ࡱ>  Rbjbj??~/]]w||>>>>>|N<PHPPPPPPPR|U`P>P9>>P999>>P9P991D>>9H8nTEdJ|P0PF$U9UX9H99H>I| :    Celebration of the Chinese New Year National Consortium for the Teaching about Asia: 10 Day Unit Plan By: Stefanie Best University of Pittsburgh, Bradford Class of 2009 General Overview for Unit: I teach at the Allegheny Clarion Valley High School. It is a very rural school district that is not typically given very many opportunities to experience different cultures. During the 2008-09 school year I taught a 7th grade Geography class were I began with China because of the Olympics and wanted to spend more time in an area of the world that is unfamiliar to many of the students. The idea for this unit came from the Saturday NCTA Seminar class at Bradford that featured Dr. Flora Wei. During the lecture she discussed the culture and customs of China through a PowerPoint presentation and by giving the background on the Celebration of the Chinese New Year and Zodiac symbols. It was through this lecture that I had the idea for a unit that would explain the meaning and purpose of the Chinese Zodiac and also tie in why the celebration of the Chinese New Year is so important to China, the meaning and history behind it, activities (FangBao, Tangrams, and Tiu-u) and crafts (making red envelopes, designing good luck banners) and of course the food. During the unit I plan on students, in groups, researching the Chinese Zodiac symbols for their meaning and sharing their findings with the class. Class discussion will compare and contrast similarities and differences that China and the U.S have when celebrating the New Year. We will analyze celebrations such as Po Woo and the Lantern Festival and see how family plays such an important connection to the celebration of the New Year. Through all of this I want students to appreciate the differences they discover and hope for them to notice these in other cultures. I would then hope to implement this unit at or as close to each years Chinese New Year Celebration. UNIT Goals/State/National Standards Students will be able to identify all 12 of the Chinese Zodiac symbols through images and descriptions given in activities, a quiz and unit test. 7.3.9 B- Explain the human characteristics of places and regions by their cultural characteristics. 8.4.9 B- Analyze historical documents, material artifacts and historic sites important to world history before 1500. Students will be able to summarize the history behind the Chinese New Year by giving key points and details, both verbally and written. 7.1.9 B- Explain and locate places and regions. 7.3.9 B- Explain the human characteristics of places and regions by their cultural characteristics 7.3.9 E- Explain the human characteristics of places and regions by their political activities. 8.4.9 B- Analyze historical documents, material artifacts and historic sites important to world history before 1500. Students will be able to discuss the cultural taboos that China has and their similarities and differences to the United States. 7.1.9 B- Explain and locate places and regions. 7.3.9 B- Explain the human characteristics of places and regions by their cultural characteristics National Standards: III A. Compare and contrast differing sets Of ideas. Students will be able to analyze various Chinese games and traditions that are done during the New Year to gain a deeper understanding of its importance to the people. 7.3.9 B- Explain the human characteristics of places and regions by their cultural characteristics 7.3.9 E- Explain the human characteristics of places and regions by their political activities. National Standards: III D. Draw comparisons across eras and regions in order to define enduring issues. Students will be able to identify different Chinese food dishes and foods that are important during the Chinese New Year. 7.1.9 B- Explain and locate places and regions. 7.3.9 B- Explain the human characteristics of places and regions by their cultural characteristics Students will be able to describe the meaning behind the different foods that are eaten during the New Year in the U.S and China. 7.1.9 B- Explain and locate places and regions. 7.3.9 B- Explain the human characteristics of places and regions by their cultural characteristics National Standards: III A. Compare and contrast differing sets of ideas. National Standards: III D. Draw comparisons across eras and regions in order to define enduring issues. V. FORMATIVE AND SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS Students will be observed during class discussions to make sure that they are participating and that they can answer questions on material presented in the lesson. Students will be observed during group work on various activities and games to ensure that they are participating as directed and can explain the point of the game or activity and the topic in general. Students will be given an end of unit exam. Students will be given a quiz on the Zodiac Signs. Students will be graded on their class presentations on Zodiac Signs. Unit Outline: Day by Day DayObjectivePA StandardHow are the objectives achieved?1- Students (by the end of the unit) will be able to summarize the history behind the Chinese New Year by giving key points and details, both verbally and written. -Students will be able to describe the meaning behind the different foods that are eaten during the New Year in the U.S and China.7.3.9 B 7.1.9 B 7.3.9 E 8.4.9 B National Standard: III A & D- PowerPoint description of Chinese New Year. -Discussion on differences/similarities between 2 events. -Students take notes during the PowerPoint presentation. -Video Handout (complete while viewing)2-4- Students will be able to identify correctly all 12 of the Chinese Zodiac symbols through images and descriptions given in group activities, a quiz and unit test. 7.3.9 B 8.4.9 B-Zodiac Quiz -Small group project on a Zodiac animal and presentation to class. -Zodiac homework assignment -PowerPoint and notes *** Written Lesson 5/6-Students will be able to discuss the cultural taboos that China has and their similarities and differences to the United States. - Students will be able to analyze various Chinese traditions that are done during the New Year to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of the Chinese New Year to the people. 7.1.9 B 7.3.9 B 7.3.9 E National Standard: III A & D-PowerPoint/Notes on cultural taboos compare to ones in U.S, Lantern Festival and on Po Woo Celebration. -Students in groups prepare/set up classroom stations for Chinese New Year with decorations typically used during the New Year. (There will be lanterns, red envelopes and banners with Chinese characters; students will rotate through the stations.) - Students celebrate Po Woo God of Wealth (5th day) and Lantern Festival (last day) of the Chinese New Year - Website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.educ.uvic.ca/faculty/mroth/438/CHINA/decorations.html" www.educ.uvic.ca/faculty/mroth/438/CHINA/decorations.html  HYPERLINK "http://crafts.kaboose.com/red-envelopes.html" http://crafts.kaboose.com/red-envelopes.html  HYPERLINK "http://teacherlink.ed.usu.edu/tlresources/units/Byrnes-celebrations/chinese.html" http://teacherlink.ed.usu.edu/tlresources/units/Byrnes-celebrations/chinese.html  HYPERLINK "http://edsitement.neh.gov/view_lesson_plan.asp?id=344" http://edsitement.neh.gov/view_lesson_plan.asp?id=3447-Students will be able to analyze various Chinese traditions that are done during the New Year to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of the Chinese New Year to the people. -Students will be able to identify different Chinese food dishes that are important during the Chinese New Year. - Students will be able to describe the meaning behind the different foods that are eaten during the New Year in China.7.1.9 B 7.3.9 B 7.3.9 E National Standard: III A & D-Students participate in a New Years Day party where they try different foods and discuss their importance in the Chinese New Year. -PowerPoint/Notes on different New Years foods and their meanings. -Teacher selection of recipes to use ***Written Lesson 8/9- Students will be able to analyze various Chinese games and traditions that are done during the New Year to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of the Chinese New Year to the people. 7.3.9 B 7.3.9 E National Standard: III D-Students will learn history and background of each game and/or tradition. -Play following games in small groups that rotate through each: Tiu-u FangBao Tangrams Websites: www.activityvillage.co.uk/tiu-u.htm10Review information for a Quiz on Chinese New Year. 7.3.9 B 7.1.9 B 8.4.9 B 7.3.9 E Jeopardy Review Game of information given on test11Test on Chinese New Year7.3.9 B 7.1.9 B 8.4.9 B 7.3.9 E Paper test will be given. - Test would consist of fill in the blanks, multiple choice, identify Zodiac by pictures, short essay describing one activity or event during the Chinese New Year and summarizing why the Chinese New Year is so important. Name: Social Studies 7B Day 1: Background of Chinese New year Video handout Directions: While watching the video clip answer the following questions that we will discuss and go over in class. 1. Chinese New Year is also called? _________________________________ 2. How many days does it last and when? _____________________________ 3. How long has it been celebrated? ________________________________ 4. Why is it celebrated? ___________________________________________ 5. What are the three important symbols of the Chinese New Year? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 6. People do what during this time? __________________________________ 7. What is the importance of food? ___________________________________ 8. What is done the 1st day? _________________________________________ 9. What is done on the last day? _____________________________________ Name: ANSWERS Social Studies 7B Background of Chinese New year Video handout Directions: While watching the video clip answer the following questions that we will discuss and go over in class. 1. Chinese New Year also called?___________________________________ Spring Festival 2. How many days does it last and when?_________________________________________ 15 days at end of Jan., beginning Feb. based on the lunar calendar. 3. How long has it been celebrated?_________________________________ Since 2000 BC 4. Why is it celebrated? ________________________________________________________ Based on myth of the beast Nian, to scare it away. 5. What are the three important symbols of the Chinese New Year? __________________________________________________________ Red, Loud Noise, Light 6. People do what during this time? _____________________________________________ Gather with their families 7. What is the importance of food?_______________________________________________ Symbolism and tradition 8. What is done the 1st day?____________________________________________________ Firecrackers are set off. 9. What is done on the last day? _________________________________________________ Lantern Festival Name:_____________________________ Day 1 PowerPoint Notes: History of Chinese New Year How do we celebrate the New Year in U.S? Foods do we eat? What are our special activities? How long does our New Years celebration last? Complete Handout on History Channel Video Segment After watching the video did you notice any similarities between how the New Year is celebrated in the U.S and China? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What surprised you in the video? Why? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lesson Plan Days 2-4 National Consortium for Teaching about Asia: 10 Day Lesson Plan Name: Stefanie Best Title of Unit: Celebration of the Chinese New Year Title of Lesson: What is the Chinese Zodiac? (3 days- 1 instruction, 2 library work, 3 student presentations) Grade Level: 7th Content Knowledge: Students will be able to analyze the importance of the Chinese Zodiac. Students will be able to identify their own and others Zodiac animal. Students will be able to identify all 12 of the Chinese Zodiac animals through images and descriptions given in group activities, a quiz and unit test. PA Standards 7.3.9 B- Explain the human characteristics of places and regions by their cultural characteristics. 8.4.9 B- Analyze historical documents, material artifacts and historic sites important to world history before 1500. Goal: Students will visually see, through a PowerPoint presentation and handout, how the different Chinese Zodiac animals were chosen and the history behind the Chinese Zodiac. In small groups of 2-3, students will analyze the characteristics and descriptions associated with each animal and present their information to the class. Students will discover that this is the main element to the Chinese New Year. Students will also identify the cycle of the Zodiac and their own Zodiac sign. Formative Assessment: Students will be observed during in class discussion and by working in small groups on assigned Zodiac animals for participation and understanding of the material. At the end of this lesson students will be able to identify all the different Chinese Zodiac animals and what the years Zodiac animal is and what that means to the Chinese. Summative Assessment: Students will be assessed on their presentation on the Zodiac Signs. Procedures: Day One- in classroom Lesson Beginning: Students will continue to practice counting to 10 in Chinese as a class using the correct pronunciations and hand signs. Students will be introduced to the Chinese Zodiac through a PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation students will learn the history, different Zodiac symbols and why this is such an important aspect of the Chinese New Year. Class discussion will also be held to see if we have stories similar to the one associated with the beginning of the Chinese Zodiac. Lesson Development: Once the PowerPoint presentation has been completed and the class now can identify all of the Chinese Zodiac animals, the class will be broken into 12 small groups of 2-3 to look into one Chinese Zodiac animal in particular to share with the class. Important information each group will want to look for is: The years associated with the Zodiac Career Relationships Heath Wealth Personality What Zodiac animals get along best with this animal? Students will present this information both verbally and visually to the class. The visual that the students prepare must be copied and given to each student in the class. The method of presentation will be left up to the groups, but possibilities are posters, PowerPoint, brochures, or a simple notes page. This information will be given to each student as a handout so they can answer these questions as they conduct their research. This project will be worth 100 points. Day 2- In the Library Information will be gathered from websites and reference books in the library. Students will record their information on the provided handout and will note the sources that they used. Day 3- Student Presentations in the classroom Each group will present its animal to the class and through this process each student will discover his/her own animal under the Chinese Zodiac. Lesson Ending: Once each student has identified his/her sign, there will be a class discussion on whether he/she agrees or disagrees if the animal description is accurate or not. Review through questioning the history of the Chinese Zodiac and each symbol of the Zodiac. Remind the students that they will have a written Zodiac quiz at the beginning of the next class. Homework: Students will choose three people outside of the class to identify their Chinese Zodiac animal and record information on the provided handout. They then will tell those people the details of their animal and find out if they agree or not. Results will be shared the following day. Key Terms: Nian Chinese Zodiac Signs Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog Pig References:  HYPERLINK "http://www.educ.uvic.ca/faculty/mroth/438/CHINA/chinese_new_year.html" http://www.educ.uvic.ca/faculty/mroth/438/CHINA/chinese_new_year.html  HYPERLINK "http://www.theteacherscorner.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5193" http://www.theteacherscorner.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5193  HYPERLINK "http://www.c-c-c.org/chineseculture/zodiac/zodiac.html#LEGEND" http://www.c-c-c.org/chineseculture/zodiac/zodiac.html#LEGEND  HYPERLINK "http://www.history.com/content/chinesenewyear/video" http://www.history.com/content/chinesenewyear/video Counting to 10 video:  HYPERLINK "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X99KCaBsS58" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X99KCaBsS58 Handout of 1-10 in Chinese:  HYPERLINK "http://www.enchantedlearning.com/school/China/numbers/" http://www.enchantedlearning.com/school/China/numbers/ Name __________________________________ www.TheTeachersCorner.netChinese Zodiac Quiz Write the letter of the correct match next to each problem.1. First in Order, Charming, Hard Working, Emotional a. Ox 2. Second in Order, Patient, Quiet, Short Tempered b. Rabbit 3. Third in Order, Sympathetic, Courageous, Quick Minded c. Horse 4. Fourth in Order, Talented, Virtuous, Clever d. Ram 5. Fifth in Order, Energetic, Eccentric, Stubborn e. Rat 6. Sixth in Order, Wise, Calm, Intense f. Dragon 7. Seventh in Order, Cheerful, Perceptive, Impatient g. Dog 8. Eighth in Order, Elegant, Passionate, Shy h. Rooster 9. Ninth in Order, Skillful, Original, Willful i. Monkey 10. Tenth in Order, Capable, Devoted, Brave j. Snake 11. Eleventh in Order, Loyal, Sharp, Inspiring k. Boar 12. Twelfth in Order, Gallant, Honest, Kind l. Tiger  Name __________________________________ www.TheTeachersCorner.netKEY: Chinese Zodiac Answers Write the letter of the correct match next to each problem.1. e First in Order, Charming, Hard Working, Emotional a. Ox 2. a Second in Order, Patient, Quiet, Short Tempered b. Rabbit 3. l Third in Order, Sympathetic, Courageous, Quick Minded c. Horse 4. b Fourth in Order, Talented, Virtuous, Clever d. Ram 5. f Fifth in Order, Energetic, Eccentric, Stubborn e. Rat 6. j Sixth in Order, Wise, Calm, Intense f. Dragon 7. c Seventh in Order, Cheerful, Perceptive, Impatient g. Dog 8. d Eighth in Order, Elegant, Passionate, Shy h. Rooster 9. i Ninth in Order, Skillful, Original, Willful i. Monkey 10. h Tenth in Order, Capable, Devoted, Brave j. Snake 11. g Eleventh in Order, Loyal, Sharp, Inspiring k. Boar 12. k Twelfth in Order, Gallant, Honest, Kind l. Tiger  Group Members Names:__________________________________________ Social Studies 7 Chinese Zodiac Animal Presentation: 100 points Zodiac Animal:____________________________ Directions: As a group you will be assigned a Chinese Zodiac Animal to prepare the following information for a presentation to the class. Each group will also provide each classmate with a visual handout (the design is up to you) of the information you will present in class. REMEMBER this PRESENTATAION is worth 100 points! The following questions will be worth up to 70 points as well as 10 possible points for visual creativity and neatness and 20 possible points for overall presentation to the class. Important information each group will want to research includes the following: The years associated with the Chinese Zodiac animal, give at least 6. 10 Points What careers should people with this Chinese Zodiac animal do? Give at least 4. 10 Points What types of relationships do people with this Chinese Zodiac animal have? 10 Points What is a persons heath like who has this Chinese Zodiac animal? 10 Points How do people with this Chinese Zodiac animal handle money/ finances? Do they tend to be rich or poor? 10 Points What type personality do people have with this Chinese Zodiac animal? Are they happy, outgoing, angry, or quiet? 10 Points What other Zodiac animals get along best/ worst with this animal? Give 2 of each. 10 Points Name:_________________________________ Social Studies 7 Chinese Zodiac Homework: 30 Possible Points Directions: Now that you know all 12 different animals of the Chinese Zodiac, you are to ask any three people OUTSIDE OF THIS CLASS what year they were born. Write this down on this paper. Then from the handouts received from the other groups in class, explain to them what their Chinese Zodiac animal is and what that means about them. Discuss with them if they agree with this or not and record their responses below. PERSON 1 Year born: _________________ Chinese Zodiac Animal:_______________ In 3-4 complete sentences record the persons response to what his/her thoughts were on how the animal was described in relation to him/her. Did he/she agree with the description why or why not? Give specific details. PERSON 2 Year born: _________________ Chinese Zodiac Animal:_______________ In 3-4 complete sentences record the persons response to what his/her thoughts were on how the animal was described in relation to him/her. Did he/she agree with the description why or why not? Give specific details. PERSON 3 Year born: _________________ Chinese Zodiac Animal:_______________ In 3-4 complete sentences record the persons response to what his/her thoughts were on how the animal was described in relation to him/her. Did he/she agree with the description why or why not? Give specific details. Name: ____________________________ Social Studies 7 Days 2-4 Notes: Chinese Zodiac How many years does it take to cycle through the Chinese New Year? _______________ What are the 12 animals in their correct order that complete the cycle? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. How did the rat become the first year of the cycle? Why is the cat not on the Chinese Zodiac at all? Looking at the Chinese Zodiac Cycle what animal are you? What is this the year of? Name: ____________________________ Social Studies 7 Days 5 Notes: Cultural Taboos of China How are taboos defined? Do we have taboos in the U.S.? What are some examples? Would people across the U.S. agree to these or does it vary from place to place? Cultural Differences in China When greeting others do not ______________________ and __________________ Do not usually say what phrases? - - What do they do to show love to others? - - If asked if they want anything to drink at someones house and they say No, what do they actually expect to happen? If they are congratulated for a job well done or award won, what is the general reaction to the praise? How are gifts accepted? TABOOS Chopsticks _______________________________. Soup __________________________________________. Do not eat many _________________. Polite to ______________________________________________. NEVER AT ______________ PEOPLE. Do not use ___________________ name of parent or grandparent. No rule of __________________________. Do not _______________________________________. Do not have to _____________________________________ to everyone they see. What are some big differences that you see between these two different groups of people? What are some areas that frustration, confusion or anger could occur when these two different groups meet? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lesson Plan Day 7 National Consortium for Teaching about Asia: 10 Day Lesson Plan Name: Stefanie Best Title of Unit: Celebration of the Chinese New Year Title of Lesson: Chinese New Year Foods (1 Day) Grade Level: 7th Content Knowledge: Students will be able to explain the meaning and importance of different Chinese foods that are eaten during the New Year. Students will be able to identify different Chinese food dishes that are eaten during the Chinese New Year. Students will compare different foods eaten during the New Year in the U.S. to foods eaten during the Chinese New Year Celebration. PA Standards 7.1.9 B- Explain and locate places and regions 7.3.9 B- Explain the human characteristics of places and regions by their cultural characteristics. 7.3.9 E- Explain the human characteristics of places and regions by their political activities. National Standards: III A. Compare and contrast differing sets of ideas. National Standards: III D. Draw comparisons across eras and regions in order to define enduring issues. Goal: Students will analyze foods tried during the Chinese New Year and compare them to foods they eat during the New Year in the United States. Students will also explain the meanings behind why certain foods are eaten during the New Year and describe the different meanings that each country has for them. Formative Assessment: Student will be informally assessed through in class discussion on various foods eaten by the Chinese during the New Year. Students will also be able to explain the different food dishes that are prepared during the lesson. Students will view a PowerPoint presentation and a video clip on how the popular dish Jai is prepared; through viewing both of these students will be able to describe and explain the importance of this dish. Procedures: Review: Students will continue to practice counting to 10 in Chinese as a class using the correcting pronunciations and hand signs. Lesson Beginning: Students will view the first PowerPoint slide on What do we eat for New Years in the U.S.? Students will have class discussion on this and record in their notes what we typically eat in the U.S. and discuss if they know why do we eat these things here in the U.S. and raise the question if there are any similarities found in the Chinese New Year? This will be answered in the PowerPoint they will view. Lesson Development: Students will view a PowerPoint on typical Chinese New Year foods and their meanings and compare them to what people in the U.S. typically eat at New Years. Students will be taking notes during this time. Whole class discussion will take place during to examine these similarities and differences. Students will also view a 12 minute video included in the PowerPoint that shows and describes how to make the popular Jai dish. Students will also view the slide on the PowerPoint that describes each item in Jai and its symbolic meaning. Lesson Ending: Students will try some of the following items that have been made ahead of time to get a better understanding of taste and texture of some popular Chinese New Year foods. Class discussion will follow on what they liked, didnt like, and ingredients that went into them. Review of the meanings of each food item will also be conducted during the discussion time. Key Terms: Zongai Man Tou Nian Gao Chinese Moon Cakes Jai References:  HYPERLINK "http://www.eatingchina.com/recipes/zongzi.htmhttp://www.eatingchina.com/recipes/zongzi.htm" http://www.eatingchina.com/recipes/zongzi.htmhttp://www.eatingchina.com/recipes/zongzi.htm  HYPERLINK "http://www.recipesource.com/ethnic/asia/chinese/00/rec0031.html" http://www.recipesource.com/ethnic/asia/chinese/00/rec0031.html  HYPERLINK "http://www.nibbledish.com/people/Joesze/recipes/chinese-steam-bun-mantou" http://www.nibbledish.com/people/Joesze/recipes/chinese-steam-bun-mantou  HYPERLINK "http://www.chiff.com/recipe/pages/10125.htm" http://www.chiff.com/recipe/pages/10125.htm  HYPERLINK "http://chinesefood.about.com/od/foodfestivals/r/mooncakes.htm" http://chinesefood.about.com/od/foodfestivals/r/mooncakes.htm  HYPERLINK "http://archives.starbulletin.com/1998/01/14/features/story1.html" http://archives.starbulletin.com/1998/01/14/features/story1.html  HYPERLINK "http://www.educ.uvic.ca/faculty/mroth/438/CHINA/chinese_new_year.html" http://www.educ.uvic.ca/faculty/mroth/438/CHINA/chinese_new_year.html Video on how to make Jai:  HYPERLINK "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_fn-K82g9Y" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_fn-K82g9Y Name: ____________________________ Social Studies 7 Days 7 Notes: Chinese New Years Foods What do we eat for New Years in the U.S? What is this supposed to bring about? Chinese New Year Foods: Food Noodles Dried Bean Curd Oranges Nian Gao Zong Zi Man Tou What does it mean? Wishing a person well Wealth/Happiness Prosperity Long life Success Wealth Lo Han Jai- Buddha's Delight Video What were 4 things from the video that you learned found interesting or surprised you on this popular food that they made. 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