ࡱ> BDAq` DbjbjqPqP ..::DJT,E2    $wh  }}}j  }}}:,l  @z|&ږQ:  0ER  l lL}gEBdB4$"F Freak the Mighty Project Assignment http://starbuckftmproject.wetpaint.com/ Decide what grade you are aiming for. A,B,C, D (No, F is not a choice!) A= 80-100 B= 60-79 C=50-59 D=40-49 Choose assignments that have the total value for that grade. Find song lyrics from any artist that you feel define the action of the book. Create a playlist and post it on a new page that you create under the  HYPERLINK "http://starbucksfreakprojects.wetpaint.com/page/Playlists" Playlist page. Be sure to describe why you think these lyrics define that particular part of the book. Need at least 5 songs. (15 pts; limit 1) Kevin has his own dictionary of words and terms he has adopted or made up. Create your own dictionary with words and definitions. Post or attach this information on a page you add under the  HYPERLINK "http://starbucksfreakprojects.wetpaint.com/page/Dictionaries" Dictionary heading page on our  HYPERLINK "http://starbucksfreakprojects.wetpaint.com/" wiki. (Maximum of 15 words; 2 pts. Each) View the film Camelot starring Richard Harris, available on home video. Describe the 3 most ridiculous parts of the film. The descriptions need to be one paragraph each in length and posted to the wiki on a new page under the  HYPERLINK "http://starbucksfreakprojects.wetpaint.com/page/Camelot" Camelot heading. (20 pts.) Investigate the history of the ornithopter. Find plans for the ornithopter Use the internet to find plans. Write a short report (1 page) on what you find. Attach the report and the plans that you find to a new page under the  HYPERLINK "http://starbucksfreakprojects.wetpaint.com/page/Ornithopters" Ornithopter main page.(10 pts.) Act out a scene from the book. You may work with one or with more partners. Record the scene and upload it to the wiki. Be sure to upload your video to a new page under the  HYPERLINK "http://starbucksfreakprojects.wetpaint.com/page/Videos" Video main page. (30 pts.) Create a diorama of a scene from the novel. (Shoebox scene!) Take pictures of what you create and post them under a new page under the  HYPERLINK "http://starbucksfreakprojects.wetpaint.com/page/Dioramas" Diorama page on the wiki. Be sure to include captions that describe what is in each picture. (20 pts.; limit 1) Choose your favorite part of the book. Blog about this part of the book and tell why it is your favorite. Use the  HYPERLINK "http://starbucksstars.wordpress.com/favorite-part-of-freak-the-mighty/" blog that has been established for this assignment. Make sure that you are on the correct page within the blog. Now, on the  HYPERLINK "http://starbucksfreakprojects.wetpaint.com/page/Blog+Posts" Blog Posts page of the wiki, create a link to your blog. (15 pts.; limit 1) Create a crossword puzzle using clues and words from the story. Use at least 15 words. Use  HYPERLINK "http://www.puzzle-maker.com/" Puzzle-maker.com to create this crossword.(10 pts.; limit 2) Attach your crosswords to a new page you create under the  HYPERLINK "http://starbucksfreakprojects.wetpaint.com/page/Crossword+Puzzles" Crossword page on the wiki. Research a character that interests you from the legend of King Arthur. Create a PowerPoint of the information you find. Be sure to include why you find him or her interesting. Include your sources. Must be at least 10 slides. (25 pts.; limit 1) Good sites:  HYPERLINK "http://www.britannia.com/history/h12.html" King Arthur Britannia  HYPERLINK "http://www.kingarthursknights.com/" King Arthur's Knights  HYPERLINK "http://www.legendofkingarthur.co.uk/" Legend of King Arthur Remember to create a new page under the  HYPERLINK "http://starbucksfreakprojects.wetpaint.com/page/PowerPoints" PowerPoint page on the wiki. Turn in your contract to Mrs. Starbuck or Mrs. Lytton by 12/15. Freak the Mighty Project Contract Name ______________________ Period _____________________ I plan to work towards the grade of ___________. I will complete the following assignments: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Freak the Mighty Project Contract Name ______________________ Period _____________________ I plan to work towards the grade of ___________. 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