ࡱ> *,'()@bjbjצצ .hhhhhhh|,D|5ID|||||WWW(D*D*D*D*D*D*D$yJRLNDhjWWjjNDhh||H&7&7&7jJh|h|(D&7j(D&7&7:|9,hh:|p h-D*R 9 (DI05I9RM7M:||hhhhMh:$ WL6&7,eWWWNDND||$7 ||In 1999 a property complex Virgin 3>@=>E8<8G5A:>3> combine in. !B5?=>3>@A:5 has been sold to foreign investor A.Gajdamaku, in his(its) person to firm " !01B>= LTD. " all for 36 million tenge. The foreign firm has undertaken obligations to pay to workers &% a duty on wages in the sum 271 million tenge. At that time property &% was estimated in the sum about 2 billion tenge. Under the contract :C?;8?@>4068 from 30.04.99 the investor took obligations to provide employment of workers on all validity of the contract (5 years), except for that to continue manufacture of chemical, metallurgical production, the electric power. So, since May, 1999. Virgin 3>@=>E8<8G5A:89 the combine with working manufacture and qualified personnel began to refer to - "07!01B>=". First four months the investor paid wages to workers in time, manufacture worked. But delays have begun from October, 1999 with payment of wages, manufacture began to stand idle is more often, than to work. The collective agreement on 2000 3 consist during 9 months. @C?:>< trade union repeatedly informed the government, parliament and even President  on the facts of infringement of Constitution , 4>3>2> @0 :C?;8?@>4068 and the collective agreement of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= ". In government RK under D.Ahmetov's presidency held meeting with participation of investor A.Gajdamaka on a question of work of the enterprise. Schedules of repayment of debts have been made, but all remained ?>?@56=5<C. Debts on wages are not paid 23 months, in $ obligatory ?5=A8 >==K5 payments are not listed(transferred) more than two years, the average wages in "07!01B>=5" remain very low and make 14167 tenges, manufacture is long stands idle, and mine Rudoupravlenija1 of item. (0=B>15 in 2002 3 at all did not work any day. The experts who have fulfilled long time in &%, are compelled to leave. In Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " recalculation of wages according to law  on the budget for 2003 where the minimal wages should be 5000 tenges has not been made. Since January, 2003 and addition changes are not brought in the collective agreement of the enterprise. On December, 5, 2002 conference of labour collective " 07!01B>=0 " on which the decision to enter labour dispute with administration was accepted has passed. But till now dispute is not resolved(allowed), though all instances down to labour arbitration are gone. @C?:>< trade union of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " on behalf of labour collective has addressed in the government, to the President about rough infringement by the investor of the Constitution, laws  and the collective agreement. Under the request 3@C?:><0 trade union the deputy <068;8A0 V.Kotovich's parliament RK has helped to organize a meeting of delegation from labour collective in government RK. As a result of a meeting at vice-prime-minister K.Masimova government RK V.Kotovicha's deputy inquiry has been directed. Except for that in government RK have addressed on a question of activity of investor A.Gajdamaka in. !B5?=>3>@A:5 deputies <0A;8E0B0. !B5?=>3>@A:0. As a result of all references(manipulations) 03.04.03 3 in the Ministry of the industry and trade the meeting with the invitation of representatives of the investor, the deputy <068;8A0 V.Kotovicha's parliament, 0:8<0 Stepnogorska N. Deninga, representatives of the ministries has taken place. At meeting the report of the representative of the investor in by Stepnogorske M. Frenkel about work of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " has been heard. The assignment(order) has been given to make schedules of repayment of debts on wages, pension payments and taxes. The investor at this time tried to transfer a part of property of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " to other enterprise, but without all duties on wages, taxes and pension payments. Letters have been directed to Office of Public Prosecutor and to the inspector of work 3 !B5?=>3>@A:5 about infringement of laws  and the collective agreement. Already there were instructions of Office of Public Prosecutor which the administration should execute necessarily. But the employer did not hurry up. From inquiry of the deputy <068;8A0 parliament of Century >B>28G0 Prime-minister to minister of Republic Kazakhstan I.Tasmagambetovu To address to you that critical situation which has developed in activity of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " (former Virgin has forced me is mountain chemical combine . !B5?=>3>@A:, :<>;8=A:0O area). The proprietor of this enterprise A.Gajdamak since April, 1999 of time of his(its) purchase constantly does not satisfy the treaty provision of sale and purchase and laws of Republic Kazakhstan. 770 absence of due financing of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " works spasmodically. The salary is paid to workers with a delay in three and more months. Debts under taxes and payments in the budget make already more than 600 million tenge, in memory pension system 167 million tenge. Especially I am excited with a state of affairs on thermal power station and objects of power system of city which provide with production !B5?=>3>@A: and are also A.Gajdamaka's property. Stocks of coal on thermal power station in separate months of last winter did not exceed 35 days. And only due to efforts 0:8<0 S.Kulagin's areas and 0:8<0 3> N.Deninga's sorts of. !B5?=>3>@A:C it was possible to go through winter of 20022003. Now A.Gajdamaka's command(team) behind a back of a management(manual) of area and city in infringement of the contract :C?;8?@>4068 has conceived segmentation of a property complex, and even transfer of thermal power station and objects of power system of city to other private(individual) hands. I ask urgent intervention of the government. G.Astana on May, 19, 2003 From the reference(manipulation) of workers of the enterprise to mass media 4,5 years our enterprise own the foreign company " !01B>= LTD. " (L.Gajdamak). For these years we repeatedly addressed in all instances with the request to help to force to respect and carry out our investor (A.Gajdamaka) the Constitution and laws . All these years the wages we receive 23 months with the big delays. Now the debts on wages has exceeded 200 million tenge (November, 2002, April, August, September, October, November 2003 3). Debts on pension payments have exceeded 200 million tenge that makes more than three years. Manufacture stands idle, extraction and processing of ore is stopped, workers of the enterprise are not provided with overalls. In connection with lack of financial assets under threat of continuation of repair and work of thermal power station and #-! in. !B5?=>3>@A:5 and item. (0=B>15. Failure of a cold season is possible(probable). 770 bureaucratic red tape and judicial BO61 it is not solved the problem registration of the enterprise, transportation of ore from item. (0=B>15. Under our references(manipulations) government RK repeatedly carried out(spent) meetings on problems of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= ". Only to 2003 by government RK it is lead(is carried out) five meetings. Schedules of repayment of debts on wages, pension payments were made, however decisions of government RK were not carried out. We, fourthousandth collective of Joint-Stock Company " S ", demand(require) immediate intervention in the sanction of the set forth above problems. We work hungry, we have no an opportunity to provide children clothes and footwear, a normal feed(meal). At that time when in means <0AA> 2>9 information speak about increase of well-being of people and construction of a lawful state in Kazakhstan, we of it do not feel 8770 actions of our investor. Therefore we demand(require), that at our enterprise laws  operated and our constitutional laws were not broken. Further follows more than hundred signatures of workers of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " On March, 30, 2003 Rough infringements of the legislation by management(manual) "07!01B>=0" have led to to long delays of wages, pension deduction, undesirable segmentation to smashing of combine. Some months successively labour collective together with ?@>D:><><, contrary to will of the rebellious investor, try to change a social status of workers. The representative of labour collective led by chairman ?@>D:><0 G.Kuzmin not once came to a conclusion about necessity of the organization of protest actions, however did not find support authority ?@545@60I8E. The chronicle of struggle of labour collective in the spring in the summer of 2003 MAY ... the expanded session 3@C?:><0 Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " on which representatives of a management(manual) were absent has taken place. Session have lead(have carried out) without them and 0:8<0 instead of which was present as chairman of the tripartite regional commission Z.Filitovich. An occasion of gathering was all same malicious default by a management of the company of laws : debts under the salary of that period more than 80 million tenge, in a pension fund 177 million. Going(Gathered) assumed to discuss and other questions the tightened(delayed) recalculation of the salary (in connection with change of the minimal salary), signing change and addition in :>;4>3>2>@, and also a situation on a chemical factory. As it was found out, the instruction of city Office of Public Prosecutor on recalculation of the salary till now was ignored by a management(manual). Then the hope that on him(it) will work the decision of the State Office of Public Prosecutor has appeared. As to wages size of last ?>40G:8, differently her(it) you will not name, has made 2500 tenges. And in general, the salary is not given out more quarter. Judgements concerning why the government allows similar 15A?@545;, expressed different, and his(its) inactivity in this case to justify difficultly. Then N.Rukavtsova, the secretary <0A;8E0B0, has expressed quite definitely: it is time to undertake courageous and radical steps, with trade union nobody is considered, have sent the letter to deputies in the government there is no answer. Many have started talking about meeting, but with the similar offer ?@>D:>< already left at the end of April, but and has not waited the answer from authorities. What 1C 45B reaction to this time, too is not known. Chairman has started talking about a situation at a factory ?@>D:><0 G.Kuzmin: the management(manual) interrupts labour contracts, changes system of a payment; if the government will go on segmentation of the company workers will stay without a pension fund. After an exchange of opinions have decided to direct references(manipulations) to highest authorities with a reminder in them about default by a management of the company of laws of the country and to suggest the government to terminate the contract with investors, and, probably, even to think of nationalization of the company. The important letters in Office of Public Prosecutor with the description of a situation on a chemical factory, in parallel the application for carrying out of meeting of the protest. Conference of labour collective of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " has taken place. On it(her) the unique question on rough infringements of legislation  by a management(manual) of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " was discussed. The company is in a fever, it is possible to tell, from the very beginning of its(her) existence, and the most topical question to this day payment of the salary. All references(manipulations), inquiries and the requirements directed to collective, vanish without consequences. JUNE Having tried literally all ways of influence resolved(allowed) by the law on a management of the company and having convinced in futility of the efforts, the labour collective has made the optimum decision to proceed(pass) to the organized protest actions. But the opportunity publicly to express him(it) has not given 0:8< N.Dening who "struggles" for rights of workers "07!01B>=0" rather for a long time. In the answer to inquiry of chairman 3@C?:><0 Kuzmin's Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " G about the sanction to carrying out of meeting on May, 24 0:8<>2A:0O the command(team), not wishing to be responsible on consequences(investigations), has suggested chairman ?@>D:><0 to lay off the action(share) in connection with underwritten: questions of social protection of workers of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " are put before government RK that is reflected in the report from 05.05.2003 years !17, signed by Minister of Economics and trade  of M.Esenbaevym; according to item. 76 regional (city) agreements between 0:8<><, trade-union organizations and employers !B5?=>3>@A:0 for 20032004 to consider expedient to consider a situation at session of the tripartite commission; in case of dissatisfaction of legal requirements of collective to return to a question on carrying out of meeting. Itself  Kuzmin has estimated it so: We count the answer refusal: exact date of demonstration 0:8<>< is not specified. But for us such turn of events was not unexpectedness. Similar, 0:8< it is confident one: time in the government is put a question, it above it(him) works ". More likely everything, a problem of "long-term construction" return more than 800 million tenge in the budget of the country a problem for the government irrelevant. And on realization in practice of the second offer 0:8<0 there are doubts therefore as for previous time the tripartite commission as the lever of influence on irresponsible owners of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " in any way not for recommended itself. Moreover, chairman 3@C?:><0 earlier already addressed with the offer to hold similar session where it would be possible to consider the problem on payment of the salary in "07!01B>=5", in particular, and a situation in the company as a whole. But support has not received. .,#!" Since that moment of a problem at the enterprise began to grow not only deep into increase in duties, but also segmentations have in breadth waited. It was represented improbable, that during that moment session of the tripartite commission can really affect a situation. On June, 5 701 term the month given by the government to management(manual) "07!01B>=0" for development of actions (the same schedules of repayment of debts in a pension fund), promoting the sanction of a problem was terminated. But then to workers of the enterprise on account of repayment of the debt under the salary have given out on 3,5 thousand tenge (the general(common) duty has made 76,5 million tenge). The picture with transfer of payments in a pension fund has not changed: as owners owed 177 million, and have remained. It nominally, and people, by the way, demanded charge of percent(interests) on not listed money. Why they should sustain losses? The truth D8=48@5:B>@C I.Rezniku had been gave the assignment(order) to understand with payment of the salary literally in three days. Anybody then did not assume an end result of these negotiations. G.Kuzmin has in brief reminded present "history" of labour dispute of collective with a management of the company. On the end of May debts on wages made 76 million tenge, on a pension fund 177 million tenge. The general director has got(started) an old song: It is paid because we do not want, that is why, that there is no economic opportunity . To collective at a management(manual) of claims, it appears, no. Still, in what other country it is possible to find so patient collective which besides only lawful <5 B>40<8 struggles for the rights, instead of breaks, for example, 2B8ECN the equipment and does not watch at the nights of infringers of legality for finding-out of attitudes(relations). On news that came 25 million tenge on the salary, present from reacted, we shall directly tell, without special enthusiasm. Many delegates wanted to express, and there was one general(common) in performances(statements): if strikes are forbidden, and other methods are already used without results what image to achieve salary payment in a lawful state? Have not ignored also segmentation: smashing of combine will lead only to to negative result. All delegates have noted, that from an effective date of collective in difficult dispute a management of the company, by the government almost is done(made) nothing for change of a situation for the best. Even workers of other manufactures experience for former combine, seeing as it(him) is in a fever from so "professional" management(manual), understanding, that the destiny of city is closely connected to a condition of a heat power complex and networks. In one of items(points) at =OB>3> decisions of conference it was recommended at failure to meet requirements of labour collective of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " 3@C?:><C trade union to prepare protest actions. And in case of default of the given decision :>= D5@5=F88 3@C?:><C trade union to leave on Federation of trade unions RK with the request to address in the SQUANDERER At the end of 2003 in Almaty next plenum &: of trade union of workers of atomic engineering, the industry and allied industries has taken place. The participant of the project D.Shubin has met chairman of trade union S.Cherskim and has asked it(him) to tell about a situation at the enterprise. As far as it is known, at your trade union questions to management of the company "07!01B>=" do not stop, about what we more than once wrote on pages of our newspaper. On plenum chairman of group committee of trade union of workers of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " G.Kuzmin has acted. What now conditions at the enterprise? Really, recently questions did not begin less. A situation at the enterprise uneasy. The delay of wages from three and more months became already norm. Besides at all are not listed(transferred) in save up B5;L=K5 pension funds the payments withheld from wages of workers, debts under taxes and other payments make more than 600 is lovely ;8>=>2 tenge. The occurred failure on thermal power station in January of the current year confirms the information on insufficient financing repair and regenerative works. Now on the part of the investor transfer of a property complex of a chemical plant is carried out(spent). There are big fears of labour collective, that this segmentation will lead to to bankruptcy of uranium manufacture and write-off from him(it) to all debts under taxes and other payments. Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " is 3@04>>1@07CNI8< the enterprise, and his(its) astable work has an adverse effect on A>F80;L=>M:>=><8G5A:>9 to conditions in city. We have addressed in all instances with the request to find an output(exit) from a developed situation. How to be farther? There are many variants. One is clearly: the situation needs to be corrected in the near future. "07!01B>=" it ?@54?@8GOB85 not the only thing which suffered from not clear policy(politics) of the above-named foreign investor. Clause(article) from the weekly newspaper of city of Aktau "040" in which problems of the local enterprise :B0; LTD. are in detail analyzed. As appeared, both these enterprises are united with a name of the general(common) investor. One investor, the same problems. The occasion to reflect. Meeting of workers at checkpoint of the enterprise :B0; LTD. with such news the population of the city of Aktau to surprise will fail, because in city already for a long time bitterly chuckle at poor fellows whom many years work at this factory. All time sit without the salary and still trust in fairy tales of administration that is literally from next month they begin to live better and more cheerfully. Last time the salary on former " gave out seven months ago. The duty of the enterprise on wages makes about one million dollars. It only for 2004. There are for the enterprise debts and for former years. And still there is a skeleton of collective which persistently tries to pull out the native enterprise from a debt hole. And whether it is possible to pull out in general it(him) under such circumstances? Industrial giant ", certainly, is a titbit for investors. The enterprise E8<:><?;5:A0 is capable to make quite competitive and liquid production. Therefore periodically there are investors who are ready to enclose and invest in the enterprise. To these investors workers of a factory for a long time have lost the account, as on lost belief that :B>;81> from owners is going to carry out of the obligations to ordinary employees of the enterprise. On meeting workers shouted, that they want to receive only the earned money, to dress, >1CBL children and to pay debts in & because anybody reluctance to sit without light which him(it) on a regular basis disconnect. The basic question: where our money? And it is valid, where they? The enterprise works, lets out(releases) production. This production on a regular basis take out on sale. And money for its(her) sale was not and is not present. Where they disappear? Technical director :B0; LTD. mister Zykov has told in this occasion laconically: we are structural division " 07D>AD0B0 ". Money pass through "07D>AD0B". All... More than any comments... It is valid, what here comments? "07D>AD0B", certainly, has a prefix ":07" which, on idea, should speak that the enterprise :0:B> concerns to Kazakhstan. Actually this attitude(relation) is rather illusive. Ask on :B0; LTD. who their investor, and all either will shrug shoulders, or will bashfully whisper: Arcady Gajdamak . Whence such modesty and unwillingness ?80@8BL own E>7O8 on? Perhaps, because all mass-media of the world give this mister raised(increased), but negative attention? About it(him) write, that he(it) has Israeli, French, Canadian and Angola citizenship. It(he) was born and began a labour way to Soviet Union, working as the cleaner in Moskovsk a circus. Has emigrated to Israel, but in 1972 has appeared in Paris, illegally having driven in France. Worked in security firm, but has been dismissed for numerous ?@>3C;K , then ?>42870;AO on a field of translations. Arcady Gajdamaka's hour of triumph has come(stepped) with arrival of reorganization. For some years the head of a bureau of translations has grown in the businessman between national scale, twirling by large affairs both in Russia and Kazakhstan, and in the Western Europe. Keeping modestly in first fifteen years of residing, it(he) suddenly without the obvious reasons began to live in grand style, the information(inquiry) of the French police about 0940<0:5 says. Activity of this person in France in any way does not explain those riches which it(he) shows. All companies in which it(he) participated, are declared insolvent under the decision of court. Nevertheless in July, 1996 Arcady Gajdamak has been awarded with the French award For merits , noted his(its) role in clearing the French pilots who have been taken prisoner to Serbs in Bosnia. A year after it(he) even has been devoted in knights of an award of agricultural merits for assistance to the French export to Russia. However soon it(he) had to search again for a refuge in Israel. In 1998 0940<0: has officially replaced the name on @85 0@;52. In January, 2001 the investigatory judge Phillip Kurrua who is running a business "=3>;0359B", has written out the international warrant behind number 0019292016 on Arcady Gajdamaka's arrest, having accused it(him) in illegal traffic in arms and abusing public property. There was it(he) on position ?>4A;54AB25==>3> and in the Geneva legal proceedings on business about plunders in connection with payment of the Angola debt of Russia. However, all this has not prevented to hold in December, 2000 0940<0:C a post of the president of bank Russian credit in Moscow . Interesting investors at us, is not that so? Well the God with them! However it is necessary to pay attention to a phrase all enterprises subordinated 0940<0:C, have been declared by bankrupts . It is necessary to ask also a question: whether it is necessary to involve investors with such reputation? Though from similar questions to workers :B0; the LTD. becomes easier not. But, maybe, at them >B;53;> with all the heart after meeting with which they have arranged on own checkpoint on October, 11. Probably, psychologically ?>;53G0;>. Were shouted, have splashed out emotions and now executions(performances) of promises can live again with empty pockets pending. And have promised him(it) to pay the salary for March and April not earlier than Friday, not later than Monday. Well though Thursday and 4>648G5: have not mentioned. However, the salary for March and April it, basically, just also means the same, as a phrase "tomorrow come never". These months the factory stood idle, hence, workers of the enterprise of thousand on seven will receive. It in region where the monthly average salary has already come nearer to fifty thousand... What waits for poor fellows with :B0; LTD. in the near future? A question, certainly, interesting. Only the answer to him(it) sounded already repeatedly. In the near future at them should appear money. For this purpose only it is necessary to work honesty. As the general director of the enterprise Victor Danilov has told, the legislation of Kazakhstan provides: has come for work work . And any meetings. Methods of voting, it appears, industrial problems to decide(solve) it is impossible. Probably, it so. But also to not pay earned laws of Kazakhstan too forbid. B>B> on meeting even has recollected idle clause(article) of the law that deliberate nonpayment of the salary attracts criminal punishment. But here again a question: and whom on :07K20BL? Management(manual) "07D>AD0B0" or K:8=0 with 0=8;>2K<? And can be. Management at a factory =8:C4KH=89 if liquid production does not bring the income? And can be, eat :0:85B> with the left unreasonable charges which should be reduced? And can be... However " ' .'ABL on these questions the Office of Public Prosecutor answers. They already fairly have bothered all: both to newsdealers, and employees :B0; LTD. . The last at all did not begin to listen especially to answers which they =5> 4=>:@0B=> heard. Have simply declared that if the administration will not pay wages in full workers will not participate once again in starting and prestarting preparation of a factory. But thus on promised what to watch(keep up) safety of the enterprise and the equipment they will ?>?@56=5<C vigilantly. This application(statement), similar, not so was pleasant to administration. The next party(set) of production can not leave on export and not bring incomes to the investor. But to hard workers on it already to spit. 0B5@?5;8AL. And to listen that is necessary to work even more and even better, they any more do not want. At a factory for a long time shortage of the staff, some employees already for a long time work for B@>8EG5B25@KE. Without any indemnifications, surcharges and even salaries. The vicious circle investors already for a long time is drawn by misters: nonpayment of wages attracts dismissal of experts and impossibility to involve new, and shortage of the staff does not allow to increase manufacture. And at last still a question: really investors do not understand, what to receive profit on the enterprise, time, even on the salary of workers is necessary :0:>5B> to incur losses? And can be, the investor needs to squeeze out only from the enterprise the last, and then it(him) to make bankrupt, how all others? In that case charges on the salary for certain were not provided at all. Both anything and to anybody for it will not be I.NESTEROV. POSITION OF THE EMPLOYER At last, the correspondent of newspapers "040:B0C" and ">;>A48;5B" to Igor Nesterov managed to get acquainted with the point of view on a problem of one of the rich people, owning the big condition, Arcady Gajdamaka. Since at a factory :B0; the LTD. has passed meeting and workers have threatened with strike, employees E8<:><?;5:A0 demand the answer to a question: there will be a salary whether or not? To continue to work or leave him(it)? The correspondent in Aktau Igor Nesterov managed to talk to the person who most better knows answers to these questions. A telephone interview Arcady Gajdamak allowed. That investor due to which money the factory has been started after many years of idle time and on which depends, whether it(he) will work further. A.Gajdamak: I shall remind you, that from the very beginning, for last two or three years, we have enclosed in a factory approximately about thirty millions dollars. This money have gone in part on indemnification on a wages and preparation of a factory for that it(he) worked. The factory completely was not ready to work At last it(he) has earned, began to let out and sell(release and sell) production. But, unfortunately, about half-year ago there was a failure. We could not realize production. On customs transition with China there was an overstocking the railway. She(it) has not coped with volumes. We have broken all our obligations on deliveries. Ddf~0 < >    6 8 ( F H "02.26BDHJbd *,pxhtRB*mH phsH )htRhtRB*OJQJ^JmH phsH htRhtRB*mH phsH htRB*ph#htRB*OJQJ^JmH phsH G "8 $(),+,{.d0N2~44d ` ]` d ]` d]` ]d ]]` ]` ]]]`` ]`HLN>X<T|"24   2 6 8 !!!!!!##P%h%&&&&&'''((((())T*l**++++htRmH sH htRhtRmH sH htRhtROJQJ^JmH sH htRhtRB*mH phsH htRB*phhtRB*mH phsH #htRB*OJQJ^JmH phsH A+,+,,,"-:-z.{.000X1b1d111111111<3T3V36 66777 999;;;;;;; <p<x<z<<<<==>>B B BBBCCCCCCDDEhtRmH sH htRB*mH phsH htRhtRB*mH phsH htRB*ph#htRB*OJQJ^JmH phsH htROJQJ^JmH sH B4479=@RC:DDE JJ VW[^^oo~w ]d ]]`d ` ]`` ]` d ]` @]@` Ud]U`EEEEFG*H:HĎڐܐVX`dƒȒ򼪞rr)htRhtRB*OJQJ^JmH phsH htRhtRB*mH phsH htRB*phhtRB*mH phsH #htRB*OJQJ^JmH phsH htROJQJ^JmH sH htRmH sH htRhtRmH sH htR htRhtROJQJ^JmH sH htROJQJ^JmH sH ,tX^`8BD:<NPܢޢ&(.2LVX 46Zbdp02в`rt(:)htRhtRB*OJQJ^JmH phsH htRB*mH phsH htRhtRB*mH phsH htRB*ph#htRB*OJQJ^JmH phsH G:"02(:Tdf hx8LNTZ\npt, bln(*xU)htRhtRB*OJQJ^JmH phsH htRhtRB*mH phsH htRB*ph#htRB*OJQJ^JmH phsH KB.H|8A  @]@` ]` ]`^d ` ]]]`` ]`And as at a factory there was no opportunity to store production, we have been compelled to stop a production cycle. Unfortunately, specificity of chemical manufacture is those, that each stop entails significant losses. Besides it, our responsible(crucial), Zharas Ahmetov, unfortunately, has left at own will and completely for us is unexpected. Except for him(it) at a factory anybody from us did not know a situation. Also it was required :0:>5B> time that with it(her) to understand. The correspondent: With a situation the audit appointed by you understood. At this time the factory once again stood and once again suffered(bore) substantial damages. Unfortunately, any big enterprise consumes significant monetary resources even then when stands idle. By this moment people on :B0; the LTD. , not receiving wages, has ripened before strike. A.Gajdamak: Besides chemical manufacture very much M=5@3>5<:>. And the electric power which sells -, very expensive(dear). In some times more dear(expensive), than in other regions that does(makes) production of factory ":B0;" noncompetitive. The correspondent: In the price for production " approximately 30 percent(interests) make charges on the electric power. Besides water, warmly, pairs is used <0M:>2A:0O. >340B> all complex  and - was under construction as a unit. Now at everyone the the spoon by a dinner . Though during the period with 1995 for 1997 attempt again to work has been together undertaken: " was part -. After this "friendship" on M=5@3>:><18=0B5 have started talking that chemists have ruined -, and on E8<:><?;5:A5 began to speak, that - has buried " and %. A.Gajdamak: we have been compelled to stop a factory and to inspect financial has put. Check and all our actions have evidently shown, that by me has been enclosed in a factory 30 million dollars. These are concrete money, instead of what =81C4L mutual obligations. And it that I am not the actual proprietor of a factory. Therefore to speak that I have come to rob a factory, it, at least, dishonestly. Further we shall gradually understand with my activity Kazakhstan. Also we shall a little depart from :B0C. The correspondent: Now speech about the city of Stepnogorsk. It A@54<0H52A:89 brother Aktau. It is similar not only architecture, but also 3@04>>1@07CNI85 the enterprises. There too uranium was extracted, there too works E8<:><?;5:A. A.Gajdamak: At the request of a political management(manual) of Kazakhstan I have completely undertaken to finance !B5?=>3>@A:. And six years paid salaries, paid in a pension fund. Contained thermal power station which gives heat and light in city. And all this free-of-charge until "070B><?@><" I have not become independent also could not hand him(it) of the enterprise. For six years on !B5?=>3>@A: I have spent about 50 million dollars. And to accuse me that I GB>B> visors from enterprises Stepnogorska or dishonestly supervised it also ridiculously. Thus I beforehand knew, that enterprises Stepnogorska will not belong to me. Manufacture which is in !B5?=>3>@A:5, the state should be engaged. It is a principle of my approach. Now, as to "07D>AD0B0" & The correspondent: "07D>AD0B" the enterprise through which there were financial streams E8<:><?;5:A0. His(its) director, accepting E8<:><?;5:A, has declared: we have bought you, sirs . As it was found out later, to buy have not bought, but workers :B0; began to suspect LTD., that the money earned by them settle 345B> in "07D>AD0B5". However, to speak about the earned money rather early. While the factory "has really gobbled up" 30 million dollars of the investor, and has earned hardly more than nine. In opinion of director E8<:><?;5:A0 Victor Danilova, at a factory bad management and utterly worthless marketing. Production should not only to be able be let out(be released), it is necessary still(even) to be able to sell. Besides today's volumes of made production do not provide the low cost price. To be profitable, it is necessary to increase capacities. And that them to increase, it is necessary to search for real commodity markets it 2>?5@2KE. And 2>2B>@KE, it is necessary to have at a factory of good experts, and they with E8<:><?;5:A0, as is known, have run up owing to nonpayment of wages. And new you will not entice for the same reason. New financial injections could break off a vicious circle. Turnaround means are extremely necessary for a factory. Without them periodic stops of a factory are inevitable. And each stop attracts, as we have already found out, inevitable huge monetary losses. While the situation is rescueed by workers from Ukraine, but also they four months do not receive the salary. A.Gajdamak: "07D>AD0B" unique in territory of the CIS the chemical enterprise which works for hundred percent(interests) of capacities. That is that equipment which have not sawn, have not plundered up to me, works on all hundred. About gangsters who plundered and plunder the enterprises, ?>G5<CB> anybody from journalists does not write. I can name everyone who and today tries "to saw" factories in :B0C which I have come(stepped) on a throat and have not given to destroy manufacture. And in "07D>AD0B5" today loading on each furnace is those, that such was not and at the Soviet authority. Kazakhstan which completely was absent in the market of phosphorus, today dictates the prices in the world market. A concrete example of mine 187=5A?>4E>40. The correspondent: In edition workers :B0; LTD. with the request addressed to write that them force to ship ammonia "07D>AD0BC" and ammonia below cost is sold. Asked to write I write. But I suspect, that shipment of ammonia "07D>AD0BC" under the prices below market a measure compelled that work "07D>AD0B0" has not stopped. The investor, as is known, one. And to it(him) 284=55 what from the enterprises to finance first of all. Probably, from whom there is more than income if to follow logic 187=5A?>4E>40 the investor. A.Gajdamak: And as to my biography I was born not in the city of Berdichev as write in newspapers, and in Moscow. And I never worked in a circus though very much I love it(him) and I am the owner of the Moscow circus. When I have left from Soviet Union, at me was thirteen francs in a pocket. Today it is little bit more. It, probably, an evident parameter of my abilities. Today only in Kazakhstan together with contractors at me work 40 thousand person. And all in time receive the salary. All enterprises successfully develop. Any gossips about me whence undertake, I understand. We today became the largest enterprise, and not only in Kazakhstan. It is not pleasant to much, including it is not pleasant and in Kazakhstan., for example, it is not pleasant to much, that we achieve, that the electric power from the north of the country did not go under below cost prices to Russia. We want, that she(it) went on the south of Kazakhstan and worked on development of backward regions of the country. It is not pleasant to much, therefore they employ press. Press selling and custom-made. If about me it write, means, I :><CB> prevent. The correspondent: I Assure, that to us nobody ordered you. A.Gajdamak: you scoop the information from the Internet. And there is, to whom to order. You write, that at me the international problems. And I for today in France have more awards, than any French citizen not from militarians. I unique from foreigners the full gentleman of an award of the Honourable legion. And that today in France scandal around of my person (there is inflated are ostensibly involved both the largest bankers, and the president, and his(its) son), Are today's intrigues of the French policy(politics). And not having understood, about me there GB>B> write. In the same Internet about me there is also other information. For example, on volume of charity I the leader in the world. Why about it do not write? The correspondent: we Write. Arcady Gajdamak is the founder and chairman of fund -7@0B 2@00< . According to Arcady Aleksandrovicha, poverty is first of all injustice . The philosopher the Edging has told: When validity disappears, does not remain anything, that could give value of a life of people. Poverty deprives with the child of an opportunity to study, normally to develop, and the old man with advantage to live easy century . Therefore the fund helps homeless children, contains charitable dining rooms for old men, helps thousand pensioners across all CIS. Also contains tens children's homes. Besides Arcady Gajdamak in free from financial has put time writes books on art . But at us today one question, the answer on which workers E8<:><?;5:A0 would like to hear both a management(manual), and: whether Arcady Gajdamak will continue to invest a factory in :B0C? Speech all about the same turnaround means. A.Gajdamak: Yes, certainly. We have stopped a factory because I simply wanted to understand after director has left, in what condition we are. Where, what money go. A factory basically perspective and to keep it(him) it is necessary. I have some examples. I, for example, am engaged in an agriculture, and in the Moscow area it was possible to me in most difficult years to keep manufacture of chicken eggs. It is the extremely unprofitable business. I paid extra three years. Poultry farms have survived. And now, when practically there were no competitors, they make a profit. When A5;LE>7?@>872>48B5;8 will rise on legs(foots), there will be a great demand for fertilizers. That is the agrochemistry will be repaid. At :B0; LTD. and "07!01B>=0" the prospect is. The main thing to keep. I think, that now just a turning-point, and all will be farther as it is necessary. I.NESTEROV. :B0C. But the appeal "to keep" workers "07!01B>=0" ?>G5<CB> have not heard. With refusal to participate in voting workers of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " have threatened in case of their ignoring B@51>20=859. But if earlier they wanted payment of duties under the salary and pension deductions now consider it necessary to nationalize the enterprises of a complex which owner the Israeli firm !01B>= 8<8B54 . In their opinion, she(it) not only does not carry out the obligations, but also interferes with the further development of the industry in !B5?=>3>@A:5. Such ultimatum is sounded in April, 2004 at conference of labour collective of the enterprises former Virgin 3>@=>E8<8G5A:>3> combine. It(he) for a basis was taken by representatives 3@C?:><0 trade union when wrote references(manipulations) to the President and @5<L5@<8=8AB@C. Long-term suit AB5?=>3>@A:8E workers with the foreign company G5<B> the beginnings of XX centuries when ore mines were in hands of the European capitalists who are squeezing out all juices from local residents remind a plot from the textbook on a history of Kazakhstan of the end XIX, compelled the work to sell dirt-cheap. But here, at least, owners have been interested in high parameters of the enterprise. In business from Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " as it is specified in circulation to the Head of the state, the investor is not excited at all with a technical condition M=5@3>:><?;5:A0 . For 5 years in repair of networks it is enclosed 202,5 million tenge that it is possible to regard as conditional participation of the investor in the decision of a problem as actually now it is necessary already more than 3 billion. All networks, the equipment, automobile. The digging technics(technical equipment) and tractors have deterioration of 80100 percent(interests)... What for, it is asked, bought then they group of the enterprises? And why the state has allowed to privatize the property complex applying in days of the Union on the leading part in strengthening of the industry of republic? Shortage of money resources sounds 25A:>, but not >?@0240B5;L=>. In fact if then  has remained in state properties, position of the enterprises as, however, and workers, would be if not better precisely it is not worse than that is for today. The wages are paid with delays in 45 months, written in the mentioned reference(manipulation). Holiday money are not paid also. Pension payments within four years are not listed(transferred), the debts on them exceeds already 220 million tenge. Workers is proved are concerned for the future ... And the future of city therefore as the stop of manufacture threatens with transformation !B5?=>3>@A:0 into one more "hole" what already became some small towns in the neighbourhood. When the attention to this problem, to renewal of manufacture in full and payment of the salary by the worker has been inverted, according to representatives of the Israeli firm, proceedings with the Pavlodar company Nort Energy , applying on the right of management of a property complex of thermal power station and #-! !B5?=>3>@A:0 prevented. The little later they began to refer to increase of tariffs for transportation of ore, speaking their language, replacement of the circuit !1 on transportation of uranium from mine Shantjube up to hydrometallurgists G5A:>3> a factory in vicinities of city on the circuit !105 . Questions like as have decided, and the problem ?>G5<CB> has remained. Also people free-of-charge, as if the slaves which are not having opportunities to assert the interests continue to work. Strikes, meetings and the demonstrations planned on papers, still have never taken place. All time there was an occasion calming raged AB5?=>3>@F52. In a result the last have decided to use in struggle for the truth a little bit nonconventional ways, threatening with refusal of participation in voting and the reference(manipulation) in the Commission of Human Rights at the President and !. . . The newspaper "Life", region Akmolinskaja. April, 2004 From the post card to the employer Again I address to you from a name 3@C?:><0 trade union on a situation which has ripened in Joint-Stock Company " S " in connection with nonpayment of wages and not transfer of pension payments. All promises given by the investor and representatives of the tenant of Joint-Stock Company " S ", are not carried out. At workers of the enterprise the patience was terminated to listen to promises. Workers #-! begin strike with 19.05.2004, refuses to perform work the replaceable personnel of a metal works. People work hungry, without overalls and means of an individual defence. Repair work on thermal power station and #-! are not conducted. 14.05.2004 again at session 3@C?:><0 the decision on carrying out of conference of labour collective of Joint-Stock Company " S " is accepted. On it(her) the question on payment of wages and carrying out of protest actions (strike, meeting, etc.) will be considered. Besides the decision to address in the government and to President  with the petition for nationalization of the enterprise of Joint-Stock Company "  " is accepted. Under the assignment(order) 3@C?:><0 trade union of Joint-Stock Company " 5 " G.KUZMIN, chairman 3@C?:><0. On May, 10, 2004 The conflict at the enterprise that accrued, accepted forms of a latent opposition, but under his(its) sanction the foreign investor and has not undertaken any appreciable steps. Were not carried out even governmental @5H5 =8O. Position was meanwhile aggravated. And to live promises of administration workers were already simply be not capable. Consequences of inactivity can be too serious. In !B5?=>3>@A:5 one more has taken place called trade-union to <8B5B>< conference of labour collective of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= ". Participants of conference have noted, that the situation at the enterprise continues to become aggravated: manufacture collapses, the wages are not paid to workers, pension payments are not listed(transferred), the city is threatened power :0B0 with a stanza. All earlier accepted on "07!01B>=C" the governmental decisions are not carried out. Conference of labour collective has decided to lead(carry out) a mass meeting of the protest on central area !B5?=>3>@A:0. It is necessary to tell, that for the first time workers of the enterprise have acted in a history of our republic with requirements to cancel governmental :>= a path with the foreign investor and to return manufacture to the state. We came to a limit of the patience, Gennady Kuzmin spoke then chairman 3@C?:><0 trade union of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= ". From the moment of ?>4?8A0 =8O the contract on transfer of our enterprise of the company " !01B>= LTD. " we were engaged in manufacture no more than two years. Today extraction of uranium on mine Zhantjube and his(its) processing on a metal works is completely stopped. The enterprise stands idle. It is simply incomprehensible, especial if to take into account stably high prices for uranium in the world market. Skeleton of collective of the enterprise is made by highly skilled professionals of the uranium industry, have I85 behind shoulders on 2030 of work in this sphere. Loss of work for them a point of honor .8 a professional level. Today they are compelled =01;N to give, as their enterprise, former the pioneer of the uranium industry in Kazakhstan, slowly, but truly, dies. In the spring we should >B?@07=>20BL forty-year anniversary !B5?=>3>@A:0, Gennady Kuzmin continued. But in view of shortage of means in 3> @>4A:>< the budget 0:8<0B has postponed celebrating all over again for a summer, then for the autumn... Now a anniversary in general prefer to not recollect. I can understand 0:8<0: about what celebrations there can be a speech when debts under the salary at workers of the most important, 3@04>>1@07CNI53>, enterprises Stepnogorska have passed for 190 million tenge? Debts "07!01B>=0" on pension deductions has made 250 million tenge, and debts to the budget in general are estimated in billions... But also it yet all. On balance "07!01B>=0" there are unique thermal power station in city, thermal and power networks. For all five years of work with the investor repair of a municipal infrastructure was carried out not 1> ;55 than for forty percent(interests) from necessary. On thermal power station the winter fuel stock is not generated. Debts to suppliers of fuel have passed for billion tenge. And if in the near future measures on an immediate conclusion of the enterprise from crisis will not be undertaken, !B5?=>3>@A: will freeze. And meeting of the protest has taken place. Participants of meeting, workers of Joint-Stock Company " 5 " have demanded from authorities of immediate intervention in the decision of problems of the enterprise. Among put forward requirements nationalization of the enterprise, repayment of six-monthly debts on wages to extinguish 4 years(summer) debts on pension payments, and also financing of a power complex for preparation for winter in. !B5?=>3>@A:5 and item. (0=B>15. In case of default of these basic requirements workers of the enterprise have declared, that will refuse to participate in elections of deputies <068;8A0 parliament of Republic Kazakhstan. It is necessary to tell, that workers of Joint-Stock Company "  " have not remained in private with the problems. Telegrams of solidarity have acted(arrived) from all country. The federation of trade unions of Republic Kazakhstan has expressed support to the decision of labour collective of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " to hold meeting on cent @0;L=>9 to the area of. !B5?=>3>@A:0. In the official telegram it is marked, that workers, AB5?=>3>@FK for a long time suffered(bore) an arbitrariness and wrongful actions of the employer, hoped that authorities, the government will fulfil the promises given by them. As became obvious, to this long-suffering there comes the end. Therefore in Federation of trade unions consider(examine) a mass meeting of workers as compelled, but completely lawful action(share) in protection vital, constitutional laws of the labour person, the citizen. The regular delay and nonpayment of wages, =5?5@5G8A;5=85 obligatory pension payments in memory pension funds is the shameful phenomena which should not be a place in a life of workers at all, all people of work. In federation of trade unions on whom the output(exit) from a developed critical and dangerous situation really depends hope, that, will hear your voice and =0:>=5FB> will start to carry out legal requirements of workers of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= ". Legal requirements of workers have supported also all trade-union organizations of branch. Including branch steppe @C4>C?@02;5=8O  1 "070B><?@><", institute of atomic energy /& , Open Company " #;L18=A:89 a metal works ", Central @C4>C?@02;5=8O, DD8=06=>3> a factory, Centralized 02B>?5@520;107K and B4. To comment on events in !B5?=>3>@A:5 after meeting the participant of project (C18= . has asked the deputy <068;8A0 parliament (former chairman 3@C?:><0 trade union of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= ", former the deputy ?@54A540 B5;O a Central Committee of trade union of workers of nuclear industry RK) Valery Kotovicha. Valery Nikolaevich as far as are really satisfied, in your opinion, requirements of workers "07!01B>=0"? The problem, certainly, exists. But she(it) is in a stage of the decision. In the government passed session under presidency of vice-prime-minister Sauata Mynbaeva. 3@04>>1@07CNI53> the enterprises of a metal works took part in discussion of the further destiny ?@54A B028B5;8 Ministry for the Power Generating Industry, the investor of the enterprise the chapter(head) !01B>= LTD. Arcady Gajdamak, heads of Joint-Stock Company " 07!01B>= " and I as the deputy of parliament. On consideration @5<L5@<8=8AB@0 it has been put forward two offers. The first: all power of the city of Stepnogorska is transferred to balance of local authorities as the municipal enterprise. Thus mister Gajdamak has undertaken to allocate about three and a half of millions dollars on repair of thermal power station and M=5@3>A5B59 and on preparation for a cold season. This obligatory condition of the further transfer. The second: uranium manufacture is transferred in conducting Joint-Stock Company "  " Kazatomprom . And how to be with duties under the salary and pension deductions? As far as I know, the investor develops the schedule of repayment of debts. I once again want to pay attention: the question is solved. The final decision can be accepted on special to an owl I0=88 the governments and is fixed by the corresponding decision. Taking a case, I want to note, that meeting of workers "07!01B>=0", having consisted H89AO in !B5?=>3>@A:5, passed is organized, in correct conditions, at the strict observance of discipline. Participants of meeting did not allow what or anticonstitutional statements, being limited only discussion of a problem of the enterprise... astana. 098N=L 2004 Workers of the enterprise were ready and is farther to carrying out of strike and protest actions, but at this time the management(manual) started negotiations with other investor concerning sale of actions(shares) of the enterprise. In a result, the investor has exchanged. The situation at a factory has changed also. THE COMMENT BRANCH  $  It is pleasant to ascertain, that at the end of 2004 of a problem of Open Society " 07!01B>= " have remained in the past. His(its) primary trade-union organization (chairm A.Kuzmin) has actively worked. Long months of an opposition and struggle for rights and interests 0B><I8:>2 have not passed for nothing. Now the company the new employer who reckons with opinion of trade-union committee, heads workers. The industrial situation was adjusted, successfully uranium mine(shaft), a metal works work, =0:>=5FB> to the city of Stepnogorsk there has come long-awaited heat operates with thermal power station. The operational experience of this ?5@28G:8 with assistance of the Central committee of Republican trade union 0B><I8:>2 once again reminds us what if the collective agreement is signed it(he) should correspond(meet) to the validity and works really for the blessing of members of trade union, instead of to subscribe for a proforma. As a whole "070B><?@><" into which system now enters !B5?=>3>@A:89 combine, led by president M.Dzhakishevym supports cooperation with trade union of branch. . ' !, chairman of trade union of workers of atomic engineering, the industries and allied industries . 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