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The Bible goes on to say in 2Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. As followers of Christ, we will all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that we may receive rewards for our works that we have done upon the earth from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. However, we will be focusing this bible study on those who will not inherit the kingdom of God, and will appear before God on judgment day. 1. Read Jeremiah 9:23-25; John 12:48; and Hebrews 4:12 a. What should a person glory in, that he ______________________ me, that I am the LORD which exercise _______________, _____________, and ______________, in the earth: for in these things I ___________, saith the LORD. b. What will Christ use to judge those who reject Him and His words? ___________________ c. Is the word of God dead or alive? _________ d. What is it sharper than? _____________________ e. What is the word of God able to judge? ______________________________ 2. Read Psalms 119:11; Psalms 119:104-106; a. Why should we hide the Word of God in our hearts? ______________ b. How do we get understanding? ______________________ 3. Read Ecclesiastes 3:14-17; Philippians 2:4-12 a. Whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, __________________________. b. Is there a time for every purpose and for every work? ______ c. At the name of Jesus every ____________ bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every _______ should confess that _____________ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. 4. Read Romans 2:5-9; 2Thessalonians 1:5-10 a. According to Romans verse 7, to whom will God grant eternal life? To them who __________________________________________ b. According to Romans verse 8, who will suffer wrath? Them that are ________________________________ c. According to 2Thess. verse 8, when Jesus returns, who will He punish? In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that _________________, and that ___________________ of our Lord Jesus Christ. d. According to 2Thess. verse 9, these will be punished with _______________________ from the ________________________, and from the ____________________. e. Therefore, will those who do not know God be able to escape God's wrath? _____ 5. Read John 15:1-9 a. What will happen if you abide in Christ and He in you? __________________________________ b. What will happen if you do not abide in Christ? __________________________________ 6. Read Galatians 6:7-9; Hebrews 10:26-31 a. Be not deceived; God _____________: for whatsoever a man _______, that shall he ____________. b. What will happen to those who sow to the flesh? _____________________________ c. What will happen to those who sow to the Spirit? _____________________________ d. Let us not be weary in __________: for in due season we shall _______, if we _____________. e. What became of those who despised Moses' law? _______________________________ . Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought _________, who hath ___________ under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the ________ of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace? f. It is a ________ thing to fall into the hands of the ________________. 7. Read Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 5:3-7; and Hebrews 13:4 a. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; ___________, ______________, _______________, _________________, __________, _______________, ___________, _____________, _______________, ________, _________, ___________, ____________, ____________, _____________, ___________________, __________________, and such like, and they that do such things shall _____ inherit the _________________________. b. But fornication, and all uncleanness, or _________________, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; neither _____________, nor _________ talking, nor ___________, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. c. Let no man __________ you with _______ words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of _______________. Be _____ ye therefore _______________ with them. I. Read Ephesians 4:25, Ephesians 4:31; Colossians 3:5-7; and Colossians 3:25 a. Put away _________ and speak every man __________. b. Put away all __________, and ________, and _________, and _________, and _______________, with all _________ c. Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, _____________________, ______________________, and covetousness, which is idolatry: for which things' sake the ________ of God cometh on the children of ______________. d. But he that doeth _________shall receive for the _________ which he hath done: and there is no _____________________. 8. Read Matthew 25:31-46 a. According to verses 34-40, the sheep are the righteous ones who __________________, __________________________, __________________, __________________________, __________________, and _______________________. b. Who was Hell prepared for? ______________________. c. Did the goats show love to their fellow man? ____. d. According to verse 46, the goats will ___________________________ while the sheep will __________________________. 9. Read Revelation 20:10-15; Revelation 21:7-8 a. According to verses 12-13, during the Great White Throne judgment, who are those that are being judged? The _______ b. How were they judged, every man according to _____________. c. According to verse 14, this is known as the _______________. d. He that overcometh shall inherit ___________. e. But the _________, and ___________, and the ______________, and ____________, and ________________, and ____________, and ______________, and all ________, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with ______ and _____________: which is the second ________. 10. Read James 1:12; Revelation 20:6 a. Blessed is the man that? ___________________ b. He shall receive the ________________, which the Lord hath promised to them that __________. c. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the __________________. d. On such the ___________ hath no power. e. Will anyone that appears at the Great White Throne judgment (the second death) be saved according to scripture? ____ In 2Peter 2:4-22 and Jude 1:2-19, we are told, For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly; Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly; Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core. These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever. These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage. But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keeping yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Psalms 9:5-8 5 Thou hast rebuked the heathen, thou hast destroyed the wicked, thou hast put out their name for ever and ever. 6 O thou enemy, destructions are come to a perpetual end: and thou hast destroyed cities; their memorial is perished with them. 7 But the LORD shall endure for ever: he hath prepared his throne for judgment. 8 And he shall judge the world in righteousness, he shall minister judgment to the people in uprightness. Proverbs 2:22 22 But the wicked shall be cut off from the earth, and the transgressors shall be rooted out of it. Proverbs 7:6-10; 24-27 6 For at the window of my house I looked through my casement, 7 And beheld among the simple ones, I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding, 8 Passing through the street near her corner; and he went the way to her house, 9 In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night: 10 And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtle of heart. 24 Hearken unto me now therefore, O ye children, and attend to the words of my mouth. 25 Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths. 26 For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her. 27 Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death. Proverbs 19:29 29 Judgments are prepared for scorners, and stripes for the back of fools. Proverbs 20:20 20 Whoso curseth his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness. Proverbs 21:28 28 A false witness shall perish: but the man that heareth speaketh constantly. Proverbs 28:18 18 Whoso walketh uprightly shall be saved: but he that is perverse in his ways shall fall at once. 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