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Therefore, it is important, as a part of this course, that we examine some of these conditions in detail. THE ASSIGNMENT: Working in groups of 3, you must prepare a presentation to deliver to the class. The presentation must include the key points listed below, a 5 question multiple choice quiz, a works cited page, plus relevant audio/visual aids. It should be in powerpoint or prezi format and must be emailed to me the day prior to your scheduled day to present. LENGTH: 7-10 minutes maximum. Due to the amount of presentations, I will have to cut you off at 10 minutes. Allow for set up time, if you need it. ACCEPTABLE TOPICS: Only one group will be allowed to do each psychological disorder. Pick top 3 choices and submit at the beginning of next class. Panic Disorder Munchausen Syndrome Histrionic Personality Disorder Aspergers Antisocial Personality Disorder Hypochondria Tourettes Schizophrenia Depression Postpartum Disorder Oppositional Defiant Disorder Kleptomania Obsessive Compulsive Disorder KEY POINTS TO COVER IN PRESENTATION: Each group should include a brief overview of the condition, how it is medically defined (DSM criteria), how many people it affects, what are some of the problems that exist for people that have this condition (both physically and socially), relevant statistics, medication/ treatment available, and if possible, biases or stereotypes that society labels these people with. You should also include visuals (charts, pictures, statistics) that make your presentation more informative and interesting. All members of the group must be in class to make the presentation on the agreed upon date or a GRADE OF ZERO will be assigned to the missing group member; however, in the case of one persons absence, the remaining members will be expected to present- so be sure to share all information just in case.  HYPERLINK "http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/SL/11-12/5/" CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.5Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.  HYPERLINK "http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/SL/11-12/6/" CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.6Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating a command of formal English when indicated or appropriate. PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER PRESENTATION EVALUATION SHEET TOTAL GRADE OUT OF /50 Knowledge of Topic:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10- Do no appear to have selected the most significant and relevant facts, concrete details, and examples appropriate to the audiences knowledge of the topic -Multiple required criteria are missing or accurate -Only one member able to speak without notes and answer questions if applicable- Appear to have selected some of the most significant and relevant facts, concrete details, and examples appropriate to the audiences knowledge of the topic -Almost all required criteria is present and accurate -Most members are usually able to speak without notes and answer questions if applicable- Appear to have selected the most significant and relevant facts, concrete details, and examples appropriate to the audiences knowledge of the topic -All required criteria is present and accurate -All members able to speak without notes and answer questions if applicable Effective Communication:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-Members do not use appropriate formal language or correct grammar -Members speak too quietly, too fast, or otherwise incoherently -Members demonstrate little enthusiasm for topic -Presentation clearly was not practiced and fails to fill the time limit or runs over-Most members primarily use appropriate formal language and correct grammar -Most members are easy to hear and understand -Most members demonstrate enthusiasm for topic -Presentation shows some evidence of practice and follows time limits-Members use appropriate formal language and correct grammar -Members are easy to hear and understand -Members demonstrate enthusiasm for topic -Presentation is clearly practiced and follows time limits Powerpoint or Prezi: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15- Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information - Font on all slides is too small to be read at a distance -Text is clearly copied and pasted without proper quotations or citations on individual slides -Images are distracting decorations that create a busy feeling and detract from the content -Layout is cluttered and confusing or totally unappealing - Student does not list sources used for research- Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow - Font on most slides is too small to be read at a distance -At various points, text is copied and pasted without quotations or citations on individual slides - Images are too large/small in size, or of poor quality (fuzzy) -Layout shows some structure- Information is presented in a logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow - Font on all slides is large enough to be read at a distance -Text is in students own words (not copied and pasted) -Almost all slides contain one high-quality image which helps audience understand the content -Layout is visually pleasing -MLA style works cited list is properly formatted and complete  Quiz:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-Second to last slide contains some or no questions -Questions are random and not relevant to presentation-Second to last slide contains quiz -Questions cover info contained in presentation-Second to last slide contains moderately challenging multiple choice quiz -Questions cover most important info contained in presentation with well thought out answer choices Abnormal Psychology: Independent Research Paper YOU WILL DO THIS PART OF THE ASSIGNMENT ON YOUR OWN Select a neurotic or psychotic disorder from the list on the group assignment. Find at least three specific sources that relate to your chosen condition. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA AS ONE OF YOUR SOURCES (you can use it for additional background information). You must compile a proper works cited using correct APA format. If you are not sure of the correct format, check citation machine and click APA. Using your sources, respond to the following. Part A- This section must be at least approximately ONE page typed: In your own words, provide a brief overview of the condition you are studying including a brief description of SYMPTOMS and resulting BEHAVIORS.  Outline the treatment available for someone with your disorder. You must use exact names of pharmaceutical drugs and/or specific treatment options.  Identify THREE STATISTICS related to the condition you are studying. Consider frequency, gender, onset-age, socio-cultural influences, trends- Are they increasing/decreasing? You must identify the source of the statistic  Part B- Article FIND AN ARTICLE from a current (last 3 years) newspaper or a magazine that relates to the condition that you are studying. Photocopy or print your article and highlight key points to reinforce ideas expressed in Part A. Part C- This section must be at least ONE page typed: Using one of the scenarios below, CREATE A STORY from the point of view of someone suffering from your disorder. Put yourself in their shoes- how would it feel to live with this disorder? Think about the way they might perceive situations that seem quite ordinary to most people. Think about the inner dialogue or the self-talk that is happening inside their heads. Your story can start before the scenario and continue after the stated scenario. The scenario is your starting point- use your imagination!!! Scenario #1: (Your person) is waiting at the bus stop. The bus is running late as usual and there is a crowd starting to gather at the stop. It is a rainy day and when the bus finally comes, it goes through a big puddle and splashes (your person). Scenario #2 (Your person) and their family are going to the beach for the day. The family wakes up early and packs a picnic. (Your person) packs a bathing suit and a towel and gets ready for the two-hour car ride. They get into a traffic jam and the trip ends up taking three hours. They eventually arrive at the busy beach. Scenario #3 (Your persons) baby has been crying all day. (Your persons) older child is throwing toys everywhere, smearing pudding on the floor and drawing on the walls. (Your persons) husband/wife will not be home from work for three more hours. Scenario #4 It is a cold, dark winter day. (Your person) is supposed to meet some friends at a restaurant. (Your person) possibly feels a cold coming on. They are trying to decide what to wear for dinner and are spending some time in front of the mirror. Scenario #5 (Your person) is shopping downtown and gets caught in a demonstration riot. There are police present and a large, angry crowd. (Your person) gets into a discussion with a policeman. Scenario #6 (Your person) gets a new job as a waiter/waitress at a restaurant. They meet many new people and are exposed to many new experiences. Checklist: ExpectationCompleteThree sources, all sources are citedOverview of condition- symptoms and behaviorsTreatments availableThree statisticsArticle from newspaper or magazineCreative writing element  HYPERLINK "http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/WHST/11-12/2/a/" CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.11-12.2aIntroduce a topic and organize complex ideas, concepts, and information so that each new element builds on that which precedes it to create a unified whole; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.  HYPERLINK "http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/WHST/11-12/2/b/" CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.11-12.2bDevelop the topic thoroughly by selecting the most significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audiences knowledge of the topic Abnormal Psychology: Independent Research Rubric CriteriaLevel 4Level 3Level 2Level 1 Research  overall evidence of detailed and accurate research from multiple sources good, accurate research from multiple sources research is general and quality of sources is lacking research is general or missing sources are inaccurate or none seem to have been usedOverview and Statistics excellent, insightful overview 3+ relevant and current statistics used correctly to support evaluation of disorder a good thorough overview of disorder 3 relevant and current statistics some attempt made to correlate to disorder a somewhat thorough overview of disorder less than 3 statistics or 3 non-current stats unclear connection between stats and disorder overview is too general or missing from project less than 2 statistics that are not relevant no attempt made to connect stats to disorderNewspaper article relevant choice of article all key points are highlighted and related to disorder somewhat relevant choice of article many key points outlined and related to article connection between article and disorder is somewhat unclear key points of article missing little connection between article and disorder key points not highlighted or irrelevant to disorderScenario extremely imaginative and thought-provoking examination of situation relevant connection made between disorder and scenario somewhat imaginative and relevant examination of situation some connections have been made between disorder and scenario examination of the situation does not completely related to disorder few connections have been made between disorder and scenario examination of the situation has not been explained such that it relates to disorder lacks connection between scenario and disorderWorks Cited/ Sources 3+ relevant sources used works cited included in proper APA format with no mistakes 3 sources used Works cited included in proper APA format with mistakes 2 relevant sources used works cited included but in wrong format with mistakes under 2 sources or no sources used no works cited Format & Grammar (Grammar= fragments, run-ons, spelling, capitalization, punctuation) Paper is typed, double spaced, in size 12 times new times new roman font No grammar mistakes are present Paper is typed, double spaced, OR in size 12 OR times new times new roman font 1-2 grammar mistakes are present Paper is typed, double spaced, OR in size 12 times new times new roman font 3-5 grammar mistakes are present Paper is not typed, double spaced, or in size 12 times new times new roman font Countless grammar mistakes are present TOTAL GRADE OUT OF /100 Recommended Sites: Directions- Begin your research with these sites. You may also use additional sites or books. Medical Definition and Criteria:  HYPERLINK "http://www.apa.org/pubs/databases/psycinfo/index.aspx" http://www.apa.org/pubs/databases/psycinfo/index.aspx Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment:  HYPERLINK "http://www.mayoclinic.com/health-information/" http://www.mayoclinic.com/health-information/ Additional Statistics:  HYPERLINK "http://www.encyclopedia.com/" http://www.encyclopedia.com/ Citation Machine:  HYPERLINK "http://citationmachine.net/index2.php?reqstyleid=1&newstyle=1&stylebox=1" http://citationmachine.net/index2.php?reqstyleid=1&newstyle=1&stylebox=1 Preliminary Schedule Monday- Introduce Abnormal Psychology and Project Tuesday- Computer lab for individual and group research Wednesday- Watch Temple Grandin. Complete Handout Thursday- Computer lab for individual and group research Friday- Complete Temple Grandin and turn in handout A due on Criterion Thursday- Computer lab-Rough Draft of PPT due tomorrow at end of period Friday- Individual Research Papers due Monday- Tuesday- Presentations begin Wednesday- Presentations continue Thursday- Conclusion of presentations /;=0 O t u v W h i l x y z &'iow"#$Q׽׽׽׳ש׽׽ג׽׽׽׽׽hP|CJOJQJhs^PCJOJQJh955>*CJOJQJh95CJOJQJh|iuCJOJQJh6CJOJQJh95 h6PJ h95PJh95CJOJQJh95CJOJPJQJh955>*OJQJh95OJQJ1,-./u v igg\Zggg dh1$7$8$H$kd$$IfTlXF(q)  t 0644 l` aAp yt*T$If $$Ifa$ y z Gx$EPQklgd9qgd9qgd9qdd-DM [$gdVs>`>gd6Qtv8X]hik./0㷢nnd`h9qhs^PCJOJQJ#hVs0JB*CJOJQJaJph;;:#hVs0JB* CJOJQJaJph hVsB*CJOJQJaJph;;:(jhVsB*CJOJQJUaJph;;:h 1,CJOJQJh955CJOJQJh955>*CJOJQJh8HCJOJQJh95CJOJQJh95OJQJh65>*OJQJ#,.OP~TUóóóԪԳԪԎԛh95h9qCJaJh95hD~CJOJQJh95h9qCJOJQJaJh9q5OJQJh95h9q5CJOJQJaJ h95h9qCJOJQJ^JaJh95h9q5OJQJh95h9qCJOJQJ h:h9qh9qh9qOJQJ.,-.Nkd$$Ifl40*`# t0644 lapyt95$$Ifa$gd95l $Ifgd95l 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