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SPACE STATION The SOUND of an electronic warning BEEPS to alert the crew, but they fail to see a small spaceship already headed towards Earth. Hal, an Asian in his mid-twenties, turns the warning light off as a nearby computer indicates the UFO was a small asteroid. INT. CHAPEL Other astronauts of different nationalities are preparing to celebrate Easter by decorating this onboard chapel. As we HEAR the astronauts of different nationalities SPEAK, their various languages are translated into English by a small lapel computer translating device. CLOSER VIEW of the device reveals the Macintosh logo, a multicolored rainbow apple with a bite missing. As we HEAR their AD LIBBED dialogue electronically TRANSLATED, we discover they are talking about a huge mirror, eighty-three feet in diameter. Its arriving from the Russian space station, Mir. COSMONAUT It will have the capability of beaming a five-mile radius of sunlight to the side of Earth away from the sun. Hal jokingly flirts with his beautiful redheaded, Russian copilot. His native CHINESE tongue is automatically translated into RUSSIAN. HAL (V.O.) Everyone needs something warm and yellow... Im talking sunshine... on a cold, dark night. INT. RECREATION ROOM Some of the younger astronauts are playing a state of-the-art video game. INSERT VIDEO SCREEN Grotesque demons help the evil Midgard Serpent take on Thor, who wields his golden hammer in an end of-the-world game called RAGNOROK. The game is INTERRUPTED by another SIGNAL... a live feed from Rome on the Global One TV Network. BACK TO SCENE The players SHOUT AD LIBS to Hal that the monitors are screwing up again! HAL (V.O.) All right... Im working on it. Its just some interference. Cant I have a day off too? INT. CHAPEL An astronaut with rosary beads in his hands is WATCHING the Roman Catholic Mass on a MONITOR, which Hal is adjusting. In the b.g. is a portal through which we can SEE Earth below. As our VIEW PULL US through the window, we rapidly MOVE towards the boot-shaped country of Italy. NARRATOR (V.O.) John and Ezekiel were both given a scroll, or little book, with words written inside and out. Both were commanded to eat the words and in their mouths, the taste would be sweet as honey. But in their belly, it would be bitter. Such is one who receives a revelation of truth from God. One which contains lamentations, mourning and woe. Divine words are sweet but can be hard on the stomach when full of such dark prophecies. Such is this final book... the Final Course. How do the French say? Bon Appetite! EXT. ROME night - THE PANTHEON The ancient Roman building still stands and is well preserved. NARRATOR (V.O.) The Pantheon... in 609 A.D., it was rededicated to... the Virgin Mary. EXT. THE VATICAN/ST. PETERS SQUARE MIDNIGHT Huge crowds fill St. Peters Square, covering the double-cross within a sphere on the piazza. The obelisk in its center rises above their heads. INT. Saint PETERS BASILICA A statue of the Virgin Mary holding the baby Jesus is in the f.g. of the Catholic services as the Pope makes his way to the alter. Hes wearing a two-horned mitre and is followed by other similarly dressed Bishops and Cardinals. An announcer covering the event on TV refers to him as Pope Peter the Roman. EXT. Saint PETERS CHURCH - OUTER BALCONY A man wearing a Masonic ring is watching from a window above the balcony. ANNOUNCER (V.O.) This new Pope has been viewed by many as very liberal. Since the unification of so many Christian churches, hes really been a global leader in restoring the love and fellowship of so many separate denominations. His love and open acceptance have allowed women priests, gay marriages, abortion, birth control and contraceptives. The Pope addresses the crowd below in St. Peters Square, where it is now just after midnight on Good Friday morning. The same translating device we saw onboard the Space Station is being used to translate Latin to other languages, including English. POPE (from Latin) She warns us of future chastisements. These will be greater than those of New Years Eve. And we must not forget, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Rosary, warned us of the events which came to pass on that night. ext. saint louis arch - sunset Subtitle: St. Louis, USA. The bottom legs of the arch are underwater, the result of the Mississippi River backing up and flooding the banks. The SOUND of church BELLS are coming from a nearby Cathedral. int. Kitchen/pattys house A digital clock RADIO broadcasting the Popes message displays 5:27 p.m., Thursday. Beside the clock is a tabloid newspaper. insert - newspaper headline which reads The Mississippi Mud... Serving the Daily Dirt. UFO Abductions on the Rise? Possible Explanation for Missing Kids on 1-1-2004? back to scene PATTY, now 31, is listening to the Popes message on the clock radio, while coloring Easter eggs. patty Im getting tired of all this Latin stuff about the Virgin Mary. She reaches over and changes the channel, finding a PREACHER giving his Good Friday sermon. preacher (v.o.) St. Louis has been plagued by the flood waters of too much rain, but that wont dampen our spirits this Easter weekend. Patty looks out her kitchen window, where she SEES the arch. PATTY What was it that J.J. always used to say... Its really just a big steel rainbow, mama. Its Gods promise not to send another flood to St. Louis. Patty gets choked up as a tear rolls down her face. She has to stop coloring the eggs, BAWLING now, as the preacher continues in the b.g. PREACHER (V.o.) ... compare the International Space Station to the Tower of Babel? Computers and technology. Man has begun building his house upon the sand... which is what silicon is made from. Thats what they use to put computer chips on. The FOUNDATION of technology is built upon the SAND of the earth. Friends, build your house upon the ROCK... which is Jesus! As we continue to hear the preachers message, we SEE EXT. SEVEN CHURCH STEEPLES on top of SEVEN different churches. Our FOCUS NARROWS on the spires and steeples of each church, which resemble the TOP of an OBELISK as we get to the last church STEEPLE. PREACHER (v.o.) ... So when the thunders, lightnings, and great earthquakes, and 100-pound hailstones come with Gods wrath in the last days; you will not be moved! The last steeple now DISSOLVES to: Ext. rome - night the top of a huge obelisk somewhere... The preachers VOICE OVER fades as we HEAR the VOICE OVER of an initiation into a familiar mystery religion inside a nearby building as we fade TO: BLACK. FADE INTO: int. john rockwell sr.s private study room A dark room, barely lit. A man dressed in black with gloves is moving quietly around the room. We cant see his face. Hes looking at a shelf of ancient relics: various Knights Templar crosses including Maltese and red, antique swords, a crest or coat of arms with a red cross, and finally; a human skull. int. rome - initiation room The walls are covered with Egyptian hieroglyphs. We HEAR more AD LIBS from the initiation. The WORDS overlap as we INTERCUT between the initiation here to int. rockwells study room with man prowling. Hes found an entertainment center with video equipment and video tapes. He FOLLOWS the list of titles which all say, PROPAGANDA. Insert - video titles among them STAR WARS I; STAR TREK III; PLEASANTVILLE; LOST IN SPACE, Episode Seven: MY FRIEND, MR. NOBODY; THE ADVENTURES OF BARON MUNCHAUSEN; NBZS NOAHS ARK; NBZS MARY, MOTHER OF JESUS; NBZS Y2K, THE MOVIE; NBZS SNL CONEHEADS & CARTOONS. Back to scene He takes one from the NBZ/SNL file labeled, PROJECT 2X2L, 2-6-99 subtitled SATURDAY TV FUNHOUSE and places it in the VCR. mans voice 2X2L... double cross to hell! Insert - tv screen An animated image appears on the video screen. Its a cartoon of Bill Clintons impeachment trial. speaker of house ... but Representatives, the Constitution SAYS... The Constitution, on display nearby in a glass case, somehow comes to life. It starts killing people involved in the proceedings. It has developed teeth and eats them. representative I think this is a job for the Four X-Presidents. He summons the Four X-Presidents: Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Bush. Their SHIELD resembles the Knights Templar CREST we just saw earlier as a relic. The prowler FAST-FORWARDS to the place where they are now fighting the Constitution. A ball of fire thrown by Bush hits the Constitution but the only damage done is the removal of the Emancipation Proclamation, causing a WHITE SENATOR to try and handcuff a black senator. White senator Come here boy. Now the Four X-Presidents COMBINE FORCES to destroy the Constitution. Together they spin as one big wheel and cut up the Constitution like a BUZZ SAW. Back to scene The prowlers gloved hand PAUSES the video, REWINDS a few frames, then SLOWLY PLAYS back the buzz saw part several times. He takes out a picture from his vest pocket and compares it to the paused video image. Insert - photo which is a drawing of a Nazi swastika, rotating in a similar manner. On each of the swastikas four ends is a knife, which are cutting up people in concentration camps, represented by skulls and bones with the Star of David. Back to scene Our VIEW SHIFTS UP to the mans face. Its JOHNNY ROCKWELL, now in his seventies. JOHNNY Hmmm... Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Bush. The same four presidents responsible for FEMA, which replaced the Constitution and set up Martial Law. Johnny looks at the other video tapes more closely now. He picks up a short description attached to the LOST IN SPACE episode. As he reads aloud, we INTERCUT with the initiation. johnny (V.O.) My Friend, Mr. Nobody... A disembodied spirit called Mr. Nobody dwells secretly in an underground cave covered with diamonds. He befriends Penny Robinson, who gets trapped in the cave when Dr. Smith blasts open its mouth to gain entry. An Egyptian-looking priest dressed like the Jackal-headed Anubis, acts out opening the mouth of a mummy with a hammer. This takes place in front of the hooded initiate. johnny (V.O.) Thinking this blast killed Penny, Mr. Nobody seeks to avenge her murderers. He tries to kill the entire crew of the Jupiter One. Fighting the forces of nature coming against them, the robot is torn to pieces trying to save them. Several Masons dressed like bandits are tripping up the initiate, now bound and blindfolded, as he is led to the altar. johnny (v.o.) But he is put back together and lives again. The opening of the caves mouth released the spirit, which is reborn as a new galaxy of stars in the Heavens. The end reveals this was all being observed on an oval-shaped monitor, controlled by reptilian hands. Johnnys face lights up even more. johnny All Masonic rituals and symbolism... Mr. Nobody... zero means nothing or nobody. Zero in the Chaldean was a circle. Zero was the SEED, another name for the false redeemer... Nimrod! DISSOLVE TO: int. rome - intitiation room where the initiation is concluding. initiator Youve fought the forces of nature and survived... youve been resurrected with Hiram Abiff so when you die, youll be reborn in the heavens with the true light... the bright morning star. The initiates hood is removed as we SEE his face... its the Pope! EXT. THE VATICAN - night The obelisk we SAW earlier is now REVEALED to be the one in the CENTER of St. Peters Square. This obelisk BECOMES EXT. WASHINGTON DC - NIGHT the National Monument, a 555 feet-tall white obelisk. NARRATOR (V.O.) Did you realize that 555 feet is 6,660 inches? As you know, inches revealed secrets in the Great Pyramid. Our VIEW WIDENS to include the Pentagon in the b.g. The pentagon-shaped Defense Headquarters BECOMES EXT. DENVER - MASONIC TEMPLE - day the inside pentagon shape within a PENTAGRAM, or upside-down five-pointed star. Our VIEW WIDENS to show the star is located on a sign in front of a Masonic Temple, with the slogan Daughters of the Eastern Star below. On the side of the lodge, a compass and square symbol BECOMES int. Denver Airport - sunset the SAME Masonic SYMBOL on the floor of the airport there. The Latin phrase ORDO AB CHAO is beside the symbol, with a man standing beside it. Hes wearing headphones, listening to a VOICE in a small Walkman. VOICE (v.o.) ORDO AB CHAO -- The old order must be completely and thoroughly destroyed before the New Order, the Third Wave or Third Way can be established. Hes looking at another Latin phrase on the floor, DZIT DIT GAII. VOICE (continuing) DZIT DIT GAII -- The black sun. Saturn or Satanism. He then LOOKS at a mural on the wall. In the mural, children from all over the world are bringing a German boy swords wrapped in their countrys flags. The boy is beating their swords on an anvil into plowshares and pruning hooks with his iron fist. VOICE (continuing) The future. A uniformed man walks past him, heading towards a guarded elevator door. The guard, dressed in the military uniform of the State Defense Force complete with a black beret, makes a secret sign with his hand. We NOTICE a Masonic ring on his middle finger. The other man returns the sign. As he does, we NOTICE a Masonic ring on his middle finger. The guard allows the man entrance, who enters the elevator and pushes the DOWN ARROW button. INT. elevator - UNDERGROUND FACILITY where he exits into a huge room filled with a bustle of activity, but we never make out what it is. He enters and drops to his knees, as if in the presence of royalty. ext. denver airport Several large jumbo-jets are landing on the runways in the b.g. as we SEE a 747 unloading some prisoners. They are being herded onto huge baggage handling devices as the machines automatically carry them deep underground via a tunnel. Dozens of workers in the f.g. are clearing about four inches of dirt from a buried runway while we SEE huge buildings in the b.g. being uncovered from dirt with shoveling machines. Along a huge highway leading to the prisoner unloading baggage area, we now SEE huge dump trucks being loaded with what appears to be dead naked bodies. CLOSER VIEW on one dead mans face reveals hes the Christian who held the billboard in NYC, New Years morning 2004. EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN DAY Subtitle: Bermuda Triangle. Several huge balls of light come DOWN from the sky alongside a patrolling American fighter jet, who doesnt even detect them. Suddenly, the balls of light plunge DOWNWARD and disappear under the surface of the ocean. This upsets a school of eels. EXT. NORTHERN ISRAEL EARLY EVE Subtitle: Mt. Hermon The place where fallen angels have landed twice before and made their pact to breed with women is where we SEE the arrival of a small spacecraft. Its the same THING that picked up Elijah at the very beginning of FIRST movie. INT. spacecraft Inside the craft are LAURIANNA, ELIJAH and ENOCH. The two men are dressed in sackcloth, like prophets of old. We hear Lauriannas voice, that of our NARRATOR, as they land. LAURIANNA Oh yeah, I need to bring you up-to-date on just a few more things. insert - oval-shaped video monitor which displays the SAME kind of GLITCH that weve SEEN between every jump in time. The last known VISUALS from New Years Eve begin to appear ONSCREEN. Back to scene We now realize this whole trip through the past has been Laurianna updating Elijah, starting when he was first picked up at the beginning of the first movie. She hands both Enoch and Elijah some currency. ELIJAH Whats this? LAURIANNA Its the new European monetary unit... the Euro Mark. After the wars of New Years Day, which destroyed the USAs economy - then, the world superpower; the eastern and western portions of Europe were united as the Revised Roman Empire - the New World superpower. We SEE a map of Europe. Its divided into ten sections. Five eastern and five western nations with a common flag: a black two-headed eagle on a red and white background. LAURIANNA Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Greece with their expanded borders represent the western nations. Great Britain was utterly destroyed in the wars and smaller countries like Serbia, Romania, Poland, etc. were absorbed by these five. Their western capitol is now Paris. Their religious seat is Rome and most are Orthodox Christian or Roman Catholic. The map shows the western half of the flag is white. LAURIANNA Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Turkey and Iraq, with its expanded borders including Syria and Iran, represent the five eastern nations. Their religious seat is Mecca. Their eastern capitol is near Baghdad in the restored city of Babylon. Most are Muslims. The map shows their half of the flag is red. ENOCH You said the USA and Britain suffered a great attack? LAURIANNA Military computers failed, causing Soviet nuclear missiles to launch at both countries. THIRD world nations like Iraq and terrorist groups, seized the moment and sent missiles as well. On the monitor, we can see the damage in London and New York City. The World Trade Towers and Wall Street are in shambles. People everywhere are dressed in rags and are working in forced-labor camps. LAURIANNA Most Americans had invested all their savings into the stock market. Even the Social Security surplus had been invested. The largest investment banking firm, THIRDUNION, was not FDIC insured and went bankrupt, leaving the retirement future of many Americans uncertain. enoch But why do so many people work in labor camps? I thought it was the land of the free? laurianna Anyone in debt has to serve time in a labor camp until his or her debts are paid in full. The catch they are charged for daily room and board, keeping an endless cycle going. Ironic since most of their debt was attributed to revolving credit card debt... ELIJAH (overlapping) ... the storehouses of the Templars wealth... the Banks. Did the U.S. return the attack? LAURIANNA American leaders knew the Russian attack wasnt intentional and did not return fire, thus avoiding a global catastrophe. However, many Americans were not warned in time. Computers caused the EBS early warning system to fail as power blacked out many television and radio stations. enoch They were all celebrating New Years Eve and hopelessly drunk... they couldnt save themselves or their families. laurianna Yes, it was winter and many, including the elderly, perished due to lack of heat. FEMA, or martial law, was set up to restore order afterwards. It replaced constitutional law and is STILL the law of the land. ELIJAH What about Russia and China? LAURIANNA They are still communist countries. Russias leader, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, is known as the King of the North. China, Pakistan, India, and the united countries of Korea and Japan, are the Kings of the East. Laurianna hands Elijah his blue mantle, which looks a bit more worn now. LAURIANNA Youve got some competition. Supposedly the rapture has already happened on New Years Eve. John Paul II and other religious leaders disappeared. So did many children. ENOCH (surprised) But we know thats not true. LAURIANNA Thats not all. The world believes two witnesses for God are upon the earth. One is the new Pope, Peter the Roman, who claims the anointing of Elijah belongs to him. The other is Mary, or Our Lady of Fatima. Shes supposed to be the mother of Jesus. Together, theyre preparing the world for the return of Peter and Paul, supposedly the two witness of REVELATION. enoch Peter, Paul and Mary? I thought they broke up in the sixties? Ext. jewish temple (jerusalem) night A full moon lights up the Temple Mount as we SEE several Orthodox Jews praying alongside the Temple Walls. OUR VIEW SHIFTS to a small home near the temple. INT. KATYS HOUSE (ISRAEL) NIGHT KATY, now in her mid-seventies and with very long hair, is joined by family members at the dinner table where they are celebrating Passover. We can SEE Davids watch is now hanging from Katys neck. insert - katys necklace Davids watch is minus the leather bands but is still running. back to scene EVA, Katys daughter, is now in her late forties. She resembles her father, David. An old WW II photo of him hangs on the wall in the b.g. Sitting next to Eva are her two sons: JOSH, early twenties, an Israeli Air Force Pilot; and eleven year-old DAVIE JR. Josh is sitting next to his girlfriend REBEKAH, a cadet in her early twenties. Evas husband, STEVEN REGAL, an Israeli Air Force commander, sits at the head of the table. EVA You and Johnny shouldve gotten together after the war. KATY (referring to Steven) When I can stay here with you and be taken care of by this good-looking man? Everyone LAUGHS. katy Eva and Rebekah, why do both of you keep your hair cut so short? Dont you know your long hair is your crown? eva Mom! Dont embarrass Joshs girlfriend like that. Maybe were more comfortable with short hair. katy Ive never cut my hair since the Germans did it for me in 1945. Women cutting off their hair is just a Satanic plot to confuse men AND womens lust! Everyone LAUGHS. KATY Keeps the bad angels from lusting too... Everyone LAUGHS again. Davie sets a wineglass full of wine at an empty place on the table. The laughter subsides as Josh stands with his own wineglass in hand. JOSH (to Davie) Elijahs successor, Elisha, got a double portion of Gods anointing for witnessing his masters ascension into Heaven. The anointing on his body was still strong, even after his death. At a mans funeral, interrupted by bandits, the dead mans body was quickly thrown on top of Elishas body already in a nearby grave. Elishas anointed bones caused the dead man to come back to life. Josh tries to scare Davie with his delivery of that last part. STEVEN (comforting him) Davie, go to the door, as is custom, to look for Elijah. As the boy almost gets to the door, theres a KNOCKING sound. This scares Davie as he jumps! Everyone else is surprised too. AD LIBBED remarks urge him to open the door, assuring him everythings okay. The boy opens the door to discover Elijah standing there! Elijah points to his mantle. ELIJAH This is what your brother was talking about. The Passover cup ritually left for Elijah at the empty dinner table seat, suddenly becomes empty. Elijah, still standing in the doorway, looks over a passed-out Davie. ELIJAH Its time. INT. rockwell estate/johnnys room (new york) NIGHT A television screen is the only light in the living room. We HEAR the SOUND of the TV. VOICE OVER (over a phone) Hello Sidney. Its time, girlfriend. Dont you know history repeats itself? Its obviously the killers voice from the movie, SCREAM II. Johnny comes in the room and changes the channel. johnnY How many times have I told you, no scary movies this late at night. The channel lands on a pro-wrestling match. We HEAR the ANNOUNCER (v.o.) L-a-a-dies and Gentlemen... ... Lets get ready to R-U-M-B-L-E! The black gloves he wore earlier are on top of the TV. An N.W.O., New World Order, wrestling picture above the TV proves hes a fan. Sitting on the bed watching TV with Johnny is a twelve year-old boy, JOHNNY JR. Upon closer inspection, we can SEE its really J.J., Pattys boy that disappeared on millennial midnight! INSERT TV SET The wrestling commentators mention how the former basketball player, Michael Jordan, is doing well in his new wrestling career. INT. DAVIE jr.S bedROOM (israel) - davie is lying in bed recovering from the earlier excitement and also watching the match. During the VOICE OVER CHAT about Jordan, we SEE a poster of the black hero on Davies wall. INSERT POSTER in the center is Jordans logo and symbol: a circle with rays or lines shooting out all around the circle. Inside the circle are his initials, M.J., superimposed over the number 12, the number of his last basketball jersey. Four Nike symbols close together at right angles forming a pinwheel, are tattooed across Jordans right hand. BACK TO SCENE RING ANNOUNCER (V.O.) The N.W.O. uses wrestlers from other countries as part of a unified Earth, which the International Space Station represents. Astronauts aboard the orbiting station are among the biggest fans. INT. SPACE STATION NIGHT We SEE several astronauts watching the match, giving each other high-fives, etc. INT. NORAD (COLORADO) - NIGHT Were in a room full of TV monitors and radar screens. We HEAR the VOICE OVER from the live wrestling match, which is on one monitor being watched more than any other by FEMA guards. The other monitors are carrying live global events via satellite. As we go back to the wrestling monitor, STONE COLD has just won his match. STONE COLD (to camera) Tonight, I not only used Stone 3:16 on my opponent, but I also used a little bit of my latest... Stone 666. INT. BLACK FAMILYS HOME (USA) NIGHT Everyone is wearing prison-like uniforms. They appear to be in some sort of detention center. Theyre watching an old movie, PULP FICTION, on a movie channel. Samuel L. Jackson is reciting his line from Ezekiel 25:17. JACKSON (v.o.) And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them. The scene ends in a spray of GUNFIRE. The CHANNEL CHANGES to another movie channel. Its the movie CONTACT where we HEAR the explanation about Hitlers speech being the first television broadcast signal of any real power sent into outer space. Our FOCUS ends on the swastika and Adolph Hitler. The CHANNEL CHANGES again. Its a television commercial for a Psychic Hotline. The various people endorsing the service keep MORPHING into the next person. insert - tv screen where we NOTICE each person MORPHING is an incarnation of fallen angel chiefs that weve seen in the past. The commercial ends and returns to a talk show. host Were discussing the art of channeling, and how the Romans used the Oracle at Delphi in much the same way. INT. COLLEGE DORM ROOM NIGHT As the talk show host continues chatting in the b.g., we overhear a GIRL talking on the telephone. girl But how did you know that? Oh my God... you guys are for real! (listening) No, this is the first time Ive ever called a psychic before... INT. PSYCHIC HOTLINE PHONE CENTER Dozens of people are on phone lines assisting people, posing as psychics. Our SUPERNATURAL EYES are opened momentarily to reveal its DEMONS that are assisting them with the information. demon (to a psychic) Ive known this girl since she was born... I can tell you anything you need to know. INSERT TV beer commercial Three FROGS saying, Bud-weis-er is ECHOED by int. college fraternity house - three transparent demons are sitting around three frat boys watching the commercial. The three demons, LILITH and two others, are all drinking beer INVISIBLY, imitating the frogs in the commercial. They TELEPATHICALLY send messages to the teenagers, who imitate the three demons and REPEAT whatever they SAY almost word for word. demon I think Ill go get me and all my friends... a shot of tequila! boy Sit tight gentlemen... Ive got an idea. Its time for shots! boys (in unison) Tequila! The demons start high-fiving each other. demons (in unison) We still got it! EXT. HOLLYWOOD NIGHT - HOLLYWOOD SIGN overlooks the city of Los Angeles as we HEAR the SOUNDS of a live studio AUDIENCE LAUGHING. Our VIEW NARROWS on a marquee on the side of a studio, which says The MANCOW SHOW. int. studio MANCOW, the host of the show, is joined by a dwarf sidekick. Guests on the show are expressing hatred for the other guests on the show. A JURY of twelve, resembling the rowdy tribunals of the French Revolution, are giving a thumbs-down. All of them have multiple tattoos and many have visible body piercings. jury To the ring! To the ring! mancow Its settled. Well let our guests settle their problems... in the ring. When we come back. int. johnnys room - close on - television switching channels to a twenty-four hour news channel. NEWS ANCHOR Repeating todays top story, the live execution of the FBIs Most Wanted Militia rebel is at midnight. Well carry it along with live events from the Vatican. In other news, Iraqi leader Udai Hussein is denying rumors of unrest between his country and Egypt... J.J. is watching the news with Johnny as his wife, BUFFY, a former Miss America, enters the room. buffy Hey you two... Dee Dee and I are going downstairs for ice cream, want some? J.J. gets up and runs to the door without hesitation. johnny I guess theres his answer. None for me, thanks. As the boy leaves, Johnny undresses and prepares to take a shower. Standing in his underwear, we can SEE the Masonic compass and square emblem embroidered onto his underpants. He tries to cover up as a woman, HILLARY RODNIM, stands at the door unannounced. Hillary Oh, Im sorry... I heard your wife and kids so I thought you were dressed. johnny (covering up) I was. Its okay. I was hoping to see you before you left. So hows Bill? hillary Just fine. In Arkansas... with Monica, I suppose. Being a New York Senator keeps my mind busy. Are things better between you and Buffy, now that youve adopted the twins? johnny Much... her not being able to have kids really had her depressed. But everything is great now. Im glad Dad found them for us. hillary Great. Well, gotta run. Tell Buffy Ill see her at the next Eastern Star meeting. Gotta discuss some last minute election strategies with your father. johnny Good luck... I just know youll be the first woman President of the United States. hillary Thanks. Say... you should hurry and get that boy in the Order of the De Molays and that girl out of the Rainbow Drops and into Jobs Daughters... shes a real cutie. Bye! Johnny barely gets a hand up to wave goodbye before Hillary disappears as we again HEAR the TV in the b.g. ANCHOR (o.s.) In other world news, with so many Africans testing positive for the HIV virus, most major cities there are now under quarantine. INT. KATYS LIVING ROOM NIGHT Everyone is watching the late-night news. ANCHOR ... the fireball appearing in the skies over Israel was only a meteorite... ... not a UFO as some had claimed. Finally, a NASA report on the Cassini Mission to Saturn reports that all is well and we should have our first look at the moon, Titan, in November. The newscast ends with shots of Saturn beamed back by the rapidly approaching Cassini probe. Our FOCUS lingers on the ringed planet. INT. DAVIES ROOM Hes passed out asleep from an exhausting day of events. His TV is on a music channel now. The V.J. is introducing a music video. V.J. (V.O.) Pop singer Madonna headlines the Lilith Tour later this year. Heres her new video... a remake of Hearts CRAZY ON YOU using the crazy man himself, Charlie Manson, making HIS video debut. As the MUSIC begins, the video SHOWS Madonna sporting dozens of tattoos all over her body. One of them is a tiny swastika. This is followed by a CLOSE VIEW of Mansons forehead with a swastika tattooed there. INT. MASON HEADQUARTERS NIGHT - mj12 meeting Twelve men are sitting at a round table. They are watching a live news feed from the Vatican via a computer connected to the Internet. news anchor (v.o.) Yes sir, we are about to begin. His Holiness has been briefed. Sitting at the head of the table is JOHN ROCKWELL, now approaching his one-hundredth birthday. Hes visibly struggling to breathe and is attached to an oxygen tank. john Gentlemen... we are ready now to advance our goals to the next level. Represented here today on this panel of twelve... the Majesty Twelve... are three FBI agents, three CIA, three Secret Service and three Masons, of which Im the highest. mason Yes, your Worshipful Master. And we all have good reports since the planned New Years Eve disruptions. cia Thanks to our guys creating tension between gangs and inciting warfare, we made house to house searches legal. secret service People gave up their rights one by one for peace and safety... from us! fbi Twenty-one million blacks and Hispanics were rounded up and later transferred to labor camps after we provoked them into rioting on New Years Eve. We took care of people opposing tax, prisoners, demonstrators, militia members, and die-hard Christians... all in one night. john Yes, and our media called it... the rapture! We are the twelve new disciples. Arthurs new Round Table. In the tradition of Robespierre, lets begin the new Reign of Terror. int. the vatican - midnight - press conference is beginning as Pope Peter steps up to the microphone. POPE At midnight, the Virgin Mary has more revelations concerning the next upcoming chastisements. To our Arab brothers, she has good news regarding your twelfth holy man, or Muhdi, whose grave, in the desert, remains empty. The Pope is carrying a statue of Jesus hanging from the bent cross. It starts to bleed around its head and at its hands, feet and side. The reporters standing by are shocked by this miracle. Many of them holding rosary beads, drop to their knees in reverent prayer. ext. jerusalem - department store window where Enoch and Elijah are watching this live broadcast. They look at each other. enoch I guess its time we break up this dynamic duo, huh? As they both cross the street, they forget to look before stepping right into the path of an oncoming taxi. The DRIVER slams on his brakes. DRIVER Why dont you two idiots look where youre going? Up yours! He flips them a bird as he accelerates, spinning his tires. enoch & Elijah (together) Sun god worshipper! ext. the vatican Subtitle: Midnight. Good Friday morning. Thousands are gathered in St. Peters Square. Muslims, Catholics, and Orthodox Christians alike are in attendance with prayer beads, rosaries, and photos of Mary. Not one person carries anything with Jesus on it. news anchor (v.o.) Ishmael, father of the Arabs, married his first wife, Fatima. (more) news anchor (contd) Mohammeds favorite daughter was named Fatima and legends say he whispered a secret to her before he ascended to Heaven. Our Lady of Fatima, a.k.a. the Virgin Mary and Our Lady of the Rosary who gave both Catholics and Muslims the Rosary Beads; appeared to three girls in Fatima, Portugal in 1917. Secrets revealed to them warned of future chastisements and tonight, we await her return with more... revelations about our future. Everyone is LOOKING UP. Suddenly, a beautiful multicolored light appears in the sky. A female apparition appears. Announcers everywhere are declaring that its the Virgin Mary. As we get a CLOSER LOOK, we realize its really SEMIRAMIS, Nimrods queen and fallen angel Rabeelalia, Lilileas twin! SEMIRAMIS My children, I travel throughout the world as your mother. I come to you as mediator between God and man. I plead with you, as your Mother, to listen to my words of direction and caution. The crowds attention and focus is above their heads, watching and listening to every word from her mouth. SEMIRAMIS Listen my blessed children... soon, two suns will appear in the sky. One, a huge ball of fire, a ball of redemption hovering far out in the universe, shall be guided by the Eternal Father to bring mankind to its knees. A sign before this happens... a red cross in a blue, cloudless sky seen by all. You can have safety from Gods chastisement inside the ark of my heart. God wishes to establish devotion to my immaculate heart. Suddenly, another LIGHT appears. Its a male ANGEL. ANGEL Fear God and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. ext. above St. Pauls cathedral - satan is hovering INVISIBLY and watching this with shock. APOLLYON, SATANS sidekick and companion, is observing the events CLOSELY on Satans monitor. He looks troubled. SATAN Whats going on here? I thought we were introducing OUR two false witnesses, Peter and Paul? APOLLYON I know... but its the Angel of the Lord. SATAN I can see that you idiot! Are the troops ready? APOLLYON Everything is proceeding as planned. int. masonic headquarters - mj12 meeting where Satan magically appears. He turns to John Rockwell. SATAN You know what to do. John nods and bows as Satan turns to leave. Apollyon grabs his masters sword of fire and serpent-shaped helmet, handing it to him. SATAN Its Black Friday. On the computer monitor being observed by the MJ12, the live execution coverage shows the prisoner beheaded by guillotine. ext. egypts northeast border - Daybreak Subtitle: A few hours later. Egyptian terrorist begin attacking Syrian forces stationed along Israels borders, taking shots with sharpshooters. Others throw bombs at army barracks and embassies. ext. earths atmosphere - day - michael SHOUTS to the angels of the four winds, SOUNDING like a TRUMPET. The angels suddenly appear, each riding a different colored horse: white, red, black and grey. Angels riding the black and white horses come from the North. The angel upon the grey horse comes from the South. The reddish-colored horse carries its angelic rider by coming FROM or THROUGH the earth. MICHAEL Hold back the winds until Ive marked the 144,000. montage A) The wind blowing across the desert suddenly stops blowing. B) Even a bad hurricane thats being tracked on radar SUDDENLY dissipates. C) People all over the earth react to the sudden stopping of the breeze. end of montage EXT. Syria - day - UDAI is briefing his troops when suddenly the winds die down. UDAI Its a sign. Its the calm before the storm. ext. earths atmosphere MICHAEL (to the four angels) Do not harm the earth or sea until the servants of God have been marked. An ANGEL descends to Earth from the East, carrying the seal of God with him. He gives Gods seal to the Prince of Israel, Michael. ANGEL Mark the chosen ones. Of the twelve tribes, mark 12,000 from each... 6,000 male and 6,000 female. montage A) The angels head all over Earth, since the Lost Tribes are still scattered and not all dwelling in Israel. B) We SEE Josh and Rebekah getting marked, but Katy does not. C) Afterwards, Michael and the other angel head towards Heaven. D) The four angels of the wind return whence they came. end of montage EXT. Cairo (Egypt) - DAY The hot desert sun is shining down on a tour guide, FAROUK EL BAZ, who is telling the story of the Egyptian pharaohs to a group of tourists with the Sphinx in the b.g. farouk A secret chamber discovered at the end of a labyrinth of tunnels, the Hall of Records, was found under the paw of the Sphinx. It contained a tablet made of a substance alien to Earth. It would require three of the tablets to make a complete disk. Two of them have been found. He points to a photo of a wedge-shaped green tablet. Its the same tablet Apollyon was holding during tunneling operations here in the past. farouk The other one was found under a pyramid complex in Mexico on the Yucatan Peninsula. Hieroglyphic writings on both pieces supposedly prove Ed Cayces claim that Atlanteans built these monuments. Since the tablets were found on separate hemispheres, scientist believe extraterrestrial origin is the only explanation since the disks have not yet been deciphered. Egyptians dressed like terrorist are SEEN far off in the distance. They are mobilizing for war. The Egyptian army is taking defensive positions around the pyramid complex and are watching the horizon. Its getting hot now from the sudden lack of a breeze. EXT. UDAIS DESERT CAMP DAY Several Egyptian spies are tied to stakes in the hot sun. Udai studies the situation for a minute, then notices a bow and a handful of arrows being used to pass boredom by his soldiers. UDAI Put an apple on each of their heads. The soldiers rush to obey his order, while Udai takes the bow and arrows. With an apple on each of their heads, Udai takes aim at the first spy. He releases the arrow. It pierces the spys head, missing the apple, which falls to the ground. UDAI Ah, the forbidden fruit... still the downfall of man. INT. heaven - GODS THRONEROOM Jesus holds a scroll, sealed with seven different colored seals, each one a color from the rainbow. The seven archangels: Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Zerachiel, Haniel, and Gabriel; are standing before him with seven trumpets. Seven men in white robes wearing golden girdles over their chests: Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Lamech, and Methusaleh; stand before him with seven vials... filled with Gods wrath. Twenty-four elders: the twelve apostles and the twelve sons of Jacob, are sitting on thrones surrounding Gods throne. The four cherubim are at the Four Corners of Gods throne, like the points on a compass. Jesus holds up the book with the seven seals. Michael gets his horn into position, as does Seth with his vial. EXT. UDAIS DESERT CAMP DAY Udai takes his last arrow and prepares to release it. udais pov - through bow sight - the spies are all dead. Each has an arrow through the head. back to scene Udai RELEASES the arrow, which misses the last spy, instead hitting the apple upon his head dead center. Suddenly an ALARM SOUNDS, alerting Udais troops. MESSENGER Egypt is attacking now! Udai turns to his troops, signaling its time to move. GUARD What about the last spy? UDAI They worship the sun... leave him to die in its heat. ext. hawaii - sunset (8:00 pm) A WWW (World Wide Wrestling) match is beginning its live broadcast as we HEAR the announcers Lets get ready to R-U-M-B-L-E! The CROWD ROARS. The round BELL RINGS several times. ANNOUNCER Tonights title match. In this corner, the newest threat to the N.W.O. Hes the adopted giant son of Thor, the God of Thunder. Ladies and gentlemen, just released from his chains below the earth, the God of fire, the mischievous trickster himself, Loki! CROWD ROARS again. int. gods throneroom All the other angels are dressed in armor and battle gear, obviously preparing for a great battle or war. angel Satan is approaching the throne room. God Hes not here to accuse the saints. ext. heavens gates As Satan enters the gateway, he MORPHS into full armor. Satans armies, dressed in battle gear, follow him as they make their entrance inside Heavens gates. He gives the battle cry to attack. satan Its time! int. throneoom angel Theyre here! War in Heaven begins! Jesus OPENS the FIRST SEAL. The Lion Cherub motions for US to LOOK through his monitor. cherub Come and see! insert - monitor where across a calm desert horizon, we SEE a cloud of dust forming. A CLOSER VIEW reveals a white camouflaged desert jeep carrying Udai Hussein leading his Islamic troops into battle. Hes carrying the bow in his hand, which now supports a banner with a swastika on it. On the front and side of the jeep are military ID numbers... 666. NARRATOR (V.O.) And I saw a white horse, and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him; and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. ext./int. great pyramid The FIRST relieving stone over the Kings chamber is supernaturally HIGHLIGHTED. int. masonic headquarters - computer monitor showing Udai riding across the desert, is being watched by the MJ12 members. john Udais Military has retaliated against Egypts attack with a terrible and sudden force. Video IMAGES show that all the tourist we saw earlier have been slaughtered. FBI Yes... war in Heaven has also begun. So has the great tribulation hour. cia But we are safe here, underground in this labyrinth of tunnels we built at the taxpayers expense... secret service ... at the same time we were busy developing FEMA. Hollywoods creative financing taught us how to hide money from overpriced hammers and toilet seats. MASON John, whats the matter? You look nervous about something... john Oh, its nothing. That damn Oracle predicted my downfall would come through my own seed, and that of a prostitute. Ive had all my children killed except one and I keep tabs on him constantly. And Ive already killed the prostitute... ext. Hawaii - night WWW title match is about to begin. announcer In this corner, the WWW World Champion... Pluto and his sidekick Charon! Crowd ROARS and BOOS! INSERT - TV MONITOR Someone is watching the wrestling match. We NOTICE in the corner of the screen, a logo which reads: Titan Sports. The CHANNEL CHANGES, landing on the Fox Family Channel. We NOTICE the oval-shaped logo surrounded by Saturn ring-looking borders. Our FOCUS NARROWS on the X-shape made by two beams of light making up the last letter in Fox. The Addams Family is on and the little girl, Wednesday, is torturing her little brother. The viewer be heard O.S. saying Theres too much violence on TV today. The CHANNEL CHANGES again to the NEWS as we OVERHEAR someone AD LIBBING about whats happening in the Middle East. GTV News is covering the war and after showing the above atrocities in Egypt, they CUT TO their correspondent in Israel. Subtitle: Jerusalem. 8:00 a.m. ANCHOR Thanks Tom. Were outside the steps of the restored Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. Of course, room only allowed the inner courts Holy of Holies to be built here since the Dome on the Rock still rests here. Well let you hear whats being said for yourself as we join them live... Enoch and Elijah are addressing Jews inside the restored Temple, just as the High Priest was about to offer a sacrifice. We SEE that many of them have GODS SEAL, the X-shape within a circle, in their foreheads. Davie is there but hes NOT marked. Hes reading aloud to himself from a Dr. Seuss book, GREEN EGGS AND HAM. elijah We are Gods two witnesses, Enoch and myself... Elijah. enoch And were here to warn you of the coming of Gods wrath and judgment upon the Earth. elijah If anyone tries to kill us, then by the same method shall they themselves die. Shocked, the crowd falls to their faces in fear. ext. Egypt - day Udai is LOOKING across the desert horizon, which reflects a watery mirage. The false water image dissolves to: ext. nazca plains - day a similar VIEW in the desert plains of Nazca. Our VIEW RISES from the ground to an AERIAL VIEW as we are now int. flying aircraftS POV - NAZCA LINES inside a UFO flying over the Nazca Lines, which resemble an airport landing strip in the sand. The craft were in CLIMBS HIGHER and suddenly speeds up as it heads towards Mexico City, as indicated by an onboard display. int. UFOs pov - teotihuacan - pyramids of the Sun and Moon come into VIEW. A technical reading shows the coordinates as being at 19.5 degrees S. Latitude. We bank west towards the Pacific Ocean. int. ufos pov - easter island - stone statues come into VIEW. After studying them momentarily, we head off west once again. Passing over the Pacific, we approach int. ufos pov - hawaii As we pass over the main island heading towards Honolulu, WE SEE its at the same coordinates of 19.5 degrees S. Latitude. ext. WWW match Loki and Mankind are fighting and seem evenly matched. Just as it looks like Loki is getting the advantage, a BRIGHT LIGHT from ABOVE the outdoor arena APPEARS over the ring. The announcers and crowd seem surprised by all this. A man is silhouetted by the light as he COMES DOWN from the hovering aircraft, which we cant make out. Commentator one (o.s.) The introduction of WWWs newest wrestler may be a little early tonight. commentator two (o.s.) Thor, the God of Thunder, the adopted father of Loki, is supposed to make an appearance tonight. Sure enough, the man descending by a repelling rope is dressed like Thor, complete with a winged-helmet, a cape, and a golden hammer. int. ufos pov - the arena below As we rejoin our flight, we realize we werent aboard Thors helicopter. We now leave Hawaii, crossing the Pacific until we arrive int. ufos pov - the ground along the coast of eastern Asia. We PASS OVER many religious temples along the way until we end up ext. giza plateau - day near the pyramids and sphinx, where the UFO seemingly lands. Udai is still LOOKING across the desert when he SEES a man walking towards him. Guards beside him raise their arms, but Udai signals for them not to fire. As the man gets CLOSER, we realize hes unarmed, VERY tall, and dressed in camel hair clothing and sandals, with long hair, fingernails, and beard. The giant-sized man now stands in front of Udai, dwarfing him. Tattooed across his forehead are four letters: S-T-U-R. Also tattooed there is an ANKH, the Egyptian symbol of life, a cross with a loop at the top. He raises his right hand in the form of an open-handed salute, revealing he has SIX fingers and a SWASTIKA tattooed there. saturn Sieg Heil! Udai and his military leaders scratch their heads with disbelief. They NOTICE he also has SIX toes on each foot and his left hand is mechanical-looking. An Arab HOLY MAN standing beside Udai finally speaks. HOLY MAN This must be the long-awaited Muhadee, or twelfth Emon. NARRATOR (V.O.) Muslims believe that the grave of the twelfth Emon remained empty because he still lived somewhere in the desert. Jesus warned of a false prophet when he cautioned that if men say he is in the desert, do not go. He warned his followers not to believe this lie. Huge crowds have gathered around the strange spacecraft. Udai and our visitor from outer space are standing before television cameras at a huge press conference. The giant speaks. saturn My name is Saturn, from the Tribe of Teitan. I come to you from your past. He pauses for a moment and looks at the crowd as his eyes begin to water. saturn A wise and highly advanced race of serpents left their home planet years ago when their suns gravity pulled them too close. These flying serpents came to your solar system and lived peacefully on the fifth planet, Tiamet... now an asteroid belt. They colonized Mars where they created us and had settlements here due to the warmer climate. It was here your race was created in our image by them from the elements of this planet. reporter Kind of like the Garden of Eden? saturn Yes, the sacred name of your birthplace. All of us lived in peace for many years before the destruction of Tiamet, caused by a nuclear holocaust between warring reptilians. A large fragment of the exploding planet hit Earth, wiping out the reptilians here. Mars was pushed into an orbit too close to Earth and the sun, stripping away water and plant life. reporter What about your race? How did you survive? saturn Many of my Martian brothers survived, as did your own race. We came here during your Ice Age that followed. Fortunately, the reptilians gave us their advanced technology, which is how we were able to travel here. We built a large city in the Atlantic Ocean, called Atlantis. reporter So the legends about Atlantis were true? saturn Yes. We lived in harmony with your kind. We were much larger than your race so some of your people looked upon us as gods. Some of our race mated with your race, creating strange hybrids. They had extremely high foreheads, some with cone-shaped heads and were regarded as demigods. They became the mediators to our race. reporter Weve found skulls in Peru that are cone-shaped. We always thought they were just abnormal. What happened next? What happened to Atlantis? saturn We shared our technology with you. But soon, man made war on mankind, sinking our new city with atomic weapons. Weve been watching your race closely ever since you developed the same destructive technology. We learned of your advancements when we received your first transmission. He now plays the Black and White Hitler speech from the opening ceremonies at the 1936 Olympics on a 3-D holographic device. saturn We knew you were men who descended from us because you carried our most sacred symbol of life. Its OUR symbol for the sun, life, and the whisk of light known as your galaxy. He again raises his right hand to display his open palm and the SWASTIKA tattooed there. saturn We also left a written record of our past and buried them safely under some of these stone monuments. Farouk, an Egyptian tour guide we saw earlier, makes his way to the front. FAROUK Two of the tablets have been found. Several Egyptian authorities now bring the tablets to Saturn for inspection. farouk (referring to a tablet) This one is on display this month as a loan from Mexico. The giant puts them together and the marking match. Its obvious that a THIRD piece is missing. saturn One day, the god of the flying serpents and the other two members of the Divine Trinity will return. On that day, they will help us resurrect the sacred lost city from the ocean like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. Then, the third one will be found deep in the heart of Atlantis itself. The giant reads the indecipherable glyphs and translates their meaning. saturn (translating) And man was created in OUR image, after our own likeness. He was created male and female and given dominion over all the earth. He was commanded to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth after the great cataclysm. He SEES a display photo from a temple wall in Abydos showing ancient flying vehicles. One of them resembles his craft. saturn This is the ark, which carried me safely from Earth. Only a few months passed in space while I drifted with little fuel and supplies. Here on Earth, roughly 3,000 years passed in that time. My own people honed in on my distress signal and rescued me. Their ship was the only other one to escape the great persecution. Together, we found a new home, a moon in this solar system, much like Earth after the Ice Age. Weve been there ever since. reporter Which moon is that? saturn The moon you call... Titan. The crowd of people begins MURMURING among themselves. REPORTER Weve sent a probe to the... planet... we call Saturn. It will arrive in weeks with a detachable mapping probe to arrive on Titan in November. saturn Yes, we know. Our sensors picked up the high concentration of Plutonium onboard. Weve been tracking it along with all your other probes. He pulls out and sets on the table a stack of greeting plaques sent out with the Voyager and Pioneer space probes. He sets the gold-coated copper disks next to the pie-shaped tablets from the Yucatan and Giza. We NOTICE the pie-shaped pieces fit together to form a disk much like the disks from the space probes. The similarities are uncanny. REPORTER But where are the rest of your people? SATURN After receiving your WAR OF THE WORLDS transmission, we felt it wise to send only one ambassador at first. Well send more when you are ready. REPORTER (shouting his questions) What persecution were you referring to earlier? And what about the Egyptians? And God? The Christians and the Jews believe in a Supreme Being that created them. A look of rage fills the giants face. saturn There is no god! Your sun, your mother earth, my ancestors, and the wise flying serpents are the only things worthy of worship. Survivors from Atlantis built this city of pyramids. Demigods, or Pharaohs, ruled the Egyptians here while our people settled in Canaan. Wars with the Jewish people, as they TOOK our land, made us flee... and did this. He raises his left arm, revealing a cybernetic hand. saturn It angers me to know their race even survives to this day. REPORTER Two of their... prophets... are in the city of Jerusalem now. One of them, Elijah, claims he can call fire from Heaven. A smile returns to the titans face. SATURN Thats easy. Anybody can do that. A Titan who lived in Atlantis with me, Prometheus, was the first to bring fire from Heaven. Ill demonstrate this by calling fire from the sky myself. int. GODS THRONEROOM The battle is in full force. All angels are engaged in warfare. The Cherubim protecting Gods throne with their swords of fire. Also surrounding the throne are the seven trumpet and seven vial angels. Every time a fallen angel gets close, hes blasted back with fire. The FIRE DRIPS from the fallen ones to the air below. The sparks from CLASHING SWORDS also DRIP to the air BELOW. The Angel of the Altar takes FIRE from the altar and CASTS IT to the earth BELOW. It mingles with the other hot particles DRIPPING TO Earth. EXT. HeavenS GATES The battle is leaning towards the GOOD as the Archangel Michael fights with Satan himself. Both are fighting with flaming swords. Michael NOTICES a swastika on Satans forehead. michael You always TWIST the Word of God to further your LIES, so now I see youve taken Gods Holy Seal and TWISTED it too! satan Your God marks his servants with his CROSS, so why not mark my followers with my TWISTED CROSS? Michael gets the upper hand and a break from fighting Satan by knocking him down momentarily. Then, being the first archangel, he BLOWS the FIRST TRUMPET! INT. Vienna (Austria) - DAY - Hofburg Treasure House where one of Husseins officers is stealing the Sword of Destiny from the museum where its remained since Hitlers days. ext. banks of the nile (cairo) - day - saturn stands in front of the crowd and TV cameras as he prepares to call fire down from Heaven. int. Space Station Sensors are going crazy as LIGHTS FLASH and BUZZERS SOUND. hal (to Mission Control) Incoming particles, sir... an uncharted meteor shower or SOMETHING! Its going to hit Europe the worst. int. masonic headquarters The commanding officer is yelling into various headsets. officer Get the space station to the other side of the planet! All movable GPS satellites are to move as well... NOW!! ext. Moon base (far side) Everything is going underground and becoming invisible to us from the surface. The moon is directly over Israel. int. Space Station All the onboard lights go RED! Hal NORAD, something big is coming from outer space. series of shots A) NORAD, under FEMA control, goes to DEFCOM ONE. B) All Soviet and Chinese forces go on their first level of alert too. C) Egyptian battlefields, already filled with fire and smoke, now receive HAIL mixed with FIRE and BLOOD. This is mostly the fire dripping from the battle in Heaven. Many troops stop fighting to watch this phenomenon. D) The land in Israel is not touched as the moon blocks all incoming particles. E) The far side of the moons bases are hit the worst. One of them doesnt escape damage as air pockets BLAST into outer space. F) The plague of the hail-fire affects a THIRD of all trees and burns up all the grass, but mostly affects the Revised Roman Empire. G) Areas where Christians sealed by the Holy Spirit, the 144,000 and the entire nation of Israel; are spared. ext. suez canal - udai is witnessing the awesome firepower of his new giant friend. As Saturn prepares his spacecraft, Udai turns to his generals and starts barking orders. udai Attack Greece and Turkey, now as planned. Were headed to Jerusalem to shed the blood of two false prophets! ext. Jerusalem - temple mount - enoch and elijah are standing on the steps outside leading into the Jewish Temple. They look up and see Saturns ship coming down from the sky. NARRATOR (V.O.) A Muslim writer once said, Jesus will descend from the Heavens to Jerusalem. There he will espouse the cause of the Mahdi, at which point Christians and Jews will reportedly recognize the Mahdis true status and abandon their faith in the Godhead. As they exit the ship and begin to approach the temple, Udais armies completely surround the city. A COURIER brings news from the front lines and is confirmed by thronging reporters. COURIER The total defeat of Egypt, Greece and Turkey, has led to the surrender of Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Libya and Ethiopia. A soldier brings him the Spear of Destiny. udai Now I am invincible! Nobody can stop me! I am the King of the World! Now, with the archangel Michael out of the way, they march boldly to the temple door. A couple of Udais Generals are SEEN urinating on the Wailing Wall. NARRATOR (V.O.) Daniel foretold of the day that the great Prince of Israel would step aside, allowing the greatest time of trouble in the history of all the nations -- Jacobs Trouble. This is the only time Michael was taken away and busy elsewhere... he had to let the lawless one come and fulfill his destiny. Udai stands before Elijah. He takes the Sword of Destiny and plunges it towards Elijah. udai Die... prophet of death! But the sword doesnt find its mark, headed towards his heart, which is covered by his mantle. Instead, as if by magic, it turns upon him and pierces Udais own forehead, all the way through and coming out the back. His blood gushes out upon the altar, where he slumps over dead. saturn Stand back! Leave him to me! Saturn pulls the sword out of Udais head. Several of Udais officers try to retaliate against Elijah but whatever method they use to harm him, backfires and kills them instead. Saturn begins PRAYING over Udai in an unknown tongue as he places the rest of Udais body on the altar. He dips his finger in the blood on the altar and makes the symbol of a swastika on his forehead. int. usa prison - close on - charles mansons swastika as hes obviously watching this with the rest of the world on Global Television. charles manson Far out! I mean... C-R-A-Z-Y! EXT. JEWISH TEMPLE (jerusalem) The Jews SEE this and begin fleeing the city, AD LIBBING they just witnessed the abomination of desolation. Josh and Rebekah get a good jump, as does Davie. But Katys weakened condition from old age, cause her to stumble and fall. Shes captured and held prisoner. ext. israeli/jordanian border - desert Udais armies chase the Jews fleeing into the desert regions of Jordan. Enoch is leading the Jews. Udais troops are closing in on the fleeing Jews. Josh, Rebekah and Davie are among them. Just as they clear the desert and make it to the mountains, Enoch turns around and smites the ground with his staff. The ground opens up and swallows up the entire army, except for one. He quickly gets on his radio and informs his commander of the events. A lone cameraman is carrying this from a distance on global TV. int. russian headquarters Russian and Chinese leaders are watching the events on TV. int. Underground - north american radar defense base NORAD steps up to DEFCOM TWO. ext. temple mount Saturn takes Udais right hand and places it over the crude swastika, making the opposite impression on his hand. saturn Im taking him with me. I know how to make him live again. ext. Hawaii - www match Thor is in the ring trying to strike Loki on the head with his hammer. commentator There must be some bad blood between these two... Ive never seen two distant cousins try so hard to knock the other one out. ext. Heavens gate We SEE the various fallen angels being tossed out of Heaven now. One by one, they fall through the tunnel back to Earth. ext. hawaii Finally, Thors hammer finds its mark and Loki goes down. Mankind is TERRIFIED and runs out of the ring. Thor pins the unconscious Loki, winning his debut match. ext. Heavens gate Satan and Michael are fighting as Satan starts getting the upper hand. Laurianna, witnessing this, tries to help by lending a hand. As she does, Satan knocks off her two bracelets with the two keys dangling from her wrists. Apollyon grabs them as Michael now gets the upper hand and casts Satan from Heaven through the tunnel door. Laurianna catches her brother off guard by tripping him, causing him to fall right behind Satan. But, he still has both bracelets and the keys. michael Dont worry. Well get them back. He takes his golden slingshot, inherited from Yekun, and hands it to Laurianna. michael Give this to David. Hell know how to use it. ext. hawaii In a moment of compassion for his adopted son, Thor places his hand upon Lokis forehead. He awakes. ext. the vatican - day - saturns ship lands inside St. Peters Square. Saturn gets out, leaving Udais body onboard, enclosed now in a glass coffin. He LOOKS UP at the Cathedral, then all around the square, ending with the obelisk in the center. saturn So... this used to be the City of Saturn. Int. St. Pauls Cathedral Saturn walks up to the Pope, pushing other Cardinals and Bishops out of his way as they try to protect the Pope. saturn Youre coming with me. And bring all of your... cute little outfits. He grabs the two-horned mitre from off the Popes head and puts it upon his own. saturn Ill be wearing the pants in this religion from now on. int. bergen-belsen concentration camp - night A teary-eyed Katy arrives to the newly constructed camp, where she is again a prisoner based on her ethnicity. A guard orders her to strip while another begins cutting off her long, grey hair. NARRATOR (V.O.) And history... repeated itself. Ext. Paris - sunrise Subtitle: Three days later. Easter Sunday. The Eiffel Tower fills the skyline with Paris in the b.g. NARRATOR (V.O.) This was the first manmade monument to ever top the height of the Great Pyramid, and more than doubling it at 980 feet. THROUGH the Arch de Triumph, we SEE Saturn standing in the Pope Mobile leading the procession ahead of Udais body. The Pope is bound and gagged as a prisoner in the last car, which is Udais jeep with the 666 on its side. Saturn is wearing the Popes mitre and clothing, but they are tight fitting due to the giants larger size. Our FOCUS ends up on the Popes symbol of the two keys. ext. st. peters square - day - ANGLE ON - THE SKY Like a BOLT of LIGHTNING, Satan and Apollyon come to Earth with a great THUD, like when he was cast to the Earth at the original fall. The ground begins to shake from the tremors. The place where Satan fell was right THROUGH the spike atop the obelisk centered in St. Peters Square. Michael witnesses this, as does his fellow archangel Gabriel. MICHEAL NOW I understand why the phallic symbol is used with the phrase, Up yours. Gabriel nods with agreement. As Apollyon hits the ground, we see the keys he took from Michael hit the ground beside him. Satan morphs THROUGH the obelisk, picking up the keys as we can SEE he is very angry. gabriel Woe to the inhibitors of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has but a short time. ext. euphrates river - underwater Subtitle: Somewhere in the Euphrates River. Vibrations from Satans fall begin LOOSENING the chains from three angels bound here. GADREL, the fallen Prince of the old Grecian Empire, wearing the skin of a leopard. KESABEL, the fallen Prince of the Medes and Persian Empire, wearing the skin of a bear. YEKUN, the fallen Prince of the ancient Babylonian Empire, wearing the skin of a lion. They rise to the surface, breathing air for the first time in years. YEKUN Were free at last! KESABEL It must be time. GADREL But remember, Im to be the strongest of us three. Where are they? All three of them are LOOKING around with their ultra-sensitive vision. YEKUN Ive found them! They become INVISIBLE to our eyes as they head West. EXT. Notre Dame Cathedral - high angle - ground below with a hideous-looking gargoyle in the f.g. as we SEE the Pope Mobile and Udais coffin parked in front. Saturn heads into the church. NARRATOR (V.O.) Notre Dame... the French expression for Our Lady... the Virgin Mary. INT. Cathedral - saturn walks up to the altar. He motions for the priests there to place Udais body on the altar. Apparently his body smells by the way the priests are holding their noses. The bloodstained wound in his forehead has dried. Saturn, holding the Spear of Destiny, pricks Udai in the side below his ribs. He takes some of the dark blood oozing from the wound on his finger and retraces the dried swastika on Udais forehead. He then takes Udais right hand and places it over the mark, making a fresh reversal of it on his right hand. ext. notre dame cathedral The three freed Princes FLY PAST the hideous gargoyles on their way DOWN and inside through an open window. int. notre dame cathedral - udai begins to move as Yekun, Gadrel and Kesabel now POSSESS him as one UNITED BEAST wearing their three animal skins, bringing him back to life. saturn (to Udai) Happy birthday, boys. (to the crowd) There you have it... as foretold by our prophets, the Teitans, and stolen by the Jews. After three days, the man to save mankind would be resurrected! udai/gadrel After I set up my kingdom on earth, the creator, god of light or fiery flying serpent, will come and help me establish a 1,000 year reign of peace on earth. udai/yekun My name will be changed to TEITAN, adopted son of the Teitans... much like Muslims taking the name Mohammed and Egyptian kings the name Pharaoh. teitan/kesabel Saturn was hidden from you but now revealed, thus the name of the hidden gods people shall be mine. ext. notre dame cathedral Gabriel and Michael are observing this THROUGH the very top of the Cathedral. Theyre both on one of the towers while we SEE Apollyon and Satan are atop the other. SATAN (to Apollyon) You know what to do. Apollyon VANISHES. As he does, the Prince of Revised Rome, TAREL, APPEARS beside Satan. TAREL Its not fair. My kingdom was shorter than anyones. GABRIEL Will you go peacefully? TAREL I will yield. But is it true that I and my brother are to lead the largest army ever on Earth? MICHAEL Yes. Amazarak and Penemue also. SATAN That chain youre holding for me... you wont need it. Ill win in the end. Youll see. MICHAEL Well see. INT. CATHEDRAL - SATURN places a three-horned crown on TEITANS head. Then, he wraps a leopard skin cape around his shoulders. SATURN The last time this great country experienced a Revolution this big, the farthest your government got was the Second Empire. From the union of the old East and West Roman Empire, you revived Rome as its Second Empire. Today, we move into the frontier a great leader from your past, Hitler, once dared to move. Today, on the day of Teitans rebirth, the Third Empire, much like the Third Reich, is born. ext. jerusalems jewish temple - day Elijah, still standing in front of the Jewish Temple, witnesses the events in Paris via a television monitor. ELIJAH This is how I caught up on the past, might as well learn about the present this way too. ext. Paris - day Saturn and Teitan mingle with the people as they make their way through the crowded streets. Everyone is amazed that Teitan lives from his deadly wound. They make their way to the Arc De Triumphe, in the Place Charles de Gaulle where the twelve avenues meet, riding in Teitans jeep with the numbers 666 on its side. The Eternal Flame of the Unknown Soldier burns brightly underneath the Arc. SATURN This arch celebrates your victory from oppressors and its walls contain the names of men who paid the price for it. The nameless soldiers were honored with a living, breathing eternal flame. You once worshipped your sun as the light of the world. Now give this honor to another life-giving light... Teitan. montage TV monitors displaying this to all of the Masonic Secret Societies in their underground bases, including America, Italy, Germany, the moon and Space Station. end of montage ext. Place Charles de Gaulle (paris) Europes Ten Kings are now standing one each in front of ten of the twelve avenues. Saturn stands at the end of the eleventh dressed as the Pope. Teitan stands at the twelfth now dressed like a king. Saturn walks up to a scaffold rig in the circles center, where something HUGE is covered up. He LOOKS over at the miniature Statue of Liberty nearby overlooking the river. Saturn You celebrated your freedom from your former monarchy by erecting this Statue of Liberty. She stands enlightening the world. Your enlightenment became the new Age of Reason. He uncovers the object, revealing a statue made of gold. It stands 60 feet high and 6 feet wide and resembles an ancient statue of Nebuchadnezzar but with Teitans face. The statue holds a key in its hand, and from our side VIEW, it resembles the ankh. Upon CLOSER inspection, we NOTICE it is Lauriannas key, the stolen key to the abyss. saturn As the Pope had two keys, which symbolized his authority to open and shut the gates of heaven, I give this authority to Teitan... and to his image. Saturn hands Lauriannas OTHER KEY to Teitan. The Popes ensign with the two keys are in the b.g. Saturn takes a golden hammer and chisel, climbs the scaffolding, where he starts HAMMERING out a swastika on the statues forehead. SPARKS are flying everywhere, reminding us of the fire God created angels from when his hammer on a rock caused fiery sparks. He also chisels an ankh, and with the final stroke, the STATUE COMES to life. His mouth moves now as he begins to speak. STATUE Happy Birthday! Teitan will save you from the two Jewish false witnesses. One day, he will kill them both for the entire world to see and will restore order unto the entire world. Worship Teitan as your Messiah. Take his MARK, the swastika, his NAME, or his NUMBER, 666, and place it upon either your forehead or right hand to show your allegiance. The statue holds up his right hand, revealing the swastika in the palm. STATUE Do so with your own blood as a token of his sacrifice for you. The statue looks at the live BAND that has been PLAYING throughout the coronation ceremonies. STATUE When you hear the band begin playing, begin your worship of me, made in the image of your Messiah, and show your loyalty. If you do not, you will die. MONTAGE A) Everyone in Teitans kingdom is watching this live telecast. Many are watching large TV screens or video screens at the front of their churches. Most churches are filled to near capacity for the Easter holiday. B) One by one, we see priests, preachers, and other various ministers following the instructions. C) Soon, entire congregations are following their spiritual leaders. D) Teitans armies in front of cameras are pricking themselves and using their own blood to make the mark in their forehead or right hand. end of montage back to scene Saturn A Jew named Peter founded your church in Rome. He was the first Pope. Peter... the first and now the last. As the last Pope of this church of lies, my name will now be known to the Jews and their Jesus followers as Peter... the Terrible. montage Many Jews and Christians AROUND THE WORLD outside of Teitans Empire witness this, but do NOT take this mark. Instead, they are shaking their heads in disbelief. end of montage INT. GODS THRONEROOM The battle in Heaven is over. The FIRST saint, Seth, pours out the FIRST VIAL. EXT. EARTH - SERIES OF SHOTS A) All people with the mark, suddenly SCREAM with pain. B) There comes upon their skin great boils where they have the mark. C) The mark becomes a permanent scar now. One that can never be washed off. EXT. NOTRE DAME CATHEDRAL Satan, still standing atop the Cathedral, SEES what has happened on his monitor. SATAN Ah, my cattle have all been branded now. He looks over at some stone gargoyles next to him and all along the roof. SATAN Youll get your day in the sun soon enough. Or is it your day... in darkness? ext. Place Charles de Gaulle Teitan is receiving news of his armys demise in the Jordan desert. soldier ... and the ground just opened up and swallowed them. This angers the antichrist very much. He turns to his armies to address them. teitan Kill the Jews! Advance back to Jerusalem and wipe them from the face of the Earth! int. gods throneroom Jesus now opens the SECOND SEAL. The cherub like a CALF motions to US. cherub Come and see! insert - cherub monitor where we SEE dust stirring over a desert horizon as we LOOK South. The RED army flags of Russia AND China move quickly RIGHT across the FRAME. These BECOME the totally RED flag with a two-headed eagle, the new flag of the Third Empire, which is moving LEFT. Teitans white jeep has been painted RED! NARRATOR (V.O.) And there went out another HORSE that was RED... ext./int. great pyramid The SECOND relieving stone over the Kings chamber is SUPERNATURALLY highlighted. ext. NEAR Arch de Triumph Just as Teitan is about to lead his armies back to Israel, another MESSENGER arrives. messenger Russia is attacking from the North... Before that messenger finishes, MESSENGER TWO breaks in. messenger two ... China and its Eastern allies are attacking from the East at this very moment. As he receives these messages, Teitan signals his troops to halt. teitan First, we must protect our kingdom. The Third Empire declares war on the King of the North and the Kings of the East. NARRATOR (V.O.) ... and power was given to him to take peace from the earth and that they should kill one another. And there was given unto him a great sword. He raises the Sword of Destiny high in the air, preparing to lead the charge. He turns to the ten kings, now wearing his mark. teitan I promise all of you continued reign with me as kings of the Third Empire. Send me all of your troops and weapons. Anyone who is against us... kill them! He leads the armies back through the Arch de Triumph. As he does, his jeep snuffs out the flame of the Unknown Soldier. ext. place charles de gualle The Ten Kings and Saturn are all admiring the living statue. FIRST KING Our kingdoms are one with Teitans. saturn Do away with any other religions in the Third Empire that worship Jesus as their Messiah, instead of Udai. This includes the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Greek Church. All of the kings nod in agreement. SECOND KING We know what to do, my lord. The GERMAN KING is dressed as a Knights Templar, complete with a red sash, decorated with a Maltese Cross. GERMAN KING Lets begin minting new German marks for all of the Third Empire. The swastika will be on the back, much like it was on coins minted in ancient Greece. With this new mark, all will buy and sell. All other money is useless. grecian king I like this revising of the old Grecian Empire. Lets bring back all of the past. FRENCH KING Lock up the former Pope Peter, the Roman, and place him in the very prison where Jacques De Molay was once held prisoner. italian king The NEW Babylonian Captivity? What will you do with the old Pope? saturn I have special plans for him. Didnt the Christians claim to be the light of the world? ext. notre dame cathedral - night Subtitle: The Nativity of Saint John. June 24, 2004 Theres a huge bonfire burning in front of the church, now adorned with a sign, The Temple of Teitan. The name TEITAN is painted over the word REASON with red paint. NARRATOR (V.O.) This festival commemorated the death and revival of the Babylonian god Tammuz, or Nimrod. The midsummer fires always lit up the hillsides on St. Johns Eve. Upon CLOSER inspection, we SEE that the bonfire is being used to light the former Pope Peter, the Roman! pope peter Oh Lord, my God... is there no help for the widows son? NARRATOR (V.O.) Just before his death, Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormons; cried out this same Masonic plea for mercy. As the flames get hotter and obviously no one is coming forward to help the Pope, his prayer changes. pope peter Oh Mary, Blessed Virgin, Queen of Heaven, wrath-subduer, Mediatrix, Isis, Aphrodite, Venus, Minerva, Semiramis... somebody help me! The smoke from his body RISES, turning from WHITE to RED! The smoke travels all the way to int. gods throneroom - ALTARS FIRE and smoke mixes together with the earthly smoke. The SECOND archangel, Uriel, SOUNDS his TRUMPET. SERIES OF SHOTS A) Atomic silos opening around the ten European nations of the Third Empire. The rockets lift-off simultaneously as they become airborne. B) NORAD in Colorado goes to DEFCOM THREE. They track the missiles and see that they are not coming toward their countries. C) On the nose of one of the missiles, we see the words, Funded by THIRDUNION. The mountain will come to you! int. the vatican Bishops and Cardinals are in distress. They are casting ballots for an election. FIRST BISHOP We must not let the Papacy be moved to French soil again. SECOND BISHOP We must elect a new Pope to challenge this Peter the Terrible. ext. St. peters square Crowds of onlookers not wearing Teitans mark are anxiously WATCHING a chimney. NARRATOR (V.O.) They await the burning of the ballots to see if the smoke burns black or white. Its this way that they traditionally learn if a Pope has been elected or not. INT. THE VATICAN A ballot with a black circle on it FALLS carelessly from a pile of ballots. The pile was being held together with a PAPERCLIP. A gust of wind catches the ballot and takes it out a nearby window. ext. St. peters square - the ballot lands in the lap of a statue of Jupiter, now believed to be that of Peter. The smoke from the chimney turns from white to red! int. the vatican BISHOP THREE (looking out window) This cannot be a good sign. They immediately clear the room. We see a computer monitor in the b.g. As we CLOSE IN on it, we see its tracking all the incoming missiles. insert - computer monitor with a warning light flashing beside a file named WORMWOOD. montage A) The bombs IMPACT with a great EXPLOSION. B) Many bombs land in and around the city of Rome. C) The Pantheon and other ancient Roman monuments are destroyed. D) The obelisk in St. Peters Square along with the rest of the Vatican are demolished. E) Many bombs strike all around the Mediterranean Sea. end of montage NARRATOR (V.O.) The impact and radiation killed a third of the fish. Stray bombs and tidal waves destroyed a third of all ships in the Great Sea. ext. vatican remains Among the burning debris, we see the Latin phrase, ADHUC STAT, on a broken-off piece of brick. NARRATOR (V.O.) ADHUC STAT... Its still standing. ext. offshore A FISHERMAN that somehow survived the blast is watching the city of Rome burn. fisherman So... Rome was burned in a day. EXT. SPACE STATION We SEE the same phrase, ADHUC STAT, on the space station as we PASS alongside. INT. SPACE STATION Looking at a GPS monitor, we SEE that a third of the Mediterranean is as red as blood, mostly around Italy. hal Global positioning satellites are relaying images of the damage sir. The Space Station is slowly returning from the other side of the planet. ext. earths atmosphere - above mediterranean sea Subtitle: July 4, 2004 The SECOND saint, Enos, pours out the SECOND VIAL upon the Mediterranean Sea. EXT. marseille (france) - day Saturn has moved from performing miracles in Paris to the banks of the Mediterranean, just off the coast of France. He sees the spirit world, since giants are really half angel, and prepares to CLAIM Enos water to blood miracle. saturn Now, with the whole world watching, Ill turn the entire Mediterranean Sea into blood. int. Space Station - over europe We SEE THROUGH a portal that the ENTIRE Mediterranean is turning to blood. hal I dont see how anything remotely human could still be alive in or on that ocean. ext. marseille - day Saturn is standing naked and bathing in the blood of the waters. saturn This little blood bath is nothing compared to the one I have planned for those that refuse to worship Teitan. First, Ill move my headquarters to Avignon, so I can be close to the bloodshed. ext./int. amphitheater of nimes - day Hundreds of Orthodox Christians, Catholics, Jews and Muslims alike, that refused the mark, are being slaughtered in gladiator-style fights with soldiers of the Third Empire. ext. battlefield in europe - day Teitans armies are engaged in warfare with the Soviets and the Chinese. Theres much bloodshed on all sides. NARRATOR (V.O.) Teitans popularity grew politically, since Teitan himself was a descendent of Ishmael and Fatima. The pain felt by the dark-skinned Arabs, denied firstborn rights as heirs to Palestine by God when Isaac was chosen, seemed erased. Isnt this how Nimrod became popular? ext./int. washington dc - day - capitol building A live press conference is set to begin momentarily. Crowds fill the White House lawn to capacity in celebration of Americas birthday. The obelisk-shaped National Monument is in the b.g. Hillary Rodnim is introduced and makes her way to the podium, which bears the United States Seal, holding thirteen arrows and thirteen olive branches. Also on the podium, is the CIAs shield with its Blazing Sun symbol. hillary Im pleased to announce on this nations 228th birthday, that FEMA will finally give way to our heritage... a constitutional government. Crowd CHEERS! hillary George W. Busch, Jr. has done his best to execute the office of President during this difficult time. But, unfortunately hes a Republican and will be running against me in the upcoming November elections. The crowd breaks into scattered LAUGHTER and APPLAUSE. HILLARY On a more somber note, I must inform Americans with Christian beliefs, I have some bad news. You must report to the nearest relocation center by midnight for your own protection. Weve received numerous death threats from extreme left-wing hate groups. So, we feel this is for the best. We dont have National Guard troops to protect you, since theyre overseas protecting democracies. This will be a temporary solution, Im sure, and well reunite you with loved ones as soon as all the trouble in the Middle East subsides. Our VIEW SHIFTS to the inside dome above in the Rotunda of the Capitol Building. A painting entitled, The Apotheosis of George Washington fills the FRAME. NARRATOR (V.O.) Washington is transformed as Satan promised into a new Sun God, Apollo, in the chariot of Apollo being carried by four horses across the heavens. montage A) George Washingtons statue at the Smithsonian, where hes seated semi-nude, in the pose of the Greek god Zeus. B) An MJ12 party with John Rockwell, Sr. wearing a party hat with Happy 100th birthday sign in the b.g. He smiles. C) The Statue of Liberty in NYC. D) The statues replica in Paris. E) The LIVING statue of Teitan in Paris. It smiles. end of montage NARRATOR (V.O.) Religious freedom founded America. Now, exactly 120 years to the day when the French government gave the U.S. the Statue of Liberty, that freedom was no more. At least not for Christians. Once again, in the length of a mans life as outlined by God, the Illuminated Ones would have their revenge. They had cast down the oppression of religions and kings. They are now... the kings of the world. ext. jordan desert - day - elijah is standing before the huge rift separating Israel from Jordan, where the remnant is now safe with Enoch. Elijahs SPIRITUAL EYES are opened and SEES yet another plague from God being CLAIMED by the false prophet. ELIJAH You want the world to believe you can affect the water, then by your own deception will you pay... again. He opens a Bible. He takes a bottle of water and pours it into the hungry desert sand. ELIJAH The Law of Moses said to take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and you turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them. For the Lords wrath will be kindled against you, and he will shut up the heaven, that there will be no rain, and that the land will not yield her fruit. Elijah stretches his staff towards the heavens. ELIJAH From this day forward, there will be no rain upon all the Third Empire. ext. babylon marketplace - day Arab shoppers are listening via loudspeakers. They wave their hands, dismissing the prophets words. Some of them suddenly turn around, running back to a nearby store. They start grabbing water bottles from a shelf until theyre all gone. A mad rush develops as others do the same. ext. jordan desert - elijah throws his mantle across the rift. The ground magically covers the void for him as he walks across. After he gets to the other side, the land bridge disappears, his mantle lying magically at his feet. int. gods throneroom Jesus opens the THIRD SEAL. The third cherub resembling a man, motions for US to LOOK THROUGH his monitor. cherub Come and see! insert - monitor An Egyptian BANKER rides through the barren streets of Cairo on a BLACK HORSE. His suit is ragged and torn. He carries under his arm the weights and measures used in his former money exchange profession. He is very skinny, hungry and thirsty. BANKER Ill pay an entire days wage for a loaf of bread and a cup of water. ext./int. Great Pyramid The THIRD relieving stone over the Kings chamber is supernaturally highlighted. ext. jordon desert Enoch is in the wilderness with the third of all Jewish people. They are building suitable shelter for themselves. Enoch smites a rock for water, and manna from heaven feeds them. The plagues of the earth do not affect them here. int. Space Station Hal is positioning spy satellites with sensitive listening devices and video cameras. A monitor shows hes spying on Elijah. ext. jordon desert - day - elijah looks up, as if he knows the world is eavesdropping. Enoch walks up to him, along with several other Jews. ENOCH What are you going to do about the false prophets miracle of calling fire from Heaven? ELIJAH My fire from Heaven will be the rain of judgment upon the wicked. The poison from his lying lips will be poison to the lips of all who follow him. He falls to the ground in prayer. Enoch joins him. ELIJAH Lord, its time for them to receive... their great ball of redemption. Let it come down from Heaven and poison their waters. int. gods throneroom The THIRD archangel, Raguel, blows his trumpet. NARRATOR (V.O.) Its been said that God punishes nations according to the false gods they worship. EXT. OUTER SPACE - ASTEROID BELT between Mars and Jupiter. Suddenly, an asteroid CRASHES into another asteroid. The collision now sends one of the asteroids careening from the belt. NARRATOR (V.O.) The asteroid 4179 Toutatis was discovered by a French astronomer in 1989. Named after a Celtic god, the asteroids eccentric four-year orbit extended from Earth to the asteroid belt. It was scheduled to come within only four-times the distance from our moon on September 29, 2004. This little course correction has now placed it on a direct path with Earth. The comet is hurtling straight towards Earth. Subtitle: September 27, 2004 int. Space Station Warning lights and BUZZERS go off like crazy. Hal Not again! ext. jordon desert - day Enoch and Elijah are teaching a large group of Jews. LOOKING UP, they can all see the bright ball of fire in the blue, cloudless sky. elijah Not to worry. It wont affect any of us here. crowds pov - comet in sky as it suddenly DIVIDES in two! One continues its DESCENT to Earth, while the other curves around and crosses its original path. This creates a bright, fiery cross in the sky. ENOCH Do you recall the comet Hale-Bopp? It was the harbinger of doom foretelling the coming of a comet, which would divide in two. As in the days of Noah when a comet lit the sky for seven days as a warning of judgment to come, so did this comet warn the inhabitants of Earth... with its two tails... seven years ago. NARRATOR (V.O.) Nostradamus wrote that the great star would burn for seven days... when the great pontiff changed countries. What can I say? Even the Devil knows HIS future, cause God told him so. series of shots A) NORADS security goes to DEFCON FOUR as sensors pick up something huge coming towards the Earth from outer space. B) Americans under FEMA grumble AD LIBS, Now they warn us. C) The Secret Society far underground sits comfortably entertaining themselves. They are safe and very carefree. Some are even playing games, like chess and Monopoly. D) People all around the world look up and see two suns in the sky. The meteorite 4179 Toutatis is coming towards the earth. E) Bomb and fallout shelters everywhere are becoming crowded with people. F) Entire cities become abandoned. The sight of dead bodies is everywhere. The SOUND of air raid SIRENS fill the air. EXT. CITY ALLEY - A BUM urinating, notices an old movie poster on the wall for ARMAGEDDON. BUM Where are those space cowboys when you need them? In disgust, he urinates on the poster. ext. resort island - day Subtitle: Isle of Lesbos, off the coast of Greece. NARRATOR (V.O.) Toutatis came a couple days early and a few thousand miles off its projected course. It also came with a new name... Wormwood. Several gay and lesbian couples are lounging in the sun around the islands many beach resorts. Most are young, wearing the latest in trendy attire. Some are sporting multiple tattoos, body piercings and multicolored dyed-hair. TWO WOMEN wearing dark sunglasses are sunbathing, while reading and chatting to one another. woman one Isnt it great, the Lilith Tour kicks off here tonight. woman two I know. Madonna, Alanis Morrisette, the Indigo Girls, wearing their true colors, of course... woman one & two (together) Purple! Go Gay Pride! woman one And Melissa Etheridge is going to perform her big hit from 1999, ANGELS WOULD FALL! WOMAN ONE Yeah, like the comet thats gonna fall on us. Who can believe what you hear these days. Like a comets gonna hit Earth. As if! WOMAN TWO Same people that say Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed with fire and brimstone from Heaven. Its all just a scare tactic to push their right-wing conservative agenda on us. Woman one Theyre all just jealous cause weve come out of the closet and were having our day in the sun. Woman One studies her red sunburn, comparing it to her pale skin underneath her bikini bottoms. WOMAN ONE Speaking of that, I think I need a stronger sunscreen. Im roasting already, and I just turned over. series of shots A) WORMWOOD hits the island dead center! B) Huge tidal waves form, wiping out coastal cities near its impact. C) We SEE someone drinking water in this area, and making a face as if it tastes bitter. He then grabs his stomach. D) The THIRD saint, Cainan, pours out the THIRD VIAL upon the rivers and springs near Wormwoods impact. E) The waters become as blood. The man who drank the water earlier is seen lying beside the now bloody water. Hes dead. F) While fighting Russian and Chinese forces, an Empire sergeant takes a drink from his canteen filled with blood. NARRATOR (V.O.) For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy. int. gods throneroom Jesus opens the FOURTH SEAL. The flying Eagle cherub motions for US to LOOK through his monitor. cherub Come and see! insert - cherubs monitor Supernaturally, we see a green horse whose rider is the angel of DEATH. Hes dressed like the GRIM REAPER. Another horse follows carrying the angel of HELL. She has flaming red hair and looks very hideous. Upon CLOSER inspection, we see its LILILEA -- Liliths mother! NARRATOR (V.O.) And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. EXT./INT. Great Pyramid We see the FOURTH relieving stone over the Kings chamber SUPERNATURALLY highlighted. montage A) People are being killed with the sword. This matches scenes painted on walls at Denvers Airport showing women with dead babies and a large sword killing them. B) Skinny people with swollen bellies are dying from starvation. This includes the many relocation centers, labor and concentration camps. C) Wild animals are killing people as they have grown bold due to gnawing hunger and thirst. One man dies from a snakebite. D) Amphitheater of Nimes is where Christians are being fed to lions for the amusement of Third Empire audiences. end of montage ext. middle America A woman is holding her dead baby and carrying an old sign. We SEE bright Red Cross logos on relief workers in the b.g. insert - sign which says 25% of all pregnancies were aborted last year. back to scene WOMAN We are being punished for our murders. We didnt protect one-fourth of our unborn, why should we expect protection for the one-fourth thats dying now? NARRATOR (V.O.) During the 14th century, Crusaders brought with them the black plague, which killed one-fourth of Europes population. The date on the calendar may change but sometimes even the players remain the same. ext. Jordan desert - day Elijah now prepares for his final miracle. ELIJAH Since your hearts are still hardened and you will not hearken to the Lord, I will bring yet another plague upon you. Since you worship the fertility of earth, Mother Nature, and Ive already taken away the rain; now you, who worship the sun as god, will see that the sun is vulnerable too. ext. Deep space A HUGE asteroid is heading directly towards the sun. ext. The sun The FOURTH TRUMPET archangel, Zerachiel, and the saint with the FOURTH VIAL, Mahalaleel, encircle the sun. As Zerachiel SOUNDS his TRUMPET, Mahalaleel pours his vial upon the sun. The huge asteroid on a collision course with the sun, approaches. int. Space Station NASA tracking computers DISPLAY its heading at 19.5 degrees S. Latitude on the sun. As the asteroid IMPACTS, theres a huge EXPLOSION! Onboard heat sensors quickly SOUND. Warning lights and ALARMS go crazy. Astronauts, speaking their own languages, AD LIB warnings to their respective countries on earth. ext. outer space GPS satellites and the space station scramble to the other side of Earth, trying to escape the maddening heat now coming from the sun. One satellite doesnt make it and gets FRIED! series of shots A) People across the globe see the sun getting brighter. B) Thermometers get so hot that some break. C) Everywhere, people are being scorched by the intense heat. D) Some lakes and streams dry up quickly. Steam is everywhere. E) On the Earths dark side, where the moon is full and its reflection is so bright, it almost looks like daylight. F) Many are dying from the intense heat. G) As the intense heat flare ceases, the world gets colder everywhere as people start reaching for blankets. H) One-THIRD part of the sun is now MISSING. I) The full moons glow is very dim now, strongly contrasting the brightness from earlier. J) A ship captain looking up at the moon and stars notes that a THIRD of the constellations and Milky Way stars have stopped shining. NARRATOR (V.O.) Now, roughly 6,000 years later at the speed of light, the third of all stars which stopped shining when a third of the angels fell, finally withhold their light. ext. Jordan desert Enoch strikes a rock and water gushes out. Elijah helps fill jars for the remnant to drink. ext. earths atmosphere The WOE ANGEL flies over the earth SHOUTING to the inhabitants below. WOE ANGEL Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound. fade to: ext. Paradise We HEAR ELVIS PRESLEY SINGING as we SEE a mansion on a hill in the b.g., which is surrounded by a huge fence. On the front gate are the words, Graceland. As we PASS THROUGH the gates, which magically open for us; we SEE Elvis, the King of Rock and Roll. Hes dressed in an all-white jumpsuit, just like a famous painting of him when he was younger. Hes serenading a young Princess Diana. ELVIS (singing) For in my Fathers house are many mansions... full of grace and full of love... in a place called Graceland... ext. Somewhere else in Paradise John F. Kennedy, Joe Dimmagio, and Marilyn Monroe are all sitting in a field of flowers. David Smith is SEEN riding a white horse, a Mustang. NARRATOR (V.O.) Everyones paradise is different here. Its their own place of rest. INT. HELL We HEAR SCREAMS as we enter the fiery depths of the underworld. One man in particular keeps YELLING very LOUDLY. Upon CLOSER inspection, we SEE its Sam Kennison. As we go DEEPER into the depths of Hell, we SEE a man in great pain as he is completely engulfed in flames. CLOSER VIEW reveals its Adolph Hitler. ext. earth Subtitle: Wodensday, Thanksgiving Eve, later that year. Global news TV The numbers are in now. One-fourth of the worlds population has died since the terrible plagues began last spring. Theres STILL no rain, and a great water shortage exists. A trade agreement has been reached with the Third Empire by the United States to exchange our limited water supplies for heating oil from the Middle East. The UN will protect these shipments. More record lows are being forecast... ext. Middle East - day Children with swollen tongues are dying here of thirst as they sweat by the flames of an oil heater. ext. Atlanta airport - day Shipments of oil from the Middle East are arriving while planes filled with water supplies are taking off. ALL of the new oil shipments are seen going to underground bases. A UN guard witnesses this. UN GUARD But what about the rest of your people? FEMA GUARD Let them eat cake. Global television commercial Got milk? After the milk commercial, a promotional spot comes on for the live pay-per-view event: WWWs Babylon 3! announcer Its the return of World Wide Wrestling with an all out grudge match Between Thor and Loki. The Midgard Serpent, a new character wearing a snake mask and body suit; AD LIBS hes gonna squeeze Thor to death. The PROMO introduces HELA, Goddess of the Underworld. She has flaming red hair, bright green eyes and is very shapely. ANNOUNCER The match is set for Thanksgiving night, live from Babylon! EXT. New York City - DAY Subtitle: Thursday, Thanksgiving Holiday, 2004 AD The Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade is finishing up. We SEE Santa Claus with one of his elves riding in a sleigh float at the end. Satan and Apollyon are WATCHING this atop 30 Rockwell Center. Satan is wearing a Santa suit. Apollyon is dressed like an elf. He NOTICES some rooftop graffiti spelling out: S-A-N-T-A. APOLLYON (imitating Dana Carvey) Oh, who could that be... Satan? He magically moves the N to the end, after the second A so it now reads, S-A-T-A-N. Satan, who is studying a lump of coal in his hand, looks up to see Apollyons graffiti. SATAN The writing has been on the wall for a long time. My favorite pupil said it best... they just dont think... theyre so lazy... caught up in the pleasures of the world. APOLLYON Thanks for letting me be part of the myth by using dwarfs as Santas magical elves. I liked being the dwarf that made Thors hammer too. SATAN Until I ascend to the North and overthrow Gods throne, Ill have to settle for... the North Pole. Satan stands up now and appears to be deep in thought before finally speaking. SATAN Kids believe in many things when theyre young. The tooth fairy, the Easter bunny. They go to Sunday school and learn about Jesus and the virgin birth. Then as they get older, they stop believing in all those... fairy tales. He studies the piece of coal again. SATAN Free presents overnight replaced the free gift to mankind through the overnight miracle birth. Coal... kids are taught this came from the Carboniferous Age, almost 220 million years ago. APOLLYON (admiring himself) I look good for my age. He takes the coal from Satan. APOLLYON This is what happened to bad boys and girls from the Old World. (imitating Carvey) Isnt that CONVENIENT?... they receive a rock made by the flood when theyve been naughty? int. Denver airport - Underground city The Secret Society is enjoying their bountiful feast, complete with LOTS of water and wine to drink. They are standing around HOT heaters, burning the oil from the trading we witnessed earlier. Some men are sitting around playing MONOPOLY. A player using the little Scottie dog game piece is moving across the board. A television is on and most of the men are watching the Thanksgiving Bowl from Nashville. insert - tv screen The Tennessee Titans are hosting the New York Giants. We HEAR a COMMENTATOR talking to Tennessees Governor, JERRY LAWLESS, former wrestler and past commentator for the WWW; who is a guest color announcer. commentator (o.s.) Jerry, I understand youre from Memphis and they call you the King. lawless (o.s.) Thats right. And I still wear my crown when officiating in Nashville. We SEE a Greek-looking building in Nashville, home of the NFL Titans. Going back to the game, an EFFECT WIPE resembles a mechanized flying machine with a huge oval-shaped monitor in its middle. back to scene Johnny and John Sr. are watching the game. A man WALKS PAST them, going to the elevator, where he presses the UP button. int. airport - Upper level Getting out of the elevator, the man walks up to an odd looking keypad in front of the murals. He enters some kind of secret command, then heads back to the elevator, pressing the DOWN button. int. Space Station Hal is watching the game on TV, while keeping an eye on other screens monitoring space. HAL I just love getting triple-overtime while watching football... now in triple overtime! The Titans are about to tie the game again with the Giants, when the Cassini probes weak, signal comes in. The probes signal strengthens, verifying that its orbiting Saturn. HAL Hey guys... Im getting some really strange readings on Saturn. NASA (o.s.) Try to get a fix on it and download the info to mission control. HAL I dont know what it is, but Ive got a fix on it. Its at 19.5 degrees S. Latitude. Computers inform that the atmospheric probe has detached already and is arriving on Titan. NASA and ESA begin tracking the probe on mission control monitors. insert - probe feed The first images of Saturn and Titan arrive from the orbiting satellite. Something unusual is beneath the clouds of Titans atmosphere. Its registering at 19.5 degrees S. Latitude. As we get below the thick clouds, entire cities appear! Pyramids, skyscrapers, obelisks, towers and other HUGE monuments! We also get our first look at the Titans. They look human but are almost twenty feet tall. Their royalty is dressed like ancient pharaohs and Mayan tribal leaders. The layout of their cities is much like Mayan ziggurats in Mexico. We see the swastika everywhere. back to scene WARNING ALARMS SOUND. Hal pushes a button to alert NORAD. Theres something HUGE on his radar screen. HAL Uh... guys. I dont mean to worry you or anything... but I think we got company. Ext. Space Station - orbiting Earth A HUGE space ship passes OVER the Space Station. Smaller escort ships come from the belly of the mother ship and descend to Earth, heading towards the Middle East. hal (o.s.) Why is this like a scene right out of Kubrick and Clarks original screenplay for 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY? ext. jerusalem - day Lightning flashes fill the skies all over Earth. A large UFO and several smaller ones fly over the Dome on the Rock. ext. Mecca, Saudi Arabia - day (stormy) The stormy sky and approaching UFOs cause a Muslim Imam to run from the nearby mosque to the Kaabas south wall. He grabs the sacred Black Stone, preparing to defend it with his life as the largest UFO lands beside the Kaaba. NARRATOR (V.O.) This Kaaba contains the Muslims most sacred relic - the Black Stone, which they believe was sent down from Heaven by God. Teitan makes his way through the crowds, followed by Saturn. A ramp from the bottom of the UFO opens. A TITAN, wearing a space suit, walks down the ramp. Hes carrying a black box in his hand. The Titan walks up to Teitan, holding out the black box, offering it to him. Teitan accepts the box. The Titan gestures for him to open it. He does. Inside the box is a black stone - EXACTLY like the one enshrined in the Kaaba, being guarded by the Imam. TITAN The Black Sun. Teitan and Saturn salute the Titan, displaying the swastika in their palms. The Titan returns the salute with his six-fingered right hand, also revealing a swastika in his palm. Teitans swastika in his right hand is the symbol of life, a reversal of the Black Sun on his forehead. As the Titan presses his palm into Teitans palm, a camera FLASHES, freezing the mirror-image of the swastikas coming together. insert - newspaper headline reading THE BROTHERHOOD, accompanying the photo of the hand-in-hand swastikas. The photos caption reads, The new symbol of unity between Titans and Earthlings? back to scene An Arab boy peddling the papers shouts the headlines. PEDDLER Hot off the press. Also, Scientists confirm the Muslim Black Stone and Titan Stone are IDENTICAL! int. Babylon - Wrestling arena - Later that night The Titans are sitting ringside with Teitan and Saturn as the much anticipated WWW rematch begins. A commentator is interviewing WWWs newest heroes, Thor and Loki. THOR Im the firstborn son of Odin, father of the Gods. Loki, a member of the giants, was adopted into the family of Gods and is now my brother. LOKI But today, brother shall fight against brother. And the giant race shall win! The BELL RINGS, beginning the match. Thor quickly gets the upper hand. Hes about to use his golden hammer on Loki when the Midgard Serpent jumps into the ring. He drop-kicks Thor, takes his hammer, then hits him in the head, knocking him out cold. Titan I like this Midgard character. With Thor out cold, the referee announces Loki as the winner. loki Midgard will be my new tag team partner. Together, well annihilate Thor in a rematch. He can get whoever he wants as his tag team partner. Facing Teitan, Saturn and the Titans, Loki and Midgard take their own blood and make a swastika on their foreheads. LOKI When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Hela has made it to Thors side and revives him with a kiss. hela Ill stand by Thors side and fight the Serpent and Loki in the rematch. The Titans are enjoying this soap opera and are anxious to join the WWW. TITAN We will join the arena in the next event. But, well only fight other Titans, of course. Teitan stands up and makes an announcement as well. teitan This day, the day the Titans came to us, will no longer be known as Thursday. It will be Titansday, to honor these new gods of force. NARRATOR (V.O.) And so the gods of Greek and Roman mythology were given new temples and their shrines were rebuilt. ext. Athens, Greece - day The ORACLE at Delphi debuts alongside Apollos restored temple. The Oracle, a young girl, talks indecipherably as leaders consult her. Our supernatural eyes SEE demons talking through her as a form of channeling. oracle The Titans will introduce better building techniques and give man an even lighter and stronger substance than Titanium. It will be called Titanium Three, and comes directly from Titan. The leaders are all nodding in agreement, impressed. oracle The Titans will help the Third Empire, but will refuse to intervene in wars or fighting. Theyll set up headquarters in Berlin and Babylon. ext. Babylon - day The Titan is talking to a group of Masons. titan If you build the tallest tower ever, at least a mile high, in honor of the serpent race that created man, he will return. Place a homing beacon and torch on top of the tower reaching into heaven, and after three days, theyll come back to Earth. NARRATOR (V.O.) This same logic was behind rebuilding the Jewish Temple. By building it, supposedly the Messiah would come after seven years, completing the 490 years with Daniels seventieth week. int. jewish temple Teitan is roasting a pig on the altar. After picking one rib clean in his mouth, he holds it up and studies it. teitan I could make myself a wife from this rib. But everyone knows, I have no need for the love of a woman. He throws the bone to a little white dog, his companion and best friend. In the Holy of Holies, he sets up a statue of himself. It mostly resembles Zeus, but with Teitans face. int. masonic underground city A FEMA GUARD discovers water stockpiles have turned to blood. GUARD Uncontaminated supplies must be limited and reserved for higher-ranking Masons. An archangels presence leads us to believe he had something to do with the bloody water. A Mason is SEEN testing the blood in a DNA testing machine. The blood type comes up UNKNOWN. Johnny That machine must not be calibrating correctly. Here, use my own blood to see if the machine works at all. He notices a Christian slave girl nearby. johnny You there. Whats your name and where are you from? Patty Ive just been imported from a relocation center, sir. My name is Patty. johnny Fine. Let him have a sample of your blood when Im finished. Just to double-check that damn thing. The tester pricks her finger and administers the test to the girl. A DNA warning goes off. Johnny What does that mean? tester The machine must be... malfunctioning. It shows this girls DNA to match yours so closely, she MUST be your daughter. Johnny looks at the tester with concern, then the results, and finally the girl. Theyre interrupted by an announcement over the speakers. speaker (v.o.) Everyone will temporarily have to stop taking showers until the water supplies can be verified. montage A) Dried-up lakes and rivers across the USA. B) The Mississippi along the banks of St. Louis. Theres absolutely no water near the arch. C) Pattys house in the b.g. is being demolished by bulldozers. end of montage ext. washington dc - DAY Hillary Rodnim is making a speech before the PRESS. Hillary I vow to make a deal with the devil himself if necessary to get more water and oil. ext. BEER FACTORIES - germany - day The water shortage has shut down beer production. Premium German beer factories are all boarded up. insert - tv set A home shopping channel shows a six-pack going for an unheard of price. The RAREST beanie baby EVER doesnt even get an opening BID at $5.00 but ONE bottle of CHEAP beer, Pabst Blue Ribbon, goes for a POUND of GOLD. CHANNEL CHANGES. A news program has a special bulletin. news anchor The Titans announced a plan to help mankind with his water problem. Theyre going to build HUGE ships, the largest ever built, and go to Antarctica to get ICE. Theyll bring it back, melting it for drinking water for all Third Empire kingdoms. After all, there is enough water there to satisfy everyone for a long time. ext. casablanca, morocco - day TITANIC TWO is complete. Its three times larger than our old Titanic, which sank on April 15, 1912. Teitan, wearing his leopard-skin cape, christens the new ship. The ships CAPTAIN, a Titan, steps up to the mike. CAPTAIN God himself couldnt sink this ship! ext. antarctica - day Swimming around a huge block of ice are seven seals. One of them is a leopard seal. Hes holding a fish in his jaws. NARRATOR (V.O.) Seals, mammal-beasts that can come out of the sea and live on dry land. The male is called a bull, the female a cow, and their young a calf or pup. They travel in herds and live roughly forty years. The leopard seal is the most vicious of the species. Capable of breaking to pieces its prey with its strong teeth and jaws. Christians are sometimes represented by a fish. Teitan represented by a leopard, the beast from the sea that rules the land. Nature reflecting life? ext./int. Berlin - day - beer factories Beer production starts back up in limited production. Germany is prosperous again, thanks to the Titans. insert - tv monitor Titans have become regulars on World Wide Wrestling. titan wrestler A German poet in the 1800s wrote: When once the restraining talisman of the Christian cross is broken in Germany, then the fury of the ancient warriors, the berserk rage of which the Nordic poets sang will surge up again! Another Titan WRESTLER finishes the reading while smashing a large crucifix. WRESTLER The old stone gods will rise from forgotten ruins and rub the dust of a thousand years from their eyes. EXT. Athens, Greece - DAY Many of the old temples to the Greek gods are being restored. announcer (V.O.) And Thor with his giant hammer... ... will leap up and smash the gothic cathedrals. And when that crash comes, it will be like nothing that has occurred before in history. Global TV a wrestling commercial SHOWS Thor smashing his hammer down on a Jewish Star of David and a Christian cross. INT. Paris - NOTRE DAME CATHEDRAL A group of TITANS are addressing the crowd of beast worshippers. titan one The Jewish plagues have become a self-fulfilling prophecy. You must stop the last prophecies from coming true. titan two Its time you know what ELSE you must do besides changing your calendars. titan one You must ELIMINATE all that believe in god -- Christians and Jews. Also, Native American Indians and Negroes since the ten lost tribes of Israel couldve joined with their blood. int. denver airport We SEE the murals painted on the walls again. CLOSER VIEW of three caskets, which contain a Jew, a black, and an Indian. titan (o.s.) Their seed must be cut off or well be cut off. ext./int. third empire - Concentration camps - day Christians that refused to accept the mark and worship his image are in captivity. A PRISONER quotes from the Bible. PRISONER (o.s.) He that leadeth into captivity... ... shall go into captivity. He that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience of the saints. For you will be hated and persecuted for my names sake. int. berlin - night - www match Subtitle: Summer Solstice, June 2006 John and Johnny are ringside. The first match is between a black prisoner and a Titan. While watching the black man die, a Mason smiles. He tells another Mason wearing a Shriner fez. MASON We never let blacks become members anyway. The next match is between a guest Titan and a large Christian male prisoner. The guest Titan is the Pope himself, Saturn. During the match, Saturns opponent cuts him. Johnny gets a dab of the blood as a souvenir. Realizing he still has the portable blood DNA analyzer in his coat, he takes it out. insert - dna analyzer The reading from the Christian slave girl is still being displayed. He places the newly collected sample in the portable machine. Back to scene The next match begins involving the new character, HELA. The female giant, wearing high heels and bikini, tortures her victims to the delight of the audience and crowd. The DNA analyzer in Johnnys coat sounds a familiar alarm. Johnny takes it out to look at it. insert - dna analyzer It indicates the girls blood and Saturns are an identical match. Mother and son. However, his blood-type reading shows half of it is UNKNOWN! Back to scene Johnnys puzzled look changes to shock as he looks up and SEES Patty, the Christian slave girl, whos is next to die at the hands of Hela. Right behind Patty, is an old lady. Its Katy! The crowd is cruelly hysterical. Johnny is shocked! He makes eye contact with Katy. She yells for him. katy Johnny! Help me! patty Father! Johnnys face realizing this IS his daughter! HELA prepares for the kill on Katy. Another giantess prepares to kill Johnnys daughter. Johnny cant bear to watch and suddenly leaps up to help, reaching for a weapon. Hela throws Johnny back. Hela breaks Katys neck instantly. Katys last VISUAL is the sight of Johnny giving up his place as a protected citizen and trying to come to her rescue. Davids watch falls from her broken neck, hitting the floor. Johnny reaches across the ring mat and tucks the watch into his fist, unseen by the ringside officials. NARRATOR (V.O.) Katy escaped death at the hand of the Nazis long ago, but not this time. History has repeated itself... again. Johnny is in shock as he sees his old wingmans wife die. He now realizes that killing the Jews, as part of their master plan is wrong. But he is now a prisoner himself for his efforts to save Katy. In the commotion, his daughter lives. Johnny and his daughter are led off together. From the German broadcast facility, we see the bodies of the dead saints defeated in the matches being burned in great ovens. This video footage BECOMES a beer commercial. ANNOUNCER (v.o.) Our beer is brewed with an international fire-brewing method so unique, the Germans have a patent for it. We see Katys body being put into the oven that is brewing the beer. The three BUD-WIES-UR frogs are commenting all throughout. The smoke from the chimneys once again rises to Heaven where it reaches Gods nostrils. ext./int. Paradise David is seen under the altar in Gods throne room. He catches a whiff of the air and scent of smoke as it passes his nose. As he turns around, we see his face now. A huge tear falls from his eye. ext. jordan desert - day Subtitle: Jewish Passover, 2007. The Jews are celebrating Passover with Enoch and Elijah. Elijah Soon, we will return to Jerusalem and reclaim the Temple. int. Russia - day - teitan shaking hands with VLADIMIR, the Russian Federations leader as they make peace between the North and the Third Empire. teitan Today, I sign a peace treaty with my brother and companion, Vladimir Wolfovich Zhirinovsky. Together, we face anyone who defies us. United, well find peace in the Middle East. The crowd APPLAUDS and repeatedly CHANTS, Peace! vladimir China has agreed to remain within its borders, as do all the Kings from the East. I embrace my new brother and peace, as does all the world. The two men embrace to the CHEERS of the CROWD. NARRATOR (V.O.) In the land of Magog where Gog rules, Vladimir WOLFOVICH means Son of a Wild Canine. Jackals were considered wild dogs in Asia. Anubis and Upuaut, two jackal gods, were also the... opener of the ways. (pause) Then shall the lords be two in number, in the north, victorious against Eastern ones. There shall be such warlike tumult, that all the East shall quake for fear of two brothers who are not brothers of the North. June 27, 1555. Nostradamus. ext. pakistan/syrian borders - day Titans are stationed along the Third Empires borders, wearing UN peacekeeping uniforms. Their armbands and helmet display the swastika. ext. syrian desert - day Teitans troops, along with Vladimirs Russian armies, begin mobilizing towards Jerusalem. teitan We will annihilate the remnant of chosen people, through whom all these plagues came. vladimir We will hang their two false prophets from your Hanging Gardens! insert - tv monitor World Wide Wrestlings big revenge match is about to begin. announcer The event youve all been waiting for... tag team partners Thor and Hela against the Midgard Serpent and his partner, Loki! The BELL RINGS as the match begins. int. gods throneroom Jesus opens the FIFTH SEAL. The FIFTH angel, Raphael, SOUNDS his TRUMPET. EXT./ INT. Great Pyramid The FIFTH relieving stone over the Kings Chamber is supernaturally highlighted. EXT. Island of Abydon (off coast of Iran/Iraq) - DAY A huge oil refinery on the island is in the b.g. as an angel walks across the water TOWARDS US. As he get CLOSER, we SEE its Apollyon. Hes holding the keys he stole during the battle in Heaven in one hand, his staff in the other. He touches the water with his staff. A huge whirlpool FORMS, clearing the water from around ocean floor and creating a circular wall of water. Underwater pipelines burst, causing oil to mix with the wall of water and turning it black. We see the angel of DEATH leaving on his green horse. HELL stands at the edge of the abyss. Apollyon opens the abyss with his key. The FIFTH saint, Jared, pours his VIAL into the opening. HUGE amounts of smoke come billowing out. The fire from the abyss ignites the wall of oil and adds to the smoke. Out of the abyss come hundreds of spirit demons, all souls of slain giants. LILITH, joined by her two male companions, comes out last. She SEES her mother, Lililea, now dressed as HELL. LILITH Hello mother... excuse me while I go kick some human ass! ext. plateau of tibet - dark Subtitle: Somewhere near the Gobi Desert. Out of an opening in the ground, we SEE a huge door opening. From this tunnel come wave after wave of Apache helicopters. Int. helicopters All are piloted by Chinese-looking men with long, black hair. They look as if theyre cloned from the same person with black, shark eyes on an expressionless face. series of shots A) The Apaches HEAD towards the smoke-covered Third Empire. B) We SUPERNATURALLY SEE Lilith GUIDING a pilots hands. C) Others are being guided by various demons too, including Liliths two buddies. D) Apollyon is at the front of the helicopter brigade. He now leads them through the smoke cover. insert - tv screen The WWW match is heating up. Hela has Thors golden hammer and is wielding it, trying to knock out Loki. A Special News Bulletin interrupts the match as a news ANCHOR breaks in. ANCHOR We interrupt to bring this late-breaking story. A huge oil fire has erupted in the Middle East, the result of Israeli nuclear aggression. The fires are sending huge clouds of black smoke into the atmosphere. Its feared that Israel is preparing to send biochemical elements into the air space over the entire Third Empire. With the latest on the crisis, heres Teitan. TeITAN Do not be alarmed citizens. We are sending a massive helicopter evacuation force through the entire Empire. Everyone should immediately leave their homes and wait for a chopper to arrive. Everyone must be evacuated to an Empire sheltered area capable of surviving germ warfare. We see people responding by standing in droves now all over the Empire. Its very dark. The SOUND of helicopters can be heard everywhere. Everyone on the ground is looking up. NARRATOR (V.O.) (referring to the demons) And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. EXT. Jordan desert There is no cloud cover at all over the Jews celebrating Passover. Enoch is still teaching Davie Jr. to play the rams HORN or shofar. Davies attempts still dont SOUND all that great. The 144,000 with Gods SEAL on their foreheads are not affected by the plague. ext./int. worldwide - various people Christians SEALED by the Holy Spirit are not affected either. A Christian LEADER of a Passover ceremony reads from the Bible. LEADER Ye were SEALED with that Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. Ephesians 1:13 & 14. Crowds are lining the open streets, where Titans wearing gas masks are herding them into open areas. int. apollyons helicopter Apollyon All demons hosting a clone, hearken to my voice again and... fire at will! ext. apaches - wider view Firing missiles, armed with chemical warheads, into the crowds of people. FIRE from the missiles EXTENDS back to the helicopters tail region, giving the illusion of coming FROM the TAIL. NARRATOR (V.O.) And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he strikes a man. ext. crowed street - people grab at their throats, trying to breathe. Huge boils appear on their skin alongside the mark on their foreheads and hands. APOLLYON (o.s.) Bugs and viruses. Its WAR OF THE WORLDS all over again. How about a little germ warfare, kids? Instead of a common cold virus killing us ALIENS, our virus is gonna do some damage. int. house - a couple hiding here trying to avoid contamination. Childrens VOICES outside the door beg for them to Please, let us in. Upon opening their door, they discover theyve been tricked by DEMON VOICES, audibly disguising themselves. They grab their throats as the chemicals in the air take effect. NARRATOR (V.O.) And in those days, shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. We see DEATH leaving the area on his horse. Hes heading to the United States. DEATH After six millenniums on the job, Im going to DisneyWorld. ext. Atlantis - darkness covers the oceans surface as a huge ball of LIGHT shoots out of the water. Two smaller balls of light accompany it as the trio heads undetected into outer space. ext. The Abyss opening - day Subtitle: Three days later. The holy archangels are standing beside HELL. Theyre all tapping their feet impatiently. hell Hey, dont look at me. I knew it for only three days and Im here, aint I? Apollyon arrives with a horde of transparent demons, obviously minus the SOUL-less clones and helicopters. As the demons are re-entering the abyss, Apollyon tosses the keys to Michael. APOLLYON Thanks for letting me borrow the keys to Hell, pops! Apollyon stands outside the pit and morphs back into his normal dwarf-like appearance. Michael takes the keys and closes the pit, locking it shut. Apollyon MORPHS into a flying machine again and takes off. ext. third empire - aerial view - day The cloud of darkness is gone. People are writhing in extreme pain everywhere. Russian and Empire soldiers are among them, halting their advance temporarily to Israel. Construction work on the mile-high obelisk has been halted. ext./int. Jerusalem temple We see the Jews returning to the Temple to cleanse it. NARRATOR (V.O.) This was one purpose for the plague. To punish evil and illustrate the suffering to come for all rebels and hopefully, soften hearts. It also gave Jews and Christians more time. Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved; but for the elects sake, those days shall be shortened. int. gods throneroom - near altar Souls of saints killed for their testimony are below the altar. They NOTICE via Cherubim monitors that their killers arent dying. saint When will we be avenged? When will our murderers die? God Be patient. Your fellow servants and brothers must be killed first as you were. God hands all of them white robes. ext. mgm themepark, Disney World - day DEATH is standing in line with other Christians for a ride. A sign indicates the wait from here is ninety minutes. death Im in no hurry. Ive got five months to kill, no pun intended. Hes LOOKING at a Mickey Mouse statue atop a globe, which says, Crossroads of the World across its center. ext. Valley of Megiddo - day Its a hot and dry day and the valley is empty. DEATH (v.o.) Its here where the real roads of the world would meet. And Ill be there. It will be my busiest day ever. ext. Paris - place charles de gualle The place where twelve avenues meet is in the f.g. of OUR VIEW. The Eiffel Tower looms in the distance. Our VIEW SHIFTS to a nearby window covered with bars. int. paris jail Patty and Johnny are chained to a wall in the same cell. patty Sorry I got you in this mess. johnny Dont be silly. I shouldve helped you sooner. And I wouldve if Id known you were my daughter. At least were together now. And can get better acquainted. patty I dont know anything about you... or my grandparents... johnny Forget your grandfather. But your grandmother was special. Mom met dad on a flight across the Atlantic. He was a pilot too. When I was in her womb, she said I kicked nonstop on a flight to Paris from St. Louis. The Spirit of St. Louis was in me, she said. A movie made the same year of Lindberghs 1927 flight, WINGS had Shooting Star written on the nose of the heros plane. I adopted it for many reasons on my first plane. patty I wish we had your plane right now and could fly all the way back to St. Louis. johnny Me too. Johnny looks down at his chest where Davids watch now hangs. ext. St. Louis - day A man and his five year-old daughter are walking through the dried-up Mississippi River. The arch looms just ahead of them. father The Gateway to the West... where were headed... not panning for gold... just water. Gold would be nice too... We SEE he has Gods Seal in his forehead. daughter What are we gonna do about water? father God will take care of us. Maybe when the time is right, rain will fall again from the sky. daughter Ive never seen rain... Im only five... and I dont remember anything before I was two. The last three years... isnt that how long this dry spell has been going on? FATHER Yes. That means... youve never seen a rainbow either, have you? daughter Only in pictures. The man looks up at the sky and begins praying to God. FATHER Lord, Id like to show my daughter a rainbow just once before we die. We could use the rain for water to drink. Your word says that if we obey your commandments, and love you and serve you with all our heart and soul; then you will give us the rain in our land. The sky gets dark ONLY ABOVE where they are. Sprinkles turn to rain as it begins pouring all over them. A RAINBOW appears just above the St. Louis arch, giving the appearance of a DOUBLE rainbow. The father holds his daughter up as they dance in the rain. daughter Father... youre a Rainmaker! FATHER That I am... and soon the peace represented by the rainbow will be upon the earth. His Son will come through the GATEWAY built connecting heaven and earth. Itll be a COLORFUL world again someday. Youll see. daughter Do you think theres really a pot of gold on the other side of a rainbow? insert - tv monitor showing the man and his daughter talking in the rain. father Oh sure. Ill bet theres a whole city paved with gold on the other end of that one. int. gods throneroom Our VIEW WIDENS to reveal God is watching and listening to them. He smiles. ext. european battlefields - day Subtitle: Five months later Badly wounded soldiers begin dying again. News anchor (v.o.) After five months of what everyone has dubbed the five months that death took a holiday, people are again dying. ext. paris - notre dame cathedral - day Teitan is conducting a staged press conference. The ten kings, Saturn and Vladimir are all attending this State of the Union address. Teitan The Jews caused us all to suffer these past five months. We believe they are also responsible for the disappearance of my living, golden statue. We SEE that the golden statue of Teitan is not on its pedestal. teitan We must now continue our charge to Jerusalem and wipe out their entire race. Their two witnesses will die first. I will hang them myself and string up their bodies in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. saturn All remaining Christians must be killed at once. I want them dead NOW! WWWs Titan president and the popular Midgard Serpent stand beside Saturn, who motions for them to step up to the microphone. titan During the upcoming live pay-per-view, all Christian prisoners in Germany, the Capitol of World Wide Wrestling, will be killed prior to the Title tag-team main event... the long awaited rematch between Thor and Hel against the Midgard Serpent and Loki. midgard serpent The New World Order is about to evolve, as all life evolved. It will now become the Omega Society. We were the beginning, and now, we will be the END! The crowd CHEERS wildly as Teitan steps back to the mike. teitan The construction on the Sun Tower must now be completed before the Armageddon timetable set in motion by the Jews can complete itself. If this evil ET Yahweh comes, we must be ready. saturn And the transmitter must be placed upon the mile-high obelisk. Well work round the clock to complete it. ext. Space Station - huge mirror OPENS to its 83-foot diameter. It beams sunlight to Babylon on the dark side of Earth. ext. Babylon - night - satan & apollyon are atop the incomplete obelisk, soaking up the suns rays being reflected from the mirror. It reflects brightly off of their golden exterior. Some Christian slaves are working off of a scaffolding rig just below them. Satan creates a gust of wind with his wings, causing one slave to lose his balance. Together they watch as he FALLS all the way to the bottom, where we SEE his body SPLAT next to the Masonic compass and square symbol on the cornerstone. Satan (o.s.) (laughing evilly) Only Im the Prince of the Air. ext./int. Jerusalem - temple mount Enoch, Elijah, and the entire Jewish third are here now from Jordans desert. They are in prayer, rededicating the temple. enoch The Temple has been cleansed and is ready to receive our Lord. elijah Prepare the shofars for the final blast. The Jewish New Year is about to begin. Subtitle: Rosh Hashanah Davie Jr. stands beside a Rabbi practicing BLOWING on a shofar. Davie takes out his own HORN and TRIES a NOTE. It still SOUNDS SQUEAKY. ext. temple MOUNT - HANGING gardenS - ENOCH AND ELIJAH Enoch and Elijah are deep in prayer. ENOCH Lord, we know our hour of darkness is upon us. ELIJAH Let your will be done. He prays so intensely, a drop of blood drips as sweat from his forehead. ext. bottom of temple wall - titan guards and Empire Troops are quietly surrounding the Jewish Temple and digging in with artillery. A titan marksman is scouting along the Temple mount THROUGH binoculars, when he HEARS a car pull up behind him and swings around. titans pov - through binoculars - RED SATURN CAR pulling up and stopping. Teitan steps out, surrounded by his giant bodyguards. He sets his car alarm with TWO BEEPS. CAR (v.o.) Protected by Viper! Stand back! Our BINOCULAR VIEW SHIFTS back around to the top of the wall, where our GAZE meets Davie Jr., whos looking right at US. back to scene The Titan SEES Davie as he BLOWS his HORN, barely making an audible SQUEAKY SOUND. He levels his rifle and aims it at the boy. titans pov - through scope with the cross hairs aimed at Davies heart. The scope JERKS as we see Davie fall from the wall, followed by the SOUND of a single SHOT. ext. top of temple wall - josh as he HEARS the gunshot. josh Oh my God... Davie! He runs to Davies post but SEES only his shofar lying there. He LOOKS DOWN, SEEING him on the ground, with the Empire troops in the b.g. He picks up the shofar, and begins to BLOW the horn LOUDLY. ext. citys watchtowers - various angles - israeli watchmen SEE the enemy surrounding Jerusalem. They begin BLOWING their TRUMPETS. EXT./INT. JERUSALEM RESIDENCES - VARIOUS HOUSES - JEWS HEARING the warning, are SEEN scrambling for cover. NARRATOR (V.O.) The Watchman, seeing the sword come upon the land, blows the trumpet, warning the people. He who hears the warning but does not take heed, his blood is upon his own head. But he, who takes heed, delivers his soul. ext. watchtower One Watchman, fearing for his own life, drops his horn and runs for cover. NARRATOR (V.O.) But if the Watchman see the sword come and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned, any persons taken away in their sins, his blood will be required at the Watchmans hand by God. ext. jerusalem alley The fleeing Watchman runs right past a deaf and blind beggar, who is unaware of the impending danger. ext. top of temple wall Enoch and Elijah join Josh, still BLOWING his HORN. TITAN SNIPERS POV - THROUGH RIFLE SCOPE - JOSHS forehead, with Gods seal lined up with the cross hairs of the scope. It makes the sign of the double-cross. TITAN (o.s.) How quaint. Joshua blows his horn. back to scene He FIRES! The bullet is magically diverted, hitting and knocking the trumpet from Joshs hand. This causes Josh to lose his balance, falling off and taking Enoch and Elijah with him. ext. bottom of temple wall All three land on the ground beside Davies body. titan And from the walls, they came tumbling down... and it looks like Ive killed three birds with one stone. Rebekah comes running toward them from the temple, but is captured with them as well. Global television Enoch and Elijah have nooses around their necks. Teitan kicks the chairs out from under them. teitan As I spent three days in deaths grip, three days shall all of the Third Empire celebrate the death of these two! Their plagues will be upon us no more! insert - various tv screens News reports from around the world SHOW people hugging, leaping for joy, feasting, celebrating and exchanging gifts. One report shows Enoch and Elijah lying in the streets of Jerusalem. ext. jerusalem street A titan soldier strips Elijahs blue mantle off his dead body and tries it on. It doesnt fit, so he throws it over Davies dead body lying nearby. A CLOSER VIEW of Davie as he comes back to life! DEATH is INVISIBLY looking over him. He winks at him, while handing him a rainbow-colored DisneyWorld souvenir. Davie slowly gets up and sneaks past the Empire soldiers, who are being addressed by Teitan. teitan Round up ALL Jews and prepare them for public execution. Send the next train to Berlin. Well let our Titan brothers and sisters kill this batch on live television. Josh and Rebekah, handcuffed together, are being led to an awaiting railroad cattle car. JOSH (to Rebekah) Must be what its like to be married. Bracelets optional, of course. int. Denver airport A noted Mason leader activates the beacon again with the keypad. Our VIEW SHIFTS to the murals in the b.g. CLOSER VIEW shows a penguin and a quetzal bird painted on the wall. Both birds are encased in glass and listed as extinct. NARRATOR (V.O.) In the Catholic Church, nuns were nicknamed penguins. One of Jesus names given to him in South America after his resurrection was Quetzalcoatl. The nuns were done away with three and one-half years ago. Next on the New World Orders endangered species list... the quetzal bird. ext/int. tower of Babylon - top We SEE the beacon atop the mile-high tower being activated. A torch is lit and placed on the obelisks highest point, above a sign reading Enlightening the Universe. Subtitle: Three days later. int. Atlantis - ss headquarters Johnny and Patty are in chains and standing before MJ12 leaders, including Johnnys wife and father. buffy Traitor! She spits in his face. buffy At least youll be around long enough to witness our success. Too bad you wont be sticking around to enjoy it with us. JOHN You were right about Area 51 and Roswell. The aliens, or the Greys, didnt land there. We made people think they did though... that day your Jewish friend came to visit us in 47. head mason Hitler found an ancient flying machine buried below the Gobi Desert. Ancient Indian Sanskrit texts were found to be its flying manuals. Hitlers pulse jet engine came from them. The Nazis learned another secret... why those tunnels were dug in the first place. Someone had been looking for what Hitler stumbled across. Giants, frozen in ice. And an angel called Azazyel. The giants couldnt be revived but other fallen angels, who had been looking for him, soon joined him. john They gave us the computer chip which we began using in 47 and encoded it to fail on true millennial midnight... ushering in the tribulation years. They knew Gods timetable and had to stick to it. Which leads us to the UFO abductions. He looks at Patty, who looks horrified now. JOHN Oh yes. Those abductions were real. (more) john (contd) Angels were punished for mating with mankind and creating the Nephalim, or giants, before and after Noahs flood. This time... it had to be more... impersonal. Patty is getting very nervous now. fbi agent We allowed them to abduct people to create giants from human seed. They also needed blood and tissue, thus the cattle mutilations in the 70s and... missing children. Sacrificial lambs helping cure diseases for us elderly. Our biological and genetic advancements came from this research and titan nursery. JOHN A prostitute in St. Louis, Pattys mother, got pregnant and tried to blackmail me for a lot of money. She died, of course. I kept track of her daughter for years, but lost her when she started working under the table... and under the sheets for money, like her mom. Thanks to you, we found her again. Johnny and his daughter exchange looks. JOHN (to Patty) It wasnt a dream dear, you really were abducted by a UFO, if thats what you want to call it. You were the last person we used. We chose Betty and Barney Clark, a black man and white woman to be the first couple, just like Nimrod and Semiramis. God always did have a problem with mixing seeds. You should be honored though. From your seed we created a real titan in religious circles. Saturn, the false prophet... from the earth. Patty breaks down in tears. Johnnys anger turns to rage as he tries to rush at his father but his chains keep him back. JOHN Obviously, the giants never came from Titan... an illusion the Cassini probe helped create. Its timing was as crucial as the Space Stations completion. JOHNNY I saw your propaganda tape file. TV shows, movies, and the media in general used as a propaganda machine. Cartoons, shows promoting anti-family values, religion-bashing comedy, phony documentaries claiming as fact that the earth was billions of years old. You even used your propaganda machine to influence kids, you bastard! Johns breathing becomes strained again and is forced to temporarily put on his oxygen mask. Then, after several breaths, he speaks. JOHN Thats right. We even sold drugs to kids to support our illegal operations. Your own family funded the radio experiment known as WAR OF THE WORLDS. cia director That Halloween broadcast taught us how to pull off chaos and set up FEMA. Wall Street was an obvious target in order to cripple our own economy. Besides, we had everybodys money. We set up Europe as the New World super power with Berlin leading the way. You see, the Nazis never died. Project Paperclip kept them alive. A five-star GENERAL from the U.S. enters the room, joining in. general Our Cold War machine kept funding alive from taxes to fight an enemy WE created and controlled. As the Four X-Presidents would say, Aliens and communism are one and the same. CREATED foes. JOHNNY I saw your Four X-Presidents in the SNL cartoon. There never was bipartisan politics in this country, was there? GENERAL Any President or elected official that refused to play our way was taken out, one way or the other. And yes, that would include all the Kennedys. Assassinations created cover-up trails so we created accidents instead. Yet nobody thought it odd that Sonny Bono and a Kennedy both died of skiing accidents on the same weekend. HEAD MASON Hitler was right... people dont think. mj12 member Our privately controlled Federal Reserve Bank gave us control of the economys Bullish market. The IRS kept anyone from getting rich the old fashioned way. The average man struggled from paycheck to paycheck. Both mom and dad had to work just to make ends meet. Of course, feminism gave us twice as much tax revenue. We became your kids babysitters with year-round schooling. Our Channel One media machine kept them... conditioned. mason A Doctorate degree is really just the THIRD degree from our liberal universities, funded by our blue-blooded, Third Degree Blue-book initiated family. Like, one big Fraternal Order... we are the world police. Johnnys anger has reached its peak! JOHNNY Youve set yourself up as gods! In Exodus 3, God said to Moses, I am that I am! Masons use Gods own label for themselves. Remember March 2, 1999? The day a patent was given for an implanted computer chip bar code. Christians were led to believe it was the mark of the beast. (more) johnny (contd) On that day, I read one of the most-read stories in English, GREEN EGGS AND HAM, to little kids on national TV with other famous celebrities. That story has a SAM, I AM character. Could that be... Uncle Sam? Getting the world ready to eat your story about the aliens creating our very life... the egg? And through the seed of Ham... Nimrod? Also the one animal which defiled the Jewish Temple? Youve been conditioning the world to accept little green men for years now, father. Well, where are they? The video monitors all throughout the secret underground city simultaneously lose their signal, leaving only VIDEO NOISE or SNOW. JOHN ... Theyre here. ext. Space Station One large UFO and two smaller ones appear alongside the Space Station. montage A) The ships land in Babylon, where they are greeted by Teitan and Saturn. The Grey aliens look like the serpent from the Garden of Eden. B) Children greet the ETs. Theyre not afraid or terrified of them. C) Dozens of the little creatures come off the ship and mix with the kids. D) Their parents just smile as their kids become the ambassadors of the world to these similar-sized aliens. E) Babylonian merchants are selling alien dolls, which people buy until theyre all gone. F) Another vendor is frying green eggs and ham. END OF MONTAGE ext. babylon tower - press conference The larger GREY steps up to the microphone. A computer-translating device interprets into the various languages. grey What the Titans told you about our race is true. (more) grey (contd) We created your species in their image. Ever since our home planet in the Pegasus star system got too close to our sun, weve been traveling through the galaxy, looking for a new home and sewing seeds of life everywhere we go. One of the smaller Greys comes forward with a triangular-shaped piece of metal with strange markings engraved up its center. Saturn brings the other two pieces found on Earth. The Grey takes them, placing his piece at the bottom of the disk shape now formed by the joined pieces. The MARKINGS up the center, human chromosome strands, combine with the EDGES of each piece to resemble a PEACE SIGN! GREY We come in Peace! The crowd breaks into a thunderous APPLAUSE. TEITAN The Jews are liars and the greatest danger to mankind. If we are not able to exterminate him, the war will be lost. They must be destroyed... so mankind can endure! Crowd CHEERS! Many can be SEEN in the b.g. burning Bibles. saturn The seven-year treaty has expired and their Messiah has NOT showed himself. More proof of their lies! They caused the three-day cloak of darkness, which allowed them to use germ warfare capable of attacking specific genetic types, mostly Palestinians, who are the real heirs of Palestine. Only by destroying them will we be rid of their plagues and lies. A little girl and boy have made their way up to the platform. Shes holding a stuffed ET doll resembling a Teletubbie in one hand and a dead, potted flower in the other. The little boy is holding a plate of green eggs and ham. SATURN Weve not had rain for over three years. All the flowers have died. The Grey stretches out his longest finger and touches the flower. As he does, his finger and monitor-looking belly begin to glow. GREY This is how we create life... The flower comes back to life, blossoming before our very eyes! Suddenly, a small dinosaur-type dragon exits the Greys UFO. It stands next to the Grey and appears to be smiling. The little boy offers the dragon the plate of green eggs and ham, which he swallows hungrily. A fly lands on top of the little girls head, getting one of smaller Greys attention. Suddenly, he uses his tongue like a frog, catching the fly. The little girl blushes as the Grey smiles, licking his chops. NARRATOR (V.O.) And mankind believed the lie from the serpent beings, that they created all living things. They themselves had swallowed the story about green eggs and ham. The crowd begins chanting Armageddon! INT. DENVER, UNDERGROUND TRAIN STATION Hundreds of Secret Service Agents and FEMA State Police guards are everywhere. It becomes obvious why as we SEE Englands Queen Elizabeth and Prince William being escorted to a high-speed train. Several guards are carrying the coronation stone and chair in a procession before them. ext. sargasso sea day three ufos hover above the ocean, then dive beneath the surface. int. Atlantis underground city - throneroom The secret society has relocated here, preparing for some kind of coronation or religious ceremony. Priests, guards and well-dressed members line the aisles in an orderly fashion. Johnny and Patty are chained to a wall in the b.g. The royal procession enters with Queen Elizabeth and Prince William. They are followed by the three Greys. John Sr. kneels before Elizabeth, who curtsies. He then kisses Prince Williams hand, bowing his head. Walking up to the Grey, he kisses him on the cheek, causing him to morph into SATAN! JOHN Kiss a frog and he turns into a Prince... of Darkness. The other two Greys MORPH into Apollyon and Azazyel. Johnny looks at the three former Greys, now their original selves. JOHNNY The three frog-like spirits that lead the world astray... and to Armageddon. Satan takes a golden canteen from his belt and offers it to John. John takes it, and drinks. satan (to Johnny) Water... from the original River of Life which flowed from your Garden of Eden. It has kept your father alive all these years, waiting for this day. Its how we struck our little deal. john Yes. And now that our plan is almost complete, Ill let you know the rest of it. God promised David, the first beloved King of Israel, hed always have an heir on his throne. His throne was the stone known as Jacobs Pillow. Believe it or not, Jeremiah brought this coronation stone to Ireland from Israel. He also brought the kings daughters and continued the royal line. Sure, the Stone of Scone went from Ireland to Scotland to England. But, it still roars like a lion when true nobility is crowned. Today, after Jesus is defeated, well be crowning young William as the New World Orders first beloved king. johnny So thats why you had Princess Diana killed... to keep an Egyptian from taking your coveted throne. john Yes. But, Im not totally without a heart. We had her killed in the very spot where legends say if you die there, your soul goes straight to Heaven. Why do you think we chose Paris to set up the image of the beast? At least saved Christians that died for their cause... went straight to Heaven. SATAN Saved souls? God only saved eight people during the flood in order to preserve only his good seed... and his promised redeemer. Here, well below the harmful effects of the suns radiation, weve kept the dragon alive and grown our own dinosaurs. Made a pretty convincing display, proving to the world that we came from your past, huh? We may have failed to pollute the seed of man and prevent the redeemer from coming, but we wont fail to wipe out the Jew. How can they have a Messiah if theyre not around? AZAZYEL Well stop him this time. After Armageddon, all the earths nuclear weapons will completely purify the earth by fire. SATAN Yes, Operation Samson. This time the only survivors will be onboard the Space Station... my ark of safety. john Lucifer gave us the design for the Saturn rockets which took man to the moon. Five rockets, like the original five cherubim. Like the five computers which are now needed to fly the space shuttle. Even the names of the shuttles were carefully picked to complete the sentence, A Colombian Enterprise to Endeavor for the Discovery of Atlantis... and all Challengers shall be destroyed! satan After we destroy the rest of mankind, only MY chosen human disciples will repopulate the earth. And I, like the Phoenix, will rise from the ashes. JOHN Heres the best part. After weve helped defeat Jesus, Satan will ascend to Gods throne and take the Tree of Life. Well have eternal life in our present sinful state -- the one thing God prevented Adam and Eve from doing. patty What about my kids? What have you done with my two kids? john You mean the ones we abducted and allowed your father to adopt? His own grandkids? Theyre safe aboard the Space Station already. Ill be making a special blood sacrifice when this is all over. And human flesh of children is most tasty. Ever had some? But you dont eat meat offered to pagan gods, do you? Patty has managed to slip out of her restraints now and charges John. patty You BASTARD! An MI6 royal secret service agent for the Queen of England SHOOTS her dead over Johns LAUGHTER! ext. China - day - Karakoram Highway Subtitle: October 13, 2007. Subtitle: Its 10-13-6007 A.L., or Anno Lucis, in the year of the light. Masonic Calendar. Subtitle: 700 years EXACTLY after Jacque De Molays arrest. Subtitle: The Day of the Templars Revenge. Subtitle: becomes... the Day of the Lord. 200,000,000 Chinese tanks are using all lanes of the highway as they are headed west, towards the Euphrates. NARRATOR (V.O.) There shall be in a month of October a great revolution made. Everyone shall think the earth has gone down perpetual darkness. In the Spring and after this shall be extraordinary changes, reversals of kingdoms and a great earthquake... Nostradamus. Global TV Two wrestling matches are being broadcast LIVE from Berlin and Babylon. Josh and Rebekah are ringside in Berlin, waiting their turn to die. As Christians are slaughtered in these death matches, we SEE them being burned. The SMOKE from their bodies burning in the crematories RISE EXT./INT. heaven - GODS NOSE as it mixes with prayers, offered up with the incense from a golden censer. VIEW WIDENS, showing the angel of the altar and fire is holding the censer. God Its time for wicked man to taste and feel my wrath. He signals Jesus to open the last TWO SEALS. Jesus opens the sixth AND seventh seal, together. The sixth and seventh archangels, Remiel AND Gabriel, BLOW their TRUMPETS. The sixth AND seventh saints, Lamech & Methuselah, pour out their vials. ext./int. egypt - Great Pyramid We supernaturally SEE the two stone slabs, forming the roof of the Kings chamber, being highlighted. int. Heaven - gods throneroom The angel with the golden censer fills it with fire from the altar and casts it DOWNWARD INTO the earth. God It is done. heavenly voices (shouting) The kingdoms of this world are now become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. The twenty-four ELDERS come off of their thrones. elders (in unison) ... your wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that you should give reward to your servants, the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear your name, small and great; and should destroy them which destroy the earth. Global TV The dual-simulcast of the wrestling matches in Berlin and Babylon is heating up now as Josh and Rebekah are next to be killed. Four Hells Angels ride in on Harleys, escorting the next Titan wrestlers from the New World Order. Four mean-looking bikers with lots of tattoos depicting evil angels and skull and crossbones remain at the four corners of the ring. ext. day - Euphrates river RECEIVES the sixth vial upon it, causing it to dry up. Four angels bound under the river: AMAZARAK, PENEMUE, TURYAL, and TAREL; are released as the SOUND of the sixth TRUMPET reaches them. These angels look really rough and are heavily armed. One angel even has a sword with a skull on the handles top with cross bones as the hand guard. ext. syria - day - Karakoram Highway - chinese tanks are lined up and waiting to cross the lower Euphrates. A Chinese FLAG over the lead Chinese tank, waves in the wind. The flags four smaller stars DISSOLVE INTO the four angels from the Euphrates. They lead the tanks across the dried-up river, heading west toward the valley of Megiddo. ext. Outer space - the sun has been burning at an accelerated rate and now burns completely out. Its COLOR goes from the bright YELLOW to a RED, then completely DARK. NARRATOR (V.O.) Just ten thousand years after its creation, the sun became black... and the moon as blood. The moon reflects the suns changing colors. Its final reflection we SEE is a dark red. ext. Valley of Megiddo - night All twelve roads leading here are filled with Russian and Empire troops as they arrive. All carry banners with the SWASTIKA. NARRATOR (V.O.) Before Hitler, the swastika represented the sun. By turning it backwards, it became known to Nazis and Satan worshippers as the Black Sun... in honor of the original black son, Nimrod. Once again, as history repeats itself, the sun had become black. More troops arrive carrying bright red Muslim flags. The crescent moon is very prominent on the flag, which now also carries the swastika. NARRATOR (V.O.) The Islamic moon which glorifies the original Moon Goddess or Semiramis, shines over the Red flag of Communism. Russian armies, carrying their red flag with its iron hammer and the sickle, resembles the Islamic moon on the Arab flag. NARRATOR (V.O.) The Russian sickle is seen by their new Arab brothers as the Red Moon. Darkness is upon all the earth. Only the remaining stars in the sky can be SEEN now. empire captain Bring me a thousand Christian prisoners and burn them as torches! Let them be the light for the worlds armies, a thousand points of light, showing us the way to Jerusalem! ext. road to jerusalem is now lined with human torches, as we HEAR them SCREAMING. ext. saturns orbit - cassini probe suddenly EXPLODES! This explosion causes ANOTHER ring to form around Saturn from the impact. The double ring looks like an X or a cross. The explosion literally obliterates the moon Titan. int. space station A Titan onboard, witnesses the damage caused by the American probe and is OUTRAGED! titan I knew 72 pounds of plutonium would jeopardize Titans safety. We had started building bases there. Now theyre ruined! He addresses Hal, who is backing up with every word. hal Dont blame me! I didnt put the stupid probe there. titan Maybe not you, but your stupid race did. Now, all of you will pay. An eye for an eye, huh? Lets see how you like losing your moon bases. ext. earths moon - far side A huge Titan mother ship is positioning itself over the moons secret bases. A HUGE BEAM of LIGHT comes from the Titan ship, hitting the bases HARD! EXT. jerusalem - night - crowds of jews are staring up at the heavens with amazement. crowds pov - the night sky The huge explosion of the moons far side has PUSHED it TOWARD Earth and its being PULLED IN by Earths gravity. As the moon ENTERS the Earths atmosphere, its surface becomes blood red, BURNING on entry. Suddenly, we HEAR the SOUND of THUNDER. LIGHTNING fills the night sky as bolts begin arcing between the earth and moon. earth - overhead view We can SEE that the gravity of the moon is pulling on the seas and causing the high tide to go crazy. Waves become tidal waves. NARRATOR (V.O.) And there were signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring. ext. temple mount - night An Empire soldier guarding the dead bodies of Enoch and Elijah receives an urgent message on his remote laptop computer. insert - computer screen where Teitans face appears. teitan Burn the bodies of those two dead witnesses, NOW! EXT. JERUSALEM STREETS - JEWISH BYSTANDERS are looking up. crowds pov - the moon as it EXPLODES into thousands of little shooting stars, heading into Earths atmosphere! A VOICE OVER comment can be HEARD from a BYSTANDER. BYSTANDER (v.o.) My God, look at all the stars! back to scene Another man, looking up, grabs his chest. He falls to the ground, suffering from a heart attack. NARRATOR (V.O.) And the stars FELL from heaven. And mens hearts failed them for fear, looking at those things which are coming upon the earth. For the powers of heaven had been shaken, like a fig tree casting her untimely figs when shaken by a mighty wind. series of shots A) Sprinkles of raindrops mix with the THUNDER and lightning, followed by a huge monsoon as the first rain in over three years falls hard. B) As the officer starts to set Enoch and Elijahs bodies on fire, the rain puts out his torch. C) The rain everywhere extinguishes the burning bodies of the dead Christians. ext. st. louis - dark - raining The father, a.k.a. Rainmaker, and his daughter are being drenched with the rain. DAUGHTER Daddy, are you making all this? fathER No, this is someone elses work. Someone a lot bigger than me is doing this. ext. jerusalem - night - raining People are dancing in the rain. Many are looking up as the sky opens like a scroll and we can see the light of Gods temple, where we SEE the ark of his testament. We SEE Christ in the air now as the SOUND of the last TRUMPET reaches earth, causing a GREAT EARTHQUAKE to begin. An ANGEL comes from the Temple in Heaven. Temple angel (shouting to Jesus) Its time! We SEE Jesus with a sickle in his hand. Temple angel Thrust in your sickle and reap for the harvest is ripe. With the trumpet still ECHOING, Jesus reaps. Jesus Come up hither. ext. jerusalem streets - enoch and elijah HEAR the echoing words of Jesus and the SOUND of the archangels last TRUMP, and RISE as they ascend UPWARDS towards Heaven. EXT. GRAVEYARD where graves, opened by the great earthquake, allow the resurrection of dead saints. NARRATOR (V.O.) At the last trump, the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and they shall be changed. The sound of a trumpet could raise the heaviest stones. Now, it moved all the tombstones of the saints, causing the greatest earthquake of all time... and raised up the dead. ext. Babylon - Hanging Gardens We SEE all the hanged men resurrected. INT. Atlantis Patty awakes from the dead. Her body has changed to an immortal one now. She looks at her father. As a guard OPENS FIRE on Johnny, hes suddenly changed too, as he VANISHES! Davids watch drops to the floor with a CLANG! insert - davids watch as the second hand stops. NARRATOR (V.O.) The time of the Gentiles... ends. Those still alive are changed instantly and ALL the saints meet Jesus in the air. For behold, I show you a mystery; not all will sleep but shall be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. God has not appointed His Saints to wrath, but to salvation. EXT. EARTHS ATMOSPHERE - HIGH ANGLE We NOTICE that the 144,000 marked Jews do NOT get raptured. NARRATOR (V.O.) 144,000 were taken with Jesus as the first fruits of the resurrection. That same number was now left behind, marked from the Four Corners of the Earth. The law of gleanings required that someone reaping their harvest, not to reap the entire corners, nor every grape from the vineyard, nor the gleanings of the harvest. This was left for the poor... and the stranger. Or in this case, the Gentiles. David is reunited with his body. Katy is reunited with her body. As the SAINTS go UP, Gods WRATH is coming DOWN, truly SNATCHED or CAUGHT AWAY at the LAST SECOND! The Woe Angel comes again. woe angel (to surviving humans below) The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe comes quickly. ext. Heaven Its very quiet here as there is nothing going on at all. An angel looks at his watch. ANGEL This is the quietest half-hour Ive ever witnessed here. Suddenly, a little girl appears before the angel. Its HEATHER OROURKE, the star of the POLTERGEIST movies. HEATHER Theyre here! A great multitude which cannot be numbered, of all nations, peoples and tongues APPEARS in the throneroom. NARRATOR (V.O.) These were they which came out of the great tribulation. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more, neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. EXt. Berlin - RAINING Josh and Rebekah are running away from the sports arena, apparently escaping during the chaos. rebekah Now what? A squadron of German fighter jets flies overhead. josh I have a plan. ext. Paradise The SOUND of the THUNDER mixes with the JETS as it ECHOES beneath. The saints, reunited with their bodies, are SEEN receiving white robes. David and Katy are tearfully embracing as theyre reunited. Thousands of white horses are brought in and many of the saints are mounting up. David, whos still glued to Katys side, goes to Jesus. Saints surround Him with happy tears in their eyes, which He wipes away with His hand. We can SEE a nail print in His hand. David Can I ride my own personal Mustang when we return to earth at Armageddon? Jesus Its okay by me. ext. Jerusalem Troops advancing towards Jerusalem are killing Jews as they enter the outskirts of the city. Women are being raped. ext. Megiddo The Chinese tanks have crossed the Euphrates River and are now lined up FACING the antichrists armies. Their four angel leaders give the COMMAND. China begins BLASTING away at them. Some of the nuclear missiles are FIRED at Teitans ten kingdoms. ext. Bethel (Israel) - Heavens Gate Jesus comes from Heaven with His army of saints and angels to save the Jews. They arrive through a gateway on earth that is connected to Heaven. NARRATOR (V.O.) This is Jacobs Ladder. Its here that angels travel back and forth between Heaven and Earth. On one end, Earth. On the other, streets of gold. As he arrives, the darkness from the loss of the sun and moons light is lifted as a new light comes with Jesus. Its seven times brighter in the daytime and the night is as bright as the former sun. Jesus Let the truth be known! montage A) The twenty-seven global positioning satellites orbiting earth begin sending a signal to the earth below. B) This causes every video screen worldwide to display the final speeches made by John, Satan, etc. to Johnny in Atlantis. C) Now all the world knows the real truth. This double-edged sword causes fighting to break out between men, realizing theyve all been double-crossed. END OF MONTAGE series of shots A) Suddenly, brother turns on brother as other nations turn on each other and start killing themselves as well. B) Satan, the demons, the giants, the ETs and all his angel forces hidden underground now come against the holy angels and the saints. C) Jesus stands on top of the Mount of Olives, watching. D) Suddenly, from the same place in the sky where Jesus and the Saints appeared, there comes a white airplane. E) Its David, flying an all white P-51 Mustang! Hes dressed in an all white WW II style military uniform, with emblems of Gods seal and the Star of David on the sleeves. F) The guardian angel painted near the nose of his plane is tastefully clothed now in white and has Katys face. The Katy is written just below the painting. G) David joins Heavens Guardian Angels in the fight against Hells Angels, aided by modern jets from countries around the world, now flying towards Israel. H) As soon as David appears, a Titan fighter engages in a dogfight. I) David reverses and closes in quickly. He uses his machine guns to splash the Titan ship. J) Before he can even catch his breath, a UFO comes in from behind, as laser fire spits out green bursts at Davids plane. K) To make matters worse, two Syrian jets join in the fight. L) Despite the older Mustangs technology, its supernatural abilities give it some advantages. M) After much maneuvering and counter-maneuvering, one of the jets gets a radar lock on Davids plane. The WARNING in his cockpit SOUNDS LOUDLY. N) Just as the jets pilot is about to squeeze off a missile, his jet EXPLODES in a huge ball of flame! INT. DAVIDS PLANE David HEARS an old familiar voice in his headset as his old wing man. Johnny (o.s.) Just like old times... still making the air a safe place for angels to fly. He comes flying alongside David in his white P-51 Mustang. The nose of his plane reads, Spirit of St. Louis. david Thanks buddy. How would you like to be my wing man on one more mission over Germany? johnny Berlin? david Yes... I lost my wife there. Also, were headed to Bergen Belsen. She lost a friend there... a girl named Anne. johnny I lost a friend there myself. Best wingman I ever had... ext. Berlin overhead view www arena Johnny and David arrive on the outskirts of the city. German surface-to-air missiles explode all around them. In a Blitzkrieg-style maneuver, they both dive-bomb these ground forces. Hela and other giants SEEN fleeing the arena facilities get blown to pieces. Davids cockpit radar indicates two fast-moving jets approaching from behind. DAVID Weve got company! JOHNNY Roger that. Two German F-22s. A VOICE comes over their RADIO from the German jet. JOSH (O.S.) Hello gentlemen. Need some assistance? Josh and Rebekah come alongside the older Mustangs. REBEKAH We needed a ride back to Israel. Wanna join us? DAVID First, were going to right a wrong for all the Jews who died here. Wanna join us? JOSH Wed be honored to accompany you as your wing. ext. Bergen-Belsen overhead view We can SEE the concentration camp below. Anti-aircraft tracers are coming from the ground, exploding all around DAVIDS PLANE where two bombs are attached under each wing. One says, BERGEN on it, the other says, BELSEN. DAVID (o.s.) Bombs away! He drops them both, while the other three planes bomb the ground forces below. The concentration camp EXPLODES! All four pilots give each other a thumbs-up. johnny Now its my turn to ask a favor. Would all of you accompany me to a place in the Atlantic? ext. Mount of Olives day - jesus stomps his foot three times. The earth starts to shake. The ground splits under Jesus feet and water starts gushing out. jesus Mountains and islands, hear and obey my voice... remove yourself and be cast into the sea. For truly I say to you, if you command the mountain to remove itself and to cast itself into the sea, it will obey you. EXT. EARTH - OVERHEAD VIEW VARIOUS ANGLES Mountains are removed from their place and every island sinks into the ocean. This causes huge tidal waves. EXT. SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN DAY TITANIC TWO is slammed into an iceberg. It breaks in half and starts sinking. NARRATOR (V.O.) Did I mention... history has a way of repeating itself? As the ship is going down, we SEE a male and female Titan on the bow of the ship. They are holding hands for the last time as they await their impending doom. The female Titan has a flower tattooed on her arm with the word, Rose. MONTAGE A) During the EARTHQUAKE, we SEE all major cities destroyed, including San Francisco, Berlin, Paris, and Moscow. B) Babylon gets a double portion of wrath as the mile-high Sun Tower falls over, smashing Teitans Palace and his now empty Hanging Gardens. C) The torch on the towers top ignites oil seeping from below the ground. D) The entire city becomes a huge fireball as we SEE the entire city was built upon a huge bitumen pit. E) We HEAR AD LIBS from people in ships from far off wailing their cries for the fallen city. END OF MONTAGE NARRATOR (V.O.) And her smoke rose up forever and ever. EXT. temple gate - JERUSALEM - DAY Satan comes before Jesus now. Satan first appears as a Grey, then morphs to a serpents original form before the fall. satan You shouldve accepted my offer as ruler a long time ago because now, you will bow before me. Satan notices the nail-prints on Jesus feet. SATAN Looks like someone has bruised your heel. Satan charges but Jesus quickly sidesteps the advance. JESUS Go ahead. Make my Millennium. Teitan pulls up in his red Saturn car. Jesus has a fiery rock attached to a chain. Hes swinging it in a circle. JESUS Name one thing that could bring down Superman? Kryptonite. A piece of the rock... from the home planet. Remember Tiamait? The rock from which you were made? He swings it, STRIKING Satan. Satan is HIT so hard, he falls to the ground too weary to get up. JESUS Looks like someone bruised your head. Teitan gets out of his car, sets his alarm with a DOUBLE BEEP, then walks confidently towards Jesus with the Sword of Destiny in hand. Suddenly, a huge hailstone, the first meteorite fragment from the moon, HITS his arm, severing it from his shoulder, causing him to DROP the Sword of Destiny. NARRATOR (V.O.) And whenever the would-be world ruler became separated from the sword, his downfall was soon to follow. The impact from the meteorite causes the cars ALARM to SOUND. ALARM (v.o.) Protected by Viper! Stand Back! Another hailstone completely OBLITERATES the car! Teitan, now LOOKING UP, SEES the next one coming right at him, hitting him squarely upon his helmeted head and knocking him out instantly. ext. russia - russian soldiers are literally being dissolved by fire from the incoming Chinese missiles. NARRATOR (V.O.) Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. EXT. RUSSIA OVERHEAD VIEW Literally five-sixths of the Russian troops are being destroyed. The heavy tanks cant move because theyre getting stuck in the mud, caused by the heavy rain. One hundred-pound hailstones are pelting them, further crippling their attempt to flee Chinese missiles that are being fired upon them as well. JESUS (V.O.) When Gog comes against Israel, the mountains shall be thrown down and every wall shall fall to the ground. I will call for a sword against him and every mans sword shall be against his brother. I will rain upon him and upon his bands and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire and brimstone. EXT. VALLEY OF MEGIDDO - DAY An eagle swoops down over the crowd of dead bodies. Vultures are following. NARRATOR (V.O.) For wherever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together. One third of all mankind was killed in one hour, bringing the TOTAL to half of all mankind since the great tribulation began. One would be taken, the other left behind. Look around yourself right now, wherever you are and imagine half of the people... gone. Thats how itll be on the day of the Lord. Here, for over two hundred miles, the valley was filled with blood, which reached a standing horses bridle. The eagle dives and retrieves a snake trying to slither away. He takes off and heads towards the sky. EXT. JERUSALEM MOUNT OF OLIVES - JESUS looks upon the dazed and confused Satan, who is nursing his major head wound. NARRATOR (V.O.) And thus mans redeemer full-filled his destiny... to bruise the head of the serpent. The archangel Michael arrives as another eagle swoops DOWN, and picks up the Sword of Destiny still in the clutches of Teitans severed hand. He grabs arm and sword both in his claws and takes off. Teitan is nearby lying unconscious on the ground. The three fallen angels who possessed him, Yekun, Kesabel, and Gadrel COME OUT. The fallen archangels Amazarak, Penemue, Turyal and Tarel arrive on the scene. All seven fallen archangels now surround Michael. The other six holy archangels Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel Seraqael, and Haniel appear suddenly, joining Michael. The seven holy angels face the seven fallen angels. Jesus Its time! The angels battle, each using their own strengths -- martial arts, swords, etc. Amazarak, dressed like an Egyptian sorcerer, takes his staff and throws it at Michael. The staff BECOMES a huge serpent that wraps around Michael and binds him. Penemue, holding an ink pen, throws it like a dart at Gabriels hand as he goes for his fire sword. PENEMUE The pen IS mightier than the sword. This pins Gabriels right hand, thus preventing him from getting to his sword. Yekun and Raguel are locked in various wrestling maneuvers, as are Kesabel and Seraqael. YEKEN For we wrestle not with the flesh... KESABEL ... but with spirits, principalities, thrones and Dominions. Gadrel, very proficient in martial arts, has engaged Raphael in mortal combat. Twins battle twins as Turyal and Tarel take on Haniel and Uriel. All seven fallen chiefs currently have the advantage. int. atlantis Prince William is about to sit on the throne when something HITS him squarely in the head, KNOCKING him out cold. Everyone turns around to discover its Israels KING DAVID. He has used Yekuns golden slingshot given to him by Michael. KING DAVID I believe thats my throne. Every guard with a gun fires at him. But the bullets seem to MAGICALLY bounce off his resurrected body and back at the person who fired it, killing them. John SEES this and disappears down a secret passageway, leaving the rest of the guards to find cover. Saturn defiantly picks up Prince Williams crown and places it upon his own head. saturn Ive already tasted water from the River of Life, shorty. So I dont think theres anything you can do to stop me. Saturn sits on the coronation chair, which remains silent, refusing to make the roaring lion sound. King David puts another stone in the slingshot and aims it at the Titans head. king david Maybe so, but man doesnt live by water alone. He releases the stone, hitting Saturn in the forehead. He falls out of the chair, stone cold! king david This is how I became king to begin with, isnt it? Laurianna now APPEARS in the secret room. laurianna Ill take him... to his new kingdom. ext. jerusalem - mount of olives series of shots A) The seven fallen chiefs still have the advantage over the seven holy ones. B) Suddenly, the seven saints who poured out the seven vials, show up and assist them. C) While the seven saints help hold down the seven fallen princes, the holy angels bind their fallen foes. D) Michael, Raphael, and Uriel take Yekun, Kesabel, and Gadrel by the collar. E) All seven archangels take the seven fallen ones to the entrance of the abyss. F) Laurianna arrives with Saturn. G) She hands him over to Gabriel. H) Laurianna takes the keys from her wrist and opens the pit. I) Gabriel, Raguel, Seraqael and Haniel cast Amazarak, Penemue, Turyal and Tarel into the pit. J) As we LOOK DOWN into the pit, we can SEE the lake of fire. K) Gabriel then casts Saturn into the lake of fire, alive, as Michael and company throw in their captives, formerly known as the beast which controlled the antichrist. L) As theyre being cast in, Teitan regains consciousness. He sees whats happening and leaps up to run away. M) Michael and Gabriel grab him and toss him in the lake of fire, too. MICHAEL and GABRIEL (together) Go to Hell! EXT. EARTHS ATMOSPHERE OVERHEAD VIEW AN ANGEL holding a sharp sickle, stands in the same place Jesus stood when he reaped the righteous. We SEE the Altar Angel come out of the Temple in Heaven. altar ANGEL Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the cluster of the vine of the earth, for her grapes are fully ripe. The first angel now makes a reaping movement with the sickle. NARRATOR (V.O.) And the angel thrust his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and CAST it into the great winepress of the wrath of God. Now, the REST of the HAIL comes down, as the fragments of our moon reach earth. ext. megiddo battlefields The hail utterly destroys any of the Third Empire army left standing, along with ALL of the Chinese tanks. jesus I will tread down the people in mine anger, and make them drunk in my fury, and I will bring down their strength to the earth. Only one-sixth of Russias army survives. They are SEEN retreating as Vladimir stands alone. A large meteorite hits his left hand. Another one hits his right hand. Then, a huge chunk of burning debris hits him squarely in the head, killing him instantly. jesus Behold, I am against thee, oh Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, of the land of Magog. (more) jesus (contd) I will turn thee back and leave but the sixth part of thee. I will smite thy bow out of they left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand. Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured. Thou shalt fall upon the open field: for I have spoken it. an eagle is tearing a snakes head off and eating it. Two holy angels are standing over Vladimirs body. An evil angel APPEARS beside them, coming FROM the dead Russian leader. A CLOSER VIEW of the dark-clad angel reveals the name GOG written in his forehead. NARRATOR (V.O.) As did the double reference in Ezekiel 28 speak to the Prince of Tyre, the man; it also spoke to the cherub, Lucifer. Ezekiel 39 refers to the Russian leader, the man Vladimir; but also the chief prince or high-ranking angel over the land where he came from. Angelic princes rule over land. Boundaries were set according to the number of angels. The inheritance of nations were divided when God separated the sons of Adam. Evil strongholds must be overpowered by holy ones. On the day of the Lord, all strongholds of evil, all kingdoms of men and evil principalities, now belonged to Jesus. INT. Atlantis John has been watching everything on the video monitors. He gives a launch command. John Now, its time for the final phase. Operation Samson begins. ext. american military bases - missile silos open all across America. Missiles head towards the Middle East. InT. SPACE shuttle Atlantis John and his wife and all of the other MJ-12 members, are onboard. Int. space shuttle Endeavor We HEAR the COUNTDOWN come to its end with Blast off! The pilots onboard are busy monitoring the five onboard computers and their various readouts. ext./int. missiles day - over Atlantic Ocean The targeting computers guiding the missiles heading towards the Middle East show they are on course. Int. space Shuttle Atlantis John watches the shuttle pull away from earth on his own personal monitor. Suddenly on his screen, he sees an old lady. Its Katy as an old woman. KATY Remember me? I really dont think you shouldve trusted the ones who gave you your computer chip. After all, its built on sand. Shes transforming now into her 16 year-old self. katy Lets see how the secret government of the United States and Germany likes wearing the color red. She clicks away on a computer keyboard. Now the missiles all change course and one turns back. insert - missile tip which reads, New World Order and The Omega Society. The swastika symbol appears beside the Masonic compass and square symbols. back to scene Its onboard computer shows its new heading Atlantis! Johnnys pov - missile going through an opening in the ground leading to the underground headquarters known as Atlantis. JOHNNY I believe that one had their name on it. int. underground atlantis The BOMB EXPLODES, destroying Satans throne, and the Masons hideout. The BLAST goes through the network of tunnels and kills all of the giants inside. int. Space Shuttle Atlantis John is giving orders to manually control the shuttle but the pilots cant take it off autopilot. ext. Atlantic Ocean Another missile is now heading towards the shuttle Atlantis. The missile IMPACTS the shuttle causing it to EXPLODE. JOHNNY (o.s.) As Challengers to their Colombian Enterprise -- we Endeavor for the Discovery... and destruction of Atlantis. ext. the four aircraft David and Johnnys planes roll-off, followed by Josh and Rebekahs jets. The EXPLODING underwater city can be SEEN below. josh (O.S.) Where next, gentlemen? johnny (O.S.) You and Rebekah cant follow me and David on this next mission. Youre still made of flesh... to preserve the Jewish seed during the upcoming reign of peace. Were immortal now and have to tread where only angels dare fly. int. underground cities Men continue to AD LIB blasphemies against God throughout the destruction of the hail and earthquakes. Others are throwing their idols of silver and gold to the fleeing moles and bats underground with them. The RICH try to hide themselves in their underground cities but to no avail. Many are begging AD LIBS for the rocks of the caves to fall on them to hide them from God. Masons and Secret Society people hiding underground, also beg the walls to collapse on them. As the big EARTHQUAKE HITS hardest, the walls do cave in on them, killing them all. Ext./int. Washington DC The earthquake topples the National Monument. Its pointed top section flies up in the air and lands upside down in the oval office piercing the presidential seals eagle with its thirteen arrows and thirteen olive leaves. INT. SMITHSONIAN (WASHINGTON DC) - George Washingtons statue as Zeus, is beheaded. In the b.g., we SEE that Lindberghs plane, the Spirit of St. Louis survives. ext. jerusalem - an angel with the key to the bottomless pit comes down from Heaven with a GREAT chain in his other hand. He grabs the dazed and confused Satan and binds him with the chain. ext. the abyss - the angel opens the bottomless pit and casts Satan in. He seals and locks the abyss and places a CLOSED sign over the door. insert - sign with For a Thousand Years handwritten under Closed. back to scene We see thousands of birds in the air. EXT. THE DARKENED SUN - OUTER SPACE An ANGEL is standing in the sun. ANGEL All fowl that fly in the midst of heaven, come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God; That you may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great. buzzards and vultures head toward the dead bodies. The valley of Armageddon is filled with blood for almost two hundred miles and as high as the bridle of a standing horse. NARRATOR (V.O.) And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs. ext. jerusalem - an eagle flies DOWN towards Jesus. In one claw, he has the Sword of Destiny. In the other claw, he holds an olive branch. Jesus takes the sword in his hand and places the olive branch around his head as a wreath or Liberty cap. He smiles. The Eagle takes off TOWARDS the United States. ext. outer space - space station Johnny and Davids supernatural P-51 Mustangs arrive alongside the International Space Station. david Hal... open the Shuttle Bay doors... NOW! int. space station - hal is frantically trying to reach anyone on his radio but is having no success. hal Im sorry Dave... but I cant do that. J.J. and D.D. are watching in the b.g. They spot two space-walking suits used earlier by astronauts working on the huge mirror. ext. outer space - two shot - david and johnnys planes Johnny SEES something near the back of the Space Station and maneuvers around. johnny Ive got a fix on something. Follow me. David joins him. They both spot J.J. and D.D. coming out an emergency door, dressed in the space-walking suits. david Ill get the girl. johnny (laughing) You always do. ext. New York City - various angles of the city in ruins. Our FOCUS NARROWS on the United Nations statue of a man beating swords into plowshares with his hammer. The statue is melted and badly dinged. int. statue of liberty Hillary Rodnim is inside the statues torch. Miraculously, she has survived. A media cameraman is with her. hillary All right. Now, I want you to get a shot of me taking a bite out of an apple... taking a bite out of the Big Apple, get it? Obviously Ive survived the attacks from above so its meant to be that I alone lead this nation as it rises out of the ashes. Here, get ready to start taping... wait until I take the first bite. This will prove to the world its okay to eat the forbidden fruit... nothing bad will happen... you can do whatever you want... you wont DIE! ext. statue of liberty - torch as the LAST fragment from the moon hits the torch, obliterating it entirely. NARRATOR (V.O.) Ironic that one who associated herself with the original Moon Goddess was destroyed by a rock from the very thing that created her light. She illuminates the world with her false light... no more. ext. st. louis - a huge rainbow has replaced the metal arch, now destroyed by the hail and earthquakes. The father and daughter are standing on the banks of the overflowing Mississippi again. daughter Theres that rainbow you always promised. The father SEES something shiny near the base of the rainbow. father Come with me. I want to show you something. As they head towards the rainbow, Johnnys plane, the Spirit of St. Louis APPEARS in the sky. It flies right through the rainbow, just under its highest point. Davids plane now APPEARS and follows the same path. int. davids plane D.D. is sitting behind David. david Are you all right? d.d. I am now. Upon CLOSER inspection, we can see that D.D. IS the very little girl that was dressed like an angel in all of Davids flashbacks. d.d. I always knew Id be rescued by my own guardian angel. They always watch over and protect you. ext. bottom of rainbow The father and his daughter have reached the place where the colors seem to come from the ground. He SEES something shiny and bends over to pick it up. Its a gold bar with the words, Federal Reserve written on it. Theres a whole pile of them, apparently buried but exposed now because of the great earthquake. daughter Wow! There really is gold at the end of a rainbow! int. Denver airport - mural showing the German boy with a hammer beating swords into plowshares is also ruined. A CLOSER VIEW shows a handwritten letter from a Jewish boy who died during the holocaust of World War II. Boys voice (o.s.) I was once a little child who longed for other worlds. But I am no more a child for I have known fear, I have learned to hate... (MORE) BOYS VOICE (CONTD) How tragic, then, is youth which lives with enemies, with gallows ropes. Yet, I still believe I only sleep today, that Ill wake up. A child again, and start to laugh and play. DISSOLVE to: ext. israel - day - green meadow where kids of all colors are playing together. Black, white, Indian, Asian, Russian, Chinese, and Jewish. Katys little brother is SEEN playing with Anne Frank. Davie Jr. is seen playing with two other kids, fraternal twins. Subtitle: The Millennial Reign of Peace. In the year 2525. Many different animals are also playing together. A lion and a lamb play together in the f.g. Other children are beating swords into plowshares. We NOTICE they each have the Name of God written upon their foreheads. NARRATOR (V.O.) All instruments of death are a distant memory. No one is learning war anymore. ext./int. Jerusalem - the temple has been completely rebuilt. All Islamic shrines are gone. King Jesus, holding the Sword of Destiny as his scepter, stands next to King David as both rule in Jerusalem. The throne chair is the coronation chair, formerly of England and the stone under it is Jacobs pillow. JACOB LOOKS at the stone under the chair. JACOB (to David) It never was all that great of a pillow. The SOUND of a lion ROARS as Jesus sits down. Crystal clear water flows from the Mount of Olives and has healed the Dead Sea. ADAM and EVE, who look as young as they did when they were created, drink from the water there. Adam The Fountain of Youth, like I remember it tasting. eve (tasting) Its a perfect world... again. David and Katy, standing in the b.g., HEAR this and smile at each other. Katys hair is very long, as is all the women here. As Katy lifts her glass to her lips, we NOTICE shes wearing a new golden watch resembling Davids old watch. katy Ill drink to that... Also standing along the river are the other righteous sons, including Seth, Abel, Noah, Enoch, Elijah, Moses, and the twenty-four elders. NARRATOR (V.O.) All the nations of the world now come to the crossroads of the world, Israel. We SEE multitudes of people coming in and out of Jerusalem. EXT. ISRAEL MEADOW - DAY - HIGH ANGLE - A BUTTERFLY flies slowly to the ground, above the kids we saw playing earlier. It LANDS between Josh and Rebekah, who are watching Davie Jr. playing with their own fraternal twins, JOSH JR. and BECKY. Johnny and Patty are standing next to them, watching J.J. and D.D. play as well. All the kids are playing softball. Their uniforms say Saints. Becky is pitching to Josh Jr., whos hitting pop flies to Davie Jr. deep in the outfield. The butterfly MORPHS into a twelve year-old Laurianna, resembling her appearance in the Garden of Eden as the flower girl. Shes dressed in a softball uniform, which says Angels. laurianna Ah baseball and softball... a little piece of Heaven on Earth. What other game allows twenty-seven outs per side, spread out over nine innings? Josh Our little Josh Jr. is very excited about the big game today. He just loves when the SAINTS play the ANGELS. rebekah (teasing) I still say its a little unfair. Who can out-hit an angel? Laurianna I have something I want to give your boy and girl. rebekah Ill call them over. J.J.! Becky! Pattys little boy comes running and arrives at the same time Josh Jr. does. Hes in uniform but hasnt put his cleats on. j.j. You need me? rebekah (laughing) I keep forgetting you two have the same initials. patty Weve got to give one of them a nickname. johnny Hey, Ive got it! My grandson loves baseball so much, lets call him Shoeless! They all LAUGH. Laurianna takes out two gold bracelets with matching symbols, the same ones she made for herself and Apollyon. She gives them to Josh Jr. and Becky. They each give her a kiss on the cheek. josh and becky (together) Thanks! umpire (interrupting) Its game time! The Saints are in the field first. Since angels can out-hit saints, the outfielders back up deep as they take the field. The angels all MORPH into children, evening up the game. CRACK! The SOUND of the first HIT ECHOES LOUDLY. As Becky goes deep for the well-hit ball, she stumbles into a crack in the ground. Josh Jr., playing right field, already backing her up, comes to her rescue. Upon removing her foot, Becky discovers something buried in the crack, apparently caused by the great earthquake over 500 years earlier. Its THE golden box or phylactery that used to belong to Laurianna, and then Eve. Becky opens it, discovering its contents -- seeds. They resemble the seeds from the fruit that Adam and Eve both ate from -- the tree of good and evil. The bracelets Laurianna and Apollyon used to wear shine brightly around their wrists as they hold the golden box. Laurianna comes running up to see if Beckys okay, and SEES them holding something. LAURIANNA (laughing) What did you two find? She NOTICES the golden box, then realizes it used to belong to her. Her expression turns more serious. becky Its a golden box with some kind of seeds in them. Do you think it would be all right to plant them? Laurianna holds out her hand to receive the seeds. josh jr. Yeah, do you think it would be okay to plant them? Maybe it would be something good to eat. As the seeds are poured into her hand, we SEE her mark on the back of her hand. DISSOLVE TO: INT. THE ABYSS - close on - male hand in chains with the SAME mark. As our VIEW WIDENS, we are expecting to see Apollyon. As we get to the mans face, we see its SATAN! Its the first time weve ever seen the glove off of his left hand since the Fall. Satan begins laughing a long, sinister LAUGH as a MALE VOICE is heard O.S. male voice (o.s.) When God created the first angel from fire, there was enough flame to create a sister angel. Enough was even left over to create a third, but smaller angel. The only angel triplets. (more) male voice (contd) The leftover fire for the third was tiny, therefore he became smaller than his first two siblings. His name was Apollyon. The first angel was Lucifer, now Satan. The sister of the two... Laurianna. The first became a cherub while the other two... simply angels. After the fall, Apollyon became the companion star, a white dwarf to the brightest star in the heavens. EXT. EARTH - HIGH ANGLE - minutes later We HEAR Satans LAUGH over our VIEW of the children in the field as our VIEW PULLS BACK, taking us farther away. male voice (o.s.) As in the millennial day of rest from creation, the same circumstances have presented themselves during the final day of rest for mankind. History repeats itself... until the end. The earth is literally covered with hundreds of rainbows. Song I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW begins. EXT. Egypt An altar has been set up in the middle of Egypt. The Great Pyramid has new white outer casing stones. Upon closer inspection, we SEE one of them says, Its still standing. Fade to: black VIDEO GLITCH Then, a computer readout displays the following words as they are typed ONSCREEN over BLACK: When the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison. Hell deceive the nations once more but will be defeated when fire from God out of Heaven devours them. This is the last destruction by fire. After which, the Holy city, the new Jerusalem will come down from Heaven, as will God, to dwell with men forever. Our VIEW WIDENS, revealing the MONITOR to be oval-shaped. Further WIDENING reveals its the MAN CHERUBS monitor weve been reading. As he SPEAKS, we realize the MALE VOICE has been his. man cherub In the beginning when darkness was upon the face of the deep, the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, H2O. When 3-D space began roughly 10,500 BC, God became three-dimensional. Like separating the three isotopes of hydrogen, the Trinity split and separated from itself. If youll understand this mystery of God and the three isotopes of hydrogen, the foundation of 3-D space reveals itself. God was a Spirit, like protium or the lightest and simplest isotope of hydrogen. From this, come the isotopes of tritium, which is likened to God; and deuterium, which is compared to Jesus. These three are also represented by the three stars in Orions belt, the first three stars created in the Heavens. Something represented by the Giza Pyramid complex, built by the Righteous Seed of Seth. The pyramid shape is the basis of three-dimensional geometry. Two inverted tetrahedrons create the male and female Star of David. The pyramid bases are at 19.5 degrees North or South latitude within the sphere. These are the foundation stones. Understand this and youll understand how God created all things by establishing the laying down of foundations. Gods only begotten son is your foundation. Hes your rock of Salvation. He died so you might have eternal life. Accept Him, believe in Him. Worship the Creator, not the created. God loves you. What more could I possibly reveal to you? FADE OUT. 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