ࡱ> ( | bjbj 4n 8$-LM@3@3@3@3@3444LLLLLLL,OQnL44444L=j@3@3L=j=j=j4"6@3@3L=j4L=j=j=jSG&=j=jLL0M=j:R=j:R=j=j=jD444LL=j444M:R444444444 J:    Sweet scented air swirled about the comfortable, custom made arm chair, where the master of this domicile sat. A portly skunk of many years lounged aimlessly, enjoying the company of his enthralled pets, whom served his every whim. Stirring a martini with one paw, he flitted ashes from his cigar with the other, before repositioning his hind paws atop the grumbling stool. His newly acquired pet groaned, still unused to being someones property. Despite scathing hatred for his captor, the twenty-something Rottweiler was forced to struggle with the elation he garnered from obedience. Good dogs like to please after all... This one was aggressive, mouthy, stubborn-headed, and very strong willed. One of the rich skunks favorites... The willingly submissive ones, who change their mind midway is a fursonal delight, he rarely finds. Its something about that look of dismay, as theyre forced to surrender oh-so-sweetly, which tickled him so. Breaking a new pet is always special, each one a unique memory he cherishes. Continued growling from the animal beneath his paws elicited an annoyed sigh. Nudging the quivering pup with his heel, he placed his big toe on the Rottweilers moist nostrils and lifted his head to a more uniform position, staring straight ahead. Pastel colors ran about the dogs vacant eyes, the tightened look of frustration slowly melting away. Thaaaats better~... He cooed down to the struggling animal. Grrrrrr... His growling was restrained, but audible. Now, now... remember where that attitude lands you. The skunk gave a wry laugh. Thats right, gooood boy... Enjoying the broken alphas mewling whines, Lancaster Frowst, the master of this manor, sunk deeper into his chair with a content sigh. This was heaven for him, a fursonal paradise where he was king. No one could deny Frowst, for they all wanted nothing but his happiness. Good boys, all of them! Even his newly acquired dog was falling in line quite quickly, though he fought his instincts. Stimulating the deep carnal feelings was Frowsts ultimate goal, to coax out the natural state of canines. The sweet, loving, playful, adorable, precious creatures that all dogs are at heart... With a pet eagerly lapping his plump balls, fat cock, sweaty arm pits, pudgy toes, and rank tail-hole, Frowst fell into the bliss he craved every moment he was away from home. That ultimate surrender of freedom, dignity, and willpower, all for his amusement was a near priceless commodity. Memories of hard work, keen business sense, and cutthroat competition reminded him what it took to get here. In the sexually sadistic skunks mind, he deserved this! Every ounce energy spent for his relaxation and each moment a pet must endure discomfort to please him, all worth it... Knowing those entranced by his charms were locked in a state of unfettered joy, he felt no guilt over his lewd antics. Dogs are meant to serve, despite all animals being equal, its their place in nature! Canines are at their element when obeying orders or pleasing their masters. They function so much better when under someones loving, caring control. The near symbiotic relationship between a well trained dog and their owner is something Frowst has admired since he was a kit. Plus theyre just so soft and fluffy! This thought led Frowst to gently slip a paw over the pet who passionately suckled his dick. Ecstatic eyes opened at his touch, one of his best boys always eager for attention. Enjoying the plush fur of his Pomeranian, the warming licks sent an easing tingle through his body. Misplaced love poured forth, as these poor hypnotized males tongue bathed one of the nastiest creatures in existence. Regardless of their willing faces, glowing with glee, they all battled with internal struggles of their own. Whether it be the butt plugs in some tail-holes or subliminal messengers on others ears, they all suffered from the doggish need to sniff... One of the skunks absolute favorite traits of any animal, save his own species special spray. Even now, the sharp whistling and wispy whiffing sounds are music to Frowsts ears! Bucking disrupted Frowsts nirvana and caused his pets otherwise masterful tongue to falter. Fangs grazed his dick and Frowst tensed sharply, some aches of the day returning momentarily. Trembling at his mistake, the good dog was pat on the head, then set on the ground. The skunk had grown tired of his disobedient pawrest however... Slipping his paws to the floor, Frowsts newest pet gave a sigh of relief, but turned to his owner at the sound of snapping fingers. Youve been a very bad dog today Flash. Im very disappointed in you boy. The Rotties eyes sunk with shame. Go to the doghouse and present yourself to Brutus. Im sure youll be a good boy for him... A devilish smirk grew with the pets expanding eyes. Watching the wannabe rapper trot away against his will, Frowst could only laugh under breath. The much larger Doberman who awaited Flash was sure to show no mercy. What made this even more deliciously devious, was knowing Flash had to enjoy it. Even though Flash was straight as a free dog, his new collar left him completely under the masters control. Not to mention the rubber crotch-case, constantly kneading and tickling his groin... Pair these with a bit of personal training and practically any dog would fall under Frowsts sexual spell. Its hard to say no when you can be brought to the edge of orgasm by the words good boy... While a collector of canines, Frowst has no problem ensnaring and using any animal for his desires, even his own species! Most animals are released back into the world at later dates, but some he will keep as toys if their stubbornness persists. This other collection consists of any mammal stupid enough to cross his path. Rival company leaders, reduced to dildos! Police officers, turned into chew toys! Convicted criminals serving their sentences as socks or underwear! Private investigators, mercenary groups, terrorist organizations, loitering homeless, the list goes on! Few who enter Frowsts manor leave the same. Even those who are released must live life with a completely altered sexual outlook... Unable to fully recapture his previous splendor, the skunk sighed and began dismissing his pets. Youve all been such good boys today! Master loves you all! Their will be treats in each of your rooms! Ah, that rampant flurry of wagging tails, such a quaint sight! All those different furry patterns and shapes, some straight or curly, others a bushy ball... Each scruffy butt reacting to the kind words he spoke, like an uncoordinated orchestra! A line formed for goodnight pets and kisses, pets piling atop one another to be at his paws. Frowst took great care to observe the ecstasy his attention flushed into each of his pups. Despite being of varying ages, they were all his puppies. Frowst sees all canine anthros as helpless pups, regardless of maturity or prowess. Even the proudest and strongest dog is emotionally stirred by conformational praise. Attach that natural reaction to sexual stimulation and the poor things become so confused, they cant help but follow orders. Watching the last tail bounce away, Frowst bestowed extra endearment on his two remaining pets. Strolling toward his bedroom, his most loyal dogs at either side, Frowst let out a long yawn. Tomorrow was Monday and the office was going to be overwhelmed by the Metfur case... Its a shame he was unable to get off before bed. Peeking down at his bounding Wolfhound and loping Border collie, unlawful ideas formed. Theyve been good boys tonight, they deserve a reward so befitting! Frowst began undoing his robe as he entered the bedroom, overeager pups quickly helping him undress. Perhaps he will get off tonight after all, or at least fall asleep with warm tongues caressing his groin delicately. *The next day, afternoon* Thumbing through sales records and TPS reports, Mr. Frowst scratched at the itches clothes seemed to always bring him. Even the thrashing little Chihuahua currently trapped in his fat butt crack was doing little to help the tickling pinches of tight clothing. Having always been a larger fellow, Frowst has often found it difficult to find fitting clothes. His favorite outfits are usually hand made from helpless victims, but sadly they were all dirty today and washing them felt like a crime... Theyve each developed such a wonderfully unique odor! Why ruin a good thing? Wriggling in his chair, he heard the plaintive whines of the bad dog he had beneath him. Despite his discomfort when dressed in business attire, the depraved antics he was currently engaged in made for a semblance of homes comfort. Peeking at todays agenda, he smirked salaciously, as his paw began to massage the bulbous bulge growing below. Frowst focused on little Ginos struggles, each inch the Chihuahua wriggled adding to his growing boner. The mere act of another being touching his rear was the rawest kind of indulgence Frowst could imagine. Shutting his eyes, he began to undo his trousers, making sure to keep Gino as deep in his crack as possible. Coaxing licks and nuzzles from his furious pet, Frowst began to grind his rotund rump into the chair, melding his stinker over the poor pups face. Ehem, excuse me sir? A voice snapped Frowst into reality. Sehla! What have I told you about knocking? Bad girl! He snapped at his secretary. Ive warned you hun, I may be gay, but youre a fox and that technically make you cani-. I know sir, sorry sir, but you told me to enter slyly whenever something needed to be OTR. The vixens defense was sound. Clicking his offices surveillance equipment to a pre-recorded loop, Frowst waved her forward. Off the record, huh? My mistake love, do go on! The boys think theyve found one for your collection. She handed Frowst the file she carried. Hes pure bred, his name is Allixter Barktholovue, twenty-six years old. Very sweet demeanor, has the coat pattern you requested and hes-. Hes SO smallll~! Frowst gushed with joy, a paw finding his chubby cheek. Yes sir! I was sure youd like him! Sehla bowed at the waist. Shall I contact a recovery team? Yes, of course! Right away! Heavens, I want him! Frowst nodded giddily. Of course sir! Immediately sir! Sehla began to leave. Ah, ah, aaahh~! Arent you forgetting something love... Frowst curled his fingers to call her back. Good girl... Thats rrriiight, try to enjoy it! Youve been a very good girl Sehla. Kneeling beside her boss, Sehlas dignity took a major hit as he pet her head lovingly. Ignoring the humiliation, which she was thankful no one ever saw, she knew the alternative was far worse. Sehla was certain Mr. Frowst had some sickening task for her sensitive canine senses... Crossing the lavish office, Sehla did her best to stop blushing, unsure why Frowsts touch had such an effect upon her. It was just embarrassment in her mind, but Frowst knew that her canid nature was reacting to his dominance. Though he had no desire to own her, indecent ideas had crept into his borderline bisexual mind about the supple vixen. Oh and Sehla... He stopped her at the door. Perhaps next time youll finally let me rub your tummy? Just an idea... She shut the door fast, her face an emotional inferno yet again! Thankfully her coppery-red fur hid this well, but did nothing for the growing arousal she found harder to fight each time. Having only worked for Mr. Frowst a few years, her recent role in his fursonal hobby was... revealing to say the least. Regardless, Sehla was determine to make a name for herself and nobody can open more doors than Mr. Frowst. With a flick of his wrist he pulls strings, both corporate and puppet. Few are outside of his grasp, which made being on his side a very wise decision in her mind! Why anyone would cross this skunk is beyond her... With ten minutes to lunch, Sehla had just enough time to send out the capture command, cover her tracks, and grab her handbag. *Three days later, late evening.* Memories of a struggle came flooding back as the frightened little dog awoke to blurry surroundings. Piercing lights blinded this poor pup, as he flailed desperately, still fighting off phantom attackers. Suddenly aware of the surrounding solitude, this tiny canine flung his head about to take in the foreign environment. The minimalist room he found himself in, required little time to examine however. A cold stone floor chilled his fluffy, tailed bum, and the rattling of chains set his nerves on edge. Scanning the plain stone walls, he found himself chained to a metal loop embedded in the brick. Pulling on the plate-metal collar that held him was agony, for the thick iron binds showed no mercy to resistance. Rubbing his sore neck and stretching his stiff back, a new idea formed! This time, he tried to disconnect the chain from the wall-mounted facet holding it. Fighting to break free, his strength was barely enough to lift the metal links, let alone tear it from the wall. Sinking into despair, Allixter began recalling his memories, trying to find out what happened and how he got here. The last thing Al remembers is leaving the caf after a long shift, getting into his car, and driving home. He had to stop and pick up something for dinner, but couldnt recall ever reaching the grocery store... What happened between then and now? Who attacked him? Why was he brought to this place? What will happen now? One thing was for certain... Someone had dognapped this barely three foot tall canine! Little did he know, someone was on the way to ask some questions of their own... After screaming his lungs out, howling for anyone to save him, Allixter fell into the corner sobbing. HELLLLOOOOO000000ooooooo? SOMEBODY PLEEAASE??! He gave one final attempt. Helllloooo in there! A chipper voice suddenly responded. AGHH! Allixter leapt with fright. Oh my gosh youre even more delectable in furson! A door opened then, seemingly part of the wall before it move aside. Ive been so very excited to meet you Al! Wh-who are you?! How do you know my name?! What do you want with me?! Allixter barked at the entering figure. Oh soooo many things my lil fluff muffin, but well get to that later! My name is Mr. Frowst, pleased to make your acquaintance Allixter. Let me look at you. Stand up please. The tubby skunk waved him up, but Al just growled. Fuck you! What is this? Why am I here? I wont do anything you want, till I know whats going on! Even when enraged, canines still seek some form of cooperation... Listen puppy, I have a great aversion to disrespect, so I would suggest you calm down and be a good boy! These words were far more insulting than anything Al had said. A good boy? Fuck you man! What the hell is this shit?! Why have you brought me here?! Allixter was as ferocious as ninety four pounds can be! I had you brought here because I didn't have a Corgi yet! I collect dogs you see, and Ive yet to find a precious little Pembroke like yourself! Frowsts paws clasped together lovingly. Y-you... collect... dogs? Wh-what does... what does that even mean? Allixter was stunned by how casually Frowst spoke these words. Exactly what you imagine buddy! Youre my pet! You belong to me now! Im going to take such good care of you, my fine fluffy friend! Mr. Frowsts misplaced affection poured over Als rising savagery. I cant believe what Im hearing! Youre sick in the head if you think Ill be your pet just because Im a dog! Thats fucked up man! Let me go this instant you speciesist prick! Al tried to be intimidating, but failed. Oh pup, youre breaking my heart! I had such high hopes for you! You probably cant see it now, but in a few weeks youll understand... Im a reeaally nice guy! Kneeling and flitting his fingers, Frowst attempted to call his new pet to him. You are holding me hostage! No part of this says nice you demented bastard! Now if you don't let me go, Ill rip your throat out! Al snarled, bearing his teeth. Temper lil fellah, temper. Your cooperation isnt necessary, though its greatly recommended. Please calm down, I don't want to punish you our very first day together... The mocking scold Frowst gave had Allixter fuming! Punish me? The hell are you on about? Look here you smelly fuck, my roommates a cop, so you better just let me go before he catches onto this twisted scheme of yours! Al shot back, certain this would put fear in Frowsts heart. Smelly? Frowst was surprisingly bothered by this. Rest assured, I will remember that insult, but endeavor to not hold it against you. You're trying my patience however. If you cannot find it in your heart to be good, I will-. Shut the fuck up! You act like this isnt seriously messed up to do to someone! You need major professional help! Unlock this chain, now or youll be sorry! Al made his biggest mistake yet, interrupting his new master. Tch, tch, tch... Frowsts face sunk into a frown. Alright, if thats the way you want it, Im game... Whirling a paw into the air, Frowst snapped his fingers causing the door to open again. Two figures entered, both canines, each practically nude! Despite being a closet homosexual, Allixters mind filled with nightmares at the sight of these muscular, thong-wearing guards! Images of being pinned and raped filled his rampant thoughts, raising anxiety to crippling levels! Al had always been shy, his only sexual experiences coming after many long years of romantic undertaking! Mental projections of what was to happen, petrified the tiny hound to no end. Though trepidation rode through Al like a pack of bandits, the two dubious dogs didn't approach. They stood by Frowsts side, unmoved by the captured Corgis pleading. One stood with his paws behind his back and the other followed suit, once he presented a small box to Frowst. Now Al, would you care to be a good dog and put this on for me? If thats to difficult, one of pets here can assist you. Frowst referenced the box his well disciplined doggy had fetched him. Glaring up at the St Bernard and Doberman pincer, Al couldn't help but notice the way they stared without looking. Their eyes shone with life, brilliant color, yet no emotion or thought stirred within. Assuming them to be drugged, Allixters disgust peaked and he returned his gaze to the smug, awaiting skunk. Taking a rasping sniff, despite the fetid aura Frowst produced, Al let loose a wad of spit that splattered against his new owners shirt. Looking down, Frowst sighed and whipped out a handkerchief, to clean himself off. A simple no wouldve sufficed... Flicking a paw forward his pet puppets began to advanced. Stay the fuck back! I-Im warning you! Get away from me! AGHHH! NO! FUCKING STOP! AGHHHHH! The St Bernard pinned Als paws with superior reach. Why are you doing this? Why would you help him?! Let me the fuck go!! PLEASE STOP!! GET AWAY! FUCKING STOP THIS! Al kicked the opening box from the Dobermans paws. Oooh, so feisty... Frowst mused. Just relax boy, let it happen. This wont hurt a bit. Promise! Please, stop! Stop! STOP IT! RRAGGHH! Come on, please?! Honor the grand pack, canine brotherhood, defend your fellow dog! Listen to me, god damn it, please! Fuck, don't do this! NO! It was no use, nothing he said swayed them in the slightest. Fighting to evade the incoming paws, Als snapping muzzle was barely a deterrent... The Doberman employed precision timing to snatch Als post-biting muzzle and hold it closed! Unlatching him from the wall, the St Bernard helped steady Als thrashing, as his helpless form was presented to Frowst. With his arms pulled taught, fore paws kicking like mad, Allixter tasted defeat in his dry, sore throat. The other animals who held him helplessly were far to strong, their grips as solid as the previous irons! This wouldve been much easier had you just obeyed me... Allixter tried to bite him, but fell short. Go to hell asshole! Ill never obey you! Frowst laughed at Als ignorance. My word you are sooo handsome! Ive seen this cherubic little face in my dreams and these cartoony ears just melt my heart! Awwwhhh~! Attempts at contact were met with lashing jaws. Just have to do something about that unchecked aggression! I have just the thing though... Frowst cackled, referencing the ornate box his pet had brought in. Stay away from me! Don't you touch me! You have no right to put your paws on me! Allixter knew he couldn't fight back, words have always been his only weapon. I have every right to pet my dog! Youll see what I mean soon. Just relax, fighting this will make it less enjoyable in the long run, hehe... Frowst opened the box and removed a leather band, with a gleaming buckle. Staring into the typical pet collar with confusion, Allixter couldn't help but fight harder as Frowst approached. Such foreboding uncertainty flooded Als brain, he was unprepared for his muzzle being seized again! They lifted his head, as he spat muffled curses and burned holes into the other dogs with a malicious glare. Even when he managed to slip his muzzle free and land a solid bite, barely a wince crossed the Dobermans face! RRRMMMPH!! RRRRRGGH!! RRRRRRAAPH!! All of Als energy, amounted to pitiful growling. Whistling a jaunty tune, Frowst took the time to fluff Als fur using small pinches of his manicured claws. Slurping at his pawlm, Frowst began fixing the dogs head fluff, much to Als chagrin. Once satisfied, he moved on to that signature Corgi proud tuft! Brushing Als abundance of lacy fuzz down his chest, Frowst made sure it wouldn't interfere with his new neckwear. Whipping his wrist to the side, he snapped the collar to its length and gently draped it over Allixters frenzied form. Shhhh... Oh please calm down. You cant fight me forever. Its best to try and let yourself go. Nothing to worry about, youll be right back. I just need a moment in here... Clicking the collar around Als neck, Frowst gently stroked the pups head for reference. Allixter instantly knew something was wrong. What shouldve been a simple addition of weight to his neck, was an overall jolt to the senses! Upon hearing the clasp click closed, a small cybernetic whirring sounded, before his whole body forcefully locked up! After that surge in his synapses, Al felt heat rising through him rampantly! Uncontrollable shaking took hold as he was gently placed on the freezing cold floor. Unable to blink, the dog simply panted sharply, trying to come to grips with what was happening. No, no its ok love! Shhhh, ohh I hate this part... Frowst couldn't contain himself, as Al began the shrill crying of a scared dog. Hush puppy, its alright... Youve fought so hard, youre such a brave dog! Just let go, its ok to enjoy this... Having this sadistic prick tenderly coddle him during such crisis was the oddest mix of emotions for Allixter. Though comforting on some level, the fact hed been utterly paralyzed was unfathomably terrifying! Struggling to move or sit up, only amounted to a meek wiggle of his tail! Trying with all his might to scream or bite, only solicited further whines and whimpers. Being pet silenced his efforts for the brief duration of that phenomenal sensation. Al couldn't understand why it felt so... intense!? Involuntarily staring into his captors adoring eyes, Al mentally cut this man to ribbons with every curse word he could think of! Pressure built in his head quickly, like a spectral balloon inflating beneath his brain... As it passed over his mental nerves, the wave of heat became lulling, practically choking the thoughts from his mind! Unable to focus on his limitless hatred, Allixter was quickly forced to comply with this outside force. It was a useless battle, the heat was unbearable and his head hurt... so much... Als frantic mind addled under the effects of his collar, quickly waning the mental war, to match his physical stillness. Trying to utilize his body with the natural mental focus hed always relied on, Al found himself completely cut off! Still aware of every feeling his body endured, Allixter slipped into the strangest form of unconsciousness he had ever experienced! With that moment of capitulation, Als body fell limp and he began panting profusely. Movements quivered through the muscles, but he quickly found them to not be of his choosing! Even when he tried to still his breathing or speak, there was no reaction or hint of connection! Hellloooo Allixter~! Frowst began gently rubbing Als ears. H-hullo... master... (Wh-what... hap...pened?! Wha-what is this?!) Als huffing voice barely carried. How do you feel sweetheart? Frowst asked, running a paws over his head. Im... I tired sir... Very tired... (Homicidal! Ill fucking kill you!) Quickly realizing his inability to vocalize, Al began to panic. Thats ok, youll feel better in a bit. That was probably really tough on such a little guy, huh? Lifting Allixter to his lap, Frowst forced elated gasps with a stroke of the tummy. Y-yeah... Its hard bein-... (Don't fucking say it!) Its not easy being so small... (Oh my god, this is a nightmare!!) Allixter quickly found himself a passenger in his own body! Oh hun, its ok. Your size will never be an issue with me! Master will pamper his precious pup, so long as youre a good boy... Rubbing his nose against Als, Frowst knew exactly what the dog was going through. You mean it master? Th-thank you sir! Im so very grateful! Ill be the bestest pet I can be! (Ill fucking kill you! Let me out! AAGHHH!) Als tail thumped the ground powered by his vicious will. No! Thank yooou lil guy! Frowst tickled the playfulness out of Al. Youre obedience is all I could ever ask for buddy! Im so pleased to see you this happy! Mwah~! A soft kiss closed Als panting muzzle. Dawwwwhhh... Maaasterrr... (Let go of me you piece of shit!) Allixters blushing betrayed his mental fury. Such a charming lil fellah arent you?! Gosh I just cant get over how perfect you are! Frowst articulated Allixters tiny paws, like he was a puppy puppet. P-pe-perfect? Really sir? B-but... the other dogs are so much bigger... and stronger! (Please let me go! Gods help me...) Als stricken voice crackled with hidden shame. That doesn't mean a thing boy-o, fursonality does! Brutus heres no fun at all, and while Ruffios a blast, I can barely fit my arms around the big lug! Youre cuddle sized though, perfect for loving! Referencing his other pets made their tails wag alongside Als. The only thing that matters is your demeanor and I can already tell, youre a reeaally good dog Allixter! Yes sir, I am! Im a very good boy! You can count on me for cuddles anytime! (A good... dog... N-no! FUCK, NO!) Als ebullient response didn't do his mental anguish justice. Such lovely dedication! Im so lucky they found you! Ill certainly have to reward the boys for such a catch... Frowst was lost in thought a moment, brought back by Als gentle nipping. Oh, sorry bud! Haha, yeeaah~... Puppy loves his tummy rubbed, doesnt he? Frost channeled all his love into the affectionate scuffing motion. Y-y-yesh~... Thaaank yooouu! I wuuuuf youuu sir! (S-so good... F-fucking stop... I cant... take it!) Als body locked up again, but under much more loving circumstances. I love you too boy, so very much. Ill bring you all the happiness in the world, so long as you obey me. Thats all Ill ever ask, nothing more! Give me that and you can have anything you want! Ill take care of you pup, be the strength you lack, your shield when theres danger, and provide love when youre lonely... Layering further confusion on the struggling sentient being was quite delightful for Frowst. Y-youre amazing sir. I... Ive never felt this way before... (S-so warm, this... c-ca-cant be real!) Al was fading fast, each word snapping crucial mental tethers. Thats so very good to hear my love! Master knows how to treat his dogs huh? Id wager even the real you is starting to smile! Ready to proceed, Frowst tickled Als inner control just enough to provoke him. R-real... me? Whatta ya talkin bout masta?! (V-very happ-, NO! Let me out, please stop this! PLEASE! Als confused face quickly snapped back to a doggish grin. Nothing pup, but now that I have your attention Allixter, I would like to discuss your role here. All the cloy in Frowsts voice vanished, leaving the content animal to somewhat tune out. You are probably very frightened in there, but you have no reason to be. I wont hurt you. You must realize how soothing my voice is, how tender my touch feels... Frowst faded as he watched the dog sink into further fulfillment. Yessir... Thiss-so nice of you master! This feels reeaally awesome! (Hurts to fight... j-just to happy! I lo-lov... hate you...) Allixter battled with complex, clashing emotions brought on by this eldritch collar. Im so very glad to hear that Allixter, I hope this attitude persists. All I desire is your unwavering loyalty. Give me that and you can have all the attention my free time allows me to offer. Frowst knew this was a one-sided trade that Al couldn't refuse. However, if you try my patience youll find my influence inescapable. There are many things I could force you to do, that Im sure youd find most... distasteful. Mr. Frowst watched the shell of a puppy frown nervously, Al surely frightened as well. Be a good boy and youll have nothing to worry about, understand? Yes sir, I promise! You don't have to warn me, Ill mind you master! (You son of a bitch! I swear... Ill be a goo-. AGHH! Cant th-think straight!) Unblinking and nodding profusely, Als prison of a body answered subserviently. Well see about that... Frowst raised an eyebrow coyly. Now, I have some things to prepare and I assume you are quite eager to recover your faculties, so please follow me love. Allixters dopey dog mind didn't understand most of that, just follow me. Trotting along with a spring in his step and bounce to his butt, the real Al was shattered by his lack of control. Mental sobbing and breathy whimpers were all he could filter from his thoughts, as he was led toward an elevator at the end of the outter hall. His lack of self control led Al to question his own sanity... The still growing dog was forced to scrape up answers to some of lifes most existential questions in mere moments. Some small part of him wondered if he wanted this subconsciously? Given how hard it is to fight the natural joy servitude brings, that would make sense... Despite making sense, he refused to accept such an answer and instead chose to blame Frowst! Little did Al know, the collar had began to work, the job was in progress... Allixters natural complacency had slowly seeped into his ego-driven psyche, giving birth to an entirely new being. What would be left of the young dog when all was said and done? Was he to be like the mindless slaves, walking militantly by their master? Hes not nearly imposing enough to get such a role... Would be kind of fun to protect master tho-, wait... what?! Must focus! Al kept sharpening his mental energies on finding escape or some crux in the control over him! Riding the elevator up, Frowst was more than inclined to spend these last few minutes with his precious pup. Knowing full well the real Al was still in there, the skunk milked this time for all its worth. As the lift pinged and the doors clattered open, anyone waiting to enter would have been greeted by a doughy, black and white butt crack, sagging out of Pawdah dress pants. Frowsts huge striped tail would surely have caused panic, had anyone been standing there. Als tiny tail wiggled from between the masters huge shoes, as he stooped over him, tickling any exposed portion of his new dog. Stopping the elevator from shutting, Frowst hoisted Allixter to into his arms and continued through his manor. This area was so much nicer! Big beautiful windows, with lots of light, and all sorts of expensive decorations! Al was extremely curious, far more so than he shouldve been. Sure this stuff was really classy and expensive, but a vase is a vase, why is he so excited to sniff it? Why does everything smell so... different? How is Allixter not noticing the reeking odor of his captor? Its like his senses had hit the refresh button and he had a chance re-experience certain things for the first time! Despite all the confusion, traversing the million dollar mansion was a treat for both halves of Allixter. Things hed only dreamt of getting to see were tastefully distributed about this grandiose hall. Solid gold and silver made up everyday objects, like door pulls or curtain rods! Carefully cut gems graced decorations, seemingly useless, other than to catch ones eye. A rug so plush his masters huge feet sunk into near obscurity with each step lined the floor, seemingly infinite in length! Looking above he found the ceiling to be painted glass, scattering beautiful prismatic light in broken patches. They stopped at one of the doors and Frowst awaited his pets to open it for him. Strolling in, he set Al down and addressed him. Its nap time pup. Go to sleep and Ill come get you in a little while. Frowst waved him gingerly toward the pile of thick pillows. Ok sir, but Im not tired anymore... (You said youd let me out! Wait, please... let me go!) Al argued from both halves, but was silenced. Just get some rest pup. Youll feel much better when you wake up, trust me. Frowst hung at the door, then shut it after blowing a kiss to his pet. Unable to control his body, even when alone, brought new calamity to this whole ordeal. Being forced to obey his dominators commands, even while out of his presence, crushed what little hope Allixter had left. Without the guidance of Frowst, Als obedient mind went to the makeshift bed and sniffed at it. Dozens of other musky scents filled his mind, the masculinity of other dogs having seeped into this pile of pillows. Before Al could react to that scent based shock, his body flopped to the side awkwardly and began biting at a stuffed animal. The poor bear looked like it had seen better days and it reeked like a dog kennel! Still, some small part of him was comforted by the childhood familiarity... Mistaken memories of doing the same thing in his puppyhood formed and a pleasant sigh escaped Allixter. As the little Corgi got tuckered out from gnawing at the heavily repaired doll, his eyes slowly fluttered shut and he began snoring with his mouth delicately clasped around the teddy bears leg. *The next day, morning.* Waking in a delirium, the nightmare Al had last night was still stinging in his thoughts. By choice did this poor animal believe his situation to be an illusion, for he couldn't bring himself to accept what happened. Sitting up, his lies crumbled beneath him and Al fell into the next circle of hell... This was a nightmare, but it was a waking one! Finding the collar still around his neck, despite his renewed self-control was unnerving to say the least! The weight of it felt more noticeable now, as if Al understood its gravity in the overall situation. A knock hit the door as he tried to tear the collar from his neck. This knocking is actually what had awoke him, but Frowst is polite and always offers a few chances for his dogs. Privacy is something dogs do not explicitly receive, though for the adjustment period Frowst was willing to compensate. Opening the door to find his newest pup gnawing at the collar he had gifted him, Frowst couldn't help but sigh. There was so much anticipation during the three days leading up to his arrival, why couldn't this go smoothly? Frowst just wanted someone to pet while he does paperwork, is that so much to ask? Hello my boy, you slept for quite a while! Frowst greeted brightly. YOU! Get this off me, NOW! (Master?! Gmornin sir!) Als internal thoughts startled him into silence. Hahahaa~! Never get tired of that reaction, you look so shocked. Frowst taunted the very devastating problem he foisted onto Al. What the HELL did you do to me?! (Can I have breakfast sir?) Al shouted his question, almost stuttering from the well-timed mental projection. Itd take a long time to explain sweetheart, so Ill tell you over dinner tonight, deal? I have so many fun activities planned for you! Frowst offered, simultaneously insulting Als intelligence. No! You tell me what the fuck this is, right now! (Dinner with Master? Oh boy! But, what about breakfast? Im hungry now...) Allixter referenced the collar, holding it away from his neck. Remember what I said about that temper? Its your least endearing quality... Do try to control it, ok? Frowst tilted his head with the hardest to conceal smirk imaginable. FUCK YOU! (BREAKFAST!) Al shot back, rising in a tempest of movement. Youre far more short-fused than I wouldve expected... What a cute bundle of dynamite you are! Frowst was grinning now, purposely provoking his confused pup. I swear to god Im gonna fucking-. (Get some breakfast pwease~?) Al clutched his head attempting to block out this voice. Shut up about breakfast! (*Whiiine*) Excuse me? Frowst faked confusion, fully aware of how hard this must be. Shut him up! Please, oh god, make it stop! I-it-hes in my brain! (My tummy hurts sir...) Pleading now, Al fell to his knees, gripping his skull shakily. What is this? What have you done to me?! (Ill be a good boy sir, just let me out! Food please!) Whatever do you mean little one? Shut who up? The skunks eyes were pitiless beads, eager to soak up his succulent subterfuge. No! NO! I wont let you out! Fuck please, I cant take this... (Want to play! Want treats! Frisbee! Friends! Fetch! Fun! Food!) It seems Allixter was a typical dog at heart... Oh does he want to come out? Poor thing... This heartbreaking idea forced Frowst to drop his act. Youve been cooped up for so long... he just needs some exercise! A lick of excitement bounced through the plump skunk briefly. What the hell do you mean?! What is this? Wh-who am I hearing? (Can we go to park master?!) Allixter demanded weakly, unable to show strength under such duress. Ill explain everything in time, please come along! I have some gifts and surprises for you! Frowst waved Al to his side, opening the door. Scuffling paws were firmly planted by stubborn anger. NO! Im not going anywhere with you! What the fuck have you done to me?! (Yaaay! Pwesents! Thank you sir, lead da way!) Oh hun, youre in no position to argue... You have my guarantee Ill explain everything, but not here. Lets have breakfast and get to know each oth-. Al cut Frowst off, which wouldve been punishable had it not been so sweet. Breakfast!? (Breakfast?!) This felt provoked, as if the word was pulled from Als mind. Yes, I did hear you mention it... Are you hungry lil fellah~? Frowst asked as sweet as sugar and bright as rainbows. Y-yeah, but stop with that pet voice bullshit! (SO HUNGWY SIR! Goodest doggo needs food badly!) This moronic internal monologue got so loud, Al felt his ears ring. Ooh, strike one boy! Never tell Master what to do, understand? Frowst waggled a finger down at the pup.s Oh, fuck you! Stop treating me like this! (Sorry sir...) Al shouted back. Hmmm... Frowst pretended to give it thought. No! Now come with me if youre hungry. Id prefer to eat in the dining room. The skunks pearly smile shone over the pup with continued benevolence. Im not going anywhere with you! How the hell can I trust you! (C-cuz its master, silly!) Al was dumbfounded that this voice responded to him directly! Then you wont be getting any coffee or pancakes, Ill bring you some pup-chow... Frowsts discontent showed, as he began to leave. Oh like thats really supposed to sway me? Piss off, Id rather starve! (PLEEAASE NO! SIR, I wuff pancakes! Cmon, just be good!) Als new internal voice pleaded as he wouldve for freedom... Fine, if thats the way you want it. Im extremely disappointed sweetheart, Id love to have a nice romantic breakfast on the veranda, but if youd rather stay in the dog-closet... Frowst lingered in the doorframe, searching for a sign of resignation, but found none. (No, NO wait! Come back siiiiir~! No fair! Youre suck jerk bag! Who doesn't like pancakes?!) Als internal stalker persisted, even when Frowst was gone! SHUT THE FUCK UP! WHAT ARE YOU?! DEAR GODS, GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!! Allixter howled, roared, screeched, and belted each word out, till the walls rang with his normally peeping voice. (...No.) Was all the voice said. This insultingly plain response sent Al into a rampage of epic proportions. He tore pillows to shreds, hurled a TV to the floor, used a tall lamp to smash the portraits on the walls, before finally kicking a potted plant over, dirt cascading everywhere. He collapsed clutching his paw, wailing out curses, as he rolled through the agony of a stubbed toe. Furious hatred with no controlled outlet led Al to throw whatever was within paws reach, at any remaining targets. (Masters gonna be so mad...) He heard a soft whisper. GOOD! I hope he tries to punish me, so I can bite a fucking finger off! Al cried back, throwing his arms up in frustration. (Youre such a dick...) The other voice said in a hushed tone. OH FUCK YOU!!! He almost strangled himself, desperate for a chance at vengeance. Ok, heres one bowl of premium beef... dog... food... Frowst was shocked to find the steaming Corgi had decimated one of his guest rooms. LET. ME. GO! (Youre on your own...) He made sure each syllable was white-hot with scathing anger. Youre going to be a pawful, I can already tell... Now, I am willing to forgive this little incident, as I understand your first day jitters. But I will only say this once... Frowst dropped the bowl with a splattering clack and glowered into the tiny dog. Eat. Your. Food. The bowl was slid to Allixter. He looked down at the literal animal feed, something you'd give a mindless mutt... (Just eat it ok? Look, its got our name on it!) Without a word, Allixter scowled at the shiny red bowl, then punted it straight at his new owner! Lifting the towel he had brought the bowl in on, most of its contents splattered it and not Frowst. Rolling up the napkin the skunk dropped it to the floor, then examined his outfit. Thats two shirts youve stained... Youve also ruined my shoes... Frowst observed aloud. Oh daaarrn~! Soooo sooorrry siiiir~! (Today couldve been so nice! Can I be in control for a bit please?) Allixter mocked Frowsts aggravation by mimicking his flamboyant way of speaking. You may find that amusing or expect it to irk me... But seeing the real you call me sir is a huuuge turn on. Lowering his nose, the skunk took up a devious grin. While I hadnt expected you to serve these appetites, Im highly open to the idea of it... Strolling closer, Al was forced to retreat. Get away from me! I wont hesitate to hurt you! BACK OFF! (Let me have control please! I cant fix this, promise!) Al growled up at the approaching tower of a skunk. Do you think Im afraid of you? While I admire your courage, its difficult to find you intimidating, so forgive my remaining coy... Frowst was practically atop Al, who growled up at him. Yo-you better be scared! Get back, not another step! (Let me out sir! Ill do anything to make this up to you! PWEEASE~??) Allixter couldn't stop Frowsts approach with words. Fine, go one then. Bite me. Frowst put his paw in front of Als nose. Come on, do it! Whats wrong? Lost your nerve? Allixters jaws hung open, as he stared longingly into the black-furred paw before him. Every ounce of him wanted to sink his fangs into that fatty flesh and tear it to the bone! What was stopping him? Why cant he attack?! Unbeknownst to Al, a fair portion of him felt the complete opposite about Frowst. Hovering his open mouth over the taunting paw, Al tried with all his might to lock his jaws closed, to sever hole fingers with one snapping bite! Even when frustrated growls vented from the poor animal and veins bulged in his neck, a sharp pinch was all the damage he dealt... Youch! Ya got some sharp choppers there bud! Frowst waved his stinging paw, suckling an isolated digit. I... I cant... Why cant I bite you? (Bad dog, no bite!) Als voice was crushed, warbling toward tears. You don't reeaally want to hurt me do you? Frowst seemed genuinely curious. Yes I fucking do! (No sir!) Allixter shook his head then, desperate to remove the voice lodged in his brain. Shut up! Gods just stop talking! (No!) Very poor effort then. Frowst chuckled wryly, referencing his paw. Now, lets talk about how youre going to repay me. I don't think it is unreasonable to demand you clean this up. Fair? Frowsts voice had a way of dropping all pleasantry in a second. Hell no! (Yes sir!) Al growled at the inconsistency. Im a prisoner here, what the fuck do you expect from me? (To do what youre told!) Cooperation and obedience, which comes naturally to your kind. If youd just take a moment to understand your ancestry an-. Frowst was about to explain why canines are meant to serve, but Al lost it. YOURE A FUCKING PSYCHO! DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT BECAUSE I'M A DOG YOURE BETTER THAN ME?! (Please be quiet...) Allixter began his seething tirade. YOURE A SKUNK! YOU SMELL LIKE SHIT ALL THE TIME! A FURSON SEES ME AND THINKS IM CUTE OR FUN! THEY SEE YOU AND RUN LIKE HELL! ITS PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT MAKE THIS WORLD HARD TO-. ENOUGH! Frowst shut the dog up with a raucous voice. You have NO right to speak to me this way! My benevolence has its limit, which youve just breached! Now, sit! Pointing to the floor, Al collapsed against his will. What the? How the hell did-. (*Whiiimper*) Al tried to speak. Silence! Youre not allowed to open your mouth until I say so. Frowst commanded and Al was forced to obey. Youve found it necessary to comment on my musk twice now, so lets get you acquainted with it, shall we? Turning in place, Mr. Frowst maintained eye contact with Allixter the entire time, until his corpulent posterior hovered inches from the dogs struggling muzzle. Whines and whimpers sliced from the petrified dog, who knew full well what a skunk this size could do to someone behind them! Whats worse, Al couldn't open his muzzle due to the mental snare Frowst had him in, leaving only his nose to intake air!! This devious pincer maneuver attack his senses to the core, leaving him paralyzed by the invasive, reeking stench! Holding his breath, Allixter would rather pass out than submit to this disgusting fuckers sick whims! Als shrill whining hit an apex, as he watched the twin beanbag chairs called Frowsts butt overtake his vision entirely. Sealed in shadows, Allixters eyes widened to try and take in the airbag sized butt cheeks his nose rested between! The signature striped, crooked tail of the skunk slowly rose over head, growing taller as Frowst bent deeper. Fabric expanded as fat flexed beneath it, these few extra centimeters were enough to pin Als head to the wall! Firmly pressing him into place, Frowst bounced his rump around, with a seductive wiggle. Wide eyed and blushing, Allixter body began to fail him! Ripping pain in his lungs grew unbearable, his nerves begging him to endure the smell for the sake of his blood cells and fading cognition... Imploring whimpers were all he could think to do, the very action allowed skunky tendrils to slip through his defenses. It was no use... He needed air and there was no pleasant way to get it! Grunting and straining to turn his head, Al let out one final despondent huff and tried to mentally endure the airless cruelty for even a second longer! (Come on dude... this sucks!! It hurts a lot, just breath!! Why are you doing this to us?!) The voice sounded as desperate as he currently felt! (Man, pleeaasee! It wont be that bad, just... damn it, BREATH!) *SNNIIIIIIIIIIFFFFF* Al was forced to draw breath after those pleading words. *Ghlk... Snrrkk... Ughhlp...* Al fought to gag with his mouth still acquiescently shut. It was dreadful, like his nose had just melted from his body and the running mucus was liquefied snout! Another shorter, stabilizing breath hit his senses like a sledgehammer! Tears ran from his bulging eyes, his distraught face showing disbelief at both the pungent gastric odor and the helplessness he experienced! Whimpering loudly, freely, and openly now, Al was forced to succumb and breathe Frowsts funky skunk stench in a normal cadence. Those sweet little noises are oh so wonderful to hear! Frowst laughed grandly at Allixters surrender. It smells wonderful doesn't it? So obscenely smelly as you put it. Im quite proud actually, heh... Al was to delirious to listen. The more he was forced to endure this brutal aura of this skunks ass, the harder it was to deal with being disabled! Helpless to struggle, Al felt his doom slowly jiggle against his face, grinding in that hellacious skunk stank! Each steady, sharply-ended breath made his need to breath all that more noticeable and unwanted! A deep, meaty, spicy stink led each inhale, and a sharp, sour, stinging bite filled out the body. At the peak of each breath, hints of digested spices, meats, and veggies could be whiffed. It was aggressive enough to affect his own guts, like cartoony lines of stink found there way down into Als stomach! The sensory torture that was being forced to sniff a skunks butt wouldve easily forced him to vomit, had he eaten in the last day or so... I suggest you try to enjoy yourself or at least remain calm. This may take a moment and its hard to deal with interruptions... The sounding of Frowsts zipper caught Als senses. Mmmpph! Grrrrr!! (Hush puppy, shhh...) Allixter was livid at the thought of Frowst getting off to this! Locking up at the first sign of ire, Al was plagued with the realization that this could be much worse! Through his clothes, Frowsts natural muskiness was tolerable, all-be-it mind-melting... What dark circle of hell awaited him if Frowsts pants were to come off?! Worse still, that increased ass aroma would be nothing compared to the spray of a three hundred pound skunk! Keeping as cool a head as someone enduring such ripeness could, Al just waited and bit his tongue to monitor his breathing easier. This smell was tremendous, as odiferous as an outhouse and pungent enough to evaporate perfume! Bouncing off the wall with each thrust of Frowsts groin, Allixter did his best to put his mind elsewhere. This worked for a few seconds, but whenever Frowsts chubby cheeks would part, the reeking smell intensified! Heavy breathing turned to light moaning, as Frowst headed toward orgasm, the thought of his puppies displeasure bringing this quicker than normal. Groaning as his pudgy rump began to sweat, Als delicate dogged sniffer was assaulted now! His miserable sniveling nose breathed the rancid skunk musk, unabated by his skirls for mercy. Light spilled over the dog, as he was suddenly freed from his prison! Frowst teetered forward and turned on his heel to face the mortified mutt. Peering up into his captors eyes, desperation flooded from the whinny animal, who quivered with relief. Frowsts alluring stare held none of the anger he previously felt, replaced by lust for ejaculation. The skunks trouser snake was imposing and though shame came from admitting it, Al was impressed... The turgid black rod of manliness had veins running its length and a huge afro of pubes, obscuring his baseball sized nuts! His crotch had its own unique smell, which wouldve been lost on other creatures due to the overwhelming musky miasma. Smiling warmly, Frowst leaned back and shut his eyes, as he pumped his thick, veiny member in Allixters face. Gingerly petting his head, Frowsts paw folded an ear as it lazily slid down to grip Als muzzle. Open wiiide~... Frowst said and though Al gave it his all, he obeyed. Seperating his jaws, Frowst pulled his head into postion and seconds later let out a fat rope of jizz directly onto the waiting dogs warm tongue! The force of his cumming hit the back of Allixters throat and caused him to gag, as more flowed in by the second! A solid four seconds of ejaculating bliss rumbled from the chunky skunk, whos aim was dead on! Allixter felt like he was drowning in hot, viscous, seed, barely able to keep it from going up his nose or down the wrong pipe... Awwwwwwwhhhhhhhhh~... Cried Frowst, his pleasure unbridled and loud enough for an auditorium! Awwhhhhhh yeeaahh... Frowst continued to masturbate, filling the little dogs reservoir of a mouth, till it overflowed. Still lost in the afterglow, Frowst continued to work his shrinking dong to wring any remaining pleasure out of himself. With a smack of his lips and a sniffle, Frowst wiped his nose, then seemed to remember Al. Looking down with a malefic simper, Frowst brought a paw up and closed Als muzzle, much to his chagrin and disgust! Unavoidable charm graced Frowsts face as he cordially debased this poor pup with sounds usually reserved for good food... Swaaalllooow~! That was the one word Al didn't want to hear... *GULPK* Ughhh... (Yuuumy~!) Gagging and coughing, the poor Corgi couldn't ignore a direct order and choked it all down. *Gllrk* You... *Ullrp* fucking asshole... *Hughhk* (Is that all I get for breakfast sir?) Shh, shh, shh... Its ok to like it, I know you do! Frowst stroked the clean parts of his Corgis face. Slashing his head forward, Al locked his jaws around Frowsts wrist, hoping to sever a vein, but barely able to nom his fluff... Snickering at Als confused anger, Frowst removed his paw and then gently slid two fingers down the pups throat... It was the ultimate insult considering what he had just tried to do! Further attempts to bite were met with Frowst expertly holding the dogs jaw at the weak point. Pushing cum and saliva down Als throat, the warmth of forced licking soothed the skunk like a bonus orgasm. Pushing deeper into the moaning dogs throat, Frowst was quite pleased to find a stable gag reflex, that barely choked the pup. Als eyes fluttered shut as the canine in him gave way for the first time and he suckled the accumulated semen from his owners paw. Sultry expressions formed as the dog shut his eyes and slurped the thick digits with ardor. Frowst was ready to cum again, right then and there! Not realizing until the paw had been removed, Allixter was enraged without ability to fully show it. Al struggled greatly to tear away from that minor happiness... What Frowst said was somewhat right, Al had enjoyed seeing and even tasting the Skunks masculinity... But thats just from being gay, hes in no way attracted to this endearing monster! I fucking hate you... (Thank you sir, s-so sweet of you~!) Al wiped his muzzle clean, spitting out what he could. Swear to god youre going to pay for that! Y-youll regret ever meeting me! (Mmm! so salty~...) Allixter just glared from his downed position, scraping up bits of broken pride. Not possible my delicious darling doggo! I struggle to think of anything thatd make me thaaat upset with you! Frowst responded, wiping his sticky paw on a scrap of pillowcase. This is so fucked up... Youre a sick, twisted pervert! You don't deserve to live! (He doesn't mean it master! Swear!) Yes I do, Agghh! This constant naysaying was maddening! Oh boy, so much frustration and hate... Youre not a very good dog after all... Frowst knew this was any canines kryptonite! (NOOO000ooo, Please master! Im-were-he can behave! Were a good dog, honest!) Shut up! Oh my gods shut up! Shit just... GET OUT OF MY HEAD! Allixter screamed, throwing his paws to the side dramatically. Happy to oblige that request... Cmere boy! Come to master! Cmon out my good puppy dog! I know youre in theeree~!! Frowsts face became a bedlam of outrageous desire. Gah, wh-what? N-no! No please! (Yaaay! Oh boy, Im coming sir! So excited to play!) Al found it easier to fight the collars control, but not enough to prevent it. P-p-please... Not this! Don't do this! S-s-stay... put... damn you! (Master I want hugs sir! Im so sorry! Lets still be friends, ok?) S-still friends Mast-... Fading fast it only took a bit more coaxing to free the eager beast. Come to daddy my good boy! Cmere bud, lets play! Gosh youre such a good puppy arent you? Whos my good boy? Whos my bestest buddy ever?! This is one of Frowsts favorite parts, the lulling of sentience to instinct. M-me... No, fuck! I hate you! Stop this, Im begging you! (Its me! Say it again! Say were the good boy! Pwease say it~?) Al shook a moment, convulsing as his own thoughts died down. Wheres my terrific little fellow? I know hes in there! Is it you Al? Are you my obedient pup? Its ok puppo, its just temporary! Let it happen... Be a good dog for master. Saccharine words sweetened by the second as Frowst finished the job. N-no... I-Im s-so-so... Sorry for keeping you waiting master! (Ugghhh, wha-, n-no... Not again!) Als worried face popped like a bubble, leaving an illustrious grin to gleam forth. Haiiiii master~! Can I haves a belly rub? Im your good dog right? (Don't go near him! Stop being such a bitch!) Little did Al know, thats is exactly how this side of him felt. No, Allixter, youve been bad today. Would a good boy wreck masters room after hes been so kind? Frowst turned away, knowing eye contact in itself was a reward. But master thats not fair! That wasn't me! You know Id of done anything you asked! (No! I'M NOT A PRISONER! I WONT BE LOCKED AWAY! RAAGGGHHH! AGGGHHHHH! LISTEN TO ME DAMN IT!) Als storming voice fell on deaf ears, as there was no response... Its partly your responsibility to keep him in line, right? Frowst put a paw to his chin expectantly. *Whiiiine*... S-sorry sir... (Let me out! I cant deal with this shit, let me have control!) A headache formed upon hearing himself reply so complacently. Alright, Im willing to give ya another chance Al, but you clean up this mess righ now. Understand? Frowsts original demand was repeated. Yes sir! Ill have it cleaned up within the hour! (N-no... Ill clean up-, w-wait... no!) Allixter quickly began to pile up trash and broken objects. Good dog~! Thank you! Ill send Vailey by with a broom and bucket. Exuberant with the joy dominating others brought him, Frowst pranced to the door. When youre done, come find me in the dining room. Ok? Yes sir! (N-no... problem.) Al saluted, stamping a paw for emphasis. Left alone, Allixter was forced to silently ride along as his body performed manual labor. The massive mess his puny body had created made this activity tiring! To the real Als horror, he was growing fatigued, where the mysterious force controlling him was perky as ever! Like he was a battery for this new life form, Allixter fell deeper into exhaustion as his body expended energy without approval. Even when Al was mentally panting, his body refused to quit... Maybe five minutes later another dog opened the cracked door and peeked in. Hello there, I was told to bring you this! The Border collie was so gleeful, he practically shone. Thank ya! Im Allixter, whats your name? (I don't care! Help me! PLEASE!) Equally joyous at meeting a new friend, Al tried to outdo the B. collies wagging. Vailey! Super swell to meet ya pal! Want some help? The mix-colored teal and hazel eyes gleamed with unwavering attention. Really!? Would ya please? Id really appreciate it! (Yes! Help me! Take the collar off!) Al smiled gratefully at the obliging male. I heard Master got a new pet, didn't expect to meet ya till later, haha! Vailey chuckled, rolling up a dirt-strewn rug. Y-yeah, heh, Im not sure what happened here..? (Oh god... h-hes trapped too!) Al rubbed his neck, while peering from within at his fellow prisoner. Nothing to worry about! Prolly just a little scared! Master wont hold that against you! Vailey shot animated glances to Allixter as he cleaned. Though unwilling to admit he was scared, Allixter couldn't avoid being nice. Yeah, he said that. Hope nothing goes wrong though... (God I hope you can hear me, because Im going to make your life a living hell...) Heh, itll be fine puppo! Now cmon, lets get this cleaned up! I bet Masters real eager to see you! Vailey ramped up his sweeping. (No, I want out! Take the collar off! Help me escape, for fucks sake please!!) Allixter pointlessly called out for help the whole time they cleaned. (This isnt fair... Listen to me damn it! Why can I hear you? I-I cant... take this! LET ME OUT!!!) It was no use, there doesnt seem to be anyone listening. Why don't cha take off pup, I can finish this for ya! Vailey waved Al off, smiling sincerely. R-really? Thanks! How can I pay ya back? (C-can pay you... If help me...) Allixter was overjoyed hed found such a kind friend! Just make Master happy! Hes so excited for you, Id hate to see him let down... Vaileys drooping ears and still tail felt unnatural to see. Ok, right, of course! D-do you wanna come along? I know we just met, but I li-. (Wh-why are you... am I blushing?!) Well hang out soon lil guy, now go on! Masters awaitin! The spunky B. collie flicked his nose away. Allixter stopped at the door. Don't call me little! (Hes like double your, er, my size!) The true Al was startled by this confidence. Nodding back and laughing, Vailey agreed and sent Al on his way. Sniffing his way through the ornate halls, Als new controlling force led him toward the fetid scent he was desperate to escape not long ago. How the hell he could pin point it with the mask of musk lining his muzzle was beyond Allixter. To his delight, the force which now governed his freewill seemed just as lost as Al! He could possibly use this to escape, should he develop a resistance to the collar! This uncertainty led his canine senses to sniff out his goal, which was a torturous ordeal for Als unwilling mind. Though clean at first glance, nothing in this huge manor isnt seeping with the reprehensible smell of Mephit glory... It seeped from the walls, was kicked up from the carpet, and lined every room Al passed! Eventually finding a very odd mix of delicious food and horrible ass odor, Allixter knew this was the right door. M-master? Master!! (Please don't go to him... Don't let him touch me!) Empty begging clashed with the decisions being made. Ah, hello Al! I trust you cleaned up the guest room? Frowst was reviewing some documents, the sugary scent of cigar muffling his odor. Yes sir! (Yes...) Al saluted again, chuckling a bit. Sorry again Master! (S-sorry...) Splendid! Now, you must be starved. As a reward for your obedience, I had the chef make you breakfast, which should be arriving anytime now. Come here my boy. Frowst set his cigar in an ashtray, delicately balanced atop a stoic Rottweilers nose. Oh boy, yaaaay~! Im starved Master! Oh, heh... Thanks for the treat earlier though, hehe! (Thats fucking disgusting...) Bouncing with excitement, Al ran to his master. Oh I kneeew youd like that puppy! That was very pleasant for Master, thank you~! Mwah~! Frowst marveled at Als gleaming stare of pure appreciation. Daawww so happy to hear sir! (Attack him! Focus Al, bite, BITE!) Al lapped Frowsts cheek as he retracted from his kiss. A door across the room clattered open then, as another pet entered with a food cart in tow. Clinking metal and glass filled the room, set to the rumbling bass of its rolling. Swiping it to a fanciful stop, the Golden Retriever bowed at his waist, his silken tail arching up over his back. Taking the dish from the cart, he set it before Al with a glazed on grin, which felt fake... Thank you! (Oh my god that smells amazing!) Allixter cried out. Youre welcome. He responded dopily, lumbering to Frowsts side, where he fell to all fours and was used as a pawrest! Despite Als disgust with the degradation displayed before him, he couldn't fight hunger. The dubious controller ailing his body didn't care about anything else but food, which formed some semblance of normality. In some passing way, it felt good to agree with the idiotic subconscious. If only the young dog knew how dangerous it was to entertain this concept... Opening the polished silver tray by its gold leaf handle, both halves of Als split psyche bubbled with joy! Staring into the fluffy stack of pancakes, with sausage and bacon flanking them, Allixter was ready to dig in! Als debatably better half however, turned and pouted toward his Master. His canine mind was so eager to please, it awaited Frowsts command before eating. So loyal this way, arent you Al? Go ahead and eat pup, I have to finish this. Frowst returned to his files. A small squeak of eagerness escaped the Corgi as he dug into his bounty! Sweet scents of syrup and savory tinges of sausage were carried by its steam, inspiring envy in the other dogs. Though being an animal, Allixter managed to eat with utensils, occasionally dipping his muzzle in to snap up small bites. The young Corgi had been unaware of exactly how starved he was until food was available. Its amazing how hatred can blind you to hunger... Semi-silence graced the room shortly after that. A gentle swish from the trio of tails could be heard, muffling the petite munching of Allixter. Scuffling papers occasionally sounded, breaking for the wispy crackle of a cigar. Place this peaceful situation in the decadent dining room, filled to the brim with posh decorations, and Allixter had a hard time ignoring how splendorous his meal was! Whoever cooked this food deserved his canid passion, not Frowst! Anyone willing to put such tender attention and devotion into a meal for Al, was who hed rather call sir. Once finished, Al glugged down the rest of his orange juice, then went to Masters feet to show appreciation. Paws balanced on the back of the Golden Retriever, as Al lifted himself up to give his Masters foot paw a gentle lick. Blades of revulsion struck a solid wall of enthusiasm, as this act continued in spite of Allixters protests. Frowst knew something like this would happen, though hed hoped Al wouldve of gone a bit further north... Forward planning allowed the working skunk to lose no momentum, yet cherish each speck of grim generosity given to him. I take it you liked breakfast sugar tail? Frowst removed his reading glasses, his words stopping Al. Yes sir~! Thank you so much! (It was good...) A vibrant final show of gratitude. Excellent, I was unsure of your tastes, so I went with a classic. Frowst showed genuine care, rubbing Als chin with his toe. Now that youve eaten, I planned on relinquishing control to you Allixter. I must warn you though, misbehave and youll find Im still veeery horny~! Frowst puffed his shrinking cigar, shooting lurid glances at his pet. Heh, if youre horny sir Id be more than-. Frowst thunderous claps filled the room. Th-than willing to blow... you... the fuck away! Allixter regained control and couldn't let that statement go unfinished. Frowst sighed frumpily, his face tightening with frustration. Youre most stubborn my little friend. I didn't want to threaten you, but if you dont oblige, I will allow Flash here to have his way with you. Referencing the Rottweiler forced his blood red eyes open. H-have his... you mean rape me? (What a biiig boy...) Al was utterly astounded, as the demonic eyes trained on him. Y-yo-you w-wouldn't! He could kill me! (Only one way to find ouuut~!) You misunderstand, I wouldn't allow Flash to get an erection, so youd be more of a... chew toy, haha. Frowst lorded over poor Al. Of course, you could just do as I command... Whatever ya creep, just keep your bitch on a leash... (Hes a boy dog silly!) Al sat down a safe distance away. Shall I fetch you a leash then my sweet? Frowsts offer was genuine enough to have Als fur standing on end. Fuck you! (Fetch?!) To tired to form a good insult, Al just barked. You say that an awful lot... Would you want to? Frowst succulently drew on his cigar, spying the discomfort. Wha-what? Furreal?! Wait, no! Whats with you?! (Pweeease say yes! Be top dog!) Allixter couldn't believe this sickos casual demeanor. I could ask you the same thing! Why would anyone deny themselves such pleasure? Frowst responded and Flash whined lowly. Haha, I know love... There, there... He mused to the Rottie. Despite what the sickening servant you put in me would say, I despise you! Ive never hated someone more in my entire life! (You don't even know Master yet! How can you say that?) Allixter wasnt going to let any opportunity for insult pass. If you only grasped the irony of that statement... Frowst snickered to himself. Whats that supposed to mean? (Whats that supposed to mean, sir!) Being corrected led Allixter to grind his teeth. It must hurt to constantly battle him, huh? To always have your thoughts corrected or critiqued? Frowst gave a shred of insight, which Al latched on to. Who is that?! H-how do I shut him up? Make it stop, please! (Its me bro and I just cant be quiet, hahaha!) Clawing at the sides of his head, Al desperately tried to bore out this laughter. I don't think there is a way to silence that voice. You see it isnt really a who its more of a what... Frowst was clearly trying to be difficult. Tell me what it is then!! (Stop yelling!) Allixter shouted. What if I said youve always had this passenger and all I did was give it a voice? Frowst was speaking in circles just for fun. Just answer my god damned question! What is it?! (Hes gonna tell you, calm down!) Allixter practically leapt with anger as he yelled. What youre hearing is your instincts. Its the voice of that natural dog living deep down in your heart and mind... Taking particular delight with this description, Frowst put out his cigar as Allixter processed his words. Wh-what..? No, thats different! Instinct is like a feeling... or something! I-Im hearing another persons voice! Theres someone else speaking over my thoughts! (Ive always been here man, trying to keep you safe...) Allixter didn't believe Frowst, but it steadily grew into plain denial. The voice youre hearing is your own... Hes a key part of your personality. One you probably never fully understood. As a dog you are hardwired to-. Such a lovely lesson, interrupted twice. Don't start with that shit! Im not inferior for being a dog! You cant convince me that my brain is any diff-. (Stop interrupting each other!) Frowst gasped sympathetically and spoke over Al. Of course youre not inferior! There are plenty of creatures lesser than canines! What Im trying to show you, is that your kind is spectacular because of this tender loyalty. The avidity to serve Ive unlocked for you, is what makes your kind excel! Frowst held the logical high ground, but Allixter grew irate with his insulting description. Youre a god damned lunatic! I... Im fucking appalled! You really believe this shit don't you?! You think that because we evolved from subservient quadrupeds, the canine species are slaves? (Sun-burnt Koala-heads? Whatd you say?) Al fired back with morale leverage to back his argument. No, not slaves! Heavens little one, Ive been so kind to you, havent I?! Frowsts pouting frown didn't last. As I said, youre my pet. This entitles you to so many terrific things, but it also grants me your instinctual obedience! All I ask is that you do as your told, nothing more! Frowst found this very reasonable. No fucking way! I can only imagine the sick shit you want me to do for you! (If youre good well just get to play! Promise!) Scrunching with disgust, Allixters words made him move back. What makes you think I had anything nefarious planned? Frowsts conjectured smirk couldve charmed pretty much anyone... Like you fucking didn't! I can only imagine what youve put these poor guys through! (They don't seem sad...) Al referenced the dead quiet dogs. Flash here owes me a lot of money and Dullie is a criminal... Frowst referenced the two of them, causing shameful whines. Who fucking cares?! Ive never done a damn thing wrong! Not to you or with the law! Why would you bring me here against my will?! (Im getting sick of trying to reach you...) Allixters sentence was forced through clenched jaws, unable to articulate under angers pressure. I will not deny you the initial ire which accompanies having liberties taken. Youre innocent and my avarice did lead me to dognap you, as it was so colorfully described... But I assure you with all my heart, youre safe here! I just want to be friends! Frowst did everything in his power to convey geniality. No, you just want a Corgi for your collection! (What a poor choice sir...) Al growled abhorrently at the internal mockery. Well yes, that too... Hehe... Frowst couldn't avoid getting the giggles. You need to look at the bigger picture though! Just think about it; youll never have to worry about working or paying bills again! Ill keep you well fed and give you a warm bed! You can have anything your hearts ever desired or do anything youve ever wanted! Any hobby, yours to pursue! Anywhere in the world, we can go! Just name it and I can fulfill all the dreams youve ever had! Though the sadistic skunk wouldnt admit it, spoiling his pets was one of his favorite parts. All I want is for you to take this fucking collar off and show me the exit. Will you do that? (This is so embarrassing...) Allixter knew no physical force could effect his escape, so he tried diplomatic avenues. Allixter, bud, no... Just please, can we talk? No yelling or threats, just a casual conversation? Frowst was growing tired, his foresight of owning Al much less strenuous. You don't get it! I-I cant... Everything I say, even now, hes talking over me! I cant focus! (Master deserves a chance, right? Hes been soo nice to us!) Explaining this to Frowst garnered the bare minimum of sympathy. Thats because youre fighting him! The harder you try to deny your nature, the more it will separate and seem like its own entity. Havent the two of you agreed on anything yet? Frowst inquired with a hint of annoyance. Y-yeah, so what? Al wanted to milk information from the skunk. What was it? Would you please tell me? Frowst hoped it involved him, but didn't get his hopes up. F-food... (Yay, lunch! Lets eat!) Al admitted to himself. Ok thats a start! Puppy steps, haha! Frowst was jovial at hearing this. Didn't it feel nice to enjoy that meal alongside your instinct? He, erm, you were probably quite pleased to eat something! Furthering his inquiry, Frowst tried to lead his pup into admitting joy. It wouldve been if I couldve had control! You ruined it for me... (Nuh-uh! Master fed us in the first place!) Any opportunity to hurt this stinking bastard... Ouch, that one actually stung a bit... Frowst acted out a dramatic wince of pain. Allixter, be reasonable, Im the one who arranged that meal for you. Those were my hard earned resources that I wanted you to have! Surely some small part of you is thankful... right? Searching for any sign of agreement, the dog offered none. Hell no! That doesn't make what youve done any different! Feeding a prisoner doesn't make them any less incarcerated! (B-b-but Im soo grateful!) Roaring back, Al couldn't believe how easy it was for Frowst to ignore his plight! You aren't a prisoner though! Im not going to lock you up or force you to do anything unpleasant! If youre open to the idea of letting me training you, Id be willing to let you leave of your own accord! Twice in that statement Allixter couldn't believe his ears! T-train me?! You mean brainwash! The only way Ill walk out of here is if you know you can bring me back! (Master will let us do whatever you want! Just trust him!) Throwing a paw outward, Al referenced the free world beyond these walls. You make it out like I have you on strings or something! My time is very precious, I wouldn't be able to monitor you vigilantly. All these hurdles Frowst must jump, when the solution is so simple! This is a silly topic to discuss so early. Would you please tell me about your hobbies and interests? Just keep inviting him to be good, its the easier way to break the innocent ones. Why should I? Youre just trying to win my trust so you can... So Ill... (I like videogames, and wrestling, and comics, and marijuana, and writing stor-.) Frowst cut off Als instinctual glee. So youll be happy... Frowst finished for him. Remember Im not asking anything in return! I know you expect some really crude or erotic things, but that simply isnt on my mind when I see you! There are plenty of others to serve that purpose, you neednt worry! A wary and delicate smile was given, as to not appear provocative. Thats another thing! How am I supposed to sit by and watch you torment these poor bastards day in and day out? Ignoring all the good, Al honed in on the major bad. Those facing my scorn deserve it, I assure you. If it displeases you, efforts will be made so you dont see such things. Taking the ashtray into his paw, Frowst dismissed the other dogs. W-well thanks... (Bye guys~!) Not having two near nude mutts in view was comforting. Now, what if I told you many of my pets were here of their own free will? Frowst continued once they were alone. Free will seems like a subjective term coming from you... (Can I play with other dogs Master?) Allixter scoffed at his instinctual request, but the act of indignation paired well with his chosen words. I speak the truth! Many have come to me seeking refuge, but find so much more within these walls. Lost loves reunited, true loves getting to meet, people finding purpose in life, while others achieve a peace of mind, otherwise lacked... I don't pretend to be perfect, but Im not the monster you paint me to be. Frowsts air of passion wouldve been touching, had Al cared at all... I don't give a shit who was to pathetic for normal life and came crawling to you... Thats them, I was forced here by your sick obsession! (Hey, weve been through some tough times to! Youd of had a different tone a few years ago!) The haunting voice showed more power by drawing on Als memories! Bad dog! Frowst sniped and Al felt a sharp tightness in his heart. Never insult your pet mates, especially those who serve me willingly! Bad. Dog. Tugging at his heartstrings, Frowst watched Al sink into anguish. F-f-fuck... Im sorry... Take it back... please! (*Whiiiine*) Pain formed in Als emotions, not his body, as he struggled back tears. Do you see how easily youre rendered helpless? I have such a firm control over you, but I only exercise it when necessary. Doesn't that say something? Frowst sweetened his voice toward the end of his sentence to put Al at ease. Y-yeah... it says you feel guilty about holding me hostage! (He said we can leave! Training doesn't sound so bad...) Allixter wiped his watery eyes clear. This is going nowhere, itll take some time before youre willing to accept my companionship. Until then, may I introduce you to some of my other pets? Master Frowst swapped disappointment with opportunity. Why bother? Im outta here as soon as possible! (D-don't say that! Keep those thoughts between us!) Allixter did regret this immediately... Frowst sighed despondently, shaking his head. I wish you hadnt said that... Come to Master boy, its your turn my lovey pup! Cmere wuffy fluuff~! Snapping on a smile and brightening his voice, Frowst brought Al to his knees. Knew youd... try that shit! (Master~! Imma commin sir!) Ready this time... Wont let you have me easily! Allixter folded his ears and tugged them so tight, sound barely reached past the self inflicted pain. It has nothing to do with my voice Al, I simply enjoy using such a tone... This is who you are! Half of you is always so sweet and loyal, hes very eager to have the reigns... Frowst sunk back into his normal tone, which did nothing to weaken his authority. F-fucking quiet... Shut up! SHUT UP! AGHHH! (Master wants me-... us to go to him! Can we-, I pweeese obey him~? It wont be so bad, youll get tummy rubs and treats, trust me!) Allixter roared over his instincts, but no amount of noise could silence whats in his head... Come here Allixter, I promise you wont regret it. Let your instincts take hold, theyll help you enjoy this. Frowst didn't move, allowing Al to slowly crawl to him. Youre a terrific little dog. I love you Allixter. Come to me sweetheart... I hate you! I hate this! Nooo... (Its alright, shh... Youll be just fine!) Throwing himself to the ground, Allixter tried to writhe away. Please stop! Ill do anything! Don't do this to me! I cant... I c-ca-cant... say no!! (AGGHHH! AGHHHHH!! FUUUCCCKK!) Once in control, Als instincts flipped to all fours and ran to Frowst. Leaping mid stride, he flew into his Masters awaiting paws with an unstoppable gaiety, eager for kisses and cuddles. Though less enthused with Allixter this time, Frowst couldn't help attending to the doting dog. No part of him was upset with the dog before him, but Allixters pesky personality could do with some adjustment. Im so, so sorry sir, please don't be mad! Its reeaally hard to keep myself in line! He doesn't listen to me at all! (Youll never break me! Ill fight you till I die!) Allixters fawning voice ran with veins of anxiety. There, there... Its not your fault. Nothing to be scared of boy. Offering a simple paw to his chin, the young Corgi melted. Youre nothing like he is, its almost shocking that this is part of his personality... Frowsts disbelief was more of an inquiry. Hes just really scared! Things were so different before we got here sir! C-can I make it up to you? Ill do anything Master! (You pathetic, pussy-ass, bitch! IM THE VICTIM HERE!) Al had more insults, but wanted to hear Frowsts demands. Don't fret my pet, I already have something in mind! Frowst bounced him playfully. Will you accompany me to the park? I would love to play fetch! Oh my gosh, yes please! I was just talking about playing at the park! (You arent part of me! Id never be this complacent!) Allixter quivered with excitement, peering into Frowsts face. Were you now? Well terrific, Im very excited! Lets go, youre probably very eager to do some running! Standing and setting Al down, the small dog proved Frowst right by bolting to the door eagerly. Yes sir! Thank you sir! So excited to get my paws all dirty! (Run... free? Im all for that! Ill ditch this fat fuck!) Hopping at Frowsts approach, Al couldn't avoid real excitement. That sounds like fun, doesn't it? Im half tempted to get nice and muddy with you! Frowst pat Als head as he passed. Leading the young dog down the hall, through corridors, and across his manor, Frowst revealed just how wealthy he truly was! Given the wondrous belongings he has and the amount of expense he puts into decorating alone, Allixter realized his captor has nearly limitless resources! Shiver of terror ran through the Corgi, his current controller not bothering to give it a second thought. This left the real Allixter to experience such turmoil all on his own. No invisible paws of instinct to help guide him... Every turn was another struggle for Als mental cartography, each door lined hallway were infinite unknowns to him. Frowst knew deep down that Al was not happy and this may end up backfiring, but if he could tire out the little mutt, tonight may go easier. Introducing a small breed dog to larger ones has been a trial in the past. Hopefully Al will behave himself, as the others will expect to see him treated with equal fairness after all. Whether that be scorn or love, is Allixters choice... Alrighty, here we are! On your mark... Frowst watched Al fidget with excitement as he unlocked the door. Get set... GO~!! Laughing as Al bolted into the trees, Frowst strolled along the path in lax pursuit. This feeling was unpredictably amazing for Als warped mentality! What a liberating and freeing experience! Sprinting with every ounce of his being, Al was lost in the fervent pursuit of speed! Striving and pushing his body simply for fun, instinctual Al followed the canines deep carnal desires! Simply getting away from Frowst was his one and only goal, yet... running was such a pleasing medium in itself! Rapidly achieving such a hard won acheivement was even more elating to Allixters true mentality! Hope and prosperity spouted forth into rampant panting and excited yips, as Al tore through the seemingly unending wilderness. Sunlight bathed the charging Corgi, as he zipped through the park with the zeal only a pent up animal can produce. Aiming for the horizon and not stopping till he got there, Al couldn't comprehend this feeling! It was like he finally discovered his true calling, the talent he had always wished he had! Where more ornate and intricate hobbies often intrigued Allixter, this truly enthralled him! How had he not known he was capable of such speed? Well relative to his size at least! At this rate, there was no way Frowsts lard-ass could catch him! Escape was all he could focus on, as scattered pellets of light, shot by him through the canopy above. Ahead was a gate, a tall fence with evenly slatted posts. Preparing himself, Al prepared to climb it or slip through it if possible! Seeing a road, cars passing, the outside world, Allixter couldn't contain himself and let out a cry of felicitation! Frowst must be searching for him now, growing more panicked with each moment he missed him! That dumb bastard shouldve never let Al out of his sight! Sliding to a stop, Al found himself panting frantically, watching cars pass along the winding road beyond his prison. Seeing, smelling, and practically tasting freedom, Allixter found himself still a bound by internal chains. Forced to sit and watch others live freely, as his collar held him in place and kept him quiet. Anxious wiggling and frantic yipping escaped the panting pup, as internally Allixter was wrestling for control of himself! Sidewalk had never gleamed with such light! The asphalt never seemed so rich, as it formed river like roads! Why cant he free himself? Why must this be his fate? What could Al do to fight a force that was seated in the deepest parts of his own brain?! (Go! GO NOW! COME ON! RUN!) Allixter howled helplessly. (No! Were so close, just... a little more! COME ON! FUCKING RUN AWAY! PLEASE?!) Begging did nothing, it seemed Instinct only listened when he wanted. Allixters spine straightened, as his head and ears sprung upward toward a distant sound. As quickly as Allixter had found the gate, Frowsts whistle had him sprinting away from it! All mannerisms of resentment and resignation filled Als mind, yet nothing got through! The animal in him showed just as much eagerness running back to Master, as Al had shown in fleeing! No amount of begging would reach this seemingly supernatural force... Nothing Al truly wanted mattered to his bodily roommate... Lancing through the trees, Allixter followed his Masters sharp whistle with unwavering delight, completely ignoring the hard-headed hatred, within. Nothing about Allixter mattered right now, it was Instincts time to shine! Oh there you are! Youre a fast one lil fellah, my word! Frowst smirked, as Al burst through the bushes and bounced at his feet. Yessir, sir! Thank you sir! (Not fast enough...) Allixter couldn't keep still, his excitement far to great. Did you bring a Frisbee? Should I get a stick? (Only if we beat his ass to death with it!) Dropping his forepaws, Al waggled his butt upward. Please do puppy dog! I didn't think to bring anything, silly me! Frowst bent at the waist, his paws on his knees. Dashing off, Als nose hit the ground taking in all the precious scents. Good dogs bring the biggest sticks... (Ow, OWW, OUCH! STOP THAT!) Al tried to drag a fallen tree branch away with his teeth! Settling on a more sizeable stick, Instinct chuckled at the displeasure he put upon weary Al, who was growing fatigued in his place. Knowing how much he hates this, will just make it all the more fun when he finally gives in! You cant fight instinct, no matter what you do... So with a joyful song in his head, Allixters instincts took him for a quaint stroll in search of more prime fetching material. He cant avoid how fun this is, not for long anyways! Frowst clicked his phone off at the sound of Allixters approach. Ok bud, ya ready? Just a sec please... (What the... hey!? I said stop!) Instinct delicately carved the bark from the slender branch. Ok, ready sir! (Th-thanks...) After testing that he could comfortably pick it up quickly, Al dropped the stick into Frowsts paw. Reeaaddy~? The big skunk drew his arm back. FETCH! Joy surged forth, Al flustered by unwanted excitement! Any reservations that Allixter had about this stupid game vanished! Ancient traits and desires flared from tiny kindles, to a bonfire in the dogs belly! Though aware of the collars control Allixter was unable to fight this free flowing fun, like a childhood passion reignited! Snatching up the stick, he scraped his paws to turn without losing speed. Grass and dirt clods launched from beneath his petite paws, as Al regained traction. Skidding to a stop, he plopped the stick down and stared adoringly. Gooood booooy~! Oh my gosh, youre so fast for such a tiny feller! Ruffling his ears and chin, Frowst took up the stick again. Got get it buddy boy~! Leaping into his throw, Frowst tried to give Al a workout, while he worked on the guest list for later. Tonight was Allixters welcoming party, so to speak, and Forwst wanted the guests to arrive in a specific order. Frowst had learned it was easier to show new pets how good it could be, rather than try to explain or prove it himself. They all come around with time, Al shouldn't be any different. Allixter couldnt have been further from his previous peril! This was a blast, the best thing he could imagine! Videogames are sort of lame since you just sit there! THIS. IS. AWESOOOME~! No amount of highscores or killstreaks could match the self-realization running free offered! The power of his collar had Allixter believing he could do anything! His inner dog was unstoppable right now! All from running around a little... Whod of thought?! Toppling over himself, Al had lost the stick in a pile of deadwood and Instinct led him to find it on his own. Like Master Frowst, Instinct garnered a certain joy from seeing Allixter act like an animal... Seeing him sniff about like the beast he truly was made Instinct less ashamed of his caustic host. Slashing up the skunk-scented, slobber-coated hunk of wood, Allixter ran back to his Master. Slipping beneath a fallen tree, he bunny bounded through some loose bushes, and ended up on a paved path. His little legs were practically spinning like propellers, as his blind happiness brought greater and greater effort! Even when Al caught himself enjoying this stupid game, those feelings were drown in a sea of serene diversion. My gosh, Im soo impressed! Youre soo very quick! Frowst ran his paw down Als puffy chest. Don't over do it, ok? Fetch, buddy~! Launching the stick skyward, Frowst sent him off again. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Hes sooo strong! Look at how far it went! (Faster, faster! Don't fall! Lets go!) Breathily huffing along, Al was slowing with each session. Going top speed everywhere made for exhausting fun, not that he noticed! Who couldve thought such immeasurable pleasure could come from running and chasing something?! This feels like a dream, almost unfathomably fun! Allixters true thoughts were unable to vocalize full words, just a gibberish of laughter and heavy panting. Retrieving the brittle stick once more, Al slowed to a less intense run, then dulled down to a trot. Catching sight of a nearby stream, Instinct wanted a drink, despite Allixters worries of bacteria! It was relatively clean though, so this argument died quickly. It was at that moment Al became perfectly aware of the jolliness mere pups play had built in him! Whats more, as Instinct leaned down to lap from the stream, Al was mortified by his filthy appearance! Unable to do anything about it, he just voiced his concerns, while they returned the stick. Having absolutely zero control of his own body was suddenly intolerable, yet... nothing seemed to weaken the force possessing Allixter! Heya sweetness, oh cmere hehe... Lemme clean ya up! Frowst knelt and waved Al to his side. Thats alright sir, throw da stick! (Don't touch me! I... don't...) Allixter waggled eagerly. Picking twigs out of his pets fur, removing clumped dirt, and brushing leaves away, Frowsts eyes shimmered with affection the whole time. Instinct was more than willing to accept this, while Al found the act slightly appreciable. Lifting his muzzle and shutting his eyes nobly, Allixter found some strange enjoyment from being cleaned by Frowst! As if the skunk was lower than him for having to do so! Though Frowst felt the absolute opposite, this idea gave Allixter a tiny degree of dominance, which he used to bolster his own sanity. There we are, yeeaah... So regal arent you? Frowst laughed over Als pose. Getting tired love? He asked. No sir! (Yeah.) Barking out his words, Instinct pranced Als body in place. Well then, go on! Fetch! Hurling the stick out of sight the Corgi was gone seconds later. Aching muscles and waning stamina swept over Allixter with each round of fetch they played. It was still fun, but creeping exhaustion was belittling the initial splendor. After half a dozen or so more times, Al and his Instincts, were beat. The stick was dropped, but Al hit the dirt before it did, his tongue hanging out to signal his surrender. Hooowdy puffball! Oh boy you look so drained my love... You wanna head back in? Got a nice fancy luncheon planned for you! Frowst patted Als head, lifting it into his paws. Yes please master! C-can you carry me? (T-to tired to eat...) Allixter was barely awake. Of course my little prince! Just relax, well get you a nice bath and then have lunch with some of Masters other dogs! Sound good? Hoisting Al onto his shoulder, Frowst carried him similarly to a child. Terrific sir! (Just... want... sleep...) Al responded, nuzzling the skunks cheek. Delightful! Ill return control to you when we get to the spa. Just keep being cuddly, atta boy~! Unphased by Als dirty fur, Frowst clasped his dog tenderly. Returning across the expansive park that surrounded Frowsts manor, Allixters true self was so tired, the act of being transported back to his prison didn't bother him. Instead a small part actually agreed with his instincts and was excited for bed... Just a nap, he doesn't need to sleep that long, but... Startled by his own complacency, Als sapped stamina led this to be a fleeting fear. Never during his normal life did Allixter run that much! The grand side door opened, its colorful display changing summers brightness to autumn hues, as they stepped inside. Setting Al down, Frowst told him to stay, while he fetched a paw towel, to clean his dirty fur with. Instinct was happy to please, placing one paw at a time forward, and splooting for his hind paws to be accessible. Now relatively cleaner, the two of them headed through the mansion to the spa/washroom that Frowst intended Al to use. Alright sweetheart, Im over the moon with your instinctual half. Please try to match his performance Allixter. Frowst signaled his intentions. Buh-bye sir! Was so much fun! Sorry if I cant... ya know, keep hi-. The raucous claps cut off the dog, as Al collapsed to all fours. Keep him... from... hurting... you... Allixter didn't have the strength to make a snappy remark through the mental fog of recovering cognitive control. I know you wont hurt me, its sweet to say that though. Frowst walked past woozy Al and opened a cabinet. Here you are, please clean yourself up, then accompany me in the dining hall. I will be expecting you shortly. The skunk handed a bottle of dog show grade shampoo his way. Please, just leave me alone... Im so tired... (Yeah, no need to get clean!) Allixters muddled words were proof of this. A nice relaxing bath or revitalizing shower should help! If youd rather, I can hose you off in the garage... Frowst chuckled at this, as Al grumbled. I hate you... (Ok sir, if I get a choice.) Choice isnt the word Al wouldve used... See you soon Al. I looove you! Kissing his forehead, Als attempted bite was turned into a entrapping kiss! Having the skunks deft tongue invade his dry mouth was sort of... soothing... He couldn't get over how dexterous Frowst was! H-how many dogs does this guy French on a daily basis!? In a few hours, Allixter would get an estimated answer... Once finished with this opulent kiss, Frowst spun Al out like a ballroom dancer, toward the cleaning facilities. Blowing a kiss toward his pet, Frowst vanished behind the closing mahogany door. After spitting and wiping his tongue, Al figured hed better not waste this opportunity. Turning on the shower, Instinct argued for a bath. Choosing mild-hot water, Instinct wanted cold. When Al lathered himself ears first, Instinct demanded they start with his tail... Ignoring the annoying beast in his head, Allixter did his best to enjoy some semblance of normality. He tricked his mind into thinking this was all the result of a hard days work, not two or three hours of fetch... Such a degrading game honestly... It felt so stupid to have memories of enjoying that on his mind! (Whoa, whoa, whoa! You stop thinking trash about fetch!) Instinct jumped into Als mental spotlight. Oh my gods shut up please... I am so not in the mood for you... Al responded aloud. (Like that matters! Always been here bucko! Cept now we can talk!) Instinct chirped back, as Allixter laid his head on the wall. Can I get, like... five minutes of quiet? Please? Allixter looked upward, as if talking to god. (Alright, but... I cant just... Its so hard not to talk! Imagine not talking for twenty-six years straight!) Instinct stumbled out this statement. SHUT UP! Al shouted, punching the wall. (*Whiiimperr*) Instinct reacted to pain horribly, it seemed! Allixter thought of ways to use this, the very notion of having some control over Instinct was endlessly appealing! Ideas of turning into a sadist, harming himself at every turn was far more terrifying than a dumb conscience. Washing himself of todays jovialities, he allowed the pleasant memories to flow away with them. It was not fun anymore, it felt forced and the worn out feeling in all his sore muscles were symbols of his enslavement... (Splish-splish-splash~! Takin a bath~! Gonna get ta go and... sniff some ass~!) Als instincts sang playfully. Running his ears beneath the faucet, Al hoped to drown this stupidity out, but only set it to the background of pounding water. This couldve been a peaceful shower and cleansing experience, if not for that ever cheerful lurker in his mind. Even now, Allixter fights to remove the collar. Prying and fighting to dislodge it, but found it as tight as his own hide! The sting of pulling hairs and stretching skin seared through his brain, until he couldn't take it anymore and gave up. Shutting off the water, Al shook dry outside, to assure he dampened the entire room. In his mind, this was an act of defiance, but his instincts enjoyed it greatly! Drying out his ears, praying to somehow dig out that insufferable entity, Allixter dressed himself in the clothes provided... Hanging from the door was a perfectly sized suit, complete with shoes, tie, and hat! The price tag on this outfit had Als jaw gaping! This cant really be for him! Of course it is, Frowst is trying to butter him up! Growling under his breath, he began dressing himself, with no plans of finding Frowst or obeying him... Not only would Allixter escape, but hed get a nifty Fursacci suit out of this ordeal! Once he finds a doctor who can help him with the voice, life will begin again... *Twenty minutes later, midday.* Peeking out Al, checked if the coast was clear, then slipped out into the hall. It was fading to midday now, so the illustrious windows provided more color, with less light. Creeping through the lavish corridor, Allixter employed all his guile to evade detection. Simultaneously keeping his senses open for any sign of life, he was even willing to sniff occasionally hoping to smell Frowst early! How big is this house? Holy crap it never ends... Making sure to move away from the dining room he had been led to earlier, Al continued making his mental map of Frowsts manor. Jogging lightly around a bend and down the long hall it led to, Allixter came face to face with another dog! No... wait... h-hes a Wolf! This tall, muscular beast was only startled a second, instantly snapping to anger. The bristly scruff shot outward, as he honed his blazing eyes on the frightened little thing before him. Where do you think youre going? It snarled, puncturing Al with a gleaming golden stare. I-I-I... Im... Allixter was unable to think quick enough. I was... s-su-supposed to... (Were gonna go home!) Find Frowst, now. The wolf started forward, but Al was ten feet back in a second. H-h-how am I s-s-supposed to-. (Ok, will do!) Al just kept backing away. NOW! The wolf leapt to all fours, covering an incredible amount of distance! WAAAH! (Haha, yeeaah! Chase me! Yay~!) Allixter sprinted away, his hurting body pushed by fear. Hearing a savage wolf pursuing him, the strain on his sore body was wearing Al down quickly. Allixter wasnt very athletic, his lifestyle was more of a frat boy who never grew up... What little power remained came in choppy broken streams, not the endless torrent Instinct provided! Tripping to the ground, Al wailed with both terror and pain, as his guts cramped tight. Four huge paws slammed the carpet around him, as the Wolf pinned him with a point of his snapping muzzle! Shivering as the beastly figured repositioned himself, Allixter shut his eyes, not wanting to see the fatal strike. Part of him was aware that he probably wouldnt be killed, but knowing how violent some wolves are, makes it terrifying to be at ones mercy! Especially for such a little guy... Practically head-butting Al flat onto his back, the Wolf gently gripped him in his wickedly sharp jaws. Squirming awkwardly, Allixter was lifted and carried by the Wolf, who moved like a feral animal! Once prey was locked in his jaws, this furson reverted to his ancestral method of running! Being held by delicately pinched fangs, his scruff pulled taught, Instinct recalled false memories of being carried this way as a puppy. Though Allixter knew this to not be true, the idea aided his calm. Like Al had thought, the Wolf brought him straight to Frowsts foul scent... Ahh, Allixter! I take it you tried to run away? Frowst asked, but he just groaned, his neck aching from the tension. Thank you Razurus. Please return to your patrol. Allixter was plopped to the floor with a dull Oof. Watching the Wolf stand over him, Al scampered backward in a strange, doggish crabwalk. Knowing this titan of ferocity could easily rip him to shreds, Al was more than happy to see him leave. Being trapped with Frowst again, almost brought him to tears however. Getting up from the floor and dusting himself off, Al tried to continue with some air of dignity. There was absolutely none to be found for him... As punishment for trying to escape me, I will be erasing and rewriting all memories of your parents to include me. Frowst was so blunt the words felt like bullets. D-da fuck you say?! (I... Im scared...)Allixter couldnt even form proper words. Just kidding love, but this evening couldve gone much smoother had you not pulled that... Frowst teased, sticking his tongue through his grin. Im so done with you its unfathomable... Let me go, come the fuck on man... (Why cant we be friends with Master?) Allixter groaned, rubbing his temple upon hearing Instincts words. Hun, do you really think Ive gone through all this effort, just to let you go when youre done with me? Frowst snickered to himself, a big smile following. Love, just take a moment. Calm down, Im sorry I scared you... Y-you didn't scare me! (Thank you sir, I was a little worried there...) Als stubborn pride led him to shout. What a brave boy you are then! This was a setup from the get go... Now, while our meal is prepared, I wanted to introduce you to some of your pet mates! This will be ever so much fun if you let it! Frowst beamed down at Al, who frumpily scoffed. B-bro, can we not? (Oh my woofs, yay! I love making fwiends!) Frowst did the scoffing this time. Stop calling me bro little one. Sir, Master, or Mr. Frowst will do. The big skunk had a belly laugh at Als reaction. Yeah, whatever... Stop calling me little then! (Masters shoes are bigger than us though?!) Instincts mockery had Al gritting his teeth. If that is what you wish. I hadnt conceived of that hurting your feelings! Im very sorry Allixter. This was a lie, Frowst just liked calling him small. Yeah, sure... (Thank you sir!) Al had a seat at the eloquently set dining table. Please sit at the head of the table sugar! I have this position set for you! Frowst referenced the closest chair, which would put Als back to the skunk. Does it really matter? C-can I just- (Would love to-). Frowst cut Al off with a nod. I understand, you would rather stay away from me... I must confess, Im a bit whiffy today. It was rather hot out, wouldn't you agree? Frowst mocked himself to cover Als real reason for refusal. Allixter couldn't help but laugh wryly. I smell you virtually everywhere in this hell hole. If it can get worse, Id be fucking shocked... (You don't smell thaaat bad sir~!) Al didn't realize the thin ice he traversed. Is that so? Well, Ill endeavor to share my musk with you when Im particularly fragrant. Curling a devilish smile, Frowst furthered Als dismay. Bro-er, uhh... Cmon furreal? Why would you even say that?! (I... Im kinda curious...) Allixter flew into standing, backing away toward the exit. I am a skunk... Just as you are subject to your nature, I must follow my own! I loooove to spread my scent, its what my kind are meant to do! Frowst took on an air of pride and triumph, as he announced this. Dear god, Im trapped with the devil... (Ok, like, Im REALLY curious...) Was all poor Al could manage to say. And Ive captured myself an angel! Frowst heckled with a gleaming grin. Time for you to meet my other angels! With two claws in his lips, Frowst let out an ear-splitting whistle! The doors Al planned to flee through opened and beyond it, a small crowd of voices could be heard. Entering the dining hall was a single canine, holding a brightly wrapped gift, wearing fancy clothes and a half-hearted smile. Though not much taller than Allixter, when he approached to introduce himself, Al felt strands of trepidation. Hes a... oh, a Scottie! That mustache-y muzzle fur is a dead give away! His beady little brown eyes strayed from Als face as he crossed the huge room, well... relative to their size... Eya dere boyo. Im Garvin. Whasa yoo calld? A thick accent hit the dogs ears wrong. Im sorry, what? (HAII~!) Al asked with a tilt of his head. Wazza meanin to ask whadda call ya? Though incoherent, Al caught enough. Im Allixter, nice to meet ya. You a slave too? (Youre sooo cute~!) Al asked, smirking at Frowst's scoff. Shut yur trap boyo! Y-ya don wanna rile ta big man, heh... Confirmation could be seen within this negative response. Thank you Garvii~! You look quite dashing in that color sugar-tart! Frowst rewarded his obedience, observing a brighter color choice than normal. Heh, wells... thank-a-yoo... Fidgeting his paws, Garvin remembered what he was carrying. Ere pup, issa help ya settlin... The ruby package was lifted away from his stout chest, toward Als abundant fluff. T-thanks... (Thank you SO much~!) Allixter undid the bow and tore off the paper. Whoa! Hell yes, thank you! (Oh mah gosh, booze~!) A bottle of fine Whiskey rested beneath the colorful paper. Cheers! Letta pal kno when ta git a nip... Garvin waved off his thanks, heading for a seat at the table. Cmere Garvii~! Want a treat for being such a doll? Frowst lifted a large jar from beside his throne like chair, set slightly above the room by a dais. Yessir! Thankya sir! Such a kind... Garvin hurried to get a treat, yet seemed disappointed when he pulled out a dog biscuit. Eh, wonna dese days, eh? Ugh... Better luck next time bud! Allixter, Garvin, got any questions for each other? You both have a few things in common, like-. Frowst didn't expect Allixter to be so dumb as to cut him off... What was that all about? What were you hoping to get? (Maybe theres turbo-treats!) Al asked Garvin, absolutely stunning him with that vocal transgression. Quiet Al, do not interrupt! Raising his voice put Als ears against his back. Forgive your newest neighbor Garvin, hes not adjusting well... Frowst sighed out his words, flustered with Als behavior. Notta probem. Jus, keepa steady head... Garvin replied nervously. Don't apologize for me like Im a-. Allixter tried to shout. Silence! Youre making this most unpleasant thus far... Frowsts true aggravation was showing, but he managed to smirk. Itd be to easy to use your instincts against you, buuut~... Frowst turned his attention to Garvin. Lets see how you handle others affection... Bloody hell, look wat oo gon n done! Garvin leapt up, with Allixter in his line of his enraged sight. Bro, what the fuck are you coming at me for! Hes the sicko that has us captured! (Im sorry! Im sooo sorry!) Al called out, readying his fists for the approaching old timer. Aint been no problem for ole Garvin for months! Pologize boyo! Now! Garving whimpered, a much lower sound than Als growing voice box produced. Look, Im sorry, but no! This guy is a fucking monster and hell only let us go if we fight back! Cmon together we can probably- (Im so sorry! Can we just play? Im trying so hard!) Allixter was cut off by that dastardly voice. Garvii~! My stout little chap, do come here please! Frowst began luring him to his side. Its alright my honeypot, I know its been a long time... Just relax, Ill be nice! Poor Garvin is particularly weak to Frowsts pet voice... Shut up! Leave him alone! Stop it! STOP! Al tried to shout over Frowst, but just ended up aggravating him more. I... Imma... get yous... Garvin tried to reach for Allixter, but his paws locked up a few inches short. Get yous... you is... So cuuute~! Sucha sunny lil buddy, Aint ya boyo?! Mind me o mah own pups! Garvins tiny brown eyes burst into beacons of intrigue and friendship. Where before old Garvin was slow and displayed geriatric signs, once his collar turned on, his inner puppy flooded forth! The long, sullen face that drooped with his comical mustache, now grinned brightly, those tassels below his nose bouncing with glee. Such energy and excitement was generated by this old mutt, that Allixter couldn't help but find some happiness for him. At his age, to feel like a puppy again has to be a terrific feeling, despite being Frowsts prisoner. Guilt led Al to be friendly, not shove the sniff-happy dog away. Patting Garvins shoulder like he would a normal furson, Allixter triggered his tail, which swished slower than the young dogs, though not for lack of trying! So Allie boyo, whatza we gonna do bought dis drink? Eh? Slipping a paw over Als shoulder, he trotted him playfully toward the alcohol. Iz good stuffs, I sure ya! Slapping his back heartily, the Scottish terrier flipped some arranged glasses over and began opening the bottle. B-bro, are you alright? I... Im sorry man... (He wants to share! Don't ruin the good time!) Al couldn't help but find some truth in what Instinct said. Walkin on a rainbow pup! Betta den stew in ta pot! Garvin swung his head to give an amiable expression. Knowing that Allixter caused this, despite Frowst unreasonably reacting to such a small error, guilt began to creep over him. Watching the once calm and reserved Scottie prance about as he poured drinks for the three of them, Al wished he hadnt snapped. Not only for the old timers sake, but for his own... This is just to weird and knowing how angry Garvin is internally was kind of heartbreaking. Hes so chummy and Al had a shot at meeting the real dog, not this puppet... Aight, ere we are! Cheers fellahs! Garvin brought Frowst a drink, after handing Al one, then fetched his own. Down da hatch! The three of them upended their glasses, except for Al who just took a few stray sips. Good stuff, really spicy and earthy, but Allixter had never been a heavy drinker. Hard alcohol is tough to regularly consume when your body weight will never push beyond one hundred or so pounds... Terrific choice Garvii! Im sure Al will greatly appreciate this! Frowst released a small moan of enjoyment upon tasting the last drop. Was ta goal! Pray da pup can fine itn iz heart to getsa know ya boss... Garvii smiled jovially, his muzzle bungling with the motion. Y-yeah... thanks...(Soo smooth, *Glk*, thank you~!) Allixter uneasily swished the remaining booze in his glass. Now, Garvii, please take your seat. Al, I just wanted you to know that you and Garvin have a few common interests. You both enjoy Medieval studies, as well as old horror movies! Frowst announced offpaw. What shouldve been a mild conversation about these things, was blurted out in a childish bombardment of words! Guilt led Al to try and keep up his side of the discussion, but found Garvin implacable. Frowst settled the bouncing Scottie, who was overly eager to continue sharing these hobbies with his newest pal! Though upset with how this went down, Garvin was old enough to not hold a grudge against such a youngun. Being friends seemed like a worthy pursuit in the old dogs mind. Wes gonna havva get togetha some sunny day! I gotsa wildlin a tings ta share! His exuberance couldn't be restrained, as Garvin practically stood in his chair to shout this at Allixter. Calm down love, haha. Youll get plenty of time to play! Why don't you just relax Garvii, try to rest your bones. Frowst snapped the dog out of his trance with a pair of claps. The sounds seemed to hit his ears individually, as one straightened with each sound of pawlm against pawlm. Within seconds Garvin was scowling down Allixter, a misplaced vexation in his eyes. Shaking his head sharply, the older dog turned away and poured himself another drink. Downing that glass, he held his eyes shut, as if trying to literally drown the memories out... Man... Im so sorry. I regret that so much dude... (Nothing to worry about, old pups gotta have fun too!) Allixter tried to console, but couldn't really think of what to say. Is fine boyo. Juz, don go talkin on bout it... Garvin sipped his drink, pained by the damage his dignity suffered. Now try to be on your best behavior Al, Im going to introduce you to Gino next and hes... a pawful. Frowst announced and Garvin sighed. A sharp whistle filled the dining room, causing the doors to open again. God how Allixter hated that piercing noise, which scratched some deep part of his mental fortitude... Entering was another small dog, no gift, barely any clothes either. He wore a pair of cargo shorts and a tank top, hardly the casual attire everyone else was wearing. The tiny Chihuahua glared past Al into Frowst, shooting a dirty look toward Garvin who barely paid him any mind. One of Ginos huge veiny ears had a wicked bite mark missing from it, the discolored scar a more mauve color, where he was a dark tan. So ya brought another bitch in the playpen? Gino sniped, chuckling at Als reaction. Gino! Frowst growled his name. Yeah, well at least Im tall enough to hit him in the balls. Al shot back and Gino sneered. Al! Frowst was shocked at his furthered mistakes. Just wait, youll feel even more helpless than I do... Gino scoffed, strolling past Al who wanted to hit him. Hello Gino. Frowst said simply, an air of supremacy filled his voice. Gimme a biscuit, Im doing what you asked... Gino folded his arms at the base of Frowsts throne. Only good boys who want to meet their new pal get treats! Youre being a very naughty dog Gino! You didn't even bring Allixter a present... Frowst leaned forward, sending the Chihuahua scampering away. What the fuck ever then... I met him, can I go now? Gino was extremely disappointed, whats so special about those treats? No, this is a party and youre going to be a good guest. Now have a seat or Ill have you nuzzling my ass for the rest of the night! Frowsts wicked words had the small dog shaking. Bwahahaha! No fucking way?! Oh my gods, he does that to you?! Allixter let out a belting laugh at this. FUCK YOU! I SWEAR ILL FUCKING KILL YOU! AGGHHH!! Gino rushed at Allixter, who grabbed a table knife and leapt to the floor ready. DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING MOCK ME! YOU DON'T KNOW THE SHIT HE PUTS ME THROUGH! Disregarding the weapon, Gino swung his paws at Al furiously. Back the fuck off! Im warning you! Allixter jabbed the knife forward hoping to repel his perturbed offender. Boys, boys, boys! Stop this now! Frowst wrathfully rose from his throne. Gino leapt atop Allixter, pinning his knife wielding paw to the floor as he tried to land a solid bite. Als arm pressed outward into Ginos throat, keeping him at bay. Bucking his hips, Al launched the tiny Chihuahua to the floor, then rolled to his feet, ready to stab him! No part of Al was against this, even Instinct wanted to fight... So much pent of rage finally finding a worth while target, someone Al could actually defeat! Even with all his tough talk and frenzied ways, Allixter wasn't afraid of him! ENOUGH! Frowsts voice roared over the hall, distant voices silencing. Gino, there, sit! Allixter, there, sit! They plopped into place with his command. Al, give me the knife. Now! Good boy! Frowst was so pleased Allixter obeyed he was tempted not to punish them further. Now, you two are going to be friends whether you want to or not! Gino, apologize for calling Allixter a bitch... Now, Al apologize for laughing at Gino... Good, now... Kiss each other... Frowsts grin grew wide, lewd, and expecting. Garvin turned away, as the two of them began to crawl toward one another. No part of the old timer wanted to see homosexuality, let alone be involved in it occasionally... Faces stricken with dread, hatred, and disbelief: both parties unwillingly obliged. Slowly slipping into doggish complacency, the two frenemies met at the center of the room as completely different people. Sniffing at each other, circling slowly and cautiously, their instincts had to learn to trust one another, given how violent their introduction had just been. Unable to contain the loving creature within him, Allixter struck first. A gentle swipe of his tongue graced Ginos cheek, causing him to recoil and shake a bit, as Chihuahuas do. Dominated by Frowsts demands, all the inner hatred Gino felt melted into viscous pool of compliance. Lapping at Als face back, the two of them were soon locked in a canine kiss, each tongue desperate to meet the others facial-fur in any available place. Toppling over one another they began to nip lightly at the back of each others neck, testing the waters and finding out who the dominant male would be. Despite being bigger and stronger, Al was gay and submitted to the continued advances of Ginos inner masculinity. The both of them were internally fuming, vapors of pure loathing the only emotion their true minds could experience. Watching them move toward sex, Frowst plucked Gino off of Als back, just as he was preparing to hump him. Though whimpering at the loss of opportunity, the big skunks hug put him at ease. Returning to his throne, he pet Gino regularly, to keep his instinctual side in control. Out of all his dogs, Gino seems to recover the fastest, the stubborn little gangster he is! Allixter followed them, sitting at Frowsts feet, eager to keep playing with his new buddy! Now, Allixter, this is going to be strike one today. Please do avoid provoking your pet mates... Gino let out a peeping coo, as Frowst began kneading his belly. Y-yes sir... (He started that shit!) Al nodded, as Frowst returned control to him. Blegh! Ugh, ptoo! Pllegh! God, he tastes like an ashtray! GAAHK! Allixter slapped his tongue clean of that flavor. Th-thank you! Thanks for letting me be top dog... Ginos starry little eyes hit Al, false gratitude radiating forth. Yeah, whatever... Well talk about that when you wanna kill me again. Allixter bit at the delicate dogs emotions. Cant rip on you this way, just to easy... Allixter! Frowst used a warning tone, as Gino stifled tears. I-I-Im sorry... I cant help it! Gino buried his face in Frowsts armpit. Wow, thats just sad... (He looked so happy, you jerk!) Allixter shook his head mockingly at the sight. He fucking hates you ya know? You cant lie to yourself man... (SHUT UP, be fucking quiet now!) Al couldn't resist getting revenge for that humiliating ordeal. Youve been a true disappointment. Just couldn't keep your trap shut... Frowst coddled Gino, who seemed hurt by his own actions, rather than Allixters words. Ooh, Im fucking shaking bro! Just let me go, Im so fucking exhausted... (Whatever go ahead, dig a deeper hole. Itll just let me out you idiot!) Allixter sighed after his weary mockery. Well see how long you can keep up this candor when youre stuck in the dark, hehe... Not to mention, my biiig boy Ruffio is coming in next! You two should have a great time, huh Al? The pet voice started, Al resisted, but Frowsts influence was inescapable. My itty-bitty wittle guy is so excited to meet my fluffy friends, huh? Such a sweet lil fellah at heart, aint ya? Though all dogs stirred, his directed voice was especially crippling to Allixter. Screw this, Im outta here! (Youre outta time is more like it!) Allixter ran to the door everyone had passed through, finding it locked on this side! No! Fucking shut up! AGHH! AWOOO! AWROOOOOOF! (There, there... Its ok... Hush puppy...) Pounding and howling for help, he tried to reach the other canines he could sense beyond the door. No running from me Allliiixter! Come to Master my finely furred friend! Youve been a naauugghty dog Al! Time to be good sweetness... The skunks loving words masked his aggravation well. That doors locked tooo~! This parties for you my wuffy little dumpling, time to enjoy it~! There was nothing Al could do, Frowst had absolute control within the minute. F-fu-fuck... Im so s-sick of this shit! (My turn, lemme show ya how to party!) Allixter clawed the door, much to Frowsts chagrin. I-Im so sic... so... Sorry! Fuck, Im sorry Master! Hes sooo mean, I don't get it sir!? (No... This cant be happening! I just want to go home! Why me?!) Instinct bounced back from those nasty words, assuring Frowst he felt otherwise. It matters little sweetums, hes gone for now. Not sure when Ill let him back out... Frowst stared past Instincts visage, into Als soul. Thank you sir! Thats only fair since he gets to be in control all the time! (I don't care if youve been here my whole life, this is MY body!) Instinct was overjoyed that Als actions wouldn't effect him. Im sorry Gino! You can be top dog any day! (You make me despise myself! I fucking hate that youre part of me!) Allixter used the most delicate voice he could with Gino. R-really? Ya mean it? Gino spun over in Frowsts lap, a stunned glow on his face. Th-thanks buddy! I feel a lot better! Hehe! Super happy to hear that! (Fucking forget him! Run you dipshit!) Al pat his leg, with a big smile. Thank you fellahs, hopefully youll be able to meet under better circumstances soon. For the record, you both have rap music and a passionate hatred of me as mutual interests! Frowst quipped, causing the two dogs to disagree promptly. Alrighty, lets get Ruffio in here! RUFFI-OHHH~! Both doors blasted open, a clattering cacophony filling the hall. Huge scuffs were left behind where the doors hit the walls, but Frowst couldve cared less! The huge dog sprinted in, his legs a fluffy flurry as they swung about carrying him. A propeller of a tail whirled him along, as the huge St. Bernard rushed to Masters side! Despite being almost two hundred pounds, the huge St. Bernard leapt into the air and came crashing down on his Masters lap with a joyful howl. Moving Gino at just the right time, Frowst set him atop Ruffios head, which was more than enough room for the Chihuahua. Heya Master! Ho boy you smell really nice today! Can we wrestle or maybe play tag? A dopey tone matched this gentle giant well. Remember Ruffio? Papa got a new pup he wants ya to meet! Frowst pointed Als way, Ruffios floppy ears flying outward as he turned to look. OH BOY, OH BOY, OH-WHOA! Hes so tiny! Frowst snatched up Gino, as Ruffio prepared to run for Al. I-I-I can still play with him right? Ruffios worry was dashed away instantly. Of course my lumbering love mutt! I know youll be nice and gentle with Allixter! Just remember how big you are buddy! Frowst pat the St. Bernards shoulder, as his eyes beamed at Allixter. Course sir! Hiya Al, lets play!! Bolting toward the pint sized pup, Ruffio left a thin trail of slobber from his panting mouth. Hiya Ruffio, nice to meet ya~! (AGHH! Run you fool!) The dogs excited charging effected both halves of Al differently. Frowst knew leaving Al at Ruffios ruff mercy was a punishment for Allixter, albeit a pleasant one. The huge St. Bernard barreled through the tiny dog till he stood above him! That drooling, slobbering, dripping, droopy face began the meticulous canine process of smelling something new! Instinct couldn't help but sniff as well, the musky odor of unwashed dog filling Als nostrils. Placing his nose to Ruffios, the St. Bernards flat, wide tongue drug itself along Allixters face, leaving it absolutely soaked with pungent saliva... Instinct was thrilled with this act, its the single nicest thing you can do to a pinned small dog! Al however, was beyond disgusted! His breath was like some sickening mix of protein shakes and gas station food... The viscous texture of his tongue coated every fiber of fur on Allixters person! Ruffios foul, bloated body felt greasy to the touch and reeked like an old gym bag! Though he was beefy, you had to prod through a thick layer of fluff and another of fat to feel it! Al felt crushed, absolutely smothered by this massive animal which playfully scuffled atop him! Each swish of his tail gyrating Ruffios body slightly, as if grinding himself against Allixter! The overbearing force Ruffio produced forced Instinct to trick Al into feeling a strange kind of safety, beneath this hulk of a dog. The brown patches over Ruffios eyes made the grass green stare that much more vibrant! That white stripe which divides his head fur put emphasis on his droopy eyes, which sparkled through his sagging hide to say hello! After being bathed in dog drool and trying to return as many kisses of his own, Ruffio got off of the tiny Corgi. He wasn't done though! Circling Al as he stood, Ruffio let out a few happy barks, pointed his butt upward, using the universal canine sign for play! Still circling, Al and Ruffio were given a short moment to sniff one anothers rear ends. After this, it all clicked... Instinct couldn't be more happy! Leaping atop Ruffio, he nibbled his ears and swatted their tail about happily, as the big dog grappled with him clumsily! Though it hurt Allixter a few times, Instinct couldnt react for he felt no fear! Pain isnt all that bad, just the fear of experiencing it! A few yelps and yipes let the bigger dog know when he was being to rough! Ruffio toppled over Al, as he tried to get him off his belly, but Als deft little paws kept him locked and nipping! S-st-staahhhp~!! Hahaha, oh gosh, ok! You win! Hahahaha! Ruffio kicked his huge paws outward, as Allixter pretend to attack his pudgy tummy. Say alpha! (This is so humiliating...) Instinct mocked, swatting bulky paws away, as he tickled Ruffio with his muzzle. A-Al-Alp-Aghhhahaha! Haha, ahh, Ma-Master h-heellp~! Ruffio was reduced to a mewling mess under Allixters dexterous fangs. Come on big guy, how are you gonna let lil Al beat you like this! Frowst had a big laugh, watching the lap dog effectively placate the huge hound. P-p-pwease pup! Lemme go! Ahahaha! S-s-so ticklish! Ruffio flailed beneath Al, who bounced comfortably atop his tummy. Al-alp-Allixter~?! Awooof~! Ahahaha! Ruffio couldn't get enough force behind his words. You twore makin me wanna play! Gino cried out, but declined Frowsts offer. Oh brotha... Garvin sighed, pouring another drink, as this bubbly display unfolded before him. Cmon big boy! Say alpha and Ill let you go~! (Garvin and Gino are watching you moron!) This simple game of Say Alpha was getting to Allixter. Gwahahaha, e-enough! Al-Alp-Alpha! OK~! You wiiin! Ruffio squirmed beneath Allixter, his plump stomach sore from the tender nibbling. Youre a lot quicker than I gave ya credit fur! Ruffio added once he caught his breath. Thanks! I... I know you were going easy on me, th-thanks for that... Allixter was still rosy cheeked, from the lack of air constant biting required. Haha, I figured thatd be an alright present since I didn't know whatcha like! Ruffio admitted, looking down his belly at Al who sat at the crest. Its great to meet cha pal! Same! Youre a ton of fun! (I smell like a locker room now...) Allixter barked back happily. A... t-ton..? Ruffio looked hurt by this. Just playin pup! I know Im a big feller! The St. Bernards laughter bounced Al atop his belly. See Allixter wasn't that fun? I bet youre extra tired, arent cha boy? Frowst took their attention. Yes sir, youre right! Im really drained haha! Still plenty of energy to meet my pet mates though! (God I want to sleep, just let me go...) Allixters radiance was coming at the expense of his real stamina. Terrific, thats very good to hear! Lets see... Ah, yes! You both enjoy wrestling, obviously, as well as fast cars! Frowst announced, Als vision was filled with Ruffio once more. NO WAY! What kind of car did you have! Master let me bring my car to his house once I agreed to stay! Maybe you can too! Can he sir? Ruffio was so amped about this, then suddenly seemed to remember what else was said. You like wrestling to! Oh my gosh, cool! I finally gots a buddy to watch it with! Ruffio let out a raspy howl, the surge of adrenaline leaving his vocal chords unprepared. Super excited too, but wait... Really?! C-can I sir? My dad gave me his old car and its reeaally cool! (This fat fuck is not touching Dads Stallion!) Allixter leaned to look at Frowst, past Ruffio. Once youre settled in pup, well talk about it! Until then, I have plenty more pals for you to meet! Lets see Brutus next, *Whistles*! Frowsts whistle rumbled commotion from beyond the door. Is great to meet ya pup-o-rooskie! Doh-don't let Brutus push ya around... Ruffio nudged Al as he headed for his seat. Thanks Ruffio, Itll be fine! I got a firm grasp right now! (I probably wouldve been so mean to you bro...) Allixter waved off the warning, laughing his new friend into doing the same. One of the double doors opened, the handle practically bending beneath the savage grasp of the six foot tall Doberman Pinscher who entered! Ruffio was huge too, practically the same height, but Ruffio looked happy... Brutus had absolutely zero joy in his face, the jet-black and tan dog practically radiated an aura of hatred. This virulent ambiance only sharpened when his gleaming azure eyes hit Allixter, Brutuss pupils dilating sharply. He wore a pair of tight black jeans, breaking his natural brown inner trim at the waist. An open vest, similar to a bouncer or security guard, was held relatively closed by a pair of barbed wire chains. Standing without an ounce of relaxation to him, the rigid dog didn't even twitch an goblin-like ear with each step! His sharpened claws gently clicked the marble floor as he traversed the room to stand beneath Masters dais. Bowing his head and putting a fist to his heart, the Doberman was not greeted with Frowsts splendorous love. Hello Brutus. Thank you for answering my summons. A very direct tone came from Frowst. Thank you for allowing me this time sir. Has he disobeyed you? Brutus asked, examining Al with stolen glances. Well yes, he has, but I have it under control. Your dedication is noted however. Uttering these words had Brutus growling and Allixter whimpering. Yup~! Im being a good boy now! (Holy shit, hes fucking ripped!) Allixter waggled his tail, until he saw Brutus unswayed. Misbehave and youll answer to me. Master Frowst is unable to inflict harm with the precision I wield. The Dobermans voice was deep, sharp, and brooding. Now, now Brutus. This is supposed to be a welcoming ceremony! No need to threaten him, I think he understands... Mr. Frowst gained a wry smirk, as Al shook in the blizzard that was Brutuss stare. Ch-chill bro, were cool! I-I-Im a good boy at heart! (Im not afraid of you, ya sonnova bitch!) Al nervous stammered back. Then we will not have any issues. Brutus took his seat, the effects of his chilling stare not leaving Allixter for a second. Allixter, Brutus is one of my enforcers. You two dont have anything in common, but I assume you understand his role here... Frowst awaited the dogs response. Y-yes sir! You wont have to call him while Im runnin the show! (Youre a fucking puppet, god I cant take this!) Deep down, no part of Allixter wanted to fight Brutus. Very good, that pleases me to hear! Frowsts words warmed the dogs heart and stirred his tail. Let us continue with someone a bit more... sociable. *Whistles* Cmere Flash! Cmon in dawg~! The odd way Frowst said dog hit Als ears wrong. Kicking the door open and walking with a rhythmic bounce, this was the second black and tan dog to enter in a row! Like Brutus, his coat was ebon, with rusty-brown sectional markings along his joints and under his muzzle. Unlike Brutus, Flash had floppy ears and a pudgy set of jowls. Kicking his feet and bobbing his head as he entered, no one really seemed to register, until his headphones were removed and his lyrical whispering ceased. Sup wid it pup? Dayuum youre a short stack, heh! Flash the Rottweiler nudged Al as he approached. Well we cant all be tall! Nice to meet ya Flash, Im Al! (Im so sick of being referred to by my height...) Extending a paw, Flash examined him closely. You got him in bitch mode, huh? Flash didn't look away from Allixter when he asked this, just raised his voice at Frowst. Hey, thats not very nice! (Hah, bitch mode! Good one!) Instinct upset Allixter by looking to Frowst for help. Whatev, here. Happy hellcoming... Flash shoved a newspaper wrapped object into Als chest. Thanks! Uhmm, d-did I do something to you? (Leave him alone dumbass! Hes just gonna mock you!) Instinct was confused, as he didn't comprehend individuals and their instincts as separate entities. Nah, just... Its no fun talking to a sex doll... Flash got little support from the others, as he poured himself a drink. S-sex doll..? (Hey, thats mine asshole!) Instinct was mortified to hear such a title. Big words coming from an ottoman... Frowst gnarled Flashs muzzle with this, continuing the others derisive laughter. Not to mention your eagerness to lick my assh-. Flash cut him off with a growl. Hey! Why don't you open your present?! Yay... Flash gave little enthusiasm, he just wanted to shut Frowst up. Uh, ok! Thanks by the way! (Its a CD... I can already tell.) Tearing at the paper, Allixter disposed of it in a basket by Frowsts throne. Oh wow thank y-... hey, its you! (He gave me his own CD? Hes definitely not famous enough to pull that shit!) Al noticed this before his instincts. Damn straight! Thems the illest rhymes in fuckin years dawg! Theres that word again... Still saying that are we~? Frowst mocked. Shut up! Man... just... fuck it. Flash snarled, but that quickly faded to a masked whimper. The bulky Rottie standing before Allixter was not at all like the furson he glimpsed on the cover of this rap album. It was somewhat hard for inner Al to believe this gold chain wearing, harem-o-hoes having, gangsta-rapping dog was actually Flash. Sorry, correction, he called himself Flash Cash. Wow thats lame... Even Instinct agreed, making pointed jokes with Allixter in his head. The pimped out Rottweiler who stood by his slick low-rider, had been reduced to a thong wearing slut by Frowst. His bulging, fatty-muscular form was barely concealed behind a skimpy, fishnet tank top and a skin tight latex thong. How in the hell he managed to scrape up enough dignity to behave this way, was beyond Allixter. Theyre both Frowsts pets, yet Als wearing a ten thousand dollar suit! How the hell can Flash talk down to him? S-so whats your real name? (Yeah, thats important...) Allixter asked after putting this perplexing puzzle of a situation together. Pfft... Call me Flash or Imma dash yo. He responded snidely. Allixter, this is Pacer, also known as Flash. Frowst punctured the cool veil Flash tried to hide behind. Hello Pacer! Ill call ya Flash, no worries! (Youre such a dork! You make me lame as fuck!) Allixter sort of ruined his offer before making it. Yeah, doubt we gonna hang out much, so what eva... Flash gave a crooked smirk. Wh-why? Do you work on your music most days? (No wonder I cant get a girl or make friends! Your lame ass has always held me back!) Instinct plucked delicate chords in the Rotties heart. Yeah, fucking right, I wish! This fuck keeps me from the only thing I live for; my music! Flash jumped from his typical six to an outrageous eleven! A service to animals everywhere, I assure you... Frowst knew exactly what would trigger each of his pets. FUCK YOU! Don't fucking say that! Flash charged at Frowst, fist raised, but fell to a seated position once close enough. Take this thing off and fight me fair, you bitch-ass muthafucka!" H-hey, calm down bro! (D-don't touch him you moron!) Allixter gently pat Flashs shoulder. Go to hell! I aint cha bro, bitch... Flash swatted Als paw off him. W-well, can I be? Cant we be friends? (Youre such a fucking loser!) Instinct just couldn't fathom how Flash could be so flamboyant, yet so mean... Cuz I aint bout to be friends with some pathetic-ass, living flesh lig-. Flash was about to berate the tiny Corgi, but an unexpected voice spoke up... Thasa nuff laddie! Garvin erupted to standing in his seat. Ya knoo wat da pup be gowin tru, why salt tis wound? Shut your trap old man and get the fuck away from me ya sniff-whipped lil bitc-. Frowst had finally had enough, the lesson finally sunk in for Al. Bad dog! Each pair of canid ears quivered at this, but Flash was forced to all fours. You are being extremely rude Pacer! I expected so little, yet you had to push it... Come here, now! Pointing a few inches ahead of Flash, the Rottweiler resisted crawling with greatly. N-n-no! S-stop it! I... wont... you mutha fuc... Flash fought to ignore commands, but crawled to Frowsts feet anyways. Come here Flash. Stand up, gooood boy, no... lock your legs, thaaats right. Without so much as a twitch of guilt or mercy, Frowst began using Flash for his primary purpose, a paw rest. Ahhh~! So comfortable! Atta boy, nice and quiet. Right where you belong... Frowst mocked every remaining quiver until Flash became still beneath his hefty, lounging paws. Grrrrrrrr~.... Flash rumbled out, unable to vocalize any emotion other than aggravation. D-does Flash not like me sir? (Doubt he likes anyone who isnt a total tool...) Instinct was really confused about all this, despite Al explaining it pawdily. Hes just shy! Flash talks big, but hes probably very nervous around a new friend. Why don't you introduce yourself? Like a dog would... Frowst felt the quivering discomfort beneath his foot paws. O-ok, If you think thatll help! Ill let you sniff first, Flash! Don't be shy! Allixter moved around the huge Rottie, who snarled the whole time. Pointing his petite, fluffy rump upward, Allixter used his all-fours position to guide his tailed rear up to Flashs statuesque face. The look on the little Corgis face couldnt have been more innocent or excited... If Frowst was right, this would net him a new friend! Internally, all manner of death threats filled Flashs mind, yet all that articulated was pitiful growling. Having to helplessly inhale the musk of another male dog was the ultimate humiliation for poor Flash, who was so straight, you could use him for geometry! Horrific indignity filled the Rottweiler, whom had rarely had the pleasure of sniffing a females rear and found Allixters to be a pale comparison... Everyone chuckled, snickered, and Ruffio flat out guffawed at this sight. Seeing Flashs belligerent glower past Allixters panting excitement and angled rump was just priceless! Als bushy little tail waggled in Flashs vision, as his cold wet nose was engulfed by butt fluff. Looking up over his shoulder, Instinct gave a consoling smile, and a friendly wink, before trotting around to take his turn. Al was mortified by this whole exchange, which was only going to get worse for him... Any anger and hatred Flash had felt, was matched by Allixters humiliation and shame. The fact he was blushing upon coming face to tail with this dog couldn't have hit Allixters pride harder. Knowing what Instinct planned to do, all Al prayed is that he wouldn't grow a reaction from the action. His tubby hind quarters were somewhat spread from the even positioning of his legs, forcing his nub of a tail to stand straight outward, though that could be restrained anger... Pressing his muzzle to Flashs tail-hole, Allixters cold nose sent a shiver up the Rottie, who groaned in disgust. Huffing a few sharp whiffs, Instinct expected them to be best of friends now, whereas Al just knew a bit more about his health and diet. Fighting to not let Instinct get the better of him, Allixter was hard pressed to say he smelled bad... Its like dog cologne, don't judge! Muffled laughs spilled from each maw, some fully heckling, while Brutus just cracked a jagged smirk. Oh, stop laughing guys! Its perfectly natural! (Yeah, maybe when I was five...) Allixters chipper tone was like acid to Flashs state of mind. Hope youre willing to be buds now! Great to meet ya Flash! (Dude, what the fuck? Hes going to kill me...) Instinct gave Flash a small headbutt, the Rotties nose big enough to catch the Corgis head. GRRRR~! GRRRRRRR~! Flash tried with all his might to bite Al, but just provided a minor vibration for Frowsts aching paws. Flash isnt a very friendly one, as you can tell! Regardless, you both enjoy rap music, action flicks, and this so-called thug life fad. Frowst seemed quite amused by this. Whoa, cool! We should hang sometime! S-sorry if I embarrassed ya bro! (Look at him! That face says murder you retard!) Allixter was very genuine and even though Flash smiled, it was forced. Im sure that youll both feel differently with time, hahaha. Flash is often busy helping Master relax. Hes ever so comfortable... Frowst gently ground his paws into the Rotties fur. Next up is Dullie I believe, ah yes! *Whistles* Cmere Dullahan! How can Frowst make so many different pleasing pitches..? The door opened and shut, allowing a large body to pass through the opening. Standing with his back to the door, a very wary looking Labrador scanned the faces, cringing when he found Gino and Flash under Masters control. This all blonde Labrador retriever, held his gaze on Frowst, as he was called forward by a provocative curl of the skunks paw. Taking tiny, shuffling steps, Als instinct wasnt willing to wait and rushed to the tall dogs side. Standing in his shadow, Allixter looked up into the huge, pudding-brown eyes ignoring his worry. His blonde fur clashed with the reflective purple jersey he wore. The darker fur under his arms blended with the sweatpants gracing his lower body. A silky, golden tail quivered behind him, unsure of how to behave. Dullahans ears lifted and his head tilted, a natural way of expressing curiosity for dogs. A plethora of fucked up thoughts ran through Dullies mind at the sight of this petite puppy, sure to endure many horrors at Frowsts mercy... Hiya! Youre Dullahan? Im Allixter, nice to meet ya! (Let me have control, come on! This is so painful!) Convivially shaking paws with the confused dog, Instinct expected an equal amount of cheer. Uhh, hey... S-so hes... Dullie thought a moment, then continued. Hes under the influence, right? Dullahan leaned aside, despite not needing it to see past Allixter. Yup~! This is me though! Well, part of me! (The least appealing part!) Instinct replied without an ounce of negativity. Y-yeah, nice to meet ya. W-whatd ya do wrong? Wait, never mind... C-can I meet the real him sir? Dullahan was second guessing his every word, desperate to maintain civility. Not now Dullie, Als much more pleasant this way today. Frowst shook his head mildly, but Allixter leapt into Dullahans line of sight. Hey, hey, hey! Gimme a chance pal! Why doesn't anyone want to meet me?! (Cuz Im way cooler ya putz!) Instinct was trying to joke, but so much mental mockery was thrown his way. Youre right, thats fair... Hi, Im Dullie. Nice to meet ya Al. Dullahan shook paws with Allixter. Thank you! Was starting to think Im just unbearable, hehe! Want a drink? Garvii was nice enough to bring me this, but Ive been sharing with everyone! (You ARE unbearable and STOP DRINKING MY BOOZE!) Instinct couldn't have cared less about being different than Al, no one seemed to like Allixter! Thanks bud, yeah, thatd be great. Dullie was beyond freaked out by what he was told would be a party. Here, brought ya this pup... A long, flat rectangle was handed to Al. Oh wow, thank you! You really didn't have to! (A board game? Something else stupid...) They both were unaware of how wrong this was. Y-yeah, sure... Hope you can enjoy it. Dullie made sure to confirm this with Frowst, who offered a treat in return. Oh. My. GOSH~! Brooo, thank you! I wuff Castles & Crusaders! We gotta play together A.S.A.P! (No way, its a full set too! Th-thank you!) Allixter hopped with excitement, clutching the bundle of books eagerly. Yeah, sounds good! Im kind of a huge nerd! Dullie gave a snorting laugh, as if mocking himself. Got all sorts of dungeons and adventures written down, itll be fun to show someone! Though he was basically talking to a feral animal, Dullie found Als enthusiasm infectious! So many years of being mocked had left Dullahan with zero drive to share his interests. An entire childhood of being chastised for liking fantasy and fiction caused the Labrador to withdraw into himself and stray down some unfortunate paths... Looking past all this, Dullie felt tendrils of hope crawl up from the pit of his heart. Instinct was currently flooded with memories of one of his favorite games! The one that allowed Al to use his imagination most of all! The one that relied on instinct over skill, luck over talent! Not to mention all that cool artwork! So excited! That sounds awesome man! All parts of me are pumped for it, no joke! Allixter and Instincts voice blended, despite being the same vocal chords. Y-yeah, heh, tits! Lemme know your room number when ya get it! Dullahan casually referenced something that turned Als mind from gifts and friends. I GET A ROOM~?! (I hate that youre making me excited for that too...)Allixter spun in place to face Frowst, whos avuncular face was streaked with lines of disappointment. Oh Dullie, you ruined the surprise! Frowst glanced toward the table where Dullahan was. Wh-WHOA shit! Im sorry sir, really I-. Dullahan shivered with fright, the ice in his glass clinking suddenly. But of course my sweet! Well talk about it later, after youve met everyone! Don't worry Dullie, you couldn't of known sweetie. Would you like a treat? Youve been so nice to Allixter today! Frowst referenced his large, doghouse shaped jar. *Whew* Nah, Im good sir! Thats cool! Hope to see ya around bud! Dullie pat his chest in relief. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Im so excited to see my room sir! (Do you listen to yourself? You sound like a newborn pup!) Allixter rushed to Frowsts side, scratching at his clothes to be picked up. Patience little fellah, patience! Suppers almost done, so lets try to meet as many of my pals till then! Frowst had to check his list at this point, forgetting who came next. Ah, yes... of course... heh... The big skunk reached into his shirt and produced a gold amulet on a thin silver chain. Unhooking it from his neck, Allixter was mystified by this odd action, but what followed was even more confusing. Grasping it by the weaved links, Frowst allowed the heavier pendant to slip from his grasp and ping off the marble floor delicately. The sweet chiming sound which rung through the dining hall caused the doors to spring open! A flurry of fur shot from one end of the room to the next, darting and weaving with incoherent speed! Leaping into the air like a ghost taking flight, orange fur splayed into a mobile bonfire! Seconds later a bony fox thudded to the ground right where Frowsts coin had just landed! Scrambling about in a frenzied circle, the bronze colored fox seemed utterly desperate, checking under his paws, around his body, and beneath his tail for this medallion. Gimme it! C-c-c-cmon! Gimme the gold! Now! Leaping repeatedly, this traditional, orange, black, and white fox tried with all his being to snatch the coin Frowst had. Hello my devious darling, Im very pleased to see you all dressed up. Frowst stroked the aggravated foxes chin. Thanks, this is almost fifty grand all together! This fox popped up to his feet, waving a paw over his expensive clothes. W-wait, grr~! Gimme dat gold! He snapped back to his original goal in seconds. Allixter, this is my favorite tricky little fox, Ikol! My sweet surreptitious servant, this is Al, papas newest pup! Frowst did the basic introduction, but Ikol was already examining his quarry. Allixter, nice to meet ya! Ikol slipped a paw around his shoulders. Soooo.... How ya been? Things good? What cha do for fun? Known Master long? Actually, never mind, don't answer... Got any cash on ya? Jewelry, gems, ya know? Valuables? Stuff? Sunlight yellow eyes burned into Al as he was gingerly led toward nowhere. Uhh, well, I don't think so. Frowst has my wallet somewhere... This line of questioning was reaching Al more than Instinct. Whatd ya do before he caught ya? Own anything special? Treasures? Fat paychecks? Youre rolling in the dough, huh? Don't be shy, you can tell your old pal Ikol! The foxs toothy grin, revealed a gold fang near the front of his thin muzzle! I... I really don't know what to say... (Try; get the fuck away from me you thief.) Instinct thought Ikols interest was purely innocent, but Al saw through it. Ikol, didn't you bring Al a present? Frowst interrupted his next chain of questions. Ugh, yeah... I mean, like, what do I get out of it though? Producing a small thin case from his suit coat, Ikol drummed his fingers along the bowed box. Thats not why you give presents! Gino piped up for some reason. Cmon boss! Like, this isnt a gift givin occasion! Cant I keep it! Ikols tail flurried around, till it stood straight out, bottle-brushing from the tension. Kol, my thieving sweeting... Surrender the present, now. Frowst found his fox humorous, but still held an air of seriousness. Fine, here. Damn it all... Shoving the box forward, Instinct couldn't grasp such selfishness. Uhh, thanks... Ill share it if we can! Want a drink? Help yourself! (Fucking-a, theres barely any left!) The bow and paper began to fall away as Ikol ran to the table. Haha! Sweet! Ikols gratified tone sounded as if he had won... Beneath the shiny cobalt wrapper was an ornate box, used to hold expensive accessories! Allixter and Instinct gasped as one when they read the Yiffany Silver Co. label! This had to cost a pretty penny, how could he afford it! Well, Ikol seems to be very greedy so he probably has a stash of cash somewhere! That, or Frowst gives him some kind of allowance! Instinct was excited to earn his own, but Allixter retched at the idea. Sitting in the slender enamel case with ornate engravings, was a solid silver pendant, shaped like a paw-print! Instinct marveled at this, lifting it from the case slowly and delicately, so it twinkled in the light! W-wow... Oh my goodness Thank you! Thats... this is so nice of you! (Id wear that if I was free, yeah... not here though.) Instinct ran a claw over the (paw)pad shaped diamonds. Not nearly the coolest, but still, hehe! At least youre stylin now! Ikol friskily taunted, revealing his own solid gold tag, which was a diamond-studded dollar sign. This is a very sweet gift! Thanks Ikol! (D-damn it! Stop touching people!) Instinct hugged Ikol around the waist as he tilted his glass. Wh-whoa, jeez... Yeah... No worries. Ikol fought to stop blushing, unsure why he was in the first place! Enough with da mushy stuff, k? Ugh... Ikol convinced himself his words were real, his longing for contact had long since been dashed... Haha, sorry! C-can you put it on for me? Im having trouble... (Oh my god youre incompetent!) Fiddling with his collar bind, Instinct flashed his best puppy-dog eyes to Ikol. Uhh, yeah... sure thing. Once Ikol had the silver tag he wanted to bolt, but Frowst was right there. ... Ok, lookin good! Stylish! Definitely a silver kind of dog. No offense! Really, like, youre... nevamind... Ikol shook his head, not wanting to vocalize how soft Allixter was. Thank you! I understand haha! To be honest, its kind of fun having all these fancy clothes on! Never worn a suit before! (Thats nice... Tell them were broke...) Instinct revealed the one thing Ikol hated to hear. So youre poor? Figures... damn it... Ikol had another drink in response to this. Ikol! Naughty foxy! Come here now! Frowst responded snippily in defense of Als emotions. Nah, thats ok sir! I never really valued that kind of stuff... Poor isnt the word, Id use though, haha! (...Your humility is appreciated, thanks.) Al waved to Frowst, unwilling to damage his growing friendship. N-never valued that stuff? What the hell do you value? Money is all that matters! Youre crazy... Ikol scoffed out a laugh. Theres plenty to value aside from material belongings Ikol, but I doubt youll ever see that. Frowsts scorn didn't phase the covetous fox. You make me very happy by saying that Allixter! Im so proud of my altruistic pooch! Would you like a cookie darling? Doubt it would spoil dinner. Frowst produced a bone shaped biscuit. Awww come on! Why does he get something?! I showed up and gave him a present! Gimme gold! Ikol was at Frowsts feet in moments, his bristly fur itching at Flash, whom he stood on. Sit! Ikol thrashed in spontaneous circles, throwing a fit, until he plopped into a curled up position atop Frowsts feet. Awhhh, so warm... Frowst flitted his pudgy, clawed toes around, to get comfortable. Watching Instinct crunch up his bacon-flavored biscuit with delight, Frowst imagined Allixters internal disgust. Despite obviously being for feral animals, Al... kind of liked it... Sort of like those crackers you can buy that taste like steak or chicken! Lapping around his muzzle, Al gave a pleased bark, his eyes locking on Frowst lovingly. Frowst was growing weary of this mindless puppy love and devised a devious alternative to the next meet and greet. Dinner was to be served at eight o clock, so theres just enough time for one more! Clapping his paws, while maintaining eye contact, which was key to releasing free will from the collars bindings, Frowst allowed Al his time to recover. Being given control of his body was dizzying for Allixter, whom found it to be a cumulative effect based on the length of Instincts stay! Wobbling around the room, Al feared hitting the hard marble floor, which swished beneath him in his staggered state. Als paws slipped out from beneath him at a particularly harsh wave of nausea and Allixter tensed his arms, braced for impact! None occurred however... Looking up, he found Dullahan had caught him, his chocolate brown eyes rife with concern. Y-ya ok pup? Cmon, just shake it off... Dullie said worriedly, as Al stared into him mindlessly. Th-thank you... (Bye Dullie! Thanks again!) Allixter bowed his head, blushing with shame. God, Im so fucking embarrassed...(Byeee guys~!) Al was shivering in seconds. Git sum alms my boy, izza be fine. Garvin said sliding a glass across the table. N-nah, Im alright... Thanks though. S-sorta serves me right, eh? (Yes sir it does!) Al tried to joke with Garvin, but he just shook his head. So, like... Hi again. Im Dullahan. The big Labrador put a paw forward. Good to meet the real you. Thanks, H-heya... I feel like shit right now. Just, fuck... Can you guys please forget that? (Oh boy, what a drama queen...) Allixter scanned their faces pleadingly. Yeah, I understand how ya feel bro. Something similar happened to me... Dullie nodded and pat the pups shoulder. We be on ta same page now boyo... Garvin nodded. Haha, just chill bud! I wont judge ya! Ruffio had been filling up on chips, his crumb strewn smile somewhat heartwarming. I see you all the same, as prey. Allixter was unsure why he looked to Brutus at all... See Al, its a friendly community! No one will mock you for being my dog! If they ever do, rest assured youll see them act the same way! Frowst interrupted, turning Allixters gaze. You... you just... leave me alone, uhh, sir! Al had to do something about Frowsts raising brow. Im so damn tired now, ughh... What the fuck... (Yup, sorry bud! You never use our tail, guess its an extra drain!) Allixter collapsed into a seat, panting slightly. Yeah, the struggle really takes it out of ya. Gotta just let go when the other you takes the wheel! Ruffio announced his experiences. Yeah, fuck that... Never... (Oh sweetums, one day... rest assured...) Allixter shivered upon hearing this, but shook it from his mind. Dinner will be served quite promptly and I gave you back control for a reason... Frowst took Als attention. Though I have many more darling dogs for you to meet... I simply must introduce my two bestest boys! Vailey~! Angus~! Frowsts voice entered into a lilting song, these two names lyrics to him. MASTER! A collective voice cried out, as the doors slammed open! Hello sir! That took sooo long, but we were good and patient! A deep, somewhat bumbling voice said as the two entered. Im really eager to play with the fantastic furry fellah I met earlier! A voice brighter than sunshine yipped out. My boooys~! Awhhh, the sweetest of all my adorably precious pups! Come to papa my fine fluffy ones! Frowst wanted to leap from his seat, Ikol and Gino jarred by his excited display of air hugging. Heya Allixter! Angus, thiss Al, the pup I was tellin ya about! They rushed in, but slowed at the sight of him. H-hey... (Hi again Vailey! Nice to meet ya Angus!) Allixter nervously greeted them. No need to be shy pup! I know Im a little scary looking! Trust me though, Im as gentle as can be! The much taller Wolfhound, whom Al took to be Angus replied with a toothy smirk. N-not scared, just... not super energetic anymore. (Youre a little scared, but its ok~!) Al covered his lack of Instinctual control, hoping to not provoke Frowst. Thats ok! Bet youve had an eventful couple of days! Vailey retorted, thumping Al on the shoulder. Ma names Angus! Good to meet ya Allixter! The shook paws, after the grayish dog thumbed his chest for referenced. Boooys~?! What about Master~?! Frowst used a pouting tone, the collective four ears shooting up at his speech. Rushing to his side, the pair of wagging tails went into a frenzy, like caught in a tornado of love! Licks, sniffs, cuddles, and nips dug into Frowsts paws upon their arrival! Falling to a seated position, almost in unison, they began whimpering, whining, and whistling out unfettered pleasure at being pet! Though hed never admit it, small bits of jealousy formed in Al, wanting to be pet and shown such affection. Little did he know, virtually every dog felt this way... even ice-cold Brutus... Cmon Al! Master never has enough dogs to play with! Vailey said as he rolled into a head butt, turning to face Al. Yeah bucko, Im sure Mr. Frowst has a spot for ya! Angus hopped a bit, as Frowst his favorite spot. C-can I have a tummy rub sir? Gino practically whispered, knowing he didn't truly deserve one. Please come here Allixter, I just want to pet your head. Frowst held a paw forward irreproachably, Vailey hopping and skipping to land tiny licks. I know you don't want to, but you should Al. Dullie said softly, leaning over the table. Its all good! You don't even gotta show your belly! Youll be fine! Ruffio added, much to Dullahans aversion. F-Fro-Frows... Mr. Frowst. Please let me say no. (Thats not how you say no! It isnt a question silly!) Al chose the least empowering title for his captor. Of course you can, but that doesn't mean Ill accept it. Boys, please fetch Al for me. Do be gentle and mind that hes ticklish! Frowst pat his most obedient animals, sending them scampering toward their task. W-wait, guys... Hold on! Please, just... talk to me, ok? (Man, whyd Master put me away? I play WAY better than you!) Allixter backed away, paws raised defensively. Awww talkings boring! Angus shook his head, almost like shaking dry. Yeah, lets just play! Cmon, wheres the bright eyed pup I met in the guest room?! Vailey showed impressive dexterity, bounding around his taller friend as they walked. Whoa, hey! Just... Im me, not the collar! Guys, he has you under control, I know youre in there! Please don't do this! Allixter couldn't have been further off the mark... The two dogs looked at one another, shrugging off what he just said, before leaping atop the tiny pup playfully! Though he wailed with fear, what followed didn't deserve such emotion. Vailey pinned his upper body, nibbling at Als exposed ears, causing him to laugh uproariously! Meanwhile, Angus sat at his hind paws, licking the tiny clawed toes and nipping his belly when Al dared expose it. Instinct was quickly subduing Allixters aggression, not that it would have mattered really... He was helpless now! Hes sort of always been helpless... Something Al would never admit, but faced with grim confidence. Dancing around Allixters growing delirium, Angus and Vailey playfully wrestled him down repeatedly, pinning him in a plethora of dog piles and furry body presses. At one point, Angus laid atop Al, muffling his joyous hysteria as Vailey doggie-dug into his tummy. The rapid scraping was just to much and Al was falling victim to his canidae nature! Using his only available tool, he bit Anguss tummy causing a mild yelp, as he toppled off the pup sized Corgi. Vailey wasted no time, hopping up Allixters body and pinning him, paw to paw! Wriggling beneath the heavier dog, little Al whined and whimpered, but couldn't avoid laughing when Vailey lapped at his nose. Tilting his head to render Al helpless, the dexterous Border Collie watched him sink into blissful ravishment. Once Angus rejoined the fray, Allixter found himself panting with pleasure against his will... Having two large males absolutely adore and worship him was just to much for the queer lil Corgi! Though not particularly attractive, Angus seemed very strong and had a handsome, gruff muzzle. The silvery gray fur and deep blue eyes gave him more of hunky appeal, where Vailey wasnt doing anything for Al either... Not that it mattered, to his mind having male attention was enough to fluster him up something fierce! Spry, athletic, curvy in some spots... He could have passed for a female dog had you dressed Vailey right! The charming flare of his eyebrows above those aqua and amber peepers melted any defense Allixter still clung to. Now motionless, save the tensing their touch brought him, Al watched as Vailey placed his tongue on his belly and ran it the entire length of him, eliciting a moan from Allixter as he reached his chin... This was the shortest tilt of Vails head in reality, but it felt like forever to Allixter. See, its all good! Even the real you is smiling! Vailey chuckled, revealing he understood Als plight. Lil fellahs getting real excited Vail! L-lets not embarrass him... Angus sat like a traditional dog, watching his friend nuzzle Al. W-what do ya..? Vaileys muzzle suddenly pointed southward. Oh. Oh! Ohh... Heck, well, Im flattered lil bud! He hopped off, Allixter desperately covering his tented pants. J-just stop please... Al felt like his face was on fire, afraid to look at the others. I-I-Ill go... Just let me up. Rising with a quivering frown, Al hid his shame, as he marched to Frowsts side. That couldve gone easier... Today shouldve been so pleasant for you! I hope this whole event has served as a lesson. Frowst gently scratched two claws between Allixters ears. Y-yessir... J-just, don't let him out again, please? Allixters fear shrunk away under the skunks touch. That will be based on your actions, not my desire. Your comfort is important to me, but I cannot allow your disrespect, understood? Frowst awaited an answer, his delayed petting making it all the more dire. Y-yeah, I get you sir. Can I please go now? (Not without supper!) Allixter asked wearily, his eyes sunken with bags. Nooo~! Dinner is to be served shortly! Frowst laughed this out, as Al grunted disapprovingly. Delicately disagreeing with Frowst, Al tried to worm his way out of staying for dinner. He wanted to eat, but would rather do so alone or later, after a nap. Today was exhausting! Fetch, fighting for freedom, and first impressions; the poor Corgi couldn't handle much more! Reaching a frustrating crescendo, Allixter was about to raise his voice when a wolf entered through the far door. This was a different one than the beastly wolf who chased Al earlier. Once Frowst saw him, he dismissed Allixters arguments and turned his attention to the approaching Beta male. Alright, Al take your seat! Imma let the rest of the boys in! Frowst waved him off, taking Ikol and Gino off himself. Listen, I understand I have to obey you, but can I please just go to sleep? Im not really that hungry and-. (Shut up! Were hella hungry!) Allixter got his argument out quickly, but it did little. Sit down Al. I will not ask a third time. Frowst cut a fiendish glance over Allixter to provoke his obedience. Once seated, Al groaned, as beady-eyed Gino was set down a few seats away and wall-eyed Ikol was placed next to him. They both were recovering control quickly and the knife that found its way into Ginos paw had Allixter worried, though he seemed to be aimed at Frowst. Once Ikol snapped back, he checked around in a flippant frenzy, only to spot and pocket some shiny silverware... Im going... to fucking... kill you... Pac-er, Flash, growled as he trudged by, the Wolf keeping him in check. F-f-fuck man... Its not my fault! (Chill dawg!) Al was shivering, as the ferocious eyes found him. Leave em alone! Quit pickin on the new guy! Ruffio felt obligated to defend his little friend. Shut up, dip shit! You brain-scrambled, ass hat, retard! Flash was unable to shake his embarrassed blushing. Bro, think about it... Youre like triple his size! That was WAY worse for him than it was for you! Dullie added his two cents quickly. Oh shut the fuck up... Whatever... Flash grumbled, frumpily shoving plates and cups away from him as he sat. I was stuck there though! That little bitch shoved his snout in my tail on his own! Flash wouldn't let it go. Aye, ya actin like whiffin a bum is fatal er sumthin... Garvin rolled his eyes at the childishness. If I wasn't so pissed at that shit sack right now, Id cut your ears off... Gino suddenly snapped his neck to look at Al. Don't find yourself alone with me you piece of-. Gino was cut off by Frowsts approach. Now, youll get to meet them personally in time, but Allixter, let this serve as a reminder of who youre dealing with... Come iiinnn booooys~! As these words echoed across the hall and through the house, the doors opened and furred bodies began to pile in! Als eyes went wide with shock as several dozen more dogs began to file in and fill out the empty seats! Trying to actively meet each face, Allixter found his eyes swaying about over a sea of muzzles, fuzzy ears, and wet noses. Not a one was the same and though most were obvious breeds, a good pawful of mutts could be picked out of the group! Entering in a loose slew, they each made sure to drop off the gift, bag, or box they carried! Almost everyone seemed to have got him a present to... thats really touching in a way... Once everyone had taken a seat, offering minor greetings, Allixter was shocked to find even more fluffy figures entering! Padding out the tail end of this canine amassment was a tight-knit, uniform pack of wolves. Walking in two, single file lines, the group of roughly fifteen wolves entered and knelt across from the table, not a reaction or twitch on a one of them! Dumbfounded at this event, Allixters confusion and anger, quickly transformed into fear. This monstrous skunk has absolutely no limitations it would seem, nothing stops him from acquiring others and breaking them! How did he ever expect to escape? W-will he even get a chance?! HELLO ALLIXTER! They all cried, well, the dogs... none of the wolves even flinched! H-he-hel-holy hell...(H-HI FELLAHS!) Al stammered out his words, Frowsts arms seizing him suddenly. No need to be scared Allixter! Masters so happy to have you in the family! The cologne scented face of the skunk slid into view, inches from Als nose. Welcome home Al! I love you. Frowsts purple eyes shone upon Allixters uncertainty. F-f-fucking a... Fro-Frowst, please man, Im really freaking out now! (All this finally sink in for ya? And you call me stupid...) Allixter couldn't comprehend how all these normal dogs fell victim to Frowst! Whyyy~? Had you assumed I was joking? Frowst was fatally serious, despite smiling. You are my pet Allixter, theres no choice in the matter... Unfortunately, dogs dont get to choose their owners, however... Youre very lucky to have met me! Ill take good care of you! Frowst was more than assuring, his stare glinted with fractals of remaining hope. It was then and there that Allixter decided to betray him... Knowing that this sicko skunk wanted his cooperation more than his life, Al decided to lie low and observe for now. Arguing is only met with insurmountable obstacles anyways... Spying the veins of pure trust and ambitious longing within Frowsts deep violet gaze, the treacherous sentience inside of Al formed a plan. A simpering grin slowly squirmed up Allixters face, failing to access his hole hearted effort. Frowst was not convinced, but pleased; he knew they rarely break so easily. Truth be told, Al only planned on behaving till he had a sure shot at escape. The plan was simple, but its execution would be hard fought and debasing. Each day would be a humiliating ordeal, but the end reward would be so sweet... I-I-Im sort of... Al began, Frowst nuzzled his nose slightly. I don't... not sure what to... Just don't think about it for now... Things will only change for the better, I promise! Frowsts cuddling ceased, the unshakeable gaze returning. I love you Al. Master loves you all! Bone a petit everyone! Frowst waved forward a pawful of awaiting wolves, who wielded trays, bottles, and other utensils. Having food placed before him was the last of Allixters concerns, yet he managed to show thanks. Anything to keep up appearances and keep him out of the proverbial dog house. It seemed like each of Frowsts canine companions were given a meal to specifically fit their tastes. Some trays held high end, fancy, or downright decadent delicacies, where others had more typical meals. From lobster to burgers, Fillet Mignon to racks of ribs, almost every kind of food was provided! Allixters own dish, which was some kind of ornate dog bowl, held one of his favorite foods, but then again, everyone likes pizza! Unwanted gratitude was crucified by Allixter, as he chomped his muzzle around the crispy crust, airy bread, and savory toppings, all perfectly held by melted-cheesy splendor. Pepperoni of the highest quality, sausage of the spiciest flavor, and bell peppers grilled to perfection; all graced this delicious pie! Hearing everyone discuss regular life, some even talking about work or their families, was a headtrip for Allixter! How can they be so alright with this? Some of them even seemed happy to see Frowst! Many seemed eager to speak with one another, some like old friends, others awkward new acquaintances. Instinct was voicing questions, sharing opinions, and openly including himself in the discussions, which Al fought to ignore. Hurrying to scarf down his food, Allixter was trembling when Frowst took a seat next to him. Is this tasty my love? Dearest Scheffield was unsure what to make you, hopefully this is enjoyable! Frowst leaned over him, his arm cuddling the Corgi. Y-yeah, its great! P-pizza... Thanks... (Woooof~! I need to thank Cheffie, sir!) Allixter was unable to process all this quick enough. Its alright, really! You just need to relax... This must be weird for you and thats understandable. Frowst invoked spurts of jealousy from the others, coddling Al and rubbing his head. Focus on all the fun things we can do together! All those things you always thought were impossible, I want to do with you! He gave Al a gentle kiss. Goosebumps ran the length of Allixters hide, until he was shivering from the illusory cold it caused. It was such a strange combination of appreciation, disgust, enamor, and discomfort; Al was left with a wriggling frown, that fought to smile! Frowsts claws delicately stroked the length of Allixters radar dish ears, breaking through the brick wall of negativity. C-can I go sir? (What about presents?) Al whispered unable to project under such enjoyment. Just a few minutes more, please? Frowst gently gripped Als neck. Look at how happy everyone is to see you! Frowst wasn't lying, but Al could detect falsity in the faces he saw. Sure, theyre happy to see him, but I bet it more has to do with him taking up Frowsts time. Each brilliant pair of eyes that hit him held restrained joy, yet even greater anxiety. Even the happiest and seemingly willing animal battled with some internal struggle... A wide variety of collars graced each neck, sparkly tags and gleaming talismans matching the personality or fur pattern of the dog. Each a symbol of servitude and enslavement... Food was eaten quickly, only a few taking the time required to truly savor their meals. Ruffio shared his French fries and Ikol offered scraps of lobster, trying to coax Allixter into a lighter mood. Anyone who saw this poor pup could tell he had a lot on his mind. Almost everyone did, but Al was obviously deep in thought. For his pets, Frowst was a symbol of both fear and affection. Someone to please and avoid upsetting at all costs... Tomorrow I have a very fun day planned, just for you buddy! Frowst announced, seeing Al silent for to long. Youll get to meet the rest of the guys, Ill show you around the house, and we can get you good and comfortable here! Frowsts benevolence was tyrannical to Allixters ears. Y-yeah, ok. Sounds good... (Oh boy, so excited! Can we play now sir?) Allixters head sunk to his chest. For now, if youre truly tired, I will escort you to bed. Frowst offered seemingly out of nowhere. Y-yeah, yes please! I really just need some rest... (Yay! My room! Lead da way sir!) Allixter scanned the faces for any sign of worry, but hardly anyone looked. Very good. Right this way. Ill be right back boys! Frowst waved Al to follow. Byee Maaasteeer~! The crowd called after him as he left the dining hall. Being waved to by the other prisoner, Allixter gave his best smile, but it was macabre at best... This place felt so different now, walking the luxurious halls after seeing how powerful their owner truly is... Where before pleasantries and gilded decorations showed signs of wealth, now Al viewed them as beacons of his lordship... Putting these extravagantly expensive things on display for his pets was surely another way Frowst flexed his domination. Following the much heavier and taller skunk, Allixter had to triple his speed to keep up with Frowsts casual saunter. The swaying of his abundant tail was borderline hypnotic to Allixters weary mind, as he followed a short distance away, unable to take his eyes off the unpredictable skunk. While under furnished, this is the room I had picked out for you my love. Frowst stopped at a door, the sticky-note labeled Al was a dead give away. Th-thats nice... Uhh, thanks! (Whoa! So big... All for me! Really?!) Allixter couldn't avoid genuine gratitude upon entering. It was like a hotel commercial or some amazingly orchestrated model home! Nothing felt out of place, almost as if this room was recently made, on the spot! No item looked used, the carpet unmarred, each seat cushion still waiting to be sat on! Not a speck of dust could be seen, as Al scanned the rather modest bedroom, with attached bath! A wardrobe and chest of drawers graced the walls, flanked by floor to ceiling mirrors. A large couch stretched in a semi-circle around the tiny fireplace, with a huge flatscreen hanging overhead! A stereo, some books, a computer, and a few game consoles had been distributed to give this space an inviting appeal. Though sparse in personal touch, Als inner interior decorator was eager to put his own flair on everything! He had to stop himself, disturbed by how eager he was to accept this gift... Allixter convinced himself it was just from fatigue. Now then, Ill leave you to rest. Do note, I will never bother you here and shall not enter, unless disobedience invites me... Frowst trailed off and smiled. R-really? Thank you... (Sleep tight sir! Thank you again!) Allixter was at a loss for words, the idea of being alone was as valuable as money! Good night Allixter. I love you pup. Welcome home sweetheart. Blowing a kiss to Al made his stomach turn. Frowsts words are what got to him really... Pfft, home... (What a great place, huh?) He scoffed. Yeah, gnight... Al waved off Frowsts continued tenderness. Alone now, the contemplative Corgi let out a rife groan, as the door locked behind Frowst. It wasn't a key either, the Skunk had since passed when an electronic whirring sounded... Frightened by the notion of being sealed in, Allixter tried the door relentlessly, searched for vents or air ducts, even perceived the slit sized window in the bathroom! Growing desperate in his posh prison cell, pacing was all he could do to keep himself sane... This surge of adrenaline soon washed away, leaving the poor pup to collapse under his lack of energy. Sitting on the couch, Al was unable to accept sleep, his mental fortitude dying for escape or an ounce of progress! Clawing himself when slumber took hold, the poor pup wasn't sure why he was fighting so hard. Confusion from lack of energy was leading complacency. Tomorrow he could work Frowst over, be a so called good boy, and earn more trust. Might as well sleep comfortably now... *The next day, late morning* All throughout Frowsts manor pets woke to find loving notes, fresh breakfasts, or scornful warnings and added punishments. Allixter was lucky enough to find a nice meal awaiting him, with a note he chose to ignore till hed eaten. Hearing occupants of other rooms alerted him, Allixter instantly rushed to check the door! Opening it to the hall, a pair of tails shot to alert ahead of him, the wolfish guardsmen not looking, though aware... Seeing patrolling guards beyond the two positioned by his door, Al knew he couldn't run. Though he had the energy and drive, it was obvious he wouldn't get anywhere. Securities tight when Frowsts not around... Heading back to his breakfast tray, Al snatched the note and read it fast. Dearest Allixter, my lovely pup, I hope you slept well! I am terribly sorry to inform you that the office had a small emergency for me to deal with this morning. I will be returning as soon as possible, until then, the servants will attend to your every whim. Please enjoy breakfast my boy! See you soon~! Frowst doodled a little picture of the two of them hugging at the bottom... (Gosh what a sweet note, huh? Masters such a swell fellah! I bet hes really eager to get home!) Instinct announced his presence this morning, as Al read. Not wanting to invoke further conversation, Al ignored his instincts to the best of his abilities. Food was the main thing on his mind, despite not being that hungry. Instinct wouldn't relent till they ate... Sighing out a long groan, Allixter began eating this heavenly omelet, filled with ham, peppers, lots of cheese and chives! This was quite delicious when paired with the sausage, bacon, English muffin, and Mimosa it came with. Who wouldve though orange juice and champagne, huh..? Finishing up his meal, leaving some scraps behind, Allixter decided to try and leave the room. Mustering up all his courage, the pint sized pup took a deep breath, before marching out into the hall. Immediately aware of his freedom, the only thing that changed was Als party size! Now followed by a pair of wolves who didn't speak a word, Allixter just started searching for a way out! If all they plan to do is follow, then at least hed map the layout of this place! It wasn't easy at first, having guards around every bend, sharp stares and violent eyes spotting his every move... Eventually the sheer amount of wolves roaming about had Allixter growing comfortable. Stop. The two guards said as he went to open a door. That room does not belong to you. Al nodded, not needing to enter if it was just a normal room. Halt now. You are not allowed to move beyond the pet wing. They repeated once further up the hallway. W-why not? Don't I live here? (Good one, maybe theyll buy it!) Allixter asked sarcastically. Master Frowst has not allowed you access to the rest of his abode. You will remain in the pet wing and lounge area. The taller of the two said sharply. O-Oh yeah..? Ok... (Lets go find some of the guys!) Allixter was going to mock them, but backed down. If you require direction, simply ask, but go no further. The two wolves moved in front of Al. Yeah, whatever... You wouldn't happen to know the way out would ya? (You gotta be kidding me!?) Allixter decided to tempt fate. Do not test me. Frowst will be informed of your inquiry. They said in off unison. Whatever, you guys are fucking pawns... Allixter mocked as he pouted. Silence mutt! The Master is away meaning were law! On your honor boy! The shorter wolf stomped forward, his maw a menacing jagged snarl. Shrugging off this pitiful insult, Allixter grumbled away, back toward his room. The other end of the house has to hold something, right? They said there was a lounge, thats worth a look... Meeting other dogs in the hall was weird, none of them seemed particularly interested in seeing him, even those he had met already... Had that all been an act? Were they all just playing the part of his pal to make Frowst happy? This didn't bother Al, more of a shock. Some of them seemed kind of cool... Rounding the corner, where he had been chased by... uhh... Razurus! Yeah, thats what Frowst called him! Anyway, heading past where he was scared off, Allixter found a huge open window, which overlooked a verdant garden! Beyond that, similar transparent glass separated him from a gym, complete with Olympic sized swimming pool! Whoa! How much money... What does Frowst do for a living?! This had to cost a fuck load! Looks like fun though, theres even a high-dive! Awestruck by this lengthy room, Allixter spied a few dogs working out within. Poor Ruffio looked like he was having a hard time keeping up with the treadmill... Big guy should lose some weight though, not that Al ever had a problem with pudgy guys! As a matter of fact he finds bigger boys sorta se... Whoa, Instincts getting to Als inner narrator, ugh... Gimme a sec... In the next corridor, Allixter was greeted with such delicious and succulent scents, the fact a skunk owned this manor seemed impossible! Almost hypnotized by this incredibly smell, Allixter began lumbering forward, his nose guiding the way. Like some kind of cartoon, a dopey grin grew up his face, as he trotted along following invisible tendrils of joyous baked goods! Even the wolves let out a small sigh of pleasure, their rigid forms bowing toward the kitchen ahead. Peanutbutter oatmeal cookies were one of Allixters favorite treats since he was a pup, but they were soo hard to find! It sort of shocked him to be sniffing such an odd combination of cookie on the perfectly air conditioned wind. The dogs who get these rooms must be really good or just lucky to have such pleasant sniffs around them all the time! Waltzing into a forbidden area, the two enamored guards didn't stop Allixter as he approached the kitchen! Little did Al know, he was close to one of the entrances to Frowsts manor, his intrigued sniffer unconcerned with the hints of fresh air nearby. Pushing one of the double doors open, the creaking of wood caught the wolves attention and the older of them reacted! Hey! Halt! Hold there! He called out, his voice crackling forming anger. WHOA~! Didn't hear yall come in! A huge figure spun to face them, half his body obscured by the kitchen island he worked behind. Oh, well hello there! Are you Allixter? Great to meet ya buddy! The big otter let out a cheery greeting at the first sign of confirmation from Al. H-hey, you... uhh... Oh uhhmmm... Scheffield?! Right! (Oh my gosh! Thanks for dinner mate! Youre tha best!) Allixter had to think hard to remember. Yessir, I am! So glad ta meet cha! A big grin spread across his plump face. Wanna treat bud? Got all sortsa goodies cooling here... Dancing slightly as he stirred rhythmically, Scheffields thick tail pinged off pots and pans behind him. Go on boys, I wont tell Master! Haha! He added, looking at the stern wolves. What trustful reservations Al held toward this seemingly kind figure, vanished upon hearing him say master so casually... Some part of this tiny Corgi was desperate enough to envision the cook helping him escape, simply because of how happy his greeting was. Instinct mocked him for this, a simple joke about becoming friendlier, but it was actually frightening for Al... So whatcha like to eat pup? I know how to make almost everything! Frowst will catch me up on specifics, so why don't cha let me know what youd like for lunch! Hmm? Any cravings lil feller? A faded Texan accent shined through in this inquiry. I-I-uhh... not really sure... (Oh man, bro, hes southern! RIBS!) Allixter involuntarily licked his chops at this. C-can I have a cookie sir? Would you tell Frowst? One wolf asked the other. Shush Betan! The other wolf barked. Allixter reacted to this, a smug smirk crawling up his face as he snatched a steaming cookie and turned to show them how delicious they were. Over exaggerating his enjoyment, the taller wolf let out a low grumble before leaving to stand outside. The shorter, older wolf shook his head, before snatching the remaining treat from Allixter and eating it with a shit-eating smirk of his own. Scoffing with shock, he turned to find Scheffield checking some temperatures, the bowl of batter cradled in his flabby arm. Of course he didnt see that bullshit... Fine, have that one. I can have as many as Id like! (Thats right! Wolves are jerks!) Allixter sniped back, reaching behind him for a lemon bar. Yeah, thats right... Get good and plump for Master... Heh! The wolf mocked. Grrr... (Grrrr!) Allixter thought up a retort quickly. Whatever, Im sure Frowst will have something to say about you stealing from me... (Hah, now youre gonna get it!) Wa-wait... I-I-I mean.. he wont believe you. Im loyal enough to not be questioned. Hints of worry still lined his face, as he straightened to show discipline. Suuuuure! Better hope so... (Hehehe, Masterll straighten him out!) Rare that they agree, but Allixter sort of wanted to see this douche get whats coming to him. Now, now boys! No need to fight over snacks, hahaha! Plenty for everyone! Im real flattered-like though! Scheffield gave a belly laugh at this, rearranging plates under the warming lamps. God I want a brownie... Allixter barely caught it, but the wolf said it aloud. (Poor guy! Master probably doesn't treat them as nice as us dogs!) Instinct announced his thoughts as Al prepared a taunt. Y-youre right... He said confusing the wolf, as he offered him a lump of ooey-gooey goodness. I wont tell, promise... Canine honor. (Awww! You really are a good boy!) R-really..? Thank you! The wolf eagerly accepted, rushing out to share with his pack-mate. Well jeepers, aint you a sweetie! Scheffield let out a gush of appreciation. Please take something too! You more than deserve it for that! The big otters cerulean eyes practically begged. N-nah, Im alright... Gotta watch my figure, hehe. (Whaa..? WHY?!) That wolf had got to Al after all... Nonsense! Youre skin n bones n fur! If yur real worried, here, these got no sugar nd stuff! A marshmallow crispy was offered and Al couldn't resist. Thank you, really! I appreciate you more than Frowst so far, hehe. (This guys employed by Master, silly!) Admitting this made the big otter let out a sudden, unexpected laugh. Oh boy, don't, hehe... D-d-don't let him hear ya saying that, k? Scheffield showed spikes of concern, for more than Als sake. Pfft, he doesn't scare me... Ill say what I want. (He can be scary though!) Allixter flexed his courage before the taller, heavier animal. Shoot son, he don't scare me neither! Hes a real sweetheart once ya let im get his hooks in ya! Scheffield replied, quick to support his generous employer. Point is hed get jealous and Frowst can be a vindictive bastard at times! They both laughed at this. Good to know it isnt just for show... (Haha, you knew he was a big ole softie!) Allixter chortled a bit more. C-can I ask somethin? Well, sure! Course ya can! Scheffield set his thoroughly mixed batter down, waiting for the tray to preheat. C-could you... Do you know how to get out of here? (Stop asking people that!) Allixter asked, but the chef just sighed. Pup, damn, I... Youre killin me with those eyes buddy! Aggh! Evading the question, Scheffield pretended to be distraught. I-I get it... No worries. Just... I need help... (Puppy-love power, activated!) If Scheffield thought his natural allure was bad, then Als plaintiff begging would prove lethal! Hoo boy, I... haha! Youll have Frowst eatin out cha paw in no time! Scheffield declared, spying that adorable pouting mug. Tchheheh... I hope... (Gimme time, I can win anyone over!) Allixter joshed back with the playful cook. Well, you best skedaddle! Master oughta be back soon and hed love to greet ya at the door! Scheffield gave a wry wink. Thanks, Ill see if I can find it! Haha... (Bye Cheffie, thanks for the grub!) Though upset with the lack of info, this had given Al an idea. Stepping out, Allixter was thanked by the two wolves he was trying to see as escorts, instead of guards. Betan was very happy, wagging his tail like a pup as he gave short bows to offer his respectful thanks. His cohort was equally appreciative, though less expressive due to maturity. No wagging for him. So fellahs, can I ask a favor... Mind showing me where Frowst comes in? Id love to be there to say hi! (Im just loving your new attitude!) Allixter tried to be nonchalant, hoping to reveal his intentions. Of course, follow! Many of the masters pets gather to greet him. Betan nodded, though his superior seemed wary. O-oh really, well thatll be nice! (Maybe he brought something special for us!) Disappointment punctured through Als cool tone. Yeah, you wont find a way out, as you hope. The shorter wolf said simply, causing his friend to stop dead. Wh-what?! You thought youd... Grrr! Betan leapt into turning around. Play me with treats, will ya?! Whoa, chill bro! Nothing like that, hehe... (Lying hurts dude... Can we stop?) Allixter defensively raised his paws. Suuuuure! The older wolf bit back, mocking Als previous use of this word. Heading up a long stretch of the manor, past the gym and down a different turn from the one that led him toward the kitchen, Allixters keen sense began to catch hints of sharp chemical odors. Motor oil, gasoline, axle grease... They were heading toward a garage or body shop! Where there is a garage, theres a door! Even if hes still trapped within the gates of the manor, Allixters grasp on himself was strong. He could escape if given the chance! Heeeya fellahs~! A chipper voice called out. Good to see ya Maadox, Betan, Al! It was Vailey. Hello sir. The two wolves bowed at his approach. Oh hey again... (Vailey!! Need hugs bro, cmere!) This isnt who Allixter expected. Super shocked to see ya coming to greet Master! Vailey approached, a small cluster of furry bodies tailing along. Really? Well, guess hes growing on me! (C-can you hug Vailey now?) Allixter was unaware of how right he was, Frowsts charm is like a virus... Thats awesome! Well, here, these are some of my friends you havent met! This is Lionel, Xander and Ziggy! Vailey waved a paw over the approaching dogs. Hi! Heya! Nice to meet ya! Howre ya? Bunched up love came out in these greetings. Whoa hey! Like, shit bro... H-h-he sure does have a lot of pets! (Like, everyone looks so soft, just ask for a hug!) Startled Allixter regretted the tone of voice used. Yeeeaa-hah! Ziggy let out a howl of a word. Our lil family is always growin and shrinkin! Nice to have a new face, specially one so cute! The tallest of the three, Lionel bent over to examine Al. Welcome pup! Didn't get to talk with you last night, Im Xander! A paw shot forward, a whooshing tail just beyond it. These are my best buds round here! M sure well all get along great! Vailey added to the growing cheer Allixter attempted to avoid. Sure! Totally! Whatd you guys like to do? (Were they at the party last night?) Allixter wasn't sure what to ask, but this came out. Im pretty good at basketball and sports stuff! Xander hopped a bit. Movie guy here. Lionel pawed his chest. I like playing with Master mostly! N-not sure why I wasn't in the good-boy brigade last night... Ziggys ears fell, but Vailey pat his shoulder to cheer him up. Relax pal, he only needed two of us! Just tell Frowst if you feel left out! Vailey nudged his friend a bit, making him grin. Heh-hehe... Yeah, ok! Not sure how good I am at playing, haha. Im not to athletic, but I like doing sports for fun! Got lots of flicks Id like to share, whatre youre-. (Whoa, hush up! Were hella good at playi-!) A nearby noise cut off Al, all the other dogs falling silent. Distant mechanical stirring silenced them quickly, various hushed whispers ending conversations. Ruffio appeared then, running down the hall, fixing his trousers after using the bathroom. A specific tonal rumble, set all the goodest of dogs on excited edge! Mechanical whirring sounded to them far before lesser ears wouldve detected it! As the garage began to open, a restrained frenzy swept over their collective rumps, so many different tails thrashing with intense excitement! Whimpers and whines cut from those so eager, waiting an additional few minutes was unbearable! Allixter found his own tail swaying steadily from the ambient excitement and had to clutch it to stay the wags. Trying to turn away and leave, Allixter just couldn't... The sight of once threatening wolves, beady eyed with happiness was so disarming, he stayed. The clack of a shutting car door jumped the energy in the room well past eleven, doggish cries cutting from restless muzzles. A key hit the lock, clattering into place. Paws shuffled closer to the door. As crackling sounded the door was unlocked, even more inches were taken by eager pets. Jingling grinds were heard as the key was removed, an overeager mutt near the front yelping out suddenly! The crunch of correcting bags muffled the plinking keys returning to Frowsts pocket. Al couldn't believe the tension this built for him! How could waiting for a doorknob to turn be so supremely enthralling?! What makes this at all interesting? Why is Frowst worth the time? Arggh! When will he open the door?! Come on already! Perhaps the most pleasant sound this variety of dogs have ever heard graced the halls just then, like an angels choir! The rattling thunk of a door mechanism sounding sent the precious pooches into overdrive! Everyone yelped, hopped about, wagged furiously, or danced with eagerness. Frowst knew full well the systemic effect his coming home had on dogs. It pleased the rotund skunk to no end seeing his collar broken canines adopt this trait. Frowst was downright shocked to find Allixter as part of this greeting party! HELLLOOO BOOOOYS~! Frowst stepped in, but was tackled back into the garage by a barrage of fluffy love. Ohhh hellooo~! Oh my word! Yes, oh of course loves! How I missed you all! My good, good dogs! Master was so upset to leave this morning! Frowst couldn't contain himself, so much canine attention would melt anyones heart! Hello sir! Hi Master! Im so glad youre back! It was no fun waking up alone! Did you bring treats? Can I go play in the park sir? Pick me up please! I want a hug! So many comments, flush with love, even from those who sounded demanding! Why yes I did! Theres some donuts for you, dognuts; in the bag there! Haha, heyy~! That tickles Vail, haha! Being licked on the chin and somewhere... more tender, had Frowst squirming beneath the dog pile. (Cmon bro! Lets get in on that! Master looks sooooo happy!) Instinct spoke sharply to get Allixters attention. Pfft... yeah sure... Al went and fetched a donut from the bag, before they were all gone. Alllixxteerr~! You surprise me puppo! I didn't expect to see you this morning! Frowst sat up, plush pups toppling from him as he did. Y-y-yeah! Sort of surprised myself! Guess I... kinda missed you... (Don't be ashamed of that! I missed him too!) Just say whatever he wants to hear... Reeeaaallly~?! Frowsts face was like a dynamo charging electricity. Im ever so pleased to hear that my delectable doggish darling! Nothing could make me happier, truly! Frowst had to dodge Xanders kisses to show his sincerity in earnest. Well thanks, thats great! Heh, you look busy so Ill catch ya later... (Ok, you clearly don't get it... We just go play with Master, like, by choice!) Waving, Al began to walk away. Frowst was before him in seconds, showing impressive strength and dexterity! Holding Vailey, Angus, and Lionel, the huge bodied mephit still managed a hasty retrieval of Allixter! Plopping his pets to the floor, Frowst formed a type of wall, which quickly became a cage when the rest of the dogs filed behind Al. Nervously fiddling his paws, Allixter did his best to maintain calm under such an intense spotlight. So many sets of eyes, Frowsts were like the damn sun... Now, now; I have plenty of love to share! Please don't make me think you were only after donuts... Frowst smirked at the chewing Corgi. Nah, not at all! Im just sorta... (Shy?) Allixter faded off, watching the others clamor for attention. Nobodies judging little fellow, its ok! Frowst reached for him. Theeere, isnt that nice? Good morning my love. Sorry you had to awake in solitude... Gently outlining Als ear sent shivers through the short Corgi. O-O-Ohhhh yeeeaaaah... N-no, its fine, I-Im alright to wake up alone! (Damn dats so goood!) Allixter melted under a simple stroke of his ears. Nonsense, today was going to be special! I wanted to be there when you awoke! Oh my, you seem so tense... Isnt this relaxing? Frowst slid his paw down Als neck, arching under his scruffy chin. G-g-god damn... (S-s-so awesome! I love you sir!) Al whispered. Y-ya can stop bro-sir... Is o...kay... (Its ok, stop fighting it...) Allixter was desperate to escape, yet equally dire for deeper scratches. How does this feel so fucking incredible? Allixter couldn't comprehend what he was experiencing! How is something, he could do himself, so beguiling! Basically falling into Frowsts paw, Al couldn't help but press himself against the gently grating claws. Eroding his resistance as quick as his stress, Frowst tried for the coup detat, a belly rub... Wait your turn fellahs, hahaha! Als new, this is still really special for him... Frowst nudged away eager pups, as he kneaded his paw along Al, steadily working toward his gut. Youre secretly enjoying this arent you Al? I can see it in your eyes, theres a certain passion... S-s-sir... p-please stop... (Noooo~!) Allixter wanted to get out, this felt so wrong! Why? Isnt it pleasurable? Frowst was willing to respect Als boundaries. Do you really want me to stop? Taking his paw from Als chest stole the oxygen from within. N-n-no sir, Im just... (Confused?) Allixter fought to breath normally, sharp pants filling his lungs. Shhhh, this is normal... Just admit you enjoy it! Go on... Release your inhibition and focus only on my touch. Frowsts Faustian smile couldn't be contained as Allixter slowly succumbed to Canidae nature. N-no, I cant... S-so embarrassing... (Oh boy, thats embarrassing!) Allixter tensed and relaxed with Frowsts masterful petting. No it isnt, stop that! See how eager everyone is for their turn. Just say it... Its ok, tell me youre enjoying it! Frowst softly commanded his dog to speak. I... I... Pl-please... (Its ok, just say it...) Al quivered with restrained joy. Please... Just... Please don't stop! I love it! Oh gods above this is so fuggin good! (Yeeaah, there we gooo~!) Allixter fell closer to the floor with each inch Frowsts paw crept, until he collapsed under the ecstasy. Thats precisely what I wanted to hear. Good dog, very good boy... Frowst returned the verbal favor with his praise. H-holy crap, h-h-how... Wh-why does that make it sooo much better? (Cuz were a reeaally good boy!) Allixter was wide eyed at the compliment. What does? Being a goood boooy~?! Frowst toyed with the words, making them extra special for Als ears. Oooohhh yeah, o-o-one more... please? (Yeah, say it again sir!) Allixters paws bunched up, as Frowsts paw slid up and down his tummy. Ill say it as many times as you like, my good dog. Youre being so terrific this morning love... Frowsts worked Als stomach like a piano, not an inch going untouched. Youre such a great lil guy Allixter. Im very happy to see you. W-wow... thank ya sir! Thats... fantabulous... W-wuff youuu~! (Lets lick him! Masters paw is close enough! Now! Ok, now! Get him! Grrr, hehe~!) Allixter cried out, as Frowst coyly graced the tip of his groin. Allixter was unable to continue clearly vocalizing and his words exploded as doggish gibberish and whimpering whistles. Tightening his muscles as Frowst climbed toward his chin, the tension was so great, Als enjoyment amplified to near orgasmic levels! Released from this tightness by Frowsts southbound paws, Allixter had to fight his own body to avoid getting an erection. That wasn't to difficult, as seeing Frowst still triggered alarms in Als brain. Just, wow did they fade fast under the loving skunks skilled, supple paws. Whod of thought rubbing a dogs tummy was a skill you could develop?! Wriggling with joy as this feeling reached a peak, Allixter kicked himself away a bit, only to be drug back by his own pleasure. Clawing the carpet gently, Al fought to avoid being picked up! It was futile though... Panic only struck for seconds, unable to battle the growing enjoyment. In his head, he was playing Frowst, or at least the part desired of him... Being coddled in Frowsts paws, then his chunky arms, Al jarred about to get comfortable. It was very easy: the warmth of his body, the gentle thump of his heart, Frowsts masculine musk... W-wait, what? No, not that! Everything, but that! Very good bud, see? Were gonna be fast friends! Theres a whole lotta love in you lil one! Frowst nuzzled his canine like they would, using only his muzzle to spread affection. During this time of borderline kissing, Frowst saw to his other needy creatures, whos bellies demanded rubs as well. Suddenly the servant, Master Frowst performed all the unique requests and odd additives each dog required. So tedious, yet splendorous... So monotonous, yet endlessly pleasing... Awhhh... Frowst was very much aware of Als inner impertinence, but put such thoughts aside. Allixter appeared to want to try or was at least succumbing to the effects of his collar and craving love. Still cuddling Al, he thought the still aging Corgi had fallen asleep! Allixter was on the verge, but to enraptured with being adored to fully do so. Now, everyone... Go play! Master is going to retire to the lounge if anyone wanted to accompany me. Frowt stood with Al, who involuntarily clung to his neck. Im witcha sir! Vailey cried, almost a bark. Yeah, lets go guys! We can play Howl of Duty! One of the other called, running off through the house with a tail of... well tails! Lemme grab some breakfast and Ill catch up! Another skipped to stop, before darting off toward the kitchen. C-can you put me down? (Whyyy~?) Al asked as Frowst began to walk. Why love? Do you have something you wanted to do? Frowst inquired, holding Al by his armpits. I had some games planned and other festivities... Well, nah, not really... Just not sure what Id do there. (Bro, lets game! I know you want to!) Allixter really just wanted to escape Frowst, being pet into submission had him flustered to say the least... Play with the others perhaps? While I do not partake in such games, I have purchased a vast collection for the boys. So many copies of the same title, haha... Never understood that one! Frowst chuckled, his big belly bouncing Al who rested atop it. W-well some games are only one player and it sucks to share Elder Tails with-... (Big bro used to always hog it! Never could get nuthin done!) Al shook his head, to refocus. Never mind, I just don't think Im ready to try and like... fit in, ya know? Al seemed to admit to himself, more than Frowst. While it pains me to hear that, I completely understand. This is a trying time, despite all the good provided. Frowst searched the air outside for extra answers. Ah! I know, when youre ready, meet me in the lounge and you can open the rest of your presents! Deal? Frowst set him down, enjoying the paternal feeling of being much, much taller. Sure! I mean... yeah, that sounds cool. C-can I go outside for a bit? (OH GOSH, I TOTALLY FORGOT! PWESENTS~! GO NAOOOW!) Allixter was kind of trying for a lot here, quite early. Of course! Frowst snapped his fingers, wolves appearing from behind his obscenely large tail. Maadox, Betan. Accompany Allixter to the inner courtyard. Feel free to enjoy yourselves while he has his time there. Much to Als chagrin, he was directed toward the park in the center of the manor, not the freedom outside its walls... Oh, well, uhh... Can I get a cigarette from you? (Oh jeez, sorta excited for one myself...) Allixter asked innocently. No. If you have such a habit, it stops now. Frowst looked very disappointed. I will send Vailey down with a joint for you though. The skunk stuck his tongue out playfully, spying Als disappointment. Hell yeah! Now youre talkin! Hahaha! (Whaa?! Thaz dope yo!) Allixter hopped with excitement, his legs spreading and his paws meeting his chin. Go on buddy. Ill see you in a few. Frowst waved him off with a smirk, as the wolves opening paws showed the way. K, see ya, thanks! (Bye sir~! Come chill with us if ya want!) W-wait... I mean... Al was dumbfounded by his complacency. Right this way sir. Betan nodded to keep Al moving. Unsure how to feel or react, Allixter followed without exposing his discontent. Well, to Betan anyway, Maadox could tell something was up. He had done this longer and was of an older generation, it was easier to read dogs, the lesser canine. Frowst would hate to hear that, but its how his Alphas describe them... Traversing the ornate halls and eloquent rooms, Allixter was led down a small stairwell, receiving greetings from everyone along the way. Its hard to not be pleasant when Instinct was lashing out with his deepest inner affections. Friends would never come so easily, even if he escaped Frowsts house! Al had new personality potential! Through here son. Again, this wont help you escape... Maadox tested the waters. Wh-whaat! Chill Maad, he seems alright... Betan scoffed, opening the door for Al. Yeah man, Im cool. Just need some fresh air and a smoke. (Werent we looking for a way out though?) Allixter covered his tracks well. Of course. Just keep in mind, Im on to you. Maadox grumpily stood by the door as Al wandered into the lush garden. Stepping out into the heating morning air, Allixter took a deep breath, staring into the clouds above. So distant, so free... Roses and lilies lined the path, as he wandered on a winding trail through this lush landscape. Colorful flowers were arranged into a Technicolor bastille, surrounding huge topiaries of standing, sitting, or all fours canines. Two small landings beneath the pedestal mounted shapes held benches, an umbrella, and some chairs. Chessboards were painted onto the marble surface, with comfortable loungers or sturdy benches surrounding them. Vast expandses of green formed the ground level of this park, broken by intricately placed trees, bushes, and flowers. A fountain graced the rear quarter, behind the shaped shrubberies, as well as a few thoughtfully placed articles of marble, to give any viewer a long lost society feel, sort of like Roman ruins. Allixter let out a pale sigh, somewhat pleased, yet all too distracted by what that meant. This is just a posh prison... No amount of veneer or polish could make it livable to his immediate thoughts. Distracting himself with the closing of morning glories, Al didn't notice a figure approaching from across the park. He was far to distracted with his plans to manipulate Frowst and keep up this good boy act... Heya bud! Is supposed to bring ya these! Whooop~! Vailey gave the emerging Js their own sound effect. Thanks! Awesome! (Wooof~! Havent smoked in a while!) Allixter snatched them up eagerly, along with the lighter he provided. Mind if I... ya know? Heh... Vailey made a smoking motion with his fingers. Sure, no worries! (Yay, thats sweet of you!) Al nodded toward a bench, as he prepared to spark the well rolled dooby. Can I ask ya somethin Vail? Al strained his lungs, handing off the smoke. Of course! He was bright eyed at the request. Have I... Have I met the real you? Does Frowst ever turn your collar off? (That hurts a little. Im part of this real you thing...) Al asked, hoping not to upset him. Nah, ya havent! But I can take mine off, see. Vailey unclicked his collar, taking a paws-free drag. Wh-whoa! Like, shit dude... Al was shocked with jealousy. Yeah, Im about the same with or without it... Got some depression issues and this helps with em. Vailey peered into his dog tags, his voice blander than normal. Hard to worry about life when youre chasin sticks! Hahaha. Vails joke defused the seriousness. Yeah, I get that... More power to ya if it helps. (Aww hun, youre being so sweet! Offer to talk about it with him!) Allixter still didn't see the collar as good, but it made sense in this context. See main difference is, like this, Im aware of how hard its gotta be for you. Doggie me would just ignore that. How ya holdin up by the way? Vailey asked as they were near finished with the first bone. Its reeeaaally hard... Holy crap dude... (Hey, hey, hey! Im not that bad!) Allixter groaned, gripping his ears tightly. Fucking stupid sonnova-... Not something I can get used to easily. Any tips? Al was happy to find Instinct didn't have commentary for this. Id like to say that gets easier, I mean it did for me. Like damn, heh, its sort of nice having a peppy little voice telling me why living is great... Vailey faded off, twirling the tiny smoke, so it singed his fur a bit. Ive heard if ya sort of just level with it, then your instincts wont be such a chore to deal with... He added. I just... I cant listen to him, itd fucking make me act like a creep! (Dude, youre hurting my feelings... Your own feelings!) Allixter cried out, clawing his legs a bit to shut the voice out. Heh, yeah... But, I mean... Do you wanna walk around like Flash does? Guys kind of a punch line to us, hehe... Vailey tried to calm Al, as they lit the second joint. No, but I don't wanna end up like Ruffio or you-... (Thats cold you douchebag!) Al had to stop himself, but Vaileys semi-erect ears shot up. Like me? Vail asked with a snide smirk. Was gonna say your friends, but I hope you understand what I meant. Allixter tried to correct, but Vail didn't seem hurt. Nah, its cool! That makes sense. To you, we must seem like total wimps or bitches, but like-. Al cut him off fast. Nothing like that! If you wants a sugar-daddy, then jackpot! Im just... I cant accept him taking my freedom! All for some sick obsession of his! (Sugar-daddy is an understatement here, heehee!) Allixter needed him to understand his motives. Hahaha! Never thought of it like that really... Nah, but furreal, Im sorry pal. That blows fucking big time... Were things good for you on the outside? Vailey probed a bit, allowing Al most of the second bone to himself. Well... no. Actually things kind of sucked now that I think about it... (All those bills and debts... How are we gonna take care of all that?!) Al trailed off, sighing a bit. Not trying to back up the big guy, but like... score! Hes got cha covered! Hell, most of us work normal jobs if you still need that free living feeling. Vailey couldn't contain his giggles at Als expression. How the hell does that work? I come home from work and drop straight to all fours? (Not so bad right? Itd be good to come home to someone...) Allixter got a laugh from Vailey. Well for a while yeah, but Frowstll get you an apartment. A house even, if you prove loyal enough. Vailey was just recanting what hes seen and heard. REALLY?! (WHOA! No way!) Allixter practically fell from his seat. Yeah, quite a few of us have lived or live that way. I had a place in Malibu for a while! Was tight as the asses I saw struttin about! Heh... Vailey snickered with his tongue out, involuntarily panting at the pleasant memories. DUUUUDE~! Im speechless... (Goin, goin, back-back, to Cali-Cali!) Al couldn't believe his ears! Just give him a chance. Hes not soo bad, just... kind of bad, hahaha! Vailey popped up, slipping his collar back on, a visual sting rolling over his face. Well, shit, guess I gotta try... (FINALLY!) Al wasn't just stared off in thought. Thanks a billion for sharing with me~! Vaileys voice piqued to a chipper octave suddenly. Come on up to Masters lounge! You didn't get to open my present last night, super eager for it! Allixter couldn't help but note the change in his attitude, while not drastic, Vail seemed happier. Yeah, sounds good! Lemme finish this and Ill be right up. (See ya Vail! Be right behind ya!) Al referenced the shrinking doobie. Alrighty! Nice chat puppo! Erm, heh, Allixter! Ill try to cut back on the cutesy shit! Vailey disregarded his own words, saying this sweeter than honey. Hahaha, thanks! I appreciate that! Al waved to the leaving dog. In a way, Allixter needed that conversation. It was just the right mix of personable and informative, to keep his hope alive. No part of him was any less enthused to escape, but the impending dread of being stuck here had faded almost entirely. How can he be scared if failing to escape could mean a condo on the beach! Fucking phenomenal! Could just be the weed though, he was sort of swimmy and all this had been processing slowly for Allixter. Frowst has some pretty good stuff! That or Al had developed a minor tolerance in his few smokeless months. *Same day, about thirty minutes later* Aight... take me to Frowst... (Awroof! Ya wont regret it!) Al was not happy with this request. Mwahahahahahaa~! Maadox wasn't devoid of a sense of humor, the villainous laugh he gave was proof. Heheh, hes playing! Used to do that to me when I was a pup! Betan laughed over his shoulder. While displeased, Allixter got the comedy of his action. Following them back through the house, they passed the gym, Als room, then headed past the kitchen a short distance. Stopping by a pair of thick oak doors, the sounds of joviality were contained just beyond them. Opening and waving him through a bravado of voices called to Allixter, welcoming his arrival. Al! Heya bud! Ruffio sat up sharply. Wassup bro! Good to see ya. Dullie waved from across the room, where he and a friend played Magic. Hi! Heya! Good to see ya! Welcome! Wanna play? Lots of voices hit Als ears, faces lost amongst the group. Hello Allixter! How are you feeling? Frowst asked once the greetings died down. Fine, well better, thanks! (So terrific! Only you coulda made it better sir~!) Allixter chuckled, rubbing his scruff. Thats grand to hear! Im very pleased! Do you enjoy this game, care to play? Frowst offered, those playing welcome to the idea. Would you like to open your presents? Further inquiries made Al feel he needed to speak. Im cool for now, maybe in a bit... (Awww man...) Is this Howl of Duty: Dark-Ops? Man, havent played this in years! Allixter just wanted the attention off him. Yeah, part four! Ruffio replied. Theres a zombie map thats in space! Ziggy added with a bright expression. Whoa! Thats either super ambitious or theyre running out of ideas... Allixter got a few sharper dogs to chuckle, as well as Frowst. Kinda both honestly... Dullie was upset he couldn't achieve the same. Id love to see your style and technique little one. Its intriguing how differently you all decide to play! Frowst pretended to shoot his paw, at a dartboard across the room. Haha, well... technique is a strong word! Im not thaaat good! Al replied, surprised Frowst found interest in such things. Oh nonsense! Its supposed to be fun, right? Frowst asked as a deathmatch ended. Ever play online? People take it way too seriously... Al retorted with a question. One of the main reasons I choose not to indulge. Theres such a disconnect from your opponent! Im one to savor both victory and defeat. Frowst explained simply. Yeah, I understand some of that... Al was sort of lost in the new map the guys chose. Sure ya don't wanna give it a try? Ruffio handed the controller over his shoulder. Bro! BRO! TEN OCLOCK! TURN AROUND! Xander slapped a paw against him, his tiny pats nothing to the Saint Bernard. Just play, haha! Im cool! Thanks though. (Yeah, we got other stuff to do!) Allixter wasn't sure why, but he was headed for Frowst! We were going to have a mock wrestling match, just for fun, but business sort of ruined the schedule... Frowst frowned down at the smiling Corgi. Furreal?! Oh jeez, thats really too much, haha! Al enjoyed the idea, but wasnt bummed by the loss. I had costumes made and everything! Perhaps another day then, love... Frowst was disappointed, but couldn't show disdain in front of Al, not today at least. Did you sleep well? You seemed very exhausted last night. Terrific! I slept like a log! That bed is so comfortable! (See? Gratitude feels good!) Allixter tried to mentally correct his appreciation, but couldn't. Glad to hear it! I was worried it was a little big for you... Though taunting, Frowsts demeanor didn't hold malice. Tch, youch... That struck a nerve, heh... (Being short has some advantages, like... Uhhhmm...) Al took a seat to stay his wandering. So sorry love, I dont mean to insult you! Your stature is something I find very pleasing. In a purely platonic way of course. Frowst chuckled, pawing his chest a bit. Good to know, just keep your pants on and well be fine! (Dude, pants suck though! So do shoes...) Allixter joked back, finding it easier by the second. While I understand what you mean, my choice of attire in no way reflects my desires. Frowst explained cordially. Im sure well see one another... exposed, at some point in time... Frowsts coy grin had Al blushing the second it formed. Oooooooooh~! Vailey added to Als redness. Yeah, like, were all naked sometimes... Fur kinda covers your delicate bits. Ziggy said casually, unstirred by the provocative dialogue. C-c-count me out, haha. Can barely go to the beach sometimes... (Youre really gonna deny being naked around a bunch of studs?! Da fuck dude?!) Allixter taunted himself to break the growing tension. Truly disappointing to hear, but Im sure youll change your mind sweetness. Nothing to be ashamed of! Afterall, youre fairly well-endowed for your size. Frowst didn't relent, seeing Al blush was like watching his favorite movie. Wooht-wooooooo~! Vailey gave a wolf-whistle at this. Youre either being a perv or really trying to flatter me... (Prolly both from the looks of it!) Allixter turned away, his fiery hide, growing pink from sustained blushing. You deserve such commendation boy! Im certain youll come to appreciate it with time. Frowst leaned forward, forcing Al to see him. Ermm, ughh... Yeah, well... I don't know... Th-thanks though... (Wow! Hardly anyones make us feel like this...) Al seemed to finally accept Frowst as unavoidably charming. Not really sure what to say. Hard not to gush at that... (Try: Thank you handsome! Maybe ask him for a kiss?) Allixter felt a weight lift with his furthered admition. Please do my love! Theres nothing I would enjoy more! It would be such a treat to see you happy! Frowst practically pleaded. Holy jeez, youre laying it on really thick! (He got big paws, prolly hard for him to be delicate!) Allixter couldnt stop smiling as he rode the emotional rollercoaster Frowst produced. Only so many ways to butter a biscuit buddy! I didn't hear you ask me to stop... Frowsts closing eyes formed creased crescents on his jet-black mug. Keep in mind that this isnt an act, my feelings for you are true... Frowsts sunk more affection into the squirming pup, Als eyes lulling toward a dopey romance. Y-yeah sure, haha... Lets wait till you actually know me, ok? (Im so freakin flattered right now! My face feels like lava!) Allixter mocked the unrelenting love. Fair enough, just note that all of my boys have quirks, traits, or needs, which I do not hesitate to fufill. Youll be no different Allixter. Anything and everything you desire, is the bare minimum for me... Frowsts voice grew passionate, resembling a husband supporting his mate. T-thats... thats really sweet of you... (Should we tell him about having asthma?) Allixters words rang true, but he was anxious to escape this topic. No thanks required, it is what I want to do! Now, would you care to open these? All the striped ones are from me... Frowst put Allixters attention on the pile of presents surrounding his armchair. Well, sure! Thank you! W-wow... You didn't have to buy me so much stuff! (Cmon, were never greedy, so lets enjoy this!) Al was wide eyed at the mass of presents piled around Frowst. Nonsense! Its by far the best part of owning pets! That look of appreciation when my generosity finds you, is the lifeblood, which fuels me. Frowsts wordy statement had Als head tilting. Please pause the game boys, Al is going to open his presents. Frowst commanded sweetly, despite asking. Haha, nah, thats ok! Really! It isnt my birthday or nuthin! You guys keep going! (Shy much?) Allixter waved a paw into turning around, as the sounds of gunfire ceased. Ya sure? I don't mind! Is that cool sir? We alright to keep playing boss? A few of them checked with Frowst, who agreed with Allixter. If that is what you wish my love. The skunk had no qualms either way. While I appreciated order and control, I think the phrase used is go nuts? Frowst chuckled as he vocalized this. Allixter just chuckled at the flecks of social awkwardness, which is rare for the skunk! Even when Allixter gave it his all to piss Frowst off, the most he got was a temporary rouse of rage! Unlike most of his kin, this skunk excuded confidence and grace almost all the time. Its as if he was blissfully unaware of his malodorous funk, or even worse; proud of it... Being slid packages, bags, boxes, and oddly wrapped objects, Allixter had flashbacks to Christmas as a pup! Given his modest upbringing, there isnt a Christmas on record to rival this moment! Frowst got him enough presents to have satisfied his inner pup five times over! Tearing the first presents pelt to pieces, Allixters face illuminated at what he found beneath. Woah! No way, dude! (Ohmahgosh sweet! Never thought wed have one of these!) Al responded to a brand new Paw Station Portable! Yay, so glad ya like it buddy! Got one mahself! Comes with a few games too! Vailey gave Al a shoulder-hug, as he passed to get a soda. Thanks! Thank you Vailey! I always wanted one of the colorful ones! (Oh my gosh, hes sooo soft!) Allixter involuntarily followed, eager to show gratitude. Oh you boys and your videogames, haha! Youll have to make a list of the titles youd like! Frowst laughed, some of the guys joining. Ive got a blue one if youd prefer that color! We can swap around to! Vailey smirked and nodded with his eyes closed. Nah bro! This is great! Couldn't afford one of these when they were new, was always curious. Thank you! (This is so nice of him! Make sure to give him another hug!) Allixter was truly grateful. No prob! Enjoy! We should play Monster Slayer together sometime soon! Vailey added as he returned to his seat by the card table. Here Al, it isnt much, but I made ya this! Ziggy popped up to fish out his gift. Th-thanks! You made it? (Thats what I heard chief!) Allixter ripped off the newspaper, revealing a small box. W-wow... thank you! You really made this? (Oooh, so pretty!) Allixter lifted the turquoise beads from the reused jewelry box. Don't read too deep into it, haha! Ziggy obviously refered to gifting another male a bracelet. Just a hobby I use to keep my wallet full! Just kidding of course, haha! They both chuckled a bit. Really, this is beautiful... Oh stop, you know what I mean! (You stop! Thiss really touching!) Al pushed Ziggy away as his comment led him to raise a brow. Im teasing ya! Sorry again its nothing fancy! Ziggy waved a paw at Als defense. Stop that Imzigk! Thats an incredibly sweet gift! You cannot fathom how special mine is to me love... Frowst revealed an amethyst colored bracelet, similar to Als in design. Aww well, just hard to compete with fancy booze and electronics! Ziggy, whos real name was gibberish to Al, snickered over this. No really, knowing you made this makes it special. Thank you! (If you keep this up, Ill be quiet! Promise!) Allixter nearly responded in agreeance to that offer! Thinking confirmation to his internal oppressor, Allixter did his best not to reveal such to Ziggy or Frowst, who still watched him. They didn't seem to notice, though Al was frazzled by the multitude of conversation. Being offered another gift, Allixter cleared his thoughts and accept gratiously. Frowst had spied his discontent, but chose not to mention it. Though curious, Frowst wouldn't tempt fate by asking Al about his emotions. This ones from Angus! Hes working today, so Ill make sure to give him your thanks! Frowst handed a stout package to Al. Oh ok, what does he do curiously? Allixter began to strip the shipping information from the box. Angus fixes industrial machinery. You wouldn't expect it having met him! Hes a smart dog, very skilled with his paws! Frowst was more than happy to share his pets positive prospects. Whoa, whod of thunk it... (Maybe he can help us get Dads car running again?) Allixter trailed off, trying to imagine the dog he met last night performing such a task. Never judge a book by its cover, I suppose! Al added opening the gift. Oh wow... damn, this is kind of sick! Sitting in the fat, flat box was a biker jacket, complete with spikes on the shoulders and a pull-chain instead of a zipper! It had a cartoony wolf on the back, whos elongated tongue fluttered behind him as he rode his Harley across the well stitched black leather. Seeing it was his petite size, Al couldn't help but chuckle jovially! It was practically impossible to find this stuff in his measurements! Not many fashion lines consider the tough guy look for small dogs, something Al always found unfair! Angus likes motorcycles and likes to think he has a little gang here, haha! Something I forgot to mention last night, you and Angus have quite a lot in common! Frowst took Als attention from his gift. W-well awesome, heh! Make sure to thank him for me or gimme a chance to! (Angus seems kind of cool, huh?) Allixter put a grin on Frowsts face with this. But of course hun, Ill make sure he knows. Here, this is from Xander! Frowst handed a wrapped book forward. Aint nothing special! Just something I think youd enjoy. He didn't look away from the screen, but voiced his concerns to Al. No, really, stop! Any present is a nice gesture, thank you! (We really don't read enough anymore.) Reading the books description, Al was somewhat intrigued by the spy novel. Hahaha, I hate being the guy who didn't get you something cool though! Everyone hates the book-gifter, hahaha! Xander laughed to himself, peeking at Al periodically. Whyd ya do it then? Ziggy mocked, but got shoved. Chill dude, its cool, really. Thank you. Though less enthused, Al needed him to know he was grateful. Weve got a few from my mutts and this one from Lionel, oh and this is from the Alphas! The rest... all of these, are from me to you! Frowst pushed a small pile forward, relishing the fortress of bright boxes still surrounding him. Thats really kind of you, thank you... I-Im... (Come on, say it...) Allixter was really struggling to sound genuine. I-I-Im sorry Mr. Frowst. This is so nice of you and I was... kind of a bastard... (Good boy, thank you...) Kind of? Vailey mocked, but Frowst silenced him. Thats alright Al, I understand. Youre frightened and that changes a furson dramatically. It isnt your fault. Frowst lowered a paw, hoping to receive affection. N-not sure what to say other than sorry again. Y-you... (Its ok bud, keep going...) Allixter choked up, ire and self-loathing meeting in his voice. You... have... youve been really kind, in a way... Thank you Frowst, youve sorta earned my trust, I guess. (Atta boy, see? Now Masters blushing!) Allixter fought his feelings, mentally replaying all the shit hes been put through here! Thats the greatest gift you could ever offer me... I love you Allixter. Today is going far better than expected and I thank you for it. Receiving Als paw, Frowst kissed it gently. Allixters face grew hot, yet his stomach turned. (Just give him a little lick on the paw, cmon... Please?) Allixter grumbled to himself, deciding that Instinct had a better idea of how to play Frowsts emotions. Placing the tip of his tongue on Frowsts knuckle, Al swiped the length of his paw with a quick tilt of his head. A short shiver shot through the skunk, his pleased sigh a soothing breeze to Allixters inner dog. Seeing Frowst happy with such a simple act, Al was tempted to go further! His hanging tongue shot back into his muzzle, refusing the indignity of panting like a pleased pup. Part of him knew this was Instincts doing and his plans didnt require such immediate action. Receiving a rub on the head, Allixter dissolved into momentary bliss. Frowsts deft paws were well trained in the art of pooch pleasing! It was astonishing to Allixter, with but a touch he was given ultimate relaxation by Frowst. His knees buckled slightly forcing him to fall against his new owners pawlm and be pet that much more. If youre inclined to continue this glorious mentality, I have a very special surprise for you tonight! Frowsts eyes shut, but his love beamed through. Continue with your presents, Im eager for you to open to mine! Frowst waved him into continuing. W-what do you mean? What happens tonight? Al was shaking slightly, much to Frowsts chagrin. Nothing to be scared of pup. Ill forget about it if youre worried. Just please keep smiling, its so precious to me. This ones from Lionel, go on! Frowst eagerly awaited Als next move. Ripping patches of vibrant wrapping paper free, Allixter was soon face to face with a state of the art iPawd music player! It was the deluxe, super-ridiculously-expensive, extra nonsense version! With as much memory as anyone could hope for and enough cameras to start a fashion magazine! This mustve cost a small fortune! Holy shit, thank you! Thanks... oh, hes not here... Well still, hot damn! This is awesome! (Always felt weird being the only furson without one of these silly things...) Allixter danced a moment with this status symbol of a device. Not sure where he went off to! Mustve got caught up somewhere! Vailey was equally confused. You must inform me of your musical tastes! I have an very open palate when it comes to music, so Im sure well find something to connect on. Mr. Frowst sipped a glass of coffee, his mind wandering to a favored tune. Cool! So long as it isnt country, Im game! Even like some of that classical crap. (Yeah, just no twangy farm music!) Al didn't mean this as negatively as it sounded. Heey, I like country! Vailey gave a spirited scoff. Yeah, well yur the only one... Xander said under his breath, but got some laughs. Classical, opera, and orchestral are my favorite kinds of music! Im very pleased to hear youre open minded to such things. Im growing to love you more and more by the moment! Frowst wanted more affection from Al, but wouldn't force him to offer it. Aww~! I-I mean, well great! Prolly got lots Ive never heard! (Violins and shit though, ugh...) Allixter was unavoidably in agreeance. Well make a day of it, thank you! Here, these are from some of my mutts! Frowst stopped for Als questions. Of course they have names! Thats just a bad habit of mine! This ones from Carther, hes the steel-blue, grayish dog, with really wiry fur. Frowst tried to invoke the image for Allixter, but he just shrugged. Well, youll get to meet everyone in time, no worries! Just open it! Alright, alright... Was just checking, haha... (Mutts are people too!) Allixter was never one to judge someone for breed or species, despite being a pure-blooded Corgi himself. Slicing through the tape with a drag of his thumb claw, Allixter slipped off the rather clunky rapping paper, to find a skateboard beneath! Gushing with renewed desire, Als memories ignited with the long lost joys of his puppyhood! Its been a long time since he hung up his board and the carefree mentality it bred in his younger years. Laughing a bit more, Allixter looked to Frowst, whos enormous tail wagged a bit, like the dogs he so passionately cares for. Carth, Rutt, and Champ like skateboarding! I keep the pool out back empty for them. Feel free to use it when youre comfortable. Frowsts words were music to Als perky ears. NO WAY! Seriously? I used to break into neighbors backyards as a pup for that! Hahaha! Allixter palmed himself in the face as he laughed. Awwwwh~! Gods above, you mustve been the cutest lil skater pup! I absolutely must see puppy photos of you! Your parents must be a darling couple to have produced such a perfect lil dog! Frowsts entire demeanor softened, his heart crushing the mental barriers that kept him calm. I... I... What are you doin to me, aghh~?! Covering his face with the board, Als tail became a blur of delighted movement. Everything you say, I-I just... I feel like such a dork for some reason! Heh... What Allixter was currently feeling was lucid instinct, or in laymans terms... puppylove! Oh boy... Youre such a ham! Vailey said rolling his eyes to the finishing card battle. Shush, I-I cant help it! (See? Youre me! Im you! The in-between is perfect!) Al and Instinct laughed, to embarrassed with how shy and doting he felt. Oh please don't try to! I don't have your collar on and yet youre absolutely adorable right now! Just let it flow, Im doing my damndest to be charming... Frowst flourished a brow, taking on a sideways smirk. J-j-just gimme another gift, ok? (Thats not how you ask! Haha, youre doing great though!) Allixter tried to laugh away the butterflies in his stomach, but only empowered them. Please? Al added sheepishly. As you wish my love. Here, this is from Blitz and this ones from Ruttgrrr, they sort of go together. Calling Allixter love, was steadily growing on the young Corgi. Well cool, I hope they know that Im really appreciative! Like, Ill need to thank them in furson before I feel alright! Allixter knelt to begin unwrapping the tall box. Youre such a good boy, I cant get over it! Your appreciation wont go unadressed, rest assured! Damn... just so cute... Frowst whispered the end of that, remaining unheard over the crinkle of wrapping paper. Whaat~! Thats hella generous! What the heck man, how do yall afford this stuff! Allixter leapt up with excitement, seeing a pricy surround sound speaker system before him! Job... Xander said plainly. Bank teller, before ya ask. Frowst gives us some money whenever its someones birthday or we get a new arrival. Usually more for the ladder. Vailey turned over his shoulder to see what Al got. Damn, so like... in a way... (Theyre all from Master Frowst!) Allixter resisted concurrence, but his muzzle moved for him. ... These are all from you... Looking to Frowst, they both bowed their heads bashfully. No, don't think of it like that... I want mine to stand out, haha! Youre really reading way to much into this my boy. Its just stuff to fill your room and make you comfortable! Frowst chuckled, his eyes glinting with reciprocity. Th-thank you... I w-wu-w, ehem... (Oh my gosh... You were gonna say wuff you!) Allixters eyes shot to the size of dinner plates upon realizing. Wh-whats in here? Heh... (Dude, say it! Cmon, itll make you both so happy!) Emptying the bag of its tissue paper, Allixter found a thick stack of CDs! No wonder he said they went together, the stereo itself was nice, but having music made it great! Not to mention now he could load up his iPawd with sick playlists! It was mostly clssics, stuff you should probably already have, but a few were foreign and that intrigued Al! So much stuff, it was getting hard to keep track of it all! With even more to go, Allixter was so elated, he didn't realize how close to Frowst he was allowing himself to get. Being pet would only solidify this acceptance, the grand feeling would eventually become a subconscious attachment to Frowsts side... Ill have this set up in your room soon. Wolves work very fast, so it will take no time at all! Frowst nodded down at Al. Ok, gotta ask... Are the wolves, like, your servants? The question formed near instantly. Well, yes and no. Their primary task is defending my homestead and protecting my assests, like you! But as youre well aware, not all animals are created equal... Frowst frowned at this, but it faded in an instant. So I felt it natural that, no offense intended, the runts of the pack should be tasked with more approachable jobs. This explanation was sound and touching in a way. Allixter was always expected to keep pace with dogs three or four times his size... Life wouldve gone so differently if canine society lived by Frowstian standards. Maybe hed have come out differ-... Alarm bells triggered in Als psyche, as he wrestled the idea of appreciating Frowsts dominion into submission! What a nightmarish thing it was for him, those brief two or three seconds where he basically thought like his instincts. His own mental process matching the complacent beast inside of him! This cant happen! He was just trying to play a role, yet, hes being melded for the part and... sort of liking it! Gasping softly, Allixter clutched his head and let out a pale whimper. Are you alright? Whats wrong my boy? Frowst practically fell to his knees at this display. Ya ok puppo? Vailey asked with growing concern, which effected the others. N-nothin, Im fine... Just a sudden headache... Its gone now though. Al shook himself out, disturbed by Frowsts paw on his shoulder. C-can I get something to drink? (Its ok buddy... youre fine!) Allixter asked just as a distraction. Of course love, no need to ask. Help yourself to anything in any refrigerator or freezer you find! If you can reach that is, haha! Playfully teasing, Frowst was unaware of the departing Corgis scowl. Grabbing a can of cola, Al took a long drink after cracking it open. Guzzling the liquid, its light stinging sensation helped Allixter focus his mind on continuing the charade, while simultaneously evading any emotional attachment to the event. This felt nearly impossible, as even seeing Frowsts luminous gaze was enough to send his tail wriggling about! Ok... Whos this one from? Allixter asked trying to sound as chipper as before. This is from Fenrir and Freyja, the Alpha wolves. Its from the whole pack though, technically. Frowst pointed at the tag on the top. Haha, thats cute, they have a little pack! Allixter silenced the others dogs conversations. While I agree with the winsomeness, it would be wise to not voice such opinions to them... Frowst shook his head softly. They take pack-law very seriously and expect you dogs to do the same. Though serious in tone, the skunk smiled. Oh brotha, wolves are weird, haha. No one vocalized being entertained by this. Well... Not what I expected, but appreciate it! (Yeah... wolves are kinda weird!) Allixter opened the chilled box, which was filled with... meat? Steaks?! Its certainly an odd gift, but considering who gave it to him, the sentiment understandable. Where dogs show companionship and unity through typical family values, love and the likeness, wolvish families often treat food and providence as a symbol of their affection. To hunt, kill, and return to your pack safely is more important than saying I love you for most wolves. Everyones different of course, but this is what Allixter was raised to believe. They setup a months subscription for you. It made me happy to know youll have food on paw, even when Im not here! Not that Scheffield would let you go hungry, haha, but itll probably be nice to cook for yourself occasionally! Frowst explained away this odd gift. Yeah, I mean, Ill probably just ask Scheffield to cook for me, haha! No flair in the kitchen here... (We oughta use some spare time to learn!) Allixter wasn't ashamed, just wanted to admit this. Well if Scheffields got the day off, come find me bud! Im a pretty good cook. Xander sat up to get Als attention. Thank you!! Al faked a deperate harshness. Thats like a second present to me! Anybody willing to fix my breakfast is my best friend! (Thats so sweet of him, Awwwh~!) Al replied, before turning back to Frowst. Not to mention, you can get food delivered and Masta never gets mad! Ruffio added, thoughts of DairyKing making him pant. So youre treat driven, eh Al? Thats good to know! Wouldve hoped you favored affection, but captors cant be choosers! Hehehe! Frowst was trying to be coy, unaware of how this flagrant attidue effected Allixter. I-uh-I-Im... Yeah, guess thats fair to say. All my friends know they got me by the tail if they cook dinner! (Oh man, Dranners porkchops were bomb!) Allixter had a chuckle, trying to douse the virulent flames within him. Ill certainly keep that in mind my love, thank you. Lets keep these cold for now, wouldn't want them to spoil. Unwilling to ask anything of Al today, Frowst rose to his impressive height, taking up the box at the same time. Seeing Allixter retreat in fear was both the biggest disappointment and insult to Mr. Frowst. It was hard to not internalize Al as a liar, for pretending to be alright, where in reality he was still terrified. Sighing under the din of his boys, Frowst reevaluated the situation and nodded to himself. Master Frowst couldn't be mad at Allixter, being triple his size must make him quite intimidating. Not to mention most small dogs fall victim to fear and take on that desperate friendship, which Frowst found so sad, yet endearing in a way... I-uh-I gotta... (No you don't...) Allixter began once in Frowsts gaze again. Wheres the bathroom? He asked under his breath. Just outside and on the right. Frowst pointed Al out, slicing his glance to whoever snickered about this. Stepping out, Allixter shut the door behind him and huffed out a stiff sigh, strong enough to be heard inside, if anyone had been listening. Frowst was, but his ears werent sharp enough to hear it over the screams of zombies, artificial gunfire, and cheerful chatter. Heading into the restroom, Allixter didn't really have to go, but he needed a second away from Frowst. Admitting this aloud wasn't an option, so excusing himself was the next best thing... In the lavish bathroom, he found two sinks, one set at a reasonable height for him, though a stool was still necessary to reach the soap. A claw-footed tub rested in all its gold and porcelain glory, a prime example of Frowsts wealth. Splashing his muzzle with paw-cupped water, Al lapped some droplets from himself subconsciously. Shaking dry, a common task at his house, he wiped the mirror unaware how appaled Frowst would be... Turning about Allixter was shocked to discover something odd about this bathrooms floor! The strip of tile closest to the wall was missing, instead typical grass had been planted and grew upward to seemingly fill in the gap. Da fuck? I mean, it does smell nice, but its so out of place amongst the thousand-dollar-a-square-foot tile! Returning to the party, Allixter found a few new faces, including Lionel and some unknowns! Thanking those he hadnt already, Allixters attention was pointed toward Master Frowst. Feel better love? Theres aspirin in the cupboard if you still have that headache. Frowst secretly teased Al. Im alright, thanks though. Y-ya don't gotta call m-... never mind... (Let him call us love, cmon!) Allixter moved into the room a bit. So Im just gonna give one big thank you now, since theres a lot of stuff here! Allixter was joking, but Frowst seemed to accept this idea. A lot of this is going to be everyday things, to fill up your room. Don't fret my pet, I got you plenty of goodies too! Frowst tested him, reaching forward to pet Al. Well thanks a billion, heh! Ill make sure to decorate tastefully! Evading Frowsts pat, Allixter wiggled his dewclaw pinky fancifully. Im quite adept at that if you should find it troublesome! Frowst laughed, regardless of being let down. Well look at this! Wow, thank you! Allixter removed a bundle of dress shirts from the first of Frowsts gifts. Shiny black and silver paper fell away, ruining the skunk theme Frowst had wrapped them in. More vibrant colors emerged from within, pleasing pastels, stitched with expensive expertise. Noting the perfect size, with a bit of growing room, Allixters mind was conflicted by appreciation and perturbation. While nice to have new clothes that fit, how did Frowst get his measurments? Was it when he was asleep or passed out before arrival? Man, Allixter really wished he could figure out what happened the night of his dognapping... Here you are love, this one is of the same caliber. Frowst rearragend the gifts slightly. Whoa-ho-ho! Oh man, no way! Allixter was aghast at the sight of an expensive suit box. Henry Poodle & Co! That had to hurt your wallet! Allixter eagerly began opening the package delicately. While it was a bit pricey, nothing is too good for my boys! What really wracked up the bill was the custom fit! Frowst was enthused by Als response. Th-thank you! ... Always ragging on my height though... Allixter whispered half of this to himself. N-no! Damn it-, I mean darn! Ahh, hell... Thats not what I meant pal, really! Theres not an easy way to come back from that one, but just know I didn't even think about it! This was only the third time Al had seen Frowst lose his cool, but this was his first social fopawx. Its cool, I get it. Just something... Yeah, I don't like people referring to my vertical disadvantage. (Its not easy being measly...) Knowing Frowst liked to sound eloquent, Allixter somewhat teased him with word choice. Im very sorry Al. It wont happen again, to the best of my abilities; promise. Honesty was in abundance all across Frowsts face. Bad Masta~! Vailey pawed his knee, getting chuckles from some of the more comfortable pets. Being a small dog isnt so bad! Just sucks being near big boys, sometimes! An unintroduced shorty piped up. Please don't be mad at me Allixter. Id hate to think I ruined this... You were being so divine just a moment ago! Y-you seem kind of pissed off, er, wrought up... Frowsts voice quivered for a few seconds, but finished strong. I-its ok. Like it or not, this is who I am... Just gotta deal with it... (We always have. Stay strong bro!) Allixter sighed, but a pair of presents made him half-smile. Sorry... Frowst basically just mouthed the words, Al wasn't looking anyway... D-damn, I cant fucking get over some of this shit! Dude! Allixter exclaimed at the state-of-the-art smart speaker he now held! N-no! Of course I don't mean it that way! Just an expression! Shit means stuff in slanguage. Allixter had to respond to Frowsts confused inquiry. Not to spoil the surprise, but the other ones a cellphone! They were giving them away with the speaker-servant unit, haha. Frowst chuckled wryly, not sure if Al would find this funny. Oh really..? Nice, this ones the brand new model! Wha-?! They were giving these away?! (Damn son, thats got the special paw-proof coating!) Allixter marveled over the sleek, bronze plate of cybernetic glory in his paws! N-noo, heh, I bought the upgrade... Hehehe! Frowsts face shrunk into pursed endearment. It wasnt as expensive as normal if that makes you feel any better! The big skunk had to reply to Allixters shocked face. Duuude! I just cant... Youre doing way more than the most! Thank you! (Well turn some heads with this, fo sho!) Al shrugged uncertainly, bowing his head. To me, Im not doing enough! Very happy to see you pleased love, but this is nothing! Just material stuff, this... This ones from the bottom of my heart. Its a symbol of how I feel about you... Frowst delicately handed a perfectly square box forward. Unhinging the obvious latch, Al tore the paper apart as he opened it. A shredding sound masked Allixters elated gasp, which was pale from his sheer surprise. Within the cherrywood cube, rested an unimaginably well crafted crown, like something out of Hoard of the Rings! Its eldritch form was exquisite in detail, each gem surrounded with an inlay of gold, sculpted to resemble a leaf or branches. Its gleaming silver body, clashed with the minor amounts of polished gold and illustrious gems, bringing out their radiant colors! It had a row of flared spikes reaching upward, each tipped with a paw-shaped diamond! The circlet portion was studded with garnets, onyx, and a pair of diamonds, aligned with the wearers brow! At first it seemed fake, Allixter thought he had been given a well made piece of plastic! Its weight and impressive glint made this feeling vanish, like so many colorful fractals within each marvelous stone! Gaping mawed, Al looked up at Frowst with eyes bigger than lightbulbs and brighter than the diamonds before him! Lifting it slightly, with bumbling gibberish sputtering forth, Allixter let out a blatant cry for surrounding attention! Everyone looked and marveled, but Al was flipping his lid! Who out there is still tasked with making crowns? How in the hell could this ghetto-raised Corgi ever justify wearing such a status symbol? Oh tight, your crown! Knew youd get all giddy for that one! Vailey giggled at Als expression. Whoa, his is pimpin! Dullie said brightly. Mr. Sir King Corgi! Ziggy said with a tilted head, to see Als prize. Oh wowza! Ya look all princely and shiz! Ruffio responded, almost cursing. Miiines gooold~! Xander taunted, but chuckled shortly after. Kidding, hehe, really looks great bud! His comment barely made it to Al, he was shocked Xander had one too! I didn't know if platinum or gold was more your thing, but when I saw Ikols tag choice, I figured itd be better to match! Ill have a gold one made if youd so prefer! Frowst was beyond concerned with Allixters thoughts on this. Are you fuckin kidding me?! Like, that wouldn't bother you? (Put it on dude~!! Oh mah gowsh~!) Als eyes expanded further than he thought possible. Not at all love, Ill contact Kizzoni right now and tell him to begin work on another-. Frowsts cellphone appeared from his leisure suit. N-no! Wait, stop! Its ok! I like it! Really, honest! Paws to god! Allixter plopped it atop his head, raising his arms defensively. Perfect! Being a Pembroke, I figured a medieval English style fit you best! Frowst clapped his paws together gleefully. Hahaha, yeah! Its a little heavy, but I can manage! (Hell yes you can! We look like the god damned emperor!) Al awkwardly balanced it atop his head, finding it was most comfortable when hanging from one huge ear. My heart is melting at the sight of you in it! My word, youre just so handsome! So much comeliness in such a litt-. Frowst just faded off with a smile, avoiding the insult. Youll all look so cute in a group photo, wearing your best duds and crowns! Gosh, Im so excited my princely pup~! Frowst had a moment of mirth. W-wi-will all... Does everyone have wunna these?! Allixter was dumbfounded. Yes, but I really hope that doesn't make it less special! Yours is truly unique! Each of them are specially crafted to your individual breed ancestry and personal color pallete! Frowst explained quite pawdily, his eyes sweeping over the crowd, imaginary jewels adorning them. H-h-how do you afford this stuff? Like, what do you do? Did you inherit wealth or... or... This doesn't seem possible! Allixter imagined the hundreds, of thousands, of millions Frowst must spend on his pets! While blessed with an affluent upbringing, no, I did not inherit anything, for my parents are alive and well! My wealth was hard earned and painful to acquire at times. Frowst was more than happy to share this with Al. I own a multi-media corporation, several small accounting and business management firms, as well as sponsor some sports figures. My first job was as a defense attorney though, if you were curious! Frowsts eyes shut, as he restrained laughter. D-d-dude... Youre li-like a Bond villain or some shit... (Pup, relax! No hes not!) Allixter faded, scanning the floor. Sick bro! Thats kinda coool~! (Hah, really? Didn't expect that!) Al exclaimed and everyone laughed. Yo, I love James Bond! Lionel called out from the card table. That was almost a compliment, haha. Thank you? Frowst faked confusion. I mean depending on how you view enslaving sentient beings, yeah it could be... (Don't think like that, ya jerk!) Al said with a scoff, unsure why he found Frowsts amusement enjoyable. Ouch, now that one hit home... Ughh... Frowst sighed as he was forced to contemplate what hes done and its inappositeness. Ya ok sir? Its alright, you know that Im here will-. Imzigk cut Vaileys consoling short. Thats messed up Al! Were anything, but slaves! Ziggy cried. Yeah dude, like, I have a whole fleet of servants! Their my slaves if anything! Xander added with a slight grin toward Frowst, to show he didn't mean it. Ok, ok, Im sorry! That just slipped out! Im very grateful at heart! Please forget I said that! (Youre being a bad dog and doing a shit job of winning his trust!) Guilt and worry mixed as Al apologized. Appreciated, but please recognize my intentions... I wish you could understand, but I cant force the paws of time! Youll understand I mean no harm someday soon! Here, this oughta help that along! Frowst pushed a big box to Als side with a (foot)paw. J-just, sorry ok? Im sorry everybody... (Good boy, thank you!) Allixter had no intention of being jumped or worse... loved into submission! Unable to formulate a full response, Al just thanked him and began unwrapping his gift. Tearing thick patches of skunk-striped paper off, Allixter unveiled a computer! It was brand freakin new and despite seeing one in his room, that thing was ancient! This modern day tablet, desktop combo was amazingly advanced looking! It had a host of ports, built in and portable speakers, an optical lock/interface, as well as built in camera and microphone! Knowing the privacy which surrounds owning your own computer and the communication available over the internet, Allixter felt like he was holding a secret ace! He would email his roomies as soon as possible and get the hell out of here! Im not particularily good with electronics, so Ill have someone set it up if you have technical difficulties. Frowst seemed hurt he couldn't perform such for Al. Thank you, Im sure to figure it out! I-I-I... I always had to use my roomates laptop for stuff. I-Im... kind of a bum... (Boy, what a drama dog! Chill dude!) The crown he wore became unbearably heavy in response to this admittance. Nooo~! No youre not! Dogs are meant to beg and receive help from kind folks! Its only natural, especially for someone yo-... Frowst literally bit his tongue to stop in time. Someone my size? Allixter sniped. Damn Master, whats witchu today? Ruffio tried to lighten the mood, but failed. I reeaally want to curse myself right now, haha... That just slipped out! Lets call it even, ok? Im really sorry. Appologies about that jab at dogs too... I know you don't like hearing that stuff, please forgive me. Frowst waved his paws about in frustration. Look bro-, Mr. Frowst... thisll take a long time for me to accept and you sorta have an attitude about it already formed. You do you. Mock me if you want, whatever, but expect resistance to anything new. (Please stop arguing you guys...) Allixter found this statement an agreeable way to play Frowsts emotions and get something off his tufted chest. Thats perfectly amenable. Please believe that I don't mean to hurt your feelings. Youre so very important to me Allixter, regardless of appearance, stature, or even personality! Hell, I love Gino and youve seen how he behaves toward me! Frowst exclaimed frankly. Oh dear, this came at such a bad time! Im running out of presents to win you back with! Frowst faked dread at this discovery. Y-yo-youve more than won me over! Just hate being addressed such a way... Ughh, I-Im... Grrr, why cant I be mad at you!? (Du-dude are you cool? Y-you are angry right?) Instinct couldn't read Allixters acting, as he did his best to patch things up with Frowst, whilst employing guilt to his advantage. Thats terrific to hear, I thank you with all my heart Allixter! Here, these should make you smile! If they don't, trust Ill have plenty more tomorrow! Frowst pushed the last three gifts toward Al, his pampering began to spawn jealousy in some of his other pets. Whatever ya gotta do pal... (Just. Say. YES! What the hell?!) Allixter chuckled to himself, as Frowst awaitied a confirmation on more gifts. Tearing apart the silver and black paper, Allixter couldn't fight the delight Frowsts spot on gift giving brought on him! It was a brand new Hex-box one AND a Pawstation 4! Al shook his brain into clarity, realizing something he never knew he wanted had unfurled before his eyes! The so called console wars had always irked Al, as it simply divided gamers in general. To be someone who had both, was always venerable to Al. Fuck youre loaded... Was all Allixter could say at first. Do you want some money? I have a bit in my wallet if thatll buy a hug? How much for some tail wagging? Frowst began counting bills, his wallet appearing from his rounded rump pocket. D-d-dude... Furreal? Wha-what do you get out of it? My tails been wagging most of today, like... Youd really pay me for that? Allixter was floored by the idea of this. Any amount. Any day. Whenever youre willing. Please? Frowst pouted, holding a hundred dollar bill forward. Snatching it from Frowst, Allixter couldn't avoid how fucking wholesome this sickeningly sweet situation was. Being forced to do something usually reserved for true happiness, Allixter fought to detach himself from the act. Instinct adored pleasing and this led Al to fall in line, but he refused to admit is was because of Frowsts jubilant response... This was for the money! So that when he escapes, this wont have been for naught! The crowns coming too! Fuck it! If I can get this each morning, Id never live with sadness again... Frowst began quoting a favored, lesser known poet. All the air encircling the earth, couldn't feed the fire my heart holds for you... Allixter turned beet red, his muzzle slowly slipping into a shocked gape. ...Whoa. Th-thats... beautiful... (Hes so smooth. Ahhwooo~...) Whipping out poetry this early sir? Took a few weeks for me! Vailey falsified the best jealously his tolerant mind could muster. Oh Vail, don't think like that! You were such a good boy, even back then! I didn't need to woo you or win your-... Frowst caught a glimpse of his smile. Why am I explaining this?! Stop that! You made me forget my next line! Ugh, I hate that youre seeing me so out of character Allixter! Frowst chuckled to himself, finding it difficult to control his emotions. Trust me man, Im so perplexed by all of this, nothing you do seems out of character... (Im really trying to help you here hun, but hes soooo charming! Admit it!) Disagreeing with Instinct only led to a list of traits they both found attractive. Staring into Frowsts amethyst portals of enthusiasm became that much harder! Go on and open the last few. Well have lunch after, sound good? Frowst tilted his head with this. Y-yeah, yes please. Im getting hungry. (OH BOY, ehem, I mean... Yes, eating food sounds agreeable.) Allixter touched his stomach gently. Ignoring the jokes he made earlier, having to rely on a fatherly figure to feed him was demeaning to the still growing Corgi. Even as a pup his parents werent freakishly tall and able to lift him with one paw... Frowst wouldve been terrifying to younger Allixter, a fact that haunts the big skunk with mental phantasm. Al got over that fear quickly, but not since his awkward teen years has the feeling surfaced... Thank you, I figured thats what this was! (Couldve sniffed em out from all the fun they radiate, hahaha!) Allixter unwrapped a thick stack of games, most of them top-ten-titles. As I said earlier, youll have to compile a list of games and music you want to have. Ill make sure to find them for you. These are just ones the boys helped me pick out! Surely some of them will be enjoyable, haha! Avoiding desperation, Frowst did his best to sound amiable. Hahaa~! Good picks guys! Youll have to let me know your usernames and shtuff! Though running out of patience and energy, Al still had to pretend. Sure thing. Fo sho. Yuup! Will do! Mines hella long, best to tell me yours haha! Various responses came at this, followed by several comments on the games Al isolated. Though I dont play often, I do enjoy The Elder Tails and am so enthused to see everyones different hero! Frowst had Als attention in a second. WHAT?! Im friggin shocked you even know what that is! (Whoa! Wonder what kind of character Master plays? Definitely illusionist, right? Right?) Allixters sudden flare of passion tugged Frowsts heartstrings. Such an elated response! Ok, lets see then... Dragon orb X, Pawkmon, Hoarderlands, Fur-Force-Five, Space trek, Fullmetal Altruist, Charlies Bitches, Star Boars, Sadcat Black, Heavy Mettle... Frowst began to list all the nerdy, geeky, and badass things that gave Allixter a reason to live! D-d-dude... I... I l-l-lo... (Say it! Pweeeaaase? Cmon!) Allixter gagged on the word, his unease unwilling to yield. I... I love you... It came out frank, almost matter of fact, which scared Al deeply. Bwahahaha! Oh my... yo-youre enfatuated by my knowledge of media? What an odd dog you are! Frowst joked wryly, seeing Als defenses down. No, Al... Its important you understand, thats not me! Ive learned about these things and care about them because my pets do. Any interest you have, I will try to make my own. Those were just delightful examples the boys have introduced me to! Figured at least one or two would strike your fancy! It was unclear who played who now. Frowst watched Allixter fidget his paws, revealing anxiety, while his mouth pouted to a tiny, pursed dot; tipping his muzzle. Frowsts previous statement was definitely ringing true... Allixter is unlike any other dog he had taken into his home. A loveable dork like Ruffio or Dullie, yet as vicious as Gino and Brutus... If Allixter had the body to back up his fury, then Frowst would certainly have had a problem. Even Brutus was far more agreeable this early on! Debatably lucky for Allixter, Frowst had captured and broke small dogs before. The initial attempts at such a process were... crude, to say the least... Yeah... I-I get it... Sorry, shouldn't have said that. It was dumb of me... (Youre either really good or really bad at this!) Allixter made Frowst gasp with regretful dissonance. Oh please don't take it back! Allixter really, cant you tell Im trying? Why does everything I say make you turn away from me?! Frowst practically demanded, his lilting voice breaking. I-I don't know... fucking-a man! This is sooo weird for me! Youre not supposed to be nice for no reason! What do you want from me? Whatre you after? (Just stop arguing and accept how sweet he is!) Allixter couldn't hold his tongue, his tone exposed fractions of real emotion to Frowst. Your affection, attention, and time... In a passing way, owning you all has turned me into a canine! I craaave the love your kind endlessly radiates with such openness! Frowst explained, his suspcions surrounding Als attitude confirmed. Nah, see that doesn't make sense... You can say that you just want a hug or my tail to wag, but... Im on to you! I know theres something nefarious going on! You cant lie to me forever... (Yo-youre breaking my heart and Masters...) Allixters voice was the only thing he contained, his true feelings flowed like water. STOP! You stop it right now! Ziggy hopped up, allowing himself to die in game. Do you know how much help hes given me? Can you fathom the life I led before Frowst found me? Imzigk flew to defend his owner. B-bro th-thats you though! I was doing fine before this shit! Al barely had time to turn and face him. Reeeaaally? Vailey mocked, but Als scowl shut him up. Pup, I know what youre going through, really! I was just as skeptical if not more! This is some twisted shit, but in your worst nightmares was the kidnapper anything like that? Xander joined his friend, pointing a paw to Frowst and his gift mountain. Don't act like that changes anything dude! Y-y-yall just don't get it... (Explain it then, cuz I don't even get you!) Allixter couldn't grasp the right words to continue. No Allixter, you don't understand, but that makes sense. Thank you boys, but go play. Go on... Master can handle this. He scooched them back to their game with his flitting paws. Come here please, I don't want the others to hear... Frowst waved him forward. N-no, this is all the distance Im giving you. Speak your peace... (Better than nothing...) Allixter had officially lost his cool, unwilling to even approach Frowsts throne. Please calm down, I understand perfectly, even if the boys don't. Just relax, shhh... take a moment, ok? Deep breaths pup... Frowst showed amazing willpower by not petting Al. What youre feeling is typical, something I wish we could avoid, but thats like asking the sun not to rise... Youve been trying very hard to make this go smoothly and it seems to be wearing you down. I appreciate you giving me your time, just please try to hold out a little longer. Ok? Frowst leveled with Al, hoping to keep things civil, till they had time alone. Yeah, I-I... Sorry Frowst... Im sorry everyone! I... I don't mean to be a downer. (Don't be ashamed, appologizings noble of you.) Allixter stopped talking to Frowst directly, the effect of close proximity apparent. Relax! Its all good! Were fine, just chill! Masta don't rile so easily! All good bud... The group knew not to point out a new pups faults. I... Im sorry, just feel really lost, ya know? S-sorry Mr. Frowst, just kinda snapped... Instinct wanted to console Allixter, but silence did so best. Thats alright, youve been an absolute dream most of today! Cant hold a little temper flare against you! I meant that as in your temper, not you litera-... Oh bloody hell... Frowst handed Al the last two presents. One was increadibly heavy and bulky, seemingly full of individual items. The other was smaller and flat, perhaps more clothing or something of that nature. Though forced to feel excitement over gifts, Allixter was out of energy and his fake enthusiasm wasn't worth the effort anymore. Manipulating Frowst is much harder than he had thought! Doing his best to play his part as pet, Allixter didn't realize the pressure it was putting on the real him. Al hoped his slip-ups wouldn't come back to bite him in the tail. How could the poor lil pup have prepared himself? Master Frowst is an endless display of the corniest affection and tenderness one could perceive! Not to mention that Al... sort of... liked it! Only for a bit there, but he was far happier than he had assumed! Hahaha, thank you... This is great! So much stuff! (Oh neat! C-can we have a Mr. Goodboy?) Allixter tore away the paper to find an open box within. Treats, snacks, tools, pleasantries, neccesities, and a whole host of other stuff; was absolutely loaded into this thick cardboard container! Bags of chips or boxes of treats gave way to a layer of snack cakes and crackers. Beneath these Allixter began to find batteries, thumbtacks, toilet paper, and other things of that nature! Still chuckling at the simplistic sentiment, Al thanked Frowst before distributing candy bars from the top of his loot box. Thank you. Suppose I need this stuff if Imma stay... (Lets think of it like a long sleepover!) Allixter sighed softly. Anything to make you comfortable! Please do believe me when I say that you will be free to leave! The word training sounds harsh, but itll be a delightful three weeks, rest assured! Frowst did his best to sound reassuring. Y-yeah, wow, thats just hard to swallow. Itll be hard for me to just... accept what youre doing to me. (We did just accept his gifts!) Allixter knew Frowst wouldn't, but he wanted to address this now. Love, Im not sure what youre imagining... Its sort of like an ettiqutte course. No jumping through hoops or climbing doggie ladders, unless you want to of course~! Frowst made Al smirk, but he could see latent resistance brewing. Right, ok, just... Not the time... Youre something else dude... Al simpered, picking up his last present. Youre something else, sir. Frowst smirked at Als glower. Please and thank you! He added. Opening the final gift Allixter was both relieved and saddened by this whole event coming to an end. He wasn't sure if it was Instinct or his actual emotions, but Al did feel bad for how he has been acting. Frowst is amazingly generous, caring to an unreal degree, and so wealthy its... just rediculous! Unsure how this made him truly feel, Allixters crown bore the weight of incarceration. Ripping apart the final presents packaging, Allixter smiled at the folded piles of common clothes; leisure wear, and sleeping attire. Allixter fought to not call them pajamas... Thats totally what this is though! Beneath the plain shirts and simple shorts, was one of those huge pullovers that pups wear to bed... This overtly baggy onesie was shaped and detailed so the wearer looked like a cartoony dog! The unnecessary hood held an extra muzzle and floppy ears, just for show. Thank you? (Awwh, its kinda cute~!) Allixter asked his gratitude. Now don't go thinking you have to wear clothes around me just because I bought em for you! Id prefer to see your plush coat, whenever youre comfortable of course! Frowst responded pawdily. Hahaha, y-yeah... Thatll take some getting used to. Allixter chuckled a bit, mentally undressing the others to see how it effected him. Of course my dearest dog, no pressure! For now, why don't you return to your room and Ill have the wolves bring all your stuff in. Frowst offered and Al couldn't help but nod appreciatively. When youre ready, Ill be on the veranda. Sound good? Y-yeah. Thank you. Thank you all again! Sorry again, about... well, ya know... Allixter bowed his head as he responded. No worries Al! Oh, just stop! Calm down, youre fine. All good pup. Nothing to worry about. The others responded indifferent to Allixters behavior. Nothing to worry about love. You did terrific Al. Frowst gently lifted the Corgis muzzle and kissed his nose. With but a tiny peck Frowst had Als blood racing and his heart thumping like a jackhammer! Retreating sheepishly, Allixter waved off all the responses to his apology. Speaking out further thanks and saying his goodbyes, Allixter left his new family in the lounge. Heading toward his room, he found no wolves purusing or guiding him, but according to Frowst, theyd be along shortly. If he ran or tried to, theyd certainly catch on quickly. Uncertain about his rooms location, Allixter hoped to not encounter any security along the way. When he did, they were more than happy to point him in the right direction. Opening the door labeled with his name, Allixter entered and let out a long groan as he sunk to a seat. Leaning against the door, he almost cried tears of pure frustration, but kept relatively cool. Refusing to succumb to weakness, Allixter used this feeling to strengthen his resolve! Though Frowst put him through a wildfire of positive emotions and an earthquake of guilt, Allixter knew this wasn't a setback! He was just unprepared for Frowsts glamour, but next time hed have a thicker hide... If he prepared himself properly, Frowst couldn't fetter his determination! A knock hit the door and Allixter shot to his paws, not wanting to be hit if it opened. After a short while, he answered to find a quartet of wolves, each carrying armfuls of Als new belongings. Waving them in, he just told them to set it anywhere, which they did with unexpected accuracy. They quite literally set objects down exactly where they were currently standing, then left... After pushing and moving them about, Allixter had made room to the door. Surely there was a little time before he had to go meet Frowst..? Wheres this veranda anyway? Wait... I-isnt that a porch? Thats a fancy word for front porch right? Allixters mind exploded with the idea of being outside again, Instinct made this particularly intenst with his eagerness to play. Though a bit soon for a full blown break out plan, Al couldn't avoid thinking about freedom... Arranging somethings around his room, putting his new phone on to charge, and hanging up some clothes, Allixter did his best to avoid thinking about escape. Setting his crown delicately in the box, he was relieved of the weight and wiggled his ears about in eased comfort. There was a bit to much to go through and while everything had been rearranged for easy transport, Allixter easily picked out the choice objects he had received. Placing the two game consoles by the wall-mounted Tv, Allixter didn't take the time to set them up, but was eager to do so later. Wearing such form fitting and restrictive clothing was getting to Al, who had felt claustrophobic since entering. Stripping layers of expensive cloth from his fur, Allixter let out a relaxed sigh once in his undershirt and boxers. Escape wouldn't relent from his thoughts and Al was driven to try the computer. Booting it up, his hopes waned as the archaic Windows logo popped up with a chirpy Pong sound... Awaiting the load time, Allixter jumped when another knock hit the door! Fright subsided, as the idea of being monitored while the computer was barely on seemed far fetched... Hello? He answered to find a solitary wolf, who handed him a note. Bowing to Allixter, he left without a word. Shrugging this off, Al shut his door, locked it again, then shredded open the letters fancy envelope. Taking out the monogrammed paper, Al had to adjust his brain to read the ornate cursive. It said: Dearest Allixter, I thank you with all my heart for being such a good boy today. You certainly surprised me with your willingness, something I wont soon forget. Providing such endearment so early on, is worth all the gifts in the universe! Whenever youre ready, youll find me down the southern hall, just outside the backdoor. The weather is quite lovely right now, I hope youll join me soon love! Thank you for making today even brighter for me! Lots of love, Master Frowst. Folding up the note and tossing it on the desk, Allixter returned to the computer, finding it only just now coming to life. Waiting for the internet to load, Allixter rolled his claws along the table eagerly. Wow this is so freaking slow... AGHH! LOAD DAMN YOU! How the hell did Al ever play games on these things?! The clanking calamity from his childhood had to be way better than this boring beige box. Fucking Frowst did this on purpose! That or this is just a spare computer, or ughh... whatever! Allixter logged in, desperately scrawled a quick message to his roommate, whos a police officer. The tiny Corgi did his best to cover the screen, leaning forward and spreading his ears to achieve this. Allixter also did his best to convey that this was not a joke and that he really needed Zothes help desperately! Hopefully he could convince the Chief of Police this was real, if not, he knew his friend had worked under the radar before! Setting it to shutdown, Al hopped from the chair and watched with hope his email page vanished. *Eleven mutha-fucking minutes later, after it finally shutdown* Theres nothing to get excited over! It was just a luncheon dat-... (He was gonna say date, folks!)... Ehem, moving on... Allixter didn't want to dress up just to eat a sandwich, but his mental image of Frowst always included a suit. Slipping on a fresh vest, he fetched his dress pants, but chose to not wear a jacket. No one wears shoes, like... Youre a ritzy douche of an animal if you wear shoes! Allixters (foot) paws were petite as could be, making shoes virtually impossible for him to wear. Thats the real reason he didn't like shoes, but saying that to others had always been hard. Stepping out, Allixter found the typical guards, but Betan and Maadox didn't follow this time. Looking back, they waved with falsified smiles, all toothy and wicked. Its kind of nice to see his openmindedness being rewarded, right before his eyes... Wait, no! Thats not what... Grrrrgh... Ahhh~! Thank you for accompanying me Allixter! I didn't expect you along so soon! Care to share? Frowst tilted his head around his lounger, holding a fat blunt toward Al. Y-yes please, hah! (Wooof~!) Allixter took a lung searing hit, stepping out onto the back patio. So... I take it you just don't like cigarettes? Allixter asked with a rasped voice. You must understand little one, Im only mammalian... I succumb to the same vice as anyone else. Denying you nicotine is solely out of concern for your health. Marijuanna, while having some negative side effects, promotes a very loving side of you from what Ive seen! Frowst explained, receiving the slightly slobbered on smoke. Well, shit man, good stuff... Definitely not skunk-weed, haha! Allixter joked, which made Frowst laugh more than hed of expected. I actually own a small chain of groweries under that label... Cost a fortune to buy it from the previous owner! Frowst mused, making Al laugh ten times harder. No freaking way! Th-thats just... thats rich dude, haha! Allixter retorted with revelry. Thats rich sir. Frowst corrected. But it very much is, quite a lot of revenue to be had from such a lucrative industry! Frowst covered his attempts at refinement well. Man, why didn't you say you were this cool? Like... Allixter handed back the smoke and fell to all fours. Ill act like a dog for weed! Its one of the least demeaning things Ive done! (Haha, it tickles when you wag our tail!) Allixter stood before Frowst in the most adorable form he possibly could, a clothed quadruped! Ok, definitely treat driven then, hahaha! Youre so god damned adorable! Frowst stroked Als head, as he seemed willing. Forgive my cursing, but Fuuuuuck~! Frowst whined out the word, as he felt the silken fluff under Allixters muzzle. Hahaha... wow that feels good... (RIGHT?!) Al whispered to himself as he was guided into standing. You may not be aware of it, I have no freaking clue how ya wouldn't be, but I like you bud. A lot... Frowsts pet voice shined through, voiding this of any possible creepiness. Well, duh, no disrespect of course, but I mean you gave me a freakin crown! Like, damn bro! Thank you for liking me! Allixter felt diffusion in his brain, he regretted saying that instantly. Speaking of which, where is your crown? Not to mention your attire, the suit a little much? Frowst asked innocently, sparking another blunt. Yeesh, just to much for me! I felt kind of... I don't know, constricted. Al hung his paws on the vest holes playfully. Understandable, but boy do you look handsome in it! Frowst handed him the cherry-vanilla scented smoke. I would love to take you shopping! You may not like to hear this, but I consider you a status symbol... Something I want to, oh whats the word... floss? He stretched his memory, Allixter chuckled confirmingly. Youre just to much... Never blushed so much in one day before, heh... Allixter bashfully slid a paw around, hearing that a millionaire wanted to show him off to others. Well I don't plan on stopping, so if you should faint, know Ill catch you my sweet. Frowst let a pearly smile form, as he doted over his pet. Ugh, just to mushy... Blegh~! (How romantic~!) Allixter pretended to clean a foul taste from his mouth. Frowst laughed at this, inviting him to a take a seat. If you wanted, my lap is quite comfortable! Not to be weird... Just... you are a lap dog after all! Frowst innocently smiled, but Als ears fell back and his muzzle bunched up. Im gonna ignore that one, but lets consider lap dog a curse word... (I really liked the sound of that to...) Allixter folded his arms, planting his tail on the other lounger. Alright, fair enough. Im sorry. Scheffield should be along shortly with todays menu. Until then, would you like to play fetch? The word seemed to come out in slow motion... F-f-fet-fuck yeah! (Ohmahgosh~!) Allixter clasped his muzzle shut, more out of shock than from his transgression. I mean... nah, not really; th-that was just a twitch. Al added. ... I bet if I threw something, youd fetch it. Frowst said after a second of silence. Pfft, no way! (I would sir!) Al waved a paw at him. Ill bet two hundred bucks that you don't have the willpower to resist it... Frowst teased getting out his wallet. Wha? N-no, cmon man... Allixter grumbled. Ready? Frowst got a toy from the bin just inside. Ya ready boy? Huh? Oh boy, bet youre so excited buddy! Waving the toy over Allixters head was enough to get him out of his seat. Dude, I don't appreciate you playing me like a puppet! This shit is maddening! Al exclaimed, wandering beneath the circling toy. And I don't like it when you call me dude. Now, ya ready bud? Ready pup? Huh? Frowst lowered the toy, as Al snapped up at it. Fetch! Frowst slung it from the patio into the wilderness. Allixter rushed from the patio, scaling and clearing the handrail with impressive agility! Hitting the ground on the other side, he froze and Instinct lost traction on Als mentality. He immediately thought about running, leaving that fat fuck behind! Unfortunately, their was a tall fence, guards at the gate, and he was probably being tracked via the collar... Hah! Told you I wouldn't fetch it! That totally counts! Right? Al said, having stood silently awhile. Suppose it does... Frowst opened the patio door. Could you at least bring it back so I don't forget? Frowst asked frankly. Oh sure... Wait... Ah~! Al spun toward the toy, then back to Frowst with a pointed paw. Drat! Haha! Ok, here you are love. You win. Frowst handed him the pair of bills. Sweet! Cant lie, it was hard to say no once I was outside, haha! (Wouldve been way funner than smelly ole money...) Allixter admitted, more to himself... Then Ive truly won, mwahahaha~! Frowst turned Als stomach with this. Just kidding, mwah~! The kiss he received filled his tumbling gut with restless butterflies. Oof, got me when my back was turned! Thats cheap! Allixter chuckled, spinning to face Frowst. If there is one word that doesn't do me justice, its cheap. Shall I pay for that kiss to prove my point? Frowst armed himself with cash again. N-no, thats ok! Not sure what Imma use it for anyways, hahaha! (Well trade it for more kisses! Thats infinite love!) Allixter chuckled, pocketing the money he had won. Anything you want! Youd be surprised all the things you can buy online or over the phone! Don't forget about shopping either, isnt like youll never leave or something! Frowst heckled Al over something truly tumultuous. This training you speak of... Is it safe to assume I... I wont come out of it the same? (Cant be that bad, right?) Allixters voice crackled with concern. No, youll come out much better! Heavens Allixter, you act like Ill be brainwashing you or something!? Frowsts reply appaled his Corgi. Wont you though? What makes you think Ill ever come back if you let me go? (Dude, thats the single worst thing you could ask!) Al ignored Instinct, wanting to gauge Frowsts reaction to this instead. Love... Frowst said softly, bowing his muzzle, but brightening his eyes. S-seriously? Allixter asked taking up a stunned stance. Allixter, if you run away, Ill try to bring you back, but is it safe to assume none of my pleasantries are available in your day to day life? Frowst had a seat, awaiting Als response. Well, no... Of course not! Bro, you offered me caviar as a snack last night! (Stuff tasted like swampy salt...) Al exclaimed, seeing his point, but curious where it led. That sort of proves my point! Be it greed or love, I have a feeling youll return once given proper incentive. Hell, if you hadnt snapped at me earlier, Id let you go to the mini-mart right now. Frowst smiled wide at Als disappointment. Yeeaah riiight~! I coulda rolled over and showed my belly, you wouldn't risk letting me go for an Icee... Allixter didn't believe that for a second. If you let me pet your belly, Ill send Raz out for anything you want. Frowst offered, not an ounce of falsity in his eyes. I-Im not degrading myself for some sugar water! J-just drop it! (Tempted much? Why lie to Master?) Allixter took a seat and folded his arms grumpily. Surely you don't feel degraded when I scratch your stomach, do you? Earlier this morning I couldve sworn you got a bone-. Frowst didn't plan on finishing, but Al cut him off. Ok! Jeez! Stop! Youre right, its kind of amazing... But seriously, it does make me feel kind of... weak... (Whaat~? Nuh-uh~!) Allixter looked away, Frowsts empassioned gaze to much for him. Weak as in physically or... weak in the knees? Frowst asked, hoping to see a positive reaction. Little of both, Ill admit it... But mostly makes me feel... I don't know... (Amazing, sublime, fucking phenomenal?) Allixters voice faded momentarily. Kind of helpless... He added. You know Id never hurt you right pup? If I were the monster lurking in your thoughts, would I have forgiven you for trashing the guest room? Do you know how much it cost to have everything repaired and replaced? Frowst used a patriarchal tone as he judged Als delinquency. Wow do I regret that... Im so sorry dud- Mr. Frowst! Please don't think Im somekind of-. Allixter didn't think he should have to explain himself, but tried to. Water under the proverbial bridge my boy, but use that as an example of how understanding I am! If there is one thing to believe me on, for the love of god, please trust youre safe to enjoy belly rubs. The grave direness used made Al laugh, but Frowst was dead serious. Ok, ok! I get it... Chill, hahaha... Allixters tail felt uncontrollable, something he thought hed mastered as a pup! Does it really do that much for you? Like, do you just enjoy the power over me or..? Allixter wasn't sure why this felt so important. No, not at all! I simply adore how happy it makes the both of us! That symbiotic support we provide each other... words cant describe how deeply I treasure that feeling! Frowst did his all to convey how true this was. If anything you have power over me! I absolutely cannot resist petting, pampering, and playin with my pups! This brought Als smile back. Ill try not to use that against you, but no promises! Heheh! Allixter snickered alongside Frowst. Use me and abuse me boy... Ill never run out of love for yoouu~! The skunks words made Als chuckling turn uneasy. Answer me this, do you still hold aggression in your heart? Do you want to hurt me, like when you first arrived? Frowst wasn't afraid of Al, just curious and cautious. Well... I don't know... Kind of, is that wrong? (YES SIR IT IS!!!) Allixter choked up, his eyes stung from developing tears. I don't want to actually hurt you or k-ki... ya know... It just feels like youre the enemy! Even though youre as charming as the devil himself, that only makes it worse! The devil could take a lesson... The way you act just makes me feel like I need to fight back or, or... get even! You-youre... It feels like youre forcing me to obey you... (Forcing us to love him is more like it!) Allixter voiced this sullenly, as if ashamed by his feelings. In a small way, I am. That isnt a bad thing though Allixter! Im not trying to control your life, I just want whats best for you! Saddly my methods don't depict such, though today has to show my disposition quite well. I really want you to feel comfortable, but you are my pet now bud. Thats something you have to accept.' Allixter didn't react as negatively as Frowst had assumed, but it was difficult to read him. Internally Allixter caught fire, but it was doused quickly with liquid love and guilting memories of his awesome presents... How could he truly hate someone so generous, despite the foul way in which Frowst treats the situation... If Frowst could put away his wanton disregard for Als concerns for just a moment, they may begin to connect. The problem was Als blinding anger and uncertainty! It made all of Frowsts efforts seem void and pointless... You... you really feel... Im... Allixter wasnt sure what he was trying to say. Guess Ill just wait and see if youre true to your word. Im pretty relaxed and don't need a whole lot, but Im holding you to that anything I want part, hahaha! (Thats the spirit! Lets give him a chance!) Al awaited Frowst to waver, but knew he wouldn't. Of course bud! Well go to the mall tomorrow if youre good! Anywhere that excites you! Just please take a moment and realize that what I ask in return, is also incredibly pleasant for you! If you'd just give me a chance and actually enjoy yourself when we snuggle, than youd surely see things differently. Frowst narrowed his glance at Allixter snarkily. O-ok, fine... Do it. R-rub my stomach. Allixter leaned back across the comfy lawn chair. Lets test your theory. Frowsts face flatted with disbelief, then slowly scrunched up with joy. First off, ya gotta get the right mentality. Call it a belly rub or tummy rub. It has to be fun, or soothing... stimulating even... Frowst knew to push as lightly as possible when they yielded. You wont like this, but... beg for it Al. That makes it soooo much better... Just some whimpers and whines, cmon buddy~! Frowst exchanged his seat for the rough stone beside Al. Cocking an eyebrow, Allixter sighed a moment, then continued with his testing charade. W-would you... p-please rub my belly. He said softly. Rub my belly sir~... Frowsts paw crept up to the edge of Als seat. Alright Im getting really sick of tha-. Frowst put a paw to Als muzzle, but he was already silenced by the prismatic stare. P-plea-ehem... Would you please rub my tummy sir? (So nervous! Does that face seem threatening to you?) What was that? Didn't catch it... I know you can be louder pup... Frowst saw Allixters discomfort flourishing and fading as he rose over his laid out form. Don't resist, let your instincts help you. Beg for me Allixter, it isnt shameful. Just give it a try... Would you please rub my tummy Mr. Frowst? Allixter felt bile gurgle upon projecting these words. I-I don't think thisll work... (Stop focusing on whats happening! Concentrate on the feeling, not the act!) Al listened, but couldn't believe Instincts advice. Nonsense, youve barely tried! Relax, just give me this one shot, ok? Frowst balanced his rotund bum on the very edge of the chair, to not disturb Als sprawled comfort. Forget the begging part, its to soon. Well try it the good-ole-fashion way... Frowst hovered a paw over Als delicate, silken abdomen. I love you Allixter! This is for being such a good boy earlier! Fur made contact with fur, each tiny strand that moved a tingle of contentment for Allixter. Rough, yet doughy paw pads met with the supple hide beneath Als bunching fur, the simple scratching had Al kicking his leg errantly. Gently rasping his paw over a dogs most vulnerable area, Frowst cooed loving words, flitted with Als ears and touched his face gently. Allixters eyes were lulling open and closed, as he tensed and release his forepaws, while his hind ones twitched with phantom fun. The young Corgi was unprepared for how easy it was to get lost in such a supreme feeling! The second Al relented, his whole world seemed to slow, Instincts voice vanished, and he was numbed emotionally, save the unfettered joy Frowst gave him! It wasn't just how delightful the sensation was, Allixter could feel... love... A genuine, tangible, almost blanketing feeling swept over his mind with each moment of surrender. What was worse, when he panicked and fought against this feeling, Al found he couldnt escape! No reaction got through, unless it was positive in origin! Fighting, kicking, biting, and eventually trying vocalize his fear; nothing got through... Allixters tail was a flurry of spirited movements, which distracted him from his malaise. Th-that feels good in and of itself! How had Al never noticed that wagging his tail is just... fun! Doesnt this feel good? Heavens, youre so soft! I cant get over how pleasant this little tuft feels! Awwwh~! Frowst had Allixter fighting to flip over, as he tickled the dogs voluminous chest fur. Th-thank you sir... This feels so... so... cant... find... the words... Allixter found it impossible to vocalize his desire to stop. Its ok bud, there arent any that do it justice. How about this though? Hmm? Frowst brought Allixter to gush with an orante twist of his curling fingers. (You cant keep fighting this! Please stop... I don't wanna be one of those dogs who pisses himself when someone pets him!) Instinct seemed to find a moment of clarity to shout at Al through. Aaaaaaawwwoooof~! Oh... oh good gods... Allixters eyes were practically pointed at his brain. (Holy fucking ass crackers! Titty volcano-dynamo-unicorn cock rockets! This is un-goddamned-real!) Instinct wasn't quite sure what his native canine translated to, but he didn't care. Frowst quickened his circling wrist, while flaring his clipped claws in fanciful rolling patterns. Allixter was swept away by this, but little did he know, Frowst had a whole arsenal of special petting techniques in store for him! Past down to him by the great Shao-Lin monks of yore; Frowst had mastered the five-fingered-magics of petting perfection! Just kidding, the big guy just really, reeaally like dogs~! While he found Al a bit bony, Frowst just considered that his first challenge! Plumping up this unhealthily thin Corgi, was going to be both fun and bolstering to their bond! Now, I think you get what I mean, huh? How can you hate me? Why would you want to hurt me bud? Frowst inquired, changing to a raking motion, which seemed to dull Allixters enjoyment enough to speak. I don't sir! I really don't! I-I-I love you! Oh my god, whats wrong with me?! Please don't stop! Holy shit dude-sir, master, whatever! Keeping doing the swirl thingy! Holy fuuuck, yeeeaaaahhh~! Allixter exclaimed, his voice somewhere between normal and instinctual. This is all I ask of you. Thiiiiisss~... Frowst referenced his luxuriating touch, with a long, slow stroke of Als stomach. ... This is all I want, in exchange for what Im offering. Ill give you crowns and cash, you give me rubbins and roughhousing, deal? Frowst was leaning over Al now, their noses a few inches apart. S-si-sir... Allixter failed to avoid blushing and was struggling to not grow aroused. M-m-master I-I-Im... Al wasn't bothered calling him this in the moment. Having him so close, their eyes locked, muzzles brushing... It was like something out of a cheesy romantic movie! Add in that he was rubbing Als belly and things just got too weird! Good weird of course, like, fuck... There was truly no way to describe how amazing it felt, but he tried his damndest for sanity sake. Being under Frowsts massaging touch was like turning a pressure valve in Als brain. Synaptic steam was allowed to flow out gently, smoothly, without any attached aggression or rage left in its wake... He felt the anger and anxiety from events long since past, things he thought he was over; find their way out of his lovestruck head for good. A noise caught both their attention, as the door to the back patio opened. Frowst glanced up blithely, not ceasing his loving scratches. Allixter flailed like a mad-dog, trying to escape the shameful endeavor of being seen this way. He couldn't act in time however... Filling the doorframe, with his rounded head poking forth, was Scheffield! The sag of his whiskers produced a noticeable gray field, hanging from his politely awaiting pout. He seemed shocked or worried that hed interrupted, but grinned once Frowst invited him out. Hullo sir! Hope Im not interrupting! Just wanted to bring you the menu for tonight! Scheffield really wanted to avoid embarssing the dog, but he was so darn cute! Thank you very much Orvison. So many delicious choices! Say thank you Al. Frowst casually commanded. Th-tha-th-thank yo-ooo-ouu~! Allixter jarred beneath the playful bouncing of Frowsts paw. Not a problem lil fellah! Glad ta see ya having fun! Scheffield wanted to pet him, but respected the pups boundries. The champagne you requested is just inside sir, it could do with a bit more chill, so give it a sec. Scheffield added, pointing a pudgy digit into the house. Very good, one last thing Mr. Scheffield. I would like to inquire if you are versed in the art of preparing Slushies or Icees? Frowst asked, scooping Al into his lap, heavy petting keeping him from growing restless. Well, shoot, its just sugar, nd water, nd blendin... Course I could make something like that! Scheffield gave a wry chuckle, confused as to why Frowst wanted such a thing. Allixter, whats your favorite flavor? Frowst fell onto his back, pulling the panting pup onto his hill of a belly. C-cherry cola... If thats not to much to ask... A sickly sweet voice was all he had to offer in return for such a favor. Course puppo! Be back in a bit! Anything else I can bring you sir? Scheffield asked, straightening at his authority. No, thank you very much. Well have our orders when you return! Thank you kindly old friend. Frowst waved a paw in decline. Just the two of them again, Allixter had sobered from his love-drunk state. Finding the reality of the situation surprisingly palatable, he just slid down from his perch atop Frowsts gut. Hitting the padded cushion and bouncing to the shaped granite deck, Allixter dared not look at Frowst, the shame was too great. Every inch of him tingled with residual pleasure or was loosened to the point of useless relaxation! Even his tail was wagging awkwardly, as if it hadnt been prepared for such splendor! Well... Was it good for you? Frowst bounced his eyebrows, taking up a coy grin. Allixter let out a scoffing cry of embarrassed happiness, placing a paw to his face to hide from Frowst. Blushing like a schoolboy, he couldn't even fathom the last time he felt so interested or close to someone! Never did a boyfriend make him feel this way! Having a girlfriend always felt awkward... B-but belly rubs? Thats what makes Al lose his cool and play the part of Frowsts doting dog?! Such a simple act was able to reduce him to a puddle of his former self, all resistance gone from this maleable new mentality! W-what the hell have you done to me?! (What kind of thanks is that?!) Allixter referenced the collar, shocked by what he just endured. Well, I call this, the tummy tickle tornado! Frowst reffered to his circular splaying claws of pure bliss... I-I-I... Bro, Mr. Frowst... Im sort of freaked out by how... deeply that effected me. C-c-can I get a moment? Allixter turned away, but was brought back by huge, cuddling paws. Now, now... Is that anyway to say thank you? Frowst kneaded Als petite shoulders, as he spun him in place. You arent upset at me, just embarrassed, but why? Im not mocking you and Scheffield wont say a thing... Frowst awaited Als response. Y-you really... you enjoyed that too? Allixter asked, his eyes feeling heavier with each roll of Frowsts claws. But of course my love! Nothing makes me happier! Seeing you submit and swoon under my touch, is the greatest memory I have with you to date! Now be honest love, did you enjoy it? Frowst gently flitted Als growing chin tuft, wanting to trim it so badly. F-f-fuck yeah... Excuse my cursing, but it deserves it! Holy shit, that was fantastic!! (Told ya so! Maaan... you gotta listen to me more!) Allixter almost said it was better than sex, but that wouldve killed him inside... Once my paw met your fur, my life felt complete for those few minutes you indulged me. Thank you so very, very much Allixter! Frowst grew closer, his massaging intensifying until he planted a kiss on Als lips. Damn dude, youre like... How do you not have a wife or girlfriend yet? Heh... Allixter asked, unsure why he wanted to know Frowsts status. Well, Im waiting on that certain someone to complete me forever! That dynamic bitch or stud, who fills the void in my heart completely. Never thought theyd be so small... Frowst peeked down at Al uncertain if he caught his meaning. Wh-WHAT?! I-I-I... Im-I... you-youre... Allixter backed out of Frowsts loosening grasp, his stomach fluttering like fur in the wind. Im being far too forward, given Im still unsure of your sexuality! Lets forget it for now, hehehe! Youre face though, Awwh~! Frowst pointed rudely at Al, who blushed even harder. Dude, this is you... your collar thingy! I-I... I cant control myself! You arent... Im not... This is just too much! (Hey, I had nothing to do with that!) Allixter shook his head clear of such tender feelings. Lets relax for a moment then, that certainly seemed to rile you up! Here, would you like some champagne? Scheffield has a lovely menu prepared today! Please choose whatever youd like, even if it isnt here! Rustling was heard, as Frowst produced two crystal glasses and a bottle of bubbly. S-sure, I... I aint never had champagne before, actually. Not real stuff, anyways, heh... (Now whos letting on were poor?!) Allixter admitted with a sheepish smirk. Burried by his growing emotions for Mr. Frowst, Allixter still had a tough time accepting the drink. Al expected his canine senses to detect poison or drugs for him, but that sense has been less reliable as of late... Due to such close proximity, Frowsts natural odor made sniffing sharply the last thing Al wanted to do. Even being outside, with fresh air all around, he was fearful to take that cautionary whiff. Doing so anyway, Allixter was shocked to find the alcohol safe and Frowsts musk to be... better, if the word could apply... Whatever cologne he was wearing today melded with his musk superbly! Looking over the menu, Allixters mouth watered at the tex-mex surf & turf, but his mind marveled over the fried chicken! Knowing Scheffield was southern, that had to be out of this world delicious! Having so many options though, each of them as delectable as the last, Als head spun with uncertainty, hoping hed be able to get a little of everything! Thats too much to ask, even of his new fursonal chef! Speak of the devil, one n a half glass later and Scheffield was at the door! Alright, one cherry-cola slushie, best of my abilities at least! Haha! May be a bit more cherry than cola bud, sorry! A knock hit the door, before Scheffield emerged with a silver platter. Thank you! Wow, this looks like its fresh from 7-11! Al giggled, taking the tall metal cup off the lowered tray. Kind of hard to freeze soda properly! Wasn't sure what to do there, haha! How is it? Scheffield put the tray under his arm, peering eagerly at Al. Awww~! Terrific! Thats the face I like seeing! He smirked as Allixter took that first slurp. Thank you kindly Orvison. It looks delicious. Frowst nodded to him, lifting his glass semi-celebratorily. Oh man, thats sooooo refreshing! Thanks a bunch! Allixter added, with a stained grin. Now, whatd you like for lunch fellahs? Got anything ya want thaz not on ta menu? Scheffield got right to business, not wanting anything to burn while he was away. Please prepare me your steak and mushrooms, with a side of onion rings and a.. salad, if you insist... Frowst took up a pouty smirk, as Scheffield scribbled down his order. Its good for ya, so I do insist! Orvisons orneriness was cartoony at best. Al? Whatcha craving? He asked. Though eager to order and eat, some small part of Allixter was disgusted now... Thinking of Frowst consuming such a hefty meal, he could only imagine what thatd... create in his super-sized skunk guts later... Wrenching this image from his mind, Allixter swallowed heavily, then asked for the fried chicken platter. Scheffield was over the moon to hear this and shimmied his tail, the gleeful motion wobbling his thick frame. Alrighty, perfect! Should be out in an hour or so! Ill bring the salads early! Scheffield swiped his eyes back to the two of them, Al equally opposed to eating vegetables. Ugghh, I love that man to death, buuut... I dislike vegetables so very much. Frowst said simply, a decadent attitude over such a childish topic. Well thats pretty obvious, hahaha! N-no offense, of course! Allixter immediately regretted commenting on Frowsts weight. Oh, is it now? Does my size... bother you? Frowst rolled onto his stomach, coyly leaning his head on a paw. Be honest my boy, do you think Im... disgusting? Self deprecation didn't come naturally to Frowst. N-not like that, no! You arent disgusting because of some extra poundage! More cuz, ya know, the whole... Skunk thing. Your size only bothers me cuz youre a fucking giant! Thats so unfair, considering... (Having him on our side will be great! Just learn to love it bro!) Allixter knew feral skunks could never reach this size, let alone the size of a dog! Does seem to be an odd slip up by nature, doesn't it? Not complaining of course, but I occasionally marvel at the beastly specimen Ive grown into. Frowst sighed softly, looking away from Als glinting yellow gaze. As for my scent, well, nothing we can do about that, is there? He snickered. W-w-well... Allixter began, not sure how this would go over. They got those surgeries now. Y-you could, like, get it fixed up! (Shush yo mouth! Masters fine the way he is!) That sounded better in his mind... Am I broken? Are Skunks not supposed to stink? I do believe that so-called-surgery would do more damage than good... Does it bother you that much? Frowsts tail rolled involuntarily, as if a living entity all its own. We-well... I mean, no, but Im... N-not really, no. Its kind of unnoticeable actually. (Cmon dawg, like, its kind of impressive! From a bro standpoint, hes legendary!) Allixter said, just to make the big guy feel better. Marvelous! Soon you wont even notice me! However, it comes in handy when my boys get lost in a crowd! Always easy to sniff Master out, hehe! Frowsts eyes sparkled at this thought, snickering unavoidably. Well, shit, yeah... That makes sense... Al added with a chuckle. Probably cant play hide-and-go-seek with us! Allixter mused, furthering his laughter. Saddly, no, thats one game I have a distinct disadvantage at... However, I do posses an edge when it comes to wrestling! I was a star athlete in college and my musk weakens my opponents resolve. Such a sensual feeling, forcing a pinned victim to inhale your butt mus... oh right, sorry! Frowst glanced Allixters wide eyes and fidgeting paws. Pfft-hahahaha... Allixter couldn't help himself. Ahahahaha! The image of someone having to endure that was priceless... Not what I expected, but Ill definitely take it! Youre such a puzzlebox my furry little friend! Frowst gave a cordial chuckle as well. Im sorry, hahaha... Just imagining some poor shmuck stuck under you! Just... thats rich... Al wiped an imaginary tear away. They have to breath eventually, eh? Frowst taunted, imagining Als predicament last night... I must say, youre quite spunky! Youve got enough gusto for three dogs! The big skunk complimented his tiny pet. Well, thanks! My folks always told me to be bigger than myself! Kind of took it to heart... Allixter faded off, imagining his parents and how worried theyll be. Your fursonality is spot on how Id hoped! Was told you were a sweetheart, so I suppose thatll come later down the road. Frowst mocked Allixter slyly, but he just scoffed. Tell me... if youre comfortable that is, whatre your parents like? Have any siblings? Frowst inquired, his question hitting Allixter like a nail bat. Impactful weights shattered Allixters cool demeanor, as dreadful thoughts entered Als subconscious. Emotional pinholes, allowed deep inner fear to bleed forth, when the images of Frowst capturing his family clearly formed before Als eyes. Biting his tongue and growling under his breath, he managed to maintain a level of civility which shocked him. There was a tempest inside the tiny dog, ready to billow forth and scar everything with its wrath! Uhh, forgive me Mr. Frowst, but Id rather not tell you about my family. Please understand... its just that you dogna-. Allixter was cut off by a raised paw. Not to worry, I understand! You probably think Im going to go snatch them all up, huh? If youll recall, I dont have any copies in my little clan. Youre my one and only Corgi buddy! Frowst poked Al in the chest, his reaching arm causing Al to retreat. Well... since you caught me no problem, I suppose youd find them if you really wanted... I-I... Ill trust you here. Allixter let out a somber sigh, praying he didn't regret this. I appreciate it deeply love. You have my word theyll never cross my mind, lest you speak of them. Frowst put a paw to his heart and bowed his head to Al respectfully. Imma hold you to that... My moms named Liorii and shes the sweetest, kindest, most compassionate person youll ever meet. She could put you to shame if given the resources! (Wow, gods I miss mom...) Allixter chided, pointing a fluffy finger into Frowsts growing giddiness. She sounds lovely, Id love for you to introduce us one day! I can see snippets of said altruism gleam in your personality my boy. Frowst felt he had to respond to such a statement. Heh, yeah... thanks. I get that from her. Allixter faded into memories of puppyhood, but returned to the moment fast. Dads the complete, polar opposite though! My pops, Ralvin, is a rude, crude, dude, and hes where I get my attitude! (Really want to see Dad now...) Al chuckled, envisioning the old dog he was sure to age into. Such wonderful rhymes! You could teach Flash a thing or two! Frowst recanted the lilting lines Al just used. Id love to meet your father, certainly need to thank him for such a peppy lil pup! Frowst tested how comfortable Allixter was with sharing this info. Thanks, but I doubt hed be to keen on hearing you dognapped his son... Allixter sighed, wondering what they were doing right now. Under the right circumstances, I think youll stop using the word dognapped. If youll indulge me... Frowst fished his phone from his pocket. These are my folks, my father Drenten and my mother Elaynna. Frowst showed a picture to Al, which stopped his breathing dead. Shock, confusion, and disbelief tore through the young Corgi, as he peered into the faces flanking Frowsts in the picture. Where he had expected a pair of aged Skunks, Allixter was absolutely flabbergasted to find Frowst was adopted! Not only that, his adoptive parents... theyre... dogs! Frowsts parents are canine!? In this warm and fuzzy photo, Frowst was on one knee, with two perky canines hugging him around the neck. A pair of pointed muzzles pressed into Frowsts chubby cheeks, their black noses more visible than their faces. Frowsts warm, almost embrassed smile told the whole story, but Allixter couldn't believe it! This had to be a trick! Right..? RIGHT?! Wh-what is he... How did this happen? What led Frowst to end up with a foster family? Y-y-youre shitting me..? (Whoa! Didn't see that comin!) Allixter could barely gather air for words. This is a joke, right? Youre just messing with me... right?! Not at all love. These are my parents, despite not being biologically related to me. Quite startling for you, Im sure. Haha... Frowst swiped through a few photos, providing further proof. S-so... wow... I don't know what to say... You look really happy, heh! (Theyre all so happy! Wow, this is... eye-opening!) Allixter shrugged like seven times, trying to figure out what to say. S-s-so... Were you were fostered or aband-. Abandoned, yes. My birth parents were unable to take care of me, for whatever reason. The state was unsure what to do, since I was so big and few families were willing to take in an infant Skunk... Frowst faded into gloom. Very few could stand to be around me, for obvious reasons, so I received the bare minimum contact required to keep an infant alive... Frowsts normal bravado faded to stagnant sorrow. Al let out a warbling sigh at the sight of Frowsts collapsing confidence. D-dude, sir... really?! Furreal? Holy shit, Im... s-so sorry... (Gi-give him a hug pup, from me.) Yes Al, my earliest memories were of absolute isolation. Crying for someones help, attention, even the smallest ounce of love... For the first two or three years of my life, I barely saw other antherian mammals... Allixters glassy eyes and beading tears choked Frowst up momentarily. That all changed when my mother found me. She refused to see me as a burden... Her heart was stronger than her nose by leaps and bounds, hehe! I wont tell you my life story, but yes, I am adopted and my parents are both mixed-breed canines. Frowst was forced to smile, as he watched Al slyly swipe away tears. Allixter was silent for a long while... Processing this information was slow. Frowsts words felt like a prank or some kind of twisted trick! Allixter awaited the sprakles in Frowsts eyes to fade or his face to crack and show he was kidding around. No sign of falsity was displayed or even hinted at, Frowst was absolutely serious! Taking a deep, silent breath Allixter prepared something to say, but couldnt quite grasp the words. Instinct sort of spoke for him... Id love to meet your folks! They seem like really terrific people! Youre truly lucky it would seem, haha! (Y-you listened to me?! Eyyy~!) With the chirpiest voice imaginable, Al complimented and complied with the brain wracking idea. You have no idea how spectacular that would be for me! Theyre so amazingly friendly in furson! You will have to accompany me when I next visit them! What a treat thatll be! Frowst clasped his paws to his cheek, as his tail danced about above him. Sounds good, heh... Cant lie, thiss a little eye-opening. Puts you in a different light sort of... Allixter said somewhat admittingly. Thank you, though I cant imagine why..? If I were a dog, would my dominion be any easier to accept? Hahaha. Frowsts sardonic laughter didn't phase Al. Course not! Itd be easier in a different way! Allixter tapped his nose, getting another derisive laugh. No, just... I don't know, like... From what I gathered, it makes sense you ended up needing something like this. Sort of like a twisted support system, hehehe. Allixter slung a paw toward Frowsts house indicatingly. While uncouth in your manner of execution, I applaud your lawful reasoning. Bravo chap, bravo... Allixter folded his paws elegantly, taking up his best English accent. Awhh~! My second canine kryptonite, manners! Damn, you fiendish fluffball! Frowst put a paw across his forehead, faked duress on his face. All jokes aside, that was utterly adorable! Please note this for future outings and social gatherings... Frowst had to continue, it was just part of his nature. Youre such a good boy Allixter. Please don't think less of me for saying such, but... I can see such a positive puppy in you! Youre going to be one of my best boys, I can tell! Frowst spied flashes of veneration scatter across Als muzzle before he looked away. For the young Corgi, this constant clash of emotions was becoming somewhat routine, though it still shook him greatly. Fully perceiving the tender affection Frowst had to offer, Allixter was equally mortified at the thought of ending up like Vailey or Angus! That cant happen! Ignoring the sentiment, Al was unable to find this comment disgusting! This collar had a deep hold though, there was nothing Allixter could do to avoid how special that made him feel. He had best boy potential? Whod of thought!? W-wait, Nooo! Dawwwh~! Hard to not feel flattered by that! Never thought being good would matter so much! I always sort of tried to be bad, hehe! (Bad boys get the babes afterall!) Allixter chortled over this, but Frowsts face just narrowed with intrigue. Your rebellious attitude compliments your personality quite well. Be as bad as youd like my boy, so long as youre respectful and polite to me! Ill gladly soak up any sass you throw my way, if you arent malicious about it! Frowst couldn't avoid a teasing smirk, as Allixter cocked an eyebrow at his statement. Yeah, I think were on the same page there! I appreciate being free to bitch at you, hahaha~! Al pawed his chest playfully, shaking his head in jest. You deserve as much, considering the circumstances! However, I do hope to shape your outlook with time. You seem more comfortable today, so I have high hopes for the change a few weeks will bring. Frowst nodded slowly, as if to express the passage of time required. Do you enjoy it here thus far? Is there anything you need, which wasn't provided today? N-no, not that I... can think of... Nah, Im cool! Allixter didn't give it much thought. If I come up with anything, Ill let you know! Just need to... get used to this... Terrific, take your time love! No need to feel guilty or indebted if you must request something of me! Some playtime or cuddling will make up for any price tag, I assure you! Frowst wanted Allixter to know this from day one, but had waited till an opportune moment. Allixter was momentarily taken back to his puppyhood. The weakly buried memories of creating financial hardship through childish desires hit him hard. As a pup he had no way of knowing, but when Al became a young dog, the guilt weighed on him endlessly. Depression only furthered the idea of being a burden to his family, unable to provide anything for them that really mattered, like money. Even to this day Al occasionally calls his parents just to thank them for all theyve done. Those two had sacrificed so much for him, something that never sat right with Al... Here we are, two fresh garden salads! Scheffields appearance caught Al offguard. Entres should be out shortly, enjoy... I said enjoy, damn it! Orvison cried back at Frowsts frumpiness. Ugh... at least he brought dressing this time... Frowst began to douse his greens in sweet-scented sauce. Thanks Scheffield! Allixter called through the shutting door. Oh come on, it aint that bad! I mean, yeah... ok, it sucks haha! Blegh! No flavor at all! Al spit out his tongue playfully. You would think an omnivorous creature like myself would enjoy greens, buuuut... Im mostly a carnivore, heh! Frowst wasn't proud, but he wasn't one to fight nature. Being canine, I sort of always had an excuse! Not to mention my folks never cared much for healthy living! (We were trailer trash half our life and ghetto raised the rest!) Allixter retorted, Frowst elated to here anything related to Als life. So many memories of bartering with my mother over broccoli... Amazing how chores seem less impactful when youre faced with this stuff! Frowst forked a tiny tree and scraped it on the side of his plate. Even as a youngun you were business savvy, eh? (We tricked mom and pop a lot too!) Allixter joked. But of course! You'd be surprised how manipulative one must be when cursed with such a natural aversion. Despite mocking himself, Frowst found this funny. My father was equally sharp at corporate engagements, ruthless really... He taught me everything I use to rule my empire with an iron paw! Kidding of course, prefer to control with a velvet touch. Intimidation often makes employees... disorganized and lacking in... agency. Frowst chuckled, imagining his flustered secretary. Such a doll she is... Wow... I wasn't far off with the whole Bond villain thing, was I? Allixter sloppily laughed specks of food back onto his plate. No, you were spot on actually. More of a Blofeld than a Scaramanga, wouldn't you say? This reference got Al to laugh, more when he saw Frowsts paw-pyramid of evil. Swap the signature white cat, for a dog and yeah; rock solid comparison! Allixter heckled, but Frowst grumbled lightly. Oooh how I loathe cats... Not speciesist of course, my exwife was feline and I employ a good handful of kitty-cats! Just, uggh! So unsocial, deceptive, and... so... so very fickle! Frowst wanted Allixter to understand his mentality on the subject. Wha-whoa... You were married? Thats... kind of hard to believe, no offense! Arent you... well... ya know, gay? (Oi boy... Youre as smooth as sandpaper!) Allixter asked unsure why he was inching toward the edge of his seat. Bi-sexual by choice, homosexual by nature. Its difficult for me to avoid typical male tendencies when around a beautiful woman! Yet, as youve-. The patio door opening stuttered Frowst. Hah, I know whatchu mean! I cant be shy toward a purty gurl neither! Scheffield bumped the door open with his hip, two huge plates on each arm. Even if they don't seem interested, jus nice to brighten thur day! Frowst was somewhat annoyed with his timing... Hard to get babes to notice me heh! I swear they wear heels just to ignore us shorties! They both laughed, Scheffield bobbing platters as he set them down. Gotta be tough lookin fur lil love! Lots of petite peaches out there though pup! No givin up now, ya hear? Scheffield joshed, placing a plate with succulent chicken breasts and crispy French fries before Al. This looks to delicious to be pissed about that wisecrack! Thank you so much Scheffield, er, uhh... Orvison! Allixter had to remember his first name. Thank you very much Orvii, this looks fantastic. Frowst shot a biting smirk at his cook, who didn't see. Wanna refill on the slushie pup? Got a bit more here if-. Scheffield inquired. Nah, Im gonna have some bubbly with lunch! Feels all fancy and shit, er, stuff! Heh, sorry... (Youre about as suave as a brick wall...) Al practically felt Frowsts eyes hit him. Alright, excellent. Enjoy you guys! Im gonna take off Caster, dinners in the crockpot. Ill see yoo tahmorrow mornin! Scheffield confirmed this with Frowst, who smiled and nodded him away. Good night Orvison, say hello to Sylvia for me. Thanks again and don't rush over tomorrow, Ill probably be called to the office... The big skunk gave a warm smile to the awaiting otter, who bowed at the waist dutifully. Bye Scheffield! Uhh... heh, enjoy freedom! Liiivee! Liiiiiiivvveeee! (Fly free little starling. Fly, fly, fly...) Allixters humor was grim, but they found it funny. Hahaha, yeah, I will! Especially with the power bill due today! House payment in a week or so. Yahoo... Scheffield knew his derives attitude toward pay was bothersome to Frowst. Nah, jus playin! Gnight folks! Enjoy! Orvison gave a parting wave as he let the door close behind him. Well, dig in! This looks terrific! Thank you for enjoying this meal with me! You have my gratitude for trying so hard today... Frowst mellowed himself a moment to show sincerity. No prob, really! Yo-you make it super hard to say no! Allixter pointed a paw toward the chicken that would put KFC to utter shame! Mr. Scheffield is an absolute saint, so I can only take credit for supplying him. You really taste the love in his cooking though... Mmmm~! Frowst sample a bite of his silken steak, hardly any pressure needed to cut it. Awooooof~! I know exactly what you mean! This is heaven! Scheffs a wizard or something! (Hes a real life Culinaromancer!) Allixters rolling jaws had never been tantilized by such astoundingly splendorous flavors! H-haha... Y-you howled! That was so effing cute! Frowsts face quivered into a pouty smirk. The spell you have me under feels as inescapable as instinct must seem! Do you write this stuff before hand? It cant come to you this clean and polished... (Itd take a whole writing team to be that smooth!) Allixter chuckled taking a loud, crackling bite. Surely youve heard the way I converse with the others. Vaileys sweeter than sugar, but not exactly... eloquent. Frowst hated speaking ill of his bestie B. collie. Youre one of the first to have that certain... jene se qua! Given your breeds noble ancestry, Im sooo fucking thrilled about that!! Frowst blew his cool, cursing and gushing at once! Dawwwh~! Jeez, youre to much! (Hes a regular Casanova!) Al blushed, almost dropping the gnawed chicken breast. When you act all normal like that, its easier to accept being here! Just a bit though, so don't push it! Al drank his the butterflies into submission. Ill endeavor to display such normality in the future. It isnt my natural millure, so forgive me if I seem lame at times. Frowsts charming self-mockery goaded Allixters cooperation. Youre a zillionaire, how the hell could I find you lame?! Intimidating is more the word! Allixter peeked at Frowst, as he licked the juices from scrapped bones. Int-intimidating? Ouch, that isnt what I wanted to hear... Been doing my damndest to be warm and inviting! Cant force progress I suppose. Just going to repeat myself though... I love yooouuu! Frowsts devoted exclamation made Allixter swallow hard. Ill always take care of you and do whatevers necessary to make you feel the same way about me! D-d-dude... Can I call you that haha? Al joked, fighting off Instincts grip. Thank you very much Mr. Frowst. Intimidatings not the best word really... Look, its been a log day! So lets brush that under the rug! Allixter waved a paw whistfully and Frowst nodded appreciably. You said you were married? How long ago? What was she like? Just buying time to eat, Al really didn't care that much... Oh, well... Uhh... Yeah... Ehem... Frowst set his glass down and pat his muzzle clean. My faithful wife Xelliana was... fun... Frowst gagged on the word. Well ya got me convinced, haha. Just not right for each other? Allixter couldn't avoid a quick joke. Honestly, I look back with nothing but regret. How the hell we ever thought thatd work is beyond me! Just a moment of weakness as she was... so very beautiful... Frowst swirled his fork through the melted butter that was his heart. Lovely vermillion fur, a fit-curvaceous frame, ocean blue eyes, and an attitude brash enough to strip paint... Frowsts face sunk away from the joy he should hold when explaining a loved one. Sounds like a hell of a woman! Seeing Frowst uncomfortable eased Als trust. I prefer to use the words harpy, siren, witch, or cun... Frowst began to prattle off insults. She lacked any capacity for gratitude and quite frankly found me revolting, buuut... Money does buy happiness for some... Al caught flecks of heartache as the big skunk sighed. Wow, thats brutal man... S-so sorry to hear that. Allixter tried to be consoling, but Frowst didn't require it. Not at all my love! She didn't get a dime and if I ever see her again... I have a special present for her! Frowst gently caressed his neck, referencing Als collar. WHOA! She mustve really pissed you off then, huh?! Allixters fear peaked, but it was short lived. Im teasing you boy, though the thought crosses my mind occasionally... Having her as a pet would provide no benefits! Shed try to kill me if the collar wasnt in control and be a precocious nightmare when it was... Bitch... Frowst seemed to have put much more thought into this than he let on! If you don't mind me changing the subject... C-can you tell me what this is exactly? How did you... create this..? (Im not some science experiment or something! I. Am. You!) Allixter gripped his fancy tag, tugging the collar gently. Thats sort of a secret pup. I havent even explained that to Vailey or Brutus... Do you really want to know? Frowst was taken aback. Well of course! (Well talk sometime! Ill prove it to ya!) Al cried. Alright, thatll be a reward then! Work with me, prove youre my pup, and Ill tell you everything. Deal? Frowsts proposition was hardly worthy. Ugh... Fine... C-can you at least tell me how to shut him up? (Heeey! Ive been hella quiet! Eat me, ya prick!) Allixter laughed at his joke, then again at what Instinct had to say. Oh you wont like the answer to that... Frowst tried his best to whine like a pup. The only way to quiet your instincts, is to let him out! Als inquisitive face collapsed to disappointment. Figured as much, that sucks dick dog... (You suck dick! Im straight ya pansy!) Al sighed, sliding into his seat. C-can you take it off Frowst? Please? Ill be good, I promise! (P-please no! I like being able to talk with you! I don't wanna go back in the dark!) Allixter tossed the half eaten leg onto the plate, sitting up sharply. Pup, just... Damn it hurts to see you so desperate! I promise youll earn that right. Just give me a few months, ok? Frowst had Allixters jaws gaping with shock. Relax, calm down... Th-there is another way, hehe. But it only temporarily silences instincts voice. The polite skunk wanted to clean Als mouth about as much as Allixter wanted to escape... What is it? Cmon, please tell me! (Why cant we both just... be?) Al cried at the silence. You have to let me bite the scruff of your neck. Frowst said simply, sweetly, as if it wasn't weird at all... W-wh-what?! Al retorted sharply. L-like Im a infant pup or... My mate... Frowst finished for Allixter, who softly whined. What. The. Hell?! Are you serious? P-pal, I-I... Whatever, forget it... (Oh good! Whew, thought itd be a pill or something!) Allixter snatched up some fries, chewing them with a grumble. If you are ever in dire need of solitude, do not hesitate to ask. A simple moment of surrender and youll feel right as rain! Don't think so libidinously, its just a reflex in you dogs I capitalize on! Frowst knew Al would say no now, but... eventually... Just forget it. Im... I couldn't turn my back on you right now! (Im gonna keep you up all night for this!) Allixter jabbed, knowing Frowst would have something to say. No need to get snippy! I am the one offering help after all. Frowst mocked, grinning ear to ear. For a problem you created! He wouldn't be pestering me if it werent for you! (Imma sing that one song you hate and cant get out of your head! What was it..?) Allixter broke the line he had mentally drawn, breaching angers threshold. Please, calm yourself. Chill, as you pups say. Instinct was always there Al, I didn't implant something or change you in anyway. You are the exact same as before! Instinct was able to communicate through the way you think and behave, its only fair he gets to talk now! Frowst defended his marvelous invention stringently. Then you should have to wear one! Its only faaiir after all! Allixter taunted, unsure of any other recourse he had. I do, actually! I enjoy conversing with my true-self, if youll indulge the metaphor... However, you need to understand a skunks instincts are well... in-stinks! Hehe-hahaha! Al didn't get the joke at first, but couldn't help smiling. Ok, didn't think of that. Fair enough... B-but... you... you just... You cant imagine what this is like! Allixter wailed, fighting to control his voice. I did invent, test, and perfect the technology. So yes, Im absolutely aware of what youre going through. Imagine the earlier models, where instinct controlled part of the host at all times! Your tail would never stop wagging or your nose would be forever curiously sniffing... Frowst knew the very thought of this was morbid to Allixter. Whoa, what the fuck?! Damn that sounds... just abysmal... Alright, this is bumming me out, can we talk about something else? (Bumming you out? How do you think I feel?!) Allixter felt his ears brushing his shoulders and knew that a sign of sadness. Of course my boy, whatever you want. Have you ever been married? I doubt it at such a young age. Frowst moved the conversation back toward romance. Nah, Ive been in a couple serious relationships, but never tied the knot! Allixter couldn't envision his future partner, let alone having one now! Not sure how Ill ever arrange that, hmm... Nonsense sweetheart! Youll find Im not only an excellent wingman, I have certain... connections, should normal means prove to difficult. Frowsts devilish grin connotated his words well. Whoah~! You a pimp Mr. Frowst? Never woulda thought! Allixters shock was cheerier than expected, given the topic. Oh heavens, of course not! I simply have aquaintances in such a line of work... Sticking his tongue out, Frowst watched his corgi elate at this admission. Well shit, I probably would to in your position! Al declared flippantly. Theyre old friends of mine, so I don't partake in their company solely for such a reason! Haha, Im one to wine and dine my mates before anything happens. Frowst surreptitiously referenced the date they were currently on. You got the resources to melt any womans panties bro! Use that my man! No shame! Allixter nervously chuckled, unwilling to show how Frowsts stare stirred him. While the metaphor was precious, panties arent what Im aiming to melt... Its a lot harder than youd imagine to find a partner. Not only do I have ten times the guess work being gay, but hardly anyone responds positively at first, which is a huge blow to the ego! Frowst chuckled, biting the last bit of steak from his fork. Like I said, its only fair you get to flaunt your wealth! Being a skunk has to be a huge disadvantage, no offense! Especially since youre gay, double no offense! Just, man... That seems rough pal! Allixter consoled, picking scraps of meat from the stripped chicken legs. Money wont solidify companionship, my ex-wife taught me that... Hence why I find it irresistible to simply take what I want! No offense of course, haha! That's a joke, I do feel bad for your plight lil one. Just... I love you... heh... Frowst cleaned his muzzle and set his silverwear down. In some twisted up way, I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside... Thanks! Allixter joked, but Frowst was ready for something like that. Speaking of warm and fuzzy, would you please come with me Allixter? I have a little surprise set up for you! Frowst waved Al to follow, rising with poise. Uhhh... wow its hard to hear that and think anything good... C-c-can we just call it off for today? Allixter thought aloud, unsure if he wanted to follow. Nonsense love, you don't even know what it is! Think if you said no to my gifts earlier, wouldn't you of felt a little dumb later on? Frowst knew Al would follow instinctually, so he didn't dally or await him in the slightest. Just give me a chance and if you don't want to, have the rest of the night to yourself, deal? The sly skunk knew Al would be inclined to accept. Ok... I-Ill trust you. (Man, you ruin surprises being so anxious...) Al responded, bowing his head uncertainly. Following his new Master, Allixter was led through the house and back toward his room. Stopping a hall or two early, Frowst showed Al down a perfume laden hallway, where one could tell the skunk rarely visits! This wing of the house smelled much, much better than Frowsts lounge or dining room! Whether it be coincidence or obedience, these pets were given reprieve from Master Frowsts musky aura! That felt unfair to Al, who caught whiffs of skunk butt with every breath... Alright my lovey puppy, step inside and see what you think. If youre not in the mood, feel free to do whatever you like. Ill be retiring to my quarters, theres some paperwork that needs my attention. Ill most likely see you tomorrow in the afternoon, once I return from the office. Frowst began to explain what was happening. Cant you just tell me whats going on Mr. Frowst? Di-did I do something..? Am I in trouble? Hoping to play Frowsts emotions, Al gave his best innocent voice. No my boy, trust me! This is a gift! Just go on, youll be free to go if youre uncomfortable! The only thing that will disappoint me is if you don't give it a chance and trust me. Frowst began to stride off, peeking back at Als uncertain face. Oh and Al, please try to have fun~! Frowst added just before turning a corner. O-ok... Gnight. Thanks again, I... I feel somewhat better after today. So... thank you. Al got Frowst to lean back around the bend. Thats terrific to hear. Put your faith in me and I wont let you down. Sleep well love, Im very excited to see you tomorrow! Frowst wanted to give Al a kiss, but just smiled at him. Now alone, Allixter stared at the huge oak door before him. Unsure exactly what awaited him on the other side, Al envisioned both extremes. Either it was more presents awaiting him or some kind of sadistic task would be forced upon his shoulders! Neither seemed particularly important to Allixter, though a small part of him knew hed be thrilled to get more stuff. Crazy how all the things Allixter saw on TV or in his imagination were commonplace to Frowst! Things Al only dreamed of owning seem to be on paw for his new master! Opening the door, Al was plunged into light-red mood lighting, and struck by the scent of pungent hookah. Peeking around the room, Allixter found very few amenities, save a small refridgerator and a large heart-shaped bed... A record player gave off light jazz, which muffled the giggling coming from the nearby bathroom. Candles and wine had been left out, shaping the idea Al had already been forming. T-this is... thisll be interesting! Al kept his fingers mentally crossed for such an outcome. H-hello? Anyone here? Al asked, as two figures emerged from the bathroom. Stepping into the pinkish-crimson hues which filled the room, were a pair of completely nude females! Sultry smirks formed as these prime examples of femininity leaned against one another with nimble forms and seductive stares. Standing with nothing left to the imagination, the only thing covering them was copious, well kempt fluff! The taller of the two had very short fur on her face and underbelly, but a long luxurious, almost rediculous coat flowing from her head and down her body! She was an Afghan hound, known for their regal appearance and differing fur pattern, which she used to her feminine advantage! The other who enter had enough volume to supply several 80s glam rock bands with sporadic fur! She was a honey-wheat colored colored traditional Collie, not the black and white border variety. Her eyes were hard to point out, feathered bangs covered them till she peeked through with a tilt of her muzzle. Being stared at by pretty, done up lashed and having perky breasts pointed toward him, everything clicked at once for Allixter! Oh haii there~! The Collie greeted him, her plucky voice shimmering. Welcome. Oh my, youre just delicious! Exactly how Master described... The Afghan hound mused, a lilting tune carried on her words. W-whoa... H-heya ladies! Nice to meetcha! Im Allixter! (Schwiiiing~! Jackpot~!) The fluttering in his heart took hold, as he fully realized why he was brought here. Oh we know sweetness! The more serious one said. My names Felicity. You can call me Fifi if youd like. The tall, thin Afghan hound replied. Yup, no need to be so formal, appreciate it though! The busty collie fixed her fur before continuing. Im Flora, no nicknames here heehee! Sooo... How ya feeling? Flora led the advance, disarming Allixter with her beauty. I-I-Im alright, heh! I-is this... what Im thinking it is? Allixter nervously fiddled his paws, examining the dynamite babes before him. What do you think this is? Felicity asked, taking sultry, hip-swaying steps. Depends on what youre looking for, I suppose... Playing coy, Flora circled the petite pup, brushing her bushy tail along his chin. H-h-haaah~! Wow youre really soft... (Dayuuum! Her ass is thiicc!!) Als eyes lowered into dopiness. Why thank you! That's very sweet to say! Flora appeared on his other side, paws on her knees, as she knelt to kiss Als cheek. Hard to believe such a delectable man muffin is available! Wouldve figured Frowst broke some poor girls heart when he snatched you up! Fifi was in Als face before he knew it. Handsome, striking, and polite... Youre the whole package sir! Having this gorgeous bitch call him sir was something Al didn't know he wanted. Oooh~! He likes you Fifi! Look at that tail go! Flora began to nibble Allixters ear, kneeling beside him to do so. L-loo-look ladies, j-j-just... Felicity stopped Al with a gentle scratch under the chin. Youre so tense... Flora began massaging Allixters shoulders, still ravishing his ear with loving nips. Not to worry though... Well help you relaaax~! Floras paws began to... wander down Als body. No need to be shy. Were here for a reason afterall.... Would you like a drink? Perhaps we can help you out of those clothes? Turning her tail toward Al, Felicity made sure to sway seductively, as she headed toward the bed. Unable to avoid staring, Als biggest weakness was being used to full advantage! Having always been an ass-dog, Allixter was practically drooling over this curvaceous females plump buns! The semi-curled, less fluffy tail danced above her rounded rump, as she bent unnecessarily deep over the drink cart; tantalizingly slow. Being turned away, Allixters eyes stayed locked on the lovely sight before him, completely ignoring Floras invasive tongue. Shutting his eyes upon hearing her light moaning, Allixter began to make out with the collie unsure if he could do the deed they wanted of him! Frizzy strands of voluminous fur brushed his muzzle, as the massaging lightened and was taken up by Fifi. Flora used her new freedom to increase her kissings splendor, forcing Allixters submission all the more. Having the sweet taste of lip gloss and the pleasing scent of perfume surround him, the borderline bisexual dog practically fell to his knees. Despite being gay, Allixter had been with a fair amount of women and knew he could enjoy himself, but was far to shy as of late... He couldve easily enjoyed this given different circumstances! Had Al won these womens hearts himself, hed have no problem taking this prize! Where in the real world would such hotties show him this kind of love? What would he have to do or buy to deserve sex from these luscious ladies? Lightly lapping at this strawberry flavored female, Allixter began leaning against the more athletic bitch behind him, her boobs tickled by his tall ears. Every ounce of Instincts grip was fighting to keep Al from panicking. He tried with all his might to take control and dig into this venerable feast of feminine fur! Despite being ok with Als homosexuality, Instinct followed the carnal code seeing females first and males second. Hence why Allixter often struggled with his sexuality... Much to Instincts ire, one of the girls moved to quickly and he sensed discomfort growing in his host! Getting frisky, Floras paw slowly slid to Als supple crotch, where a growing bulge could be seen. Allixter tensed against his will, the loving touch of these two suddenly a trap or trick! Wriggling himself out of Floras succulent maw and Fifis tender touch, Allixter retreated to the door. Taking a deep breath and centering himself, he faced these two lovely ladies, who were on there knees before him! Despite being weirded out by all this, Al couldn't avoid smiling at the sight of these bombastic babes begging for his attention! Is this how Frowst feels all the time? Must be good to be the king... Whats wrooong~? To fast sir? Flora asked with a giggle. We can be less attentive, if youd prefer to be... in control. Felicity laid back, paws ruffling her mane of head fur. N-no, thats not it! Im... I just... Heh, whew... (Sex! Sex! Females! Bitches! FUCK THEM!) Allixter tugged at his collar, feeling heat rise within him. Th-thi-this just feels a bit... inappropriate... We barely know each other!? (So fucking-god-damned what?!) Is that a problem? Fifi asked simply. We can use this time to get to know one another, hehe... Flora began crawling toward him, eyeing his groin. D-damn, hehe, Frowst aims to please! Allixter tried to joke his way out of this. So do we... Fifi joined her partner in crime at his side. Why don't you just take these off, get comfy... Flora began to undo Als belt. We can have some drinks, loosen up... see where things go... Fifi referenced the wine, her other paw stroking Allixters face. Being kissed by Flora once more, Allixter gently pushed her away and sighed. Look, girls... No offense, I-I... just cant... (Yes you can! Any guy could, look at em!) Saying this crushed Al in some way, he was ashamed of his lacking libido... Why not sir? Arent we attractive? Fifi pouted, pressing herself against him. Not comfortable yet? If you need some time, we can always take a raincheck! Flora giggled, her paws dropping to the floor like a feral dogs. N-nah, youre gorgeous! Like, yowza hehe! I... Im just... (Don't tell them, please? Damn it, cmon dude!) Instinct bit and clawed to take control, always falling short. Shy? Nervous? Tired? Uncomfortable? They began trying to finish for him. Theres no need to be shy, were willing and wanting. I... I need it sir... Fifi bit her lower lip, begging with her silver eyes. If youre just tired, we can help you fall asleep faster... Flora added, nuzzling her nose against Als belly, brushing the tip of his cock. N-no, nothing like that... I-Im... Im just- (Please don't tell them man!) Allixter swallowed his pride, ignored Instinct, and spoke his peace. Im gay ladies... The words were barely audible, even to Al. There was a long moment of silence, save the furious ranting of Allixters instincts. Watching shock and disbelief cross their faces, Al boiled in his own self loathing. He hated that he wasn't able to accept this beautiful bounty, but this feeling quickly subsided. He would more than gladly fuck these fine bitches silly, had he been free of Frowsts influence! If he himself had earned their favor then this would be a totally different story! Or so he told himself... Theres no way to know... Called it! Ya owe me fifty bucks! Flora broke the tense silence with a bright laugh. Wait, really? Does Master know? Theres plenty of oth-. Felicity was cut off, annoyed Allixter would do so. NO! He doesn't and Id appreciate if you didn't tell him! L-look, todays been a freaking headtrip for me... Lets just pretend we did the nasty and I left. Cool? Deal? Allixter said frankly, awaiting answers. Sure, no problem... whatever... Felicity sighed, standing with such rigidity, it was amazing she oozed sexuality before. Paraded myself around just to lose money, fuck my life... She grumbled, downing both glasses of wine with a pair of quick head tilts. Its all good pup, our muzzles are sealed! Flora set Al at ease with this. Just sayin though... Master Frowst says hes gay and Ive brought him to orgasm before! Wanna give it a shot? Flora rose to all fours, pointing her rump like a dog ready to play. Even mentioning youve been with him is a huge turn off... Seriously, I just... I cant! I want to, but I just couldn't... (Then let me out! Ill do these bitches like a big dog!) Allixter bowed his head in shame, knowing these extra challenges would make the difficult, impossible. Well... see ya, I guess... That sorta stinks... Flora scanned the room, hoping to find something to make Allixter stay. Want us to kiss each other? We can lez out if thatll get cha goin! She offered eagerly, snatching her friend by the tail. No! Wow, thats hot... Wait, no! J-j-just... stop ok? You ladies have a nice night. Thanks for the offer, but I gotta get some sleep. Allixter waved at them awkwardly, watching the passion fade from their faces. Get the hell off me! Fifi shoved Flora to the bed. He said no, whyre you being such a hoe? Oh piss off bitch, its our job! Just cuz youve got a stick up your ass-. Allixter shut the door on the growing argument. Wow... what a place hes got here... Al said to himself, forgetting his mental passenger a moment. (Im telling Frowst next time Im free. Im telling him everything...) Instinct threatened sharply. (If you don't go in there right now, Ill tell him youre gay and you find him attractive!) Allixter gasped, his paws twitching toward the door handle. Oh fuck you, Im not letting you run my life! (I already can ya douche!) Allixter hated how Instinct could interrupt him, but not vice-versa! (Whatever bro, you were more turned on at the mention of Frowst than you were seeing those fine pieces of ass! Youre his bitch, why cant you just accept it?) Instinct cut through the bullshit and attacked Als weakness directly. Youre dumber than I thought if you really think Im attracted to him! Allixter began to head toward his room, not wanting the girls to hear him talk to himself. (You can say whatever you want, but you cant hide your feelings from me! I know exactly what you feel and Im going to fill Frowst in A.S.A.P! Yeah, act tough... I can feel your worried about it!) Instinct wasn't being nice anymore, he was so pissed at his host. Whatever, Im a good boy! Master wont have any reason to let you out! Allixter didn't realize how warped this statement was until he had already said it. Wh-what?! Wait, no... I meant to sa-. (Hahaha! Wow, yeah... keep thinking that! The mask will slip you liar! When Frowst calls me out next time, youll be sorry for ignoring me all those years!) Instinct struck chords of deep seated fear in Allixter. Im not afraid of you! Theres no way in hell Id ever confirm what you say! Hell know youre just trying to start shit! Frowst wants to trust me, youre just some sickening science experiment used to keep me in line! Allixter wasn't sure why he needed to argue, Instinct had no real control when sealed away. (If you really think that, youre a bigger idiot than you claim me to be! Master trusts me a thousand times more than you! All I gotta do is ask for a tummy rub and youll be as helpless as Ive been for so... so very long...) Instincts voice bent with sadness, though he fought to sound intimidating. You and I need to find some kind of common ground, cuz this shit wont work! Ill let Frowst bite my scruff if itll shut you up and keep you in your place! Allixter began to shout, but caught himself and quieted down. (Course you would queer-o! You got all giddy when he mentioned that! So go ahead and submit, it fits your character! Weak, submissive, needy, helpless-.) Instinct pulled no punches, hed never insulted anyone directly, it feels... good! SHUT UP! Shut your fucking mou-... (Yeah, aint got one dipshit.) Allixter growled with frustration at this. Why do you have to be involved?! I could enjoy it here, live the highlife, but no... I gotta deal with this twisted shit... Al mumbled as he hurried down the hall, away from his fading shout. (You think I enjoy being your tag along? Life has been a nightmare for me! Do you know how many time I knew exactly what to say and couldn't help you?! Can you fathom all the problems I knew how to solve, that you failed to grasp?!) Instinct recanted his long, arduous life of semi-sentient silence... I... I never really thought of it before... That isnt the point! Im me! I am the one whos running the show, so to speak! You cant expect to threaten me into submission! Allixter kicked his door open, letting it slam shut behind him. (You turned down pussy! How should I react?! You said no to dual-vaginas and lesbo babes! Thats so messed up!) Instinct held the bro code high ground, but Al wasn't swayed. Im gay! Ya know how embarrassing it wouldve been if I couldn't of... Ya know, get it up?! Thatd fucking kill me for days! I cant deal with that kind of shame, while simultaneously adjusting to an entirely different lifestyle! Not to mention the fact that you exist! Making everything ten times harder! Allixter wouldn't give up so easily, he knew he was right... sort of... (Thats why Im so pissed! It wouldve been hard for you, but Ill hump anything old enough to say yes! You completely ignore the benefits I bring and the good I could do you! You see me as a burden or a chore! Which is exactly what you were as a puppy! Always wanting some pointless thing just to keep up with your frien-. Instinct had no qualms hurting Allixter. SHUT UP! Shut the fuck up, right now! Allixter howled his paws clenching into fists. I was a kid! I didn't know any better and youre going to act like that was my fault?! I hate myself for that! (As you should!) AAGHHHHH! FUCK YOU!! GOD I CANT STAND THIS!!! AGHGHH!! Allixter snapped, collapsing to the floor, clutching his skull. (Calm the fuck down, ok?! Jeez, look that was wrong of me... Im just pissed off were left with our paw tonight! You gotta understand, like, Im so desperate! Ive never got to do the things you have! Ive never been free to socialize! I never got to play videogames or sports! Y-ya gotta look from my angle, at least once!) Instinct had to make Al understand, this would drive them both insane left unchecked! Ok, I get that! Like I said, we gotta reach some kind of understanding! Im not ready to handle this, I have no experience to draw upon! How am I supposed to deal with an entity that is basically schizophrenia incarnate?! Allixter was desperate for Instinct to see how he effected his day to day life! (I get that, this is weird for me too! Like, shit dog... my-err... your whole life was like being trapped under ice for me! Can you comprehend what being given sentience was like?! I... Im... this is all so freaking confusing, yet it should make sense! Im expected to keep up with you, when youve got a tail-load more practice!) Instinct was running out of juice, it was hard to actually win an argument! Yeah, something that took me years to develop was just thrust upon you, I get that... But you were given something I had to spend my whole life growing, learning, adapting, and shaping to perfection! If you had control, who knows the mistakes youd make... Not to mention... Allixter faded off, but finished quickly. Frowst. (Master.) They said it in unison... (How about this? Ill handle Master! Give me control whenever were around him... You can have the free time, when were alone. Cool?) Instinct found this very agreeable. Hell no! You and I both know Frowst is going to expect to see me a lot! Youd be in control like seventy-five percent of the time! Allixter cried back, his voice almost piquing for a howl. (What about the other way around then? You can have the time with your crush, then let me have control when youre alone. That way I wont embarrass you or nuthin!) Though just a reversal, Instinct could get behind this arrangement. I... I don't know... Let me give it some thought okay? I need some sleep... Allixter headed for bed, checking the clock to find it a reasonable time. (Furreal? Its only eight! Ugh... I hate that you get tired...) Instinct complained jovially, but Al groaned. Im only mammal... Not all of us get the advantage of borrowing a body... Allixter chided, getting out of his clothes. (Stop with that shit, its insulting! Im not some space invader or body snatcher! Im a part of you! I was there when you broke your arm the first time! When you finally nailed that kickflip! Your first kiss, both male and female! Ive been through thick and thin! Helped you dodge cops, find lost objects, sniff out danger, and so much more!) Instinct wasnt ready to stop listing his advantages, he could just sense Als annoyance. Just... Oh my god, please let me sleep. C-can you sleep? Are you just... awake and aware all night? Allixter was suddenly curious, wide eyed at the thought. (No, I cant sleep. I sort of... meditate... Kind of maddening actually. The emptiness, loneliness... the existential horror of it all...) Instinct sounded distraught, as if thinking of this worried him greater. B-bro... Th-that sucks... Damn, Im so sorry... The idea of being eternally awake was horrifying to Allixter. (Im kidding dude haha! I fall asleep when you do, I just don't lose stamina or at least I don't feel it.) Instinct taunted wryly, hoping Al was still inclined to believe him. Ugh... just... good night. Try to stay quiet, okay? Im getting a headache. Allixter buried his head beneath spare pillows. (Light weight, haha! You barely had any booze! See ya tomorrow! Sleep tight!) Instinct couldn't fathom being the cause of this pain himself. Rolling about to get comfortable, Allixter shushed Instincts final attempts to chit-chat with him. Having someone with you all the time makes no moment feel worth enjoying... There is no privacy anymore! In a way, there never was... Allixter had Instinct all his life, even when there was absolutely no sign of him! Did Instinct really help him through all those past perils and obstacles? That makes perfect sense, but Al didn't want to accept it... Before they evolved into Antherians all animals relied on instinct to survive. Allixter had just never thought of this mental tool as an entity all its own! No... Frowst had to be lying... Instinct as a cognitive force couldn't have its own personality!? This had to be a ruse, it just doesn't make any sense! Battling his own understanding of all this, Allixter slowly drifted to sleep. Trying his damndest to ignore Instincts singing, he forced the parasite to succumb and fall into slumber as well. *Ten hours later, #069 Smoketree-Lovegood Complex* Zothe hit his alarm fast, not wanting to wake his roommates. The thirty year old wolf was always the first up, given he had to be at the precinct before eight o clock. Dranner, Ven, and Al (his roomies) were never awake when he left for work. Lucky bastards... Seeing he had some time to kill, Zothe made breakfast, watched the news, and aimlessly scrolled the internet. It was nice for Lieutanant Wrowler to pretend hes a normal furson before putting on his mantle of responsibility and enforcing the law. A much harder task than it sounds... Just last night Zothe stopped a car jacking and had to break the punks wrist to do it! Thats gonna cost him a shit ton of paper work, ugh... Starting the shower, Zothe scrolled some emails, checking to see if anything happened over night he oughta know about. Something caught his eye then and he stopped undressing midway to confirm what he saw. It was a message from his roommate Allixter, whom he hasn't seen in a few days... The subject of the message read: HELP ME!. Knowing his goofball of a roommate this was probably a joke or something to brighten Zothes day before work. Zothes half-awake mind led him to ignore the message and bathe first. While washing sleep-sweat from his fur, Zothe couldn't get that message out of his head and endeavored to read it in ernest when he got out. Soothing steam relaxed the aching muscles of the wolf, his fur hanging in a dripping mess. Leaning against the wall, Zothe envisioned what today would hold for him. So much bullshit and pointless conflicts... Wait, scratch that, just gonna be typing and signatures today... Shaking dry in the shower stall, he envisioned Als dumbass flinging water all over the room. He always had this cute little grin when he gets caught, something that makes it impossible to be mad at him about it. Tapping the email Allixter sent him last night, Zothe began reading: Zothe, bro please respond to this A.S.A.P! Im not fucking around man, some sick fuck dognapped me and is holding me prisoner! I don't know where I am or how to get out! Im not sure of the address, but Ill tell you if I figure it out! The bastard is named Frowst, not sure of his first name... Please do something bro!! Tell the chief or inform the governor, anything! I need your help man! This isnt a joke! Bro, please... HELP ME! Whoa... What the fuck..? Zothe had to process all this very quickly. Damn, dude... whatve you gotten yourself into Al... Grabbing his gear, putting on his uniform, and getting his other items together, Zothe headed out. In his car, the wolf was drawn to re-read Als message, still uncertain if it was really truthful. There has to be an explination for this, but Zothe couldn't find it! Allixter has been missing for about three days now, a sure sign of dognapping to this experienced officer of the law. Pulling into the precint parking lot, Zothe took a deep breath and tried to put this out of his mind. Despite wanting to tell the chief, Zothe planned to do some research himself before bringing this to anyones attention. Frowst... where had he heard that name before? A plan developed quickly, as Zothe checked in, got his gunbelt, and headed to morning briefing. He was going to use his computer to trace Allixters email source and see if things were a miss. A small part of him, the half that looked out for Al as a little brother, needed to know he was alright. If he was at a friends house and just fucking with the dutiful wolf, Zothe would know. Should this be a joke, Zothed kick Allixters tail into next week, but... It didn't seem like a joke. Who would play around about something like that?! Officer Wrowler? Zothe! The Chief of police called his attention to the front of the room. Where are you today lieutenant? I need you focused. Weve been hearing a lot about gang activity in... Zothes attention waned quickly, imaging what poor Allixter must be going through. What sick fuck would dognap such a helpless pup? Never would he describe Al in such a way to his face, but... Allixter was always one to need support, despite his unwillingness to ask for it. Zothe always found this admirable in a small way. Seeing him try his hardest to be a normal furson yet fall short, was painful for Zothe as well as Allixter. Given his stature and musculature, Zothe always saw it as his responsibility to look out for his smaller friends. It never sat right with Zothe that others will abuse smaller mammals, solely because they can! No one should use their size and strength to demean others! Thats a gift many abuse and Zothe was out to set it right, one criminal at a time! After the meeting ended, Officer Zothe Wrowler went to his desk and began filling out paperwork. A few pages in, he found himself re-reading Allixters message. His protective instincts activated upon reading it the third time, and Officer Wrowler opened his email to begin responding. If Allixter was truly in trouble, the least he could do was tell him someone knew and was thinking of him. That he hadnt been forgotten... *Three hours later, Frowsts manor* Sitting up with a long groan, Allixters relaxed body was almost unusable His new bed was so comfortable, it left him immobile upon waking It was like his body was still partially asleep or paralyzed by pleasant positioning. No part of him wanted to shed this peaceful bliss of waking wonderment. Instincts chirpy Good morning ruined the haven of comfort for Al quite quick... Hi... Was all Allixter replied with, still rubbing his eyes clear of sleepies. (Howd ya sleep bro?) Instinct asked his voice renewing Als ire. Terrific to be honest, never had a bed so comfy! Allixter fell back against the wall of pillows. (I know, right?! No back or tail pains! Our old bed was a joke!) Instinct laughed, equally enjoying Als relaxation. At least it was mine! Not something used to win me over... Allixter bit back, cranky enough to find this egregious. (Frowst didn't gift us the bed, did he? I sort of saw this as crashing at a friends place!) Instinct had Allixters freshly awakened mind seething. Hes not our friend! Stop thinking like that! Allixter demanded, sitting up sharply. (Why? Like, really dude... Does it bother you that I like him? Don't you sorta like Master..?) Instinct tickled Als memories of swooning over Frowst. He isnt my master! I refuse to accept that! He thinks Im inferior to him and that shit wont fly with me! Allixter almost punched himself, hearing Instincts complacency. (No he doesn't! He said so the other night! Were just as important as any tough tiger or big bull! Master loves us for who we are!) The sickly sweet words stung through Als ears. Youre not getting it, because youre meant to agree with him! Don't you understand? If you really were me, youd see how much hes taking from us! Youd be pissed to! All the effort I put into living and building a good life was just snatched out from under me! Allixter headed for the bathroom, finding conversing with Instinct to be enjoyable when he vented his frustration. (Okaaay, yeah... that makes sense... But it isnt fair to ignore all the good he brings us! I get that youre upset, but cant any part of this be good?) Instinct offered the only argument he could come up with. Whats good about being someones pet? Being forced to do what they say and pretend some presents make up for that lack of freedom? I don't want to be some plaintiff pooch! Allixter swatted the water on, grunting at the validity Instinct argued with. (Bro, Al, hun... No offense, but... What were we before?) Instinct held Allixters breath with this. (Living with the guys, we barely ever had a job. We didn't provide anything to the household, save a smile and a friendly greeting! Like a good dog should! Wh-what makes this any different? We just changed owners if anything!) Instinct had a pale laugh over this. I WAS NOT THEIR PET! Allixter roared over the falling water. The guys know how hard things are for me... How difficult it is to keep a job when I can barely keep up physically! They dont judge and expect me to roll over with submission... They only ever asked for my companionship! Thats what a real friend does! Scraping the wall, Al had to center himself or break a claw. (They never gave us a crown either! See? Benefits!) Instinct sniped back, equipping Allixters sarcasm for himself. Im gonna mangle that fucking thing if you mention it again... Allixter looked up, as he often does when talking to Instinct. (Broooo~! Nooooo~! Master looks at us so different with it on! Didn't you see that glint in his eyes?) Instinct was dumbfounded that such a treasure could be meaningless to his host. I could care less, really... He doesn't deserve my obedience! No one does, not even the guys! The way I lived was my choice... I decided to be my true self around them! Frowst is forcing that side of me to the surface and I cant fucking stand it! Allixter bowed his head, hoping the water running down his ears would block out Instincts voice. (Remember when we got really sick and Dranner took care of us? Or when that guy wanted to break us in half for looking at his babe and Zothe threw him across the fucking bar?! What about when you and Vennex were trying to score some weed and had to run from the cops? He came back for us bro!) Instinct listed memories Al had experienced with his roomies. So..? Whats your point? Youre just making me want to see them that much more! Allixter was confused where this was headed. (Just listen... Zothes a cop and he protects us. Dranners a mechanic, so he fixed us up! Ven is, well... Ven and he helped you when he could!) Instinct began to set up his next point, which he was certain would leave Allixter silent. (So if our friends, who are typical people, can provide us with such enrichment, think of what Frowst can offer! Hes ahead of the game so to speak, where our roomies are still learning the rules! Its about the caliber of furson and whether or not theyre friendly! Frowst wants to help, so why deny him that? What makes his effort less important than the guys?) Instincts words rang with surprising truth and clarity... Hearing how happy Instinct was over being protected, cared for, and coddled was the biggest insult Allixter could imagine! How could any part of him be so ready to give up free will and abandon hope of living a normal life? This rage was gratuitous, as it scattered like embers around Als body, leaving obscuring smoke; clouding his thoughts. Nothing came clearly, he knew he had words to counter Instincts point, but couldn't arrange and vocalize them properly. Despite being able to read Als thoughts if he focused hard enough, Instinct knew that this would just cause an argument. Drawing on memories Allixter thought private, well... are private... er, whatever. Having Instinct bring up things from his past solidified Als belief that they were indeed one in the same furson! Having to rely on his bigger stronger roommate for protection was suddenly shameful to Al, when Instinct pointed it out. Knowing that this passenger was aware of how weak he truly shattered Allixter to his core. Al always acted tough, put on a brave face, but in reality... darkness loomed just behind his fun-loving mask. Allixter had battled depression for many years, something Instinct refused to acknowledge even when it was at the forefront of their thoughts. So what your trying to say is... I should try to see this as his way of making friends? A-are you telling me to use Mr. Frowst? Allixter asked softly, unable to make out some of his own words. (Hell yeah, thats a great way of looking at it! And of course not, but then again, Master did tell us to do so! So yeah, milk him for all hes worth! Hehehe!) Instincts clever fiendishness provided uncanny similarities between them! Hahah... Didn't expect that from you! Al responded as Instinct laughed as well. I get what you mean, that makes sense. Sorry I snapped at you, its early... Allixter added guiltily. (No sweat, just needed to speak my peace! Like, cmon, this is kind of awesome! Look at the size of this shower?!) Instinct almost gained control, as Al was inclined to look around in awe. Yeah, like... fuck... Ya could play baseball in here! Allixter chuckled, pitching a loofah across the enormous stall. (I know right?! This place is kind of immaculate... Master makes bank dude! Think about having a billionaire as a friend!?) Instinct hounded him about enjoying his stay here. First off, I doubt Frowst is a billionaire, Ill give him millionaire, but not the big billion. Secondly, none of my friends ask to rub my tummy or do tricks, in exchange for friendship... Allixter turned off the water as he replied. (Master hasn't asked us to do tricks silly! What do you have against belly rubs? If Zothe were to rub your stomach, I bet youd like it! What about Dran? Got those big hoofed-fingers...) Phantom tickles spawned in Al as he was forced to imagine this. You really don't get it, haha! Youre like a puppy, how did I ever find you threatening? Allixter asked, trying to confirm his instinctual demeanor. (Well of course I am! You arent that old bro! Like yeah, youve grown, but we arent exactly good at adulting!) Instinct heckled Als disagreement. (Not to mention Ive had no time to develop social skills! I still think its ok to sniff each others butt when we meet someone new! When did that stop being a thing?) This got Al to laugh. Oh I don't know... when I turned six years old... Allixter shook his head at this, still puttering out laughter. (Whaaat? Nooooo~! I always thought it was just you! Damn it, so many fine asses we had to pass up! Social standards are so freaking lame!) Instinct complained, leaving Al to continue laughing. Thats something we can agree upon-. No, not butt sniffing! I meant that society can be a fucking nightmare at times... Allixter explained, as Instinct kept laughing. (Yeah, people can be total douchebags! No one sees us for who we are, just a pint sized pup to push around...) Allixter was shocked Instinct could be so serious about something he didn't experience. Y-you... you gotta admit I don't take shit about my height! Ri-right? Al wanted to know how Instinct felt about this. (Hell no bro! Even though we cant really do anything ourselves, its soooo satisfying seeing Zothe or Dran kick some dudes ass for being a jerk toward us!) Not exactly what Allixter had hoped for, but he appreciated confirmation. Oh shit, speaking of Zothe! Allixter hurried to the computer, clicking it on eagerly. (I didn't wanna say anything last night, but I think contacting the guys is a bad idea... Cant we just ask Master to see them instead?) Instinct thought this made sense, as no one has ever been more understanding than Frowst. If this fails, yeah, Ill ask. Doubtful hed let me talk to them... Especially considering Zothes a cop. Just... let me try this, okay? Quiet a second... Allixter didn't want to hear that, so he focused on the loading bar intently. Starting up the computer, Allixter bounced with anticipation, praying to find a response from his friend. Waiting.... waiting... So much fucking waiting! Aggh! Itd be quicker to set up the new one! Thats not true of course, but Al damn well felt that way! He had enough time to open, assemble, and connect the Hex-box, before that god damned archaic block kicked on! Now to battle for internet connection... Ughh! Once active, Allixter was greatly relieved to see that Zothe had responded! Frantically clicking the RE: HELP ME!, Allixter began scanning the lines, desperate for some sign that his friend was on the way! The message read: Dawg, this is some heavy shit to lay on me! This better not be a joke bro, furreal! Im tracing your IP address and Ill find out where you sent the message from. In the mean time, do whatever he asks of you, so long as it wont put you in any danger. The thing with these psychos is they want control... Take that away from this Frowst guy and hell probably snap! I don't want to see you hurt bro, Im going figure this out... If youre really in danger, know that you wont be for long! You arent alone, weve all been worried as hell! I should be able to find out where you are by tomorrow. I cant tell the police chief or the mayor, until I have some kind of proof! Ill open a missing fursons report, which should grease the wheels down here. Stay strong and in contact Al, Ill hopefully be seeing you soon! Im so sorry buddy... Though enough to make Allixter howl with delight, he was desperate over the lack of change this note brought. Once he was done reading it and all the elation had passed, Al felt more trapped than before! Knowing his friend was out there trying to help him, made his own stagnation unbearable! Despite seeing someone respond to his plight, nothing actually changed! Hes still here and may have to stay for days... If Zothes working to save him, the least Al could do is get some information! Leaving the computer on, but closing his email, Allixter went to find something for Zothe to use! An address would be ideal, but Al doubts hed be free to go outside. Maybe theres something in Frowsts study? Where is that again..? Shit! Whatever, time to do a little exploring! Peeking out, the guards straightened at his emergence, but didn't say a word. These werent the same wolves Al had met before. Their erect forms didn't twitch an ounce as Allixter came into view and they began following him. Sighing at this additive, Allixter knew that theyd force him to stay in the pet wing. Asking questions got no answers, the two arctic wolves simply looked at one another indifferently, then back to Allixter. Checking all the unlabeled doors, Al was shocked the wolves didn't try to stop him! Frowst mustve told them to let Al wander or maybe this is a reward for being a good boy last night! Whoa... n-no, thats not... right... Finding most of the doors in the hall around him were other peoples rooms, Allixter still checked the unmarked ones. Finding closets, water heaters, and an air conditioning unit, he was soon ready to move on. Heading toward the lounge Allixter did his best to track the movement patterns of the guards he passed in the hall. Sporadic and unpredictable, each wolf seemed to be given a hall or handful of them to keep the peace in. Much to Allixters shock, a few seemed to reappear as he explored the house! He may just be getting lost, but it was weird to keep running into Razurus, Maadox, and other unintroduced wolves! Alright, can you guys please show me where Frowsts study is? Al asked after heading up the same hall for the third time. Why? Why do you seek that room? The wolves asked in unison, the first word emerging as one voice. I... uhh... I left something in their last night! I cant find it in my room... Allixter quickly scraped this excuse together. Very well. This way. They both said in near perfect unison. With a hidden grin, Allixter began to follow them, rubbing his paws together like a supervillain! If it was this easy to trick Frowsts security, then escape may come easier than expected! These two didn't seem to notice his eagerness, or chose to simply ignore it. Putting his excitement aside, Allixter knew there was some kind of failsafe in place to keep him here. Frowst is to clever for this to go smoothly... Being led to the room he hoped to loot, Allixter did his best to track where Frowsts study was! It wouldn't matter in the long run, as Allixter assumed Frowst would show him around sometime soon, but it was all the young Corgi could do to keep his sanity! The wolves stopped suddenly and one opened a door, allowing Allixter to enter. They followed closely, much to Allixters chagrin. What is it youre looking for? What have you lost in here? How the hell they speak in unison is a mystery... I... uhh... I cant find it... Allixter began trying to figure out something innocent to be searching for. I lost my cellphone, yeah! Im sure I had it in here last... Thats as good an excuse as any, right? Whats the number? Use Frowsts phone. They addressed the rotary dial on the desk. Great, thanks! Y-y-you guys don't gotta wait for me... Allixter knew this wouldn't work, but had to try. We are not to leave you alone in any room outside of the pet wing. Hearing the wolfs isolated voice was quite strange for Al. Alright, fair enough... Allixter was happy to be offered access to Frowsts desk, but the watchful eyes kept him wary. Unsure of what to do, Allixter picked up the phone and began sliding the ring to dial his old number. This gave him an idea! If Allixter continually tried to call his old phone, he could feign confusion over the whole ordeal! While putting this plan into action, he scanned the papers on Frowsts desk for details or helpful info. Many of these documents were gibberish to Al, who just wanted to find an address of personal details surrounding Frowst! I don't hear anything... One of the wolves said, scanning the room with his ears poised. Are you certain this is the room? The other added, taking up a skeptical look. Y-yeah, pretty sure! Not sure if its silenced or not... Lemme try again... Slyly opening the drawer beneath the phone, Allixter searched it while pretending to dial his phone again. Didn't you receive a new cellular telephone? Frowst often gifts those to his new pets... The wolves asked in a slightly broken tandom. Ye-yeah, but it isnt active yet. Doesn't have my stuff on it or what not... Trying to avoid the question as long as he could, Al was forced to anser by furthered inquiry. Trying with all his heart to find anything of value, the best Allixter achieved was learning Frowsts first name, which is Lancaster... Wow, what ritzy sounding nonsense that is! Scanning through the pages, Al feared getting caught and wouldn't dare reach in to search further. Theres a good amount of filing cabinets in this room, which Allixter assumed held the golden knowledge he searched for! Well, guess this was a bust, eh fellahs? Allixter hung up the phone after his fourth or fifth attempt. Mr. Frowst will be informed of the problem. Rest assured, your belonging will be found. They said with minor apathy. Th-thats ok! Ill ask him myself when he gets back! Terrified of Frowsts wrath, Allixter basically begged them not to tell. If that is what you wish. The scrawnier of the two replied. Master Frowst may have found it or took it when he brought you here. Are you sure you had it? The stocky wolf seemed to have caught on. Pretty sure, but then again... its been a hectic few days. Could just be confused... Allixter sighed under his breath. Master Frowst will be able to help. Nothing to worry about. Worry formed at the stoic mention of Frowst. Know when hell be getting home? Al asked, hoping to gauge the amount of time he had to explore. Master should return in a few hours, no way to know for certain. They looked at one another, then the clock before answering. Alright, well, Im gonna get some breakfast then. Allixters growling gut had been biting at him all morning. (Ooooh boy! Yay, Im starving, so you gotta be really hungry!) Instinct cried suddenly, having been silent during Als sleuthing. Of course, right this way. He knows the way to the kitchen Kayless. The unenthused way they spoke to one another showed a crazy level of discipline. So youre called Kayless? Well, heya! Whats your name then? Allixer asked the other wolf, trying to open them up a bit. Teelk... Son of Hanslo and Taarna. The other wolf straightened, giving his name like it was some kind of rank. Ohhhhh kaaaay... Uhhhh, well nice to meet cha! (Wolves are odd balls? What kind of names are those?!) Instinct joked over Als confusion. Agreeable to meet you as well, Allixter the Corgi. Teelk put a paw to his heart and bowed his head. Being followed through the manor toward the less wonderous scent of the kitchen, Allixter passed the gym, where he waved to a few friendly faces. Al had shed his resentment toward Frowsts other pets and was trying to see them as potential friends or allies. Even though thats what Frowst wanted, most of these guys were prisoners too! Not to mention those poor senoritas last night! What hell has Frowst put them through?! If Allixter built up a rapport with some of the more level headed animals, he may be able to assemble an escape team! Some of the others must want to escape? Even if he ends up needing Flash or Ginos help... Chatting up the wolves, Al slyly edged them toward familiarity and trust. Despite having the collective personality of a damp sponge, it felt necessary to try and make friends with the security. Even if they only see him as Frowsts pet, theyre a very valuable source of information! Learning a few hapless facts, occasional details piqued Allixters interest, yet were never revealing enough to actually help... Heya Orvison! (Goooood mornin!) Allixter pushed the door open to find virtually no sign of cooking. Oh shoot, heya bud! Caught me off guard, haha! Just got here. How are ya this mornin? Scheffield was unpacking a valise, which contained various recepies and personal utencils. No worries! Just hungry, was gonna ask for some breakfast. Lemme know when youre ready though, all good! Allixter turned to leave, but was stopped by Scheffields voice. Hold it! You wait right there, Ill have ya something in a jiffy! Orvisons dictator tone held Allixter at the door. You boys hungry too? Course ya are! Have a seat, Ill make enough for all a yous! We arent inclined to deny your generosity. Yet weve been instructed to avoid behaving like lesser pets. The wolves response had Al gritting his teeth. Nonsense, yall are mammals like everyone else! Ya need to eat! The three ah yuu barely weigh as much as my belly, hahaha! Scheffiled began prepping pans and gathering ingredients. Does Frowst really call us lesser pets?! Al needed to address this, it was like they insulted him directly! Appologies, that is how our Alphas describe you, not Frowst. Teelk bowed his head apologetically. Master Frowst doesnt view us with the same splendor your kind is gifted. If anything, we are inferior in his eyes. Kayless explained, as they two of them seated themselves. (Wow, that must suck! Having to work for Frowst and not get any of his love... Surely theyre exaggerating, right?) Instinct was shocked to hear Frowst didn't show them such pleasantries. Alright, if you say so... Maybe Ill have a talk with these Alphas of yours, set em straight! Allixter chimed in, as Scheffield attemepted to keep the peace. A surge of nervous energy filled the room for a split second. That is unadvised. Do not pursue such actions. O-ok, why though? They dangerous or somethin? (Wolves just talk big! They hate admitting we dogs are related to them!) Allixter had to fight to not voice Instincts opinion. Pump the breaks you three! No glum faces allowed in my kitchen, ya hear?! Scheffield began setting out bowls, plates, and ingredients. Yes sir. Of course sir. The wolves smiled terrifying toothy grins, unable to show such ardor. Youre the boss here Scheff! Allixter snickered, peeking glance at the wolves. (Yeah, think youre so tough? Wait till Zothe shows up! Hell stomp you puny pups to dust!) Being forced to mentally threaten animals three times his size was worrisome for Al. Evading agreeance, Allixter occupied his thoughts with Orvisons dynamic flair in the kitchen! Setting up two pans, he adjusted the heat to match the sausage and bacon he put in them! Cracking three eggs with one paw, Scheffield began to whisk them with expertise, not slowing in the slightest! While whisking with one paw, Orvison slid a knife through thawing bacon with surgical precision and deft sweeping motions. Pinches of spices, dashes of herbs, and adroit movements of his paws quickly brought a continental breakfast into being! Pretty much everything you could ask for was on its way to being hot and ready! Pancakes and waffles?! How the hell can he make biscuits and scones at once?! Sausage, bacon, ham, and steak!! Who even does that? Once everything was set up and cooking, Orvison turned to his canidae audience. Aight, should be done in a few minutes! How are yall? Sleep well? You boys pull a night shift? Was that rough? Scheffield leaned on the island casually. I have been awake for two and a half days sir. Teelk nodded his head confirmingly. Whoa, furreal?! Allixter practically jumped from his seat. Last night was my weekly r&r. I feel very rested. Kayless responded, not bothering with Als exclamation. Y-y-you guys serious? Does Frowst push you that hard?! Allixter leaned to be in their view, assuring theyd answer. No. Yes. The two responded opposingly and looked shocked such an event occurred. While Frowst holds high expectations for us, it is a wolfs duty to serve the pack with every ounce of strength available. Kayless clarified, awaiting his current partner to do so as well. Frowst desires us to be our absolute best and I strive to deliver even more, hence why I do feel driven by him. Teelk explained his disagreeance to his superior. O-okay... Uhh, that didn't really tell me anything... Allixter chuckled, looking to Orvison. Im still trying to figure these fellahs out myelf, haha! Don't worry if yur confused, hahaha! Scheffield peeked back at Al, as he degreased the sizzling sausage. We are much different than dogs. Its understandable our customs wouldn't make much sense to a less... a pet dog. That fucking word, Al was so glad he didn't finish it... Yeah, suuure! Cuz us being practically the same animal doesn't give me any insight... Allixter chided, causing the two of them to stand sharply. We are NOT the same. WE are better. The two of them announced without a hint of falsity. Oh piss off, you guys are fucking puppets! Al waved off the growing growls. Stop it, stop this right now! You two, go stand outside! Youre on time out for that! Orvison playfully pointed them away, but they obeyed without question. Sorry puppo, its in their nature to be... well, total jerks... They both laughed at this. You didn't have to send em out though. Im not afraid of them! Al growled lowly. (Thats the attitude I like to see from you! Those pricks couldn't lay a paw on ya!) Instinct added with a mocking laugh. Well, consider it for me then! Those guys kinda give me the creeps, heh-hahaha! Scheffield wasn't actually afraid, he knew Frowst told his wolves to act in such a way. Makes sense, their like freaking zombies! Al said loud enough to be heard by the wolves outside. Whats up with them anyways? Does Frowst leave their collars on all the time or something? Nah pup, mos of em are raised that way. Ma and pa are flippin weirdos... Scheffield scooped the fluffy eggs onto one plate, while finishing the bacons grease shakin. Wow... Did Frowst like... ya know, fuck their brains up? Allixter asked with great concern. Hey, watch your mouth! No, he just... found a couple a doozies I guess... Orvison sighed, flipping flapjacks n stackin oilcakes. Okay, wow... Should I even ask what theyre like? Al inquired in jest. No, just... uhh, theyre just really... Look, forget it! Just eat puppo-rooskie! Heres hoping you don't eva meet em! Orvison took a drink of cooking sherry, testing if it had gone bad. Uncertainty breeds fear, but its cool... I get your reasoning. This looks great man! Thank you bunches! (Who cares about those dorks, breakfast!) Pulling the plate closer, Al armed himself with a fancy fork. Orvison put a pair of claws to his lips and produced a sharp whistle. The wolves entered and spoke ashamed apologies, thought their faces didn't depict a hint of such contriteness. Sitting at the other end of the bar from Allixter, they were given bowls of oatmeal, with some bacon and hashbrowns on the side. This seemed extravagant to them, but these guys were a couple of carnies to Al now... For the record, wolvish antherians do not typically act like this... Yeah theyre brash and full of themselves, but not... whatever this is... Eating his bountiful breakfast, which was an insane portion for the tiny dog, Allixter floated to cloud nine! He had always eaten modestly by demand, for it was rare he had the money to spend on sustenance! Allixter often had to nip or swipe food from his friends, the portion required barely noticeable most times. Having such a small stomach and rarely having a lot to eat, Al couldn't find a way to finish all this food! Now, now! You didn't even finish a stack! Cmon puppeh! Scheffield bumped the plate back toward him with his hip, still stirring his signature caramel! Yous thin as can be! Ya gotta eat as much as ya can! Oof, damn it, I want to! I really do! His straining stomach left him unable to continue. Num~... Mmmm! Allixter slipped a bite of syrup-soaked pancake into his maw. Ok, you finish the griddle cakes, Ill finish yur waffles. Orvison invaded Als turf with his dragging fork. Stabbing his fork into the eternally crisp waffles with a tiny growl, Al drug the plate back to him playfully, which made Scheffield squeal with delighted laughter. Trying his best to finish, Allixter was feeling bloated and gluttonous, as the wolves had been finished for a while. They had been conversing silently, but they only got his attention for the light snickering. Surely mocking his appetite... Not concerned with their judgement, Allixter fulfilled his agreement with Scheffield and forced down the rest of his hotcakes. Ugghhh! Damn Mr. Scheffield you make the best food! No joke, like better than my family or any restaurant! Undoing his belt slyly, Al leaned back and pat his gut. Well thank ya bucko! I know I beat out any restaurant, but really? Betta than yur mommas cookin? Orvison asked growing warm inside from this. W-well, my mom worked a lot and I usually made breakfast for myself! When she could cook for me, yeah it was great, but... You clearly went to school for this or something, right? Glugging down his milk as Schef talked, Al had his response ready. (Mom used to always insist on making us birthday cakes... They were kind of terrible, hahah~!) Instinct playfully poked into Als past, his innocence not seen as such. Well shit, not till I was an adult. Learned most of this from my Papa! Had some legendary recipies that e took to his grave, the bastard! Nah, just palyin! Miss ya Pa! Scheffield put a paw to his heart and looked heavenward. Haha, you just come up with your own twists! Youll get something close eventually! Allixter thought this made sense. Not when it takes eleven and a half hours per batch, hahah! Or ya gotta get some ridiculously expensive ingredients each time! Orvison heckled with his response, taste testing his batters and doughs. Good point! Wooof, Im so stuffed! Think Imma lay back down... Allixters face was dopey with bodily fulfillment. Go for it bud! Frowst oughta be back in a couple a hours. Ill have all sorts of goodies by then, if ya wanna peek in, say hello! Scheffield made sure to flaunt his ooey-gooey caramel as he said this. Thank you for your generosity. This meal was deeply appreciated. The wolves bowed at the waist to Orvison. Oh shoot, yall boys know Ill keep ya fed! Wont tell your pack pals neither! Stop by anytime youre free fellahs! Orvison showed a similar excitement toward them, but it was lacking a certain something. Thanks again Scheffield, really! What a kick-ass way to wake up! Allixter called back as he began to leave. Watch your mouth! No problem bud! Sleep tight! Turning back sharply, Orvisons assertive face loosened into a smile. Hahaha, yeah. Sorry! Bye for now! Thanks again! Allixter didn't plan on changing his vocabulary, but respected Scheffs wishes. Lazily trotting through the mansion, warmed by windows he passed and cooled in the shadows, Al yawned his way through corridors toward his room. Though exhausted last night, its been strange sleeping here; to say the least. Everyone seems so comfortable and Allixter was now attributing that to Orvison Scheffield, not Lancaster Frowst... Though it was Frowsts mansion and he supplied the fursonal chef with everything he needs, theres no love in that act. Everything Orvison has made was so personal and indulgent, like a hug in food form! Thanks for the stalking guys! Was really fun... Allixter ragged on the wolves for doing their job. Peace pups, see ya when I see ya! Shutting the door before they could respond Al caught bits of anger. Grrrr! Rrrrrgh! Was all he made out through the door. (Growl back! Thatll piss em off!) Instinct goaded, a certain tension developing upon hearing those snarls. Haaah, nah... Im alright. Starting shits only fun when you wont meet that person again! Understand? Allixter took on a teachers tone. (Oh, right! Cuz like, theyll just be bigger bastards next time!) Instinct answered with understanding. Yeah, see I only taunted them a little. Theyll probably feel stupid later when they think about it, then itll feel hard to be mad at me! At least that would work on typical people, I don't know about those freaks of nature... Allixter thought about Instinct as a child, perhaps he could sculpt him with time! (Whoa, youre really manipulative! Not tryin to be mean, I don't know another word for it... Its cool you can think how people will react, before you even speak!) Instinct seemed impressed over a little obsfucation. Its nothing special. Just everyday shiz, youll catch on being wit me. Allixter hopped into the desk chair, checking if Zothe had responded. (Youre kinda coool~!) Instinct giggled a bit after hearing Al. Nah, youre just kind of a dork, hahaha! Allixters voice was very innocent and Instinct understood. (Takes one, to know one haha!) Instinct heckled, getting a smirk from Al. Damn... Hope you got something on your end pal... Allixter said to the computer screen as he opened a new email to Zothe. It wasn't much, but he had to vent some anxiety and frustration! Not getting anything from the study was disappointing, but that was ok. He didn't expect to have new guards and those guys are a lot different than Maad and Betan. Still, it felt good to send his secret detective the name of his captor! His contact on the outside would surely be able to find his address with the full name! Allixter also included a description of the fat fuck! Itd be important for a database search to know what species he was and his size class. Borderline-macro sonnova bitch is gonna get whats coming to him! Zothes a friggin awesome cop! Hes like the paragon of justice! No corruption in his blood, not a false ideal to be had in his head! (So like... What if Zothe gets caught?) Instinct asked with a warble of worry. He wont~! I mean... if he does, then the entire L.A. county police department is going to be searching for one of their officers! Like, dude, this is kind of fool proof! Allixter explained quieter than before. (Oh man, that is a good plan! Hopefully we just get out scot free and-...) Instinct seemed to choke up. (Wait... You-youll... youll try to destroy me! No! This isnt right! Oh man, I... I-I gotta talk to Master!!) Instinct suddenly lost himself, realizing what escape truly meant! Up until now, Instinct had felt the joy and overwhelming excitement Allixter conjured when imagining his freedom. It never occurred to the second form of sentience that escape would basically equivocate to his death! Not the end of a literal life, but Allixter would surely want to get rid of him! Seal him away or remove him from his mind! Instinct was drowining in terror, desperately clawing at Allixters psyhe and mental walls to try and have control. Whoa, chill! Calm down! No! I wont get rid of you! Allixter waved his paws to console the phantom form. (Bullshit! You hate me! Th-they have those special procedures, that surgery... To help species with too much instinct! Itll erase me forever!! You don't understand what thatd do to you!) Instinct wasnt willing to agree in the slightest, Allixter was now the enemy. No, listen! I have a plan for that! Calm down and let me talk! Allixter shouted at himself, hushing his voice at the movement outside. (What is it then, cuz Im freaking out here! I... Im so scared of you now!) Instincts voice fluttered a bit, before a repressed sob was heard. Listen to me... When I get out of here, Im not going to a doctor to get some surgery! All I want is to take the collar off! Youll be back to the way you were and, wait, calm down! Hear me out! If you are cool, help me, and learn to like... act normal... Ill wear the collar sometimes! You can still exist, just limited! Ok?! Fair!? I don't want to kill you man, just... Holy crap I need some form of control over you! Allixter spoke his peace, moving into the bathroom as he did to make sure no one heard. (You promise?! I cant fucking do anything to hold you to it! You could destroy the collar once its off! Lie to me completely and...) Instinct trailed off with what Allixter could only describe as phantasmal weeping. (I sort of slight-weight feel what you do... Youre just as scared as I am, but of Frowst... Please don't lie to me! Fuck, Ill be good! Just teach me how! I could totally pilot on days when youre super depressed or... or... like for work, if we get a job!) Instinct figured out ways he could help and Allixter sort of liked the sound of that too! Whoa, never thought of that... I mean, Ill feel tired, but I wont like have to pay attention or do the work! Can you fall asleep while Im awake?! Is that possible?! Allixter fucking loved the idea of that! (I... never tried... Is that a valuable bargaining chip? I... shit, shouldn't have said it like that... Please don't fuck me over bro!) Instinct begged, whimpering pathetically, such panic making Al uneasy. Duuuuude~! Chill ouuut... Cmon lil fellah, jeez, its ok! Im sorry I scared you! Once were outta here, youll see that things will be awesome! After a couple of months of training and stuff, well see how you do! Ill take the backseat so to speak! Like, this could be kind of fun in a way! I don't know, its sorta like a weird super power! Allixter did his best to cheer up Instinct. (Heh, ya mean it? Im not exactly... ya know, good at this stuff yet. Ill admit, itd probably be stupid to let me have control in a day to day situation this early. Ill trust you man... Like, hearing you call me a super power is really nice, thank you!) Instinct was more than cheerful to have this title. Hey, hey, hey! I said weird super power! Hahahah! Allixter jabbed playfully! Youre like something outta the X-mammals! Allixter chuckled at Instinct whimpery laughs. (Dude, we should come up with a name... Hmmm, Beast is already taken! Damn!) Instinct couldn't recover from absolute morbidity so quickly. Duo-dog! Maybe something more serious... Hmm... Insight, nah sounds psychic er somethin... Al wasn't super cereal about this, but he wanted to calm Instinct. (Well work on it! Doubt at our size we can go out crime-fighting!) Als instincts found it ok to comment on his height... I mean, we could get some sick gadgets and stuff from Frowst before we bail! Allixter made a joke, heading back into his room to plop on the bed. (What a cool idea! We can use Zothe like our Commisioner Gordon!) No matter how many times Instinct references their matching memories, it still bugs Allixter. Youre too much! Haha! I wanna try something witchu, Imma read the book I got from Xander, I want you to try and fall asleep while I am still awake. Okay? Allixter got comfortable, the book in paw for reference. (Tryin ta get rid of me? Just kidding, I get what this is for! Ill give it a shot!) Preparing for the task Instinct had to repress his latent sadness. Cracking the novel and skipping the bullshit pretext, Allixter found chapter one to come after a prologue and sliced a few pages back to read that. Something about Uranium and Communism, ok... yeah this could be good. Few written gunshots later and Allixter was beginning to feel drowsy himself. Upon reaching page one of the actual book, Instinct was barely awake, and Al wasn't far behind! Little did the two know, that when Antherians fall asleep, the instinctual part of the brain stays active for a short while longer. This trait was inherited during the primal years of animallian evolution, but it still held fast in its usefulness to this day! Trying to have Instinct fall asleep before Allixter was going to be virtually impossible! If they practiced constantly, than in many years they could maybe undo evolution... Despite all of this, they did manage to have a very pleasant nap. Als gurgling belly settled quickly, as the plumping pup and his cooperate mental servant snoozed into midday. *Two and half hours later, Frowsts office* Grunting out a derisive sigh, it was at that moment Frowst decided to use this imbocilic employee as a thong during the next company retreat. What a summer thatll be for this scatterbrained clerk... While the big skunk was quite enthused to engauge in any of his cooperate investments directly, these pitiful problems being brought to his attention so intrusively, was unforgiveable. Frowst had money to spend and pups to pet, this misplacement of company funds was beneath him! So help them god if they stole from their employer and this is anything short of an error! This thought caused Frowst to eye his employee maliciously, springing leaks of worry in the form of whimpers or choppy breathing. The worried beaver nervously poked two fingers together, as Frowst sat on hold with his bank, scathing a relentless stare into the poor critter. He was a stocky one, pretty tall though, so there would be plenty of... coverage. Just as Frowst was making the ultimate decision of which side his face would be on, the bank rep answered and did her damn job... Gonna be the ass end from the looks of things~.... Hello maam, yes, this is Lancaster, the account holder and company CEO. He replied brightly, all the ire vanishing in a second. The recent payment was mistranslated and I am seeing that my contacts in Kyoto did not receive their money. Please void the last check sent and retransfer the funds. Frowst listened to the random list of caveats and trangressional penalties that came with such a mistake. Ah, I see, unfortunate. I will inform them of this delay. Appreciated, thank you for your time. Goodbye. Mr. Frowst, Im so sorry! I have no idea how this-. He cut Lloyd off with a raised paw. Get out of my office Mr. Marpen. Frowst said, arranging the paperwork he would have to fill out to finish this fiasco. Yes sir. Sorry again sir. The beaver was eager to flee. You will be~... Frowst sang under his breath once he was gone. Of all the days for such a stupid error to occur, it was today! The day he needed to see Allixter most of all! These first few tumultuous times hes spent with his newest dog were both good and bad, though he saw Al shape up in but a day! Treachery ran deep in the young dogs heart, but Frowst was onto him, should that mentality persist. They always feel in danger or insulted at first, but Allixter got over that quite quick! Kudos~! If Frowst could rid him of this new problem he discovered then all should be well... If is always a delicate word to use... Its part of the word sniff though, so it cant be all bad, haha! Arduously taken from his newest pet project, the skunk was forced into work mode. Today was going to be... interesting, to say the least! Frowst was armed with juicy new information, a few facts that would certainly bring Allixter to all fours for him. But of course, insolent employees and their irritating incompetence! Filling out papers in a flash, he swiped his paw swiftly, to eliminate as many of them as possible! Furthering his irritation, several required initialing on the back or other pages! While understanding the precaution and value in securing his financial fortunes, these panicky procedurals forms are distasteful. It wasnt really thaaat much money anyway! Hes successfully traded far more without an ounce of fanfare... Consequences of inadequacy though... Moving like a frenzied dervish, he whirled his wrist intricately, like he was fencing each page in a duel. Feeling like he was back in gradeschool, practicing his signature under his mothers watchful eyes, he finished the a good portion of them in his rampant assault of gorgeous calligraphy. Reaching for his coffee mug, Frowst knocked a small bin from his desk and scoffed to himself, cursing his enormous paws. The papers scattered and slid apart, intermingling delicate files and ruining carefully arranged lists... *Bzzt-Clk* Sehla? Please come in here... Frowst hit his speaker pinching his nose with his other paw. A few minutes later the door opened and his secretary stepped in. Yes sir? What can... Oh! Right away sir! She crossed the office toward the pile. Terribly sorry love, complete accident. They were alphabetized, so... Feeling bad led him to trail off, but so did peeking Sehlas bright pink panties as she bent over. Its not a problem sir, these seem to be fine! Yup, this half is still in order! Straightening and turning back to him, she gave a pearly smile as she set the bottom of the stack down. Terrific, thank you Sehla... You look very lovely today my dear. Did you do something with your fur? Ah~! Its you eyeshadow, never seen you wear purple before... He leaned on one paw, peering into her dreamily. Very alluring... Got a date tonight? Frowst asked. O-oh sir, heehee! You make me blush! No, but this outfit matches and its new, thank you for noticing! She placed a paw on her face and gushed a bit, tilting her head at him. The matching soft violet clothing accentuated her sparkling azure eyes, trimmed in a pale purple. Turning away and continuing her task, she revealed exactly what Frowst wanted to see... The skunk took a small break, giving himself time to sway his eyes in rhythm with Sehlas working tail. Sehlas plush fluffy ass accessory, which accentuated her hind quarters so incredibly well, was perfectly banded with a black ring, just before its fluffy white tip. My word, such a simple, yet pleasing design! Watching it flutter over the curvaceous rear of its owner, Sehla was either trying to tease him or unaware of how flirtatious her movements were... Picking up papers while kneeling down, should not require a rhythmic swaying motion of ones rear end... Not that Frowst was complaining... If she was doing this on purpose, he was damn well tempted to give her a raise! Thats unfair, but none of his male employees are willing to flaunt what theyve got, just to please the boss. Oh what a day thatd be... Startled by Sehlas approach, Frowst cleared his thoughts of naughtiness. Here you are sir, theyre back in order as far as I can tell! His foxy secretary set the pile of papers on the other stack, sliding them away from Frowst a bit. Thank you very much Sehla. Thats beneath you, Im sorry to have created such a problem. Nearing the final few packets of paper, Frowst was happy to be finishing his share-holder reports, they were usually the worst. Not a bother sir! Ive just been filing all day, nice change of pace. She put up a paw to wave off his apology. Uhh, s-sir... I know youre busy but... Frowsts brow rose before he even looked, sensing the tension in her voice. Peeking up with an inquisitive coyness, he observed Sehla gently working her paws over her stomach, like kneading an unscratchable itch. Frowst slid his glasses to the end of his nose and peeked up at her with a mesmerizing glamour that transfixed the young vixen. Sehlas bewitched stare was only brief, for she turned away and got professional again. As she turned to leave, Frowst realized what she wanted and was so elated at the thought. I must say Im quite shocked hun... Frowst said tossing his glasses to the desk and leaning back in his chair. Do please be honest with me darling. Were you going to ask me to pet you? Do you... like it? He stopped her departure and called her back with a curl of his finger. I-I... I don't know what to say... Its sort of routine now, ya know? Im just used to it, I guess.... She held herself with pride, while bubbling inside like with a first crush. Come here love. Why don't you take a seat and relax while I finish this. Frowst knew pushing too hard wouldnt work, just offer comfort. S-sir, I have a lot of papers to file for Mr. Daxson and the Metfur cases. Its alright, I was just daydreaming haha. She walked backward, talking with her hands a sure sign of her restlessness. So Im in your dreams, am I? Frowst asked as she reached the door. Sehlas face became a torch of restrained infatuation. S-s-sir, Im not... sure what to say... Ill take that as a yes. Cmere Sehla. Youre always such a good girl... As if magic, his words and charm were calling her back. S-sir... I-I... I have a b-boyfriend and while I appreciate your fl-flirtation, this is inappropriate... She was more afraid of losing her job than Frowsts abductive hobby. But of course my dear, if youre uncomfortable Ill stop. Thought you had grown to like it! Nothing to worry over, I understand entirely and will stop pushing you buttons. Frowst had a short laugh, seeing Sehla very flustered. Its not that I don't enjoy it sir, just feels wrong! Im a faithful person and feel like Im betraying Riley, er, uhm... My boyfriend. Sehla explained, not wanting Frowst to treat her differently otherwise. Admirable and agreeable, you shall receive no more attention than you desire Sehla. Thank you again for your help. Nodding and waving her off, Frowst thought of something. Oh Sehla, one last thing. This Riley you speak of... Does he treat you well? Is he a respectable male? Frowsts voice narrowed to hint at darker emotions. Oh of course! Hes a really nice furson and a real gentleman. She was touched by his concern, the lack of jealousy in his voice really hitting home. Good, I couldn't have tolerated hearing any less. Frowst continued his paperwork, knowing that rubbing a foxes tummy was off the agenda. Awwwwh~! S-sir... Youre such a sweetheart Mr. Frowst! Im blushing again... Frowst spied bits of pink beneath her rusty brown fuzz. You have a good day Sehla. Ill be heading home soon, so goodbye for today. Waving a crescent shape with his paw, Frowst sliced his eyes to his secretary. Have a nice day sir. Buh-bye~! She waved with a cheerful bounce on her paws, as if to be seen across the room. Who could miss such a sprightly young vixen, with her auburn fur and misty-sky blue eyes? Frowst put the carnal ideas out of his mind, focusing on his remaining papers. Respecting her boundries is incredibly important to Frowst. When speaking of OTR affairs, it was important to instill a sense of dread surrounding such topics. The fear is necessary to keep them quiet on the subject... But during daily business interactions, it was important to be an exemplary icon of chivalry. For a male to abuse his power solely to fondle female employees is a lowclass form of domination. Women have already been forced to endure such antics in the past, so if Frowst could make them feel powerful, beautiful, and respected; hed give his absolute all. Though it wouldve been nice to have his free hand gently flitting those silken ears of hers, Frowst managed to keep himself mentally occupied until he was finished. Stacking papers, licking a few envelopes, and arranging what was to be sent where, he checked, then double checked; before deciding everything was in order. Putting what files he would need to take home into his suitcase, the big skunk fixed his trousers, and grabbed his suit coat from the back of the chair. It was quite hot and humid today, so he slung it over his shoulder instead of fitting it on his body. Bye boss! Goodbye Mr. Frowst! See ya Caster! Sup sir, heading out? Bye-bye Mr. F! Various coworkers called toward their ultimate of higher ups, as he marched through the building. He had a certain determination about him, unwilling to stop for anyone long. Frowst was well loved amongst his employees. Fair business practice, amazing opportunities, and a kind hearted leader... Whats not to love?! ...Well besides thaaaat! Given his strong smell, Frowst purchases his employees personal air purifiers or scent-locked nose rings; for those fashion forward enough to make use of it! They always react the same, so shocked hes referencing it, yet so relieved they can finally speak openly... Not to mention his company had been awarded best investment and greatest employment opportunity two years now! Hurrah everyone in HR, another feather in the proverbial cap! Trinkets and awards mean nothing though, the numbers speak for themselves! Frowstian Techknowlogy Worldwide is a juggernaut in the market, boasting a net worth that would force lesser companies to surrender, while they still had rooves overhead. Not that Frowst would wish that on anyone, but it was the truth! F.T.W has the resources, scores, and reputation to crumble any similar company within a fiscal year, lesser entities would bleed out within a quarter... Grandious thoughts flooded Frowsts mind, as he rode the elevator down to the parking garage. Stepping off with a certain spring in his step, the devilish grin he wore could be traced to far more than financial conquest. Poor Allixter has been lying and keeping many a secret, which Frowst was eager to point out. If the little dog thinks escaping him will be as easy as fibbing, than hes sorely mistaken! Arriving at his emerald-forest colored Jaguar XJ-S, he opened the door and squeezed himself in. Though uncomfortable and cramped for his size, Frowst had always adored this model and enjoyed driving his greatly! Though he wanted sapphire-sunset, emerald-forest or sunburst-topaz were the only available options at the dealer. Its deep green, almost black appearance would light up like a Christmas tree when in the sun, save the white stripe running along its length! This strip ended on the tailpipes, a recurring theme or joke for all of Mr. Frowsts cars and belongings. Roaring through the garage, he slipped on his Clubmasters and hit the radio, before blasting off onto the exit driveway. Rocketing down the road, his license plate F.T.W was a clear mockery of anyone who ended up behind him, but also the name of his company! Cruising with the top down at a legal, yet exhilarating pace, Frowst specifically designed the parking lot exit to be fun as hell to drive down! It makes getting off work that much better for everyone! Driving up a small hill, you dip, before leveling off on a steady decline, which then shoots you out onto a safe merging lane, just before a nearby onramp! A delectable feeling to Frowsts masculinity, which need some culling given Allixters delicate state. The slightest show of aggression or sexuality would send Al running and Frowst knew it! It wasn't in his nature to restrain his libido, but for Allixter he would try. So much to talk about now, Allixter has been so deceptive with his new Master and Frowst was not going to stand for that! Pretending will only go so far and lies are punished by Master Frowst. Should his new Corgi continue this underpawed keeping of secrets, than he would surely see how... duplicitous his Master truly was! Slicing through side streets once off the freeway, Frowst raced home with the vigor of a youth returning to his love or experiencing passion for the first time! Driving has always been a fun pastime for Frowst, he cant wait to show Allixter his collection of cars! Though none are particularily fast or powerful, they all ooze expense and wealth! Some are pretty badass too, but Frowst wasn't one to boast, more the showing type! Allixter will have to earn that though and his recent attempts to fool Frowst arent a good start... Lazily tapping a claw on the gate remote, the rolling wrought iron was always a welcoming sight. The guard at the gate waved and Frowst returned such pleasantry, before motoring toward the garage around back of his house. Trees whipped by on either side as Frowst slowed to a crawl and pulled into the garage. Parking between his BMW and Range Rover, the rainbow of metallic paint was completed once again. Though not a bright enough green, it was so pleasing to see his wealth manifested before his eyes, each color a different style, yet matching oh-so perfectly! Wiping off what dust his car had accumulated, Frowst gathered his belongings and prepared for the ultimate of greeting. The loving hello of a dozen doting doggos! BOOOOYS!! Oh my gosh~! So many today! Im so happy to see you all! Awwwhhhh~! No Allixter though... whats he up to now? MASTER~!! A unison of voices cried, as hundreds of pounds of dog flung themselves atop him. So happy to see you sir! Angus stood behind the hoard, he had learned Master appreciates this. S-sir! Whe-where you been?! SOOOO WORRIED! Such a simple boy sweet Ruffio is, even without the collar! Damn, what happened today sir?! They need you to buy someone out, haha? Ziggy popped up from between the wall of wagging tails, flanked by bumping butts. Missed you soooooo much sir! Please take me with you when ya gotta do that stuff! Vailey was nibbling Frowsts shoes, trying to take them off for him. Me too! I wanna go too, thatd be cool! Xander had stood by Frowsts side, but couldn't resist kissing his owner with tiny licks. Sir! Sir! Sir! I made you something in Minecraft! Blitz hopped up and down at the door, before adding himself to he pile. Weve been out here for hours! Move! I need a hug! Lionel picked up a smaller dog and put him on his back as he hugged Frowst. Broooo~! Frowsts home?! My word is that Carther?! Br-b... Sir, heh, I finally nailed that three-sixty impossible! Can I show you?! Frowst wanted nothing else now... I missed you all as well! Oh my heavens today was not fun, I wanted was to snuggle my pups all morning! Get in here, everyone! Brutus, you too! Frowst clutched them all close, pulling stragglers into his grasp. We were so worried! Its been hella long Master!! They shouldn't be allowed to keep you so long, you own the company! Youre the boss, they should have to do that stuff! Its not fair sir! I love ya Master! Im so happy to see you! We should all go play sir! Belly rubs, please? They all became a single voice as Master cuddled them, watching Carts phone with dire intrigue. Oh my gosh! That was so spectacular Carther! I absolutely must see that first hand immediately! Youre so talented my boy! Frowst was astonished by this flourishing motion of precise dexterity! Its so good to see you my friend. I rarely get to meet youuu at the door! He nuzzled his skater mutt, a paw on his scruff as their forheads met. Ughh, don't make me all mushy Frowst! Carth pushed away playfully, not enough to actually free himself. Lemme know when youre free Master! I got something to show you too! Arcade, or Blitz, was about to leave, but came back for a kiss. Ill be along shortly Arc, would you like a belly rub? Blitz is not one to meet Frowst either, so why not indulge him? I-Im alright... Hah, plenty of others seem eager though! Blitz was very tempted, just had other things on his mind! Ill give you one in private. Frowst winked, taking up a quartet of fluffy tummies, two per paw! Oooooh, yes, yes, yes~! Im so very happy to see you all! How are my boys today? Hmm? Everyone having a nice day? I am now sir! Vailey jumped on his back, nibbling his ears. Yeah, me too! Ziggy cried hopping in for his turn. Weve just been hanging out and waiting for ya sir! Been alright, just sloooow! Ruffio required a whole paw being so big. All is well and as you left it sir. P-please don't pet me... Ok... Brutus surrended, his scowling face dotted with pink beneath his eyes. Hell yes I would like a belly rub! Please and thank you Mr. Frowsty~! Lionel and Lancaster had a very fun relationship. Sorta sad and lonely... Xander said. We were gonna play Castles & Crusaders, member? He whimpered. Of cooourse my love! I havent forgotten! I was going to try and invite Allixter if that would be alright! Frowst inquired, actually wanting time to interrogate his Corgi. Tight! More the merrier, games made that way! Xanders candor was already there, he had to fake the disappointment. Th-thats amaziiiing siiiir~... Angus kicked a paw sharply, his eyes fluttering closed. So gl... glad youre home! He forced himself to speak clearly. Happy to be home boys. Overjoyed to see you all... Frowst nuzzled whichever pet was lucky enough to be beneath his chin, fiddling each belly he saw within reach. While I want to snuggle you all so desperately, the garage is not the best place! Not to mention, I simply must change... I see those straining sniffers growing restless! Frowst poked fun at himself and dogs extrodinary olfactory system. You smell fine sir! You need some time to unwind? W-want some help with that? Vailey asked his second part softly, to not elicit teasing or disgust. Yeah, your cologne blocks it out really well! Ziggy sniffed up and down Frowsts big belly where he was being cuddled. May I go sir. Brutus was still blushing, possibly a fan of his Masters musk?! I havent checked the southern pet wing in a while and your new arrival is-. Frowst chuckled and pat his stern dog, thawing a few inches of ice from him. I planned on heading his way soon, nothing to worry about Brutus. May I have a kiss my strongest of dogs? Frowst puckered and leaned toward the Doberman. If you... mwahust... Brutuss tail wagged a bit, utterly disarmed by Frowsts tenderness. Th-thank you sir... He darted off, searing his gaze into any dog whod dare mock him. Its ok to enjoy it bro, cmon chill! Vailey called after him, but didn't give chase. See ya in a bit sir! So happy youre home! Xander and Imzigk were heading out. See ya in Dullies room Master! Glad youre home and alright! Ziggy was unsure why this made him a little emotional... Good to see ya Frowst. Uhhm... hit me up when we can hang! Carther was so similar to Allixter, just no violence in him. As soon as I can bud! Im so eager to see that trick in furson! He ruffled the mutts ears under his backward cap. Can I go swimming later sir?! I don't wanna go to the gym... Its so hot today... Ruffio had been dreading this all morning. Oh buddy, its ok! You can have a day off. It is really humid out! Frowst got a hug for this, their two doughy physiques a sign that this was a typical occurrence. Thank ya sir! Have fun witcha dice games! Ruffio darted off down the hall toward his desire activity, which was building a go-kart! Bye sir! I... Ehem... Lionel coughed a bit and got really close. I like the way you smell sir... He sounded worried, but that was the single greatest thing he gets to hear from his dogs! Is that weird? Frowst hugged him so tightly, it gave away what just went down to Vailey and Angus. No..! No, not at all love! I am going to give you SOOO many presents for this! You get a second Christmas! Four birthdays! Frowst snuggled his husky close, owning him for many years, yet never having a clue! S-s-sir~!! Frrrooooowwwst~! Cmon, youre embarrassing me man... Lionel was cherry red through his black and white, furr facemask. Nuh-uh! Youre in the good boy brigade now! You don't get to feel embarrassed! Vail and Anguss suspicions were confirmed by this. I'm so thrilled to hear that, my big fluffy, wuffy husky! Da ruff tuff huskers! Grrr, yessir! Pretend attacking Lionel stomach, Frowst slowly curled his tail around him to brace his eventual fall. D-dahah, grahahaha! S-stop! Oh my gosh! Wh-why did I tell you?! Hahaha! Being tickled while Frowsts musky tail grazed his face, was causing forced inhalation of said rich stench. G-go-gods, please stop sir! Im getting light headed! Pwease?! Maaasteeerr~! Frowst slowed, allowing Lionel a moment. Well this has just been a terrific home coming! You guys really made up for that lousy morning at the office! Learning that youre my musky husky really sealed the deal! Frowst was on all fours above Lionel, who panted with an uncoordinated need for air. Wuff ya buddy! Promise this is the only embarrassment youll get over it! Cant hold it against me, oookay~? Frowst rubbed their noses, forcing him to nod yes by the motion. Jeez, Im... Imma... Whew... Heh, c-c-can I see o-one of the girls later Frowst? Lionel whispered under his breath, sorta ashamed of how much he felt. Hehe~... Course bud, Ill give em a call for ya. Frowst got up and smiled simply. Despite grinning off his ultimate victory, Frowst was elated inside, boiling with positivity! The fact that his hard-working ass was appreciated wasn't the only joy here... It made his doggish friend hot and bothered! Theres hopes Lionel may perform the ultimate act of benevolence that one could gift a skunk... In that sweet, succulent moment of surrender, Frowst would be able to enjoy the only thing he ever desired sexually... Getting to far ahead of himself, was putting something else... ahead... What happened today sir? Angus asked, trotting next to his awkwardly waltzing master. One of my contacts in Japan was finalizing a transaction, but needed a small loan to pay customs and other international expenses. Mr. Shikashi is a dear old friend and it disappointed me greatly when a feeble minded employee sent the money to a different city... Frowst envisioned the tight mesh material he would choose for the beavers new form, his tail dancing with perverted delight. Wow, that sucks! Im so sorry sir! Vailey piped up, not wanting to seem indifferent. Couldn't you have just voided the check or what not? Why did that cause such a stink? Angus smiled, but this was not even a joke to them anymore. Yes, well... Of course, my dutiful employee was just serendipitous enough to send this money to a rival company, which I have had conflict with in the past. They were unwilling to admit they received it at first and once they actually ponied up my dough, the bank was convinced we were trying to launder money or effectively hide finances. Very, very stressful... Frowst knew that this aggravation would all melt away in the sweaty, summer heat... hehe... Oh my gods! Thats so crappy! How could they do that to ya sir?! You make em enough money to buy out whatever crummy company your employee miffed the money to! Angus understood better than Vailey, explaining it this way to help his friend clarify. Just boils my blood knowing it wasn't even your fault! You were trying to be a nice guy and give a friend some help! Vailey shook a bit, clenching with cute anger. Ya gonna, well hehe, ya know? Make an example of em? Vail asked with a cat-like grin. Ugghh, cmon Vailey... Man th-thats just wrong... Angus didn't wanna hear this... Its alright Angus, I know how you feel about that, but I am in dire need of satisfaction from all this. A few days over summer wont kill the miserable fool. Frowsts tail danced overhead devilishly, ready for victims now! HAHA! Itll serve him right! Make sure to show people from the office! Add all those extra layers of humiliation! Vailey is... just perfect... WWOOWW! Dude thats evil! Angus knew nothing could be done, so this guy became a living joke to him. Remind me to consult you for ideas Vailey, such a font of deviousness you are! Frowst heckled the topic, as he entered his room. Getting undressed with eager help from his pets, Frowst was soon in a more casual undergarment set, with his custom fit silk robe. After a shower, which Vailey joined, Frowst headed to see what Blitz had to show him! Upon arrival it was more than Frowst could take in, but that was all technical, builder speak. Once all the pomp and caveats about how it wont look exactly right were over, his smallest of dogs revealed the digital creation. Frowst was beyond overjoyed to find a near perfect replica of his favorite castle from the show Game of Bones! The two of them occasionally shared in a delightful night of Netflix, but he didn't seem to enjoy the show thaaat much! Though abstract in his medium, the detail when compared to his isolated screenshots was impressive! It had been reworked so all insignias were skunks and the blue and black themed, had been changed to Frowsts natural monotones. Well my word, this is just delightful! How long did this take you my boy? Its so detailed! Right down to the throne! Oh... all those little weapons mustve taken you forever to place just right! Bravo~! Frowst had asked Vail and Angus to wait outside, but wanted to show them now. It took me a couple of months to get all the materials! I used all my mats when I did the Ebonium Hawk! Knowing this was a surprise, I didn't want to ask you for money to buy them! Wouldve ruined it! So thats why it took a while! Arcade was so thrilled to get to add this part, as his Master gushed brightly at it. While a very sweet sentiment, I would be more than happy to get you anything you need! Such a quaint game, I do enjoy these construction based activities! Thank you very much my little one! Ill make sure to play with you as soon as I can! I promised the others that we would-. Arc didn't mean to be rude, but he did cut Frowst off. Oh and check this out! I even got the dungeon and the dire wolves! I got the right models, they sort of look like the Alphas! Blitz didn't seem to be listening to his masters compliments, to eager to show his creation. Dont interrupt little one. Frowst dictated and he nodded shamefully. Sorry sir, just excited... Arc admitted, waving the camera over several tiny details that brought this to life. Quite alright, its understandable, Several months of effort, you were probably very eager to show me today and then I get called away all morning... Thank you for this my little one! Youre such a creative soul and I appreciate the effort given! Mr. Frowst was gently petting his mutts head. Softly massaging Blitzs ears, while he finished the digital tour of a kingdom youd never get to explore on his own; Frowst marveled at the details his pet somehow managed to notice and apply! Giving kisses when he was greatly impressed and cuddling the pup in his lap, Frowst gave Arcade that belayed belly rub. His paws illuminated by a computers glow, Frowst gently grappled with the most tender part of his second youngest dog. Arcade is even smaller than Allixter, but was far more open minded about Frowst! ...In case you were wondering, Arcade Bittlesfont, goes by Blitz, because he despises his silly name! This has been a truly wonderous creation my love! Do tell me when you need more supplies and silvers, it wont be a big deal! Perhaps if I find something Id like or thatd be a challenge, Ill request it of you! There was no part of Frowst that saw this as a childrens game, it was a type of... digital canvas! Oh boy, really?! That sounds fun! Yeah, anything sir! I bet I could put it together with enough time~! Thaaank youuu~! Arcade melted under Frowsts twirling claw tips. I must be heading out though my love! Will you be joining us for a game of C&C? Everyones welcome! Wed be more than happy to help you learn the rules! Frowst stood up with his dog in his arms, the mouse released against Arcs will. I-I... I hate being that guy though, who doesn't know what hes doing... Im alright! Thanks though sir! Arcade was forced to turn away from his hard work as Frowst asked for a kiss. You cant let that stop you love. Youve met the guys, theyre so very friendly... Try to keep the idea alive at least, ok? I would be more than happy to show you in private, or Dullahan could! Ive heard Als pretty good at it too! Frowst wanted more than anything to open his introverted dog up to the others. Mr. Frowst, just... I know this is lame, but can I be honest about it? Blitz had grown to trust Frowst, hes helped so much... It just worries me that the game is based entirely on chance and well... youve seen I kind of have shit-luck so... Arc seemed downtrodden, like he did want to try anymore. Ah, I see. Well, perhaps in time youll learn to love the gamble!? Its not like these dice rolls are as important as the theorhetical ones we make in life. Frowst tried to sway him, while touching on a sensitive subject. Yeah, thats true... Itll just suck if Im the only one doing badly... Blitz had a fair point, that feeling is horrible! Just give it some thought, because Id loooove to play with you! So would the others! You made a lot of bad rolls in real life, but at least theyre out of the way. Feel free to take risks, Im here to catch you little fellow. Frowst set him on the computer chair, seeing flashes of venerable appreciation in his dull gray-blue eyes. Thank you sir... I-I... Ill try sometime. Thanks for looking! Ill send it to ya in game! Arcade leaned back into Frowsts parting head rub. Terrific! Ill have to arrange it between the other castles! Howls Hollow can float over them! That will look, oh so grand! Frowst thought of these silly little blocks as treasure, once Arc touched them. Th-thank you sir... Haha, youre like the only one that makes me feel good about this stuff! Arcade referenced his various design themed activites or games. You arent the only one, but you make me feel unfathomably happy just being around me! Frowst needed to pet him again. I love you Arcade. Thank you very much for this, your effort is pure platinum to me love. Kissing the top of this small dogs head made his ears wiggle about. Ahk~! Never-ever call me that! Arc or Blitz! Jeez, pleeease Master?! He pretended to complain, but gave a sideways kiss back. Of course, lil one. Arc is just as precious as your birthgiven name. Ill see you later love. Have fun! Frowst shut his door, sealing his geeky mutt in darkness once again. Back in the hall Vailey and Angus informed their Master of their unwitting eavesdropping. Happy to hear that Arc wasn't depressed and that hed just been working on a project, Vailey wanted to see what he made! Angus on the other hand, felt bad for much younger Blitz. How he finds satisfaction in what is essentially playing with digital block was beyond the older Wolfhound. To each their own though, whatever makes him happy! So whats on the agenda next sir? Vailey asked with a chipper voice, as Frowst headed off. Theres something I need to discuss with Allixter in private. You two run along, Ill see you later. Frowsts seriousness sent the message and they nodded. Right-o! Ill be out in the garage, if ya need me sir! Angus announced, jumping at the chance for free time. Ill see ya in Dullies room sir! Have fun with Al! Say hi for us! Vailey called back, as he walked off. Oh Ill try... More depends on his attitude... Frowst mumbled to himself, wondering if Allixters even awake. Little did Frowst know, Al woke up the second the garage door sounded. His eagerness to see Frowst was something that both worried and elated him! Unbeknownst to the two of them, they were heading in one anothers direction! Within a few minutes, Frowst rounded a corner to find Allixter just at the end of the hall! Calling his name straightened Als back tighter than the wolves tailing him! A good dog wouldn't be so afraid of Masters voice... Maybe Allixter has been a bad boy today... Good evening loves. How are you all today? Frowst reached them, noticing a certain worry on Als face. Oh, h-hey br-erm... sir! Heya sir! The uncoordinated response showed Al didn't expect or want to see his owner. Greetings sir. Welcome home. Teelk and Kayless bowed at the waist, receiving a small pat each. Youre relieved. Thank you for your services. Has he been good today? Frowst asked. Yes sir, for the most part. A bit of an attitude sir, but thats to be expected. Kayless spoke first, tilting his head awaiting his partners response. It came to our attention that Allixter lost his cellular communication device in your study sir. We were unable to locate it. Teelks words had Als eyes growing with fright. Did he now? Well, Ill be sure to find it for him. Thank you both again. Frowst pat them into departing. You werent in my study last night... The skunks suspicion peaked into words once the guards had left them. I do believe I gave you a new phone-... Frowst was willing to be interrupted, he wanted to hear the Corgis excuse. Study, lounge... Sort of the same to me! I was just confused, heheh! Ive never lived anywhere that has this many rooms! Al explained, but Frowst was silent. Come with me please. I have something I want to discuss with you. No joviality was held, as Frowst flicked a claw for him to follow. D-d-did I do something wrong? I really didn't mean to break the rules! Honest!! I didn't know that your study was off limits! Allixter raced to get ahead of Frowst, trying to guage his facial expressions. Its alright Allixter, that isnt what this is about. Just come with me please... Frowsts voice had Al more than a little nervous. Allixters heart was racing, as he followed Frowst toward the study, where he was certain to be punished. What was this about, if not his trespassing? Oh gods... Did Frowst find out that Allixter contacted his friends? Is Frowst going to abuse or degrade Al for trying to escape? Als breath became unsteady, as they drew closer and closer to the entrapping room, Frowst planned on using for his prison! What to say? How can he admit what he did, yet still seem innocent?! A looming shadow filled Allixter, infinite fear and worry following it into his stricken heart! Near tears as they reached the door, Frowst didn't look at him, his face tight with thought. Oh gods... He looks so pissed! How could Al have been so stupid?! What made him think that his computer wasn't being monitored or tracked?! What little progress hed made was swept away by the frightening tide of Frowsts inescapable dominion. Please have a seat Allixter. Frowst pointed at the smaller chair before his desk. M-Mr. Frowst, please tell me what this is about... Youre kind of freaking me out man... Allixter didn't want to enter, but had to at Frowsts wave. Take a seat Al, you have nothing to be worried about... Do you? Frowst smiled, for the first time since he saw Allixter. N-no! Ive just... never seen you act this way. Really hope were alright... Al tried to play his emotions, referencing them as if they were already good friends. Youve been keeping secrets from me, havent you boy? Frowst lit a cigar, the crack of the match making Al jump. Wh-wh-whata ya mean? S-secrets? Allixter tried to play dumb. (Oh god, he knows! Come clean bro! Fuck it, tell him everything!) Instinct panicked, his voice cut apart by whimpering. Don't play dumb with me little one. You know exactly what Im talking about... Frowst formed a paw pyramid, watching Al through the center as he relaxed backward. Yes or no. Have you been completely honest with me? Y-y-yeah... Of course! (No sir, I havent! Im so sorry Mr. Frowst! Please don't stop loving me Master!) Allixters false confidence was a thin veil at best. This is your last chance Allixter... Why did you lie to me? Frowst puffed out a few smoke rings, awaiting Allixter to crack under such genial pressure. B-bro, I don't know what youre talking about!? C-come on, what is this man? Whatd I do? Youre really scaring me! Allixter couldn't bring himself to admit what hed done. (Let me out! I can explain everything, ok? Hell give me the benefit of the doubt! Please?!) Instinct was desperate to help his host out of this! No need to be scared Allixter! Hahah! I just want to hear you say it... Have you falsely represented yourself? Frowst inquired, which was an odd way of asking someone to admit guilt. I... guess... Allixter said softly. How so? Frowst smirked, fighting laughter with all his might. I-I-I... L-look, you gotta understand I... I just cant... Allixter had the words, but saying them was literally painful. You cant what, admit it? Come now love, Im very open... Just say it... Frowst leaned over the desk, his eyes narrowing on the squirming Corgi. I-I cant... just stay here. I-I... I gotta... Allixter looked around for anything to save him from this, but nothing would. (You gotta tell him dude! Hes on to us! Damn it man, what do we do?) Instinct had a hard time handling panic, he was usually the one to calm Al down. I see this is quite trying for you, so I will just voice my concerns... Frowsts face took up a coquettish malice, as he leaned even closer to Als helplessness. Why didn't you tell me youre gay Allixter? Pl-please don-... Wh-wait-WHAT?! A weight of infinite density fell from Als shoulders. I-is that what you... Riiight~! Of course thats what you meant! Allixter sunk into relief, the previous sterness left his body sore. (Ohmahgawd... Thank you dog gods! Holy hell that was a close one!) Instinct let out a loud sigh of relief. Did you really think I was this upset over you going in my study? Frowst chuckled, referencing the room. While I can only imagine your goals, no, that isnt whats bothering me. Why did you keep such a delicious detail to yourself? Frowst asked, soothing Al further with his inquiry. W-well... Im just... You gotta understand, its nothing personal! I don't tell anyone about my sexual preferences! Al hung his head in shame, hiding the overwhelming relief he was feeling. Not to mention, you had me dognapped and... being gay yourself, I... just... You assumed I want you as my mate? Frowst asked sharply, like this was silly even to him. Well... yeah! I mean, you have been hitting on me at every turn! Isnt that the case here? Allixter asked bluntly. Your comfort is more important than my desires. While Id be overjoyed to court you, Ill only do so if you were willing to accept it. Theres no part of me that can take such from you and feel good about myself. I need to win you over if were to be partners. Frowst explained, holding a paw forward for Al to take. D-dude... really? You don't... youre seriously asking to be my boyfriend? After allll this shit?! (We already... ya know, heh~?) Allixter was so shocked, you could charge a battery off him. Well not right away, no, but in time I would hope the option becomes available! Don't you... Do you find me attractive? Frowsts face heated with charm, which Allixter melted under. Wh-what... W-whatta ya want me to say? (Tell him the truth!) Allixter stammered out, barely able to keep coherency. Be honest, is there any chance I will ever get to... indulge you? Frowst asked, his eyes like finely cut amethysts awaiting Al to facet them. H-holy crap... Bro, Frowst... Sir... Why do you ask? Like, Im... no, I... W-would we be... Eheh~? Do you reeaally want to? Pretending to lack confidence was a good strategy here, but Frowst saw through it. Abso-fucking-lutely! Upon first sight of you, I fell in love. After the girls told me about your little snafu last night, I just... had to try... Frowsts words rose Allixters temperature by spawning hateful flames in him. Those fucking sluts! Rrrrgh! Never trust a hoe! I knew theyd tell you! Those god damned bitches! While Als rage was justified, it was also faked. (Stop avoiding the subject at hand! Just tell him how you feel! Itll feel so flippin good to have a hubby again!) Instinct saw through Als acted anger. If it makes you feel any better I had to... coerce the information from them. Flora flat-out refused to tell me, but poor Fifi couldn't handle the... stimulation... Frowsts memories forced him to lick his lips slightly. Yeah, whatever... Im the one who was lied to if anything! They promised not to tell you! Al roared back, actually pissed, but it faded in an instant. Was basically forced to trust them and I get betrayed the second they leave! Typical bitch behavior... (Wonder what Mr. Frowst was up to last night? Ehhh? Huh? Hahah.) Instinct knew Al used jokes to break tension. It took far, faaar longer than a second, I assure you... Frowst moaned, remembering the leashes and chains from last night. The important thing is were on the same page now. If youre truly annoyed with them, I can offer a type of revenge, which youll find suitable... Frowsts eyes lowered more, from seduction to nefarity. N-no... wait, what?! Like... what do you mean? Allixter didn't want to pursue it, but was curious to say the least. Hahahah~! The fact youre intrigued makes me so very happy! I could sense you were a wild one through all that abstruseness! Wed make a terrific couple I believe. Frowsts voice was pure as crystal, no sign of flaw or falsity. Mr. Frowst, look, Im not a... I-I cant... What do you want from me? Allixter shook uneasily, as the huge skunk stood and pranced around his desk. Three dates, bare minimum. Just to get to know one another personally. If you feel nothing for me after that, then well never speak of it again. Is this agreeable? Frowst knelt by his seat, the sparkles in his eyes much more striking up close. Y-you really... C-can I even say no to that? Al refused to blink, so stunned by this turn of events. Do you truly want to say no? Frowst spied resignation and intrigue on Als face. Y-ye-yea... I don't know... (Heck, Ill date him! Lemme out!) Al looked away, but a paw caressed his chin into turning. Im so sorry I found out this way, please dont hold it against me. Frowsts face was void of all his usual snobbery. May I kiss you on the muzzle Allixter? Just to try?" The question had Allixter across the room before Frowst had even finished. Guess thats a no then... This is why I didn't want them to tell you! This kind of shit is poison to me! I-Im really shy bro! Its jus-. Im really shy sir. Ill let you address me informally should we date. Agreed? Frowst wasnt about to stop Allixters reeducation over a slim chance at romance. Whatever! You don't get it! I cant just... You cant expect me to fall in love, because youre interested! Especially after whats happened! It gotta be a two-way street! Al did his best to not feel charmed by Frowsts etiquette. I was under the impression you were equally interested! I don't think any of my dogs openly asked for a belly rub during their first week! Don't you... am I wrong in assuming you find me attractive? Or did you lie about that as well? Frowst secretly referenced his odious backside, the stink-soaked tail snaking overhead. Well, I... I... Im... Allixter wanted to concur, but couldn't bring himself to say it! I cant take this lovey-dovey, Pepe L Pew bullshit! Cant you just be real with me?! Allixter was growing annoyed with his lack of resistance to flirtation! (I cant believe you just called him that...) Instinct was mortified! I am being real with you! My true nature and feelings would put that cartoony bastard to shame! Frowst was often compared to Pepe, never once did he find it funny. Why me though?! Cant you just go nail Vailey or whoever youve got under the puppet wire? Allixter chided, unconcerned with how hurtful that was. Do you really think Im only after sex? Thats very uncalled for my boy... Frowst had to take a moment to ready his next statement. While I understand it to be my own damn fault, it isnt what youre imagining! I really do have feelings for you! Something about your attitude and appearance, Im in looove! Delicately choosen words failed. What are you imagining then? Cuz Im so freaked out right now I might blow a blood vessel! Allixter exploded, throwing his paws overhead in a flurry. Ok, listen. You know the way you act? Kind of tough and street-smart? Well thats just how you behave, who you are! You need to understand, this is how I naturally act! Im a very romantic person and take every opportunity to shower my loved ones with such splendor! Im asking if youd like to try being my one and only... This made perfect sense to Frowst, hopefully Allixter catches the sentiment. I get that, I really do! But given how you dognapped me, are forcing me to play the role of pet, and nooow want to be my boyfriend... Thats just a lot to take in! How would that even work? Am I your pet or your mate?! Will you respect me or wont you?! Allixter couldn't grasp how easy this was for Frowst. In time Id hope both titles would matter to you! Should you find it pleasant to mate with me, youll be exempt from all my pet-play. Denying me this will garner no consequences, but you will remain my dog. Ill treat you with endless affection either way! Allixter didn't see an ounce of worth in this, but Instinct was leaping at the golden opportunity! (Come on Al, swallow your pride and just tell him how you feel! Please?! I know youre angry or scared, but you cant bottle this up forever!) Instinct was dead wrong in Als mind, thats his only option! I-I... Just gimme some time, ok? I gotta think about all this... Fucking hate you know that about me now! Allixter scoffed under his breath turning away. Why is that though? You know Im gay... I wont judge you and if anyone does, rest assured they will regret it. Especially if youre my mate! Frowst practically glowed when referencing himself so positively. That isnt the point! You... just don't get it... Allixter didn't want to explain why this bothered him. (Please tell him why this is such a problem! He doesn't understand, but hell try to! I promise!) Instinct didnt sway Al, he had planned on continuing. You gotta try to see it from my view, however fucking limiting that is... Al growled out his loathesome comment. When someone pokes fun at me for being gay, what the hell do I do? Nothing! I just have to swallow my pride and move on. Youre huge! No one will fuck with you! Im a walking target, albeit a hard one to spot... Is that really why? You feel powerless? This domineering skunk hated hearing Allixters previous plights, knowing he couldn't have helped him. Dont think I am ignoring the problem, for my solution isnt exactly apt... Just try to imagine all the ways I can make someone sorry for pestering you! Im incredibly... persuasive and the tools at my disposal are like no other! Frowsts belly surged with laughter at Als blanching face. (See? Thats gotta be worth something! Sure were still kind of weak, but Frowst isnt! Itll be like with Zothe, only less bloody and violent!) Instinct loved the idea of getting back at all those dickbags he silently watched torture them. Thats nice and all, but like you said it doesn't change anything! How do I feel good about myself, if every problem ends with me crawling to you for help? Allixter asked, wondering how Frowst would explain that one. Its insatiably satisfying to watch your enemies do the crawling... Frowsts tiny smirk was enough to make Allixter laugh, despite it being half-hearted. Knew you'd say something like that... Man youre a sicko. Als sheepishly accepting grin was fine art to Frowst! (Your tail was wagging at the idea of that! Cmon, stop trying to fight your feelings! Lets be bad guys with Mr. Frowst!!) Instinct only heightened Als temporary acceptance. Listen Allixter, please just hear me out... Youve taken care of yourself for so long, in a world designed to break you down! Somewhere in your past, an event led you to believe that you have to do this alone or youll somehow be seen as inferior. That simply isnt the case! If you accept my help, the love I offer, youll never feel powerless again... An absolute promise! Paw to the gods! Frowst was approaching Al, who had slowly worked his way to the door. Do you need me to decide right now? I don't know... this is a lot to take in and process... Al couldn't separate his deep seated thoughts and currently frazzled feelings. You seem very agitated so well leave this alone for now... I just needed to confirm this with you! If it had turned out to be false, I mightve died! Frowst put a paw across his forehead, faking duress. Wouldn't want that would we... Allixter didn't let an ounce of air power his voice, as to not be heard. Your trepidation is understandable, however unnecessary. Should you decline my companionship, nothing will change! Ill still buy your puppylove without hesitation! Kneeling before his pup, Frowsts dazzling stare disarmed Allixter of what little aggression he felt. W-wow, youre such a freaking headtrip bro... Allixter felt sparks inside upon hearing the word puppylove. Youre such a freaking headtrip, sir. Frowst bowed his head at the correction. OH MY GOD I GET IT! Allixter cried back, the tiny smirk Frowst wore changed his frustration to simpering shyness. Well, obviously not my boy... Frowst lifted his nose slightly, but his coy grin turned the tide toward cute. Stop calling me boy then. Wait... How old are you?! Wouldn't it be hella weird if Im your... Allixter choked up, giggling a bit over the idea. If you cant even say the word, I doubt thisll work. Im 42. Yes some years separate us, but I could care less what others think. Frowsts wry disappointment mixed Als emotional soup faster! Whoa~! Furreal, dude?! Youre ancient! Allixter poked fun, too young to understand. (Heeeey~?! Stop that!! Hes hunky for an older fellah! Yowza!) Instinct made a fair point. Nah, Im just teasing you! Ya look good fur your age. Seeing Frowsts annoyance, Al relied on Instinct. Not sure how to take that, ehem. While I do not perceive myself to be old, thank you; I know Im attractive. Leaning down to Als level, Frowst gave a gleaming smile and put on his bedroom eyes. Youre almost double my age though sir. Malicious compliance came in the form of sarcastic manners. Does that matter to you? I believe the term sugar-daddy applies quite fittingly. Another glamorous glance hit Al and crumbled his stony defenses. Well yeah, it does haha... Doesnt it bother you though? Like... being seen in public with me will be... kinda weird, wont it?! Allixter couldn't quash the butterflies beating around his stomach. Who I choose to spend time with, is my own business. Im extremely wealthy and that seems to entitle others to debaucherous lifestyles. I deserve such a pass as well, given my years of hard work. A bothersome fact Frowst has gotten over with time. You got a point there, fair nuff! Some people get to be assholes in public for having money and they didn't even earn it! This had always irked Al, making this moment surreal... Age doesn't really bother me, just kind of odd. Never been hit on by an old timer hahah! Anything to methaphorically bite at his captor. I find that veeery hard to believe! Youre so handsome! Believe it or not, some may find you intimidating. I was somewhat taken back by your brash attitude. It doesn't fit your appearance at all my angel! Frowst admitted in contrast to Als lifting brow. Oh bruddah... You are just the biggest ham! Ughh, youll say anything you think I wanna hear! Allixter waved a paw at him dismissively. Look, youll get your three dates. Can I go now? Gotta throw up some rainbows from how mushy youve been... Allixter tapped a paw sarcastically. If that is what you wish my love, feel free to go! Thank you for discussing this with me honestly. Ill inform you of our first outing together. Should be a terrific time! Al started away with a simple bye. Goodbye love, always a treat to see you, especially the rear. Such a tight tail-end you have, my word... Frowst got Al to turn back, just in time to see the big skunk fanning himself. Hmmph! Knowing Frowsts weakness, Al prepared to use it. If this is the manner in which you court a young chap, then our relations shall certainly be short lived! Good day! Allixter lifted his nose at the skunk, perhaps the biggest insult a canine could give! Gaaaawh~! See~! How can I not want you?! That was so incredibly intoxicating! I love seeing you act that way! Oh please don't leave yet love. Would you care to have tea with me before I go to Dullahans? Frowst inquired with an open hearted smile. Nah, Im not one to play teaparty, hahah... Whats going on at Dullies? Allixter was genuinely curious. A handful of us are gathering to play Castles & Crusaders. Dullie finished a new dungeon last night. Frowst could hear the pups jealous whining. Sounds fun. Have a good time. (Don't tell me we cant go play?!) Allixter headed toward his room. Youre welcome to come as well. He was more than eager to invite you! Frowst called after him, trying his best to sound suave. Nah, Im alright. Don't have a character rolled up or nuthin, maybe some other time... (That never stopped us before!) Turning mid-stride, Allixter scurried away. Redoubtable disappointment ran through both of them. Frowst hated seeing Al go, despite the pleasure watching him leave garnered. Allixter was hard pressed to say no to a game of C&C with a bunch of other people! Usually just him and a few friends messin around, it wouldve been fun with a host of new faces! No... its deeper than simple dissapointment... Theres a specific element missing from Als day to day life as of late. Allixter yearned for social interaction of any kind! Anyone willing to show sociability, while providing safety would have Allixters paw in friendship! If only he could find a way to open up... Some of these guys could probably be his best friends, if he could find a way to ask to play or just chill with them... The very idea of this was like a puzzle box to Al, that isnt how you make friends in the real world! Yeah it may not be normal, but... is that really so bad? How did the others form such attachment? Did Frowsts, Youre mine now party, really help them feel welcome enough to start making friends? How hard was all this for the very first dog?! Whoa... who was taken first? Whos been here the longest? Hopefully they were one of the cooperative ones or that makes this whole thing even creepier... The thought of Frowst going about his day to day life, while a captive animal howled for help; just out of earshot was mortifying to Allixter... This idea didn't take root, for he was constantly greeted with playful faces and excited tomfoolery. Some folks were getting a volleyball game together. A few of the others were talking about finishing a boss fight and new strategies. A quartet of dogs ran by shooting squirt guns at one another, completely oblivious to the priceless art and decore! If Allixter asked... would some of the others let him hang out with them? He knew in his heart, he didn't need to do anything special, just be around others to feel comfortable. Being away from Frowst was doing wonders already, but loneliness is just as painful as being in an unwanted spotlight. Wonder if Dullahan would let him play? Nah, not worth being near that stinkin bastard just to imagine some bullshit fantasy crap... (Alright, whats wrong? You need to cheer up! We got away with it! All you gotta do is go on some dates, boohoo~! Expensive resteraunts, oh nooo~!) Instinct mocked, as Allixter locked himself in his room. Yeah, youre right. Thats all that matters, were still in the clear! Allixters face illuminated, realizing that this had actually went his way! (Yeah! So glad we didn't let on what was happening! WHEEW~!) Instinct couldn't be happier with his effect on Al. Holy crap, I came soooo close to admitting it and begging for mercy! Al shivered with the words, imagining what Frowst could do. (Youre waaay to afraid of him! Maybe its cuz you don't have me helping anymore, but I can tell hes just the biggest softie! Frowsts gotta be the most understanding guy weve ever met!) Instincts appeal was tantalizing in a way... Nah, youre right... I get the feeling he wont hurt me. Like, that just doesn't seem to be his style. That doesn't mean the alternative is any better! What do you think he did to Flora and Felicity?! Allixter had to agree, Frowst seemed to highbrow for straight up torture. (Hahahahah! I can only imagine it was pleasurable, given the context! They got what they deserved! Nothing to worry about, its cool!) Instinct had Al laughing, but it was short lived. No, it isnt cool! Frowst wants me to be his boyfriend! Nothing about this is cool... Allixters scoffed back, his voice higher than normal. (Why are you blushing then? Whats got you so excited? Bloods racing for some reason bud...) B-bro, not cuzza that! It's just natural for me, I guess... When someone calls me handsome or hits on me, well... youve seen! I friggin melt! Im actually the easiest dog to swoon, but I cant let Frowst know that! Allixter grabbed his warming cheek fluff, trying to strangle the flushing joy he felt. (Oi boy... Youre hopeless then! Pretty sure hes aware of that one bud! Its alright to keep up appearances, but answer me this... Are you going to give Frowst a fair chance? Will these dates be sabotaged from the start?) Instinct felt like a girl gabbing on the phone, but whatever... atleast he can talk now! I-I... I don't know... Not sure what to say about that actually... Allixter shook himself out of daydreams. Why should I give him a chance?! (Two reasons: you promised Mr. Frowst, and youd get to go to Le Chat Pierre!) Instinct laughed along side Allixter. (But really, bro... If you cant admit it to him, could you at least be real with me? Are you... falling in love?) Delicately asked words still struck like hammers! D-d-duuuuude~! I cant answer that... Allixters paws moved to his eyes, then gripped his muzzle shut. It isnt him... I would probably fall for anyone that suave! Frowsts just... unappealing, I... think... So far from the truth, yet so accurate in a way. (Cuz hes a skunk?) No! Not at all! Al cried back. Its more the whole dognapper, canine-corruptor, doggy-slavedriver thing! Hes a freaking monster! Hed fit in a comic book perfectly!! Allixters voice barely covered his lies. (Don't tell me thats bothering you! Ya always found the villains more interesting than the heroes! Don't you kinda wanna be a badguy? Doesn't that sound fun?!) Instinct knew hed find this appealing! Ok, so like, yeah that sounds cool... But, just... this is all so sudden! He dropped this on me like a friggin wrecking ball! (Take your time working through it, but please answer truthfully! Do you find Mr. Frowst attractive? Could you see yourself being with him?) Instinct pushed attention back onto Master. I guess... I mean... Its not something Im against, just a little shocked by! Why does he want me?! Of all the dogs and bitches available, he chooses to try his paws with me? Whats he after?! Allixter asked, hoping Instinct knew more than he. (Probably a shot at our fine ass tail or a ride on the ole puppy-producer! Hahahaa~! But really, I get the sense he just plain ole likes us!) Instincts jokes made Al blush and blanch in one flustered rush of blood. Oh jeez, didn't even think of that! If hes a top... I doubt I could handle it! Hes fucking huge! (I knoooow~!) Allixter had to chuckle. (Whatta bout if hes a bottom? Think you could... hehehee, get behind that?) Instinct teased Als still jovial thoughts. Ughh... not sure this could work at all then... Allixter chastised the idea. (Oh come on, he smells kind of great for a skunk! Like... you havent once had a reason to complain! Even when we were ears-deep in his ass crack!) Instinct let out a guffawing laugh, but Al grunted angrily. Bro that was a nightmare! I fucking hate him for that! Then he made me swall-... Uggh! I cant believe you brought that up as a positive! (I didn't bring it up as a positive, per se! If you hated it so much, whyd ya have a boner the whole time?!) Instincts memories were not false, Al would be lying if he disagreed. I-I... I didn't... That was you! Al sniped, hoping for a confirmed hit. (Nuh-uh! That was alllll you buddy, Is just along for the ride as usual! It was sort of... sensual, right? Admit it!?) Instinct suddenly accused, like hes seen on courtroom shows. No! Hell no! Shut up! Im not... thats just... Youre crazy if you think I liked that! Al stammered. (Youre burning up! Oooh~! Whats this... Are we blushing again?) Als instinct mocked him slightly, knowing full well the memories effect. Shaddup! Oh brotha! Youre as evil as he is! Evading the subject was easier than confronting it. (What does that say about you then?) Instinct heckled. That Im way more twisted up inside than I ever knew! Gonna need a therapist after this shit... The joke wasn't really funny, Al believe this to be in his future. (Nah breh! We were just meant to meet Frowst! If Im as on target as I think, then it wont take long for you to agree. Frowsts kind of a G! Theres no denying that!) Instinct wanted to spend time with Master right now! Yeah, you got me there... Who else would be able to afford all this? Hes so ready to spend dough on me! Kinda feels nice... Allixter admitted adoringly. (Doesnt it? Not a damn soul could provide what Frowsts got! We have one of those fancy black and gold toilets, for crying out loud!) Why this was important, Instinct would never know. Hahahah! Not sure your point, but okay... Fine, if itll shut you up... Allixter bit his tongue and shut his eyes. Frowst is very attractive. I sort of like him back in some fucked up way... Admitting this to no one, Al felt quite silly. (Id ask if being honest was thaaat bad, but I can sorta sense it was! Thank you for being truthful, I appreciate it! Sooo... Like, hehe... What do you like about him?) Instinct already knew, but wanted to tease Al anyway. Oh jeez, nothing! I don't know... Hes just kind of... Alluring isnt the right word, uhhh... I cant quite put my claw on it... Allixter rolled his eyes about, ruffling his scruff. (Stunning! Hes freaking studly! For such a big ole boy, hes damn kiii-yuuute~!) Instinct forced Al to gush by saying what he felt. (Hes dapper, smooth, and stylish! You cant lie about this stuff~! Ooh raw, so fine~!) Staahhp~! Allixters face felt like a volcano, each breath hotter than before. What are you tryin a do to me? I give you an inch, you take a freaking mile! Whos side are you on anyways?! (Oh hush hun, Im just teasing! What stops you from telling him all this though? I get that he makes ya nervous and weak in the knees, but don't you see itd make you both sooo happy?) There was a good point, which Al argued against. This isnt like a highschool crush or someone I met randomly in life... To admit I like him, is to declare defeat! Hell have won! Stockholm syndrome ahoy! Allixter didn't believe this fully, but had to voice the concern. (Thats not fair to say! Frowst has been super cool and cooperative! Doesn't that term apply when youre forced or coerced to agree with your captor?) Instinct was unsure and needed clarification. Yeah, ok, youre right. I usually get images of being beaten into submission when I think of that... Allixter faded off, imaging how bad this all couldve been. (You know master would never hurt us right? Right?!) Well, yeah... Youre right. I don't see Frowst hitting me to get his way. Hes really persuasive and prefers manipulation it seems. Allixter shook this out of his mind. Thats not the point though! Im a prisoner here and now hes... Im starting to... (Starting to like it? Its ok, that doesn't make you weak or anythin! Anyone would fall for him!) Though perfectly logical, Instinct was still the opposition. This is all just tooo weeiirrd... Im forced to be his pet one moment, and the next were talking about romance and relationships... Thats just a big jump to make! Allixter explained, more to himself. (If this doesn't work out, we can still be his pup! Master said nothing would change, if we say no! Not sure thats a huge concern! Its soooo obvious you like Mr. Frowst!) Instinct heated Als already warm cheeks. I don't want to be his pet! How many times do I gotta explain this?! Allixter growled. (Thats totally bologna! I can tell youre excited to do all this high-class crap! I get that its hard to give up freedom, but you cant pretend this isnt freakin sweet! Nothing this bizarre happened out in the normal world! Kind of fun, right?!) Allixter loathed how valid Instinct could be... Damn... I hate it when I cant disagree with you! Its reeeaally hard to not be able to do anything though! Like, I wanna go loiter damn it! Ven and I would be at Target all day for no reason! Allixter complained wryly, not expecting what Instinct had to say. (Youre twenty-six god damned years old! Why is that fun to you at all? You guys used to say it was boring when you were teenagers?! Grow up!) Again, Instinct was spot on. What the fuck? Back off bro! It aint your life! So, what..? Going and playing C&C would be a productive use of my time? Or playing puppy for that fat fuck?! Allixters muscles tightened as he spoke, his jaw slowly clenching into a growl. (At least you would be socializing and meeting new people! Not to mention, I love that game!) Instinct disarmed Als hair-trigger temper. (Im just saying you have a shit load of opportunity here! We can basically do whatever we want and you wanna go read CDs and make fun of people with Ven?) Instinct hit the nail right on its proverbial head. Like... shit, ok... I mean... Yeah, I get what youre saying... What should I ask to do though? I mean... Half of what comes to mind would require leaving, so I assume Frowst would say no... Allixter sighed and took up an annoyed voice. Hearing him decline would piss me off, so why even bother? Ill just sit here and try to email Zothe... Allixter grumbled, opening his email to find nothing new. (The more you try to communicate, the bigger risk were at! Just chill for a bit! Let Zothe do his thing, ok?) Instinct tried to soothe Als rampant restlessness. (You wanna see if we can go skate? Maybe we can play Zombies with the guys!?) I could do that stuff on the outside! For free! No strings attached! Allixter cried, throwing his paws up. (Ok, ok... chillax... Hmm? Ah! Lets see if we can go to a strip club or fancy store or something?! No harm in asking, right? Try for something big!) Nah, I don't think I could get behind it with Frowst there... Its just to weird! Not sure what to do around here... Allixter looked about, games suddenly unappealing. (You are sooo shy! It isnt weird to socialize, youre just a scaredy-dog!) Instinct teased. No, its that Ive been dognapped! He sent someone to steal me away in the night! For crying out loud, fuck man... Admit thats weird! Say something negative about it! Now!! Allixter demanded, complacency reaching an unacceptable degree. (No... I cant, because its what led to me existing! Frowsts like our second father in a way!) The jubilant voice had Al gritting his teeth. No! Shut the hell up with that shit! I wont let you think that way! Pulling his ears, Allixter forced his Instincts to submit to pain. (Ok, ok! Jeez! Stop it, ya psycho! Gimme a break! I just feel so indebted to Mr. Frowst! Even if you hate him, a biiiig part of you also loves him!) Such a cheery way of stating an abysmal fact... Im getting a headache from this... If youre going to use my infatuation with Frowst against me, I really fucking regret telling you! Boiling blood was calmed by grinding teeth! (Im not using it against you, Im telling you to use it against Master! Why don't you ask to do something fun? Like... if he says no, would it really be so bad?) I don't really know what to ask for... I wanna go home, thats it! I mean like... I guess trying something dramatic would be kind of fun... Like Vegas or Amsterdam or something... You mentioned a strip club, that could be fun, I guess... Allixter mumbled to himself, defeated by daydreams. (Now youre getting it! Give him some really high standards for those dates hes gonna force you into! I mean... force isnt the right word, eh love-puppy?) Teasing his host was so fun for Instinct! Oh my gosh, youre as bad as he is with that shit! Ok, so hes handsome and I kinda like the way he treats me, so what? Do I fall to my knees whenever hes around? Allixter chastised his mental monitor. (Well I mean... Keep playing hard to get and Frowst will fall to his knees! You can tell he reeeaally wants us! Its hard for the big guy to cover up his smile when were around! Itd be so cute if you end up ruling him in a way! Heheh!) Hearing his own voice say this made it that much harder to deny. Hahaha! Holy crap, thatd be rich! Cant see Frowst falling victim to charms I don't have though! Allixter poked fun at himself, wanting to know his instinctual thoughts. (You could use some polishing to reach Frowsts level, but he said hed teach us to be all fancy! Besides that, youve seen how he acts! Those desperate few times he was trying reeaally hard to impress us or be extra smooth! Just play on that! Ive seen you know how to do so!) Was Allixter truly this devious at heart? Yeah, I cant argue with that... Hes been pushing it from day one, haha! Maybe this training wont be sooo bad... I mean, if hes just going to teach me to act all ritzy... Allixter faded in and out of his conviction. (Who know where thisll go?! If we play our cards right, at least well have a little control over the situation, eh? Eh?) Instinct was catching on to Als desires with each day. Ok, now youre talkin! Yeah, thats a good enough reason as any to give Mr. Frowst a try! I mean... if Im dating the devil, than Im at least safe from his scorn! Playful laughter was met with chiding dialogue. (Heeey~!? Master Frowst is not the devil! Hes an angel man... To me, hes the patron saint of dogs!) Instinct struck back for team Frowst. Patron saint of stench is more like it... Chuckling goaded Instinct further. (Again with his musk?! Always raggin on the poor skunk! You talk about his butt so much, some may start to think you like it!) Instincts childish rebuttal harvested more jovial laughter. It was a joke, jeez! Its cool, he cant help it! Just funny a skunk would have such an obsession with dogs! Kind of backwad, huh? Turning on his Hexbox, Allixter wandered his paws over so many different games! (His parents are canine bro, it makes perfect sense! He was probably raised like us! To treat friends like family and be super out going! A lot of potential buds probably turned him down just cuz hes stinky...) The solemn tone Instinct used made Al feel a little bad for Frowst. Damn, school mustve been tough for him... Was all Al could think to say. (Nah, he was the rich kid! Also he said he wrestled, so people prolly didn't wanna mess with him! Big guy can prolly throw his weight around pretty well!) Instinct heckled his tubby owner, Allixter a little flustered at the thought of Frowsts muscle-gut physique. Haha, yeah, almost forgot about that... Wonder how many poor fools had to tap out under that sweet-... Al dropped a pair of games, realizing his mistake. (Oh my gosh...) Instinct began, Al ready to cut him short. (You were gonna say swee-.) No I wasn't! Shut up! Allixter cried at no one, beet red beneath his fur. (Under that sweet ass!! Oh my gooosh~! HAHAHAH!!) Instinct made Als ears fold back, his tail tucked tightly. Shuuuut uuup~! Allixter whined, covering his morbidly wide eyes. Stop laughing you douchebag... Grrr... (Im soooooo teelliing~! Frowsts gonna have a field day witchu next time Im out!) What Instinct thought to be playful, was a nightmare for Allixter. Oh my god please no! Please don't fucking tell him I said that... I-i-it was a mistake! Cmon bro, please?! Allixter was so stunned with himself! (Ok, I wont tell him about... Bwahaha, that! But in return, I want control now! I wanna play Elder Tails, I-I... Ive never got to! IM SOOO EXCIIITED!) Instinct had been waiting for a chance to make this demand or trade! W-whoa... B-bro, dude... I don't know if Im ready for-. Allixter didn't get the chance to finish. (Course ya are! Cuz Im ready and Im you! Its all good, it wont hurt or be bad or nuthin!) Al nervously searched for a bargaining chip. Wh-what if I play, you can tell me what to do! Ok? Al offered. (No waaay! That sounds lame as fuck! Cmon, itll be dope! I can use your insight, I wanna be a sneaky-ranger guy!) Instinct was ready now, despite not knowing how to take control on his own... Ok... shit, well... Ughh, guess this had to happen sooner or later... How do I do it? Allixter bit his tongue as he said this. (Ok, so like... Hmmm, Ive gotten close before...) Instinct began to ponder. WHAT?! H-h-how?! Allixter howled with concern. (Chill my dawg, cool off... Lets do what I thinkll be right, trust your Instincts!) Laughter filled the dogs bent mind. (Im going to try and assume control, while you try follow my input. Empty your mind and still your body... Let me try to pull the strings.) Oh gods, no puppet references, ok? Allixter groaned. (Gotcha, ok... What do you think Im trying to do?) Instinct focused all his grip into making Allixter act. Uhh... I dunno... Grab the controller? Al responded indifferently. (Ok, progress! I want to play videogames and Im trying to get you to put in the right disc. Just relax, let me move your paws for you.) This had them both giggling, as Instinct took on a hypnotists voice. Bro, this is stupid... Imma just game. Well talk to Frowst in a bit and learn how to let you out. Allixter was about to pop in Howl of Duty, but stopped short. (No! Were doing what I want!) Instincts voice was deeper than normal. (Do what Im telling you! If you follow my guidance, Ill take over and you can fade out.) Fade out?! That sounds scary as hell bro! Al responded sharply. (Its my turn! Cmon, do this with me or Frowstll know youre his butt-mutt! Hehehahaha~!) Being threatened by his own inner thought felt unfair now... Ok, ok... Ill put in Elder Tails-. (No! G-get on all fours! It will help me get control easier!) Instinct interrupted. Da fuck?! Seriously? I... Okay... Getting down, Allixter instantly felt a rush of heat in his head. Wh-whoa... Ooof, I feel... weird... (Its cool... Chill man, were good... I can feel it working! Thats riiight, lets flit these ears! Awesome, well on my way!) Instinct tested his fluffy radar dishes, lowering and springing them about. T-th-thiss just too weird! H-holy crap, I feel kinda woozy! S-stop... Stop it! Give me back control! L-let me stand up! Horrified that he couldn't do so on his own, Allixter just whined and looked about like a newborn who lost his mother. (No! Its... my... turn...) Instinct began taking control of Als mental structure. (Its ok, just let go! Its play time for your inner puppy!) P-play time, haha~! Wai-... wait n-no... Allixter was fading fast, the lower he drooped his head, the more control was leeched from him! (Cmon... wag your tail bud! You arent upset, were going to be so happy in a few seconds!) Shock filled them as swapping control came quite easily! N-no! Oh gods, help..! Gi-give me back... why did I... fucking agree... Allixter practically collapsed, the only thing keeping him up was Instincts forming control! (Were wagging our god damn tail whether you like it or not!!) The quivering of Allixters butt was a sure sign Instinct had sunk his hooks in! Slumping to the floor, Allixter faded into his minds deepest recesses, as Instinct was left to triumphantly point his waggling rump, like a victory flag! Shaping his control was slow going, this being the first time Instinct had taken control without some kind of coercion or outside assistance! Master made it way easier than this... Oi boy, what a pain! Its like a whole days worth of energy just got sucked outta Al, enough to effect his new passenger in a way, but not nearly enough to deter him. *X amount of minutes later; Instinct has trouble with time...* Planting both paws sluggishly, Instinct rose to a seated position, wiped the drool from his mouth and let out an awkward sigh. His tail was still a dynamo of movement, but half of that was Allixters internal fury, barely touching the surface of his own nerves. Though frightened into a frenzy, Allixter found this placation of his senses to be oddly... soothing... All-rriiiighhht~! Heh-hey! This feels really fucking good! Als instincts said allowed, popping up and stumbling about uneasily. (Wh-what the... What the fuck just happened?! Wai-wait... No! Oh god, please don't rat me out to Frowst! Please man, Im begging you don't ruin this for us!) Allixters pleading from inside his mental cage was ambrosia to Instincts. Don't worry hun, we cool! I seriously just want to play! Im dying to try this! Why don't you do that fall asleep while Im awake thing?! Yahoo~! So pumped! Fiiiinallly!! Instinct was so excited seeing the Elder Tails V loading icon pop up. (Ok, ok, ok... Cool... we cool? Ok, ok... cool... Okay...) Calming from his freak out Allixter tried to gauge Instincts sincerity. (Im alright... This is fine, this is normal now... Its cool, Im calm...) Feeling like a ghost in his own body was never going to be normal for Allixter. Oh man, thiss gonna be so sick! I couldn't stop wagging right now, if I tried! Theres so much to discover and see, I cant wait till my first choice backfires! Thatll be somethin to remember! Happy barks followed this, as the menu loaded. (This might actually be kind of fun, hehe... Sort of like what I would do if the game was still new to me!) Allixter said louder than normal, not realizing he was basically in his own ears. Aiiyouch~! Wow... am I that loud? Ill try to dial it back for ya, yeesh! Instinct put a claw in his ear, to stab at the tingling deep inside. (Yeah, guess we both gotta work on that. You can be really loud too sometimes.) Allixter informed, feeling so bizarre on the other side of this. Instinct barely even responded, so intrigued with the introduction to this game, which he had seen many time before, but never experienced. The way he was able to control the camera, interact with the scenery, and make his own decisions had the newly formed sentience flush with ideas and hopes! Making a character, Instinct chose to create what was basically a perfect replica of Allixter... Though a bit taller and more muscular, the typical Corgi design and body model were chosen. Ironic how that wasn't a feature in the past games, yet Al never wanted to choose it once available... Instinct was spouting all kinds of furvor, so excited as the tutorial ran its course like it always had. Being forced to feel Instincts newly shaping appreciation for the game, Allixter couldn't pretend this wasn't kind of relaxing. Parts of the story he never noticed poked out at him and given the open-ended nature of the game, Instinct found some fun stuff that Al had never seen before! Despite dozens of characters and playthroughs, he never noticed this extra treasure room right at the start! Huh, go figure!? (Youre pretty good at this man! That timing was excellent!) Allixter complimented, watching Instinct defeat a group of foes with barely a scratch! We have really good reflexes! Being Im more of an entity than a person, I think its easier for me to focus that acutely... (Well heck, this is kind of uncanny! Maybe we can finally beat that pinball score at the Laundromat!) Allixter joked, but Instinct barely registered such a simple game. Watching was getting somewhat dull for Allixter, though his new forced friend kept spiking his brain with high-voltage doses of serotonin. Each new first for Instinct was quite enjoyable, albeit a little startling to Al. This game was almost ten years old, but when a (debatable) friend decides to play it, hes howling to heaven! Seeing Instinct slay his first dragon with hardly any input from his host filled Allixter with pride! He could wait to see what the lil guy could do in a H.O.D match! Instinct has really good aim and a terrific sense of trajectory! Allixter had been fairly good at this, but when you stripped away his mental distractions, this shone through greatly! Pointing out secret doors, revealing traps, and solving certain dilemmas, Allixter served the same purpose as Instinct, but in this digital, just-for-fun life! Growing somewhat tired, Al found that trying to sleep, tune out, or even shut his eyes was effecting Instinct! They were seemingly tied to the same mental on/off switch, forcing Allixter to feel as Instinct had for... ever! Not sure how to move forward, Allixter tried his best to stay enthused. The young Corgi felt bad for his mental servant and wanted to appease him, so hed be more inclined to assist him in the future. If they could escape together, Al planned on holding up his end of the bargain. Instinct is truly unique and it would be a shame to destroy him in a blind fright! Ohh ho~! See that shot! Damn, that was like threading a needle! Instinct cried brightly, panting with delight at the cool cutscene. (Nice one! Wait till ya get a crossbow! Its got waaay more range!) Allixter couldn't deny praising his own evolutionary prowess! Whoa~!? How do I get my paws on one? Instinct asked, bright eyed at the idea. (Ohh uhh, right! Just keep playing, Ill let you know when the guy comes up to you!) Al gave a simple answer, not wanting to explain DLCs... Gotcha! Man this is soooo coool~! I was always so involved in this, like, it was one of the games that called on me, ya know?! Instinct recalled nailing acute noises and noticing helpful oddities. (That makes sense! Sort of good to have sharp senses on board when you play an Elder Tails title.) Al admitted handily. Whatd you used to tell Dranner? No tutorial will prepare you to play this game? Instinct joked wryly, as he took down a pair of demons with one arrow! (That more applied to looting and lore stuff, but I get what you mean! Wow, this feels weird... You always know when Im lying because you can feel my emotions! Im so pumped for you to finish this dungeon, the reward is sweeet~!) Allixter wasn't aware how comfortable he was getting in the back seat of his own mind... Don't spoil it~! This ones been a doozy! Those stupid simple puzzles though, whats that about? Instinct didn't remember them being such childs play! (Gotta figure most of the development went into combat and graphics and stuff... Fair trade off that the puzzles got a downgrade. Not to mention, the text-based interface of the older titles loaned itself to-.) Al had to stop, as Instinct entered battle. Not the time bro! Haha~! Oh my gosh, agghhh~! Haha to many of em!! Instincts forced joy was enjoyable in some ways. Watching Instinct complete a mid-game dungeon, Allixter was growing restless, yet had no idea of how to take control. It felt appropriate to sleep, but whenever Instinct got excited, Als own interest would wag him awake. Every part of the young dog was pumped to re-enjoy and hype up the experience that was his favorite game! It was like a close friend was playing it for the first time, everything felt sort of exciting again! No matter how mundane the sound or reaction, Allixter was eager to know what Instinct attached it to! So many exciting adventures or blink-and-youll-miss-it moments, how could he not be excited?! Theres no part of him that hated his collar in this moment, he was more than happy to share his body with such a fun-loving soul, just... He wanted out! This is so hard to endure, but it felt impossible to comment negatively! A building anxiety was causing him to lose his cool, but not in anger, just pure restlessness... (Hey bro, youve been playing a while... Can we go see if Frowst is free?) Allixter asked, as Instinct read a new quests description. Awww... well ok, I guess... C-can I sell my loot first? Thanks~! Just a few more minutes, promise! Cooperation came easy, for control was a priceless commodity. Virtual gold piled up as Instinct unloaded all the extra stuff he had found. Though he wanted to tell his Instinctual buddy about enchanting and wortcraft, that would take time and Al could feign forgetfulness later. Watching and waiting, Allixter eagerly bit at any sign of weakness in his collars control. There was very little he could do however, finding himself completely captive! Eventually Instinct let out a pleased, yet crestfallen sigh, as he saved and shut off the game. Thanks bro, like... really, Im super appreciative you tried ta make that fun for me! Instinct was so happy with his mental gameguide! (Oh bud, no problem! If I knew you just wanted to play videogames from the get go, we coulda avoided a lot of turbulence! You and I are gonna be buds fo sho!) Stoked to hear that dude! Im so glad were getting along! Allixter felt Instinct fading himself out, how he did so was an apathetic mystery. (Me too! It feels good to know youre on my side! Thanks for being such a fun part of me!) Allixter couldn't have realized how special that comment was. Tha-thats so... Thank you! Furreal bro, thats so nice to say! I knew wed be cool, but... It means a lot to hear that! Hold on, lemme focus a minute... Instinct began returning to his mental cage. (We are the same furson after all! Feels wrong to fight you, knowing youre so happy and fun! You might really help me in the long run!) Al felt exuberant pride when Instincts self image was bolstered. Oh gosh, thats awesome to hear! Jeeez, I might cry~! Instinct joked, taking up a meditative posture. Ok... Getting back control will be waay easier, cuz your heads used to me being locked up. Gimme just a sec... and... Awroof?? Allixter felt a synaptic slip, like cards changing position in ones paw. Whoooooaaa~... (See, no sweat! Pretty cool, eh? I mean, like... This could be kinda of sweet! That was a blast and you dont seem all that bothered!) Instinct felt comfortable, yet disheartened to be back in his natural place. Broooo... I feel hella weird, like... all amped up! You made my body, or my brain... something... Iits like you having fun is still here with me! Dawg... thanks-so-much! I havent gotten that much joy from gaming in a while! This feeling was impressively potent, as Allixter rarely got so hyped up around an old favorite. (Yuuup~! Like I said, if youre ever depressed or sad, I can totally help! Even if Im down, I think I can handle it better! I mean ignore it, not trying to insult you!) Instinct suddenly broke his cool attitude, realizing how that sounded. Nah, I getcha! That sounds... kinda awesome... I ruined so many of weekends and stuff, cuz like... Im such a downer... Allixter sighed as he slipped himself onto the couch. (No, no, no! Stop it man! You just have something wrong in here! Ill help ya fix it though, promise!) Allixter had always wanted someone to pledge this to him... T-th-thanks man... fuck... That means so much... Allixter whimpered, biting his lip. (Don't get all wussy on me! Im you bud, we gotta... look out for ourselves!) The way this was said felt restrained. (Was gonna say that we only have each other, but... Frowst is looking out for us now. We have a crazy amount of backup!) Youre right, I... I gotta take advantage of that, even if Im a prisoner to it... Al strode out with a new sense of confidence. (Thats the spirit! Lets go find Mast-... Mr. Frowst!) Instinct self corrected in time. Heading toward the strongest of skunky odors, Allixters mind was flush with plenty of adventurous memories! Cutting down goblins and slaughtering demons was beyond satisfying, as Instincts virgin enjoyment bled through to Al! What a fantastic side-effect of the collars mental control! Did Frowst plan such a benefit or is it just part of the package? Who knows, maybe Al can ask soon... Unfortunately sniffing at the air, Allixter sharpened his senses on finding Frowst. Having to use the skunks natural smell as his tracking source was giving him a headache, but it was a lulling fatigue, not throbbing pain. Eventually finding a door, which was labeled with a big, eccentric D, Allixter could hear and smell Frowst just beyond it. From the sniffs of things, about four or five guys were gathered in Dullahans room. Readying a knock, Al stopped short at a loud cry of excitement and the fading laughter, which followed. The fact they were still playing kind of ruined this whole effort and cut Instincts game time short. Having his own mind forgive him for this slip-up, Allixter forced a smile to show he was appreciative. Fixing the fluff beneath his collar, taking a deep breath, and knocking, Allixter prepared his typical domestic pleasantries. Come in? Dullahans voice was heard after some commotion. Alllixter!! So good to see you love! Youre a little late to the party though! Frowst was more than enthused, sitting up from his lounging position. Yo bro! Wassup dude? Hey man! Hows it goin pal! Sorta too late to join, wanna just hang? How are ya? Having four or five dogs greet him was... sorta awesome! Heya guys! Its all good, I don't need to play! Izzit cool if I just, like... chill? Can I just... be in here? (Its ok, thats an alright thing to ask!) Allixters diffident attitude wasn't as strong right now, thankfully. Yeah, course! Dullie responded, feeling he deserved to make that decision. Course dude! Yeah, stay bro! Not a problem, hang out! Yeah dude, youre cool. The guys all replied, turning their attention back to the dice and figurines. Stay, please! Its... awesome to see you lov-, oh err, bro! An attempt was made... Heh, wow... thanks... Al replied, mainly to Frowst, but continued for the others. Thanks for letting me be in here, just... sorta weird being alone. (Nuh-uh! Bro member when I hit that guy with lightning-... Oh, right, gotcha!) Not a prob, were almost done here actually. Ok guys, the hydra breathes a collective cone of fire over all characters in melee ranged. One head tries to bite player six, but misses. Dullahan rolled the game back on track, annoyed with Frowsts distraction. Very delighted to see ya pup. Youre the true treasure I get from all this! Frowst unawarely belittled. Heeey~! Dullie scoffed flippantly. Chill dude, just play. We can talk in a bit. (See how crazy he is about us?!) Allixter fought blushing, shifting focus onto the game. Right, of course. Sorry Dullie. I will beging to play Battle anthem. I have an automatic inspire bonus toward canidae races. Frowst rejoined the game, tossing dice into a central tray. Hah, I got this! Plasma arrows! If I score a crit the heads shouldn't be able to regrow! Ziggy exclaimed, clasping his paws into a readied roll. Gotcha back man, Imma ready my spell Voltaic volley. Should keep the bastard at bay! Vailey was also getting dice ready. The game was instantly intriguing, both Allixter and Instinct regretted their lack of inclusion. Having Frowst steal glances of the young dog was keeping Al on high alert, but it was a pleasant form of such... Sort of feels like when he was in highschool, trying to give off a smooth faade and make people think he was cool. Whatever kind of adventure led up to a hydra had to be wicked! They were in some kind of underground lair, so that had to be a fun trial as well... Wonder what roll he wouldve played this time? Al tried to ignore how dorky this envy made him feel. Certain nerdy desires always irked him in some way... Instinct was quick to point out all the great things these games offer! The one Al latched onto was being helpful. Having a pitiful size, teamwork was always important to Allixter! He always knew it would take several people to make his part matter... Thats sort of what makes these kinds of games fun! Divvying up the treasure, Allixter was beside himself with some of the cool magic, mechanical, and astral objects everyone received! Frowst asked only for the gold, giving up his unique artifacts to others in exchange for imaginary currency. Odd... Wonder what hes saving for? A few player-characters leveled up from slaying the mighty multi-headed dragon, so that took a few extra minutes. Lots of goodbyes and thanks were given as it all seemed to wind down. A few seemed eager for more, while a couple wanted to go. Thanks again Dullie! Good quest! Xander and Vail were leaving together. Yeah, so cool about those living crystals! Vailey added with a huge expression. Thanks! Got the idea from Space Gate and twisted it to fit the game! Dullahan replied, accepting the sideways hug. Good game bro! Super excited to see your next one! Peace! Lionel waved to the group as he headed out. Bye guys! See ya around! Terrific game my boy. I appreciate all the detail you put into them! Thank you for inviting me. Frowst knelt to give Dullie a kiss. Y-yeah, haha... Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it, try to appeal to everyone. See ya Mr. Master. Dullie thought this a taunt, but Frowst offered a hug for it. Goodbye for now my friend. Ill see you sometime soon, hopefully! Frowst waved as Dullies room emptied. Good to see you love. Glad you decided to stop by! A little late unfortunately... Frowst went to Als side, once in the hall. Nah, I wasn't looking to play. Just needed some company. Wanted to... was hoping we could talk a bit...Allixter replied, Vailey at their side in a second. Wanna get some lunch?! We can all hang out and-. Vailey began, but Frowst pet him into submission. What was it you wished to discuss love? Something private? Frowst asked, cuddling his B. collie into silence. Oh no, nuthin important! Why don't you and Vailey hang out and well talk later. (You don't have to be shy! No need to try and get out of it!) Allixter waved off the intrigue Frowst gave him. Nonsense, were here after all and the two of us have had plenty of time together. Frowst referenced Vailey and himself. Aww Master, I-Id love any time with you... Vail said with a short whine. Vaiillleeeyy~! Sugartart, stop that! Youre breaking my heart! Ill see you tonight, but Als shy so this is a rare opportunity. Please don't make me feel bad about wanting to spend time with him. Frowst explained with an over the top expression, cuddling his closest friend. Juz checkin~! Im teasin ya sir! No problem, have fun guys! Vailey pat Frowsts gut, heading off unceremoniously. Wait bro, Im open to us having lunch! No worries! Please, stay! Itd be nice to get to know you too! Allixter offered to the retreating dog. (Oh boy, thank you! Vailey seems like a really nice dog and I think we can be good friends!) Instinct was more than happy to give praise when Al deserved it. Thats so sweet of you Allixter, you reall don't mind? Frowst inquired, his face rife with pleasantry. Really? Ya sure? Well heey, thanks~! Vail trotted back to them happily. Yeah, no need to break the norm! You guys hang out a lot right? Allixter asked unsure of what to say. Vaileys pretty much attached to my hip when Im home! Frowst laughed, as Vail concurred. Any moment hes available, Im with Mr. Frowst! Masters a real kick to spend time with! Vail cried back, his ear-rub more than enough reward. Haha, oh bud stop it! You do me to much honor! Frowst tried to pet him quiet again, but it failed. If you are comfortable with it, I would simply adore hanging with the two of you! Have you become friends already? Frowst asked, fighting to sound casual. Id say so! Vailey looked to Allixter. (Me too!) Instinct cried. Yeah, Id agree! Was Als response. Terrific! Watching friendship blossom is a lovely sight indeed! Do you have a lot in common? I don't think youve had to much time to spend together... Nah, not really! Just some basic stuff, but I can tell Als a good guy! Ya know I gots the sniffa for that kinda thing! Vail chuckled, tapping his long thin muzzle. Haha, how your sniffer works at all is a mystery!? Allixter joked, Frowst stopping cold at this, so they bumped his backside. Nah, Im just playin! Were on our way to being buds! Fo sho! Nudging Vail Instinct was floored by how open Al could be. (Bro, thank you... This is all Ive wanted since... Well I was born! Haha, whens my birthday anyways?) Though comical, Al didn't want to distract himself with responding. Fantabulous to hear, that warms my heart deeply! Vail youre such a good boy! Perfect at making everyone feel comfortable! Give me a moment to get changed into proper attire. Be out in a moment. The master of this domicile politely excused himself. Uhh, ok... He has to change after a dice game? Allixter inquired impishly. Master changes like... five or six times a day? He says its for us, hehe... Vail replied with a wry snicker. Thank you for letting me hang out witcha guys! Prolly weird for you to hear, but I love being around Mr. Frowst. Vails differing eyes punched into Als soul, brightening it a tad. Nah, I mean... Hes a really suave dude, I can see why youd wanna hang out with him! Al tried his best to ignore how giddy saying this made him. I heeearrd that! Frowst said through the door, leaning his monochrome muzzle out. Allixter just laughed. (Hope ya did handsome! Think youre the only one who can flirt?) Riiight~?! Hes just a lot of fun to be around! Makes me so psyched to have him in my life! Vailey bounced a bit, excited to praise his owner. Don't take this the wrong way, but... Al began to whisper. Do you still feel that way without the collar on? (Br-brooo... You were doing so good... Why does that matter?) Instinct asked, seeing Vaileys stricken face. Oh course! Shucks, you gotta calm down with that stuff! Here, Ill spend today with it off! Ok? Sound good? Vailey unlatched his custom fit collar, which was black leather with golden spikes. Whoa, like... ya don't gotta! Seriously, bro, I don't wanna cause alarm for Fro-. Allixter hushed himself as Frowst emerged. Don't want to cause what? Something wrong boys? Mr. Frowst emerged in cargo shorts and a tanktop, trying to appear casual for Allixter. Nuthin, just trying to help our newest bud feel comfortable. Normal Vailey was recognized instantly, a certain spark gone from his voice. Oh, I see... Thank you for doing so my love. Frowst seemed worried or disheartened. How are you feeling Vail? Are you doing okay? Well of course! Just cuz I don't got that extra pep in my step doesn't mean Im feelin blue or anything. Exactly the same, just feels tiring to exert that kind of energy. Vailey explained walking over to Frowst, who squat to hug him at his level. Wish ya hadnt done that man, I didn't want to raise a stink, haha! (Stop with the scent puns!!) Allixter tried to chuckle his way through the awkward display. Just wanted to make sure youre alright my friend. We havent talked in a while... Like this... Frowst was at a loss for words, a rare event for him. Lets just forget it, ok? No worries, were all good! Whatcha guys want for lunch? Vailey tried to match his collars exuberance. If you say so love... Well talk later. Frowst searched for any sign of discomfort. I was thinking of sending the wolves to get some takeout. Sound good boys? The big skunk waved them to follow, a paw slipping over Vails shoulders. Oh heck yeah! Wooof~! Twice in one week sir, whatd I do right? Haha! Vail bounced in place a second, as Al caught up. Well, yeah... That sounds great! Whats around here? Got a Floofsters Freeze nearby? Allixter asked the two of them. Not that I know of... We can certainly find one, if thats what youd like my boy! Frowst seemed cooperative, just confused about the request. Theres a Sniffies just down the road, ever had that? Vailey asked instead of answered. Never heard of it, sounds good though! What kinda stuff they make? Diner food or like..? Yeah, all sorts of stuff! Youre in for a treat! Its real good junk food, I assure ya! Vailey grinned, despite feeling idiotic for doing so over food. Make sure to get some bacon-cheese fries for me sir! Of course my love, anything you wanted. Frowst didn't let on he was trying to baby Vail in a way. Is that alright Allixter? I could search for a-. No sweat! Sounds good! Burgers and fries are kinda the same everywhere, haha! Al responded with an indifferent smile. Well, nah, bro... Wait till Orvison barbecues, like, fuuuck... Vailey responded bluntly. Vail~! Frowst was shocked to hear his best boy curse! Oh, sorry sir! Heh, just slipped out... Vailey bowed his head, as Frowst examined him sharply. Not a problem, just startling. Do watch your language please bud, thank you. Frowst cuddled him a bit, as Vailey repeated his apology. Im going to call in our order, what would you like Allixter? Anything specific you wanted from... uhh... Floofsters Freeze? Im sure something similar is available! Having Frowst ask this disarmed Al of any hesitation he still had. Well bacon-cheddar fries sound amazing! But anything really, just like, a burger; if thats cool... Asking if it was alright to get some food made Al feel like a puppy again. Of course fluff muffin, anything you want! Why don't you boys go play, Ill join you in a little while. Frowst pat Vail toward the door, dialing his wolves for service. Go play? Like... What does he expect? Allixter heckled as they emerged in the midday heat. Well... Have ya tried fetch yet? Damn man, thats like crack to me! Vailey thumped a paw imitatingly. Yeah I have, haha. (Fetch? Fetch with Vailey!?) It was pretty awesome, cant lie! Allixter admitted brightly. Just feels weird to be thrown back into puppyhood! Know what I mean? Trying to sound frank, Vailey shifted attitudes to match. You gotta think of all the people whod kill for a second shot at youth puppo! Not many get a chance to live life so carefree! Try to enjoy your second puppyhood Al! Vail air quoted himself, his normal voice much more mature to Als ears. Well... shit... ya got a point. Itll be fun to be on the rich side of the fence for once... Allixter mused to himself, shrugging off the harsh feelings. Ok, well... uhh... Wh-what do you usually do to play, er uhh, for fun? (Clumsy on the delivery, but the judges are giving ten for effort Bob!) The imitated sports announcers voice was humorous to Al. Wanna wrestle? Itd be a waaay fairer fight than with Ruffio! Vaileys offer garnered laughter from both dogs and their instincts. N-nah, thats alright... Uhhh... Ok, heh! Tag~! Youre it! Al thumped Vail on the shoulder, darting off with a freshly forged smile. Not for long Im not! Vails inner voice encouraged him to play. Running back and forth to tire his opponent, Allixter snickered and chuckled the whole time. While internally he felt like such a dorky loser, it was... really, truly fun! Letting go of himself was easy and Instinct helped Al get lost in the joy of the moment! A few times his advice was the key to evading or catching Vailey off guard! Allixter wasn't as fast, but his maneuverability kept his pursuer constantly guessing. How long it had been since a simple game of chase was this fun?! Years, possibly dozens of them... Maybe it was Instinct, or perhaps Vailey had something to do with it, but what felt most important; was how happy Allixter was! Denying himself this simple, pure, unfettered enjoyment wouldve effected his mentality. Its detrimental to a dogs health to go unplayed with after all... Allixters thoughts shuffled through all the fun things he could possibly do here! What exciting days awaited Allixter should he stay? This place, Frowsts manor, was seen from a different light with each passing day. Al thought this to be Instinct or his growing insanity at work, but... he was truly growing to enjoy his new home. Pale cynicism fueled his thoughts, but in reality... this place was a dream come true! Never would he entertain such ideas, but Instinct was willing to hold his theorhetical breath. Allixters lack of direction, and determination has held him back greatly... Some guidance is all the pup needs and here, hell get it! Well isnt this a plesant surprise!? Didn't expect to see you openly playing so soon Allixter! Frowst cooed as he emerged. Go on, keep running! Don't let me interrupt! Go on now, don't be shy! Waving for continuance, the skunk watched them puckishly prey on one another. Using Frowsts large form as a shield, Vailey evaded capture and had Allixter huffing to keep up! Dashing off, Vail hopped a short bush, certain that Al would have to go around it! Smashing through full force, the Corgis huge ears protected his face as he barreled through! Though not particularly atheletic, Vail has had plenty of opportunities to sharpen his tag skills! Given that Al hasn't played since grade school, it was difficult at first! He did possess an advantage due to size! Where Vail had to near stop himself to change directions, Allixter was spryly zig-zagging about in a frantic serpentine maneuver! Not to mention it was harder to actually tag Allixter due to his proximity with the ground. This gave Frowst the giggles, seeing his stoic and aggressive Corgi try so hard to win a simple game. Knowing Vailey would probably surrender soon, the big skunk gauged their stamina and tried to mentally wager who would win. In terms of points, Vailey had more successful tags, but Al had eluded capture the longest! Watching them trudge about, the lowering ambition and joviality was a sure sign of exhauastion. It was so humid and hot today, they were probably dying right now! Poor pups... Frowst immediately wanted to offer a type of rememdy, but was unsure of how Al would react. Chances are meant to be taken afterall, whats the harm in asking? Ya have fun boys? You both look very tired! Frowst asked as they approached and sat at his feet. Would you like me to spray you with the hose? He inquired as innocently as possible. Well heck yeah! Please do sir! Thatd be great right now! Vail was back on his paws in a second. Oh, uhhh... Nah, Im alright... Thanks though, hahah! (Awww... Knew youd say no...) Al waved away the offer. Dude, I know you think its degrading or something, but I bet youd enjoy it! Just give it a try! Come on, whats wrong with getting wet? Vailey asked, offering a paw to help his pal up. Would it help if you were free to douse me as well? Itd be only fair, Im not against it... Frowst lowered his eyes from Vailey to Allixter. I-I just... Ok, youre right Vail. Whats the worst that can happen?! If this was going to be normal life, Allixter had to act accordingly. You sure? Its purely for you two! Im not going to pressure you love. Frowst stood and moved seats, to be closer to the faucet. No really, thank you! Its boiling out and thats a kind thing to offer. Im gonna try and ignore how weird it feels to say yes! Hahaha! Allixter showed his best appreciation for Frowst. With that attitude, it wont feel weird for long! Trust me, this can be really awesome if ya let it! Vailey stripped his shirt off, the loose b-ball shorts hanging from his thin frame. Yeah, I just gotta used to hearing go play again haha... (We took it for granted before, but never again!) Allixter tried to hide how difficult this really was. Yeah, I getcha there! That was weird for all of us! Vailey replied, hoping not to elicit a reaction from Frowst. Oh dear, boys and their pride, sheesh... Frowst chuckled to himself. Youre playful as can be Allixter, but you bottle it up. Why is that? Frowst turned on the hose, the moan of moving water drowning out the skunks sigh. Its just what normal life expects of me! Nowhere in the real world can a dog just... be a dog, hehe! Allixter realized how precious this proposition truly was. Please feel invited to be the best dog you can be when Im around! Those silly societal rules don't apply here. Nobody will judge or mock you, for being such a sweetie! Frowst explained, though Al kind of already understood. Aight, I get it! Ughh, youll use any opportunity to make me feel- bluurrghk! Allixters mouth was suddenly full of water as Frowst shot him with a quick jet of the hose. Plegh! Blaghk! *cough, cough* Urgghk... That was a cheap shot! Al had to shut up or swallow more water. Ahhh~! Staaahp~! N-no fair~! Gotcha puppy dog~! Sorry, I couldn't resist! Frowst handed the hose to Allixter candidly. Youre in for it now! Allixter began soaking his owner with quick bursts of showering water. Ahh~! Youre aiming for my face! Stop that~! Im sorry! I shouldn't have sprayed you so suddenly! Helpless to defend himself, Frowst put a paw against the incoming torrent. Pay back time!! Allixter cried, his inner hatred bubbling forth in a very playful way. Vailey suddenly seized the hose and sent the two running for cover! Sloshing water splattered the concrete and over-fed the grass, as the three of them ran about, soaking one another jovially. Vying for control over the hose, they wrestled occasionally, Frowst barely applying any strength when he resisted. Dodging jets of liquid, Allixter dove toward Frowst, who simply handed off the hose to his trustworthy pet. What a mistake that was... After absolutely drenching Frowst, Vailey sprayed himself in the face and pretended to be knocked out by it, giving Allixter a chance to regain control! Back and forth they went, dousing one another and enjoying the refreshment it brought! Even when discomforted by his sopping wet fur, dripping with each step, Als inner puppy was having a blast! Whens the last time he played in the water because it was hot out? Usually they go to the pool and don't even swim!? This is kinda awesome!! Slinging water with every move he made, Allixter ardently allowed the others to spray him; far past any hope of remaining dry. Not that hed want to! Als inner dog had no qualms with getting drenched, when it was so fun to do so! When did getting wet become so annoying!? Sometime around his teen years... How anyone could outgrow such a simple pleasure was beyond Allixted at this point! His waterlogged fur dripped on the pavement, like inner disdain pouring from his heart. Each ounce of negative emotion shed, was lost, like tears in the rain... Slinging showers from his fur as he shook out, Allixter reveled in the gentle breeze, its heat less apparent. When all was said and done the three of them had wasted enough water to effect a small country! It was all in the name of fun though and Frowst would gladly deal with a padded water bill, if it meant helping his new pet feel at home! Frowst envisioned this quite differently! Never would he think Allixter one to enjoy something so dogged, this early! How to incentivize such behavior..? Hmmm..? Delivery sir! A voice called across the yard, as they sat beneath a shady tree. Ah, terrific! Our lunch is here! Frowst seemed quite eager to eat. Yeah~! Ohhh boy, Im starved! Vail cried out, being helped up by his master. Me too! Awesome timing! (Hell yeah, foooood!) Allixter ignored Frowsts paw, but not the appreciation he felt. Standing at the door, with a tray full of bags and a puffed out chest, was perhaps the smallest wolf Allixter had seen in Frowsts employment! Despite being a glorified delivery boy, he held himself with the pride and savage grace his species radiated. Standing nose to nose, a few feet away, Allixter couldn't avoid giggling. The delivery wolf didn't seem to notice, more attentive to Frowsts approach. Thank you very much Fiddler. Delighted to see you, by the way! Frowst began unloading the tray onto a nearby table. Not a problem sir! Enjoy! Fiddler bowed at the waist, scooting back as he did. Errm, uhh... sir? C-can I... Could I have a French fry sir? He muttered from the door. Haha, of course hun... Here... Frowst fished out the side order, hed specifically requested for his servant. Thank you sir! You sure I can have them all? Frowst pet him into silence, his tail wagging sharply. Thanks a bunch Master! Have a terrific day sir! Fiddler rushed off with his golden fried treasure. Alright fellahs, who had what? Frowst began going through his purchase. The double cheeseburger was Allixters, Vailey ordered a chicken sandwich... Both of you got cheesy-fries and everyone gets a milkshake! Frowst distributed bags to his pateintally awaiting pets. Thank you Frowst, this looks amazing! (*Hungry growling*) Allixter marveled over the size of his burger. The pleasures all mine, I assure you! Im so grateful to have enjoyed this time with you. Frowst smiled warmly, unwrapping his sandwich. This is really nice of ya Caster! Thanks a bunch! Vailey added, refusing to eat before his Master had started. Not a problem my lovey puppy... I must say though, its quite odd hearing you use my first name! Frowst was startled a moment. Heh, sorry! Just slipped out, I guess! Lil me usually does most of the talkin! Vailey had an embarrassed laugh. Nothing to worry about, Im not against it. Youve been my bestest bud for so long! Cant deny you that! Frowst prolonged his first bite, to kiss his pet. Hehe, s-so can I call you Caster? (Why does that matter? Foood~!) Allixter asked, stopping Frowst short of a bite. Id rather if you didn't. Not this early, ok love? Frowst used his creamiest voice. Vailey saw Als growing irritation and decided to speak. Thanks again for letting me tag along Allixter! Was real swell of you! No probrum! Al said while chewing. Al, manners. Frowst dictated, but he just nodded. If you must, at least call me Lancaster. Ill try to find that agreeable. Frowst added, sensing the frustration as well. C-cool, thanks! Appreciate you leveling with me! Allixter said with a big smile, then wiped his mouth clean frantically. S-sorry... Sorry for being gross... (Aww hun... Its alright...) A shameful sigh followed. Chill bro! Furreal! Vailey cried out, wanting to eat sooo badly. Nothing to be embarassed by sweetheart. Vailey was the same way when I first met him. Look at him now, patientally waiting for Master to start eating. Mr. Frowst replied to Als ignominy. Didn't think ya noticed! Vail declared brightly. Oh suuuure... compare me to wonder pup over there! (We can be a wonderful pup too!) Allixter mocked across the table lambently. Heey~! Vailey scoffed. Unfortunately Allixter, heh, theres just no comparison! Frowst joshed back, leaning over to huggle his Border Collie. (And yet he wants to date us... Wonder why? Hmmm?!) Instinct made Allixter laugh harder. Oh lord... Normally Id have something witty to say, but I feel like Im on fire right now... Vailey buried his face, hiding from the pleasant sheepishness. Shush hun, youve nothing to be embarrassed about. Nothing is more important to me than making you feel good! Frowst nuzzled his pet, who whined with awkward glee. Now eat damn you, I can hold out all day! Frowst commanded comically. Sure ya can big guy... Vailey got the last laugh, taking a nibble of his sandwich. Ive seen the way you eat when youre really hungry! What Al saw as an insult made Frowst guffaw. Ahahah~! You know I don't leave leftovers, heh! Please, eat though bud, youre very thin!! You always say Im too thin! Such comfort and geniality... So... not trying to pry, but... How longve you been here Vailey? Allixter swallowed hard, as he prepared to ask this. (I-is that alright to ask..? Hope this goes over well...) Instincts concern fell on deaf ears. Oh, well... Shit-er, uhh... shoot... Uhhm... Vailey had a long thought, tapping his chin. Vaileys been with me for eleven years, going on twelve in September. Ive enjoyed every second with my walking-talking wuffle-plush! Frowst didn't relent in embarrassing his friend. Oh my gods... Maaasteeer~!? Vailey looked up, revealing his blushing muzzle. Cheese-n-rice wuffle plush, really?! Ya havent called me that in years! Vailey was mortified in such a fun way. Ive missed that pet name so! Perhaps its time for a comeback! Frowst hated doting over Vail, when Allixter was the focus of today. S-so, like... What happened? Di-did you just... wake up here too? Allixter asked, hoping to find insight as to why Vail was so comfortable. Oh, well damn... I-I... Vails face blanched and he sunk his eyes back behind his paws. Hun, its ok... Shh... Frowst cuddled him, the huge Mephit uncomfortably warm in the midday. Lets not talk about this, ok Al? Oh, right... Yeah! Sorry... (Wont lie, Im super curious!) Al waved at them, as Vailey returned his gaze to them. Nah, its alright... I wanted Allixter to feel comfortable and thisll help. Yeah it isnt my favorite subject, but its important he knows about you and... how awesome you are! Vailey replied to Frowst, who nodded admirably and kissed him on the nose. Thank you so very much my love. I couldn't ever ask such of you... Mr. Frowst added as he pecked another kiss atop Vails head. I... I-I was... I used to... Mast, er... uhmm, Mr. Frowst needed... I-I.... Vailey fought to find his voice, but sighed. C-can you tell him sir? If thats your wish my boy... Vailey came to one of my pharmaceutical testing labs when he was desperate for financial stability. As fate would have it, I was touring my newest facility the day of his appointment. Frowst took a drink to wet his throat for further oration. Seeing such a young, helpless hound in dire need of guidance, my heart melted. It ate me up inside and soon all I could think of, was Vaileys well being. I checked for weeks, hoping he came back or was alright... Frowsts tale was growing emotional, but Vailey remember this as the best day of his life... Before all that, I was a reporter believe it or not! Ju-just... fell on hard times, ya know? Lots of debt, so little funds... Vailey added, not wanting to seem utterly incompetent. Whoa! Thats sort of rad! Like, do you think I ever saw ya on TV?! (Cooool~! I wann see Vailey on the news now!) Al tried to cheer him up, this was more than he anticipated... Probably not, hehe! It was a local-garbage-network and I wasn't very good yet... Vailey waved the idea away, spotlit memories burning with a double-edge. Nonsense, hush Vailey! Ive managed to scrounge up some recordings of him and I assure you Allixter, theyre to die for... In his little suit, that professional voice, and those beautiful eyes, just... Awwwwh~! Frowsts wonder brought Al to gush. Heey~! Remember thats why they fired me from anchor! Apparently people at home were freaked out by my stare!? Vailey beamed his peepers into Al, who just laughed. I cant imagine anyone being offput by you my love! Youre simply delectable! Frowst wiped his mouth, before pretending to have a helping of Vaileys ear. To finish our story, Vailey eventually came back to the testing facility and I purposely postponed his appointment to meet him. Once we talked a bit and I got to know him... Frowst trailed off, remembering how hopeless Vailey was. No, there was absolutely no way I could allow such an pure animal back into the world; without my protection and providence... Di-did you... agree to go? Or... were you, ya know, dognapped? (Pup, why is this stuff important?!) Allixter asked with a slight shiver. Oh nah, Al... Like... I was waaay different when Frowst first found me! Vailey sighed jovially, remembering the dumb pup he once was. You have to understand Allixter, Vailey was soo incredibly innocent and, no offense, nave! The lil guy thought I was giving him, and I quote, a super-soldier serum... Frowst sighed out a laugh, as Vail groaned with humiliation. Bro, I was like eighteen! Cmon, gimme a break?! Vaileys red face glowed at Al. Nah, I get it... Haha... Knowing him, Id probably of believed that too! Hahah! The dogs laughed wryly, but Frowst scrunched his face up. I wont lie, I was freaked out at first! I pulled the whole Aghh, Ill kill you! Rawr! thing! Tried to fight and escape, the whole bit! Vailey liked sounding tough, but Al took it with a grain of salt. Gods I hate that memory... You were so scared, poor thing. Frowst stroked Vaileys scruff. Didn't take much to calm you down though! Just a big meal and some sweet words, yes siree! Frowst crushed Vails cool faade to bits. Pfft-hahaha! Allixter couldn't avoid heckling. Laugh all you want! Ive been living the high life ever since! Vail leaned back, paws behind his head, sandwich hanging from his maw. You deserve nothing less my love... Im very touched you told Allixter this, just to help me. Im sorry Ive been teasing you buddy-boy... Frowsts apology was pawed away, as Vailey kept eating. Youre either completely lying about all this or I have been utterly wrong about you Lancaster. Allixter tested the waters and his ability to use his Masters first name. Most definitely the ladder Allixter, I assure you. Frowsts simple reply was given between bites of savory pulled-pork. You gotta try to understand... life wasnt ideal for me, before meeting Frowst. I lost my folks when I was young, so I never... really got to be a puppy... Things were always so stressful and demanding, it killed me inside... Nothing ever seemed to work out! No amount of effort got me anywhere! Vaileys past was continually voiced, against Frowsts protests. Life played me for a fool at every turn! Lies, schemes, being bought off, or cheated... I... I lost the ability to trust others, because it only got me hurt! The world was out to get me, until I met Master! No one has ever shown me that kind of compassion, simply because they liked me! It was kind of... magical... Like something out of a storybook... Today wasn't supposed to be about Vailey, but Al did ask after all... Allixter was silent for a moment, both contemplation and consumption holding his tongue. Having Instinct chatter about his shock and concern made it hard to formulate a response. Vaileys past fueled the endless fire within Frowst, which spilled forth as love for his canine companion. Vail had always been a very loyal, friendly, and loving pet, but being reminded of how he came to be here was astronomically bolstering. Allixter couldn't hope to match that yet, but somewhere inside of him... he knew it was possible... Watching Frowst react with such tenderness and unabated love, something triggered within Al. This certain restless energy could be traced back to the collar, despite his own heart harmonizing promptly. What gripped Allixter, was... jealousy!? While easily dismissed, it never fully left his mind, which was maddening! Seeing Vailey receive pets, kisses, cuddles, and overall adoration; Allixters envy was unavoidable! Deep down in the dogs heart, he wanted a tummy rub and knew it. Even just a hug would be nice right now... Something to help him ease the rampant affection that grows more powerful each day! Instinct was so onboard, it hurt! He begged Al to voice these feelings, but they agreed Vailey deserved this time. No one will ever trick you again Vail. I wont let anyone take advantage of you my friend... Frowsts nuzzling masked his words, but Al heard. Youre safe Vailey, Im here for you... Ill always love you... Thank you sir, I know lifes good with you around! I love ya too man! Vails normal voice made this sound more buddy-buddy than normal. Wow... Ok... Thats... really enlightening! I couldn't have imagined... Well... thank you for telling me Vailey! Appreciate it. Allixter was lost somewhere between compassion and envy. You seem to be... Youre a really good guy Mr. Lancaster. Im sort of lucky to have met you... Maybe this will be good for me in the long run... (Dawwww! Holy hell, thats so sweet to say! Youre making him blush, looook!) Instinct wanted to feel included, despite remaining unheard. Thank you Allixter, I knew Id hear you say that at someday soon! Frowst joshed, nudging his Corgi. Your trust is very precious to me. Ill do everything in my power to make you feel like the luckiest dog around... Frowst held an empassioned tone, as he stared lovingly into Allixter. Anyone you let into your home is automatically top dog! Were so fortunate to have met you! You make us all lucky dawgs! Vailey cried out, rushing to finishing chewing in time. I really appreciate all this sir... I know thats hard to believe, given how Ive been acting. Just... Don't give up on me yet, k? (Oh, hun... he wouldnt never...) Though sentimental, Allixter just wanted to push Frowsts buttons. You neednt worry my boy. My love for you cannot tarnish. Ill help you build a wonderful life, even if it doesn't involve me that much... I absolutely must ensure your safety and well being however! Unfortunately, that means ya gotta toughen up that sniffer and sharpen your manners! Frowst got a collective laugh from this. Thats a fair trade, since youre willing to pay for... everything... Didn't quite comprehend what you were offering... Like, youre seriously willing to take care of me and thats... unheard of... Allixter admitted to himself, originally planning this to effect Frowst. (Hes a really cool dude too! Imagine if we were stuck with a total bore?!) Instinct chimed in, causing Allixter to continue before his Master could speak. Youre a really generous soul... My instincts were right to call you; The patron saint of dogs. Allixter and Vailey laughed cordially, but Frowst breath was held fast. (Oh my heavens! Th-thank you! My woofin word, you just made my... well, my whole life really!! Thank you for telling him how I-you-we feel!) Instinct had to praise his controller for this. Di-did... Do you really think that about me?! Frowst asked with a whispy voice, devoid of his usual gusto. Well... yeah, but like, he did, not me! I mean, I sorta agree now though... Allixter faded off, as he spied sparkling tears in Frowsts amethyst stare. For the first time since he met his new Master, Allixter witnessed Lancaster Frowst cry. Immesasurable poise was displayed, as he held himself back from the full thing. While Frowst tries to present himself as a paragon confidence and elegance, emotions bubbled behind that suave mask with unimaginable ease. This had struck a chord so deep, Frowst couldn't ignore the postivie reverberations. Watching tiny patches of moisture develop beneath Frowsts eyes, Allixter and Vail did their best to console him. You could tell he was overjoyed and not stricken with sorrow, so it required little. Frowsts face was similar to a youth, who discovered their crush likes them back, yet so much more poignant and impactful... Knowing how Frowst feels and seeing the reaction this caused, was like a secret trump card to Allixter. A surreptitious tactic, which could so easily backfire... Wiping his eyes slyly, Frowst sniffled to a dignified stop. Tha-thank you Allixter. You... you cant fathom what that means to me! You really touched my heart just now, I... Im very happy to have found you! Oh jeez, stop you two! Todays clearly about me now!! Vaileys joke had them both narrow eyed in seconds. Kidding of course, but come on!? Lets cut out the emotional stuff! Masters awesome and we know it! Allixters great, hell show it! Thank you very much Vail, youre right! Todays supposed to be fun! Hearing your history seems to have opened Al up a bit. Im very grateful for that. Frowst kissed Vailey, spying covetous twitches on Allixters face. Wont lie, Im still skeptical in a way, but I guess thats natural... This is my first dognapping afterall! Allixter joked the attention back to him. You arent dangerous, like I imagined... So I guess you deserve a chance. If youre offering to give me the world, I have to at least give you a shot! (Thats the spirit! He deserves the benefit of the doubt! Lets give it to em!) Instinct wouldn't pass up an opportunity to applaud their owner. You wont regret it, promise! Masters the sweetest, most caring fellah Ive ever had the pleasure of being abducted by! Vailey played on Als joke well. Oh gosh, please stop you two... Frowst hid his fondness behind indifference. Finish eating boys. Is everything good Al? Is this compreable to Floofsters Freeze? Hell yeah it is! This is bomb! Al exclaimed, taking a big bite. The shake is great too and thats what Floofsters does best! Allixter added once hed swallowed. I was unsure if you prefer chocolate or vanilla so I got both! Hope thats alright? Frowst asked attentive to Als answer. Course, this is terrific! Never had a preference really, its all good! Allixter replied pawdidly. Since Master orders them for us so much, they named it after him! They call the mixed one skunk-stripe now, haha! Vailey opened his lid, revealing the uncanny color resemblance. Haha, damn, you must really spoil us! I mean... if you order enough milkshakes to warrant them making up a signature name, you gotta be buying em like crazy! Allixter had a laugh, before popping the now bite-sized hunk of beef into his maw. Indeed! I make sure to set aside a treat budget when I do my finances. Always crushes me when I cant afford simple pleasures for my pets! Everything Frowst says layers blankets of acceptance on Allixter. Bro, not joking... That literally never happens... Vailey said to Al, but it was meant to uplift Frowst. Whoa, really? Like, you balance your checkbook... with us in mind?! Allixter was floored by this. (Wonder how much hes planning on spending on us!?) Instinct didn't see this as selfishly as Al did. But of course my love-puppy! You guys are more important than anything to me! I don't have anything I want to purchase for myself. The best way to spend money is on those you care about! Frowst seemed to be quoting someone with this. Th-thats so amazing to hear... Wow, youre... kind of amazing... Thanks for choosing me to be your Corgi!! Allixter never saw his lineage as anything special... (We gotta do our best to make it worth his while!) Instinct added, making Al feel just a bit bad about his subterfuge. Im very pleased with my choice as well! Out of all the potential candidates, you were the only pure-breed and the cutest by far! Frowst explained, causing panic to pass over Allixter for a brief moment. Th-there were... others?! Whoa... what the fu... Allixter faded in and out of panic. (Why is that important? Were clearly the dopest Corgi in the world; cuz he chose us!) Instinct forced Al to shift mindsets and beam with pride. Of course my boy, please don't let that bother you! Consider yourself the best of the best! I saw something special in you the others lacked, namely looks! Frowst shed a hearty laugh. Hahaa, ok... Yeah, youre right... Im just that appealing, I guess! (Damn straight!) Allixter posed a moment, ruffling his scruff like a supermodel. Confidence is sexy! You need to flaunt what youve got pup! Vailey added, finishing his food and bagging up the trash. Oh brotha... Allixters face heated upon hearing this. Yes! Vailey is your puppy brotha! Frowst taunted in his infectious pet voice. Oh my gods... Allixter pinched his nose, sighing awkwardly. Now that were finished eating, would you like to go to the pool? I know we alrea-. Heck yeah! Sounds great sir! Its still hella hot! Vailey interrupted, Frowsts fluttering eyes informing him of his error. Sorry sir, got excited, that slipped out! Please continue. He added with a giggle. Quite alright, but try to set a good example! Would you like to go swimming Allixter? Sounds quite inviting right now, wouldn't you say? Frowst offered after correcting Vail. Well, sure... I mean... Yeah, sounds good, but... Do you have some swimtrunks I can wear? Allixter asked under his breath. Yes, of course I do hun, buuuut... Id much prefer to skinny-dip with you, if thats alright~! Frowsts offer had Als eyes wider than the sky. Im... uhh... not sure about that... Not trying to be difficult, just... A-are you really ok being naked around him Vailey?! Al asked, aiming to shrik attention onto his pet mate. Course! It isnt a big deal, fur covers everything! Not to mention you can see much underwater... Though his collar convinced him to sound chipper, Vailey was quite embarrassed. I sense the idea bothers you, so lets forget it. Ill fetch you some swimwear and change. Vailey, can you show Al to the pool area? Thank you love! Frowst stood up and nodded to them once confirmation was given. Come on bud, its this way. Vailey waved Al to follow. S-so... heh, so like... Are you and Frowst... close? Allixter asked once free of the Skunks presence. Course we are, hes my best friend! Vail cried back, turning around midstride. Ohhh... Oh~! Yo-you mean, like... that... hehe... Well... yeah! Like, its cool if your embarrassed. Just curious, since you seem so open with him. Al tried to sound politely blunt. Believe it or not, Im straight actually! Just kind of... flamboyants a good word! Vailey mocked himself softly. Im pretty open to anything when I got my collar on though, so... heh... No need to worry about the other night! (Whaaaa~! Damn it all! Thought we had a fall back if Frowst didn't work out!) Instinct voice his disappointment over Vaileys orientation. Ughh... Was really hoping you wouldn't bring that up... Allixter sighed and scoffed in one breath. I couldn't help it, furreal! Please don't think Im a-. Brooo~! Chillax puppo! That didn't bother me in the slightest, forgot it pretty much instantly! Vail shoved at Al, who sheepishly frowned up at him. You really think that was anything new?! Can you imagine all the fruity shit Frowsts put me through, ahahahah~? Vailey couldn't restrain his laughter upon seeing Als reaction. Oh jeez, thats... (Kinda hot...) Allixter faded off. Sorry to hear that, I guess... He added. Don't be! Like I says, Im pretty damn open about it now! Master Frowst has a way of making you enjoy stuff you normally wouldn't! Vail chuckled, but stopped when he saw Al. No, not that! I mean, hes just fun! Like, even when I was the bottom of a dogpile, seeing him smile made it worth while! Allixters eyes widened, forcing Vail to clarify. Not thaaat kinda dogpile! (Damn, Got my hopes up too~!) Instinct joked. Ok, hahaha... I get whatcha mean! Guess Im sorta feeling it to, in a way... Allixter couldn't avoid a smirk after hearing his instincts. Cant lie, Mast-, err... Frowst is unlike anyone Ive ever met! (In a good way right?) Instinct asked innocently and Al confirmed. Oh boy, I know right?! Hes outta this world awesome! Master makes it his mission to be the best owner ever! Youll see, promise! Even the real Vailey couldn't resist singing praise in Frowsts honor. Right down here! That door goes to the sauna, if ya wanna unwind, er what-not! Frowsts got a... whats da word... Masseuse! Yeah! Oh maaaan, gooood shit~! Vail added, as they descended the stairs and passed a steam-restraining door. Hahaha, what doesn't he have?! Allixter exclaimed as they entered the indoor, Olympic sized swimming pool! Holy shit.... Didn't quite grasp how big this thing was! Saw it from up there, but... like... Al faded off, as he panned his eyes to the window above. (Think Frowsts got a plane?! Never got to ride in any kinda aircraft! We oughta ask him!) Instincts amazement carried into his eager questioning. HEEEY GUUUYS~! Good to see ya! Ruffio called from across the room, emerging as a sopping wet mass. What brings ya down here fellahs?! Masters on his way! Were gonna hang out for a bit! How are ya today bud? Vailey gave a half hug, as Ruffio pushed his bangs apart to see. OHMAHGOSH! Awesome, was about to leave, but Ill stick around for a bit! Ruffio bounced on his paws, revealing his extremely strained speedo. (Whoooooow~! Schwiiiing! Heellloo down there!!) Instinct pointed Als attention to the latex material, hugging the plump dogs hips oh-so-tightly. Well come on in guys! Waters great! Ruffio turned and waved them forward, before throwing himself in. Right behind ya pal! Vail stripped naked without a hint of shame, despite internally feeling such. Yahoo~! *Splash*" Watching Vails plush fur whisk backward revealing his bony physique, Allixters minor infatuation was replaced by awkwardness. With nothing left to the imagination, Allixter crossed Vailey of his theorhetical list. Sure hed be a good friend, but Allixter... well... He likes em chunky! Not that he could admit this to anyone here, hell, telling Instinct would cause problems... Kicking his paw around, watching the two of them have fun, Allixters eyes couldn't avoid wandering over the two drenched dogs, gliding beneath the water. It was growing harder and harder to ignore the two of them, Ruffio specifically! Every few moments, hed pop up from the water and invite Al into the pool. His hanging fur masked most of his face, save his big nose and panting mouth. The big Saint Bernard is... kind of buff! It isnt super apparent, yet when he moved just right, his back and legs tightened in a... pleasing way... Fuck, how is this so hard to fight?! Allixters as libidinous as any dog, but lately... Ugh, its gotta be the collar! (No it aint puppo! Ruffios a cutey and all, but our pants are tighter cuzza you!) Poking fun over this, Al quickly tugged his shirt down to hid the evidence. At that moment Ruffio emerged from the water, throwing his head back and sliding both paws up his body to ruffle his scruff! With all his fur hanging with waters added weight, he actually appeared... kind of trim! Well, thinner than normal atleast! His pudge-hidden muscles even held the slight shape of abs! Moaning out a relaxed sound, Allixter barely had time to look away before Ruffio turned toward him and Frowst, who had just entered! Master! Masta! They both cried in broken unison. Hello boys, good to see you Ruffio! Been here all day? Frowst went poolside, his silken robe barely able to contain his belly. Most of it sir! Super awesome to see ya though! Thanks for letting me skip the gym Mr. Master! Ruffio replied, bangs of fur slipping back over his eyes unceremoniously. Not a problem my boy. Youve been doing so well as of late, you deserve a day off. Plus you have work tomorrow, so you should relax! The big skunk responded, as he went to the patio chairs, where Allixter sat. Here you are love, they may be a bit big on you, sorry... If youre embarrassed, feel free to use the bathroom to change. Pointing behind him cordially, Frowst sent the little dog on his way. Thanks, no problem! Ill make it work. Al responded, hurrying himself to the safety of solitude. Finding an unnecessarily ornate bathroom attached to the pool area, Allixter let out a charmed sigh, before undressing himself. The swimwear provided had to be pulled to its limits in order to stay up, but Al deal with it. More than a little nervous about swimming with his captor, Allixter stood before the tall mirror flexing and posing. Seeing that Ruffio was muscular made him feel... inadequate... Frowst has to want something else from Al! No one could possibly find the puny puffball before him attractive! Stepping out, Allixters awkward face shattered into one of pure intrigue and enthrallment. Just as he emerged, Frowsts robe fell from his body, revealing more than the dog wanted to see... A huge pair of paws rested below thick, treetrunk like thighs and slightly tighter calves. The rotund belly Al has mentally mocked so many times, was now staring him in the face, its feathered fur just itching to be played with. Stretching out, Frowst made sure to give Al a show, flexing his guns and legs to reveal how athletic a skunk his size could be! A pair of modest man-tits could be glimpsed above this gargantuan gut, which... looked like it needed some petting of its own! Alliter would gladly return the favor after seeing such a lovely tummy... W-wait, wha-?! N-no... ahh, hell... why pretend? Where his belly was big, the Skunks hips were huuuge! Frowsts re-donk-kulous bubble butt bounced slightly as he disposed of his robe, then turned to face Allixter. Despite being dry as can be, Frowst dripped with confidence and frivolity. A pair of reflective shades covered his purple eyes, giving Al glimpses of himself in the Skunks stare. These cop shades also did wonders to cover how elated Frowst was in this moment. He couldn't keep a smile from his muzzle, but employed all his willpower to maintain coyness. Stepping just a hair closer, Frowst bent at the waist, allowing his shades to slide down his nose. Peeking over them at Allixter, Frowst winked, before waltzing toward the diving board. Being within licking distance of Frowsts package, ideas filled the little Corgi, who was treated to a masculine scent, he traced to Frowsts... y-yeah, that... The amount of sway this Skunk put into his hips was... absolutely hypnotic! How can such a dangerous and foul thing be so... captivating?! Watching Frowsts tail swish back and forth, like a metronome for his doughy striped spheres, Allixter was following without realizing! Hes so... big..! Without clothing on, Al was able to see just how sturdy and strong-framed Frowst was! Where Al saw his body as flabby and sagging, it was in fact tight, taught, and t-t... terrific... Seeing Frowst strut himself around the pool, every inch of the practically nude skunk had Als undivided attention! Whether it be his intoxication with big butts or the fear of being sprayed, Allixter was more focused than ever before! Watching from a safe distance, as Frowst climbed the ladder, Als eyes could not stray from those two massive gluteous globes of white-striped splendor! Peeking to make sure Allixter was watching, Frowst hiked his rear end outward so it loomed overhead! As mesh strained around the Skunks rotund buns, the words Dog Pound could be read clearly; across his dynamite booty! Little pawprints rested below each word, tiny hearts making up the paw pads! Had this been a cartoon, Als nose would have spewed blood like a faucet! As quick as these words appeared, they vanished. Frowst reaching the height of the diving board and stepping up into a stable stance, forced the struggling mesh to give way. Near the top of the ladder, movement in Frowsts tail sent the material of his speedo, as deep in his tail-crack as it would go! Bulbous orbs clapped together, wobbling a bit from the impact, but never loosing that succulent spherical shape... Allixter whimpered under his breath, seeing the beanbag like buttcheeks bounce out with a uniform wobble. There was no saggy cellulite to be seen; just hearty, healthy, hefty skunk-chunk! Good gods, what a sight... like two planets colliding or what Al would imagine a blackhole to look like; Frowsts pale stripe the warping starlight. (Holy fucking balls! W-wh-wha-what an ass! AWROOOOOF! Now dats a moon to be howlin fur! Au-au-awoooo!) Instinct filled Als head with unwanted acceptance, which blended with his growing levity. Shuut uuup~! Al whispered to himself, feeling his bone stiffen at Instincts words. Staring upward, all three of the dogs watched Frowst ready himself. He flicked off his shades indifferently, trying to look cool for Al, when in fact; those were seven hundred dollars... Ruffling his head fur about, the lifting of Frowsts arms tightened his body to an unexpected shape! He wasn't thin mind you, but like Ruffio, you could clearly see muscles beneath his ample chub. Allixters favorite body type, was being used against him... Muscle-gut males are to die for in Als mind! Might have something to do with his dire need to feel safe around larger animals, so personifying such as sexy is... Whoa, n-not the time... Leaping outward with a splay of his arms and a point of his paws, Frowst majestically flipped forward, and whirled into an axel spin, before landing in a perfect swan dive! Watching his massive form perform such dexterity had Al slack-jawed! How in the world can a Skunk that size move so gracefully?! Decorating his choreography, the wide sweeping motion of his abundantly fluffy tail resembled a rhythmic gymnasts ribbon or flag. Even his splash managed to be controlled and far less exponential than Allixter wouldve jokingly expected. Vailey and Ruffio were delighted as well, more so by the big waves masters entry causes, than the trick itself. Emerging from beneath the crystal-clear water, Frowst gave his all to look suave. Whipping his hair back seductively, as he slid through the azure liquid toward the edge; where Al stood. Looking down at him, the lil Corgi was all sorts of flustered... Scratching together something to say, he came up with a decent response fast. Wow, that was... Aces! You win the gold! Ten outta ten! Allixter applauded, his tiny paws sounding across the expansive room. Why thank you, I was quite the athelete in college! Always good to stay sharp. Frowst held many hidden talents... Please do come in! The waters exhilarating. Y-yeah, hehe... Doubt itll be that grand of an entrance though. Al simply hopped in, a few feet from Frowst. Springing to the surface, Al shook out like a dog does, his tiny legs a rampant flurry to stay afloat. The frigid water was beneficial to his... tension. The seizing mental sensation of being completely engulfed in water, that deprivation and partial loss of orientation, was equally aiding. Just enough to refocus his resolve, if only a little. You guys wanna play marco-polo? Maybe chicken!? Ruffio approached them, just as Frowst prepared a compliment. Yeah, that sounds fun! Master and me, versus you and Al! Vailey added diving, then surfacing closer. Master and I, Vailey. Frowst corrected. Allixter? How does that sound? Uhh... ok! I mean, if you guys are ok with it! Hell, I can probably stand on just one of your shoulders! Al hoped this would ruin the challenge and make them stop asking... Im sure we can win! Im just as big as Mr. Frowst! An Vaileys scrawny, you got this! Ruffio moved toward Al despite being seemingly blinded by fur. After making Ruffio apologize for calling his friend scrawny, they began playing. Sitting uncomfortably atop the big Saint Bernard, Allixters legs barely hugged his stout neck. Hed have to try pretty damn hard to make this nefarious and lewd in his mind... I mean sure, theyre all shirtless, but... Vaileys the only one naked and hes barely registering; despite being right before his eyes! Being pushed, poked, jabbed and jarred around, Allixter did his best to maintain balance, while forcing Vail offguard. Winning wasn't important, hell hed lose on purpose if this could end faster... It was just awkward, hardly knowing Ruffio and having been forced to physically interact with him twice now... Though uncomfortable in his own hide, the game was nothing, if not entertaining! Being engauged and interacted with so unabashedly, Allixters lewd ideas were, pun intended, drown out. Each time he was tossed into the water, was a reset for his resolve and determination. With every victory he honed his needless techinique and got lots of praise from his new pals, Master included. Not keeping score made this whole ordeal pass with a lot less fanfare or boisterous posturing. Even when mocking or boasts were exchanged, they were purely positive at heart... Some of Allixters friends can be... really mean... Im getting a little tired, you guys cool to call it quits? Allixter asked with a cough, as he spit out water. Sure, I mean... we win then, buuut... Vailey chided, coaxing a few more rounds outta Al. After three or four more times, Frowst respected Allixters wishes and declined Vaileys further attempts to climb aboard his shoulders. Well, for that reason at least! He was offering his pup piggyback rides across the pool or submarine rides, beneath the water. Seeing Vail lounged out across Frowsts tummy, as he floated on his back, Allixter longed to be so open. Thered be so much room for him and Maste-... Frowsts fur is very plush and voluminous. Despite being wet, he... itd probably be kind of fun and comfortable... (And sexy...) Yeah, seeing Mr. Frowsts pants tent up would-. Imma take off Mr. Frowst! Have fun fellahs! See ya guys! Thank you Ruffio for that mental save! Goodbye darling. Have a terrific night. Ill see you tomorrow after work. Frowst blew a kiss his way. See ya Ruffio! Hope tomorrows goes well bud! Vailey waved quickly, matching his kicking legs a moment. Bye man. Thanks for hanging out. Have a good one tomorrow. Allixter hung from the edge, cathing his breath after all this. Thanks! Shouldn't be too much of a hassle! Ruffios own words sounded odd to him, as he dug a towel into his ears. Whatta do ya do? (Im guessing hes a bouncer!) Allixter asked, Instinct wondering Als guess. Im a construction worker! Nothing major, just some repair and personal contractring stuff. Ruffio toweled off, fixing his bangs with a swipe of the paw. Oh okay, that makes perfect sense! You got the body for it! Allixter flexed his arms, allowing himself to sink out of sight. What? Ya mean tubby as hell? Ruffio slapped his knee at this. Ruffio Llehumont Gambino! Im gonna pretend I didn't hear that! Frowsts voice became paternal, as he chastised such a mentality. Nah, dude Frowsts right... youre a tank! Like, don't look at it dat way! Allixter responded in defense of... such indulgence... Well, heck... Thank you, thats really nice to say! As Ruffio tied his bandana around his neck, Allixter noticed something... Ruffio doesn't wear a collar!! What the... why... why does he act this way? Did Frowst fry his brains? Is he one of the willing ones? Maybe he has an implant or... Ugh... So many questions that don't feel appropriate to ask! Ruffio acts way to dopey to not have somekind of canine enhancing agent in play for him... Damn it all, thats not fair!! (Bro, its cool! That just means he doesn't have a built-in-buddy-system! R-right? Cant I be-. *Sigh*...) Instinct tried, but Allixter was already flush with jagged jealousy. Waving to him as he exited, Allixter couldn't get over the idea of not being forced to listen to endless incessant prattle and mindless garbage! How the fuck could anyone deal with this shit!? Thats gotta be it..! Ruffio worked his ass off to rid himself of the collars burden! Why would anyone keep a job, if theres a millionaire willing to take care of you for life?! The only answer rests around his neck and bites at his every idea... (Why are you such a dick?! Furreal bro, youre my buddy one moment, then hating on me the next! Why cant I be something enviable? Like... that other dogs lack?! Why cant I be what makes you... us... special?) Instincts voice was serrated, yet flimsy, as he stumbled toward tears at the end. Ignoring him, Allixter leaned his head against the wall and growled lowly. Its so hard to not think of the collars properties negatively... Whats worse, these thoughts cant be hidden behind the mental veil typically used to mask such emotions! Instinct was aware of every thought, feeling, and idea Allixter had! Kicking himself for getting so familiar with the presence, Allixter knew the collar was not permanent! It could be removed and thats just a matter of time. Instinct is not really Allixter, just a temporary passenger... Like a mental security guard for Frowst... (Oh, so now Im just the collar?! Typical, exactly what I expected... The second your upset you flip sides on me! How the hell can Zothe and the guys see you as a friend?! Youre worse than a cat!) Driving daggers into every facet of their growing relationship, Instinct pulled no punches. Shut up... Allixter whispered, gritting his teeth. (Oh piss off ya prick! Youre such a douche in reality! Master couldve found a waaaay better Corgi! If you want out so bad, just ask him to pick one of the others and tell him how you really feel, oh wait... Thats right! Youre his bitch already!) Instinct shouted back at Als simple demand for silence. Shut the fuck up! He growled, his words reaching the others as unclear sound. (Or what?! Gonna strangle yourself? Pull your ears like a puppy throwing a tantrum? You cant threaten me dipshit, I have waaaay more pull than youd like to think! Why don't you shut up? Someone your size shouldn't run their mouth as much as they do!) In a way... Instinct loved being mean! SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!! Allixter practically screamed, jerking his ears outward, despite feeling childish for doing so. Losing grip on the wall in a sudden frenzy of rage, he sunk below the surface and thrashed a bit, unable to avoid his inner dog, even when his hearing was completely fettered by the drink... Kicking and punching in a frantic flurry, Al screamed out all his air in a single, overdone, extremely frustrated word... FUUUUUUUCCCKK! No one but Al and Instinct heard him however... Rising from the water like some monster in a movie, Allixter wiped his face to find Frowst standing before him. His soaked fur hung down his body, providing the same slandering effect Ruffio had displayed. A concerned stare beamed from his face, as he leaned down to examine Allixter... Vaileys equally perturbed gaze appeared from behind Frowst, as he swum to his Masters side. A-are you alright love? Frowst asked in a yielding voice. Everything cool puppo? Wh-what happened there? Vaileys inquiry tailed swiftly. I-I... Sorry about that. Please ignore it, okay? I gotta go... Thanks, this was fun guys... Allixter began to climb out, a great deal off effort required to lift himself to such heights. (Everyone should ignore you...) Instinct added bitterly. Hold it pup! Frowst grabbed Al by the tail and gently tugged him back into the pool. Stop, come on man! Let me go! Allixter snapped at him. (Let me out! This guys not worth your time! Please Master! Gods damn it, please hear me! MASTER?! Awooooooo~!) Instinct voiced his desperation to no one loving enough for concern. Frowst cocked an eyebrow and smirked, then dove benath the surface. Arching downward, then upward beneath Als floating form, there was no time to prepare for what happened next! Faint impact hit Allixters lower body, followed by... a wet sliding-scraping feeling! Whatever Frowst did tickled Als tail in a fun way, but he was too freaked out ot enjoy it... As Frowst emerged behind him, he revealed that Al had been stripped naked, his borrowed swim trunks in their rightful owners teeth. Rising to stand, Frowst nibbled the garments a little, as they dangled from his muzzle. Vailey laughed, Frowst laughed, but Allixter just cringed at the idea of what just happened. H-his mouth... was... so close... How is... Frowst so agile?! Now, lets talk. Doubt youre going anywhere... Frowst giggled, taking the shorts from his pearlescent smirk. (HAH! Serves you right! Might as well give up this modesty shit...) Instinct tried his damndest to make Al enjoy such attention. Good one sir! Awesome aim! Vail cried, as they began a game of keep away with Allixter. Oh come the fuck on... Look, Mr. Lancaster... Please stop this stupid shit. Allixter grumbled, his cheeks warm enough to effect the water around him. No, now please stop cursing and tell me what happened. Was it your collar? Did he say something egregious? Frowsts limpid tone calmed Al a bit. Im just... It kind of sucks seeing everyone free of this shit! Stuff, sorry! Allixter referenced the collar, then Vail and long-gone Ruffio. Just feels unfair... (Its cuz their good boys! They listen to their instincts and want to serve Master, not escape or lie to him!) Instinct had this ready, but wanted respect Frowsts authority. I promise that time will come my love. Do come here. I can help you with that... Frowst waved him forward, sinking a bit to be at eye level. No. Im cool... Can I just go back to my room please? Allixter begged, still covering his doghood, despite it not being on anyones mind, other than his own. Do cooperate my boy. This will be so much nicer if you do. Frowst began gliding toward him, his tail resembling a sharks dorsal fin. Its perfectly alright to submit, this is so new to you. Its not something youll grow accustom to easily... So let me help you. Stay away from me! Dude, Im really appreciative, but now youre pushing too hard! Allixter thought about running anyway, shame not as bad as compliance. (Hope hes pushing something else hard soon! Thatll put ya in your place!) Instinct laughed at Allixter flustered growls, hints of passion sensed in his mind. Vailey, grab him. Frowst said simply and the dog moved to attack! Back the fuck off! I-I... Ill hit you bro! Stay back! Allixter barked, raising a balled up paw. If you do, I swear to each and every species god, that you will reget it... Lancaster Frowst held absolutely zero mercy in his blazing eyes. Come on you two! Jeepers, wow... Al, youre really freaking tense bro! Calm it down, just take some time pal... This wont be nearly as bad as youre thinking! Vailey inched closer, unsure if his persuasion would work and prepared for the alternative. J-j-just... why don't I have a choice? I thought you respected my boundries?! Allixter practically demanded, pushing himself away. (Like you fucking deserve that! Shut up and do as your told!) Insitnct didn't care what was about to happen, he just wanted Al to obey. When it reaches the howling with hatred stage, you clearly need to accept help. If youre unwilling, I must insist... The way youre feeling is unhealthy and can be remedied! Frowst began to box Allixter in. I... j-just... ughh... what the fuck ever then... Allixter scoffed and grunted, as the pincer maneuver left him helpless. Allixter, look at me sweetheart. Come on... Frowst guided his muzzle up to him. Its alright, shhh... Calm down, ok? Just let me do this... Guiding Allixters head forward, Frowst leaned against the wall beside him. Going as slowly as his giddy excitement would allow him, Frowst lowered his jaws to the back of Allixters neck, like something from a bad vampire flick... Inside, Al had planned on biting Frowst once within range, but found that impossible. How the collar only enhances his pleasing puppy traits, is unknown. Even when Allixter glimpsed Frowsts throat, he whined internally at the idea of harming such a kind soul... (Well fuck my life... Didn't think this is what he meant! Ughh, fine, you win this time asshole! Be lucky Master didn't hear from me! You wouldn't get such pleasantries!) Instinct suddenly realized what was going to happen. M-Mr. Frowst... I-I don-, Awwwwhhhhh~! Allixter moaned out with elation as Frowsts jaw slowly seized his scruff. Grrrrr... Frowst imitated an alpha male as he gently tugged at a very tender part of Als body. Each nerve in Als tiny body began to light up with an extremely overwhelming sensation! Something he hadnt experienced since puppyhood flooded his head with unreal furvor! The scruff of a dogs neck is incredibly sensitive, especially for Antherian canines. A tactful bite from any species would hold a dog hostage to their own evolutionary reaction, which is usually rampant wagging or unimaginable relaxation... Some may be drawn to memories of puppyhood, paw-stressed mothers clenching a pup in her teeth briefly... Others may remember a father figure, using it to stay tantrums or disrespect... Regardless, all canines experience a sharp tingling, which rides through their whole body repeatedly! This unnatural synaptic reverberation was beyond compare! It was like being electrocuted with a taser of pure ticklishness! Using this to such a wonderful advantage was actually quite clever of Frowst! Not only is this a natural zone of tenderness, but it is where the collars seat of control rests! The nerve cluster at the base of the neck is integral in controlling the flow of neurons, which effectively gives birth to the subjects true nature, as Frowst often describes it. A stiff nip of the neck would temporarily interrupt his wonderful invention. This wasn't a planned feature, yet it fit in capitually with Frowsts desires. Ahw~! Awwwwwhhhh... Upon releasing his fangs, Frowst had to catch his capsized Corgi. (Feels... sho weird... B-Be good boy... for Frowster...) Instinct suddenly slurred like a drunk, before minor tinnitus seemed to cut him out. Allixters eyes slowly fluttered open, the semi-silence of water beating around the pool all he heard... A dopey smile graced his face and his lulling eyes were dreamier than Cinderella at the royal ball. Realizing he was clutching Frowsts arm, he traced it to his face lazily, then smirked in appreciation. Seeing a returned grin Allixter was pulled a bit closer, so Frowst could nuzzle him. It was gone... Holy shit he wasn't lying, it was all gone! Instinct didn't speak, there was no hyper-desire to dog, and he felt every ounce of rage vent with his simpering moans. Allixter was free! If only temporarily, but still, that felt incredible! He still feels incredible! Like the biggest weight was just lifted, the accumulative burdens of life falling away with Frowsts separating fangs... Allixters affection amplified exponentially to the point he had completely forgotten being naked now. Not that Frowst would say anything, this was going far to well! See? Isnt that wonderful? Frowsts heartfelt tone filled Allixter to the brim with fondness. ... Thaaank yooouu... Allixter mewled. Not a problem my boy, anytime you need some peace and quiet. Frowst rubbed noses with him, exchanging tiny licks. Now, apologize to Vailey please. You threatened to hurt him! Im really sorry Vailey! Im just... really pent up... Al immediately obeyed, feeling terrible for having said such a thing. No, its cool! Were all good. Feels awesome, right?! Waving off the apology, Vails tone turned frank when he asked this. Ho-mah-gawd... Im just... so happy hes quiet! But... like, yeah... that was really relaxing in a weird way! Allixter enjoyed the sound his tail made in the water. There, there... Hell be quiet for about an hour, maybe a little longer. Im more than willing to do this for you every hour, on the hour! Twenty-four times a day, should you desire... Frowst offered and Allixter bumped his head backward against his belly. Holy crap, please? I-Ill do anything... Allixter was enthralled by that idea, if it meant this rapturous feeling would constantly grace him. Ill never ask anything for it! Its a gift, to help you cope... You mustve been very stressed out for it to effect you this much. Have you and yourself been at each each others shared throat? Frowst found this funny, but Vailey was confused and Al maliciously taunted his sealed away stalker! Y-yeah, hes just... to damned chipper... I cant stand there never being a moment of silence! Allixter never noticed how much he enjoyed his own voice... I hate to seem supportive of him, but do know thats a positive thing! It means that beneath whatever troubles youre dealing with inside, you really want to be happy... At heart, youre the sweetest and most loving dog. Wuff ya wittle guy! Frowst couldn't help it, he had to use his pet voice. I... I wuff ya too. Damn that feels good to say... Allixter was pet into further admission. Please say it again then, because its a drug to me... Frowst cupped Al in his arm, so he floated on his back beneath his taller body. I love you so very much Allixter. Frowst pecked a kiss on his panting muzzle. I... I wuuuff yoou sir... I really do! I hope you don't hold these things against me, I-Im really trying to adjust... Allixter actually felt this way, but it was also a devious ploy on Frowsts emotions. I wont love, you get a fresh start everyday. The only consequence is being teased about it later in life... Frowst whimsically spun Allixter in a circle, his weight nothing in the water. Thats very kind of you! Im getting more... eheheh... comfortable... each day! Allixter shamelessly referenced his pink-tipped tuft, which was all one could see of his doghood. Terrific to hear! Im very pleased were starting to get along... That youre growing to trust me... Frowsts cuddling had Allixter mounting his gut, an... extremely satisfying feeling... Oh jeez! You guys gonna start making out or something?! Vailey exclaimed, pretending to cover his eyes in disgust. Allixters face flushed with embarassement, blood flying in response to emotional distress. Peeking up casually, Frowst shot a devilish smirk at Vail, showing hed have something to say about that later. No, now the idea was in play and there was only one thing for a true gentleman to do... Dipping Allixter he placed there muzzles together and began the long, methodical process of exchanging saliva in the form of a French kiss. Allixter whimpered and struggled for a moment but was soon a limp noodle, which bent over Frowsts paw. Slowly sinking beneath the surface, the much larger Skunk expertly guided his exhalations to provide Allixter enough air to continue kissing. Out of Vaileys prying eyes, Allixter peeked at Frowst, despite the burn of chlorinated water... Upon seeing his handsome mug, so focused on providing a passionate experience, Al surrendered. Slipping his paws up, he held Frowsts face and heightened his effort momentarily. Showing his new owner what the world had taught him about kissing, Allixter couldn't hold back any longer... Both of them were already... into it... Why struggle for what is lost? Splashing to the surface, they broke with matching gasps, though only Frowsts was heard. Coughing out another fursons breath and spit, Allixter swam away awkwardly, unwilling to make eye ontact. Some inner heat was driving him nuts, like a spark moving to a bonfire instantly! If Instinct were here, hed certainly have something to say about how Allixter was feeling... Whats happening?! Without his instinctual half egging his every action... Is this how he really wants to act?! Looking to Frowst, his heart fluttered and he couldn't avoid a big smile... Was that... good for you? Sorry if it was weird... going underwater and all... Frowst said with a awkward rub of his neck. Y-yeah, no problem... It was... Youre a really good kisser... Allixter seemed to admit to himself. C-can... can I get dressed please? Haha... I think Im ready to go in... Not a problem. Well go first, so you can get dressed. See you inside love. Muah~! Frowst kissed Als nose, waving Vailey to follow him. See ya bud, haha! Take all the time if ya need to calm down! We get the point, heheh! Vailey taunted, holding the door to do so. Watching them go, Allixter was so discomposed his own movements in the water felt natural; compared to his swimming head... Whirling about as he saw the door shut, he swam over to grab his shorts and slipped them on. Feeling the slick material slide over his exposed pink sent lewd shivers through him. Gushing out loud, he clutched his muzzle to restrain the goading howl... What a bizarre headtrip of a day this turned into! He felt on top of the world over something he was absolutely certain he didn't want! No, thats not entirely true... Frowst makes him feel kind of... important... To see someone of such a high caliber try so hard for his attention was phenomenal! Allixter was falling in love or at least accepting he had a crush on his captor! Frowsts charm and patience were paying off! The awkward way Als boner forced him to swim was proof of that! Without Instinct biting and sniping his every thought Allixter had the capacity to enjoy what just happened! In a way, he was thankful Vailey made such a comment! Wait... was that planned?! If so... hes not that upset about it... Frowst may have taken some unwanted initiative, but... it made Al feel reeeeaaallly special inside! Drying off with the huge towel, fit for Frowsts size, Allixter used it like a robe to keep warm. The huge room held virtually no heat and once outside the water, Al was reduced to a shivering mess. The warm memory of romance froze over as he crossed the pool room. Stepping inside the warmth of the house rendered the towel less necessary, yet he kept it clung to him; like a cloak in winter. Thankfully Vailey had already departed, Frowst offering condolences and appreciation in his stead. It was kind of good he left actually... Allixter could do without teasing right now; that wouldve ruined the whole event! It was already weird enough he freaking loved it... Hello my sweet. Would you care to warm up in my study? I had the wolves light a fire. Frowst asked from the top of the stairs. Uhh... sure! That sounds really nice right now. Allixter looked away bashfully, clutching the towel tighter. Here, why don't you go change into some dry clothes? Ill be in the hall when youre done. Frowst donned his robe, making sure to flash his rump before it was covered. Y-y-yeah! Ill be right up! Allixter took the clothes, unable to look away from... them.... Once alone, Allixter decided it was alright to change in the stairwell, instead of returning to the bathroom by the pool. Frowst had the where with all to have some clothes brought down, which was nice of him. Thats a sweet bit of foresight! Hes very generous... and... respectful-, Ok, fucking A! Its the only thing on his mind... Frowsts pear-shaped, beefcake body was un-fucking-real! To die for! Worth any amount of effort and degredation... All the delicious rich-guy food he eats filled out Frowsts bulky frame in a gorgeous way! What genetic code led him to be just shy of a macro?! Is he classified as a macro-mammal?! H-how big are his birth parents?! Why? Why must he be a Skunk?! Those legendary ass cheeks would be abosuletly perfect on a deer or rabbit! Dogs arent usually bottom heavy, but still... a (good) boy can dream! God what he wouldn't give for one solid squeeze, m-maybe a little nuzzle... GAh! Whats going on in here?? Without Instinct, emotions were unavoidably strong! Each ounce ofacceptance eroded his resolve and angst... Ahh, you look quite dashing my boy. I think orange is definitely one of your colors. Frowst leaned on the wall by the door, as Al emerged. Thanks, like, wow... This is a really comfortable shirt! Allixter complimented, scratching himself through the soft material. So... uhhm, about what happened... This had to be addressed, right..? Am I wrong in thinking you enjoyed it? Frowst asked with a brash smirk. Nah, youre right, like... haaa~! Allixter sighed flamboyantly. I... Im... Yeah, I liked it a lot, actually... Im all smitten and shit, er, stuff... Wow, words are hard... Ive been infatuated, enarmored, besotted, enraptured... So many emotions have centered around you Allixter. Hopefully I was able to transfer some of that with my kiss. Frowsts fangs glinted in the light. Y-yeah... My heart wont stop. Feels like my bloods going a mile-a-minute... Youre really good at this stuff, hehe~! Allixter giggled, the steady thump in his chest shook his stout form. Words cannot explain how important that is to me and how happy I am to see you coming around! Youre truly a dream come true Al, not a soul can compare... Frowst began taking up Allixters tiny paws for emphasis. Oh jeez, well uhh... Damn bro-, uhh, sir... Allixter saw the coy eyebrows twitch. Cmon, lets go. I...I wanna spend time with you... A gift of words, if there ever was one. Flashing a cordial smile, Frowst tried to show a snippet of less lurid appreciation. It didn't last though, as the mere sight of Allixter put all sorts of ideas in the big skunks head... Patting Al with his tail as he walked off, Frowst whipped it about, accentualizing the sway of his hips. Those rotund round mounds squished together ever so slightly, yet never distorted from their beachball shape... It isnt hard to be seductive when you know theres already a spark... Frowst simply enjoys teasing his pets, being the center of unspoken attention for them. Frowst didnt perceive Al to be such easy prey... Hes probably just happy to have his instinctual side silent! Every dog Frowst owns (save Brutus) experiences a moment of unfettered calm and cooperation when the collar is silenced. Just a natural reaction to such relief... Allixter became an absolute doll though, something Frowst couldn't contain his excitement over! The manor was warm, at least compared to the pool room. Allixter soon found his frigid body loosening, like he was thawing out. Once they reached the study however, a thick blanket of heat took hold, its source a faintly crackling fire behind Frowsts desk. Moving in, Frowst waved Al to sit in the comfy chair beside his desk, right in front of the crackling logs. Champagne? Frowst offered, taking a gold-labeled bottle from the ice bucket. S-sure... Thank you. Allixter took the glass, sipping it sparingly till Frowst had some. Earlier you wanted to ask me something... Well, were alone now. What was it you wanted to discuss? Frowst asked, sitting on his desk above Allixter. Oh, uhh, right... It wasnt anything important really! Just some basic questions and stuff... Allixter struggled to remember what he wanted to talk about. Like, I was wondering about this training you wanna put me through. What is it exactly? Allixter had withdrawls about changing to a serious subject and mindset. Oh! Well, heres the short and sweet answer. If Im going to allow you access to my money and reputation, I want you to be presentable! Youll have to show a certain air of superiority if youre going to represent me in the world. Frowst explained pawdidly, sipping his drink with a rigid posture. Was really hoping itd be something like that, hahaha... Yay, thank you! Ive kinda always wanted to act rich and flashy! Allixter exclaimed with a giddy chuckle. While I prefer a modest display of wealth, Im not against my pets being extravagant! Some of the girls wear their crowns in public! Frowst joined the joviality, simultaneously forming a new question in Als mind. Ok... heh, gotta ask... Wha-whatd you do to Flora and Fifi? You were kidding about all that... right? Allixter didn't really find this important, but he was curious... Ahahahahaaa~! Oh my, your inquiry is quite sinister~! Frowst put a paw to his muzzle, widening his eyes comically. Well, if you must know... Flora is veeery ticklish, but even my best attempts with feather and tail couldn't break her... As for Felicity... Frowst licked his lips, seeing Allixter stir at the idea. Lets just say my prissy pup doesn't like getting dirty... Something Im a master of inducing... Frowst cackled lowly, swishing his remaining alcohol. Wh-whoa... Holy shit, th-thats... fair... Thanks for getting back at em for me! Allixter wanted to say hot, but feared the reprocussions. I thought it a fitting punishment... Poor girl squealed the entire time. Mmmmh... Sounding his enjoyment with the bubbly, it paired well with the context. Heh, well that oughta teach her! Allixter coughed out a laugh, almost choking on his beverage. Youd think it would, but Fifi is a damn gossip! Poor girls bound to end up back there again, hahaha... The small dog couldn't restrain his restless whines upon hearing this. Lets uhh... lets change the subject... Allixter was sort of hoping he gets to see that someday... The dates you wanna take me on-. Frowst gasped. Oh I have a terrific idea for our first outing! Refill? Frowst poured him another glass, the liquid cutting there crystal-separated eye contact. I was thinking we could take a helicopter ride to the coast! A friend of mine owns a restaurante on the water, where you can dine aboard a rowboat... Fireflies, good food, even better company... Should be terrific! Frowst finished his idea, each second better to Allixter. Whoa~! Yeah, gotta admit that sounds really romantic... Id like that. Looking away, Allixter imagined how special this could be. Y-you own a helicopter?! Company chopper, but damn it if they get to say no... You don't question the boss, especially when its me! Frowst sharpened his eyes, seeing Allixter somewhat disturbed by this. Did you have anything in mind? You did bring it up after all. Well like, I didn't know how high to aim... Like, is Vegas outta the question? Maybe Hawaii or somewhere exotic? Allixter asked with deferential uncertainty. Going for the big ticket items while theyre free? Clever little Corgi! Just playing, itll take some arranging, but yeah... Id love to take a cruise with you. Frowst suddenly thought of something. It only counts as one date, no matter how long were gone! He added snidely. Drat, found me out! Allixter joked. Just playing, I didn't even think about it like that! Would just be really happy to go! Never really been anywhere special to be honest... Well, except here! Hah! Allixter brightened Frowsts face with this. What a stupendous exception to make, thank you! Hopefully youre beginning to feel comfortable here and view it as your home as well. Frowst invited yet again, but this time the bait was taken. Ye-yeah, I guess... I mean... Its nice waking up to so many friendly faces. Awesome to always have breakfast as well! Yo-youre growing on me too... Cant deny that... Allixter said with finality, as if the jig was up. Wonderful, with each extra day youll find me more and more enjoyable. May I pet you? Frowst was allowed by a shaky nod. Was today fun my boy? Rather basic, but I wanted you to have time to yourself. Seems like it helped! Stroking his pups chin, he moved to his head so Al could speak. Th-thank you, yeah. I... Im kind of... having fun here! Everythings so different and expensive, hard not to enjoy myself! Allixter held up his glass, a phantom toast to his Master. Your joy is paramount to me... I cant get over how worked up you make me! Im dead serious when I say Ive fallen for you... Frowst glittered with intimant compassion. S-speaking of that... Allixter downed his drink, preparing for the mother of all questions. Don't take this the wrong way, okay? Since youre, ya know..? Looking to get with me... I was wondering... I-I... I gotta ask... Are you top or bottom? Allixter winced, like the words were literally painful. Oh myyyy~! What a lewd question! Frowst exclaimed, fanning himself. Eager to get to the action are we?! Oh my, I do believe Im blushing! Frowst purposely made a big deal out of nothing. If you must know, Im as bottom as one can be. Didnt you read my little sign when I climbed the diving board? Frowsts smirk glimmered with unrestrainable excitement. Allixter gulped hard hearing Frowst referenced it directly! Well, uhh, yeah... S-sorta why I asked, I guess or whatever... Soooo... What do ya think? Frowst flitted his tail, to make certain Al knew what he was talking about. A-a-ab-about... your butt? Allixter stumbled over three simple words. Yeees~! I do believe I caught you staring... Frowsts Cheshire smile hit Allixter in all the right places. Be honest Al. Am I attractive to you? Ye-yea... Yes, you are... Allixters body felt like a overclocked dynamo, shooting sparks with each movement. I-I... I kinda like bigger guys... Frowst began to laugh, but his face tightened and his eyes exploded with shock. Peeking down at Al his mouth hung open and he slowly leaned forward, as if each inch taken was added to the icredulousness. Spying truth on Allixters face, Frowst began to scoff and choke out laughter with about as much posie as a dog in heat... Stammering out half words, flanked by rougish laughter, Frowst pawed himself in the face, refusing to break eye contact with his future mate. All this built to a head, until Frowst expelled one loud word, followed by a slew of concerned questions. WHAAAT~?! How long were you gonna wait to tell me?! No, like, reeeaally?! Y-youre serious?!? Frowsts eyes were sparkling gemstones, as he leaned into touching noses with his wall-eyed dog. Y-yeah... Im dead serious. I... I sorta have a thing for bears... Allixter was suddenly uncomfortably hot, the fire melting his already blazing muzzle. What. The. HELL!! How could you hold out on me puppy dog?! I thought Id have to double my gym time for you! Please don't be a dream... Like, r-really?! Y-you like em... rounder or... more muscular? Frowst had to hear hims say it directly. That ooey-gooey inbetween is to die for~! Allixter exclaimed, catching his elation by the throat to restrain it. Y-yo-you... Youre incredibly handsome... B-basically, everything youve got, I-I... I want... Allixter sighed ostentatiously when his gaze returned to Frowst. Heavens... I... I never wouldve guessed... Frowst trailed off, awaiting eye contact. Ill just have to hit on you ten times harder then! Youre going to melt everytime youre around me! He declared rubbing Als ear with a pair of claws. P-please, can you promise to leave it alone when the guys are around? I-I... Im just a bit embarrassed still... Allixter peeked up with his best puppy-dog eyes. Of course my boy. Forgive me if I slip up, due to my overwhelming excitement, but I will endeavor to respect your wishes... Frowst reassured with a serious tone. I simply must ask now... Are you a top or a bottom? His inquiry held Als breath. N-no potential partner ever even asked Al! Ninety percent of his mates assumed he was going to be the bottom due to his size and the others found that whole act to be a joke... Somewhere in his mind, Al chided that Frowst would offer such acceptance, yet... its such an appreciable feeling, he didn't want to sully it. Looking up with a petulant grin Allixter swallowed his pride and spoke his peace. N-never really had a choice, but since youre huge and all... c-can I be... His courage failed him and Allixter fell silent. I have no qualms with it, but please... Do say the words my love... Frowst invited further admition, setting his glass down to take up Als other ear. I-I... I would... Id like to be... I want to be the top dog... if we mate... Err, like, have sex... Warbling out his words, Allixter had to ask for more alcohol after that. While your bravery is admirable, I get the feeling you'd have... trouble back there. Frowsts odiferous hind quarters longed for such a pert muzzle to indulge them passionately. Youve commented negatively before, so forgive me for questioning, buuutt... Do you think you could learn to endure my odor? Frowst was glassy eyed with vulnerability at this. Its... Im sorry I make fun of you for that, its really unfair of me. You don't smell all that bad actually, just kinda... strong... Allixter swished his alcohol, attention given to the bubbles helped him speak easier. Strong isnt the worst thing Ive been called, so thank you! Thats actually a compliment in my eyes!! You cant imagine how often thats been a problem for potential mates! I... wow, Im shaking a little... Heh~! Frowst quivered with eagerness a second. Y-youve given me a bigger gift than you can realize Allixter. Theres nothing I wont do for you now... Chill Frowst, don't make a big deal outta it, okay? Allixters emotions gyrated with Frowsts rumbling voice. Y-youre a really suave guy and like Vailey said, confidence is... kinda sexy... Why do you think Im so attracted to you?! Frowsts bombastic enthusiasm made Al blush. Youre dynamite Al! Ive never met someone your size, who has so much fire! You have the heart of a lion packed up in a dogs body! Frowst moved his paws to Als shoulders for a gentle massage. Though we agreed neither of us like cats! Al heckled and Frowst laughed. Nah, I get what you mean and thats... really sweet to say... Nobody has really offered this or made me feel so important. Thank you Mr. Frowst. I... I can see myself falling in love too... Call me Caster... Frowst slipped from his desk, onto one knee. Youre a treasure I simply had to possess. Like living gold, you move through the worlds, summoning sequestered jealousy in all those you pass. Honeyed words flutter from Frowst to Al, reaching the residual hellfire in the darkest recesses of Allixters psyche. Where do you get this stuff?! Allixter joked, feeling way to much from that. I wrote a sonnet about you. Its much longer, but I like that part the best... Frowst didn't miss a beat, telling Al he was being truthful. May I kiss you? The big skunks question barely carried over the snap of burning logs. Allixters remaining reservations still tried to reach the surface, but couldn't fly like the butterflies in his belly. Instincts silence and the feeling of control that brought, was like a drug, yet that isnt what fueled this acceptance... Allixter actually wanted to be in a relationship and Frowst has amazing boyfriend material... When these two ideas met, explosions of overt emotion shrapneled around Allixters being. Deep in the dogs heart of hearts, there was one idea which seemed bulletproof. Frowst really does care and hes a very genuine guy... May I kiss you? The words were not repeated, but Al seemed to rehear them somehow. Yes sir... He said with snide compliance knowing it was alright to use Frowsts first name. Leaning forward and pressing his muzzle against Frowsts simpering smile, the two of them shared a less passionate moment in one anothers personal space. Where in the pool it was sultry and sexy, this felt endearing... amorous... Unlike the surrender that was the first time, Allixter was more alert and attentive to his performance. As if showing him the proper way to kiss, Frowst performed some deft and delicate maneuver that Al had never felt before! Allixter was used to sloppy-drunk kissing or what most would call nomming face. Just the casual swapping of saliva, not... this romance novel nonsense! The intricate and detailed swipes of Lancasters tongue had Allixter taking notes! If he decided to escape, these would be some useful techniques! So many uncomfortable memories flushed his mind, as Frowst adapted to Als lack of style without effort. He dared not vocalize it, but Allixter couldn't avoid accepting this to be the best kiss of his life... Far more passion was being conveyed than ever before, even when Allixter naturally thought he was in love... Having to moan into another males muzzle was always awkward for Allixter, who usually seemed to be the one needing to do so. It must have something to do with his size, it makes him run out of air quicker... Frowst didn't mind and sounded pleasurably himself with a breathy sigh. Haaaah~! Al-Allixter could taste the love on Frowsts Dog Perignon laced breath... Shivers of ecstasy and uncertainty wracked Als tiny body, as he was slowly cupped in Frowsts huge paws. As they kissed, his ears slowly fell slack, the tension they relinquished absorbed by his rampaging tail. Despite all aversion Allixter showed, he wanted this... Maybe not with Frowst, but... the young dog wanted someone to be his mate. It really didn't matter who, so long as they provided this feeling! After a few minutes Frowst, of all people, broke off this heanvely exchange of DNA. Perhaps he didn't want to seem to aggressive, or maybe it was the huge pyramid his heavy skunkhood was producing in his robe... Either way, he took a seat on the floor, the corona of firelight making his violet eyes much more illustrious... Stealing glances from one another, it was painfully apparent they wanted to keep going, perhaps even go further. Allixter rubbed his scruff, sort of tantalized by the request for another nip... I have a meeting tomorrow... Frowst voiced his ultimate disappointment. Thats cool, I... yeah, hahah... Ill go... Kicking himself into standing, Al didn't have time to react. As Al moved forward, Frowst used a swift bump of his tail to pull him into a tight hug. Ensnaring him in his huge rear-mounted appendage, the huge skunk gently squeezed his dog, displaying amazing prehensile control. Knowing that Allixter would be forced to inhale his odor, Frowst didn't apply much strength. His heart shot into overdrive upon hearing Als curious whiffing and accepting sniffs. Pecking a tiny kiss on the end of the dogs muzzle, Frowst let him go and was on cloud nine to find he didn't immediately leave! I-Ill see ya tomorrow... hopefully! Allixter wanted to say something before leaving. Ill be looking forward to it. Its Friday, so well have the weekend together. Frowst offered his time with this token statement. Well, awesome! Y-you sleep tight... Gnight Mr. Fro-... Allixter bit his tongue as he snickered. Good night sir. He reiterated. Ahah~! Ohh myyy... Frowst caught his correction. Whew~! Sleeping is going to be a challenge, I assure you! Revealing his massive errection to Allixter as he stood up, this had an unwarranted effect on the dogs nerves. As stated before, Allixters always been an ass-dog, but still... With each inch Lancaster rose from the floor, Al felt his body lock up, till he stood stiff as a statue, staring the skunk right in the crotch... His mouth was suddenly the Sahara, as Allixter struggled to speak, dogged gibberish all that emerged. Good night my love, Ill see you tomorrow! Frowst hid himself behind his desk, taking a seat and exposing himself in secret. Homina-homina-homi-. Ehem... bye for now. H-hope youre meetings short tomorrow. Waving awkwardly, Allixter bolted, unsure why he was so desperate to get away. Departing from one another for only the fifth or sixth time, the two of them felt an immense weight upon separating. Frowst got over it rather quickly, having much more... pressing matters to attend to. Allixter however, despite being horny, was lost in the revelry of what all this means! He... he has a boyfriend kind of! Not just that, but hes wealthy as fuck! The big guy is hunky, helpful, and hedonistic in such a superb way... Flopping into bed with a huge gush of a sigh, Allixter wriggled about, fighting to stay his giggles! Nothing felt more real or potent! All his fear and shock surrounding the situation had turned into empowered companionship! Even if he ended up not wanting to date Frowst, he was an awesome friend and could probably end up being a greeeeaaat fuck-buddy! Scoffing out big, super-heated breaths, Allixter got comfortable in bed, focusing on tomorrow and the days to come... Instinct would certainly be returning to his faculties soon and Al would rather not deal with him! Like Frowst said, sleeping is hard, though for different reasons... Allixter was caught up in a web of emotions, each silken strand growing stronger as he fought. Nothing Frowst has done seemed all that bad now, even owning sentient dogs! Well, ok, thats still messed up, but... Whatever, its somehow a lot easier to ignore it! Frowsts gonna be Allixters mate! Whod of seen that coming?! Well, instinctually, Al did... In the deepest, purest part of himself, Allixter knew he had feelings for Frowst. There was no way he couldve predicted that voicing such emotions would feel this good! Theres no turning back in a way, even if he escapes... Hed probably like skunks more... *Nine hours later, Frowsts office* Oh gods above, smite down this client and end this pointless meeting! Frowst had managed to give a shit for about seven seconds, but now failed to gather any enthusiasm for this venture. He could care less about publicity investments right now! Frowst wanted to tell them to take his money and politely fuck off... Ugh, damn his impeccable manners sometimes! As you see the growth of the park continues to expand over the next three years. If the community enjoys and uses it, well be seeing a handsome customer increase as well as a hefty pawful of PR points! The drone of an employee continued, pointing at his pie chart with an extendable rod. Within the quarterly year, many investors who were unaware of our establishmenst would be made-. Officially tuning out, Frowst sighed softly looking to Sehla who took notes for him. Winking his way, her spunky coyness was lacking, surely a victim of this abysmal meeting! His one fear was coming true! Today would probably take far longer than anticipated... How can someone say so much, yet have it amount to absolutely nothing! Aghh, this is infuriating! His newest pet is a chubby-chaser and has the hots for him, yet this is wear life traps him?! What a worthless project this is anyway, this poor fool best hurry up or hell end up a pair of-... Thats not fair, this undertaking has its merits. Had Allixter not cursed him with such indulgent ideas, than this would be plenty interesting! Bad timing though... Nothing said mattered, lest it could be twisted into a perverted joke! Lancaster wasnt in work mode and was having a hard time keeping his head out of the clouds... Hopefully lunch will arrive soon and things will speed along, if only for the time dining requires... Knowing Allixter was most likely awake and awaiting him cut Frowsts focus to barely usable ribbons. Nodding and confirming whatever was being said, he hoped no agreements came back to bite him in the ass! Not that Frowstd mind... Oooooh my gods!! Thats hopefully covered, heehee~! The big skunk wouldn't ask right away, given Vailey and Lionels willingness, but its a dream he dare not dash! That ultimate act of sensuality, which all Skunks put on a pedestal, was the single biggest turn on to Frowst! Those elated memories of paws-free orgasms at the adept tongues of his-. ... And thats just how I feel, what do you think sir? The droning peon asked, shattering the sticky-sweet daydream. I-I... Oh, yes... That sounds terrific. Very good choice. Sehla flashed Frowst a note, to help him respond in time. Thank you sir, it was one of my favorite additions! Mr. Mansel was more than pleased when you agreed to see me and host this meeting! The young tiger continued with his presentation. Yes, Im equally thrilled... Frowst muttered, his side of the table snickering at the derision. Waving the rather sharp drone to move on, he quieted the chiding, knowing appearances meant everything. This cant go on much longer, right? He only has so many slides to work with... Frowst wouldve never gotten his promotions with slide-shows this plain! Note to self, interesting personalities get bonus points from now on. Hearing, but not listening isnt his strong suit, but damn it Frowst tried! Not a second passed that his mind was filled with memories of Allixter and that excitable personality! Sure he wanted to see all his boys, itd even be nice to talk with Flash today... Maybe play wheres the gold?, with Ikol... But even the idea of seeing Vail and Angus was second fiddle to Allixter! Today was supposed to be a comfort-bolstering, fun-filled Friday! I guess a night of Netflix and chill is just as good... (Can we speed this along pussy cat?! Got a whole litter of love puppies waiting to tongue-bathe me back home!) Frowst could practically hear his true nautre, despite not wearing a collar. (Bet you look real good licking your own butt though, eh~?! Wanna gimme a lil show kitty cat?! Huuuh?!) Is probably what Frowstd add, the lewd bastard he is at heart. Coughing himself into focus, Frowst was far to excited by the idea of wearing a collar to work. Thats dangerous, extremely... Poor Sehla would never smell the same again! Not to mention all the employees whove pissed him off recently, theyd surely get the worst of it! Still a Skunk can dream and thats usually what his kind dream about! Opening his phone, Frowst began marking a date he would use to indulge his inner Skunk. With a devilish grin he added a tiny sidenote, which read: Don't tell the boys. Sighing softly to himself, the CEO leaned back and tried to take his mind as far away from work, like any proper boss would! *Half an hour later, Frowsts manor* (Hey! Heeeey!! Wake up! Wake the hell up, now! Can you hear me? Wake up!!) Instincts voice caught Allixter off guard. Wha-whos there?! Huh..? Oh... its just you... Allixter grumbled to himself, once he realized. (Thats all you have to say to me!? Really?! No apology or begging for mercy?! Youre a real ass-hat, ya know that?!) Instinct lambasted the simple greeting. (Do you know how fucking weird that was for me?! Last night was a damn blur! Youre sucha dick! Im so freaking pissed at you dude!) Allixter took a while to stretch out, then responded with a simple. ... And..? (AGGH! Fuck you! I swear youll regret this! Im gonna tell him everything! Hope you like sucking ass, because youre gonna be Masters seat cushion for the rest of your life!) Instinct howled, the volume hurting Als ears a bit. Meh... Not the worst fate Ive heard... Wont even hurt that much under there! Allixter yawned himself awake more, barely caring about Instincts virulence. (Y-you sonnova... Whatteva, act tough now! Youll be begging for mercy in no time! Youre gonna be the other me, if I have my way!) Though threatening, Allixer knew he had no ammunition to back it up. Listen up poochums, Imma take a shower then maybe well talk. Till then, hush puppy. Ookaaay? Feeling like a king this morning, Al was tempted to wear the crown today! (Oh my fucking dog gods! Youre such a dick bag! How can you treat me like this? After all Ive done for you, all weve been through!? What gives you the right to treat me like some kind of pet?!) Instinct took offense to this, knowing Allixter was in no better position. You kind of are my pet, if I belong to Frowst, you belong to me. Now just gimme some peace and quiet! I just want some time to myself and then well talk. Knowing his threats had foundation, Al showed little care in Instincts threats. (Ok, like... Yeah, I guess youre right in a way... I am your instinctual half...) The inner voice barely sounded over the surge of moving water. (Thats not the point! You got me sealed away for no reason, after being a jerk, and are now being a total dick about it! What gives?! I thought we were cool?!) Instinct declared aggressively, though he fought to seem calm. Humming a favorite tune, Allixter droned out Instinct with relative ease. Despite scathing comments, caustic with hate and vicious on there delivery, the ineffectual nature of his position made Instinct much less threatening. Hearing a disembodied voice in his mind was getting to be a tiresome trick... He planned on finding Frowst immediately after this and getting this pest out of his head. At least for the morning! Once Als had his coffee, then maybe they could work out a plan, if Al felt up to it. Given his new power and deep loathing of Instinct, Allixter didn't desire cooperation, he wanted conquest! Scrubbing himself clean of last nights chlorinated water, Allixters body heated far beyond what the shower caused. Steaming in his own hide, Allixter thought over what happened, how good it felt, and what he promised to do... Quickly seeing it as a step forward, the Corgi was still unnerved to realize how incredible it felt... Inside he wanted to recant each and every detail last night held, but Instinct seemed in the dark about it and Al would prefer it stay that way. At this point, with the water draining quietly, Instincts furious barking was painfully apparent... Though whole words like hate and destroy got through, very little made sense beyond the yapping sounds his mind shot at him. What a horrific curse! A mentally chained dog who barks inside your brain, not down the street or next door. No way to physically soothe or silence the frantic beast... Ok, ok, ok! Shit, just shut up already!! Allixter shouted stepping back into his room. (BARK, BARK, BARK! No! BARK! Fuck you! BARK BARK! Go. BARK! To. BARK! HELL!!! BARK, BARK, BARK!) Instinct just wanted to bother his shithead of a host. Holy crap youre annoying... Al dug a finger in his ear, panicked momentarily at the endless noise. Ughh, those little-dog barks are giving me a bad name! Just quit it, will ya?! Al added with a mocking laugh. (WE ARE A LITTLE DOG! STOP LYING TO YOURSELF, YA LOSER!) Instinct cried with fulmenting ire. (Oh my god... Holy shit, I need to see Master... Please let me out! Hes the only one who cares! Let me out! Please?! Fucking please?!) Unable to comprehend why, Instincts fear was pleasing to Allixter in many ways. Hmmmm..? I donknow... Youre being an awfully bad dog! Allixter didn't give two shits about this abomination, he planned on getting Frowts help asap. Ill think about it over breakfast... (No you wont asshole! I can tell youre just trying to shut me up! This isnt fucking fair, Im so fucking pissed and I cant do a damn thing about it! Grrrr... I... I just want to play!) Instinct tried to garner sympathy, but Al held none in his heart. Well damn, that sucks... So do I! Might have to start myself a new Elder Tails character. You know how tricky those save menus are, wouldn't want me to screw up, huh?! Al taunted, knowing this was the entities current passion. (You wouldn't dare... How could you threaten me over something so sweet?! I was so cool about that, even knowing youd probably throw it back in my face! I cant stand you... Gods I cant wait till I can talk with Frowst! Youll be fucking sorry!) Instinct feared for his digital progress, but not enough to quit commenting. Yeah, sure, whatever you say... Just be quiet and we wont have any problems, cool? Ok then! Waltzing out, the whimpering in his mind was much easier to suppress than actual words. Heading through the manor, Allixter stopped by Frowsts study and had a knock. The wolves escorting him today were virtually silent, but offered a simple hes not home in response to inquiry. Worry flushed into Als supercilious mindset, as Instinct seemed to realize what that meant. No Frowst equals no help! (Whatcha gonna do now, huh?! Now you see how I feel! No ones here to help you! No one cares...) Intinct added with a roiling voice. No sweat. Thanks for letting me know fellahs! Allixter tried to play cool, heading back toward his room. Frowstll be home before ya know it, best stay quiet until then! God youre annoying! Just... shut up! Frickin be quiet! Allixter growled under his breath, trying to not be heard by the security. Holy shit, ughhh... Wheres Frowst when ya need him? Al scoffed out his the last part. (Frowst gave me to you and now youre treating him better than me! What the hell is this shit man?! I thought he was the bad guy, not me!) Though right, something else caught Allixters attention. Instinct seems completely unaware of what transpired last night!! He wouldn't tempt fate by asking, but Allixters confidence spiked upon realizing this! Instincts biggest threat was nullified by this discovery! Al could live a relatively normal life and never fully divulge what goes on to his mental monitor! The events of their... his life would be no ones business but his own! Knowing that Instinct was just here to keep him in line, made any ounce of power addicting to Al! Having never really had power over anything, not even his own life, the idea of controlling another was infinitely appealing! Realistically his collar-born stalker is just a broken record, constantly replaying the same doggish nonsense! Instinct cant record any new info if Allixter didn't release him to do so! Take the needle off the disc and sweet silence, reigns supreme... Having such dominion over this ethereal entity had Al practically dancing in place! Maybe thisll be a lot easier than he thought! Its not like Instinct could really do anything so long as Al obeys Frowsts rules, which was already inevitable... If he plays his cards right, hell never have to hear from his insufferable goodie-two-paws side, ever again! (Youre really just going to ignore me?! What the fuck happened last night?! Frowst seals me away and the next thing I know, youre a totally different furson! Did something happen?! Are you... does it make you this happy to know you have control over me?) Hearing this question, Allixter feared hed revealed to much! Well, yeah! Does that bother you? Its nothing personal, just... knowing I can live my normal life with Frowsts help, make this whole ordeal a lot more pleasant... Admitting this felt good, it was more like an insult really. (So... Damn... Am I the only thing wrong with all this?! Wou-would you be happy here if I wasn't created?) Instinct whimpered a low, sorrowful sound. Bro, like, yeah... I said that before! Im not trying to rip on you, it isnt an insult. Just, try to think about it okay?! Like, I lived for hella long without you being able to talk! Thisd be an absolute nightmare for most, something to kill yourself over! I think Im handling it pretty well, considering... You gotta gimme the freedom to complain! Wow its easy to play people, especially Instinct given hes barely educated. (Ok, I get that... We kind of discussed this before, but like... I am insulted and I cant change that! You don't understand though bro, Im actually a kick ass set of instincts! Im not exactly smart or adept, but Im super nice and helpful! Imagine the poor wolves?! They probably have a drill instructor yelling at them internally! Would that be better?! You gotta try and give me some credit too!) Instinct tried to make his body understand what his thoughts felt. Well no, you got a fair point there. Look, sorry, its early and Im cranky... We both are being bastards, so lets just start today over. Okay? The trap is baited, but will the prey take it? (That sounds alright, but... What happened last night?! Why are you so excited to see Frowst? J-just to get rid of me? Or did something else happen? You seem... Really pumped up about him, like how I feel all the time!) Instinct pried into a sensitive and thankfully secretive topic. Guess its just desperation... Ya know? Just need to have some kind of control. What can I say? Familiarity and comfort are hard commodities as of late... Allixter explained pawdily, happy Instinct was so easily tricked. Im not pumped to see him, per se, just really eager to feel normal. Does that make sense? (Yeah, okay... Sorry... I understand completely...) Instinct mumbled, hardly any sincerity to be heard. (I can imagine how crazy this must be for you, but I am you! Were one in the same and I kind of feel the same way! I need some time to myself as well!) Instinct argued for his sake, but Al had all bases covered. It is my body though... You gotta admit youre kind of a new arrival! Not saying you were never there, just... shit! You can talk now! Thats some trippy shit to deal with so quickly! Nothing his instincts said really held any validity, so Al didn't hesitate to shoot down his responses. (Duuuude~?! I thought we were over this part... I get that youre bothered by me being in your head, but like you said... Ive always been here! This is just as much my home as it is yours!) Despite seeming to be a total moron, Instinct seemed to have valid points regularly... Yeah, but thiiis isnt my home! Allixter threw a paw around the room. Until Im comfortable here, you cant expect me to act all chummy with someone whos essentially a curse Frowst laid on me! Itll take time for me to be openly accommodating. Give recent emotions, enchanted would be a more fitting word. (That friggin hurts dude! Im not a curse! Youre pissing me off, this is the same shit as last night! You flip-flop on how you treat me and its total BS!) Instinct had moral highground, but was a lower lifeform to Al. Okay, yeah, thats messed up of me to do, but I cant help it! Im sorry, its just hard to think of you having feelings! Arent they just my feelings? How do you feel indepently of me?! Allixter was genuinely curious about this. (I guess its sort of like a copy or something... Nah, see I feel exactly how you do most times! So we share emotions! How messed up is it that you enjoy hurting your own feelings?!) This was too existential for anyone to answer... No wonder Ive got depression then, haha! Al found this to be funny, but Instinct didn't. (Be serious damn it! I offered to help you with that, doesnt that mean anything?! Cant you see that Im only trying to help! If Im annoying, Im sorry... But Im on your side!) If this didn't reach him, then nothing would... Thanks, appreciated, but I didn't ask for your help. I didn't ask for any of this, so its gonna take me a while to accept youre a part of my life. Even if youve always been in my head, youve never been so... apparent. Allixter didn't really try to be nice, it came naturally after hearing that. (Given you were gonna call me obnoxious, I appreciate that... You have a good point, so much changed at once and Im sort of a constant reminder of that. Not a really pleasant one either, Id imagine... Given you see flashy stuff and get all sorts of attention from Master, Im probably the crux of your disconcern.) They had a similar vocabulary at least. Yeah, no offense, but... Other than you, this place is golden! Damn, that sounds bad... Sorry pal, like, you havent done anything wrong. Im just being a jerk because Ive been frustrated a lot lately... Allixter really felt this way, but knew itd effect Instinct in his favor. (Thats fair, I wont ask for an apology or nothin, but... Can I ask you to respect me? Is... is that an unreasonable request?) Nah, I getcha... Really, Im sorry for all that. Just been hard to cope lately, ya know? You havent done anything wrong and Im treating you like this for no reason. Sorry... Al did feel bad, but wasn't about to change his plans over it. (Its cool! Just wanted to make sure were alright! I get riled up and don't think... Guess thats a trait we share, huh?) Instincts joke was anything but funny to Al, though he faked a laugh. If you say so, always thought I had a good grip on that fault... Allixter just wanted to argue, knowing he had the advantage now. Whatever, well both work on it. Ya hungry? Wanna get some breakfast? Al asked, hoping to pass time till Frowst arrived. (Sounds great! Wanna see if Scheffields here or just gonna ask the wolves?) Its isnt important, Instinct just wanted to seem like a regular furson. Never thought of asking them! Nah, Id rather see Scheffield. Not gonna ask those weirdos for nothin if I don't gotta... Allixter knew this would help smooth things over and speed along Instincts acceptance. (Thats fine with me! From what weve been told, theyre not worth the effort. Best just leave em alone for now. When youre comfortable though, itll be kinda fun to boss them around!) Trying to brighten a dark morning, Instinct was unsure if Al would find this funny. Yeah, that sounds kinda cool! Always wanted servants and stuff like that. Ill keep that in mind. Stepping out, Allixter flashed a glance at the wolves he secretly discussed. Being followed with much less restriction, Allixter was half tempted to explore Frowsts home, but hunger staved such ideas. It was getting impossibly hard to ignore how excited he was to see Frowst! Each time Instinct questioned this, Allixter had to reiterate his apology or come up with a new lie. Telling Instinct he lost his cellphone felt like such a crappy excuse, considering he already heard him use that one, but alas the trusting mutt within him was conciliated. Even when he seemed untrustworthy, it only took a little goading to bring him back to Als side. Such sinister surreptitiosness flowed without restraint and Allixter was grateful he was sharp enough to respond aptly. (I thought Id like it when you and Frowst became friends, but it really bugs me! Why do you wanna see him so bad? Im not tryina be a pest or nothin, but what is going on up here?! Why is Master on your mind so much in such a good way?! What happened?) Instinct wasn't relenting, his curiousity was ten times that of his hosts. The mother of all excuses came to Al, he knew exactly what to say! Frowst said we were gonna take a go to the coast for our first date! That sounds kinda sick, right?! Guess Im a lil amped for it, without realizing! No joke, Im not consciously thinking about this stuff! Al responded with a wicked grin restrained only by his moving muzzle. (Whaa~?! No way, siiick! Sounds like fun, no wonder hes on your mind! Ya excited? Howd things go last night at the pool?) It was both loathsome and wonderful how quick Instinct had shaped himself... G-great, heh, pretty normal... Vailey was as chatty as ever, you know! The uush~! There was little Al could scrape together in such a short time. We just kinda hu-hung out and then had some brewskies. Nothing major, hes a lot more normal than I gave him credit for! Such sweet deception came so naturally, but keeping up two fronts wont be easy when Frowsts around! (Thats awesome to hear! Really glad you guys are getting along, just don't foget whos always had your back! Masters really cool and all, but like, Im here for ya too bro!) Insticts desperate voice was like sweet ambrosia to Allixter. Course pal, were cool! Reaching the door he gave one final confirmation before entering. Pushing open the door, Allixter found Scheffield thumbing through a magazine with some headphones blocking out most sound. Peeking up at the movement, his face brightened as he gave a lazy greeting, flanked by sips of coffee. Entering he could tell that Scheffield hadnt slept well or didnt wake up on time. Wonder how home life is for Frowsts personal chef? Hes gotta be living the high-life too, right?! Mornin pup, howre ya doin today? He asked sluggishly arranging a plate for Al. Terrific! You look pretty beat my mammal... Allixter made small talk, seeing a simpler breakfast than normal. Did Frowst make you get here early? Or just not sleep well? Adding this, Allixter was overjoyed with Instincts silence! Nah, I was practically up all night working this fancy reception hall... I make these super-detailed tiny cakes and people jus-. He stopped himself and groaned a bit, running a paw down his nose. I wanna hit the hay so badly, but I cant have Frowst see me napping on his dime! I gotta at least wait for him to get back. Placing some eggs, hasbrowns, and a bagel before Allixter Scheffield seemed perplexed. Guess theres no more sausage..? Ruffio and Angus musta got it before work. I-Ill make more, jussa sec... Nah, its cool really! Just relax, this is more than enough Mr. Scheffield! You deserve some time to kick back! Frowsts not even home! Allixter began eating, keeping his manners at a bareable minimum. I know, but... he still teases over catching me asleep, like, seven years ago. Not to mention it just feels bad! The Skunks payin me good, I oughta be awake for the time! Sounding adamant, Orvisons stern face quickly slipped into sleepy dopishness. Aww well, you do you bro. If ya want though, Ill tell Frowst the situation should he shows up. Allixter enjoyed being casual with the others. Shoot, wish I could take that offer! Id be to riled up ta actually catch any Zs though. Thanks pup, you enjoy ya breakfast! Want coffee or oj? He asked filling his own cup, then downing half of it. Coffee, please and thank you! So what was this event you had to cook for? Al asked as he spread cream cheese on his bagel. Ugh, I don't know... Like, the Mammals Sociatal Union Gala Event or some artsy-fartsy crap like that... Scheffield grimaced at Als sugary delusion of natures most splendorous potion; coffee. They were all my word and oh choff types... Frowstd fit right in! Was super surprised I didn't see him there! Playing up his voice, Orvison gave a good French and British accent. Sounds like something Id wanna crash! Hehehaa! Allixter thought of all the free food and booze to be nabbed. Nah, theyd throw my ass out like the mutt I am! Joking with Orvison, Al didn't seem aware he spoke with his mouth full. (Heey~! Don't count us out! Were pure blooded remember?!) Instinct chimed in. What made him think it was okay to do so, was a mystery... Not if you were with Caster! Hed make sure you get treated like an equal! Hes not above raisin a stink to get his way! Scheffield chuckled wryly, much softer than Als laughter. Youre speaking literally, right? Al mocked his owner gingerly. Well, shoot... yeah... Orvison thought a moment, then nodded with absolute conviction. He let rip at his wifes-cousins-wedding cuz she kept making comments about the smell! Xel never forgave him for that one, ooh boy~! Hahahah! Scheffield seemed apologetic or atleast empathetic. What Allixter had just heard was... legendary... As a prankster and a delinquent, Al saw no qualms in what Frowst did and wanted to hear the story first hand A.S.A.P! The fact such a naturally loathsome trait could be employed to get his way or prove a point made it all the more devilish! How anyone couldve endured that is an enigma, though hed pay good money to watch someone try! Heeheehahaa, thatd be hysterical~!! Frowst skunked out a wedding! The day a female is supposed to get everything she wants, Frowst said fuck that, and showed her what she thought of such insults! Allixter admired and envied that freedom, for he could never act with such frivolity... No one would take that kind of shit from a pitiful, measly, mutt... Dude thats frigging hilarious! Holy shit! Oh-ohmahgawd~!! HAHHAHHA! Ehhaahaha! I ca-, I can imagine her fuggin face! Pr-priceless! Thats some Jackass grade shit man! HAHAHA~! Al cackled like a hyena, holding the side of his head. Watch ya mouth! But... yeah... like, holy balls, they had to fumigate the place! I swear, Ex-Mrs. Frowst was about to kill him... Heh, god that was awful! Poor girls big day was ruined! Scheffield showed compassion, though he was froguht with giggles. Shouldn't of been a bitch then! How ya gonna hate on someone for something they can help?! Whyd she invite him then?! Allixter defended such misconduct. (That sounds awfully funny coming from you buster!) Instincts joke was like searing oil dousing the good mood. Watch. Your. Mouth! Orvison cried, seeing Allixter unafraid of his big voice. Actually, she didn't... Xelliana kinda didn't want him to go either... Heck, Frowst didn't even wanna go! Just, kinda ended up happening unfortunately... Scheffield shook his head. This Xelliana Ive heard about, she really as bad as Caster says? She sounds pretty evil... Allixter play-shuddered, as if a phantom possessed him. Nah, shoot, Xelli was... Kinda mean, yeah, but shes not a monster or nothin! Poor dear just couldn't bring herself to show Frowst any respsect and that kinda tore them apart. Orvison didn't think about divulging such info, his fatigue lowered his inhabition. Heard she was just after the money... Thats a typical hoe, ya know? Having been deceived by females himself, Al felt for his owner. Stop your got dang-... Well, guess thats not really a curse word... Anyways, stop it with the naughty language! Youre worse than my son! Scheffield scoffed out his uncertain response. (Yes it is, hes right! Watch your mouth!) Instinct had pushed to far. Quiet! Shut up now! (Wh-wha..? Oh come on...) Al cried out of nowhere, looking down to emphasize what he meant. Scheffields awkward stare quickly shifted to one of pity, which boiled Als blood. How could he feel sorry for him, hes never endured such agony?! Well, who knows, maybe he has... Frowsts a weird guy after all. Quickly apologizing and trying to explain, Orvisons twirling finger told him to just ignore it and move on. Hastily crucifying Instinct, Al reformed his questions before Scheffield seemed bothered. You got a son? How old are ya big guy?! Whats your kids name? Whatta bout your wife? Interested in his fursonal chefs fursonal life, Al inquired eagerly. Im juzza bit younger than Frowst, Im thirty nine. Mah wifes named Sylvia, real precious gal... Shes kind as can be, like, the sweetest lil fireball youll ever meet! Orvison swished his coffe around, thinking of his warm bed and cuddly woman... Mah boys named Gebbidyah! Big strapping kid, got his pops figure and his mommas looks! Good combo, hes shapin up real keen-like! Continuing his response, Orvison hoped his son had breakfast before school. Wow, its awesome to know Frowst takes care of ya and you don't perform miracles for free! Allixters compliment shaped a big grin on the otters pudgy mug. Hope you and the missus are doing well, whats she do fur a livin? Allixter asked, seeing pots and pans, which reminded him this was work for Orvison. Shes an accountant, err, a banker... Manager?! I forget the specifics... Don't look at me like that, Master chef is an easy title to remember! Regional sales, dristributive, coordinator, number-cruncher, documentationalist.... Thazza mouthful! Orvison joked at Allixters raised brow. I try to get her to quit, makes me feel bad knowing she works all day when she don't gotta! A real man provides for his lady, so she can do whatever she wants! Like, make my damn son stop cursing!! This got a laugh from the both, but you could tell Scheffield was serious. Heh, well at least youre admirable about it! Thats a chivalrous attitude to have! Shes lucky to have ya bro! Al responded, finishing off his plate. Oh, heck, shoooot... Ya do me to much honor buddy boy! Im just a mammal! My Ma and Pa were just strict about makin sure I came up real good like! Yeah, Im not so eloquent like Frowst, but I got just as much heart! Maybe more! Orvison explained his thoughts on the situation and Al agreed with every second of it. Don't matter who ya are, just matters what you do! The circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life tha-. Quoting a famous philosopher, just to sound smart, something caught Als attention. His ears shot up and his back straightened, as Allixters head lowered and twitchd toward this distant sound. Somekind of whirring or mechanized motion was stirring every inch of the dog, until he was a quivering ball of fluff, which stood with excitement! Something about this distant sound was invoking the deepest seated energy that Allixter had! What was he hearing? Why was this sound so elating and special..? Is... is Mast-. Whacha hear boy? Is that Master?! Huh? Is it?! Is Masta home?! Go git em boy! Go on~! Scheffield taunted Allixters low whimper. (God I loved that...) Instinct barely gave the effort to be heard, despite wanting Al to know this with all his heart. (I-its gotta feel good for you too, right?) Unfortunately, the poor thing went ignored... Holy crap, please... Never do that again Mr. Scheffield... Pinching his nose, Al waved a paw toward Orvison. Oh gods that was painful! Aghhk! Hehe~! Nah, just kidding... Mustve looked like a real dope there though! Hopping from his seat, Al lost sight of the jovial Mustelidae. Im real sorry pup, just couldn't help it! Yall behave the same way sometimes and its real-darn cute! Go on bud, Imma take a nap now that Frowsts back. Scheffield began shutting off equipment, making that delightful, distant sound even louder! Notta problem, I cant help it, thats pretty ingrained in me! Always excited when someone comes home, kind of a dog trait! You sleep well and try not to worry, Ill keep Frowst busy for ya! Allixter waved as he went to the door and saw Orvison again. Thanks for breakfast bro! See ya later! Gbye pup! Thanks for that, you have a good day, ya hear?! Take care pal. Orvison waved to Al, taking up his phone to text Frowst. (Bye Scheffi... Oh whats the point..?) Instinct huffed out a sigh, but Al couldve cared less. (Is it weird I want to talk with the others too?) Asking softly, he hoped not to anger Al. A little, since ya know, Ive kinda always been the one to do so... I get it, really! Its a fucked up feeling... Al thought back to his helplessness during the welcome to hell party. Try to see my words as your own. I don't need to say hello and goodbye twice for both of us, right? (Yeah, okay, thats true... I just feel really trapped and now you don't wanna talk to me... Things look pretty bleak...) If Al didn't feel something from this, all hope was lost... Bro, stop that okay?! You cant make me feel bad for living my normal life! Im not used to this and you gotta learn to live this way as well. Its not that I don't wanna talk to you, I just don't like thiis! Do you know how weird it is to just stand around talking to yourself?! We can chat, but just try to keep your commenting to a minimum when Im having a conversation. Allixter had a big laugh, hearing Instinct grumble without any response. (Yeah, okay... Youre right. If Im quiet, can I play videogames later? God I feel like such a loser for having to ask...) Offering some insight into how he felt, Instinct unwittingly made headway! Ugh, I hate that feeling too! Been loathing asking Frowst for anything... Yeah, you can play later. You don't gotta keep quiet neither. Just don't correct or tease me, cool? Its hard to deal with that from Frowst, let alone my own brain! Leveling with his instinctual side was necessary, he had to show some leniency in order to make this work. (Holy crap thank you! I thought youd given up on me! Wheew~! Ill try not to talk when theres others around! Its hard, but all I can do is try my best for you!) A big sigh of relief bookended this sentence. Thats all I can ask for! I havent given up on ya bud, just not a morning person, haha! Not till Ive eaten at least! Al admitted and though not true in this instance, that was a character fault of his. (Gotcha! Ill leave ya alone in the morning! Kinda came at you aggressively to begin with, so Im sorry. Lets go find Master! I can smell the guys gathering by the garage!) Pointing out what Al already knew, he nodded and they began crossing the manor. Rounding corners, crossing expensive rugs, and moving through the house, each doorway took him closer to the hall where he met Frowst a day ago. It felt damn near impossible to think about his new... position, without giving away hints to his instinctual side. He was unsure why it was so dire to keep this from Instinct, but Al felt it appropriate to hold onto his secret. Should Frowst wish to discuss such matters, Allixter would simply request a delightful bite and all would be well. Hopefully it doesn't come to that and Instinct wont be a mutthead about this... (Hey~! Mutthead?! Whatd I do?!) That irking little voice suddenly cried, but Al just laughed. Carrying them toward the other end of the manor a few halls over from the kitchen, Allixter gave a somewhat friendly greeting to the wolves he recognized. The dogs were a different story, though... Even the ones he has yet to meet in furson were targets of his abundant civility. Throwing out salutations and asking about their mornings, not a soul that passed Al didn't get a little lick of his dogged affection. Earning their trust and building a rapport with these strangers was the first step! If he had a crew, then itd be waaay eaier to escape! Well hey there yall! Good to see ya this morning! Al called up the hall at the wall of wagging tails he saw. Oh hey Al! Good morning! Vailey cried, trying to door, but finding it still locked. Sup bro! How ya doin? Lionel asked flicking his nose upward to greet him. Yo~! Wassup Allixter? Great to see ya bud! Ziggy waved, not wanting to leave his Gameguy, which was linked to Xanders. Heya. Glad ya came down to see Mr. Frowst! Xander added, quickly looking back to his Pawkmon trade. Thanks, sorta cool to always have people excited to see me! Hope thats not weird, heh... Allixter said, rubbing his scruff and hushing Instinct. Nah, no worries... it is though... Vailey taunted, using fake empathy. Furreal man, I feel the exact same way! There were hardly any kids my age back in Mexico, so I never really had close friends like this! Imzigks reply shone light on his pre-Frowst history. Yeah and everyones so flippin friendly, its real easy to be buds! Theres a couple of us that ya havent met, who are just like you! Nah, furreal! Swear! Lionel offered his opinions, which were enviable in a way. Wish it were that easy, I still feel awkward as hell! Even around those of you, I already know! Al exclaimed with an inappropriate laugh, given what he said. (Awww hun, they like us! Cant you tell?) Was all Instinct could say before the guys chimed in. Were friends! I know ya don't really know me, but I consider you my pal! Xander bounced in place, making sure he was seen and heard. Yeah, hell yeah~! Youre already one of my buds! I can tell Master Frowst reeaally likes you too! Vailey spun around, his brilliant gaze toxic to Als attempted coolness. Given what happened last night, Im sure youre aware of that, huh?! Vail added with a wink. (What happened last night?!) Instinct was on him like white on rice. Nothing! Al shouted aloud, getting a wide range of responses for such strangeness. Nothing makes me happier, heh! Thanks fellahs! Is Frowst home? Thought I heard the garage..? As smooth as sandpaper... Just teasin, good to see ya pal! Vaileys half hug was well timed, for it silenced Instincts further query. (Wh-whoa... Never gonna get used to absolute studs hugging us so openly!) Adding this to the hug, made it that much more awkward... Master just pulled up, so he oughta be in any second now! Lionel announced, seeming to get everyones attention with this. Yeah, I bet hes just playing with us! Or waiting for you, hehe! Vailey furthered his joking, Allixters temperature skyrocketing. Staaahp~! Jeez, youre making me-. A noise cut Al off Hearing the clack of a car door, each tail and pair of ears jolted to attention. Quivering tails, whiffing noses, and perky ears all honed in on the door, as the five of them jostled with excitement at their Masters arrival. Whimpering, whining, and even barking out for Mr. Frowst, the dogs huddled near the door awaiting it to open. Like before an uncontrolled spike of excitement filled them, the young Corgi unable to stay his waggling tail! Allixter wasn't at the front of the fray, but did plan on greeting Lancaster brightly. Hopefully he could maintain himself, such zeal would certainly give away what happened... (Whatta ya mean? What happened dude?) Instinct was way sharper than Al gave him credit... Choosing to ignore him, Allixter pretended to not hear over the din of excited dogs. Feeling the energy in the room jump well past eleven, he listened to the figure beyond the door moving closer! The truth of the matter hurt Als pride, but in a very ticklish way... This wasn't the collar, most of what he feels isnt instinctual... Being a dog and a friendly guy, Allixter was genuinely excited! Instinct didn't help things, but... the affection attached to Frowst was his own, not... Instincts, or, uhh... There one in the same, so the point is kind of moot. They both are pretty attached to Frowst at this point... Ready guys? On three! Vailey whispered as the keys jangled just beyond the door. One... Xander said softly. Two... Ziggy added as the key slid into the lock. Three! Lionel roared, as the door unlocked. They rushed the door and forced it open, throwing themselves atop Mr. Frowst, who thankfully didn't have anything in his paws! Though the keys were lost in the door and he wailed out a cry of surprised, you could tell this was the best greeting he couldve asked for! Not immediately joining, Allixter moved to Frowsts side and spoke his simple greetings to the over-loved skunk. Bliss was to weak a word for what Al spied on Frowsts face... Heaven couldn't compare to the tranquility licks and love gave his owner. Still awash with gushing gibberish, Frowst pet whoever wanted it and nuzzled each of his dogs adoringly. When he moved his eyes to Allixter, who had stood by with a wagging tail, his face burst with new found life! It was a sheer shock to find Al standing with his most loyal of pets, taking part in the loving ambush that marks each Fridays homecoming! Not only this, but he was well-mannered enough to await his turn patientally! Something few of his dogs ever took to obeying, not that he minded~! Waving to greet him, Allixter fought to hide his excitement at being pet. Upon seeing such a quaint display, Frowsts eyes narrowed and he took up his usual glamorous attitude. Rolling a paw over Allixters head he watched the shivering relaxation run through him. Tapping his cheek, Frowst leaned forward with an expecting smirk, awaiting a kiss from Al. Giggling awkwardly, the blushing Corgi gave him some sugar and the doughy Skunk did the same in return. (Wh-whoa... Damn, yo-youre... You got some strong willpower! I wouldve acted like a fool there~!) Instinct could feel Allixter pace himself, as to not react to strongly. Good morning boys~! Im so exalted to see you all! I never get tired of coming home to this!! Awwwhhhh~! Frowst melted beneath the warm furry blanket of dogs. So happy your home sir! Bet youre real glad its Friday! Wrooof~! Ziggy rolled around on Frowsts tummy. Yay! Oh my woofs, yay! Mastas home! Awoooof~! Vaileys mind was still dog-locked, as Frowst has come to call it. Really happy to see you Mr. Skonkers! Awrf~? Aghhh~! Noooo~! Lionels pet name earned him a one way ticket into Frowsts coiling tail! My day cant properly start without huggling you big fellah! So good to see you sir! Wuuff you~! Xander laid in one of Frowsts arms, pushing his paws out to be flush with his flabby side. Youre all such wonderful dogs, my word... I love you all so dearly! Gods above, youre all so soft! Awwwh~! Frowst rode out his peaceful throes of jubilation. So few greetings on a Friday?! Well, Ill make sure to award my bestest boys, most certainly! Frowst began to rise, the weight of loving dogs holding him down. Super stoked to see ya bro! Ehehe... Sorry, damn it! I really am happy to see ya Mr. Frowst. Allixter didn't really care, but he wanted Frowst to think such. (I... cant... help it... MAAASTEEERR!! Holy howlers, I wuff you sir! Please ask to be picked up?! Can you hug him or just let him pet us more? PLEASE?! AGGHHH~! Missed you sir!! Last night sucked! Please don't do that again! Im not mad, I love you! I wanna be buds, can I come out and play?!) Allixters cool demeanor was a lame mask for the crazy amount of tenderness he held within. You do me a great honor by awaiting my arrival and I cannot thank you enough for it my love. The acceptance youve found is very admirable! Youre such a lover dog, brave enough not to fight! Frowst was like a freakin poet when he wanted to be... Tch... Th-thanks! Nah though, Im just coming to grips with how awesome it is here! Like the guys and I were discussing, everyones so friendly and inviting! Its hard to keep being an asshole! Allixter chuckled, but Frowst lightly swatted his muzzle. Stop that foul language! Frowst chided, leering down at Al. Youre wonderful my lil buddy! I cant imagine anyone not liking the real you! (Oh gods, not you too Master! I am him, remember?! I-Im real!) Instinct complaints were music to Als big-ass ears. Don't fuckin hit me! I-I mean... Please don't do that sir... Allixter temporarily lost his cool. Sorry, just didn't expect that. Really, Im sorry... Al lowered his head in shame. I apologize, that was uncalled for, but so is your language! You have quite the vocabulary my boy, please use it. Frowst instructed, dying to start Als training as soon as possible. Gotta act as fancy as your livin! Lionel heckled, his muzzle barely seen from the confines of Frowsts prehensile tail. Its cool bro, we were all at that stage when we got here... Xander added to calm Al down. Can we wrestle sir? I-Im... *Whispers* Vailey spoke softly in Frowsts ear. Oh-hoho~! Yes of course my boy! Just a moment, Ill meet you in the gym ! Frowst seemed very elated by whatever Vailey just requested. Oh hey~! We wanted to ask if we could buy the new Hoarderlands game! It launched just a few days ago and were dying to play it! Xander exclaimed, Ziggy and Lionel joining in. Of course boys, go ahead! You know my credit card number! How many of them are you going to purchase? Are all three of you going to buy a copy? Frowst took on a more serious tone, as if mentally calculating the expenses. Well buy one for now! We can play it on Xs big screen! Itd be cool if we all could have one though... Lionel pouted a bit, scratching a paw around. Anything for the good-boy-brigade! You can have whatever you want my musky husky~! Frowst rubbed his nose against Lionels, ailed by its cleanliness. You boys go ahead and play! Allixter, care to join them? W-well sure?! Is that cool guys? Al asked, not having played that game since highschool. Of course! More the merrier! Makes the game more challenging with all four people! Yeah, well set your account up on my console, then you can transfer it over later! The many positive responses scattered Allixter with extra acceptance. (Oh boy, awesome! Thisll be great! Super excited to play this one too!!) Instinct wasn't living up to his promise of being quiet... Tits, sounds dope! Oh come on, tits isnt a curse word... is it?! Allixter caught fractals of Frowsts ire. Suppose not, but I absolutely frought to train you in the ways of gentlemammal etiquette! Frowst broke, gushing his thoughts like a geyser. You will be an absolute dream of a dog once Im able to instill some manners! Heeey~! I know Im rough round the edges, but I got a good amount of ju de vie! Allixter waggled a dewclaw, Frowsts ardor shone at his wording. Oh my word I love you! Truly, I do! Go on and play, Ill visit in a bit fellahs. I wuff you boys! Kisses and hugs before you go though! Frowsts dismissal had them lining up. Pecking little snips on each muzzle and wrapping his tubby arms around their fluffed bodies, Frowst indulged himself once more in the serene splendor of canidae love. Each dog was given a little additive: from Ziggys noogie, to Lionels tail-to-the-face, Allixters caveat was going to top them all! Hoots and hollers of excitments filled the garage and hall, as Frowst dipped Al into a rapturous kiss! Feeling weak in the knees, Al slumped over Frowsts arm and began working his tongue without realization! Holy crap, hes so passionate and dominant about it! Who could ignore such sensual sexuality? It was like time stood still and emotion was all that kept the world going around him... Staggering away with a dreamy grin, Allixter grunted at Frowst for riling him up like that. See ya later sweety. Buh-bye boys! Have fun! Frowst flit his tail as he turned to head after Vailey. Whoa-hoho!! Damn, he got you good, huh?! Lionels growing laugh chopped his sentence apart. Ooh boy! Frowsts real romantic, huh?! Xander added with a grin, shoving his face toward Al. Haaah~! Didn't see that coming, oof... Als voice was to high to respect. Yeah, hes a sly one... Cmon, my rooms this way! Xander rushed off, his curly Shiba-inu tail bouncing with each step. Ill find you guys! I gotta go get my Hexbox info! Allixter secretly had other intentions. Okay, my doors got a big fancy X on it, you should see it! Xander called back, chit-chatting about the adventure to come. Its one hall to the right of this one! Lionel added, realizing that would be important. Gotcha, be there in a bit! Al called back. Hurrying off, as he was truly excited to see this game, Al wanted to check his email first. Hopefully Zothe is coming along with a rescue plan! I mean, he can take his time, but... Its nice to know his friends are out there, worried for him. His profile info was relatively easy to remember, the password could be a bit hard. He may have to ask Frowst for his cellphone back... Oof... (That wont be so bad! I promise, hell just wanna watch us use it! So we don't call the police or nuthin!) Instinct wasnt far off from what Al expected to happen. Yeah, I know... I just don't like being treated like a pup, well, er... In the young sense of the word! I don't like being treated like a kid, h-his pet play is... wow... Allixter had to admit whalike a kid! Instinct already knew this bothered and elated Al. (Yeah, I know whatcha mean! Its just soooo relaxing! It sorta makes you act like me, haha~!) Musing this to Allixter, he let out a derisive laugh, brimming with repressed spite. From what Ive gathered, we are totally different. You may be a part of me, but we arent the same at all. Youre a total joiner, Im much less social till I know people. This was meant to be an insult, but Instinct was ecstatic to hear this. (I knooow~! I just love getting to meet new people and make a fursonal connection with them! So many interesting fursonalities and smells! I don't see why youre so shy?!) Instinct couldn't avoid seeing everything Al said as positive. Well, cuz... the whole dognapping thing... Kind of a buzzkill... Allixter shook his head, realizing Instinct may never understand. (Oh come on! Whyre you so twisted up over that?! Masters a really great guy and you are starting to like him. Cant you forgive him for dognapping you?) Instinct couldn't find the words he wanted. Yeah, I can. Just not so easily... Itll take a lot of freebies and gifts to make me forget! Hopefully Zothe is making some headway, so I wont have to worry about that much longer... Entering his room, Al clicked on the computer for reference. (W-will I get to meet the guys? Like in furson, if that applies to me...) Instincts voice crumpled weakly. (Youre probably worried Id embarrass you or act a fool, but I promise Ill-.) Instinct wasn't sure what to say, but Al answer interrupted him. Bro, you gotta chill! Of course you can meet my friends! Shit... like I grew up with the guys, so theyve probably seen snippets of you! Once I get home and explain everything, theyll probably be really interested to meet you, well, the other me. Thats a nice way of saying it, eh? Having his host say this was such a treat for Instinct. (Th-thank you... Wow, that means a lot! Never thought Id hear you say anything positive about me to be honest... Sorta stoked to get outta here and see our friends!) Instinct realized how this sounded and continued. (I promise to be cool! I know youre probably hella worried about that, but Ill do my best to live up to your standards! Just gimme a chance and I bet youll be surprised!) Relax dude, I get it... I appreciate that, really, but we gotta escape first! Lets see what Zothe has to say... Well, we will when this piece of shit decides to load! Allixter clawed at the beige box, hoping to elicit cooperation. (Thats true... Just know it isnt the end of the world if we gotta live here... Master Frowsts not a terrible fallback plan!) Instinct joked, knowing this was really stressful for his host. While I agree in some way, Id rather get to live on my own terms. Frowst will always be the backup plan, fair enough? Allixter asked, seemingly to himself rather than Instinct. (Totally! I can get behind that! Ill do whatever ya need to make this work! Just really grateful youre managing to see me as a friend and not the plague or something...) Instinct loved the attitude Allixter seemed to be developing each day. "Its a tough pill to swallow, Ill admit, but Im not against having backup all the time! Youre probably hella handy in arguments! Not to mention all the trivia we could ace together! Allixter prattled off pointless perks, just to appease his instincts. (Yeah, like I gotta brush up on some stuff, but Im down to help you in anyway I can! Whenever youre facing a problem, remember you technically have two heads and thats better than one!) Instinct liked the sound of this, but Allixter imagined actually having two heads, which ruined it. Okay, were in business! Fucking finally, oi... I really gotta get my new computer setup... Allixter said as the screen came on. Waiting for the computer to connect to the internet, Allixter prayed Frowst was busy and couldn't monitor his activity. Knowing that he has the resources required to spy on all his pets, Al decided to take the risk. Clicking the internet and logging into his email, the words New Message were a beacon of hope for the young dog. Bouncing with excitement as the computer lagged his log-in, Allixter clicked it with merciless repetition. Once open, Zothes lengthy response read: Allixter, dude, Im so sorry I havent been able to help yet! How are ya bro? Is everything alright? Im hella freaked out now dude; you havent been home in a week now! Ive been trying to open a missing fursons report, but theres a tiny problem with that... Im not sure how to put this delicately... Do you know youre across the damn country?! That bastard brought you all the way to Florida! Thats waaaay outta my jurisdiction, but Im not giving up! I got a few friends out there Im calling and hopefully theyll be able to help. If all else fails, well come and get you ourselves! Promise bud, you wont have to be there much longer... Im so sorry I cant help you now! That kills me inside... Im trying though Al and I wont give up till you are free! Stay strong bro, don't give up! Im giving this my all, youre not alone man! We wont give up that easily! What he read hit him like a wrecking ball, crumbling any hope this note had created. Sinking into the seat, a few things clicked for Allixter, as he realized the gravity of his situation. It has been abnormally hot, something he attributed to the change of address... Frowst and Vail seemed unaware of Floofsters Freeze, which could be due to it only existing on the West coast! G-go figure... This is... fucking... unfathomable! How in the hell did Frowst do this?! He had someone dognap him and then bought a god damned plane ticket for his unconscious body?! Th-thats just... thats literally insane!! Thats absolutely psychotic! Who the fuck would do such a thing?! If there is one mammal he could use as the paragon of outrageous, itd be Lancaster-fucking-Frowst... Furreal...? Allixter said softly, his muscles tense with rage. I-Im... Thi-this isnt Cali... Holy shit... Allixter cupped his muzzle in his paws. (Well, shit... We aint in Kansas no more Toto.) Instinct was equally aghast, he just wanted to defuse tension. Wh-what the fuck?! G-god damn it... AGHHH! Allixter flung the keyboard across the room with a swat of his paw. N-no fucking way?! This is bullshit! H-how do... I cant... Fuming without a target, Als homicidal thoughts all aimed at Frowst. (B-bro, calm down! Please chill out, take a breath! Come on!) Instinct thought this was his fault. (Calm down! The wolvesll hear you! Fuck, just stop!) Allixter had been pummeling the keyboard, each strike releasing more plastic shrapnel and breaking its casing into splinters. Crashing his fist through the whole thing, his bloody knuckles barely registered through all the chaos. With a raging jar of his body, he flung the remaining halves of the archaic trash across the room, where it put a sizeable crack in his brand new television... (Al, buddy... Its okay! Take really deep breaths, youll be fine! Just some extra obstacles! We can still escape!) It felt weird to say that for Instinct. This is fucking unbelievable! Holy shit, I cant take it... I-I... I need to get out! I gotta go home! Allixter tiraded about, knocking whatever was within wraths reach asunder. Imma kill that fat fuck for bringing me here! This state is fucking purgatory! Gods waiting room! AAAGHHHH!! Allixter bit his overtly huge ears, just to stay his aggression. (AAGGHHK! Holy shit staaahp! Fuckin stop thaat!) Instinct flipped at this crazy display of frenetic fury! (That friggin hurts, dude! Stop it, okay? Just calm down, Its all good...) Instincts consoling backfired. No it isnt fucking good! You are so fucking complacent, god I hate this shit!! Aware that security guards listened outside, Allixter tried to restrain himself, but failed. (Bro, I just want you to stop biting yourself! Calm down dude, the wolves are already onto us!) Instinct thought this, despite there not being guards today... (If you take a deep breath and look at the situation, youll see the immediate goal hasn't changed! Come on man, its gonna be alright. Same goal as before, just with a bigger challenge!) God damn it... I-Im... Fuck my life... Allixter began to tear up, his muzzle slipping between his legs, alongside his tail. I cant take this shit! I need to go home... W-why cant he just... let me go..? Softy sobbing reduced his words to nothing. (Bud, its okay... This sucks, I know, but we can still do this! You cant give up! Distance doesn't mean a thing! Think of how good the road trip back will feel?! Zothes really smart, hell figure this out...) Instincts words didn't come easily, he was awash with worry himself. You... just don't... get it... Allixter warbled, his claws seizing carpet to segmented shreds. Im not... I cant just accept this... No one has the right! Nobody should be able to do this to me! I should be able to... someone oughta... I hate having no way to fight back!! This... this all happened because Im so pathetically small... Crying again, Al awaited Instinct to speak, unsure how to go on... (Buddy, stop it... Please... Look at all the dogs here! So many of em are bigger than we are and theyre stuck here too! It has nothing to do with that! Furreal, were here solely because he has a lot of money and power! Its just as unfair, but its in no way our own fault!) Instinct was absolutely right and Al tried to take it to heart. Y-y-yeah... Youre right... Just fuck the world sometimes man! It feels like bad shit has a tendency to seek me out... Allixter worded this to show he understood; others have it worse. I... I wanna go home... He shouldve chose another dog... H-how do I-. How am I going to live..? Allixter choked on tears, as he asked for help. (We have to accept that this is reality and we cant really change it without a lot of hard work... Zothe and the boys are going to try and get us out, until then, all we can do is stay hopeful. Keep feeding them info and make sure they... That they don't forget us...) Instincts somber tone made Al cry harder in a brief burst. I-I... I cant... I wont accept it! I refuse to see this as forever! I will escape! I SWEAR IT! Knowing that the guards listened really didn't matter anymore. I fucking hate that sonnova bitch, hes gonna get what he deserves! Hell pay for this... If its the last thing I do, he will suffer... (Relax, I know... I know... You have to take it easy for a moment, you arent thinking clearly. We will get out, I know it! You have so much tenacity and drive, thats never been used. Time we get our shit together! After this, well never take normal life for granted! Things will be different, just be patient and don't give up...) It was hard to offer condolesnces, when the reality was both inescapable and awesome for Instinct. Youre getting off topic... on purpose. But thank you... Al saw through Instincts crude attempts to console him. Just... I don't know what to do... I don't want to pretend to be happy around him and thats all he wants! Th-thats what everyone wants... For me to be happy... Allixter had to reassure himself this was a bad thing. What a fucking head trip! I don't understand any of this... (Cmon bro... You don't gotta right now, its okay to be confused... How do you think I feel? Im new to... literally all of this! Its shocking Im able to feel so negatively about Master Frowst!) It was equally twisted of a situation for Instinct... This isnt about you! Al snapped, but then sighed. Im sorry... Youre right... W-what do I do? Can you... got any ideas? (For now... Well, Id say respond to Zothe, but we kinda cant...) Referencing the shattered keyboard, Allixter cursed himself a moment. (Lets just go play Hoarderlands. Games usually help us forget our troubles...) Though a pititful token, it was all Instinct could think to offer. I... I cant be around the others right now... Itd be too hard to fake it... Allixter shuddered, imagining what they could tell Frowst... I-Im just gonna stay here... Frowst said he wont come in, s-so... so Im safe in this room, right? Right?! His paranoid way of speaking freaked Instinct out. (Thatll just cause more suspicion! If youve been all hunky-dory with Frowst, suddenly acting like your normal self will be a huge red flag! J-just... We need to try and enjoy ourselves, cuz this could be a lot worse! Ya feel me?) Being helpful was one of the only ways Instinct could bolster Als acceptance. Y-you... Im... Just not ready. I-I gotta take a moment, but yeah... Youre right. I gotta keep up appearances, even if Im going out of my fucking mind. Thanks... L-lemme shower or something, maybe just some cold water will be enough... Allixter began trying to piece together his broken psyche, as he stood and walked to the bathroom. (Its okay... Take some time and catch your breath. No rush bud... Theyll wait for you Id wager. Want something to eat? A snack or something to drink?) Stop treating me like a fucking child, Im not a puppy anymore! Allixters misplaced rage only glanced Instinct. Im sorry, I know you didn't mean it like that... Im just so fucking pissed... Y-ya gotta understand... Al didn't really care, but wanted to keep things civil. (Its cool, I get it... just... Whatever you gotta do man...) This hurt more than Instinct expected. (I wish I could help, but all I can offer is words... Not particularly good ones either to be honest.) Y-youre trying, thats more than I can ask for, given how Ive treated you... Allixter scrubbed his face with cold water. Yo-youre trying to make this work and Im just... I cant seem to get on board... S-sorry, Im sorry you were born into such strife... (No, bro... Stop, I don't blame you or even think about it! All I know is that were in this together now and I appreciate you letting me live in your head!) Instinct had a laugh, Allixter tried, but just cried a little. Thanks, you-... We deserve better and Ill do everything in my power to make sure we get it... Allixter couldn't fathom facing Frowst right now, let alone the others. (Were cool, I think youll get over this quicker than you think... Just another challenge, nothing we cant overcome. Give it some time, youll see what I mean...) Th-thanks man... Youre actually hella helpful and Ive been really bitchy about it. Ill try to accept your help from now on, like before. Allixer cleaned his final tears and proceeded to clean up the devastated keyboard. (It was different before. I had a certain... influence.) Instinct thought back, wondering if it was better. (If you learn to trust me, than itll certainly go back to the way things were. Just know Im on your side... Ill say that as many times as it takes!) Confidence sounded from Als inner voice, forcing him to analyze his own weakness. Thank you, I appreciate that... L-lets go find Xanders room. R-really wish I hadnt checked my email today... Scurrying out to find no guards, misplaced glances felt like searing stares to the frightened Corgi. (It was sorta inevitable, but yeah... This sucks...) They both sighed, as he hustled through the halls toward the garage. (Just try to focus on having fun. Frowst may have taken you away, but he cant take that away from you!) Though needlessly complex, this was touching... Upon reaching the next hall over from the garage, Allixter bowed his head. Taking a deep breath, he let it out slowly, trying to rid himself of all the negativity he was feeling. Putting on a big-ole-fake smile, he knocked on the door and got confirmation to open it. Fighting his systematic replay of Zothes email, Al entered and did his best to snap into social mode when the three pairs of eyes hit him. Immediately something caught Al offguard, thankfully dulling the zephyr in his thoughts. Unlike Dullies room, Xanders pad was tidy and very tasteful. No posters lined the walls and carefully chosen decorations; replaced aimlessly placed belongings. This took Al aback and made him think Xander was new here as well. Heya bro, weve watched the intro like... eleven times... Please don't tell me ya wanna see it... Xander immediately jumped into why they were here. Sup Al. Yo bro. Took ya long enough! The others joked his entrance. Heya guys. Allixter had a seat, his ears drooping against his will. Sorry for the delay. Nah, Im cool to skip it. Got an extra controller? Didn't think to bring mine? A collective sigh of annoyance was masked in varying ways. Ill go grab my extra, my rooms closer. Lionel hopped up and left. ...Thanks, sorry yall. Allixters sheepish apology was the last thing he needed to worry about. Nah, its good. Sorry, Im being pushy... Controllers probably the last thing on your mind, am I right? Xander asked with a tilt of his head. Ye-yeah... You hit the friggin bullseye... Al admitted, garnering silent sympathy from the others. Really though, just wanna take my mind off that shit. So lets play! Whats this one about? I barely got to play part two... They all gasped at this, but it was lacking real direness. Nah, its cool. I don't think this one has anything to do with the others directly. Just some casual references and nods to what happened. If anything major pops up, Ill let you know! Ziggy explained, seeming to know the most about the game behind Xander. Thanks! Im pretty good at the shoot and not die part of this, so no worries there. A joking response made his assistance less weird to Al. Self reliant, ey? I go down all the damn time! Make sure to help me out! Ziggy responded with a toothy grin that bunched up his near fur-less hide. Once Lionel returned, they began the rather short process of assembling their team. Given there was only four characters to choose from, it was difficult to match playstyle while not picking the same person. Allixter opted to try someone different than who he wanted, just to get into the game faster. The fact that his character had mind powers was awesome, but he was sorta miffed it had to be a female... Tutorials are usually bland as hell, but this one was pretty fun! Probably cuz of all the guys being around was making it so interesting with their fascination. Everything seemed to be exciting. From enhanced character models, to new loot containers, the whole experience was a massive upgrade! Oh shiz, first boss fight! Oughta be pitiful... Lionel said seeing the cutscene start. Just got my power, itchin to test it out! Al said with a plastered on smirk, he refused to let fade. Heard its hella more powerful if you throw barrels or objects into the enemy, instead of just force push them. Ziggy gave apt advice. Oh shit, ahh~! Im on fire! Xander ran for cover in game, with fake dread powering his voice. Watching the opponents health bar quickly wittle away, Allixter barely had enough time to properly set up and use his ability. This was way more of a let down than he anticipated, but tried to not stress over it. Things he knew wouldve blown his mind, were difficult to enjoy. Depressions a really cruel burden to endure. Allixter knows very well this should be thrilling, hes never played a loot-shooter with all four people on the same console! Alas, his mind was elsewhere, not on the fictional planet of Splendora. Even when a coveted orange item was found, it roused little interest in Allixter. Before this hed only ever seen one, making this occasion sort of monumental! Shrugging indeifferently when it was offered to him, Al sighed internally realizing this wouldn't work as hed hoped. Whatever, its just one gun, therell be others to enjoy. Theyre still low level, so itll be phased out quickly... It was quite foolish of him to think a videogame would take his mind off such an ordeal. Struggling to repress such virulent emotions, while faking joy; pressured Allixter into boredom and fatigue quicker. So long as the others were blissfully unaware of his torment, then all was good. Given enough focus, there were a few segments of the game he enjoyed, despite the fleeting happiness always out of reach. Unbeknownst to Al, the others were aware of his suffering, despite not knowing the direct cause. They felt for him deeply and tried to console him in the only way passing acquaintances could... After about an hour or two, they were moving on to a space-station or something of the likeness, when a knock hit the door. Allixter jumped, but it barely registered to the others; who were more concerned with what loot was better. Shouting for whoever was there to come in, Als worst nightmare was realized as Frowst poked his nose in. How that reeking-stink-sack can stand to have a nose is incomprehensible to Allixter... (Calm down! Its okay! We arent trapped! Jus-just... play it cool! Okay?! Were fine! He wont try nothing with the guys around... I hope...) Instinct tried to calm down Al, who was getting read to run. Hello boys, I just wanted to see how you all are doing. Frowst said sweetly, as the group looked up at him. Terrific! So much fun sir! Thaaank youuu~! Xanders puppy voice was friggin adorable... This is really cool, you oughta give it a try Mr. Frowst! Its got jetpacks and space vehicles and wonky guns and stuff! Lionel added, showing off some of his cool gear. Thank you Mr. Frowst. Really appreciate you letting us buy this. Ziggy bowed his head several times to show appreciation. Looking to Al, Frowsts brow raised upon seeing his quivering form. ... Oh, uhh, yeah... Thanks! Wonderful, Im delighted youre all having such fun. This title was always a bit crude for me, but I appreciate the offer. I just wanted to check in. See how youre all are doing. Frowst was obviously here for one reason, but Al refused to acknowledge that. When youre all finished, Id like to spend some time with you boys. Lionel, Im feeling rather... eheh, affectionate today... Frowst didn't want to pressure Allixter, but his musky husky is bound to please... Uhhh... Oh, yeah! Heh, I-Ill see ya in a bit! Heh... Lionels awkward reply and fidgeting posture gave away his discomfort. Allixter, if youd be so inclined. Id like to show you around the house today. When you get a chance that is... Frowst didn't like the look Al gave him upon speaking his name. Y-yeah, sure... Lemme finish this, okay? Al didn't like having to ask, like a puppy. Of course love. Don't think I forgot you two either! Ziggy, Xander; I have surprises for both of you as well! Frowst smiled so big his eyes had to shut. Oh thank ya sir, but I already got my present sorta! Xander pointed his controller at the game. Same sir! Don't gotta do nothin special cuz I was there when ya got home! Ziggy continued this line of thought. Nonsense, its so much more than that. I want to show my appreciation. Just come find me when you have some spare time boys. Love you. Frowst left casually, despite wanting to stay. See ya sir! Goodbye Master! Love you too! Bye. The jubilous parting fell flat when Al spoke. Wow, you reeeally don't like him huh? Lionel asked, being the oldest he noticed more. (Damn that hurts to hear...) Instinct whimpered to himself. That obvious huh? Nah, just... Im on edge around him, I guess. It feels natural to keep my guard up when hes near. Al admitted in a bitter tone. Furreal? Like, the other you hates Frowst? Xander was shocked enough to pause the game. (No sir, I don't!) Instinct blurted out. No, thats not what I mean! Natural as in... me... Whatever the fuck that actually means now... Al sighed and bowed his head. Same as always! Don't you feel like yourself? Its not like he changed your personality! Ziggy leaned forward, to peek at Als eyes. Honestly, no. This whole ordeal has kinda... I cant quite describe it... Allixter struggled to decipher his own emotions. (Youre the exact same as before! Well for the most part... Okay, so Master did fib a little...) Hearing Instincts voice amongst the convo was a bit more relaxed than Al had anticipated. Youve probably heard it a lot, but... This is normal and you will feel better with time. Frowst isnt all that bad, even when Ive really pissed him off, he never hurt me. Xander explained for the hundredth time. Thats not the point though! He dognapped me dude! Thats a crime, hes a criminal and a sick one at that! Allixter exclaimed, unaware Frowst was just outside the door. You cant think that way. Sure this is messed up, but like... He isnt lording the situation over you. Frowst isnt gonna use you for his twisted desires, because he really doesn't have any! Lionels defense would only bolster how special Frowst treated him. Even though youre really upset about what he did, thats no reason to deny yourself the good! He bought you two game consoles for crying out loud! Do you know how long I had to save up just to get a beat up old Pawstation?! Ziggy had a big laugh, remembering how special that felt. Thats makes it waaaay harder! Its like hes buying my cooperation, but at the same time; forcing me against my will... Im just having a tough time piecing it all together. Coming to grips with this wont be so easy. Allixter unpaused the game, continuing the adventure amidst the conversation. ... Just, don't give up on him okay? I get it, really. This was a nightmare for me at first, but like... now... Lionel faded in and out of confidence. Now I don't know if I could live without the big guy! Really, I promise your feelings will change. Just try to enjoy yourself and all the bullshit will sweep itself under the rug. Ziggy added, seeing Al was growing aggravated. "If youre willing to try and level with him, nothing is outta your reach! Frowst can provide anything you want or need. Hes taken such amazingly good care of me since I left Japan. Frowsts like my second father! Xander exclaimed, looking to Ziggy who agreeance strengthened by the second. (Thank you guys! Really, helps to hear it from yall! Well be find, with time! I keep sayin that too!) Having Instinct speak for him was infuriating, but ignorable. Can we stop talking about this? I just wanna kill bandits and pretend Im somewhere else... Sighing grimly, Al realized both Ziggy and Xander were taken much further from home than he... Thats not healthy, but whatever works for ya bro. Lionel nudged him, giving a consoling smile to Als side. Talk to me again in a week or so, bet you wont even be thinking about it! Xanders semi-snide response hit Als nerves. Even if ya don't like Frowst, we can still be buds! Right? I bet wed get along even though Im older. Ziggy said as he took cover in game to look at Al. Of course! You guys seem cool and Im all for new friends. Just... that dudes gotta spend some serious dough to win me over... Al joking shared his inner feelings, garnering a little relief from it. Hahaha, thats the spirit~! You don't understand, he lives for that shit pal! While not exactly the best response, Lionel was trying. I got soooo much stuff just cuz I was new. Damn, kinda miss getting that extra-special spoiling... Ziggy sighed longingly, something Frowst took mental note of. Damn, guess Im the only one who felt bad asking for stuff then! Xander exclaimed shooting his gaze between faces. Shiiit, the strict-ass way I was brought up... My folks wouldve expected me to thank Mr. Frowst for dognapping me! Xander heckled his distant parents, pretending to bow respectfully. Oh, like you were at all outta your element rich boy! Of course Lionel and I would ask for stuff, we were poor before meeting Master! Ziggy let out a big guffaw at his self mockery. Heey~! I wasn't thaaat poor! I get what you mean, but youch... Damn dude! Lionel winced playfully, shaking his head a bit. Nah, in all seriousness... Itll take some time, but all of us appreciate being here in some way or another, well... cept Flash... Poor guy... Their was a moment of silence, before everyone had a laugh at his expense. Okay, so you guys gotta explain that one to me... Whys Flash here? Just another dognapping victim? Allixter asked, hoping to gauge how helpful the Rottweiller could be. (Oi boy, we gotta come up with a new term for that...) Instinct chimed in with a dramatized sigh. From what Ive gathered, he borrowed money from Frowst to start his rap career, which didn't really take off... Instead of paying him back honestly, the dumbass tried to avoid Master and blow it off... Xander explained, seeing the others unwilling to speak. Wow, haha... Oh my gods, hahahaa~! Thats like something straight out of a movie! Holy shit... W-why does he keep up the rap-game-fursona then? Allixter asked and they all shrugged in broken unison. I dunno... Guess it helps him cope er something... Lionels pity sounded in his voice, but didn't grace his muzzle. Hell grow out of it hopefully... Frowst fought to restrain snickers upon hearing this. Yeah, poor guys just as scared as you. Its kinda all hes got... Not sure if ya know this, but hes only like... third newest after you. Ziggy thought a moment before proceeding. Point is, Flash is still new and he refuses to cooperate in the slightest... so... He tried to find a polite way of comparing them. Dont end up like Flash... Hes just... sad... Xander added, knowing Ziggy was too polite to say it. Whoa... Okay, I see your point, but... Im nothing like that fool. Makes sense someone like that would end up here... Al imagined himself a few years down the road, but couldn't envision anything close to Flash. (His rhymes probably suck anyway...) Instinct got Al to let out a restrain snicker. Good to hear, cuz I like you! You seem fun under all that anger. Xander nudged Al, giving a sly wink. Yeah bro, just try to have an open mind... I know thats hard to feel that way, but still! Give the guy a break! He wanted to give you a posh lifestyle, is that such a crime? Lionel was making such good points, probably because hes the oldest here. He couldve asked! Like, come on!! I wouldve friggin said yes! He just stole me outta my bed and flew me across the damn country against my will! Allixter light-weight exploded at this, Frowst was aghast upon hearing Al knew and didn't discuss it with him... Damn, thats harsh... Not to one up you, but I was taken from my home country... I was a lot happier than you seem when I got here though. Ziggy responded first, interrupting Xander who followed. I may be here by choice, but I understand what you mean dude... I miss Yokohama... Xanders ears lowered and his slightly wagging tail stopped. D-dude... Did I hear that right?! Youre hear of your own free will?! Allixter went critical, as he paused the game and tossed the controller down. Whoa, chillax! Its not what you think... I came here after college to get a job and Mr. Frowst was my employer. He knows my dad pretty well and so things were going smoothly. Just... fuck bro, my Dad expects a looot~! I don't want bust my ass daily if I don't gotta, so back off! If Frowst is willing to take care of me, simply because Imma Shiba, thats fine by me! Xander shot back with a well shaped argument, Allixter piecing it together quickly. So... like... your family thinks-. Allixter began to ask. Thats none of your business, but if you must know... Yeah, hehe... Frowst and I lie to em and make it seem like Im breaking my tail for his company! It all made sense and to Al this seemed like a reasonable excuse to live with Frowst... (Wow... All these stories and backgrounds... Wonder what their home towns are like?! Probably hella fun! This is a fun group Frowst has!) Instinct saw this as getting to know one another, not an argument. Alright... Okay, man Im sorry... That was sorta shocking to hear though. Hearing Al apologize was quite pleasing to Frowst, who respected his consideration. Just don't judge any books by their covers! A lot of us have legitament reasons for being here or at least things we tell ourselves to feel better about it... Lionel sighed softly after this, Frowst heartbroken at the sound. Yeah, thats fair... Sorry Xander. Im kinda being a downer, but I cant help it... Allixter muttered making Frowst realize this was a recent problem. All good dude, I ought be going to see Frowst soon anyhow! Just try to relax and soak in the fun! Lionel replied, sending Frowst scampering away stealthily. Aww furreal, weve only been playin... Whoa, shit! Its been five hours?! Holy hell... Xander scanned the room for some reason. Okay, so like... For the sake of my eye sight, yeah... Lets stop for now, haha! Realizing how much time had passed effected them all differently. Lionel had been perfectly aware and just didn't care. Allixter was shocked so much time could pass, while he dealt with such strife. Xander and Ziggy were equally upset that they were going to stop, but knew it was for the best... Knowing that each of them was going to get some quality time with Frowst was also spawning a plethora of reactions... Al dreaded what this could mean, even if it was just hanging out; hed rather not. Bye! See ya guys! Thanks for playing! Was hella fun, sorry again though... Yall make sure to get your characters soon! Als applogy was lost amongst the friendly partings. See ya later fellahs! Imma get some grub before I see Frowst. Ziggy waved at them, trotting off once he turned away. Damn, Im starvin too! Ill be down to the kitchen in a sec! Bye guys, have fun with Frowst! Well... If ya can, hehe... Xanders cheery words felt wrong when he saw Als mortified face. Be seein ya guys! Thanks again, was a riot! Havent seen that much blood since we got the new Mammal Kombat! Lionel joked, walking away backward, before a parting wave moved him around the corner. Bye bro, like... Just stay strong. Thanks for hanging out. Xander put a paw on Als shoulder, shaking him out a little. Thanks again for letting me join, was a good way to ignore all this. S-sorry for snapping at you. Glad things are working out for ya! Allixter tried to patch things up despite feeling like an asshole. My doors always open pal! I just hope youre able to find something that makes it worth trying for. Hit me up when you need you Hexbox info! See ya round bro! Xander didn't wanna leave things too serious, so he just waved and headed back into his room. (Bye Xander! Oh, sorry... Cant help it. Man that was cool! Can I play next time?! Promise I wont embarrass you!) Instinct was overjoyed by the idea of this. Yeah, okay... Whatever... Allixter couldn't have been further away mentally. Unsure of how to proceed, Allixter began toward his room with a sigh of uncertainty. Frowst was going to want to... do stuff... Allixter wasn't sure how to handle Instinct knowing and didn't want to just have him locked away for no reason. His arguably better half was so lost in the excitement of getting to play next time, that he hardly noticed the conflicting emotions of his true self. Both eagerness and loathing clashed as Allixter imagined meeting Frowst... Eating a power bar and some junk food, Allixter didn't want to leave his room. In reality, it wasn't any safer here, but he wanted to feel that way. After a short while, he sighed out a stiff breath and stood up. If he didn't find Frowst, than the fat bastard would certainly come looking for him. This shit is so unfair... (This wont be so bad. Just try not to let on youre upset and things will be golden! If Frowst knows something is bothering you, hell probably pressure ya to talk about it. Just stay cool pup...) Being called pup was aggravating, but Allixters thoughts were elsewhere. Youre right, hopefully I can get in and out without any problems. Just don't really wanna do this right now... Allixter sighed softly, as he reached the door. Just please try to keep quiet around him for me, okay? Its hard to control my emotions around him... You being all giddy makes it a lot worse... Allixter didn't want this to sound harsh, but it did. (I get cha, like... Just understand, I cant control it man! Ive never been able to work on my self control, so it makes sense... Just, sorry...) Having Al apologize to him in turn was a phenomenal feeling. No worries, really I get it... Im just trying to psyche myself out, ya know? Itll take a long while till Im excited to go see him... Allixter knew this to be false in some small way... (Ill make sure to spread some of my puppy love around your noggin when I see ya struggling! Gotta keep up appearances right?) You don't gotta do that, really! Like, that make do more harm than good! Allixter knew an extra dose of ecstasy would make dealing with Frowst impossible. (Ya sure? I can take the wheel so to speak, if you wanted.) Allixter exclaimed decline got the point across. Knowing where Frowsts room is and the location of his usual lounging spots, Allixter did his best to avoid prompt arrival. Hopefully, Al catch Frowst with one of the others and hell be able to delay this for that much longer. If anything, itd be nice to get a sense of what the others are being rewarded with. Kinda sweet really, that Frowst is willing to shower his pets with present, solely for meeting him when he got home... Rounding the corner which led to the study, Allixter hoped Frowst wasn't in there and he could do some snooping. Unfortunately, the training eyes of the wolvish watchmen kept him from this. Figuring Frowst was in the lounge, the depressed Corgi frumpily headed that way. Its the smell that tipped him off and told Al he was headed toward his reluctant owner. Despite hating this malefic odor with a passion, it was something he directly attributed to Frowst. A musky scent Al unwittingly attached to what little happiness he felt about the situation. Against his better judgement, Allixter grew accustomed to living with a skunk day by day... Knocking twice, Allixter was satisfied and started off toward his room. Coooom iiiin~! Frowst sang shortly after. Damn it... Allixter sighed. (Figures...) Instinct added. Hello fluffernutter! So very good to see you! Frowsts jubilant response made Al smile against his will. H-hey... How are you? He asked cordially, after entering and taking a seat. (Sorry, the wagging is my fault... Couldn't help it when he said fluffernutter. My bad...) Instinct offered condolesnces for the fact Al seemed very happy to see Frowst. Im doing terrifically, thank you for asking! What about yourself? Care for a cigar? Knowing his inner turmoil, Frowst wanted to spoil Allixter. Yeah, thanks... Heh, must look kinda funny in my maw. These are clearly for bigger mammals... Al chuckled seeing the tightly rolled Cuban extending past his stubby muzzle. Don't let that stop you from enjoying it hun! Your size doesn't mean a thing! You deserve such happiness; anytime, anywhere! Secretly addressing the problem, Frowst saw Als ears drop upon hearing this. Yeah... Ya got a point there... Al took note of the words he used and how they effected him. Is something bothering you my love? I detect an extra tension in your voice; more than normal... Frowst knew a general questioning would be more inclined to work. I-Im alright... Nothings wrong... Al bowed his head to light the cigar, but also to hide his emotions. Really? Please do tell me whats on your mind. Frowst requested sweetly. I... I cant... Id rather not... Allixter said after a long exhale of smoke. Its cool, just... Hard to wake up so far from home. Hinting at what bothered him Al wondered if Frowst knew. Is that troublesome? Is it the heat or just not being in familiar territory? Inching toward admition, Master Frowst did his best to play coy. I... I didn't know where we are... Kinda came as a shocker... Al finally broke, feeling much less aggression then hed of thought. Oh darling, Im so very sorry I took you so far from home... How did you find out? Did one of the boys let it slip? Don't worry, you can tell me. I wont be mad at them. Frowst asked egging Als cooperation further. Nah, I saw a letter in your office or something... It just got me thinking and a little searching confirmed my suspicions. This was the quickest cover story Al could come up with. (Good one! Best not tell him how we actually came by that info. Not to mention, itd be easy as hell to have figured it out otherwise! Youre smart~!) Trying to boost Als confidence, Instinct was just distracting... Oh my, Im so sorry love... You must understand this isnt any extra attempt to entrap you. I simply live in a different state. Frowst leaned forward to pat Als shoulder. Nah, its just a grim realization in a way. Sort of seals the deal, if ya get my drift... Allixter regreted his wording, but Frowst just chuckled. Am I to believe you planned on trying to run away? Frowst asked with a sly smirk. W-wha..? What, nah! Nope, hehe! I hadnt really been thinking about it! Allixter smiled as big as he could, not breaking eye contact. (Wow... Okay, that was painful...) Delightful. Youre going to love Florida once youre comfortable at home~! My house was owned by a famous mobster I believe... Not the reason I bought it, but still! Trying to brush over Als ire, Frowst invoked his inner tour guide. Now its owned by a less than famous mobster, hehe... Al got Frowst to half agree before a chiding hey. (Dawg, he aint a mobster... Super villain is a fitting title, member!) Instinct and Al snickered at this. Though Im not a mobster, youd be surprise how much influence I have... Would you like to see all the celebrities I know? Frowst lifted his snout, seeing Als excitement peak. N-nah, but like... Thats really cool. You probably know a lot of people Ive never heard of haha... Allixter tried to make this less appealing. Cant say for certain, but I have quite a repertoire of acquaintances! Should you find any of them idolic, I could easily arrange a meeting. It would make for a fun date! Frowst saw a streak of resignation flourish in Al. Has this been bothering you for a while? I do hope not... Please come to me with problems in the future. Im very open and just want to help. Frowst invitied cooperation, hoping to open Al up to romance. Just found out a day or so ago. Y-yeah, thanks... Ill keep than in mind. Al nodded, finding it easier to force a smile upon seeing Frowst already doing so. So what did ya wanna see me fur? Al asked innocently, though his grammar hit Frowst wrong. Well, firstly... *Muuuuuuuaaaahhh~* Frowst pressed his muzzle forward enough to catch Al in a kiss. Using a single paw to still Allixters squirming, Frowst massaged the dogs tonsils and tongue with deft licks and slurping swaths. Not stopping till he felt Al bulge up or relax, Frowst soon found a limper and starry eyed Corgi before him. Unprepared for this Allixter locked up and stared vacantly as his brain processed the feeling. Not against the kiss, Allixter was soon swooning to the point he nearly dropped his cigar! Secondly, here! I bought you this love. Took a little while to arrive however. Frowst handed a small box to Allixter. Thank you for being there when I got home. Youre such a good boy! Frowst pat his head as Al examined the package. Th-th-haaa~... Thank you Lancaster. Allixter had to exhale or he would have spontaneously combust. Opening the shipping paper with his claw, Allixter found a tight cardboard box with dozens of postal stickers on it. Trying with great resistance to open the container, Frowst offered a letter opened, which did the trick. Within, Al slid free a cylindrical glass case with a golden knob on the top. Inside, was a thin rodd, tipped with a cup shapped pedestal. Sitting inside, was something Allixter never knew existed, but had sort of always wanted... A solid crystal Pawkball, complete with differen colored quarts to make up the red portion! A small diamond had been cut just right to serve as the opening mechanism! Its unreal form and nerd-inspiring gravity held Als breath as he stared into the tiny glass repository, where so much wonder was currently stored. Quivering his eyes over the eldritch sphere of complex craftsmanship, Allixter was beyond elated, yet felt sort of silly for still enjoying such a childish game. Its just something he grew up with and may never outgrow... As I am told, they are supposed to grow and shrink in size, which is quite impossible... However, it does open. Be gentle, the case is just as expensive as the ball! Frowst goaded Al to be as geeky as he felt. W-wh-wow... Y-you... How did you know..? Oh right... Allixter began deciphering this simple, yet poignant gift. Wh-what... made you... Holy hell this thing is pretty! Allixter was awash with intrigue at the flawless gem he slowly uncased. This is... I cant even... Thank you! Wow, this is really cool! It clicks open and everything! T-Thanks Mr. Frowst! What made you wanna buy me this, haha? Al asked his eyes so big, they reflected the gleaming orb in his paw. (Whoa! Dude! Th-thats kinda amazing! The craftsmanship and creativity... This is for us?! Just because we came to say hi?!) Instinct was astounded at the generosity before him. Well, you responded quite well to my list of fictional media and I believe youre phone had one of the Pawkmon games open when you arrived here... Frowst began to think, having a seat upon his desk. Not to mention Vailey seemed very jealous when he saw Dullahans. His is quite different though... It has these beautiful violet sphere on the top of it... Frowst faded off remembering how much more expensive that one was, for whatever reason. Whoa thats a-... Al cut himself off with a laugh, realizing how dumb he wouldve sounded, should Frowst ask for an explination. This is so special to see... Kinda of like part of my childhood manifested into reality... Sort of surreal, hehe. If thats not too weird. Mocking himself covered how sheepish Allixter was feeling. You... damn, I cant tell ya how strange it feels to be excited for this! Al admitted with a small gush of affection as he clicked it open again. Please don't let it make you feel odd! While Im not as informed as some of you youths, Pawkmon is delightful! Believe it or not, I quite adore the world theyve created! Such a fun idea! Frowst had to show Al his oldschool Gameguy advanced after this. Wh-whoa! No way! Thats super hard to believe! Youre so suave and stuff... Not a hint of nerd in ya! Allixter scoffed into laughing. (Bro, he plays Castles & Crusaders... He seems sorta geeky to me!) Instinct reminded. While I do project myself with the utmost poise, Im quite the fan of fantasy and science fiction! Youd be surprised the odd little interests we have in common. For example do you know I have a sword collection? Blades, daggers and the likeness. Frowst knew most males would find this quote-unquote, cool. Wh-whoa, thats kinda sick! I mean, thats a typical rich guy thing, but in this context Im sorta stoked! Ya oughta show me sometime! Al exclaimed brightly, secretly wondering where he kept an arsenal of weapons. (No way whaaat?! Oh, well yeah; guess youre right actually...) Instinct faded quickly, when he heard Als response. I planned on offering you a tour of my abode today! The gallery is well worth a visit, I assure you. Care to accompany me love? Frowst stamped out his stubby cigar, as he stood. Uhh, well, sure! Yeah, sounds good! Lemme put this out... Ready! Al popped up, setting his brain to sleuth mode. Waving his arm outward elegantly, Frowst awaited Als exit. This section of the house is generally referred to as the pet wing, but it is actually the western most corridor. It contains my study, the lounge, and Mr. Scheffields kitchen, as well as many of your pet mates rooms. Frowst began to walk, this area quite familiar to Al. Lets put that away for now, unless you wanna carry it around for funzies... Frowst referenced the Pawkball. Nah, tch... gimme a second. Al went in and set down his newest decoration. Okay, proceed. Whore my neighbors by the way? Al shoved a thumb over his shoulder at the passing doors. Ah, yes... Hmm... I believe youre between Ruttgrr and Pacer. Frowst open a large door at the end of the hall, leading to another long corridor. Ya mean Flash, right? Al genuinely needed to remember. Yes, but I absolutely refuse to say that silly name... Its the reason hes here in the first place... Master Frowst pinched his nose a second remembering the shady dealings Pacer had attempted. Yeah, heard about that from the guys, haha... Tough break! Al heckled and Frowst stopped to look at him. Do not mock your pet mates Allixter. Though in Pacers case, Ill let it slide... Poor boys to brash for his own good. Frowst had a short laugh. This is the dining hall, where we held your party. Beyond this is the eastern hall, commonly called the work wing. My office and the security rooms are down here, as well as some more... sensual locations... Frowst moaned out the word. Y-ya got whole... whole rooms dedicated to that, do ya? Allixter had to refocus his thoughts on escape. (Whoa-ho-ho! Prolly where the girls got there punishment! Ask him about it pleeease? Im reeeally curious, so are you! Cmon?!) Instinct jumped at the chance to be lewd, the dirty beast he is. Well yes, Im a very sexual sort... Trying to hide it around you has proved quite a challenge, I must say! Frowst had to adjust his tie, which hid the fact he fixed his underwear... Not to mention I do need to assign rooms for punishing my naughty doggies, heehee~! Frowst saw a stripe of disgust run through Al at his elation. Y-you gotta be kiddin... Yeah, okay... Moving on... Al felt his face blush at the idea of Frowst doing such lewd things to some of the others... (No! Nuh-uh, if you gotta boner from that, then we gotta ask him about it now!) Instinct leapt into the spotlight upon hearing Als decline. I didn't get a bone-... Allixter stopped himself upon seeing Frowsts confusion and hearing Instincts snickers. Im sorry, you were going to say something? Lancaster waved Al to continue. N-nah, its nothing... Al waved back, sure to start trouble if he locked up Instinct over that. What else is down here? He added to recover. If you follow this hall, youll pass the naughty rooms... Then my office... Frowst gently pawed each door for reference. Finally we have the wolves security office, which also leads to the wine-cellar. They sorta use it as a den. Frowst explained, no guards gracing this wing for reference. At the end of this hall is the second dining room, which I repurposed into a gallery of sorts. Come along. Frowst restrained his giddiness, as Al hurried to keep up. Opening a set of ebony double doors, the room beyond felt sterile and empty, though so many interesting things were on diplay! It was like an art gallery for Frowsts personality! One wall was lined with the medieval weaponry Frowst referenced early, the opposite a vast collection of art pieces, sculptures, and other pricey decorations. On the smaller wall, a loose collection of rare of antique instruments were housed within glass cases. Rare model guitars and pricey violins stood proudly with some less recognizable tools of music. Turning about as he entered, each new object had Allixter entranced and intrigued, with no words coming to his muzzle, only excited sounds. A few suits of armor and a exquisite throw rug brought the whole room together, with a crystalline chandelier overhead! These are treasures Ive acquired throught my life. Nothing compares to my darling dogs of course, but before I had you all, money kept piling up! Frowst explained, gently dusting a few untouched relics. Thats a pretty cool problem to have though! Wow, some of this stuff is really awesome! Whered ya get this? What is it? Allixter pointed at the strange little hunk of polished black stone. Ah, thats an Zorilla tribe fertility statue. Its supposed to be a pair of skunks mating, but I sort of always just saw a tail. See the lil stripe? Frowst moved his head while pointing, to reveal a silvery substance within the stone to Allixter. Wh-whoa, thats really pretty... Al was transfixed a moment. Whatta bout these? Some kinda shoes, er somethin? Moving to the next case, Al was steadily working toward the instruments and cool weapons. These are a pair of authentic Himilayan mountaineers sandals. Goat families from the area pass them down through there family and I happened to meet a Sherpa with no sons. Felt silly paying the mammal for his shoes, haha! It was an attempt to impress my ex-wife and seem cultured... Frowst admitted, gently pounding the glass with a paw before leaning on it. Damn she sounds like a heartless gold-digger... Well it sorta impressed me, if that helps! Al retorted with a snorting laugh. Well now its a very precious item to me, thank you. Lancaster peeked at Al, his smile hidden by his supporting arm. You seem to be brightening in mood. Feeling any better my love? Yeah, I guess... Just trying to not think about it, ya know? I appreciate you being straight forward with me about it sir. Ya coulda danced around that for days and kept me in the dark... Allixter tried to be frank, his internal ire having subsided slightly. I would never my boy! I only keep certain things from you to protect you or ensure my chances at companionship. Whenever able, I am absolutely honest with you. Rest assured. Though twisted in a way, Frowst sounded truthful. Thanks... I believe you sorta. So I gotta ask, do you play? Al pointed a paw behind him at the instruments on the wall. Yes, several instruments actually! Not particularly skilled at the guitar, but I find them appealing in a way. This is an antique Shamisen fit to work with modern amplifiers. Quite a sound this badboy makes! Frowst immediately pointed out his most interesting piece. Whoa, thats pretty wicked! C-can I try one..? I sorta play, just... its cool if not, cuz these are all show pieces. Al scratched a paw at first, but stood firm behind his thin veil of adulthood. Here, do be careful please. This one isnt terrifically expensive, just a bit sentimental. Frowst opened the case on a simple acoustic guitar, the scuffs and scratches showing its age. Thanks I will. Al took it and slid the pick free. Strumming it a few times, the soulful sound was enthralling and quaint, while just enough reverberation provided the aggression Al expected from a guitar. It was fun to show Frowst his talent with the strings! Not many people have ever seen Al play, given his tiny size, they never expect a worthy performance. Gleaming brighter by the second were Frowsts eyes, as the big skunk watched entranced by the simple plucking and sliding of paw pads. A simple recollection of all the random bits of music Al could recall had Frowst practically on his knees for more! I-Im so impressed! My love... Allixter... That was so lovely, beautiful! Im making a spectacal of myself, but I really did enjoy that! Thank you! Frowst was stunned that Al has such practice under his petite belt. Thanks~! My pals and I wanted to be in a band when we were younger. Kept some of that after they all moved onto real life. Allixter smirked, as he returned the guitar to its case. I simply must buy you a guitar of your own! I cant wait to hear some of your particularly favorite songs! You looked so focused and dedicated to the craft... Wonderous... Laying it on as thick as he could, Frowst still managed to not push the boundries. Oh sheesh, yooouuu... Really, thank you. Its one of my hobbies, not lookin to be famous anymore, just enjoy it. Al shrugged hearing Instinct mentally applaud him. Thats as terrific a reason as any! Youre very talented my boy, if you ever want to pursue a career in such; Ill do everything in my power to help you. Frowst knelt a bit to hug Allixter, hoping hed return the favor. Well shit, given what happened with Flash... Not sure if Imma take you up on that, haha~! Allixter bit at the idea, not wanting to get excited over nothing. Considering he lied and stole from me, I do believe you two are in different boats. If you were to ask for my assistance, I wouldn't expect anything should you fail. Pacer knew our deal and chose to ignore it... Youre already here, so feel free to indulge! Frowst tapped a claw on the glass case for reference. Well... thank you... Thats a really sweet offer! C-can I hold one of those? Like... ya know, just for fun? Al asked suddenly, spying the polished scimitar for the eleventh time. I-Im... Ill trust you on this one bud. Go ahead, please try and avoid any desires to stab me! Frowst heckled, but Al took note of his minor retreating. (Ahh! Master Id never-.) Instinct had to quiet down as Al spoke. No promises-... Im joking! Cmon man! Al had to spin around at the sound of Frowsts approach. You must admit I have reason for such concerns... Ive trusted you quite a lot Al, please do not betray what weve built together... Frowst eyed the wall of razor sharp steel, which Al was fidgeting beneath. Look, if it bothers you; lets just keep going with the tour. Its not super important, just my inner nerd bubbling up... Allixter addressed the problem with a direct solution. (Awwww... Dang it, I was real excited too!) It wasn't a huge loss, but still something unique to Instinct. No, no please! Go ahead! If you can hold off on cutting me for now, perhaps you and I could fence sometime. Just for fun, Ill go easy on you; promise! Forwst had a wry laugh, from the idea of facing someone Als height. If youre cool with it... Really, I was kidding please don't freak out... Al turned back to make sure Frowst understood. (Don't make those kinds a jokes then! You can tell hes a little cautious letting us into his home...) Instinct hated how Als actions effected his rapport with Master. Watching his little dog scrabble up the wall with a reaching paw was priceless... While Frowst is enamored with Allixter, some part of him was equally charmed with the fatherly feeling their height difference created. Knowing Al would be practically defenseless out in the world, Frowst couldn't help but smile at the thought of bringing him to such safety. Clattering one of the weapons from the wall, Frowst gasped under his breath as Al narrowly avoided losing an ear! From this angle the big skunk couldve swore he saw a few strands of fur fly free as the blade was drawn from the wall! Whipping it around him and to a comfortable position, the idea of being cut didn't seem to phase Al, who watched the curved edge dance through the air without an ounce of resistance, save its own weight. Pretending to cut down foes and take up victorious poses, Frowst wished he had brought a costume or camera for this... It was Sooo utterly adorable! He looked like something out of Noman the Barbarian! The petite paws had to firmly grip the handle in order to maintain stability, but he looked so proud and powerful, as if he was much bigger now in his own mind. Seeing Al have such fun with his imagination and a priceless decoration, touched Frowst deeply, like this moment was the first time he saw Allixter truly open up. Despite feeling like an absolute dork for making sound effects and everything, Allixter was enchanted by the gleaming arch of steel in his paws. A lot of others caught his eye, but getting this one down was hard enough! Best make the most of it, whos judging?! After a few mock battles in his mind, Allixter began trying to hang the sword up. Frowst hustled to help, not wanting such tragedy to befall his precious pup. Thanking Frowst, Allixter had to actively stay himself from attacking. A low hanging dagger had caught his eyes and its closer proximity wouldve made it easy to grab... The meer thought of it hurt Allixters heart and had Instinct aghast. Despite wanting freedom, it shouldn't come at the cost of Frowsts pain or his life... Hes has a kind heart and Al would be vile to betray such trust. That was unfathomably darling to watch! Astronomically entertaining! Frowst declared upon turning back to Al. Thanks, youll have to let me play with some of the others... Er, uhh... Practice, yeah! That sounds better! Al snickered as Frowst rose a brow at the word play. Of course love! Perhaps youd like to begin a collection yourself? Think about sometime! Come along, Id like to show you the rest of my house. Opening the door, Frowst was somewhat relieved to return to ensured safety. Next hall over leads back toward the pet wing, but it has a few random rooms you may need to know about. This goes to the Gym, which is connected to the pool. Over here youll find a type of storage room, if you ever need anything you can probably find it in here. Everythings labeled, so itll be nice and easy for ya! Frowst opened the door to the cramped room of stacked boxes. Cool, thanks! Havent really needed anything yet, well nothing you didn't provide. T-thank you... Allixter scuffed a paw along the carpet as they kept walking. No, thank you~! I appreciate you giving me your trust! Supplying you with sundries is the least I can do! Frowst took a knee to kiss Allixter on the head, since his muzzle bowed out of range. Youve done a lot to make this an inviting environment and I appreciate that with all my heart. Sorry its been so hard for me... Just super different all of the sudden. Allixter didn't want to look at him, but swooned when he did. All of a sudden, but thats the past my love and Im aiming to make the future bright! You and I can be good friends or... even closer... Frowst hinted at his hopefulness. Sheesh... You wont let up till Im yours, will ya? Allixter joked, though it seemed like a valid question. (Keep it coming big guy! We got a lotta love to give back!) Instinct tried to use this as a reminder for Al. Thats the plan pup, don't make me change it ahaha... Frowst continued through his house using a brush of his tail to invite Al to follow. Continuing down this way youll find my personal quarters, right beside the spa and my personal kitchen. If Mr. Schieffield is ever away or detained, feel free to use this room to fix yourself something to eat. Opening the empty, dark room; Frowst offered Al his lavish accomodations. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Like I said before, I don't have that much skill in the kitchen, haha! Allixter hoped to trick Frowst into cooking for him as well... Im... clumsily learning how to prepare gourmet meals. I would be delighted to make you something! Hungry? I make really good ramen! Frowst was elated that Al brought this up, his joke meant to make him feel comfortable accepting. Haha, nah Im alright... Had a granola bar and a cupcake. Thank you though! Al responed with a sway of his paws and a nod of his head. Well then, would you care to see the garage next? Youve greeted me there many times, but I dobut youve purused my collection of cars. Frowst knew Al had to be intrigued by this. Oh heck yeah! That sounds really cool! Bet you got tons of rich guy cars, huh?! Al hurried along to keep pace with Frowsts enormous steps. What precisely constitutes a rich guy car? Frowst asked candidly, but still joking. Kidding of course! I know what you mean. When it comes to my ride, I go for broke! Frowsts unyielding posh made this comical to Als ears. Heading back around the castle like home, Al found its layout to basically be a huge square with a few offshooting rooms breaking its perfect lines. The garden resting in the center passed by as they made their way to the garage, passing Scheffields along the way. Would you care for a treat love? Im going to see what Mr. Orvison has prepared. Frowst referenced the door, slowing to a stop. Na-well, alright... Sure! He makes really good sweets! Al swayed a bit, but accepted. (Yay! Havent seen Scheiffie today either! Oughta say hi!) Instinct hoped Al would voice this, wanting Frowst to know how friendly they were. Well howdy you two! So delightful to see ya guys hanging out together! How are ya today fellahs? Scheffield had heard them outside and prepared his greeting early. Hello Orvison, terrific to see you as well. Im overjoyed to have Allixter spending time with me! Such a treat! Frowst hugged Al to his side, despite greeting Scheffield. (Hey there Scheff-. Wh-whoa! S-sorry bud! His musk is just... really strong...) Instinct referenced the flutter in their heart, which could be traced to their sniffer. H-heh... Oh gosh... Al had to adjust his trousers after catching a whiff of Frowst. Heya Scheffield! Doing great, thanks! How are you today? Ignoring the elation was the best way to kill it. Im good, doin real good~! Put in some cookies a bit ago, if ya wanna wait fur em to be done! Scheffield offered, despite several plates of goodies on display. We were heading to the garage, so I can show off my cars, but you know me... *Nom* I cant go long without something sweet to eat! Mastrer Frowst bit into a cinnamon roll, the icing blending with the white portion of his fur. Oh yur in fur a treat then pal! Frowsts got some of the fanciest wheels Ive eva seen~! Scheffield smiled wide, imagining his own fleet of fancy cars. So Ive heard! Nothing in this place isnt expensive as fuck! Allixter exclaimed, seeing Scheffield as a casual acquaintance. Allixter!? Frowst exclaimed mid-chew. Whoa! Watch your mouth puppo! Jeepers! Orvison saw real disappointment in Frowsts eyes and tried to play this off. Sorry, I really am! Like, its just in my vocabulary! Im sorry... Al didn't want to apologize, but needed things to go smoothly today. (Wow, youre right... I didn't even think about it! Just part of us, I guess...) Instinct sighed slightly. We must work on changing your vocabulary then! My word, such a foul mouth on you... Envisioning all the other things his muzzle could be used for, Frowsts tail whipped about in response. Sorry, I really am! Al exclaimed, stepping back a foot or two. Its okay Caster, just let em be fur now. Ya wanna try these? Fresh from the oven! Scheffield won Frowst over with cookies. Yes, I do. Frowst snatched two of them with a slight scoff. Youre lucky Al, mhmm... These are heavenly! You oughta thank Mr. Scheffield for the assistance, haha. Heh, thanks Orvison~! Saved my hide there, haha! Allixter found it funny seeing Frowst disarmed by baked goods. Notta problem puppo! You guys havva great day! Ill stop by later and see what ya want fur dinner Mr. Lancaster. Keep up those manners Al! Orvison saw them departing and used this as a type of parting. Very good, my friend. I look forward to hearing from you. Frowst bowed his head respectfully. Thanks! See ya around Scheffield! Allixter waved, with crumbs spewing from his maw. After a bit more scolding for his language, the two of them walked a few doors down, to the garages side entrance. Opening the door, Frowst flicked on the lights, which hummed into illuminating the huge stone room. Reflective paint in a multitude of colors beamed into Als eyes as he slowly glanced over the row of vehicles. Growing more excited with each vehicle he saw, Allixter practically howled when he finished and began retracing his steps over the immaculate vehicles... Sitting in line were some of the most expensive, rarest, and flashiest cars Al had ever seen in one place! Ranging in age from the early 70s up to later 2000s models, none of them dipped below onehundred and fifty thousand! These were showroom grade too, not a dent or scratch to be seen! The glow the perfect pain produced was like the aura of an angel or the rainbow reflection you catch from sunlight on a CD! (Holy dog balls above! Th-thats friggin pimp! We gotta ask for a ride! Cmon, pleeeaassee?!) Instantly wanting to get in, Instinct could care less which car they took. Whoaa~! Holy shii-... ships... Allixter self-corrected as he saw Frowst straighten. You cant blame me for wanting to curse! These are friggin ballin bro~! C-can we take a ride?! Thatd be kind sick... Ive always wanted to drive a Ferarri... Allixter spied the California-poppy-orange Testarossa. W-well... Oh boy, pup... Frowst imagined all the things Al thought this could bring him, such as liberation. Ill agree on a few conditions. Three to be precise. Frowst took up a lecturing tone, forcing Al to spin in place and face him. Name em~! Ill do my best to agree~! Als excitement led him to ignore potential nefarity. First, Ill be driving. Not that I don't trust you, just... I don't trust anyone with my cars. Secondly, I would request that you allow me to leash you in the car, as Im unsure of your sincerity. Finally, I would request you and I... get tender when we return... Frowst faded out, seeing Als ears drop and his eyes widen. Wh-wha-whatta... What do you mean exactly?! Al gasped, appaled at the idea of such a trade. Just a little cuddling, kissing, or caressing... I don't need to go all the way, but I would like to start opening those doors, so to speak... Frowst waltzed over to his polished coral-colored car. I-I-Im... I... just... don't know... Allixter just wanted a chance to run away and being leashed ruins that. W-why cant you... What about me is... so... Alright, okay. Fuck it, lets go. Al said with a confident nod, then spied Frowsts disappointment. Oh dear... You really cant help it can you? Frowst sighed and put a paw to his face. Sorry! Shit, Im so sorry! I don't think about it, ya know? Allixter tried to level with him, but Frowst had other plans now. (Noooo~! Damn it all! Whats with you?!) Suddenly deciding Al was a different person Instinct wanted to be on Frowsts side. We really should begin your etiquette lessons then... Bad dogs don't deserve car rides. Smirking his disappointment into full force, Frowst half expect compliance. Oh whatever, you expect me to beg? Thats messed up... Al wasn't going to crumble so easily. Do it. Beg for me and we can go. Frowst said simply. (Oh mah fuggin gawds, doo iit! Don't think about it, just do the dog face and whine!) Instinct cried swiftly. F-forget it... I don't... Leering his eyes between Frowst and his Ferarri, Allixter sighed defeated. Taking a knee, he gently planted his other on the cold, hard concrete floor. Looking up with a big frown and a huge pair of pleading eyes, every ounce of Als remaining pride collapsed. The feeling didn't hurt as hed of expected, it wasn't demeaning or degrading, hell... It was kind of fun to act like a dog sometimes! Who the hell else will take such an easy payment for something so special? Pl-please, ehem... Pweaase Mr. Frowst? C-can I please go for a car ride! Im so sorry, honest to goodness, I cant help it... Channeling his inner Vailey, Al tried to imagine what some of the others would say in this situation. I-Im alright to cuddle when we come back, Im sorry that startled me. Just in my nature... Kneeling down, Frowst took Als muzzle by the underside and lifted it to be at eye level. Staring through him, Al wondered what was up, while Frowst searched for any signal of falsity. A gentle kiss took Al by surprise, though he shouldve seen it coming really... Though not as passionate, Frowst vented some pent up passion onto Al, before he stood and put a paw on his hip. A foggy eyed little dog fell to all fours before him, panting lightly from ecstasy. This was all part of the plan though, Frowst knew the next part would be easier if Al had a bit of adrenaline running through his heart! Taking a deep breath, Frowst overexagerated it to get Als already undivided attention. Ya wanna go for a ride buddy boy? Huh?! Do ya?! Bet my bestest boy is super eager to go extra fast! Snapping into his pet voice, Frowst knew such sudden assault would keep Al off balance. Y-yes pwease... Heh... Allixter felt his tail enter overdrive and become a blur of excited movement. Th-thanks for not being mad... Al rubbed his scruff, blushing a bit. Not a problem love, well work on it sometime soon. Frowst rubbed their noses together, with a scrunched up grin. Im going to fetch my keys and a leash, be right back. The sway of the huge skunks tail was hypnotic to Allixter. (Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy~! Im so amped for this! Hopefully hell drive fast! Ask to get on the freeway!) Instinct chirped up the second Frowst was gone. Yeah, Im really excited too! Hopefully hell let me drive one of these someday... Allixter look over the slick rides with snide derision. (You mean... to escape? Taking one of his cars seems like a bad idea...) Instincts ideas shocked Al, who couldn't have been further from that mindset. N-no, of course not! Thats stupid, I just meant to like... Drive around, for fun! Thankful that no one else could hear Instinct, Al was now awash with clashing emotions. (Awesome! This oughta be sweeeet! Maybe we can get icecream or... something...) Instinct felt shameful for asking, since this was a gift in itself. Y-yeah, heh... Not my top priority to be honest! Allixter shook himself out, using the image of mechanical beauty before him to stay his thoughts. While he was truly eager to get to ride in one of his dream cars, Allixter had an escape plan formulated. Even if it meant bailing at a stop light or diving out during a slow turn, he had mentally prepared for it. Now though... Fuck this puppy love bullshit! It screws with his sense of priority and makes it impossible to say no! Not that hed want to, but still... The whole idea is sorta ruined now... Ready to go Allixter? Frowst appeared a short time later, sunglasses on and a bundled up leash in his paw. Course! Lets roll! Al began to trot off, forgetting he had to be leashed. Those few feet it took to reach the car were pure platinum to Frowst. Getting to walk Allixter on a leash was utterly delightful, despite him grumbling. Having Al tail him, forced into close proximity by the chord on his collar, Frowst couldnt help but point his rump backward and into Allixters red-hot face. Having such a huge pair of buns so close to his face was doing all sorts of things for Allixter! The fact they belonged to a skunk didn't seem as bothersome, given his suave and cleanly ways... In spite of his new found acceptance, Allixter had to retreat as Frowst leaned forward to unlock the car for him. It was a purposeful attempt to bring them that much closer, as Frowst had no need to bend at the waist for this... Allow me, my love. Frowst opened the door and waved him in. T-thanks, heh... His hide still ablaze, Al avoided eye contact. Whoa... This is... Hot damn, what a ride! Allixter exclaimed, looking over the cockpit of a drivers seat. Thank you my boy. This is one of my personal favorites as well! Leashing Allixter to the seat, Frowst didn't want to damage his upholstery, so it was rather loose. Unable to take his eyes off the slick gauges and tightly conformed dashboard, Allixter didn't notice Frowst trying to flaunt his stuff as he rounded in front of the car. A sultry sway of his chunky hips went to waste... Now, where would you like to go? Frowst got in and began getting comfortable. (Ice cream maybe..?) Instinct chuckled uncomfortably. Anywhere! I just wanna see what this baby can do! Al exclaimed. Alright then, Ill head for the freeway. Frowst started the car and opened the garage. Though freedom was within sight, Allixter was far to concerned with how much of Frowst he was currently touching... Skunk fat pressed into him, forcing him to scoot into the door. Even with these added inches, Al still felt his elbows brushing against the side of Frowsts tummy. It wasn't his weight really, just a cramped interior. Natural sunlight bathed Allixters face, the thin windows of the wicked sports car seeming to let through more warmth than typical glass. Cracking the windows and letting the outside air and heat enter, Allixter sighed softly at the content feeling of partial freedom. Gliding aggressively out and onto the street, Frowst cut a sharp turn and began flying toward the onramp. His cool demeanor and comfort with speed made Allixter swoon... Masculinity is such a turn on and it feels odd coming from Frowst, whos very flamboyant. Wow, got a lot of pick up! Al cried as they sliced around a tight turn and began hurtling along the highway. Hell yeah~! Listen to that roar! Frowst played on Als infatuation with the situation. Awroooof~! Allixter howled out his delight, as the two of them blazed down the road. Whooaa! Holy damn man! S-shi-shoot... Whoa~! Al gripped the leather seats, the rediculous speed beginning to bother him. Hold on tight puppo, this could get tricky... Frowst approached a loose wall of traffic, not seeming to slow in the slightest. Slowing with a mere tap of the break, Frowst lashed in and out of the dispersed cars, never a second of asking or awaiting permission. Like a bandit robbing a bank, Frowst cut his way through, blocking mergers, and technically breaking the law... All in the name of fun, as Allixter was panting with pleasure by the time they emerged from the traffic jam. Seeing the flecks of worry fade out, Frowst could tell his superb driving had won Als safety. Dude, that was sweet! No way man, when that one guy wanted to flip us off, but just didn't... Priceless~! Youre da king bro~! Sir, sorry! Allixter was awash with admiration. (Yahooo! Awroooofskies! Holy heck this is great!) Instinct only added to Als amusement. Its alright love, you can call me bro in the car. So long as no ones around dude. Frowst elbowed Al, promoting comfort with his lax tone. Th-thank you! Thats kinda sweet to offer... Al felt sentimental, but shook it away with the motors vibration. Was a real good idea for you to drive! Ive never driven something this powerful and you seem so comfortable with it! Id be all over the road like a mad dog! Hahah~! Allixters growing comfort led him to let out a big laugh. Sorta why I mentioned it, ahahaa... The next tim I hit the racetrack, Ill bring you along. That way you can learn to handle such a beast, in a safe environment! Frowst leaned a bit, but didn't look away from the road. That sounds hella cool~! Please and thank you Mr. Frowst!! Allixter exclaimed, looking at the side of the Skunks face. No trouble at all my boy, Im quite eager to spend as much time with you as possible! I could care less what we do! Frowst put an arm over Al, more on the seat, but still... Th-thanks, heh... Im such a shy dog, bet you can tell... Allixter knew he was distracted driving and decided to voice his feelings. I really... I do like you Mr. Frowst. Please believe me... Allixter sighed out a warming breath at his embarrassment. Trust me pup, no matter what you find yourself feeling about me; I love you ten fold... Frowst desperately wanted to park and talk with Al, but couldn't find an easily accessed on ramp. Youre going to have a comfortable life, with or without me. Just give the with me part a shot. Frowst peeked a beaming stare from behind his shades. Though I was doubtful before, I sorta know now... Yeah, I want to try and be your friend... Allixter chuckled awkwardly, feeling like a pup in gradeschool. (Come on... Say it bud, its bubbling up in here!) Instinct felt Als true emotions, which his words didn't do justice. I would... Id like to try and be your mate. You... Allixter gulped, seeing Frowsts eyes slice to him as they pulled to a stop. You make me... wanna try and fall in love... (Oh my dog gods... Thats such a sweet thing to say. Storybook grade puppo, ten stars~! That had to hit home for the big guy!) Instinct applauded Als attempt to be romantic, though Al saw this as being serious. That's a truly wonderful sentiment my love, I cant thank you enough for giving me this gift. I promise, you wont regret it... Frowst saw Als vulnerability and took advantage, pushing him forward into a kiss. They exchanged licks and nuzzles, as traffic built up behind them and everyone awaited the light to turn green. Once it did, Frowst began to drive off, unwilling to break his kiss right away. Once the point had been driven home, Frowst returned to an upright position, but not before a playful lap along Als fat, wet nose. (What happened that made you feel this way? Are you... This isnt a lie, right? Im just kinda confused... You seem genuinely happy...) Instinct was over the moon with excitement, but this all felt hard to swallow. Do you think we could maybe get some ice cream or somethin? Allixter knew this would shut Instinct up. (Yaaay, ice cream~!) Instinct cried out, showing just how simple of an animal Al was at heart. Anything youd like Allixter. I was hoping youd ask for something, if only to extend our time together. Frowst was giddy as could be, but hid behind a cool indifference. Oh gosh... Wow, you always know what to say... Allixter simpered out sheepishly. Thats kinda why I ask, but itd also be nice to see the city. Where are we specifically anyways? Al asked, wanting to avoid such emotions while in close quarters. Tampa bay my friend. Soak it up~! Quite a energy this city has! Frowst exclaimed, lowering the windows, as the got off the freeway and slowed to a cruising speed. Whoa, wouldn't have guessed! It doesn't feel like L.A., yet... sorta looks similar. Al peered out the window at the passing scenery, far to much to take in at once. (Yeah, buildings are buildings... Not much different from city to city I imagine...) Instinct gave his two cents, but it barely registered. Its a lot more green in places! Thats nice, haha... Los Angeles was drab as hell in some parts. Plenty of trees! Allixter pointed out some good, trying to ignore the overwhelming bad... Appreciated pup, but there are places I want to show you in the world, thatll change your life! Frowst marveled, knowing how big of a reaction Al would give to Mardi Gras or a Brazilian Carnival! Whoa... Hot damn dude, thanks~! I bet you can go anywhere!! Allixter felt his body tighten with excitement, his tail the only free movement allowed. Anywhere I want, haha... Frowst let out a derisive laugh. Plenty of places, Id never want to go mind you... Any country thats currently at war or views us with ire is off the list. Frowst mused allowed, unsure why he was telling Al this. Yeah that makes sense, youd be a high-priority target! Theyd see nuthin but dollar signs... Allixter was equally confused why this was the topic. No need to worry yourself. I have plenty of security. Brutus, Fenrir, and Mr. Loshant at the office... Wonderful fellows, really. Frowst was pointlessly chattering, navigating a more pressing matter. Whooshing down streets and along roads, not a head didn't turn to stare at Mr. Frowst, who was well known for his expensive cars. Many had also spread the rumor about his flirtatious ways, seeming to always be dating a different dog. As they drove, Allixter did his best to try to find comfort with his new home. Landmarks he had only seen pictures of where glimpsed, a few unique stores or businesses leapt out at him, and all the while he searched for methods of escape... Yes, pathetically enough, he was still eager to flee... Deep inside Allixter, he was learning to accept this, but having set the wheels in motion, it felt like there was no turning back... Here we are, now; what would you like? Frowst asked as they pulled into a Basset Doggins parking lot. Uhh, heh... Didn't really think about it, ya know? Just wanted to... Al faded off, knowing what he wanted to say was heartfelt. (Spend time with him? Be alone? Make out? Oooooh~!) Instinct teased, casuing Al to blush a bit harder. Cookie dough please... Thank you, heh... It sort of felt fun to be treated like a child, since Frowst is never condescending. (Yeah-hah~! We like stuff thats doughy and bad for you, heeheehee~!) Instinct couldn't help it, Al was just to easy to fluster. Wonderful my darling dog. Cone or cup? Frowst asked with a smile sweeter than the treats he offered. Okay, terrific... Now, am I alright to leave you in my car? Can I trust you? I doubt youd like to be seen in public on a leash... Frowst teased, yet secretly longed for such an opportunity. Nah, its cool. Really, go ahead. Ill wait here. Al wanted to assure Frowst that he wasnt going to bail. Be right back. Frowst stole glances as he crossed the parking lot, oblivious to the strangers who ogled his car. Not staring directly, but never delaying his peeks, Frowst watched Al the whole time he waited in line, which was only like five minutes. Employing all his guile, Allixter pretended to stretch out and sly put his paws behind his head for comfort. Really, he was just trying to get his paws on the knot! Frowsts handy work is never subpar, the tied up leash was no exception. It would take some obvious actions to get this thing undone. Aww hell, it was a longshot anyway... Allixters desire for freedom may never fully fade, but Frowst made it easy to let go. Hell the situation in itself made things easy to accept! Here Allixter is, sitting in a mint Ferrari, getting ice cream with a millionaire! Wicked!! Who else can do this on a Friday, simply because theyre canine? Only Frowsts boys! Even as people made eye contact, solely over the car, Allixter wanted to floss, not cry for help. What a mixed up mutt this poor dog has become... Hey there ladies, you look good today! Like the ride? Wanna go round the block?! Eh babeh, where ya goin~?! Al used his best playa voice, as he catcalled some fine pieces o tail. They just giggled and waved awkwardly, but his grin was bigger than his body. Seeing Frowst on his way out, Al hoped he hadnt heard or noticed, not that he was ashamed... Big guys very open about that stuff, hed get it. He always seems try to understanding Als position, at the very least... Here you are! I hope thats not to much! Frowst presented Al a large cup of quality frozen cream. Whoa, thanks~! You don't skimp on anything do you? Allixter was unsure if he really need this much sugar in one sitting. Money has never been an issue for me, so spending it is easier than breathing. When you have a worth goal, as I do, it becomes second nature... Frowst leaned into comfort, putting his arm over Allixter once more. Just keep in mind, itll cost a lot more than some ice cream to get in my pants! Allixter immediately regreted the openended nature of this joke. Oh-ho-ho! Gods I would hope so... Frowst was as blunt as could be, as he took an exaggerated lick of his cone. Theres nothing I wouldn't give to get between the sheets with you... Another long stroke of his tongue took a swath of ice cream and Als breath away. (Damn, walked into that didn't ya?) Instinct joked, as Allixter heated to the point his ice cream was at risk of melting. Psht-hehe... Oh boy, wow... Y-you... Al stumbled at first, but recovered with a witty retort. You may not like what you find, hehe... Ladies have used the term wild animal before... Al pretended to polish his claws, smirking up at Frowst. Oh yeah? Well... animals can be tamed with the right tools... Frowst leaned closer, seduction thickening the air in the car. (He means me!) Instinct clarified unnecessarily. Good luck, hehe... Allixter turned away, blushing and digging into his treat. You definitely got the necessary equipment though, haha~! Al referenced the car. Oh wuffy mutt, I know... heehee... Frowst groped his crotch with pride and Allixter gulped audibly. Err, right... Yeah~! Thiiis is what mah puppehs after, huh?! Lancaster ground his huge rear end into the seat, before giving it a playful swat and a gentle rub. Oh... my... gods... D-dear lord... Allixter was visually perturbed, biting his lip and staring with sparkly eyes. Not gonna confirm, nor deny that officer... Al snapped his muzzle away, hoping to find solace in the sexy senoritas who departed the mini-mart. Hah~! I happen to have a police officers uniform for such activities... If youd ever like to assume the position then Ill be your Huckleberry. Frowst envisioned how good he looked in uniforms of any kind. (Awroooof~! We been bad! Take us to da dog pound Masta! Aw-aw-awrooo~!) Holy hounds of heaven, Instinct was not helping the situation... Y-youre... you furreal?! Allixter would be lying if he denid intrigue. Damn, youre too much~! Im dying here! Haah~! Al fanned himself, peeking up at Frowsts platinum grade smirk. Nah, I get the feeling Im juuuust right... Gotta keep my wild dog in line afterall... Frowst nuzzled the top of Als turned away head, before gently nipping his ear, just to tease. Since you promised me a bit of romance, am I out of line to hope youll... get to know my tail better? Ehahahaa~! Frowst couldn't avoid laughing at how fast Al turned to look at him. Allixters face exploded into a stare of blanching uncertainty. Als eyes widened to the point Frowst saw his own reflection, yet there wasn't a sure-fire no to be seen... Slowly shifting his eyes around the car, Frowst could tell his Corgi wanted to say no, but was quite enthralled by what the idea would mean. If he likes big guys, then Lancaster has far more pull than Al could fight. Fed and formed to pear-shaped perfection, Frowst knew that Al was only saying no because of how he got here. If only they couldve met in a more traditional sense, things wouldve gone swimmingly! No collar necessary, just an outta the box butt-mutt! *Sigh* A skunk can dream... I-I... I-Im... Allixter gulped hard, seeing Frowst was seriously waiting for a response. Okay, firstly... Im not putting my tongue down there! Secondly, youre wearing pants! Third... I... gotta have a third... Fuck... Allixter searched for a way to ruin this for Frowst, while struggling to hide his growing arousal. Fuck... Frowst said the word methodically, with a drag to his pernunciation. Such a sensual word if used properly, fuck... Teasing was just as fun as the act itself for Frowst, well... almost... GAh~! Whoa, sorry! Okaaay, jeez... Look, what do you want exactly? Hehe, Ive... never been with a Skunk... Its gotta be different, right? Allixter thought this a sound argument. Only because theres sooo much of me to love... Frowst pressed his belly outward, the tight confines of the Italian sports car proving his point. Cmon, just relax... Im not expecting the dirty doggie duty this early... Less ya want to~! Frowst sung out his offer, dying the hear yes. NO! I-I mean... Wait, what do I mean? Al stammered helplessly. (Yes, you mean to say yes... All the yes in the friggin world~!) Youre not helping! Allixter cried suddenly, looking away from Frowst. Oh my word, whats he have to say about this?! Frowst leaned on the center console, his chin in his paw like a girl ready for gossip. Shaddup, both a you!~! Just gimme a minute to think... Alliter waved his paws about, as if he spoke to two people. (Cmon dog, I know you wanna touch it, at the very least! Just get a nice pawful of guy girth! Maybe give it some kisses..?) Instinct wouldnt relent, giving Al half a mind to lock him up, should this actually go down... Tic-toc... The tensions killing me hun! Frowst wagged a finger like a pendulum. I... Im not sure what to say... I did promise you, but... Im... Allixter wavered under such an insurmountable task. (Thats right! You promised! No backing down now! Cmon, ya wuss! Show em how tough of a sniffer we got!) While cute in a way, Allixter didn't need to hear that shit... Let me ask you this... Have you pleasured yourself since arriving here? Frowst referenced the city, though he meant his home specifically. Wh-wha-whatta ya mean? Li-like... pawing off? Well, no actually... Why do you wanna know? There was no need to ask, it was pretty obvious. Ohhh, you know... Reasons... Heehee... Frowst tip-toed around the supple ideas in his head. Thats terrific to hear though love! Puppies prolly pent up, huh? Need some release? You can be Master for a little while, if thatll help... A bounce of the eyebrows really drove the message home. Speechless at the idea of mounting and dominating his owner, Allixter couldn't remove the smirk he wore, so he just avoided showing Frowst. A bit of wordless gibberish escape his muzzle before a long breath, steadied his thoughts. How can anyone be this provocative, while still maintaining enough esteem to drown a group of politicians?! What in Frowsts past grew this level of confidence?! Who has he already done such lewd antics with and how did they feel afterward?! What... what exactly will Al be expected to do with Frowsts skunky buns? How can Allixter say no to such volumptious booty... Allixter wouldn't of dreamed someone of Frowsts caliber would show interest! No one he dated was really special or had greater potential... Allixter could really care less what people thought or how far they could go, but when presented with someone like that, it was difficult to say no! Why was it so impossible to show such feelings back? Okay, so it really wasn't... but Al was having a really difficult time vocalizing that he was alright to... get behind the idea... (Oh yeah~! Grrr, yes sir! Ill play alpha dog for you anytime big boy! Lets get this leash round yo neck fur a lil while!) That shit probably had something to do with it... It was coming to a head... Quite literally! Allixter placed the cold cup against his crotch, its surging chill enough to stay his thoughts. Watching Frowst lather that ice cream cone in saliva, before licking his lips pleasantly, was only stiffening the dilemma! The errection hes been hiding since Frowst began this glamour was reaching full potential and he was being truthful about not having masturbated... He usually gos about two or three times a day! Ugh, no wonder hes been so tense lately! Gulping down another bite of the dairy desert, Al prepared to speak and seal the deal. (Once youre all lubed up and on all fours, Ill pretend Im a wolf stalking prey, then leap out and-.) Instinct was still going, having had this fantasy for... well only a few days, but still... Alright, look... Ill do pretty much anything to your clothed butt, as long as you shut him the hell up during it! Allixter seemed to snap, springing his nose toward Frowst, who was there to meet it with his own. Reeeeeaaally?! Frowst practically entered into song. (WHHAAT?! Come on dude! Fuck, that isnt fair! Don't do this, I was only playin around! Im sorry! Damn it, I wanna get dirty too...) Instinct whined and Al mentally scolded him, to little effect. Yes..? Allixter let out a low whimper, asking if this was going to be alright. Frowsts face slowly lifted into enraptured disbelief. He leaned back, scanned the outside world for some sign of further confirmation, his face awash with hopeful disbelief. It was as if Als words had been the secret to the universe and Frowst found cosmic knowledge within them. Slowly panning his gaze back to the tiny dog next to him, Frowst let out a pale sigh, brimming with elation and excitement. Like a generator charging up power, Frowst slowly shook until he exploded a roar of ecstatic furvor, flinging his remaining ice cream out the window. Before Al could process what that meant, the car was in motion! Frowsts tongue flopped beside his muzzle, as he rocketed them back toward the house at break-neck speeds! The normally suave sparkles in his purple eyes were like artificial solar systems, circling with such rapidity, Frowst appeared hypnotized! In a way, he was! The idea of having a handsome young dog poke around his hind quarters was... heaven incarnate... The legendary act of pure passion and appreciation was something all Skunks pined for... Many go there whole lives never experiencing such bliss, but not Master Frowst! The dirty, debasing form of affection was beyond admirable, while maintain such naughtiness it was so sensual... Any animal willing to perform such acts for a skunk were loving mates, but a dog... The bravery required to put such a sensitive olfactory system near such a pungent source of odors is immeasurable! F-F-Frowst!? Slow down! Dude! Allixter wailed slightly, as they screeched around a corner and started up the freeway. Come on! Come on! Move, move, move! AGHHK! Frowst snarled at the lurching traffic. Learn to fucking merge you asshat! Get out and walk, itd be faster dickwad! The aggravation of being denied such splendor was getting to Frowst. Move your god damn tail, shit! What the hell is wrong with you people?! Allixter couldn't help giggling and flat out laughing... This just wasn't Frowst! You dangle sex in his face and hes a completely different monster! Wow, its... oddly satisfying watching him destroy people for being bad drivers! Like, thats beyond normal... Not to mention, being in a really nice car makes it kinda fun! Frowst is a confident and seemingly skilled driver, so Al wasn't in danger... Hell Zothe is more wreckless than this and he says its because hes a cop! (Allixter... Sweety... C-can we talk?) Instinct said softly, like verbal nudging. (Im really sorry... Its all I got to have fun, ya know? Please don't be sore with me cuzza that...) Trying to sound innocent wasnt easy for Instinct. Not the time... Al grunted under the roar of the engine. (J-just try to forgive me okay? Id really like to be a part of this and I can probably help you, since its sort of a chore and hes forcing you...) Als inner dog was fully aware of the anxiousness, but felt this argument suited his needs the best. What the fuck are you doing?! Get over! You got your damn blinker on! Move your cotton-tailed ass! Frowst barely registered his own behavior and its effect on Al. Slashing aggressively through traffic, Allixter was given a true show of this vehicles performance and prowess! Frowst set his sights on the manor and showed endless determination to get there. Nothing could stop him in his mind and if anyone tried, theyd be joining Al back there, whether they like it or not! Peeking down at Allixter, Frowst tried to maintain an heir of civility, but failed, and let out a long howl of elation, as the tore away from the congested traffic! It was sort of cute in a weird way, knowing Frowst was so excited to have kinky relations with Al. The mixed up pup was flattered in some perverted kind of way! Like his libido was powerful enough to warrant such behavior! Fully aware that this was going to be degrading, Allixter was trying to find the silver lining. So long as he kept up the clothed part of their bargain thisll be alright, nothing thaaaat bad can happen with the right protection... Open up! Yo, hey, yoohoo! Lemme in! Frowst called to the gatekeeper over the growling enigine. Hurry it up, cmon~! Thank you! Frowst inched his car through the gate, before tossing a wad of cash to the saulting wolf. Keep the change, ehahaha~! This is how Al expected Frowst to behave, sorta surreal in a way... Flooring it across his property, toward the back of the house where the garage door was, the two of them were equally anxious, though only Frowst willingly showed it! Bouncing impatiently as the garage slowly rolled open, Allixter was beginning to worry about what he had to do... The skunks panting didn't do his joy justice, but he enjoyed employing the canine species way of expressing excitement! Sealing them in relative darkness with a click of the garage control, Frowst turned the car off, and practically kicked his door open. Striding around the car with a spring in his step, Frowst opened Als door and bowed at the waist for him to exit, a single paw offered for balance. Being guided out with a delicate swirl of Frowsts paw, the big Skunk spun the tiny Corgi around before dipping him into a long, empassioned kiss. Allixter felt himself fight it, but the act was not by choice, more of a natural reaction. I need to get ready. Come to my room in about five or ten minutes. Take your time love, but don't you dare keep me waiting... Frowst began to leave, his paw tracing Als muzzle to the very tip. Y-ye-yeah... Okay, thanks... I-I need a minute too... Allixter said to himself, as Frowst was already gone. (I know youre worried and a little grossed out, but I can also tell youre sort of excited. I wont tease you or nothing, but I gotta say that you should try to enjoy this. Its kind of a reward in a way, considering how much we like ass...) Instinct took note of Als trepidation and wanted to speak up. (Imma be quiet now, just... Please don't lock me up during this? Bro, Im begging you...) If Instincts wants were even half of Als true desires, than hes going to make Frowst veeery happy! You really don't get it dude! Its nothing personal, but like I don't think I can... perform with you breathing down my neck! I don't know what to say... Allixter rubbed his scruff before continuing with a short laugh. Youre right, I like big butts and I cant lie, Frowsts thiiick... But he is still sort of a stranger to me. This is gonna be hard at first, just like everyone before him... Al admitted, knowing he didn't really have to explain anything to Instinct. (Yeah, but like it will be way different if you let it! This could be magical! Just let me stick around please?) Instinct thought this would sway his master, but Al just laughed again. Bro, Im gonna probably just scratch nd sniff the big guy, how do you see that being romantic? Allixter scoffed at his own joke, perhaps thinking twice about this. (Its Frowst! You seriously don't think hes gonna make this special? Its not fair you spend all this time with Master and you don't even like him! Cmon bro, Ill be silent. Promise, just I really love Mr. Frowst...) Sounding pitiful usually works, maybe Al will buy his own tactics! Look, just... Lets see how this goes first. If he wants to get really hot and heavy, I may need to lock you up. If were just gonna fool around, then okay. Were cool though. Please don't take it personally... I just really wanna make a good impression the first time! Allixter thought this sounded mean in a way, hopefully Instinct didn't. (Guess thats the best I can hope for... I get it, really. Youve always done it on your own, so to speak. Id get in the way kind of...) Instinct sighed with defeat and was quiet a moment. (Whatever happens, just enjoy yourself! Holy hell did the big guy seem eager! Try to emulate that and youll have a great time, promise!) Even if he couldn't be part of it, Instinct wanted to make it special for Frowst. Holy friggin shit yeah, he was! Never seen Frowst act that way! Heh, I... I kinda liked it! Allixter scuffed a paw, as he started off through the house. The way he puts on airs around me, is kinda too much. Its cool seeing him act like one of the guys! Well, more normal... Thinking of his friends was toxic to his current mood. (Let him know that! He probably thinks it freaked you out or at least found his behavior garish...) Instinct paused for Al to compliment his grammar. (The point is, he seems willing to adapt for us too! Take advantage of that and things will go way better here!) Yeah, youre right... Just, whew... wonder what awaits me in Frowsts room, hehe~! Allixter was giddy as could be, as he practically skipped through the house toward his room. (Only the biggest, chunkiest, most delicious pair of booty cakes Ive ever laid eyes on! Even though hes gonna keep his drawers on, damn you by the way, this will be something to remember!) Instinct joked, the two of them laughing together a golden moment. Hoo boy, you cant blame me! Hes pretty uhh... wow, whats the word..? Allixter thought a moment. (Skunky?) To obvious, haha... I was gonna say musky, but thats played out. He smells so... masculine. I didn't wanna cream my shorts by just catching a whiff! Allixter knew Instinct would tease him over this, it was kind of a test. (What dog wouldn't surrender to such a stink? Don't blame yourself puppo, he prolly turns straight dogs gay just being near em!) Not the worst response hes given, okay... props! Holy hell hounds, whats a dog to do, right? Im... sorta getting horny talking about it, heh! Whats wrong with me? Ahh~! Alluxter feigned insanity a moment, as he picked out some fresh clothes. (Thats totally natural for a dog of our tastes! Weve always had a nose for the finer fouls in life, hahaha!) Instinct made Al laugh as well, but it was an awkward giggle. (Given our tendency to sneakily sniff our friends butts, this is a friggin dream come true in a way!) Okay, that went over the line! Heeey~! Whoa, d-don't bring that up!! Im ashamed of that shit, heh... ughh... Allixter wasn't, fuck, he loved doing that... (Oh sorry, my bad! Don't be upset about it though, it doesn't hurt anybody and its a perfectly natural turn on for a canine to have!) Instinct wanted to keep himself on Als good side for obvious reasons. I know it is, but, like... just forget it! Who cares? They don't know and it doesn't hurt anybody. Allixter shrugged it off, as he put on a touch of cologne. (Damn straight! Good attitude! No use thinking bout them, we got the king of butts at our disposal! The one species were never supposed to sniff! The forbidden fruit, if you will...) Instinct felt a poets soul fill him upon thinking of Frowsts fine rump. Oh lord, wow... S-stop, okay? I need to keep my cool at first! Allixter fixed his trousers around the pink bone within them. Okay, lookin good. Not that itll matter anyhow, haha... Fixing his cheek fluff, Al knew Frowst wouldnt be able to see him back there. Stepping out into the hall, sunlight through the colorful windows mesmerized Allixter. His head was so high in the clouds, it felt like hed left earths gravity and entered orbit. While still a bit apprehensive, the horny lil Corgi was unfathomably restless. Its been way to long since hes let out some tension and longer still that hes had such a fetish indulged. Eagerly hurrying through the manor, he did his best to remember which door was Frowsts room, despite being told early today. Trying to act natural, Al chatted up everyone he passed, so they would say he was acting natural; should anyone ask. Gods forbid if anyone ever finds out about this, hed never be able to show his face again. Wait a second, theres a very high chance a lot of the guys had to deal with something similar... Not to mention the girls definitely had to love up on the Skunks rump! Hehe, what a place Frowsts built for himself... Gulping hard, Al prepared to knock, but stopped. Fixing his fur for the fourth time, he flattened his proud tuft and pulled some fuzz free of the collar. Once comfortable, Allixter still found it impossible to rap his paw on the door. An anxious sigh escaped him, as his heart fluttered at the sound of movement within, but his resolve tempered to the stiffness of his dogwood. Knocking softly, a bit of commotion was heard, before Frowst answered. Coooome iiiin~! Frowsts lilting words soothed Als rampant uncertainty. Opening the door, Allixters heart practically stopped. Frowst lay across his bed on his side, one leg raised seductively, one paw supporting his head. A rose rested between his teeth, dozens of petals strewn around the floor and across the bed. Very little was left to the imagination, as Frowst lay with nothin on, save a pair of striped boxers, which accentuated his natural pattern. Dancing like a snake to a charmers pipe, Frowsts tail rolled about, as if waving Al to come in. Silken fur whooshed about audibly, as Frowst swung his amazingly fluffy rear ornament. His chunky thighs and bulging butt were bunched up by his laying position. His lifted leg allowed his bulge a very detailed outline and gave his taught pudge a slight sag. The roundness of his belly was emphasized by the light coating of sweat, which sprakled in the low candle light. His normal slicked hair was a mess, giving him a grunge rock appearance when added to his roughed up body fur. Despite appearing unkempt, it was hard to see Frowst as dirty, despite being such a repugnant species. That didn't really register to Al, who was so lost in the moment, he felt drool beginning to fall from his gaping maw. Leaning up to roll over, Frowsts gut tightened to reveal a hidden away six pack, beneath the keg he carries around. Now balanced on his belly, Frowsts rotund hips seemed more apparent, his flailing tail jiggling those huge hills of skunk chunk... Leaning his head into a paw coyly, Frowst lifted a hand and wagged one finger forward to coax Al into the room. Hello Allixter... Frowst said with a sultry smolder to his voice. H-he-heya... He replied, fidgeting uncontrollably at the delicious sight before him. How are you my love? Tantalized, Id hope... Frowst practically whispered, though his voice was plenty loud for Al. I-I-Im... I am, hehe... Allixter blushed brightly, hiding his face shyly. Was sort of sudden, us heading home to do this... He added with a hint of confusion. Please allow me to apologize for how I behaved on the road. Sorry if I frightened you. Frowst began by addressing his fit of aggression. You must understand, its quite seldom someone is willing to offer such a treat. Few are brave enough to stand behind me, let alone embrace such a smell. I applaud you. Y-ya don't gotta thank me or appologize... Road rage is normal, it was kinda cool to see you act that way. Allixter choked up when it came time to speak. Uhh, c-can I get something to drink? My mouths really dry... Of course. Champagne? Water? A soda? Frowst would liquefy gold if thats what Al wanted to drink right now. Bubbly, I think Ill need to loosen up a bit first, if thats okay... Allixter had a seat on Frowsts bed once it was clear of his huge body. But of course, love. Just relax and get comfortable. This is supposed to be enjoyable, remember? Frowst massaged a shoulder, until Al seemed a bit looser. Watching Frowst bend over his desk to fetch the bottle, Allixters eyes widened to take in the full sight. They... are... massive! Like a pair of hot air balloons were forcefully shoved into the same piece of cloth! That chubby waist, spilling lovehandles over the top, was wide enough to support such monstrous mounds of meat... At this range, the gastric odor was quite apparent, though that could be ingrained in Frowsts bed. With a signaling sway of his hips, Frowst spun around and presented Al with a glass of sparkling champagne of the highest quality! Please don't be nervous Allixter. Im not going to make you to do anything youre uncomfortable with. Youll soon find it requires veeery little input to get me excited... Frowst saw his discomfort and wanted to ease the tension. Im not nervous... Anxious would be a better word... Allixter swirled the liquid around his glass, matching his scrambled thoughts a moment. Cant lie, Im really horny... Al admitted under his breath. Well we can certainly take care of that! Im very adept at fellatio. Bet itd feel amazing with a tongue the size of mine... Frowst slyly offered with his statement. Whoa~!! R-r-really?! Yo-youd actually... B-but youre like, the king of us right? You don't do... that for your servants, do you? Al was dumbfounded, intrigued, and confused all in one. No, I don't... But Ill do anything for my pets. Frowst corrected, stroking Als ear gingerly. If youre willing to do something so specifal for me, its the least I can do to pay you back. (Wow! H-hes a dream come true! I never thought hed be willing to... Ya think hed let us... return the favor?) Instinct couldn't help speaking up, this was too juicy! So... lemme get this straight. Allixter downed his liquour and silently requested more. You want me to, like... nuzzle your butt and stuff, then youll blow me in return?! Als eyes widened on certain words and narrowed on others, till he looked back at Frowst. Does that sound agreeable with you my love? Frowst illuminated at the level of acceptance he saw on Allixters face. Hell yeah! I-I mean... yes, that sounds capital sir. Allixter thought he sounded dorky, but Frowst was elated to hear yes in any form. Wonderful! Terrific! Fantabulous! You cant imagine how great a gift this is to me!! Frowst fell to his knees, taking up Als free paw to kiss it repeatedly. You go ahead, get hammered or whatever you feels necessary, haha! Im gonna take a shower for ya, Ill be right out. Frowst gave his best runway walk, as he passed in front of Al. Th-thanks! Thats really nice of you actually, haha! Allixter hadnt attributed Frowsts butt funk to the heat. Notta problem sweetie, Ill get a fresh pair of underwear too! Be right out, muah~! Frowst blew a kiss to Al, not turning fully around so his butt was still in view. (What a swell fellah, aint he? I mean, you were ready to dig in, so to speak... But he wants to be nice nd clean for ya!) Instinct made Al smirk, but only for a second. Shush~! I-I cant... Wow, I could break a friggin diamond right now! Allixter referenced his tented pants, the tension almost painful. (Hah! Bro, I know it! This feels really good right? Its nice to just let it happen...) Instinct knew Allixter wouldn't directly concur. I guess, like... Wow is this weird, but Im sort of ready for it. Frowst wants to be my mate and this is sort of the ultimate test. Hope he doesn't think Im a whore for putting out, before weve even dated... Al worried aloud, knowing he had constant feedback now. (Dude, does Frowst strike you as someone who would be bothere by that? Look at the way he was acting when he drove home?! Highclass or not, theres a fire in that skunks belly!) Instinct listed obvious counter points. Oh boy, lets not talk about what could potentially be in his belly... Considering what Im about to do, Id rather not think about that... Allixter fought to avoid imagining it, his dick twitched despite his best efforts. (Oh right! Okay, fair enough, sorry... Think youre ready for this though? Frowst is a really big guy and it may be hard to-.) Allixter cut instinct off with a laugh. As a dog, I was born ready! He exclaimed lowly, as to not let Frowst hear. Nah, in all seriousness, Im really jittery... But Im not gonna let that stop me from the juiciest ass Ive ever seen! Allixter poured another drink and began downing it as Instinct responded. (Heck yeah! Damn I love being part of you sometimes! Hearing you say that aloud is beyond inspiring! Weve always chased the chunkiest rumps and now were finally gonna sink our teeth in the finest one yet! Awroooof~!) Instinct tried to keep his howl down to not hurt Als ears. Haha, youre right! Yeah, you gotta point, like... Ive never really gotten what I want sexually. Came close once or twice, but I always assumed it was an outrageous desire. Allixter poured a third glass, unsure of why this bothered him. (Not at all! Its just unfair how society only gears that desire toward straight males! Lusting for big ass guys is wrong somehow, which is totally bullshit!) Instinct felt passionately about this, like Als depression was fuel for the cause. Heh, yeah... That always felt unfair to me too. No sense being down about it now though! Imma git what I want~! Allixter upended his third glass, feeling a bit tipsy now. (Damn straight! Better than that though, you can have it anytime you want!) Instinct added and Allixter gasped with delight. Wow, youre right... I-I can be that studs boyfriend! Ahh-ha-ha~! The alcohol was getting to Al, he gushed like a teenage girl over this. Oh shoot! Okay, okay, quiet! Hes gonna be out soon! Hearing the water shut off, Allixter tried to calm down and quiet Instinct. (Good luck bro! Ill be quiet, promise. Thanks for being cool about this!) Instinct zipped his lip, not wanting to ruin this at the last moment. Water draining became the only thing Allixter could focus on, as he awaited the door to open. Steam slowly plumed from beneath the door, as a shadow danced awkwardly on the other side. After a few seconds, the lights shut off, the door opened, and Frowst emerged from the shadowy bathroom with restrained enthusiasm, which felt boundless to the Skunk. Waltzing into the room, humming a jaunty tune, Frowst stopped before Allixter and dug a paw into his doughy hip. A pair of silver satin briefs were the only thing covering his delicate bits, the distinguishable outline a glorious sight to the queer lil dog. Bending over at the waist, Frowst slid a paw up Als muzzle, till it was lifted to kissing height. Making out a little, Frowst slowly moved to his knees before Allixter, the comfort facilitating further effort. Unable to control himself, Al slid his paws along Frowsts broad shoulder and up his stout neck, until he was clasping those chubby cheeks. Tenderly sliding their muzzles together, the tongue techniques being used were enough to bring Al to the very edge, but that may have been due to his groin grinding into Frowsts big belly. Once Frowst began rubbing his back and touching his ears, there was no resistance, Al wouldve done anything. Whatever compliance he felt was doubled once Frowst began kneading his scruff with pinches of his claws. Surges of contentment flowed through him with each roll of the skunks claws. Thank you for doing this for me my love... Frowst said breathily, placing his forehead to Als. N-no problem... Als words were practically whispers, as he stared longingly up at his Master. Lean forward a bit, let me help you-. Normally speaking over Frowst was a punishable offense... N-nah, thats okay. Hes really excited for this and didn't really do anything wrong... Were good... Allixter responded with a shake of his head. (Thank you dude! Ohmahgosh, I lov-. Oh right, silence!) Instinct exclaimed before quieting down quickly. Th-that's extraordinary! Im so happy to hear that love... Glad all your wild animal is onboard, haha... Frowst joked yet again. Hahaha! Allixter laughed bigger than necessary, showing his discomfort. S-so... what now? Im going to lay on the bed. You do whatever you need, to feel comfortable... Frowst got onto the bed, crawling a bit, before falling flat on his belly. Take your time love, no rush... With that, Frowst flopped his massive tail to the side, revealing the gleaming globes of satin salaciousness, which were so tight, Allixter swore he could see Frowsts tailhole being outlined... Polished to a shine from the steam of the shower, Frowsts abundant ass was restrained slightly, making them appear even tighter and rounder! The deliciously deep crack seemed to chew on the trapped fabric as Frowst wiggled about to get comfortable. At the cusp of this legendarily large bubble butt, his tail caused the massive cheeks to pert ever so slightly when it moved, changing the whole cheeks shape momentarily. Salivating and quivering his paws forward, Allixter stopped and took a deep breath. Spying Frowsts eager peeking in the mirror across the room, Al smirked to himself, before moving into clearer view. Flexing as he stretched, Allixter tried to play coy, despite Lancaster noticing his rock-hard doghood. Stripping his shirt off, Allixter returned the teasing, as Frowst bit his lower lip and eyes the petite muscles hed come to desire. Unbuttoning his pants, Allixter moved to the bed and climbed atop it. Now on his knees behind Frowst, the size of his butt seemed more manageable, yet equally intimidating... Hes a Skunk for crying out loud! Only the bravest or dumbest are willing to get this close to the tail-end of a Mephit, especially one this big! Th-thats the point though, its so dirty~! H-howd he get this big? These things are amazingly, each one having enough mass to fill out several back-up dancers booties! Licking his chops for what felt like the hundredth time, Allixter finally decided to act. On his knees, between Frowsts legs, he scoot forward until his knees hit his owners thighs. From this vantage point, he leaned forward and slowly ran his paws over the pearlescent spheres of sweet, sweet rump meat... Shuddering out a molten breath, Al felt a surge of adrenaline flow into his knot, causing restless squirming as it fought to be free. On Frowsts end, this first carress was utter heaven, but he thankfully managed to remain calm and stay cool. Slowly digging his paws into the globular orbs of springy fat, Allixter couldn't help himself and began letting out tiny breaths, which turned into pleased moans. Occasionally forced to speak, the sheer size and viscocity of these chubby dough balls had Al cursing under his breath. Prodding his paws into Frowsts beautiful booty, the Skunk began mewling and squeaking out bolts of euphoria. Several fuuucks and Daaamns later, Allixter began prepping himself for the next step. The faux digging motion of his paws wading into dense fat was just too good! It led Al to squeeze as hard as he could, isolating a pawful of furry chub. Hearing Lancaster let out a sharp squeal, Allixter shot his gaze to the mirror, frightened he had gone to far. The lulling eyes that met him were so inviting, Als tongue slipped from his mouth and he began to pant eagerly. Raising a paw, Al landed a solid swat across the cusp of Frowsts mountainous buttcheeks! A breathy moan was followed by an elongated yeeeaaah, as Frowst flexed his ass, the tightening pulling the fabric that much deeper! Seeing Lancaster fidget atop his own boner, Allixter felt the same sentiment and took a moment to remove his pants. Climbing back on the bed, Al cracked his knuckles and placed his paws on the bed; parallel to Frowsts legs. Filling himself with determination, Allixter lifted his head and came face to face with an obscuring wall of slightly smelly satin. Black-fur spilled out from the top, the thick stripe on Casters back blending with the bright briefs. Inching himself forward, Allixter held his breath or turned away when he had to inhale. Preparaing to nuzzle his face against Frowsts rear, Al gulped and tried to ignore the remnants of foulness he couldn't avoid receiving. Frowst couldn't believe this was really happening, but even if it was a dream, he never wanted to wake up! When he first found Allixter, he fell in love, but didn't expect to be able to court him so quickly! Better still, the lil guys a horndog AND an ass hound! This is literally what Frowst has wanted since he discovered his love for canines and the desire to mate with one! The fact that Allixter has his face literally inches away from his bulbous butt was enough to warrant diamonds, platinum, and as many Pawkballs the pup could want! Aawwwwwggghhhh... Frowst couldn't help it, feeling Als cold wet nose nose forced a loud groan of sensuality. Mmmmm... Oh my gawds... Allixter pushed his face into one of the beachball buttcheeks, nuzzling it gently with rolls of his nose. Despite hearing Frowsts elation, Al whimpered; feeling weird for such an odd act. This tiny sound reached Frowsts ears and he took it as one of enjoyment, thus said nothing. Gently tracing his face and hands around this bounty of booty, Allixter began playing with Frowsts cheeks in ways he had always wanted. Lots of bouncing, jiggling, and prodding, but then came the one Al had always wanted... A bite... After a few more circular rolls with his face inbetween the cheeks and it was time... Opening his jaws, Al hesitated, as Frowst jostled about. Shakily moving forward, he gulped and rewet his mouth, before finally succumbing to the wan-, no, the need for ass! It was in his very nature! This was something he had always enjoyed doing to the larger ladies and gentleman he had the pleasure of bedding. Spreading his potential dangerous fangs, Allixter lunged forward a bit, and locked his jaws onto Frowsts backside with an animalistic furvor. Frowst wasn't expecting this and he bucked a bit, humping the bed felt so damn good! Looking back to make sure this was really happening, Allixter looked up at him with a glazed over obsession in his eyes. Plopping back down, Frowst fell into a coma of ecstacy, as Allixter lathered his odious tail-end with playful nips, noms, and nibbles. It was so hot and a lot of fun, to the point Al was winding himself and being forced to huff breaths of Skunk ripeness. I-Im so turned on... T-this is more than I couldve ever hoped for Al! Frowst couldn't track Als frenzied delivery of such loving bites. Grrr~! Awrrrr! Allixter bit down harder, forcing Frowst to yield. G-gah... Its sooooo big... Allixters whole body jarred about with his whipping tail. I-I cant even... get my arms around em! Hugging the wholeness of Frowsts hind quarters, Allixter pressed his whole upper body into the creamy cheeks. Trying to not mind the smell, Al rubbed his face around with the biggest smile (and boner) hes had in a looong while! There was no way Frowst couldve prepared for this splendor! Luckily he was laying on his Skunkhood, making masturbation and ejaculation difficult. Should Al keep this up long enough, Frowst may cum paws free! How did you... What makes a male so... delicious... This was actually three different statements that got lost in translation. All natural baby, nothing but cakes nd pies makin up the junk in this trunk! Frowst bounced his butt like hes seen girls do in Flashs videos. H-holy gods, do that again... Allixter hugged Casters jiggling cheeks and went along for the ride! Dear gods in heaven, th-thats niiice... O-one more, please? Al begged using his full dog voice. Tempting fate this time, Allixter surprised Frowst with his willingness and promptly shoved his snout directly between his disabolical buttcheeks! Yelping with joy, Frowst locked up around Al who pounded his butt in panic. Catching Allixter offguard, Frowst began to roll, bounce, wiggle, and thrust his hips around wildly! After a few seconds of this, Al flopped out from Frowsts backside, his face glowing like this was his first kiss! A visible wet stain could be seen on the front of Als boxers and though he thought it a bad idea, Frowst needed to comment. W-was it that good? Frowst chuckled, leaning onto his side again. Well, fuck yes it was~! I-I... Im shaking... Allixter clutched his body a moment. 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