ࡱ> UWT{ \Hbjbjzz .b\@nnnnn44l$m #<nnnWWWnnWWWԞq.l0,[#[#[#nWW[# 4: D-R-A-F-T Village Improvement Association General Meeting VIA Clubhouse September 11, 2013 President Carolyn Billingsley called the meeting to order at 1:00pm and welcomed everyone. She then requested a moment of silence to remember 09/11/01 and three of our members whose deaths were noted this week: Helen Holmgren, Diantha Pack and Jean Raughley. Carolyn then asked everyone to turn off their cell phones. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Inspiration: Karol Powers-Case reminded all of us of the many meanings of volunteerism. Minutes: Gail Shaffer moved to approve the minutes from the April and May General meetings as posted online. The motion passed. Guests: Sponsor: Linda Kurpjuweit Sandy Roberts Joanne Schuyler Sherry Pie Diane Clark Sherry Pie (for Debbie Iammateo) Dolly McBride Pat Madison-Gauger Elaine Davis Carol Popham Sharon Culley Carmela Coleman Mae Tawoda Irene Safrit Elayne Majors Sue Scaglione Elizabeth Bray Barbara Blades Jean Brolund Marie LaRocca Susan Siemionko Mary Ann Waelde Carolyn McNiece Donna Mabry Jane Folz (President of DSFWC) Guest Speaker: Carolyn reintroduced Jane Folz, DSFWC President. Jane came to present the VIA with several awards. Before presenting the awards, Jane showed us our history from the DSFWC history book from 1902 1935. She showed a headline from 1927 indicating that the clubhouse had just been completed. She also shared that VIA or via means by way of and that all good improvements will come by way of the Village Improvement Association. Jane, assisted by Sandy Roberts, presented four National GFWC Awards: The First Place Award for Outstanding Achievement in Fundraising and Development goes to the VIA for the Designer Show House which raised $57,271.69 for the Capital Campaign Fund. The First Place Award for Outstanding Achievement in Media Campaign Contest Fundraising goes to the VIA Public Relations Media Book compiled by Elayne Cannarozzi. The Third Place Photography Black and White Award went to Gail Shaffer. The National Award was presented to the State of Delaware General Federation of Womens Clubs for Outstanding Achievement for Epsilon Sigma Omicron. Jane presented the award to the VIA as the state leader for ESO with 64 members and thousands of books read. A round of applause thanked Jane. ESO Awards: Gail Shaffer then recognized the VIA readers who helped bring national recognition to our ESO participants. STAR (40 books) Mary Lou Frost, Donna Mabry, Karol Powers-Case, Mary Ann Waelde TORCH (64 books) Barbara Blades, Joan Bosin, Jane Dodge, June Phillips, Margo Ranney, Cynthia Ritthaler, Peggy Sloan, Nancy Starr, Laura West CENTURY (100 books) Theda Blackwelder, Pat Carlton, Jeanne Fox, Mary Lou Frost, Gail Launay, Rose Marie Patin, SECOND CENTURY (200 books) Natalie Alexander, Carolyn Billingsley, Linda Crowe, Susie Dominguez, Mary Folan, Ronnie Lutz, Kathy Nave, Kathy Osterholm, Diantha Pack, Sandy Purdy, Joan Sciorra, Betty Stevens Linda Stigile, Trip Wilkinson THIRD CENTURY (300 books) Elayne Cannarozzi, Faith Duncan, Barbara Keate, Eileen Polini, Maxine Ungerbuehler SIXTH CENTURY (600 books) Barbara Beatty, Sandy Roberts, Gail Shaffer, Barbara Travers MILLENIUM (1,000 books) Dee Bradley (1,209) and Sandy Geers (1,347) Citizen of the Year Award: Gail Shaffer, Chair of the Citizen of the Year Committee, presented the award to Joanne DeFiore. This award was announced at the May Luncheon but Joanne was out of town. Members of the committee were Past Presidents: Gail Shaffer, Sandy Roberts, Susie Dominguez and they were assisted by Faith Duncan. Joanne spoke and thanked everyone for their love and support. Presidents Report: President Carolyn Billingsley again thanked everyone for coming. She encouraged everyone to take advantage of the many opportunities to volunteer. She also announced that we hope to pay off our mortgage before next summers break. Carolyn asked everyone to notice our new chairs and the new gate installed by the back deck. She thanked Melynda Peet and Betty Lou Suter for the beautiful landscaping around our clubhouse. Carolyn mentioned that the first installation of our commemorative bricks has been installed from the sidewalk to our outside deck. Carol Hall is taking orders for additional bricks. Carolyn reminded everyone that the $150 cost of the bricks can be shared. The clubhouse warranty list is complete and the emergency doors appear to be working correctly. Carolyn shared excellent news about our solar panels. We have received our first energy check for $188 and will be getting a second energy credit of $30. We are making a profit on our solar system. Carolyn then reminded everyone to sign up around the room to help out with various projects. She also thanked everyone who worked at the Kiosk, fed Trails Day volunteers, staffed our booth at the Lewes Craft Fair, acted as docents or provided flowers for the Cottage Tour, fed the participants of the Cottage Tour, worked the Rehoboth Art League art show and went to meetings for the St. Nicholas Tea, the Chicken Plunge, Golf Tournament, Art of Accessorizing, Designer Show House and Halloween Party. Program: Carolyn then asked Winnie Oggenfuss, Co-Chair, to update everyone on the VIAs Help the Homeless Campaign. Winnie reminded everyone about our adopted family and updated us on Dawn and her sons. Dawns house was dedicated in December of 2012. Since then, with help from VIA mentors, she has found a job and got a promotion.. Her job will last through the end of November when the motel closes for the season. She will then get unemployment until her job restarts in March. Dawns VIA mentors, Barbara Blades, Ronnie Lutz, Ann Reese, Pat Madison-Gauger and Mary Ann Scott, will work with her officially through January, 2014, at which time Dawn is expected to be self-sufficient. The other co-chair of this committee is Carole Suchanek. Corresponding Secretaries: Carol Hall announced correspondence received during the summer of 2013. Thank You cards were received from Joan Sciorra, Tom Hall, a HOBY convention student, two local artist scholarship winners, the Odyssey of the Mind Team, the Rehoboth Art League and Henrietta Belcher-Stack. Shirley Fleegle reported on the cards sent during July, August and September. Thinking of You Sympathy Get Well Barbara Blades Laura West Debbie Iammateo Joan Sciorra Joan Sciorra Mary Lou Frost Joan Stevens Kathy DeGrange Robert Beatty Maxine Ungerbuehler Rose Marie Patin Nancy Barlow The Fasnacht Family Joan Caggiano Shirley also reported that she will be getting memorial library books in memory of Betty Barnes, Mary Brusningham, Jane DeGrange, Jean Raughley, Diantha Pack and Helen Holmgren. Treasurers Report: In the absence of treasurer, Suzanne Jones, Phyllis Stone, Capital Campaign Treasurer gave the report. Balance on Hand as of August 1, 2013 $19,480.14 Receipts 4,628.00 Disbursements 11,003.49 Balance on Hand as of August 31, 2013 $13,104.65 Maintenance Account 11,270.71 Endowment Fund 7,871.17 Total Balance as of August 31, 2013 $32,246.53 Capital Campaign Finance Report: Phyllis Stone presented the Capital Campaign Finance report. Balance on Hand as of August 1, 2013 $21,026.92 Receipts 7,930.00 Disbursements 18,090.66 Total Balance as of August 30, 2013 $10,866.26 President Billingsley then reminded everyone that once our mortgage is paid, all of the wonderful Capital Campaign Fundraisers will allow us to give back even more to our community. Installation of New Members: Membership Chair Sue Scaglione installed the following new members: Member Sponsors Mary Jane Deets Bev Andrion for Rose Marie Patin Joanne DeFiore Elayne Majors Sue Scaglione Anne Jack for Suzanne Jones Melissa Thoroughgood Kathy Osterholm Nancy Alexander (absent) Everyone welcomed our new members. Special Reports: Capital Campaign Committees Sherry Hall presented the Capital Campaign report in the absence of Theda Blackwelder. Sherry asked everyone to thank Theda for her continued leadership of the Capital Campaign committee. She also indicated that she talked to our Financial Advisors and they contributed $500 to our Help the Homeless Campaign. Chicken Plunge: Chicken Plunge Chair Stephanie Hobbs reported that with beautiful weather and help from many, the Chicken Plunge netted $3,900. She also thanked Patty Derrick for her roadmap in helping with this Second Annual Chicken Plunge. Bus Trips: The Barnes bus trip for September 30th is full. The Christmas Odessa trip on Saturday, December 7 is still open for reservations. Ronnie Lutz is chair of this committee. The cost is $60 which includes the bus trip, tour and lunch. Pizza and Lewes Auto Mall: Nancy McDonnell shared that Grotto Pizza will contribute to the VIA for any eat in or takeout meals from Grotto Grand Slam on October 9th, 2013. You need a coupon and Nancy has them available. She also reminded everyone that Lewes Auto Mall continues to give $100 to VIA for every car purchased by a VIA member or friend. She has forms for that donation. Halloween FUNraiser: Chair Anne Jack reported on the VIA FUNraiser Halloween Party to be held on Wednesday, October 30, from 6 9pm. The cost is $10 per person. There will be a cash bar. Everyone is asked to dress as a famous dead person. There will be prizes, 50/50, games and cheer baskets. Teller Wine Tasting: Barbara Dorsey is chairing this event. There will be a wine tasting sponsored by Teller Wines on Friday, November 22nd from 6 8pm. The tickets are $20 and this event is open to the public. Memorial Bricks: Carol Hall chairs the memorial brick project. So far 100 bricks have been purchased and there is lots of space for more. The bricks are outside from the sidewalk to our deck. See Carol for order forms and help with wording on your brick. The next Capital Campaign Committee meeting is September 26 at 9:30 in the clubhouse. Home Life: Cynthia Ritthaler thanked everyone for their support. Home Life is collecting food for the Food Bank, school supplies for needy Cape Henlopen School District students and coats. She also reported that Casa San Francisco needs a variety of items, from cleaning supplies and socks to peanut butter and jelly and pasta. Safe Haven needs dog walkers. The VIA continues to collect BoxTops for Education and PopTops from cans. Terri Klopp is also collecting rigid plastic caps that are usually not able to be recycled. Volunteers are needed to sign up for the Conleys Chapel Soup Kitchen on the 4th Wednesday of each month. There is a signup sheet. Ronnie Lutz reported on the Take Them a Meal project. This project asks that volunteers prepare meals for those that are unable to prepare them for themselves due to illness or injury. VIA members can go to TakeThemaMeal.com for more information. If you know someone in our VIA community who needs this service, let Ronnie know the name of the person, the number of days that food will be needed and Ronnie will help coordinate efforts to help this person. Cynthia also wanted everyone to know that because of our Help the Homeless project, the VIA Executive Board recently approved a contribution of $1,000 to the Cape Henlopen School district to help their homeless students. Faith United Methodist Church is sponsoring a Walk for the Homeless on the Boardwalk on Saturday, September 28th. There is no registration cost but donations will be accepted. Additional details will be sent out via an email blast. Property: Property Chair Kathy Osterholm reminded everyone that we are in a busy rental season and to be on the lookout for announcements about the parking lot being closed. She also asked everyone to enjoy their new chairs and went over the process for putting chairs away at the end of the meeting. There were glasses left in the clubhouse. Since they were not claimed, they will be donated to the Lions Club. New member Melissa Thoroughgoods email was incorrect on the new members information sheet. It should be  HYPERLINK "mailto:melissatatbeach@aol.com" melissatatbeach@aol.com. Kathy thanked everyone who uses the clubhouse for following the checkout instructions and reminded everyone that the outside doors, AC and lights need to be checked before leaving. By-Laws: Chair Carol Hall thanked Kathy for her efforts in getting new chairs. She also asked that everyone consider bringing in items for the St. Nicholas Tea baskets. Carol then introduced the By-Laws committee: Pat Campbell-White, Faith Duncan, Rose Marie Patin, Sandy Roberts and Gail Shaffer (and honorary member, Charlie). Carol moved the adoption of the revised By-Laws at the October General Meeting. The motion passed. This committee is working on the Standing Rules and will present them to the Executive Board at their November meeting. Carol thanked everyone for their comments and concerns. At the October General meeting, the By-Laws will be presented for approval by the membership. Announcements: Arts Committee: Chair Joanne DeFiore announces that The Art of Accessorizing party and workshop will occur on October 16th at 5:30 in the clubhouse. She has arranged for a variety of vendors to come. The cost will be $5 per person which includes wine and edibles. There will be an Arts Committee meeting following this meeting. Public Issues: Judy Bryan announced that the October dinner for the Home of the Brave has been scheduled and there were signup sheets on the table. Volunteers are needed and she accepts food, money or just folks to come to the dinner. Once again the VIA will be collecting Stockings for Soldiers. The two gallon ziplock bags were passed out and Judy asked that they be filled and brought to the October meeting. Golf Tournament: Chair Shirley Fleegle announced that the annual golf tournament will take place on Monday, September 23rd at the Peninsula Golf Course. The cost is $125 for a day of golf, a continental breakfast, lunch and a golf cart. There is a signup sheet for members to provide desserts. Golfers are needed. She asked everyone to encourage their golfer friends to sign up. St. Nicholas Tea: Marge Cintavey and Sue Scaglione are chairing this event. It will take place at the clubhouse on November 8th and 9th. Signup sheets are on the table. For reservations, contact Pat Lang or Phyllis Stone. Registration forms are also available online. Theda Blackwelder and Carole Suchanek are responsible for decorations. Pick-a-Dilly gifts are needed. Please bring new, $5 gifts that would fit the palm of your hand to the October meeting. Boutique crafters and volunteers to label boutique items are also needed. There are signup sheets for food preparation on the Halloween table. Eight people are needed to prepare each item. Beth also reminded everyone that we are providing desserts prior to meetings. Everyone needs to eat lunch before you come. State Board Meeting: DSFWC President Jane Folz invited everyone to attend the state board meeting to be held at the Coolspring Restaurant in Dover on October 24th. She also indicated that the Mid-Atlantic Regional GFWC meeting will be held in Wilmington on October 3-6 and anyone may attend. Jane also invited everyone to go to the GFWC website and think about going to Costa Rica in February. The National GFWC Convention this year will be held in Chandler, Arizona at a Dude Ranch. 50/50: Jane Folz picked the winning ticket of $83. Dodee Black won and donated her winnings to the St. Nicholas Tea food fund. The meeting was adjourned at 3:08pm. 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