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Students will consider the economic behaviour of the individual as consumer contributor, and citizen in a mixed economy and will apply economic inquiry, critical-thinking and communication skills to make and defend informed economic decisions. overall Curriculum Expectations Economic Decision Making By the end of this course students will: explain how the scarcity of economic resources requires individuals and societies to make economic choices; explain the principles of sound personal financial planning; analyze trends in labour markets Economic Stakeholders By the end of this course students will: analyze the factors that influence consumer demand and satisfaction in the marketplace; explain a variety of ways in which individuals (producers) contribute to the economy; analyze the factors that affect the socio-economic position of people in Canada; describe the economic rights and responsibilities of citizens Self-Interest and Interdependence By the end of this course students will: explain how self-interest in a market makes consumers and producers interdependent; describe ways in which governments in Canada intervene in the economy to balance the competing self-interests of stakeholders; assess the extent, nature, and impact of Canadas economic interdependence with other nations Economic Institutions By the end of this course students will: identify the distinguishing characteristics of Canadas economic system; explain the functions of markets, profits, and the process of economic decision making in the private sector; analyze the role and impact of government in the Canadian economy; analyze the role and impact of organized labour in the Canadian economy Methods of Economic Inquiry and Communication By the end of this course students will: use methods of economic inquiry to locate, gather, evaluate and organize information from a variety of sources; analyze specific economic situations, using appropriate economic concepts, models and methods of economic inquiry; communicate the results of economic inquiries, using appropriate economic terms and concepts and a variety of forms. Assessment and Evaluation Term Assessment/Evaluation70% Tests Assignments Projects Seminars/Presentations Final Summative Evaluation30% Exam20% Culminating Activity10% Total: 100% Assessment and Evaluation will be based on the Achievement Chart for Grades 11 and 12 Business Studies in the areas of Knowledge/Understanding, Thinking/Inquiry, Communication and Application. Students are expected to demonstrate mastery of the curriculum expectations in the following weighted categories: Knowledge & Understanding 20% Thinking/ Inquiry 20% Communication 10% Application 20% Knowledge/Understanding: knowledge of facts and terms, understanding of concepts, principles and theories, understanding relationships between concepts Thinking/Inquiry: critical thinking skill such as conducting analysis, detecting points of view and bias; creating thinking skills such as problem solving using multiple perspectives; inquiry skills such as formulating questions, organizing and conducting research, analyzing, interpreting and evaluating information, drawing conclusions Communication: communication of information and ideas, use of symbols and visuals, oral communication skills and written communication skills Application: effective use of technology and various mediums, as well as successful application of concepts, skills and procedures in familiar contexts as well as new contexts TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES: Lectures Note Taking TV/Video Presentations Group Work Mind Mapping Brainstorming Researching Role Playing Debates Demonstrations Socratic Questioning/Dialogue Games/Simulations Essay Writing Journaling Oral Presentations Cooperative Learning Graphic Organizers Concept Maps STRATEGIES FOR ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION: The assessment and evaluation strategies employed will include the following: Tests Oral Presentations Checklist Self-Evaluation Quizzes Written Assignments Group Checklists Diagnostic Testing Journal Writing Role Playing Teacher Observation Conferencing Peer Evaluation Written Summaries Project(s) Research Process Checklists Rubrics units of Study Unit Title Enduring Understanding/Essential Questions What students will be expected to learn & understand? Summative Assessments How you will demonstrate your learning? (May be subject to change at the teachers discretion) 1. The Nature of Economics and the Economy How does the scarcity of resources affect the economic choices of individuals and societies? How are the characteristics of Canadas economic system distinguishable from other systems? How do certain principles help in the management of personal financial planning? Why do citizens have economic rights and responsibilities? Unit Test Applying Economic Concepts Assignment Economics in the News Article Presentation (Ongoing throughout semester) 2. Microeconomics How do certain factors influence consumer demand and satisfaction? How do individuals (producers) contribute to the economy? How is the way in which the private sector makes economic decisions influenced/characterized by the functions of markets and profits? How is the Canadian economy impacted by the government? Unit Test Economics in the News Article Presentation 3. Macroeconomics How is the Canadian economy impacted by government? How does the Canadian government intervene in the economy to balance the competing self-interests of stakeholders? Unit Test Dealing with an Economic Problem Assignment Economics in the News Article Presentation 4. Economic Decision Making Why does the Canadian government intervene in the economy to balance the competing self-interests of stakeholders? How have certain trends impacted the labour market? How have certain factors affected the socio-economic positions of Canadians? Unit Test Economics in the News Article Presenation 5.Global Economy How is Canadas interdependence with other nations impacted by certain characteristics? Report on International Events Affecting Canadian Economy/International Trade Final Culminating Activity: Addresses all of the Enduring Understandings/Essential Questions listed above. Economic Scrapbook Final Examination Addresses all of the Enduring Understandings/Essential Questions listed above. Multiple Choice & Written Response Final Exam Department policies/procedures/expectations Attendance: Good attendance is essential if you are to be successful. Absenteeism adversely affects not only your progress, but the progress of the rest of the class as well. There exists an extremely high correlation between attendance and good grades. Attendance is mandatory. The most essential learning will be done during class time. Students will have extreme difficulty succeeding with a poor attendance record. In keeping with Westmount policy, if absent, your parent / guardian needs to call into the school to excuse an absence the morning of the day you are to be away. If your parent does not phone, you are marked truant and MUST go to the main office with a note from your parent /guardian, upon your return to school, and BEFORE class. You will receive an admit slip from the main office which you will need to produce before you are admitted to class. Punctuality: Being on time for class is essential. Lateness not only interrupts the class and the teacher but will interfere with your learning as well. Please be aware of class start times and make sure you are there. Upon your third late for class, you will be assigned a detention. The student will be responsible for the work missed not the teacher. Communication: Strong communication skills (both oral and written) are crucial for success in the information-based society that we all live in today. You will be made aware of the expectations in the area of communication prior to each activity and you will be evaluated on the basis of this criterion. All work that is submitted is to be your own work and must adhere to the Academic Honesty Policy in your Student Handbook. Missed Test Policy: Students will be informed of test dates well in advance (first day of classes). Students will be expected to write all tests scheduled. These tests must be written on the dates stated. If a student has a legitimate reason for being absent, i.e. a school activity, he or she must notify the teacher in advance and write the test the day after (either during the lunch period or after school), or the morning of the test. If a student is ill the day of the test, he/she must see the teacher before the next class to make arrangements to write the missed test. A note from a physician authorizing the absence must be provided prior to writing the test otherwise, a grade of zero will be assigned. The student will not be allowed to write the test during the next class period unless given special permission by the classroom teacher. Students who are absent due to prolonged illness or have endured a personal loss within their family will be given special consideration. Students who miss the test, for an invalid reason, will not be able to write a makeup test. The missed test will count as a zero. There are no dropped marks within the Business Department. Please make every effort to be present when tests are scheduled. Late Assignment Policy: In the business world, employees are often given due dates for projects. It is understood that these are deadlines. To prepare you for this type of arrangement, late submissions will receive a mark of zero. If a student is absent from class on the due date, he/she must have the assignment delivered to the teacher that day. If an assignment is not received on the due date, the assignment may be handed in during the next class, but an authorized note from a physician must also be presented, explaining why you were unable to deliver the assignment to the school on the due date. Acceptance of late work will be at the teachers discretion, based on compassionate grounds. If a student makes a habit of not handing in assignments, the teacher will notify the parent/ guardian by telephone, explaining the unacceptable practice. Neatness & Completion: Neatness is very important in business as careless and sloppy work can lead to unnecessary errors. Completion of all assigned work is an important part of any course. New concepts will be studied in class and the student will have practical assignments to reinforce the new concepts. Homework, therefore, is an important part of the course and the student will be expected to complete all homework assignments. These will be assessed / evaluated periodically. Failure to complete homework may result in a loss of marks, or a grade of zero. Test/Assignment Grievances: NO STUDENT can approach the teacher regarding problems with a test or assignment until 48 hours after the test or assignment has been handed back. They must make an appointment with the teacher outside of class, at which time they must present corrections and their clearly defined argument as to why they believe they deserve a higher mark. For mistakes due to adding errors, students can see the teacher after class. Respect: Respect is expected and will be demonstrated at all times. This entails all interactions within the classroom and the school (between student to teacher, teacher to student, student to student, student to school materials and property). RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TALKING WHILE OTHERS ARE SPEAKING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Respect for others is critical discrimination or bullying will not be tolerated. You have a responsibility to listen and learn, and to allow others to learn from the delivery of the material by the teacher. After being warned, you will be asked to leave the room if you are causing a disruption to the deliverance of the material by the teacher or to the learning environment of others. If asked to leave, you will be expected to go to the office and meet with a Vice Principal. (9) YOUR EDUCATION IS ULTIMATELY YOUR RESPONSIBILITY YOU are responsible for YOU. Students have the right to pass, but they also have the right to fail. This ultimately depends on the student themselves. You are expected to attend classes regularly, on time, complete all assignments by the due date, write all tests on the designated day, and treat others with respect. Failure to do so may result in a loss of marks, or an assigned grade of zero. NO HATS, FOOD, POP, WATER, CELL PHONES, iPODS, BLACKBERRIES (OR ANY OTHER LITTLE DISTRACTING GADGET) ARE PERMITTED IN CLASS. A warning will be given upon your first infraction. These items will be confiscated upon your second infraction, turned over to the main office, and will be returned at the discretion of the teacher. Use washroom facilities before and after class. Students leaving class during class time is disruptive and will be permitted for emergencies only. Washroom breaks will not be permitted during tests or exams. Cheating and plagiarism will result in a grade of zero (this includes: copying others work on assignments or tests, permitting others to copy their work, bringing any written material into a test / exam, or speaking during a test / exam).  TEXTBOOK RESOURCE: Economics Now: Analyzing Current Issues (Oxford University Press, 2002) Authors: Angelo Bolotta, Charles Hawkes, Rick Mahoney, John Piper; ISBN 0-19-541445-4     PAGE  PAGE 3 The Individual and the Economy CIE3M V. 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