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Some topic ideas but you are limited to these: War Education Social Class Taxes/Money/Economy Global Warming Gas PricesInternet Popular Culture Healthcare Part I: Investigation of the Problem For this portion of the project, you will research the topic you have chosen. For your investigation, you must explain the nature of the problem in a clearly organized succinct two page paper. As you discuss the problem, ensure that you include specific information from your research to explore the history of the problem and current opinions on the problem. As you complete this section, note that your paper needs to reference three reputable different sources. Your paper must include a MLA Works Cited page and an explanation (2-3 sentences think rhetorical reader response) of why each website you used is considered reliable . The Works Cited and defense of website sources does not count toward the required two pages. Part II: Creative Satirical Response to the Problem Social problems are often the source of satire. Now it is your turn to create a satirical response to the problem in society you have identified. There are many forms of satire; therefore, your response may take many forms. Pay attention to the guidelines for each option as they vary slightly according to the form your satire will take. When responding, ensure that you follow the guidelines listed for your chosen option, but be creative and thorough. Recall the definition of satire and the comedic devices used in a satire as you create your masterpiece. As always, see me if you have ANY questions about your project and/or the appropriateness of your response. Possible Formats for Part II: Artistic Interpretation: Many political cartoons are satiric in their representation of society. Even more televisions shows respond satirically to societal issues. Think about these political cartoons and shows (The Simpsons, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report) when creating your own satire. Keep in mind that many television shows have content inappropriate for school; your project must include only school-appropriate content. Final product requirements are as follows: cartoons must be at least a full sheet of computer paper, your own original art, and show evidence of thought and planning. videos must be at least 5 minutes in length, appropriate for school, and easily viewed on a computer (Youtube) or DVD. All scripts must include dialogue and descriptions of stage directions or other visual and aural elements. A copy of the script must be submitted to Turnitin.com Musical Interpretation: Musicians often use satire in their songs. Think: Blues Travelers song Hook and Bruce Springsteens song Born in the U.S.A. as examples of satire. Weird Al Yankovic often uses satire in the form of parody in his songs. You, too, may create satire with songs. If you are creating a song, keep in mind that your song must be 2 minutes long may be recorded or presented live, but it MUST be ready to present to the class on the due date must have lyrics typed lyrics and submitted to Turntin.com Written Interpretation: You have many examples from which to work when creating a written, satirical response to the issue you have chosen, including: a news article such as those presented by The Onion online publication a modest proposal outlining a solution to your problem a skit or monologue such as those presented on Saturday Night Live a childrens book All written responses must be 2-3 pages typed and submitted to Turnitin.com If you have an idea for satire that has not been listed, see me. There are possibilities for combining categories, and we will work together to ensure that your project meets the guidelines. Part III: Reflection on Student Work: All projects will conclude with a one page written reflection which explains why you chose your societal problem why you chose the particular form of satire to address the societal problem how your interpretation effectively satirizes the aspect you chose (use the definition to back up your answer) as well as the satirical devices you used to convey your message DUE DATE: January 8th (B) and January 9th th (A) 2018 Scoring Guide for Satire Project Part I is/has: __________/30 points _____ 2 pages _____ A clear explanation of the origination of the issue that uses research well _____ A MLA Works Cited page _____ Three different sources that are properly formatted entries _____ An explanation of website reliability according to instructions Comments: Part II: __________/50 points _____ Artistic Response: Cartoon: _____ video: _____ appropriate in length _____ easily viewed on a computer or DVD _____ script submitted to Turnitin.com _____ shows evidence of thought and planning _____ clearly satirical, _____effectively employing comedic devices _____ appropriate for school _____ at least a full sheet of computer paper _____ original art _____ shows evidence of thought and planning _____ clearly satirical _____ effectively employing comedic devices _____ Musical Response: _____ 2+ minutes long _____ may be recorded or presented live _____ lyrics submitted to Turnitin.com _____ shows evidence of thought and planning _____ clearly satirical _____effectively employing comedic devices _____ appropriate for school _____ Written Response: _____ 2-3 pages typed submitted to Turnitin.com _____ creatively interprets the issue _____ shows evidence of thought and planning _____ clearly satirical _____ effectively employing comedic devices _____ appropriate for school Comments: Part III: A response that: _________/20 points _____ 1 page in length submitted to Turnitin.com _____ explains the choice of societal problem _____ defends the choice of form _____ explains and defends how the interpretation satirizes problem, including which elements of satire were employed Comments: TOTAL POINTS FOR PROJECT __________/100 points Satire Project Name Satirical Target Format     Mrs. Opaleski-DiMeo English IV Honors  *+,j U Y \     Ͽ~shs~ss]U]M]hUOJQJhG OJQJha.hQOJQJha.hizOJQJha.h@{OJQJha.hOJQJha.h3yOJQJha.h+56OJQJha.h@{56OJQJh@h0CJ OJQJaJ h@h'v5CJ OJQJaJ h@h+5CJ OJQJaJ h@hN5CJ OJQJaJ h@h5CJ OJQJaJ +,   , ; F P ` k l $IfgdG $If $IfgdS$a$gd'v + .   ` j k l m u : D G H L C ɾԾԳ~s~j^R~GsGha.h\OJQJha.h5OJQJha.hiz5OJQJhG 5OJQJha.hNOJQJha.hOJQJha.hQ5>*OJQJha.h5>*OJQJha.hc5>*OJQJhG hG OJQJha.hSOJQJha.h#OJQJhG OJQJha.hQOJQJha.h+OJQJha.h+5>*OJQJl m pqGHfgI~v & F gd4^gdNgd, gdG gd\gkd$$IflF$ f t6    44 laytBN C H I S d e g q "GJhopqxz绳їѻ}oaSha.hV5>*OJQJha.h, 5>*OJQJha.hO/5>*OJQJha.hc5>*OJQJha.hV>*OJQJha.hQ>*OJQJhG OJQJh`OJQJha.OJQJha.h#OJQJha.hNOJQJha.hQOJQJha.hizOJQJha.h\OJQJha.h\5>*OJQJ #9=IqwFGHdefghr궧qbVJha.h, >*OJQJha.hv>*OJQJha.hv56>*OJQJha.h}56>*OJQJha.hG 56>*OJQJhW056>*OJQJhG 56>*OJQJha.hW056>*OJQJha.hOJQJhG OJQJha.hFXOJQJha.hW0OJQJha.h, OJQJha.h\OJQJha.hNOJQJ@NqsHI *47;<OǼDZDZDZǣDžvg[ha.hW0>*OJQJha.hW056>*OJQJha.h}56>*OJQJha.h}OJQJha.hFXOJQJh5OJQJha.hS56OJQJha.hW0OJQJha.hBOJQJha.h4OJQJha.h46OJQJha.hN6OJQJha.hNOJQJha.hvOJQJ!CZQc & FgdSFI & Fgd^gd}gd})^)gdN & F ^gdN & F ^gd4^gd4gd, 8^8gd4 & F gd48^8gda.!&1 8Rdݼ豢vh]Q]Eha.h}6OJQJha.h}5OJQJha.hlcOJQJha.h, 5>*OJQJha.hS5>*OJQJha.hS56>*OJQJha.h}56>*OJQJha.h#56>*OJQJha.hvOJQJha.h}OJQJha.hW0OJQJha.hFXOJQJha.h4OJQJha.hNOJQJha.h, >*OJQJ PQbcnopqĹĮꗋtfZOD<h`OJQJha.hW0OJQJha.hOJQJha.h5OJQJha.h5>*OJQJha.hBOJQJha.h#5OJQJha.hB5OJQJha.h}5OJQJhSFIh#OJQJhSFIhSFIOJQJhSFIhNOJQJhSFIh}OJQJha.hSFIOJQJhSFIOJQJh}OJQJha.hNOJQJha.h}OJQJpq W?@ABcd Q^gd$:^gdIpgdmgd1Pr$a$gdIpgdE & Fgd,  & FgdxF^gdBgd^gdNW{ !#.35:>~l~_R~@R_"hi?hi?5CJ H*OJQJaJ hi?5CJ OJQJaJ h5CJ OJQJaJ "hLhL5CJ H*OJQJaJ hL5CJ OJQJaJ h2N5CJ OJQJaJ h),5CJ OJQJaJ h1Prha.5CJ OJQJaJ ha.hE>*OJQJha.hVOJQJh`OJQJha.hxFOJQJha.h#OJQJha.hW0OJQJha.h, OJQJ>?@ABObcdkmqxyzȼԏxmbWbxLAha.h&hOJQJha.hIOJQJha.hmOJQJha.h, OJQJha.h$:OJQJha.hIpOJQJha.h,7U5OJQJh3m5OJQJha.h&h5OJQJha.h, 5OJQJha.h|5OJQJha.hm5OJQJha.hIp5OJQJh1Pr5OJQJh),5OJQJha.5OJQJh1Prha.5CJ OJQJaJ   *OPQWXehv|}ԾԢulu`h-hB5OJQJh-5OJQJha.h,7U5OJQJha.hxF5OJQJh1Pr5OJQJha.hI5OJQJha.hm5OJQJh1PrOJQJhmOJQJha.hxFOJQJha.h&hOJQJha.hmOJQJha.h$:OJQJha.hIOJQJha.hIpOJQJ QJt 9N~V^Vgdt V^Vgd$:^gd-^gdhQV^Vgd,7U^gdBgdIgdEgd1Pr^gdIp4IVgs 238@MUYZ\stu}~ûttiathxOJQJha.hxFOJQJha.ht OJQJha.hBOJQJha.hIpOJQJh-OJQJha.h$:OJQJhhQOJQJha.h,7UOJQJh),OJQJh-h,7U5OJQJh-ht 5OJQJh-h$:5OJQJh-hB5OJQJh-h&h5OJQJ&&Mz. 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