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Deductions Output Results module Write “Employee ID and pay rate: ”, ID, “ $”, PayRate, “ per hour” Write “Hours worked (regular/overtime): ”, RegularHours, “/”, OvertimeHours Write “Gross pay: $”, GrossPay Write “Deductions: $”, Deductions Write “Net pay: $”, NetPay Problem 6 Main module Declare LoanAmount, PercentRate, MonthlyPayment As Real Declare NumberOfPayments As Integer Write “Monthly Payment Calculator” Call Input Data module Call Process Data module Call Output Results module End Program Input Data module Write “Input the amount of the loan.” Input LoanAmount Write “Enter the rate of interest as a percentage.” Input PercentRate Write “Enter the number of payments to be made.” Input NumberOfPayments Process Data module Declare Rate, Power As Real Set Rate = PercentRate / 100 Set Power = (1 + Rate) ^ NumberOfPayments Set MonthlyPayment = LoanAmount * Rate* Power / (Power - 1) Output Results module Write “Amount of loan: $”, LoanAmount Write “Rate of interest: ”, PercentRate, “%” Write “Number of payments: ”, NumberOfPayments Write “Monthly payment: $”, MonthlyPayment Chapter 3 Problem 1 Main module Declare Number As Real Call Input Number module Call Display Message module End Program Input Number module Write “Enter a number.” Input Number Display Message module If Number > 0 Then Write “Positive” End If If Number < 0 Then Write “Negative” End If If Number = 0 Then Write “Neither Positive or Negative” End If Problem 2 Main module Declare Num1, Num2 As Real Declare Choice As Integer Write “Basic Calculator” Call Input Data module Call Input Choice module Select Case Of Choice Case 0: Write “Goodbye” Case 1: Call Display Sum module Case 2: Call Display Difference module Case 3: Call Display Product module Case 4: Call Display Quotient module End Case End Program Input Data module Write “Enter two numbers.” Input Num1, Num2 Input Choice module Write “0 - Quit program” Write “1 - Display sum” Write “2 - Display difference” Write “3 - Display product” Write “4 - Display quotient” Input Choice Display Sum module Declare Sum As Real Set Sum = Num1 + Num2 Write “The sum of ”, Num1, “ and ”, Num2, “ is:” Write Sum Display Difference module Declare Difference As Real Set Difference = Num1 - Num2 Write “The difference of ”, Num1, “ and ”, Num2, “ is:” Write Difference Display Product module Declare Product As Real Set Product = Num1 * Num2 Write “The product of ”, Num1, “ and ”, Num2, “ is:” Write Product Display Quotient module Declare Quotient As Real If Num2 <> 0 Then Set Quotient = Num1 / Num2 Write “The quotient of ”, Num1, “ and ”, Num2, “ is:” Write Quotient Else Write “No quotient -- Divisor is 0" End If Problem 4 Main module Declare X, Area As Real Declare Choice As Integer Write “Area Calculator” Call Input Data module Call Input Choice module Select Case Of Choice Case 0: Write “Goodbye” Case 1: Call Square module Case 2: Call Circle module Case 3: Call Triangle module End Case End Program Input Data module Write “Enter a positive number for” Write “the side of a square or equilateral triangle” Write “or the radius of a circle.” Input X Input Choice module Write “0 - Quit program” Write “1 - Compute area of square” Write “2 - Compute area of circle” Write “3 - Compute area of equilateral triangle” Input Choice Square module Set Area = X ^ 2 Write “The area of a square with side ”, X Write “ is: ”, Area Circle module Set Area = 3.14 * X ^ 2 Write “The area of a circle with radius ”, X Write “ is: ”, Area Triangle module Set Area = (Sqrt(3) / 4) * X ^ 2 Write “The area of an equilateral triangle with side ”, X Write “ is: ”, Area Problem 6 Main module Declare Income, Tax As Real Call Input Income module Call Compute Tax module Call Display Tax module End Program Input Income module Write “Enter your taxable income.” Input Income Compute Tax module If (Income >= 0) And (Income < 50000) Then Set Tax = 0.05 * Income End If If (Income >= 50000) And (Income < 100000) Then Set Tax = 2500 + 0.07 * Income End If If Income >= 100000 Then Set Tax = 6000 + 0.09 * Income End If Display Tax module Write “Income: ”, Income Write “Tax: ”, Tax Problem 7 [See Chapter 4, Problem 7 solution] Problem 8 [See Chapter 4, Problem 8 solution] Chapter 4 Problem 1 Main module Declare MySquare As Real Write “Table of Squares” Call Input Number module Call Display Table module End Program Input Number module Write “Enter a positive number.” Write “The program will display the squares of” Write “the numbers from 1 to this number and the sum of the squares.” Input MySquare While MySquare <= 0 Write “Enter a positive number.” Input MySquare End While Display Table module Declare K As Integer Declare Sum As Real Write “Number, Square” For K = 1 Step 1 To MySquare Write K, K ^ 2 Sum = Sum + K^2 End For Write “The sum of the squares is “ , Sum Problem 2 Main module Declare Sum As Real Declare Counter As Integer Write “Average Age Calculator” Call Process Ages module Call Display Average module End Program Process Ages module Declare Age As Real Set Counter = 0 Set Sum = 0 Write “Enter an age. Enter 0 when done.” Input Age While Age > 0 Set Counter = Counter + 1 Set Sum = Sum + Age End While Display Average module Declare Average As Real If Counter <> 0 Then Set Average = Sum / Counter Write “The average age is ”, Average, “ years.” Else Write “No ages were entered.” End If Problem 3 Main module Declare N, NFactorial As Integer Write “Factorial Calculator” Call Input Number module Call Compute Factorial module Call Display Result module End Program Input Number module Declare Num As Real Repeat Write “Enter a positive integer.” Input Num Until (Num > 0) And (Int(Num) = Num) Set N = Num Compute Factorial module Declare Product, K As Integer Set Product = 1 For K = 1 Step 1 Until N Set Product = Product * K End For Set NFactorial = Product Display Result module Write N, “! = ”, NFactorial Problem 5 Main module Declare P As Real Write “Bacteria Population” Call Input Initial Number module Call Display Table module End Program Input Initial Number module Write “Enter the number of bacteria present initially.” Input P While P <= 0 Write “This number must be positive!” Write “Please reenter it.” Input P End While Display Table module Declare N As Real Declare T As Integer Write “Day, Number” For T = 1 Step 1 To 10 Set N = P * 2 ^ (T / 10) Write T, N End For Problem 7 Main module Declare Max As Real Write “Largest Number Finder” Call Find Maximum module Call Display Maximum module End Program Find Maximum module Declare Number As Real Write “Enter a positive number. Enter 0 when done.” Input Number Set Max = Number While Number > 0 If Number > Max Then Set Max = Number End If Write “Enter a positive number. Enter 0 when done.” Input Number End While Display Maximum module Write “The largest number input is” Write Maximum Problem 8 Main module Declare PositiveSum, NegativeSum As Real Write “Positive/Negative Sum Calculator” Call Find Sums module Call Display Sums module End Program Find Sums module Declare Number As Real Set PositiveSum = 0 Set NegativeSum = 0 Write “Enter a number. Enter 0 when done.” Input Number While Number <> 0 If Number > 0 Then Set PositiveSum = PositiveSum + Number Else Set NegativeSum = NegativeSum + Number End If Write “Enter a number. Enter 0 when done.” Input Number End While Display Sums module Write “The sum of the positive numbers is ”, PositiveSum Write “The sum of the negative numbers is ”, NegativeSum Chapter 5 Problem 1 Main module Declare Numbers[100] Of Reals Declare Max, Min As Real Declare Count As Integer Write “Maximum and Minimum Values” Call Input Numbers module Call Find MaxMin module Call Display MaxMin module End Program Input Numbers module Declare Num As Real Set Count = 0 Write “Enter a number. Enter 0 to quit.” Input Num While Num <> 0 Set Numbers[Count] = Num Set Count = Count + 1 Write “Enter a number. Enter 0 to quit.” Input Num End While Find MaxMin module Declare K As Integer Set Max = Numbers[0] Set Min = Numbers[0] For K = 1 Step 1 To Count - 1 If Numbers[K] > Max Then Set Max = Numbers[K] End If If Numbers[K] < Min Then Set Min = Numbers[K] End If End For Display MaxMin module Declare K As Integer Write “Given the numbers:” For K = 0 Step 1 To Count - 1 Write Numbers[K] End For Write “The largest is ”, Max Write “The smallest is ”, Min Problem 2 Main module Declare X[100] Of Reals Declare Mean, StandardDeviation As Real Declare Count As Integer Write “Mean and Standard Deviation” Call Input Numbers module Call Compute Results module Call Display Results module End Program Input Numbers module Declare Num AS Real Set Count = 0 Write “Enter a number. Enter 0 to quit.” Input Num While Num <> 0 Set X[Count] = Num Set Count = Count + 1 Write “Enter a number. Enter 0 to quit.” Input Num End While Compute Results module Declare Sum As Real Declare K As Integer If Count <> 0 Set Sum = 0 For K = 0 Step 1 To Count - 1 Set Sum = Sum + X[K] End For Set Mean = Sum / Count If Count = 1 Then Set StandardDeviation = 0 Else Set Sum = 0 For K = 0 Step 1 To Count - 1 Set Sum = Sum + (X[K] - Mean) ^ 2 End For Set StandardDeviation = Sqrt(Sum / (Count - 1)) End If End If Display Results module If Count = 0 Then Write “No numbers were input.” Else Write “The mean is ”, Mean Write “The standard deviation is ”, StandardDeviation End If Problem 4 Main module Declare Prices[100] Of Reals Declare Median As Real Declare Count As Integer Write “Median Home Price” Call Input Prices module Call Sort Prices module Call Compute Median module Call Display Median module End Program Input Prices module Declare Price As Real Set Count = 0 Write “Enter the price of a home. Enter 0 to quit.” Input Price While Price <> 0 Set Prices[Count] = Num Set Count = Count + 1 Write “Enter the price of a home. Enter 0 to quit.” Input Price End While Sort Prices module Declare Flag As Integer Declare Temp As Real Set Flag = 0 While Flag = 0 Set Flag = 1 For K = 0 Step 1 To Count - 2 If Prices[K] > Prices[K + 1] Then Set Prices[K] = Temp Set Prices[K] = Prices[K + 1] Set Prices[K + 1] = Temp Set Flag = 0 End If End For End While Compute Median module If Count/2 <> Int(Count/2) Then Set Median = Prices[(Count + 1)/2] Else Set Median = (Prices[Count/2] + Prices[Count/2 + 1]) / 2 End If Display Median module Write “The median price of the homes n Botany Bay is” Write “$”, Median Problem 5 Main module Declare A[4, 4] Of Integers Declare IsMagicSquare As Integer Write “Test for a Magic Square” Call Input Square module Call Test Square module Call Display Result module End Program Input Square module Declare I, J As Integer Write “Enter the rows of a square array; 4 numbers per row.” For I = 0 Step 1 To 3 Write “Row”, I For J = 0 Step 1 To 3 Write “Number”, J Input A[I, J] End For (I) End For (J) Test Square module Declare Sum, TestSum As Integer Declare K As Integer Set IsMagicSquare = 1 Set Sum = A[1, 1] + A[1, 2] + A[1, 3] + A[1, 4] For K = 2 Step 1 To 4 Set TestSum = A[K, 1] + A[K, 2] + A[K, 3] + A[K, 4] If Sum <> TestSum Then Set IsMagicSquare = 0 End If End For For K = 1 Step 1 To 4 Set TestSum = A[1, K] + A[2, K] + A[3, K] + A[4, K] If Sum <> TestSum Then Set IsMagicSquare = 0 End If End For Set TestSum = A[1, 1] + A[2, 2] + A[3, 3] + A[4, 4] If Sum <> TestSum Then Set IsMagicSquare = 0 End If Set TestSum = A[4, 1] + A[3, 2] + A[2, 3] + A[1, 4] If Sum <> TestSum Then Set IsMagicSquare = 0 End If Display Result module If IsMagicSquare = 1 Then Write “This IS a magic square.” Else Write “This is NOT a magic square.” End If Problem 6 Declare FirstName, LastName, Phone As String Declare Customer As String Declare Found As Integer Write “Phone Number Finder” Open “CUSTOMER” For Input As DataFile Write “Enter customer’s last name.” Input Customer Set Found = 0 While Not EOF(DataFile) AND Found = 0 Read DataFile, LastName, FirstName, Phone If LastName = Customer Then Write FirstName, “ ”, LastName, “ ”, Phone Set Found = 1 End If End While If Found = 0 Then Write Customer, “ was not found.” End If Close DataFile Problem 8 Main module Declare DriverName, LicenseNumber As String Declare NumberTickets As Integer Declare Names[10000], Licenses[10000] Of Strings Declare Tickets[10000] Of Integers Declare Count As Integer Write “Driver License Database” Open “LICENSES” For Input As LicensesFile Call Load Licenses File module Call Process User Request module Close LicensesFile End Program Load Licenses module Set Count = 0 While Not EOF(LicensesFile) Set Count = Count + 1 Read LicensesFile, Names[Count], Licenses[Count], Tickets[Count] End While Process User Request module Declare Driver As String Declare Found, Index As Integer Declare Response As Character Write “Do you want to enter a driver license? (Y/N)” Input Response While Response = “Y” Or Response = “y” Call Input License Number module Call Find Driver Info module Call Display Results module Write “Do you want to enter a driver license? (Y/N)” Input Response End While Input Driver License module Write “Enter the driver’s license number.” Input Driver Find Driver Info module Set Index = 0 Set Found = 0 While Found = 0 AND Index < Count Set Index = Index + 1 If Licenses[Index] = Driver Then Set Found = 1 End If End While Display Results module If Found = 1 Then Write Names[Index], “ - ”, Licenses[Index] Write “Number of tickets: ”, Tickets[Index] Else Write Driver, “ not found” End If Chapter 6 Problem 1 Declare Name As String Write “This program creates the file GRADES with records:” Write “ Name, Test 1 Test 2 Test 3” Open “GRADES” For Output As GradeFile Write “Enter a student name. Enter ZZZ when done.” Input Name While Name <> “ZZZ” Write GradeFile, Name, 0, 0, 0 Write “Enter a student name. Enter ZZZ when done.” Input Name End While Close GradeFile Problem 2 Declare Name As String Declare Test1, Test2, Test3, Sum As Real Write “This program displays the contents of the file GRADES.” Open “GRADES” For Input As GradeFile Write “Name, Test 1 Test 2 Test3 Total” While Not EOF(GradeFile) Read GradeFile, Name, Test1, Test2, Test3 Set Sum = Test1 + Test2 + Test3 Write Name, Test1, Test2, Test3, Sum End While Close GradeFile Problem 3 Main module Declare Name As String Declare Test1, Test2, Test3, Sum As Real Declare Choice As Integer Open “GRADES” For Input As GradeFile Write “Student Grades Display” Call Input Choice module If Choice = 1 Then Call Display Single Student Record module Else Call Display All Student Records module End If Close GradeFile End Program Input Choice module Repeat Write “Enter 1 or 2.” Write “1: Display a single student’s grades” Write “2: Display all student grades” Input Choice Until (Choice = 1) Or (Choice = 2) Display Single Student Record module Declare Student As String Write “Enter the student’s name.” Input Student Write “Name Test 1 Test 2 Test3 Total” While Not EOF(GradeFile) Read GradeFile, Name, Test1, Test2, Test3 If Student = Name Then Set Sum = Test1 + Test2 + Test3 Write Name, Test1, Test2, Test3, Sum End If End While Display All Student Records module Write “Name Test 1 Test 2 Test3 Total” While Not EOF(GradeFile) Read GradeFile, Name, Test1, Test2, Test3 Set Sum = Test1 + Test2 + Test3 Write Name, Test1, Test2, Test3, Sum End While Problems 4, 5, 6 [This program combines the solutions to Problems 4, 5, and 6 into a single menu-driven program.] Main module Declare PartNum, Quantity, Choice As Integer Declare PartName As String Open “INVENTORY” For Input As DataFile Open “SCRATCH” For Output As TempFile Write “Inventory Management” Call Input Choice module If Choice = 1 Then Call Delete Record module End If If Choice = 2 Then Call Modify Record module End If If Choice = 3 Then Call Add Record module End If End Program Input Choice module Repeat Write “Enter 1, 2, or 3.” Write “1: Delete a part from the inventory” Write “2: Modify a part in the inventory” Write “3: Add a part to the inventory” Input Choice Until (Choice = 1) Or (Choice = 2) Or (Choice = 3) Delete Record module Declare Part As Integer Write “Enter the part number for the part to be deleted.” Input Part While Not EOF(DataFile) Read DataFile, PartNum, PartName, Quantity If PartNum <> Part Then Write TempFile, PartNum, PartName, Quantity End If End While Close DataFile, TempFile Copy SCRATCH onto INVENTORY Modify Record module Declare Part, NewQuantity As Integer Write “Enter the part number and new quantity.” Input Part, NewQuantity While Not EOF(DataFile) Read DataFile, PartNum, PartName, Quantity If PartNum = Part Then Write TempFile, PartNum, PartName, NewQuantity End If End While Close DataFile, TempFile Copy SCRATCH onto INVENTORY Add Record module Declare NewPart, NewQuantity As Integer Declare NewName As String Write “Enter the new part number, name, and quantity.” Input NewPart, NewName, NewQuantity Set Done = 0 While Not EOF(DataFile) Read DataFile, PartNum, PartName, Quantity If PartNum > NewPart Then Write TempFile, NewPart, NewName, NewQuantity Set Done = 1 End If Write TempFile, PartNum, PartName, Quantity End While If Done = 0 Then Write TempFile, NewPart, NewName, NewQuantity End If Close DataFile, TempFile Copy SCRATCH onto INVENTORY Chapter 7 Problem 1 Main Declare Max As Real Declare Count As Integer Declare Numbers[100] Of Reals Write “This program finds the largest of the numbers input.” Call InputData(Numbers, Count) Set Max = Largest(Numbers, Count) Call OutputResult(Max) End Program Subprogram InputData(Numbers As Ref, Count As Ref) Declare Num As Real Set Count = 0 Write “Enter a positive number. Enter 0 to quit.” Input Num While Num > 0 Set Numbers[Count] = Num Set Count = Count + 1 End While End Subprogram Function Largest(Numbers, Count) As Real Declare K As Integer Declare CurrentMax As Real If Count = 0 Then Set Largest = 0 Else Set CurrentMax = Numbers[0] For K = 1 Step 1 To Count - 1 If Numbers[K] > CurrentMax Then Set CurrentMax = Numbers[K] End If End For Set Largest = CurrentMax End If End Function Subprogram OutputResult(Max) If Max > 0 Then Write “The largest number is ”, Max Else Write “No numbers were input.” End If End Subprogram Problem 2 Main Declare Mean As Real Declare Count As Integer Declare Numbers[100] Of Reals Write “This program finds the mean of the numbers input.” Call InputData(Numbers, Count) Set Mean = Average(Numbers, Count) Call OutputResult(Mean) End Program Subprogram InputData(Numbers As Ref, Count As Ref) Declare Num As Real Set Count = 0 Write “Enter a positive number. Enter 0 to quit.” Input Num While Num > 0 Set Numbers[Count] = Num Set Count = Count + 1 End While End Subprogram Function Average(Numbers, Count) As Real Declare K As Integer Declare Sum As Real If Count = 0 Then Set Average = 0 Else Set Sum = 0 For K = 0 Step 1 To Count - 1 Set Sum = Sum + Numbers[K] End For Set Average = Sum / Count End If End Function Subprogram OutputResult(Mean) If Count > 0 Then Write “The mean of the numbers is ”, Mean Else Write “No numbers were input.” End If End Subprogram Problem 3 Main Declare DriverName, LicenseNumber As String Declare NumberTickets As Integer Declare Names[10000], Licenses[10000] Of Strings Declare Tickets[10000] Of Integers Declare Count As Integer Write “Driver License Database” Open “DRIVERLIST” For Input As LicensesFile Call LoadFile(Count, Licenses, Names, Tickets) Call InputLicense(DriverName) Call Search(LicenseNumber, Count, Licenses, Names, Tickets, Found, DriverName, NumberTickets) Call DisplayResults(Found, DriverName, LicenseNumber, NumberTickets) Close LicensesFile End Program Subprogram LoadFile(Count As Ref, Licenses As Ref, Names As Ref, Tickets As Ref) Set Count = 0 While NOT EOF(LicensesFile) Read LicensesFile, Names[Count], Licenses[Count], Tickets[Count] Set Count = Count + 1 End While End Subprogram Subprogram InputLicense(LicenseNumber As Ref) Write “Enter the driver’s license number.” Input LicenseNumber End Subprogram Subprogram Search(LicenseNumber, Count, Licenses, Names, Tickets, Found As Ref, DriverName As Ref, NumberTickets As Ref) Declare Index As Integer Set Index = 0 Set Found = 0 While Found = 0 AND Index < Count If Licenses[Index] = LicenseNumber Then Set Found = 1 Set DriverName = Names[Index] Set NumberTickets = Tickets[Index] End If Set Index = Index + 1 End While End Subprogram Subprogram DisplayResults(Found, DriverName, LicenseNumber, NumberTickets) If Found = 1 Then Write DriverName, “ - ”, LicenseNumber Write “Number of tickets: ”, NumberTickets Else Write DriverName, “ not found.” End If End Subprogram Problem 5 Main Declare Text[100] Of Characters Declare NumberWords As Integer Write “this program determines the number of words in the sentence input.” Call InputSentence(Text) Set NumberWords = CountWords(Text) Call OutputResult(Text, NumberWords) End Program Subprogram InputSentence(Text As Ref) Write “type a sentence and press Enter.” Input Text End Subprogram Function CountWords(Text) As Integer Declare K, NumWords As Integer Set NumWords = 1 For K = 1 Step 1 To Length(Text) If Text[K] = “ ” Then Set Numwords = NumWords + 1 End If End For Set CountWords = NumWords End Function Subprogram OutputResult(Text, NumberWords) Write “The number of words in the sentence” Write Text Write “is ”, NumberWords End Subprogram Problem 8 Main Declare N, NFactorial As Integer Write “When you enter a positive integer, this program will compute:” Write “N! = 1 x 2 x 3 x . . . x N” Call InputN(N) Set NFactorial = Factorial(N) Call OutputResult(N, NFactorial) End Program Subprogram InputN(N As Ref) Declare Num As Real Write “Enter a positive integer.” Input Num While (Num < 1) OR (Int(Num) <> Num) Write “The number entered must be a positive integer.” Write “Please reenter.” Input Num End While Set N = Num End Subprogram Function Factorial(N) As Integer If N = 1 Then Set Factorial = 1 Else Set Factorial = N * Factorial(N - 1) End If End Function Subprogram OutputResult(N, NFactorial) Write N, “! = ”, NFactorial End Subprogram Chapter 8 Problem 1 Class Worker Hours As Real Rate As Real Total As Real Subprogram SetHours(NewHours) Set Hours = NewHours End Subprogram Subprogram SetRate(NewRate) Set Rate = NewRate End Subprogram Subprogram ComputeTotal() Set Total = Rate * Hours End Subprogram Function GetTotal() As Real Set GetTotal = Total End Function End Class Main Declare Worker1 As Worker Declare HoursWorked, PayRate As Real Write “Enter an employee’s hours worked and hourly pay rate” Write “and this program will compute his or her total wages.” Write “To quit, enter 0 for both hours worked and pay rate.” Write “Enter the number of hours worked:” Input HoursWorked Write “Enter the employee’s rate of pay:” Input PayRate While HoursWorked <> 0 AND PayRate <> 0 Call Worker1.SetHours(HoursWorked) Call Worker1.SetRate(PayRate) Call Worker1.ComputeTotal() Write “Total pay for this employee:”, Worker1.GetTotal() Write “Enter the number of hours worked:” Input HoursWorked Write “Enter the employee’s rate of pay:” Input PayRate End While End Program Program 2 Class Tax Income As Real TaxDue As Real Subprogram SetIncome(NewIncome) Set Income = NewIncome End Subprogram Subprogram ComputeTax() If Income <= 50000 Then Set TaxDue = .05 * Income Else If Income > 50000 And Income < 100000 Then Set TaxDue = 2500 + .07 (Income - 50000) Else Set TaxDue = 6000 + .11 * (Income - 100000) End If End If End Subprogram Function GetTax() As Real Set GetTax = TaxDue End Function End Class Main Declare Tax1 As Tax Declare Income As Real Write “Enter an income; this program will compute the tax due.” Write “To quit, enter 0.” Input Income While Income > 0 Call Tax1.SetIncome(Income) Call Tax1.ComputeTax() Write “Tax due = $”, GetTax() Write “Enter an income; enter 0 to quit.” Input Income End While End Program Problem 3 Window Name = MainWindow Title = “Greeting” Text Box Name = GreetingBox Text = “Hello” Left Command Button Name = RespondButton Caption = “Respond” Subprogram RespondButton.Click() Set GreetingBox.Text = “Goodbye” Set RespondButton.Enabled = False End Subprogram Right Command Button Name = DoneButton Caption = “Done” Subprogram DoneButton.Click() Call MainWindow.Close End Program End Subprogram Problem 4 Window Name = MainWindow Title = “Temperature Conversion” Top option button: Name = Option1 Caption = “Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius” Value = True Subprogram Option1.Click() Set Option1.Value = True Set Option2.Value = False Set FahrenheitBox.Enabled = True Set CelsiusBox.Enabled = False End Subprogram Bottom option button: Name = Option2 Caption = “Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit” Value = False Subprogram Option2.Click() Set Option1.Value = False Set Option2.Value = True Set FahrenheitBox.Enabled = False Set CelsiusBox.Enabled = True End Subprogram Left Label Text = “Degrees Fahrenheit:” Right Label Text = “Degrees Celsius:” Left Text Box Name = FahrenheitBox Text = “” Subprogram FahrenheitBox.Click() Set FahrenheitBox.Text = “” End Subprogram Subprogram FahrenheitBox.Change() Set ConvertButton.Enabled = True End Subprogram Right Text Box Name = CelsiusBox Text = “” Enabled = False Subprogram CelsiusBox.Click() Set CelsiusBox.Text = “” End Subprogram Subprogram CelsiusBox.Change() Set ConvertButton.Enabled = True End Subprogram Left Command Button Name = ConvertButton Caption = “Convert” Enabled = False Subprogram ConvertButton.Click() If Option1.Value = True Then Set CelsiusBox.Enabled = True Set CelsiusBox.Text = (5 / 9) * (Val(FahrenheitBox.Text) - 32) Set CelsiusBox.Enabled = False Else Set FahrenheitBox.Enabled = True Set FahrenheitBox.Text = (9 / 5) * Val(CelsiusBox.Text) + 32 Set FahrenheitBox.Enabled = False End If Set ConvertButton.Enabled = False End Subprogram Right command button: Name = DoneButton Caption = “Done” Subprogram DoneButton.Click() End Program End Subprogram Problem 5 Window Name = MainWindow Title = “Enter Test Scores” Subprogram StartUp() Set K = 1 Set NameBox.Text = Names[1] End Subprogram Top Label Text = “Student name:” Bottom Label Text = “Test score:” Top Text Box Name = NameBox Text = “” Enabled = False Bottom Text Box Name = ScoreBox Text = “” Subprogram ScoreBox.Change() Set EnterButton.Enabled = True End Subprogram Command Button Name = EnterButton Caption = “Enter” Enabled = False Subprogram EnterButton.Click() Set Scores[K] = Val(ScoreBox.Text) If K = N Then End Program Else Set K = K + 1 Set NameBox.Text = Names[K] Set ScoreBox.Text = “” Set EnterButton.Enabled = False End If End Subprogram Chapter 9 Problem 1 Main module Declare Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades As Integer Write “This program simulates 1000 deals from a deck of cards.” Write “It counts the number of cards of each suit.” Call Count Suits module Call Display Results module End Program Count Suits module Declare Card, K As Integer Set Clubs = 0 Set Diamonds = 0 Set Hearts = 0 Set Spades = 0 For K = 1 Step 1 To 1000 Set Card = Random(52) Select Case Of Card Case 1-13: Set Clubs = Clubs + 1 Case 14-26: Set Diamonds = Diamonds + 1 Case 27-39: Set Hearts = Hearts + 1 Case 40-52: Set Spades = Spades + 1 End Case End For Display Results module Write “Number of clubs: ”, Clubs Write “Number of diamonds: ”, Diamonds Write “Number of hearts: ”, Hearts Write “Number of spades: ”, Spades Problem 2 Main module Declare First, Second, Third As Integer Declare Name As Strings Declare NameArray[1000] Of String Write “This program randomly selects a first-, second-, and third-place” Write “winner from the names stored in the file NAMES.” Call Read Names module Call Select Winners module Call Display Winners module End Program Read Names module Declare N, K As Integer Open “NAMES” For Input As NameFile Read NameFile, N For K = 1 Step 1 To N Read NameFile, NameArray[K] End For Close NameFile Select Winners module Set First = Random(N) Repeat Set Second = Random(N) Until Second <> First Repeat Set Third = Random(N) Until Third <> Second And Third <> First Display Winners module Write “First-prize winner: ”, NameArray[First] Write “Second-prize winner: ”, NameArray[Second] Write “Third-prize winner: ”, NameArray[Third] Problem 3 Main module Declare Names[100] Of Strings Declare Scores1[100], Scores2[100] Of Reals Declare Count As Integer Write “This program sorts the records in the file GRADES in” Write “alphabetical order by student name.” Call Load File module Call Sort module Call Update File module End Program Load File module Open “GRADES” For Input As GradeFile Set Count = 0 While Not EOF(GradeFile) Read GradeFile, Names[Count], Scores1[Count], Scores2[Count] Set Count = Count + 1 End While Close GradeFile Sort module Declare J, K, Index As Integer Declare Min, Temp1 As String Declare Temp2 As Real For K = 0 Step 1 To Count - 2 Set Min = Names[K] Set Index = K For J = K + 1 Step 1 To Count - 1 If Names[J] < Min Then Set Min = Names[J] Set Index = J End If End For (J) If K <> Index Then Set Temp1 = Names[K] Set Names[K] = Names[Index] Set Names[Index] = Temp1 Set Temp2 = Scores1[K] Set Scores1[K] = Scores1[Index] Set Scroes1[Index] = Temp2 Set Temp2 = Scores2[K] Set Scores2[K] = Scores2[Index] Set Scroes2[Index] = Temp2 End If End For (K) Update File module Declare K As Integer Open “GRADES” For Output As GradeFile For K = 0 Step 1 To Count - 1 Write GradeFile, Names[K], Scores1[K], Scores2[K] End For Close GradeFile Problem 4 Main module Declare Found, Count As Integer Declare Names[100] Of Strings Declare Scores1[100], Scores2[100] Of Reals Declare Score1, Score2 As Real Declare StudentName As String Write “This program searches the file GRADES for a given name” Write “and displays that student’s test scores.” Call Load File module Call Input Name module Call Search module Call Display Results module End Program Load File module Open “GRADES” For Input As GradeFile Set Count = 0 While NOT EOF(GradeFile) Read GradeFile, Names[Count], Scores1[Count], Scores2[Count] Set Count = Count + 1 End While Close GradeFile Input Name module Write “Enter the student’s name.” Input StudentName Search module Declare Low, High, Index As Integer Declare Key As String Set Key = StudentName Set Low = 0 Set High = Count - 1 Set Index = Int(Count/2) Set Found = 0 While (Found = 0) AND (Low <= High) If Key = Names[Index] Then Set Found = 1 Set Score1 = Scores1[Index] Set Score2 = Scores2[Index] End If If Key > Names[Index] Then Set Low = Index + 1 Set Index = Int((High + Low)/2) End If If Key < Names[Index] Then Set High = Index - 1 Set Index = Int((High + Low)/2) End If End While Display Results module If Found = 1 Then Write StudentName Write Score1 Write Score2 Else Write StudentName, “ was not found in the GRADES file.” End If Problem 5 Declare K As Integer Record Type StudentInfo Name As String[25] Score1 As Real Score2 As Real End Record Declare Student As StudentInfo Open “GRADES1” For Random As NewFile, Len = Length(Student) Open “GRADES” For Input As GradeFile Set K = 0 While NOT EOF(GradeFile) Set K = K + 1 Read GradeFile, Student.Name, Student.Score1, Student.Score2 SeekPut NewFile, K, Student End While Close NewFile, GradeFile End Program Problem 6 Declare Last As Integer Record Type StudentInfo Name As String[25] Score1 As Real Score2 As Real End Record Declare Student As StudentInfo Open “GRADES1” For Random As GradeFile, Len = Length(Student) Call Add Student module Call Change Score module Call Switch Positions module Close GradeFile End Program Add Student module Write “Enter the new student’s name.” Input Student.Name Write “Enter the scores for Test 1, Test 2.” Input Student.Score1, Student.Score2 Set Last = LOF(GradeFile) / Length(Student) SeekPut GradeFile, Last +1, Student Change Score module Set Last = LOF(GradeFile) / Length(Student) SeekGet GradeFile, Last, Student Set Student.Score2 = 99 SeekPut GradeFile, Last, Student Switch Positions module Declare Student2 As StudentInfo Set Last = LOF(GradeFile) / Length(Student) SeekGet GradeFile, 1, Student SeekGet GradeFile, Last, Student2 SeekPut GradeFile, Last, Student SeekPut GradeFile, 1, Student2 Problem 8 Declare Count, Found, Index As Integer Declare Names[100] Of Strings Record Type StudentInfo Name As String[25] Score1 As Real Score2 As Real End Record Declare Student As StudentInfo Open “GRADES1” For Random As GradeFile, Len = Length(Student) Call Load File module Call Name Search module Call Name Change module Close GradeFile End Program Load File module Open “GRADES2” For Input As IndexFile Set Count = 0 While NOT EOF(IndexFile) Read IndexFile, Names[Count] Set Count = Count + 1 End While Close IndexFile Name Search module Declare K As Integer Set Found = 0 Set K = 0 While K < (Count – 1) AND Found = 0 Set K = K + 1 If Names[K] = “C. Fong” Then Set Found = 1 Set Index = K Set Names[K] = “C.L. Fong” End If End While Name Change module Declare K As Integer If Found = 0 Then Write “The name ‘C. Fong’ was not found.” Else SeekGet GradeFile, Index, Student Set Student.Name = “C.L. Fong” SeekPut GradeFile, Index, Student Open “GRADES2” For Output As IndexFile For K = 0 Step 1 To Count - 1 Write IndexFile, Names[K] End For End If Š 2007 Pearson Education  ./0[\opz{…, - 7 ř ů  ęÖĹ´  ~m\O@9/@9/@heńheń5\ hźMÚ5\hźMÚheńCJOJQJaJheń5OJQJ\^J hźMÚ5CJOJQJ\^JaJ heń5CJOJQJ\^JaJ heń5CJOJQJ\^JaJ heń5CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ(&heńheń5CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ( hźMÚ5CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ( hžh>5CJ(OJQJ\^JaJ(&hžh>heń5CJ OJQJ\^JaJ )heńheń5CJ(OJQJ\]^JaJ( ./0\opz{… ĹŃč , - 7 L | „  óóęęęęęŢŢęŃŃŃŃŃÂęęŃŃŃфФx7$8$H$^„Đgd፠„Đ7$8$H$^„Đgdeń $7$8$H$a$gdeń 7$8$H$gdeń $7$8$H$a$gdźMÚh–„–ţţ É ř ů  # ; ` m ’  š Ó č  5 ^ f — Ÿ Ô Ü î ý ňăÚÚňňňňňňňňňăÚÚňňňňňňňňň 7$8$H$gdeń„Фx7$8$H$^„Đgd፠„Đ7$8$H$^„Đgdeń  5 Ó Ô ´ ľ ż  !-ŃăauĹŰst~Šbt)“ŠŐÖ.0:F1C:NŻĹ°ąťůďÜÍžÍůďÍś¨…wÍwÍwÍwÍů…wÍwÍwÍwÍžÍů…wÍwÍwÍwÍů…hźMÚheń6OJQJ]h\'rheń5\h\'rhźMÚ5CJ\aJheń5CJ\aJh\'rheń5CJ\aJheńCJaJhźMÚheńCJOJQJaJhźMÚheńCJOJQJaJ$h]BřheńCJOJQJaJmHsHheńheń5\ hźMÚ5\.ý * W ‰ ´ ľ ż ď  0 @ b v “ ˘ ă ü 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