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Roger asked if the police were aware of the car in the ditch near Slains School. He also thanked the Police for their attendance at Gala. A concern was raised about speeding in the village, particularly at the top of the village where children are playing. Constable Ritchie will request the mobile speed camera on our behalf. As well as advising motorists of their speed the camera can also collect data. PC Ritchie Election Results and election of office bearers  Nominations closed on 23rd August with no requirement for an election. Three Community Councillors retired by rotation Sarah MacPherson, Sally Sheehan and Nicole Bell. Nicole and Sally had been nominated and re-elected with a new member, Andrew Davidson also being nominated and elected. Roger thanked Sarah on behalf of all the Community Council for her three years on the Council and the last two years as Chair. Roger welcomed Andrew to the meeting and to the Community Council. Election of office bearers was as follows:- Chair Roger Berl Proposed by Suzie Stewart, seconded by Nicole Bell Vice Chair for consideration at the next meeting Secretary Sally Sheehan by common consent Treasurer Proposed by Julie Swan, seconded by Trish Davidson ( nomination subject to Huibs acceptance as he was not present at the meeting) Planning & SNH liaison Charles Esson Well Being Sheena Suzie Stewart Website and Fact Sheet New bank account signatories would be advantageous, deferred until the next meeting.  Sally Matters ArisingSarah had sent some updates for consideration. Sarah is happy to liaise with the families who are donating two memorial benches to the village. All in agreement. Judges have visited to assess our entry to Formartine in Bloom. The award is in a few weeks, Lesley Stewart had indicated her interest in attending Trish Davidson will also go. Sarah said that although she would be pleased to continue to help with planting etc, she would be unable to coordinate. Trish Davidson and Julie Swan offered to compile the order for next years bedding plants, and would also liaise with the Slains School request. Sarah felt that the rockery is in need of rebuilding. Members present felt unable to commit to this project at the present time. A small working group would assess the current ownership and condition of village lawn mowers and strimmers and determine their future use and need  Sarah Trish Trish/Julie Trish/ AndrewSecretarys Report and CorrespondenceSeveral points were brought to the attention of the Community Council:- A PVS and PRS licence would be purchased on completion of the hall refurbishment. Future meeting times were discussed, all in agreement for a 7pm start. New plates to be purchased as there were some breakages over the summer. The possibility of obtaining a village Costco card was discussed but declined. Nicole said that it may be possible to purchase items through the shops Cash and Carry card if required. The Community Council had submitted letters of support of behalf of Mill of Leask residents regarding the consultation about reinstatement of the bridge, and also in support of Forvies application to the AEFF for a new Forvie Hub. An environment grant had been submitted to the Formartine Partnership for a new Marmax bench for the play park. A new Homecoming Scotland Grant was a potential source of revenue for next years Gala. For discussion at the next meeting. A consultation of Visioning Aberdeenshire was to be circulated shortly around members and the wider community. An application had been submitted to the British Heart Foundation for possible funding toward the purchase of the second defibrillator this will be sited at the hall. David Burrows had expressed interest in starting a new climbing club for village children and young people. He hopes to attend a future meeting to outline his plans. The Fire Service and Ellon Rotary organise Santa Claus to go around the streets in Ellon before Christmas. Suzie will ask Cameron if he could make enquiries whether this is a possibility for Collieston. Email: Aberdeenshire council Settlement Objectives - Slains and Collieston Community Council Aberdeenshire Council, Denis Scott Gala insurance Robert McGregor Formartine Delegated list June 2013 Police Scotland Local Policing Team Update - Formartine PVG through Youth Scotland - Collieston Action for Teens Various correspondence re Mill of Leask bridge Estate factor Bog drains Next Day Catering invoice for new water flask and optics Various correspondence re memorial bench Jamie Harrison Police Scotland re meeting dates Roger Berl Ythan Project volunteers meeting Various correspondence re payment for village work Sian Earlam CATs donation to Community Council for Gala and Pier fund for Fun Run S&CCC response to Mill of Leask consultation Aberdeenshire Council Aberdeenshire Car Parking review Village resident requesting flowers in memory of Connor Shields Ellon times in regard to opening of Smugglers Cone Various correspondence regarding funding for events/projects Various emails in regard to additional meeting re current projects Rod Gunson Formartine Partnership Formartine in Bloom dates Carol Crawford community Council election arrangements Sarah MacPherson re Forvie Hub request for letter of support Huib Attema finance update Sarah MacPherson re proposal for climbing wall at Cransdale car park Sian Earlam broken plates Annabel Drysdale letter of support request for Forvie Hub Sian Earlam Costco card enquiry Robert McGregor Formartine Delegated Planning List - July 2013 River Ythan Trust Fishery Management Plan Summary Report 2010-2012 and update of 21st August 2013 Sarah MacPherson wheelbarrows, strimmers etc Robert McGregor Invitation to the community council Forum Wednesday 3rd September Sarah MacPherson letter to Community Council Roger Berl Ythan Project Volunteers next meeting date Post: NHS Grampian booklet How you can get involved Scottish and Southern energy Guide to Future energy Network Parkers Bulb catalogue Cit and Shire Development Plan update Sir Richards Suttons Settled Estates 250 donation for Gala, 500 one off payment towards grass cutting Ellon Community Centre letting form 2013/2014 Aberdeenshire Council Corporate Services variation of licence conditions for Halls Police Scotland review of Traffic Warden provision and public service opening hours at police offices Sent to SNH letter of support from the Community Council in regard to the funding application for Forvie Hub Sent to Aberdeenshire Council letter of support from the Community Council in regard to the consultation re the bridge at Mill of Leask. Sally All Sally/ Sheena All Suzie Planning for eventsBonfire Night Parent Forum members will not be available to help on 2nd November, Saturday 9th discussed as an alternative. As the hall will probably not be available, serving of food would only be possible if done outdoors. Nicole was to ask the Parent Forum if they wanted to be involved on the 9th. Cost of the event was also a big consideration with the current demand on community finances. If the event does take place, the cost of fireworks is to be reduced by 50%. Burns Supper Nicole was to ask Nicola Twine if she might consider arranging next years event after the success this year. Julie will ask Mike Earlam about catering. Event planned for Saturday 25th January. Senior Citizens Christmas lunch Arrangements to be planned. Gala Saturday 26th July 2014 Hall Opening Event To be arranged when completion dates are known. Nicole Huib Nicole/ Julie Sally/ Julie  Update on hall worksThe funding agreement with SITA signed by Keith Newton the Area Manager on behalf of Aberdeenshire Council and Sally Sheehan on behalf of the Community Council. The expectation is that as soon as SITA also sign and return the agreement the works will start. Completion is expected to take approximately 8 weeks. Plans are already available to view on the Council website, but they will also be put on the Collieston website soon.  Sally  Financial updateThe last financial statement prepared by Huib showed a balance of 13,140.02. Roger reaffirmed the Community Councils decision to donate 2,500 to the Pier group and approximately 1,000 toward the new defibrillator. Huib has sent the accounts to the auditor and will present them at the AGM at the end of September.  Huib Post Gala discussionAll agreed that the Gala and the weather had been a great success. The Ceilidh band had written to express their enjoyment and desire to return. They will be booked! Andrew was concerned that the marquee was in need of maintenance and repairs, and that it should be kept in a dry place for storage. Although Mick had tied down and covered the boards, this was only a temporary measure. Andy Harper will try to get a good sized tarpaulin to protect the boards. Cost approx 100. Nora asked a question about the raffle takings. As the money had been used for several cash payments disco, band etc the amount shown was not a true reflection of what the raffle takings had been approx 850.  Sally Nora/ Andy Pier and HarbourDavid Stewart was now Chair of the Pier and Harbour group. The second stage of the emergency repair work had been expected to start almost immediately, but unfortunately due to the contactors other commitments delayed until the end of the month. The harbour group are planning to purchase a leaving gift for Andrew Coupar. A fundraising Craft Fair will take place in the hall (or Slains School) on Sunday 10th November.  Pier GroupPlanningNo building warrant of planning applications since the last meeting, other than the Forvie Hub. SNHCharles was to attend the forthcoming meeting concerning the development of the Forvie Hub. CharlesFact SheetSuzie will work on the current version and bring to the next meetingSuzieWork Parties There had been no village work parties, but Alex Stewart had been carrying out work on the paths etc.  CATsThe Coastal Caf had had a very successful season. Currently planning the possibility of a trip nearer Christmas. The Caf will run again next summer, albeit with fewer staff.BletherNext Blether will go out after the AGMSallyWell BeingSheena reported several events of late. New family at Cotehill Cottage, Congratulations to Jo Smith on becoming a Professor, forthcoming weddings, two residents in hospital, new babies. Rhys Gauld had sent a thank you card for the gift and flowers to his Mummy. SheenaAOCBRoger had already booked a holiday before his nomination for Chair. Huib will be asked to chair the AGM. Keith Newton the Area Manager is to retire at the end of October. A Collieston framed photograph will be purchased as a gift from the community. Slains School are to have a Craft Fair on Saturday 7th December. Julie commented on how impressed her family had been with Councillor Mersons actions after attending his recent surgery. John Hitchcock addressed the meeting to outline the new project (CORC) Collieston Offshore Rowing Club. The initial meeting had taken place the previous week with an attendance of 20 people. The aim of the group is to build and boat and then race at events around the coast. There are currently approximately 50 other clubs in Scotland. The club will enable a lot of involvement and participation. There are 4 rowers and a Cox per team, with an average of 4 or 5 teams over a weekend race event. CORCs fundraising target is around 8k. John had already talked to Sally about availability of grants and CORCs fundraising team would be investigating these. In kind donations can be included in application. An application to the Area Top up fund will be the first. The boat will be built in Johns garage, the timescale is for a Spring launch and that the boat will be entered at Portsoy next year. The group are keen to communicate and involve the community with young people setting up Facebook, web blogs etc. Although the group would have liked to have some financial help, John appreciated the extent of the Community Councils financial commitments. 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