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Method Give out copies of the Info Sheet to students. Explain the aim of the exercise using the learning outcomes on the Info Sheet. Put the students into secure groups of up to 8 members and issue a set of cards to each group. Remind the students before starting that they can pass if asked to reveal something they do not wish to talk about. Run through the explanation of the card game with them. Observe and support the groups as they play the game. Ask the students what they have learned from the lesson. Summarise the main learning outcomes. Extension Activity Encourage students to write their strengths and weaknesses in the Personal Education Plan (PEP). Remind the students of the Key Skills. ask each group to select one strength/weakness card for each Key Skill. Learning Outcomes: By completing this task you will be able to: Use negotiation and interpersonal skills. Select strengths and weaknesses which apply to you. Show that you know your true self. INFO SHEET Strengths And Weaknesses Your teacher will give your group a set of cards. Your group must appoint a dealer who shuffles, deals one card to each of you and then puts the remaining cards in a pile face down on the table. Think about the card you have been given and how it reflects your personality, as either a strength or a weakness. If the card means something to you, KEEP IT. Starting to the left of the dealer each member of the group, in turn has the chance to reject their card and put it face down underneath the pile, and replace it with another from the top of the pile. If you get a blank card you can write in strengths or weaknesses of your choice. Then, in turn each one of you has to pick up another card which you can either keep or out back under the pile and replace it with another from the top until all the cards are picked up. You can only reject one card in each turn. The exercise is complete when all the cards have been used, although it is likely that some cards may not be acceptable to anyone. Everyone in the group then shows their selection of cards to the rest of the group and, in turn, each of you explains your choice of strengths and weaknesses cards. Other members of the group may ask you to give examples e.g. Honest found $5.00 and handed it in to the school office Ambitious want to compete in the Olympics Indecisive took an hour to decide what to wear last Saturday When you have all had your turn, discuss any changes you would like to make to your selections. Think about what you have learned as a result of this game.                                    Strengths/weaknesses Strengths/weaknesses Strengths/weaknesses Strengths/weaknesses Strengths/weaknesses WELL MANERED Strengths/weaknesses AMBITOUS Strengths/weaknesses AGGRESSIVE Strengths/weaknesses SYMPATHETIC Strengths/weaknesses CHEERFUL Strengths/weaknesses CANNOT ACCEPT CRITICISM Strengths/weaknesses CAN SOLVE PROBLEMS Strengths/weaknesses DECISIVE Strengths/weaknesses HAPPY Strengths/weaknesses LACKS PATIENCE Strengths/weaknesses CAN WORK OUT PRIORITIES Strengths/weaknesses GOOD TIMEKEEPER Strengths/weaknesses ADVENTUROUS Strengths/weaknesses HELPFUL Strengths/weaknesses GOOD WITH WORDS Strengths/weaknesses DISLIKE ADVICE Strengths/weaknesses RELIGIOUS Strengths/weaknesses LIKES TO BE TOLD WHAT TO DO Strengths/weaknesses OBSERVANT Strengths/weaknesses EASILY LED Strengths/weaknesses FRIENDLY Strengths/weaknesses PREFERS WORKING ALONE Strengths/weaknesses SHOWS INITIATIVE Strengths/weaknesses SHOWS LEADERSHIP Strengths/weaknesses CAN RECOGNISE DIFFICULTIES AND ASK FOR HELP Strengths/weaknesses PUNCTUAL Strengths/weaknesses CAN SEND AND RECEIVE E-MAIL Strengths/weaknesses CAN SET OWN TARGETS Strengths/weaknesses USES COMMON SENSE Strengths/weaknesses RELIABLE Strengths/weaknesses GOOD WITH NUMBERS Strengths/weaknesses LAZY Strengths/weaknesses WELL ORGANISED Strengths/weaknesses GOOD LISTENER Strengths/weaknesses CAN MAKE DECISIONS Strengths/weaknesses CAN ACCEPT CRITICISM Strengths/weaknesses INTELLIGENT Strengths/weaknesses WELL BEHAVED Strengths/weaknesses FULL OF FUN Strengths/weaknesses HONEST Strengths/weaknesses SENSE OF HUMOUR Strengths/weaknesses INDEPENDENT Strengths/weaknesses LIKES TEAMWORK Strengths/weaknesses CONSIDERATE Strengths/weaknesses SUPPORTIVE Strengths/weaknesses TACTFUL Strengths/weaknesses HARD WORKING Strengths/weaknesses Strengths/weaknesses CLEAN AND TIDY Strengths/weaknesses MISERABLE Strengths/weaknesses GOOD AT SPORT Strengths/weaknesses WELL DRESSED Strengths/weaknesses IMPATIENT Strengths/weaknesses TOLERANT Strengths/weaknesses INDECISIVE Strengths/weaknesses GENEROUS Strengths/weaknesses CAN FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS Strengths/weaknesses GOOD AT TEAMWORK Strengths/weaknesses CAN DRAW CHARTS AND GRAPHS Strengths/weaknesses CAN SEARCH FOR INFORMATION ON CD ROMS Strengths/weaknesses CAN USE THE INTERNET Strengths/weaknesses CAN EXPLAIN IDEAS Strengths/weaknesses EVENTEMPERED Strengths/weaknesses PLEASANT APPEARANCE Strengths/weaknesses Strengths/weaknesses BOdn m _HIklMNO޺&jhCJOJQJUmHnHuhB*phhOJQJhCJOJQJh5CJOJQJh h5hI'ABcdl m h   & F & F#$d%d&d'dNOPQ! i  N $ & F & F & F;^_IlNO & F h88^8 & F -D M ' & F$d%d&d'dNOPQV & F   !"&)+,079:>ACDHKMNRUWX\_abfmoptwyz~&jhCJOJQJUmHnHuhh5CJOJQJhCJOJQJS   "#$%&'(),-./01234567:;<=>??@ADEFGHIJKNOPQRSTUXYZ[\]^_bcddefghijklmpqrstuvwz{|}~}~ ()WX 0FGij78Z[-ӹӹӹӱӱӹӹӹӹӹӹӹӱӱӹӹӹӹhOJQJhCJ OJQJ hCJ hCJOJQJhh5CJOJQJhCJOJQJ&jhCJOJQJUmHnHuE     %&;;<QRgh}~ ($a$()ABWXpq   01$a$1FGSTijrs!"78DE$a$EZ[jk-.Z[pq$a$-.pqCDst;<jk /0UVxy;< ! 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