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One, to provide a concise summary of the signs that will immediately precede before The Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) takes place, as foretold in the Book of Truth to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy by Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Two, to help counter the vicious and comprehensive attack that satan will launch through atheists and scientists to publicly deny the supernatural aspects of The Warning (and the existence of God). My hope is this writing in advance will help many people in the aftermath of The Warning to stay faithful to God. And three, to share some thoughts that the Holy Spirit has placed on my heart. Firstly, here are the signs that will immediately happen before The Great Warning. These signs and their sequence were prophesied by Jesus directly to Maria Divine Mercy from 2011-2013 in different heavenly messages that I have attached to this writing. The first sign will be that the earth will spin faster Then the sun will begin to loom larger and brighter, as it spins and pulsates Besides the sun will appear a "second sun" Weather patterns will then erupt on earth Two comets will appear to collide, explode, and infuse, near the surface of the earth This collision will result in the Sign of the Cross being seen in a pink-red sky all over the world The pink-red sky will look like the roof of a house has been rolled back showing the fires and flames of Divine Mercy The collision and red flames will look like an exploding volcano in the pink-red sky Red flames of fire will shoot towards the surface of the earth ("Rays of Divine Mercy") During the collision, there will also be a supernatural earthquake taking place on earth  the ground will shake and moan A calm silence will then ensue on earth From the red flames, people will feel a burning sensation which will result in them witnessing the presence of their soul Then the illumination of conscience will take place for every soul above the age of seven years old The illumination of conscience will last about fifteen minutes Then those who have redeemed themselves in the Eyes of God will experience "purgatory" as penance for their sins on earth Now, the sequence of events (the signs) culminating in The Great Warning is important to grasp, because satan has prepared an elaborate response to attack this great Act of God. As Jesus foretells, the enemies of God will set about saying that the entire experience was a  cosmic accident which they will say that scientists can prove (July 12, 2012). In particular, Jesus foretells:  Then the enemies of God will deny The Warning ever happened and they will fool millions into believing that it was a cosmic event, when the light of the sun overtook the whole of the planet by a one-off event, caused by the movement of the Earth on its axis. Nothing could be further from the Truth. And, while they will put forth all these causes, they will deny that God Exists and lead many away from Me. Sadly, many will not come back to Me and only with God s Interventions, when He will be forced to punish His enemies, in order to bring them back to their senses, can souls be purified. (November 16, 2013) On this webpage, is an important 20-minute video about solar activity and the earth's magnetic field produced by Ben Davidson, who is the founder of Suspicious0bservers ( HYPERLINK "http://www.suspicious0bservers.org/"http://www.suspicious0bservers.org), an organization comprising over 300,000 scientists, atheists, and intellectuals, who study the relationship between the sun and planetary climate change and natural disasters. On their website, Ben Davidson writes about his organization's origin:  When we began, it was unthinkable that the sun could effect climate change, short-term weather, earthquakes, volcanos, and other natural disasters. The idea that the planets could modulate solar activity was considered rogue and the outer fringe. There are now dozens of papers to the contrary, published just since 2013, and in the realm of the climate, there were actually 100s that were being ignored before that. Suspiciously, the scientific interest in planets modulating solar activity did not become mainstream until 2013 when dozens of scientific papers started being published on the subject.  Coincidentally, this scientific interest only started becoming mainstream AFTER Our Lord, Jesus Christ, started in 2011 describing specific details about The Warning involving the earth and the sun to Maria Divine Mercy for the Book of Truth. Now, let me talk more about the video. In the video, Ben Davidson talks about how the magnetic field of the earth has been destabilizing in recent years. The magnetic field is the result of the movement of liquid iron deep within the earth's core as the planet spins on its axis. The magnetic field protects the surface of the earth from the constant bombardment of deadly solar rays and solar wind by reflecting them back into outer space. It is because of the interaction of solar rays with the earth's magnetic field that we see such phenomenon as the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights), etc. Well, the weakening of the earth's magnetic field has scientists concerned that the magnetic field might be getting ready to flip, which last happened thousands of years ago in the stone age. If the magnetic field flips, then the earth's north and south poles would reverse, etc., and scientists have hypothesized many disaster scenarios for human life on earth. Although, ultimately, they are clueless about the effects of any possible flip. And so, on the video, Ben Davidson talks about a hypothetical situation in which the magnetic field would flip leaving the surface of the earth temporarily vulnerable to solar rays and solar winds. Then, he talks about how the flipping of the earth's magnetic field would interact with the sun. In particular, how a  coronal mass ejection (CME) might occur on the sun. What is a coronal mass ejection (CME)? According to SpaceWeatherLive.com,  a coronal mass ejection (or CME) is a giant cloud of solar plasma drenched with magnetic field lines that are blown away from the Sun during strong, long-duration solar flares and filament eruptions. A CME is actually fairly common on the surface of the sun and it can take one-to-three days for the plasma cloud to finally reach earth depending on its speed. Then, once the CME reaches earth, any negative effects are reflected back into space by the earth's magnetic field although it might cause a significant colorful display of Northern Lights. Now, I do not mean to be overly-technical (I am not a scientist), but I need to lay the foundation so people understand how satan is going to convince people to deny The Great Warning. Basically, scientists and atheists are going to say that the first sign of The Warning the spinning of the earth and the resulting earthquake was caused by the magnetic field flipping on the earth's axis. Then, this magnetic field reversal interacted with the surface of the sun causing a massive CME which will appear to us on earth as a  second sun in outer space. Meanwhile, in messages to Prophet John Leary ( HYPERLINK "http://www.johneary.com/"http://www.johnleary.com), Jesus has indicated that since the Comet of The Warning will be traveling from behind the sun, we will likely have less than 72 hours to react once it becomes visible to people on earth. And according to scientists, a CME from the sun can take up to 72 hours to travel to us on earth. So, scientists will claim the  second sun is a CME; people of faith will claim the  second sun is a comet. Then, also in messages to Prophet John Leary, Jesus has indicated that the Comet of the Warning will come very near to earth's surface passing inside the orbit of the moon with the earth. However, due to gravity, the comet's trajectory will change and next time the comet passes by (over 3 years later), it will hit the earth as the Comet of Chastisement. In the Book of Truth, Jesus tells us about The Warning that  My Cross will be the proof of My manifestation of My Divine Mercy (July 12, 2012). Yes, seeing Jesus on the Cross will be the hardest thing to persuade people away from believing, but satan will try. Jesus foretells that scientists will say that,  The Warning was caused by a disruption in the earth s atmosphere and it will be easily explained away. But it will be a lie (April 5, 2013). According to the 20-minute video, scientists are already studying the effects of memory and how it can be affected due to a magnetic field reversal. Also, at the most recent TED Talk (April 2017), scientists were discussing how billions of neurons interact to create consciousness and how the brain  hallucinates conscious reality. So, I surmise that neuroscientists will seek to convince people that the experience of The Warning was caused by hallucination like a  near-death experience occurring on a global scale. Finally, although I am not familiar with much psychological theories, I could easily see psychologists proposing that mankind experienced a moment of  collective unconscious based on mythological motifs or primordial images that have been innate from birth (Carl Jung Freudian theory). Basically, psychologists will say that we all had a vision based on repressed myths in our unconscious (God is an evolutionary myth from mankind's earlier state of development). Also, I realized that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has been active in recent years in studying the sun (heliophysics) having 18 current space missions dedicated to it. In fact, in 2014, NASA devoted a week to public education about CMEs, which appears to be a hot topic for current space research. NASA created a very informative website about CMEs, including several videos that people can freely download and use. On this webpage, I have included a short NASA video (2-minutes) about the difference between solar flares and CMEs, as well as a 5-minute video that I found on space weather and the Northern Lights. And when I was discovering all these videos and resources, it made me realize how elaborate satan's plans are to fool people after The Warning and I got a bit angry and a tad upset. Finding out that there were over 300,000 scientists, atheists, and intellectuals, who are likely otherwise good people, but unknowingly and unwittingly serving satan's plans and actively working against God, made me angry. I actually stepped away from my writing, as I needed to take a break. When I came back to work on this writing, I was reminded of a couple of things. Firstly, I was reminded of a message from the Blessed Mother in Locutions To The World. On September 4, 2013, the Blessed Mother said,  There must be an explosion of the Spirit s wisdom for the whole world to be enlightened. Otherwise, man is doomed to follow the wisdom of the world, the flesh and the devil... Without the Spirit of Wisdom, man s intellect is darkened. He is like a blind man in a darkened room, seldom making even one correct decision. And secondly, I was reminded of the story of the youth, David, slaying the mighty giant, Goliath, in the Holy Bible (1 Samuel, Chapter 17). Since I started the blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, in April 2015, except for occasionally posting an article link to a few Catholic groups that I belong to on FaceBook, I have never advertised my blog, trusting that God and Our Lady would bring souls to the website if I was doing Heaven's work. And since that time, I have built up of a loyal and daily following of (conservative estimate) one thousand people who appreciate the heavenly messages and commentaries that I post. I am very grateful to God for every blog follower and I pray everyday for each of them and their loved ones. They encourage me by their prayers and daily following to  continue the good fight despite whatever may happen. And from this daily following of one thousand people, I know that  all things are possible to God and that one day, in God's timing, I pray that my blog will touch and affect thousands, millions, etc., of people. I simply trust in God, the God of Miracles, for it to happen. I also know that there are many other Marian websites that are more successful than my blog. I know that my blog could be more successful if I stuck only with  approved apparitions, but God and Our Lady led me to discern and believe in the visionaries and chosen souls that I promote on the blog regardless of whether they are approved or not. And I think my followers appreciate the  uniqueness of my blog, as I strive to keep it current on Heaven's Plans and objectives. I think that it would surprise blog followers to know that I do not plan everyday what I intend to work on. Everyday, after prayer, I just sit at my computer and whatever the Holy Spirit or Our Lady prompt me to do, I start working on it. For example, I do not plan out in advance my commentaries. If the Holy Spirit moves to me to write, I simply write. And so, I am blessed by my small but loyal following of one thousand people for my blog. You, reading this commentary, are the  Davids of God going up against the  Goliaths of the world. I may not have 300,000 people on my side, but I have God, Our Lady, all of Heaven, and one thousand beautiful souls that care about changing and saving the world. And I know that despite the odds, from this group, conversion will sweep the world over the Flame of Holy Love converting the heart of the world. In the Book of Truth, Jesus has said,  Even The Warning will not convert many of them who proclaim to be atheists. Their only salvation is through the prayers and suffering of victim souls (March 25, 2012). And when I read this remark by Our Lord, it made me sad but determined; and I maintain my hope. I believe in the future success of the Great Miracle and Great Sign of Garabandal, as well as the three future warnings of the first Three Secrets of Medjugorje, which includes a Great Sign as well. I believe that these interventions by God will bring about massive conversions as they are wholly supernatural gifts that will be hard for satan to attack. I also recognize that God, Our Heavenly Father, will have to send many chastisements to the world as prophesied in advance by the Secrets of Medjugorje, as Jesus said earlier,  in order to bring them [lukewarm souls] back to their senses, can souls be purified. I have begun to also realize, in a profound way, how necessary the martyrdom of the Two Witnesses of the Apocalypse is to the success of the Divine Plan (Revelation, Chapter 11). In a previous commentary,  The Great Warning, Islam, and the Divine Plan ( HYPERLINK "https://maryrefugeofholylove.com/2017/08/12/special-commentary-the-great-warning-islam-and-the-divine-plan-by-a-soul/"https://maryrefugeofholylove.com/2017/08/12/special-commentary-the-great-warning-islam-and-the-divine-plan-by-a-soul/), I explained how because of Islamic beliefs, many Muslims will reject the experience of seeing Jesus Crucified on the Cross during The Warning, because they will think He is the Al-Masid ad-Dajjal, who is the  antichrist of Islam a very evil being that has many magical powers and is the arch-enemy of Allah (God). I also explained in the commentary that the martyrdom of the Two Witnesses of the Apocalypse becomes necessary, because it is only through their resurrection, that the eyes of the Muslim world will become open to the Gospel Truth. And through this act of love by the Two Witnesses, the city of Jerusalem is spared further destruction and the Jewish people are saved. Well, I also wrote in a follow-up commentary,  Clue about Garabandal Secrets and the Pope of Fatima ( HYPERLINK "https://maryrefugeofholylove.com/2017/08/19/clue-about-garabandal-secrets-and-the-pope-of-fatima-by-a-soul/"https://maryrefugeofholylove.com/2017/08/19/clue-about-garabandal-secrets-and-the-pope-of-fatima-by-a-soul/), how sad that I had become knowing that it takes the cruel martyrdom of two innocent people for people to finally believe in God. But, I was comforted by Our Lady and the Holy Spirit, when I became reminded of the fact that Our Lord, Jesus Christ, suffered the most cruelest innocent martyrdom of them all, but it is through His Ultimate Sacrifice, that every human person gains the chance for eternal life; and that the Resurrection is ultimately a Victory in Love. Well, it is through writing this prophecy summary, I have realized how the martyrdom and resurrection of the Two Witnesses becomes not only a blessing for the Muslim people, but it will be a blessing for many atheists, who will see the happening around the world as well. Yes, the atheists may be tempted to deny The Warning, all the Secrets of Garabandal and Medjugorje, rationalizing them away by science and superstition. However, it will be hard to rationalize away a happening where they see two people cruelly martyred with their bodies left in the streets for over three days. Whom, then suddenly raised up in transfigured bodies, the Voice of God calls them up to Heaven as they fly away into the clouds. All of this televised around the world. And as I conclude this writing, I have a lot of hope in my heart. I hope that by fully explaining the supernatural signs preceding The Great Warning, as well as how satan will use science to seek to disprove it, that this writing will put many people on alert and they will remain faithful to God despite the pressures to deny the mystical experience. I have hope for massive conversions in the world, especially, due to the Secrets of Garabandal and Medjugorje. And I have hope that the martyrdom and resurrection of the Two Witnesses of Apocalypse will convert many souls, especially, of atheists who will only believe if they see such a happening with their own eyes. I know that the Second Woe the martyrdom and resurrection of the Two Witnesses is the only chastisement in the Book of Revelation where Sacred Scripture clearly states that people on earth will convert and glorify God because of it. I do not know who the Two Witnesses are, but I pray for their holy courage and their blessed faith. Finally, I pray for all my blog followers, their loved ones and families, and the success of this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove. I know that this blog can be an amazing tool for conversion of hearts. So, I pray for the intentions of Our Lady hoping that this blog is included among them. God bless! SUPPLEMENTAL REFERENCES: Two Suns Prophecy  Comet of The Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience)  Comet of Chastisement  HYPERLINK "https://maryrefugeofholylove.com/2016/04/01/two-suns-prophecy-comet-of-the-great-warning-illumination-of-conscience-comet-of-chastisement/"https://maryrefugeofholylove.com/2016/04/01/two-suns-prophecy-comet-of-the-great-warning-illumination-of-conscience-comet-of-chastisement/ Special Commentary  The Great Warning, Islam, and the Divine Plan  By a soul  HYPERLINK "https://maryrefugeofholylove.com/2017/08/12/special-commentary-the-great-warning-islam-and-the-divine-plan-by-a-soul/"https://maryrefugeofholylove.com/2017/08/12/special-commentary-the-great-warning-islam-and-the-divine-plan-by-a-soul/ Special Commentary  Clue about Garabandal Secrets and the Pope of Fatima  By a soul  HYPERLINK "https://maryrefugeofholylove.com/2017/08/19/clue-about-garabandal-secrets-and-the-pope-of-fatima-by-a-soul/"https://maryrefugeofholylove.com/2017/08/19/clue-about-garabandal-secrets-and-the-pope-of-fatima-by-a-soul/ FOR CONSIDERATION: JESUS CHRIST  I Will Forgive Atheists, I Give You My Mercy  HYPERLINK "https://maryrefugeofholylove.com/the-warning-god-speaks-to-you/jesus-christ-i-will-forgive-atheists-i-give-you-my-mercy/"https://maryrefugeofholylove.com/the-warning-god-speaks-to-you/jesus-christ-i-will-forgive-atheists-i-give-you-my-mercy/ KEY POINTS: JESUS:  Many scientists and those in Satan s army, will be used to publicly deny that this Great Miracle will have taken place. Pray for them, so that this deceit does not seduce those lukewarm souls who may be tempted to turn their backs on Me, yet again. (January 13, 2012) JESUS:  Even The Warning will not convert many of them who proclaim to be atheists. Their only salvation is through the prayers and suffering of victim souls. (March 25, 2012) JESUS:  Children, if enough people cannot stay on the true path then it will not be possible to avert the impact of the chastisement. For this is when God the Father will move to stop sinners from destroying His Creation and His children. He will unleash earthquakes on a magnitude never experienced before; volcanoes in the most unlikely places and the Earth will be tossed like a ship in rough waters with no anchor to hold it in one place. (July 3, 2011) JESUS:  This time is likened to the calm before the storm. Use it to prepare as many people as possible. Spread My messages, My Crusade Prayers, and pray for your brothers and sisters so that after The Warning they will accept My Mercy. (August 19, 2012) EXCERPTS (THE SIGNS OF THE WARNING): JESUS:  They will see great signs in the skies, before The Warning takes place. Stars will clash with such impact that man will confuse the spectacle they see in the sky as being catastrophic. As these comets infuse, a great red sky will result and the Sign of My Cross will be seen all over the world, by everyone. (June 5, 2011) JESUS:  My dearly beloved daughter, the weather patterns are now changing as yet another sign that times are about to change. Other changes will be experienced. The sun will begin to pulsate and spin in the lead up to the world as it is being prepared for The Warning. My Cross will appear first. They will be shocked, but this is being given as a Sign so that you can prepare your souls and ask for redemption for the sins you have committed. By doing this you will not suffer during The Warning... Rejoice when the sky explodes, for you will know that I Am truly coming into the world... So unexpected will this event be that the world will stop in great shock. When they slowly recover, many will still be unsure about what has happened. As I come, so too will Satan and the demons from Hell, who will try to devour the souls of My children. (October 2, 2011) JESUS:  Once again the signs will appear first. Many people will sit up and take heed when they see the changes in the skies. They will witness the sun spin like never before. Then they will see the Cross. This will happen immediately before the stars clash in the skies and when My Rays of Divine Mercy will cover the Earth. Silence will ensue so that each soul will be in a state of absolute privacy when they come before Me. Tell My children what to watch out for, because they must not be afraid. This is not an Event to fear. Instead you must all welcome this encounter... They must not think that this is the end of the world. For it is not. It is the beginning of a new period in time when all of My children will know the Truth at last. (November 11, 2011) JESUS:  The skies will be peeled back as if a roof has opened to reveal the fires and the flames of My Divine Mercy. The earth will be shaken with such force that no man will escape My Eyes, My Spirit or My Gift. Many will tremble with fear because it will only be then that many will become aware of their souls for the very first time. (June 16, 2012) JESUS:  The Warning for many will be a frightening event, when it will seem like the world has come to an end. Many will witness what will seen to be a catastrophic occurrence when two comets will appear to collide and explode close to the earth s surface. The flames of fire will seem as if a volcano has erupted in the skies and many will be fearful. The rays of red fire are the Rays of My Blood, the Rays of My Mercy, given to all of you as a gift of such magnitude that no man will be able to comprehend what is happening. Many will feel a fire burning through their bodies as if the heat of the sun is overpowering them. Inside they will feel a burning heat, until the sense of realisation enables them to witness the spectacle of their souls. Many will feel the earth shake as if there is an earthquake. The ground will shake, groan and many will fall down clutching whatever they can for shelter. Yet the ground will not open up and swallow them. For this is not a physical earthquake but a supernatural one. Before this happens the weather patterns will erupt. My Cross will appear after the explosion in the skies. (July 12, 2012) JESUS:  My dearly beloved daughter, the stars will soon change and the time for the comet to appear, of which I spoke, when people will believe that there are two suns, is close. Soon the wondrous spectacle will be seen by humanity, and there will be heard the sound of thunder, and it will seem that the two suns will collide. My Rays of Mercy will fall on every human soul, including those who will be blinded by the Light, so dark are their souls. When the sound of thunder is heard, a quiet calm will then descend over the earth and the stillness will be deafening. No sound will be heard  only the sound of My Voice imprinted on the souls of the wretched. I will be like a ray of sun, which will make every single fault, every sin and cry of despair, become clearly visible in the eyes of the sinner. (April 6, 2013) JESUS:  The first sign will be that the Earth will spin faster. The second sign concerns the sun, which will loom larger, brighter and begin to spin. Beside it you will see a second sun. Then the weather will cause the world to shake and the changes will mean that many parts of the Earth will be destroyed. (November 12, 2013) EXCERPTS (REACTIONS AFTER THE WARNING): JESUS:  My Messages will become their daily food and along with My Most Holy Eucharist, they will need nothing more. So strong will they become that nothing will stand in their way, nothing will intimidate them, or slow them down, as they march in My remnant army towards My New Paradise. (April 5, 2013) JESUS:  Many will faint and collapse, overcome with grief. But they will realise how much their soul needs to be cleansed first, before they are ready to enter My Eternal      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ Paradise. These people will then know what is expected of them and they will suffer penance for some time, after the Great Event. Many people will think that they are dreaming. Some will think that it is the end of the world, but it will not be. It will be the Final Warning, however, which will be given to humanity to help them redeem themselves before God. Billions will convert and recognise God, the Triune God, for the first time and they will be grateful for the proof which they will be given as to the Existence of their Creator. (November 16, 2013) JESUS:  After the Great Intervention by God, to give humanity the chance to prepare themselves for My Second Coming, the world will be asking many questions. Some will be so changed within their souls that they will devote much time in helping to convert those they want to help save from deceit. Others will be remorseful and it will take some time for them to fully understand the significance of their presentation before Me and they will spend much attention to reconciling themselves with Me. (November 16, 2013) MOTHER OF SALVATION:  While all doubts about the Existence of my Son will flee from the minds of those who are blind to the Truth of the Word of God  for many, they will need spiritual direction once the Truth of The Warning is revealed. After The Warning will come a great desire to give glory to God. This will be a period of great trials; because the enemies of God will do everything possible to convince the world that The Warning  the Illumination of Conscience  did not take place. (March 9, 2014) JESUS:  Be warned though, that Satan will now increase his activities through your brothers and sisters to persuade you to turn your back on Me, even after this Great Event takes place. You must now open your minds, leave all human reasoning aside to accept the truth of your existence on Earth. Every lie couched in scientific human logical thinking will be perpetrated to prevent you from accepting the Truth. (May 20, 2011) JESUS:  My children must understand that The Warning, while a great Act of Mercy, is only the first phase in what will be a very difficult and challenging time for all My children. For after that those hardened sinners and followers of Satan will deny My Existence. Atheists will say it was a global illusion. Scientists will look for a logical explanation, but there won t be one. Meanwhile, My followers will be torn in two. Many millions will have converted, but they will be confused by the lies spread by the evil group, the one world deadly organization whose goal is to destroy the little people for their own financial gain. (July 2, 2011) JESUS:  My Cross will be the proof of My manifestation of My Divine Mercy promised to mankind for so long. It will be seen in the skies all over the world. A calmness will descend throughout the earth as a result of this act of divine intervention given to God s children to awake them from their slumber. But the fallen angels will attack all God s children through their dedicated army who will refuse My Cup of Salvation. So bitter, with hearts of stone and infested with the stain of Satan, they will fight those who love God. Their numbers will not be a match for those who follow the Truth, yet their hatred will inspire them to plot evil acts which will destroy this peace and calm. This will orchestrate a plan to convince the world that this event was, indeed, a cosmic accident which they will say that scientists can prove. Many, sadly, will then believe this to be the case and many of God s children will fall back to the old sinful lives they once led. The battle for souls will then commence and it will take some time for this to reach the final confrontation when My Second Coming will bring to an end the wickedness. (July 12, 2012) JESUS:  The others will be told that The Warning was caused by a disruption in the earth s atmosphere and it will be easily explained away. But it will be a lie, for they do not want to acknowledge the Existence of God. If they were to do this, they would not be able to complete their plan to deceive the world into accepting the empty promises of the antichrist. When miracles of God are witnessed on such a grand scale, know that My plan to bring humanity into the realm of salvation is in the final stages. (April 5, 2013) JESUS:  Then the enemies of God will deny The Warning ever happened and they will fool millions into believing that it was a cosmic event, when the light of the sun overtook the whole of the planet by a one-off event, caused by the movement of the Earth on its axis. Nothing could be further from the Truth. And, while they will put forth all these causes, they will deny that God Exists and lead many away from Me. Sadly, many will not come back to Me and only with God s Interventions, when He will be forced to punish His enemies, in order to bring them back to their senses, can souls be purified. (November 16, 2013) REFERENCE: LOCUTIONS TO THE WORLD September 4, 2013  The Spirit s Wisdom MARY  There must be an explosion of the Spirit s wisdom for the whole world to be enlightened.  Otherwise, man is doomed to follow the wisdom of the world, the flesh and the devil. The wisdom of the world is the foolishness of ambition and greed. The wisdom of the flesh is the selfishness of every kind. The wisdom of the devil is a multiplicity of snares that entrap people and nations in a thousand ways.  Without the Spirit of Wisdom, man s intellect is darkened. He is like a blind man in a darkened room, seldom making even one correct decision.  Only the Spirit s wisdom can transfer man from darkness into light. Then, all of his decisions bring about the kingdom of Jesus. What would Jesus do, or say, or decide, or counsel? The Spirit sends forth this fountain of Jesus wisdom. Oh, how the world needs these waters.  O reader, just come to me before every decision and I will ask my spouse, the Holy Spirit to enlighten you. REFERENCE: THE BOOK OF TRUTH (MARIA DIVINE MERCY)  Prepare for The Warning, the Illumination of Conscience Friday, January 28th, 2011 @ 00:15 Tonight, My dearly beloved daughter, you were given the graces to make you stronger to continue with this sacred Work. Through the devotion of My beloved and cherished followers, who have been praying hard for you, you, My daughter, will forge rapidly ahead to complete the Book of Truth. No matter how much you are distracted, you still find it hard to reject your duty to Me. This is pleasing to Me but we don t have much time. The world, My daughter, is being given this special Gift  the Book of Truth  to show My children what they now need to do in order to prepare for The Warning, the Illumination of Conscience, which is being given to mankind to help prepare them adequately for My Second Coming. For those who don t believe in Me they must still be given the chance to read the Truth. When this event takes place, after these Messages are given to the world, people will understand the authenticity of My Words given through you, My daughter, to save mankind. Mystical Event to be experienced by all over 7 years of age Don t feel hurt when people dismiss these Messages, My daughter. Just be thankful that they are being given this Gift. They will understand the Truth of this prophecy, when after this Mystical Event, which will be experienced by all of My children over seven years of age, everywhere throughout the world, takes place. Those who live after this event will be more cautious about the contents of this sacred Book. They will find it difficult to ignore, even if their faith is weak; others who don t want to know the Truth still need to be reminded of the contents of this Work. Never give up, My child, when it comes to saving souls. All My precious children were born out of the Love of My Eternal Father. When they lost their way it did not matter. God, My Eternal Father still loves each and every one of His children. Faith, My child, can be rekindled by the faith of others blessed with the Holy Spirit. My chosen children, sent to spread My Word now, to the world, have the ability to bring tears of joy into those poor souls screaming out for direction in their empty confusing lives. Look at everyone through My Eyes Always look on your friends, family, neighbours and work colleagues through My Eyes. Always look for the good side. Show love to them and they will feel My Presence. They will be drawn to you and won t know why. Through My example, imitate Me and you will help Me convert My lost children. By praying hard for them you can draw them nearer to Me. Through sacrifice and the acceptance of suffering, in union with Me, you can save souls. This includes those souls yet to leave this Earth, as well as those awaiting Judgement in Purgatory. Let Me remind you finally, that you have two choices. Believe in Me by opening your minds to the Truth contained in the Gospel. If you have lost all faith then read just a portion of My Teachings. Then ask Me to show you the Truth in your hearts. Then you will know which path will lead you to Me in Heaven. Alternatively, you can keep your eyes closed and refuse to listen. Only prayer, by believers can help you then. Prayer by My followers, combined with the recital of My Divine Chaplet of the Divine Mercy Gift, given to Sister Faustina in the 20th Century, can save your souls at the time of your death. Pray the Divine Mercy Pray, pray, pray My Divine Mercy for your own souls and those of non-believers, now. Prayer groups will help spread the Truth, instil faith in those who have lost all sense of who they are and where they came from. It will be instrumental in igniting the spread of evangelical enlightenment, which will now be felt in all parts of the world, as the time approaches for the prophecies in relation to My Second Coming on Earth begin to be revealed, as they unfold before a series of global events. Be prepared, children, at all times. Keep in a state of grace and keep your hearts open to My Teachings of love and peace on Earth. If My children all followed My Teachings, then there would be no wars, greed, hatred or poverty in the world. You need to sit down quietly, every one of you, for just half-an-hour each day. Go through the Psalms, the Parables and ask yourself,  Does this lesson apply to my life in today s world? You know the answer is, of course, yes. Pray for the strength to change your attitudes and views on life after death. Remember this important lesson. Earth is simply a brief passage in time. The only true happiness and eternal life is with Me in Heaven, Paradise  My Father s Kingdom. YOUR LOVING SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST  Confusion about what My Second Coming will mean Friday, May 20th, 2011 @ 10:00 My dearly beloved daughter, many people wonder what The Second Coming really means, so let Me explain. I came into the world the first time to redeem mankind from eternal darkness, so he could benefit from eternal life. God the Almighty Father, out of His Mercy, sent Me so that all His children would have life. For up to then, due to the sins of Adam and Eve, this would not have been possible. I come again, this time to reward all those who follow Me. Much confusion exists in the world regarding this event. Many people believe that My Second Coming indicates that the end of the world has come. That is not the case, for instead, it will mean the end times when Satan and his followers, who create untold misery in the world, will be banished from Earth for 1,000 years. About the New Paradise on Earth This New Paradise I have promised will come about when Heaven and Earth merge to become one. This new life I bring to all My devoted followers is one of love and glory. You, My followers, will have to endure much suffering, however, while this transition takes place. To help prepare the world for this Great Event, I Am bringing a great Gift of My Mercy beforehand. The Great Warning, which will give each and every one of you the chance to see your sins and how they offend Me, will enable you to see the Truth. When you realise the stain of sin that exists within you, only then will you really understand the sorrow that I feel. A glimpse of what will happen at the Final Judgment By allowing you all to experience this great Act of My Mercy you will be given a true glimpse as to what will happen at the day of the Final Judgment. In this way you are being given a fair chance to turn back to Me once more. You see, I love all of you with such a deep and abiding passion that I will do everything possible to save you from the grip of the deceiver. Be warned though, that Satan will now increase his activities through your brothers and sisters to persuade you to turn your back on Me, even after this Great Event takes place. You must now open your minds, leave all human reasoning aside to accept the truth of your existence on Earth. Every lie couched in scientific human logical thinking will be perpetrated to prevent you from accepting the Truth. Satan does not want you, My children, to come to Me. His vice-like grip must be broken, but it can only be done with your help. Do not allow him to cloud your judgment with his lies. It will be very difficult for you to ignore his arguments, taunts and ridicule, for that is the way he works. Satan will work through other people to discourage you Many of you will not know that Satan is working like this through other people whose views you may respect. But this is just exactly how he works. He will communicate through those poor souls who are attracted to the dark. He will ensure that their minds are blocked to the Truth of My Glory and the eternal life that is yours by right. Never, ever let his influence affect your love for Me. And remember, because he will not win this battle, then those poor souls who follow him will be thrown into Hell with him. If you desire eternal life, then use this time on Earth to denounce Satan while you can. I will rule the Earth for 1,000 years My daughter, I will Rule the Earth for 1,000 years. Make no mistake, for I Am now in charge of events as they now unfold in the world. I have now prepared the way for My New Kingdom on Earth and that time is near, much closer than many realize. Rejoice, for this news will be welcomed by all. It will bring to an end all suffering in the world. It will ignite a fount of love and glory for all My children to share. This New Paradise will be beyond your comprehension, but hear this. This new life will offer you, all of My devout followers, a life free from worry. You will want for nothing. All will be provided by Me. Each and every one of you who choose this Glorious Kingdom will be astonished at the Precious Jewel that awaits you. Pray now, that your brothers and sisters open their eyes to the Truth of the promises I have made, so they too, can enter this New Life on Earth. YOUR LOVING SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST  Two comets will collide, My cross will appear in a red sky Sunday, June 5th, 2011 @ 16:30 My dearly beloved daughter, the time is near. The Warning is close now. It is with great sorrow that I must tell you that many souls will not heed these Messages about The Warning. My Word falls on deaf ears. Why won t they listen? I Am not only giving them My great Gift of Mercy, when I will shower My graces over the whole world, I Am also trying to prepare them for this event. Many millions of sinners will rejoice when they are shown My great Mercy. Others won t get a chance to redeem themselves in time, because they will die of shock. My daughter, you must do everything you can to warn the world, because this Great Event will shock everyone. They will see great signs in the skies, before The Warning takes place. Stars will clash with such impact that man will confuse the spectacle they see in the sky as being catastrophic. As these comets infuse, a great red sky will result and the Sign of My Cross will be seen all over the world, by everyone. Many will be frightened. But I say rejoice, for you will see, for the first time in your lives, a truly Divine Sign that represents great news for sinners everywhere. See My Cross then and you will know that My great Mercy is being given to each of you, My precious children. For it was with the deep abiding Love that I held for you that I died, willingly, on the Cross, to save you. When you see the Crosses in the sky during The Warning you will know that this is a Sign of My Love for you. Pray, My beloved followers, that your brothers and sisters can rejoice when they too, are shown the proof of My Existence. Pray that they will accept that this is their chance to redeem themselves in My Eyes. That this great Act of Mercy will save their souls if they will allow Me to help them. You will be shown what it is like to die in mortal sin. The Warning will be a purifying experience for all of you. It may be unpleasant in part, especially for those in grave sin. Because for the first time ever, you will be shown what it feels like when the Light of God disappears from your life. Your souls will feel the abandonment felt by those who die in mortal sin, these poor souls who left it too late to ask God to forgive them their sins. Remember, it is important that I allow all of you to feel this emptiness of soul. For only then will you finally understand that without the Light of God in your souls you cease to feel. Your soul and body would be just empty vessels. Even sinners feel the Light of God because He is present in every one of His children on Earth. But when you die in mortal sin, this Light no longer exists. Prepare now, for this Great Event. Save your souls while you can. For it will only be when the Light of God leaves you that you will finally realise the empty, barren darkness that Satan offers, which is full of anguish and terror. Replenish your souls. Rejoice now, for The Warning will save you and bring you closer to My Sacred Heart. Welcome The Warning. For then you will be given the proof of eternal life and know how important it is. YOUR BELOVED SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST KING OF MANKIND  Atheists and scientists will say that The Warning was an illusion Sunday, July 3rd, 2011 @ 18:30 My dearly beloved daughter, you must move forward, look straight ahead and follow My instructions. Do not turn to the side when you are being assailed by the evil one every minute of the day. Focus on Me only. You must learn to understand that time spent in My company, especially at Adoration, is essential if you are to keep on top of this Mission. The length of time spent in prayer is also important because the longer you spend in close communication with Me, the more graces you will receive. Failure to do so will mean that you are leaving yourself wide open to attacks from the deceiver. My Word, My daughter, is being ignored by many who do not want to listen. There are many reasons for this. Many of My children today have closed their eyes to the Truth of their spiritual existence. They embrace the world and all it offers as a substitute for the Bread of Life. Many are also wary of false prophets, for this is the age in which false prophets will emerge everywhere. This is the confusion that Satan wants to cause so that those genuine messengers of mine go unnoticed. Because of the humility required by My chosen visionaries, they cannot exalt themselves in the eyes of the world, for it is not in their nature. The false visionaries will push themselves into the limelight. Their focus will be centred on themselves. Their messages may seem authentic and full of flowery language, featuring extracts from the Holy Bible, where it suits, but there will be two key aspects to their messages that will expose them for the untruths they impart. The first, is that they will be central to the messages and will enjoy all of the attention they receive. Then finally you have the messages themselves. They will be confusing, hard to read and will not leave a lasting impression on the soul. Sadly, My daughter, the Church tends to ignore the authentic seers because they must show responsibility in these matters. It is, therefore, far easier for My Church to support those messages, which include extracts from the Holy Bible, to declare these to be authentic. Not so easy is it for them to accept the simplicity of My Teachings, especially when today much of the Truth hides behind the mask of tolerance. Not easily accepted either, is the reminder of the end times, when through fear and ignorance, those sacred servants of Mine refuse to take up My Cup and act responsibly. This is the most important time in the history of the world. All the signs have been given to My visionaries throughout the last century, yet they are ignored and shoved aside as they bury their heads in the sand. It is precisely at this time that My sacred servants must preach about the importance of My return to Earth. They must prepare souls by reminding them of the consequences of failing to redeem themselves while they are still on this Earth, for they cannot ask for forgiveness after death. I call on My sacred servants now. Why won t you emphasize this to your flock? Why do you not actively discuss the repercussions for My children during the Great Chastisement? Don t you know that many of My children will lose their souls to the antichrist, who is already here on this Earth, ready to spring as he waits in the wings? My children must understand that The Warning, while a great Act of Mercy, is only the first phase in what will be a very difficult and challenging time for all My children. For after that those hardened sinners and followers of Satan will deny My Existence. Atheists will say it was a global illusion. Scientists will look for a logical explanation, but there won t be one. Meanwhile, My followers will be torn in two. Many millions will have converted, but they will be confused by the lies spread by the evil group, the one world deadly organization whose goal is to destroy the little people for their own financial gain. Children, if enough people cannot stay on the true path then it will not be possible to avert the impact of the chastisement. For this is when God the Father will move to stop sinners from destroying His Creation and His children. He will unleash earthquakes on a magnitude never experienced before; volcanoes in the most unlikely places and the Earth will be tossed like a ship in rough waters with no anchor to hold it in one place. Please, children, allow The Warning to save you all. Accept that this miracle will help save millions, who otherwise, would have been lost. But for those who do not want to change their lives, they will choose the house of Satan. Without prayer there is no hope for them, for they will forfeit the keys of the New Paradise on Earth. Instead, they will burn in the fires of Hell. If they knew where this the evil path is leading them do you think they would change their ways? Children, please help them by telling them the Truth. Pray to save their souls if they won t listen, for that is all you can do. YOUR BELOVED SAVIOUR JUST JUDGE AND KING OF MERCY JESUS CHRIST  Rejoice when the sky explodes, for you will know that I Am coming Sunday, October 2nd, 2011 @ 15:00 My dearly beloved daughter, the weather patterns are now changing as yet another sign that times are about to change. Other changes will be experienced. The sun will begin to pulsate and spin in the lead up to the world as it is being prepared for The Warning. My Cross will appear first. They will be shocked, but this is being given as a Sign so that you can prepare your souls and ask for redemption for the sins you have committed. By doing this you will not suffer during The Warning. Pray, pray, pray, My followers everywhere. Rejoice when the sky explodes, for you will know that I Am truly coming into the world. At last mankind will not be able to deny Me. My Love will radiate in every corner of the world as I try to draw in all souls everywhere. So unexpected will this event be that the world will stop in great shock. When they slowly recover, many will still be unsure about what has happened. As I come, so too will Satan and the demons from Hell, who will try to devour the souls of My children. This is why I must urge you all to sprinkle your home with Holy Water and have blessed candles everywhere. You must keep yourselves protected. In the lead up, I ask of you this. Pray for all those who cannot find it in their hearts to accept the Truth of My Teachings. Pray especially for those who go to tremendous efforts to deny Me, although they are aware of My Crucifixion to save them. Remember, I died for every single one of you to save you. Remember that this time I come again to save you, each one of you. Not one do I exclude. Now is your chance, children, to be assured of a place in the Era of Peace on Earth. Why would you not want to be part of this? Why would anyone knowingly choose the depths of Hell in exchange for this great Gift? Rejoice. Pray, give thanks to God the Father, for this Great Warning. Embrace this Gift with love and joy in your hearts. YOUR SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST  Signs will appear in the sky first  the sun will spin Friday, November 11th, 2011 @ 16:00 Prayer, and much of it, is needed to help save souls now. You, My daughter, must prepare your family and tell those in need of My great Mercy to be ready. Once again the signs will appear first. Many people will sit up and take heed when they see the changes in the skies. They will witness the sun spin like never before. Then they will see the Cross. This will happen immediately before the stars clash in the skies and when My Rays of Divine Mercy will cover the Earth. Silence will ensue so that each soul will be in a state of absolute privacy when they come before Me. Tell My children what to watch out for, because they must not be afraid. This is not an Event to fear. Instead you must all welcome this encounter. All My children must accept that it is I Who now comes before them. They must not think that this is the end of the world. For it is not. It is the beginning of a new period in time when all of My children will know the Truth at last. I rejoice and feel a great tenderness towards every single soul who can be redeemed if they allow Me to give them this Gift. Pray, pray, pray for all souls now and in particular for those who will be so fearful that they may not be strong enough to accept My Hand of Mercy. YOUR SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST  Scientists will publicly deny this Miracle has taken place Friday, January 13th, 2012 @ 21:35 My dearest beloved daughter, My Divine Mercy will be finally realised and understood at last. My Rays of Mercy, which will commence with the pink skies, will flood the Earth to save mankind. Not one person will be excluded. Presidents, kings, queens, princes, paupers, celebrities, beggars, thieves, murderers, atheists and believers in God the Father and Me, His beloved Son, will all be touched by My Gift. The arrogant will fall in humility when they see their grievous sins, as they appear before My Eyes. The wicked will see the Light of My Divine Existence and will have to make a choice. They will accept My Love and Mercy or they will slap Me in the Face. Either way, all of God s children will see My Rays of Mercy and will find it hard to ignore this Miracle. I urge all of you to pray that My Mercy will be welcomed and accepted, like a hungry man who grasps the bread of life. Without this bread he will die. There are only two paths. Come with Me, your Divine Saviour, or face the fires of Hell. I Am ever Merciful, but there will be so little time for you to show remorse after The Warning. Many scientists and those in Satan s army, will be used to publicly deny that this Great Miracle will have taken place. Pray for them, so that this deceit does not seduce those lukewarm souls who may be tempted to turn their backs on Me, yet again. Prepare, children. Remember this Intervention from Heaven is the only way I can save most of humanity. Were I not to pour out My Mercy over the whole world, very few souls could enter My New Paradise on Earth. I love you all and welcome you into the Bosom of My Love and Mercy. Have no fear, your souls will be flooded with My Holy Spirit. For believers, this will make you even stronger in your love for Me and then you will join in My Army to convert those who need more time to turn to Me. YOUR SAVIOUR AND KING OF MERCY JESUS CHRIST  Even The Warning will not convert all Non-believers Sunday, March 25th, 2012 @ 15:30 My dearly beloved daughter today I urge all of My followers to devote their time to pray for those who do not believe in Me, Jesus Christ, or eternal salvation. These souls are close to My heart and are the ones who need to be converted so that they can be saved first. Those who are blind cannot see that their life does not end on earth. Many do not accept that they will exist for eternity. These souls wound Me deeply and I feel terror as I watch them destroy the life in their souls in this life on earth. Even The Warning will not convert many of them who proclaim to be atheists. Their only salvation is through the prayers and suffering of victim souls. I urge you to prayer for these souls through this Crusade Prayer (41) For the souls of Non-Believers O My Jesus help your poor children Who are blind to your promise of salvation I beseech you, with the help of my prayers and suffering, To open the eyes of non-believers so that they can see your Tender love and run into your sacred arms for protection Help them to see the truth and seek forgiveness for all their sins So that they can be saved and be the first to enter the Gates of the New Paradise I pray for these poor souls including men, women and children and urge you to absolve them for their sins. Amen. Go now My precious army and focus on My poor lost children. Help Me, your Jesus, to save their souls. YOUR BELOVED SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST  The Skies will be peeled back as if a roof has opened Saturday, June 16th, 2012 @ 19:40 My dearly beloved daughter My Word is being heard by millions throughout the world as I prepare all of God s children for My Divine Mercy. There are those blessed with the Holy Spirit will know instantly, upon reading My Messages, that they come from My Divine Lips. Those who say they know Me but who fail to recognise Me still cannot resist reading My Word, although they fight against Me. They reject Me, yet they are still drawn to My Messages. Don t they realise that this is the Holy Spirit, which although dormant in their souls, still draws them to Me? I say this to them. The time has come for soon your grievances will be shown to you during The Warning. Your hatred of My Word will be revealed to you and then you will know the Truth. When that happens you must then join your brothers and sisters and fight for the right to defend My Church on earth. The skies will be peeled back as if a roof has opened to reveal the fires and the flames of My Divine Mercy. The earth will be shaken with such force that no man will escape My Eyes, My Spirit or My Gift. Many will tremble with fear because it will only be then that many will become aware of their souls for the very first time. They will know that their love of their bodies all the senses they seek to nurture is meaningless. They will see every part of the soul but won t be through their own eyes in which they will see it. They will look at their souls through My Eyes. They will feel ill and nauseous as I do when I see the ugliness of their wretched wrongdoings. They will see how rotten their behaviour was towards others and the evil they did onto their fellow human beings, their brothers and sisters. Then they will see their love of self, the vanity and love of false idols and will know how this offends Me. For those whose sins are so black they will feel ill, in pain and will not be able to stand the horror what they have to see. They will need every strength to withstand the purification needed to enable them to survive and follow the path of the Truth. It is important to understand that The Warning is just that. I come to warn God s children that their sins can and will be forgiven. I come to show them what the Day of Judgement will be like. This will mean that those who ask for redemption at this stage will be saved. Those who still reject Me will be given time to repent but not much. If they still forfeit My Hand of Mercy then I will have to withdraw. Then I will divide the just into one side and the unjust into another. One more chance then to seek redemption and those who refuse My Hand of Love and Mercy will be cast into Hell. This prophecy has been foretold since the beginning. Heed The Warning and save your souls while you can. YOUR JESUS  The Warning for many will be a frightening event, when it will seem like the world has come to an end Thursday, July 12th, 2012 @ 10:50 My dearly beloved daughter let no man underestimate the impact that The Warning will have on the whole of humanity. The Warning for many will be a frightening event, when it will seem like the world has come to an end. Many will witness what will seen to be a catastrophic occurrence when two comets will appear to collide and explode close to the earth s surface. The flames of fire will seem as if a volcano has erupted in the skies and many will be fearful. The rays of red fire are the Rays of My Blood, the Rays of My Mercy, given to all of you as a gift of such magnitude that no man will be able to comprehend what is happening. Many will feel a fire burning through their bodies as if the heat of the sun is overpowering them. Inside they will feel a burning heat, until the sense of realisation enables them to witness the spectacle of their souls. Many will feel the earth shake as if there is an earthquake. The ground will shake, groan and many will fall down clutching whatever they can for shelter. Yet the ground will not open up and swallow them. For this is not a physical earthquake but a supernatural one. Before this happens the weather patterns will erupt. My Cross will appear after the explosion in the skies. Many will weep bitter tears of remorse and sadness and will endure the pain of humiliation because of their sins. Others will scream and curse because they will not be able to withstand the illumination, a divine sign, because of the darkness of their souls and they will resist the light of My Mercy. They will howl with the pain of the fires of Hell as My Sign of Mercy will show them the fate which awaits them, unless they repent and change their ways. Those good souls who love Me will also suffer for many of them will be also be stained with sin but they will receive instant Absolution. They too, will be humbled, when their sin of pride is shown to them. Many will stay indoors for some days afterwards and many will have to fend for themselves because of the lack of services. This is why you need to prepare. It will also be a period of suffering when souls will endure the pain of Purgatory as their purification takes place. In this way many will experience a revelation of the state of their souls and become humbled in a way in which they have never experienced before. So many people will accept what has happened and will know that they have been given a great Gift of My Graces and My Divine Mercy. The conversion will be global and on a scale not witnessed since My Death on the Cross. Billions will turn to God because the Truth will become apparent. They will know exactly what will happen on the Day of Judgement and they will know how to save their souls because My Love will have enveloped them. They can become whole again of mind, body and soul. My Cross will be the proof of My manifestation of My Divine Mercy promised to mankind for so long. It will be seen in the skies all over the world. A calmness will descend throughout the earth as a result of this act of divine intervention given to God s children to awake them from their slumber. But the fallen angels will attack all God s children through their dedicated army who will refuse My Cup of Salvation. So bitter, with hearts of stone and infested with the stain of Satan, they will fight those who love God. Their numbers will not be a match for those who follow the Truth, yet their hatred will inspire them to plot evil acts which will destroy this peace and calm. This will orchestrate a plan to convince the world that this event was, indeed, a cosmic accident which they will say that scientists can prove. Many, sadly, will then believe this to be the case and many of God s children will fall back to the old sinful lives they once led. The battle for souls will then commence and it will take some time for this to reach the final confrontation when My Second Coming will bring to an end the wickedness. My dear followers do not allow these revelations to bring fear. Instead prepare for this glorious event and allow your souls to embrace it. Accept this wonderful Divine Act to strengthen your resolve and to spread My love further amongst your family and friends. Be proud of your ties to Me, your Jesus, and help Me salvage those souls who will refuse to accept My Mercy. Go. Prepare. Rejoice for the time is close. I love you. YOUR JESUS  This time is likened to the calm before the storm. Use it to prepare as many people as possible Sunday, August 19th, 2012 @ 22:56 My dearly beloved daughter when you suffer because of Me, and when you feel isolated and beyond Me, know that this is when you are closest to My Sacred Heart. Although this, My Book of Truth, is a Gift to the world from Me and is protected from Heaven, it does not mean that this journey will not be painful for you. You will experience a criticism and a new kind of attack now that My Holy Word is printed for the world to share. You must never respond to those who demand that you explain why this book was necessary. Remain silent and continue with My Work. Do not let any one stop or delay the spread of My Book for every day counts as there is limited time for souls to be granted the time to redeem themselves in My Eyes. Let me assure you, My daughter, and all of My followers, that you are now setting out on a journey, a pilgrimage, like no other. This time is likened to the calm before the storm. Use it to prepare as many people as possible. Spread My messages, My Crusade Prayers, and pray for your brothers and sisters so that after The Warning they will accept My Mercy. Gather My Church together and pray for strength for the False Prophet is preparing and is already present in the Vatican. But he hides his true faade very carefully. My beloved Vicar is being isolated and time is short. I want all of you to begin a new Litany of Prayers for protection against the False Prophet and recite them once a day from now on. The Crusade Prayers may be selected in different lots and recited as you can. Here is the first Jesus to Mankind Litany Prayer (1) Protection against the False Prophet Dearest Jesus save us from the deceit of the False Prophet. Jesus have Mercy on us. Jesus save us from the persecution. Jesus preserve us from the antichrist. Lord have Mercy. Christ have Mercy. Dearest Jesus, cover us with Your Precious Blood. Dearest Jesus, open our eyes to the lies of the False Prophet. Dearest Jesus unite Your Church. Jesus protect our Sacraments. Jesus don t let the False Prophet divide Your Church. Dearest Jesus help us to reject lies presented to us as the truth. Jesus give us strength. Jesus give us hope. Jesus flood our souls with the Holy Spirit. Jesus protect us from the Beast. Jesus give us the gift of discernment so we can follow the path of Your True Church at all times forever and ever. Amen. My daughter, please do not feel overwhelmed with this Mission for I will send you help soon. You must accept all that I ask of you and remain strong in the confidence that all is well. The conversion is already obtained through these messages and amounts to hundreds of thousands of souls already. So do not feel helpless or worried. I am pleased with the loyalty and dedication of those who love Me without condition. I am sending you those of Mine with pure hearts to offer you protection. They will lift you and help you to lead My followers on the entire journey to the Gates of the New Paradise. I love you My beloved followers. Persevere with Me on this thorny path. Accept the ridicule you will have to face as you continue to spread My Holy Word. Know that I am always with each one of you. I know My own and they know Me. Nothing can separate us. YOUR JESUS  The time for the comet to appear, of which I spoke, when people will believe that there are two suns, is close Saturday, April 6th, 2013 @ 17:00 My dearly beloved daughter, the stars will soon change and the time for the comet to appear, of which I spoke, when people will believe that there are two suns, is close. Soon the wondrous spectacle will be seen by humanity, and there will be heard the sound of thunder, and it will seem that the two suns will collide. My Rays of Mercy will fall on every human soul, including those who will be blinded by the Light, so dark are their souls. When the sound of thunder is heard, a quiet calm will then descend over the earth and the stillness will be deafening. No sound will be heard  only the sound of My Voice imprinted on the souls of the wretched. I will be like a ray of sun, which will make every single fault, every sin and cry of despair, become clearly visible in the eyes of the sinner. There will be wailing and a deep sense of sorrow felt within the hearts of men, as they come face to face with the state of their souls. All will remain still for fifteen minutes, and then life will become like before, as if this miracle did not happen. In those, whose souls were touched by the Truth, life cannot, nor will it ever be the same again. They will then follow Me, My Teachings and they will convert in billions. My Messages will become their daily food and along with My Most Holy Eucharist, they will need nothing more. So strong will they become that nothing will stand in their way, nothing will intimidate them, or slow them down, as they march in My remnant army towards My New Paradise. The others will be told that The Warning was caused by a disruption in the earth s atmosphere and it will be easily explained away. But it will be a lie, for they do not want to acknowledge the Existence of God. If they were to do this, they would not be able to complete their plan to deceive the world into accepting the empty promises of the antichrist. When miracles of God are witnessed on such a grand scale, know that My plan to bring humanity into the realm of salvation is in the final stages. Go, My loyal followers, and trust always in My promise to salvage all souls. My Mercy is great and My Power almighty. YOUR JESUS  The first sign will be that the Earth will spin faster. The second sign concerns the sun, which will loom larger, brighter and begin to spin Tuesday, November 12th, 2013 @ 20:30 My dearly beloved daughter, as My Time approaches, many will be asleep, but those who are blessed with their eyes open to My Light, will know the signs. They will also be given the blessings to prepare and only those who cling to Me will be able to endure the changes. The closer the Day of My Great Coming draws, the more people, who say they love God, will withdraw from Me. Even those who say they are holy and exalt themselves within the hierarchy of My Church on Earth, won t be able to see the Truth. They will not see the Truth because they will be so busy attending to matters and ceremonies, which will be insulting to Me. The first sign will be that the Earth will spin faster. The second sign concerns the sun, which will loom larger, brighter and begin to spin. Beside it you will see a second sun. Then the weather will cause the world to shake and the changes will mean that many parts of the Earth will be destroyed. These punishments  and there will be many  will strip humanity of its arrogance, so that souls will beg for the Mercy of God. Nothing else will stir the hearts of stone of those who have shut the Love of God out of their lives. The sin of humanity will escalate quickly and the sin of idolatry will wrap itself threefold around the Earth. Paganism, dressed like royal monarchy, will infiltrate My Church on Earth. When the heathens embrace My Church, it will not be to adore God. When pagans, atheists and other non-believers, who outwardly reject the Existence of God, embrace My Church, it will not be to Me, Jesus Christ, they will bend their knee. When My Church declares that it welcomes all, do not be fooled. It will not mean they are welcoming pagans into My Church, so that they can bow before My Tabernacle. No, it will be to parade idolatry, caused by the sin of pride, before Me, to desecrate the Holy and Sacred Tabernacles. They will place pagan symbols on My Altars and demand that unsuspecting congregations bow and accept their fellow brothers and sisters, with grace and generosity. All will be asked to deny the Truth, so as to welcome false worshippers, who will trample on My Altars. Then, the Hand of God will fall. Wars will spread; earthquakes will shake the four corners of the Earth and famine will grip mankind and every wicked gesture and insult made before God will result in a terrible chastisement. When those who accept My Mercy lead My Church  every demon will curse these children of God. To protect them, God will intervene and woe to those who spit in the Face of their Creator. The time has come. Those who curse Me will suffer. Those who follow Me will live through this persecution, until the Day when I come to sweep them into My Merciful Arms. And then, only those who remain, because they refused My Hand of Mercy, will be given over to the beast they idolized and to whom they sought pleasure from. So many people will reject Me, right up to the end. Two-thirds will spit at Me, fight My Intervention and scream every kind of obscenity at Me. As the Day draws closer and closer, the hatred against Me, will be witnessed for all to see. Even those who give the world the impression that they honour God will curse Me quietly. The day when the deceit of the beast will be exposed for all to see will be a day no one will forget. For that day, as the world will see the imposter, the antichrist, rise with My Crown on his head  dressed in the robes of red  will be the day when fire will pour from his mouth. As the horror finally sinks in, fire will envelop him and he and all those who pledged allegiance to him will be cast into the abyss. And then I will come as I have told you. I will raise up My Church and bring the world together in union with the Holy Will of My Father and peace, at last, will reign. All I have told you is true. All that will happen will happen as I have told you. It will happen quickly, for despite My Anger, which is caused by the hypocrisy and ungratefulness of man, I come only to bring this suffering, finally, to an end. I come to save all sinners, but many will not want to be saved. Be strong, My beloved followers, for I will protect all sinners, who accept My Hand of Mercy during The Warning. So every child of God, believers and non-believers, will be included in this Great Intervention from Heaven. But after this time, the angel of God will divide the good from the wicked. The time is short. YOUR JESUS  Billions will convert and recognise God, the Triune God, for the first time Saturday, November 16th, 2013 @ 22:17 My dearly beloved daughter, when I come to the world in My Divine Mercy, people will be given the chance to seek My Mercy, for this will be the first true confession many of them will have partaken in. Everyone, no matter who they are, will experience this unique revelation of Mine, blessed by the Authority of My Father. The Illumination of Conscience will bring with it much pain, because the sorrow lost souls will experience will be such that they will not be able to withstand the shock. Many will faint and collapse, overcome with grief. But they will realise how much their soul needs to be cleansed first, before they are ready to enter My Eternal Paradise. These people will then know what is expected of them and they will suffer penance for some time, after the Great Event. Many people will think that they are dreaming. Some will think that it is the end of the world, but it will not be. It will be the Final Warning, however, which will be given to humanity to help them redeem themselves before God. Billions will convert and recognise God, the Triune God, for the first time and they will be grateful for the proof which they will be given as to the Existence of their Creator. Some will simply cower from My Light and this will bring them incredible pain and they will hide and turn their backs without a shred of remorse in their souls. They will deny My Intervention. Then the rest will rejoice, when they experience My Rays of Mercy, for these souls will be so thankful to witness My Presence that they will gravitate towards My Light with ease and with a longing for My Presence, which will be beyond their grasp, as this will not be the time for the Gates to My New Paradise to be opened. And so, they will then have to do penance as My disciples, on behalf of those souls who will reject My Hand of Mercy. After the Great Intervention by God, to give humanity the chance to prepare themselves for My Second Coming, the world will be asking many questions. Some will be so changed within their souls that they will devote much time in helping to convert those they want to help save from deceit. Others will be remorseful and it will take some time for them to fully understand the significance of their presentation before Me and they will spend much attention to reconciling themselves with Me. Then the enemies of God will deny The Warning ever happened and they will fool millions into believing that it was a cosmic event, when the light of the sun overtook the whole of the planet by a one-off event, caused by the movement of the Earth on its axis. Nothing could be further from the Truth. And, while they will put forth all these causes, they will deny that God Exists and lead many away from Me. Sadly, many will not come back to Me and only with God s Interventions, when He will be forced to punish His enemies, in order to bring them back to their senses, can souls be purified. Be thankful for these Mercies, as without this Gift from God very few people will be able to enter the Gates of Paradise. YOUR JESUS  Mother of Salvation: After The Warning will come a great desire to give glory to God Sunday, March 9th, 2014 @ 17:25 My children, you will always be under my protection when you call on me, the Mother of Salvation, throughout this Mission. I am a servant of God and my role is to serve my Son, Jesus Christ, and help Him in His quest for souls, which will cover the whole Earth. Not one nation will be excluded by Him. My Son s Plans, to prepare the world, include every race, nation, creed and every man, woman and child will be aware that He is coming to help them. He does this because of the deep Love, which God holds in His Heart for His children. Many people, who do not practice any religion, will be unable to ignore the Intervention in the world by my Son, Jesus Christ. They will be overcome and unable to comprehend, at first, the extraordinary spiritual experience they will feel, in every fibre of their hearts and souls. What a joy The Warning will be for many people, as it will bring with it the proof of my Son s Existence. With this Gift, many will be filled with a peace they will have never felt before, as well as a great longing to be in the company of Jesus. While all doubts about the Existence of my Son will flee from the minds of those who are blind to the Truth of the Word of God  for many, they will need spiritual direction once the Truth of The Warning is revealed. After The Warning will come a great desire to give glory to God. This will be a period of great trials; because the enemies of God will do everything possible to convince the world that The Warning  the Illumination of Conscience  did not take place. When God humbles Himself to call out to His children and when He begs them to listen to Him, this is one of the greatest Acts of Generosity on His part. Children, accept The Warning with good Grace, because for many it will be the lifeline they need to live in the world without end. Never reject great acts or miracles from Heaven, for they are for the good of all, so that salvation is granted to the masses and not just the few. Always give thanks for my Son s Great Mercy. You have heard how Generous He is and soon you will bear witness to the extent of His Mercy, which will encompass the world. 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