ࡱ> g  bjbj ; zzҫ%8,H"EXh$(:("\(\(\(7)7)7)2222222$Z_]|3$7)7)7)7)7)3\(\(W7)i\(\(27)2BL'T2\(`ݺ2 /+f2X0EXv+]]T2]T27)7)7)7)7)7)7)337)7)7)EX7)7)7)7)]7)7)7)7)7)7)7)7)7) : The Rosary hour archives are currently (June 2011) in a state of transition. Part of the building is under reconstruction to make a retirement home for elderly friars. Some of the materials will be moved to St. Francis Parish Center. Fr. Marcel Sokalski, ofmconv., Archivist. To find a particular topic, word, or phrase, type Ctrl-f and type your entry. RADIO TALKS OF THE DIRECTORS OF FR. JUSTINS ROSARY HOUR ARCHIVAL ARRANGEMENT FOR SEARCHING ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS OF RADIO TALKS OF THE DIRECTORS OF THE ROSARY HOUR ARE LOCATED IN THE BLACK COVERED TOMES INDICATING YEARS IN WHICH TALKS WERE MADE LOCATED BY THE MAIN SECRETARYS DESK. IN THE MAIN PROCESSING ROOM, WHERE THE BUSINESS MANAGER IS LOCATED THERE ARE SEVERAL SHELVES F CDS LABELLED BY DATE DEVOTED TO RADIO PROGRAMS UNDER THE AEGIS OF THE VARIOUS DIRECTORS OF THE ROSARY HOUR FROM THE 1940S TO THE PRESENT TIME (JUNE 1, 2011). A MICROSOFT ACCESS DATA BASE, WHICH LISTS ALL TALKS AND PERTINANT INFORMATION, IS IN A CD ENTITLED ARCHIVAL MASTER AND IS LOCATED WITH THE BLACK BINDER, WHICH IS LABELLED ARCHIVES. IN ORDER TO RETRIEVE A SUBJECT IN RESEARCHING, TYPE CONTROL-F AND SEARCH FOR THE SUBJECT BY TYPING IT IN THE SPACE PROVIDED. ONLY THEMES OF TALKS AND THEIR DATES ARE PRINTED OUT IN THIS DOCUMENT CALLED ARCHIVE LISTINGS GENERAL FORMAT OF RADIO BROADCASTS BY FR. JUSTIN FIGAS ANNOUNCER INTRODUCES PROGRAM CHOIR SINGS A N INTRODUCTORY SONG GENERAL STATEMENT OF THEME SELECTION BY CHOIR STATEMENT OF TOPIC BY ANNOUNCER ANNOUNCEMENT STATION IDENTIFICATION /35 SECONDS/ SELECTION BY CHOIR FATHER JUSTYN REPLIES TO QUESTIONS SENT IN BY LISTENERS. A SERIES OF SHORT ADVISEMENTS ON VARIOUS TOPICS BY FR. JUSTYN LOCATIONS ARE TEMPORARY UNTIL THE ARCHIVES HAVE BEEN ARRANGED AND THE LOCATION IS ESTABLISHED. (THIS STATEMENT IS DATED NOVEMBER 1, 2007.) A pictorial progress report is in a binder called REVITALIZATION AND APPENDED TO THE ROSARY HOUR WEB PAGE: http://www.rosaryhour.com. THE FOLLOWING SMALL FILING CONTAINER IS LOCATED ON TOP OF CABINET 2 ART AND SCULPTURE IN ST. FRANCIS HIGH SCHOOL CHAPEL, FACULTY HOUSE CHAPEL, AND THE ROSARY HOUR STUDIOS ST. FRANCIS HIGH SCHOOL 1. A BIBLIOGRAPHY 2. ART IN HIGH SCHOOL CHAPEL ART IN FACULTY FRIARY ART IN ROSARY HOUR CHAPEL 3. STAINED GLASS WINDOWS 4. OPIS KAPLICY W SZKOLE SW. FRANCISZKA 5. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF DE ROSEN AND SLAWINSKI 6. A DESCRIPTION OF THE WORKS OF ART, THEIR CREATORS, AND A SHORT HISTORY OF THE ROSARY HOUR PRESENTED TO VISITING PASTORS OF LOCAL CHURCHES. 7. KROLIKOWSKI, FR. LUCIAN  OGRDEK GODZINY RO{ACCOWEJ UBOGACONY DZIAAAMI SZTUKI RELIGIJNEJ. A DESCRIPTION OF THE SGRAFFITA OF PROF. J. SLAWINSKI. 8. A SHORT PAPER ENTITLED:  CEL I PRZEDMIOT DZIAAAC GODZINY RO{ACCOWEJ O. JUSTYNA W BUFFALO, NY, USA. 9. CONTRACT WITH THE PROVINCE AND ST. FRANCIS HIGH SCHOOL a. CORRESPONDENCE b. PROPERTY HOLDINGS OF ST. ANTHONY PROVINCE. (3 COPIES) 10. ART WORK: HISTORY AND ART OF FR. JUSTIN ROSARY HOUR PHOTOGRAPHS: ST. FRANCIS HIGH SCHOOL A PICTORIAL CHRONICLE AND ALBUM OF THE DIVISION OF THE ROSARY HOUR BUILDING INTO PART RESIDENCE FOR THE ELDERLY FRIARS IN 2011 IS CALLED, RECONSTRUCTION: ROSARY HOUR STUDIOS. DATED JUNE 1, 2011. (Fr. Marcel) THE FOLLOWING FILING CONTAINER IS LOCATED ON TOP OF CABINET 1 DRAWER1: AUTHORED BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF FR. JUSTIN FIGAS DRAWER2: HISTORICAL/BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS OF ROSARY HOUR AND ITS DIRECTORS DRAWER3: RESEARCHED HISTORICAL INFORMATION ON ROSARY HOUR BY FR. ANTONI (JAN) KSI{EK. DRAWER4: HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES FROM VARIOUS SOURCES DRAWER5: TYPED MANUSCRIPTS OF FR. JUSTIN FIGAS TRAVELOGUES IN THE NEWSPAPSER, Dziennik Dla Wszystkich. THE FOLLOWING SMALL FILING CONTAINER IS LOCATED ON TOP OF CABINET 2 ART AND SCULPTURE IN ST. FRANCIS HIGH SCHOOL CHAPEL, FACULTY HOUSE CHAPEL, AND THE ROSARY HOUR STUDIOS ST. FRANCIS HIGH SCHOOL 1. A BIBLIOGRAPHY 2. ART IN HIGH SCHOOL CHAPEL ART IN FACULTY FRIARY ART IN ROSARY HOUR CHAPEL 3. STAINED GLASS WINDOWS 4. OPIS KAPLICY W SZKOLE SW. FRANCISZKA 5. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF DE ROSEN AND SLAWINSKI 6. A DESCRIPTION OF THE WORKS OF ART, THEIR CREATORS, AND A SHORT HISTORY OF THE ROSARY HOUR PRESENTED TO VISITING PASTORS OF LOCAL CHURCHES. 7. KROLIKOWSKI, FR. LUCIAN  OGRDEK GODZINY RO{ACCOWEJ UBOGACONY DZIAAAMI SZTUKI RELIGIJNEJ. A DESCRIPTION OF THE SGRAFFITA OF PROF. J. SLAWINSKI. 8. A SHORT PAPER ENTITLED:  CEL I PRZEDMIOT DZIAAAC GODZINY RO{ACCOWEJ O. JUSTYNA W BUFFALO, NY, USA. 9. CONTRACT WITH THE PROVINCE AND ST. FRANCIS HIGH SCHOOL a. CORRESPONDENCE b. PROPERTY HOLDINGS OF ST. ANTHONY PROVINCE. (3 COPIES) 10. ART WORK: HISTORY AND ART OF FR. JUSTIN ROSARY HOUR PHOTOGRAPHS: ST. FRANCIS HIGH SCHOOL FILING CABINETS CABINET I DRAWER 1: ANNIVERSARY ALBUMS  ZBoty Jubileusz Parafji Sw. Wojciecha: 1892-1942, Elmhurst, L.I., NY. Golden Jubilee of St. Adalberts Church. Album Jubileuszowy Prowincji Polkiej OO. Franciszkanw w Ameryce: 1905-1930. A Polish Language Silver Jubilee Album of the Polish Conventual Franciscan Province of St. Anthony of Padua. 3 copies; two hard covers and one soft. Golden Jubilee Album of St. Anthony of Padua Province, USA 1906-1956 75th Anniversary Album of Corpus Christi Church, Buffalo, N.Y. 3 copies.  ZBoty Jubileusz Parafii Bo|ego CiaBa, Buffalo, New York 1898-1948. A Polish Golden Anniversary Album of Corpus Christ Church, Buffalo New York 1898-1948  A Grateful Tribute to Fr. Cornelian Dende, OFMConv. 25 Anniversary as Director of the  Father Justin Rosary Hour 1959-1984 with a remembrance of Very Rev. Justin Figas, OFMConv. Founder and Director of the Rosary Hour. 9 copies. 25th Anniversary of St. Joseph Cupertino Seminary in Ellicott City Maryland: 1928-1953. St. Francis of Assisi Church, Athol Springs, N.Y.: 1989. A historical background of the Parish with contemporary photos of Parishioners.  Seminarium Sw. Jacka, Granby, Mass., Dziesiciolecie: 1927-1937. A ten-year celebration of St. Hyacinth Seminary, Granby Massachusetts: 1927-1937. St. Hyacinth Seminary Silver Jubilee: 1927-1952  Historja Uniji Polskiej w Stanach Zjedonoczonych PoBnocnej Ameryki Wydana z Okazji Jej ZBotego Jubileuszu 1890-1940. Golden Jubilee Album featuring History of the Polish Union in the United States of America.  Zjednoczenie Polskie Rzymsko Katolickie XXXXII Sejm 1937. Polish Roman Catholic Union of America, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Historic St. Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr Parish, Buffalo, NY: Mother Church of Polonia, Founded in 1873. DRAWER 2: ROSARY HOUR RESIDENCE: ARCHITECTURAL DRAWER 3: PENDING REQUESTS DRAWER 4: INTERVIEW EQUIPMENT CABINET II DRAWER 1: MANUSCRIPTS: FR. JUSTIN FIGAS DRAWER 2: CORRESPONDENCE: FR. JUSTIN FIGAS BATOR, PIOTR TO FR. JUSTIN: SCOUT CONTROVERSY;DATED 1933 FROM CHICAGO BAUER, JEROME A. TO FR. JUSTIN: INTERCESSORY PRAYERS: DATED 1998 FROM MILWAUKEE, WIS. DUDEK, FR. BERARD CHECK FOR ALL SOULS DAY MASSES TO FR. JUSTIN, PROVINCIAL DATED 1933 BERNARD (FR.) LETTER TO PROVINCIAL (FR. JUSTIN) ABOUT ADMISSION OF FR. JEROME TO PROVICE. CELMIROWSKI, M. LETTER TO FR. JUSTIN CONTAINING NEWS ARTICLE WITH HEADLINE, Ks. Justyn Figas Oczernia Harcerstwo Wizku Nar. Pol. Na Radjo (Re: Scout controversy) (year updated) DZIEKAN, FLORENCE B. COMMENDATION LETTER TO FR. JUSTIN. PERSONAL REFLECTIONS OF FR. JUSTIN FIGAS BY MRS. FLORENCE (STARZYNSKI) DZIKAN DATED 2004 EVERYBODY S DAILY  DZIENNIK DLA WSZYSTKICH INVITATION FROM M.W. PELCZYINSKI, BUSINESS MANAGER, INVITING FR. JUSTIN TO BE GUEST EDITOR AT THE PAPER. EVERYBODYS DAILY DZIENNIK DLA WSZYSTKICH RETURN OF CHECK TO FR. JUSTYN FROM MATTHEW PELCZYNSKI WITH LETTER OF EXPLANATION. FIGAS, FR. JUSTIN: A PASTORAL LETTER FIGAS, FR. JUSTIN: A POST CARD FROM FR. JUSTIN TO MR. J. KOWACKI: DICKSON CITY, PA. FELDHEIM, KS. FELIX LETTER TO FR. JUSTIN AT CORPUS CHRISTI ABOUT HIS AUTHORSHIP OF HIS WORKS FLEJTER, JEANETTE LETTER ADVOCATING THE CAUSE FOR FR. JUSTINS BEATIFICATION. FRANCISCAN SISTERS: INVITATION TO JUBILEE GAWLINA, JZEF A TALK ABOUT THE DEPORTING OF POLISH CHILDREN (UNDATED) GRUCZEWSKI, BERNARD POETRY LETTERS TO FR. JUSTIN. A ROSTER OF BROTHER SERVAPHINS GUILD MODERATED BY FR. JUSTIN. (UNDATED) COUNTY OF ERIE HEALTH DEPARTMENT FROM ROBERT ROESSER, DISTRICT MANAGER RE: TOILET FACILITIES FOR PICNIC GROVE AT ST. FRANCIS HIGH SCHOOL. DZIENNIK DLA WSZYSTKICH: Buffalowianie Godnie Uczcili 25-Lecie Pracy Duszpasterskiej SpoBecznej O. Justyna Figasa. DATED JULY 22, 1935 JUNG, MARY  POSTAL CARDS FROM FR. JUSTIN FIGAS KACZOROWSKA, JADWIGA POLICE-HOSPITAL-PASTOR INVOLVEMENT DATED 1934 KALA{YCSKI, JZEF LETTER CONCERNING SCOUT CONTROVERSY DATED 1935 K.M. (SIC) FROM CHICAGO LETTER AND NEWSPAPER ARTICLE CONCERNING SCOUT CONTROVERSY DATED 1933 KRONIKA SERAFICKA, ATHOL SPRINGS, NY. AN ARTICLE ENTITLED KS. FIGAS ATAKUJE HARCERSTWO. (UNDATED) ENVELOPE ADDRESSED TO Very Rev. Fr. Provincial (Fr. Justin Figas) KAZNIEWICZ, ST. A LETTER ADDRESSED TO FR. JUSTIN FIGAS CONCERNING THE SCOUT CONTROVERSY PALLASCH, ABDOM M. ATTORNEY A LETTER TO FR. JUSTIN CONCERNING SETTLING AN ESTATE AND A TRANSFER OF MONIES. A RESPONSE TO THE ATTORNEY BY FR. JUSTIN. PHOTOGRAPHS OF POLISH MILITARY FROM PRESS AGENT, W. LEITGEBER IN UNADRESSED ENVELOPE MADUZIA, JZEF, SWIADEK FRANCISZEK LETTERS TO FR. JUSTIN CONCERNING SCOUT CONTROVERSY DATED 1933 M{YK, FR. WAADEK LETTERS TO LOCAL PASTORS MOYAK/SKURAT THANK YOU TO FR. JUSTIN FIGAS MINISTERSTWO OBRONY NARODOWEJ, LEITGEBER. W (A SMALL NOTE) MINISTERSTWO OBRONY NARODOWEJ (M.O.N.) ZDJCIA FOTOGRAFICZNE WOJSKOWE. (CAPTIONED PHOTOGRAPHS) MINISTERSTWO OBRONY NARODOWEJ (M.O.N.) POLIMILITPRSS: AN AIRMAIL ARTICLE BY K.P. (SIC) ENTITLED SKACZEMY W CIEMNOZ DATED 1943 A HANDWRITTEN ARTICLE ON CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH STATIONARY (UNDATED) ON THE MURDER OF RELIGIOUS PIZNARSKI, J. LETTER AND NEWS ARTICLE ABOUT SCOUT CONTROVERSY PODWIKA, MISS HELEN LETTER TO FR. JUSTIN ABOUT SCOUT CONTROVERSY POLISH MILITARY WOMEN: A MARCH AND SWEARING IN CEREMONY (PHOTOGRAPHS) POTOK, STEPHAN T., ATTORNEY AT LAW A LETTER TO FR. JUSTYN CONCERNING ADJUDICATION OF SUM OF MONEY AWARDED TO ROSARY HOUR DATED 1956 PRISONS. MANUSCRIPTS OF FR. JUSTIN FIGAS CONCERNING ENCARCERATION POLOWA MSZA SWITA MINISTERSTWO OBRONY NARODOWEK, KWATERA PRASOWA. AN OUTDOOR MASS FOR THE MILITARY PHOTOGRAPHS OLIJNICZK, Prezes ZPKR A TELEGRAM O.R.P. ORKAN PRESS RELEASES TATUSKA, JOHN UNDER SHERIFF, BUFFALO, NEW YORK. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTRE DAME SUPPLY CO. VESTMENT PURCHASE PROBLEM ROMASZKIEWICZ, JAN: THANK YOU TELEGRAM ROMASZKIEWICZ, JAN: PRZES ZCZNP LETTER DATED 1933 SEASCOUTS SEASCOUTS OF THE SSS POLONIA. PHOTOGRAPHS AND MENU M.O.N. DATED 1943 SAPOWSKI, L. CAMPS IN MEXICO (FALKOWSKI, EDWARD) SERAFIN, BROTHER BROTHER SERAFIN GUILD. MANUSCRIPT BY FR. JUSTIN 1953, DZIENNIK SIKORSKY AIR MISSIONS ON GERMANY PHOTOGRAPHS SLISZ, JOSEPH TRACINSKIS ARTICLE (SCOUT CONTROVERSY SMODLIBOWSKI, ANTONI MINISTERSTWO OBRONY NARODOWEJ dated 1943 SMOLARZ, MRS. VICTORIA CHRISTMAS CARD TO MRS. SMOLARZ FROM FR. JUSTIN FIGAS TRIBUTE TO DEAD SOLDIERS PHOTOGRAPHS U.S. PATENT OFFICE WINDOW SHADE PROBLEM RYBAK INVENTORS WANAT, WAWRZENIEC I L. WANAT LETTER TO FR. JUSTIN ON SCOUT CONTROVERSY dated 1933 WIECHICKA, ANTONINA LETTER TO FR. JUSTIN ON SCOUT CONTROVERSY dated 1933 WIECHICKA, ANTONINA LETTER OF APOLOGY TO FR. JUSTIN ABOUT STARTING CONTROVERSY WOJCIECHOWSKI, STEFAN PREZES. PKL INVITATION: LITERARY CIRCLE WWII PHOTOS SENT TO FR. JUSTIN ZIELESKIEWICZ, W. NEWS ARTICLES ON SCOUT CONTROVERSY ZIOAKOWSKI, WIKTOR TOWARZYSTWO BRATNE POMOCY OJCZYZNEJ ZALRZEWSKA, p. ZWIZEK POLEK PRESS RELEASE Z.B. FROM CHICAGO SCOUT CONTROVERSY ZWIZKOWIEC. W. SCOUT CONTROVERSY ZWIZEK NARODOWY POLSKI SURVEY REPORT ON THE INTER-COMMUNITY HOSPITAL: 1955 DRAWER 3: CORRESPONDENCE AND DOCUMENTATION: FR.CORNELIAN DENDE A ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA PROVINCE, USA: DOCUMENTATION ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA PROVINCE, USA: DOCUMENTS OF THE INCORPORTION OF THE PROVINCE. AVE MARIA: NOVEMBER 27, 1965 ISSUE AWARD CERTIFICATES OF FR. CORNELIAN DENDE ARCHIVE CORRESPONDENCE: NOTRE DAME; UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTTA B BUFFALO DIOCESE: DAY OF RECOLLECTION FOR PRIESTS BUFFALO COMMON COUNCIL: DRAFT OF TRIBUTE TO FR. CORENELIAN DOCUMENT ON THE COMMITTEE FOR THE BLIND: POLAND BISHOP BURKE: INVITATION TO FR. CORNELIAN TO ATTEND BISHOPS GOLDEN JUBILEE. C CARTOON: FR. CORNELIAN TAKING OVER FOR FR. JUSTIN CORRESPONDENCE; REPLIES TO LETTERS: 1961-1962 CORRESPONDENCE; REPLIES TO LETTERS: 1962 CORRESPONDENCE; 1965 CORRESPONDENCE; 1960-1966 CORRESPONDENCE; 1975-1976 D DENDE, HENRY: NEWSPAPER ARTICLE DENDE, FR. CORNELIAN: PERSONAL DOCUMENTS DENDE, FR. CORNELIAN: ADDRESSES CATHOLI LEAGUE, CHICAGO DENDE FAMILY: BIRTHS RECORDS DENDE, HENRY: PRESS RELEASES DENDE, LEOPOLD: CZECHOSLOVAKIA E EDMUNDS: ATTORNEY AT LAW. RE: MONEY OF BEQUEST TO ROSARY HOUR F FRANIAK, MRS. ANIELA FRANCZYK, GUS: FR. JUSTIN SOCIETY FUNERAL: FR. CORNELIAN DENDE G  GODZINA R{ACCOWA : TYPEWRITTEN ARTICLE ON THE ROSARY HOUR: INITIALED  DSG (OSTENSIBLY DOCTOR STEVEN GRACZYK) ENTITLED,  S.P. OJCIEC JUSTYN FIGAS, OFMCONV. 1886-1959; KAZNOEZIEJA I ZAAO{YCIEL GODZINY R{ACCOWEJ. DR. STEFAN GRACZYK: PRZEDMOWA DOKTORA STEFANA GRACZYKA, 1GO LISTOPADA, 1959 r.); NEWS ARTICLE, HEADLINED: DR. GRACZYK HAILED FOR SERVICE AND CHURCH KNIGHTHOOD; 600 ATTEND DINNER IN HIS HONOR, HEAR FORMER TEACHER EXTOL HIM. H HOSPITAL: ST JOSPEH INTERCOMMUNITY HOSPITAL AMBASSADORS PRESENTS THE DEBUTANTES BALL APRIL 22, 1962 AT THE STATLER HILTON HOTEL. AN AD IN THE PROGRAM READS: FATHER JUSTIN ROSARY HOUR, REV. FR. CORNELIAN DENDE, OFMCONV. I INTERCOMMUNITY HOSPITAL DOCUMENTATION J POPE JOHN PAUL II: TALK ON THE OCCASION OF THE GOLDEN JUBILEE OF THE ROSARY HOUR. JOHNSON, LYNDEN B.: INVITATION TO FR. CORNELIAN TO CONFERENCE AT WHITE HOUSE. FR. JUSTIN SOCIETY: BIOGRAPHICAL HIGHLIGHTS OF FR. JUSTIN FIGAS LIFE. FR. JUSTIN SOCIETY: CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE FOR FR. CORNELIAN DENDE AS HONARARY CHAPLIAN AND LIFE MEMBER IN THE FR. JUSTIN SOCIETY, APRIL 30, 1967 JUNG FAMILY: LETTERS FROM FR. CORNELIAN K KACZOREK, FR. PLACID: PHOTOGRAPHS OF ROSARY HOUR. KLONOWSKI, BISHOP OF SCRANTON DIOCESE KAMINSKI, BISHOP KAKO POLEK: PROJEKT PRZEMWIENIA KOAODZIEJ, DR. EMIL (LETTER FROM POLAND)  KOSCIUSZKO , AN ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY BY EMANUEL TARLOW KRLIKOWSKI, FR. LUCIAN: NAWIKSZA AMBONA POLSKA KULPINSKI, STAN L LUBLIN: BIBLIOTECKA UNIVERSYTECKA LUBLIN: CORRESPONDENCE WITH FR. CORNELIAN DENDE. M MAZUR, ANNA MORAN, EDWARD: SEQUENCE OF EVENTS SECTION I SHELF 1 CONTAINER 1 PHOTOS AND DEATH CARDS OF FR. JUSTIN FIGAS CONTAINER 2 MINUTES FROM DRIVERS CHARITY GBALL BR. SERAPHIN GUILD: 1953-1960 MINUTES FROM DRIVERS CHARITY BALL AN ASSORTMENT OF PHOTOS AND NEWSPAPER ARTICLES FROM 1930-1938 A SCRAPBOOK DEALING MAINLY WITH THE DRIVERS BALL (1947) 25 JUBILEE PROGRAM OF FR. JUSTIN FIGAS. CONTAINER 3 A POETIC ALBUM OF THE DRIVERS A PROGRAM ENTITLED FR. JUSTINS DRIVERS ANNUAL CHARITY BALL A LETTER FROM BISHOP TURNER CONGRATULATING FR. JUSTIN THREE ALBUMS OF QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FROM WEBTR. A MANUSCRIPT OF A PLAY WRITTEN BY FR. JUSTIN FIGAS OFMCONV. ENTITLED, ZEMSTA ZAKONNIKA THE REVENGE OF A RELIGIOUS. AN ENVELOPE OF SMALL PHOTOGRAPHS OF WORLD WAR II TROOPS SHELF 2: CONTAINER 4: 1. SERMONS: ST JOSEPHAT CHURCH, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. 2. WRITINGS: FR. JUSTIN FIGAS 3. SERMONS: 1915 4. SERMONS: 1916 5. SERMONS : 1917-1919 6. PRAYERS, MUSINGS, FINANCES 1915-1920 7. SERMONS: 1922: FR. JUSTIN FIGAS 8. DEVOTIONS, SERMONS: ST JOSEPHAT, MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN 9. SERMONS: ST. JOSEPHAT, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN 10. SCRIPTURAL MEDITATIONS: 1907 11. MUSINGS: FR. JUSTIN FIGAS: 1918 12. SCRIPTUAL BOOK OF FR. JUSTIN FIGAS 13. SERMONS: . VENANTIIUS SZULC 14. LENTEN SERMONS: FR. KUSNIARSKI: 1912 15. SERMONS: ST. JOSEPHAT CHURCH, MILWAUKEE, WIS. 16. STUDIES IN HOMILETICS: FR. JUSTIN FIGAS 17. REFLECTIONS ON SCRIPTURAL THEMES: FR. JUSTIN FIGAS 18. COLLECTIBLES FOR TALKS: FR. JUSTIN FIGAS 19. SERMONS FOR SUNDAY OF THE LITURGICAL YEAR 20. WRITINGS ON VARIOUS THMES 21. MINUTES OF DRIVERS MEETINGS; 1937-1947 22. ROSARY HOUR FUND: 1942-1947 23. AN UNTITLED NATIVITY PLAY: FR. JUSYN FIGAS, PROVINCIAL 24. DRAMA: ONE ACT PLAY 25. A SMALL BLACK BOOK OF MUSINGS RO{ANIEC ZW. SKROMNOZ OSZCZERSKO BUDUJC CHARACTER PRAWDZIWA PRZYJA{N ZAE TOWARZYSTWO OBOWIZKI WZGLDEM RODZICW NATURA POWOAANIE I IDEAAY OBOWIZKI WZGLDEM RELIGII TYTUA (NAZWA) DZICI MARYI SZCZZLIWY CHAOPIEC U{YWAJ TWEGO WPAYWU ROZDNIE ZNACZENIE POWOAANIA ZWITY JERZY SKROMNOZ W UBIORZE POSAOGUSTWO NASZE OBOWIZKI WZGLDNIE STANU KOBIETA MODERNA SHELF 3: ALBUMS ALBUM 1. Photos of Fr. Justin Figas, ofmconv.; portraits and activities. ALBUM 2. Corpus Christi Parish Activities ALBUM 3. Photographs of a celebration in honor of Fr. Maximilian Kolbe. Niepokialanow 1972. ALBUM 4. Photographs and Depictions from the life of Fr. Maximilian Kolbe, OFMConv. ALBUM 5. Photographs of Drivers and Picnics in fundraisers. ALBUM 6. Some history and News articles of Folly Quarter Mansion built by Charles Carroll of Carrollton; the sole Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence; Ellicott City, Maryland. ALBUM 7. Large unidentified photographs of groups. ALBUM 8. Father Justin Day; Corpus Christi Church. Sunday, October 23, 2005 ALBUM 9. Awards: Fr. Justin. Correspondence: Ms. Mary Jung. Ad Hoc Committee for the Rosary Hour. Franciscan Sisters from Hamburg. History of Polish People in Buffalo, NY. Fudzinski, Fr. Hyacinth, photograph. Biographical: Conventual Brothers. St. Francis Parish, Athol springs: history. Kazonie o. Justyna, wygloszone podczas Mszy Sw. na Kongressie Polskiego Kleru. ALBUM 10. Photographs of Fr. Cornelian Dende. Portraits and activities. ALBUM 11. Collected lNewspaper Articles of Fr. Cornelian Dende, OFMConv. ALBUM 12. Polish Cartoons during World War II. ALBUM 13. Assorted photographs of groups connected with Rosary Hour under various directors. SHELF 5 MANUSCRIPTS: FR. JUSTIN: RADIO TALKS SHELF 6 FR. JUSTINS ARTIFACTS CANONIZATION PETITIONS OLD NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS SECTION II SHELF 1: PULIC RELATIONS POSTERS AND FOLIOS USED IN DISPLAYS AT VARIOUS OCCASIONS SHELF 2: MEDALS. MULTI-MEDIA: VIDEOS, TAPES, FILMS OF FR. JUSTINS LIFE AND TIMES. SHELF 3: LITURGICAL RESOURCES SHELF 4: EMPTY/RESERVED SHELF 5: EMPTY/RESERVED SHELF 6: ROSARY HOUR FINANCES FROM THE PAST SECTION III SHELF 1: CDS OF SCRAPBOOK CONTENTS SHELF 2: CDS RELATED TO THE ROSARY HOUR SHELF 3: EMPTY/RESERVED SHELVES 4,5,AND 6 - STORAGE AREA FOR ROSARY HOUR SECTION IV SHELF 1 Figas, O. Justyn, Mowy Radiowe, Buffalo, NY: 1931 A Compilation of Radio Talks from 1931 to 1948. The book includes Questions and Answers. This book also contains talks and questions by Fr. Justin, which were published as  PosBaniec Godziny Ro|aDcowej (Messenger of the Rosary Hour) Subscriptions from May to October. Figas, O. Justyn,  Mowy Radiowe, 8 Vol., 1931-1948 Paperbacks of Radio Talks from 1931-1948 SHELF 2 Paperbacks of Radio Talks from 1943 1932-1933 5 copies 1933-1934 15 copies 1934-1935 3 copies 1935-1936 13 copies 1936-1937 7 copies 1937-1938 16 copies 1938-1939 13 copies 1939-1940 15 copies 1940-1941 13 copies 1941-1942 18 copies 1942-1943 - 5 copies SHELF 3 Paperbacks of Radio Talks (continued) 1943-1944 13 copies 1944-1945 8 copies 1945-1946 10 copies 1946-1947 4 copies 1947-1948 4 copies 1948 UNTIL 1987 SHELF 4 Paperbacks of Radio Talks (continued) SHELF 5 Radiowe Odpowiedzi Ojca Korneliana PosBanic Godziny RzaDcowej  A collection of random issues. Mowy Radiowe  A Random Assortment of Fr. Justin s Radio Talks. Radiowe Odpowiedzi Ojca Korneliana  Opracowanie Piotr Anzulewicz, OFMConv. (2 copies) Radiowa Godzina R|aDcowa O. Justyna 1931-1881 (Historical) Mowy Radiowe 1969-1970 (Hard Copy) St. Anthony Province, OFMConv.: 1906-1982 by Roger Haas, OFMConv. 4 copies. Knight by Claude R. Foster: FR. MAXIMILLIAN KOLBE, OFMCONV. Conventual Franciscans: Directory Apokalypse by Fr. Jude Winkler, OFMConv. Kazania Manuscript sermons for the Feast of St. Francis Koronica Seraficka - Multiple Editions Conventual Friars in the USA: First Half Century by Timothy Kulbicki Polish Immigrants, Conventual Franciscans, and Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph: Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Church, Buffalo, New York, 1898-1939 By Reverend Richard Deptula, OFMConv. (a thesis submitted to the Faculty Of The School of Religious studies of the Catholic University of America in Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts. Washington, DC: 1989.)(2 copies) Pamitnik: Sybiraka I TuBacza by Aucjan Z. Krlikowski, OFMConv. The Fate of Polish Children During the Last War (WWII) by Hrabar, Tokarz and Wilczur The Cultural Tansition and the Attitudes of Polish Immigrant Families towards divorce and parental authority in the united states 1931-1940 by Fr. Stanislaw Hajkowski, Washington, DC, 2010 SHELF 6 Emigracyjni Katecheci Radiowej Godziny R|aDcowej by Ks. Tadeusz Zaspa. Pustki w Piekle by Fr. Justin Figas, OFMConv. Pustki w Piekle by Fr. Justin Figas, OFMConv. Tom I and II, 1940 Pustki w Piekle by Fr. Justin Figas, Tom I, 6 paperback copiess Pustki w Piekle by Fr. Justin Figas, Tom II, 5 paperback copies Z Kanady do Wielkiej Britanji Bombowcem by Fr. Justin Figas, 6 copies of Tom 1 And 12 copies of Tom II. Polonica Amerykana by Haiman. Annotated Catalogue of the American Roman Catholic Union. Polskie PrzysBowie I Aforyzmy by Ks. Stan. Czerniewski, 6 copies. Program of the Masked Ball, a fund raiser for St. Francis High School and The Rosary Hour. Note: listing of Drivers in charge of the affair. Paradox of Poverty: Francis of Assisi and John of the Cross by Lyn M. Scheuring, Lamp Ministries SCRAPBOOK LISTINGS SCRAPBOOKS HAVE BEEN PHOTOGRAPHED ON CDS, CONTIA NING IMAGES OF THE NEWSPAPER ARTICLES AND OTHER ITEMS, WHICH ARE FOUND ON NUMBERED PAGES IN THE RESPECTIVE SCRAPBOOKS. A HARD COPY INDEX OF THE HEADLINES AND VARIOUS ITEMS FOUND IN THE SCRAPBOOK ARE LOCATED INSIDE THE FRONT COVER OF THE SCRAPBOOK. A MICROSOFT ACCESS DATA BASE AND A WORD PROCESSING DOCUMENT IS FOUND ON THE CD CALLED ARCHIVAL MASTER. TO FIND A PARTICULAR NEWSPAPER ARTICLE, USE CONTROL-F AND TYPE IN THE SUBJECT TO FIND IT. FOR EXAMPLE, IF YOU ARE SEARCHING OF INFORMATION FOUND IN THE ARCHIVES ON DR. GRACZYK, TYPE IN THAT SUBJECT, AND THE COMPUTER WILL FIND ALL NEWSPAPER ARTICLES, PHOTOGRAPHS, AND OTHER ITEMS IN WHICH DR GRACZYK APPEARS. SECTION VI SHELF 1 SCRAPBOOK 1 Page Passenger List of the North German Lloyd Steamship Company. Passenger on SS. Hohenzollern on Saturday, November 19, 1904 was Rev. Hyacinth Fudzinski. Dziennik Zjednoczenia, September 2, 1933. Mowa Wielebnego Ojca Justyna. Rosary Talks to Begin Nov. 1. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich. Olbrzymia Zabawa Karciana i Ball, May 19, 1933. Kolipinski Praises Work of Rev. Figas. $3000.00 is added to Fr. Figas Broadcast Fund. Olbzymi Turniej Karciany w Niedziele w Liceum. Rosary League Benefit Party Proves Success. Letter from the Congress of the United States to Fr. Justin from Rep. John Lesinski. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich Pa|dziernika 19-go 1934. W Niedziele Rozpoczcie Godz. Ro|aDcowej O. Justyna. Ads from Newspapers and tickets to Banquets. Trend, Radio Editorial: Prow. O. Justyn Figas Przeciwny Klynice. Polish Daily News, W Moim Kolejdoskopie. February 5, 1934 Polish Daily News, W Moim Kolejdoskopie. February 17, 1934. Nasz Pamietnik Parafjalny, Przew. Ojciec Justyn Figas. Chicago, February 21. Fr. Justins Letter to his listeners. Fr. Justins Rosary Hour League, Detroit Branch. Raffle tickets. Articles on preparations for the beginning of the Rosary Hour. Leon Kolipinski, President of the Rosary League Describes How Father Justins Radio Hour Started. The Buffalo Times, Supporters of Rosary Hour Push Fight to Keep Father Figas Broadcasts Here. April 25, 1932. Wilkes-Barre Independent, Famous Priest To Speak Today. Program: Father Justins Day at Sans Souci Park, Sunday, September 16, 1934 Wilkes-Barre Independent, Principals In Arrangements To Honor Father Justin. Buffalo Times, Rev. Figas Opens Fall Broadcast of Rosary Hour. Buffalo Evening News: Roosevelt Faith Urged by Priest. Photo of the committee for Fr. Justins first fund raising Ball. Dziennik Polski, Chicago. Jutro We Wtorek w Graystone Ballroom: Bal Ligi R|aDcowej Fund Raising Ball at the Graystone in Detroit Michigan. Nowiny Polskie, Warto SBychac Programw Radjowych w Niedziele. Pzeszlo 8,000 Osob w Detroit na Zabawie Godziny R|aDcowej. Dziennik dla Wszystkich, Tysice TBumy PoparBy Zabawe Godziny R|aDcowej w Audytorium. May 6, 1935. The Buffalo Time, 10,000 Help Rosary League in Campaign to Raise Funds for Fr. Figas Broadcasts. Zdjecia z Zabawy Karcianej Opiekunw Godziny R|aDcowej. Photos of Fund Raiser. Dziennik dla Wszystkich, Czy tez Polonja w Buffalo Dopnie Tego, Co ZrobiBa Polonia w Detroit Na Zabawie Godziny R|aDcowej? 1935. Empty Page. Shamokin, 1935. Immense Crowd attends Polish Outing at Edgewood Park. Souvenir Book. Large Ad for Picnic on June 23rd. Invitation to the Picnic. Continued articles on Picnic at  Szwajcarska Dolina Dziennik Polski, Detroit, 1935, Ju| w Te Niedziele Olbrzymi Piknik Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justina. Buffalo Times, Godzina R|aDcowa O. Justyna Na Falach Eteru od 7-go Listopada. Note: Roster of Broadcasting Stations. Buffalo Times, Rosary Hour Has Brought 10,000 Letters Each Month, Joy to Many Fr. Justyn Says. Photograph of Fr. Justin and Secretary Miss Mary Jung. Dziennik, Detroit, July 9, 1936, Zwolennicy Godziny R|aDcowej Pospiesza w Niedziele Do Parku Kowala. Buffalo Times, October 27, 1936, WBNY To Be Local Outlet of Rosary Hour Broadcast; New Radio Chain Planned. Souvenir Book: Third Annual Radio Ball. January 31, 1937. Zamach Na Polskos w Stanach Zjednoczonych: Nie pozwola nadawac programow radiowych polskich na wiekszych stacjach. Dziennik Zjednoczenia, Okruszyny, November 11, 1936. Dziennik Zjednoczenia, Okruszyny, November 12, 1936. Dziennik Zjednoczenia, Okruszyny, November 17, 1936. (BLANK PAGE) Dziennik dla Wszystkich, Pan Leon Kolipinski StanaB Na czele Olbrzymiego Pikniku Stow. Opiekunw Godz. R|aDcowej, July 1936. Letter to Fr. Justin from Fr. Bede Hess, Minister General of the Conventual Franciscan Order. Gwiazda  Star, z pobytu Przew. O. Justyna M. figas, w Chicopee, 1938 Dziennik Zjednoczenia, November 21, 1938. Dwa Obrazki z Zycia Dzisiejszego: za specjalnym pozwoleniem wielkiego Mowcy Radiowego Ol Justyna, zaczynamy od dnia dzisiejszego podawac radiowe przemowienia tego slynnego kaznodzieja, aby przepiekne przemowienia jego jeszcze bardziej spopularyzowac. Narod Polski, February 9, 1939, Ojciec Justyn Przybedzie Na Swito Skautow ZPRK: WygBosi Kazanie Podczas Mszy Sw. W Niedziele 12-go Lutego Na MBodziankowie. Narod Polski, Chicago, Ill, February 16, 1939, PrzeszBo Milion SBuchaczy Programu Ojca Justyna z Audytorium Z.P.R.K.: Entuzjastyczne TBumy WypeBniBy Dom MBodziezy Po Brzegi. Articles and Photos of Mass and talk to Scouts. Program: Northampton Committee for Relief of Poland, Mass Meeting and Concert. Three articles: Granby, Holyoke, Chicago Dziennik dla Wszystkich, 1942. 5,000 slucha plomiennej Mowy O. Justyna. Photographs depicting activities of Scouts. Photograph of General Walter Sikorski with Fr. Justin taken in New York City. Dial Dope by Les Ryder: Article on Fr. Michael Figas better known as Fr. Justyn Figas. Letter from Joseph F. MikoBajczak to Mr. John F. Aszkler. Enclosed is a letter sent to 49 Polish Schools, Colleges and Clubs, urging the students and Members to take part in the P.B.A. Radio Contest Unknown Publisher: When Words Fail. An evaluation of the Drivers efforts and the controversy of building a high school. Billing for Closing, Premises Big Tree Road from Erie Country Treasurer s Office Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, June 30, 1950, Stowarzyszenie Drajwerw w Godny Sposob Uczcilo Przew. O. Justyna ktry ObchodziB 40-cie KapBanstwa i Pracy Dla Kosciola Oraz Ludu. Poem written by Jan P. Mincinski of South Bend, Indiana honoring Fr. Justin Dziennik Dla Wszystkich: Patrjotyczna Polonja w Corry Pa., i Na Okolicznych Farmach. Silver Jubilee Pamphlet. St. Joseph Cupertino Seminary, Ellicott City Maryland, September 15, 1953. Springfield Union and Republic: Photographs and Articles about the Granby seminary with Clerics and Faculty Kronika Buffaloska, Ameryka Echo. Greetings extended by Fr. Justin Figas. Nowy Swiat, Kronika z Buffalo I Okolic, Zgon s. P. Ojca Justyna Figasa PograzyB Polonje Buffaloska w zalobie. Condolences from Listeners on the occasion of Fr. Justin s death. Condolences. Condolences Condolences. Obit on Fr. Justin Nowy Swiat. Ojciec Justyn PrzpoczB 27 Rok Nadawania  Godziny R|aDcowej Corpus Christi Athletic Club: a History. Articles on fundraiser Picnics. Polish American Journal, January 4, 1958: Article on the Rosary Hour. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Luczne Zrzeszenia WspBpracuj z Przew. O. Justynem Figa, OMC. Architectural Plans for the Intercommunity Hospital. A photo assignment sheet from the Buffalo Evening News to cover Fr. Justin. An article on the Silver Jubilee of the Rosary Hour. - A letter from Fr. Justins sister, Pearl, mentioning her sending Fr. Justin some pictures. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, PodniosBy Przybieg Uroczystosci ZBotego Jubileuszu Przew. O. Justyn Figas. A large picture of Priests and Nuns present at the occasion. Articles on the Golden Jubilee of Fr. Justin. Prayer cards, condolences, and obit regarding Fr. Justin s passing. A genealogy tree of Fr. Justin Figas relatives and short biographical sketch. Nowy Swiat: Koronika Parafjalna: Parafja Bozego Ciala z pogrzebu Sp. Ojca Justyna Figasa. Article and picture of the carrying of the coffin A resolution presented by Supervisor Gus Franczyk of the 9th ward in expressing sympathy on the passing of Fr. Justin. St. Hyacinth News, Granby Mass., Life of Father Justin, Spiritual Giant of Province, Comes to End. THINGS TO DO TODAY: A MEMO WRITTEN BY FR. JUSTIN ON TUESDAY MARCH 7, 1944. Articles introducing Fr. Dende as the next Director of the Rosary Hour. Szkic Historyczny polskiej kotolickiej literatury homiletycznej w Stanach Zjednoczonych. SHELF 1 SCRAPBOOK 2 PAGE Dziennik Dla Wszystkich,  Idc Tedy Nauczajcie Wszystkie Narody : A sermon by Fr. Norbert Zonca on the occasion of a Silver Jubilee Mass commemorating twenty-five year anniversary of St. Francis College. Photo of procession to St. Francis Chapel at Silver Anniversary of the school. Articles on the Card party. October 1952. Headlines: Ostatnia Zabawa Przed Adwentem. Polonja Gramadnie Podzy na Bal Drajwerw. Ju| od Soboty Za tydzien Doroczny Bal Drajwlerow. Headlines: Jeszcze MoZna Nabywac Loze Na Dobroczynny Bal Stow. Drajwerw. Dzis Polonja Podazy Na Bal Drajwerw. Photographs: Stanislaw Kuchta, Edward Strauss, Fr. Justin Figas, Fr. Pacyfik Baldyga. Headlines: CaBa Polonja Proszona Na Bal Drajwerw. Father Justin to Observe 50 years of Service to God. Photographs: Drivers Committee, Principal Drivers. Headlines: Bal Drajwerw O. Justyna Odbdzie Sie Ju| Jutro. Pracownicy i Pracowniczki Balu Drajwerw Ojca Justyna, Liceum St. Jana Kantego 29go Listopada, 1952. Photographs: O. Justyn, Jozef Kapela, Filip Malachowski. Headlines: Tegoroczny Bal Stow. Drajwerw Bdzie Naprawde WspaniaBy. Na Wy|sz Uczelnie Switego Franciszka WpByneBo $9,012.76. Photographs: Ludwik Samulski, Leon Kolipinski, Philip Marachowski, Bishop Leo R Smith, Dr. Stefan Graczyk. Headlines: Dobroczynny Bal Drajwerw DoznaB Olbrzymiego Poparcia: Tysice Osb PrzybyBo Do Piknej Sali Liceum St. Jana Kantego. Photographs: Three couples attending the Ball. Articles: Brak Wychowania , Los Ludzi Starszych. Headlines: W Sobot Idziemy na Dobroczynny Bal Drajwerw Ojca Justyna. Photographs: Jan Poczciwinski, Edward Szymanski. Feature: From Pole to Pole by Buflopole Argus. Headline: Doroczna Zabawa Godziny Rozanc. W Niedziele 26-go Pazdziernika. Photograph: Pan Jozef i Pani Estera Kapela, Konstancja Szeliga. Headline: Father Justin Broadcasts Start Nov. 1. A handwritten series of PYTANIA signed Jodefka 7/27/52, Lackawanna, NY and notated: Na Bankiecie Ks. Adams. An ad from WABY in Albany advertising the Rosary Hour. Photograph: Committee of Supporters of St. Francis High School with Principal Fr. Pacific Baldyga, Jubileusz. Dziennik dla Wszystkich, Wy|sza SzkoBa Sw. Franciszka ObchodziBa Srebrny Jubileusz. Photograph: Bishop Joseph Burke gives Blessing at the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of St. Francis High School Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, 25 Lat Katolickiej Nauki. Headline: W Niedziele 16-go Maja Karcianka Na Korzysc Godziny R|aDcowej. The Polish American Journal, Frankly Speaking: Fr. Justin s Rosary Hour. Photograph: Picnickers enjoy food, Konstancja Szeliga. Letter from Bishop John F. O Hara on School Registration. Letter from the Archdiocese of Detroit by the Chancellor to Fr. Justin Figas. Catholic Worker, Holy Father Begs Mercy for the Rosenbergs Capital Punishment Headline: W Srode Szkola Sw. Franciszka w Athol Springs Obchodzi Srebrny Jubileusz Photograph: Fr. Pacific Baldyga, Principal of St. Francis High School Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, 25 Lat Katolickiej Nauki. Photographs: St Francis High School building, Students at work in laboratory, School Chapel. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, May 16, 1953, Zamiast Polepszenia  Pogorszenie. Przesladowanie Religii w Polsce. Headlines: Father Justin Rosary Hour Starts Nov. 7. Jutro Wyzsza Szkola St. Franciszka obchodi Srebrny Jubileusz. Wszyscy Oczekuj z Niecierpliwosci Na Dobroczynny Bal Drajwerw. Article entitled: Dobry Uczynek. Headlines: Polonia Proszona Na Doroczny Dobroczynny Bal Drajwerw. Jeszcze Mozna Zamowic Loze Na Bal Drajwerw. Od tej Niedzieli Za Tydzien Piknik Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna. Photographs: Entire Drivers Committee seated with Fr. Justin, Leon Kolipinski, Konstancja Szeliga.\ Dziennik Dla Wszystkich  Half page of newspaper devoted to political matters. Headlines: Ju| Jutro Ten WspaniaBy Dobroczynny Bal Stow. Drajwerw. Godzina R|aDcowa Rozpoczyna 23-ci Rok Na Fali Radiowej. Dzisiaj Idziemy Na Bal Drajwerw. Photographs: Fr. Justin Figas, Mayor Josef Mruk, Filip Malachowski, Jan F. Aszkler, Franciszek Jarmusz.. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich: Entire page entitled Blaski Balu Dobroczynnego Drajwerw depicting attendees at the Ball. Photographs: Blessing of new business, Lens Jewelry. In attendance: Fr. Justin Figas and Fr. Franc. Wlodzarczak. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. Photo of Fr. Justin, announcing Station WPTS in Pittston, PA as being added to the list of Rosary Hour Stations. Photo of eight principles of the Committee of Drivers. Headlines: Na Wy|sza Uczelnie Switego Franciszka WpByneBo $8,086.76. W Niedziele 12-go Lipca Doroczny Piknik Godziny R|aDcowej. Urzdnik Pocztowy Aresztowany. Photographs: Jozef Budziszewski, Piotr Zawadzki, Edward Gawel. Headlines: Wiel. Ojciec Pawel Czubaj, Proboszcz-Jubilat. Ju| Mozna Zamawiac Loze Na Doroczny Bal Dobroczynny Stow. Drajwerw O. Justyna. Photographs: Ks. Pawel Czubaj, Phil Malachowski. Henry Dende s letter to Fr. Justin Figas concerning the new Radio Station formed in the Scranton-Wilkes-Barre area. Headline: W PrzyszB Niedziele Doroczny Piknik. Photographs: Kazimierz Urban, J. Kapela. Headlines: Ju| Jutro wycieczka Stow. Godziny R|aDcowej. Polonia Proszona Na Piknik Godzinej R|aDcowej O. Justyna. Wielkie Powodzenie Wycieczki Oraz Pikniku Stow. Godziny R|aDcowej. Photographs: Group shot of helpers at the picnic, Leon Trembowicz, Kazimiez Urban, Jozef Kapela Photographs: Attendees at the Drivers Ball. Photographs: Attendees at the Drivers Ball Headlines: Godzina R|aDcowa O. Justyna Na Falach Eteru 7-go Listopada. Dziwny Rozkaz Wsrod Snu. Photographs: Kalina Choir which sung at the St. Francis High School Chapel for the Rosary Hour Program, Fr, Justin Figas. Note: Listing of the Radio Stations broadcasting the Rosary Hour Program. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich: Tysice Osb Wybiera Si Do Athol Springs: W Niedziele, 11-go Lipca Na Tegorocn Wycieczk Letnia i Piknik Stow. Godziny R|aDcowej. O. Justyna.. W Niedziele Doroczny Piknik Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna. Photographs: Fr. Justin Figas, Konstancja Szeliga, Jozef Budziszewski, Edward Strauss, Photo of Ladies who worked in the kitchen preparing food for the picnic. Headlines: Poprzyjmy Szlachetne Przedsiewzicie Artystow Teatru Polskiego w Buffalo. Od Jutra Za Tydzien Doroczny Dobrocz. Bal Drajwerw O. Justyna. Photographs: Franciszek Wardynski, Aleksander Pietak, WBadyslaw Gawel. Photo of Balloon Sale at the picnic. The Buffalo Times: A four-page section of photographs from Sunday February 24, 1935. One of the photographs depicts Miss Mary Wolski and Edward Strause as ready for the eleventh Annual Polish Charity Masked Ball at Broadway Aud. Headline: Organizatorzy Wdziczni S Publicznosci, a Publidznos Organizatorom Za Atmosfere Sobotniego Balu Drajwerw O. Justyna. Photograph: Mayor Stefan Pankow with wife and JF. Malachowski with wife. A letter from Rev. John P. Lynch, CSC to Fr. Justyn Figas concerning supplying material for the five-minute radio scripts on Our Lady and the rosary for broadcast over Radio Free Europe into Poland. Headlines: Ju| w Sobot 21-go Listopada Dobroczynny Bal Stow. Drajwerw w Sali Liceum Sw. Jana Kantego (1953) W Sobote WspaniaBy Bal w Liceum na Kantowie. Photographs: Fr. Valentine Rajter, Joseph Dombrowski, CzesBaw Kowal, Feliks Wolski, Karol Ratajczak A thank you letter from  The girls from the Marine Trust Co, Broadway Office to Fr. Justin thanking him for the gifts of Rosaries. (July 15, 1943 Unpublished Photographs: Informal of Fr Justyn from 1953; photo of Fr. Justyn talking to congregation. Unpublished Photographs: Informal of Fr. Justyn and unknown person. Ordination picture. A bill issued to Father Justin from Norman L. Etenger for novelties. Headlines: Ju| Jutro Wielki Doroczny Piknik Godziny R|aDcowej. O. Justyna. Tysiace Osob Bawilo Na Pikniku Godziny R|aDcowej O. Jusyna. (July 13, 1953) Dziennik Dla Wszystkich: Buflopole HIGHLIGHTS: Mention of the Annual Charity Ball. Photographs: Filip Malachowski, Josef Budziszewski, Group of picnic workers. Headlines: Jeszcze Kilka Loz Pozostalo Na Bal Drajwerw O. Justyna. Wszystko Nale|ycie Przygotowane Do Balu Drajwerw O. Justyna: Ktory odbedzie sie Ju| w sobote 21 Listopada, w Liceum na Kantowie. Photographs: Kazimierz Urban, Stanislaw Kuchta, Jozef Budziszewski, Raymond Niemier, Fr. Pacific Baldyga. A letter from V. Rev. Francis Edic, Minister Provincial to Fr. Justin concerning transportation to the regular General Chapter. Headlines: Drajwerzy O. Justyna Podejmowani Na Wycieczce Letniej w Athol Springs. Pojdziemy licznie na Bal Stow. Drajwerw. Photographs: F. Malachowski, J. Budziszewski, Jan Poczciwinski, Wladyslaw Gister. A letter from E.J. Kolasa, Announcement Editor of the Polish Daily Zgoda indicating to Fr. Justin that there is a fee for the listing of Radio Stations of the Rosary Hour in his newspaper. Photographs: Two unidentifiable photographs. Photographs: Three Photographs of Fr. Justin speaking, at his desk, and a photo with a cane. Photographs: Three photographs in various poses. Photographs: Four photographs of Fr. Justin with people or alone at desk or outdoors. Photographs: Two photographs of Fr. Justin, one at his desk and one addressing a congregation. Photographs: Three photographs, one at a liturgical function and one breaking ground with a shovel in hand. Headlines: W Sobote 20-go Listopada Doroczny Bal Drajwerw. W Niedziele Doroczny Piknik Stow. Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna. Photographs: Jozef Budziszewski, Jan Golombek, Stanislaw Kuchta, photo of gamers at picnic, picnic attendees. Photo of Fr. Justin being honored at a dinner sponsored by his Drivers. Headline: Na Wyzsza Uczelnie Swietego Franciszka Wplynelo $8,068.23 Z Dorocznego Balu Dobroczynnego Stow. Drajwerw O. Justyna. Photograph: Group of Drivers including Fr. Joseph Trawinski and Dr. Stefan Graczyk, one of the first Drivers. Headline: Drajwerzy Uczcili Nowego Wice Prezesa Zjednocznia, Stanislawa Pl Turkiewicza. Photograph: Fr. Justin and his drivers make a presentation honoring Stanley Turkiewicz. Headlines: CzBonkowie Stow. Drajwerw MiBe Polejmowani w Athol Springs, NY 11GO lipca Doroczny Piknik Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna. Polonia Gromadnie Pod|y Na Doroczny Bal Drajwerw. Dzis Polonia Podzy Na Bal Drawjwerw. Photographs: Jozef Budziszewski, Piotr A. Zawdzki, Leon Trembowicz, K. Urban, F. Malachowski. Greeting Card included: A names day card ostensibly to Fr. Justin A photograph of Drivers with article from Dziennik Dla Wszystkich Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Ju| w Sobote Dobroczynny Bal Stow. Drajwerw O. Justyna. Obit: Ludwik Samulski Znany I Powa|ny DziaBacz Po|egnal si z tym Swiatem. Photographs: Mayor Stefan Pankow officially cuts the ribbon at the opening a Seneca Street Bridge, Felix Woolskin, Leon Kolipinski, Filip Malachowski. Photographs of attendees at the Drivers Ball. Headline: Dobroczynny Bal Drajwerw DoznaB Olbrzymiego Poparcia. Photograph: Dignitaries at the Ball. Headline: Father Justin to Observe 50 Years of Service to God. Advertisement for WJVA in South Bend, Indiana (1953). Photograph: Fr. Justin with 5 unidentifiable persons. Articles on the Picnic and Drivers Ball with photographs of Fr. Justin, J. Budziszewski, Edward Strauss and Jan Poczciwinski A financial statement concerning the Drivers Ball dated November 20, 1954 A financial statement concerning the Picnic dated July 11, 1954 Blank Page Blank Page Photographs of people at the picnic of July 12, 1955 A letter from Fr. Anaclete Kaczmarek, Minister Provincial announcing the 100th anniversary of the Conventual Franciscans in America. A letter from Fr. Francis Edic, Chairman of the Centenary Committee. News stories of Fr. Justins Silver Anniversary of his Radio Program. A listing of Radio Stations which carried the Rosary Hour. A photo of Bishop Smith at the celebration: February 7. 1955 Headline: Program Ligi Katolickiej Na Godzinie R|aDcowej O. Justyna. Photographs: Fr. Justyn, Fr. Francis Radziszewski, Fr. Peter Adamski, Buflopole Society of Women at Charity Ball. Articles of the Charity Ball with a photo of women of the Buflopole Society at Hotel Statler. Photographs: Two photographs of Wives of the Drivers Blank Page Full Page Ad depicting Fr. Justin Figas and Principal Drivers announcing the upcoming picnic in Athol Springs, NY (July 10, 1955) Photo of members of the committee of Drivers for the upcoming Charity Ball. Excerpts from a story called Jacek. News Stories on the Charity Ball with a photo of drivers with Fr. Joseph Trawinski. Dziennik Dla Wszyskich: Tysice Osb BawiBo na Pikniku Godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna. Photographs: Committee members for the picnic, Women working in the kitchen in preparation of food for the picnic. Women attendees at the Ball (December 3, 1955) Women attendees at the Bal (December 3, 1955) Photo of Drivers and article on preparation for the Annual Charity Ball (October 7, 1955) Celebrities at the Charity Ball, November 23, 1955. News articles on the Drivers Ball with pictures of Fr. Justin, Peter Zawadzki and Stefan Pankow. Articles on the Picnic with photographs of Jozef Plezia, John Aszkler, Karol Ratajczak Jozef Dombrowski, Czeslaw Kowal, and Stanley Kuchta. Article on annual Picnic Dziennik Dla Wszystkich: Na Wy|sz Uczelnie St. Franciszka W Athol Spriings WpByneBo $7000.00 . Obit of Franciszek X. Boroszewski Photo of nuns and lay people at the funeral of Francis Boroszewski. Photos of Stanley Zablonski and Maria Zablonski celebrating their 35th anniversary of Marriage. Photographs: St. Francis High School Mothers Club at a tea. Florenja Bett Ogrodnik, Chairperson for the Benefit Card Partly. Photo of committee women of the Card Party. Photos of Helena Pmana and Cecylja Surowiec representing the providing of funds for St. Francis High School. Photos of women attendees at Charity Ball in a full page spread. Photos of Women attendees at Charity Ball in full page spread. A full page Advertisemnt of WCED-WCED-FM of Du Bois, PA. 94, 95, 96 Empty Pages. SECTION VI SHELF 1 SCRAPBOOK 3 PAGE Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Ad for the Drivers Masquerade Ball. Photographs: Mrs. Stuffier Winiewicz and Health Commissioner Francis Franczak attend Concert by the internationally famous Dana Ensemble, Mayor John F. Aszkler of Lackawanna and Mrs. Aszkler attending concert sponsored by the Moniuszko Singing Society Mayor Aszkler and two young dancers, Lorenia Stachowiak and Genowefa Kowalczewska, who dance the Krakowiak; Casper Urban, Mrs. Aszkler and John Aszkler at Ball given by the staff of the Buffalo Hospital of the sisters of Charity at Hotel Statler. Narod Polski, Na Kazalnicy Radiowej: Bg i nad Narodem Polskim Czuwa. Printed Sermon of Fr. Justin Figas which was broadcast on December 10, 1939. Headlines: Maskarada Drajwerw w Tym Roku Bdzie Rekordowa Pod Wzgledem Tak Przepychu Jak I Atrakcyi. Najpewniejszy Sposob Zapewnienia Sobie Miejsca Na Maskaradzie Drajwerw. Maskarada Drajwerw Obfitowac Bedzie w Wspaniale Atrakcji. Photograph: Edward Strauss, Gen Przew. Maskarady Drajwerw. The Buffalo Times, October 15, 1936, Remember When? A series of photographs from the past, including one from 1898 depicting three horsemen at the Annual Butchers Barbecue at Hamlin Park. Headline: Gwardjan Klasztoru OO. Franciszkanw Mianowany Rektorem Kolegium Serafickiego w Rzymie. Photographs: Fr. Aloisius Sobus, A photo the Stanley Zablonski family on a Christmas Card, Florence Ralicka, Klara Urbaniak, Alicja Barczak and Karolowa J. Schuder. 5A. Headlines: Swietna Zabawa Na Dochd Godziny R|aDcowej. Dziki Zabiegom Wiel. Ojca Justyna Figas Procownicy Duffy Silk Mills Otrzymali Podwyzk Placy. Stow. Godziny R|aDcowej Zaprasza Na Bazaar. Photographs: Edward Strauss, Felix Dobrobiala. 5B. Headlines: Polonja Proszona o Przybycie Na Maskarade Drajwerw na 7-ma godzine Wieczor. Ostatni i Serdeczny Apel Ojca Justyna do Polonji Buffaloskiej. Photographs: Edward Strauss, Jan J. Rusek, and Fr. Justin Figas. Headlines: Przyjdzcie Rychlo Na Maskarade Drajwerw Do Liceium Kantego we Wtorek, 23-go Lutego. St. Josephs College of Philadelphia Honors Leonard Jakubczak, Sto Lat: Urodziny w Dniu Dzisiejszym Obchodz: Edward Strauss. Photographs: Jan Aszkler, Franciszek Jarmusz, Leonard Jakubczak, Edward Strauss. Headlines: Przecudne Atrakcje, Kosztowne Nagrody Na Maskaradzie Drajwerw. Doroczna Maskarada Drajwerw Bedzie w Liceum Kantego we Wtorek, 23 Lutego. Zapowiada Sie Olbrzymie Powodzenie Dla Dobroczynnej Maskarady Drajwerw. Photographs: Kazimierz C. Urban, Ludwik Schwiechler, Antoni Miedowicz. Headlines: Znany Radjowicz Jozef Dombrowski z Programem Rozmaitosci Jozefa Mikolajczaka. Kosztowne Premje i Liczne Atrakcje Beda Na Maskaradzie Drajwerw. Note of thanks to fellow drivers from Edward Stauss. Headline: Marvin Riek wins Ranking As Eagle Scout. Photographs: Marvin Riek, Three photographs relating to the Drivers Masquerade Ball. Headlines: Bdzie Sie Czemu Przypatrze Na Maskaradzie Drajwerw 23 Lutego. Od Dzis za tydzien Polonja Bawi Si W Liceum Na Maskaradzie Drajwerw. Photographs: Josef Dombrowski, Franciszek X. Boroszewski. Headlines: Edward Stauss Przewodniczacym 18-ej dorocznej Maskarady Drajwerw. More than 400 Attend Merry Hospital Ball. Photograph: Fr. Justin congratulates Edward Strauss on chairing the Drivers Masquerade Ball; Franciszek Boss Rozkwitalski looks on. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Photographs: Z Dorocznego Koncertu i Balu Polskiego KoBa Spiewackego. Nowiny Polskie: Mowa Biskupa Duffy ego Na Godzinie R|aDcowej. 26-go Listopada, 1939 Front Page of Narod Polsk. Headline: Nalezy SBac Protesty Gdy| Wrgowie Polski Nie Spi Harper s Weekly., Article on Murillo s Assumption. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Photographs: A collage of photographs depicting scenes from the Rosary Hour Picnic. (Saturday, July 20, 1940) Headline: Jedziemy w Niedziele Do Athol Springs Na WspaniaBy Piknik. Was 7-to-5 Favorite in Final Betting Moments. Mruk Appeals to All citizens To Help Make Buffalo Better. Photographs: Fr. Justin Figas, Franciszek Roskwitalski, Konstancja Szeliga, Pani Urban. Headline: Mayor Aszkler Jest Logicznym Nominatem Do Kongresu z 42-Dystryku. Photographs: Various photos during the Election of Major Mruk. Headlines: Kto Zabronil Ojcu Justynowi Przemawiac Na Radio? Priest to describe Nazi atrocities in Radio Broadcast. Gro| Ojcu Justynowi. Z Chwili: Niemcy i O. Justyn Neutralni w Opalach Kryzys wonenny blisko. Cartoon: Papuzia Cenzura. Advertisement: Nazi Atrocities in Poland: Talk in English by Rev. Father Justin, OMC. Headline: 29-ta Rocznicowa Sprzeda w Skladzie Mebli Rosinski Furniture Company cieszy Sie Nadzwyczj Wielkiem Powodzeniem. Photographs: Repeated Photo: (see page 11, ), Edward Strauss, Ludwik Samulski, photo of Fr. Justin with Drivers (February 19, 1942, Dziennik Dla Wszystkich. Buffalo Evening News, Lets Have Era of Good Feeling. Complete Election Results for City, County Offices. Mayoral Vote by Wards Bettors Pick Mruk in Last-Hour Rush A letter of Roy L. Alberston of WBNY to Fr. Justin Figas in regard to the attempt by certain flag wavers to remove foreign language broadcasts. Headline: Ojciec Justyn Gosciem w Detroit w Niedziela 10-go Marca.. Photograph: Fr. Justin Figas. An invitation to hear the Broadcast of the Rosary Hour in Detroit at the Church of St. Jadwiga. Headlines: Liga Ojca Justyna  AdoptowaBa 4 Dzieci Polskie we Francji. Kto Czce Zaadaptowac Dziecko z Rumunii? Wysluchano z Przejeciem Mowy O. Justyna. Headlines: J. E. Ks. Biskup Duffy I O. Prowincjal Cyman Przemowia Jutro Na Radjo (1939). Program Radjowy Godziny R|aDcowej Nadany Bedzie z KoscioBa Bo|ego Ciala. Spisz z Pomoc i Uznaniem Godzinie Rozanc. O. Justyna. Photographs: J. E. Ks. Biskup Jan A. Duffy, O. Prow. Wawrzyniec Cyman, O. Justyn Figas. Headline: Rev. Justin Figas to Go On Air Here (Chicopee Massachusetts). Letter from Joseph W. Brudny from Omaha, Nebraska in regard to his communications with Fr. Justin and a clipping from Omahas Polish paper Gwiazda Zachodu Headline: Mowa Wygloszona Przez Ks. Biskupa Hafeya Published by: Nowiny Polskie. Headlines: Ojciec Justyn PBakaB, Gdy PrzemawiaB Na Radio.  Ul|yjcie Polsce w Jej Mce Mowi O. Justyn. Photographs: Two Unidentifiable photos of the same person, one in prisoners uniform; the other in a Conventual habit. Headlines: Wielka Rodzina Godziny R|aDcowej Nie Zawiodla. Karcianka i Bal Na Fundusz Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna w Niedziele. Doroczny Olbrzymi Piknik Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna Bedzie w Dniu 21-go Lipca. Photographs: Fr. Justin in what looks like a home, Fr. Justin preaching in church, Stanislaw Zablonski. An Advertisement sponsored by The Goofus Magic Club of Springfield. Headlines: Zaprasza Wszyskie Panie na Karcianke I Ball Dobroczynny. Liga Godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna Zaprasza Polonje Na Karcianke i Bal. Photographs: A photograph of Konstancja Szeliga accompanying article. Seven photographs of Monte Cassino in Italy with Fr. Justin in one of them. Four printed tickets from various activities related to the Rosary Hour. Headlines: Narod Polski: Amerikanie Czynia Ciagle Starania, By dostac Sie do Polski Apel Rady Polonii Do Sekretarza Stanu Hull. Sprawy Polski: Protest Watykanu w Berlinie 8 Professorow zameczyli Niemcy. 100,000 Polakow w Glab Rosji. Straszna dola polskiego ludu. O Justynowi zabroniono mowic o zbrodniach niemieckich.  Wnioski Kongresmanow polskich w Washingtonie. Headline: Powa|ne Obrady Stow. Kaplanow: ZBoty Jubileusz Ks. WladysBawa Lipskiego Photographs: Three photographs: Fr. Justin at the Polish Cemetery on Monte Casino, at the ruins of Monte Casino with another unidentified friar, and one alone at the ruins. A letter dated February 23, 1940 addressed to Station WWSW in Pittsburgh from a Rosary Hour Listener appealing Station Managers to permit Fr. Justin to continue his broadcasts in the American language and not to prohibit him from stating the true facts and conditions which are existing at the present time abroad, especially in Poland. Various articles concerning the Card Party and Picnic from July 8, 1940. Headlines: Raz Do Roku Wyjezd|a Polonia Na Piknik Pocigiem: Jest to Picnik Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna, Zapowizany Na Niedziele. Tysice Pryjmji i Niespodzianek Oczekuje Was w Niedziele w Athol Springs. Photographs: Konstancja Szeliga, Kazimierz Urban. Courier Express, Banner Headline: Mruk Elected... Headlines: Dzis Zebranie Pracownikow Godziny R|aDcowej. $4414.62 Dochodu z Jednoodniowego Pikniku Na Fundusz Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna Komitet Godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna Ju| Jest Gotowy. Photograph: Stanislaw Zablonski Headline: Democrats Gain Seat in Council, Lose in County: G.O.P Strengthens Hold on Supervisors, 34-20; Mruk Carries 15 Wards, Including Many Strongly Democratic. Photograph: Z Inwestytury Przew. Ks. Infulata Jozefa J. Glapinskiego, ktora nader uroczyscie odbyBa sie w kosciele St. Jana Kantego, w obecnosci dwch Najprzew. Sliezy Biskupow...itd. Photographs: Newspaper portrait of Mayor-elect Joseph Mruk, Mayor Mruk record victory in the company of onlookers. Published statistics of the Mayoral election. Headlines: Chicopee Priest Gives Radio Talk. Buffalonians Adopt War Refugee Children. Holyoke: z pobytu Wel. O. Justyna w Holyoke, Mass. Fr. Figas to Speak Here tomorrow on Conditions In Poland (Chicopee, Mass.) Excerpt from a feature called What People Say: Fr. Justins Hour. Headline: Liga Godziny R|aDcowej Adoptowala 4 Dzieci Uchodzcow: Szlachetny Ten Zespol, Ktory Finansuje Programy Ojca Justyna, Teraz Dodatkowo Zajmie sie Sierotami. Photographs: Four of the Orphans are pictured: Janina Kirklewska, Mikolaj Lubinski, Wojciech Klodziejczuk and Hanna Grabowska. Headline: Z Uroczystej Inwestytury Przew. Ks. Infulata Jozefa J. Glapinskiego Photographs: Crowd at the election of Mayor Murk, Fr. Justin and members of the Corpus Christi athletic Club. WHLD Polish Varieties Radio Program. An Assignment sheet. Headline: Pikna Ceremonja OdbyBa Si w Par. Sw. Jacka w Lackawanna: Poswiecenie nowych statuB Aniolow Stro|w, ktore ZostaBy ufundowaned Przez Tow. Sw. Jacka, No. 587 Zjednoczenia Polskiego Rzymaska Kotolickego. Photo of ceremony. Program: Testimonial Banquet in honor of Rev. Joseph J. Glapinski on His elevation to the rank of Prothonotary Apostolic (July 9, 1950) Headline: O. Justyn z Godziny R|aDcowej Przemowi Dzis na Bazarze w Domu Polskim A fundraiser for displaced people of War-torn Poland. Fr. Justin Figas was Speaker. Headline: Mruk Victory Breaks spirit of Hilleryites: Judge Concedes Loss at 400-District Mark Political Articles dealing with elections. Photograph: Fr. Justin Figas at table with laity and priests at an unidentified event. Photographs: Fr. Justin speaking in a church and at an outdoor platform, Fr. Justin with Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Kolacinski of Mt. Pleasant Pa. Sept 10, 1934 Headline: Wiel. O. Wiktor Balcerak Obchodzil Srebrny Jubileusz KapBanstwa. Photograph: Fr. Victor Balcerak pictured with his mother and priests in attendance. Headline: Zjazda Polsko-Amerykanskiego Stowarzyszenia Historycznego. W sprawie Przemowien Radiowuch O. Justyna. Headline: Polska Poswtanie Jako {ywotny  Mowil Biskup Duffy. Program Radiowy O. Justyna z Kosciola Sw. Kazimierza. Photograph: A photo entitled on the back saying  Mother and the us kids and on the front labeled  mama Headlines: Ojciec Justyn Figas Przemowi Osobiscie Na Godzinie R|aDcowej w Niedziele Mlodziez Polsko-Amerykanska w Kolekcie Na Poske Nie Bedzie w Tyle. Dziennik Dla Wszyskich: Banner Headline MRUK MAYOREM BUFFALO SECTION VI SHELF 1 SCRAPBOOK 4 NEWS ARTICLES ON WORLD WAR II PAGE Headlines: Witness Tells Slaying of 200 Youths. Inside Poland. Mordercy Dziki. Do Ostatniej Kropli z Zyl!!. Headlines: Poland s Agony Wyznanie wiary {oBnie|a Polskiego 250,000 Jews Listed as Dead in Poland Polska Ukrzy|owana Headlines: Bravery of Poles Causes Revision of Opinion. Vatican Lends Aid to Poland s Cause. War Duty Delays Citizenship Pleas NiemaBa Gospodarka Headlines: Sienkiewicz o Niemcach Niemcy I Bog Nazi s Answer Headlines: Mass Executions Reported by Poles. Abuse of Poles Grieves Pontiff Chlop Polski w Walce o Wolnos Headlines: Vatican Continues Atrocity Charges Nazis Rule Poles With Brutality, U.S. Woman Says Mentalnosc  Kultruralnych Niemcw Headlines: Polski |olnierz o Rewizii Ducha Porazka Niemcow w Watykanie Zamiast Jaj, Pusty Wagon Przybyl Do Niemiec Headlines: Why Silence On Horrors? Rev. Francis Kasaczun, Formerly of City, Dies  Wyzsza Rasa Znowu Na Widowni Headlines: Z Ro|nych Stron: Bardzo To Ciekawe, Jesli Prawdziwe Z Cudzej Grzedy: Amerykanie Powinni Pomagac Polakom Bestia Niemiecka Dalej ZBopie Krew Ludzk Watykan Nie ZnisB Swej Placowki Przy Rzadzie Polskim Zbrodnia Rosnie Headlines: Watykan I Polska Po Co Zbroimy Sie? America Describes Suffering of Poles: Says Repatriated Germans Are Unhappy in New Homes Niemcy Rownaja z Ziemia Zamek Krolewski w Warszawie O Powrot Do Nauki Chrystusa Headlines: Censorship on Atrocities Pegler Criticizes Local Units Action. Rumania Znalazla Sie Pomiedzy Moltem I Kawadlem Headlines: Retrospect: Fires Over England France Defends Seizure of Contraband From U.S. Mail German Charge Contradicted Christianity in Germany Headlines: Inside Poland: 2 Refugees Tell Mass Executions Watykan a Wojna O. Justyn Na Jadwigowie Headlines: Ludzie I Ich Sprawy: Wesolych Swiat Wierna Polska Co Spotkalo OO. Franciszkanow Na Okupacji Niemieckej w Polsce Headlines: The Other Germany Trudnosci Religijne Polands Crucifixion May Lead to Canossa Headlines: Kosciol Katolicki I Porzadek Spoleczny Obywatele Sowieccy! Za Co Walczycie I Poswicacje Swe {ycie. Zwycistwo Chinczykw w Bitwie o Czangsze: Rozbili Kilka Dywizyj Japonskich Headlines: Straszny Los Polskich Dzieci w Europie. 50 Nowych I Szlachetych Pracowniczek Przylczylo Si Do Komitetu Pikniku Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna Zwycistwo Chinczykow w Bitwie O Czangsze. Headlines: {d Polski Oskarza Niemcy Listy Polskie Headlines: Universytety Polskie Zamknite, Okupanci Mszcz Si Na Profesorach Godzina R|aDcowa O. Justyna Headlines: Tysice Uchozcw Za Granicami Polski Catholic Radio Work Makes Great Strides Ukronika Parafjalna Miej Cierpliwos Picdziesit Dwa Lata Do Lo|a Bolesci Headlines: Poland Looks to Future Germans Offer to Tell All, but Fail to show Anything: Propaganda Ministry Permits Correspondents to Visit No Places of Importance Judge Noonan Lays Most Divorces to Sheer Stupidity Headlines: Salute to the Poles The Murder of a Nation Headlines: Biskup Polowy Gawlina o Zbrodniach Nazistw Na Karuzeli Zycia 200 % Lojalni Headlines: Hitler Idzie Do Canossy Bawcie Sie Ludzie Bishop Duffy Urges Laymen to Combat Spirit of Atheism Headlines: De Profundis Headlines: Jako Polacy, Czy Jako Amerykanie? Biskupi Wyasygnowali Na Ratunek Polakow $156,000 Headlines: Usmiertelny Pojedynek Germanscy  Nadludzie w Polsce Headlines: Pius XI a Cywilizacja Szczepanowo KoDczy Nowenne Grudniowa Noc Headlines: Poles Say Nazis Executed 18,000 U.S. Poles Hailed by Paderewski Polish Liberty, Padereski Aim Vatican Stresses Rift with Germany Warsaw Castle Doomed; Cold Finishes War Havoc Hillaire Belloc o Polsce Arcybiskup Mooney PrzemawiaB Na Godzinie R|aDcowej O. Justyna Headlines: Bezboznictwo Niemieckie Headlines: Witness Describes Slaying of 200 Polish Boys Godzina R|aDcowa Przew. O. Justyna Bdzie w Holyoke, Mass.  Badzcie Spokojni o Waszych Synow I Braci  O. Justyn Headlines: Bo|e Narodzenie w Warszawie Straszne Przezycia Ksiedza z Radomia Wazne Zebranie w Sprawie Godziny R|aDcowej Vatican Denounces Atrocities in Poland; Germans Called Even Worse Than the Russians Headlines: Dalsze Wstrzasajce Rewelacje Watykanskiej Radjostacji Trudnosci Religijne Headline: Co Si Dzieje Dzis w Polsce Headlines: Paderewski Stirs Exile Parliament Program Uroczystosci Inauguracyjnej w Ratuszu Vatican discloses More Reports of German Atrocities in Poland Headlines: Lodz Germanized; 8,000 Poles Ousted Rev. Kasaczun, 56, Dies while on Trip to Cuba Headline: Co Zycie Niesie Headlines: Czy Jest GBod w Niemczech? Sztandary Polski We Francji Headlines: Gotowi Byli Zdradzic Polsk Rodzice Sie Rozwiedli, Ich Dzieci Si ZabiBy Headlines: Mieszkancy Warszawy Prowadz Dzis Szare {ycie w Trosce o Zdobycie Chleba Shoemaker, Stick to Your Last Headlines: Nazis Admit Firm Polish Policy; Cardinal Sees National Disaster: even gen. Blaskowitz Balks at Tactics Held Aimed at Virtual Racial Extermination Niemcy w Tym Kraju Prowadza Klamliwa Propagande w Pisemku Facts in Review Headlines: PEANY TEKST PRZEMWIENIA IGNACEGO PADEREWSKIEGO Headlines: Smok Wawelski Dlaczego Amerikanska Prasa I Radio Ukrywa Prawde o Okrucienstwach Niemcw Papiez Pius XII Boleje Nad Dola Polskiego Ludu Headline: Z PRZEMOWIEC PRZEW. O. JUSTYNA Headlines: But Easter Still Dawns by A.J. Cronin. Vatican Anxiety Voiced for Finns. Shootings in Poland Laid to Nazis by Cardinal Headlines: Wszystkie Narodowosci I Sfery Czynne w Ratowaniu Polakw Wywiad z Amb. Ciechanowskim Headlines: Learn Self-Discipline Europe: Hungarians Feel Sure Soviet Aims to Enter Balkans Fraud Is Charged By Syracusan in Investment Action Headlines: Przysiga Polakw Pisarz Francuski o Generale Sikorskim Czes Polakom Headlines: The Irish Didn t Stay Home 1-go Wrzesnia 1939 Headlines: Marsz. PiBsudski BBagaB Majestat Cierpienia Polskiego Francuzi Uciekali w Polochu, Polacy Szli Karni z Bronia w Reku I z Armatami Headlines: W Polsce W Argersu Rev. Dominiak Gets Purse of $1600 at silver Jubilee Fete. Headline: Kongresmani Ktrzy Popieraja Bil Pomocy Na Ofiar Wojny Na Ziemiach Polskich Headlines: Kleska Glodowa Zagraza Polsce Foo-by-Cable Boom Aids Riech Exchange Headlines: Gdy Przyszla PeBnia Czasu Jak ZmarBy Papie| Spdza Dzien w Castelgandolfo Headlines: WBcznos Polakw Odrodzenie Pracy Headlines: Polish Refugees Placed at 100,000 Kard. Holond Przybywa Do Nas Polski Czerwony Krzy| Bedzie Mogl Teraz Niesc Ratunek w Polsce Newspaper Photographs: Dispaced woman in Warsaw. Nowicjat OO. Franciszkanow w Lake Forest, Ill. Newspaper Cartoons: Two cartoons ridiculing Nazis Letter to Fr. Justin Figas relating donation to Novenna. Newspaper clipping: Radio Brings Religion, Too, Into Our Homes SECTION VI SHELF 1 SCRAPBOOK 5 Page 1-23 The Life of Our Lord by Charles Dickens Headline: Pulpits and People Photographs: Collage with picture of Fr. Hyacinth Fudzinski (inset), Corpus Christi Church, and a group of Corpus Christi Choir members. This is the first of a series of seven articles on the history of Corpus Christi Church and of the Polish Franciscans by Angela J. Murray Headline: Pulpits and People Photographs: Collage with inset pictures of Fr. Lawrence Cyman (First Pastor of Corpus Christi and Fr. Eustace Bartosiewicz. Two other photographs in the collage consist of the main altar of the Church and a group of the fourth regiment of Uhlans, a church organization taken in 1008.) This is the second of a series of seven articles on the history of Corpus Christi church by Angela J. Murray. Photographs: The main altar of Corpus Christi. A group of Franciscans at the Chapter of 1923 which elected the Rev. Justyn Figas as Provincial. This is the third of a series of seven articles on the history of Corpus Christi Church and the Polish Franciscans by Angela J. Murray. Headline: Pulpits and People Photographs: Altar and Stained Glass Window and Fr. Michael Cieslik (inset) This is the fourth of a series of seven articles on the history of Corpus Christi church and the Polish Franciscans. Headline: Pulpits and People. Photographs: Members of a church choir, a winning baseball team from 1914, and Corpus Christ Schools eighth grade, which was taken 20 yrs before these articles were written. This is the fifth of a series of articles on the history of Corpus Christi Church by Angela J. Murray, Times staff writer. It features Fr. Justin Figas. Photograph: Fr. Justin Figas as Provincial of the Franciscan Friars. This is the sixth of a series of seven articles on the history of Corpus Christi church and the Polish Franciscans. Photograph: A depiction of the upper Corpus Christi Church with its twin towers featuring it as an example of Romanesque simplicity of style in architecture. Headline: Streets of the East Side Clark. Photograph: A picture of Corpus Christi Church with cars driving along Clark Street. An text insert reads: This block of Clark St. between Lovejoy and Broadway has contributed more priest and nuns to the service of religion than any other block in the world. During the past 20 years 17 residents have made their entry into the priesthood and 20 young women have taken the veil. Perhaps it is the influence on the neighborhood of stately Corpus Christi Church. Headline: Polish Franciscans 11th Annual Benefit to Attract Thousands Wednesday Night. (February 24, 1935). Photograph: Portrait shot of Fr. Justyn Figas. Headline: Priest Tours Europe; Calls War Talk Bunk Photograph: Fr. Justin depicted with pen in hand with caption: Father Figas just back from Europe: War talk is bunk. Headline: Health commissioner Speaking: -- Interview by Times Candid Camera: Dr. Fronczak Chats on Birth Control, Sewage Disposal Plant and Disease Statistics. Photographs: A series of photographs in which Fr. Fronczak gestures as he talks about the topics mentioned in the headline. A picture of the Health Commissioner walking. Headline: Fronczak, Health Chief 25 Years, Plans Busy Day, Family Dinner on Anniversary. Photograph: A creative collage depicting the Commissioners head superimposed on a clock which is superimposed on City Hall. Inset on the collage are the events that will transpire as he celebrated 25 years as commissioner. An article by Times Staff Writer Harry S. Mullany in a tribute to commissioner Fronczak Headline: Friends Reveal Anecdotes About Rev. Figas; Franciscans Provincial Known for Charity Photograph: Leon Kilipinski with a caption identifying him as president of the Rosary Hour League which brings the voice of Rev. Figas to thousands of Poles in Canada and the United States each Sunday. Three articles entitled: Beyond Speech, As a Man Thinketh, Pray Not For Things. Photograph: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Nelson H. Baker Caption is an obit. Clipped to the Newspaper photograph with a small clip is a receipt for a Registered Article stamped Lackawanna and a date of FEB" 1938. Photographs: A requiem Mass in the Basilica. A photograph of Mayor Zimmermann and Mayor Aszkler of Lackawanna. Photograph: Bishop Thomas J. Walsh of Newark kneels before open grave in solemn prayer at Holy Cross Cemetery at the resting place of Father Baker. Headline: Drajwerzy Jad Headlines: Drawerzy Jad Dyspensa ZostaBa Udzielona O. Prowicjalowi Justyn Figasowej. A portion of poetry Photograph: Fr Justyn and Fr. Alojzy Sobus and group of Drivers of the Rosary Hour on an outing to Baltimore and Washington, DC. Boston Sunday Globe Magazine, April 7, 1935. Headline: Bric-A-Brac Headline: Monastery Nine to Meet Series Winner October 1 Photograph: A picture of the Monastery Nine team Headline: Bill Makes History But Forgets all the Praise Photograph: The St. Francis Baseball Team with names written on their shirts. No date is given. Headline: Uzyskal StopieD Oficera w Marynarce Stanow Zjedn. Photograph: Hieronim Szeliga. (Article mentions the Szeliga family as members of Corpus Christi Church.) PosBaniec Marki Boskiej Saletynskiej, An exerpt in which a photograph depicts Fr. Justyn Figas broadcasting the Rosary Hour from M. B. Saletynskiej Church in Ware, Massachusetts. See above # 57 Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Sroda, 10go Marca, 1937. Photograph: Prof. MieczysBaw S. Szymczak, a member of the Federal Reserve with laymen and five priests among whom is Fr. Justin Figas. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Poniedzialek, 22-go Lugego, 1937. Photograph: Fr. Justin Figas receives a diploma for excellence in broadcasting from Franciszek Barc nadzelny redactor Dziennika Zjenoczenia. Headline: Mark Twain, Polish Writers Fascinated Provincial as Youth. Photograph: A group of young men gathered with Fr. Justyn (in overalls). The group chipped in when the Corpus Christi School needed redecorating in 1920 The Buffalo Times, Tuesday,, July 30, 1935. Headline: Figas, Reared in Mines, Rises to High Church Post; Hardships, Poverty Marked Struggle For Advancement. Photograph: A Collage depicting Fr. Justin when he was assistant pastor of St. Josephats Church in Milwaukee, Wis. An inset at the top of the collage depicts Fr. Michael Ceslik, pastor of Corpus Christ Church. An inset at the bottom pictures Casper Urban, East side undertaker, who assists the provincial in events for the benefit of the Franciscans. Headline: Rosary Hour Has Brought 10,000 Letters Each Month, Joy to Many Fr. Justyn Says. Photograph: Fr Justin prepares for Final Broadcast Next Sunday Afternoon. Headline: Program Marks Name Day of Fr. Justyn Figas. Photograph: Fr. Justin with children who prepared a program for his Name Day. A partial clipping from a biographic sketch of Fr. Justyn Figas. Headline: Figas Takes first Step Toward Becoming Priest at 14; Humility, Fidelity to Rules Wins Honor Early in Career: Son of Coal Miner Enters College at Trenton, New Jersey. (A biographical sketch by HOGIE, Times Staff Writer taking a look at Fr. Justins road to the priesthood.) Photographs: An inset Cardinal Secretary Merry Del Val to Pope Pius X who ordained Fr. Justin Figas. A picture of Fr. Justin with The Corpus Christi Baseball team ready to leave for Detroit. At that time Father Justin was secretary to the Fr. Hyacinth Fudzinski, provincial and organizer of the province. Headline: The Buffalo Times, July 29, 1935. Rev. Justyn Figas, Son of Immigrant Coal Miner, Begins his 5th Term as Provincial of Franciscans. Photographs: Two photographs overlapping with (Left) Fr. Justyn stands beside his father, Jacob Figas, the Everson, Pa. coal-miner. The photo in the circle was taken in 1900 when Father Justin was a member of the St Francis College Baseball team in Trenton, N.J. Father Justin is seen in the center row seated beside the priest. Headline: Polish Priest Dedicates Life to Bring Succor to Fellow Men Photograph: Fr. Justin is shown speaking into microphone during one of his Rosary Broadcasts. Headline: Figas follows in Footsteps of Fudzinski, once Refused High Post in Franciscans. Photograph: Fr. Justin is pictured with graduating class of 1919. Headline: Polish Provincial Rose Rapidly After Being Ordained In Rome. Transcript and Telegram, Headline: Father Constantine Sings First Mass Here Photograph: Father Constantine, his parents, brothers and sister and sister-in-law at banquet in Mater dolorosa School hall. See # 71. for story on Fr. Constantine. This page contains a fish story and picture. Two stories and pictures of First Masses, one of Father Anthony Mazur and the other of Fr. Basil Szeliga Photograph: The installation of the St. Cecilia Choir of Corpus Christi Church. The group is pictured with Fr. Emil Majchrzak. BLANK PAGE Headline: Rev. Szott One of Youngest Priests at Corpus Christi. Photograph: Fr. Eligius Szott BLANK PAGE Headline: Caddying for Bishop Turner Led Him to Priesthood, Rev. Kobielski Reveals. Photograph: Fr. Milton J. Kobielski Headline: Assistant at St. Adalbert Is Accomplished Violinist. Photograph: Fr.Anthony J. Krawczyk Headline: Versatile Musician, Corpus Christi Head Engages in Numerous Parish Activities. Photograph: Fr. Michael Cieslik. Headline: Holyoke Daily Transcript and Telegram, Monday, June 8 1936. St. Hyacinth Seminary Commencement Exercises Next Saturday. Photograph: The Faculty and Teaching Staff of St. Hyacinths Seminary. The Story on the Commencement Exercises in St. Hyacinth (see #81) Continuation of the Story on the Commencement at St. Hyacinth. Photographs: The Student Body of St. Hyacinth Seminary. Picture of the Museum and Library at St. Hyacinth Seminary. The St. Hyacinth story continued. The chapel at St. Hyacinths Seminary Headline: Saluki Sp. Ks. O. Derendy Zlozono Na Wieczny Odpoczynek Photograph: George Zimmermann, Mayor of Buffalo and John Aszkler Mayor of Lackawanna. Headline: The Protocola of Zion A two page commentary by Father Couphlin (See previous page) Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Piatek 17go Stycznia, 1936 Sceny z Wczorajszego Pogrzebu Sp. Ks. Ludwika Chodackiego. Photographs: Sprinkling of the Casket. View of the Presidential Chair in sanctuary with attendees. Two unidentified pictures of crowds at the funeral. Headline: 700 See Installation of 5 Union Groups; Leaders Laud Oldest Polish Organization. Photograph: Photo of members of five Polish Roman Catholic Union Societies Photograph: Gatherers in celebration of Joe (Brown) Majchrzak. Photograph: Photo of Pope Pius as Msgr. Achille Ratii. Dzjennik Dla Wszystkich, Sroda, 6-go Lutego 1946. Photograph: Fr. Justin and his Drivers, PP Mellchjor celebrate 50 yrs. Of marriage. Photograph: Committee of Workers for the Rosary Hour with Major and Fr. Michael Ceslik Human Interest Stories Hand written note Human Interest Stories. Headline: Easter Customs of Old Revived. Photograph: Two women in their finery. Photograph: Fr. Justin poses with a general. Photograph: A group picture of attendees at an event called Nocy Cudow I Czarow. Photographs: Two pictures of sports enthusiasts from Buflopole ad Yankee Stadium Photo of Franciscan Drivers. Headline: Wycieczka Firmy Rosinski Furniture. Photograph: Fr. Emil Majchrzak. The mother General of the Franciscan sisters celebrates 40th anniversary. PROGRAM PROGRAM Photograph: P. L. Samulski receives gold watch Croix de Guerre from p. Norris Attendees at an outing of Risinski Furniture Co at the YMCA in Angola. Scene from Centennial Festival in Elmwood Music Hall on the occasion of the community music service celebrating the centennial of the introduction of music in public schools of the City. Photograph: Unidentified Most Rev. John A. Duffy, new bishop of Buffalo Photograph: Old Folks Home Directors to Conduct annual Social. Obit for Michalak, Jr. Photo of Major Aszkler and Dr. Joseph F. Krawczyk MD Photo of workers from Rosinski Furniture Co. at Picnic. Rev Francis Kasprzak seated in the cedilla in Transfiguration Church carved by Rev. Ladislaus Braejski. Two photos of participants in the Masquerade. Fr. Romuald of St. Stanislaus and two girls admire sports trophies. Basketball game shot with notation written describing a moment of play. Rosinski Furniture ligi Buflopole seniors. Libray dedication Purple heart awarded to a Mothers son Headline: Mother helps Navy as son Goes to Death Sons Death follows 3 Days Word of Air Cadet Appointment Six stories: Rev R. M. Wolski is assigned to Indiana Post as Army Chaplain, Victor E. Lampka made captain, Two Buffalo youth have graduated from Harlingen Army Gunnery School: N. V. McNamara and R.F. Nowak, Army, coastal Patrol Becon 2 CAP Members: Lucien Goszewski and Gary Saltarelli, Fr. Adolf Szelagowski says First Mass. Photograph/Headline: Buffalo, WNY Soldiers gathered Around Mead When He visited Hawaii Headlines: Little Silver Crucifix Saves Flier Cross Turns Aside spears of Bushmen Photograph: Soldier and his to be bride Headlines: Sordyl Says U.S. Laws made him Bankrupt Mrs. Frances Wolski, 79, came to U.S. 58 years ago Rev. Maj. Joseph Chmielewski is transferred. Marjorie R. Aelinger is November Bride. OBITS FOR WOLSKI Photos of Masked Ball Graduation at State Teachers College Fr. Justin at work at his desk Headline: Father Justyn: From Soap Opera He Created Famed Rosary Hour. Attendees at Drivers Ball Photographs: Fr. Justyn is honored at dinner. Father Justyn stands with Sisters and Children BLANK Photograph: Fr. Justyn as jubilation with planners of the program honoring him. SECTION VI SHELF 1 SCRAPBOOK 6 FR. JUSTIN FIGAS FUNERAL Headlines: 3000 Who Loved Father Justin Jam Church at Rites. Death of Father Justin Recalls Rosary Devotion. Father Justin Prayer card with Fr. Justins Photo and Highlights of his life. Celebrants and Services listing for Fr. Justins funeral Resolution to be presented by Supervisor Gus Franczyk, October 23, 1959 Headlines: Bishop Burke to Celebrate Mass for Father Justin Father Justin, Kindly Friar Of Rosary Hour is Dead Headlines: Buffalo Courier-Express: Saturday, October 24, 1959. Father Justin Is Dead; founded  Rosary Hour Fr. Justin Rites Officers Are Named Kronika z Buffalo I Okolic, Zgon S.P. Ojca Justyna Figasa Potrazyl Polonie Buffaloska w {aBobie. Headline: O. Justyn Figas, OFMC. Conv. Tworca  Godziny R|aDcowej Nie Zyje Photographs: Fr. Justin accompanied by deacons at Outdoor service. Christmas Card in Polish with Fr. Justin s signature and picture a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year St. Hyacinth News, November 1959, Life of Father Justin, Spiritual Giant of Province, Comes to End. Photograph: Pall bearers carry casket Three photographs of Father Justin lying in the coffin Two photographs of Father Justin Lying in the coffin One photograph of Father Justin lying in the coffin An unidentified group in front of the Ellicott City seminary building. Two photographs of Drivers from Baltimore posing with Father Flavian Gral and holding a sign reading Father Justins Drivers, Baltimore, HERE WE COME! Photograph of pall bearers bearing casket. Friars in the picture: Fr. Callistas Juras, Fr. George Rozkwitalski, Fr. Bruno Pysz, and Fr. Henry Senft. Newspaper article containing photograph mentioned in #15 dated November 5, 1959 in the Kronika Parafjalna Photograph of Drivers with Fr. Joseph Trawinski Photograph of friars, altar boys, people with casket Unidentified photograph ( perhaps Drivers) with Fr. Cieslik, Fr. Figas, and Fr. Pacific A picture of Fr. Justins Drivers with handwritten inscription, Drajwery Job Justyn. SECTION VI SHELF 1 SCRAPBOOK 7 Headline: BLANK Headlines: Wielkanocne Zabawy Wspomnienie Wielkanocne Mazurki Wielkanocne Ku Zmartwychwstaniu Ducha Groby Wielkanocne w Kosciolach Katolickich Basn Wielkanocna Wielkanocne Pisanki BLANK Headlines: Promote Religious Training to Prevent Crime, Bishop Tells Parole Officers Weekly Tidies Prison Chaplains Seen As Vital Pat of Penal Systems DzieD Matek Nie Czekajmy  Zatrzymajmy Barbarzyncow Cudzej Grzechy BLANK Headline: Niedziela Palmowa BLANK A paper entitled  Kongress Slowianski w Pittsburgu. BLANK Headlines: Kongres Slowian Amerykanskich Za TydzieD W Sprawie Kongresu SBowian Oswiadczenie Komitetu Kongresu Slowian Amerykanskich O Powodach Odlozenia Kongressu Kongres Slowian Amerykanskich Za Tydzien. BLANK BLANK BLANK Headline: Hayes I OConnor w Holdzie s.p. Arcyb. Cieplakowi Nie Sadzonem Mu Bylo Samknac Powiek Na Ziemi Rodzinnej BLANK Photograph: Archbiskup Jan Cieplak, Biskup Edw. F. Hoban, Ksiadz Dr. Kruczek, and Robert M Sweitzer BLANK Headlines: Rezolucje {aBobne Zjednoczenia P.R.K. z powodu zgonu s.p. Ks. Arcyb. Jana Cieplaka Nad Trumn Arcyb. Cieplaka w Katedrze Nowojorskiej. Photograph: Archbishop Cieplak, Ks. Stanislaw Kruczek, his secretary, and Grzegorz Dolecki, Chauffeur to the Archbishop. BLANK Five photographs relating to Archishop Cieplaks funeral and a news story from Passaic, New Jersey about the preparations. BLANK Several News Stories on the death of Archbishop Cieplak Photograph: Archbishop Cieplak at St Marys Seminary in Mudelein, Ill. A large New story and Picture about the death of Archbishop Jan Cieplak BLANK A paraphrase of Who Killed Cook Robin BLANK Headlines: Tysiac Dolarow Nagrody Dla Mariana Cieplaka Wyjasnienie w Sprawie / Rec. Lukaszkiewicz I p.Posla Cieplaka Dlaczego Polska Nie Poddala Sie BLANK A letter to an editor by A. M. Bohenski An Envelope Photographs: Buffalo Friar at National Meeting of the Franciscan Institute of Radio and TV at St. Hyacinth Seminary. Pictured are Fr. Marian Kawola, Fr. Theophilus Kujawa, Fr. Anthony Scannel, OFMCap. and Lionel Sullivan. Fr. Justin is seated with a group of Drivers who are observing the Silver Jubilee of their service. The rest of the pages up to page 50 are blank SECTION VI SHELF 1 SCRAPBOOK 8 Page Committee Ribbons: St. Francis High School Ad for the Masquerade Ball, February 12, 1941. Headline: Powodzenie Maskarady Drajwerw Zapewnione Headline: Z Podworka Buflopole: Drajwerzy Zbliza Sie Chwila Najwspanialszej Imprezy Obecnego Karnawalu Pierwsza Zabawa Polska w Memorial Auditorium w Dniu 12-go Lutego 15,000 Osob Wygodnie Pomiesci Sie w Sali Memorial Auditorium Na Maskaradzie Drajwerw Photographs: Two photos of Drivers, one with Fr. Justin and Eligius Shott Photographs: Two photos of Memorial Auditorium where the Masquerade Ball took place. Headlines: $50.00, $35.00 and $25.00 w Nagrodach Dla Masek Grupowych Headlines: Gdzie Mo|na Naby bilety Na Maskarade Drajwerw Ojcow Franciszkanow SBynna Orkiestra Radjowa Przygrywa Bdzie Do Tanca Na Maskaradzie Drajwerw Photographs: Franciszek Zygmunt, Franciszek Ignaszak Headlines: W Niedziele Posiedzenie Pracownikow i Pracowniczek Dorocznego Balu maskowego Drajwerw Szesnasty Doroczny Bal Maskowy Drajwerw Zapowiedziany Na 12 Lutego Niebywaly i Pekny Program Godziny Drajwerw Zostanie Nadany we Wtorek Headlines: Od Jutra Za Tdzien Maskarada Drajwerw Jutro Wieczorem Olbrzymia Maskarada Drajwerw Photographs: O. Justyn Figas, O. Prowincial Cyman, Ludwik Samulski, Sedzia Zimmer, Radny J. Mruk, Radny Ulinski, J. Rusek, Sedzia Wylegalo, J. Msurek, J. Kaszubowski, F. Hochmut, K. Urban, F. Wolski, J. Stachowiak, and S. Zablonski Headlines: Wsrode Idziemy Na Maskarada Drajwerw Ju| Tu SBynna Maskarada Drajwerw w Memorial Auditorium Bg ZapBa Serdeczne Podziekowania Headlines: 400 Masqueraders Contend For Prizes at Franciscan Ball Przy Ofiarnosci Polonji Przelano Do Funduszu Biednych Studentow $8,185.36 z Maskarady Drajwerw O. Justyna 10 Procent Dochodu z Maskarady Drajwerw Na Ratunek Polski Photographs: Prize winners at Ball, Fr. Justin presents Ludwik Samulski with award for his work with the Drivers Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Feb. 13, 1941 Full page spread of various attendees at the Masked Ball with commentaries and captions identifying the pictured. Headlines: Dajcie Poparcie Jutrzejszej Imprezie Godziny R|aDcowej Raz Do Roku Polonja Bawi Sie Wesolo w Liceum Kantego Photographs: Committee on fundraising for the Rosary Hour, Casmir Urban, Fr. Justin Figas. A letter from Fr. James from St. Casimir Church in Baltimore indicating payment for the calendars received. Headlines: Jutro Ten Przesliczny Program Radjowy Godziny R|aDcowej. Gra w karty o Sliczne Premje w Liceum kantego od 3-ciej Popoludniu. Headlines: Najwiekszym Krjem Swiata Sa Chiny Ta Wspaniala Zabawa w Niedziele Bedzie w Athol Springs. An Ad for the Rosary Hour at WFHR Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Photographs: Drivers, Kazimir Urban, Fr. Justin Figas. Three newspaper articles announcing Rosary Hour talks with times a description with photograph of Fr. Justin in all three articles. A listing of Radio Stations. Headlines: Lista ChBopcow, Ktorzy Zdobyli O. Justyna w Niedziele Ostatni Program Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna w Niedziele Franciscan Unit to Attend Meet in Baltimore Rosary League to Add Three Stations Next Fall; Franciscans Select committees for Social Sunday. Headlines: Silny Komitet ZBo|ony z Wybitnych Obywateli Powita Was w Broadway Auditorium Buflopole Wybiera Si Gomadnie Na Zakonczenie Serji Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna Dru|na Harcerska, Weterani Z Armji Amerikanskiej i Polskiej Wystpi Na Obchodzie Majowym Drajwerzy Wyjezdzaja Do Washington, D.C. Headlines: Axis Radios Strike A Note Of Alarm. Setki Tysicy Osob WysBuchaBo Programu. Czysty Dochd z Pikniku Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna donosi $5,579.52 Headlines: Serdeczne Przyjecie Zabawa Piekna Dla Wszystkich Illegal Press in Poland Keeps Up Fight on Nazis A cartoon from The Pin, showing a comic letter written by a Warsaw boy, with cartoons making fun of the Nazi Conquerors. Photographs: Drivers, Photo of children of Transfiguration School, W. Hazleton, PA enjoying a hot lunch served in the school gymnasium. Headlines: Karcianka I Bal Na Fundusz Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna. Pani Roosevelt Adoptowala Polsk Dial Redakcyjny: Chrzescijanstwo Pod Znakiem Zapytania Headlines: Edward Stauss Przewodniczcym 18-ej dorocznej Maskarady Drajwerw A Newspaper ad announcing a Card Party at the Broadway Auditorium. Photograph: Fr. Justin congratulates Edward Strauss as Chairman of the Masquerade Ball with  Boss Franciszek Rozkwitalski looking on Nowa Anglia, Friday November 14, 1941 Photograph: Procesja po Mszy Sw. Dziekczynnej z okazji ZBotego Jubileuszu Parafii Sw. StanisBawa B. i M. W Chicopee, Massachusetts Headline: Pontyfikalne Ceremonje 50-cio Lecia Parafji Sw. StanisBawa w Chicopee, Massachusetts. Headlines: Co MowiB Washington o SBu|bie Wojskowej Silny Komitet Stanie Do ObsBugi Na Pikniku Godziny R|aDcowej Photograph: Franciszek Rozkwitalski Headlines: Serdeczny Apel Ojca Justyna do Polonji Buffaloskiej 17-ta Doroczna Maskarada Drajwerw Bedzie w Dniu 10-go lutego. (November 12, 1941) Wa|ne Posiedzenie CzBonkow Godziny R|aDcowej. Photograph: Fr. Justin (1941) A letter from Service Plan Banking Company to Fr. Justin with a donation toward the Rosary Hour. A letter from H. Klonowski of Scranton PA with a donation of $100 for having the rosary hour broadcast from Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Church in Scranton. Headline: Z Podworka Buflopole: Szczes Bo|e A postcard to Father Justin about an unusual occurence Photographs: St. Francis Chapel, Photo of two unidentifiable priests. A business card from Sidney Grabowski, Attorney-at-Law from Scranton, PA An article about the picnic with Edmund Kolipinski pictured Headline: Intensowna Praca Przygotowawsza Drajwerw do 17-tej Dorocznej Maskarady. Przeszlo 23,000 Osob Na Pikniku Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna. A collage of six photographs depicting scenes from the fundraising picnic with Fr. Justin posing with a group of small children. (July 13, 1941). A series of six News stories dealing with the Masquerade Ball of 1942 A series of four News Stories dealing with the Maquerade of 1942 Bacznos Drajwerzy KoBo Sw. Franciszka w Athol Springs. PozostaBo Tylko Pi Wolnych L| Na Maskarade Drajwerw. Przeszlo 70 L| Ju| Rozsprzedano Na Maskarade Drajwerw, Zapowiedziana Na 10go Lutego w Memorial Auditorium. Thousands Attend Drivers Masquerade. Photograph: Prize Winners at St. School Ball. Headlines: Mroz i Sniezyca Nie Odstraszylo Gosci Maskarady Draywerow. Photographs: Collage of photographs on the Masked Ball. Full Page story from Dziennik dla Wszystkich, February 10, 1942. Headlines: Polska Powstanie Znowu do Zycia. Wszyscy Idziemy Program Radiowy Ojca Justyna. Headline: Konkurs o Stypendja Do Wyzszej SzkoBy Sw. Franciszka w Athol Springs. Pikny Album Pamitkowy Zostanie Wydany Przez Drajwerw. A notice from the governing board to the members of the Drivers announcing a meeting of members. BLANK BLANK Headlines: Jutro w Athol Springs Zbierze Si Licznie Polonia. Dnia 7-go Marca Zabawa Karciana na Rzecz Godziny R|aDcowej. Przewielebny O. Justyn w Marcu w Bazylice Przemawia Bedzie. Olbrzymie Powodzenie Imprezy Na Fundusz Godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna. Headlines: Przeszlo 22,000 Osob Na Pikniku Godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna. $7,121.32 Wplynelo Na Pikniku Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna. Full page spread in Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, July 13, 1942 depicting crowds and workers at the Fund Raising Picnic. Headlines: Tysice Automobilistow Wybiera Sie Do Athol Springs Na Piknik Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna. Piknik godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna w Niedziele. Photograph: Jan L. Goral, Przew. Pikniku Godziny R|aDcowej Headlines: Doroczny Piknik Godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna. Matko Niepokalana Strzez, Zachowaj Naszych {olnierzy, Marynarzy i Lotnikw: Patrjotyczna Nowenna Przez Dziewiec Dni Odprawiac Si Bdzie w Kosciele Bo|ego CiaBa Poczwszy Od Niedzieli, 29-go Listopada (1942) Dziewity Doroczny Piknik Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna 12-go Lipca (1942) Photograph: Photo of Drivers seated with Fr. Justin Figas and Fr. Stanley Kozikowski. Headlines: Doroczna Maskarada Drajwerw Bedzie w Liceum Kantego 23-go Lutego. Pjedziemy Kolej Do Athol Springs 12-go Lipca Na Wielki Piknik Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Sroda, 2-go Grudnia, 1942 Headline: Z Wizity Ojca Justina (Article concerning Fr. Justin s visit to Great Britain. Headline: Karcianka Na Fundusz Godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna. Photograph: Kazimierz Urban. Program called Merrie Minstrels with Sunny Flowers from Tennessee: Benefit of Father Justins Rosary Hour performed at St. Stanislaus Auditorium in Chicopee Massechusetts. SECTION VI SHELF 1 SCRAPBOOK 9 Early Photograph of Fr. Justin with two unidentified men with bundles of Rosary Hour mail. Headlines: O. Prowincjal Figas Zakresla Program Radjowy. Fr. Justin Will Speak on Polish Network. First Polish Hookup Goes on Air Sunday. Photographs: Two photographs of Fr. Justin, one captioned as speaking on station WEBR. Headlines: Do Radio Suchaczy. Rosary Hour Inaugurated. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich: Godzina R|aDcowa Na Radio. Photograph of Fr. Justin. Headlines: Wielki Sukces Ojca Justyna Na Radjo. Godzina R|aDcowa Na Radio. Mowy Radjowe. Photograph of Fr. Justin. Headlines: Mamy Nareszcie Prawdziwa  Polsk Godzine na Radio. Wiorki i Drzazgi Headline: Very Rev. Justyn Figas Opens Radio Rosary Hour Sunday:  Our Mothers and Fathers Is First Subject of Sermon in Weekly Feature Catholic Union and Times, Thursday, December 24, 1931: Sermon of Very Reverend Provincial Justyn Figas, O.M.C., Delivered via Radio Hook-Up. Catholic Union and Times, Thursday, January 28, 1932: Sundays Radio Sermon by Very Rev. Justyn Figas, Provincial, Order of Minor Conventuals. January 28, 1932 Catholic Union and Times, Thursday, January 7, 1932: Sundays Radio Sermon by Very Rev. Justyn Figas, Provincial, Order of Minor Conventuals Headlines: Sundays Radio Sermon by Very Rev. Justyn Figas, Provincial, Order of Minor Conventuals. (No Date) Social Injustices of Today Scored. Headlines: Zwiastun Prawdy Godzina R|aDcowa Modlitwa Po Polsku Jest Niewazna. Note: Conflict arose with Polish Nationals on Fr. Justin s Broadcast Headlines: Sundays Radio Sermon by Very Rev. Justyn Figas, Provincial, Walka z Wewnetrznymi Naszymi Wrogami. Order of Minor Conventuals. (No Date) Headlines:Odpowiedz Pat. Sztuka Na Przyjecia Wezwania O. Prow. Figasa O. Justyn Przyjmuje Wyzwanie Pastora Sztuka. Photograph: Fr. Justyn on April 29, 1932. Headline: Jeszcze o  Godzinie R|aDcowej O. Justyna Ad for  Bal Dobroczynny Headline: Sunday s Radio Sermon by Very Rev. Justyn Figas, Provincial, Order of Minor .(No Date) Headline: Weekly Radio Sermon by Very Rev. Justyn Figas, Provincial, Order of Minor Conventuals. (April 21, 1932) Program Radjowy i Mowy O. Justyna w  Przegldzie . Headlines: Sunday s Radio Sermon by Very Rev. Justyn Figas, Provincial, Order of Minor Conventuals. Blagier Figas. (February 25, 1932) Headline: Weekly Radio Sermon by Very Rev. Justyn Figas, Provincial, Order of Minor Conventuals. (April 14,1932) Jeszcze o Mnichu Radjowym z Buffalo. Headline: Weekly Radio Sermon by Very Rev. Justyn Figas, Provincial, Order of Minor Conventuals. (April 28 1932) Headline: Easter Radio Sermon by Very Rev. Justyn Figas, Provincial, Order of Minor Conventuals (Thursday, April 7, 1932. O. Prowincjal Justyn Figas, Bdzie w Miescie Cleveland Ohio: Wyglosi Tam Odczyt w Poniedzialek 25 Maja w Sali Zwiazku Polakow. Odczyt Wiel. O. Justyna W Cleveland Dnia 27-go Czerwca. (Note Pages 21 and 22 are unnumbered....Headlines: Father Figas Discusses Demoralization of Youth Rewja Radjowa Sundays Radio Sermon by very Rev Justyn Figas, Provincial, Order of Minor Conventuals (March 3, 1932) A letter from Jozef F. Przybysz entitled Pozdrowienie Wielebnemu Duchowienstwu Polskiemu!!! Headline: Sundays Radio Sermon by Very Rev. Justyn Figas, Provincial, Order of Minor Conventuals Dlaczego Polacy Acza Si z Protestantami Pages 23 and 24 are unnumbered but are continued on the next two pages. Headline: List Ksiedza Swieczki Co Slychac w Buffalo A Western Union telegram from Dambrosio to Provincial Figas. Headline: Better Radio Programs Odczyt Ojca Justyna w Poniedzialek A letter from WEBR in Buffalo mentioning the chaining of Stations in the broadcasts A letter from WKBN in Youngstown OHIO asking for an outline of the Rosary Hour Program A letter from Frank Megargee, President of WGBI in Scranton, PA assuring Fr. Justin that the responses in Scranton were satisfactory A letter from Mr. H. Howell, president of WKBN in Youngstown, Ohio mentioning the population of that area and the cost of broadcasting A letter from WEBR in Buffalo renewing contract. A letter from Northwestern University asking for translations of Fr. Justins talks for several months. A courtesy letter from John Patt, General Manager of WGAR Broadcasting in Cleveland, Ohio. A letter from Edwin McKean issuing rates for broadcasting from Philadelphia, PA An anonymous letter praising Father Justin for the Rosary Hour program A letter from WCFL in Chicago to Howell broadcasting in Buffalo from G.C. Wiles concerning radio call letters A typewritten letter in praise of Fr. Justin and his work with the Rosary Hour. idem. A newspaper article typewritten for submission to the Buffalo Evening News Headline: Odczyt Wiel. O. Justyna Odlozony do Czerwca Notatiki Redakcyjne A letter from Harry H. Cohen and A. M. Pfeffer, M.D. from Balfour Lodge, BNai Brith accusing Fr. Justin of associating Jews with Communism in his Radio talk A letter from the General Manager, John F. Patt, from WGAR responding to an accusation of Fr. Justin of being racial. Letter was directed to Mr. H.H. Howell of Station WEBR. Typed article ostensibly for submission to a newspaper describing Fr. Justins effort in the Rosary Hour. idem A typewritten script in Polish and entitled Introduction to the Entire Program A typewritten script in Polish and entitled Joes Plug and sign off) annotated (N.B. Another copy was sent to Mr. Howell. A typewritten script in Polish and entitled Comment immediately after Sermon. A letter written by G.C, Wells of station W9XAA of Union Broadcast Service in Chicago to Mr. Howell concerning letters received from listeners. A contract between Fr. Justin Figas and Howell Broadcasting Co. and signed by Fr. Justin. Ibid. A typed article ostensibly for a newspaper article concerning Fr. Justins Polish Program Ibid. Ibid. A letter from Roy L. Albertson of Station WEBR to Fr. Justin asking to make an announcement at the beginning of his coming broadcast and for some photo proofs of himself to be sent to out-of-town stations. A poem with alternating translated lines by Fr. Justin on the rosary cross. Ibid. A letter from a devoted listener mentioning a contribution to the Rosary Hour. A letter from Rev. Joseph J. Winnicki of Precious Blood Church in Buffalo, NY asking that some cards be distributed on Sunday to the Servers and Congregation regarding the Polish Catholic-Education program. A sample of the card is attached to the letter. A letter to the listeners and friends of Fr. Justin. Headline: iO. Justyn Figas Gosciem Ligi Spraw Pol: Odwiedzil Letnisko Panny Marji A listing of 16 states with several names and addresses Ibid. Headline: Mamy Nareszcie Prawdziwa Polska godzine na Radio Distingue religieux conventuel Headlines: Priests Air Talks, Started in 1926, Center of Disputes: Prohibition fought by Father Coughlin; Book Publishers Sued by Clergymen Bishop Not to Curb Fr. Coughlins Talks Bishop Sustains Father Coughlin Headlines: Priests Radio Speeches Get Firm Reproof Fr. Coughlin Draws Criticism Father Coughlin Termed Modern Savonarola Headlines: Cardinal OConnell Criticizes Fr. Coughlins Talks; Church Is Not Sensational, He Says. Bishop Gallagher Will Not Interfere With Fr. Coughlin Headlines: Cardinal Criticizes Father Coughlins Radio Addresses Broadcasts Cost Priest $364,000 Headlines: Cardinal OConnell and Father Coughlin Headlines: Jeszcze O Ks. Coughlin Father Coughlin Expects to Continue Radio Broadcasts Headline: Cardinals Strictures on Priests Radio Addresses Headline: Here and There Dziennik Zjed. O Ks. Coughlinie Headline: Discussion Arises Over Cardinals Criticism of Radio Oratory A list of stations on which Father Coughlins Talks are broadcast with red parentheses around a note at the bottom of the list which states, This hour is in no wise donated. Every penny is paid for by the interested radio audience. Unidentified photographs with Fr. Justin. Unidentified photographs with Fr. Justin. Headline: Investors and Idiots Headline: Kardynal OConnell Przeciw Krucjacie Ks. C. E. Coughlina Kokosowy Headline: Father Coughlin s Analysis of Nation s financial Evils. Headline: Rzd OczysciB Ks. Coughlina z Podejrzen Ksiadz Coughlin Zdolnym Ekonomista. Next two pages are not numbered. Headline: Nowy Budzet Miejski w Hamtramek  Nowoczesni Judasze: (Mowa Radjowa O. Justyna Figasa. Headline: Sunday s Radio Sermon by Very Rev. Justyn Figas, Provincial, Order of Minor Conventuals A Program entitled  Bal Dobroczynny O. Justyna R|aDcowej Godziny. A listing of talks and times. Headline: Banner head in Detroit Evening Times of March, 1933: Coughlin s, Watkins Battle of Words Over Bank: Clergyman Hits Opponents of General Motors Plan. Continued from Page 80 Continued from Page 81 Headlines: Time In, Time Out of Bank Debate Biskup Gallagher Wtpi w Aagodne Przememstwo Bankw Detroickich Headline: Ksiadz Charles Coughlin Kuje Wystapienie Komisa: Upowazniony P rzez Sekretarza Skarbu, Woodina i Secretarza Roosevelta, Coughlin PrzemawiaB Wczoraj na Radjo Oswiadczenie Konservwatera Kirchnera. DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD HEADLINE: COUGHLIN SPEKULOWAL NA GIELDZIE. Photograph: Internatki z Akademji Siostr Franciszkanek ktre wystapili za spiewem na  Godzinie R|aDcowej. See above Headline: Ks. Biskup Gallagher Potempia Ataki Osobiste Przez Radjo. Free Press Ostrzega Stacje Radjowe Przed Procesem o Oszczerstwo Do Depozytarjuszy Headline: Nowy Plan Urochomienia Zamrozonych Kapitalow Bankowych w Detroit Sprawa o Przejemstwo Dla Detroit Bankiers co. Zostala OdBo|ona. Pays Tribute to Detroit Bankers: Bishop Gallagher Opposes Rapid Liquidation of Institutions Forced to Close. Headline: Konserwatorzy Wykazuja Znaczne Wycofania Deepozytow z Bankow Komisarz Watkins Zapewnia, Ze Kryzys Bankowy w Detroit MinaB Press Oskarza Ks. Coughlina o Spekulacje Headline: Severely Arraigns Dishonest Bankers Church Mortgages Held by Closed Banks. Headline: O Przebudowe Bankowosci Amerykanskiej Headline: W Moim Kalejoskopie (Feature on Coughlin) Double page spread: FATHER COUGHLINS POSITION IN BANK CONTROVERSY EXPLAINED See above Double page spread: POSITION OF FR. COUGHLIN IN DETROIT BANK CONTROVERSY See above Headline Feature: Mysli Ulotne. Headline: Ks. Coughlin spekulantem Gieldowny; Z Ofiar Ludzkich ZBo|yB on for tune. Letter from American Society of Composers. Zimowy Okrez Polskich Programow Radjowych Rozpoczyna Sie Jutro  Godzina R|aDcowa Headline: W Sprawie Godziny Radjowej Ks. J. Winnickiego. O. P rowincjal figas w Buffalo Zakresla Program Radjowy Headlines: Saloon Stow. Opiekunow Godziny R|aDcowej L. Kolipinski P rezesem Stow. Godziny R|aDcowej Contract signed by Fr. Justin with Howell Broadcasting Company Bill from WEBR to Fr. Justin Letter from American Society of composers Letter from WEBR to American Society of composers Letter from WEBR to Father Justin Letter from WEBR to Father Justin Headline: Pod Adresem Ogolnym Tych Ktorych To Dotyczyl Buffalo Broadcasting Corporation with time slots of Broadcasts on WGR and WKBW Headline: Parafja N.M.P. w Otis, Ind., Swiecila Szescdziesieciolecia Istnienia Photographs: See page 113. Two page spread of the Newspaper Feature called OKRUSZYNY See 115. See 115 Pages from 118 138 are BLANK SECTION VI SHELF 1 SCRAPBOOK 10 Headline: Buffalo Courier Express, July 21, 1968. Founding of Father Justin Rosary Hour to Be Noted: Sept. 8 Unveiling Of Marker Set. Photographs: Court of Appeals Judge Matthew Jasen. Fr. Justin Figas,. Fr. with Walter S. Dunn, Jr. and Lester W. Smith, Historical Society Officials. Judge Kuszynski and Stanley Franczyk. Fr. Justin and General Bronislaw Duch reviewing commando troops in Scotland. Headlines: Ampol Eagle, November 2, 1967. Buffalo and Erie County Historical Soc. To Erect Marker Honoring Rosary Hour. Program Obchodu Pamitnika Rodziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna. Memorial Will Honor Radio Hour. Day To Honor Father Justin. Prepress article entitled Paderewski to Participate in a Father Justin Tableau Dedication Ceremony: Paderewski Bulletin VIII  68. Headlines: Unia Polska, December 25,  1968: Tow. Ojca Justyna, No. 389 UPA Natchnial Pamietnik przy Parafii Bozego Ciala. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich: Godzina R|aDcowa. Buffalo Courier-Express, Monday, Sept 2, 1968: Mass to Mark Unveiling of Historical Marker. Proclamation from Office of the Mayor of the City of Buffalo, Frank A. Sedita with appended seal proclaiming FATHER JUSTIN DAY. A letter dated July 4, 1968 to Father from Sophia Hubert. A handwritten note after the complementary close reads 42 Newton Street, Buffalo, NY: Miss Sophia Hubert played the role of Kordula in the radio skit on WEBR which invited Fr. Justin to mediate in a husband-wife quarrel. A letter from the Pauline Fathers from Doylestown, PA to the Fr. Justin Rosary Hour offering $25.00 for the Rosary Hours concern. A description of a diploma actuating the moments of Polands Millennium. Headline: Unia Polska, August 25, 1968. Mayor Sedita Signs Father Justin Day Proclamation. A newpaper issuance of the Proclamation signed by Mayor Frank Sedita. Historical Society, Justin Group Plan To Unveil Marker. Photograph: Mayor Sedita with Fr. Dende another political dignitaries. Headlines: Marker commemorating Father Justin Rosary Hour to Be Unveiled. Father Justin Rosary Hour Marker to be Unveiled in Buffalo Sunday . Photographs: Fr. Dende and Fr. Justin Figas. Headlines: Fr. Justin Rosary Hour Gets Historical Marker Sunday. Father Justin Marker Unveiled. Photographs: Father and Bishop Brzana meet at marker after the unveiling. Fr. Justin Figas (on radio 28 years). Headline: Plaque to Father Justin Unveiled. Photographs: Three photographs with captions. Crawford Wettlauger, president of the Erie county Historical Society, Fr. Norbert Zonca, Supreme Court Justice Joseph P.. Kuczynnski and Judge Matthew J. Jasen of the State Court of appeals gather around the plaque. Fr. Zonca unveils the plaque. Participants of the Ceremonies honoring Fr. Justin. A close-up photgraph of the plaque honoring Fr. Justin with an article entitled Rosary Hour Beginning Commemorated. Unia Polska: OdsBonicie Tablicy Pamiatkowej Ku Czci Ojca Justyna.. Dziennik Polski, Wtorek, 10 Wrzesnia, 1968. A Program commemorating the Marker Unveiling, Sunday, September 8, 1968. Headline from Glos Polski from Toronto, Canada: OdsBonicie Tablicy Ku Czci O, Justyna. Article is accompanied by a photo of Fr. Justyn . Ampole Eagle: Marker Commemorating Rosary Hour Unveiled. Photograph: Dignataries at the presentation of the Marker for Fr. Justin. Gwiazda (Star) newspaper from Philadelphia, PA: Rosary Hour Honored. A copy of the Congressional Record House mentioning the Honor given to Fr. Justin for the Rosary Hour. Headlines: A Special Tribute to Father Justin. Photo of Fr. and Fr. Justin. Godzina R|aDcowa. Headline: Przemwienie Ojca K. Dende podczas Uroczystosci odsBonicia Pamitkowej Tablicy ku Czci O. Justyna. Photograph: Fr. Dende poses with Major Sedita. Headline: Father Justin s Marker Unveiled in Buffalo. Gazeta Polonii (Boston), October 3, 1968: A Special Tribute to Father Justin. Rosary Hour Speeches Placed in Congressional Record. A letter from Fr. Cornelian, Director of the Rosary Hour to Wladyslaw J. Lohr, president of the Polish Union in America. Headline: Gwiazda Polarna, Saturday, November 16, 1968: Buffalo Pays tribute to Justin Rosary Hour. A Program entitled: Fund Raising Dinner; Benefit Building improvement Fund Given by Father Justins Drivers: Sunday, October 6, 1968 at St Francis High School. A typewritten article extolling the Father Justin Drivers. BLANK Photo Highlights of the National Convention of the Polish American Congress, Inc. held in Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 26,27,28,29th 1968. Two articles picturing Fr. Dende (October 24, 1968.) Five articles commemorating the 38th season of the Rosary Hour on 43 Stations with 2 million Audience. Three articles concerning the unveiling of the Marker commemorating Fr. Justins Rosary Hour with photographs of Fr. Justin and Fr. Lucian Krolikowski. Four articles concerning the Commemorative Marker and a listing of Stations in various states which broadcast the Rosary Hour. Five articles from various newspapers on the commemorative marker Three newspaper articles on the commemorative marker. A photograph of the principals at a Communion Breakfast in which Miss Wanda Dende was the toastmaster. The text of a Radio talk by Fr. Dende entitled W Obronie Zrodel Ludzkiego Zycia. A picture of an oil painting by Adam Styka depicting the slaughter of Nazarene Sisters in Nowogrod in 1943. An article from a Canadian newspaper about the Commemorative Marker. Our ReadersWrite or Wrong: Youths Familiarity With God Envied. A program commemorating the 40th anniversary of priesthood of Dr. Jasinski in Detroit dated February 9, 1969 A letter to Fr. Dende from SODALIS, Orchard Lake, Michigan An article entitled: Personalities in Profile about Henry Dende of Dende Press, Inc. of Scranton, PA by Sunday Times writer Daniel L. Carsick. Photographs: Three Photographs of Henry Dende with captions entitled: Establish trade school, Much Homework, and Printing Man of  62. Headlines:  SODALIS Polonijny. Intrygujaca PrzeszBosc Polonii. A letter from Fr. Lucian Kozak to the Provincial dated March 14, 1969 concerning his invitation to come to the United States. A cartoon depicting Biskup Abramowicz and Ks. Benarz requesting aid. Headlines: Father Justin Rosary Hour Program Dedicated to Catholic League Sunday. Nowenna z Okazji Dnia Matek Radiowej Godziny R|aDcowej. Headline: Meczenstwo Siostr Nazaretanek w Nowogrodku, 1943 r. See above # 35 An article from SODALIS June 1969 entitled Krgyzys Kaplanstwa .Przedsejmowy Zjazd Wydz. Kobiet Zjednoczenia PRK Photograph: Stanislawa M. Nowak prezeska Wydz. Kobiet ZPRK Headlines: John F. Aszkler Dies; Prominent Catholic Layman. John Fr. Aszkler Dies at Age of 69. John F Aszkler, Noted Layman, dies. Headlines: Nowenna do M.B. Rozac. Prosba O. Korneliana Dr. Godziny R|aDcowej. Visit Slated by Cardinal From Poland. 6 0- Lecie Kkaplanstwa Ksiedza Dra Wicentego Borunia, Franciszkanina Konw. Znanego z Prac w Rzymie. Photographs: Fr. Dende, Ks. Dr. Wincenty Borun, O. Bazyli Heiser, general of the Conventual Friars. List Prymasa Polski Photograph: Stefan Kardynal Wyszynski An admission ticket to the Pulaski Day Parade Reviewing Stand. Photographs: Committee of ZPRK. Headline: Polish War Orphans Mark Anniversary. Five Holy Martyrs Bulletin: Chicago, Illinois. Photographs: Henry Dende is presented with the Boss of the Year reward. Fr. Dende, Fr. Walter J Ziemba and Mrs. Edward (Alice) Posluszny with caption: Cardinals Visit draws Esteemed Personalities. Headlines: Krajowy Zjazd WydziaBu Kobiet ZPRK ODBYL Si w Atmosferze Powagi I Tworczej Pracy Godzina R|aDcowa O. Justyna Rozpoczyna 39-ty Sezon. Photograph: Bishop Alfred Abramowicz celebrates Mass in the church of the Five Brother Martyrs. Headline: Rezolucja Sidmego Krajowego Zjazdu WydziaBu Kobiet Zjedn. Polskiego Rzymsko-Katolickiego w Ameryce.  Godzina R|aDcowa Audycje Religijne A sermon by Fr. Dende Photograph: Father Dende voicing the sermon during the Ladies Convention. Headlines: Nowenna do M.B. R|aDcowej: Prosba O. Korneliana Dyr. Godzinej R|aDcowej. Godzina R|aDcowa O. Justyna Wraca Na Fale Eteru. A Program card for a Communion Breakfast at Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Parish in Scranton, Pa. DATED October 26, 1969. Headline: Father Justin Rosary Hour Betins 39th Year of Broadcasting; First Program Features Cardinal Wojtyla. A note from a reporter of Narod Polski in Chicago mentioning that the material for the article about the opening season of the Rosary Hour was late in coming. Headline: Henry Dende Seeking Re-Election as School Dir. In Scranton, PA. Znw Polska Godzina R|aDcowa Na Radio  WAMO Rocznica Smierci O. Ryszarda Gruzy. Father Justin Hour Begins 39 th Year. A Political promotional Program About the re-elecltion of Henry Dende to the Board of Education. Articles and Station Listings for the Rosary Hour Articles on the beginning of a new season for the Rosary Hour. Headlines: Michal Kecki Nie Zyje. Informacja z Muzeum Polskiego w Ameryce. An article in the Commentarium Ordinis about the Commemorative Marker An air-mail postcard to Fr. Dende from Fr. Vitale Jaskiewicz about his coming to the USA. An envelope addressed to Pawel Dziesten, Stajszyn F, Boks 217, Stejszyn F, Bawlo 2, Nowy York, postmarked Montreal. Glos Polski, Toronto, Canada: December 18, 1069 Przezywanie Swiat Bozego Narodzenia by Fr. Lucian Krolikowski Headlines: Wyr|nienie DziaBaczy Kombatantw Programy Radiowe Amerykanskiej Czstochowy. Photograph: Fr. Lucian Krolikowski is pictured with SPK members. Acta Ordinis Nostri: (in Latin) A decree from the Sacred Congregation for Third Order Religious . A letter from the Catholic League for Religious Assistance to Poland. Attached is a list of Stations broadcasting the Rosary Hour An article entitled Lawless Speaks Glowingly Of Todays Idealistic Youth Photograph: Lawyer Theodore V. Mikoll, Dean William Lawless and Ray Manuszewski A post card from Canada praising Fr. Justins Apostolate. Obits for Mark Dende, 17, who died in the hospital. (He was Henry Dendes son.) Headlines: Polish Studies Advisory Group Meets With College President, Voice Program Support Nowenna do Sw. Jozefa Godziny R|aDcowej. A picture of the new broadcasting and living facilities of the Rosary Hour under construction. Headlines: Mary Metal Honored at Testimonial Dinner (Two Group Photographs) Sister Pacoima and Judge Niamey to Speak at Testimonial for Mrs. Metal Knights of Columbus Rosario, Fr. Justin Council No. 5670: An article on the portrait of Fr. Justin by Rev. Dr. Casmir Szarkiewicz Headlines: Testimonial to Honor Dr. Graczyk Father Kolbe and Father Justin Societies Install Officers. (Photograph) Headlines: Bishop Brzana Speaks at Dedication Service Knights Dedicate New Facility Named for Father Justin A Program of the Building Dedication. First Friday Tribune, May 1970: Rosary Hour Praised by Tatusca Fr. Dende Wins Tatuska Praise Fr. Dende Honored by 1st Friday Club 53 Will Receive Degrees on Sunday from Hilbert College Headlines: Przypomnienie Na Miesic Maj Montreal, Que.: Wycieczka Do Buffalo, USA Photographs: Father Dende with First Friday Club principals Headline: Reason Must Prevail, Dr. Regan Tells Hilbert Photograph: Dr. Peter F. Regan, Sister Mary Edwina Bogel and Fr. Edmund Szymkiewicz. A thank you note for Mattew Jasen of the Court of Appeals to Father for his sympathies. Headline: Msgr Adamski Honored as Fidelitas Recipient Photograph: Msgr. Adamski and dignitaries at the event. Dziennik Chicagoski: Z Teki Wydawniczej: O. Zalozyciela Seminarium Polskiego Mr. And Mrs. Wardynski Observe 50th Anniversary Family photograph of the Wardynski family. 10th Anniversary of the Am-Pol Eagle: Various Polish-American Organizations Enrich the Community. Photographs: Stan Jasinski, Matt Korpanty (Broadcasters) Photo of dignitaries attending WUTVs groundbreaking ceremonies. Headlines: Fr. Dende Continues Radio Apostolate. Fr. Dende Continues Broadcasts. Headlines: K of C Auxiliary Planning Review. Godzina R|aDcowa Wznawia Programy. Photograph: Committee leaders pose before picture of lat Rev. Justin Figas: Mrs. Kukonowski, Mrs. McCrae and Mrs. Herko. Headline: 700 Attend Bishop Klonowski Jubilee Nowenny za Zmarlych na Godzinie R|aDcowej. Photograph: Dignateries at Bishop Klonowskis Jubilee. Headlines: Bishop Klonowski Paid Tribute at Dinner. Two Cardinals Join In Jubilarians Fete. Photograph: Brother, clergymen, public officials and friends of Bishop Klonowksi Jubilee. A telegram from Cardinal Wojtyla to Fr. Justin. A letter to Fr. from Sister Mary Edwina, President of Hilbert College. Photograph: Panel The Professional and Businessmens Association Scholarship recipients of Hilbert College. An announcement of the PBA Meeting and Historical Presentation at Hilbert College on Wednesday, September 30, 1970. Two Newspaper articles citing Fr. s work with his photograph. A letter from the administration of the Stowarzyszenie Polskich Kombatantow dated October 14, 1970. An article headlined Jubilee Banquet to conclude Jubilee Year with photographs of Fr. Dende, Msgr. Peter J. Adamski, Dave Thomas and Sister M Benice. Headline: Pan Wolodyjowski Shown at Villa College Photograph: Fr. shown with dignitaries accompanying the Villa College headline. Headlines: St. Valentine s Hold 50th Jubilee Banquet Cenny dar Dla Biblioteki Polskiej: Kier.  Godziny R|aDcowej z Buffalo Photographs: Two photographs showing dignitaries at the St. Valentine s Banquet. Photo of the St. Francis Drivers in regard to High School building fund Business Week Photograph of Joseph Kapela, a graduate of St, Francis High School and noted driver of the Rosary Hour. Wiadomosci Wojciechowe: A church bulletin article announcing the new season of broadcasts of the Rosary Hour (Elmhurst, NY) Headlines: Father Justin Rosary Hour Begins New Season. Four similar articles from various newspapers. Headlines: Godzina R|aDcowa Ojca Justyna Rozpoczyna Swoje Programy Otwarcie sezonu Godziniy R|aDcowej. An announcement if Our Lady of Czestochowa Church in Coventry, R.I., in their bulletin, dealing with the opening of the new season of broadcasts. Two articles on the beginning of the new season of the Rosary Hour with a list of broadcasting stations that carry the program. A church bulletin announcing the new broadcasting season. Headlines: Dar godziny R|aDcowej Dla Muzium Polskiego. Forum for Readers: An article on Polonia s Broadcasters. Miesiencznik Franciszkanski: Nowy Sezon Godziny R|aDcowej. Polish American Journal: It Happened in 1970: an insert about Fr. Justin beginning the Rosary Hour s 40th season. Headlines: Z Roz|nych Stron: GlBos Rektora Orchard Lake. Polonia w Kraju. Photograph: Minister J Wieczorek, L. Dende, and E. J. Piszek overlooking a display. A printed newspaper talk entitled Godnosc Kobiety by Fr. Justyn which had been broadcast on the Rosary Hour program. (See # 83) a continuation of Fr. Justins talk. Dziennik Chicagowski: Czy Star|enie Si Jest Klesk? (See #85) a continuation of Fr. Justin s talk. Headline: John Chrostek s Feted on 25th Anniversary.  O Narkotykach  from the Rosary Hour talks printed in a Chicago Paper. Swiat Bez Ojcw: a talk by Fr. Dende in the Chicogo Dziennik (see #88) Fr.  s talk continued Slowo Na UsBugach Milosci: a printed newspaper talk by Fr. Dende (see #90) Fr.  s talk continued. ibid. Headlines: AmerykaDska Czstochowa O. Korneliusz Dende Na Swiecie Wolontariuszy w Czestochowie Am. (Zyciorys, A biographical sketch of Fr. ) Rosary Hour Director to be Guest Speaker News From American Czstochowa Headlines: Doylstown Notes Profiles of Polonia: Father Dende  the Radio Priest The Polish American Journal, March 27, 1971: Fr. Dende, Na Drogach Cierpienia: a talk by Fr. (see #95) Fr. s talk continued. Headline: Father Konieczny Welcomed to Corpus Christi. An article on Fr. from a Cleveland Newspaper. Headlines: Father Dende to Speak in Doylestown O. Kornelian Dende, OFM Conv. Na Swiecie w Amer. Czstochowie, The Hilite, St. Hyacinth Seminary: Bro. Joseph Professes Vows on Name s Day. Z Litanii Loretanskiej: Roze Marji Program from the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa: Family Communion Breakfast Headline: O. Kornelian Dende, OFMConv. Na Swiecie w Amer. Czestochowie. Odpoczynek Niedzielny: a talk by Fr. Dende A term paper by John Winkler entitled The Polish American Community in Buffalo submitted to R. J. Howe, St. Francis High School. BLANK A talk by Fr. entitled Odpoczynek Niedzielny Zodny z Wymagami Natury. Nowenna z Okazji Dnia Matek Headline: Senior Citizens Housing Plans Are Released for Memorial Drive. Photograph: Mayor Frank Sedita with members of the City Government NOTE: Councilman Franczyk has suggested naming the project the Father Justin Terrrace A magazine excerpt with Jasna Gora, Maj, 1971 penned in and entitled, Fr. Dende Makes Communion Breakfast One Long to be Remembered. A thank you letter to Mr. Kasprzak from Fr. . Excerpt: O Narkotykach Excerpt: +Koroczne Swieto Wolontariuszy Sanktuarium (Mentions Fr. ) A postcard from Warsaw from Gus congratulating him on the 30th anniversary of service to God and country. Am-pol Eagle: Apostle of the Airwaves Observes 30th Anniversary Headline: Schooling, Education Arent the Same Two pages from Nard Polski: Headline: Mowa Ks. Biskupa Krawczaka na Stulecie Zjednoczenia Headline: Naczelnego Kapelana Zjednoczenia Ks. Karcza A letter from John Tatusca, Erie County Executive congratulating Fr. on his 30th Anniversary of service. Headline: Pielgrzymka Stow. Ksy w Amerykanskiej Czestochowie Photographs: Three photographs of principals in the event.. Headline: Attend PBA Pilgrimage to Doylestown Shrine Photographs: Atty. Stanley Jakubowski, President of PBA; Msgr. Francis Palecki, concelebrant at Mass; Fr. Sebastian Babiarz, assistant at Mass, Ignacy Jan Paderewski: a tribute to be paid to him; Fr. Dende to preach sermon; Mrs. Josephine Kaminski, General chairman of the event An article from a small magazine entitled MARJA I MARTA by Fr. . Jasna Gora, October 12, 1971 Pielgrzymka Stowarzyszenia Kasy Im. Sw. Jana Kantego.A Mothers Day tribute from Mater Dolorosa Church . A letter to Fr. Dende from the Erie County Office of Civil Defense calling upon him for service in case of a military or natural disaster. An information Program for a Pilgrimage to Doylestown at which Fr. spoke. Headline: Pielgrzymka Do Midland Headline: Z Osiecimia do Midland BLANK Large article and photos of the Pilgrimage to Midland with Fr. Lucians sermon. A letter asking promotion of a Rosary rally from the Rosary Rally Committee of Greater Utica. Am-pol Eagle, Sept. 30, 1971: Honorific Dinner for Dr. Drzewieniecki Great Success. Photographs: Group photo of Fr. Cornelian and dignitaries at dinner. A group shot of the committee for Father Justins Fifth Annual Building Fund Dinner. Buffalo Courier Express: October 10, 1971: Lunch to Honor two Local Doctors, Sr. S. A. Graczyk and Dr. A. F, Belanca Photograph: Fr. Dende with Guild President, Mrs. Stanley Novicki and Sister Helen Kuc. Photograph (non newspaper shot) John Smith, Grand Knight, Fr. Dende, and Joseph Kopaczenski, Committee Chairman Photograph and Article picturing Bernard J. Ruda who was Re-Elected Head of the Catholic League. Photograph and article Headlined: Godzina R|aDcowa I Jej 41-szy Sezon A letter from the Office of Civil Defense to Father Dende acknowledging his signed application for enrollment in the Chaplain Service of Civil Defense, An Identification Badge and a Official Card identifying Fr. Cornelian as a member of the Consolidated Erie County Civil defense A photo of Adam Styka s painting at the Cemetery of the Pauline Fathers at the American Czstochowa. A newspaper article about the 41-st Season of the Rosary Hour. An article about the beginning of the Rosary Hour Season with photo of Fr. Cornelian. An article entitled, Stefanik Slovak Dramatic Club marking 50 years of Theatricals *Note: This article has mention of the beginning of the new Season of Broadcasting of Rosary Hour. Articles on 41st Season of Broadcasting Announcements from various sources about the New Broadcasting Season. This full page fold out entitled: Polskie Dni w Rzymie has a large article on the Beatification of Fr. Maximillian Kolbe with Photographs of a Painting that was exhibited at the Mass of Beatification, the Audience with Gajowniczek Several articles on the beginning of the new broadcast season. Five Receive Plaques for service to the Polish-American Community (Professional and Business Association) Articles about the New Season of Broadcasting from various sources with listing of Radio Stations. An article entitled Comments on Ryan High Closing Several newspaper articles on the beginning of the 41st season of the Rosary Hour. Headline: Jubileusz ks. L. Krolikowski. A photograph of unknown drivers of J. Dende Bakery in 1917. A photograph of Fr. Cornelian meeting with Pope Paul The Scrantonian, Dec. 19, 1971: Wanda Dende Describes Her Recent Trip Through Poland as a Dream Come True Photographs: Fr. Cornelian is greeted by Pope Paul. Wanda Dende representing the American Pilgrimage group, place a floral wreath at the firing wall monument of the prison death camp in Oswiecim, Poland. Two photographs of Channel 29s Celebration of 1st Anniversary. One photograph of a group representing the installation of Officers to the Polish Arts Club. Straz, December 16, 1971: The Imagination of Poland by Henry Archacki. A list of stations broadcasting the Rosary Hour/ Headline: Resident describes visit to Oswiecim. Photograph: (New Britain Herald) Mrs. Eleonore Drahan with two unidentified persons. Headline: King of Do-It-Yourselfers: H.M Steiger Jr. Master Artist. Photograph: Fr. Cornelian admires replica for the famous St. Francis of Assisi Cross, located in the broadcasting building chapel of the Rosary Hour. Headline: Poles devotion to Catholicism Praised: by Bishop Malysiak of Krakow. Narod Polski, Dec. 23,197: Pobyt Ks. Biskup Al Malysiaka w Ameryce. Photographs: Fr. Dende meets Pope Paul. A laminated newspaper article entitled, Apostle of the Airwaves: Observes 30th Anniversary. A certificate of membership care to the Polish American Historical Association given to Fr. Dende. A parish bulletin from St. Michaels in Bridgeport, CT, announcing Fr. Justins Rosary Hour A full page spread in the Scranton Times entitled Womens World of the Times featuring Helen Dende Rosary Hour Staff photos in an envelope and a photo of Fr. Dende with unidentified persons. A letter from Fr. Dende to Fr. Edmund Canoe, OSB of Pittsburgh Pa for a check in the amount of $15.00 which was received from the Undertaker who was in charge of the funeral for Mr. Stephen Figas. Headline: Lenten Thoughts. Ad for the Complete Biography of Bl. Maksimilian Kolbe. A fragment of Fr. Dendes talk entitled, O Starosci I Wieku Sedziwym Continuation of talk referred to on page 148. An invitation to Fr. Cornelian to a Clergy appreciation Dinner sponsored by the Father Justin Council of the Knights of Columbus. An invitation from the Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph to their Diamond Jubilee Mass of Thanksgiving. A pass for the reviewing area granted to Fr. Cornelian. Ampol Eagle: Polonian Hospitality. Photographs: Committee for the Seventh Annual Fund Raising Dinner for Stl Francis High School. Photographs: Fr. Cornelian, Cardinal Wyszinski, and Fr. Lucian Krolikowski. Groundbreaking photo of Sister M. Marinella, FSSJ and Fr. Rufinus Niedzwiecki. Several pages from the Glos do calej Polonii Amerikanskiej including references to Fr. Dende. A MEDAL CAST WITH IMAGE OF FR. JUSTYN FIGAS. Polish World, October 6, 1972: Owners of WLIB Cancel Natalie Kecki Program Politicians Missing At Pulaski Parade. Godzina R|aDcowa Rozpoczyna 42 Rok Programow Radiowych A proclamation with seal from the Common Council of Buffalo in script congratulating Fr. Dende on his 30th year in the priesthood. Kazanie Ks. Pral. W. Jasinskiego Na Nobozenstwie Zjazdu KPA. (continuation of #154). Articles on the beginning of a new season. A repeat photograph of Fr. Cornelian and Fr. Lucian with Cardinal Wyszynski. Repeat photographs and Radio Stations. Repeat photographs and articles on Cardinal Wyszynskis visit to Rosary Hour.. Repeat photographs and articles Repeat photographs and articles. Listing of radio stations Repeat photographs and articles about Cardinal Wyszynskis visit. Ibid. Ibid. Obits in the The Scranton Times and The Scranton Tribune on Mrs. Mary Dende death Courier Express, November 19, 1972: Envoys Hail Nixon Move. Photograph: Stanislaw Trepczynski, Witold Trepczyynski, and Stanley Makowski. Tygodnik Powszechny: Katolickie Pismo Spoleczno-Kulturalne, Krakow. 19 Listopada 1972: Moje Spotkanie z Polonia Amerykanska (see #165: continued) (see #165: continued) Pittsburgh article entitled: Kacik Wydawczyni: Pamietajmy o Tem Przewodnik Milosierdzia: A small article about Fr. Cornelian in Poland. Erie County News Release about invitation to WBEN about Polish Christmas customs. Full page spread with photographs with headline: Festive Holiday Special Blends Two Cultures. Photographs: Chopin Singing Society, Christmas Eve Supper, and other traditions displayed about Polish Traditions. Congratulations on 42 year of broadcasting with aerial picture of Rosary Hour Building and St. Francis High School Narod Polski: Short biographical sketch from Fr. Cornelians life . Program 40-to Lecia Glosu Polonii (Fr. Cornelian is speaker at this event) A signed framed photograph to Fr. Cornelian Dende from Cardinal Wyszynski A letter to Fr. Cornelian from the Catholic League for Religious Assitance to Poland by Most Rev. Alfred L. Abramowicz, Executive director purveying thanks for assistance. Envelope with photographs of 40th anniversary celebration for Natalie Kecka A letter from Paul Zareba of Radio Free Europe to Fr. Justin. BLANK A letter from the Polish roman Catholic Union of Amrica to Fr. Dende. Gwiazda Polarna: Pogadanki Dziadka Gawedy Z. Cierpienie Ludzkie. Photograph of Mayor Makowski with four of his sons as altar boys in St. Patricks church prior to his inauguration as Buffalos Chief Executive. A note to Fr. Cornelian from Stanley Makowski Photographs of the intallation of Officers to the Polish Arts Club. Picture and caption of honor paid to the First Lady of Polish Radio in America: Mrs. Natalie Kecka (see #174) A signed photograph with the words: My friend whom I admire Fr. Dende. Deep and sincere appreciation, Stan Makowski. Article on Mayor Makowski who was Feted at a testimonial Dinner. A letter from Mayor Makowski to Fr. Cornelian Dende. A receipt from a donation of one hundred dollars from the Rosary Hour to the Polish America Headline: Donacja na Muzeum Polskie. A letter from Rev. Donald Bilenski, Curator of the Polish American Museum acknowledging the gift of $100.00. A talk entitled Pokolenie Zrozpaczonych by Fr. Cornelian Dende. (see 184 talk continued) S. Jasinski Named Mural Board Head. Photograph: a procession at Corpus Christi Parish in conjunction with heir 75th anniversary. Headlines: Central Council Plans Event Marking manifestation of Polish Constitution. Advisory committee is Named for County Health Center Mural. An obit card for Victoria Smolarek. Photograph: The advisory committee for a mural depicting the contributions of the Polish American Community. Headline: Uroczystos odsBonicia Krypty BBogosBawionego M. Kolbe w Toronto (see 187  continuation of article). DoniosBa Uroczystos Kacetowcow. A letter to Fr. Cornelian from B. Stanislawska, President of the POLSKI ZWIZEK B. WIEZNIO POLITICZNYCH W KANADZIE. A letter announcing a meeting to discuss all aspects of the mural for the comprehensive Health Care Center. A formal declaration with a seal appointing Rev. Cornelian Dende as a member of the Erie County Mural Historical Advisory Committee. A cartoon drawing of Fr. Cornelian Dende. A letter to Fr. Cornelian from Sister Mary Edwina to Fr. Cornelian appreciating his gift to her on the occasion of her golden jubilee. A letter to one of the Buffalo Pastors about a documentary film on Maximillian Kolbe. Headline: Polish Chair at Canisius College to Honor Kopernik An article from a magazine with the penned phrase attached: Kalendzarz Polski 1973 A letter from Councilman Hoyt of the Delaware District to Father Cornelian Dende A photograph of Fr. Dende with Very Rev. M. Krapiec, rector of Catholic University of Lublin. A photograph of Fr. Krapiec shaking hands with Henry Osinski, Vice-President of M& T Trust. A portion of Bulletin from Corpus Christi Parish and a Newspaper article headlined: 43Rok Godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna w Cleveland Bulletins from various Parishes announcing the 43 year of broadcast. Two articles, one from the Pittsburgian, Nov. 9, 1973; another from Narod Polski, Oct. 4, 1973 announcing the new season of broadcast Headlines: Change Tears at Polonia. Photograph: Father Duane, Msgr. Adamski, and Father Slattery: Pastor receives medal at Niagara University. Two Parish Bulletins announcing the new season of broadcast. Program from Canisius College honoring Nicolaus Copernicus. An informational bulletin from Canisius College entitled, Polish Chair at Canisius College Plans Ambitious Copernican Program. A dinner stub from the Copernican Banquet. Headline: Canisius Polish Chair Sponsors Copernican Celebration and Mass. Two photographs from the event. Two parish bulletins announcing the new season of broadcast. An ad announcing a Banquet and souvenir book by the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America, the oldest Polish Fraternal Organization in the country. A dinner ticket to the event. Headline: Zyczenia Godziny R|aDcowej na stulecie Zjednoczenia. Photograph: Fr. Cornelian Dende, Fr. Eligiusz Kozak, Fr. Lucjan Krolikowski, Leeonard Zablonski, and Wladzyswaw Mazur. A listing of Radio Stations. A cutout of the monthly, BUA PARADE together with a Article for Civil Service Job opportunities. A photograph of the Operating Staff of the Rosary Hour. An article from Czas from Friday, November 9, 1973 announcing the new broadcasting season. Another article from a Chicago paper announcing new season. Articles and a bulletin from Holy Trinity church in Nanticoke, PA announcing new season A letter from the Stowarzyszenie Polskich Kombatantow from Brooklyn, NY to Father Cornelian thanking him for his support. This is My Town by Edward J. Jerrity about the Pulaski Day Dinner. Articles from the Ampol Eagle and the Kuryer Zjednoczenia announcing new season. Best wishes from the Fronczak Agency patrons of the Rosary Hour. Two articles about the new season from a Polish weekly Newspaper from Minnesota, an Ad from WPTS radio announcing the Rosary Hour and an ad from WYLO and the Polish National alliance announcing the new season. An invitation to a Christmas Dinner from the M and T Trust company signed by Henry Osinski. Newspaper articles on new season and the Novena. An ad in Gwiazda Polarna by Fr. Cornelian offering Christmas and New Year wishes. Polska jest im bliska: an article from the Hejnal of Krakow including a mention of the Rosary Hour. Dated December, 1973 Two photographs by Jozef Gsniki(?), one of Fr. Justins family and the other of a polish display at a picnic. Two articles regarding the opening season of the Rosary Hour. An invitation from the Office of the Mayor to the inauguration of Stanley M. Makowski. A receipt acknowledging the Fr. Justin Rosary Hour for patronage in the St. Francis Year Book. Announcements of the Beginning of the Rosary Hours new season by a Church bulletin. An article with photos from the Hilbert Herald, dated February 974 with Headline: First Dinner Declared Success. Full page spread from the Polish World American. 1973 Citizens of the Year. Fr. Cornelian is featured as a representative from RELIGION. A program of the First Dinner Dance at Hilbert College. An article written in the Russian Language. A headline announcing the Novena to St. Joseph Headline: Ampol Eagle: Mural is Unveiled by Erie County Officials. Photograph: Participants in the unveiling of the mural. Three depictions from the Mural at the Erie County Health Center An announcement mailed to Fr. Cornelian announcing the Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society featuring PIONEER CRAFTS DEMONSTRATIONS AND REFRESMENTS. An announcement by the Kosciuszko Foundation announcing documentary films in celebration of the American Bicentennial in 1976. A personality Profile of Fr. Cornelian Dende (|yciorys) published in the Ampol Eagle with the by-line Denis Kay. A newspaper article entitled,  Konferencja Kleru Ethnicznego. A published greeting for Easter from the Father Justin Rosary Hour. A Newspaper Article by Fr. Cornelian Dende headlined:  Rozwod  SBowo ZBowrogie. A Ticket to a Card Party Sponsored by GROUP OF LADIES at the Polish Peoples Home in Passaic, N.J. for the benefit of the Rosary Hour. An article from the St. Hyacinth News with a picture of Frs. Placid, Jude and Robert operating the Chief 20 printing press donated by Fr. Cornelian Dende to the seminary. A non-newspaper photograph of Bishop Szwagrzyk from Czestochowa, a guest of the Rosary Hour. An article headlined:  PoznaBem Mnstwo Interesujcych Ludzi A letter from County Executive, Edward V. Regan to Fr. Cornelian for his willingness to serve on the Erie County Mural Historical Advisory committee. A talk by Witold Olszewski mentioning the Rosary Hour. The Polish American Word, New York: Spotlight on It features Fr. Cornelian Dende with his photograph. A printed depiction of the Mural at the Health Center. A description of the Mural with a heading from the County of Erie. A typewritten invocation at the unveiling of the Mural. A photograph of the Citizens Advisory Committee on the Mural showing Fr. Cornelian as a member. A clipping of the Father Justin Society mentioning Fr. Cornelian Dende as Chaplain. A copy of a resolution signed by Gus Franczyk to name the New Clinton Library, Father Justin Library. Two News Clippings dealing with the Library Issue. A Ukrainian language article from We and the World, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada along with two typewritten pages entitled: Uszlachetniajac jednostki, uswiecamy spoloczenstwo. PUA Parade: Delegates Ceremoniously Open 28th Grand Conventions. Photographs and articles concerning the event. A non-newspaper colored photograph depicting clergy and laity and described as a Centenary Convention of the POLISH ROMAN CATHOLIC UNION in Chicago. Two photographs: one depicting ZPRK president on the way to Holy Trinity Church; the other featuring Jan Kardynal Krol and Jan Kardynal Cody and chaplain of ZPRK, Fr. Walerian Karcz. Bishop Alfred Abramowicz is also present in photo together with clergy and laity. Headlines: Polish Union Re-Elects Buffalo Priest Chaplain. Fr. Stanley Ropelski is featured with a photograph. A newspaper article announcing the Rosary Hour on Station WXEN. Two articles announcing new season of Rosary Hour. A program of a Ring Ceremony from Cathedral High School in Bridgeport, Connecticut. An Election District Election report form with instructions and a name card entitled NES 1974 with Fr. Cornelians name typed on the card.. Two articles on new season of the Rosary Hour. Articles on the 44th Radio Season. A Certificate of Membership Card for the Polish American Historical Association in Chicago, Ill.. with Fr. Cornelians name as Active Member for 1974-1975. A photo of the Professional and Businessmens Association and an Recognition Certificate issued to Very. Rev. Cornelian Dende, OFMConv Headlines: Businessmen Honor 19 Buffalo Poles. Nowenny ModBow za ZmarBych. Photograph (non-newspaper) of the Professional and Businessmen s Association pictured with Fr. Cornelian. A letter from Mayor Stanley M. Makowski recognizing the honor given to Fr. Cornelian at the Professional and Businessmens Association at a dinner. Fiftieth Anniversary FUND RAISING DINNER program. A card with photo and recognition of 50 Anniversary of Fr. Justin Figas. A typewritten invocation. An announcement of a new season by Jednos Polek. Announcements of the 44th season of the Rosary Hour with a listing of radio stations. Ibid. The Western New York Catholic: Radio Hour Beams Counsel and Understanding by Cecelia Viggo. Photographs: Fr. Cornelian at microphone, a photo of Montreal Sculptor, Anthony Mentel, and a photo of Fr. Eligius at the audio mixer. Ibid. Articles about the 44th seasonal opening of Radio Program and an article headlined: Dende Elected Polish Union President. Note: this article is about Henry Dende, the publisher from Scranton, PA. A photo of the Board of Trustees of the Council on Polish American Affairs. A photo of the Rosary hour principals. A listing of Radio Stations. An Article headlined, Bishop Lists Diocesan Assignments Note: In this article, Fr. Cornelian was named as the diocesan coordinator for the American Bicentennial Committee. Ampol Eagle: Bishop Head Appoints Polish American Coordinator to the Buffalo Diocese Bicentennial Committee. Other articles on the subject. Headlines: Bicentennial Group Names Franciscan. Polish Troup Lauds Rosary Hour Article. PBA Bulletin: RECOGNITION Night Honors 19 for Community Service. A acknowledgment of Fr. Cornelians contribution to St. Francis High School Yearbook Headlines: Frs. Paprocki and Dende Diocesan Coordinators for US Bicentennial. Father Justin Figas; Founder of St. Francis. Nowenna do Dzieciatka Jezus. Prymas Polski, Kard. S. Wyszynski Otworzyl Sezon. A Rosary Hour talk by Fr. Cornelian entitled, Co to Jest Zbawienie Wieczne? A list of broadcasting stations. A Rosary Hour talk by Fr. Cornelian entitled,  SiBa w SBabosci (Continuation of previous talk.) A letter to Fr. Cornelian from the President of the State University College at Buffalo A talk signed by Lucian Krolikowski entitled,  Czy Umiesz Zyc? Listy do Polakow, 1974 Headlines: Nowenna Godziny R|aDcowej do St. Jozefa. Fr. Justin Rosary Hour Now Heard Over Station WSCR. A letter from the Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society to Fr. Cornelian An ad from the WSCR Radio Station in Scranton, PA advertising Father Justin rosary Hour A signed Congressional record from Jack Kemp to Fr. Dende. BACK COVER: A cartoon advertising a radio program. A hard cover poster advertising the Rosary Hour from Station WRJN in Racine, Wisconsin. A Program by the Father Justin Drivers on October 1, 1972: 7TH ANNUAL FUND RAISING DINNER, A photo is attached to the program with Fr. Cornelian and Fr. Xavier with three Drivers pictured, dated Oct. 1, 1972. A large Diploma from the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa from the Pauline Fathers of Doylestown, Pennsylvania awarded to Fr. Justin Rosary Hour. SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 11 Page A letter from Stefan Kardynal Wyszynski to Fr. Cornelian Dende, June 29, 1979 on the occasion of the beginning of the 49th Rosary Hour. Przewodknik Katolicki, Poznan, Najwieksza Ambona Polska by Fr. Lucian Krolikowski December 14,1980. Photographs: Top photo: Fr. Lucian Krolikowski. Bottom photo Fr. Cornelian Dende, Cardinal F. Macharski and Father Lucian Krolikowski. Najwiksza Ambona Polska (continued). Scranton Times, Dec 19, 1981: Local Polish Groups Push Protest. See page 2. A letter from Fr. Donald Kos, Procurator General of the Conventual Order to Mons. Eduardo Marinez Somalo in Rome, requesting an autographed Blessing of the Holy Father to be issued to Rev. Cornelian Dende, O.F.M.Conv. of the Father Justin Rosary Hour. A letter from The Most Reverend Vitale M. Bonmarco to Fr. Cornelian Dende, praising his work and issuing Gods Blessing. June 28, 1980. Zwiadkowiec, April 6, 1980: Wiadomosci Montrealskie: Zarzd Polskiego Instytuty Naukowego. Gwazda Polarna: Aktualne Zagadnienia kulturalne Polonii AmerykaDskiej. Dziennik Zwizkowy (Zgoda), June 19, 1980. A statement of marriage from Quebec with Casimir and Anne-Marie Stanczykowski listed as the couple. (Note: No other reference is given.) Two Mailgram invitations to Rev. Cornelius Dende (sic) to join a meeting of the president and Secretary Muskie to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the signing of the Helsinki accords. Mailing is signed by the White House social secretary. A letter from the White House Press Secretary A letter from Donald Deopard, chairman of the State University College at Buffalo expressing appreciation to Fr. Dende for help in the course, Poles in America. A note from Fr. Philip Wozniak, OFMC from Chicago to Fr.Cornelian. Headline: Ojciec Swiety otworzy Rok Jubileuszowy Radiowej Godziny R|aDcowej. This page is devoted with seven articles from various newspapers about the 50th anniversary of the Rosary Hour. Also a article entitled:  Programy Godziny R|aDcowej Na Tasmach w Kasetach. This page is devoted with articles about the fiftieth anniversary of the Rosary Hour. UNNUMBERED This page is devoted with articles about the Holy Father opening the official season of the Rosary Hour which celebrates its 50th year of broadcasting. UNNUMBERED Two articles on the 50th anniversary of the Rosary Hour and a listing of radio stations which broadcast it. A letter from Henry J. Dende to Very Rev. Stanley E. Milewski,. Chancellor of the Orchard Lake Schools in Orchard Lake, Mich advocating that the 1981 Fidelitas Medal should be presented to Rev. Cornelian Dende. A letter from Stanley Milewski of Orchard Park Schools thanking Fr. Cornelian for a book of prayers and congratulating him on 50 years of broadcasting A letter to Fr. Cornelian from Archbishop Jan Kardinal Krol of Philadelphia congratulating the Rosary Hour for 50 years of broadcasting. A letter from Fr. Marian Tolczyk congratulating Fr. Cornelian on the Golden Jubilee. A letter from Alfreda Slominski, Comptroller of Erie County to Fr. Cornelian congratulating him on the Golden Jubilee of the Rosary Hour. A letter from Ks. Prof. Dr. Mieczyslaw Krapiec of the Catholic University of Lublin, Poland Congratulating Fr. Dende on the Golden Jubilee. A letter from Henry J. Nowak of the House of Representatives to Fr. Dende with an excerpt from the Congressional Record noted the Anniversary of the Rosary Hour. A letter from Sister Helen Grenada of the Sister Servants of Mary Immaculate with congratulations on the Jubilee of the Rosary Hour. A letter from the Vatican to Fr. Dende. An invitation to Fr. Dende to attend the Installation of the Archbishop of Detroit. A note to parishes of Pittsburgh from WPIT about the segment of Pope Paul II on the broadcast of the Rosary Hour in its 50th year of broadcasting. Headlines: Ampol Eagle: Successor of St. Francis visits Area Friars. Narod Polski: Nowenna do Dziecitka Jezus Radiowej Godziny R|aDcowej. Photographs: Fr. Vitale Bonmarco, General of the Conventuals, Fr. Leon Krop, Fr. Cornelian Dende, Fr. Wozniak, and Fr. Timothy Zientek; A picture of a group of people at City Hall where Mayor James Griffin issued a proclamation citing the 50th anniversary of the Father Justin Rosary .Hour, A photo of Mayor Griffin presenting a citation to Fr. Dende honoring the 50th year of broadcasting. Headline: Dlaczego KoscioBy Nie Sa WBasnoscia Parafian?: Radiowe Przemowienie w Ramach Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna. A poetic rendition from Elizabeth, N.J. commenting on the 50th jubilee. A collage of photos with Headlong:  Praying for Peace . An article from Narod Polskie: Potrojna Nowenna Godziny R|aDcowej. Photograph: Caption: Rev. Dende presents 2-millionth book to President Ketter while libraries Directory Roy looks on. Headlines: Usefulness is key to Libraries standing, Handling of Harvard emphasizes at ceremony. Rare historic book on Poland became UB libraries 2 millionth volume. Several small articles in explanation of what the donated book represents. Photographs with captions on the Rosary Hour, St. Francis High School, and the presentation of the 2-millionth book to UB library. Headline: The Polish Parish of the Radio Waves. Photograph of Fr. Dende. A non-newspaper photograph of the presentation of the history book and an article . headlined: Rare Polish book becomes part of U B collection today. A letter from Roy Saktidas of the State University of New York at Buffalo. BLANK A draft of newspaper article entitled: Polish community Donates Rare Book A Program entitled: Commemoration of the Two Millionth Volume. Headlines: 1584 Volume on Poland Adds Chapter to UB Libraries History Rev. Dende to Present Rare Book. Several reproductions from Rare Book. And article about Cardinal Cody. An article from the Buffalo Evening News: 1584 Volume on Poland Adds Chapter to UB Libraries History. A paperback volume: Celebrating the Acquisition of the Two MillionthVolume of the State University of New York at Buffalo libraries. A letter from Robert L. Ketter, President of the University library to Fr. Dende. A newspaper excerpt entitled: Polskie Programy Radiowe W Chicago w Kolejnosci Nadawanias A letter to Fr. Cornelian Dende from Jerzy Bibik, Secretary of the Canadian Polish Congress with an invitation to attend a meeting of the academy. An address given by Fr. Cornelian Dende at the presentation of the historic volume. Narod Polski, Sept, 24, 1981: Potrojna Nowenna Godziny R|aDcowej. Photograph: Clergy who attended Sunday s General Pulaski Association Banquet A letter from Fr. Marian Tolczyk to Fr. Cornelian Dende congratulation Fr. Cornelian Dende on his Fortieth Jubilee of Priesthood. Explanation of the works of art in the St. Francis High School faculty House. Headline: The Polish Parish of the Radio Waves. Headline: Rosary Hour has 2 million audience. A listing of Radio Stations in the United States which broadcast the Rosary Hour. An Article on the Rare Book Presentation. An ad for a Polish cook book. Dlaczego KoscioBy Nie Sa Wlasnoscia Parafian? Miesiecznik Poswicony Zyciu Chrzescijanskiemu. Wdrodze: Najwieksza Na Swiecie Polska Ambona: An article from this magazine by Fr. Lucian Z. Krolikowski, OFMConv. Headline: The priest who began it is gone, but the Father Justin Rosary Hour, now in its 50th year, goes on under the leadership of a worthy successor. A repetition of Fr. Lucians article, Najwieksza na swiecie polska ambona. A depiction of a painting of Jan Styka entitled, The Crucifixion. A non-newspaper photograph: Attendees of a cocktail party and deer honoring Douglas Turner, former managing editor of the Courier Express. Fr. Dende is pictured as one of the attendees. Headline: Rosary Honor Honored By Mayor Griffin. Photo of presentation accompanies article. A handwritten note from a listener appreciating the fact that the Rosary Hour is currently broadcast in the state of Florida. Photograph: a non-newspaper photograph of the carrying of the cross in Jerusalem. Sister Raphaela is in the photograph. Headline: Four Polonia Media Milestones Noted: Rosary Hour, Ave Maria, Am Pol Eagle, WHLD. SFHS SPORTS HALL OF FAME. A letter from Henry J. Gontarek from Largo Florida expressing joy at the fact that the Rosary Hour ca now be heard in Florida. A letter from Thomas P. Pasternak, director of Athletics to Fr. Cornelian. Headline: Msgr. John R. Gabalski to Head Local Welcome Walesa Committee. Nowenna na czesc ojcow Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna. A cutout from a bulletin in Indian Rocks Beach, Florida. Two letters from Rosary Hour listeners. Narod Polski: Nowenna na czes matek Rodiowej Godziny R|aDcowej. Nowenna ku czci Sw. Jozefa. Godzina R|aDcowa w N.Y. I w N.J. Ad for becoming a member of WSHU-91.1. Polonia Reporter: Przyczyny Powtania Kosciola PrawosBawnego. A postcard picturing the Vatican and Pope John Paul II addressed to Fr. Cornelian Dende. A letter from the Canadian Polish Congress to Fr. Cornelian. Headlines: Polish Community Anxiously Views Homeland Turmoil. A letter from the Polish Union of America. A typewritten article entitled, Najwiksza Ambona Polska A program entitled: Rosary Parade and Rally A Polish American Calandar1981 Itinerary of Lech Walesa s visit to Buffalo article in an issue of  Ave Maria Herald Standard, Sunday Showcase: Headline: Pioneer Radio Priest. Photograph: Large photograph of Fr. Justyn Figas, featured in this publication from Uniontown, Pennsylvania on Sunday, February 22, 1981. Fr. Justins home parish is pictured in three stages of development. A photograph with Pope John Paul II (then Cardinal Karol Wojtyla) as he visits the Rosary Hour. A photograph of Fr. Justin Figas at work in August, 1955. A Feature Story entitled: Poles in Buffalo Four Generations. A foldout page entitled: EVERSON PRIEST FULFILLED MOTHERS VOW. A letter to Fr. Justin from Fr. Bernard Kuczborski from St. Casimirs Friary in Baltimore, MD. A non-newspaper photograph of clergy at a Pulaski Day Dinner. A non-newspaper photograph of Dr. Ketter of the University of Buffalo and Fr. Cornelian Dende. Education, Diocese of Buffalo to Fr. Cornelian Dende. TWO UNNUMBERED PAGES CONTAIN A POEM ABOUT JOY and A PROGRAM OF THE MASS CELEBRATION AT VILLA MARIA COLLEGE OF THE THIRD ANNIVERSARY OF THE INVESTITURE OF POPE JOHN PAUL II. A letter from Fr. Francis Juchnowski and Sister Marcella Marie Garus to Fr. Cornelian. Itinerary of Lech Walesas visit to Buffalo. Continuation of # 69. A non-newspaper photograph of Fr. Dende, Mayor Griffin and an unidentified person. A non-newspaper photograph of Fr. Dende at a presentation with Mayor Griffin and other clergy including Fr. Walter Mruk and Fr. Cornelius Zak.. A thank you note for services at the death of Kazimierz Stanczykowski from Montreal in July of 1981. Headlines: Zbiura Godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna. Academic achievements with photo of Fr. Cornelian Dende. Pamitajmy o zmarBych. A letter from Bronislaw Durewicz of the Polish American Congress to Fr. Cornelian Dende. A letter from Fr. Juniper to Fr. Cornelian. Franciscan Benefactors Newsletter: St. Anthony Province Celebrates its seventy-fifth Birthday. A letter from Francis Cardinal Macharski dated, Krakow, dnia 14 listopada 1981 r. to Father Cornelian congratulating him on the service given by the Rosary Hour for 50 years. A letter from Fr. Joseph Kruszynski, OFMConv. Of the House of Studies, Sacred Heart Friary Chicago, Ill. To Fr. Cornelian Dende thanking him for sending a picture of Saint Bonaventure. A handwritten congratulatory letter on occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Rosary Hour. Buffalo Evening News: Relition News: Martyr to Be Named a Saint Touched lives of Area Priests. Headlines: Locally Produced Rosary Hour to Reach Listeners in Poland. Nowenna do Dziecitka Jezus. Rosary Hour has 2 Million Audience. St. Anthony Newsletter, December, 1981 Przekroj , Krakw, Poland, December 6, 1981: Rodacy Lcz Si w Eterze. Headlines: Jozef Migala Doktorem Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Walesa wants to visit area Rosary Hour: KIJ Invites. Nowenna do Dziecitka Jezus. Two non-newspaper photographs of Mayor Griffin with Fr. Cornelian Talk by Fr. Cornelian Dende: Polska Bdzie Polska. Fr. Cornelian at St Patrick s where he gave sermon. Photograph with written caption; Father Cornelian preaches at St. Patrick s Cathedral, December 1981. A printed sermon by Fr. Cornelian at St. Patrick s. A letter from Fr. Marian Tolczyk to Fr. Antoni Ksiazek, OFMConv. In Rome, Italy dated January 20, 1982 Headlines: Nowenna do Sw. Josefa Radiowj Godziny R|aDcowej. PolAm Radio Rosary Hour beamed directly into crisis-torn Poland Wielka Nowenna dla Matek Headline: Dr. Stephen A. Graczyk, 86, Dies; Active in Medical, Religious Affairs. A handwritten note by Mrs. Blanche Graczyk thanking Fr. Cornelian Dende for his help at the services for her husband. Articles on the death of Dr. Stephen A. Graczyk, Narod Polski: Wspomnienie pogrzebu sp. Dra Stefana Graczyka, dBugoletniego anonsera Godziny R|aDcowej. Obits on Dr. Stephan Graczyk A letter from Bishop Head to Fr. Cornelian to the hospital where Fr. Cornelian was recuperating. Gwiazda Polarna, Stevens Point, Wis. O Szacunek dla Pisarza Headlines: Justinian I Dinner-Auction Approaching. Justinian I Auction-Dinner Is Set. Two advertisements: One from Narod Polski from the Rosary Hour; the other from the Unity of Polish Women. Metropolitan News: Kolbe Canonization Expected to Bolster Church: In Polands Dire Hour, a Saint from Auschwitz. Headline: Rycerz Neipokalanej, May 1982: Mo|na SBuchac w Europie. Pol-Am Radio Rosary Hour Beamed directly into Crisis-torn Poland. Two newspaper advertisements for the Rosary Hour 75 Years Young. Photo of Fr. Cornelian at his desk. Articles on the Canonization of Fr. Maximillian Kolbe. Talk by Fr. Cornelian Dende: Boze, Zbaw Polske. Letter informing Fr. Cornelian Dende that the Chapter had elected him Rosary Hour Director A pastors letter concerning the 600 annivesary of the portrait of our Lady of Czestochowa. Auxiliary Bishop, Alfred Abramowitz writes to Fr. Cornelian Dende concerning his talk at the Marian Tribute of the Archdiocese of Chicago honoring the 66th anniversary of the presence of the picture of Our Lady of Czestochowa. A draft of a newspaper article in the Archdiocese of Chicago. A large ad announcing the MARIAN TRIBUTE in Chicago. Headline: Poles Honor shrine and remember. A picture of our Lady of Czestochowa with accompanying article headlined: Modly o Wolnosc Polski: imponujacy Obchod Maryjne: odbyl sie wczoraj w Chicago. An advertisement for the Obchod Maryjna, August 15, 1982 More ads announcing the Marian Tribute. Two articles on the Marian Tribute. A letter from Danuta Walesa acknowledging the receipt of materials from Fr. Cornelian Dende. AN ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPH OF IGNACY PADAREWSKI WITH HIS FAMILY AT HIS LAST CHRISTMAS DINNER. A letter from Bishop Szczepan Wesoly from Rome to Fr. Cornelian dated November 16, 1982. Nowy Dziennik, August 15, Brooklyn, Queens, L.I. Uroczystosc Polonijna w Bazylice OO. Redemptorystw. Mugavero To Celebrate OLCs 600th Anniversary in Largest Boro Church. Announcement of the previously headlined event. Alumni Newsletter SFHS, Fall, 1982: More Campus Renovation Work. Photographs: Photos of the major renovations at St. Francis High School Chapel Polonia Reporter, Polish Union of America. Headline: Fr. Justin Rosary Hour in its 52nd Year. Photographs: Fr. Justin at microphone; Fr. Cornelian Dende; Fr. Cornelian and Fr. Lucjan at historic plaque commemorating site of first broadcast; Fr Justin drivers on pilgrimage to Baltimore. Headline: Fr. Justin Rosary Hour Celebrates 52nd Year. A list of Broadcasting Stations. A headline entitled: Nowenna do Dzieciatka Bozego: Artystyczny Kalendarz 1983, depiction of painting with caption  Obchody 300-lecia Odsieczy WiedeDskiej The accompanying picture of the painting is that of Jan Matejki s  Sobieski pod Wiedniem Another article on this page is entitled: Radiowa Godzina R|aDcowa Ojca Justyna: Pamietajmy o zmarBych I Poleglych. St. Anthony Newsletter, December 1981: FRANCISCAN BROADCASTING. PosBaniec Serca Jezusa, November 1982: A clipping describing the  Obchody Maryjna: A picture of Fr. Cornelian Dende in a crowd. The article mentions Fr. Cornelian Dende as giving the Homily. Another photograph shows Bishop Alfred Abramowicz and other dignitaries at the occasion of the Celebration. Two other non-newspaper photographs depict a speaker in identical depictions. A published talk in Nard Polski, September 9, 1982 of Fr. Cornelians Homily at the Obchod Maryjanski in Chicago. Photographs: Six colored photographs of the Chicago Celebration of Our Lady of Czestochowas 600th year. Headlines: Rosary Hour has 2 million audience. Nowenna do sw. Jzefa Radiowej Godziny R|aDcowej. Radiowa Godzina R|aDcowa. A photograph and obit of Fr. Hyacinth Rosinke, OFMConv. An announcement of WPIT, Pittsburgh, PA., in which one of the listings is Fr. Justin s Rosary Hour. Headlines: Wielka Nowenna Mszy sw. I ModBw w Intencji Matek. Historia Radiowej Godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna. Wybitny artysta Jan de Rosen nie |yje. ZmarB Ks Infulat P.J. Adamski. A clipping from St. Stan s in Chicopee announcing that tapes are available from Fr. Justin s Rosary Hour. Articles on the broadcasts of the Rosary Hour in Europe, the Nowenna to the Queen of the Holy Rosary, Fr. Cornelian Dendes Sermon at St. Patricks. A handwritten note from Fr. Marian Goral and the 600th Anniversary Committee thanking Fr. Cornelian Dende for his attendance at the celebration in Brooklyn, NY. Headline: Granby Friars Host Chapter Photograph: a picture of the sixty-eight friar-delegates. An article with the headline entitled: Rosary Hour has 2 Million Audience. A Holy Card of Fr. Maximillian Kolbe signed by Gajowniczek, survivor of Auschwitz. A artists conception of Fr. Kolbe in Concentration Camp uniform and an article entitled, St. Maximillian Kolbe and Anti-Semitism an Appraisal. A letter from Auxiliary Bishop Alfred Abramowicz to Fr. Cornelian Dende thanking him for his tape of the Primates talk explaining why he postponed his visit to Canada and the USA. PHOTOGRAPH: Archbishop Joseph Glemp, Archbishop of Gniezno-Warsaw, Primate of Poland. Headline: St. Patrick Mass Hails New Polish Saint. Photographs: Terence Cardinal Cooke and John Cardinal Karol greet Franciszek Gajowniczek before a special mass at St. Patricks Cathedral; Francis Lieczko kisses ring of Terence Cardinal Cooke as Franciszek Gajowniczek looks on during Mass. A non- newspaper photograph of participants in the St. Patricks Mass. Two cutouts from bulletins. A ticket to the Testimonial Dinner honoring Most Reverend Joseph Glemp, Primate of Poland. A letter from Bertha Lewandowski (President of Directors of Fr. Justin for 20 yrs.) to Fr. Cornelian Dende. A headline entitled, Nowenna do Sw. Jozefa Godziny R|aDcowej from Narod Polski. A signed letter to Radio Station WOPA of Oak Park, Ill. (6 signatures and letter-headed Dr. Alexander F. Sterkowicz and Dr. Chester A. Sterkowicz) asking that the Fr. Justin Rosary Hour not be terminated at their station. Headline: Painting of Polish Patroness Concludes Diocesan Pilgrimage. An Advertisement announcing the Concelebrated Mass of Thanksgiving in Honor of our Lady of Czestochowa at the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help August 22, 1982. Photographs: Two photographs of speakers one of which depicts Fr. Cornelian as speaker at the event. A program entitled 600 LAT PANOWANIA MATKI BOZEJ NA JASNEJ GORZE: Syracuse diocese celebration, Utica Memorial Auditorium, September 26, 1982. A headline entitled Mass marks Polish icons anniversary. Buffalo Evening News, Oct. 17, 1983: Artists Dancers to Join Guests at Polonaise Ball. A ticket to the Affair with written words, Guest, Rev. Cornelian Dende. Photograph of Fr. Cornelian at dinner table. A happy feast day card to Fr. Cornelian Dende. Ampol Eagle, Buffalo, NY, January 6, 1983: Citizens of the Year Selections: Religion: Fr. Daniel Pietrzak, OFMConv. A note from Kardynal Franciszek Machalski?, Krakow, 1983.. A headline entitled,  Godzina R|aDcowa O. Justyna. Two documents in which the Polish Government confiscates  Mowy Radiowe. A pictorial Christmas Card from Archbishop Glemp and other clergy including Fr. Cornelian Dende. Czerwony Mak, Ludlow, MA: Godzina R|aDcowa Ojca Justyna PUA Parade, Buffalo, NY, Sept 1983: Spotkanie z Ojcem Lucjanem Krolikowskim A poem entitled: List do Godziny R|aDcowej. A poem entitled Niezwykla Nowenna A handwritten letter from a listener, Bruno Binkowicz to the director of the Rosary Hour in tribute for his work. (Chicago, July 1, 1983). Polish American Voice, April 1983: Wielkanoc 1983 by Fr. Cornelian Dende. Narod Polski: Nowenna na Czesc Mantoni Chroscielewski, President of the Komitet Zlotego Jubileuszu Programu Radiowego Glosu Polonii An entire page with pictures from Nowy Dziennik, May 4, 1983 with headline: Bankiet z Okazji Zlotego Jubileuszu Programu Radiowego Glosu Polonii Father Cornelian Dende is pictured in the last photograph on the page. Polish American World, June 10, 1983: a photograph of Fr. Cornelian Dende presenting Natalie Kecka a special blessing from Pope John Paul. Headlines: Jubileusz progamu Glos Polonii Im Michala I Natalii Kedzkich. 75 Years Young Photograph of Fr. Cornelian working at his desk. Two non-newspaper photographs with Fr. Cornelian Dende commemorating the Grand Opening of the Kolipinski Brothers in Cheektowaga, NY, Sept. 1983 An envelope containing pictures of the event. A letter from Fr. Raphael Wisniewski to Fr. Cornelian Dende concerning some historical material BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK Two articles on Rosary Hour Cassettes and a listing of Stations and Hours. Headlines: Miss Coughlin, Mr. Jarmusz are wed in college chapel. Pamietajmy o Zmarlych I Poleglych. A listing of radio stations. Biblie. A letter from Bishop Wladyslaw Jedruszuk from Rome, November 22,1983 to Fr. Cornelian Dende. A note to Fr. Cornelian from WBEN thanking him for sending the cassette. Headlines: Nowenna do Dziecitka Bo|ego. Buffalo: Heart of Polonia Media: An article by Stan Franczyk: Pole To Pole. An advertisement for Cassettes of Rosary Hour. Headlines: Stolen Childhood. Skardzone Dziecinstwo Po Angielsku. Wstrzasajaca Ksi|ka  Skradzone Dziecinstwo. Full page spread: A SAGA OF POLISH WAR CHILDREN An interview with FATHER LUCJAN KROLIKOWSKI. INVITATION TO PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, RECEPTION WITH FR. LUCJAN KROLIKOWSKI on the occasion of the publication of the English translation of his book: Skradzione DzieciDstwo. A letter from the advisory board of the National Committee for the Year of the Bible to Fr. Cornelian Dende. Guides to the programming of the Rosary Hour. Headline: Catholic Education in Communist Kij Notes From the Desk of Daniel J. Kij, National President.. Headline: Justinian III Dinner Auction Helps Growth of Father Justins Dreams. Photographs: Father Justins Drivers. Father Justin Figas at microphone. Headlines: Nowenna z Okazji Dnia Matek. ZBoty Jubileusz Radia. Godzina R|aDcowa. Three telegrams with invitations from Lublin to Fr. Cornelian for reception of a medal. One of the telegrams is from Bishop Piotr Hemperek of Lublin. A letter responding to Bishop Hemperek for his invitation. A congratulatory Telegram to Fr. Cornelian Dende. Headline: Z |ycia KUL Photograph: Fr. Cornelian at University of Lublin. Headline: O Kornelian Dende odznaczony przez Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Program and article about the reception of medal at the University of Lublin. Articles pertaining to reception of medal at the University of Lublin. FULL PAGE OF THE POLISH AMERICAN VOICE ON FR. CORNELIANS ACCEPTANCE OF HIS AWARD IN LIN. Headline: DOCTORS OF POLISH CHURCH HONOR ROSARY HOUR. Letter from Erie County Clerks Office to Fr. Cornelian Headline: O. Kornelian Dende dziekuje. Wreczenie Kolejnych Medali Za zasBugi dla KUL Headline: Medals to Honor Rev. Dende s Radio Work. Letter from Hilbert College from Sister Edmunette Paczesny, President congratulating Fr. Cornelian on his reception of Lublin medal. A letter in an envelope from Alliance College, Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania congratulating Fr. Cornelian on his reception of the Lublin Medal. Narod Polski: In tribute to Fr. Cornelian Dende, OFMConv. Of the Fr. Justin Rosary Hour. Dziennik Polski: O. Lucjan Krolikowski: an article by-lined Waclaw Netter. Ampol-Eagle: Father Dende receives honorary doctorate at Alliance Commencement. A photograph captioned: KOLKO POLEK ESTABLISHES EDUCATIONAL BURSES. Headlines: Father Dende Honored at Alliance College Nowa Ksiz|ka o Godzinie R|aDcowej. A congratulatory note from Marquette University. Nowenna na czes matek Hejnal Mariacki, Sierpien 1984: HARCERZE W NIEPOKALANOWIE (a two page article) Press Release: Kolko Polek Charitable Organization Establishes Educational Burses A thank you letter from Fr. Celestyn Napiorkowski from Lublin to Fr. Cornelian. A post card with a picture of a sculpture depicting the Holy Father Supporting Cardinal Wyszynski. An article of a marriage and a picture of the bride; Fr. Cornelian performed the marriage. Headlines: Daemen Will Exchange Students, Faculty With University in Poland. Photographs. Fr. Cornelian announces the exchange at Daemen. Matthew W. Pelczynski congratulates Fr. Cornelian on his designation as Citizen of the Year for 1984 by the Am-Pol Eagle newspaper. Am-Pol Eagle, March 7, 1985: Take pride in our Heritage Father Dende tells Audience. Four pictures of groups, each picture with recipient of an award gathered with friends. A FULL PAGE STORY ENTITLED: A DRIVING FORCE IN POLONIA: THE HENRY DENDE STORY. Nard Polski: Vo-Tech School named in Honor of Henry J. Dende. Polonia honors its citizens of the year (Fr. Cornelian is mentioned in this article) Headline: O Roli Prasy Polonijnej. A program of the Am-Pol Eagle s Citizens of the Year Award Presentations. An editorial from the Scranton Times entitled, Dende, Mensky Honored: Recognition Deserved.. Narod Polski, March 7, 1985: Oddawamy czesc sw. Jozefowi w nowennie Mszy Swietych I ModBw. An-Pol Eagle: Father Dende Cited as National Citizen of the Year. Buffalo Evening News: Daemen Will Exchange Students, Faculty With University in Poland. A letter from the Erie County Clerks Office congratulating Fr. Dende on being honored as national Citizen of the Year for 1984. A letter from Matthew W. Pelczynski publisher of the Am-Pol Eagle congratulating Fr. Dende on being awarded. Headlines: PBA annual Ball Set. Nowa Ksi|ka O Godzinie R|aDcowej. Nowenna do Dziecitka Jezus. An unheadlined article about Fr. Cornelian in the Polish American World. An  Am-pol Eagle article on Fr. Cornelian s citation of National Citizen of the year. A certificate of Membership in the Polish American Historical Association. Articles on Fr. Cornelians reception of the Lublin Award with photographs. A thank you letter from Fr. Cornelian to the directors of the Rosary Hour together with Christmas greetings. Headline: 66th anniversary of Polish Independence observed. A cutout showing Fr. Cornelian speaking at Lublin University. Three articles on the 25th anniversary of the Rosary Hour and on article recommending Fr. Lucian Krolikowskis book, Stolen Childhood Articles on Fr. Dendes celebration of 25 years as director. Freaternus Nuntius of Rome congratulates Fr. Cornelian on his Lublin Medal. A headlined article entitled, Potrojan Nowenna za dusze Zmarlych Two cutouts commemorating Fr. Maxymilian Kolbe. A letter from Bishop Jan Srutwa, auxiliary Bishop of Lublin with picture of Matka Boska Tomaszowska. Article on the Lublin Award. Headline: Zaproszenie do Nowenny ku czci Krolowej Rozanca Swietego. Cornelian Dende inviting him to a Papal Audience. Letter from Rev. Thaddeus Zasepa from the University of Lublin to Fr. Cornelian. Rycerz Niepokalanej, Rome Cot 1984: U |rodeB laski: Kryzys Spowiedzi. Two invitations to D Youville College and Santa Maria Towers and a letter from Bishop Szczepan Wesoly A letter from the Paderewski Singing Society to Fr. Cornelian for their installation of officers. A letter from Bishop Albin Malysiak of Krakow to Fr. Cornelian Dende A note from Lech Walesa to Father Cornelian. Headlines: St. Francis High School aims for new Auditorium. Jan Pawel II Natchnieniem emigracji polskiej A letter from the Catholic University of Lublin. A note to Fr. Dende from Joseph Cardinal Glemp Narod Polski: A tribute to Fr. Cornelian Dende, OFMConv. of the Fr. Justin Rosary Hour. A letter from the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America to Fr. Cornelian. Notes of congratulations on Fr. Cornelian s Golden Jubilee A printed talk from the Rosary Hour entitled: Czy KosciB ZrezygnowaB z praktyk pokutnych? Several notes of congratulation to Fr, Cornelian on his Golden Jubilee. A copy of a letter from Fr. Cornelian Dende to Bishop Piotr Hemperek. A tribute to Fr. Cornelian Dende from Narod Polski The Lublin Award to Fr. Cornelian. A tribute to Fr. Cornelian Dende from Narod Polski. A tribute to the Rosary Hour from Joseph Cardinal Glemp. Headline: Uczczenie Meczenskiej Smierci Ks. Jerzego Popieluszki. Scranton Times, June 19, 1984: Henry Dende Was a Doer. Scranton Times, January 23, 1985: Vo-Tech Schools To Be Renamed for Henry Dende, Peter Mensky Headlines: Ks. Popieluszko Stolen Childhood The Lublin Award to Fr. Cornelian. Headline: Buffalo Evening News: Network of Faith Honored. Lublin Award to Fr. Cornelian Lublin Award to Fr. Cornelian Lublin Award to Fr. Cornelian Full page spread from the Polish American Voice: the Lublin Award to Fr. Cornelian Full page spread with photos of Lublin Affair. Tribute to Fr. Cornelian. Articles about the Rosary Hour network and the Lublin medal. PAHA NEWSLETTER (Polish American Historical Association, Summer 1984. Polish American, Sept. 1984: Father Justin: Polish radio Pioneer Headline: Medals to Honor Rev. Dendes Radio Work The Polish American: Father Cornelian Dende: Poloniuss Radio Pastor. A historical sketch of the Rosary Hour. Am-Poll Eagle: Take Pride in your heritage Father Dende tells Audience. Daemon College: International exchange program announced. 4 Photos of recipients of awards and their friends. Headlines: Father Cornelian Dende receives top ACPCC honor at conventions ball Father Dende and Father Petra to help launch St. Francis Building Fund. Am-pol Eagle: Tribute to Fr. Dende as Citizen of the Year Article on the Polish Cultural Clubs. A list of Radio Stations. SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 12 Page Headline: Papal blessing and presidential greetings honor Father Cornelian Dende 25th anniversary liturgy. Photographs: Fr. Cornelian with concelebrants, Fr. Cornelian Dende with honorees. A letter from President Reagan from the White House congratulating Fr. Cornelian on the 25th anniversary of Rosary Hour Program. A letter from the county of Erie Office of the County executive with official seal congratulating Fr. Cornelian Dende on the 25th anniversary of Rosary Hour Program., a telegram from Fr. Daniel Pietrzak informing Fr. Cornelian of apostolic blessing. A letter from Edward J. Rutkowki to Fr. Peter Asperity A letter from Fr. Daniel Petra on the 25th Anniversary. A letter from the Curia Generalizia of the Conventuals in Italian congratulating Fr, Cornelian on the Anniversary of the Rosary Hour. Notes for a talk on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Rosary Hour. A translation of the Italian language letter in number 6. A congratulatory letter from Andrzej Guzyn, OFMConv. From Montreal. A small printed memorial of the 25th Year of priesthood of Fr, Bogumil Lewandowski A congratulatory letter from John Cardinal Krol, Archbishop of Philadelphia on the 25 Anniversary of the Rosary Hour to Fr. Cornelian. A letter from the friars at the Franciscan Center send congratulations on the 25 anniversary of the Rosary Hour. A congratulatory letter from Bishop Stansilaus Brzana of Ogdensburg. A congratulatory letter from the Conventual Friars of the Province of Our Lady of Consolation signed by Fr. Juniper Cummings. A congratulatory letter from Rev. Msgr. Borkowicz of New Baltimore, Michigan A congratulatory letter from Bishop Edward D. Head. A congratulatory letter from the Mayor of Buffalo, James D. Griffin. A congratulatory letter from David P. Rutecki of the Buffalo Common Council. A congratulatory letter from St. Stans in Chicopee signed by Fr. Marian Tolczyk A congratulatory letter from James McCurry of the Knights of the Immaculate. A congratulatory letter from Mario Cuomo, Governor of New York. A congratulatory letter from the Principal of St. Francis High School, Fr. Peter Saporito. A congratulatory letter from Stanley Haidasz of the Senate of Canada A congratulatory letter from Bishop Brzana of Ogdensburg with a penned note at the end. Two congratulatory notes, one from St. Stans Church in Trenton and one from St. Hed- wigs Church in Houseville, PA A note from Fr. Claude from the Assisi Basilica. A congratulatory letter from Mariusz Pachoski of the Warsaw, Poland Province of the Conventual Franciscans. A handwritten congratulatory letter from Sister M. Geraldine. A Marquis Whos Who Publications Board certificate to Fr. Cornelian as a Whos Who in Religion. A congratulatory note from Henry J. Nowak member of the House of Representatives in Washington, DC. A congratulatory from the Kuria Prowincijalna of the Franciscans in Krakow, Poland. A congratulatory note from Edward J. Rutkowski, Erie County Executive, to Fr. Cornelian on being named Outstanding Citizen for 1984 by the AM-Pol Eagle. Photographs: a group of friars being addressed in a classroom by a Master of Clerics in Krakw. Fr. Cornelian conversing with fellow friar. A congratulatory note from Bishop Szczepan WesoBy. A group of greeting cards with congratulations on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Rosary Hour. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. A congratulatory letter from Sister Mary Celina Tomaszek and Sisters. A congratulatory letter from the Franciscan Friars Vocation Office. A congratulatory letter from Floyd Lisinski, President of the Allied Printing Trades Council A congratulatory letter from Fr. Jerzy Naglewski, Custos of the Canadian custody. A congratulatory letter from Jack Kemp of the House of Representatives. Headline: Michael E. Zimmer, Fabled Ex-Judge of City Court, Dies at 82. Nard Polski: Emigracyjni katecheci Radiowej Godziny R|aDcowej. Headline: Vo-Tech School Named in Honor of Henry Dende. Forgiveness Brings Joy to the Forgiven. A poem on the occasion of Jubilee of Fr. Cornelian. Headline: Fr. Dende to Receive ACPCC Award. A congratulatory Telegram from Bishop Heperek. Headline; 71 Alliance College commencement. Headline: Father Pietrzak re-elected provincial of the Franciscans. Photographs: A visit to Cardinal OHara High School by Fr. Daniel Pietrzak, minister provincial, Fr. Lofranco Serrini, minister general; and Fr. Joachim Giermak, assistant General, with students. Fr. Cornelian receives Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters at Alliance College. An invitation to an ordination Kronika Kustodii, Boze Narodzenie 1984an issue of the Canadian Custody publication Headlines: Vo-TechSchool Named in Honor of Henry Dende. Uroczystoi Graduacyjne w Kolegium  Alliance College. A congratulatory letter from the Polish Arts Club of Buffalo, Inc. An invitation from the Bealch Institute for Ethnic Studies. A note from the Erie County Clerks Office. Photographs: two similar photographs of Fr. Cornelian A thank you letter from Villa Maria College of Buffalo thanking Fr. Cornelian for aid. Headline: Father Dende urges community support as St. Francis H.S. launches auditorium fund. St. Francis High School Launches New Auditorium Drive. Jak To Dawniej BywaBo Article and photo of Fr. Cornelian appealing for community support of building drive. Headline: ACPCC Award Winners Remarks. Fr. Cornelian receives Distinguished Service Award. A thank you letter from the rector of the Catholic University of Lublin to Fr. Cornelian from rector, Piotr Hampered . Alumni Newsletter St. Francis High School: Alumni Hall Campaign Has Received $225,000 in Pledges and Donations in First Two Months Headlines: WBaczmy nasze intencje do Nowenny do Dzieciatka Jezus Headlines: Duch dzisiejszej Polski Duch dzisiejszej Polski. Headlines: Duchy dzisiejszej Polski Ethnic Groups Get Voice on Hub Station Stan Jasinski Polka Show Moves From WXRL to WNYS Jasinski radio program moves to WNYS Handwritten letter from Fr. Marian from Rivotorto di Assisi, Perugia, Italy to Fr. Cornelian FULL PAGE STORY: FR. HYACINTH FUDZINSKI SERVING BUFFALO AND BEYOND: BUFFALOS FRANCISCAN PIONEER. Photograph: FR. HYACINTH FUDZINSKI. Alumni News, Alliance College: Honorary Degrees Conferred. A letter from Brian D. Rusk, Director of Public Affairs of Daemen College to Fr. Cornelian. An article entitiled: Confession Restores Health. The Polish American: Washington Polish American Center proposed by ACPCC. Headline: Nowenna Ku Czci Sw. Jzefa. Nowenna z okazji Dnia Ojca Zjazd Afrykanczykow PAC Install, honors members at swieconka. Am-Pol Eagle: Reception and dinner in honor of Bishop Ceslaw Domin. Dominicans and Franciscans hold family reunion. A selection from a publication entitled: Osrodek Godziny R|aDcowej ubogacony dzielami stuki religijnej (czesc I) by Fr. Lucjan Krolikowski. A letter from the Congregation of Marianists to Fr. Cornelian. A certificate of Membership of the Polish American Historical Association of Fr. Cornelian Dende. A letter from Lech Walesa to Fr. Cornelian. Photograph: Rev. Casimir Romaniuk of Poland visits St. Michael Church in Lackawanna. PAC members visit St. Francis. Photos of Fr. Cornelian and Fr. Elegius with members of PAC. An excerpt from the Polish Arts Club. Gwiazda Polarna: Ktry Ci WywiodB z Ziemi Rosyjskiej A talk by Fr. Cornelian Dende: Bo|y Promyk Headline: Nowenna Godziny za zmarlych R|aDcowej Women s guild celebrates 40th anniversary. Guild Marks 40 Years of Service to Hospital in Cheektowaga. Photograph: Miss Switalski: organizer of Guild. A poem entitled: RADOSC. Photograph: St. Joseph Intercommunity Hospitals Womens Guild observe 40th anniversary. Pictures of the even. Polish American Journal: Journal Marks 3rd Generation of Service Two unidentified sources. One reads: 5th Anniversary Issue: Anniversary Staff Profiles. Perspectives: Stolen Childhood: A review of Fr. Lucjan Krolikowskis Book. A published Rosary Hour Talk by Fr. Cornelian Dende entitled JEZYK POLSKI Headlines: Justinian VI dinner-dance begins 60th anniversary of St. Francis H.S. Nowenna ku czci Sw. Jozefa Awards Luncheon. Headline: The Friends of Mercy Salute The Honorable Richard H. Austin, Mrs. Connie Dende, Mrs. Ira G. Silver. Photographs: Fr. Dende at podium, Fr. Dende with Connie Dende, his sister-in-law. A photo entitled Connie and Edward Dende Headline: Skradzione dziecinstwo. Nowenna z okazji Dnia Matek. Photographs: Rutkowski honors 60th Anniversary of St. Francis High School. A non-newspaper photo of Fr. Cornelian Dende. Headlines: Godzina R|aDcowa O. Justyna Nadawana Ze Stacji WPNA. Programy w Chicago I Okolicy. WPNA Is A Progressive Move Photographs: Non-newspaper photos of Fr. Cornelian Dende reciting his Office. Pope John Paul II embraces Lech Walesa. Program entitled: Groundbreaking Ceremonies For Alumni Hall Auditorium, May 17, 1987. A letter from Edward Rutkowski, County Executive, to Fr. Cornelian Dende. A newspaper article entitled Programy w Chicago I Okolicy. An article in the French language entitled Revue DHistoire Ecclesiastique. A program entitled Pamietnik 10 lecia Mszy Polskiej w Lombard: Celebrant Ojciec Blazej Karas, ofm. Photograph: Fr. Cornelian with other officials in GROUNDBREAKING PHOTO. Article on Stolen Childhood with photo of Fr. Lucjan Krolikowski. An architects drawing of St. Francis Auditorium. A photograph of Fr. Cornelian looking over some documents.l Headlines: Polskie Programy Ze Stacji WPNA. A photograph of the committee for the 45th anniversary observance of the battle at Monte Cassino. BLANK A program entitled Dedication of the Statue of Pope John Paul II at Villa Maria College. A yearbook celebrating the Zloty Jubilees Dwoch Edwardow A typewritten benediction used at the conclusion of ceremonies during which the statue of John II was unveiled. A Church bulletin from Corpus Christi Church dated June 7, 1987. A list of times from Station WPNA for Radio Broadcasts. An article and picture: Kolko Polek donates $5,000.00 to build new auditorium at St. Francis High School Headline: Social workers issues report on International Institute Nyczko standoff. Photographs: Chopin Singing Society, Polish army Veterans, An honor guard by the Knights of Columbus, Sister Marcella Marie Garus receives documentation of transfer of statue of Pope John Paul II to Villa Maria College See # 92 - Photographs in an envelope showing Fr. Cornelian and Fr. Saporito on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of St. Francis High School. A letter to Fr. Cornelian Dende from Stasia ZoBadz Vogel, Attorney at Law. A photo and article about the 60th Anniversary of St Francis with photo entitled  Proclamation mark s school s Anniversary. A full page of photographs under the Headline: Z {ycia Polonii: 50-lecie DziaBalnosci Dwch Edwardow. A photograph of Fr. Peter Saporito receiving $5000 check to St. Francis High School by the Kolko Polek Charity Organization. Correspondence between the Polish American Congress Charitable Foundation Inc. and the Rosary Hour. Scranton Times: A photo from the past: Central High Schools Early Band (Feb. 13, 1931). A centerfold spread entitled: FRANCISCAN EDUCATION BURSES. A letter from the Friends of Veterans of Polish Freedom Fighters in Metropolitan Detroit to Fr. Cornelian Dende. The Buffalo News, Wednesday, November 13, 1985: Exchange Put Poland in Focus. An article entitled: Cry for the children: Second Printing Issued. A note from Lech Walesa to Fr. Cornelian. A photograph of Fr. Cornelian with Henry Cardinal Gylbinowicz of WrocBaw  April 19, 1988 Headlines: Stolen Childhood: A Saga of Polish War Children by Fr. Lucjan Z. Krolikowski Headlines: Eighth Annual Polish Day at LaSalette, Massachusetts. St. Joseph s group  marching to shrine for Polish Day Event. Photos and articles on the Polish Day in LaSalette Announcement for the Eighth annual Polish Day at Lasalette. A certificate of Membership in the Polish American Historical Association signed by Fr. Cornelian Dende. See 102 An Appreciation certificate for the Rosary Hour from the East Side Historical association of the Polish Community Center of Buffalo, inc. with two photos of Fr. Cornelian with unidentified people. A note to Fr. Cornelian from the Clerics at Granby. A creative Christmas card from Fr. Edmund Szymkiewicz to Fr. Cornelian Headline: Kolko Polek donates $5000 to build new auditorium at St. Francis High School. Photo of presentation Headlines: Sunday s Radiothon Draws $9,111 in Pledges for PAC s Polish Aid Drive. {yczenia WspBnot Zakonnych dla ZRPKA. Corpus Christi Day Procession May A page of announcements Notes to Fr. Cornelian from Fr. Donald Rzewski, Fr. Bart Karwaki, and Fr. Daniel. Certificate of Registration in the American Immigrant Wall of Honor for the Andrew Borowski Family who came to America from Poland Official letter from the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation (SEE 112) Advertisements for Stolen Childhood A Polish Program Schedule from WPNA. SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 13 CORPUS CHRISTI PARISH ACTIVITIES SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 14 (NOT PHOTOGRAPHED ON CD.)PILGRIMAGE TO THE CELEBRATION OF MAXIMILIAN KOLBE, FRANCISCAN 1972 SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 15 SAINT FRANCIS HIGH SCHOOL BENEFIT AND BALL 1929 Headline: 5 Churches, 2 Schools, Convent and Home in Construction Project: Improvements Hailed as Poles Contribution to Citys Civic Beauty Expansion. Photograph: John A. Stachowiak Headline: Drajwery Si Budz Headline: Maskarada Dobroczynna Jest Jubileuszow i Napewno Dozna Dobrego Powodzenie: Odbedzie Sie We Wtorek, Dnia 5 Lutego, w Broadway Auditorium  Dr. Jan J. Nowak Apeluje Do Panow Kupcow i Przemyslowcow o Wieksze Poparcie w Rodu Jubileuszowym. Drajwerzy Si Budz. Headline: Mysl Zreorganizowania Klubu Urzeczywistniona: Klub Atletyczny Przy Par. Bo|ego CiaBa, Bdzie Jednym z Najsilniejszych w Buffalo. Headline: Bal Dobroczynny Na Polskie Kolegium OO. Francziszkanw 5 Lutego. Wszyscy Na Maskarad Dobroczynn Advertisement: 5go LUTEGO: SZYKUJCIE SI See previous page A letter from F.M. Strohn, Treasurer of the R.J Stasenburgh Co. from Rochester to Dr. S. A Graczyk with a donation for St. Francis High School. Headline: Drajwerzy Sie Budz. Eks-Klubowcy a Parafii Bo|ego CiaBa Zabieraj Si Szczerze do Pracy. Headline: Przygotowania Do Maskarady Dobroczynnej Prowadzone S w CaBej PeBni. Klub Parafii Bo|ego CiaBa ZostaB Ju| Zreorganizowany: Posiedzenie Eks-Klubowcw Licznie Obeslane: Wybrano Komitet, Ktry Organizuje Konstytucye. A handwritten letter from the Common Council of the City of Detroit from Councilman John A. Kronk to Fr. Justin Figas with check for ad in yearly program. Headline: Maskarada Dobroczynna Na Kolegjum Polskie Napewno Dozna Poparcia. Dzis Reorganizacya Klubu Parafji Bo|ego CiaBa (July 19, 1929: handwritten date on page). Headline: Nieco o Kustjumach Maskowych: Karnawal Jest Odpowiednia Por Na Wybur Dobrego Kostjumu. United Organization Approves Proposals Headline: Drajwerzy Posuneli Prace Na Maskarade Dobroczynna Daleko Naprzod. Buffalo Evening News, January 21, 1929: POLISH ORGANIZATION LEADERS WILL MEET: COUNCIL WILL ACT ON NEARLY A SCORE OF PROPOSALS AFFECTING CITY. An ad promoting the Masquerade Ball. Headline: Drawerzy Si Budz. Headline: Dr. Jan Boroszewski ObjB Urzad Tymczasowego Prezesa Zreorganizowanego Klubu Atlet. Bozego Ciala Headline: SBowko o Maskaradzie Dobroczynnej Na Polskie Kolegjum. Drajwerzy Si Budz Headline: Businessmen Aiding Fund for College. A series of short published information blurbs by a writer called Malenki some of which are about Fr. Justin. A billing to St. Francis College from Mitchell & Kayser: Barber and Beauty Parlor Supplies listing the items purchased A thank you note from the family of Edward J. Fronczak A letter from the Office of the Health Commissioner, Francis E. Fronczak, M.D. to Father Justin Figas when he was Provincial. An ad inviting people to Broadway Auditorium to attend the Masquerade Ball. Loose sheets of Billings for ads from Dziennik dla Wszyskich. Headline: Drajwerzy Maj Prawie Prace Ukonczon Na Maskarade Dobroczynn. Charity Mask Ball Success is Assured: General Chairman Reports $6500 Already Raised by Workers for College Benefit. An ad for the Mask Ball. Headline: Drajwerzy si Budz. An ad for the Mask Ball. Ibid. Ibid. Headlines: Maskarada Nad Maskaradami w Auditorium. Drajwerzy Si Budz An ad for the Mask Ball Ibid. Headline: Ju| We Wtorek Auditorium Bedzie Gr. Committees Named For Masque Dance: Fifth Annual Polish Charity Ball Scheduled for Auditorium, Tuesday, Feb. 5. Headline: O Maskaradzie Dobroczynnej Pamitajcie. We Wtorek, 5 Lutego, Zabawa Dla Ka|dego Headline: Drajwerzy Sie Budz A list of items for the Mask Ball. A list of people under the noted title  PCZKI A foldout ad with a rooster with title  Spodziewajcie si jutro gosi u siebie to napewno. An ad for the masked ball. A large ad for the Masked Ball in Dziennik Dla Wszystkich. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Monday, February 4, 1929 with headline: Jutro Ztem Bdzie Ta Wspaniala Maskarada. A ticket for the Masked Ball. A ladies Prize ticket. A large ad for the Masked Bal. A menu listing dinner of Kapusta, Kielbasa, and Chleb for the price of 50 cents, Pczki for 5 cents and coffee for 10 cents. Headline: Ju| Dzis Wielki Bal Maskowy Dobroczynny w Broadway Auditorium. Masque for Charity to be Held tonight. A newspaper photo of attendees at the Masked Ball from the Buffalo Evening News Headline: Polish Charity Ball Draws 5000 Dancers: Fifth Annual Event at Broadway Auditorium Nets $13,00 for Poor Students. Photographs: Two pictures of attendees at the Masked Ball Photographs: Picture of attendees at the Masked Ball. Ibid. Ibid. Headline: Niespodziewany Sukces Maskarady Dobroczynnej w Broadway Auditorium. Ibid. A handwritten page of Income from the Masked Ball. A handwritten page of Expenses from the Masked Ball A bill for ads from Dla Wszystkich to St. Francis College and the Masked Ball. A non-newspaper photograph of attendees at the Masked Ball Headline: Wiktor Szczukowski Przewodniczacym Drajwerw Kolegium Sw. Franciszka. A thank you note from St. Francis High School with banner head in Latin: Provincialatus Prov. Sancti Antonii Patavini. It is unsigned. A list of craft items and other items with a list of those providing them. A thank you letter to all who contributed in any way to the Masked Ball. A handwritten thank you note with the banner with no signature. A typwritten letter with the salutation: Zacni Rodacy I Mile Rodaczki A letter from Erions Department store to Fr. Justin about the Masked Ball signed by Francis Erion. Several Blank pages. Blank Photograph: A group of men in a bar, some raising glasses and glasses of beer on the counter. Blank Photograph: A group of young girls in Scottish attire A group of costumed girls A group of women posing in a kitchen A pen drawing announcing the arrival of a baby boy dated Feb. 14, 1029 Photograph: a group of attendees at the Masked Ball Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. A photograph with the title: Obchodzili ZBote Wesele. The newspaper article pictures the Golden Anniversary of Marriage couple and attendant clergy Headline: Telegram ZostaB Sprzedany Dzis Rano: Ostania kropla z 300 tysicznej krowy sydojona. Polawski kupuje wszystkie zasoby Buffalo Telegram Corp. Headline: Co To Sa Kardynalowie i ilu Z Nich Bylo Polakow A group of young workers from Buffalo with Provincial, Fr. Justin Figas I  bossem Fr. Roskwitalski who worked on the building of St. Francis College. SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 16 ARTICLES ON BENEFIT FOR ST. FRANCIS COLLEGE PHOTOS OF GROUND BREAKING: ATHOL SPRINGS, 1925 Inner Cover: Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Thursday, June 25, 1925. Headline: Budowa Kolegjum O.O. Franciszkanow Rozpocznie Sie 12-go Lipca. A penciled comment: [Compiled by Fr. Justin Figas] A list of estimates from Construction Companies KRONIKA STAREGO PAJKA: Headline: TRESC: - Swito nie parafialne, lecz caBej Polonii. Dlaczego nie chcemy si uczy? Nasze slawy narodowe. Korespondencya Kronikarza. An architects drawing (published in a newspaper) of St. Francis High School entitled Kolegium Polskie w Athol Springs, N.Y. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Thursday, July 9, 1925: Headline: Uroczystos Lamania Ziemi Pod Kolegjum Sw. Franciszka Zapowiada Si Swietnie Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Wednesday July 8, 1925 W Niedziele Gala Polonia Buffaloska wyjedzie Do Athol Springs A two page spread with headline: Jutro Uroczystosc Lamania Ziemi Pod Pierwsze Kolegjum Polskie w Buffalo. Architects drawing of planned school. Ibid. Newspaper ad announcing groundbreaking of St. Francis College. Photograph of Fr. Justin and group gathered for groundbreaking. A handwritten note below the newspaper article with people listed. An insert of a First Cabin Ticket of Fr. Justin Figas. To Naples, Italy dated September 2, 1926. A headline Fr. Ed Develops Magic TV Formula. Headline: Uroczystosc w Athol Springs. Handwritten notes as in gloss. Headline: Hojny dar pani K. Hodkiewicz: znana obywatelka buffaloska zBo|yBa tysic dolarw na Kolegium Polski. OO. Franciszkanie Zapraszaj Wszystkich Na Niedzielna Uroczystos. Handwritten notes as in gloss Photograph: Dziennik dla Wszystkich, Monday, July 13, 1925: Photo of groundbreaking of St. Francis College. Ibid. Headline: Uroczystos Bamania Ziemi Pod Kolegiuim Sw. Franciszka Headline: Podziekowanie. Handwritten note on page Daily Star and the Enquirer, Friday, June 26, 1925, St. Francis School.. Three photographs: two of groundbreaking and one of St. Francis Chapel. Handwritten note on page Headline: Poswicenie Kamiena Wgelnego Pod Pol. Kolegium. Poswicenie Kamienia Wegielnego Kolegium Headlines: Uroczystos Poswicenia Kamienia Wgielnego pod Kolegium Sw. Franciszka Zapowiada Si Piknie. Uroczystos w Athol Springs. Poswicenie Kamienia Pod Kolegium Pol. Odbdzie Si w Labor Day. Double Page Spread. Headlines: Uroczystos Poswicenia Kamienia Wgielnego Polskie Kolegium w Athol Springs w Labor. Uroczystos Zapowiada Si Piknie. Nale|y Naby Bilety Na Kolej Przed Czasem. Photograph: Fr. Provincial, Justyn Figas, Fr. Francis Kasprzak Ibid. Headlines: OdniosBa uroczystos Poswiecenia Kaminia wgielniego Pod Kolegium: OkoBo 4000 Ludzie WzieBo UdziaB w Uroczystosci. Lay Cornerstone for College of Franciscan Order. Headline: Z Uroczystosci w Athol Springs. Written note on page. Headline: Extra: Amerikanin Porotestant Daje $10,000 Na Polskie Kolegium Headline: Polski Kolegjum Sw. Franciszka Bedzie Mialo Bogato Wyposazon Biblotek Photograph: Anthony Schrieber. Photo has caption:  Schrieber Gives Books to Polish college. Headline: Zapowiada Si Jeden z Najwikszych Bazarw Jaki OdbyB Si na Polsce. An Obit for the wife of Dr. J. Nowak issued publicly by Fr. Justin and the Drivers. Headline: Bazar na Polskie Kolegium Rozpoczyna Sie w Niedziele. Na Taki Bazar Warto Pojs i Da Poparcie. Headline: Iskierki Do Bazaru Na Polskie Kolegium OO. Franciszkanow. A short note at the bottom of the page. Ibid. Headline: Bazar na Dochd Polskiego Kolegium Zapowiada Si Dobrze. Bazar w Par. Bo|ego CiaBa. Headline: Kronika Starego Pajka. Ibid. Headline: Olbrzymie Powodzenie Bazaru na Rzecz Kolegjum. Headline: Dzis Na Bazarze W Hali Parafielnej Bo|ego CiaBa Tance Dla MBodzie|y. Headline: Jutro DzieD Dla Kandydatow na Bazarze Par. Bozego Ciala, Olbrzymie Powodzenie Bazaru na Polskie Kolegium A newspaper photograph of Fr. Justin with large group at the Corpus Christi Bazar.. A public thank you from Dr. Nowak and his children for the concern at his wife s death. Headlines: Nale|y Poda|yc do Hali Par. Bo|ego CiaBa na Bazar.  Maytag Dzien Na Bazarze SprowadziB TBum Trust Fund Created For Property of Polish Priest. Headlines: Jutro DzieD Byznesmanw Na Bazarze Polskiego Kolegium. Dzis Dalszy Ciag Bazaru u OO. Franciszkanow. Headlines:  Maytag Dzien Jutro Na Bazarze Polskego Kolegium. Ofiara Na Kolegjum Polskie. Komitet Balu Dzobroczynnego zbiera sie dzis wieczor. Headlines: Dzis i Jutro Wa|ne Dnie Bazaru Na Polskie Kolegium. Zakonczenie Bazaru Na Polskie Kolegjum Headlines: Fanty z Bazaru Polskiego Kolegium Beda Licytowane. Archibishop Coming: Will be Guest of Buffalo Poles Late in Month. The previous news story is accompanied with a picture of Archbishop Cieplak. Swietny Sukces Pracy Dla Kolegjum Headlines: Bazar na Polskie Kolegium Przyniosl $11,246.53. Ks. Arcybiskup Cieplak Odprawi Msze Sw. Pasterka w Kosciele Bo|ego CiaBa A program from the Visit of Archbishop J. Cieplak to Buffalo. A photograph with Fr. Justin Figas shaking hands with Archbishop Cieplak. A poetic invitation for the Masquerade Ball, which is fund raising for St. Francis. Double page spread with Headline: Przygotowanie Do Najwikszej Maskarady w Historyi Ibid. A newspaper ad for the Masked Ball. Photographs: J.H. Usiak, Fr. Justin Figas, and Dr. M.F. Krystaniak. A large ad for the Masked Ball Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. A letter from the law offices of Victor B. Wylegala regarding some construction matters.. Headline: Czyncie Przygotowania do Najwiekszej w Historyi Tutejszej Maskarady. Photograph: Dr. M. F. Krystaniak A news story about the Masquerade Ball in the Dziennik Dla Wszystkich An ad on the Masked Ball DOUBLE PAGE: Headline: Ju| od Dzis za Tydzien  we Wtorke 9-go Lutego: Polacy SByn Teraz z Urzdzania Maskarad. Photograph: Four photographs of prizes o be given out at the Masked Ball Ibid. Headline: Ci Nas Zapraszaj Drugi Maskowy Bal Dobroczynny Headline: Wszyscy Tylko Czekaj na PrzyszBy Wtorek. Double page spread with headline: Specyalny Sztab Policyjny KierowaB Bdzie Ruchem KoBowym Przed B dway Auditorium Ibid. Large ad for Masked Ball Ibid. Headline: Komitet Zajmujcy Si Dzisiejszym Dobroczynnym Balem Maskowym. Photographs: Dr. M.F. Krystaniak, Jan H. Usiak, Franciszek Wolski, Antoni Medowicz, Dr. B Gurgas, Fr. Justin Figas. Headline: Dzis Wielka Dobroczynna Maskarada w Bway Auditorium. Photograph: Kazimierz Urban. Photos of Prizes at Masked bal Ibid. Ibid. Headline: TBumy w Broadway Auditorium: ZgromadziBo sie okolo 5000 publicznosci  lo|e byBy zajte  Rozdano 100 nagrd  Goscie z poza Buffalo  Zabawa do poznej godziny Two Group photographs from the Masquerade Ball. Large article on Masked Ball. Ibid. A list of prize winners at the Masked Ball A group photo of attendees at Ball with article Headline: Gilda Gray A wtorkowa Maskarada W Auditorium A hand written list of Income from the Masked Ball. A hand written list of Expenses from the Masked Ball Ibid. Headline: Olbrzymie Powodzenie Pikniku Par. Bo|ego Ciala w Athol Springs. Handwritten date: July 25, 1926 A financial account of Picnic. Headline: Prezycjum Maskarady Kolegium Dzikuje Headline: Choc nie chcelismy... - musimy Headline: Testament J. E. Arcybiskupa Cieplaka dla Wychodztwa. Architectural billing for St. Francis College. SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 17 NEWS ARTICLES BENEFITS FOR ST. FRANCIS COLLEGE DEATH OF FR. HYACINTH FUDZINSKI AND HIS LEGAL DOCUMENTS 1925 Statement of the benefit showing of The White Sister at the Rivoli Theater A published statement headlined: Sprawozdanie z Balu Dobroczynnego. Pan Kempinski Pamita o Orkiestrze. A note at the bottom of the page reads:  Zebrane przez O. Justyna, OFMConv. A published ad for  BiaBa Siesta (White Sister) to be shown at the Rivoli Theater. The presentation was for St. Francis High School. Iskerki Drajwowe Donors  Na Kolegium Sw. Franciszka. Iskierki Drajwowe Headline: Iskerki Drajwu. Ad for  BiaBa Siostra from the Dziennik, May 8, 1925. Two thank you articles from the Drivers Committee. A written note at the bottom explaining issuance of articles in the Telegram and Dziennik Dla Wszystkich. Written by Fr. Justin. An Ad for White Sister featuring Lillian Gish Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Headline: Jutro Wszyscy Swpieszyc Beda na Przedstawiena do Teatru Rivoli od 11.r. do 11. wiecz An Ad for White Sister Ibid. A list of donors for St. Francis College Headline: Iskierki Drajwowe A List of donors for St. Francis High School Ibid. Ad for White Sister Headline: Iskierki Drajwowe A list of donors for St. Francis High School. Ibid. Ibid. Large foldout published by the Telegram, March 28, 1925:  Kronika Starego Pajka. Ibid. Headline: Przykazania Klubowca. (A list of rules for the Corpus Christi Club.) Headline: Srebrne gody MaB|enskie Headline: Odpowiedz Sekretnej Panienki Pajczkowi. O Ty Pajczku! Headline: Obrona Pajczka Headline: Instalacya w Klubie Bozego CiaBa. Headline: Former Corpus Christi Priest Dead in Poland. Photograph: Fr. Hyacinth Fudzinski, OFMConv. (An obit and biographical sketch of Fr. Fudzinski.) Large photograph of Fr. Hyacinth Fudzinski with the caption,  Cieniom wielkiego bojownika na niwie religinjno-narodowej. Headline: Przygotowania Do Przyjcia ZwBok O. Fudzinskiego. A large foldout obit of Fr. Hyacinth Fudzinski Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Headline: Prize. O. Eks-Prowincjal Jacenty Fudzinski ZmarB w Poznaniu 14 Maja. Ibid. A postal telegram  Commercial Cables with Seasons Greetings to Fr. Justin from Hyacinth Fudzinski dated December 23, 1924 (from Poona) A telegram announcing the death of Fr. Fudzinski from Fr. Rainer A postal card from Fr. Fudzinski to Fr. Justin Figas. A note to Poona from Fr. Justin indicating the logistics of transfer of the body of Fr. Fudzinski. An informational note to Warsaw from Fr. Provincial, Fr. Justin, informing of the death of Fr. Fudzinski. A handwritten note on the page. A postal telegram from Fr. Rainer regarding the shipping of Fr. Fudzinskis body. A large obit with a photograph of Fr. Hyacinth Fudzinski. Headline: Zwloki D. J. Fudzinskiego w Drodze Do Ameryki Large obit of Jodie Fudzinski Jack, Franciszkanin Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. A handwritten letter dated, Krakow, 21 maja 1925 to Provincial Figas A handwritten letter dated, Poznan 6/5/1925 to Fr. Provincial Figas A handwritten letter dated, Buffalo, June 10, 1925 from Rev. Schreck to Fr. Justin Headline: Z archidiecezji Geneznienskiej I Poznanskiej with extensive commentary penned on the page. INSERT: a CERTIFICATE from THE KOSCIUSZKO FOUNDATION to Certify Fr. Justin Figas as a supporter and life member. The certificate is sealed and signed the president and secretary of the Foundation. A telegram informing Fr. Justin that the body of Fr. Fudzinski had arrived. It is dated June 24, 1925 Headline: W Niedziel eksportacya ZwBok SP. O. Jacentego Fudzinskiego. Lay at Rest Founder of Corpus Christi Church Headlines: Extra!: Pogrzeb sp. O. J. Fudzinskiego Zwloki przybeda w niedziele Eksportacja w Poniedzialek. Polish Residents Honor Memory of Departed Pastor. An informative bulletin indicating that Fr. Hyacinth Fudzinskis remains were sent on the ship called Estonia on May 30th. A telegram from Poznan indicating that the remains of Fr. Hyacinth Fudzinski were shipped on the ESTONIA on May 30th. Headline: Poles Honor Dead Priest: Body of Veteran Brought to Buffalo for Burial. Photographs: Three photos of Fr. Hyacinth Fudzinskis funeral in the Church and at the grave. Headline: Majestateczny Pogrzeb Sp. O. Jacka Fudzinskiego. Headline: Pogrzeb O. Fudzinskiego Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Ponedzialek, 29go Czerwca, 1925: an obit and photograph of Fr. Fudzinski Photographs: A large crowd gathered at Corpus Christi Church for the funeral, Pall bearers carry the coffin. Photographs: Two photographs of the procession at the funeral: one photo showing Fr. Justin Figas leading the procession. Photographs: At the railroad station moving the body of Fr. Fudzinski Photographs: two photographs depicting the reception of the body of Fr. Fudzinski into Corpus Christi Church Headline: Mourn Popular Polish Priest. Photograph: a two page spread photograph of the crowd outside of Corpus Christi Church leaving after viewing the body of Fr. Hyacinth Fudzinski Ibid. Headline: Podziekowanie. An extensive handwritten commentary by Fr. Justin Headline: Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Wtorek 30go Czerwca, 1925: Podziekowanie. A two page spread of the sermon by Ks Dr. Pralata A. Pitassa: Kazanie przy pogrzebie s.p. O Jacka Fudzienskiego O. M. C., w Kosciele Bozego Ciala, 29go Czewca, 1925 Ibid. Continuation of the sermon at the funeral Mass. A letter from the archbishops Secretary to Fr. Justin expressing sympathy in the absence of the archbishop A handwritten letter from the Bishop of Green Bay, Wisconsin expressing sympathy. A sympathy letter from New Britain, Connecticut. A billing for the shipment of the body of Fr. Fudzinski from Poznan. A LONG LETTER FROM POZNAN RELATING THE LAST DAYS OF FR. HYACINTHS LIFE AND FUNERAL AS WELL AS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF FR. HYACINTH FUDZINSKI IBID. IBID. IBID. A BILLING SIGNED BY FR. RAYNER FOR THE COST OF THE FUNERAL\ BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE OF FR. HYACINTH FUDZINSKI INDICATE HIS BIRTH AS Ignatius Carolus Fudzinski ON JANUARY 9, 1855 AND BAPTISM ON JANUARY 14, 1955, IN CZARNKW, POLAND. HIS PARENTS WERE CAROLUS FUDZINSKI AND BIRTH JOSEPHA BUCHHOLZ. A CERTIFICATE OF FR. FUDZINSKI. IBID. A CERTIFICATION FROM FR. Laurentius Caratelli, Minister General to Fr. Justin Figas. A LARGE CERTIFICATE FROM THE MINISTER GENERAL OF THE CONVENTUALS, FR. LAWRENCE CARATELLI APPOINTING FR. FUDZINSKI AS PROVINCIAL OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PROVINCE, DATED IN ROME, SANCTI APOSTOLI, NOVEMBER 24,, 1885. INSERT: A CERTIFICATE OF CITIZENSHIP GRANTED TO FR. HYACINTH FUDZINSKI IN JERSEY CITY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1881. (The certificate is in bad shape and has been photographed and is located on the disk accompaning this scrapbook). ALSO AFFIXED TO PAGE 86 An expression of sympathy from Pope Pius IX with stamped seal. A PASSPORT FROM THE AMERICAN EMBASSY AT ROME ITALY WRITTEN OUT TO FR. HYACINTH FUDZINSKI FOR THE TERM OF TWO YEARS AND DATED FEBRUARY 14, 1905 AND CANCELLED BECAUSE OF EXPIRED TIME. SEAL IS CUT AND THE WORD CANCELLED IS ETCHED INTO THE DOCUMENT. A CERTIFICATE OF ORDINATION TO THE DIOCONATE OF FR. HYACINTH FUDZINSKI A CERTIFICATE OF ORDINATION TO THE SUBDIACONATE OF FR. HYACINTH FUDZINSKI. ORDINATION CERTIFICATE, CERTIFICATION BY THE BISHOP OF ALBANY. TWO LETTERS AND ON CERTIFICATION. ONE LETTER AND ONE DOCUMENT. DOCUMENT FROM MINISTER GENERAL ORDINATION CERTIFICATION FOR FR. HYACITH FUDZINSKI A LARGE CERTIFICATE ON PARCHMENT OF OBEDIENCE FROM THE MINISTER GENERAL TO FR. HYACINTH FUDZINSKI GRANTING TO WORK WITH THE POLISH PEOPLE IN AMERICA. A DEGREE IN THEOLOGY A CLOTH BASED CERTIFICATION FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF STAE CONFIRMING AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP FOR FR. HYACINTH FUDZINSKI. SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 18 Note: Pages 1 through 34 are receipts from Carl Scmill & Son, Architects. through whom the following Construction companies or providers present their billing: Metzger Construction Co., George E. Jaeger, Root Neal & Co., Joseph C. Schaus, Chesley & Heimback, Fred C. Strack, Jr.,William E. Shaddock,Wipperman & Mitchell, inc., Dziennik Dla Wszystich, November 11, 1926: Two published invitations to the Blessing Ceremony of St. Francis H.S. by the Franciscan Friars and Drivers committee. Headline: Polskie Kolegjum OO. Franciszkanow Na Ukonczenie. Jutro Uroczyste Otwarcie Polskiego Kolegjum OO. Franciszkanow. A formal invitation for the Dedication Ceremony of the newly built St. Francis College, dated November 24, 1926 Photographs: Five photographs of the chapel at St. Francis College with a handwritten note by Fr. Justin. Headlines: Wielkie Swito CaBej Polonji Buffaloskiej. Dedication of new St. Francis College Today: bishop Turner Officiates at Athol Springs Ceremony. An architect s rendition of St. Francis H.S. A published financial report of the cost of building St. Francis. Headline: Z Uroczystosci w Athol Springs: TBumy ludzi zwiedziBy Kolegjum OO. Franciszkanw. A two page spread from Dziennik dla Wszystkich dated Wednesday, November 24, 1926 and headlined: Jutro Otwarcie Kolegium O.O. Franciszkanow: Pierwsza Wyzsza Uczelnia Polska w Buffalo Otworzy Urzdowo Swoje Podwoje. An architect s drawing of the new school and a photograph a Fr. Justyn Figas. Catholic Union Times, December 2, 1926: Bishop Turner Dedicates Polish Franciscan College. A penned remark at the bottom of page 42 by Fr. Justin. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. A published  Sprawozdanie (financial report) indicating income and expenses of the new St. Francis College Headline: PodniosBe Obchodzono Uroczystos Poswicenia Polskiego Kolegiuim OO. Franciszkanw A statement by Thomas Dunn, Architect, charging the School of Theology in Granby, Mass. For professional services in preparation of sketches, scale drawings and details of Granby building. Two certificates of Billing from Thomas Dunn architect for payment to William Martin & Sons, Contractors for the new Building. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. BLANK A page full of remarks by Fr. Justin Figas with a $5,00 ticket for a BULL MOOSE PARTY for benefit of St. Francis College, Wednesday Eve, November 30th, 1927. A rather humorous Program and Menu for the  BULL MOOSE PARTY Dziennik Dla Wszystkich 1927: MBodziez z Kolegjum O.O. Franciszkanw Obecna Na Akademji J. SBowackiego w Domu Unijnym. Headline: Uczcilismy Godnie Pamic SBawackiego. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, 13 Grudnia, 1927: Czy Ksidz Topolinski Jest Przeciwny Fundacyi Kosciuszkowskiej? A note at the bottom of the page by Fr. Justin. Headline: Do Wszystkich Proboszczow, Prezesek I Prezesow Organizacji I Towarzystw Polskich w Buffalo, N.Y. Saint Francis College Rector Resigns Because of Ill Health. (Very Rev. Adelbert Topolinski.) Nowy Rector, Kolegjum Polskiego: Ks. Prof. T. Wiprecht zostal zastepca ks. W. Topolinskiego. Buffalo Evening News, December 15, 1927: St. Francis College Gets New Rector. Ks. Woj. Topolinski Zrezygnowal z Rektorstwa: Jako Rektor Polskiego Kolegjum Zrezygnowal w Celu Repaeraci Zdrowia Blank Blank Blank Blank Buffalo Evening Tribune, Friday, June24, 1927: St. Francis Backers To Open Seminary. A short newspaper clipping headlined: Granby, Mass. And signed  Korespondet. A double page spread headlined: PodnosBe WypadBa Uroczystos Poswicenia Seminarjum O.O. Franciszkanow w. Granby, Mass. Ibid. Headline: Dziesieciu Graduantow Otrzymuja Stypendjum Ze SzkoBy Par. Bo|ego CiaBa. Ibid. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Piatek, 24-go Czerwca, 1927: Seminarium Sw. Jacka w Granby Mass. Pod Przewodnictwem OO. Francziszkanw. A photograph of the Granby Seminary building. A letter from the Polish Everybody s Daily to Fr. Justin, Provincial, about advertising space in the newspaper Headline: Przedstawienie w Niedziele Francis Club: Odegrana Zostanie Wesola Sztuka pt.: Restauracya Pumpernikla. A program for a comedy in one act: Restauracya Pumpernikla. Presented in the Corpus Christi Parish Hall on Sunday, June 18. A program from the dedication of the seminary at Granby, Mass. Dedication date is listed as Sunday, June 26th 1927 Ibid. Headline: Ks. Pralat A. Pitass Poswica Kamien Wgielny Headlines: Z Poswicenia Kamienia Wgielnego Pod Nowy Klasztor Sistr Franciszkanek. Jutro Wyjazd Drajwerw Do Granby, Mass.: Odbdzie Sie Tam Poswiecenie Seminarjum Duchownego OO. Franciszkanow. Headline: Kolegium Polskie w Athol Springs. Ibid. Headline: Wieczr Na Czes Drajwerw w Polskiem Kolegium WypadB Piknie. Headlines: Drajwerzy Jada Do Granby Mass: Uczestniczyc Beda w Poswieceniu Seminaryum O.O. Franciszkanow. Klub Obywatelski Francis Pracuje Headline: BLANK PAGES. Nietakt Ksizy Powoduje Zgrzyty. Ibid. A partial newspaper article with several paragraphs indicated by pen with the title UNISTA penned in the beginning of the article. Headline: Cornerstone Is Laid for Seminary: Bishop O Leary Officiates at Ceremonies Marking Establishment of Franciscan Institution in Granby. Cornerstone is Laid For Seminary. Wielka uroczystos w Granby, Mass Photograph: The bishop of Springfield, Mass, with clergy at the Dedication of Granby, Photograph: Fr. Justin with the Drivers who were at the dedication. Headline: UWAGI Headline: Impressive Ceremony Marks Laying of Cornerstone At New Franciscan Seminary in Granby Headline: Bishop Thomas M. OLeary, who officiated at exercises and assisting priests. Rev. C. E. Crevier, 60 Years a Priest Dies at Holyoke. Photograph: Rev. Charles E. Crevier. Headline: Drajwery Jad. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Headline: Buffalowianie Na Uroczystosci w Granby. Photograph: a sepia tone photograph taken on June 8, 1926 of Fr. Justin and drivers SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 19 Headline: Kent Street Plan Protested by Priest: Head of the Polish Franciscans Says Extension Imperils Pupils. Nasze Sistry-Nauczycielki Jada do Polski A selection of short cutout articles concerning the Drivers. Headline: Ratujmy Biedn, a Aaknac Oswiaty MBodzie| Polsk Headline: Kazimierz Urban przewodniczcym  Drajwerw Pikniejszej I Godniejszej Poparcia Rzeczy By Ju| Nigdy Nie Mo|e. Masquerade advertisement Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Headline: Jutro Przyjd do Was w Go[cin Krewni I Znajomi Maquerade advertisement Ibid. Headline: Zapowiadaj Swj Przyjazd Na 14-go Lutego. Bebe Daniels Na Maskarzdzie w Auditorium. Przy Ceremonii [Bubnej Nie ByB Wielb. O. ProwincyaB Figas. Headline: Prawdziwy Bal Kostjumowy 14-go Lutego w Broadway Auditorium Masquerade advertisement Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Headline: Seminarjum Polskie pod wezw. Zw. Cyrula I Metodego w Orchard Lake, Wis. Masquerade advertisement Ibid. Headlines: Maskarada Dobroczynna Za TydzieD 14-go Lutego Najwspanialsza, Najwiksza Afera w Rodu 14-go Lutego w Broadway Auditorium Masquerade advertisement Ibid. Income for the Masquerade Ball of February 14, 1928 Expenses for the Masquerade Ball of February 14, 1928 A list of donations for the Masquerade Ball. Ticket sales for the Masquerade Ball Masquerade advertisement Ibid. Headline: Jeszcze Cztery Dni PozostaBo Do Obrzymiej Maskarady Dobroczynnej. Jutro WBasnie Bdzie Ta Najwiksza Maskarada Dobroczynna w Buffalo. Headline: Wypodznijcie Przez Jutro I PoniedziaBek Na Wtorkow Maskarad Dobroczynn Masquerade advertisement Ibid. Ibid. Headlines: Ball For Polish Charity: Fourth Annual Masque Affair is Colorful Event Monastic Priests Buy Folly Quarter. Photograph of Caroll Mansion in Ellicott City. A series of photographs from the Charity Ball with identifications. Headline: Wczorajszy Bal dobroczynny StaB Si ZupeBnym Sukcesem Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Sroda,15-go lutego: Na Maskaradzie  Jak w Raju! Photograph of prize-winning costumed Ball attendees. Polish Charity Ball to Realize $10,000: Ten Thousand Persons Attend Affair for Benefit of St. Francis School boys. Western Union Telegram: from Frank Ruszkiewicz, Chairman of Ball, with well wishes. A published list of Prize winners at the Masquerade Ball. Headline: Czysty Dochd z Maskarady Dobroczynnej $11,318.65. Headline: Uderzajmy w Dzwon Obowizku! Ball Committee Feted Headline: Franciscans Buy Old Estate: To Use Maryland Manor for Novitiate. Photograph: Carrolton Manor. Headline: Biskup JapoDski DoznaB Przyjcia Na Wojciechowie. Headline: Obym Ach Obym Do|yl Tej Pociechy. Headlines: St. Francis College to Double Capacity: Additions to Athol Springs Institution Will Be erected at Cost of $ 125,000. Przew. . ProwincjaB Figas w Buffalo. Photograph: Fr. Justin before he leaving for Rome. Double page newspaper article entitled  Birth Control: Radio Talk Over Paulist Radio Station WLWL by the Rev. Martin J. Scott, S.J. Ibid. Headlines: Church Aided by Attacks Says Noted War Chaplain. Memorable Year in U.S. Politics Featured by Stirring Campaign. Headline: Wet League Official cites Scandals of Prohibition. Headline: New Novitiate is Dedicated by Archbishop. (Ellicott City, MD Headline: Szlachetnym Ofiarodawcom Nale|y na cze[. Headline:  Red Mexico Tells the Truth. Political article Headline: Says Catholic Religion was Fought by Vote: Protestant Opposition to Church Defeated Gov. Smith, Declares Insurance Head. Card. Hayes Pastoral Deals with Recent Attacks on Church. Headline: Jesuit Replies to Calumnies Directed Against His Order. Haley Fiske Says Catholic Faith Politically Fought. Headline: Protestant Lay Leader Denounces Intolerance. Headline: Dzesi Lat Temu. Photograph: Ignacy Padarewski among a crowd of noted personalities. Headline: Najpot|niejsza BroD Two Photographs of Carollton Mansion in Ellicott City, Maryland.l Ibid. Letter from Frank Schwab, Mayor of Buffalo to Fr. Justin (ostensibly) about traffic near school Menu entitled  Frajda F. X. BoroszewskiegoDla Drajwerw. Headline: Kapitan Boroszewski Urzdza  Bib Drajwerom. Drajwerw UczciB Pan Borowzewski Po Krlewsku. Lyrics, Poetry Photo of Mass. Photo of Dinner (unidentified) Photo of large crowd of youngsters in Italy. SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK20 Photo of Committee in charge of delegation to Granby to dedicate St. Hyacinth Seminary Letter from the Knights of Columbus in regard to Dedication of Seminary at Granby. Headline: Drajwery Jad. Ibid. Ibid. Headline: Dr. M. Krystaniak PoBczony WezBem MaB|enskim z Pann Angelina Stegelska Headline: Zjazd Uczonych Franciszkanskich w Kolegium Polskim w Athol Springs. Headline: Drajwery Jada Photos from the dedication of St. Hyacinth Seminary. Ibid. Headline: Drajwery Jad Photograph of attendees at the dedication of St. Hyacinth s depicted with Fr. Justin Figas. Headline: KosciB Katolicki  Szkowy Publiczne Cover: Ninth Annual Meeting of the Franciscan Educational conference: Saint Francis College Athol Springs, New York: July 1, 2,3, 1927 Ibid. Ibid. Headline: Drajwery Jad Ibid. Notation made in pen by Fr. Justin. Photo of bishop dedicating St. Hyacinth s Seminary in Granby Ibid. Headline: More Than 2000 Attend Dedication of Franciscan Seminary in Granby. Headline: Drajwery Jad. Ibid. Headline: Ze Zjazdu Uczonych Franciszkanskich. Headline: Drajwery Jad. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Headline: Zapisujcie ChBopcow Do Kolegjum w Athol Springs, Bo Uuz Czas Najwyzszy. Headline: Drajwery Jad Headline: Kolegium dla chlopcow Czy Akademia dla Dziewczt? Headline: Wy|sza SzkoBa a Nowa Intelegencya. Headline: Rektor Kolegium Sw. Franciszka w Athol Springs, O. Wojciech Topolinski D.D. Ph.D, MA Headline: Koniecznie Potrzeba Wyzszego WyksztaBcenia Headline: Drajwery si pytaj,  Gdzie Pienidze ? Headline: Cieszcie Si ChBopcy Ibid. Ibid. Headline: Kronika Seraficka. A penned note by Fr. Justin Figas. A letter from Bishop Turner about attendance at Buffalo s Catholic schools. Headline: Apel do MBodzie|y Ibid. Headline: Czes Polskim Pannom. Partial Headline: Szkice... n A substantial note penned by Fr. Justin Figas. Ad for St. Francis College A photograph of students and faculty of St. Francis College dated October 5. Headline: Uroczysta Inauguracya Studjow Akademickich w Polskim Kolegjum. Headline: OO. Franciszkanie ZakBadaj Polsk Parafje w Rochester, N.Y. Headline: Koniec Aktu Drugiego. Blank Headline: Kronika Starego Pajka Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Headline: Wiadomosci z Kolegjum w Athol Springs. Ibid. Headline: Polska Wyzsza Szkola Wieczorna w Buffalo Headline: Co Zamierza Akademja Polska Wieczorna Dla Naszej MBodzie|y Uczyni? Headline: DARMO Stypendjum Na Akademie Polska Wieczorna Invitation from the Consul General of Poland and Mrs. Sylwin Srakacz inviting Fr. Justin to a reception in honor of General Sikorski, Prime Minister on Tuesday Decemer 15th, 1942. Headline: Szkice& nie wglem. Headline: Ksie|a Radza Nad Dobrem MBodzie|y. Aprobja Polska Akademje Wieczorna. Komitet z Szesciu Ksie|y Rada Centralna Dla Spraw MBodzie|y. Headline: Mieszaniny Wychodzcze. Headline: Apel Do Matek Polskich w Sprawie Polskiej Akademji Wieczornej. Headline: Co Ma By Zrobione z Polakami w Buffalo Ad for St. Francis College. Ibid. Headline: Akademia Polska Bdzie w domu Polskim Headline: Italy Restores Noted Monastery to Franciscans. Ibid. Insert: A diploma in Latin for  Doctorem Joannum Jakuben Nowakum. Sequence of pages which are Blank. SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 21 Headline: Friends From All Over Country Attend Final Rites for  Polish Andrew Carnegie (Anthony Schreiber) Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, November 30, 1938: Doroczny dobroczynny Bal Maskowy Na Korzys Kolegjum Sw. Franciszka 17 Stycznia w Broadway Auditorium. Na Dochod Kolegjum Sw. Franciszka w Athol Spring Olbrzymi Bal Maskowy. Headline: Maskarada Doroczna Drajwerw 17-go Stycznia w Broadway Auditorium. Premje Dla Masek Grupowych i Pojed. wydane Zostana Na Balu Drajwerw. Healine: Olbrzymie Zainteresowanie Publicznosci Maskarada Drajwerw Kolegjum Sw. Franciszka. Boxes Reserved For Mask Ball at Auditorium Photograph: Photograph of drivers from Dziennik Dla Wszystkich Headline: Niemal Wszyskie Lo|e Na Bal Maskowy Na Korzys Kolegjum St. Franciszka S Zamwione. Doroczna Maskarada Na Biednych Studentw Kolegjum w Athol Springs Headline: 25 Premji Dla Mezczyzn, 25 dla Pan 3 Dla Grup i 3 Puhary Wydane Bda Na Maskaradzie Drajwerw Kolegjum. Jeszcze Pozostalo 7 L| Na Maskarad Drajwerw, Wic Nale|y Si Spieszy. Headline: Wszyscy Oczekuj z niecierpliwosci Na Maskarade Drajwerw. Photograph: Franciszek Rozkwitalski,  Ojciec Programu . Photograph of Committee Directing Mask Ball to Aid Needy Students. Headline: Kosztowne Premje Wydane Bda Na Maskaradzie Drajwerw. Headline: Tylko 50 centw Wynosi Wstp Na Maskarade Drajwerw Photographs: Ludwik Schweirchler and Antoni Miedowicz; Szefowie Kosztownych Nagrd Dla Masek. Headline: 5000 Expected at Franciscan Charity Ball. Headline: Dla Biednych I Bogatych, Dla Calej Polonji  Wsplna Zabawa. Photograph: Franciszek Hochmuth Ibid. Headline: Ju| w Przyszly Wtorek Wielka Maskarada Drajwerw. Headline: Mrs. Holling Sorry For Youth, Sisters. Headline: Wszyscy Idziemy Na Doroczn Maskarad. Wszyscy Oczekuja z Niecierpliwoscia Na Dzisiejsz Maskarad Drajwerw. A penned note by Fr. Justin Figas. Ibid. Headline: Polish Charity Mask Ball attracts 6,800. Photographs: A group of three photographs of participants of the 14 annual Polish charity mask ball. Headline: Unworried by Threat, Mayors Wife Attends Ball. Photograph: Mayors Wife Mrs. Thomas L. Holling, Mrs. Luis Zawdzki and John Krysinski. A comment penned at bottom of page by Fr. Justin Figas. Headline: Heedless of Extortion Threat, Mrs. Holling Enjoys Mask Ball Headline: Polish Mask Ball Parade of Colors. Funeral Procession Wins First Prize at Mask Ball. A loose page in the Latin language entitled KALENDARIUM SCHOLASTICUM: 1938-1939 and signed by Fr. Norbertus O.M.C., Rector Seminarii. . Headline: Masked Ball Attracts 4000 . Headline: Mrs. Holling Attends Ball. Photographs: Mrs Holling with Mayor and Mrs. John F. Aszkler Photograph with caption, Salute To a Priest: Fr. Justin receives a formal curtsey from Estelle Rola, wearing a Ukranian costume at Masked Ball. Two photographs depicting scenes from the Masked Ball. Headline: PrzeszBo 7,000 Osb Na wczorajszej Maskaradzie Dobroczynnej Drajwerw. Ibid. Photographs: A group of Krakowianki z Kolka Drmatycz. Fredro z Batavia, N.Y. Fr. Justin speaks with group from Milgray and Duffy Silk Mill at their table Two costumed groups from the Masked Ball Costumed group from Masked Ball Ibid. Headline: $6,692.17 Otzymaj Biedni Studenci Kolegjum Sw. Franciszka z Maskarady Drajwerw. Headline: Franciscan Drivers Elect Jarmusz as 1939 Chairman. Photograph: Franciszek Jarmusz. Headline: Buffalonians Recall Pope as Kindly, Simple, Friendly Photographs: Three photogaphs of Fr. Justin in Rome in 1936. A letter from Fr. Kaczmarek to Fr. Provincial, Fr. Justin from Rome Italy Ibid. Two page spread with Headline: Pilot of the Adventurous Fifty-Three. A cutout photo of Rev. David Carl Colony. Ibid. Two page spread of Colony Hosiery Corporation Ibid. Ibid. Three non-newsprint Photos of Drivers at Granby, Massachusetts. Photograph of Holy Father Picture in St. Peters Basilica in Rome Photograph with caption, Delegation to Franciscan Fathers Novitiate picturing Fr. Justin with Drivers. Excerpt from the Journal of Pinckney of South Carolina for the Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of 1789 Headline: Plant Accused of Favoritism. Duffy on Stand in NLRB Case. Photographs: Two photographs of Drivers in Granby. Headlines: Trustee Lauds Plan in Effect at Duffy Mill. O. Justyn PochwaliB Plan Obowizujacy w Duffy Silk. Penned Comment by Fr. Justin on the page. Headlines: Duffy Silk Co. Cited by NLRB. Gwazdka Dla Pracownikw Duffy Silk. Photographs: Two photographs of drivers at Granby. Un-identified photo of Clergy. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Monday, December 19, 1938: 50,000 Bonus Na East Side Na Gwiazke Dla Polskich Robotnic: Pracownice Duffy Silk Mill Co, Nie Chca Zewntrznego Wtracanie Si. Photograph: Stanislaw Nowak, Ol Justyn, Zofja Mioduszewska i Anna Hojnacka. Headline: 20,000 Osb Na Oficjalnym Otwarciu  Krainy Upominkw Gwiazdkowych: Mayor Holling NastawiB Lcznik, Ktry Lawina SwiatBa Elektrycznego ZalaB Dzielnice Broadway-Fillmore. Broadway-Fillmore to Open  Gift Land . Headline: Broadway Opens  Gift Land Photograph: Broadway Fillmore area lit up. Two page story:  Oficjalne Otwarcie  Krainy Upominkow Gwiadkowych Bdzie Dzis Wieczorem. Photograph of Granby building. Ibid. Two photographs from funeral of Anthony Schreiber. Headline: Schreiber Funeral Service Attended by Polish Leaders. Photograph: Fr. Justin at funeral of Anthony Schreiber SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 22 Inside Cover: Program for the Inauguration Ceremonies of the Common Council of Buffalo under Mayor Joseph J. Kelly dated Thursday, Twelve Noon, January 1, 1942 Photograph: Two young Polish Children announcing the Annual Polish Charity Masque to be held at the Broadway Auditorium, Feb. 19. Photograph: Alice Raczka, dancer at the Masque. Photograph: folk dancers at Masque Headlines: Samochd, Dwie Orkiestry, Premje w Gotwce I Puhary, Oto Atrakcje Maskarady Drajwerw. Franciscans Initiate Plans for Mask Ball: $7000 is Set as Goal to Be Raised Through Souvenir book Subscriptions: Circulate 10,000 Tickets: Funds to Be Donated to Needy St. Francis College Students. Headlines: Ju| 10,000 biletw Jest u Ludzi Na Maskarad Dobroczynn Drawerw: O Samochd, Jaki Bdzie Premjowany w Dniu 19-go Lutego, Wszyscy Si Staraj. INSERT: Program for Card Party and Dance for the benefit of St. Francis College. An ad for the Masque Headlines: Trzy Puhary I Gotwka, Orz 55 Premij Przeslicznych Na Dorocznej Maskaradzie Drajwerw. Zakupili Lo|e Na Maskarad Stow. Drajwerw. Headline: Franciscans List Prizes For Annual Mask Frolic: Tree Trophies Will Be Awarded for Best Costumes; Committees Push Plans for Benefit in Broadway Auditorium. Headlines: 10,000 Biletw Jest Ju| w Ruchu Na Maskarad Dobroczynn Drajwerw. Fronczak Okays Polish Hospital Plan For City: Expresses Hope that Franciscan Drivers Undertake Proposed Project. Headlines: Drajwerzy Przygotowuj Si Do 12-ej Dorcznej Dobroczynnej Maskarady. Franciscans Appeal for Aid in Charity Drive Ad for Masque. Ibid. Photograph: East Siders to Wear Colorful Polish Costumes at Franciscan Ball: dated in the Buffalo Times: Wednesday, February 5, 1936 Headlines: Franciscans Ball to Draw Masked Groups. Pikny Samochd Bdzie Wypremjowany Na Dobroczynnej Maskaradzie Drajwerw. Headline: Puhar Wartosci $100 i $50 w Gotwce, Inne 2 Puh. I Gotwka na Maskaradzie Ad for the Masque. Ibid. Headline: Dobroczynna Maskarada Na dochd Niezamo|nych Studentw 19 Lutego Ad for the Masque. Headline: Samochd Jaki Bdzie Wydany Na Maskaradzie Drajwerw Na Wystawie Ad for the Masque. Headline: Walczymy o Jzyk Polski, Utrzymajmy Zatem Polskie Kol. Sw. Franciszka Large ad for Masque with drawing of auto which will be raffled off. Large two-page ad for the Masque in Polish. Ibid. Ad for a Cocktail Party at the Hotel Lafayette after the Ball. Headline: Ze Wszech Stron Zapewnienia Poparcia Maskarady Drajwerw. Photograph: Antoni Midowicz: Prew. Tegorocznej Maskarady Dobroczynnej. Headline: Poswicenie Drajwerw Polonja Buffalowska Oceni w Srod. 19-go Lutego Headline: Samochd, Radjo Aparat, Trzy Puhary, Gotwka i 55 Inny Premji. Photograph: Antoni Midowicz. Ad for Masque Blank Dziennik Dla Wszystkich: Sroda 19-go Lutego, 1936: Large photograph of Fr. Justin Figas with headline,  Uscisn Wam Rek. A personal message requesting support of St. Francis College. Two small newspaper clippings concerning the Ball; one with the information of transportation to the affair. Ibid. Headline: Franciscans Name Workers for Mask Ball: Father Justin Honorary Charmin of Committees for Charity Frolic. PHOTOGRAPH: A non-newspaper photograph of Fr. Justin with Broad Smile. Headline: Ford V-8, GBwna Premja. A two page newspaper story Ibid. The Buffalo times, Wednesday, February 19, 1936. Headline: Franciscans Expect 5000 Tonight at Annual Benefit. A two page story with photograph of Fr. Michael Cieslik with Drivers. Ibid. Photograph: A Mock Wedding Party in costume from St. Casimirs Parish: first prize winners at Masquerade. Headline: Wedding Party Wins Ball Prize. Photograph: Prize winners in the individual masking competition. Ad for the Rosary Hour. Headline: Wszystko Ju| Przygotowane Do Maskarady Drajwerw. Headline: Drivers Make Final Appeal Headline: 4000 Brave Zero Weather to Attend 12th Annual Franciscan Benefit Ball Father Justin Of Rosary Hour Relief Speaker. Photograph: Drivers Ibid. Photographs: Costumed Participants in Masquerade Ball. Ibid. Ibid. Headline: Among the Guests at Last nights Franciscan Affair. Many Curious Costumes Reviewed In Prize Parade at Auditorium. Headline: Politics Chief Topic At Ball. Photograph: Mrs. Leonard R. Lipowicz, wife of the former state senator. Headline: Premje Na Maskaradzie Drajwerw Na Wsytawie w Oknie SkBadu Eriona Double page photographs of attendants at Masquerade Ball. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Double page story. Headline: PrzeszBo 4,000 Osb ByBo Na Maskaradzie Drajwerw. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Double page story. Headline: O. Justyn, ProwincjaB OO. Franciszkanw Odpiera Zarzuty w Sprawie Kolegjum. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Double Page Story: Father Justyn Assails Critics of Polish Franciscans and Drivers. $7863 Realized From Drivers Charity Ball. Ibid. Photograph: Fr. Justin with Drivers. Photograph: Stanley ZabBoDski and Antoni Midowicz. Double page story. Headline: Dochd z Ostatniej Maskarady Drajwerw ByB Wikszy Jak ZeszBego Roku. Ibid. Financial statement of the Masquerade Ball. Headline: $3,802.00 WplynBo Na Seminarjum Polskie w Orchard Lake, Mich. Ibid. Headline: Rosary League Will Fete 1000 at Party Feb. 23. Photograph: committee making arrangements for pczki party. Headline: Rosary League expects 10,000 at Card Party. Pod Mikroskopem: Czy Mo|na Taki Stan Rzeczy Tolerowa? Headline: Zabawa Alumnatu Seminarjum Pol. Headline: Filomaci SkBadaj Tysic dolarw Na Szpital Polski Headline: Pod Mikroskopem:  Jednak Jestem {ydem Headline: Mwca Haniebnie Atakuje KosciB Katolicki Ze Stacji WEBR. Headline:  Inferiority Complex Naszej Polonii. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Sobota, 8-g Lutego, 1936; Full page story: Headline: Klub Bo|ego CiaBa, Kolebka Klubw MBodzie|y w Buffalo. Telegram from F. X. Dominiak to Fr. Justyn Headline: Na Stypendjum 5 Studentw Polskich Headline: W Par. Bo|ego CiaBa Zabawa. Photograph: Franciszek Rozkwitalski. Buffalo Times, April 5, 1936: Headline: Rosary Hour Has Brought 10,000 Letters each Month, Joy to Many Fr. Justyn says. Photograph of Fr. Justyn reading letters from listeners and another with his secretary, Miss Mary Jung. BANNER HEADLINE:  30,109 GAOSW PADAO W KONTESCIE POPULARNOSCI RADJOWYCH GODZIN Headline: Franciscans Change Season For Frolics. Figas Extends His Radio Chain into Cleveland. Headline: Ks. J. E. Gryczka NawoBuje o Pomoc w Odbudowie Zniszczonej Parafji. Full-page story on Jubilee of Fr. Justin Figas. A penned note by Fr. Justin. Headlines: $1,506.81 Dochodu z Ostatniej Zabawy. O. Justyn figas Jedzie Do Polski. Photograph: O. Prow. Justyn Figas. Photo of Fr. Justyn with Drivers. Double Page Ad for a contest on Polish children s photographs. Ibid. Headline: Na Utrzymanie Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna Polonia Nie Odmwi Poparcia. Photographs: Leon Kolipinski, Kazimierz E. Urban Ibid. Headline: Uciekajcie z Dusznego Miasta Do Lasku w Athol Springs. Photographs of Fr. Justin Figas, Fr. Michael Cieslik, Fr. Eligjusz Szot, and a group of Drivers. Newspaper clippings entitled, Stare Zloto and Bacznosc! Lackawanna The Buffalo Times, Saturday, July 18, 1936: Rosary League Ready to Accommodate 10,000 at Outing. Ojciec Justyn I Polscy Kongresmani Przemwia na Pikniku. Headline: Samodzd ford OtrzymaB p. Leon MarszaBek, a Radjo Aparat Marki RCA, p. Antoni Dybas Ibid. Photos of Picnic. Ibid. Two Photographs of picnic Headline: 20,000 Attend Annual Outing of Father Justyn s Rosary Hour Double page spread of picnic at Athol Springs. Ibid. Unidentifiable telegram. Photo of participant in Rosary Hour League Picnic. Headline: Bieda w Polsce? Nie Wiksza Jak w Niemczech, Austrji i WBoszech Ibid. Headline: Fr. Justin to Wed Couples Fee if They Visit Poland. Priest Tours Europe, calls War Talk Bunk. Photo of Fr. Justin with caption:  Returns Home Headline: Wielki Piknik Godziny R|aDcowej na Zachodniej Stronie. Headline: $7,000.00 WpBynBo z Pikniku Na Korysc Godziny RzaDcowej O. Justyna A half page of penned commentary by Fr. Justin Figas. Headline: Doroczna Wycieczka Do Athol Springs Penned commentary by Fr. Justin. Headline: Po Obsadzeniu Parafji w Riverside. A penned notation by Fr. Justin Figas. A non-newpaper photograph of Fr. Justin Figas. Ibid.. Ibid. The Buffalo Times, Tuesday, September 29, 1936: THEY MAKE ME GOOD++ Provincial of Polish Franciscans Rose From Coal Mines to High Rank. Drajwerzy Ojca Justyna Czyni Energiczne Przygotowania Do Swej Dorocznej Imprezy. SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 23 Headline: Hopes Dim For Palka: Buffalonian doomed to die Tuesday. A note to Father Figas from Roy L. Albertson, Radio Station WBNY. A note penciled in reading, Scrapbook 1938-1939 Compiled by Fr. Justin Figas. Headline: Two Lives for Fifty Dollars: One tiny clue tripped Connecticuts fugitive dual killer! Inside Detective: Photographs with three photographs dealing with theft by Frank Palka. Ibid. Ibid. Photograph: men searching for gun connected with robbery. Ibid. Headline: Two Lives for Fifty Dollars. Headline: Hopes Gone for Saving Life of Son. Palka Asks Buffalo Priest To Help Him in Final Walk Headline: Palka doomed to Die tonight for Slaying. Palka Buried in Hartford; Paid With Life for Murder. Headline: Palka, Slayer of Policemen, Pays with Life: Father Figas visits Buffalonian before execution; last hours spent playing cards. Headline: Palka ZapBaciB Swem {yciem w Krzesle Elektrycznem w Connecticut: Ojcienc Justyn Figas OdwiedziB mBodzieDca Buffaloskiego Przed Straceniem  Ostatnie Chwile Spedzil Palka Na Grze w Karty. Headline: Palka To Die Tonight; Sees Mother Last Time: Police Slayer Receives Kin in Prison Cell. Photograph: Robert G. Elliott, official executioner for six states. A penned note from Fr. Justin written on a notepaper with Hotel Schroeder head. Headline: Mother Visits Palka on Eve of Execution: Police killer dies in Electric Chair at Prison Tonight Headline: Chronology of Palka Period. The Times Star; Bridgeport, Connecticut, Tuesday Evening, April 12, 1938. Banner Headline: PALKA MOVED TO DEATH CELL: Mother Weeps As She Leaves Doomed slayer. Headline: Palka Dies; Murderer Calm in Face of Death. Ibid. A LETTER FROM PALKA, THE YOUTH SENTENCED TO DEATH FOR MURDER OF TWO POLICE OFFICERS, TO FR. JUSTIN. BLANK The Bridgeport Telegram, Bridgeport, Conn. Wednesday, April 13, 1938: Banner Headline: PALKA EXECUTED IN ELECTRIC CHAIR. IBID. Headline: Radio Theft Started Palka On Road Leading to Chair. Ibid. Double Page spread of photographs on the Palka story including one of his mother. Ibid. A letter from Frank Palka to Fr. Justin Figas. A COMMENTARY BY FR. JUSTIN FIGAS ON HIS CONNECTION WITH FRANK PALKA. IBID. IBID. IBID. IBID. IBID. IBID. IBID. IBID. IBID. IBID. IBID. IBID. IBID. IBID. IBID. IBID. A photograph of an electric chair. Headline: Larkman-SkowroDski Skazany ZostaB do Wizienia Na termin Od 20 do 40 Lat. A commentary by Fr, Justin accompanies article. A typewritten credit list from The St. John Cantius Catholic Club. A double page spread entitled Connecticut by Edwin V. Burkholder Ibid. Ibid. Insert: Several Newspaper articles. A full length book complete printed in a newspaper and entitled I Killed for the Law: the Story of Robert Elliott, executioner. A series of typewritten pages of reflections of Fr. Justin Figas entitled, ELECTRIC CHAIR SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 24 Headline: Polish Envoy praises U.S. Friendliness: Buffalo Honors Ambassador at Physicians and Dentists society Banquet. Polish Envoy Praises U.S.: Lauds citizens for Interest in Fight for Freedom, Aid Given. Headline: City Host to European Statesman. Szczeglny Program Pobytu w Buffalo Jego Ekscelencji Ambasadora Tytusa Filipowicza. Photograph: Ambassador Filipowicz, Dr. Francis E. Fronczak, Mrs. Tadeus Bunowski and Rt. Rev. Francis Kasprzak. Headline: Erie County Delegation Frolics at Kansas City. Photograph: Group picture of participants in the event. Headline: Delegates from Buffalo Split on Candidates. (June 11, 1928) Buffalo Man Asks Liquor Referendum: Joseph C. Ruszkiewicz Wants Republicans to Promise People Chance to Vote on Issue. (June 11,1928) Erie County Delegates for Hoover (June 11, 1928. Headline: Prominent Buffalo Republicans at Convention. Photograph: Picture of the group of Republicans. Headline: Buffalo News, June 15, 1928: Ruszkiewicz Scores Attack on Hoover. Photograph: Joseph C. Ruszkiewicz. Headline: Todays Convention Developments (June 12,1928) Buffalo Party May Fly Home: Delegates to National convention Become Aero Enthusiasts. (June 14, 1928) Buffalo News: Prohibition Plank May Cause Trouble: Wadsworth, Ruszkiewicz and Borah Determined that Question Will be settled. (June 12, 1928. Buffalo Courier Express: Erie Delegate Has Wet Plank for Convention. Buffalo Courier-Express: July 7, 1928: New York Editors Hosts to Hoover at Luncheon: Buffalo and other Western New York Men among 25 at Unannounced Function. Buffalo Courier-Express, July 31, 1928: Gives Hoover Polish Vote. Buffalo Evening News, July 31, 1928: Hoover Hears W. N.Y. Victory Now Assured: Buffalo Publisher Calls at Headquarters to Promise Vast Polish Vote for G.O.P. Candidate Oklahoma and Mid-West Also counted as Won. Two unheadlined articles from the New York Herald Tribune: July 21, 1928 and The New York Times: July 31, 1928 concerning political matters. A short article from the Washington Star, headlined: Sees Poles for Hoover: Publisher Predicts that Majority will Support G.O.P. Nominee. New York World, July 7, 1928: Unheadlined political news article. Headline: Polish Publishers to Honor Hoover: Bust of President Ordered to Be Placed in Pavilion at Poznan Exposition. Bullalo Evening News, Monday, March 4, 1919: Photograph: A group of prominent members of the Polish Publishers association of America. The photograph is captioned: Publishers Discuss foreign Language Newspapers Problem Large article from Dziennik Dla Wszyskich, Sobota, 26-go kwietnia, 1930 headlined: W PoniedziaBek Powitanie Ambasadora Tytusa Filopowicza: Wszystkie Komiteti i Delegacya Stawi si Maj na Powitanie Doxtojnego Goscia na Nowej Stacji Kolei New York Central o g. 8:25 Zrana na Nowy Czas. Photographs: P. Tytys Filipowicz, Charles E. Roesch, Dr. F. E. Fronczak, Wice-Konsul T. Buynowski , Dr. J.J UrbaDski, O. ProwincjaB Justyn Figas. (Two unidentified photographs because of newspaper rip. Buffalo Evening News: September 30, 1929: Publishers to Refinance: Nearly every Polish Newpspaper in Country Invited in Plan. Everybody s Daily: June 7,1928: ;Spraw Markietw w Buffalo Zajmie Si Stanowe Biuro Buffalo Courier-Express, June 7, 1928: Distribution Plan sought at Albany for City Markets: final study of Buffalo s system to Be Made Next Month by State Expert. Everybody s Daily, June 7, 1928: Markiety Ci|arem Dla Obywatelstwa  Lud OpBaca Wysokie Podatki Na Ich Utrzymanie, a Za to Dostaje PodBy Towar  Wwi Grosernicy.  Stowarzyszenie Polskich Gorsernikw RozpoczBo DziaBanie... Everybody s Daily, June 7, 1928: WBadze Stanowe Przeciw Detalicznym Markietom. Buffalo Courier-Express, June 14,1929: May Sue to Collect Market Rent: Black rock, South Buffalo Merchants Warned to Pay Stall Assessments by February 1st: $25,000 Owed to City. Large article from The Buffalo Sunday Times, Sunday, December 23, 1928 with Banner Headline: Buffalo Poles Spending $5,000,000 on Memorial Program: 5 Churches, 2 Schools, convent and Home in Construction Project. Photographs: Architects picture of St. Casimir Church on Weimer and Casimir Streets; Inset: Fr. Anthony Majewski, pastor. Photographs: Rev. Stanislaus Fimowicz, Rev. Stanislaus M. PawBowski, John A. Stachowiak, and Fr. Justyn Figas Headline: Leaders Welcome News to East Side: Nearly 200 Prominent Men of Polish Section Gather at New Flower-decked Branch Newspaper Office. Buffalo Evening News, Monday, November 26, 1928: Leaders Welcome News to East Side. Rety! Polacy Si Bcz z Kuklusklanem! Headline: Polish Professional Groups Will Merge: Representatives of Physicians and Dentists Societies will Meet Friday. Mayor Favors Store Fronts at Market site: Will Ask Council to replace Old Sheds in Broadway with Modern Fixtures. Headline: Immigrants found to Excel Natives: Irish Women in Buffalo Have Greater Probabilities for Office Advancement: German Foremen Rank High: Poles Said to Lead all Groups of Skilled Workers, Including Native Parentage Whites. Dziennik Dla Wszyskich: W Przemysle w Buffalo Panuje Uprzedzenie na Punkcie Rasy i Narodowosci Robotnikw, Headline: Niespodziwna Licytacya Telegramu Wstzymana. Dzis Posiedzenie Instalcyjne Klubu na Wojciechowie. Headline: Adoption of Street Proposal Is Urged. Headline: 300 Tysiczna Krowa Broadway Finance Na Ostatnich Nogach Headline: Stockholder starts Auction to Save Firm Headline: Bitter Recriminations Mark Hearing on Polish Telegram: directors of Newspaper corporation Trying to Forestall Public Sale of Cartels to Satisfy $650 Judgment. Photograph: Voters casting their ballots in annual election of directors of Chamber of Commerce. Buffalo Evening News: Friday, January 11, 1929: Polish Newspaper Directors Plan to Dissolve Business. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich: Koniec Dojnej Krowy Buffalo Telegram Corp. CARTOON AND POETRY BY BROADWAY FINANCE CORP. BLANK Buffalo Times, August 1, 1929: Buffalo Attorney Assists with Story: Alexander Ruszkiewicz Writes Ending to Napoleon Manuscript. Courier-Express, October 14, 1929: Double Page story headlined: pay Honor to Polish Revolutionary Hero: Buffalonians in Tribute to count Pulaski: revere memory in Parade Through Polish Section, Broadway Auditorium Meeting; Band of Queens Own Rifles from Canada Serenades assemblage as symbol of good will. Photograph: American Legion posts in Pulaski Parade; Troop E cavalry in Parade. Ibid. BLANK Courier-Express, October 14, 1929: Pulaski, Hero of Revolution, Honored Here. City Joins in Tribute to General Pulaski. Waclaw Sieroszewski, Polish Novelist Pens Message of good Will to Buffalo. Photographs: Member of 106th Infantry, N.Y.N.G. Dignitaries who participated in the event. Buffalo Evening News: Monday, October 14, 1929: City and State Join in Pulaski Tribute Headline: Buffalo and State Join to Pay Honor to Memory of Pulaski: Parade of 5000 and Addresses by Col Donavan and Other Notables Mark Anniversary of Heros Death. Double page article in Dziennik Dla Wszyskich: Monday, October 14, 1929: Obchd Pulakiego byB Swietn Manifestacy AmerykaDsko-Polsk: Tysice Osb w Pochodzie formacyj wojskowych I Cywilnych. Ibid. Full page attached concerned with tribute to Pulaski A full page of photographs dealing with the tribute to Pulaski Headline: Canadians Aid in Tribute to Pulaski here. Headline: Polonia Oburzona Na Zaklady w Srdmesciu. Headline: Klub Alumnw Protestuje Przeciw Zlekcewa|eniu Rocznicy PuBaskiego Przez ZakBady w Miescie. BLANK BLANK Headline: Co WieziaBem W Polsce? Headline: KBamcy i Kuglarze Polityczni Headline: Propozycja Polskiego Naukowego Instytuta Emigracyjnego. Headline: Wra|enia z Polski Headline: Znowu Mylna Informacja Headline: Uwadze Rodakw, Jadcych Do Polski Polska Agencja Telegraiczna: biuletyn z powszechnej wystawy drajowej. Headline: Rozwj Ekonomiczny Polski  a Stany Zjednoczone. Headline: Adwokat Sitko o Obecnej sytuacji Gospodarczej w Polsce An unidentifiable clipping from newspaper: first word: PrzybyBem Photograph: John Giminski. Photo has upper caption: When in Rome. Headline: All They Do Abroad Is Eat, Says Giminski. Headline: Moje Wra|enia I SpostrzeZenia z Podrzy po Polsce (St. Zaklikiewicz) Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Headline: Polish Colonization of Pacific Coast Is Projected by Priest: Plans Already are Underway, Says Father Przybysz, Here on visit. Four Page Spread with Headline: BUFFALO LEADS AS CHURCH CITY FROM POLAND: POLISH CATHOLIC STRUCTURES HERE ARE SAID TO RIVAL CATHEDRALS OF ROME IN MAGNIFICENCE. Full page of photographs. Ibid. Headline: Says Newspaper Program Was Inferior: Affidavit of William Fay, former WMAK director, tells of dealing with news. Full page Story with Headline: Citys Latest Triumph in Art: St. Casimirs Church, finest Example of Byzantine Architecture in America. Buffalo Sunday Times, November 17, 1929: Buffalo s Busy Marts Ibid. Buffalo Evening News, November 17, 1929: Champion Polish Horsemen to Be City s Guests 4 Days. Headline: Kawelerzysci Polscy Przybd do Buffalo Czwartek Buffalo Times, November 18, 1929: Polish Riding Team to visits City This Week. Dziennik dla Wszystkich, Sroda, 20-go Listopaday, 1929: Polscy Kawalerzysci Jutro Przyje|dzaj. Photograph entitled,  ZDOBOWCY  PUHARA NARODW SZZMPIONI SWIATA. Headline: Objazd Osiedli Polskich Przez Zwycisk Ekip Kawalerzystw Polskich Zacznie Si Od Buffalo. Buffalo Evening Times, November 21, 1929: Star Horsemen of World Guests of City Today. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich,Thursday, November 21, 1929: 2,000 Osb PowitaBo Zwycisk Ekip Polsk na Stacji Kolejowej! Photographic collage of Cavalry Members and greeters. Ibid. Dziennik dla Wszystkich, Thursday, November 21, 1929: Dzis Powitalny Bankiet W Statler Dal Oficerw. Photograph: Four Horsemen. Caption: Buffalo Applauds Peerless Polish Cavalry Quartet. Headlines: Captors of World Trophy Honor Guests at Banquet. 3,000 See Horsemen. Headlines: Polish Riders Give Jumping Exhibition. Poraz Pierwszy w Historji Ekipa Polskich Kawalerzystw Na Filmie D|wikowym w Stanie New York. Headlines: Braterstwo Polko-AmerykaDskie Na Przyjskiej Ekipy Polskich Oficerw w Hotelu Statler. Headlines: Program Przyjcia Kawelrzystw Polskich w Buffalo. Dala Uczczenia Polskich Kawalerzystw. Photograph: Polish Cavalry Members and American Officers. Double page spread with headlines: W Niedziel Wszyscy Na Bal Zwycistwa. Wszyscy Idziemy do Domu Polskiego. Photograph: Polska Ekipa w Towarzystwie Dwu Czlokw Komitetu Przyjcia Ibid. Double page spread with headlines: Jutro Wszyscy Na Bal Zwycistwa Do Domu Polkiego. Polsk Ekip Powitano Owacyjnie w Klubie Bridle and Saddle. Photograph: A group of Polish and American Officers. Ibid. Headline: Polska Ekipa w Uje|c|alni Buffaloskiej PokazaBa Jak Bra Przeszkody Na Niewytrenowanych Koniach. Buffalo Courier Express: November 25, 1929: Polish Riders are Guests at Victory Dance. Headline: Polands Riding Champs Thrill Crowds at Meet. Photographs: Champion Horsemen from Poland. An action shot of horse jumping. Buffalo Evening News, November 23, 1929: Polish Team Thrills Throng by Marvelous Riding Feats. Buffalo Evening News, November 25, 1929: Farewell Banquet Given Polish Four Horsemen Buffalo Courier-Express, November 25, 1929: Star Horsemen End Visit Here Headline: WspaniaBy Bal Zwycistwa ZgromadziB Tysiczne TBumy do domu Polskiego w Niedziel Wieczorem. Two photographs of the reception of the Cavalry Officers at Clark Street and Dom Polski Headlines: Pikny Upominek Od Polonii w Buffalo Dla Naszej Slawnej Kawaleryji. Podziekowanie. Two photographs of Calvary. Buffalo Evening News, November 22, 1929: Champion Polish Horsemen Acclaimed at Banquet Here. Polish Riders Exhibit Skill Buffalo Evening News, November 21, 1929: Buffalo Gives Polish Army Riders Noisy Welcome Buffalo Evening News, November 21,1929: Throng Hails Polish Riding Champions on Arrival Here. Crowd Greets Polish Armys Star Horsemen. Buffalo Evening times, November 21, 1929: Worlds Champion Riders Welcomed to Buffalo. Headline: Bal Zwycistwa w Domu Polskim Przy Broadway dla Zdobywcw Puhara Narodw, Ktrzy Imi Polski I Wychod|twa Okryli ChwaB. Headline: Dwa Komitety Zorganizowane Na Przyjcie Polskich Kawalerzystw. Headline: W Detroit Entuzjastycznie PowitaBa Polonia Zwycizka Ekip: Tysiace Osb PrzybyBo Odda Hold. Dar Polonii AmerykaDskiej Dla Zwyciskiej Ekipy. Headline: Polonja New Yorska, Serdecznie Po|egnaBa Polskich Kawalerzystw, Ktrzy Ju| Odjechali do Europy Buffalo Evening News, January 2, 1930: Brig. Gen. School Organizes Ancient Artillery Company. Photography: Brig. Gen. William F. Scholl. A pictorial look at Buffalo. Double page pictorial: Headline: Record Crowd Attends Polish Mask Ball in Broadway Auditorium Ibid. Courier-Express, April 28, 1930: Blames High Tax rate for Small Increase in Buffalos Population: Census shows Population of 572,217 Here. Buffalo Population is listed at 572,217 BLANK Buffalo Evening News, Wednesday, February 19, 1930: Polish Annual Charity Masque Is Most colorful in History Buffalo Times, February 19, 1930: Huge throng In Attendance At charity Ball. Two page pictorial: Buffalo Times: Gala Festivities Mark Annual Polish Charity Ball Here. Ibid. Buffalo Times, February 17, 1930: Annual Polish Ball Proves big Success. Earliest History of Poland Double page spread: Wielki Sukcws Maskarady Dobroczynnej News Story and pictures of Masked Ball. News Story and pictures of Masked Ball Ibid. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich April 3, 1930: Polonia Oburzona Za WysBanie Przez Rzd Niezdolnych Osb a Nawet Murzynki Do Spisu Polakw. Buffalo Times, April 4, 1930: Ask Transfer of Non-Polish Census Taker: Rev Justin Figas claims Negro Woman Enumerator Confused on Language. Buffalo Courier-Express, April 4, 1930: To Assign New Enumerators To Polish Section. Enumeratorzy, Rozumiejcy po Polsku Zostali PosBani do Polskiej Dzielnicy. Buffalo Evening News, April 3, 1930: Protests Bring Changes Here in Ranks of Census Takers. Changes are Made in Census Ranks. Andrews Explains Enumerator Error. Headlines: 40 Persons to Face Census Prosecution. Census Takers Find Buffalo Warm Hearted. Headlines: Report Census Quiz Protests. List Dyrektora Cenzusu do Ks. ProwincjaBa Justyna Figasa. Buffalo Times, April 28, 1930: Crowd Greets Polish Envoy On visit Here. Headlines: Girls at Villa Marie Present Roses to Polands Ambassador Ambassador to Honor Polish War Dead today. Double page spread headlined: Buffalo Welcomes Polish Ambassador to U.S. (BuffaloTimes, Monday April 28, 1930 Ibid. Headlines: Polands Rapid Strides Cited by New Envoy. Civil, Military Officials Greet Polish Ambassador. Buffalo Evening News, April 27, 1930: Filipowicz Tours Niagara Frontier. Photograph: Polish Ambassador Is Honored: Ambassador plus dignitaries. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Double Page spread with Headline: We Wtorek Spieszcie Rodacy Wieczorem Na Rewi Do Zbrojowni 106 PuBku. Laminated Story from The Buffalo Times, July 21, 1936 headlined: East Side Builders of Buffalo: Rise of Ruskiewicz Family contained Elements of Drama. SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 25 Four cartoons relating to Hilter and WWII. Buffalo evening News, August 19, (1931?): Banner Headline: Poland As It Is Today, Viewed by News Writer.: Milford Wesp Sees Poznan Exposition. Group non-newspaper photograph. (Unidentified) Headline: Polish Exhibition, Now Open, Considered National Triumph: Nothing to Compare With It Produced in Europe Since the War, With Exception of the Wimbledon Exposition. Headline: Poles Backing Their Freedom With Progress. (August 1929. Headlines: New Polands Faith Rests on Machinery: Industrial, Marine and Commercial Exhibits Featured at Poznan Exposition. Poles Seen Moving Into Every Section. Headline: Buffalo Exhibition Excites Interest of Polish People. Headline: Exhibition Costing Poland 10 Millions. Modernistic Art Triumphs at Polish National Exhibits. Headlines: Polish Exhibitions Ad Value Is Great. Polish Women Visualize Future: Poznan Fair Shows Them Wonders of World and a Glimpse of Prosperity. Polish Government Depicted At Poznan. Headlines: Polish Railroads Progress Rapidly. Modernistic Trend Shown in Polish Art. Poland Is Restoring War-Torn Buildings. Headlines: Education in Poland Makes Great Gains. Polish Post office System Improved: Poznan Exhibition Indicates Telegraph and Telephone Grow in Popularity. Interior Ministry Reveals Progress. Headlines: Poland Is Zealous In Keeping Liberty: Police Force Is Able and Alert and Crime Has Been Reduced in Startling Ratio. Poland Faces Task In Government Unity. Poland Establishes New Labor Benefits. Headlines: Glimpse of Midnight Sun Thrills Polish Voyagers. Gdynia, Polands New Seaport, Resembles U.S. Boom Town: Old fishing Shacks in Main Street Stand Elbow to Elbow with Modern Structures. Headlines: Polish Port Built From Tiny Village. Corridor Problem Is Puzzling Poland. Headlines: Many Beauties Seen In Medieval Poznan: Cathedral, Old Market and Town Hall Present Rare Treasures. Poland Is Winning Her Place in Sun. Headlines: Old Polish Castle Made Into Museum Polish Countess Surprises Writer on Visit to Museum. Headlines: Warsaw Smart City, Real Rival of Paris: correspondent Finds 15th Century Wine and Rides Free on Polands Trains. Headlines: War Gave PiBsudski Long Sought Chance. Poland s President Greets News Man. Headlines: Bloody  Citadel Set Poland Free. Pech Collects Art of Murdered Friend: Warsaw Man Owns Rare Works of Pawliczak, Slain Polish Painter. Headlines: Wilno Remains Picturesque; antiquity preserved Well: Stronghold of Franciscans in Original 14th Century Construction Is Pride of Polish City. Photograph: Ostra Brama (The Sharp Gate) which is a chapel within the Wall of Wilno Headlines: Soviet Propaganda Is Blamed for Split: Poland Sees Eventual Return of Lithuania to Old fold. (September 28, 1929). Soviet Propaganda Is Blamed For Split. Visitor Sees Wilno City With a Soul. Europe Likes Jazz Music of America. Headlines: 250,000 Men Make Up Polands Army. Polands Old Glory Mirrored in Krakow: Royal Story of Golden Era Told by Ancient city, Once Powerful Capital. Education in Poland Makes Rapid Strides, Says Dyboski. Photograph: Roman Dyboski. Headlines: Krakows Cathedral Is Kings Monument. Marvelous Beauty Is Found in a Mine: Even a Complete Church is Carved out of Rocks Far Under the Ground. Polish City Lacking In Beauty. Headlines: Horses rest While Workers Toil on Polish Farm Lands. Goral Picturesque Figure in Poland. Headline: Turbulent Mountain Stream Splits Contrasting Nations. Headline: Wesp Pays Polish Cookery Tribute Before Farewell. BLANK BLANK Double Page Spread from Buffalo Evening News, Wednesday, April 30, 1930 with Headline: Polish Ambassador Ends Buffalo Visit U.S. Naval Delegates Return. The photos feature Tytus Filipowicz, Polands first ambassador to the United States. Ibid. Headlines: Filipowicz Reviews Artillery Regiment. Troop Review Closes Polish Envoys Visit: Tytus Filipowicz Journeys to Canada, then Inspects 106th Artillery. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich  Sroda, 30-go Kwietnia, 1930: P. Ambasador Filipowicz Uczczony Przez Wydawcw Pism. PodiosBa Uroczystos w Niagara-on-the-Lake Two Page Spread from Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Buffalo, N.Y., Sroda, 30-go Kwietnia, 1930 with headline, Ambasador Filipowicz Witany Salwami Armatniemi.. Headline: Obecny Ambasador Polski, Filipowicz, ByB w Komendantem PiBsudskim w Niagara Falls 26 Lat Temy: Gdy PiBsudski JechaB do Japonji Przez Stany Zjedn., Aby Zyska Pomoc Do Walki z Rosj, towarzyszyB Mu Tytus Filipowicz. A ticket for the greeting of J.E. Tytus Filipowicz. Headlines: $10,078.07 Zarobiono na Card Party: dochd na Akademi Villa Maria. Podejmowano Pracownikw. Foreign Stock Played big rose in Building Buffalos Greatness Headline: New York Reporter Declares Buffalo Too Tough And Dumb (Buffalo Sunday Times, July 6, 1930) Headline: Buffalo, Tough and Dumb, Vexes Metropolitan Police Reporter Three identical articles with headline: Polish Newspaper Plans New Building. Buffalo Times, Wednesday, September 24, 1930: Krakow comes to City For Wedding. Photographs: Replica of Polish Krakowian Wedding. Photo depicts attendees in folk costumes at St. John Kantys. Headline: Pageant Held At Auditorium colorful Affair. The Polish Wedding Festival. Headlines: Church Young People Enact Polish Scene. Photograph: Women in hay wagon in folk costumes. Photograph is captioned: Bit of Old Poland Transferred to Buffalo. Buffalo Evening News: Wednesday, September 24, 1930: Krakovian-Wedding Pageant Breathes spirit of Old Poland. Buffalo Evening news, Wednesday, September 24, 1930: Three photographs of participants in Mock Polish wedding with Folk costumes. CAPTION: Gay costumes and colorful Ceremonies Mark Mock Polish Wedding. BLANK Entire Page from Dziennik dla Wszystkich. News Story and photographs of Mock Polish Wedding. Headline: Przebieg Krakowskiego Wesela I TaDce Narodowe SpodobaBy Si Licznie Zebranej Publicznosci. Headline: Krakowsko-Buffaloskie Wesele w Auditorium Three photographs of participants in Mock Polish Wedding. Headline: Dempsey Claim Without Basis, Andrews Says. Andrews Declares Dempseys Claim Is Without Any Basis Headlines: Stable Government in Poland Aim of Pilsudski, Editor Says. Wojtkowiak to Fire Campaign Gun Wednesday. The Buffalo Times, October 6, 1930: Headline: 3000 Witness Ceremonies at St. John Kanty: Bishop Turner Officiates at Laying of cornerstone for $250,000 Lyceum. Photographs: Bishop Turner Lays Cornerstone of the new St. John Kanty Parish lyceum. Headline: Cornerstone of St. John Kanty Lyceum Is Laid. New Home of Polish Daily Nearly Ready: Work on Building at 928 Broadway Will be Completed Nov. 1. Buffalo Evening News: Monday, October 6, 1930: New Home of Polish Daily Nearly Ready. Architects drawing of faade of new Everybodys Daily Newspaper. Headlines: Says Federal Figures Are Not Accurate. One-Third of Population in Class Rooms. Report Shows Pupils Prefer 3 Rs To Shops. Buffalo Evening News: Thursday, December 4, 1930 Photograph: Milford E. Wesp, Buffalo Evening News reporter of Polish events, decorated with the golden Order of Merit by Consul Marynowski. Double page spread with large photograph with Headline: Uczstnicy we Wczorajszej Ceremonii Dekorowania p. Edwarda H. Butlers I Milforda J. Wespa. Ibid. Headline: Konsul Marynowski EdekorowaB Wydawc I Redaktora Buffalo Evening News. Headline: Customs of All Nations Mark Buffalo Yuletide..  Dziennikowi dla Wszystkich serdeczne gratulacje. Two page spread from Dziennik Dla Wszystkich  Sroda 26-go Listopada, 1930 with photographs of scouts Ibid. Headlines: Rewja Skautw Polskich w Auditorium ScignBa Dobrow Publicznos. Polish Paper s New Structure Finished. Gazeta Polska  Pitek, 12 grudnia 1930 r.: Polacy na Obczyznie: Symptomat rozwoju. Headline: City One of Dozen in U.S. Selling Special Postage Photograph: Robert Gallagher, Buffalo Postmaster is shown at left selling the first sheet of  General Pulaski Commemorative stamps to Tadeusz Marynowski, Polish consul in Buffalo. Headlines: Everybodys Daily Plans Open House Depesza z Zyczeniami Dla Wydawcy Dziennika p. Franciszka Ruszkiewicza od Prezesa Z.N.P. J Romszkewicza. Frank Ruszkewicz, publish of Everybodys Daily, is presented with engraved watch by Polish Publishers Associations. Headlines: Ceremonja Wrczenia ZBotej Odznaki Zw. Nar. P. P Franc. Ruszkiewiczowi z Okazji Otwarcia Gmachu Dziennika. Polish Publishers in Conference Here. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich  PoniedziaBek, 26-go Stycznia, 1931: Photograph: Guests at the Opening of the new Dziennik Dla Wszystkich. Dziennik dla Wszystkich  Ponedzialek, 26-g0 Stycznia, 1931: Dignitaries at the award ceremony for Frank Ruszkiewicz. The lit up facade of the newly constructed  Dziennik Dla Wszyskich . Headline: Cenzor ZBo|yB Podzikowanie Panu Ruszkiewiczowi Za Udzielanie Szerokich Szpalt Dla Zw. Nar. Pol. W Swem Pismie. Everybodys Daily Plans OPEN HOUSE News stories about the opening of the Modern Newspaper Plant. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Double page spread headlined: Wybitni goscie na Otwarcie Nowego Gmachu Dziennika. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Front page of Dziennik Dla Wszystkich dated Buffalo, Sroda, 28-go Stycznia, 1931 Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Headline: Voice Protest Against Polish Acts in Galicia. Photograph: Leaders at mass meeting of 1500 members of Ukrainian parishes and societies. Headlines: Polish in Galicia Accused of Unwarrented Brutality. PiBsudski Majority in Sejm Ties Down Responsibility. Strona Redakcyjna: Tryumf uczciwej Pracy I Zdrowej, SpoBeczno-Narodowej Mysli. Stories on the new Dziennik Dla Wszystkich Rotagravure Full page photographs of various facets of life in Buffalo. Full page of photographs on the Masked Ball. Ibid. Double page spread of pictures of Masked Ball at Broadway Auditorium Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Story on Ruszkiewicz with his photo Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Headline: Youth of Polish Descent told by Dorothy Dix to Be Proud of Nationality. Headline: Polish Pageant Offered before Crowd of 7,000: Kosciuszko at Raclawice produced in brilliant display of color at auditorium. Headline: Battle of Raclawice Enacted By Descendants of Its Heroes Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Sroda 6-go Maja, 1931: Zdicia Fotograficzne Dokonane Na Wczorajszej Aferze w Broadway Auditorium. Bitwa Rzclawicka Wygrana w Audytorjum? Olbrzymie TBumy.  Polacy Sa Przeznaczeni Do Wielkich Rzeczy w Buffalo,  Mowi Amerykanie. Ibid. Ibid. BLANK Headline: D.L.& W. Plans New Yards in Cheektowaga Headline: Z uroczystosci Otwarcia Zejmy Zwizku N. P., w Scranton, Pa. Photograph: General Gustaw Orlicz-Dreszer, generalny inspektor Armji Polskiej and dignitaries. Articles about General Dreszer A letter from J. C. Ruszkiewicz to the organizers of Polish Organizations. Articles on General Orlicz-Dreszer. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Program of activities surrounding General Dreszers visit. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Large photograph of General Gustaw Orlicz-Dreszer and news article. Continued articles on General Dreszer. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Double Page spread on General Orlicz-Dzreszer. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Headline: Denies Poland Seeks More Land: Reports of Territory Ambitions Called False Propaganda: Big Army to Keep Peace Nation Looks to U.S. for Moral Support, Says Wysocki CIVIL WAR VETERAN, 112, CLAIMS RECORD FOR AGE. Headlines: Polish Fair Shows Nains Strides. Headline: New Home of Polish Daily Nearly Ready SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 26 A letter from WEBR, Buffalo, N.Y. to Fr. Justin dated August 25, 1930. It is a contract to broadcast the Rosary Hour. A billing from Polish Everybodys Daily for the printing of 4000 Julilee Books. A letter from Everybodys Daily to WEBR concerning some rumors. A letter from Polish Everybodys Daily to Fr. Justin Figas in Polish. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid. A letter from WEBR to Fr. Justin. Ibid.. Ibid.. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, PoniedziBek, 21-go Wrzesnia, 1931: Stacja WEBR Nie Czce Programw o SzkoBach Katolickich, oskar|a Ks. Winnicki. Co PowiedziaB Ojciec Justyn Figas. A handwritten comment on the page from Fr. Justin Figas. A continuation of the article on previous page. A penned comment from Fr. Justin. A penned comment from Fr. Justin. BLANK. BLANK. BLANK BLANK A letter from Ray L. Albertson to Fr. Justin concerning radio stations in Milwaukee. Ibid.. A letter from WEBR to Fr. Justin. A letter from Catholic Charities dated October 27, 1931 to Fr. Justin. A typewritten page concerning fund raising. Ibid.. Litania o Franciszkanach w Ameryce. Headline: OKRYSZYNY Headline: As I Was Saying Headline from the Minorite. Ministers Provincial O.M.C. Re-elect ed. A page from the Kronika Seraficka with photograph of Fr. Justin BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK A newspaper article from the Monitor Polish Daily, in the Polish language headlined, ZasBugi S. P. Karabasza. Headline: Pamitaj Ludziska Headline: Zakusy Komunistyczne. Headline:  Bezczelna Tres... Prowokuje, : Ku Uwadze: Akcjonarjuszw banku Zwisku Splek Zarobkowych w Posnaniu Headline: KButnie, spory i wrzawy na posiedzeniach Rady Nadzorczej Zwizku Nar. Headline: Wolne GBosy: Czy oczyscimy bagno zwizkowe, w jakie nas wepchaB Romaszkiewicz Headline: W Sprawie SzkoBy Zwozkowej. Wartos SpoBeczna i Ekonomiczna Organizacyj Bratniej Pomocy. Headline: Fe. P. Garbarek WygraB process: O Oszczerstwo z  Dziennikem Dla Wszystkich: Aawa PrzysigBych PrzyznaBa Mu $1000 i Koszta Odszkodowania. Headline: Jaworek z Massachusetts Przewodniczcym Headline: Cenzor Sypniewski Swietnie Gromi KBamstwa Starej Gwardji Podczas Interpelacyj Na Zejmie Zwizkowym: Tryumf Zarzdu Centralnego ZNP.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Headline: Opozycya Zwiskowa Ubita, Mwi Sami Starogwardyjcy! Dziennik, September 24: Sprawozdanie Komitetu Bud|etu i Rewizji Zw. Nar. Pol Ibid.. Ibid. Everybody s Daily, September 25, 1926: Nominacje Urzdnikw Na Sejmie w Scranton Walnem Zwycistwem Cenzor Sypniewskiego i Zwolennikw Postpowej Rozbudowy Zwi.zku Narodowego Polskiego. Ibid.. Ibid. Ibid. Headline: Majtek Zwizku Nar. Polskiego Wynosi $21,012,138.66. Stulecie Miasta Buffalo i UdziaB Polakw: Domy Polskie. Headline: Stara Gwardja OdniosBa Na Sejmie Zwizku Narodowego Polskiego Zdumiewajce Wszystkich Zwycistwo Headline: Najmici  Sypy i Hencla Chc Rozbi Wiec PosAw Opozycji. Staj w Obronie Mich. R|yckiego Headline: Cig Dalszy z Sejmu Zw. Nar. Pol. Ibid.. Headline: Delegatw Wybrnych na Sejm Jest 531. Czy Sejm Bdzie Epokowy? Headline: Pod HasBem  Zgody i MiBosci Bratniej Zaczto Sejm Z.N.P Headline: Silniejszy zaw|my wzeB z Macieerza MwiB Gen. Dreszer. Headline: Interpelacje Sypniewskiego, Cytackiego, Romaszkiewicza. Headline: Interpelacje Urzdnikw Na Swjmie Zw. Nar. Pl. Ibid.. Ibid.. Headline: Sprawa Garbarka I Turbaka Ma By Wyrzucona z Sdu. Zwizkowcy z Boston, Mass, Szydz z Komisji Sejmowych Cenzora Ibid., Headline: Cenzor Swietlik Za WspBprac Dla Dobra Polonji. Headline: Z Sejmu XXVI. Z.N.P. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Headline: Nowy Cenzor Mwi, |e punkty Sypniewskiego bd wprowadzone. Headline: Bez wzgldu, na zmian Zarzdu Pjdziemy ze Zwizkiem. Headline: Na Marginesie Sejmu ZN.P. Headline: Przegld Prasy. Sprawa Paszkowskiego ZakoDczona Headline: Prokjekt Cenzora WysoBaB Pierwsz Burz Na Sejmie Z.N.P. Headline: Szczerbowski Sekretarzem, Spikier ZostaB Skarbnikiem Headline: Sejmowe Nastroje i Wra|enia Ibid.. Headline: Romaszkiewicz UtrzymaB Si Na Stanowisku Prezesa Headline: S Cztery Plany na Budow Nowej SzkoBy Zwizkowej w Cambridge Springs, PA. Headline: Rezolucja Sejmu 26-go Zw. Nar. Pol. Headline: Nowy Zarzd Zw. Nar. Pol. Obejmuje Urzd z Dniem 1-go Pa|dziernika Headline: Cenzor Swietlik UrzdziB Przyjcie Dla Dziennikarzy: Na Przyjciu ByBo 25-ciu Dziennikarzy z Polski i Ameriki. Ibid.. Headline: Hencel Czarn Owc Administracji. Sypniewski i Cytacki w Ogniu Krzyzowych PutaD. Headline: Dlaczego Biskup Bandurski nie PrzyjechaB na Sejm Z.N.P.. Z Chwili. Headline: Jaworek z Massachusetts Przewodniczcym Sejmu ZwiAzku Nar. Pol w Scranton, Pa. Nabo|eDstwo Sejmowe i Przemwienie Gosci na Sali Sejmowej. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Headline: Sejm Zwizku Narodowego Polskiego UczwaliB /45000 Weteranom Armji P. Headline: Sejm S.N.P. Przeciw Prohibicji Headline: Trzy Zasadnicze Wytyczne Programu Cenzora Swietlika Headline: Pogrom Sypniewszczyzny ChwaB Dla PosBw Na Sejm XXVI Z.N.P. General Dreszer Osadza Cesia Aukaszkiewicza. Headline: Sekretarz Zwizku Narodowego Kazimierz Kowalski Oskar|a Cenzora, Prezesa i Skarbnika o Nadu|ycia. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Headline: Kilka Cieplejszych SBw o Naszej MBodzie|y Headline: Rekord Niedzielny Headline: DzioB wiek Na Sejmie Zwizku Narodowego Pol. W Scranton Ibid.. Headline: Tonacy Brzytwy si Chwitja The Montreal Daily Star, Wednesday, July 8, 1931: Photograph: Executive Committee hears Delegation on Unemployment Problems Headline: W Imie Sprawiedliwosci. PobBa|liwos Czy Niezdarnos Katolikw w Zwisku. A letter from Francis Butlak, M.D. to Fr. Justin Headline: The Polish Jubilee. 10,0-00 In Parade Marking Jubilee at St. Stanislaus. Photograph: St. Stanislaus Schoolgirls In Jubilee Parade (Baltimore Sun) Ibid.. Headline: 10,000 Parade as Jubilee of church Opens. Photograph: Milton Cezielski and Elizabeth Bednarski at Parade. Headline: Son of Polish President to see Fete Here. Marchers in Parade PHOTO: George and Eleanor Weber. Headline: St. Stanislaus Marks Jubilee in a Big Way. Headline: ZBoty Jubileausz Parafii Sw. Stanaislawa: Photograph: Ks. Alfons M. Figlewski, OMC, obecny Proboszcz. Photo of church and school. Ibid.. Former Pastors of St. Stanislaus Parish: PHOTOGRAPHS: Fr. Piotr Koncz, Fr. Jan Rodowicz, Fr. Jozef Skrentny, Fr. Tomasz Morys, Franciszek Piznar, Fr. Stanislaus Tarnowski, Fr. Bonaventure Santor. A program of the celebrations at St. Stanislaus. HISTORIA PARAFJI SW. STANISAAWA KOSTKI IBID.. IBID.. Headlines: Pochd Z Okazii zBotego Jubileuszu Parafji Sw. StanisBawa K. Przedstawienie Teatralne We Wtorek Photo of School Children celebrating the jubilee. Photo of School children celebrating the jubilee. Continuing newspaper clippings of Jubilee. Ibid.. Baltimore Catholic: Polish Parish Observes Golden Jubilee: inset photo of Fr. Alfons Figlewski Inset photos of Frs. Andrew Derenda, Serafin Stachowski and Henryk Kozikowski. Headline: ZakoDczenie ZBotego JubileuszU Parafji Sw. Stanislawa Kostki: Photographs: Jozef Moscicki and Fr. Alfons M. Figlewski Ibid.. Photo of Fr. Justin Figas at WEBR microphone. BLANK Headline: Graduates Advised to Retain Religion: Father Justyn Says Depression Has Shown value of Education.. Photograph: Father Justin Figas presents Award to St. Francis Winner; looking on is Fr. Thomas Wieprecht. Headline: Uroczyste ZakoDczenie roku Szkolnego w Kolegjum Sw. Franciszka w Athol Springs. Photograph entitled Abiturjenci Kolegjum Sw. Franiszka w Athol Springs. Photograph of Fr. Justin with children of Corpus Christi Parochial school. Headlines: Dwie Wa|ne Prace Naukowe Polskich Ksi|y Province May Give Priest Fourth Term: Father Justin s Re-election Can Result from Papal dispensation. PRZEDSTAWIENIA NA Jadwigowie. Article on Rev. Dominic prefect and profession of St. Hyacinths Seminary. Father Justin Figas Reelected Provincial Buffalo Evening News, 1931: Franciscan Drivers Pick Leon Kolipinski: Plans Begun for Polish Charity Masked Ball. Buffalo Times: Franciscan Drivers Set Date for Ball. Drivers Greet New Members. Photograph: Leo Kolipinski. Headline: Przygotowania Do Maskarady Dobroczynnej Omwili Drajwerzy. Puhar p. Antoniego Schreibera Bdzie Wydany Na Maskaradzie Dobroczynnej. Doroczna Maskarada Dobroczynna Odbdzie w Srod 3-go Lutego br. Headlines: Dobroczynna Maskarada Maskarada Dobroczynna To Najwiksza Atrakcja Tegorocznego KarnawaBu. Maskarada Dobroczynna Jest GBwn Afer Na Polsce w Tym Karnawale. Headlines:  Drajwerzy a Maskarada Dobroczynna OO. Franciszkanw. Prawdziwych i Szczerych Wiarusw Spotkasz Na Maskaradzie Dobroczynnej. Mamy Pikn Okazj Do Zabawy i To Na Cel Godny Dobrego Poparcia. Headlines: Posiedzenie Komitetu Balu Maskowego Na Kolegjum w Athol Springs. An ad for the Masked Ball. Headlines:  Drajwerzy Uskutecznili Sw Prac Na Maskarad Dobroczynn w Liceum. OO. Franciszkanie i Drajwerzy Zapraszaj CaB Poloni Na Maskarad Dobroczynn. Headline: Wielkie Przygotowania Zrobili Drajwerzy do Maskarady Dobroczynnej. An Ad for the Masked Ball. Headline: Ogromne TBumy Wybieraj Si Na Maskarad Dobroczynn Do Liceum Sw. Jana Kantego. An ad for the Masked Ball Headlines: Polonja Dzis TaDczy Bdzie Na Balu Dobroczynnym w Leceum Na Kantowie. Wielka Zabawa Obysatelska Dnia 3-go Lutego w Sali Liceum Sw. Jana Kantego. Bileta Na Maskarad Dobroczynn S Rozsporzedawane We Wielkiej Ilosci. A large ad for the Masked Ball. Ibid.. Headline: Teraz Wszystkich Na Ustach Niech Bdzie Maskarada Dobroczynna. Two ads for the Masked Ball Photographs: Fr. Justin and Administrators of the Ball. Women s committee for the Masked Ball Photographs: Committee members of the Masked Ball. Some of the costumed performers at the Masked Ball. Ibid.. Headline: Polish Mask Ball Attracts 5000 Persons. Photographs: Two photographs of participants at the ball with caption: Costumes Annihilate Age and Space. Headline: Polish Charity Mask Ball is Gay and Colorful Affair. Photograph of a pair of entertainers at the Masked Ball. Banner Headline: Wszyscy Jutro na Maskarad Dobroczynn  Drajwerw . Photographs: Fr. Provincial, Justin Figas, Leon Kolipinski, F. Rozkwitalski, F. Goroszeski, Fr. Michael Cieslak, and J. Stachowski. Headline: Polonja w Buffalo i Okolicy Gromadnie StawiBa Si Na Maskarad Dobroczynn Do Liceum Sw. Jana Kantego. A large photograph in the Roto-gravure section of The Buffalo Times DEPICTING THE  Krakowiak Native Dance performed by children of the Corpus Christi School. Headline: Czysty Dochd Maskarady Dobrodzynnej OO. Franicszkanw Wynosi $10,167.15. Franciscan Drivers Elect New Chairman. Photograph: John Aszkler. Headline: lista Ofiarodawcw Na Polskie Kolegium z Par. Sw. Floryana, Black Rock. An Obit: S.P. O. StanisBaw Czelusniak, O.M.C. Ibid.. Headline: Holyoke Community and School Building Burns: Loss $200,000: Mater Dolorosa Parish Structure Swept by Fire: building Mass of Flames When Firemen Arrive; Blaze is Visible for Long Distance: Several Firemen Reported Injured. Photograph: Scene during Fire in Holyoke. Continuation of news story on Mater Dolorosa Community Building Fire. Firemen battling Two-alarm Blaze. Headline: Two Firemen Slightly Hurt in Parochial School Blaze. Photograph: Flames Cause Heavy Damage at Holyoke Parochial School. Herald Daily Republican, Tuesday, April 4, 1933: Blaze Sweeps Building at Holyoke with loss estimated at $250,000: Flames Eat Way Through Roof of Parochial School: firemen in Danger as Cornices Fall: Dozen Lines of Hose Laid Walls and 110-foog tower Remain Standing Rebuilding Doubtful. Photograph captioned, flames Work Their Way Through Roof of Mater Dolorosa School at Holyoke. SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 27 Headline: O. Justyn Figas Przemawia Bdzie Na Pikniku Stow. Godziny R|aDcowej An Ad for the Annual picnic. Headline: Ojciec Justyn Jutro na Olbrzymim pikniku w parku  Pary| Photograph: Fr. Justyn. Ad for Picnic (July 29, 1934) Dziennik Polski, 18-go lipca, 1934: Masowy Wiec w Parafji Sw. Jadwigi w Sprawie Godziny R|aDcowej. Wyjasnienie w Sprawie Pikniku Godziny R|aDcowej Dziennik Polski, July 18, 1934: Ojciec Justyn, Nadawca Godziny R|aDcowej, PrzyjB Zaproszenie Na Piknik Olbrzymi Piknik Na korzys Godziny R|aDcowej. Headline: O. Justyn na Pikniku Stowarzyszenia Godziny R|aDcowej. W T Niedziel Polonja ZBo|y Dowd. Photograph captioned  Ojciec Justyn . Headline: Do Polonji w Detroit I Okolicy. Piknik Stow. Opiekkunw Godziny R|aDcowej Gudzi Du|e Zainteresowanie. Headline: CaBa Polonja Wybiera Si Na Piknik Godziny R|aDcowej. Posiedzenie w Sprawie Pikniku Godziny R|aDcowej. Buffalo Polish Group to Attend Outing Here. Headline: Piknik Tow. PrzyjaciB Godziny R|aDcowej. O. Justyn na Pikniku Stowarzyszenia Godziny R|aDcowej. Photograph: Fr. Justin (1934) Headline: Wszyscy Zainteresowani Piknikiem Na Korzys Godziny R|aDcowej. Polish Radio League Picnic: Planned For Sunday When Fr. Justin Will Speak at Paris Park. Photograph: Fr. Justin at standing mike. Headline: TBumy Rodakw i Rodaczek Wybieraj Si Na Piknik Godziny R|aDcowej. BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK Headline: PrzeszBo 15,000 Osb ZjawiBo Si Na Piknik Godziny R|aDcowej. Headlines: Ojciec Justyn i Komitet Pikniku skBadaj podzikowanie. Chicagoska Stacja Radjowa Prowadzi Dalsze Starania o Godz. R|aDcow. Headline: Nadzwyczajne Powodzenie Pikniku Godziny R|aDcowej. Przew. O. Justyn i Komitet ZasyBaj| Podzikowanie. Healines: Stow. Opiekunw Godz. R|aDcowej Urzdza Olbrzymi Piknik w Niedziel. Radio Program to be Continued. Headline: Pikne Zenith Radjo Wartosci $90.00 Wydane Zostanie Za Bilety Wstpu w Ndchodzc Niedziel Na Pikniku Headline: Wycieczka Stow. Opiekunw Godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna Bdzie Atrakcj Najwspanialsz. League Selects Picnic Workers Headline: Ju| w Niedziele Piknik Na Gruntach Kolegjum Polskiego w Athol Springs. Headlines: Rosary League Picks Workers. Komitet Pracownikw Na DzisiejszA Wycieczk. Headlines: Oikinja Tutejsza Da Stoprocentowe Poparcie Godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna Jutro w Piknym Lasku. Rosary League Picnic Draws Nearly 20,000 Composite Photograph: Fr. Michael Cieslik with picnic planners. Four women involved with the picnic. Photograph with caption, Young and Old Enjoy Polish Picnic Photograph of two year old child eating a picnic pickle. Photograph of members of picnic committee. Photograph of Fr. Michael Cieslik with Directors of fund raising. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, August 5, 1934: Banner Headline: Dzes i Uznanie Tym, Ktrzy Godzin R|aDcow Ojca Justyna Dzis Poparli! Newspaper announcement: Pierwszy Program Radjowy Godziny R|aDcowej Nadany Bedzie w NiedzielE, 14 Pa|dziernika (1934) Ibid.. Headline: Rekordowy Wzrost Pocztkowo Skromnego Stow. Opiekunw Godziny r|naDcowej Ojca Justyna: Rzucona Mys. ZaBo|enia Stowarzyszenia By Dopomaga WznioBemu Celowi Podjta ZostaBa Tak Entuzjastycznie, Jak Zadna Inna Idea. A photograph of Father Justin standing by a speaker with caption,  Niech Bdzie Pochwalony Jezus Chrystus . Headline: Dobra Rzecz Znajdzie Nasladowcw Headline: Z Ustknieniem Setki Tysicy Osb Wyczekuje Ka|dej Niedzieli Na Program Radjowy. Photograph: Leon KolipiDski. With caption:  Czesc Mu Thirty-six individual photographs of Drivers. A menu from an evening affair of Drivers. Headline: PrzeszBo 20,000 Osb WzieBo UdziaB w Pikniku Stow. Opiekunw Godziny R|aDcowej A published note of thanks from Leon KolipiDski, president of the supporter of the Rosary hour. Headline: Rosary Hour Fete attracts 20,00. A group photograph of dignitaries attending the Rosary Hour Picnic. A parchment letter thrown out of a plane at the Rosary Hour Picnic dated August 1935. It honors Fr. Justin. Ibid.. Article entitled Katolicy a Radio. Headline: Przewielebny O. Justyn Figas Jutro WygBosi Mow w Sali Sw. Jzafata. Headline: Stow. Pomocy Godziny R|aDcowej PowstaBo Wczoraj w Milwaukee. Headline: Pod Mikroskopen: Jeszcze Lej Ks. Coughlinowi (Dziennik Dla Wszyskich; Pitek, 2-go Lutego, 1934) Headline: Polish Radio Series Ends 8th Season. Headline: Millions Hear Broadcasts Of Rosary Hour Sermons. Photograph: Miss Mary Jung, secretary of Rosary Hour, Miss Stella Ignaszak and Miss Rose Ignaszak, thumbing through the letters from listeners of Rosary Hour. Photographs of principals engaged in an actual broadcast of the Rosary Hour. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Pitek, 14-go Stycznia, 1938: Dzielne Dyrektorki Godziny R|aDcowej, ktre urzdzaj Karcianki i TaDce. Two articles on Rosary Hour. An article about the Radio Apostolate in America in Latin language issued in the Commentarium Ordinis. Headline: Sprawy Nasze. Headline: DoniosBa Nowos: Polska Godzina Katoicka We Filadelfji z Okolic (Gwiazda, Phila., Pa., Czwartek 17-go Marca 1938. Headline: Wa|niejsze Sprawy Bie|ce: Nareszcie cos Dobrego Do Zapisania Continued from 56 Headline: Kiepura Zaspiewa Na Godzinie radiowej Ojca Justyna w T Niedziel Headline: List WysBany do CzBonkw Godz. R|aD. Nowy Zarzd Godziny R|aDcowej Headline: Podzikowanie Mowa Radjowa O. Justyna z KoscioBa Sw. Jadwigi. A letter to his parishioners by Fr. Peter Hajna, Pastor, inviting them to listen to the Rosary Hour. Photograph: Rosary Hour League Prepares for Annual Benefit Dance Sunday. Headline: Na Dochd Godziny R|aDcowej. Photograph: Group from Mother s Club of Corpus Christi Church planning Card Party. Headline: Will Broadcast From Local Church. (Springfield, Mass. 1938. Photograph: Fr. Justin Figas. A letter from Fr. Cyman, Pastor of St. Stanislaus, inviting Fr. Justin to Forty Hours. Photo of Fr. Justin, Minister Provincial speaks at Chicopee Ibid.. Ibid. Photographs from French Language Paper, La Patrie, March 1938 Photograph of Reunion Montreal, Lundi 7 Mars 1938: CAPTION OF PHOTO: Msg. Georges Gauther Benit Leglise Restauree Des Polonais. Ibid. Ibid.. Ibid.. Photograph: A group of Drivers at an outing to Crystal Beach. A photograph of horseman and three other unidentified people with penned notation: Na Wycieczce u P. Hochmuta, 1938 A letter in Italian to Fr. Justin from New York. Photograph with penned notation: Kard. Villemore z Kanady (I Kapelan).. Photographs of Fr. Justin and other Conventuals (Unidentified) Ibid.. BLANK Headline: Father Figas to End Radio Talks in May. Headline: 5000 Expected to Hear Last rosary Talk Headline: Father Justyn Finishes Series of Broadcasts (Buffalo Times) An article on the Rosary Hour. Headline: Smier Fundatorki Ss. Franciszkanek. Mother Mary Collette. The Buffalo Times: Wednesay, July 13, 1938?: Zimmer, Today s Guest Reporter for the times, Tells of Preparations of rosary League Outing. Photographs: Michael E. Zimmer, Frank Jarmusz, Frank Rozkwitalski, Fr. Emil Majchrzak. BLANK Headline: Thousands of Letters Await Return of Radio Preacher. Strajkierzy Sl Podzikowanie O. Justynowi. Thousands of Letters Await Return of Radio Preacher. Headline: Po PrzeszBo 5 Miesicznym Strajku PoDczoszarnia Millfay ZostaBa Dzis Ponownie Otwarta. Headline: Father Justin Writes Accounts of Trip To Vatican As Times Guest Reporter (July 15, 1938) The Buffalo Times, February 17, 1938: Franciscan Drivers to assist Rosary Hour League With Social. Photographs: Frank J. Hochmuth, Fr. Justin, Children s Court Judge victor B. Wylegala Banner Headline: Jutro Zbior Si w Athol Springs |yczliwi Ludzie: Piknik& .. Article on Rosary Hour Picnic. Double page article on Rosary Hour Picnic with photograph of Crows and Activities. Ibid.. Ibid. Headline: Rosary League May Add More Radio Stations. A letter with a photograph from fr. Joachim and Fr. Joseph to Fr. Justin Figas. Article on Fr. Justin with his photograph with caption: Radio Father Justin: Every girl has her own key nowadays Headline: 30,000 Attend Rosary League Annual Outing: Provincial Figas Welcomes Throng at Program in Athol Springs. SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 28 Headlines: Swietnie Wystawiono  Dzieci Wdowy w SierociDcu : Amatorzy Popisali Si piknie. Siostry Felicjanki skBadaj Amatorom Podzikowanie.  El|bieta i Cudowne Lekarstwo. Dzisiaj Zabawa Karciana PaD Klubu Bo|ego CiaBa. Advertisement for  Dzieci Wdowy. (A play performed at Corpus Christi Hall, partly to benefit a home for the aged in Hamburg, N.Y.) Admission 50 cents, 75 cents, and 10 cents for children. Buffalo Times, September 17, 1931: Choir to Present Play: corpus Christi church Group Will stage Freedom and Slavery. A listing of the Cast of Characters from a Play called Nienawis Ojca odegrana przez Klub MBodzie|y Par. Bo|ego ciaBa w Niedziel 23-go Listopada, 1930 w Sali Parafjalnej. Headlines:  Hrabia w ZaBotach Uka|e Si w Niedziel. Wielkie Zainteresowanie  Hrabi w w Zalotach . Chr Parafji Bo|ego CiaBa DoznaB Powodzenia. Chr z Parafji Bo|ego CiaBa Dla Domu Starcw. Chr Parafji Bo|ego CiaBa Dla Domu Starcw. Chr Par Bo|ego CiaBa Dla Domu Starcw. Chr Parafji Bo|ego CiaBa UrzAdza Pikne Przedstawienie Na Dom Starcw. KoBko Dramatyczne MBodzie|y Polskiej Ma Przedstawienie. Headlines: Przedstawienie KBka Dram. MBodzie|y Polskiej. Circle to Stage Play. Wielkie Powodzenie Na Sali Bo|ego CiaBa. Photograph of Joseph Krawczyk as leading role in the play,  W Szponach Zbrodni. Headlines: Atrakcye na Programie Radjowym Braci KolipDskich: Photograph: Gustaw Chorjan, Tenor. Polska Godz. Radjowa Braci KolipiDskich z Okazji Jubileuszu 10-ciolecia Egzystencji Firmy. Panna MBoda w Osobie MieczysBawa Jachimskiego: Photograph: Maria Jachimski Ju| Jutro Wesele Stacha i Marysi! A program of Sunday broadcasts on station WMAK. A program of WEBR. Headlines: Father Justin Feted: Corpus Christi Parish Children Present Program. O. ProwincjaB Justyn Figas Przewodniczcym Komitetu Odzytw Prof. Konopnickeigo. Photograph: Father Justin with school children captioned,  Program Marks Name Day of Father Justyn Figas. Headlines: Rosary Hour Group Has 720 Members: Society Making Plans for Easter Entertainment and Dance. ZaBo|ono Stow. Opiekunw godziny R|aDcowej. Uczczono Ojca Justyna Figasa: Dzisiaj O. Justyn figas obchodzi Dzie.n Swych Imienin. OtrzymaB Stos Gratulacyi od Dziatwy. Photograph: Women officers and directors of the Rosary Hour Society. Pikna Komedja,  Pat I Patachon Ju| w Niedziel. Dajcie Nale|ne Poparcie Godziny R|aDcowej. Swietne Powodzenie Amatorw w Sali Parafji Bo|ego CiaBa Buffalo Evening News, April 7, 1933: Rosary Hour Club To Give Operetta: Photograph of Principals in the cast of  Pat and Patachin Pikna Operetka  Trjka Hultajska Wielkim Sukcesem. $1921.26 WpByneBo z Bazaru Na Godzin R|aDcow $3000 Is Added To Father Figas Broadcast Fund. Operetka  Trjka Hultajska Bdzie Wystawiona w Niedziel Headline: Pierwszy Piknik Stow. Opiekunw Godziny R|aDcowej. Rosary League Picks Workers. Benefit Bazar For Radio Hour To Open Sunday. Headline: Church Bazar Aides feted by Pastor. Tylko 4 Dni Do Ujrzenia  Triki Hultajskiej. Photograph: Rosary Hour League group in charge of the Rosary Hour Benefit Card Party. Headline: Z |ycia Unij Polkiej Towarzysw w Ameryce. Jubileusz Tow. Sw. Aukasza PrzyszedB Nader Podniosle. Buffalo Evening News, Tuesday, April 14, 1936: Photograph of amateurs Honored at Lyceums Business circle Show. Youthful Trio Judged Best At St. John Kanty Show. Raszaja To Direct Minstral of Parish. Union Society is 10 Years Old. Photograph: Joseph Skalski, Rev. Stanislaus Fimewich, Leon Kirszenstein and Rev. John Hrycyna. Headline: Singing Circle Attracts 1500 To Fall Show. SECTION VI SCRAPBOOK 29 WORLD WAR II CARTOONS COMPILED BY FR. JUSTIN FIGAS, OFMConv. (Cartoons are readable on CD labeled Scrapbook 29) SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 3O NEWS ARTICLES ON THE PROHIBITION COMPILED BY FR. JUSTIN FIGAS, OFMConv. (News Articles on the Prohibition are readable on CD labeled Scrapbook 30) SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 31 NEWS ARTICLES AND PHOTOGRAPHS 1938-1939 COMPILED BY FR. JUSTIN FIGAS, OFMConv. Headline: Z par. Sw. StanisBawa Headlines: Polish Catholic Hour (Register, Oct 30, 1938) Godzina Ro|aDcowa Headlines: Program Godziny Ro|aDcowej O. Justyna. Przewiel. O. Justyn Figas Zaczyna Now Serj Mw Photograph: Standing photograph of fr. Justin at a microphone. Headline: Program Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna Nadany Zostanie w T Niedziel w Kociele Bo|ego CiaBa. Headline: Father Justin Returns: WBNY. Western Union Telegram: To Fr. Justin Figas from Father Xavier Dominiak. Headline: Priest Resumes Radio Sermons. Father Figas Opens Series of Religious Broadcasts. CARTOON of Hitler Captioned: Hot Head, Cold Feet. Gwiazda  Star: 1938: Rozpoczcie  Godziny R|aDcowej w Niedziel. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, November 11, 1938: Przesliczny Program Radjowy Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna w Niedziel. Photograph: Fr. Provincial, Justin Figas, Ks. Pralat Fr. Kasprzak. Headline: Ks. PraBat Franciszek Kasprzak PrzemawiaB Na Godzinie R|aDcowej O. Justyna. Rzemwi Na Godzinie R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna. Photograph: Ks. Piotr J. Mellerski. Headline: Ojciec Justyn Wielkie Daje Uznanie Matkom Polkom. A letter to Fr. Justin Figas from St. Stanislaus in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Headline: 50,000 Greetings Being Sent to Rosary Hour Members. Rekolekcje we Villa Maria Pod Kierownictwem O. Justyna, ProwincjonaBa. Headline: Z Lawrenceville. News clipping has penned notations Gwiazda: Philadelphia, December 15, 1938. Headline: Przemwi Jutro Na Godzinie R|aDcowej. Photograph: Fr. Franc.. Radziszewski Large Double Page photoraph entitled: Kongres DuchowieDstwa Polskiego: w Pittsburghu, PA ... 1938 Ibid.. Headline: Na Widowni: Gdyby Dzis |yB Sw. PaweB... An ad with photo of Fr. Justin with Christmas Greetings to the listeners of the Rosary Hour. Headline: Pikn Mow WygBosiB Na Godzinie R|aDcowej. Photograph: Ks. Antoni Majewski. Headline: Wszyscy Polscy Ksi|a Zaproszeni na Uroczystos Ku Czci Sw. Andrzeja Boboli. Pen and Ink rendering of Sw. Jzafat Kuncewicz, Patron Bazyliki. Headline: Wszyscy Polacy Katolicy w Milwaukee Zaproszeni s do Bazyliki Sw. Jzafata: Na Uroczystos na Czes Switego Andrzeja Boboli. A penned notation in gloss by Fr. Justin. Articles on the celebration in honor of Andrew Bobola. Articles on the celebration in honor of Andrew Bobola with Photograph of Archbishop Samuel A. Stritch with caption:  Wezm UdziaB w Uroczystosi. News photograph of Bishop Paul Rhode. Headline: Urzdzaj ZabawE Na Dochd Godziny R|aDcowej. News photograph of Bishop StanisBaw Bona. News photograph of Bishop Joseph Plagens. Headline: J. E. KS Biskup Plagens Pontyfikowa Bdzie Jutro Rano w Bazylice Sw. Jzafata. Small news photograph of Ks. PraBat B. E. Gral. Photograph of painting of St. Andrew Bobola which was to be blessed at the Basilica. An article and photo about Bishop Plagens. Headline: Przy WypeBnionej Bazylice ZaczBy Si Nabo|eDstwa Ku Czci Sw. Andrzeja Boboli News photograph: Group photo of Bishop Francis Bonczak, Fr. Maksymilian Lawnicki, Fr. Stanislalus Cybulski, and Bishop Leon Grochowski Headli  L S h i o t a  ̶iYUJB:B:B:B:BhrB* ph3hQ|B* ph3hQ|5CJ\aJhQ|h4*h#9CJOJQJ\aJ+h#9h#95B*CJ,OJQJ\aJ,ph"h#9h#95CJ,OJQJ\aJ,hQ|5CJOJQJ\aJ+hKh4*5B* CJOJQJ\aJph `+hKh!5B* CJOJQJ\aJph `"h!h4*5CJOJQJ\aJ"h!h4*5CJOJQJ\aJjh4*5CJU\aJ  h i  " Y v *c & FgdQ|$a$$ & Fa$$a$! $a$gd! 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Ks Biskup PaweB Rhode Dzis PontyfikowaB w Bazylice Sw. J ozefata. Headline: Przemwi w Niedziel Na Programie Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna. Photographs: J.E. Ks. Biskup PaweB Rhode. Ks. MichaB Biniszkiewicz. A letter from Fr. Felix Baran, Pastor of the Basilica of Sw. Jzafat to his parishioners. Headlines: Holy Name Unit Plans Service. Tow. Najsw. Imienia Jezus Na Wojciechowie Urzdza Przyjcie. Photographs: two pictures of Fr. Justin. Headlines: Dzis Uroczystosci Ku Czci Sw. Andrzeja Boboli Celebrowal J. W. Ks. Biskup Bona. 5-ty Dorczny Bal Godziny R|aDcowej Ol Justyna. Headline:  Trzymajcie Si Wiary Ojcw WoBaB Wczoraj J. E. Biskup Rhode. Headline: W Niedziel ZakoDczenie Uroczystosci Ku Czci Sw. Polskiego Andrezeja Boboli. Ibid. Ibid. Headline: 6,000 Osb ByBo Wczoraj w Bazylice Sw. Jzafata. An ad from the Goofus Club of Springfield announcing a  Gigantic Benefit Show . Photograph: P. Ludwik Samulski Headlines: Ks. Bp. Rhode na Ceremoniach Ku Czci Sw. Andrzeja Boboli. Placwka Polskosci. A Western Union Telegram from Father Charles to Father Justin. Headline: Polacy w Ameryce. Headlines: Ks. WBad. Brejski PrzemawiaB Na Godzinie R|aDcowej. Przemwi Jutro Na Godzinie R|aDcowj. O. Justyna. (A photograph of speaker: Ks. Cezary Krzy|an.) Gov. Heil Invited To Attend special Basilica Services.. Czyni Przygotowania Na Wielk Skal. Gwiazda, Philadelphia, January 26, 1939: Pamitajcie o Polskiej Godzinie Radjowej. Photograph: Mothers Club Committee of Corpus Christi Parish planning a card party. Headline: W PrzyszB Niedziel Karcianka Na Dochd Godziny R|aDcowej. Przemowi Jutro Na Programie Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna, (Photograph of Ks. Antoni Krawczyk.) A letter from Joseph Kania of the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America to Fr. Jerzy Rozkwitalski. Headline: Swito Skautw ZPRK. Photographs: Ks. Jan Zwierzchowski and Fr. Justyn Figas. Full-page newspaper story headlined: Ojciec Justyn Mwi Jutro Audytorium Zjednoczenia. Photographs: Fr. Justin, Jon A. Troike, Jozef L. Kania, I Edmund Terlikowski Ibid. Headline: Rozpocznie Si z Msz swit O Godz. 10 Rano. Program Godziny R|ancowej w Auditorium Zjedn. O. Justyn Gosciem Polonji w Chicago. Headline: Godzina R|aDcowa O. Justyna Nadan Bdzie z Chicago. An admission ticket to an  Evening of Magic presented by the Goofus Club of Springfield. Banner Headline from Nard Polski, February 16, 1939: PrzeszBo Milion SBuchaBo programu Ojca Justyna z Audytroium Z.P.R.K. Photograph: Ks. Jan Zwierzchowski. Ibid.. Photographs: Fr. Justin with caption: Z Niedzielnego swieta MBodzie|y. Headline: Iskierki z Pobytu Ojca Justyna w Chicago. Headline: Jedna  Godzina R|aDcowa Ojca Justyna. Headline:  DaBbym Wam Swe Serce  Ojciec Justyn do Skautw Zjednoczenia. Photograph: Fr. Justyn presents trophy to Scouts. Headline: Mowa Prezesa Jzefa Kani Na Godzinie Ksidza Justyna. Headline: Honorowy Kapelan Zjednoczenia NawoBuje do Organizowania Sie. Photograph: Ks. Bronislaw Celichowski speaks at the affair. Full Page on Scout Celebration with panoramic photograph of church interior. Ibid.. Headline: PokBosie: Jeszcze z UbiegBej Uroczystej Niedzieli. A letter from Rev. Stanislaus J. SBominski to Fr. Justyn. Nard Polski: february 16, 1939: Pameitny ByB to DzieD Dla Wszystkich. Photographs of participants of the Scout Affair. Ibid.. Headline: Przemwi Na Programie Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna. Photograph: Ks. MieczysBaw Kobielski. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, February 18, 1939: W Liceum Sw. Jana Kantego Bdzie Si Bawi Jutro CaBe Buflopole. Photograph: Committee for fr. Justin s fundraiser. Headline: GBos Ojca Justyna Na Radjo Dnia 6-go Listopada. Photograph: Fr. Justin. Photograph: Ju| w Niedziel Bawimy Si w Liceum Kantego Aby Dopomc Sprawie Nader Szlachetnej. Photograph: Kazimierz Urban. Zabawa Na Dochd Godziny R|aDcow. MiaBa Powodzenie. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, PoniedziaBek, 10 Pa|dziernika, 1938: Photograph: Committee of the Roszry League. Program Godziny R|aDcowej Nadany Bdzie z Chicopee. Headline: $5000 To Jeszcze Nie Wszystko. A penned note by Fr. Justin. Headline: Troch Sensu I Nonsensu. Ibid. Headline: Na Czasie Headline: WspaniaBy program Godziny R|aDcowej Przew. O. Justyna. Headline: Ks. Biskup Wo|nicki Przemawia Bdzie Podczas Audycji Godziny R|aDc. Headline: Ks Biskup Wo|nicki PrzemawiaB Na Godzinie R|aDcowej. Headline: Przemwi Jutro Na Programie Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna. Headline: Ojciec Justyn Odwiecza Tutejsze Parafje. Headline: Ojciec Justyn GosciB Na Plebanji Kapelana Stow. Kasy Ksidza S. Jerzaka. O. Justyn we Filadelfji Headline: Rosary Hour Broadcast Will Have Origin Here. Feature Headline: Kronika Miejscowa: Z Pobytu O. Justyna We Filadelfji. Ibid.. Ibid. Headline: Jutro ZakoDczenie Nowenny w Parafji Sw. Jana Gwalberta. Pojutrze  KBopoty Siekerkw w Audytorium Zjednoczenia. Karcianka PoBczona z Zabaw Na Dochd godz. R|aDcowej O. Justyna. Photograph: with penned caption:  Wiel. Ks. Karcz udziela Kom. Sw. PrzeszB0 1200 skautom... Photograph: Fr. Justin delivers sermon to the scouts. Photograph: Penned caption: Major Kelly w otoczeniu zarzdu Zjedn. Na plebani zacnego Proboszcza Zwirzchowkiego. Photograph: Fr. Justin with penned caption:  Servus wygla wymczony bo to po  obiadzie! Kazanie go nie mdzy ale jedzenie  o la Boga!! Photograph: Penned caption: & . guest speaker, na programie radiowym zjednocz. W domu MBodzie|y. Photograph: Penned caption: Przemawia Prezes P. Kania! Photograph: Penned caption: Servus znw wyglda jak by na nagniotki dept ano! P. Trjki anonser! ( ? ) Photograph: Penned caption: Servus odpowiada na pytania! He s up to some monkey-bysnes? Photograph of Fr. Justin bestowing award to scouts. Photograph of scouts with Fr. Justin amidst group. Photographs: Penned caption:  Servus, z nigerkami w S. Amer. Na schodach Kosciola. Penned caption 2:  Znow z maluskiemi w Carthegana Photograph 1: Penned caption: MaBy  water-boy . 2. penned caption: Prawdziwi  rhumbasticis Photograph 1: Penned caption:  Kopiety w Jamaica wzgardliwiw pokazuj zadki fotografowi! Photograph 2: Penned caption:  Przywo| banany do okrtw Photograph 1: Penned caption:  Banany, banany Photograph 2: O Yes, we have lots of bananas? Many and much! Three photographs of dinner in Granby dining room with captions: Przygotowanie! Atak! Wojna! Headlines: Koncert Chru Par. Bo|ego CiaBa. Karty na Rzecz Godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna. Charities Drive Needs $48,000. Headline: Radio Priest Delivers Address on  Home Life . Sermon is printed in The Evening Tribune, Lawrence Mass., Monday March 27, 1939 Ibid.. Headline: SBowo Serdecznego Wezwania! Ibid. Photograph 1: Penned caption:  Polska  Krlowa Jadwiga. Photograph 2: Penned Caption: WBochy  Grb Sw. Franciszka. Photograph 1: Penned Caption: Japonja  SzkoBa pod Direkcj naszych OO. Photograph 2: Painting: Mdzennicy Franciszkanie w Wilnie: Penned Caption: Polaska i Nasi!!! Letter from Chicopee to Fr. Provincial, Fr. Justin Figas. Letter from Bishop Michael J. Curley, Archbishop of Baltimore to Fr. Justin. Headline: Zabawa Karciana I TaDce Na Korzys Godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna. Ju| Jutro Wielka Zabawa Karicana na dochd Godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna. Headline: O. Justyn Bdzie Na Dniu Polskim Z.P.R.K. Chr Parafji Bo|ego CiaBa Zaprasza Polonj Na Koncert. Ibid. Headline: Kolekta We Wszystkich Polskich KoscioBach Na Fundusz Obrony Narodowej w Niedziel. Buffalo Times, Monday, April17, 1939: Fr. Figas Broadcasts Appeal for Aid to Poland. Radio Priest Asks Auditors to Swell Fund. Powinnismy Zmieni Prawo Stanw ZJ. O Neutralnosci. OO. Franciszkanie Dali $1,000 Ibid.. Headline: Nie Dajcie Si BaBamuci. Dyrektorki Stow. Godziny R|aDcowej Podejmowane Na Swiconce. Letter from Nowiny Publishing Co. to Fr. Justin Figas. Karcianka I Bal Na dochd Godziny R|aDcowej. OO. Franicszkanie Dali w Milwaukee $1000.00 Headline: Ojciec Justyn Przybywa Ponownie do Filadelfji. Headline: Program Godziny R|aDcowej w te Niedziel z Auditorium Sw. Jana Kantego na Bridesburgu. Headline: O. Justyn Bawi We Filadelfji. Headline: Ambasada Polska ZaprosiBa O. Justyna na Otwarcie Pawilonu Headline: Father Figas to Preach at World s Fair Service. Photography: Fr. Justin. Headline: Przew. O. ProwincjaB Justyn Figas WygBosi Kazanie w Katedrze Sw. Patryka w New Yorku. Postal Telegraph to Fr. Justyn regarding World/s Fair. A letter from Joseph Kaszusowski, Attorney at Law to Fr. Justin concerning St. Patricks Mass and Polish Pavilion at Worlds Fair. Photograph dedicating the Polish Pavilion at the Worlds Fair. Headline: Potocki Tells Fair Throng Poles Will Fight Invasion. Headline: Cathedral Crowd Hears Polish Mass: 5,000 Attend Service at St. Patricks Before Opening of Pavilion at Fair. Invitation from President of New York Worlds Fair, 1939, to Fr. Justin for Luncheon. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich Sroda, 3-go Maja, 1939: Group photograph of delegation from Dziennik tot he Worlds fair. Ibid.. Headline: Polska Bdzie Pierwszem PaDstwem Swiata  PowiedziaB Prow. Justyn Figas w Katedrze Sw. Patryka w New Yorku. Headline: Tysice Osb Pragnie by Program Radiowy Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna ByB Nadal Nadawany. Najlepszego Gatunku PrzescieradBa Jako Premje Za Gr w Karty w Liceum Kantego Headline: Polonja ZBo|y w Niedziel Dowd, Ze Ocenia Program Godz. R|. O. Justyna. Headline: Oficjalne i Uroczyste Otwarcie Polskiego Pawilonu Na Wystawie Swiatowej w New Yorku. Headline: Uroczyste Nabo|eDstwo w Katedrze Sw. Patryka PoprzedziBo Otwarcie Polskiego Pawilonu Na Wystawie. South Bend Tribune: Tuesday, May 9, 1939: Record Crowd Hears Priest Headline: Olbrzymie Powodzenie Dorocznej Karcianki I Balu Ligi Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna 5-letnia Uroczystos Godziny R|. Headline: Buffalowiania Wrcili z 1-szej Wycieczki Swiatowej systawy w New Yorku Pod Egid  Dziennika Headline: Polonja Buffaloska Solidarnie Zorganizowana Stawi Si w Liceum Kantergo Jutro A letter from the Commissary General, Stefan Ropp to Fr. Justin in regard to the World s Fair, 1939. A public letter to Fr. Justin in regard to the 5th anniversary of the Rosary Hour. Photographs of Fr. Justin at lectern in St. Lawrence Church. Ibid.. Headline: Kazimierz Urban Przewodniczcym Pikniku Godz. Ro|. Headline: Over 3,000 Pay Final Tribute to Pastor of St. Stanislaus Church Headline: Ks. Justyn Przybdzie Na DzieD Polski Do Parku Marmsa w Dniu 25 Czerwca: Dziennik Zjednoczenia, 8-go Czerwca. Headline: Pamitajcie..o..Dniu Polskim ZPRK. Photograph: Fr. Bede Hess, General of Franciscan Conventuals with Fr. Michael Cieslik and Fr. Aloysius Sobus. Headline: Thousands Pay Final Tribute to Beloved Polish Church Pastor. Headline: S.P. Ks. Cyprian Adamski ZBo|ony Na Wieczny Spoczynek. Headline: Mowa Pogrzebowa: Wypowiedziana na Pogrzebie S.P. Ksidza Cypriana Adamskiego Przez Ksidzia w Sikor Ibid.. Ibid. Photographs: Groundbreaking for old folks home Public letter from the  Stowarzyszenie Opiekunw Godziny R|aDcowej. Headline: Zapraszamy Na Wielki DzieD Polski Zjednoczenia Photograph of graduates of St. Francis. Headlines: Uroczystos z Okazji 5-lecia Godziny R|aDcowej. Piknik Godziny R|aDcowej. Dziennik Zjednoczenia, Sobota, 17go Czerwca, 1939: Staraniem PoBdzonych Osad Zjednoczenia Odbdzie si DZIEC POLSKI ZJEDNOCZENIA w Niedziel 25-go Czerwca  w Harms Parku. Otwarcie Kursu Instruktorskiego ZPRK. W Seminarium OO. Franciszkanow w Granby, Mass. Headline: W Niedziel DzieD Polski Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Headline: Dr. J.J. Szczepaniak Wystpuje Przeciw SkBadkom na Dozbrojenie Polski Zbieranych w Ameryce. Headline: WspaniaBy Sukces Dnia Polskiego Zjednoczenia. OPEN LETTER CONCERNING BISHOP SHEIL. Headline: Zjednoczenie P.R.K. SkBada $7,700.oo Na Rzecz Seminarium Polskiego. Headline: Moore Turns Up As Attorney for Company Union. Headline: James Moore s Labor Record Headline: Istniejemy Od Tysica Lat! Front page of Dzennik Zjednoczenia A letter from Fr. Kaczmarek to Fr. Justin Figas. SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 32 Newspaper Articles compiled by Fr. Faustin Zator, OFMConv. 1930s 1940s FLOODS WORLD WAR II TRAIN WRECK Headline: Dr. Hassett Is Honored by Clergy and Laity: Twenty-Fifth anniversary of Widely Known clergymans Elevation Is Celebrated Her today: Jubilee mass Sung by Beloved Priest. St. Edwards Alumni To Hold Annual Dinner: 21st Reunion Will Be Held Monday Night in Parish Hall Shamokin News-Dispatch, Shamokin, PA: 1905 Flivver:, Worth $40,000, is Used in Schnader Campaign. Photograph: Campaign people pictured with gas buggy of the vintage of 1905 hits the road in behalf of William A. Schrader, Republican candidate. Headline: 31 Seniors Graduate St. Edwards High. Rev. Dr. Hassett Preaches to St. Edwards Class: Rector Gives annual Baccalaureate sermon to Graduates. Headlines: St. Stanislaus Will Graduate Pupils Sunday. 19 Graduated at St. Marys. St. Stanislaus Will Graduate Pupils. Headlines: Students Will Give Program In Church Hall. Speed of Light Re-calculated By Scientists. Past Wrecks On Reading Lines Are Recalled: Veteran Rail Men Discuss Crashes Which Proved Costly to Company Photograph: Aerial Camera Tells Story of Trains Dive. Train derailment near Sunbury, Pa. Shamokin, PA., Saturday, February 1, 1936: Direct Clean up of Wreck. Photographs: Derailment of train at entrance to the Susquehanna River. Headline: State and federal Investigators View Scene But Refuse to Make Public Their Findings: Condition of two Passengers Grave. Headline: 150 Families Forced To Abandon Homes as Area is Flooded Headline: Flood Stage To Be Exceeded in Capital Today: 23 Feet of Water at Harrisburg Predicted by Weather Bureau: Homes Are Flooded. Headline: Threats of Disastrous Floods in Central Pennsylvania Diminish as Crest Is Reached. Medicine Curbs Suicide Trend: Psychological Association Hears Savant Tell of New Drug. See and Know Pennsylvania: Blue Rocks in Berks. Headline: Entire County Area Along Susquehanna River is in Grip of Serious Flood Conditions: Families Evacuate Their Residences. Photograph: Car and building in flooded area in Mountain View, N.J. Headline: Rivers Flood Gold Triangle At Pittsburgh: Damage From Flood in Smoky City Runs into Millions: City is Paralyzed. Headline: Renovo Faces Food Shortage: one-Fourth of Population Homeless in Wake of Flood. Flood Records Shattered by Susquehanna: River Doubles Flood Stage at Many Points: Feet at Capital. Photograph of man being rescued from flooding waters. Headlines: Former Moose Building to Be Headquarters for Refugees: Housing is Sought. Guard Moving into Johnstown to Quiet City: Three Companies Take up Posts and More Are Expected Hourly: 15,000 Destitute. Photograph: A flooded city street in Gardiner, ME. Headlines: Amateur Radio Operators Get News of Flood. Water Has Mounted to Top of Traffic Standard and Fourth and Market Streets: hotel Lobby Filled: Dyke Breaks, Lets In Water. (News Story from Sunbury, Pennsylvania.) Six Dead, Several Missing at Sunbury: Forty Scarlet Fever Cases, Ten of Measles Isolated by Authorities; Over Fifty Nurses at Work: Two Children Born in Flood. Headline: Sunbury Scene of Desolation as Water Sweeps over City: Suffering Intense. Panoramic photo of flood with headline reading: As Flood Waters of Raging Susquehanna Spread Devastation in city of Sunbury. Ibid.. Headline: Washington In Peril. Photographs captioned: Rampaging Potomac Strikes at Hancock, Md. Plane Trapped by Water at Capital Air field, Photographs of flood Photographs captioned: Oldtown, Maryland, in Floods Grip. Battling Torrents Second Time Within Year. Photographs captioned: How Floods Disrupted Rail communications. Four photographs depicting various areas of the flood. Photographs of flood in Pittsburgh. A PHOTOGRAPH OF PRESIDENT FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT ACCOMPANIED BY SECRETARY OF WAR, DERN LEAVING WHITE HOUSE TO VIEW FLOODED AREAS. Photographs of flood in Sunbury, Pennsylvania, victims of Susquehanna flooding. Photographs of flooding. Photographs of flooding Photographs of flooding Headline: New Coal Cleaning Plant Is Given Official Approval by Stevens Company after Rigid Test: Strikes a Note of Optimism ( Saturday, January 16, 1937) Ibid.. Ibid.. Headline: First Mass is Sung by 2 New Local Priests: Auspicious Religious Ceremony Held in St. Edwards Church. Headline: Rev. J. MGlynn Celebrates His First High Mass: Shamokin Boy Presides at Service in St. Edwards Church. Violated Decree Rewarded by Pope: Brescas Have Sole Palm Sale Right At St. Peters. Force of Gravity Increases Power: Miami Inventor Calls Principle of saver of Energy. Headline: Business: What is Surplus Misunderstood Item Not solely Cash Time-Acquired Kept Intact Headline: Sacred Orders Conferred At Granby Seminary: Photograph of friars in various ordination stages. Headline: Military Rites Arranged For Thos. Goheen: Motor Driven Caisson to Transport Body to Cemetery. Photograph entitled Anguish (People die in a fire in Brooklyn tenement.) Headline: Poland Reborn in Exile: Suicidal Fury Spurs Polish Paratroopers; ready for Invasion. Headline: Fury Spurs Polish Paratroopers. Photograph: Polish Paratroopers prepare for Shortest Way Back to Poland Headline: Somewhere in Scotland by Ivan H. Peterman. Headline: Poland Reborn in Exile: Descendants of Scots Of an Olden Day Fight Under Polands Banner. Photograph: Preparing to call on Hitler. Headline: Poland Reborn in Exile: Phila. Draft Rejectee found doing His Bit With Fighting Poles. Photograph: Frank Lucas. Headline: U.S.Soviet Ties Lack Political Comradeship. (Westbrook Pegler) Headlines: Jap Beheading of Allied Flier: Captured diary Pictures Grisly Samurai Rite at Salamanca. Jap Beheading of Allied flier. Headline: Mid do Picia. A recipe entitled: Chleb z Rodzynkami Blank. Headline: Java Man an Ape, Finder says Now: Du Bois Paper Expresses Doubt of Human Links Scientists Adjourn. Headline: Non-material Force Held Creator of Man Headline: Stalin Dodges Onus For Axis Stab-in-back. Headline: NRPB Report on Birth Rate Decline Flayed. Headline: Child Costs Parents $7762 During the First 18 Years. A graph indicating the drinking habits of the Army. A full-page story entitled: YOUTHRUNNING WILD. Symbolic Photograph. Photo of J. Edgar Hoover. Headline: Baltimore Officials Map Delinquency War. Headlines: Spending Millions on Playgrounds Cant Hit Root of Child Delinquency. Says Modern Educational Ideas Foster Slackness in Child Character. Sees Discipline in Scholarship And Conduct Educational issue. Headlines: Divorce and War Strain American Family Ties. Relating the New York Mind to Weakened Political Principles. Modernistic Education Trust Cant Suppress Teacher Criticism. Headlines: First Lady Needs Lesson On Taverns. Christianity Is Upheld As solution for Peace. Headlines: It Makes You Believe in God. Twice in a Generation. Deaf, Dumb and Blind? Atheists and Fox-Holes. Faith the First Thing. Headline: German Churchmen Psalm for Pilots Program for Action Acres of Diamonds Shape of Things. Headline: Protestant Church Hit as Wanton by Cleric. Ad: Calling All Protestants! Headline: Two Fish Leap Into Life Raft After Pilot Prays For Food. Navy Explains its Etiquette. Headline: The Saga of a Bomber With a Prayer on Nose. Dead Man Gives Reply to Prayer. Blank Headline: The Childrens Corner by Uncle Skippy. Ibid.. A letter from Milicjia Niepokalana. Typewritten Essays: 1. Interview Schedule on communist Labor Activities. 2. Confidential Report on Communist ActivitiesApril 1943 The Religious Bulletin: The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC. A Series of Articles on the topic of StudentsApproaches to Life. SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 33 POEMS AND ARTICLES IN THE ITALIAN LANGUAGE FROM ROME COMPILED BY FR. JUSTIN FIGAS. AN INSERT OF A FEATURE NEWS ARTICLE ENTITLED GREAT NOVELISTS OF THE DAY. SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 34 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES AND LITERATURE COMPILED BY FR. JUSTIN FIGAS. SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 35 A COLLECTION OF POSTAL CARDS FROM ITALY DEPICTING SCRIPTURAL SCENES, POPES, GEOGRAPHICAL SITES OF ITALIAN CITIES, THE SISTINE CHAPEL IN THE VATICAN AND ROMAN CHURCH INTERIORS SECTION VI SHELF 3 SCRAPBOOK 36 FAMILY DOCUMENTS, PHOTOS, OBITUARY NOTICES (JACOB FIGAS, FR. JUSTINS FATHER, CLIPPINGS OF SCRANTON CONTROVERSY, NEWSPAPER ARTICLES. COMPILED BY FR. JUSTIN. Page Inner cover: Passport of Fr. Justins Father, Jacob Figas Certified letter in the German language headed, Militaria A recommendation note for Jacob Figas from A.W. Szmigiel, Pastor of St. Josephs Church. A certificate of dismissal from military for Jacob Figas. The termination of a housing contract from a tenement owned by McClure Coke Company for Jacob Figas dated April 15, 1891, Everson, Penna. An undeciferable letter dated December 20, 1887 A letter from Mrs. Jan Jakubowski with salutation, Kochany Kolego. Dated Detroit, November 4, 1889 A letter from McClure Pa., dated 1896 pleading for help (unsigned, unfinished) A letter from Fr. Justin (Michael) to his parents dated Trenton, NJ, August 8, 1901. A letter from Fr. Justin to his Brother dated Trenton, NJ, 13go Wrzesnia, 1906 A letter from Fr. Justin to his parents dated Rome, 127 Wrzesnia, 1909 Document: Naturalization of Jacob Figas, dated March 13, 1890 Annual Expense accounts for Michael Figas (Fr. Justin) Ibid.. Ibid. Blank A letter from Marcien Wardynski A letter from Jakub Szymanski, from Buffalo, N.Y. A letter from Jan Skowronski to his brother dated March 18, 1888 A letter from Mcclure, PA dated March 26, 1886 to his brother Two small notes written by Jacob Figas tracing the major events of his life. An expense account written by Jacob Figas Blank Photographs. 1. Photo is titled: Tatus I sp Joz. Szelagowski po Kandyjkiej Stronie. 2. Fr. Justyn przy Teutonia Parku w roku 1913. 3. Brat Akexander, Taus i Joz Szelagowski. Western Union Telegram to Fr. Justin announcing death of father signed Steve Western Union Telegram to Fr. Justin announcing death of father signed Fr. Michael. Western Union Telegram to Fr. Justin expressing condolences at death of father from the Rosary Hour members Ibid.. from Rosary Hour drivers. Ibid.. from Dr. and Mrs. John P. Boroszewski. Ibid.. from B. S. Kamienski. Ibid.. from Prezes, Jan Romaszkiewicz. Ibid.. from Bernard and Blaise Ibid.. from Rev. Stephen and Ted. Ibid.. from Rev. A J. Majewski Ibid. from Norbert Ibid.. from Archbishop and Metropolitan Chapter signed Mgr. Deschamps Ibid.. from Father Marian and Fathers. Ibid.. from Janusz Lindener. Ibid.. from Fr. Norbert Letter from Manufacturers and Traders Trust Co., Buffalo, NY signed by William Pogonzala expressing sympathy. Sympathy letter from the Koronika Seraficka signed by Fr. Jozef, franciszkanin. Sympathy letter from Fr. Eugieniusz, OFMConv. Sympathy letter and note. Sympathy letter from Fr. Bernand and Fr. Blas.. Sympathy note from Fr. Lawrence Cyman. Sympathy letter and note. Sympathy cards. Sympathy cards. Western Union Telegram expressing sympathy fro Franciscan Fathers of Rochester. Ibid.. from Father Charles Ibid. from Roy L. Albertson Ibid.. from  CzBonkowie Stowarzyszenia Opieki godziny R|aDcowej. Ibid.. From Stanley ZabBonski. Ibid.. from Jozef I Aleksander Ruszkiewicz. Ibid.. from Edwin L. Kantowski Ibid. from H. H. Howell Ibid.. from Franciscan Sister Mary Joseph. Ibid.. from the Drivers. Ibid.. from A. Sakowski Ibid.. from Nowiny Publishing Company Ibid. from Mr. And Mrs. Kaz Urban Ibid.. from Franciscan Sisters in Chicopee. Ibid.. from Fr. Marian. Sympathy cards. Sympathy Cards Sympathy letter from Sister M. Agata Headline: Jakub Figas Ojciec Ks. Justyna ZmarB w Czwartek w Everson Pa. Jakb Figas, Ojciec Ksiedza Justyna ZmarBw Everson, PA Sympathy letter. Sympathy card signed by Vincent Boruszewski. Fr. Justin wrote in margin:  Ze Stanowego Wiezienia w Attica. NY Sympathy letter from the bishop of the Diocese of Rockford, Edward Hoban. Headline: Ojciec O. ProwincijaBa Justyna ZmarB. Published Sympathy Notes Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Headline: Mass for Rev. Figas father to be Sung. Sympathy letter from Fr. Marcel, OMC Ibid.. from Fr. Ignatius. Headline: Switeczne Dary Biskupa Dla Klery Headline: Jak Przyjty ZostaB Komitet Parafjalny w Kancelarji Biskupiej. Headline: Jeszcze Jeden Dowd Rwnotraktowania Polskiego Kleru. Headline: PogoD Za Dolarem Pod PBaszczem Religji Ibid. Headline: W ScrantoDskiej Diecezji Zakazano Odprawia Pasterk o PBnocy Ibid.. Headline: NadszedB Czas DziaBania Ibid.. Ibid.. Headline: Nie Trzeba PrzeksztaBca Faktw Ibid.. Ibid.. Headline: Czy PosBannictwo Nasze SpeBnimy. Headline: Gdzie Jest Prawda? Ibid.. Ibid.. Headline: Rzymski Jastrzb I Polski GoBbek Ibid.. Ibid.. Headline: Rozmyslania  Grnika O Rzymskim Jastrzbiu Headline: Kto Zwyci|y  Polski Dawid, Czy Rzymski Goliat Radjowy? Ibid. Ibid.. Ibid.. Headline: SBuszny bunt w Diecezji Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Headline: Lepsza SBomiana Zgoda Jak ZBoa KBtnia Headline: Powr|nik i Pokutnik Ibid. Ibid. Headline: IdeaB Wiary w Ptach Materjalizmu Headline: Wiara w Ptach Materjalizmu Ibid.. Ibid.. Headline: Czy Sieroty Otrzymaj $1,000? (Footnote by Fr. Justin) Headline: Pod Prgierz Opinji Publicznej Ibid.. Ibid.. Headline: Ktos Ty Jest? Headline: Doroczna Afera Na Godzin R|aDcow. Rosary Hour League Ready for Social. Program Ku Czci Matek w Niedziel. Photographs: Fr. Justin, Leon KolipiDski Headline: O. Justyn Figas WygBosi Jutro Mow Ku Czci Matek w Broadway Auditor. Photographs: Fr. Justin and individual photos of drivers. Headline: Rosary League Names Workers. W Broadway Auditorjum Uczci Polonja w Niedziel Wszystkie Matki. Headline: Hundreds Head Father Justyn Laud Mothers. Headline: Wielkie Powodzenie Piknej Zabawy. Photographs:  Rekordowe Poparcie Zabawy Na Dochd Godziny R|a ncowej O. Justyna Ad for Old God Cigarettes featured Fr. Justin Figas. Headline: SpeBnijmy Swj Obowizek Wzgldem Sierot. Headline: O. ProwincjaB Justyn Na ZakoDczenie Misji Sw. W Par. Sw. Wojciecha B.M. Headine: Wiadomos I Podzikowanie od Godziny R|aDcowej Headline: Polacy w Diecezji ScrantoDskiej {daj Swych Praw. Headline: Wrogowie Postpu i Tradycji Polskiej. Headline: Prawda w Oczy Kole Headline: Apel Do Komitetw Parafjalnych Headline: Odpowied| Na List Ksidza F. X. Kurkowskeigo Ibid.. Headline: Co Wolno Ksiciu To Nie Wolno Prosiciu Headline: Prymicja Ks. Kleofasa Sikorskiego Headline: Odpowied| w Dalszym Cigu Na List Ks. Kurkowskiego Headline: Walka z Ciemi|cami w Toku.. PROGRAM: Evening of Magic, presented by Goofus Club of Springfield; benefit of Father Justin s rosary Hour League, Chicopee High School Auditorium SHELF 2: SSCRAPBOOK 37: COMPILED BY FR. CORNELIAN DENDE, OFMCONV. PAGE Photograph: Fr. Cornelian with Bingo-Picnic group: 1968. Headlines: DIAL-DOPE by Les Ryder: The Story of Michael Figas. Ojciec Justyn Odwiedza Nazaret, June, 1939, Nazareth, Pennsylvania. Drajwerzy Rozpoczli Prac Przygotowawcz Balu Dobroczyn. Copy: Definitorium Parvum in Custody of St. Bonaventure, Buffalo, N.Y., October 15, 1948: 10 A.M. A clarification of some misunderstanding and criticism about the Intercommunity Hospital by Henry V. Morelewicz, M.D. A three-page manuscript entitled, Who Are the Drivers? (unsigned) A list of Radio Stations of the Fr. Justin Rosary Hour Network beginning November 4, 1956. A greeting card from Jan Lubecki Headline: Rosary Hour to Begin 28th Year. Photographs: Students leaving St. Francis High School in Athol Springs, N.Y. Bishop Smith. Miss Skotnicki. Fr. Justin with St. Francis High School choir members preparing for radio broadcast. A penciled note concerning newly formed Womens Guild of the Intercommunity Hospital. Constitution Book of the Inter Community Hospital Womens Guild. A Promissory note for elected officers to Guild. A pamphlet entitled, Father Justins rosary Hour thirtieth Radio Series. A Note to the Ladies Auxiliary: Catholic Hospital Convention, June 2, 1959. Headline: Death Silences Voice of Noted Radio Speaker, Father Justin. The Polish Daily News, December 12, 1959, Cartoon: Nowy Kierownik. Headlines: Nowy Swiat, Novemeber 5, 1959: Godzina R|aDcowa. Nowy Swiat, November 7, 1959: Buffalo: Jutro  Godzina R|aDcowa. The Scranton Tribune, Thurs., Nov. 12, 1959: Scranton Native to Moderate  Rosary Hour Broadcasts. Photograph: The Rev. Cornelian E. Dende. Ibid.. Scranton Native& . Headlines: Polish American Journal, November 21, 1959: Rev. Cornelian Dende To Continue Rosary Hour Of Late Fr. Justin. American Echo, November 22, 1959: O. Kornelian Dende Kierownikiem Godziny R|aDcowej sp. O. Justyna. Nowy Swiat, November 31, 1959: BUFFALO:  Godzina R|aDcowa z Powrotem w Programach Radjowych. St. Michael s Parish Bulletin, November 8, 195: Announcement of New Director of Rosary Hour. Headlines: Kronika Katolicka: Ks. Cornelian M. Dende Obejmuje Kierownictwo Programu Radiowego  Rosary Hour. Wiersze Naszych Czytelikw: ZB|my Serca... Prowadzi Godzin R|aDcow Native of City Radio Program Moderator. A typewritten Note: Biographical data on Fr. Cornelian Dende, OFMConv. Congratulatory note from Fr. Emil from St. Anthonys Church in Willimansett, Mass. Western Union Telegram from Father Philip from Peabody Mass. A congratulatory note from the Residence of the Auxiliary Bishop of Scranton. A Western Union Telegram congratulating Fr. Cornelian from Connie and Ed. Congratulations from Sabelle Szubka and Mother and Joe. (November 9, 1959. Congratulatory note from Alfie, Saint Adalberts R.C church in Elmhurst, LI. Congratulatory note from Fr.. Stanley from Ellicott City, Md. Congratulatory Note from Felix Bracikowski from Peabody, Mass. Congratulatory notes from  Henry j., Fr. Fidelis, Fr. Ed, and Gerry. s.p Ojciec Justyn Figas, OFM Conv. 1886-1959: Koznodzieja I ZaBo|yciel Godziny R|aDcowej: Tekst pierwszych przemwie na Godzinie R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna po pogrzebie sp. Ojca Justyna: PRZEDMOWA DOKTORA STEFANA GRACZYKA: 1-GO LISTOPADA, 1959R. GAWNE PRZEMWIENIA OJCA JERZEGO ROSKWITALSKIEGO, PROWINCJAAA PROWINCJI SW. ANONIEGO. WSTPNE SAOWA OJCA KORNELIANA DENDE NA PROGRAMIE GODZINY R{ACCOWEJ W NIEDZIEL 8-GO LISTOPADA 1959 R. Listing of Radio Stations starting November 1, 1959. An article from Miesicznik FranciszkaDski. An old newspaper clipping announcing Fr. Cornelian as new Director with photograph. Headline: Am Pol Eagle, July 28, 1960: Inter-Community Hospital Set For September Opening; Chapel to Be Memorial to Fr. Justin. A Christmas Card to Fr. Cornelian from Marya Wichowska. A pre-press typewritten text for Am Pol Eagle. Headline: Nuns Lauded for Hospital. Photograph: Bishop Burke offers a blessing at hospital dedication ceremoniesbehind him are the Rev. cornelian Dende and Rev. Gerald Forton. Headline: Hospital Dedicated. Photograph: Outside scene with crowd gathered for the Dedication of the hospital. Buffalo Evening News Picture Page, Friday, August 26, 1960: Bishop Burke and dignitaries at dedication. Headline: Courage of Sisters Lauded as Bishop Dedicates Hospital. An Invitation from the Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph for the Dedication Buffalo Evening News, August 27, 1960: New Hospital Is Memorial to the Efforts Of Those Who Worked and Those Who Gave. Franciscan Sisters, Founded in 1897, Came Here in 1898. Father Justin Had a Great Ideaand Dr. Bukowski Helped It Grow. Photographs: Rev. Justin Figas, OMC, Dr. Edward Bukowski. A thank you note from the Residence of the Auxiliary Bishop of Scranton, Pa., to Fr. Cornelian Dende. Nowy Swiat, Wtorek, 20 Wrzesnia: Headline: Pamitkowe Zdjcia z Ceremomji Otwarcia Szpitala Sw. Jzefa w Cheektowaga, N.Y. Non-news photograph: Bishop Burke and dignitaries at Ceremonies of dedication of Hospital. Nowy Swiat, November 1, 1960: Otwarcie Szpitala Sw. Jzefa Intercommunity. Photograph: Faade of St. Joseph Intercommunity Hospital Headline: Bishop Klonowskis Parish: Sacred Hearts Plans Diamond Jubilee. Rich in Vocations: Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Will Celebrate Diamond Jubilee. Headline: Parish Marks Diamond Jubilee: Photograph: Dignitaries. Mark Church Fete Oct. 30 Photograph: Fr. Cornelian. Headline: Friars Admire Craft of Japan, Granby: Priest to Discuss Problems in Japan. Photograph: Fr. Richard Murawski and other friars. Headline: Four Bishops to Participate: Diamond Jubilee Mass at Sacred Hearts. Photographs: Bishops Hannan, Klonowski, Archbishop OBoyle and Bishop Schott. An Invitation to the solemn Pontifical Mass of Thanksgiving on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee of the Parish. Headlines: Sacred Hearts: Impressive Ceremonies Mark Parish Jubilee. Auxiliary Bishop to Open 30the Year of Rosary Hour (Bishop Leo Smith), Photograph: Polish American Editors meet in Sherman Hotel. A note to Fr. Cornelian from Fr. Adam concerning some construction problems. A program entitled, Welcoming Dinner in honor of Very Rev. Norbert Zonca, OFMConv. A note from Fr. Cornelian about the memorial marker at grave of Fr. Justin. A letter from Minister General, Fr. Basil M. Heiser to Fr. Cornelian. A Feast day Card from friars to Fr. Cornelian. Dziennik Chicagoski, November 4, 1960. Cartoon. Ads for Rosary Hour Photographs: St. Francis High School chapel with Fr. Cornelian and staff broadcasting the Rosary Hour. A letter to Fr. Cornelian from Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski. Ibid.. A listing of Stations broadcasting the Rosary Hour beginning November 6, 1960 Am Pol Eagle, Buffalo, NY, October 6, 1960: Rosary Hour Readies 30th Season Largest Network of Kind in U.S.: Audience of Two Million Expected to Hear Program. Photographs: Fr. Cornelian Dende, Miss Estelle Ignaszak and Miss Mary Jung, Fr. Justin, Broadcast shot in SFHS Chapel Ibid.. Ibid.. Photographs: Pamitkowe ZdjEcie z Uroczystego Poswicenia Nowego Biura Pisma,  Nowy Swiat , Feb 5, 1960. Z Wieczornicy Jubileuszowej Stow. Im Kopernida w Buffalo. John Aszkler and Fr. Cornelian, broadcasting. Ad from WALE: Rosary Hour. Headline: Jutrzejsza  Godzina R|aDcowa o Lidze Katolickiej. Photograph: Fr. Cornelian Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Facts about the Father Justin Rosary Hour Program. Historical sketch of Father Justin Rosary Hour. Kronika Buffaloska, November 3, 1960. O. Kornelian Dende o Tysicleciu: Przemwienie Ojca Korneliana Dende, OFMConv: Na Godzinie RaDcowej Ojca Justyna WygBoszone 27 marca 1960 r. Jan Aszkler and Fr. Cornelian: Broadcasting. Radio talk of Fr. Cornelian: MILLENIUM  TYSICLECIE HISTORII NARODU I PACSTWA POLSKIEGO. PHOTOGRAPH OF FRIARS AT GRANBY ATTENDING PROVINCIAL CHAPTER IN 1960 Headline: Franciscans Form Radio and TV Institute Group: Father Romanus Dunne, Ave Maria Hour Producer, is Elected President. Letter: Edgar Holden, Renssalaer, NY. Recognition of Fr. Justin Figas. Invitation to Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving offered by Fr. Eustace Bartoszewicz on the occasion of his 60th anniversary of Religious Profession. Miesiecznik Franciszkanski 1959 Headline: Inter-Community Hospital observes 15th Anniversary. Raffle tickets. Letter from Genesee Monument company to Fr. Cornelian Pamphlet from Franciscan Institute of Radio and Television sent to South Park Residence Chaplain. Headline: Parishioners Welcome Father Stelmach To St. Adalbert s With Warm Reception: November 3, 1961. Articles and photographs of Fr. Cornelian on upcoming season of broadcasting. DROGA {YCIA: CICHA, A PRZECIE{ DOBRA ROBOTA. Headlines: Dr. Graczyk Honored as  Man of  60 . List Kard. WyszyDskiego Bdzie Odczytany Na Godzinie R|aDcowej. Jutrzejsza  Godzina R|aDcowa o Lidze Katolickiej. Headline: Godzin R|aDcow O. Justyna nadaje 50 rogBosnio w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Am Pol Eagle, Buffalo, N.Y., April 5, 1962: Cardinal Wyszynskis Voice To Be Heard For First Time in U.S.A. Headline: Mrs. Adamczyk, Mrs. Murray List Aides. Article on Intercommunity Hospital. Article on Fr. Henry Senft and Fr,. Felix Mazur on European Trip. Typed Biographical Highlights of Dr. Stephen A. Graczyk, K.S.G. Buffalo Evening News: May 3, 1962: 600 to Honor Dr. Graczyk At Testimonial Dinner. Program for Testimonial Dinner honoring Dr. Stephen A. Graczyk. Documents dealing with Tax Free policy for the Province. Headline: Z Zycia Polonji AmreykaDkiej: Trzydziesty Drugi Rok Istnienia Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna. Western Union Telegram congratulating Fr. Cornelian. Blurb from St. Michael s Parish Bulletin, October 28, 1962. Headline: Polska Godzina Radiowa Ojca Justyna RozpoczBa 32-gi Rok Istnienia. Nie Ma w Chicago Godziny Radiowej O. Justyna. Godzina Ro|aDcowa Od Jutra Na Fali 1490 w Chicago. Headlines: Rosary Hour on 44 Stations Has Two Million Audience. Radiowa Godzina Ro|aDcowa RozpoczBa 32-gi Rok Istnienia. Kcik Wydaczyni: BLI{SZA CIAAU KOSZULA NI{ (CUDZA) SUKMANA. Letter and Ad for Rosary Hour from station WJVA, South Bend, Indiana November 2, 1962. Headline: Dziennik Chicagoski, October 31, 1962: Trzydziesty Drugi Rok Godziny R|aDcpwej. American Journal, November 22nd, 1958: The Rosary Hour. Headlines: Radjostacja WWOL w Buffalo, N.Y. Nadal Nadaje Programy Polski: Nowi WBasciciele Wyra|aj Przekonanie, {e Programy Obcojzyczne SBu| z Korzysci Grupom Etnicznym. Rosary Hour on WAMO in Pittsburgh. Nowy Swiat, January 21, 1963: Godzina R|aDcowa O. Justyna. Listy do Redakcji: Fr. Cornelian congratulates Editor for being chosen Man of The Year. Ameryka-Echo, 17-go Marca, 1963: Droga |ycia: Dobra Robota Na Falach Radia Polish Am., Chicago, 1963: Fr. Justin s Radio Rosary Hour Returning to the Air. Pittsburgh, 1963:Godzina R|aDcowa Rozpoczyna Si 3-go Listopada Gwiazda Polaris, 1963. Rosary Hour Begins Season Nov. 1 On 41 Stations; Has 2 Million Audience. Photograph: John Aszkler, Fr. Cornelian Dende, Dr. Steven Graczyk, Fr. Felix Mazur, and Fr. Jacek Rosinke. Am Pol Eagle, November 7, 1963: Rosary Hour Begins 33rd Year. Headline: Program Radiowy  Godzina R|aDcowa Powraca Na Fale Etera 3 Listopada. St. Paul, Minn.: Nowiny Minnesockie. The Immaculate, May 1963: Cardinal Wyszynski Addresses father Justin Holy Hour Audience. Nowy Swiat, 5-go Listopada, 1963: Radiowa Godzina R|aDcowa Rozpoczyna 33 Sezon. Polish-Am: Primate s Voice On Rosary Hour. Dziennik Chicagoski, April 21, 1963: Prymas Polski Przemwi do Polonii w Ameryce. A program entitled: Uroczysta Instalacja Tow. Opiekunek W. SzkoBy Sw. Franciszka, Athol Springs, New York, 3 Listopada, 1963 Dziennik Chicagoski, April 11, 1964: Archbishop J. Krl Na Programie Godz. R|aDcowej. United States of America International Motor Traffic International Driving Permit, May 18, 1963, issued to Edmund Dende. A note to Fr. Kornelian Dende from Warsaw, from the Secretariat of the Primate of Poland. A receipt from the Automobile Club of Buffalo issued to Edmund Dende. Dziennik Chicagoski: Przemwienie J.E. Ks. Arcybiskupa Krla Na Godzinie R|aDcowej. The Polish American Journal, February 22, 1964. Plan Fr. Justin Bridge. Headlines: J.F. Aszkler Invested as Papal Knight. Paderewski Singing Society Banquest (photograph of the Singing Society Group) Nowy Swiat, Piatek, 17Lipca, 1964: Z Ceremonii Kosekracji Dwch Nowych Biskupw. Pittsburghian, July 24, 1964: 40 Biskupw i 1000 Ksi|y Na Konsedracji Polaka-Biskupa. Am-Pol Eagle,Thursday, August 27, 1964: New St. Francis Friary to Be Built. Fraternal Heads Cheer LBJ At white House Conference. Several articles on Fr. Cornelian on his chaplaincy at convention. Photographs: New St. Francis Friar construction. Michel Cieplingski, Fr. Cornelian Dende. Buffalo Evening News, October 17, 1964: Rosary Hour Returning to Air. Articles on chaplainry of Fr. Cornelian Dende. Banner, St. Francis High School, Fall 1964: New Faculty House Under Construction: completion Set for June. Czas, Brooklyn NY: New Chaplain of N.A.S. & N.M.D.A. Cartoon entitled:  Ju| W Niedziel, 1-go List. Headlines: Rosary Hour Begins Season Nov. 1 on 41 Stations; Has 2 Million Audience. GBos Prymasa Polski do Polonii amerykaDskiej. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Listing of Radio Stations. Ibid.. Ibid.. WyszyDski talk. Published Condolences on the occasion of Fr. Justin s death. Articles on Fr. Cornelian s appointment as Chaplain Two non-news pictures of Fr. Cornelian Dende with Dignitaries Photo of group celebrating  OpBatek . Portrait of Our Lady of Czestochowa At Corpus Christi is symbol of Poland. Dziennik Polski,  Czuj Duch , Kcik Harcersk Am. Echo, May 2, 196 5: Czy Istnieje na Emigracji  Opinia Publiczna ? Pittsburghian: April 16, 1965. Jasinski Begins Sunday Polish Program on WMMJ. Opening Millennium Religious Observance To be First Showing of Our Ladys Painting. Photograph: Fr. Sylvian Mucha, Fr. Celestine Rozewicz, Fr. Zonca, Fr. Eligius Szott, Fr. Corneliius Zak, and Fr. Gregory Grabka. Buffalo Evening News: July 17, 1965: A Painting Returns to Buffalo: Rosary Hour Leagues gift on display in East side church. Photograph: Mrs. Jaquays, Fr. Zonca, and Msgr. Meloch. Polonia Professionals Urged to Cherish Heritage. Catholic Relief to Poland league Announces Tallies. Headlines: Rev. Cornelian Dende to be Chaplain of 1965 Convention. Capelan Krajowej Konwencji NMDA. Rosary Hour Head Confab Chaplain. A letter from Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski to Fr. Cornelian, Chaplain of Convention. Photograph: Philadelphia Archbishop Honored by Societies. Photo of Most Rev. John J. Krl. Ibid.. Am-Pol Eagle, Thursday, April 22, 1965. K of C Honors Rev. Justin Figas. Courier-Buffalo, July 17, 1965: Fr. Norbert Zonca with lay people honoring millennium Portrait of Our Lady of Czestochowa. Rev. Cornelian Dende: Apostle of the Airwaves. $350,000 Faculty House is Dedicated at St. Francis. Obituary of Casper C. Urban. Dedicate Fr. Justin Faculty House; Rosary Hour Audience Donate Funds. Cartoon entitled  PosBuchajmy Buffalo Evening News, October 4, 1965; Before New Altar, Mural in St. Francis Faculty House. Rosary Hill Will Display Schools Sacred Art Works. Note from Japan, from Fr, Samuel Rosenbaiger. Large photo graph of Fr. Felix, Fr. Rufinus, Fr. Cornelian and Fr. Jacek at altar before mural in St. Francis Faculty chapel. Courier-Express, July 12, 1965: Sgrafitto Artist Returns to Area. Photographs: S closeup of one of the sgrafitto works by artist Joseph Slawinski. Polish artist Joseph Slawinski at work. Headline: Medico-Legal Group to Honor Archbishop Krol. St. Francis Dedication Set Monday. Food for Thought Invitation for Dedication of New Faculty house at St. Francis. Congratulations from Mother M. Leona and Sisters. Headline: From the Buflopole: Father Justins Rosary Hour: A Unifying Force in Polonia. Three depictions of Joseph Slawinskis Sgraffito work in St. Francis Faculty House. Ibid.. Letter from Fr. Basil M. Heiser, Minister General to Fr. Cornelian Dende. Photograph: Franciscan Faculty Home Near Completion. Photographs: Two large photographs of Chapter Definitors: 1963. Knights of Columbus: ROSARIUM: February 1966: Father Justin His Life and times. Headline: Rosary Hour Continues Father Justins Radio Apostolate. Rosariuim: 4th Degree Exemplification Named in Honor of Father Justin, St. Justin Day: April 14th. Program for Pulaski Day Dinner: Sunday, October 9, 1966. Headline: Rev. Krolikowski Is New Secretary to Fr. Justin Rosary Hr. Over 500 Attend Pulaski Day Dinner. Photograph: Fr. Cornelian and Group of dignitaries. Ibid.. Headline: Priest to Speak At Pulaski Event: Native of Scranton Escaped Nazis, Reds. Congressional Record House: #25115: October 11, 1966. Headline: Father Justin Rosary Hour Pride of Polonia October 27, 1966 Headlines: Father Justins Rosary Hour Begins 36th Year on the Air. Radiowa Godzina R|aDcowa Ojca Justyna. Kalendarz Polonijny. Cartoon: W 36-ty Rok Istniena. Radiowa Godzina R|aDcowa Ojca Justyna Wchodzi w 36-ty Rok Swej DziaBalnosci. Am-Pol Eagle, Thursday, December 29, 1966: Rev. cornelian Dende, OFMConv. Chosen National Citizen of the Year. Headline: Droga {ycia: Dwie Kaplice: Z Duchem I Bez Ducha Polskiego. Ibid.. GBos Polski, 22. XII. 1966: Mikrofon Ojca Justyna: Tygodniowy program radiowy: Program: Fund Raising Dinner: Benefit Building Improvement Fund Given by Father Justins Drivers: Sunday, November 6, 1966 Western Union Telegram to Fr. Cornelian Dende: invitation to White House. Headlines: Pilgrimage Made by Society. Letter to the Editor: sincere Thanks to Rev. Cornelian Dende. Program: Seventh Annual OpBatek sponsored by combined societies of Corpus Christi. Congratulatory letters to Fr. Cornelian Dende for being chosen  Man of the Year Ibid.. Headlines: Judges and Police Executives Conv. Dinner. Mowa Prymasa Polski na Godzinie R|aDcowej. Chopin Singing society Installs Offers. Photographs: Fr. Cornelian, George M Frauenheim, Knight of St. Gregory, and Frederick Platek, Inspector, Buffalo Police Dept. Program: Fredrick Chopin singing Society: 1899-1967: 68th Annual Installation Banquet, Saturday, March 4, 1967. Headlines: Combined Organizations to Observe Polish constitution Day. Chr Im Lachmana w Progr. Radiowych. Komunikaty Organizacyjne: Tablica Pamitkowa Ks. Freyderyka BaBdygi. Headline: GBos Prymasa Polski, Kard. Stefana WyszyDskiego. Ibid.. Headlines: Dwie Kaplice z duchem i bez ducha Polskiego. Field Mass: June 25 Am-Pol Eagle,Thursday, May 11, 1967: Buffalo s Polish Constitution Day Observance Is a Fine Manifestation. WspaniaBa Uroczystos Unji Polek w AmerykaDskiej Czstochowie w Doylestown, Pa. Headline: Franczyk to Head Fr. Justin Society Marker Campaign. Historical Marker for Fr. Justin Planned. Ibid.. Headlines: Rev. C. Dende Chaplain of PUA Society. Father Justin Society Establishes Award at St. Francis High School. Heads of Franciscan St. Anthony s Province Meet. David Kloc Wins Justin Society Award. Pikna Inicjatywa Tow. Im O. Justina. Photograph: Robert Pacholski, prezes. Headlines: Immaculata College Breaks Ground at Graduation. Father Justin Society to Hold Memorial Mass and Breakfast. Photographs: Groundbreaking at Immaculata College, Fr. Cornelian Dende, PUA Officials. Letter to Fr. Cornelian from Bob Pacholski concerning Memorial Mass-Breakfast. Headlines: Polish Union Branch Urged To Preserve Faith in Future. Fr. Justin Society Lists Memorial Mass. Society Plans Mass Sunday. 4 Honored At Breakfast. Gorski and Mrs. Weber to Speak at Breakfast. Unia Polska, July 25, 1967: Founders of Fr. Justin Society Honored. National Officers Participate in Observance. Photograph: Profesor Joseph SBawiDski. Nowy Swiat: September 29, 1967: CHRZEST MIESZKA I Full page dedicated to John Cardinal Krol  Son of Polish Immigrants. Life photographs of religious Moments of Cardinal Krol. Joseph Slawinskis Sgraffito work at St. Francis Faculty House. Headlines: Banquet to Hail 75th Anniversary. WMMJ Radio to Carry Father Justin Rosary Hour. Rosary Hour Begins 37th Season on 47 Stations: Has 2 million Audience. Sacred Heart Society to Hear Noted Priest. Radio: Ks. KardynaB K. WojtyBa przemwi na 1-szym Programie Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid. List of Radio Stations. Headlines: Polskie Audycje Religijne w Kanadzie. Ks. Kardyal K. Wojtyla Przemwi Na 1-szym Programie. Kazanie O. Korneliana Dende w Kosciele Sw. StanisBawa w Hamiltonie. Headline: Pamitny DzieD w Hamilton. Kcik Wydawczyni:  Bli|sza CiaBu Koszula... (Pittsburgh) Fund raising letter to Patrons. Obit: Ksidz PraBat WacBaw J. Filipowicz. Letter to Fr. Cornelian from Ks. PraBat J. Rybinski. Christmas is for Giving. (1967) Headline: Blind Am-Pol Jurist, Jankowski to Be Keynoter at Fr. Justin Society Banquet. Printed talk by Fr. Cornelian Dende entitled: Co to Jest Wolnos I Jak J Prze|ywa? Ibid.. Ibid.. Catholic League for Religious Assitance to Poland Listing of Radio Stations in the United States. Losservatore Romano, April 13, 1968: Dal Mondo Cattolico. Dziennik Chicagoski, Sroda, Dnia 3-go Lipca, 1968: Mili Goscie w Muzeum Polskim. Goscie w Redakcji, Muzeum Polskim i w Biurach Zjednoczenia. Photograph: Fr. Cornelian with Very Rev. Lutoslaus Pieprzycki, Minister Provincial of the Warsaw Province and Father dominic Wisz, idotor of THE IMMACULATE. Headline: Pastor to Observe Jubilee of Vows: Father Norbert Zonca. Pastor Celebrated Jubilee. Father Justin Drivers sponsor third Annual Stag Dinner (Photo of Principals.) Headline: Zmiany w Konstytucji: Kadencja Tylko Dwuletnia. Polish Am., September 28, 1968: Catholic League Milestone: Religious, Civic Ceremonies at International Amphitheatre Photograph: Bishop Alfred Abramowicz. Headlines: Uczczenie Pamieci Ojca Figasa w Kosciele Bo|ego CiaBa Catholic League Will Observe Silver Aniversary October 5-6. Mazewski is Elected President of Polish American Congress. Headline: 25-Lecie Ligi Katolickiej Dla Niesienia Religijnej Pomocy Polsce. Polish American, October 5, 1968: Catholic League Observes 25th Year of Assistance to Polands Churches. Photograph: Committee to the Catholic League Silver Anniversary. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Buffalo Evening News: October 7, 1968: Dotor, Meyer Mark 50-Year Tie: Dr. Stephen Graczyk Came to the Hospital as a Student. Hospital and Doctor Associated 50 years Czynne Tow. Ojca Justyna, No. UPA na Dniu Unijnym. Pulaski Day Parade: ticket and photo of dignitaries. Headlines: Jubil. Ligi Katolickiej a Znaczenie Parafii Polskich w Ameryce. WydziaB Kobiet Podejmuje Nowy Kontest Werbunkowy: bogaty program prac WydziaBu na rok 1969. Large photograph of Joseph Slawinski s zgrafitti located in St. Francis Faculty House. Documentation of the Unveiling Ceremony of Historical Marker Honoring the Father Justin Rosary Hour: September 8th, 1968 SCRAPBOOK 38 INTERCOMMUNITY HOSPITAL COMPILED BY FR. JUSTIN FIGAS, OFMCONV. Page Headlines: al. Group Gives $1000 For New Hospital Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Friday, June 20th, 1947: Klub Matek i Opiekunek {oBnie|y ZBo|yB $1,000 Na Szpital w Cheetowaga: Ku Czci i Pamici ZoBnierzy i Marynarzy a 2-ej Wojny Swiatowej. $41,716 In Gifts Push Kenmore Hospital Fund to $257,224. Hospital Division Opens Fund Drive on the East Side Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Friday, June 20th, 1947: SzkoBa Par. Sw. StanisBawa Pnownie AdobyBa Szampionat: Na Drugim Miejscu UkoDczyBy Dzieci z SierociDca w Cheektowaga. Komitet Kampanji Szpitala W Czeektowaga Zorganizowany: Na Czele StanB Jan A. UliDski Komiszrz Midzynarodowych Granic Zebranie Mena|erw Dru|yn Buflopole OdBo|one. Standards Adopted for Fund-Raising Groups to Meet. Cheektowaga Hospital Goal Now %500,000: John Ulinski Named Drive s Co-Chairman. Photograph:Group Holy Name men from various parishes who made retreat at St. Francis High School. KBko Polek Gives $1,000 To Hospital. General Hospital Expects to Start Addition in Spring. Dobroczynne KBko Plek ZBo|yBo $1,000 Na Szpital Inter Commuinity. Photograph:  KBko Polek Group depicted donating check for $1,000 to Fr. Justin for the Intercommunity Hospital. Headlines: Hospital Appeal To Be Launched. Wczoraj OdbyBo Si Posiedzenie w Sprawie Intercommunity Szpitala. Women Organize For Fund Drive. Record Postal Business Lomms Here This Year. Headlines: Komitet PaD Dopomi|e w Zbirce Na Szpital Inter Community. Karcianka i Bal Gminy 92 Dozna Poparcia. Z Konferencji Komitetu PaD Inter-Community Szpitala. Photograph: Committee of Women pose together with Fr. Jusin: Re: Helping with Inter-Community Hospital. Buffalo Evening News, Tuesday, November 4, 1947: Proposed Hospital in Cheektowaga to Benefit 200,000. Questionnaire Will Be Given All Fund-Raising Agencies. $50,000 Is Donated So Far In Campaign For New Hospital Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Monday, January 26, 1948: Piknie WypadB Koncert Zw. Spiewakw Polskich. Komitet Parady Dnia PuBaskiego Podaje Sprawozdanie Finansowe. Photograph: Members of the Polish Singing Society. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Wednesday, February 11, 1948: Parafja SS. App. Piotra i PawBa ZBo|yBa SumE $2,068.52 Na Fundusz Szpitala Inter-Community. Z Instalacyjnego Posiedzenia Oddz. PaD Szpitala Inter-Community. Jutro O. Justyn Przemawia Ze Stacji W.H.L.D. Photograph: Ks. Cezary KrzyZan, Proboszcz Parafji SS. App. Piotra i PawBa. Headline: Panna Marta Mazurowska PrzemawiaBa o Polsce Na Posiedzeniu Polskich Kupcw i Profesjonalistw. 1,000 Workers Solicit Funds For Hospital: Door-To-Door Canvass Starts in 50 Parishes. Hosptial Drive for 4500,00 Starts in 4 Commuinities. Photograph: Architects Sketch of Proposed Inter-Community Hospital. Headlines: Hospital Fund Drive to Be Opened Today: $500,000 Sought for Harlem Rd. Building. Zbirka Na Szpital Inter Community. Fewer and Larger Hospitals Visioned For Buffalo Area. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Friday, Nowember 7, 1947: StanisBawowo Pierwsze Staje Do Zbirki Na Szpital Inter Community Photographs: Ks PraBat Piotr Adamski, Hon. Przew. Ks. Jan PraczkajBo, Przew. Headlines: Stow. PaN Szpitala Inter Community Zaprasza Na Sobroczynn Zabaw. Photograph: Committee of Inter-Comminity Hospital Womens Guild pose with Fr. Justin Figas. Headlines: 1,000 Workers Seek Hospital Funds. 1,000 Workers Solicit Funds for Hospital: Door-to-Door Canvass Starts in 50 Parishes. Full Page: Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Monday, November 10, 1947 Headline: UliDski UzasadniB Potrzb Szpitala. Photograph: Professionals from media pose in Holel Lafayete to discuss Fund Raising Process for Inter-Community Hospital. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Friday, November 14, 1947: Klub Bo|ego CiaBa ZBo|yB $10,000 Na Szpital. Howpital Fund Drive Tops $50,000 in Opening Week. Photograph: Fr. Justin receives donation of $250 for Inter-Community Hosptial from employees of St. Stanislaus Cemetery. Headlines: Stow. PaD Szpitala Inter-Community SkBada Serdeczne Podzikowania. Stow. Domu Polskiego UchwaliBo ZBoZy $500.00 Na Szpital Inter-Community. Hospital Beds Estimated 29% Short of Needs Here. $50,000 Is Donated So Far in Campaign For New Hospital. Buffalo Evening News, November 14, 1947: Cartoon: Shanks Reviews the Week s News in Buffalo: Nurse holds sign:  Please Give! Headlines: Uwaga Pp. Byznesmani I Reprezentanci Towarzystw z Czarnej SkaBki. Business Solicited for Hospital Funds. Headlines: Committee Approves $2,277,560 Budget For New Health Setup. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Thurs, Nov. 13th, 1947: Dowd Poleca Poparcie Zbirki Na Szpital. Headlines: Parafje Sw. Jana Kantego I Mo|ego CiaBa Zorganizowane Do Zbirki. Dzis wielki Bal w Liceum Kantego. Photograph: Msgr. GlapiDski,, Fr. Eustace Bartoszewicz, Flower display at Humboldt Park. Headlines: W Par. Sw. Joachima Rozpoczto Zbirk Na Szpital. Jutro WspaniaBa Zabawa w Leceum. Dowd Urges All to Support Inter-Community Hospital. Dzis Przemwi Ze Stacji WWOL Pani Janina BaraDska. Headlines: Dr. Franciszek E. Fronczak Podkresla Potrzeb Szpitala Inter Community. Kampania Zbirki Inter-Community Szpitala RozpoczBa Si w Niedziel. Zbirka Na Szpital Inter-Community Na Czestochowie. Headlines: Donations Rising For New Hospital. Tow. Curie-SkBodowskiej OfiarowaB0 $25 Na Szpital Inter-Community. Start on Hospital Delayed to Spring. Church to Canvass Members for Funds. Nasz Szpital: (PHOTOGRAPH OF FR. JUSTIN FIGAS NETITLED  PROJEKTODAWCA , Hospital Drive for $500,000 Underway. Headlines: Local Committee to Aid Hospital. New 150-Bed Hospital To Serve Area. W Niedziel 23-go Listopada Zbirka Na Szpital Inter-Community. Photographs: Ks. Mich. Biniszkiewicz, hon przew., W. M. Januszczak, gen. Przew. Ad: Inter-Community Hospital Needs Your Support. Headlines: Inter-Community Hospital Will Keep Community Desirable. Hospital Campaign Carried to Stores. Hospital Project Gets Many Gifts. Inter-Community Hospital Drive to Raise $500,000. Photograph: Bishop John F. OHara. Headline: Jutro Przemawia p.J. BaraDska Ze Stacji WHLD. General Hospital Receives $12,000 to Honor Dr. Eckel Komitet Zbirki Na Szpital Polski Na Aukaszowie Zorganizowany. Photographs: Ks. Prob. StanisBaw Fimowicz, honorowy przewodniczcy; Leon Kirszenstein, Prezewod. Headline: Hospital of East Side Areas Stressed. Photograph: Fr. Justin received donation for the hospital from representatives of the Cemetery Workers. Headlines: Fundusz Na Szpital Inter-Community Rosnie. Photographs: Ks. PraBat Franc. Kasprzak, Albert Wo|niak, Gen. Przew. Headlines: Local Parishes Take Part in Hospital Drive: Photograph: Very Rev. Justyn Figas. Inter-Com Hospital Campaign in High Gear. Photograph: Bishop O Hara. Hospital Fund Drive to Be opened Today. Photograph: John A. Ulinski. Parish Efforts For Hospital To Be Pressed. Ibid. Headlines: Firma Meblowa Rosinskich OfiarowaBa $2,000 Na Szpital. Photographs: Jzef DzimiDski, Prez. Pasco Sausage Co., P Adolf Ozi/nski, Prezes RsiDski Furniture Co. Komitet Zbirki Na Szpital Utworzono Na Wojciechowie. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Sobota, 22-go Listopada, 1947: Pikna Mysl, Ktra Przeistacz Si w Czyn. Photographs: Fr. Justin Figas, Jan A. UliDski, Architects rendition of the Intercommunity Hospital. Headlines: Hospital Given $10,000 By East Side Club. Dowd Urges All to Support Inter-Community Hospital. Tow. Spiewu Fryderyka Chopina UchwaliBo $100 Na Szpital. Zbirka Na Szpital Inter-Community Petrwa Dalej. Headlines: Kampania Zbirki Na Szpital Inter-Community Postpuje Firma Szalgowski i Zyn ZBoZBa $5000 Na Szpital Inter Community. Photograph: Antoni Szelgowski. Headlines: Hospital Drive announcement To Be Delayed. Headlines: Specjalny Komitet Zajmie Si Zbirk Na Szpital Inter-Community W Dzielnicy Czrnej SkaBki. Photographs: BartBomiej Klementowski, Przewodniczcy, Daniel B. Schunke, Kasjer. Wszystko Gotowe Do Zbirki Na Szpital Inter-Community. Leaders Vote To Continue Hospital Drive. Photograph: Jan A. UliDski. Z Posiedzenia Tow.  Holy Name Na StanisBowie. Headlines: Polskie KoBo Spiewackie SkBada $1,000 Na Szpital Inter Community. Inter-Community Hospital Drive Subscriptions Pass Halfway Mark. Inter-Community Hospital Lists Donations Of More than $200; Drive Will be continued. Hospital Guild Tea Is Set For Sunday, Dec. 7. Headlines: Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Sobota, 29-go, 1947: W Niedzil Lokalne Grupy Zwizku Polek ObchodzA 50-lecie Organizacji. Photograph: Rozalia BiedroD, Prezeska Stanowa. Dom Polski z Depew, N.Y. ZBo|yB $500 na Szpital Inter-Community. Aukaszowo Dzikuje. Inter-Community Hospital Drive near Halfway Mark. Honorowa Lista Na Polski Szpital. Headlines: Nasz Szpital: Photographs: Fr. Justyn Figas, Jan UliDski. Datki NapBywaj Nadal Na Szpital Inter-Community. $20,000 More Contributed For New Hospital Building. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Tuesday, Dex. 2, 1947: Stow. PaD Szpitala Inter-Community Urzdza Herbatk Dla Nowych CzBonkiD. Photographs: Six Member Committee arranging for Tea, a benefit for the hospital. Members of the Buffalo Trap and Filed Club present donation for the Inter-Community Hospital. Headlines: Tow. Spiewu Kalina ZBo|yBo $100, Na Szpital Intercommunity. Photograph: Eugenia Barkowskia, prezeska. W Niedziel Stow. PaD Szpitala Inter-Community Urzdza Herbatk. Photograph: Jzefowa DzimiDska, Przew. Jzef MaBecki ZBo|yB $2000 Na Szpital. Photograph: Jzef MaBecki. Headlines: MaBecki Sausage Co., SkBada Na Szpital Inter Community. Photograph: Jzef MaBecki. OdziaA PaD KoBa Spiewackiego UrzAdzi Karciank Na Szpital: Photograph: Anna Olechowska, Prezeska. Photograph: StanisBaw SBawinski and associates present F. Justin with $1000 check on behalf of the Polish Singing Society. Na Fundusz Wy|szej Uczelni Sw. Franciszka w Athol Spring, N.Y. WpByneBo $8,067 Czystego Dochodu. Photograph: Fr. Justin s Drivers. Hospital Needs of East Side Areas Stressed. W Obrbie Parafii Sw. Augustyna w Depew, N.Y. Zebrano $2,178.55 Na Szpital Inter-Community. Propose Hospital Be Located Here. Churches to Join Hospital Drive. Przew. O. Justyn PrzemawiaB Na Posiedzeniu Polskich Kupbw I Profesjonalistw. Kampania na Szpital Inter-Community. Hospital Campaign Gets Large Gifts. Headlines: Zbirka Na Inter-Community Szpital Nabiera Rozmachu. Hospital Need Is Emphasized By Fund Chiefs. Z Bankietu Tow. Najsw. Im. Jezus z Piotro-PawBowa. Parish Efforts For Hospital To Be Pressed. Headlines: CaBa Polonia Zaproszona Na Wystaw Md Fashion Show. Headlines. Kto |yw Wybiera sie Na Wystaw Md w Liceum. Karcianka Na Fundusz Szpitala Inter-Community. Headlines Czs Dochodu z Koncertu Zwizku Spiewakw Na Szpital Polski. OddziaB Urzdzi Karciank na Polski Szpital. Photographs: Group photo of Polish Singing Society, A committee of St. Andrew Parish with Pastor, Joseph CzermiDski Fr. WolesBaw Wo|niak. Headlines: $50 w Premiach Co PB Godziny Na Wystawie Md. Photograph: Leonard Lipowicz. Zewszd Wybieraj Si Na Concert Zwizkku Spiewakw. Photograph: Franciszka DzimiDska, Prezeska Tow. Spiewu Arjon. PrzeszBo 400 CzBonkw Bozego CiaBa Obecnych Na Mszy Sw. Drugie Zeranie Klubu Ojcw Wy|szej SzkoBy Bishop Ryan. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, jDecember 23, 1947: Liczne Afery Na Polonii Na Szpital Inter Community. Nawet Zdaleka Przybywaj Goscie na  Fashion Show . Photographs: StanisBaw Czaster. Committee for the Fashion Show. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, December 22, 1947: Wielka Wystawa Md  Fashion Show Poraz Pierwszy Na Polonii. Committee Formed for Hospital Ball. Photographs: Photo of Check for 2791.13 To Fr. Justin and the Inter Community Hospital. Takiej Afery Jak Wystawa Md Jeszcze Na Polonii Nie ByBo. Photograph: Harry Okoniewski. Parafia Sw. Jana Kantego ZBo|yBa PrzeszBo $3000 Na Polski Szpital. Wszyscy Idziemy Na Wystaw Md w Srod. Photograph: Frank Jarmusz. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Janary 28, 1948: Dzisiaj Wieczr CaBa Polonja Idzie Na Fashion Show!! Photograph: Antoni Miulec, Klara Milas, Dr.Mesco HeBminiak. Ju| Wszystko Gotowe Na Wystaw Md w Liceum Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, February 6, 1948: Na Instalacji Komisji Stanowej ZBo|ono $300 Na Nowy Szpital Inter-Community w Czeektowaga. Gwarno, Piknie i WesoBo Bedzie Na Wystawie Md. Photographs: MichaB Karas, Three photographs relating to donation and committees to the Intercommunity Hospital Amerika Echo, November 1, 1959: Polonia w {aBobie Po Zgonie Sp. Przewielebnego Ol Justynaa, ZBawnego Kaznodziei i Patrioty. Headlines: Dr. Franciszek E. Fronczak Podkresla PotrzebE Szpitala Inter community. Serdeczne Bg ZapBac. Obit card of Fr. Justin Figas. See page 32. Wystawa Md PrzyniosBa PrzeszBo $5,500 Na Szpital Polski. Wszystko Przygotowane Do Wystawy Md. Gdzie Uznanie od Demokratw? Photograph of check from Liberty Bank of Buffalo for Inter Community Hospital: $1,000. Wystawa Md SwiEciBa Wczoraj NiebywaBe Tryumfy. W PrzyszB Sobot WspaniaBa Karcianka i Bal w Sloan, N.Y. Photographs: Fr. Justin Figas, Mayor Vincenty Januchowski. Buffalo Evening News Magazine: July 9, 1955: Father Justin: From Soap Opera He created Famed Rosary Hour. Sloan Women to Give Party for Hospital. A Wic Idziemy Jutro Wszyscy Na Fashion Show w Liceum. Komitet Ambasadorw UrzAdzi WspaniaBy Bal Deiuitantek. Photograph: Edmund Cichocki. Headlines: Wdzorajszy  Wieczr Sportowy Na Dochd Ryan High School CieszyB Sie Wielkim Powodzeniem. CzBonkowie Tow. Rolnikw Pol W Wlden, ZBo|yli $11.00 na Szpital Inter Community. Instalacja Podatkowcw East Lovejoy. Photograph. Honored Guests at Ryan High School Sports Banquet. Fashion Show Articles and photographs. Pulaski Post Urzdzi WspaniaBy Bal Militarny. Par. Sw. Gabryela ZBozyBa Ofiar Na Szpital Polski. Headlines: W Niedziel Koncert Zwizku Spiewakw. Photographs: Edward Ka|mierczak, BolesBaw LemaDski.. Jutro Wieczorem Wielki Program Sportowy w Sali Domu Unijnego. Photograph: Jan Ulinski. Plenty of Beer Available, WNY Distributors Told. License-Revocation Hearing. Parafja Sw. MichaBa Arch. ZBo|yBa HotnA OfiarE Na Szpital Polski. Przygotowania Do Dorocznej Karcianki i Balu Parafji Sw. Andrzeja. Dzis w Lokalu Chopinw Wazne Zebranie Kom Ambasadorw. Photograph: Group shown with presentation of donation for Hospital. Headlines: Datki z Parafji Krlowej Pokoju Na Szpital Polski. Kwatera Zbirki Na Szpital Inter Community Otwarta w DzieD i Wieczr. Jutro w Lokalu Chopinw Wa|ne Zebranie Kom Ambasadorw. Photograph: Fr. Justin accept check from the Society of Patriotic Polish Women and the Inter-Community Hospital Guild. Headlines: Zaczadzenie Tlenkiem Wgla. Photograph: Children present Fr. Justin with donations for Hospital. SCRAPBOOK 39 INTERCOMMUNITY HOSPITAL DEBUTANTES BALL FOR FUND RAISING COMPILED BY FR. JUSTIN FIGAS, OFMCONV. Inner Cover of scrapbook: Perspective of the Inter-Community Hospital: diagram of floor plans. PAGE LETTER: from Bishop John OHara to Fr. Justin permitting fund raising in restricted area. LETTER: from Fr. Lawrence M. Cyman, OFMConv., Minister Provincial to Bishop John OHara thanking him for permission in building the Intercommunity Hospital. LETTER: from Fr. Lawrence M. Cyman, OFMConv., Minister Provincial to Whom it may Concern certifying that Fr. Justin is duly authorized to represent the Franciscan Fathers Minor Conventuals of St. Anthony Province in the supervision and organization of necessary Committees for construction of Hospital. LETTER: from Bishop OHara and signed by Fr. Lawrence Cyman mentioning that the Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph have undertaken to construct Hospital to serve the People of East Buffalo and Cheektowaga. LETTER: from Fr. Lawrence Cyman confirming Fr. Justins supervisory capacity in the building of the Intercommunity Hospital. LETTER: from Bishop Joseph Burke to Fr. Justin enclosing check for contribution to the Inter-Community Hospital al Fund. LETTER: from Bishop John OHara to Fr. Justin with contribution for the Hospital. LETTER: from Roy L. Albertson of Station WBNY to Father Justin in which the Buffalo Niagara Electric Corporation contributes $5,000 for contribution to Hospital. LETTER: from Roy L. Albertson of WBNY to Fr. Justin concerning the financing of the Hospital and the Bank involvement in the project. LETTER: from Roy L. Albertson to Fr. Justin regarding a visit of Senator Mead and an appointment to discuss the matter of the Hospital. LETTER: a press release mentioning the tract of land at Harlem Road and George Urban Blvd. Upon which the planned Hospital is to be built. LETTER: from Senator Mead to Fr. Justin concerning the funding and building of the Inter-Community Hospital. LETTER: from Fr. Justin to Mr. Chase Zalemski, Supervisor asking permission to keep records of Hospital Project at the Town Hall in Cheektowaga. LETTER: from Louis A. Vendetti, M.D. to Fr. Justin concerning chairmanship of Hospital Ball. A listing of professional people contacts in relation to hospital project. A Western Union Telegram to Fr. Justin from Henry Osinski confirming assistance to Fr. Justin. A Western Union Telegram to Fr. Justin from Anthony J. De Pace dealing with architectural plans for Hospital. LETTER: from Dr. Edward B. Burkowski, Deputy Erie County Health Commisioner mentioning the establishment of the Inter-Community Ambassadors and its affair, the Debutante Ball and a meeting set in Memorial Auditorium A list of addresses of people in Depew and Lancaster. (4 pages) A list of businesses and addresses. LETTER: from Harold S. Tolley of the Department of Social Welfare in Albany to Fr. Justin regarding the establishment of a separate corporation and permission thereof from the Department of Social Welfare. LETTER: from J. P. Quitter of the Commercial Ultra Violet division of Sperti, inc. concerning lighting for the Hospital Advertising entitled, Teamwork in Research by Myron Stearns concerning the health concerns in illumination. A depiction of Michael Reese Hospital and its expansion. A Headline at the foot of the page reads, WAA Offers Packaged Hospitals to Towns At Discounted Prices. Anthony J. De Pace Architect, 151 West 467th St., NYC. Depicts architecture of a building in a pen and ink sketch. A listing of General Meetings in various schools throughout the Buffalo area. A program of a Community Banquet of the Inter-Community Hospital listing John J. Zablotny as chairman. Seven pages listing Hospital Equipment. Three pages listing plans for a 150 bed hospital and the rooms and facilities needed for the hospital. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Saturday, November 22, 1947: Pikna Mysl, Ktra Przeistacza Si I Czyn... Photographs: Fr. Justin Figas, Jan A. UliDski, Architectural Plans of Hosptal. Report of the New York State Joint Hospital Survey and Planning Commission. Headline: UliDski UzasadniB Potrzeb Szpitala. Photograph: Group of professional from the press and radio media. Headline: Drive Now on to Secure funds for Inter-community Hospital. Photographs: Bishop John OHara. LETTER: from M. Harty of the Picker X-Ray Corporation to Fr. Justin requesting meeting. LETTER: from Frank A. Taber Jr. to Fr Justin requesting interview. Publicity letter from Hospital Campaign Committee requesting meeting in the interest of the Hospital. Community Drive letter sent requesting contribution to hospital. Eight (8) letters from Anthony J. DePace, Architect, to Fr. Justin relating to hospital. Contribution request letter from Chris. D. Becker, Chairman of the Inter-Community Hospital Fund Comm. List allocating beds to various rooms in the Hospital. LETTER: from John J. Bourke, M.D., Executive Director of the New York State joint Hospital Survey and Planning Commission. to John Ulinski, U.S. Commissioner of the International Boundary Commission. LETTER: from D. R. Lane of B. H. Lawson Associates, Public Relations-institutional Finance to Louis A. Vendetti concerning questionnaire concerning plans for hospital construction. LETTER: from the Community Drive Committee to Fr. Justin inviting him to a meeting at the Buffalo Trap and Field Club in order to be designated as a member of the Honorary Charimen Committee. LETTER: from the Buffalo Niagara Electric Corporation to Fr. Justin concerning donation to Hospital. LETTER: from John A. Ulinski, Sales Executive of Horse Head Brewers calling for a meeting of the committee to be held at the Corpus Christi Club. NOTICE: from the WAR ASSETS ADMINISTRATION in New York concerning surplus materials (blankets) Headlines: Wszystko Gotowe Do Zbirki Na Szpital Inter-Community. Dowd Pleca Poparcie Zbirki Na Szpital. Dzis Wielki Bal w Liceum Kantego Karcianka Na Dochd Szpitala Inter-Community. Photograph: Jan A. Lipinski Headlines: Komitet PaD Dopomo|e w Zbirce Na Szpital Inter Community. Komitet Zbirki Na Szpital Polski Na Aukaszowie Zorganizowany. Photographs: Ks. Prob. StanisBaw Fimowicz, honorowy przewoeniczcy. Ks. StanisBaw J. WysoczyDski. Leon Krszenstein. Headline: Jzef MaBecki ZBo|yB $2,000 Na Szpital. Photographs: Jzef Ma lecki. Children from Falcons Association present Fr. Justin with check for hospital. A check from a Lawn Fete to Fr. Justin for the hospital. Fr. Justin is presented with check by group of Patriotic Polish Women. Headlines: Parafja Sw. MichaBa Arch. ZBo|yBa Hojn Ofiar Na Szpital Polski. Tow. Patr. Polek Wanda ZBo|yBo $100 Na Szpital Inter-Community. Polish Priests Donate About $9,000 To Inter-Community Hospital Fund. Headlines: Hospital Need Is Emphasized By Fund Chiefs. Record Postal Business Looms Here This Year. Inter-Community Hospital Lists Donations Of More Than $2000; Drive Will Be Continued. Hospital Guild Tea Is Set for Sunday, Dec. 7. Doyle 2 Election Is Slated Next Tuesday. Liczne Afery Na Polonii Na Szpital Inter Community. Photograph: Fr. Justin and Committee of Women who helped collect donations for hospital. Headlines: Specjalny Komitet Zajmie Si Zbirk Na Szpital Inter-Community W Dzielnicy Czarnej SkaBki. Benefit Lawn Fete for Hospital, Aug. 23-24. Campaign For New Hospital Is Under Way. Photographs: BartBomiej, Daniel B. Scunke, Kasjer, and Bishop John F. O Hara. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, November 7, 1947: StanisBawowo Pierwsze Staje Do Zbirki Na Szpital Inter Community: Wybrano Kaptanw i Kapitanki, Ktrzy z Pracownikami Przeprowadz Kwest. Zbirka Na Szpital Inter Community. Kampania Zbirki Inter0Community Szpitala RozpoczAa Si w Niedziel. Headlines: Dr. Franciszek E. Fronczak Podkrela Potrzeb Szpitala Inter Community: Na Budow Ktrego Obecnie Przeprowadzana Jes Kampanja Zbiorkowa. Zbirka Na Szpital Inter-Community Potrwa Dalej. Parafia Przemienia PaDskiego Przeprowadzi Zbirk Na Szpital. Hospital Guild Plans Membership Tea. Dzis Przemwi Ze Stacji WWOL Pani Janina BaraDska. Photographs: Dr. Franc. E. Fronczak. Ks. PraBat Franc. Kasprzak. Albert Wo|niak, Gen Przew. Headlines: Firma Meblowa Rosinskich OfiarowaBa $2000 Na Szpital. Photographs: P. Jzef DzimiDski, P. Adolf RoxiDski. Jutro Przemawia p. M. MataBa z Polskiej Stacji WWOL. Headlines: Parafja Sw. Jana Kantego I Bo|ego CiaBa Zorganizowane Do Zbirki. Hospital Drive To Continue Until Goal Is Reached. Zbirka Na Szpital Inter-Community Na Czstochowie. Wczoraj OdbyBo Si Posiedzeni w Sprawie Intercommunity Szpitala. Announce Drive To Get $500,000 For I-C Hospital. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, june 20, 1947: Klub Matke i Opieknek |oBnierzy ZBo|yB $1,000 Na Szpital w Cheektowaga. Malecki Sausage Col, SkBada Na Szpital Inter Community. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich: September 9, 1947: Dobroczynne KBko Polek ZBo|yBo $1,000 Na Szpital inter Community. Photograph: Fr. Justin receives donation from the Circle of Polish Women for the Inter Community Hospital. Headlines: Zbirka Na Inter-Community Szpital Nabiera Rozmachu. Photograph: Ks. Tomasz Gw|d|. Aukaszowo Dziekuje. CzBonkowie Tow. Rolnikw Pol w Alden ZBo|yli $11.00 na Szpital Inter-Community. Stow. PaD Szpitala Inter-Community Sklada Serdeczne Podzikowania. Uwaga Pp. Byznesmani i Reprezentanci Towarzystw z Czrnej SkaBki. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, February 6, 1948: Na Instalacji Komisji Stanowej ZBo|ono $300 Na Nowy Szpital Inter-Community w Cheektowaga. Stow. PaD Szpitala Inter Community Zaprasza Na Dobroczynn Zabaw. Photographs: Ladies present Fr. Justin with $300 check for hospital. Commissions for Fund raising for the Inter-Community Hospital. Headlines: Klub Bo|ego CiaBa ZBo|yB $10,000 Na Szpital. Par. Sw. Gabryela ZBo|yBz Ofiar Na Szpital Polski. Ball Adds $10,000 To Hospital Funds. Photograph: Mothers Club presents Fr. Justin with $1000 check for hospital. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, February 11, 1948: Parafja SS. Piotra i PawBa ZBo|yBa Sum $2068.52 Na Fundusz Szpitala Inter-Community. Parafja Sw. Jana Kantego ZBo|yBa $3,000 Na Polski Szpital. Fashion Show, Dance To Benefit Hospital. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, April 17, 1947: Z Balu Dobroczynnego WpByneBo $10,800 Na Szpital  Intercommunity . Stow. Domu Polskiego UchwaliBo ZBo|y $500.00 Na Szpital Inter-Community. W Obrbie Parafii Sw. Augustyna w Depew, N.Y. Zebrano $2,178.55 Na Szpital Inter-Community. Z Parafii Bo|ego CiaBa. A published thank you from Fr. Justin. Polskie KoBo Spiewackie SkBada $1,000 Na Szpital Inter Community. Hospital Guild Elects Officers for New Year. Tow. Curie-SkBodowskiej OfiarowaBo $25 Na Szpital Inter-Community. Photograph: Fr. Justin poses with Inter Community Hospital Guild Officers. An invitation letter to Fr. Justin Figas from A.L. Mikkulec of Power-Pak Products to cocktails and dinner at the Hotel Styyvesant. A program entitled Fashions by Clara Milas for the benefit of the Inter-Community Hospital, dated Wednesday, January 28, 1948 Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Tusday, January 13, 1948: Kto {yw Wybiera Si Na Wystaw Md w Liceum. Wielka Wystawa Md  Fashion Show Poraz Pierwszy Na Polonii. Photographs: a large group of attendees at the Fashion Show. Fr. Justin together with Anthony Mikulec, Klara Milas and Teodor KrysiDski. Headlines: CaBa Polonia Zaproszona Na Wystaw Md Fashion Show. Wszystko Przygotowane Do Wystawy Md. Wystawa Md  Fashion Show Na Fundusz Polskiego Szpitala.: Helena Milewicz Przemwi w Sprawie Dobroczynnej Imprezy. A Wic Idziemy Jutro Na Fasion Show. Photographs: Jzef Dombrowski, Edmund Cichocki. Headlines: Takiej Afery Jak Wystawa Md Jescze Na Polonii Nie ByBo. Wystawa Md PrzyniosBa PrzeszB0 $5,500 Na Szpital Polski. Photographs: Harry Okoniewski, Model displaying wedding dress. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Wednesday, January 7, 1948: Zbli|a Sie Dzien WspaniaBek Imprezy Na Dochd Szpitala Inter-Community. Nawet Zdaleka Przybywaj Goscie Na  Fashion Show. Slubny Welon Babuni Na Wystawie Md. Photographs: L. Kirshenstein, Skarbnik, Dr. Stefan A. Graczyk, StanisBaw Czaster, Fr. Justin and a group picture of the Committee for the Fashion Show. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Thursday, January 22, 1948: Gwarno, Piknie i WesoBo Bdzie Na Wystawie Md. Ju| Wszystko Gotowe Na Wystaw Md w Liceum. $50 w Premiach Co PB Godziny Na Wystawie Md. Photographps: MichaB Karas, Dr. Mesco Helminiak, Leonard Lipowicz Teatry i Atrakcje, January 23, 1948: Wystawa Md SwiciBa Wczoraj NiebywaBe Triumphy. Photograph: A model displaying Wedding gown. Fundusz Na Szpital Inter-Community Rosnie. Hospital Fund Drive tops 50,000 in Opening Week. Photographs: Fr. Justin received donation from Cemetery Workers. Representatives of the womens Guild present Fr. Justin with donations from Membership Tea. A financial report from the Inter-Community Hospital Fashion Show. A poetic rendition entitled: Trubadurzy Radjowi. Headlines: Stow. PaD Szpitala Inter-Community Urzdza Herbatk Dla Nowych CzBonkiD. Dzis w Lokalu Chopinw Wa|ne Zebranie Kom Ambasadorw. Zamawiajcie Lo|e Na Bal Debiutantek. Photographs: Committee for aid to hospital, Kazimierz Urban, Przew. Komisji L|. Komitet Ambasadorw Urzdzi WspaniaBy Bal Debiutantek. OddziaB PaD KoBa Spiewackiego Urzdzi karciank Na Szpital. Za Dwa Tygodnie Koncert Zw. Spiewakw Polskich. Photographs: Anna Olechowska, Prezeska; Franc. Oliwiecki, Prezes. Bal Debiutantek Budzi Co Raz To Wieksze Zainteresowanie. Bal Debiutantek Pod Borad Ambasadorw. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Thursday, January 29, 1948: Nowo Zorganizowany Komitet Urzdzi WspaniaB Imprez. Photograph: Committee for Aid to the Hospital with Fr. Justin. Headlines: W Par. Sw. Joachima Rozpoczto Zbirke Na Szpital. Jutro WspaniaBa Zabawa w Liceum. Guild s Hospital Dance To Be Wednesday. Wtow. PaN Inter-Community Szpitala Zaprasza na Dobrozynn Zabaw. OddziaB PaD KoBa Spiewackiego UrzAdzi Karciank na Polski Szpital. Cheektowaga Times, Thursday, November 20, 1947: Election Slinger Sewer Claim Irks Zalemski. Holtz Endorses Hospital Drive. Photographs. Fr. Justin Figas, John A. Ulinski. Minutes of the Executive Board of Trustees of the Inter-Community Hospital Meeting, Wednesday, May 11 at Hotel Buffalo. Letter from John Ulinski to Fr. Justin Figas from the International Boundary Commission. Ibid.. Ibid.. Headlines: Gwarno, Piknie I WesoBo Bedzie na Wystawie Md. W Niedziel Idziemy Na  Fashion Show . Photograph: Franciszek Jarmusz, Dr. Mesco HeBminiak Headlines:  Fashion Show To WspaniaBa Impreza. Pikne-Po|yteczne-Shlachetne. Trzecia Doroczna Wystawa Md  Fashion Show w Niedziel 22-go Stycznia. W Niedziel Dnia 23-go Stycznia Wystawa Md i WspaniaBy Bal. Photographs: Antoni Milulec, P. Jzef Dombrowski. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, December 15, 1948: Bie|ca Wystawa Md Bdzie NiebywaB Atrakcj Wsrd Polonji. Premie Wartosci Tysicy Dolarw Na Wystawie Md w Liceum, 23-go Stycznia. Photograph: Committee for Aid to the Inter-Community Hospital with Fr. Justin. Headline: Nawet z Daleka Przybywaj goscie Na  Fashion Show. CaBa Polonja Zaproszona Na Wystaw Md, Fashion Show. Photographs: StanisBaw Czaster, MichaB Karas, Four models display fashions. Headlines: Ju| Wszystko Gotowe Na Wsytaw Md w Liceum. Wystawa Md To WspaniaBa Impreza. Photographs: Jzef Dombrowski, WBadysaw Gawel, MieczysBaw Okoniewski, debutantes to be. Headlines: Tysiczne Rzesze Publicznosci Na WspaniaBej Wystawie Md. A list of prizes for the 2nd Annual Fashion Show. A public newspaper thank you from Clara Milas Bridal Shoppe. Program entitled:  Fashions for Wedding Belles Presented by Clara Milas: Benefit of Inter-Community Hospital fund, Sunday January 23, 1949, St John Kanty s Lyceum. W PrzyszBy Wtorek Bal Debiutantek. Pan Jan J. LabiDski Salesmen s Grocery $500.00 na Szpital Inter Community. Zaledwie Kilka Dni Dzieli Nas Od WspaniaBego Balu Debiutantek. Photograph: Loretta Constance Borowiak, Debiutanka, John J. LabiDski, Evelyn Bernice Lerczak, Jeanete Catherin Lerczak. Headlines: W PrzyszBy Wtorek Odbdzie Si Ten WspaniaBy Bal Debiutantek. Komitet Ambasadorw Urzdzi Drugi Doroczny Bal Debiutantek. Zbi|a Si DzieD WspaniaBej Imprezy Na Dochd Szpitala Inter-Community. Headlines: Bal Debiutantek To Piekna Impreza. Od Jutra Za TydzieD Odbdzie Si WspaniaBy Bal Debiutantek. OddziaB PaD Urzdza Karciank i Bal Na Szpital Inter-Community. Karcianka Oddz. PaD Inter-Comm. Hospital Guild.. Photographs: Eugenia sobociDska, Dolores Marie SzymaDska. A letter from A. J. De Pace to Fr. Justin Figas. New York State Joint Hospital Survey and Planning Commission. Newspaper articles on the Debutantes Bal Photograph of debutantes and their escorts. A list of Franciscan Fathers and their contributions. Articles on Debutanes Bal. Ibid. Ibid.. A photograph of all the debutantes. A non-newspaper photograph of Fr. Justin and principals. Headline: List b. Ambasadora bliss-Lane do Redakcji Nowego Swiata. Reversed Copy of the Grant of the Parcel of land in the Town of Cheektowaga.. Headlines: 9 Area Girls To Appear At Debutante Ball. Spring, Summer Bridal Styles are Presented. Photographs: Debutantes, Photo of attendees at Debutantes Ball. Articles on Fashion Show. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. A full page newspaper invitation to the Fashion Show A letter from Anthony J. DePace, Architect to Father Justin. Large Newspaper Banner Headline: Nasze Debiutantki Na Rok 1950. Photographs of Debutantes. Newspaper articles on the Debutantes Ball. Ibid.. Ibid. Ibid.. Ibid. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Full page newspaper article from Dziennik Dla Wszystkich with large photograph of debutantes and their escorts. A letter from Moir P. Tanner to Commissioner Ulinski from the New York State Joint Hospital Survey and Planning Commission. Photographs of Fr. Justin Figas, Mayor Joseph Mruk, Dr. B. M. Bukowski, Kasimierz Urban, MieczysBaw KarpiDski, and Piotr C. Zawadzki. Large Newspaper display of the debutantes in the Courier-Express on March 21, 1951 Articles on fashion Show. Ibid. Ibid. Program: Fashions for Wedding Bellles presented by Clara Miles, Sunday, January 22, 1950 Debutantes and their escorts. Principals of the Tea Committee. SCRAPBOOK 40 INTERCOMMUNITY HOSPITAL COMPILED BY FR. JUSTIN FIGAS, OFMCONV. PAGE Headlines: Stow. Inter Community Hospital Guild Zaprasza Na WspaniaBy Bal. Group Organized For Hospital Drive. Doroczny Bal Dobroczynny 6-go Pa|dziernika. Ulinski To Seek Hospital Funds In Washington. Headline: Dzis Idziemy Na Bal Debiutantek. Photographs: Debutantes and their escorts. Mayor Joseph Mruk. Mayor Mruk and Janowa J. Aszkler. Copy of the Letter from John A. Ulinski to Father Justin about federal aid to the Inter-Community Hospital. Ibid.. Headlines: Wielki Pokaz Mody w Niedziel Wieczorem w Liceum Na Kantowie. Ju| w Niedziel Wielka Wystawa Md w Liceum Par. Sw. Jana Kantego. Photographs: Architects drawing of Inter-Community Hospital. Dan Borowski, Fran. Schiber, Karol Str|yk, H. Derylak, F. Kurczewski, B. Tswarg, M. Gogdan, K. Klaus. Headlines: Czech Ojca Justyna Zaprasza Na Wystaw Md w PrzyszB Niedziel w Liceum Kantego. Pokas Md w Liceum Na kantowie DoznaB Wielkiego Powodzenia. Photographs: Wally Waner, Michael Ganje, Theatre Committee. Architect s sketch of Inter-Community Hospital Architect s presentation of proposed hospital. Photographs: Franciscan Sisters with Inter Community Guild members. Debutantes with escorts at he ball. Headlines: W Poniedz. Wielkanocny Doroczny Bal Debiutantek w Hotelu Statlera. $650. WpBynBo Na Fundusz Budowy Szpitala Inter-Community z Wystpu Artystw Polskich. Z Bankietu Instalacyjnego Stow. PaD Inter-Community Hospital Guild. Community Hospital Plans Held Up With No Promise of Building Soon. Photographs: Dr. Stefan S. Graczyk. Group of Polish Artists present Franciscan Sisters check for $650. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, 23-go Pa|dziernika, 1953: Ojciec Justyn Zabierea GBos W Sprawie Szpitala Inter-community w Cheektowaga. Komitet Dobroczynnego Balu na Rzecz Szpitala Inter-Community. Ju| w Niedziel Wielka Wystawa Md w Liceum Par. Sw. Jana Kantego. Photographs: Fr. Justin Figas, Maria Switalska, E. OczwwiNski, G. SiudziDski, L. ZiemiaNski, and T. Baczkowski. Headlines: Drive Planned for Cheektowaga Hospital Funds. Dorzymy CegielBk Do Budowy Szpitala Intercommunity Przez UeziaB w PrzedstaPȾff|p8lBLt*jNPhJRLHJ\t2|px ĽĽĽ hQ|5\hQ|mHsHhQ|5\mHsHhQ|6]mHsHhQ|5>*\mHsHhQ|>*mHsH hQ|>*hQ|Jf:HVR:Jt0v  & FgdQ|(~.0 tv Rt  .04FJ"&8<pt 6& 8jhQ|5>*\mHsHhQ|5>*\ hQ|>*hQ|hQ|6]mHsHhQ|>*mHsHhQ|5\mHsH hQ|5\hQ|mHsHG R^4&t jVr2`>^ & FgdQ|,.6Jlr2Nj"`|  $~ "0@Fz|~`v ĻضĻ hQ|6] hQ|>*hQ|>*mHsHhQ|5>*\mHsHhQ|5>*\ hQ|5\hQ|0JmHsHhQ|mHsHhQ|5\mHsHhQ|E>"0~x:2xT~ @p; & FgdQ|:F024*| dp0<vxRTb&|~   @V"pz12hQ|5>*\ hQ|>* hQ|6]hQ|5>*\mHsHhQ|mHsHhQ|>*mHsHhQ|5\mHsHhQ| hQ|5\H;z2` 28    *   .          & FgdQ| ^`v  bd02F6 8 N               , . 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Lekarze Pomagaj w Planowaniu Nowego Szpitala St. Joseph s Inter-Community w Czeektowaga. Intercommunity Hospital Guild Holds Annual Membership Tea. Photograph: Jan Aszkler. Headline: Piekny Pocztek Wielkiej Rzeczy Szpitala Inter-Community w Cheektowaga. Photograph: Representatives of the Polish Theatre. Tab News Program: Annual Charity Ball given by The Inter-Community Hospital Guild, Oct. 18, 1952. Photographs: Two photographs relating to Fashion Show. Polish Theatre Program: Lekkomyslna Siostra. Headlines:  Brother Serafin s Guild Zaprasza Poloni Na Rewj Md I Zabaw. Wielka Wystawa Md Urzdzona Przez ZespB father Justin s Brother Seraphin s Guild. Jutro Wieczorem Wielki Pokaz Md w Liceum Par. Sw. Jana Kantego. Photograph: Fran. Lewandowski, Jan GoBombek, Fr. Valentine Rajter, Fr. Justin Figas, Inter-Community Ladies Guild: Swiconka at Easter time. Headlines: Komitet Ambasadorw Przedstawia Debiutantk Ludwik C. Samulsk. Doroczny Bal Debiutantek Budzi Szerokie Zainteresowanie. Photographs: Ludwika C. Samulska, Dr. H Morelewicz., Letter to Trustees from John A. Ulinski Report of activities relative to Inter-Community hospital. Headlines: New Hospital Fund Totals Some $300,00. Herbatka Na Korzys Szpitala Inter community w Niedziel. Proponuj Przeprowadzenie Drugiej Zbirki Na Budow Nowego Szpitala. Photograph: Charity Ball Chairmen with Fr. Justin Figas. Headlines: Poprzyjcie utrzejsze Przedstawienie Na Dochd Inter-Community. Pikna Wystawa Md Odbdzie Si w Niedziel 27-go Wrzesnia. Photographs: Jzef Plezia, A. Kiliszewski Sr. Photographs: Two photographs of Committee Members of Fundraising activities for the Inter-Community Hospital. Headlines: Tegoroczny Bal Debiutantek Odbdzie Si Dnia 15-go Kwietnia. Od Dzis Za TydzieD Bal Debiutantek. Photograph: Jan A. Aszkler, Ray Wardynski, Jan F. Fronczak. Headlines: {ycie Towarzyskie Plonji& Photograph of the Inter-Community Fund raising Committee. Komitet Ambasadorw Przedstawia Swoje Debiutantki Na Rok 1954.Photograph of Patricia B. Czulewicz. Two photographs of groups of models for the fashion show: benefit of Hospital. Bal Debiutantek To WspaniaBa Impreza. W PoniedziaBek Wszyscy Idziemy Na Doroczny Bal KBka Polek w Liceum Na Kantowie. Photographs: Kazimierz Urban, Domicela Wisniowska, Marja Grabowska. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Thursday March 29, 1951: Wczorajszy Bal Debiutantek ByB Nader WspaniaB I,mprez. Photographs: Panoramic shot of debutantes with their escorts. Mayor Joseph Mruk with Mrs. Zawadzka. Article on Bal with photograph of Dr. Eugene Ruszaj, Przewod. Photographs of models for Fashion Show. Headline: Komitet Ambasadorw Przedstawia Swoje Debiutantki Na Rok 1954. Photograph of Cynthia Luise Kick. Ibid. Ibid.. Headline: W Niedziel Doroczny Piknik Godziny R|aDcowej O. Justyna Request for Federal Funds for Inter-Community Hospital. Ibid. Page dedicated to Debutantes to be presented at Hospital Ambassadors Ball. Ibid.. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Headlines: Amherst, Depew, Lancaster Officials All Agree Hospital Should Be Started soon. Photographs of Guests at Ambassador Ball. Ibid.. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid. Ibid. List of Guests and Tables at the Ball. Photographs of Ladies at Ball. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Headlines: WykBady w Uczelni Sw. Franciszka w Athol Springs Zaczto 25 Lat Temu. Buffalo Priest to Get Fidelitas Medal: Work Recognized. Photograph: Fr. Justin Figas. Nowy Swiat: November 23, 1955 Article on Fr. Justin Figas. Articles on the Debutantes Ball. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Photograph of Archie Joseph S. Gawlina, spiritual protector of the Poles in exile Headline: J. E. Ks. Arcybiskup Jzef F. Gawlina Owacynie Witany. Photographs: Archbishop Gawlina and Dignitaries. Ibid.. Photograph of Women s Guild at Tea for benefit of hospital. Telegram to Fr. Justin congratulating him on his feast day. Photographs of Archbishop Gawlina and dignitaries. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Headline: Siostry Francciszkanki ZamianowaBy Szefw OddziaBw Szpitala Sw. Jzefa. Headline: Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Tuesday, September 14, 1954: Ojciec Justyn Odznaczony Krzy|em Kawalerskim  Polonia Restitutta Photographs: St. Fracis High School. Fr. Justin at microphone. List of Programs at Buffalo Stations. Dzennik Dla Wszystkich, Tues. Sept 14, 1954: Liczne Zrzeszenia WspBpracuj z Przew. O. Justynem Figas, O.M.C. Przew. Ol Justyn To Znakomity Pisarz. Photograph: Architectural sketch of Intercommunity Hospital. Headlines: Liga Godziny R|aDcowej. Nowicjat w Ellicott city, Md. Dwie Znamienne Uroczystosci. Newspaper section with article on the opening of St. Joseph Intercommunity Hospital Letter from John Ulinski to Mr. Foley, Administerator of the Housing and Home Finance Agency. Highlights: Intercommunity Hospital Project: typed summation. Unsigned typewritten background of beginnings of the Intercommunity Hospital. History of St. Joseph s Intercommunity Hospital Women s Guild, Inc. Ibid.. SCRAPBOOK 41 INTERCOMMUNITY HOSPITAL Minutes of the Inter-Community Hospital Ambassadors Committee Photographs of the Debutantes at the Ambassador Ball Newspaper Articles Page: Minutes of the January 27, 1948 meeting of the Inter-Community Hospital Ambassadors. Minutes of the February, 4, 1948 meeting. Ibid. Minutes of the February 18, 1948 meeting. Minutes of the March 3, 1948 meeting. Ibid.. Minutes of the March 17, 1948 meeting Ibid.. Minutes of the March 31, 1948 meeting. Ibid.. Minutes of the April 12, 1948 meeting. Minutes of the April 26, 1948 meeting. List of the members of the Inter-Community Hospital Ambassadors Committee. Ibid.. Headline: Bal Debiutantek 14go Kwietnia. 15 to Make Debut at Hospital Ball in Memorial Aud. Photographs: Alicia E. Askler, Marcia ann Urban. Headline: Bal Debiutantek Bedzie WspaniaBym. Zakupujcie Bilety Na Bal Debiutantek. Photographs: Dr. James KaDski, Panna Klara Marja Jarmush. Headline: Bal Debiutantek To WspaniaBa Impreza. Jeszcze Mo|na Zamwi Na WspaniaBy Ba; Deboitamtel. Photographs: Panna Melwina Dobrowolska, Alicja M. WadyDska Headlines: W PrzyszB Szrod Bal Debiutantek. Photographs: Irena Malecka, Dolores Pajkowska, Five Debutantes with  presentation gowns. Headlines: Photograph: Three girls rehearsing for  Debutante Ball Headline: Bal Debiutantek Bdzie. Bal Debiutantek Pod Obrad Ambasadorw. Photograph: MieczysBaw KarpiDski Headlines: Ju| Wszystko Przygotowane Do WspaniaBego Balu Debiutantek. Debutantes Ball to Help Hospital. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Wednesday, April 14, 1948: Dzisiaj Wioeczr CaBa Polonja Idzie Na WspaniaBy Bal Debiutanek. Photographs: Fr. Justin Figas, Mayor Bernard J. Dowd, Jan A. Ulinski, Pan Jzef DzimiDskil Ju| Wszystko Gotowe Na Bal Debiutantek. U| Panna Joan Szczukowska, Panna D. Kaczmarek. Headline: Mowa Pana Jana F. Aszklera na Radio WygBoszona z Okazji Pierwszego w Buffalo  Balu Debiutantek Debs Dance Raises Funds For Hospital Building Campaign. Photograph: Jan Aszkler, Orchestra Members. Headlines: Polonja Serdecznie Proszona O Poparcie Balu Debiutantek. Zbli| Ai DzieD WspaniaBej Imprezy Na Dochd Szpitala Inter-Community. Panna Sally Ann Syput, Panna Diana D. Dynowska. A Wic Idziemy Jutro Wszyscy Na Bal Debiutantek. Photographs: Dr. Edward B. Bukowski, Marja MataBa, Dr. Henryyk Morelewicz. Headline: Wczorajszy Bal Debiutantek ByB Imponujc Imprez Photograph: Debutantes. Photograph: Debutantes. Headline: Komitet Ambasadorw SkBada Serdeczne Podzikowani PAGES 31-42 Non-newspaper 8 x 11 photographs of various debutantes. Debutante Application Form. Rules to be conformed to by debutantes. A list of Debutante s Ball Ticket Stations. Billing from Polish Broadcasting Bureau to Dr. Ed. Bukowski  Chairman, Ambassador s Committee. Headline: Father Justin Had a Great Idea: And Dr. Bukowski Helped it Grow. Photographs: Fr. Justin Figas, Dr. Edward Bukowski Headline: Women of Guild Had Large Role in Fulfilling Dream. Ad for St. Joseph Hospital from Ruslander and Sons Inc. AM-Pol Eagle, July 28, 1960: Inter-Community Hospital Set For September Opening; Chapel To Be Memorial To Fr. Justin. Back Cover: Newspaper page with Ad from the Marine Trust ET ALIA. SCRAPBOOK 42 NEWSPAPER ARTICLES AND COMMUNICATIONS 1995-1996-1997 Page The Buffalo News, September 2, 1995: Bishop Mansell Announces clergy appointments, posts. Blank St. Stanislaus Kostka Church Bulletin announcement Nard Polski Banner Headline: Zmiana Kierownika Godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna Am-Pol Eagle: Rosary Hour See Page 7 Blank Article: Zarys Historyczny Braci Mniejszych Konwentualnych Prowincji Sw. Antoniego Focus: Young Adult Summer Volunteer Experience. We are a Story People Ibid. Blank Polish Day in New York: Polska Parada. Headline: Buffalo News, October 7, 1995: New Head of Rosary Hour. AM-Pol Eagle, October 1995: Thousands of WNYers made pilgrimage to NYC. Central Park Mass. Blank Western New York Catholic: Fr. Marion appointed new director of Rosary Hour. Blank WNY Catholic Newsmagazine: Father Justin Rosary Hour begins year with new director. Addressed Envelope Letter from Mons. L Sandri, Secretary of State, Vatican. KUL article. Nowy Dziennik: Nowy kierownik Godziny R|aDcowej. Blank Polish World American: Friday, November 3, 1995: Primate of Poland to Initiate Season of Justin Rosary Hour.. The Post Eagle: New Jersey, November 15, 1995: Father Justin Rosary Hour Has New Director. Blank. Sacred Heart Church (Bulletin?). November 26, 1995: Fr. Justin Rosary 65th Season: List of Stations which broadcast the Fr. Justin Rosary Hour. See Page 39 Rycerz Niepokalanej: December 1995: Nowy dyrektor Godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna. Blank. Blank. Blank. The Anthony Journal, Conventual Franciscan Friars, St. Anthony Province, USA, Ellicott City. The Rosary Hour Corporation& See page 45 Most Holy Trinity Church: December 4, 1995: Announcement on the Rosary Hour Broadcasts with listing of Radio Programs in the United States and Canada. Blank. Am-Poll Eagle: Thursday, December 7, 1995: Polish Mass continues at OLC at a new time. Blank. A letter from Joseph Cardinal Glemp To Fr. Marian Talky. Blank The Post Eagle, Wednesday, December 13, 1995: Christmas With the Rosary Hour. Blank. News Article: Thursday, December 14, 1995.  Over the Tavern returns to Studio Arena this Week. Rev Zajac honored. Blank. Nard Polski: Czwartek, 14 grudnia, 1995: Bo|e Narodzenie z Godzin R|aDcow See page 57. St. Michael Archangel Church: bulletin insert from St. Michael the Archangel Church in Bridgeport, CT, with Connecticut radio stations broadcasting Rosary Hour. See page 59 Bulletin insert from The Basilica of St. Stanislaus in Chicopee, December 17, 1995, announcing Rosary Hour Program. Bulletin insert from Our Lady of Czstochowa announcing  Christmas with the Rosary Hour as a special Christmas Program on stations WHTT and WHLD signed by Fr. Marian Tolczyk. Blank. The Catholic Observer, December 22, 1995: Former Chicopee pastor heads New York radio network. Blank Nowy Dziennik, Czwartek, 21 Grudnia: Specjalny polski program switeczny. Blank The Catholic Transcript, December 22, 1995: Bridgeport native to direct national rosary radio show. Blank Bulletin from Saint Joseph Church, Everson, PA: Announcement concerning Rosary Hour Programming. Blank Bulletin from St. Michael the Archangel Church announcing Rosary Hour Program. Blank Letter from Bishop Egan to Father Marian Tolczyk Blank Bulletin from St. Michael the Archangel Church with announcement of Rosary Hour Program Blank Letter from Bishop Mansell to Father Marian Tolczyk. Letter from Fr. Marian Tolczyk to Bishop Mansell. Letter from Bishop Mansell to Fr. Marian Tolczyk. Blank Bulletin from St. Michael the Archangel Church with announcement of Rosary Hour Program See page 81 Article from PosBaniec M. B. SalytyDskiej about new season of Rosary Hour. Blank A  God Bless You note from Bishop Brzana. A letter from Bishop Edward M. Grosz, Auxiliary Bishop of Buffalo Diocese to Fr. Marian Tolczyk A letter to the Holy Father from Fr. Marian Tolczyk. A bulletin announcement from Our Lady of Czstochowa Church dated March 32, 1996 A thank you note from the Metropolitan of Krakow to Fr. Marian Tolczyk dated March 4, 1996 An Easter message from Prymas Polski. A thank you letter from Archbishop Stephan WesoBy to Fr. Marian Tolczyk. A thank you letter from Joseph Cardynal Glemp to Fr. Marian Tolczyk. A letter from Bishop Edward Grosz to Fr. Marian Tolczyk An Easter message from Archbishop Szczepan WesoBy. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Announcement from Archbishop Szczepan WesoBy titled  Informacja Liturgiczna Easter greetings from John Paul II dated Easter 1996 Blank The Post Eagle, New Jersey, Wednesday, April 3, 1996: Rosary Hour for the Young. Knights of Columbus Bulletin:  In Solidarity With Our Priests , Hamburg, NY, May 1996. Photographs: Group photos of Clergy Dinner A Bulletin from Sacred Heart Church in Danbury, CT, Announcement from Fr. Marian Tolczyk. A letter from Bishop Edward Grosz to Fr. Marian Tolczyk. A public message from Fr. Marian Tolczyk published in the Rycerz Niepokalanej. Bulletin from Sacred Heart Church in Danbury, CT, with article entitled  June 8th and 9th: St. Anthony s Bread. WNY Catholic: Newsmagazine, May 1996: Pro-life segment featured on All Good Things in May. Msgr. Bialek is topic of radio show. A letter from Fr. StanisBaw Strojecki, Provincial of the Karkow, Poland Province to the Director of the Rosary Hour dated Krakow, October 6, 1996. A letter from Fr. MirosBaw Jaremczuk from Telewizja Niepokalanw to Fr. Marian Tolczyk. Newspaper page from Zwiazkowiec dated Tuesday June 18, 1996: Zlot AfrykaDsczykw w Orchard Lake. Ibid. A bulletin from St. Stanislaus Kostka Church with annouoncement. A Newsletter from the St. Anthony Province with Rosary Hour article. Am-Pol Eagle, Wednesday, July 3, 1996: Cardinal to be on Rosary Hour A letter in English and Polish from Fr. Marian Tolczyk concerning a celebration of the 400th Anniversary of Warsaw as capitol of Poland. Buffalo Diocesan Newsletter concerning Concert of Boychoir of St. John s Cathedral in Warsaw, Poland. AM-Pol Eagle, Wednesday, July 18, 1996: Father Tolczyk: Using the airwaves to build America.. Photograph: Fr. Marian Tolczyk. Am-Pol Eagle, Thursday, July 25, 1996: Announcement about  Conatores Minores: Announcement from Bulletin of St. John Kanty, Clifton, New Jersey dated July 28, 1996 about Rosary Hour. Program from Concert of Warsaw Archdiocesan Cathedral Boychoir dated July 30, 1996 A letter from Metropolita Krakowski to Fr. Marian Tolczyk dated Krakw, dnia 11 sierpnia 1997 r. A listing of Canadian Stations broadcasting the Rosary Hour in the Polonijny Miesicznik Spoleczno-Katolicki, Canada, Lipiec-SierpieD 1996 A letter from Fr. Marian Tolczyk about the Celebration of the 400th anniversary of Warsaw in Buffalo, NY. A letter from Rt. Rev. Thaddeus S. Peplowski to Fr. Marian Tolczyk Am-Pol Eagle: Thursday, August 1, 1996: Photograph of Fr. Justin Figas at desk. Am-Pol Eagle, August 15, 1996: Polish hospitality extended to Warsaw Boychoir Photographs: Parishioners celebrating a Polish Soldiers Mass at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church PUA Parade, Official Publication of the Polish Union of America, August/September 1996: World Renowned Radio Personality Visits Home Office. PUA Surpasses Another Milestone  Over $15,000,000 in Assets. Photographs: Fr. Dende with National President of PUA and Fr. Dende signing guest book. Published Invitation to listen to Fr. Justin Rosary Hour signed Fr. Marian Tolczyk in English Ibid. in Polish language. The Anthony Journal, August/September, 1996: article on Cathedral Boys Choir. Am-Pol Eagle, August 22, 1996: Rosary Hour to feature talk on Love. Postal Card issued by Fr. Marian Tolczyk with photograph of Fr. Cornelian Dende s grave. Obit and biographical Date on Fr. Cornelian Dende, OFMConv. Three non newspaper photographs of Fr. Cornelian s Funeral Ibid. Letter to the editor of Am-Pol Eagle by Fr. Marian Tolczyk. Blank Am-Pol Eagle, Thursday, September 5, 1996: Former voice of Fr. Justin Rosary Hour dies. Photograph: Fr. Cornelian Dende. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Blank Cover: Wiadomosci z Prowincji Matki Bo|ej Niepokalanej A biographical obit of Fr. Cornelian Dende by Fr. WBadysBaw M|yk. Ibid. A letter from Kancelaria Sejmu, Biuro Listw I Skarg, Warszawa. A letter in Polish and English from Fr. Marian Tolczyk concerning the  Cantores Minores Blank. A homily on Fr. Cornelian Dende, biographical in nature by Fr. Claude Jarmak and delivered at Corpus Christi Church dated September 3, 1996 Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. A letter from Joseph Cardinal Glemp, Polish Primate to Fr. Marian Tolczyk. A letter to Very Rev. Mark Curesky, Minister Provincial by Fr. Manswet Wardyn Minister Provincial from Gdansk. A letter from Marian BBa|ej KruszyBowicz, biskup pomocniczy szczeciDsko-kamieDski to Fr. Marian Tolczyk. A letter to Fr. Marian Tolczyk from Fr. Joseph LapiDski, Warsaw Province A letter to Fr. Marian Tolczyk from Ks. Prof. Dr. hab. StanisBaw Wielgus from the Catholic University of Lublin. A list of programs issued for the 65th season of the Rosary Hour (1995-1996 A series of Ads and Announcements An obit of Fr. Cornelian Dende in Nowe {ycie dated September 22, 1996 A biographical sketch of Fr. Cornelian Dende. Ibid. Ibid. An article by Fr. WBadek M|yk appearing in the Rycerz Niepokalanej dated October 1996 Duszpasterz Polski Zagranic: Article on Fr. Cornelian Dende. Ibid. Obit on Fr. Cornelian Dende in the Polish American Journal. Obits on Fr. Cornelian Dende and the replacement by Fr. Marian Tolczyk Obit in the Kronika and The Anthony Journal on Fr. Cornelian Dende. Announcements on the Rosary Hour. Penciled phone of Mr. R. Puchalski: 835-9457. Announcement on New Season of the Rosary Hour. A letter from Mons. L. Sandri, Asessor of the Vatican Secretariat of State. Obit on Fr. Cornelian Dende. Announcement of new season of Rosary Hour. A list of Radio Stations broadcasting the Rosary Hour. Article in The Anthony Journal on establishing a middle school at St. Francis of Assisi parish. Announcements on the Rosary Hour broadcasts. Obit on Fr. Cornelian Dende in the Rycerz Niepokalanej. Photograph: Father Cornelian in Santa Severa. Polish American Journal: January 1997: Article on Fr. Justin Figas (Contributions overlooked) by Don Binkowski of Henderson, North Carolina. Announcements on Rosary Hour in Am-Pol Eagle. The Anthony Journal dated January, 199: Rosary Hour Homepage on Internet. Announcements on Rosary Hour and list of radio stations. Biographical sketch on Fr. Cornelian Dende in the Rycerz Niepokalanej date January 1997 Ibid. Photograph: Fr. Cornelian with Cardinal Wojtyla. Announcments on Rosary Hour. Delegates to the 1997 Provincial Chapter for the St. Anthony of Padua Province with Fr. Marian Tolczyk name highlighted and misspelled. Ibid.. Announcements of Rosary Hour programs Ibid. Ibid. Letter by Fr. Marian Tolczyk to Parishes asking inclusion of Rosary Hour announcement. Przeegld Uniwersytecki, KwiecieD 1997: Sprawozdanie z Podr|y do Kanady i USA, Ks. Jan Perszom Annoouncements of Rosary Hour Programs. Am-Pol Eagle, Thursday, April 24, 1997: A Report on the 1997 National Meeting of the Polish American Priests Assn. The Mount Pleasant Journal, Wenesday, May 21, 1997: Church News: Sainthood Sought for Father Figas. Announcements of Rosary Hour Programs Am-Pol Eagle: Fr. Justin is on the road to Sainthood: Supporters of local pioneer of religious radio programming gather petitions. The Daily Courier, Saturday, May 31, 1997: Fay-West Lifestyle: Former Everson Resident Up for Sainthood. Photographs: Rev. Joseph Sredzinski, Pastor of St. Joseph Church in everson, and Frances (Figas) Stella, youngest sister of Rev. Justin Figas. Fr. Justin figas Am-Pol Eagle: Thursday, June 5, 1997: On the road to sainthood: A biography of Fr. Justin Figas. BY Rev. Micael H Burzyski, Ph.D. Photographs: Fr. Justin by WEBR microphone. Fr. Justin breaking ground. Announcements on Rosary Hour Programs. A letter from Archbishop Stephen WesoBy to Fr. Marian Tolczyk. Am-Pol Eagle, Thursday, August 14, 1997: St. Barbara s Parish to visit Rosary Hour, Villa Maria. Rosary Hour announcements. Rosary Hour announcements on web page and P.A.P.A article on Fr. Justin s candidacy for sainthood. Rosary Hour announcements Articles for Parish Bulletins Am-Pol Eagle, Thursday, October 2, 1997: October is the Month of the Rosary Hour. Homily announcement about Fr. Marian Tolczyk s homily at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church in Brooklyn, New York. Articale in Am-Pol Eagle about Fr. Dende Scholarship. Headline: (Source not noted) Portuguese, Poles to Celebrate SCRAPBOOK 43 NEWSPAPER ARTICLES: 1997-1999 Sokol Polski  Polish Falcon, September 1996: Everson s  Famous Son Recognized. Herald-Standard, Friday, August 8, 1997: Religion: The Rev. Justin Figas: Group Seeks to have country native declared saint. Photograph: Rev. Justin Figas Envelope addressed to Fr. Marian Tolczyk with letter from Rev. Josph Sredzinski, Pastor of St. Joseph R.C. Church in Everson, PA. Cover from Saint Joseph Church Bulletin, Everson, PA. Blank. Series of newspaper announcements concerning broadcasts of the Rosary Hour. A letter to Pastors of churches asking announcements regarding the Rosary Hour. Ibid.. Announcement regarding Msgr. Stanley E. Milewski s speaking at Rosary Hour. A listing of Radio Stations broadcasting talk by Msgr. Staley E. Milewski, Orchard Lake Schools. Letter from Fr. Marian Tolczyk, OFMConv. asking pastors to publish message in their church bulletins. Announcements in various newspapers concerning Rosary Hour broadcasts. Blank. A letter from Joseph Cardinal Glemp, Primate of Poland to the director of the Rosary Hour. Announcements from two parishes concerning Rosary Hour Announcements concerning Rosary Hour broadcasts. A letter dated Krakw, 17 lutego 1998 r. from the Metropolita Krakowski Announcements concerning Rosary Hour broadcasts. WNY Catholic, February 1998: Published Thank You to WNY Catholic Newspaper. WNY Catholic, February 1998: Polish-American clerlgy prepare for convention in Niagara Falls.. A list of radio stations broadcasting the Rosary Hour. Cover of  Pan Z Wami Polish Missalette and Prayer Book with page announcing times of Rosary Hour broadcasts. Announcements of Rosary Hour Broadcasts in PosBaniec and parish bulletins. Ibid.. the Anthony Journal, February 1998: News from Around the Province: Father Justin Rosary Hour. Article by Fr. Marian Tolczyk in Rycerz Niepokalanej entitled  Midzynarodowy DzieD Chorych. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour broadcasts. Ibid.. Ibid.. The Anthony Journal: March 1998: Father Justin Rosary House. List of Radio Stations. Announcement from Basilica of St. Stanislaus in Chicopee. Two articles from the Rycerz Niepokalanej written by Fr. Marian Tolczyk and Fr. Andrew Radzewicz. Ibid.. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour from AM-Pol Eagle. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. A note from the Metropolita Krakowski. A letter from Fr. Walter Pelczynski, MIC to Fr. Marian Tolczyk. Leaflet cover announcing Ninth Annual National convention Polish American Priests Association Ibid. Am-Pol, Thursday, April 2, 1998: Polish Priests Coming to WNY. Announcement. Rosary Hour announcements. Flyer: Diocesan Marian Tribute at St. Joseph s Cathedral List of broadcast stations. Bulletin announcements concerning Rosary Hour. Letter to Canon Anthony Iwuc. Letter dated: Watykan, 17 maja 1998 r. by Bp StanisBaw Dziwisz to the director of the Rosary Hour. The Anthony Journal: Father Justin Rosary Hour. Articles concerning Diocesan Marian Tribute at St. Joseph s Cathedral. Blank. Am-Pol Eagle, Thursday, June 18, 1998: St. Hedwig s hears the horror of STOLEN CHILDHOOD. (Fr. Lucian Krolikowski Nowe {ycie,May/June: Godzina Ro|aDcowa Ojca Justyna. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. The Independent-Observer, Thursday, June 4, 1998: Everson pastor speaks on Father Justin Rosary Hour. The Mount Pleasant Journal, Thursday, June 18, 1998. Two photographs of group visiting Rosary Hour Facility. Two notes written to Fr. Marian Tolczyk. Ibid.. Three photographs. A letter to Fr. Marian tolczyk from Fr. Mark Curesky, Provincial of St. Anthony Province. Ibid.. Letter to Fr. Marian Tolczyk from Most Rev. Henry J. Mansell, Bishop of Buffalo. Letter to Fr. Marian Tolczyk from Fr. Joseph Sredzinski, Pastor of St. Joseph s Church of Everson. St. AnthonyTimes, Summer 1998: A Candidate for Canonization. Ibid.. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. Blank Announcements concerning Rosary Hour Cover: Pan Zwami with article. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. Blank Nasze |ycie, Pa|dziernik-StyczeD: Wywiad  Naszego Zycia. Photograph: Fr. Mark Cureski with clerics. Ibid.. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. Am-Pol, October 8,1998: The 20th Anniversary of the  Pope of the Rosary . Listing of radio stations. Bulletins announcing Rosary Hour Season. Ibid.. Lynn Sunday Post, October 11, 1998: North Shore: 390th anniversary of first Polanders in America. Photograph of Pope John Paul II. Ibid.. Letter from Arcybiskup Metropolita czstochowski to Fr. Marian Tolczyk. Envelopes. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour Ads concerning Rosary Hour Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. Articles on new season of Rosary Hour with list of radio stations. Letter from Mons. Pedro Lopez Quintana of the Vatical Secretary of State. Letter to Fr. Marian Tolczyk from Arcybiskup szczepan WesoBy. Letter to Fr. Marian Tolczyk from Joseph Cardinal Glemp. Christmas greetings to Rosary Hour. Krakow Provincial s Visit to Elmhurst, LI. Blank. News and Notes: Father Justin Rosary Hour corporation Meeting. Announcements regarding Rosary Hour. Am-Pol Eagle: Am-Pol Eagle, Thursday, February 4, 1999: Fraternal-Fr. Justin Knights of Columbus. Individual in Organizations: Religion: Fr. Marian Tolczyk. Announcements regarding Rosary Hour Ibid.. The Post Eagle, Wednesday, March 31, 1999: A Candidate for Canonization? Letter from Krakow  Metropolitan Krakowski Annoucements regarding Rosary Hour Ibid.. Blank Announcements regarding Rosary Hour. Blank Announcements regarding Rosary Hour President Wallace Ozog Visits Polonia in Buffalo, New York. Six photographs of dignit aries. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour Tygodnik Katolicki: Niedziela, Czstochowa: Pokj i Dobro. Headline: Fr. Justin Figas, OFMConv. THE PRIDE OF POLONIA. Announcements concerning broadcasts. Ibid.. List of stations Announcements concerning broadcasts. Ibid.. Christmas Greeting from Rosary Hour published in the Polish American Journal SCRAPBOOK 44 NEWSPAPER ARTICLES: 2000-2001 Page PUA: Swienconka Celebration at the Polish Falcons Club. Ibid.. Photograph: Wallace Piotrowski and Father Marion Tolczyk Nowe {ycie, March 2000: Godzina R|aDcowa Rozwija Si w Internecie. Blank Nowe {ycie, May 2000: Programy Godziny R|aDcowej w Maju. Blank Am-Pole Eagle, June 22, 2000: Suchyna, Fr. Tolczyk honored. Cover entitled,  Spiewnik Pielgrzymki . List of Radio Stations. Internet address of Rosary Hour Web Page. Przegld Uniwersytecki, Universytet Lubelski, Lublin, 3 lipca 2000 r.: article and photographs. Article entitled Na drogach Budowy Kolegium Jana PawBa II. Page 13. Ibid.. Rosary Hour ads in Am-Pol Eagle announcing Programs of Rosary Hour. Nowe {ycie: SierpieD 2000: Lato w Godzinie R|aDcowej. Polish American Journal, September 28, 2000: Lest We Forget: Fr. Cornelian Dende: Radio Pastor, Apostle of the Airwaves. Rosary Hour announcements from Basilica of St. Stanislaus and the Am-Pol Eagle. Ink pen sketch of Rosary Hour building. Brochure entitled,  Our Polish American Heritage in the Greater New Bedford Area, Sunday, October 1, 200. Our Lady of Perpetual Help. New Bedford. The Polish Weekly (Tygodnik Polski), October 20, 2000: Cardinal Maida Will Open the 70th Season of the Radio  Rosary Hour List of Radio Station of Rosary Hour published in Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Danbury, Connecticut. Nowy Dziennik: Nasze Sprawy, Sroda 8 listopada 2000: 70. sezon radiowy  Godziny R|aDcowe. Radio station listings. Announcements relating to Rosary Hour published in Am-Pol Eagle The Catholic New World, November 26-December 2, 2002: Announcements of Radio Broadcasts. Published Letter of Prezes W. Gorski of the Siberian Society of Florida. The Anthony Jounal, Provincial Newsletter: From the Minister Provincial to the Friars. Ibid.. Ibid.. Am-Pol Eagle, Nov. 9, 2000: Western New York. Am-Pol Eagle: Thursday, November 9, 2000: Editorials mentioning Fr. Marian Tolczyk Rycerz Niepokalanej, Listopad 2000: W Aodz Sw. Piotra. Announcements pertaining Rozary Hour from Parish Bulletins. Ibid.. Rodzin, Listopad 2000: Z {ycia KoscioBa: 70 Lat Godziny Ro|aDcowej. Polish American Journal, November 2000. Cardinal Maida to Open Rosary Hour s 70th Season. WNY Catholic, November 2000: Cardinal Maida, Deteroit archbishop, to open 70th season of father Justin Rosary Hour. Niedziela Warszawski: Pikno Jest z Boga Published Rosary Hour announcements. Ibid.. Christmas Card from the Vatican, Bp StanisBaw Dziwisz. Am-Pol Eagle, Thursday, January 11, 2001: Franciscans celebrate Christmas in Moscow. Newspaper announcement: Rosary Hour. Ibid. Buffalo News/Saturday, February 17, 2001: Scholarly Sloan native elevated to head international order of Franciscans. Am-Pol Eagle, February 15, 2001: Buffalo Native to Lead Conventual Franciscan Friars. Editorials: Fr. Giermek s Elevation brings Pride to WNY. Published Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Am-Pol Eagle, March 1, 2001: Pole to Pole: photograph of Fr. Cornelan Dende and his brother. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. Ibid.. Ibid. Ibid.. Am-Pol Eagle, March 21, 2001: Lackawanna 81: Southowns News: Article mentioning Fr. Joseph Benicewicz, OFMConv. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. Headline: Rekolekcje Wielkopostne Dla Polonii U Pranciszkanow W kosciele Bozego Ciala. Buffalo News, Friday, March 23, 2001: Bush praises the pope at dedication of Museum. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. Ibid.. Ibid. Western New York Catholic, April 2001: Mercy of God celebration at St. John Kanty Parish. Catholic Directory welcomes new editor. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour.Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. St Anthony Journal: Rosary Hour News. Western New York Catholic, April 2001: Buffalonian Named Assistant General of Order of Friars Minor Conventual. Photograph: Brother John-Joseph Dolan. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. Ibid.. Am-Pol Eagle, May 10, 2001: Religion: Buffalo to participate in Polonia gathering at Papal Center in DC. Photograph: John Paul II Cultural Center in Washington DC. Am-Pol Eagle, May 31, 2001: Polo9nijne obchody otwarcia Centrum Jana Pawla II 9 czerwca w Waszyngtonie. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. An add in the St. Francis of Assisi Church in Athol Springs announcing Pilgrimage to Polonia event in Washington DC. June 3, 2001. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. Ibid.. Ibid. P.A.P.A.: Polish American Priest Association, Summer/Fall 2001: Albany, NY PAPA convention with Polish Hospitality Plus. Listing of Catholic Radio Programs in Western New York Catholic Announcements concerning Rosary Hour Ibid.. Catholic New World, August 5-18, 2001. National Shrine Basilica of Our Lady of Fatima Newsletter: Photograph with Headline: Our Lady of Fatima Newsletter. Full Page advertisement announcing Polish Pilgrimage Day at La Salette Shrine in Attleboro, MA. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour from Parish bulletins Ibid.. the Providence Journal, Saturday, August 18, 2001: Pride of Polonia Award. Akug. 26 is Polish Day. The Times, Monday, August 20, 2001: LaSalette to celebrate annual pilgrimage event. The Post Eagle, Wednesday, August 22, 2001: Polish Day At LaSalette Shrine in Massachusetts. Photograph: Fr. Marian Tolczyk Nard Polski: 23 sierpnia, 2001: Pielgrzymka Polska W LaSalette My Backyard, Free Paper serving Attleboro and neighbors: August 26, 2001: 21st Annual Polish Day At LaSallette This Sunday. Prayer of the faithful used at the Polish Day at LaSalette. Liturgical, devotional prayer at Mass for Polish Day. Newspaper articles with Photographs of Fr. Marian Tolczyk announcing Polish Day at LaSalette. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour Broadcasts. Ibid.. Anthony Journal: Photos at Polish Day celebration. List of stations broadcasting Rosary Hour together with headline: Kard Jozef Glemp otworzy 71 Sezon Radioowy  Godziny R|aDcowej published in  Nard Polski Ad from Rosary Hour published under banner head, The 21st Annual Friends of Father Baker Reception. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour in Am-Pol Eagle. Nowy Dziennik, PoniedziaBek 12go Listopada, 2001: Polacy w USA: Ndal sBucham godziny R|aDcowej. Nard Polski, November 22, 2001: 70 Years of the Fr. Justin Rosary Hour Program celebrating 70th anniversary of Rosary Hour Broadcasts. Full page story in the Am-Pol Eagle concerning 70th anniversary of the Rosary Hour with photograph of Fr. Eligiuisz Kozak, Fr. Marian Tolczy, Fr. Peter Frankowski, and Fr. Wladek Mezyk. Ibid. Ibid. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. Christmas card from Fr. Dominic. Christmas Cards. Letter to Fr. Marian Tolczyk from the Polish primate. Christmas Card. the Anthony Journal, January 2002: The Friars in the News: Photograph: Fr. Eligius, Fr Marian, Fr Peter, and Fr. Wladek. SCRAPBOOK 45 Newspaper Articles: 2000-2002 Page The Anthony Journal: The Friars in the News: Press release, December, 2001: Rosary Hour Interview:  I still listen to the Rosary Hour&  Am-Pol Eagle: Press announcements concerning the Rosary Hour. Announcement concerning Rosary Hour from Sacred Heart Church, New Britain, CT. Nard Polski: Announcements concering Rosary Hour Rodzina: GrudzieD/StyczeD: Z |ycia Polonii: ApostoB Polonii  O. Justyn Figas Ibid.. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour Rycerz Niepokalanej, GrudzieD 2001: WybiBa 70. rocznica Godziny R|aDcowej. Pamphlet cover entitled,  Wiadomosci z Prowincji Matki Bo|ej Niepokalanej Zakony OO. Franciszkanw w Polsce : Warszawa: 70 Lat Godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justyna. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid. PosBaniec Serca Jezusa, styczeD 2002: Ojciec Justyn Figas  apostoB Polonii Five Page Pamphlet entitled  Wiadomosci z Prowincji Sw. Madsymiliana, Zakonu Ojcw Franciszkanw w Polsce.  HYPERLINK "http://andrzej.kai.pl" http://andrzej.kai.pl....: Internet article entitled :Rekolekcje wielkopostne w sieci. PosBaniec Matki Boskej SaletaDski, Luty, 2002: 70 Lat Godziny Ro|aDcowej. Ibid.. Am-Pol Eagle, Thursday, February 24, 2002: Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. Ibid.. Ibid.. Vocation Newletter, Conventual Franciscans, Louisville, KY: Conventual Franciscans: 150 Years in North America. Easter Greetings from Vatican. Catholic New World, April, 2002: Announcements concerning Rosary Hour Ibid.. Ibid.. Pages from program entitled:  Liturgy of the Eucharist On the Occasion of the Jubilee Celebration of the Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph Letter from Ks. Prof. Dr. Hab. Andrzej Szostek, rector Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego to Director of the Rosary Hour. Letter from Bishop Edward M. Grosz to Fr. WBadysBaw Mezyk. R|e Maryi: 70 Lat Godziny R|aDcowej. The Polish Weekly (Tygodnik Polski): Fr. Mezyk to Direct Fr. Justin Rosary Hour. A letter to Marian Tolczyk from Villa Maria Chorale. A letter from Joseph Cardinal Glemp to Fr. Marian Tolczyk A letter to the director of the Rosary Hour from the Poor Clares in Poland. A letter from Mons. Stanislaus Dziwisz to Fr. Marian Tolczyk. Announcements concerning the Rosary Hour from Conventual Parishes. Nideziela, Tygodnik Katolicki, Dzstochowa: June 9: Nowy Dyrektor Godziny R|aDcowej. Nard Polski, Monday, June 10, 2002: Zmiana Dyrektora w Godzinie R|aDcowej. Excerpt from the Offical Catholic Directory. Liturgical program List of radio broadcasting stations. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. Am-Pol Eagle, Thursday, June 13, 2002: Fr. Tolczyk Thanks Supporters as His directorship of the Rosary Hour Ends. Letter to Fr. Walter M|yk from Fr. Gregory Bartosik of the Immaculate Conception Parish in Warsaw, Poland. A list of radio Stations. An invitation to a General Meeting of the Association of Priests for Polish Affairs. A letter from Provincial, O. Kazimierz Malinowski from Krakw to Fr. M|yk. The Anthony Journal, June 2002: Provincial mentions his visit to Buffalo. Parish Bulletins: announcements concerning Rosary Hour. Spiewnik Pieltzymki. A List of Radio Stations. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour A list of radio Stations. A page from posBaniec entitled: Radio Maryja po raz pierwszy w Buffalo. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour Photographs of WNY clergy, honored by PuBaski Association Ads for Rosary Hour. Ibid.. Ibid. The Anthony Journal, September 2002: Fr. Justin Rosary Hour marks 70th Year on the Air as New Host Takes Over Show. Polish American Journal, September 2002. Photograph: a group visiting Rosary Hour Announcements concerning the Rosary Hour.\ Am-Pol Eagle: September 19, 2002: Photographs: Clergy honored at PuBaski Assn. Banquet Am-Pol Eagle, September 19, 2002: Fr. Eligius John Kozak recalls life in tumultuous Poland and calling to the Rosary Hour. Photographs: Fr. Eligius Kozak, Fr. Lucian Krolikowski, Fr. Cornelian Dende. Photo at altar. Letter from Bishop Grosz to Fr. WBadek M|yk A list of Radio Stations. A photgraph of Rosary Hour receiving relic of St. Francis of Assisi. Messenger: Closer to Home: Franciscans in Action in North America. Article. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. Article on Fr. Justin Figas with photograph of Fr. Justin at his Desk See # 65 The Anthony Journal. News about the Rosary Hour. The 22nd Annual Friends of Father Baker Reception Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. Ibid. Ibid. Photograph of Pope John Paul II& Do Nabycia!!! Papiez spiewa  Oj, Maluski, Maluski Ibid. Ibid. Banner heads from various newspapers concerning Pope Paul II and his PastoraBka. Ibid.. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. Ibid.. The Anthony Journal: Christmas letter. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour. SCRAPBOOK 46 Newspaper Articles: 2005 Page The Catholic New World, December 19, 2005: Listing of Religious Radio Programs. Am-Pol Eagle, January 6, 2005: Announcements pertaining to Rosary Hour. Listing of Catholic Radio Programs for several stations. Ibid.. Ibid.. Ibid.. Diocesan Schedule mentioning the Rosary Hour. Niedziela, Tygodnik Katolicki, February 6, 2005: Rekolekcje Sielkopostne w  Godzinie R|aDcowej . Ibid.. Am-Pol Eagle: Announcements regarding Rosary Hour Broadcasts. An Ad for Father Justin s Biography Film Nard Polski, Monday, February 2, 2005: Published blurb on Radio Lenten Retreat On Rosary Hour.WstaD: Dwumiesicznik Dla Chorych, luty, marzec, Rok XVII: Kalwaria BLU. Ibid.. Rycerz Niepokalanej, Luty 2005: Article and photograph on Rosary Hour: Photograph: Br. Daniel Geary, Fr. Ronald Sermak, Fr. WiesBaw CiemiEga, Fr. WBadysBaw M|yk, and Fr. Dariusz Barna. Immaculata, February/March 2005: Full page ad announcing release of YES! PICTURES production of BEYOND THE AIRWAVES, the life of Fr. Justin Figas. Catholic Talk: Listing of Religious Radio Programs: Catholic New World. Ibid.. Retreat announced at Precious Blood Church Bulletin: Rosary Hour Program. Radio stations broadcasting Religious Programs: Catholic New World Newspaper. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour Broadcasts. Falcon News, SokB Polski, March 2005: PFA national Chaplian Helps Produce Figas Historical Video. Bulletin from St. Michael s and St. Anthony s Catholic Community, Montreal, Canada announcing retreat to be offered by Rosary Hourl. Bulletin from Our Lady of Czestowchowa Parish in Montreal Canada announcing Mission. Bulletin from Holy Trinity Parish in Montreal Canada announcing Retreat and Mission. Bulletin from Sw. Wojciecha Church in Montreal Canada announcing the Lenten Mission by WBadysBaw M|yk. Liturgical Propgram Easter Message from Warsaw, Poland. Ibid. Ibid.. Ibid. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour broadcasting Ibid.. Photographs: Pope John Paul II, Fr. WBadysBaw M|yk with bishop. Rosary Hour published broadcast times. Program cover and page from Precious Bllod Church 106th Anniversary. Program cover and page from Polish Heritage Festival. Ibid.. Announcements concerning Rosary Hour Broadcasts. Ibid. Letter from Fr. Rudy Nowakowski, omi, Directory of Queen of Apostles in Mississauga, Ontario. Liturgical Devotion for Mother s Day. Certificate from Executive Director and President, James Paul Jozwiak in Appreciation presented to Fr. Justin Rosary Hour. Listing of Religious Broadcasting Programs. Am-Pol Eagle, May 5, 2005: 16th Annual P.A.P.A. Convention Examines Issues Facting Polonia. RSVP invitation to Fr. WBadek M|yk;s 10th anniversary of priesthood. Listing of Radio Stations in the Catholic New World. Liturgy for a Father s Day Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Exposition and Benediction. SCRAPBOOK 47 Newspaper Articles: 1927-1968 Commentarium Ord. Fr. Minorum Conventualium:15 Dec. 1927, No 12. Collegium S. Hyacinthi apud Granby, Mass; novi Collegii inauguration et benediction. Commentarium Ord. Fr. Minorum Conventualium: 15 March, 1927, No. 3: Collegium S. Francisci in Athol Springs, NY: Novi Collegii inauguration et benediction. Baltimore Catholic Review, Friday Dec. 7th, 1928: New Novitiate is Dedicated by Archbishop: One Conducted by Minors Conventual in Howard County Belongs To Polish Province. Headline: Rev. Justyn Figas Back From Abroad. August, 1930. Letterfrom Office of Supervisor of Census to Rev. Justin Figas. Letter from Jas. M. Mead of the Congress of the United States House of representatives, Washington, DC, april 4, 1930 to Reverend Father Justin, Corpus Christi Church. Acta Ordinis Nostri: Provincia S. Antonii Patavini in Statibus Foederalis Americae Septentrionalis: Iubilaeum Provinciae. Commentarium Ord. Fr. Minorum Conventualium:15 Sept. 1931: No. 9; 8. Provincia S. Antonii in Statibus Foederatis Americae Septentrionilis: Solemnis benediction Domus Novitiatus. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Wtorek, 16-go Czerwca, 1931. Dzis Uroczystosci Graduacyjne w Kolegjum Sw. Franciszka w Athol Springs. Photographs: Fr. Justyn Figas, Fr. Thomas Wieprecht. Headlines: Nowiny Polskie z Milwaukee w Rkach Ojcw Franciszkanw. O.M.C. to Publish Daily Newspaper: St. Anthony Province Assumes Charge of Nowiny Polskie, 1933. Natives of Warsaw , Poland, are married in Warsaw, N.Y. , 1949. Franciscans (?) Nowiny Polskie, 1933. BuffaloEvening News, Jan 24, 1933: Rosary Hour Group has 720 Members. Photograph: Rosary Hour Society Officers and Directors. The Franciscan Educational conference, Vol. XV, November, 1933, No. 15l Report of the Fifteenth Annual Meeting, Marathon, Wisconsin, June 30-July2, 1933. Published by the Conference, Office of the secretary, Capuchin college, Brookland, Wash. D.C.; The Friars in Print and on the Radio Headlines: Rev. Figas Opens Fall Broadcast of Rosary Hour. Roosevelt Fatith Urged by Priest; Very Rev Justyn figas Opens Broadcast Seeries With Plea for Support. Trend, Feb. 10, 1934: Radio: Rosary Hour. The Buffalo Times, Friday, March 23, 1934: Leon Kolipinski, President of the Rosary League, Describes How Father Justyn s Radio Hour Stated. Album Polski I Pamitnik ze stacji webr w Buffalo, N.Y., No. 1, 1934. Author: Joseph Sombrowski, Polish Secretary Co. (Joseph F. MikoBajczak) Headline: Godzina R|acowa: Photographs: Przewielebny Ojciec ProwincjaB Justyn Figas, Alicja Ro|an Solistka, A.J. Krzy|anowski Organista, Chr Internatek, z Akademji Sistr Franciszkanek, w Hamburg. N.Y. Buffalo Times, Wed, April 25, 1934: Supporters of Rosary Hour Push Fight To Keep Father Figas Broadcasts Here. Photographs: Fr. Justyn Figas and Mr. Kolipinski. August 3, 1935: Headline: Friends Reveal Anecdotes About Rev. Figas; Franciscans Provincial Known for Charity: Claim Father Justyn Has Little Use for Professional Politician. Photograph: Leon Kolipinski, president of the Rosary Hour League. Headline: Noted Guests Pay Tribute to Father Justyn s Record: U.S. Ambassador to Poland and Leaders in Church and Public Life Honor Priest on Jubilee, July 22, 1935. Column pen-dated 10/4/34 by Al Gajkowski: Rosary Hour to be back on Air. Dziennik Zjednoczenia: Chicago: 4/17/34 Column: Article on Fr. Justin s Broadcasts. Editorial article with photo of Fr. Justin:  The Sooner the Better Article pen-dated 1935 about the Golden Jubilee of Fr. Justin. Headline: Figas Takes First Step Toward Priest at 14; Humility, Fidelityto Rules Early in Career: Son of Coal Miner Enters College at Trenton New Jersey. Buffalo Times, Monday July 29m 1935: Rev. Justyn Figas, Son of Immigrant Coal Miner, Begins His 5th Term as Provincial of Franciscans. Photographs: Father Justin standing besides his father. Baseball team in Trenton, New Jersey. ibid Headline: Provincial Discusses Tour Through Centeral America: Very Rev. Justyn Figas Says Living Conditions Poor Below Rio Grand; Finds Religion Waging Almost Hopeless Fight. October 20, 1935. Headline: Polish Franciscans 11th Annual Benefit To Attract Thousands Wednesday Night: Frolic Will Climax Xocial Season in East Buffalo. February 24, 1935. Buffalo Times, August 1, 1935. Polish Provincial Rose Rapidly After Being Ordained in Rome. Headline: Son of Humble Parents, Pwverty and Humility are Old Stories to Provincial. August 2, 1935. Headlines: Father Figas Again Elected by Franciscans. Fete Climaxes Figa s Career. Headlines: Province May Give Priest Fourth Term: Father Justy s Re-election Can Result from Papal Dispensation. First Polish Hookup Goes on Air Sunday. Headline: Przejcia Nowin Polskich Przez Ojcw Franciszkanw: 1933. Headline: Mark Twain, Polish writers Fascinated Provincial as Youth: July 30, 1935. Photograph: Fr. Justin and group of youth he organized for redecorating Corpus Christi in 1920. Headline: Priest Tours Europe, Calls War Talk Bunk: Father Figas Declares Persons Abroad Dismiss Threats of New Conflict Acta Ordinis Nostri: Jan. 15, 1936: Litterae circulares, Statuta Provinciae. Buffalo Times, Eastside News, WBNY to be local outlet of Rosary Hour Broadcast; New Radio Chain Planned: 26 Week Polish Religious Program Starts Nov.1; East Side Organist Sought by Albertson: 1936. Figas Confirms Change in Radio Program Plans: Officially announces Rosary Hour Will Go to WBNY Starting November 1. Headline: Rosary Hour Each Month: Franciscan Prepares for Final Broadcast Next Sunday Afternoon: April 5, 1936 Headline: Priest Tours Europe, Calls War Talk Bunk. June 14, 1936. Letter from Franciscan Fathers, 199 Clark Street, Buffalo, NY to Hon David. I. Walsh, Senator from Massachusetts. (Unsigned) Commentarium Fratrum. Radiophonia. ibid. ibid Acta Ordinis Nostri, 15 August- 15 September 1939: Divisio Provinciae S. Antonii Patavini in America Septentrionali: Bede Hesse Headline: Figas Takes First Step Toward Becoming Priest at 14; Humility, Fidelity to Rules Wins Honor Early in Career. Acta Ordinis Nostri, 15 June, 1939, No. VI: Dies Missionaria Franciscana. Benedictio Simulacri S. Hyacinthi. Kronika Seraficka, Oct. 1939, Vol Xii, No.1: Nowa Prowincja Zakonna. Notitiae Minorum Conventualium, ex Curia Generalitia, Vol. II (Novus Doctor in S.T. factus est die 15 Junii 1911, R.P Justinus. Nard Polski, Chicago, Feb.22, 1940, P. 1, Vol. IV, No. 8: Protestujcie Przeciw Odbieraniu Ojcu Justynowi GBosu. Commentarium Ord. Fr. Minorum Conventualium, 15 Jan. 1940, No. 1.: Acta Ordinis Nostri, Curia Generalitia. Re: Fr. Justin Figas. Commentarium Ord. Fr. Minorum Conventualiium, 15 Jan, 1940, No. 1: Acta Ordinis Nostri. See 47. Headlines: Priest Leaves for Rome. Father Justyn to Vatical: Franciscan Provincial Says Mussolini s God s Gift to Italians. (Fr. Justin) Conferred With Pope, General Minister on 20th Tour to Rome. June 22-38. Narod Polski, Chicago, Il, O. Justyn w Dzienniku Zjednoczenia. A Bill of Sale from the Republic of Poland Exhibition, New York World s Fair 1940 to Very Reverend Justin. A letter from Roy Albertwson of Radio Station WBNY to Fr. Justin concerning foreign language broadcasts. A letter from Rev. Patrick J. Peyton of the Family Theater to Fr. Justin Figas. ibid. A letter from Daughdrill Advertising Service to Fr. George Roskwitalski from Forrest U. Dzughdrill concerning pictures of Fr. Justin. A letter from the Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Detroit to Fr. Justin Figas concerning the Archdiocesan Development Fund. Title page of a report of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Franciscan Educationl conference in Santa Barbara, California, June 23-26, 1947 ibid. Headline: Father Figas Home After inspecting Polish Fighters, October 17, 1942 Photograph: General Modelski, former Polish Embassy military attach identifies a document dated Mach 1946 Ordering him to set up a network of agents in the US for the Commuist dominated Polish Governemnt. CAPTION: Buffalo Priest Helped Him Reject Spy Role. Zjednoczenie Polskie Rzymsko-Katolickie w Ameryce, 1873-1948 by MieczysBaw Haiman published Chicago, ill, 1948 A letter from Father Justyn s  Brother Seraphin Guild to Members of the Drivers Committee. Seraphic Chronicle, Dec, 1950,Vol XXIII, No. 12: Have You Heard? (An article on the passing of Fr. Joseph Kordas. Headlines: Father Justin to observe 50 Years of Service to God: Mass of thanksgiving Planned Tomorrow to Mark His Anniversary in Franciscan Order. Photograph of Fr. Justin with news story of Fr. Justin receiving the Officer s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta pen-dated Dec. 12, 1934. Headline dated October 27, 1959: 3000 Who Loed Father Justin Jam Church at Rites. Dziennik, September 9, 1954: PodniosBy Przebieg Uroczystosci ZBotego Jubileuszu Przews. O. Justyna Figas. Headlines: Meeting 4 Popes Called Aid to Him by Father Justin. Mayor Makes Quip About Headquarters: Wed. Sept. 15th, 1954. Priest to Note 50th Anniversary. Buffalo Evening News, September7,1954: Father Justin to Observe 50 Years of Service to God. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Sept.14, 1954, p.12: Headlines: Liczne Zrzeszenia WspBpracuj z Przew. O. Justynem Figas, O.M.C. Przew. O. Justyn To Znakomity Pisarz. Liga Godziny R|aDcowej. Headline: Father Justin to Observe 50 Years of Service to God. Headline: Father Justin: From Soap Opera He Created Famed Rosary Hour July 9, 1955. Photograph: Father Justin with Leaders of the Picnic: July 11, 1955. Exerpt from a News article about Fr. Justin and the Rosary Hour. Headline: Polonia w {aBobie Po Zgonie Sp. Przewielebnego O. Justyna, SBawnego Kaznodziei I Patrioty: Tysiczne TBumy WziB UdzieB w Oigrzebue we /wtorek; ZwBoki ZBo|ono Na Wiedczny Odpodzynek Na Cmentarzu Sw. StanisBawa B.M. Loyola University of Los Angeles:  Szkic historyczny polskiej katolickiej literatury homiletycznej w Stanach Zjednoczonych. A doctoral dissertation. Rev. Jacek Przygoda. Buffalo Courier-Express, Sunday, Nov. 2,1958:  Rosary Hour Enters 28th Year. Photograph: St. Francis High School choir members prepare for radio broadcast with Father Justin. A penned and typed article announcing the death of Leon Kolipinski. Article and photo of Fr. Justin Figas annouoncing his reelection as Provincial. Blank Buffalo Courier-Express: Rosary Hour to End 28th Year Today April 26, 1959 Buffalo Courier-Express, April 3, 1959: Father Justin To be Honored. Headline: Father Justin, Kindly Friar Of  Rosary Hour, Is Dead. Headline: Colorful Rituals Feature Silver Anniversary Mass. July 21, 1925 Amerika Echo: Nov. 1959 :Feature article by Bohdan PaBowicz: Droga |ycia: Ojciec Justyn M. Figas  Franciszkanin: Podzwonne Dla Pieknego czBowieka I gorAcego Polara. Headline: Father Justin Is Dead; Founded  Rosary Hour October 24, 1959. Fr. Justin is Honored. April 15, 1959. Kronika z Buffalo I Okolic: Zgon s.p. Ojca Justyna Figasa Pogr|yB Plonj Buffalosk w {aBobie. Courier-Express, April 4, 1959. Heroism of Polish Friar, Victim of Nazis, Cited. Catholic Union and Echo, Friday, October 30, 1959: Death Silences Voice of Noted Radio Speaker, Father Justin. See #81 Resolution by Gus Franczyk of the 9th Ward honoring Fr. Justin Figas Acta Ordinis, Ocober/December 1959: Obit of Fr. Justin Figas. Headlines: Fr. Justin Rites Officers Are Named. Father Justin Had a Great Idea and Dr. Bukowski Helped It Grow. Photographs: Fr Justin Figas, Dr. Edward Bukowski. Buffalo News: October 17, 1964: Rosary Hour Returning to Air: Program is Produced at Athol Springs. Photographs: Fr. Norbert {onca unveils plaque honoring Fr. Justin Figas. City officials and Clergy in Ceremonies Honoring Father Justin Courier-Express, July 21, 1968: Rosary Hour to Be Noted. Photographs: Lester W. Smith of Historical Society. Father Justin reviews Polish commando troops in Scotland in 1942. Magnificat; September 5, 1968: Memorial will Honor Radio Hour. Plaque to Father Justin Unveiled. ibid. See #91 Am-Pol Eagle, Buffalo, NY, Thursday, April 22, 1965: Kof C Honors Rev. Justin Figas. WEBR: Album Polski I Pamietnik Ze Stacji WEBR Photographs. See #91 Article on the Funeral of Fr. Justin Figas with Photograph of Pall bearers Headline: Jubileusz  Godziny R|aDcowej Ojca Justina. Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Wtorek, 14-go Wrzesnia, 1954: O. Justyn Odznaczony Krzy|em Kawalerskim  Polonia Restitutta Schedule of broadcasting stations. Photographs: St. Francis High School. Fr. Justin at the microphone. Headline: Jak PowstaBo Stow. Drajwerw a P|fniej Pobudowana ZostaBa Wy|sza Uczelnia Polska. An Article about the founding of St. Francis High School Headline: Dr. Stephen S. Graczyk Praises Achievements of Very Rev. Justin Dziennik Dla Wszystkich, Wtorek, 14-go Wrzesnia, 1954: W Roku 1927ym OdbyBo Si Uroczyste Powicenie Seminarium Sw. Jacka. 104. Banner headline declaring Golden Jubilee of Fr. Justin Figas. SCRAPBOOK 49 Corpus Christi Sports SCRAPBOOK 50 Corpus Christi Club SCRAPBOOK 51 Sprawy Polskie w Polsce I Americe 1938-1941 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SHELF 6 A COLLECTION OF FRAMED PHOTOGRAPHS. MISCELLANY. MEDIA: CD DISKS CONTAINING PHOTOGRAPHIC RENDITION OF SCRAPBOOKS AND PHOTO ALBUMS FIFTEEN (15) CD S: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES OF ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA PROVINCE BY FR. RAPHAEL WISNIEWSKI. 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF FATHER JUSTIN S ROSARY HOUR: CELEBRATION: ST. FRANCIS CHAPEL: MASS: TALKS A PLAY BY FR. JUSTIN FR. JUSTIN A MOVIE BY YES! PICTURES FR. JUSTIN: TRAVEL AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL NARRATION: FR. JUSTIN PHOTOS OF FR. JUSTIN INTERVIEW WITH FR. CONRAD MILLER: HIS PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH FR. JUSTIN FIGA ART IN THE ROSARY HOUR CHAPEL DVD: ROSARY HOUR: VARIA SHORT NEGATIVE IMAGING OF PICNIC ROSARY HOUR KOLDNIK THE BOMBING OF WARSAW: PHOTOGRAPHS POLISH PARATROOPERS: PHOTOS SENT TO FR. JUSTIN CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN FR. CORNELIAN AND JOHN DE ROSEN, ARTIST FR. CORNELIAN: NEWSPAPER ARTICLES FR. CORNELIAN: PHOTOS THIRTY SIX (36) SCRAPBOOKS BY FR. 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