ࡱ> q`CbjbjqPqP .::C4444LL4tcQ44444444PPPPPPP$qRhThQ74477Q44Q8G8G8G7@ 44P8G7P8G8G8G44 @W)J4C8GP3Q0cQ8GAUdFAU8G8GAUG$ 4^5h8G5T6444QQ"G444cQ7777/\3\3 Z.O.M.P. Ball! Having been working together for almost a full year now, the four ladies of the special Z.O.M.P. group had really grown to become quite the strong unit of the Zootopian Police Department. There was Judy Hopps, the Bunny cop who worked like the brains of the group, and always had a plan ready for every mission they took on. Then there was Tigress, the female Tiger with her own paws acting as the most deadly weapon to wear, as she was the big muscles of the group. And who could forget Penny Ling? The always bubbly and optimistic Panda girl, who worked as the positive spirit and heart of the gang. Last but defiantly not least was their latest member of the team, Gloria. AKA, the Hippo gal that was big both in her mouth, and especially in her body size! Granted, all the ladies in this quarter was more then little on the plus-size of their bodies (With Judy having the biggest butt, Tigress the biggest boobs, and Penny Ling having the biggest belly), but when it came to having the thickest and most pound heavy body of them all Gloria had them all beaten to a t. It was probably due to them all being so fat that they got along so well, as they could all relate so well to being judged simply by their looks, instead of their abilities into solving crimes. Even their boss, Police Chief Bogo had been very sceptical about the whole thing at first (When it was all about putting Judy in charge of "two of the most ineffective female cops of the squad"), but he had to admit now that they had a more solid record of solved cases then any other group. In short the 4 women strong group had learned how to act just like a real team, but it took a very special case to really make that happen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had all started when Bogo assigned the group a rather "odd case", that naturally had Judy asking "What's so odd about it?" "Well, there has been several incidences at the Zootopia Historical Museum about potential break ins, but the very same animals that work there also adds that there might be some "paranormal" source behind it." Bogo said while taking off his reading glasses so that he could put one hoof over his face, to show just how embarrassed he felt over even saying it. "Pa-ra-nor-mal? As in, "Ghost" kind of paranormal?" Judy asked just as perplexed as he boss, before then adding "What exact "proof" do they have over this being the acts of the supernatural?" "There has been several cases of their security systems shutting off at random, and objects placed inside display cases getting moved around. And yet there is never a sign of any break in, or anything that ever ends up stolen." Bogo laid out, making it actually sound a bit like a ghost-type of mystery. "I'm pretty sure there is either a perfectly natural explanation for these events, or it is a highly advantaged heist in the making. Either way, me and the girls will make sure to have this thing solved by the end of the day!" Judy said with great confidence as she left Bogo's office, before then going right back into wondering why this was something he was asking them to do in the first place? Upon returning to the rest of the group, the other girls was less then pleased when Judy retold what their "Big Mission" of the day was. "So he just wants us to go to the museum, and see if ghosts really exist?!" Tigress asked rather insulted. "After all the great things we have done for him, and he just gives us something stupid like this?" "I have to agree a bit there, sister." Gloria said. "Don't think he would have given this silly job to any of the guy squads, even if they had a completely free schedule." "Well, I actually think it can be pretty fun." Penny Ling filled in. "Plus, it could give us a chance to have a free tour of the place." "You seriously get excited over the chance to visit a history museum?" Gloria asked rather doubtful, as Penny Ling just shrugged her shoulders and blushed briefly. "Girls, girls!" Judy said as she tried to keep the group on focus. "It might not be as exciting as our previous cases, but we can still prove ourselves by having it solved and dealt with." She then reached out her paw and asked, "So what do you say? Is the Z.O.M.P. team up for the task?" The other girls all agreed that while it was not the standards high stake type of missions, it was still part of their job to help out with all kinds of situations. So one by one they all placed one of their hands on top of Judy's, before they all then did a team like "GOOOO ZOMP!!!", after which they all left the station to head towards the museum. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once there the girls (With the exception of Penny Ling) started to all feel pretty overwhelmed by just how huge the place was, and that they knew it would take forever to find any potential clues. "I'm going to ask the manager on some info, to see if that can help narrow down the field a bit." Judy said as she quickly departed from the group, as the rest tried to keep themselves entertained by looking at different displays. After a few minutes of waiting Judy did return, and with a look of confidence on her face the Bunny girl said "I think we might have a lead." Heading towards a closed off section of the museum that was under construction of it's new exhibit, Judy explained to the other girls about how the strange occurrences had been happening ever since they got a new "highly valuable" artefact in their collection. "They say it is a small idol, portraying the ancient god of Scoob. A Dog like being, who was known to consume more then any other creature, and who's hunger grew so huge he was said to even devour entire planets." Judy explained, as the rest of the gang found it all pretty funny that such a god of eating could ever have existed in the first place. Arriving to the closed off section of the museum, the girls all saw how the whole placed looked like it was in the middle of building what would be a replica of a grand temple. (Most likely in honour to the god Scoob.) And when looking closer they also spotted the idol in question, as it was standing on top of a short pillar for all to see. Judging by the look of this thing the Scoob god seemed to have once been probably a Great Dane breed of dogs, but what really caught their attention was the size of his belly that the miniature statue had! "Oh wow! Not even my cousin Po has a gut that big compared to the rest of his body!" Penny Ling said in amazement, as indeed the posing statue had a swollen middle that looked to be almost half the size of the it's body! (Making the girls surprised the statue wasn't tipping over with all that front weight to it.) Judy called for the group to focus around finding clues that could possibly explain the paranormal activities taking place at the museum, and while she and Tigress got started on the task, Penny Ling and Gloria was still pretty mesmerised by the belly size of the god idol. "You're trying to compare belly size with him, Panda girl?" Gloria asked as she noticed Penny Ling had been pulling up the shirt of her uniform to look at her own fuzzy gut, who in return just giggled and said "Perhaps." "Well, not to break you dreams or anything, but I'm pretty sure even I beat you at that challenge." Gloria said before then pulling up her own shirt, and letting her wobbly belly flab hang free. The two ladies then went on first going side by side, before then pressing their big bellies into each other, until finally admitting in a slight disappointment that it was to close of a race to see a winner with just the eyes. "Guess we have to find some sort of measuring tape back at the station, so we can have more exact numbers?" Penny Ling suggested, as Gloria agreed while leaning back to better adjust her shirt into her pants, when she didn't noticed how close her huge rump was getting to the idol! Suddenly both girls froze completely still as they heard a loud "CRASH!!!" sound, before then seeing the broken pieces of the Scoob idol on the floor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sound was enough to bring Judy and Tigress back to the scene, as they were both less then pleased with what the other two members of their team had been up to. "What have you done?!" Judy asked out in a mix of panic and rage, as both Penny Ling and Gloria looked down and said in almost unison "Sorry..." "You have just ruined a precious item on the museum!" Judy yelled at the two, who once again could just say "Sorry..." in unison. "When Bogo gets to hear what the Z.P.D. might have to pay in compensation for this, we might all have to start looking for new jobs!..." Judy ranted on, before then getting silent upon seeing how foggy the whole place was starting to get. Looking down on the floor all four of the girls saw how the smoke seemed to be coming from the broken idol, as they all started to worry on just what kind of bad news they had been unleashing now? That's when they all heard a loud booming voice say "Ro...ruo rave reen reeing re.", and upon turning around they couldn't believe what they were seeing! Summoned as if from the smoke itself stood Scoob himself, towering over the ladies as he was literal giant of a god reaching all the way up to the roof of the building! (To give you an idea, most Giraffes in Zootopia end up on around 20 feet in length, so many buildings meant for all species has a height of up to 30 feet!) Scoob himself resembled the Great Dane like the idol had hinted at, as he had a mostly brown fur, with a few black spots added onto his shoulders and back. He was also dressed in what looked like very ancient time form of clothing, that involved puffy pants (with a loin cloth looking thinking hanging at the front), golden bracelets around his wrists, and very colourful necklace that had what looked like a dog bone printed at the front of it. But it wasn't just Scoob's height that stunned the girls, as he was just as fat around his belly as his idol had been showing, with it ballooning out so much that they could barley see his head peeking over that gigantic dome of brown furred flab! Starring up at him in awe Tigress leaned in close to Penny Ling before then whispering, "Okay, I also think his belly is WAY bigger then Po's one!" Seeing such a celestial looking being in their presence Judy felt the need to try and act as a reprehensive of her group, as she carefully cleared her throat before then saying "Uhm, H-Hello, Mr. Scoob...all mighty ruler of...feeding?" The giant Dog god seemed pleased with how Judy was calling onto him as he response to her by asking, "Rhere ryou rhe rones rhat reed re rom ry rison?" "It was an accident, we swear!" Penny Ling said in panic, before then pointing at Gloria and saying "It was her big butt that ended up doing it!" "Excuse me?!" Gloria asked, clearly not to pleased by being tossed under the bus by her own colleague like that. "Ror rhousands rof ryears RI rave reen rapped, rut row RI ram rinally REE!!!" Scoob said as he patted his big belly in celebration, causing a minor earthquake to almost happen at the place! "So we ended up helping you get free, and then what? What are you going to do now with your newfound freedom?" Tigress asked rather suspicious, as Scoob said back "Rirst rhing RI'm roing ro ro ris ro rind romething RUGE ro reat, ro rettle ry rungry rut." (Having been trapped for literally 1000s of years would give anyone the mother of all hunger pains.) "Understandable. Big guy has to eat." Gloria pointed out, as Penny Ling curiously asked "What does even someone as big like you eat?" "Rabout ra rlanet ror rwo." Scoob said, which made all of the girls really wish they had just misheard him or something. (Mostly due to him adding an "R" at the start of every word he spoke.) "Excuse me, but did you just say...planet?" Judy asked carefully as Scoob simply nodded his head, before then licking his lips and rubbing his growling gut. (Which was roaring louder then anything the girls had ever heard in their lives, forcing them to cover their ears.) "No offences. You are huge, but wouldn't a whole planet be to much even for someone like you?" Gloria pointed out, to which Scoob simply smirked and said "Rhis risn't ry rull rize." Being a god he could very easy grow himself so huge so that the whole planet Earth would be able to get fit inside of his belly with no problems, which only made the girls even more worried about what to do in order to prevent it! "I understand that you are an ancient god and all, but I still would wish for someone like you to also respect the laws like everyone else!" Judy pleaded. "This planet has so much life going on, and it would be the biggest of losses for all of us!" Scoob did listen to Judy's arguments, and while he could easily just ignore them and do as he pleased, he did seem to be up for a little negotiation. "Rou rid ree re, ro RI ram rilling ro rake ra real rith rou." Scoob said, which made all four cop ladies ask at once "What deal?" "Refeat re rand ry ream rin rhe rancient rport rof "R-Rall", rand RI rill rpare rour rlanet rom recoming ry rirst rig rnack rafter rall ry rears rof reing rapped." Scoob said, as left with little to no other options Judy told him that they "Agree on your terms!" "Rexcellent!" Scoob said as he slapped his palms against his super fat belly, as the shock wave sent both him and the girls into another dimension! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking around the four police ladies was royally confused at first on where they had ended up, as it didn't resemble Zootopia at all. If anything it almost looked like the part of the museum that was being built to resemble a temple, except it was complete and looked a lot more larger and expensive! That's when they all started to point at each other also, as even their clothes seemed to have vanished, and was now replaced by some sort of weird tribal outfit. Starring down at themselves all four girls was now wearing strap on bras, with matching loincloths (Which felt like it did nothing to help cover up their bare butts from behind.), added with sandals and the same sort of necklace that they had seen Scoob wearing. (Minus the red dog-bone mark.) "Where have we gone?" Penny Ling asked confused, with Tigress adding "And what are we even wearing?!", and Gloria pointing out "And where the heck did that MASSIVE Dog god guy end up?" "I think he might be in there." Judy said as she pointed towards the giant temple, which looked more then a little omnibus in this deserted looking landscape. Making their way into the colossal building the girls all saw how they entered to what looked like a huge coliseum, with the big bellied Scoob waiting on them in the middle of it. He looked very pleased seeing the ladies all dressed in a similar manners as him, as they in return was very confused over where he had been taking them? "Ro rhe revious rorld RI ruled rover, refore reing rapped rin rhe rtatue." Scoob said, as it did look like something that might have existed 1000s of years ago. "So what, you sent us all back in time or something?" Gloria asked as Scoob chuckled and said, "Rope! Rhis rorld rtill rexists, rand RI rimply rook rou rhere." "But aren't you known for...devouring worlds?" Penny Ling asked rather ominous, as it all started to become terrifyingly clear just where they had all ended up in! "D-Don't tell me! A-Are you s-seriously saying...?" Tigress asked in a stutter of pure horror as Scoob simply smirked and said, "Rup! Rinside ry relly!" "B-But how?!" Judy asked in completely confusion. "You are standing here! And this is all so big! H-How is this even possible?!" "RI rave ronsumed rany rorlds, rand RI reep rhem rall rtored rup rinside rof re." Scoob said, as being a god clearly gave him the powers to store whole universes inside of his gigantic tummy. "RI rhose rhis rorld ror rus ro rlay rour rittle rame rin, rince rhis ris rhere R-Rall ras ronce rlayed rall rhe rime." Scoob explained, as it did look like the perfect set for a game where the whole future of the planet was being at stake. "Actually, I have been meaning to ask this a long time ago, but what the heck is even B-Ball?!" Gloria asked out loudly to the group, before then suddenly hearing Penny Ling say "It seems to be a bit like European Football (Where you only use your feet to touch the ball), except in this game your only means to pass the thing and make scores is by using either you breasts, belly, or butt." "How did you managed to learn all that?" Judy asked completely stunned as Penny Ling answered "I just did a quick search of it on the web, and found results saying this info to me." as she held up her phone to prove what she was saying what true, before then adding "It's surprising how good the Wifi inside of this belly black hole is." "It also says that they usually are teams of four, which is good cause that is how many we are." The Panda girl said very optimistically, as Gloria pointed out to Scoob "Then that means we got a massive advantage on you, since you are all by your own!" Scoob yet again laughed a bit as he asked "Ram RI?", before then slamming his big belly again, and causing another smoke storm to happen around them! Once it got all cleared up the Z.O.M.P squad was surprised to see three more individuals lined up next to Scoob! (All of which being just as big and thick as the rest of them.) There was this epic thick looking Alligator, which was mega obese looking in size, easily making him look like both the heaviest and most sluggish player of the team. (Dressed in the same sort of soft pants as Scoob, and who could be seen sporting a small trumpet in his hands.) Then there was a super curvy Lioness, who kind of looked like she was blessed with both Tigress's chest, and Judy's butt as a deadly pudge combo. (Wearing the same sort of loincloth and bra outfit as the rest of the girls.) Finally there was this big Bear, who unlike the other two was dressed in what looked like a grass skirt and wig, combined with a set of coconuts as both a fake mouth and as a bra for his big looking moobs. "What are those?" The girls all asked, as Scoob introduced them as "his fellow gods and great pals". There was Louis, the Gator god of Music. Nala, the Lioness goddess of Dancing. And Baloo, the Bear god of Partying. This way they were now set four VS four, as the fate of the Earth was hanging on the four ladies being able to beat the gods at their own sport. Looking forward to a great match Scoob said "Ro...Ret's rtart rhe rame!", before the ball was being tossed in! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ball itself was fairly small in size (About as big as a Croquet ball), so all the players knew it could lead to some very powerful shots if hit just right. Scoob stood for the first big swing, as his god-sized belly showed just what a source of strength it really was. The Z.O.M.P. girls all watched how the thing flew straight over their heads, as Nala had dashed over to the other side to let the thing bounce straight off her bubbly breasts. Not to far away Baloo the bear let his swollen butt jiggle with joy as the ball slapped against it, sending it soaring right into the girls goal before they even knew what had happen! In the span of just a few seconds the match was already 1-0 to Scoob's team. "Not fair! We haven't even played this game before!" Judy called out, as Scoob just laughed and said back "Renny Ring ras rhat rhone rith rhe rules. Rou rave ro rexcuse!" Knowing he was right Judy had to just swallow her frustration for now, and instead trying to gather the rest of her team together to win this game. "This is just like a smaller sized soccer, so we just need someone to keep an eye on the goal while the rest of us advantages!" Judy said to the rest, just as they saw another ball come flying towards the goal! But this time they had someone in their team being awake, as Gloria threw herself towards the goal, and her super big belly managed to take the hit as the ball bounced right off from it and away from the goal! "I'll cover the goal! You 3 try and make some points!" Gloria called out, as Judy, Penny Ling, and Tigress all started to try and keep having the ball in control this time. Passing it between each other Judy could see Scoob come charging at her just like a rhino during her police academy days, and that made her knew exactly what to do about it. Seeing Penny Ling sending the ball flying towards her from her belly blast, Judy decided to use Scoob's big height to get an advantage. Right when it looked like the two were about to crash into each other Judy decided to jump right on top of Scoob's bare belly, before then springing herself up into the air so she could come into contact with the incoming ball! Slamming the thing down with her thick bunny buns, Judy left the field open for Tigress to use her big chest to swing the ball straight towards the opponent's net. But just when it looked like Louis would be to slow to block the ball with his belly, he suddenly turned around and used his very thick gator tail to snatch the ball away from the goal! "WHAT?! The rules didn't say the tail could also be used!" Judy called out, as Scoob said "Rules rays rhat ronly rands rand reet rare rorbidden. Rails ran rery rell re rused." That still left the girls with quite the unfair disavantage, as both Judy, Penny Ling, and Gloria all had super short tail stumps to show. "Tigress? Do you think that your tail would be able to slap the ball like that?" Judy asked, to which Tigress looked at her long striped tail and said "I think the ball might be thicker then my tail sadly." So knowing now that the opposite team had even one more trick up their sleeve, the Z.O.M.P. team started to feel even more like this would be an almost impossible game to win. It didn't get any better when the big boys decided to started to show just how hard they could send that ball flying, as both Scoob and Baloo's belly slams made that thing speed across the field like a cannon ball! Coming towards Nala the simply smiled as she did an impressive backwards bend to send the ball flying up into the air by her breasts, before then bending over forward and letting her butt steer the ball towards the goal as it came back down and hit it! (Something that made Tigress mad as all hell, that somehow this even more plump feline still managed to somehow be even more agile then her.) Seeing the super speedy ball coming towards her Gloria decided to turn around so that her butt would take the impact, which sent the ball flying back but also made Gloria tumble over onto the floor due to the impact. What's worse what that Penny Ling wasn't prepare for when ball came flying back, as it ended up bouncing straight off her belly, before then flying back yet again towards the goal! Sadly Gloria was still on the ground from being toppled over earlier, and that left the goal fully open for the ball to make it's entry through. With the match now being 2-0 to Scoob's team, Judy started to panic for real as her whole world might soon end up inside of that fat gut of the dog god! It didn't make her feel any better knowing that she was by far the smallest one of all the players, meaning that she very rarely had any sort of chance to actually affect the ball and the game. So knowing that they needed to score a goal fast Judy ignored when she saw Penny Ling being ready take a ball from Tigress, and instead started to climb on top of her own friend before then trying to catch the ball. Yelling for her team to do something to help turn the match Judy's big mouth ended up betraying her, as the ball ended up going right into it and down her belly! While still in midair Judy had now ended up swallowing the ball, and while she thought that maybe that would mean the match needed to have break she was wrong, as she immediately got Scoob's heavy belly hitting her hard as he sent her across the field! Using Judy herself as the ball now both her foes and friends started to smack her around, as the bunny herself really wished she could get the ball out of her system already. That's when Gloria saw an idea on how to use it, as she came carging up from behind on Judy, and saw that lovely butt of hers being poiting just the right direction for her to take action. Before Judy knew it Gloria delivered one heavy kick right up Judy's rump, forcing the ball to get flown out of the rabbit's mouth! And not jus that, but since the other team wasn't prepared for this at all the newly regurgitated ball came flying straight into the goal of Scoob's team, and counted as a point! "RHAT?! Scoob yelled out in shock. "Rhy rid rhat rcore?" "Your rules said that I can't hit the ball with my feet, but I kicked Judy so it didn't count." Gloria said with a big smirk on her face, leaving Scoob so upset over his first real loss that he declared for the match to have a half-time break. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the break Penny Ling had to question Judy on why she had been acting the way she did, and even Tigress and Gloria had to admit that she wasn't acting as much of a "team player". "I'm just so scared! Okay?" Judy said back. "Our homes might be gone if we don't win this, and I'm starting to think we might not even end up having at chance at this point!" "Hey, don't say that." Gloria said reassuring. "We have managed to get one point, so we just need to score a few more in order to win this." "She's right!" Penny Ling agreed. "We might still have a chance!" Hearing this made Judy feel a bit more optimistic about their chances, as she asked the rest of her team on just how they can turn this whole thing around? "That Lioness sure is a lot more agile then one would think, so she can be a bit of a wild card." Tigress pointed out, with Gloria saying "That fat gator goalie can cover a lot of space with that tail of his, but his heavy size seems to make it hard for him to catch balls coming in high.", and Penny Ling adding "I don't know much about that bear, but despite that skirt and bra it is a guy...right?" Collecting all of this new info Judy started to have a few plans thought out, as she asked for the rest of the team to keep a few "key facts" in mind to improvise around. As the second half of the match started the Z.O.M.P. team was a lot more at it from the start, as they quickly stole the ball and started to pass it between each other. Penny Ling and Judy kept a good back and forward going, before then sending it straight towards Tigress, who at the moment seemed to be free. But that all changed when she suddenly felt a heavy hip thrust hitting her (Almost making her tumble over), as Nala was trying to steal this pass from her. The two fatted up felines ended up pressing their wide hips hard against each other, before finally Nala simply turned her head towards Tigress and let out one nasty burp into her face! Tigress felt like she was almost out of air as she bent down to cough, giving Nala the chance to breast bounce the ball over to her own team-mates instead. "Can thank Timon and Pumbaa for that all bugs diet not only making my body big, but even making my burps into great weapons." The Lioness said as Tigress was left cursing under her own breath from the humiliating defeat. Seeing the ball coming towards for Scoob to catch, Penny Ling knew she needed to act quickly as she came charging towards the dog god, as their two giant bellies ended up slamming into each other with a loud... "SLAM!!!" The whole place started to shake a bit from that epic impact of the two, and it even caused the two players into knocking each other over! In that moment Judy saw her chance to take the ball, and despite having Tigress free Judy decided to butt tackle the ball towards Nala. "Hey Nala! I bet you can pass that ball, while balancing on your hands!" Judy dared the Lioness, who was more then willing to prove herself as she quickly got onto her hands, before then letting the ball bounce off her big butt. In doing so however while being upside down Nala's loincloth ended up drifting down, covering her face while fully exposing her private parts! One that was truly lost onto that sight was the goalie Louis, who was so stunned by watching what was laying deep within the valley that was Nala's huge cheeks, that he didn't noticed when Tigress came charging from the side, leaped up to slam the ball with her tits, and all to late tried to stop it when the ball went past him and into the goal! It was now standing 2-2 evenly, and both teams knew that the next goal would be the one to win the game. Scoob didn't like the idea of him losing out on his first huge meal in millennia's, so he was really rallying for his fellow players to help win him this one. The same could be said about the Z.O.M.P. team, as they all knew that their team was the only ones on the whole planet would could win this right now. Given how Scoob's team wasn't afraid of pulling cheap shots whenever they could, the girls figured why not do the same back? Seeing how Scoob seemed to use Baloo as his closest allay when passing the ball, the logical plan was to try and eliminate the big bear somehow, so that the dog god would be left with a lot less options. Judy gave Tigress a subtle nod when seeing that Scoob was about to pass one over to Baloo, and Tigress took it as he chance to strike where it would hurt the bear the most. As Baloo was getting himself ready to use his powerful gut, Tigress slide right up behind him before then using his sharp claws to cut the strings holding his coconut bra and grass skirt up. Before Baloo even knew it could feel a slight draft, and upon looking down he was horrified to find himself now standing fully exposed in the middle of the game! Forgetting all about the match the big bear started to cover the area between his legs with both arms, while also hunching over to better hide his private parts! But in doing so he also lowered his head a lot, so when that ball came flying towards him it wasn't his gut that ended up taking the hit. "BONK!!!" Getting hit super hard in the head from that ball Baloo ended up also loosing his grass wig and coconut mouth, as he ended up falling over and getting knocked out for the rest of the game! This did not please Scoob one bit, as the dog god decided it was time to end this in the only way he knew how. Asking for Nala to pass the ball over to him again Scoob started to charge up all of his energy into his belly, before then transferring it all into the ball as he sent it flying at max speed! Having a ball now filled with the power of a god in it, all of the girls could only watch in horror how it came flying like a comet towards their goal, with seemingly no way for stopping it! That was until suddenly Penny Ling decided to act brave, and jumped in front of the speeding ball, hoping that he belly would be strong enough to take the blast. As the ball came knocking right into her middle Penny Ling clenched her teeth upon impact, before then feeling a bit "funny" in her tummy. Looking down she (and the rest of her team) could see how the ball was seemingly gone now, and instead how her belly button was starting to glow a lot. The ball had ended up making it into the fat panda's navel, and was now seemingly stuck inside! Feeling all of that power and energy working it's way through her Penny Ling at first didn't know what to do, while she placed her palms against the sides of her huge gut. That's when she heard how Gloria from behind call to her, "This is your chance Penny Ling! Prove to yourself that you truly are the one with the strongest belly of all time!", and Penny Ling was more then glad to take on that challenge. Remembering some of the techniques her cousin Po had been teaching her on how to focus energy, Penny Ling did her best to try and harvest all that monstrous strength that Scoob had been given the ball, before then making sure to return him the favour! Letting out a huge scream of energy Penny Ling pressed hard into the sides of her belly, forcing the ball back out with the same speed and force that Scoob had been given it! Having not expected something like this to happen Scoob himself wasn't ready for capturing the ball, and as it passed by him the only thing standing between it and scoring a winning goal was Louis. (Who really looked more scared then anything else as he saw that thing coming towards him fast!) Trying his best to catch the ball proved to be rather pointless, as the ball itself pushed both it and Louis backwards until they ended up right into the net of the goal! With that the match was over, and the Z.O.M.P. team had won by 3-2! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After knowing that he had lost the fight Scoob did at first look like he wasn't going to keep his part of the deal, before then smiling and saying "RI ruess RI rost." with a small laughter. He admitted on how well the girls worked together and how great their determination had been, before then picking out Penny Ling to give some extra credit for that final shot. "Rou rook ry rowers rand ranaged ro rontroll rhem, rust rike re." Scoob said and gave a very supporting pad onto the panda girl's shoulder, before then proceeding to let them all return back to their still intact world. Slamming onto his massive gut once more everything went into a blinding light again, before the girls all found that it was back to normal. They had returned to the museum, and they were once again all wearing their police uniforms. While overjoyed and relived Tigress was still a bit concerned about one thing, as she asked Judy "What shall we say to Chief Bogo about all this?" Judy knew that he would probably not believe them if they said they had been fighting an ancient god in a battle over the future of their planet, so instead she said "We will just tell him that we couldn't find any real source to the strange things happening at this place, and if Scoob really is keeping his promise then hopefully we wont get any more reports on ghostly activities." Calling their mission complete the group of four all started to leave, as Gloria leaned over to Penny Ling and told her, "Well, I guess I have not other choice but to admit it now. Your belly is definitely a lot more grand then mine is." What neither of the ladies noticed as they left however was that Scooby had left behind what looked like an ancient drawing added to the exhibit, depicting the Z.O.M.P. group in their tribal attire winning the game.  : ,-P|qqaqaQaQAQAQh}B*CJaJmH phsH h#SB*CJaJmH phsH hRB*CJaJmH phsH h $B*CJaJmH phsH hw`B*CJaJmH phsH h B*CJaJmH phsH hmB*CJaJmH phsH hXB*CJaJmH phsH hB*OJQJmH phsH 0hh5B*CJ(OJQJaJ(mH phsH *h5B*CJ(OJQJaJ(mH phsH V W m n E F  -.9DgdC{|BCklST9DgdABjkRSFG n!o!"###￯oo_o_hRRB*CJaJmH phsH hU{]B*CJaJmH phsH hh$B*CJaJmH phsH hRzB*CJaJmH phsH hY(B*CJaJmH phsH hhcB*CJaJmH phsH h95B*CJaJmH phsH hmB*CJaJmH phsH h#SB*CJaJmH phsH h}B*CJaJmH phsH TGH# $ o!p!""##$$`%a%E&F&`'a'''[(\(9Dgd#$$''\(()S*++,,g,-.k/m/*0d0e0!111/2O2T2Z2]2n2o2w22333Ͽ￟ooooooo_o_h\B*CJaJmH phsH h B*CJaJmH phsH hSB*CJaJmH phsH h1B*CJaJmH phsH hB*CJaJmH phsH h}B*CJaJmH phsH ho&B*CJaJmH phsH hh$B*CJaJmH phsH hRRB*CJaJmH phsH hQC>B*CJaJmH phsH #\())))**++++f,g,----l/m/e0f0001122339Dgd333C4D455/60666888899::2;3;;;<<R=S===9Dgd3B4C4D45558883;E;G;W;X;Z;^;g;k;l;;;<<=<>=>>>>>??ϯϯoo_hC1B*CJaJmH phsH h!cB*CJaJmH phsH h)B*CJaJmH phsH hl3UB*CJaJmH phsH h*bB*CJaJmH phsH hJY B*CJaJmH phsH hQC>B*CJaJmH phsH h]tB*CJaJmH phsH h\B*CJaJmH phsH hDtB*CJaJmH phsH ==>>>>>??@@jAkA B BBBZC[CCCDDBECEEE^F_FG G9Dgd?<@@@kA B BB&CYCZC[CCCCCC]DDDDEAEBECEEE7F￯ﯟoo_o_O_OhzB*CJaJmH phsH hk B*CJaJmH phsH hFmB*CJaJmH phsH hm3B*CJaJmH phsH h(\B*CJaJmH phsH hS9B*CJaJmH phsH hB*CJaJmH phsH hj,B*CJaJmH phsH h!cB*CJaJmH phsH hC1B*CJaJmH phsH h7?B*CJaJmH phsH 7F]F^FHIIJKK5MKNLNMNOaPbPPPQQQQQQQQQ=R?RRRϿϯϯo_OhXB*CJaJmH phsH hB*CJaJmH phsH hmB*CJaJmH phsH hJY B*CJaJmH phsH hB*CJaJmH phsH hB*CJaJmH phsH h9MB*CJaJmH phsH h-1B*CJaJmH phsH h;B*CJaJmH phsH hzB*CJaJmH phsH hB*CJaJmH phsH  GHHIIJJKKLL4M5MLNMN-O.OOObPcPPPPPPPkQlQ9DgdlQQQ>R?RRRQSRSTTTT U UUUJVKVWWWWXXNYOYYY9DgdRRPSQStXXXXMYNY\X]Y]](^)^*^^__`=a>a?abbccccϿϿoo_o_O_OhWCB*CJaJmH phsH hpB*CJaJmH phsH h|=B*CJaJmH phsH hkbB*CJaJmH phsH hm ]B*CJaJmH phsH hLB*CJaJmH phsH h{BB*CJaJmH phsH hnnB*CJaJmH phsH hkUB*CJaJmH phsH hkB*CJaJmH phsH hXB*CJaJmH phsH YZa[b[\\\\Y]Z])^*^^^__>a?abbb`cacccddee9Dgdcdd:f6g7gjjpk(l)llllInoooppssteufuzzx{Ͽϯϯoo_Oh$0B*CJaJmH phsH hDB*CJaJmH phsH hqbB*CJaJmH phsH hblB*CJaJmH phsH h{IB*CJaJmH phsH hjBB*CJaJmH phsH hg3B*CJaJmH phsH hB*CJaJmH phsH h QB*CJaJmH phsH hWCB*CJaJmH phsH h)B*CJaJmH phsH e9f:f7g8ggghh)i*iiijj k kokpk)l*lllgmhmmmGnHn9DgdHnoopp0q1qqq\r]rssssttfuguquruuuvvlwmwww9DgdwYyZyyyczdzzzy{z{F|G|||}}W~X~~~NO9Dgd9Dgdx{y{jrʉˉ-.fyzBCϿϿoo\%hmhB*CJaJmH phsH h::B*CJaJmH phsH hcB*CJaJmH phsH hO6B*CJaJmH phsH hB*CJaJmH phsH hblB*CJaJmH phsH hWB*CJaJmH phsH hVJB*CJaJmH phsH h$0B*CJaJmH phsH hB*CJaJmH phsH @Aop ijوڈʉˉ-.9DgdO69Dgd.z{ef{|jkC9Dgd9DgdO6,1h. 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