, Tishre 1 2016 Hebrew calendar from creation. Luke 21:25-27: signs in the sunmoonstarsroaring of the seasthe powers of heaven shall be shaken then they shall see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory (cloud of witnesses) Revelation 6:12-17: great earthquake sunblackmoon as bloodstars fell to the earth as a fig tree drops its unripe figs being shaken by a strong wind heavens departed like a scroll being rolled up every mountain and island was moved out of its place Revelation 8:7-12: These cosmic events are from outside our planet, which come into our planetmeteor showers, asteroids hitting earth, comets hitting earth perhaps, cosmic rock and dust particles hitting earth These events are part of the trumpet judgments that precede the pouring out of the wrath of Yahwueh. The DVD says that these events of Revelation 8 are precursors to the pole shift. 1) Hail and fire mixed with blood thrown to the earth1/3 of the trees and all green grass are burned up. 2) What looked like a great mountain, burning with fire, fell into the sea and destroyed 1/3 of all sea creatures. 3) A great star falls on the rivers, making them bitter1/3 of all water is affectedpeople die from the bitter water (it might be sulfur) 4) 8:12: A third of the sun, moon and stars are darkened. Revelation 16:8-10: As Messiah comes and the wrath of Yahuweh is being poured out, the sun scorches and burns people upsuper solar flares or the earth tipped closer to the sun Page 14  56}* , : ` e < N n v t |th`X``XXXPhzOJQJh>AOJQJhOJQJh>Ahg=5OJQJh@hOJQJh0OJQJh>AhLTn5OJQJhg=OJQJhohLTnOJQJhB9OJQJ hLTn5\hohLTn5OJQJ\hohLTn5>*OJQJ\hLTn"hohLTn5CJ0OJQJ\aJ0hYqCJ0OJQJaJ0hohLTnCJ0OJQJaJ056  * + v XY`Of$a$gd>A$a$t u W`NOSYHlv!!!!!!!!9":"B"W#X###"&#&((****++Y,Z,|,~,,헏h/QOJQJhB9OJQJh^OJQJh^5OJQJ\h/Q5OJQJ\hohLTn5OJQJ\hohLTnH*OJQJhohLTn6OJQJ]hoOJQJh>AOJQJhohLTnOJQJhOJQJ5fX s!v!!!:";"B"X###$&&(($a$gdB9$a$gdo$a$gd>A(m*W++++,Z,,-Z/c013V444J555555u778:A<=$a$gdB9,,,,=.B.i/k/ 222233334444445$55555@6A6O9Q9Y9}999(:):*:.:::;;;><A<D<Q<V<_<`<l<n<<<<<==>>>>>>>??Ϳh^5OJQJ\hohLTn5OJQJ\h{OJQJhB9OJQJh^OJQJhoOJQJhohLTnOJQJh/QOJQJD=>?????D@AA_F~HI J JJ:KDLMNOO~PR SJSSSS$a$gdB9????????C@D@AAAABBBBEEEEF^F_FFF~HHHHxIIIIJJGJPJ4MMMMMN1OOOOOȼ籩硱~~h^hLTn>*OJQJhohLTn5H*OJQJ\hB9OJQJh^OJQJh{OJQJhohLTnOJQJhB9hB9OJQJ\hB9OJQJ\hB95OJQJ\h^5OJQJ\hohLTn5OJQJ\h{5OJQJ\1OOOOOOOOO;P~PPPHQRRRRRR S SS'S+SISJS^SgSSSSSSSSSSZTkTlT~TTTTUUUVVBWgWWWWWW$X*OJQJ\hohLTn>*OJQJh^OJQJhohLTnOJQJ=SSUWeXY[[%[[[[\\]]&]']k]``Lb}de[eaff$a$gd\Th^h & F$a$gdB9XXXXXYYYYZ_ZZ\\\]]%]&]']*]j]k]^!^)^+^_____``5`6````bBchc}dddeeKeMeZe[egeieʿʗh iOJQJh\TOJQJ\h\T5OJQJ\hB9OJQJhB9hB9OJQJ\hB9OJQJ\hB95OJQJ\hohLTn5OJQJ\h\TOJQJh+OJQJhohLTnOJQJhohLTnH*OJQJ4ie`fafGggggggghzhhFiGijj|j}j~jjjjjjjjjjmknkkƻƻƻƳƻti^PhOhOOJQJ\^JhOOJQJ\^JhB9OJQJ\^JhOhB9OJQJ\^J&hOhB95CJ&OJQJ\^JaJ&hO5OJQJ\^JhOhB95OJQJ\^JhOOJQJhOhOOJQJhOhB9OJQJhOhB9hB9hB9H*OJQJhB9OJQJh\TOJQJhohLTnOJQJfgggjmknkelflm7nooppbppppBqqqrutyXz$a$gdX$a$gdOgdO$a$gdB9kkelfllllllQmmmm6notouoxoooopppp2pIpWpXpapbppppAqBqqqqqqqIrUrurvrxrrrst7t9t̶ןׄhohLTn5H*OJQJ\hohLTn>*OJQJhTzhLTn5OJQJhX5OJQJ\hO5OJQJ\h\T5OJQJ\h i5OJQJ\hohLTn5OJQJ\h\TOJQJhohLTnOJQJh iOJQJ49tutHuyyWzXzzzzzzz{{{||||||?}~~ 5&AESVgk+.uvЁ47BEXY`c緧򛒛h i>*OJQJhohLTn>*OJQJhTzhLTn5CJ OJQJaJ hTzhTz5CJ OJQJaJ hTzOJQJhOOJQJh iOJQJhXOJQJhohLTnOJQJhohLTn5OJQJ\9Xzzzzzzz{||||@}~5EYRS[\$a$gdOgdTz$a$gdOc48QSZ[\܃߃Uʄ߄ +:FJMm|HLφӆ7LJʇ;>lo24ڭhohLTn5>*OJQJ\hTzOJQJhOhO5OJQJhO5OJQJhOOJQJh iOJQJhohLTnOJQJhohLTn5OJQJ\hohLTn>*OJQJ>mLӆ׉֋2kd$$If!64a$If$a$h iOJQJhohLTn5OJQJ\hohLTnOJQJ ,1h/ =!"#$% V$$If!vh5!#v!:V 6,5/ 4 ^ 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH H`H Normal CJOJQJ_HaJmH sH tH :@:  Heading 1$@&5\>>  Heading 2$@& 5>*\DA`D Default Paragraph FontVi@V 0 Table Normal :V 44 la (k ( 0No List 4B@4  Body Text5\6>@6 Title$a$ 5CJ\6U@6  Hyperlink >*B*ph33J^"J 0 Normal (Web)dd[$\$OJQJ.X 1. 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