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What proportion of cups have between 11.9 and 12.7 oz of water? 65% of the cups contain more than how much water? Find the 90th percentile for the amount of water dispensed. Find the IQR of the water fountain NAME: 3.2 HW Be sure to write probability notation! A packing machine is set to fill a cardboard box with a mean of 16.1 ounces of cereal. Suppose the amounts per box form a normal distribution with a standard deviation equal to 0.04 ounce. What percentage of the boxes will end up with at least 16.1 oz. of cereal? What is the probability that a box has less than 16.04 oz.? What is the probability that a box contains more than 16.18 oz? What percentage of boxes contain between 16.03 and 16.15 oz.? 72% percent of the boxes will contain more than what number of ounces? What number of ounces corresponds to the 15th percentile? The middle 80% of the boxes will be between what two weights? A water fountain is designed to dispense a volume of 12.2 oz. with a std. deviation of 0.5 oz. What percentage of cups ends up with at least 12 oz.? What proportion of cups have between 11.9 and 12.7 oz of water? 65% of the cups contain more than how much water? Find the 90th percentile for the amount of water dispensed. 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