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FФ Д05аxч… ^чHчмHlт" љ  0 Ÿттткку ттт5Я Я Я Я №№№$„№№№№№№ммммммџџџџ AzTAP Board Meeting July 31, 2008 In attendance: Steve Schroeder, Betty Shoen, Lance Harrop, Chad Price, Cindy Jepsen, Andria Zafrin, Wink Harner Cindy went over AHEAD Affiliate meetings: see notes on web site Discussed other AHEAD sessions and topics of interest Discussed working on 501C3 status: Cindy will get the application packet for 501C3 status Discussed applying for liability insurance through AHEAD next summer We need to identify officers We need to update our Bylaws Use of PayPal for membership dues via website: is there an online payment system through AHEAD? For the Affiliates? Group rates? Is Arizona Federal Credit Union set up for electronic banking? If so, PayPal may be able to be set up; Chad will check on this How to stay on track…need to find a student who is an independent worker; a lot of clerical work; discussed how to handle the hiring process, who would supervise this person, hourly rate, etc.; possibly working with a graduate intern through one of the DRC offices; Lance showed an interest in supporting this idea Three interns: ASU (Lance H.), NAU (Jane M.), U of A (Betty S. or Cheryl M.) Membership: updating and expanding, mailings, phone calls, tracking applications with a centralized data base; thank you Deb and Lance and whoever else helped get that for AzAPC) - List needs to be updated with contact persons for each institution and expanded Assist with 501C3 application Possibly assist with grant writing Assist with events Membership Database: Steve contacted the programmer and they "might" be able to do it, but we would need a certain type of hosting service to make it work with the program they know. Right now we have basic hosting with DotEasy for the azpac.org site, but we might have to buy an upgraded package (if one exists) to handle the data transfer queries. Steve will keep us posted. Andria will work on the mission, values, and vision of AzPAC Website now redirects from azpac.org to the AHEAD workshop Talked about future workshops: bring in local people, Department of Justice and OCR may come for free, keep the workshops non-technical, do half days to keep more topics of interest available Community Outreach - Developing contacts for transitioning outreach for High Schools, volunteers to do informational sessions, etc. Why should I join??? Make a PR poster to display at events. AzPAC can act as a liaison between secondary and post secondary to connect people; we need attractive PR materials for conference tables; collect pictures from all colleges for a collage; Steve will work on this, others are encouraged to provide photo’s Website: resource links: colleges and DRS offices, networking, why should I join AzPAC, events Arizona Shared Work website: post AzPAC brochure and list of reasons why you should join; announce AzPAC on this site;  HYPERLINK "http://www.sharedwork.org" www.sharedwork.org – scroll down to community practice and transition; you must register to use, but it is free Membership database: use Access and make a web interface so that you can update the database via internet Next meeting: September 17, 2008 10:00am – 12:00, MCC Maricopa Room Send Stephan Hamlin-Smith a copy of the Bylaws to review: do we need to update them prior to working on the 501C3 application; Cindy will do this Respectfully Submitted by Cindy Jepsen #2ch‡’“”•Шде - . e n ф Э ц ч ќ Ї " # 5 @ E O R S U V W o Р н п V t u „ Ж Ш Щ м о у '179BFG{ўџмљ<=qќјќєќј№ќьшфьршмемшрбјбрмЭрЭЩЭЩЭХЭХЭЩЭјЩОЩЭХЭХбјЗјЗјЗјЗ№Г№ЗјЏЋЇјЋЇhkh|y™hхgхh92h hvљhvљ hl нhl нh\кhl нhOS(hћ@Щ hЎ8ЁhЎ8ЁhЎ8ЁhЈU‘hЦ—h, hy`hiCBh0œhvљhМ_6A"#”•е e Њ Ч ф ч # p u “ Ж Щ BК§§§є§ььфмммммдЬдддФММ & FgdiCB & Fgdvљ & Fgdl н & FgdOS( & FgdЈU‘ & FgdЎ8Ё & Fgd,  ЦР!gdiCB§К{џ=А`ђѓєѕїяїїїччяттттgdvљ & FgdI „ & Fgdvљ & FgdiCB q~œ=>?QR`нёђѓѕќјєјьјсьиьјдаЬШФРФЙ hvљhvљhхgхhvљhl нhЦ—hgjеhI „hџhЭы0JjhЭыUjhЭыUhkhЭыhŒwK,1hАа/ Ар=!А"А# $ %ААаАа ащDаЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ www.sharedwork.orgрЩъyљКЮŒ‚ЊKЉ Nhttp://www.sharedwork.org/yXє;HЏ,‚]Ф…'cЅЋ†œ@@ёџ@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@ђџЁD Default Paragraph FontRiѓџГR  Table Normalі4ж l4жaі (k@єџС(No List6U@Ђё6 Эы Hyperlink >*B*phџ  џџџџ"#”•е eЊЧфч#pu“ЖЩBК{џ=  А  ` ђ ѓ є ѕ  ˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0 €€˜ 0 €€˜ 0 €€˜ 0 €€˜ 0 €€˜ 0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€pЩ{ Kˆ00ˆ–Kˆ00 Є–Kˆ00Є–Kˆ00 q К   > Q  Xџ€џџ=%™LŽ>%™єЬЯЯ гг B*€urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags€country-region€9*€urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags€place€ DsINx~…ыёЎД!ЅЌBH #o~€%'B~   3333chШдFGџ  R н ё ђ   BH IW… aт„џџџџџџџџџW"L:6фВGџџџџџџџџџR=јNІі~џџџџџџџџџh „а„˜ўЦа^„а`„˜ў‡hˆH.h „ „˜ўЦ ^„ `„˜ў‡hˆH.’h „p„LџЦp^„p`„Lџ‡hˆH.h „@ „˜ўЦ@ ^„@ `„˜ў‡hˆH.h „„˜ўЦ^„`„˜ў‡hˆH.’h „р„LџЦр^„р`„Lџ‡hˆH.h „А„˜ўЦА^„А`„˜ў‡hˆH.h „€„˜ўЦ€^„€`„˜ў‡hˆH.’h „P„LџЦP^„P`„Lџ‡hˆH.h„8„˜ўЦ8^„8`„˜ўOJQJo(‡hˆHЗ№h „„˜ўЦ^„`„˜ў‡hˆH.’h „и „LџЦи ^„и `„Lџ‡hˆH.h „Ј „˜ўЦЈ ^„Ј `„˜ў‡hˆH.h „x„˜ўЦx^„x`„˜ў‡hˆH.’h „H„LџЦH^„H`„Lџ‡hˆH.h „„˜ўЦ^„`„˜ў‡hˆH.h „ш„˜ўЦш^„ш`„˜ў‡hˆH.’h „И„LџЦИ^„И`„Lџ‡hˆH.h „а„˜ўЦа^„а`„˜ў‡hˆH.h „ „˜ўЦ ^„ `„˜ў‡hˆH.’h „p„LџЦp^„p`„Lџ‡hˆH.h „@ „˜ўЦ@ ^„@ `„˜ў‡hˆH.h „„˜ўЦ^„`„˜ў‡hˆH.’h „р„LџЦр^„р`„Lџ‡hˆH.h „А„˜ўЦА^„А`„˜ў‡hˆH.h „€„˜ўЦ€^„€`„˜ў‡hˆH.’h „P„LџЦP^„P`„Lџ‡hˆH.IW… R=јNW"L:џџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџ                           х, kOS(М_6iCBŒwKy`92hI „ЈU‘Ц—|y™0œЎ8Ёћ@Щgjе\кl нхgхЭыvљџ@€GGЄ&xGG 0@џџUnknownџџџџџџџџџџџџG‡z €џTimes New Roman5€Symbol3& ‡z €џArial"qˆ№аhuњЧ†kaШF—ѕ( ѕ( !№ ДД24   2ƒQ№HX)№џ?фџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџМ_62џџAzTAP Board Meeting Cindy JepsenHP Authorized Customer   ўџр…ŸђљOhЋ‘+'Гй0”˜ДРиф№ $0 P \ ht|„ŒфAzTAP Board MeetingCindy Jepsen Normal.dotHP Authorized Customer15Microsoft Office Word@J.@ОНу-ѓШ@bєxќШѕ( ўџеЭеœ.“—+,љЎDеЭеœ.“—+,љЎP  hpŒ”œЄ ЌДМФ Ь ьфJepsen-Con, Inc. ц AzTAP Board Meeting TitleИ 8@ _PID_HLINKSфAp"*http://www.sharedwork.org/  ўџџџўџџџ !"#$ўџџџ&'()*+,ўџџџ./01234ўџџџ§џџџ7ўџџџўџџџўџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџRoot Entryџџџџџџџџ РF0‰6yќШ9€Data џџџџџџџџџџџџ1TableџџџџџWordDocumentџџџџ. 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