ࡱ> BDA bjbj $&cc  $\$#$$$$$$&(v$$;$;;;#;#;;r"#?t+##,$0\$#V);)#;# :   For more on: Identifying parts of speech: Language Files 5.3 Phrase structure trees and rules in English: Language Files 5.4 (and below) Identifying phrases in English: Language Files 5.5 To find phrase structure rules in a foreign language: 1. Label each word in the English translation with each part of speech. 2. Use constituency tests to find all of the phrases in the English translation. Every N, V, or P heads a NP, VP, or PP. So to find all phrases: Find each head (N, V, P). Use constituency tests to figure out what NP, VP, or PP that head is a part of. 3. Label each word in the foreign sentence with the part of speech of its English translation. 4. Find the groups of foreign words whose English translations form phrases. Those groups of foreign words also form the same kinds of phrases as their English counterparts. 5. Write one phrase structure rule to describe the structure of each e.g. NP in the data. Do this for all of the phrases: NPs, VPs, PPs, and Ss. These rules should describe all of the pieces of the phrase, at the most general level possible. This means describing the contents of a phrase in terms of constituent phrases, instead of individual constituent words, whenever possible. 6. After youve done this for each sentence in the data, look at all the rules for a single kind of phrase (e.g. VP) and see if you can combine them at all (see below). Do this for each type of phrase: NP, VP, PP, and S. You can use basically the same steps to find phrase structure rules in new English data, as follows. To find phrase structure rules in English 1. Label all words with their part of speech. 2. Find all phrases in each sentence. Every N, V, or P heads a NP, VP, or PP. So to find all phrases: Find each head (N, V, P). Use constituency tests to figure out what NP, VP, or PP that head is a part of. 3. Write individuak phrase structure rules to describe the structure of each phrase (each NP, VP, PP, and S). These rules should describe all of the pieces of the phrase, at the most general level possible. This means describing the contents of a phrase in terms of constituent phrases, instead of individual constituent words, whenever possible. 4. After youve done this for each sentence in the data, look at all the rules for a single kind of phrase (e.g. VP) and see if you can combine them at all (see below). Do this for each type of phrase: NP, VP, PP, and S. On combining sets of phrase structure rules into single rules Sometimes you can combine rules into a single, more efficient rule; other times you cant. Its not strictly wrong to leave rules uncombined, so when in doubt, dont combine them. But its generally better to have one or two general rules than sixteen specific, redundant rules, so when its clearly safe, itll make me happier (and you might get a couple more points, and also your hand will get less tired) if you combine rules. A case where you cannot combine rules: Say you have the following rules: VP ( V NP VP ( V PP Its not correct to combine these to form VP ( V (NP) (PP), because you dont have evidence that a sentence can have both NP and PP after a V, or that a sentence can have just a V and neither a following NP nor a following PP, or for what order the two would be in if they could cooccur. A case where you can combine rules: If you have the following rules: VP ( V VP ( V NP VP ( V PP VP ( V PP NP then its okay to combine them to VP ( V (PP) (NP), because you know that a single VP can have both NP and PP (or neither), and you know which order they go in when they combine.   *8jx 89RYvcde  239:CDMN򪖪ُ h&Ch9Thh9T56\] jh9Thh9T6] hh9Thh9T>* hth9T h9T5\hgth9T>* h9T>* h{ h9T h9T6h{ h9T6h9Th{ h{ >*8 =< = : ; I J h^h`gd9T$h^h`a$gd9T $ & Fa$gd9T & Fgd9T^gd9T & Fgd9Tgd9T 89gh:;$0^`0a$gd9T $ & Fa$gd9T & Fgd9T$a$gd9T $^a$gd9T$h^h`a$gd9Tgd9T $h^ha$gd9Tuvde  .$0^`0a$gd9T$0^`0a$gd9T$80^8`0a$gd9T $h^ha$gd9T$h^h`a$gd9T $^a$gd9T./6@JWX $^a$gd9TN  h&Ch9T jh9Th9T":p9T/ =!"#$%666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH P`P { Normal(CJOJPJQJ^J_HaJmH sH tH z z _r Heading 1'$ & F<@&^`&5CJ KH \^J_HaJ mH sH tH @@ _r Heading 2 &@&CJ4!4 _r Heading 3 &@&818 _r Heading 4  &@&a$8A8 _r Heading 5 &@&aJDA D Default Paragraph FontRiR Table Normal4 l4a (k ( No List ** 1IPA CJOJQJLL gdissertation-normal da$`!` gdissertation-footnoted8`a$CJaJ6"6 g Footnote TextZ2Z gdissertation-subsection $5TBT gdissertation-section $5TRT gdissertation-exampled7$8$H$fbf Idissertation-caption#dx1$7$8$H$^8`a$.. 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