ࡱ> %` qzbjbjNN 4,,Cr-xxxxxxx?8.d<NGd"$ZhT xWWW xxWxxWxx 6/440dcx4hTN  {4dWWWWNGNGNGNGNGNG`&xxxxxx  THE BIG BANG THEORY Spec Script The Good Will Reaction Written by Joe Webb 1855 East Rose, Apt. 9-D Orange, California 92867 217-259-9322 jwebb16@slu.edu The Good Will Reaction TEASER FADE IN: INT. LEONARD AND SHELDONS APARTMENT EVENING Leonard, Sheldon, Howard, and Raj are seated in a circle in the living room. Raj holds a small pressurized tank, and is filling a balloon from the nozzle. He brings the balloon just short of his mouth, and Howard rubs his hands excitedly. RAJ Ready? HOWARD Was Sitting Bull ready for Custer to show up at Little Big Horn? Of course, were ready. Do it. Raj takes a quick balloon hit. The others lean forward. RAJ (in an unnaturally DEEP VOICE) Truth. Sometimes, at night, I wake up and think my Geordi La Forge collectible figure is staring at me. But its hard to tell because his eyes are hidden behind the visor. Raj passes the balloon to Howard, who inhales. HOWARD (in an unnaturally DEEP VOICE) Truth. When I was in junior high, I used to imagine Margaret Thatcher and Stephen Hawking having phone sex. SometimesI still do. Howard passes the balloon to Leonard, who inhales. LEONARD (in an unnaturally DEEP VOICE) Truth. Walowitz, thats disgusting. As Leonard passes the balloon to Sheldon, there is a LOUD KNOCK on the door, and Penny, dressed nicely, lets herself in. She notices the air tank, looks at Leonard, and then back at the air tank. PENNY Im fairly certain that I dont want to know but - what the hell are you guys doing? LEONARD (back to his normal voice) Walowitz stole a tank of Sulfur Hexafluoride from the NASA vault at his lab. And now were playing deep-deep-voice truth or dare. PENNY Sulfur Hexa-what? SHELDON Sulfur Hexafluoride. Its a high-density gas used to insulate everything from electromagnets to household windows. By allowing small amounts to enter the larynx, the timbre of vocal exhalations are significantly lowered Sheldon takes a quick breath of the SF6. SHELDON (CONT.) (in an unnaturally DEEP VOICE) Like this. PENNY So youre huffing anti-helium? LEONARD Basically. PENNY Cool. Can I try? SHELDON (handing her the balloon) If you think you can handle it. Penny inhales and begins grooving her shoulders to an imaginary sultry beat. PENNY (in an unnaturally DEEP VOICE) Take it off, Deb. Take it all off. HOWARD Well, I dont know what that wasbut I like it. PENNY Barry White? The Sultan of Smooth Soul? Howard and Raj shrug their shoulders and shake their heads. SHELDON While Im sure your impression of Mr. White is more than adequate, I think it should be pointed out that youre not playing by the rules, Penny. When you play deep-deep-voice truth or dare, youre supposed to say the word truth first. PENNY What do you do if you want to take a dare? Raj, Howard, Sheldon, and Leonard look at each other, confused. LEONARD I dont know. No one has ever wanted to do the dare before? PENNY Oh sweetie, Im pretty sure you dont have all of the rules of truth or dare figured out completely. Then again, that might be a good thing. Penny holds up the balloon between her two fingers, and then releases the pinched end with finality. PENNY Anyway, are we ready to go? SHELDON Hah! Was the Polish government ready for the German blitzkrieg in 1939? Were the 12 tribes of Kobol ready for the Ceylon Attack in Battlestar Galactica? PENNY Ill take that as a ye - Actually, Im just gonna take that as a Sheldon. SHELDON And Im still not certain why my attendance is required at a mixer with the American Studies department. LEONARD I dont know - Dr. Gablehauser thinks the Physics department needs to be more approachable. SHELDON But thats absurd! I would be perfectly happy if no one new ever approached me again. LEONARD You know, they do actually work at the University. It might be kind of interesting. SHELDON Well, using that logic, I suppose we should also hold mixers with the janitorial staff? PENNY Oh, lighten up, Sheldon. It will be fun! SHELDON I detest most things that are supposed to be fun. The gang moves out the front door, and we CUT TO: MAIN TITLE SEQUENCE END OF TEASER ACT ONE INT. UNIVERSITY RECEPTION ROOM EVENING At the inter-departmental mixer, the crowd is divided between physicists, dressed to the geeky nines, and members of the American Studies department, who look like they have all been plucked from the J-Crew catalog. Raj, Leonard, and Sheldon are standing behind the buffet table, and Penny is mixing with a group to the side, talking to a hunky young professor of 35, Brian, and a beautiful woman in black-rimmed glasses, his sister Leslie, who looks a little like Elizabeth Hurley. LESLIE So, I havent seen you around before. Are you with the university? PENNY No, Im here with my friends from the Physics Department. Sadly, a department mixer was my best option on a Friday night. Penny points over to the buffet table at Raj, Leonard, and Sheldon. LESLIE These things arent so bad. Sometimes Professor Finkleday gets drunk and takes his shirt off - and oh, the Indian one is pretty cute. PENNY Well, Id tell you to go talk to him, buthe doesnt really talk. LESLIE Thats too bad. PENNY So, Brian, what do you do? BRIAN Well, right now, Im writing my second book PENNY Yeah, whats it about? BRIAN You know the movie Good Will Hunting? Its about the portrayal of genius in American culture. I guess Ive always felt like I have a little trouble relating to the rest of the world so I identify with the character. PENNY (pointing again towards the table) Funny, I guess my frame of reference for trouble relating to the world has shifted a little in the last year. As Penny points, WE FOLLOW her indication over to the table: LEONARD I cant believe it. These people all look like the ones who kicked our asses in high school. How did they get so much education? Theyre like mutant Greek gods and goddesses. Howard approaches from the side. HOWARD And speaking of goddesses, check that out. Howard nods his head over towards the triumvirate of Penny, Leslie, and Brian. LEONARD Exactly, why is she talking to that guy? HOWARD No, I meant check out that Helen of Troy look-alike in the glasses. I think Im gonna go bust a little physics move on her. SHELDON Helen of Troy was a mortal. Howard leaves the group behind the table and heads towards Leslie. Leonard follows Howard, Sheldon follows Leonard, and Raj remains standing behind the table. Howard taps her on the shoulder. HOWARD Excuse me, mademoiselle, but I was wondering if youd heard the latest university news about the engineer who remotely re-aligned the Mars rover? LESLIE Im sorry umm, Im not real up on my science too much American studies. HOWARD Well, in that case, Im an American how would you like to study me? LESLIE Oh God thats disgusting but kind of funny. Do lines like that work on girls in the Physics Department? HOWARD No. Not really. Brian, over-protective, and mistaking the exchange for an altercation, comes up to accost Howard. BRIAN Hey, are you bothering my sister? LEONARD (coming to Howards defense) No one is bothering anyone. Were just mixingat the mixer. BRIAN I didnt ask for your opinion, Frodo. LEONARD Is that supposed to be some kind of insult? BRIAN Yeah, and it looks to me like your little hobbit friend here was trying to hit on my sister. Maybe I should send him back to central earth. LEONARD First of all, its middle earth. And second, how is that any different from what you were just doing with Penny? Brian takes a step forward to get into Leonards face. BRIAN Because its not creepy when youre not a nerd, nerd. SHELDON Can I just point out that your statement is a logical fallacy, riddled with horrible internal inconsistencies, and an awkward double negative. LEONARD Yeah! Brian gives Leonard a shove. BRIAN So thats your thing, huh? Your crew runs around telling professors their arguments are riddled with inconsistencies? LESLIE Take it easy, Brian. Youre not Matt Damon and these guys arent that Michael Bolton look-alike in the movie. BRIAN (pointing at Leonard) That doesnt mean that this nerd and I cant step outside and settle this like men. LEONARD Hey, were all academics here! theres no need to assert our physical dominance. Brian picks up Leonard, who protests, and begins carrying him into the hallway. As he does, we here shouts from PENNY and LESLIE Hey!!! Walowitz JUMPS on Brians back, but Brian easily SHAKES him off as he continues to carry Leonard towards the hallway. Brian makes a MENACING GLARE at Sheldon, and Sheldon, relying heavily on the flight tendency of his fight or flight mechanism, sprints off like lightning in the other direction. RAJ (watching Sheldon run from the buffet) Holy cow! Sheldon is actually incredibly fast. CUT TO: INT. DEPT. HALLWAY LEADING TO BATHROOM CONTINUOUS While Brian carries Leonard towards a door, Leonard struggles ineffectually in his grasp. LEONARD Hey! Hey! Where are we going?!? Put me down!! Brian pushes the door open by backing into it, continuing to hold the struggling Leonard. WE FOLLOW into the bathroom. BRIAN What? This has never happened to you before? LEONARD (being spun upside down) Oh no not the swirly! As he protests, Brian continues spinning Leonard, places his head in the toilet, and kicks the flushing lever. CUT TO: INT. LEONARD AND SHELDONS APARTMENT NIGHT Leonard is seated on the couch, holding his head in his hands, while Penny comforts him. Sheldon, Raj, and Howard are seated in other chairs. PENNY Are you sure youre all right, sweetie? LEONARD Yes, Im fine. Just embarrassed, thats all. PENNY Because that guy Brian turned out to be such a jerk the way he was all, oh, Im the next Good Will Hunting SHELDON (using air quotes for advanced) Please, that movie was a joke. Evidently, what they consider to be an advanced Fourier system at M.I.T. is about as difficult to follow as an episode of Blues Clues. PENNY You know, he must have banged your head pretty hard into that toilet to give you such a big bump. Im going to go across the hall to get some ice. Penny crosses the apartment and heads towards the door. LEONARD (as she is leaving) Thanks, Penny. After she closes the door behind her, Leonard continues: LEONARD (CONT.) I cant believe this! I thought I got my last swirly when the freshmen basketball team ganged up on me the day before high school graduation. RAJ You got a swirly from freshmen when you were a senior? LEONARD Yes, but those girls were ridiculously strong. HOWARD Id let a group of ladies hold me down under water any time. LEONARD (smiling) Actuallythat one wasnt all that bad. And by the way, Howard thanks for at least trying to help me out. RAJ (laughing) But Brian brushed him off like a bowler angry at Vijay Patel for taking him to task with a full century in the previous inning. LEONARD Is that a cricket reference? And what were you doing just standing there behind the buffet? RAJ The shrimp tempura was excellent. Plus, my religion forbids me from fighting. LEONARD What are you talking about? When Sheldons sister was here, you tried to strangle Walowitz! RAJ But that was over a girl. Also, Howard is much, much littler than that guy, which is why he was able to brush him off like a bowler angry at Vijay Patel LEONARD (cutting him off) All right, fine! Fine. I get it. No more Vijay Patel references. Leonard turns his attention to Sheldon. LEONARD (CONT.) And why did you run off? Sheldon laughs once in his hiccup-style cackle. SHELDON Im sorry. Is that a rhetorical question? LEONARD No. Friends are supposed to have each others back. RAJ You should have seen him he was incredibly fast. Why didnt you run track in high school, Sheldon? SHELDON Well, presupposing that I thought such a pursuit were even a worthwhile expenditure of time, it would have been rather difficult since I was only in high school for one semester. And I was eleven. The door opens, and Penny returns with an ice-pack. PENNY Here you go, sweetie. Leonard takes the ice pack and holds it to the top of his head. LEONARD What are we going to do about this guys? Were way too old to still be getting swirlies. HOWARD Well, we could always take a page from Wolverine, and have an adamantium alloy of retractable claws grafted to our bodies. LEONARD Come on, Im being serious here! PENNY Well, you could start working out. Everyone stops to stare at Penny. PENNY (CONT.) You know with weights? At a gym? Sheldon does his hiccup laugh again. Raj covers his mouth to keep from laughing in front of Penny. PENNY (CONT.) Hey, Im not joking! Is there some sort of unwritten law that says physicists cant exercise? HOWARD Not at all. In fact, I take my cardio-funk tape pretty seriously every morning. And I go to the gym at least once a week to work out my inner and outer thighs - for better thrusting power. Leonard stands up and looks at himself in the hallway mirror. He raises and broadens his chest, then pulls in his stomach noticing the result. LEONARD You know what? Maybe youre right. Starting Monday morning, Howard, you and I are going to work out. SHELDON Before work? But youre my ride! LEONARD Well, then I guess youll just have to come, too. Sheldon looks at his bicep, flexes it, and then wrinkles up his face in disgust. CUT TO: INT. HOWARDS BASEMENT MORNING In front of the television in Howards basement, a weight bench has been set up. Leonard is staring at the bar which has been equipped with a ten pound weight on each side. SHELDON So whats your plan, Leonard? Are you going to build your upper-body strength to the point where you can beat this baboon in a fight? LEONARD Wellmaybe. Actually, yes. Leonard sits down on the bench. LEONARD (CONT.) So whats the deal with this, Howard? HOWARD This, my friend, is the bench press. You just lie down on the bench, and push the weight bar up from your chest. LEONARD And how much weight do you think a guy like Brian can bench press? HOWARD I dont know maybe 275 pounds? LEONARD And how much is this? HOWARD I thought wed start with 65. Leonard stretches out on the bench, carefully places his hands on the bar, and with Howards help, raises it over his chest. As soon as Howard lets go, however, the bar falls flat, crushing Leonard. LEONARD Help! Help! Sheldon rushes over, and with Howard on one side and Sheldon on the other, they lift the bar back into place. HOWARD Maybe we should warm up with the tape first. LEONARD Good idea. Sheldon walks over to the television, and grabs a VHS tape to slide it into the VCR. HOWARD Wait! Not that tape. Sheldon drops the tape to the floor and runs over to the sink to wash his hands. END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO INT. DR. GABLEHAUSERS OFFICE MORNING Sheldon and Leonard are standing outside of Dr. Eric Gablehausers office. They knock on the door and enter. DR. GABLEHAUSER Have a seat, gentlemen. Leonard and Sheldon sit down in the two chairs indicated by the Physics Department Chair. DR. GABLEHAUSER (CONT.) Dr. Koothrapali informs me that there was something of an incident at the mixer on Friday. SHELDON If by incident you mean the part where a hulking-beast of an American Studies professor flushed Leonards head in a toilet, then youd be right. DR. GABLEHAUSER That would be the one. And I probably dont need to tell you that this looks extremely bad for the department. LEONARD Im sorry, Dr. Gablehauser. It wasnt my intention to get into a fight. DR. GABLEHAUSER Im not mad because you got into the fight, Dr. Hofstadter. Im mad because you lost. LEONARD Excuse me? DR. GABLEHAUSER Gentlemen, perhaps it hasnt occurred to you exactly why we held this mixer last weekend, so Ill give you a little clarification. SHELDON Yes, please do. Id love to hear this. DR. GABLEHAUSER Well, as you may or may not be aware, our reputation isnt exactly the most sterling these days SHELDON Excuse me, sir, but this is the pre-eminent physics department in the country! Weve won two Nobel prizes in the last decade, and given my track record to this point, one can only assume that Ill add a third shortly. DR. GABLEHAUSER Im not talking about our reputation for science, Dr. Cooper. SHELDON Well, to what else could you possibly be referring? DR. GABLEHAUSER Im referring to the fact that Im tired of hearing jokes from other department chairs about my faculty. And the last thing I need is to have Darius Holder tell me at racquetball on Thursday that his professors are giving my professors swirlies. SHELDON Well, what do you suggest we do about it? DR. GABLEHAUSER Get even. LEONARD We tried working out this morning. SHELDON But apparently working out mostly involves watching Walowitz lip-synch to a song called My Prerogative by Bobby Brown. And I failed to see how that was going to get us anywhere. DR. GABLEHAUSER Need I remind you, gentlemen, that you are scientists? SHELDON Hardly. DR. GABLEHAUSER Well then Im ordering you, as your department chair, to use your big brains to figure something out. LEONARD (standing up) Is that all? DR. GABLEHAUSER Almost. Gablehauser takes a red and gold running singlet that has been emblazoned with the slogan PHYSICS from his desk and hands it to Sheldon. DR. GABLEHAUSER (CONT.) I also understand, Dr. Cooper, that you are quite the runner. SHELDON Whats this? DR. GABLEHAUSER Its a uniform for our Physics Department University Olympics squad. Every year, we get beaten miserably in the hundred yard dash by Brian Murphy, the professor who LEONARD Dunked my head into a toilet. DR. GABLEHAUSER Exactly. So youll be running for us on Saturday. SHELDON But Dr. Gablehauser! This isnt fair! DR. GABLEHAUSER Its not a request. There is a pause as Sheldon looks at the singlet. Dr. Gablehauser turns his attention to some paperwork on his desk. He looks up to notice that Leonard and Sheldon are still in the room. DR. GABLEHAUSER (CONT.) Thats all. CUT TO: INT. APARTMENT MAILBOXES EVENING Leonard is standing at the mailboxes, holding a large bag of food, and pulling out his mail when Penny walks into the apartment building. She also begins grabbing her mail. LEONARD Hey, Penny. PENNY Oh, hey, Leonard! Howd it go this morning with the big first workout? She reaches over and playfully squeezes his bicep as they begin WALKING UP THE STAIRS. PENNY (CONT.) Did you get all buffed up? LEONARD Oh yes, I got allbuffed up. Leonard does a bicep curl with the bag of food. LEONARD (CONT.) This bag of Indian food already feels significantly lighter. CUT TO: INT. LEONARD AND SHELDONS APARTMENT CONTINUOUS Leonard and Penny enter the apartment, expecting to find Walowitz, Raj, and Sheldon. Instead, they see a giant sewing machine set up in the middle of the living room but no sign of the guys. LEONARD Sheldon? Howard? Raj? Are you guys here? HOWARD (O.S.) Were in the bathroom! PENNY All three of you? I thought that was more of a girl thing. Leonard and Penny cross the living room and head into the bathroom, where they see Sheldon, holding some sort of electronic device, and orchestrating an exercise. LEONARD What are you guys doing in here? SHELDON Fulfilling what is evidently one of the non-negotiable clauses in the pact of friendship. Walowitz, Raj, and Sheldon all take a pair of tiny earplugs and insert them into their ears before Sheldon hits a button on the device, and a horrible, high-pitched wailing begins. Leonard and Penny COVER THEIR EARS. Sheldon hits the button again, stopping the noise. PENNY What the hell was that?!? HOWARD 150 decibels of a 10,000 mega-Hertz sound wave. PENNY But why? SHELDON Did you notice that when I hit the button, both your and Leonards initial reaction was to immediately raise your arms, covering your ears, rendering you defenseless? PENNY So? SHELDON Well, after the unmitigated disaster that was Leonards attempt at the bench press this morning, I took Dr. Gablehausers suggestion under consideration. And I came up with this. Sheldon holds out the transmitter for them to see. LEONARD Which is? SHELDON The canis barba pro humanus. PENNY The what? SHELDON Its a dog-whistle for humans. When Leonard, wearing these tiny concealed earplugs, lures Brian into the bathroom again, I hit the button on the transmitter, and the three of us or perhaps four, given our body mass disadvantage secure him with these heavy duty bungee-cables. Then, Leonard gives him a swirly. LEONARD Do you really think this will work? SHELDON Leonard, I have a masters degree and two Ph.D.s. Ive been named junior physicist of the year by the Nils Bohr foundation for the last three consecutive years. It will work. HOWARD My vote was for using a horse-tranquilizer but it turns out they wont sell phencyclidine to just anybody. LEONARD And how do we get Brian into the bathroom? SHELDON (pointing at Penny) Ah, thats where she comes in. CUT TO: INT. LEONARD SHELDONS LIVING ROOM MOMENTS LATER The gang is seated on the couches and chairs, eating their Indian food, with the giant sewing machine in the middle. LEONARD So Penny calls up Brian and asks if he will take her on a tour of the American Studies department? SHELDON Correct. LEONARD And while theyre walking through the hallway I emerge and pick a fight with him? SHELDON Correct. LEONARD But how do we know hell go for the swirly again? SHELDON Leonard, hes about as evolved as a homo habilus discovering his opposable thumbs. Its instinct. LEONARD And then, once he brings me into the bathroom, you hit the button, and we pounce? HOWARD Boo-yah! LEONARD Well, okay, then. Leonard takes a bite of his food, and it occurs to him that he has not yet asked about the sewing machine. LEONARD (CONT.) By the way, whats with the sewing machine? SHELDON Oh, I also designed this. Sheldon walks over to the sewing machine, and straps on a carbon-nano tube vest made out of material that appears also to be the basis for Bruce Waynes bat-cape. It looks a little like hes wearing a super-lightweight kayak. SHELDON (CONT.) Its a carbon nano-tube skeleton, which, according to the laws of aerodynamics, will substantially reduce friction from drag. Its for the race on Saturday. LEONARD Cool. CUT TO: INT. UNIVERSITY BATHROOM AFTERNOON Sheldon, Raj, and Howard are hiding behind the swinging hinge side of the bathroom door. An owl-eyed man with a bow-tie emerges from one of the bathroom stalls, and eyes them warily. HOWARD Dr. Finkleday. DR. FINKLEDAY Gentlemen. Dr. Finkleday looks at them curiously for a moment more, then exits the bathroom. SHELDON We should have tracked the urination patterns for all of the universitys faculty to make sure the timing was right. They each deliberately place their ear-plugs in their ears. CUT TO: INT. UNIVERSITY HALLWAY CONTINUOUS Penny is walking down the hallway with Brian Murphy, being mildly flirtatious and devious! BRIAN Im so glad you called. I was hoping Id get to see you again. PENNY Well, I watched your movie last night, and it made me think of you. BRIAN Good Will Hunting? PENNY (nodding agreement) I really like the scene wear they see the jerk guy at the diner, and Will asks him if he likes apples. BRIAN Its always nice when the smart guy gets the girls number. As Brian is delivering this line, Leonard emerges from a classroom doorway, and obstructs Brians progress down the hallway standing right in front of the bathroom. LEONARD But who says youre the smart guy in this situation? BRIAN What are you doing here, Frodo? LEONARD Well, Ive been thinking about the other night. BRIAN What about it? LEONARD First of all, my names not Frodo although that would be cool. And second, Im going to even the score. BRIAN Oh yeah, hows that? Leonard fishes into his shirt pocket and pulls out two small earplugs. He holds them up to show Brian, who looks at them confusedly, and then places them in his ears. LEONARD Newtons Law. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Brian shrugs his shoulders in confusion. LEONARD (CONT.) Im going to give you a swirly. Leonard reaches out to try to grab Brian but is instead grabbed himself. Brian looks over at the door to the bathroom, then at Penny. BRIAN Excuse me just one second it seems I didnt make my point clearly enough last time. PENNY (smiling deviously) Go ahead. Penny watches Brian carry Leonard in through the bathroom door. She looks down the hallway in both directions, slips in her own set of earplugs and then quickly FOLLOWS. CUT TO: INT. UNIVERSITY BATHROOM CONTINUOUS When the door swings open with Brian carrying Leonard, we hear shouts of: HOWARD Now! Now! Sheldon hits the button on the transmitter. Brian quickly drops Leonard to cover his ears. BRIAN What the hell?!? Brian attempts to uncover his ears and lunge for the four conspirators, but must immediately recover his ears. SHELDON The bungee cords! HOWARD (pointing to his ears) I cant hear you! SHELDON (pointing at the cords) The bungee cords, Howard! HOWARD Oh, right. Howard and Raj try to wrestle Brians arms down to strap him with the heavy-duty cords, but are unable to get them to budge. Leonard and Sheldon jump in, and with two on each arm, they finally manage to secure Brian. BRIAN (stricken paralyzed by the noise) Oh God! The four men then struggle, but eventually are able to lift Brian and stick his head into the toilet. Leonard kicks the flushing lever, and then they set Brian down on the floor, still tied up. The guys sprint to the door, and just as they are about to leave, Sheldon hits the button turning the sound off. Brian is left with his arms tied up and his hair soaked. Howard then, right before closing the door, gets in one last parting shot. He reaches around to a holster on his back, pulls out a tank of Sulfur Hexafluoride, quickly fills a balloon, and takes a quick huff. HOWARD (in an unnaturally DEEP VOICE) How do you like them apples?!? END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE / CLOSER EXT. UNIVERSITY TRACK STANDS AFTERNOON Howard, Raj, Leonard, and Penny are seated in the stands, awaiting the start of the University Olympics. Leslie, walking up the steps, spots them and approaches. LESLIE Hey guys. PENNY Oh hey, Leslie. Leslie looks at Leonard. LESLIE So you got even, huh? LEONARD You could say that. LESLIE Well, it makes me happy. My brother can be kind of an asshole. She nods at Walowitz, then walks over and sits down by Raj who squirms a little uncomfortably. LESLIE So this is pretty exciting, right? Raj NODS assent. LESLIE And youre a physicist? Raj NODS assent. LESLIE Cool. Im gonna go grab a beer. You want one? Raj NODS assent. CUT TO: EXT. UNIVERSITY TRACK CONTINUOUS Sheldon is stretching in the infield grass, wearing his PHYSICS singlet, with his reverse carbon nano-tube bat-cape sitting beside him. Brian approaches him. BRIAN So, I just wanted to say no hard feelings, huh? My sister convinced me that maybe I had it coming. Sheldon, a laser beam of focus, NODS assent. BRIAN And so, instead of trying to beat all four of you nerds up, Im just going to destroy you in this race today. Sheldon gives him a quizzical look and then, as Brian walks away, he straps on his vest. LOUDSPEAKER Runners to your marks! CUT TO: EXT. UNIVERSITY TRACK STANDS CONTINUOUS Leslie returns with two beers, and hands one to Raj. Raj takes a drink, then looks at Leslie. RAJ Thank you. LESLIE Oh, so you do talk a little. Im Leslie. Raj reaches out to shake her hand, smiling. RAJ Rajesh. CUT TO: EXT. UNIVERSITY TRACK CONTINUOUS Sheldon and Brian are crouched down in lanes 5 and 6 on the track. The gun goes off, and both emerge out of their crouch into a sprint. The race is close for about fifteen meters, until Sheldon hits a button on his side, inflating his aerodynamic kayak vest, and sprints out into a crazy lead. 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