ࡱ> CEBM $bjbj== .@WW |l8,<m>LL(tttttt  ttttttt't^tttt@ e%|K"=0m! !This file created 6-Mar-06 is at: http://wolfberg.net/scrabble/wordlists/owl2/new_owl2_defns_thru_fours.doc FE - FE n pl. -S a Hebrew letter KI - KI n pl. KIS the vital force in Chinese thought OI - OI interj oy QI - QI n pl. -S the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things ZA - ZA n pl. -S a pizza AGS - AG n pl. -S agriculture AHI - AHI n pl. -S a marine food fish AHS - AH v -ED, -ING, -S to aah APO - APO n pl. APOS a type of protein APP - APP n pl. -S a computer program for a major task BES - BES n pl. BESES beth CIG - CIG n pl. -S a cigarette CRU - CRU n pl. -S a grade or class of wine DAN - DAN n pl. -S a level of skill in martial arts DEF - DEF adj DEFFER, DEFFEST excellent DIF - DIF n pl. -S diff DUH - DUH interj -- used to indicate that something just stated is too obvious EDS - ED n pl. -S education EEK - EEK interj -- used to express sudden fright FAB + FAB adj FABBER, FABBEST fabulous + FAB n pl. -S something created or constructed FES - FE n pl. -S a Hebrew letter GOS - GO n pl. GOS a Japanese board game HOS - HO n pl. HOS a whore *deemed offensive* IGG - IGG v -ED, -ING, -S to ignore KIS - KI n pl. KIS the vital force in Chinese thought KYE - KYE n pl. -S a private Korean-American banking club LES - LES n pl. -ES a lesbian *deemed offensive* MEG - MEG n pl. -S a megabyte MIC - MIC n pl. -S a microphone MYC - MYC n pl. -S a gene that transforms a normal cell into a cancerous cell NEG - NEG n pl. -S a photographic negative OBA - OBA n pl. -S a hereditary chief in Benin and Nigeria ODA - ODA n pl. -S a room in a harem ONO - ONO n pl. ONOS a large mackerel POO - POO v -ED, -ING, -S to defecate *deemed offensive* PST - PST interj psst QIS - QI n pl. -S the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things RAI - RAI n pl. -S a style of popular Algerian music SOM - SOM n pl. SOMS a monetary unit of Kyrgyzstan SUK - SUK n pl. -S souk URP - URP v -ED, -ING, -S to vomit UTE - UTE n pl. -S a utility vehicle VID - VID n pl. -S a video VUM - VUM interj -- used to express surprise YAG - YAG n pl. -S a synthetic garnet ZAS - ZA n pl. -S a pizza ZEP - ZEP n pl. -S a long sandwich ZUZ - ZUZ n pl. ZUZIM an ancient Hebrew silver coin ZZZ - ZZZ interj -- used to suggest the sound of snoring AHED - AH v -ED, -ING, -S to aah AHIS - AHI n pl. -S a marine food fish APOS - APO n pl. APOS a type of protein APPS - APP n pl. -S a computer program for a major task BERK - BERK n pl. -S a foolish person BIDI - BIDI n pl. -S a cigarette of India BIOG - BIOG n pl. -S a biography BIRO - BIRO n pl. -S a ballpoint pen BLOG - BLOG n pl. -S a website containing a personal journal BOHO - BOHO n pl. -S a bohemian BORK - BORK v -ED, -ING, -S to attack a candidate in the media BRUX - BRUX v -ED, -ING, -ES to grind the teeth BUBU - BUBU n pl. -S boubou BUNA - BUNA n pl. -S a synthetic rubber BURB - BURB n pl. -S a suburb CAMO - CAMO n pl. CAMOS a camouflage pattern CHAI - CHAI n pl. -S spiced tea with honey and milk CIGS - CIG n pl. -S a cigarette COKY - COKY adj cokelike CORS - COR n pl. -S an ancient unit of measure CRED - CRED n pl. -S credibility CRIT - CRIT n pl. -S criticism DANS - DAN n pl. -S a level of skill in martial arts DELT - DELT n pl. -S a deltoid DENI - DENI n pl. DENI a monetary unit of Macedonia DIFF - DIFF n pl. -S a difference DIFS - DIF n pl. -S diff DINO - DINO n pl. -S a dinosaur ECHT - ECHT adj genuine EMMY - EMMY n pl. EMMYS an award for a notable achievement in television ENUF - ENUF adj enough ESNE - ESNE n pl. -S a laborer in Anglo-Saxon England EXED - EX v -ED, -ING, -ES to cross out FABS - FAB n pl. -S something created or constructed FEEB - FEEB n pl. -S a wimp (a weak or ineffective person) FEST - FEST n pl. -S a gathering for an activity FLIR - FLIR n pl. -S an electronic heat sensor GITE - GITE n pl. -S a vacation retreat in France GLAM - GLAM n pl. -S glitzy attractiveness GORM - GORM v -ED, -ING, -S to gaum GOTH - GOTH n pl. -S a morbid style of rock music GROK - GROK v GROKKED, GROKKING, GROKS to understand intuitively HAKU - HAKU n pl. -S a crown of flowers HIMS - HIM n pl. -S a male IGGS - IGG v -ED, -ING, -S to ignore JIVY - JIVY adj jivey JUCO - JUCO n pl. -S a junior college JUKU - JUKU n pl. -S an additional school in Japan for preparing students for college KELT - KELT n pl. -S a salmon that has spawned KLIK - KLIK n pl. -S klick KOIS - KOI n pl. -S a large and colorful fish KOJI - KOJI n pl. -S a fungus used to start fermentation KORA - KORA n pl. -S a stringed African musical instrument KUFI - KUFI n pl. -S a brimless hat KUNA - KUNA n pl. KUNE a monetary unit of Croatia KUNE - KUNA n pl. KUNE a monetary unit of Croatia KYES - KYE n pl. -S a private Korean-American banking club LATU - LATS n pl. LATI or LATU a monetary unit of Latvia LILO - LILO n pl. -S a type of inflatable mattress LIPA - LIPA n pl. LIPE a monetary unit of Croatia LIPE - LIPA n pl. LIPE a monetary unit of Croatia LOID - LOID v -ED, -ING, -S to open a spring lock by using a piece of celluloid LUMA - LUMA n pl. -S a monetary unit of Armenia LYCH - LYCH n pl. -ES lich MARA - MARA n pl. -S a cavy of Argentina MASA - MASA n pl. -S dough made of dried corn MEDS - MED n pl. -S medication MEGA - MEGA adj great in size or importance MEGS - MEG n pl. -S a megabyte MEME - MEME n pl. -S an idea or practice that spreads from person to person MERC - MERC n pl. -S or -ES a mercenary MICS - MIC n pl. -S a microphone MIPS - MIPS n/pl MIPS million instructions per second (a computer speed) MOSH - MOSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to engage in frenzied dancing with others at a rock concert MYCS - MYC n pl. -S a gene that transforms a normal cell into a cancerous cell NAFF - NAFF v -ED, -ING, -S to fool around NALA - NALA n pl. -S nullah NAPA - NAPA n pl. -S a soft leather NEGS - NEG n pl. -S a photographic negative OAKY - OAKY adj OAKIER, OAKIEST tasting of oak sap OBAS - OBA n pl. -S a hereditary chief in Benin and Nigeria ODAH - ODAH n pl. -S oda ODAS - ODA n pl. -S a room in a harem ONOS - ONO n pl. ONOS a large mackerel PACY - PACY adj PACIER, PACIEST pacey PERE - PERE n pl. -S father PERP - PERP n pl. -S a person who commits a crime PERV - PERV n pl. -S one who has been perverted PLEX - PLEX n pl. -ES a multiplex POMO - POMO n pl. -S the postmodern movement POOS - POO v -ED, -ING, -S to defecate *deemed offensive* POXY - POXY adj POXIER, POXIEST afflicted with a pox PTUI - PTUI interj -- used to express the sound of spitting PUPU - PUPU n pl. -S a dish of Asian foods served as an appetizer PYRO - PYRO n pl. -ROS a person who has a compulsion to set fires QADI - QADI n pl. -S cadi RAGG - RAGG n pl. -S a wool fiber RAIS - RAI n pl. -S a style of popular Algerian music RAKU - RAKU n pl. -S a form of Japanese glazed pottery SHWA - SHWA n pl. -S schwa SIDH - SIDH n pl. SIDHE a hill inhabited by supernatural beings in Irish folklore SIKA - SIKA n pl. -S a small deer native to Asia SOBA - SOBA n pl. -S a Japanese noodle made from buckwheat flour SOCA - SOCA n pl. -S a blend of soul and calypso music SOMS - SOM n pl. SOMS a monetary unit of Kyrgyzstan SPAM - SPAM v SPAMMED, SPAMMING, SPAMS to send unsolicited e-mail to a large number of addresses STOT - STOT v STOTTED, STOTTING, STOTS to bound with a stiff-legged gait SUKS - SUK n pl. -S souk TECH - TECH n pl. -S a technician TEGG - TEGG n pl. -S a sheep in its second year TOPO - TOPO adj topographic TRES - TRES adv very TROG - TROG n pl. -S a hooligan TYIN - TYIN n pl. TYIN a monetary unit of Kazakhstan UDON - UDON n pl. -S a Japanese noodle made with wheat flour URPS - URP v -ED, -ING, -S to vomit UTES - UTE n pl. -S a utility vehicle VIDS - VID n pl. -S a video WANK - WANK v -ED, -ING, -S to masturbate *deemed offensive* WHUP - WHUP v WHUPPED, WHUPPING, WHUPS to defeat decisively YAGS - YAG n pl. -S a synthetic garnet YEPS - YEP n pl. -S an affirmative reply YOUS - YOU n pl. -S something identified with the person addressed YUTZ - YUTZ n pl. -ES a stupid, foolish, or ineffectual person ZEPS - ZEP n pl. -S a long sandwich ZINE - ZINE n pl. -S a magazine ZONA - ZONA n pl. -NAE a transparent substance surrounding the ovum of mammals ZOUK - ZOUK n pl. -S a dance music of the French West Indies Definitions of New OWL2 Words of Length 2 - 4 by WHAT (see http://what.wolfberg.net) - Page  PAGE 4 of  NUMPAGES 4 lmp,/GJeh  $'CFor25NQ&)TWx{  7 : W Z  0 3 V Y . 1 a d y | 5CJ\CJOJQJ^J5CJOJQJ\^JCJCJXlm,FGe $Co2N&Tx]$$x 7 W 0 V . a y / I l " J ] / 2 I L l o " & J N UYZuy(,FJsw04OS26JN =Ax| 5CJ\5CJOJQJ\^JCJ]J Uu(Fs0O2J]=x 5Y4Jp>w:uE] 59Y]48JNpt>Bw{ :>uyEI  7;<VZ6:'+RVnr-1FJlp 5CJ\5CJOJQJ\^JCJ]E 7V6'Rn-Fl7Y]p 7;Y]15sw'+^by}=Atx R V W k o !!C!G!!!!!!!!!#"'"_"c"""""""1#5#U#Y#u#y###$ 5CJ\5CJOJQJ\^JCJ[1s'^y=t R k !C!!!!!#"]#"_""""1#U#u##$$~$$$$]$$a$b$h$i$j$k$o$p$z${$|$}$$$0JmHnHu0J j0JUCJPJ,&P1h/ =!"#`$@%@ i8@8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH 8@8 Heading 1$@&]CJ<A@< Default Paragraph Font<Z< Plain TextCJOJQJ^JaJ,@, Header  !, , Footer  !&)@!& Page Number @lm,FGe $Co2N&Tx7W 0V.ay /Il" J  U u ( F s  0 O  2 J =x 5Y4Jp>w:uE 7V6'Rn-Fl7Y1s'^y=t RkC#_1Uu  ~ 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000@0 {{{{{~ p$$xJ E#"$$]dfkvx~!#TX   Y `  3mop./>@_b 57@C>AAC3 6 b %<<QTCDLMTUabef}  a k o }  Mike WolfbergSC:\msw\Projects\web\web_Local\scrabble\wordlists\OWL2\new_owl2_defns_thru_fours.doc Mike WolfbergSC:\msw\Projects\web\web_Local\scrabble\wordlists\OWL2\new_owl2_defns_thru_fours.doc Mike WolfbergSC:\msw\Projects\web\web_Local\scrabble\wordlists\OWL2\new_owl2_defns_thru_fours.doc Mike WolfbergSC:\msw\Projects\web\web_Local\scrabble\wordlists\OWL2\new_owl2_defns_thru_fours.doc Mike WolfbergSC:\msw\Projects\web\web_Local\scrabble\wordlists\OWL2\new_owl2_defns_thru_fours.doc Mike WolfbergSC:\msw\Projects\web\web_Local\scrabble\wordlists\OWL2\new_owl2_defns_thru_fours.doc Mike WolfbergSC:\msw\Projects\web\web_Local\scrabble\wordlists\OWL2\new_owl2_defns_thru_fours.doc Mike WolfbergSC:\msw\Projects\web\web_Local\scrabble\wordlists\OWL2\new_owl2_defns_thru_fours.doc Mike WolfbergzC:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of new_owl2_defns_thru_fours.asd Mike WolfbergSC:\msw\Projects\web\web_Local\scrabble\wordlists\OWL2\new_owl2_defns_thru_fours.doc@ @@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial?5 z Courier NewG MS Mincho-3 fg"qhDf(%1Uf 8$20k 2DDefinitions of New OWL2 Words of Length 2-4 by WHAT; see http://what Mike Wolfberg Mike WolfbergOh+'0 ,@ Xd    EDefinitions of New OWL2 Words of Length 2-4 by WHAT; see http://what efiMike Wolfberg Nikeike Normal.dotrMike Wolfberg N49eMicrosoft Word 9.0O@>bfS@{K@,@E%|Kf՜.+,08 hp  Belsoft, Inc. 8 k  EDefinitions of New OWL2 Words of Length 2-4 by WHAT; see http://what Title  "#$%&'()*+,-./013456789;<=>?@ADRoot Entry Fs%|KF1Table!!WordDocument.@SummaryInformation(2DocumentSummaryInformation8:CompObjjObjectPools%|Ks%|K  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q