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It is recommended that the handbook be placed in a three-ring binder for convenient reference. Please do not place it inside your childs notebook, as you may need to access information while your child is at school. We also want to reinforce organization of your childs notebook. THIRD GRADE A guide to Third Grade with Ms. Smith, room 25 CONTENTS (index style) Behavior Management 22-24 BURST 8 Cafeteria 26 Class Meetings 23 Class Rules 24 Class Schedule 5 Class Spreadsheet 24 Classroom Communication 6-7 Colina Contacts 2, 7 Classroom Phone & Student Phone Use 6 Daily 5 8 Dismissal Plans 7, 29-30 Donation Items 28 Flip Flop Folders 6 High Frequency Words 11-13 Homework 15-21 Homework Example 21 Homework Support 17-20 IXL 14 Junior Great Books 8 Language Arts 8-13 Love & Logic 22 Mad Minute 14 Mathematics 14 Me Time 26 Newsletter 6 Personal Time Lines 26 Phone Numbers 2, 7 Quarter Jar 26 Remind.com 7 Six Traits of Writing 10 Snacks 25 Spelling 9 Supply List 27 Time Line Presentations 26 Volunteering 31-32 Water Bottles 25 CLASS SCHEDULE CLASS SCHEDULE This is a generic representation of our daily schedule. The schedule for enrichment classes (Art, Computer, Library, Music, PE) is below. The enrichment schedule is also a draft. 7:40 LINE UP (We line up near the big playground equipment.) 7:45 Attendance, Flip Flop Folders, Daily Review 7:50 Extended Learning Experiences: Science, Social Studies, Health 8:15 English Language Arts: Writing 8:45 Enrichment Classes 9:30 Third Grade Recess 9:45 Math Block 10:45 Math Instructional Focus Groups 11:15 Extended Learning Experiences: Science, Social Studies, Health 11:45 Lunch 12:05 Lunch Recess 12:25 Reading Block 1:55 Reading Instructional Focus Groups 2:25 Jobs, Homework Chat 2:35 Dismissal WEDNESDAY DISMISSSAL TIME IS 12:35. ENRICHMENT CLASS SCHEDULE   CLASSROOM COMMUNICATION CLASSROOM COMMUNICATION FLIP FLOP FOLDERS Each student has been provided with a 1 notebook (Referred to as theFlip Flop Folder.) that is labeled with his/her first and last names. Two folders are placed inside of the Flip Flop Folder: a red folder with pockets labeled IMPORTANT PAPERS TO TAKE HOME and IMPORTANT PAPERS TO BRING TO SCHOOL and a blue folder with pockets labeled COMPLETED WORK and SCHOOL & PTO NEWS. Students are directed to check their Flip Flop Folders each morning for Important Papers to Bring to School (homework, notes to the teacher, lunch checks, etc.). PLEASE CHECK YOUR CHILDS FLIP FLOP FOLDER EVERYDAY for Important Papers to Bring Home. EMAIL We receive frequent requests from the Colina office to forward information to parents. PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO ME AT  HYPERLINK "mailto:mhsmith@kyrene.org" mhsmith@kyrene.org WITH YOUR NAME AND YOUR CHILDS NAME in the body, so that I can add you to my contacts. (District guidelines prohibit use of student names in the subject line.) Please also indicate whether or not you are able to print at home and which information you would like included in a classroom directory distributed via email. NEWSLETTER The classroom newsletter will begin publication on Friday, September 11th and is sent via email. The newsletter contains information about current and future classroom events. It also includes notification of class pictures, field trips, school vacations, individual pictures, and school events; such as the Turkey Trot and Book Fairs. It is published weekly and emailed on Fridays. THE CLASSROOM PHONE & STUDENT USE Our direct classroom line is 480.541.2725. The direct line into our classroom is answered by a voice messaging system. Although I check for messages throughout the day, if you need to get an immediate message to your child during school hours, it is best to call the office line (480.541.2600). The students are permitted to use the classroom phone to verify after-school plans and lunch arrangements (not to make new plans or arrangements). Students also occasionally call from the classroom when they are feeling ill. Their calls for PE attire or forgotten objects (library books, homework, lunches) are limited. (Colina School has adopted a no call policy for these issues and I try to abide by it.) Please let me know if you prefer that your child not be permitted to contact you during the school day. CLASSROOM COMMUNICATION REMIND.COM Receive class reminders via text by texting to 81010 with the message @f8c86. Visit remind.com to learn more. DISMISSAL PLANS It is important that I have written confirmation of your childs dismissal plans. If you havent already done so, please complete the Dismissal Plans form. (This was sent home on Meet Your Teacher night. There is also a copy in handbook on page 29.) This facilitates getting each child to the proper location at the close of the school day. If your childs dismissal/after school care plans change weekly, I will provide you with extra dismissal planning sheets or you can send me a schedule of your own. As the year progresses, there will be changes in many dismissal routines to accommodate Cub Scouts, Brownies, Chess Club, etc. You can send me an email or write me note as these changes occur, rather than filling out a whole new sheet. If your childs dismissal plans change for an irregular occurrence (such as a play date, a birthday party, or a visit from a relative), PLEASE contact me to let me know! It can be a message on my voice mail, a message at the front office, an email even a note on a paper towel! District policy requires that I send students home in the manner that parents have previously written, unless I receive some other form of notification. Many students dont remember theres been a change until we are walking out the door it is very difficult to dismiss the class and call a parent to verify a change in plans at the same time. Please help me with this. J COLINA CONTACTS Colina Office 480-541-2600 Colina Absence/Attendance Line 480-541-2601 Cafeteria (Ms. Nahar) 480-783-2696 Library (Mrs. Spake) 480-541-2686/2687 (voice messaging) Music (Mrs. McCleve) 480-541-2639 (voice messaging) PE (Mr. Moser) 480-541-2694 (voice messaging) Art (Ms. Yorio) 480-541-2631 (voice messaging) Heathers Direct Line 480-541-2725 Heathers e-mail:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mhsmith@kyrene.org" mhsmith@kyrene.org Website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.kyrene.org//Domain/1683" http://www.kyrene.org//Domain/1683 (Currently under construction) LANGUAGE ARTS LANGUAGE ARTS The Common Core Language Arts program includes Literature and Informational Text, Foundational Skills, Writing Standards, Speaking & Listening Standards, and Language Standards. A term that is now frequently used is Text Complexity. This refers not only to the level of vocabulary included in a selection, but also the complexity of ideas contained within a given text. Lexile.com provides incredible information about the use of Lexiles to identify students reading abilities. It indicates that Lexile levels 420L to 820L are appropriate for second and third grade students. The third grade team works together to meet the individual needs of the students. Students are evaluated throughout the school year using a variety of assessments. Kyrene uses Dynamic Measurement Groups: DIBELS Next. While results are typically reported to us as Benchmark (On grade level), Strategic (Some intervention needed), or Intensive (Much intervention needed); Lexile.com states that Dynamic Measurement Group: DIBELS Next can assess a students Lexile level. I have contacted our Curriculum & Development Department to instruct me on how to use this in our classroom. Students are placed with a reading instructor (One of the third grade teachers) based on his/her instructional needs as determined by these assessments, as well as teacher input. Reading Group activities may include phonics activities, phonemic awareness activities, reading aloud, discussing material that was read independently, and occasionally editing writing. OTHER LANGUAGE ARTS METHODS DAILY 5 The Daily 5 structure allows students to be meaningfully engaged with Language Arts skills while the teacher is working with small groups of children (http://www.the2sisters.com/theDaily5.html). BURST BURST is a DIBELS Next program to work with small groups (No more than five students) of Intensive students. It involves direct instruction of phonetic principles, decoding strategies, and fluency. JUNIOR GREAT BOOKS Junior Great Books uses Shared Inquiry (A distinctive method of learning in which participants search for answers to fundamental questions raised by a text.) to increase students interaction with texts of complexity. LANGUAGE ARTS SPELLING The Colina third grade teachers have purchased a spelling program that places emphasis on spelling patterns and sight words. Kyrene School District expects that third grade students learn the first 350 High Frequency words. These lists are located on pages 11-13 of this handbook and will be provided in the students writing folders. You will read more about our homework structure on pages 15-16. The spelling homework will also appear on the Homework Sheet that is sent home with your child. Monday (Due Tuesday): Write each spelling word correctly three times. Write four sentences, using at least one spelling word in each sentence. Use correct capitalization, spelling, and punctuation. Tuesday (Due Wednesday): Write the spelling words in alphabetical order. Write four sentences, using at least one spelling word (Different than those used on Monday) in each sentence. Use correct capitalization, spelling, and punctuation. Wednesday (Due Thursday): Make a tree map organizing the spelling words into nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and other. Write four sentences, using at least one spelling word (Different than those used on Monday and Tuesday) in each sentence. Use correct capitalization, spelling, and punctuation. Thursday (Due Friday): Take a practice spelling test and have a great speller check it for you. Rewrite any misspelled words correctly three times each. Write four sentences, using at least one spelling word (Different than those used on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) in each sentence. Use correct capitalization, spelling, and punctuation. Invented spelling is appropriate for parts of homework (Except for the actual spelling words!), although accurate spelling is desired outcome. Sometimes children become frustrated when trying to complete a writing assignment and spell everything correctly, as well. If your child asks for spelling assistance during the completion of a homework assignment, I recommend that you sound out applicable words with your child and have him/her record the sounds. This will provide you with valuable information regarding your childs logical or illogical choice for letter sounds. If your child requests assistance with a sight word/word that cant be sounded out, ask, What do you have so far? or What do you have for the first letter? Then what? Many times, it turns out a child can actually spell the word. ( After a homework assignment is completed, I recommend that you encourage your child to circle or underline words that s/he would like checked for spelling, so that you can give the correct spelling for those specific words. Please do not demand that your child correct all spelling in a writing assignment. Exact spelling is only necessary for specific spelling homework. The spelling grade appears as part of Conventions in the Writing area of the Progress Report. LANGUAGE ARTS THE SIX TRAITS OF WRITING These Six Traits of Writing and brief descriptions are listed below. Instructing and scoring with the Six Traits allows teacher to focus on specific aspects of an individual students writing to increase improvement. We will often score papers for one specific trait to heighten awareness of each trait. The Six Traits Ideas & Content: A message that makes sense, more than one statement on the same topic, details, new information, a strong main idea. Organization: Use of an introductory device (such as a title), use of words to suggest a beginning (once, one day, yesterday, etc.), use of words that connect ideas (meanwhile, however, then, next, etc.), use of words that show a sense of conclusion (at last, finally, when it was all over, etc.), more than one sentence about the same idea. Voice: Text that makes the reader feel like laughing or crying, text that makes a connection to a personal memory, text the reader wants to share with others, text that makes it easy to identify the author. Word Choice: Words the reader can read and make sense of, words that replace old standards (something other than good, nice, fun, cool, neat, really, very, etc.), strong verbs, words that paint a picture, sensory words (to help the audience hear, smell, feel, or touch the moment), a stretch to use a new or unusual word, the right word at the right moment. Sentence Fluency: Use of varied sentence beginnings, a mix of statements and questions, a mix of long and short sentences, a complex or compound sentence mixed in with simple sentences, use of connecting words (however, then) that link sentence together, Conventions: Phonetic spelling on more difficult words, correct spelling of simple words and high frequency words, end punctuation that is correct or mostly correct, capital letters for names, capital letters to begin sentences, correct use of periods and question marks, use of exclamation points, use of commas in a series, experimentation with more sophisticated punctuation marks (parentheses, semicolons, colons, dashes, ellipses, etc.). LANGUAGE ARTS High Frequency Words Students entering third grade are expected to read/recognize (not sound out) the first 200 words. Students exiting third grade are expected to read/recognize the first 350 words. Words 1-25Words 26-50Words 51-75Words 76-100Words 101-125Read by end of kindergartenRead by middle of 1st gradeRead by end of 1st gradeRead by end of 1st quarter of 2nd gradeRead by middle of 2nd quarter of 2nd gradetheorwillnumbernewofoneupnosoundandhadotherwaytakeabyaboutcouldonlytowordoutpeoplelittleinbutmanymyworkisnotthenthanknowyouwhatthemfirstplacethatallthesewateryearitweresobeenlivehewesomecallmewaswhenherwhobackforyour wouldoilgiveoncanmakenowmostaresaidlikefindveryastherehimlongafterwithuseintodownthinghisantimedayourtheyeachhasdidjustIwhichlookget nameatshetwocomegoodbedomoremadesentencethishowwritemaymanhave theirgopartthink fromifseeoversay LANGUAGE ARTS High Frequency Words continued Words 126-150Words 151-175Words 176-200Words 201-225Words 226-250Read by end of 2nd quarter of 2nd gradeRead by end of 3rd quarter of 2nd gradeRead by end of 2nd gradeRead by middle of 1st quarter of 3rd gradeRead by end of 1st quarter of 3rd gradegreatputkindeveryleft whereendhandnear don't helpdoespictureadd fewthroughanotheragainfoodwhilemuchwellchangebetweenalongbeforelargeoffown mightlinemustplaybelowclose rightbigspellcountrysomethingtooevenairplantseemmeansuchawaylastnextoldbecauseanimalschoolhardanyturnhousefatheropensameherepointkeepexampletellwhypagetreebeginboyaskletterneverlifefollowwentmotherstartalwayscamemenanswercitythosewantreadfoundearthbothshowneedstudyeyepaperalsolandstill lighttogetherarounddifferentlearnthoughtgotformhomeshouldheadgroupthreeusAmerica underoftensmallmoveworldstoryrunsettryhighsawimportant LANGUAGE ARTS High Frequency Words continued Words 251-275Words 276-300Words 301-325Words 326-350Read by middle of 2nd quarter of 3rd gradeRead by end of 2nd quarter of 3rd gradeRead by middle of 3rd quarter of 3rd gradeRead by end of 3rd gradeuntil ideastandsurechildrenenoughsunbecomesideeatquestionstopfeetfacefishshipcarwatchareaacrossmilefarmarktodaynightIndiandogduring walkrealhorseshortwhitealmostbirdsbettersealetproblembestbeganabovecompletehowevergrowgirlroomlowtook sometimesknewhoursrivermountainsinceblackfourcuteverproductscarryyoungpiecehappenedstatetalktoldwholeoncesoonusuallymeasurebooklistdidn'trememberhearlongfriendsearlystopleaveeasywaveswithoutfamilyheardreachedsecondbodyorderlistenlate musicredwindmisscolordoorrock MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICS Kyrene District has adopted the Investigations Mathematics programs and frequently utilizes Engage NY ( HYPERLINK "https://www.engageny.org/" https://www.engageny.org/ ) to address the Common Core Mathematics Standards. In addition to the traditional written practice, it includes a variety of hands-on activities using manipulatives; as well as mental math strategies. Students spending time using actual objects to learn mathematical skills; such as counting money, fractions, place value, etc., while also employing a variety of mental math strategies, such as rounding to the nearest ten or hundred, skip counting, decomposing numbers, etc. A glossary to help you with some of the strategies will be sent home the first week of school. You may also benefit from visiting some of the websites listed within this link:  HYPERLINK "http://www.westgenesee.org/PDFs/Parents/WG_Parents_Guide_3rdGrade_Math.pdf" http://www.westgenesee.org/PDFs/Parents/WG_Parents_Guide_3rdGrade_Math.pdf Memorizing basic facts (single digit addition and subtraction facts) is a worthwhile part of mathematics. I would like to address this by the use of daily timed practices called Mad Minute. In order to keep up with the amount of copies needed to do this, I will be seeking assistance. I working on finding creative sources of funding to make these copies. MAD MINUTE is a program that presents 30 math facts on a worksheet. The students are given one minute to complete all of the math problems in order. Problems are completed in order, so that the students are learning the facts that they find more challenging, rather than simply completing the easy ones first. All of the students will start on the first level of Mad Minute (30 single digit additions facts with sums/answers less than ten). A student must complete ALL of the problems correctly on FIVE CONSECUTIVE Mad Minutes in order to move up to the next Mad Minute level. The intent of Mad Minutes to is to increase basic fact fluency to encourage success with higher level mathematics. It is also a method for students to track their own progress. If a child becomes distraught participating in Mad Minutes, that child may simply use flashcards during this time. IXL - I encourage you to investigate IXL ( HYPERLINK "https://www.ixl.com/" https://www.ixl.com/) to provide additional exposure to third grade content for your child. A parent recommended it last year and we were able to use her account for a short time in the classroom. It is aligned directly with Common Core. HOMEWORK HOMEWORK . . .and the Kyrene District guideline of 20-30 minutes three days a week. . . According to Robert J. Marzano, Debra J. Pickering, and Jane E. Pollack, authors of Classroom Instruction that Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement, . . . homework for young children should help them develop good study habits, foster positive attitudes toward school, and communicate to students the idea that learning takes work at home as well as at school. I view homework as an opportunity for review and a means of checking student progress for parents. Homework should also introduce and build strong study practices. As students receive varying degrees of assistance at home, I am unable to take a true grade on homework. Working with your children every day, I have a good gauge on their capabilities. Homework allows parents to experience their childrens successes and struggles first hand. I want homework to be meaningful and informative, not a battle and, not simply something I check off! Each homework assignment will address multiple performance objectives from more than one content area. An example of a homework assignment is found on page 21. It is critical that children are involved in reading nightly. Most homework assignments will require meaningful reading. We will work with the school-wide Reading Wall program to track at home reading. This enables your child to earn free books! If your child does not bring his/her homework and does not have a note from you, s/he may be required to participate in the Homework Club. Students in the Homework Club will be required to complete their homework during recess or free time. This is meant only to be logical consequence, rather than a punishment. If your child receives homework from Special Education/Resource, accommodations will be made to prevent Homework Overload. I make every effort to design homework assignments that are challenging, fun, and interesting. It is also important that homework assignments meet curriculum requirements. Please let me know if you feel that an assignment is too challenging or not challenging enough for your child (Please be courteous when you let me know!). I use this information when creating future homework assignments. HOMEWORK THE HOMEWORK BAG/BOX FOR THE CAR It seems parents are busier than ever and some of the easiest time to capture with their children is in the car. I recommend keeping a bag or box of supplemental instructional tools in it, particularly flashcards. These flashcards can include High Frequency Words, Spelling Words, Noun/Verb/Adjective/Adverb, and math facts. Have your child read the word to you. You spell it back to him/her and s/he tells you whether or not you are correct AND spells it back to you. With math facts; have your child call out a math problem to you. You give the answer. Your child tells you whether or not you are correct AND repeats the entire problem and answer back to you. I am willing to invest the time creating these flashcard sets in class, if you are willing to commit the time to working on them in the car. AT HOME Classroom Instruction that Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement offers the following recommendations for parents: Set up a consistent, organized place for homework to be done. Encourage, motivate, and prompt your child, but do not sit with him/her and do the homework with him/her. (This would not apply to reading with your child!) If your child is practicing a skill, ask him/her to tell you which steps are easy for him/her, which are difficult, or how s/he is going to improve. When bedtime comes, please stop your child even if s/he is not done. HOMEWORK POLICY FOR EXTENDED ABSENCES Trips can be value learning experiences. The learning that takes place in the classroom cannot be replicated with worksheets or packets. Rather than sending your child with worksheets: Keep a written journal or make a poster about memorable experiences, include illustrations or pictures to share with the class about the time spent out of school. Talk about locations, track distances, note directions, mountains, valleys, rivers, etc. using a map. Have your child count out money and figure out change due for meals and items that you purchase. Go to Lakeshore Learning and find a workbook your student would enjoy working in. Collect books for your child to read and discuss with you by identifying the main idea, characters, beginning, middle, ending of the story. When your child returns to class, rest assured, I will help them catch up with the learning that took place during the absence. HOMEWORK READING SUPPORT PAGES HOMEWORK READING SUPPORT PAGES Literature Response After reading ___________________________________________________________ (the book, chapter, story, or poem) I noticed. . . A question I have is. . . I wonder why . . . I began to think of . . . It seems like . . . I cant really understand. . . Im not sure . . . I know the feeling. . . I loved the way . . . I realized. . . I was surprised . . . If I were . . . I discovered . . . HOMEWORK WRITING SUPPORT PAGES HOMEWORK SPELLING SUPPORT PAGES  HOMEWORK EXAMPLE HOMEWORK EXAMPLE Math Strategies Homework Due EXAMPLE Show all four strategies for each of the problems. EXAMPLE: Mary read 573 pages during her summer reading challenge. She was only required to read 399 pages. How many extra pages did Mary read beyond the challenge requirements? ADDING UP STRATEGY 399 + 1 = 400, 400 + 100 = 500, 500 +73 = 573, therefore 1 + 100 + 73 = 174 pages COMPENSATING STRATEGY 400 + 100 is 500; 500 + 73 is 573; 100 + 73 is 173 plus 1 (for 399, to 400) is 174 SUBTRACTING TO COUNT DOWN STRATEGY Take away 73 from 573 to get to 500, take away 100 to get to 400, and take away 1 to get to 399. Then 73 + 100 = 1 = 174 ADDING BY TENS OR HUNDREDS STRATEGY 399 + 1 is 400, 500 (thats 100 more). 510, 520, 530, 650, 550, 560, 570 (thats 70 more), 571, 572, 573 (thats 3 more) so the total is 1 + 100 + 70 + 3 = 174 NBT.A.2 (p. 16): Fluently add and subtract within 1,000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationships between addition and subtraction. BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT . . . and the goal of being self-managed The main goal of the Behavior Management Programs in my classroom is to foster decision-making abilities and a sense of responsibility in my students. These programs are explained in greater detail below. LOVE & LOGIC Love and Logic is a philosophy founded in 1977 by Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D. Its intent is to empower parents and teachers with practical techniques to raise responsible children and to easily and immediately change their childrens behavior. Their techniques are highly compatible with The Three Bs. The basic premise of Love & Logic is, Feel free to do anything that does not cause a problem for yourself or others. For more information, please visit loveandlogic.com. THE THREE Bs The Three Bs are generated from the Character Counts Program. Colina refers to these frequently. They are as follows: Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe THINK Mrs. Brunner reminds the students to THINK every day on the announcements. This is an acronym to encourage all of us to think before speaking and ask ourselves, is it: True? Helpful? Inspiring? Necessary? Kind? BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT CLASS MEETING Class Meetings typically occur four days a week. Class Meetings begin by giving Compliments. Each class members name is written on a tongue depressor, referred to as the Compliment Sticks. Each student is given a Compliment Stick and is responsible for complimenting the person whose stick s/he is holding. The students are encouraged to compliment each other on behaviors that have been noticed. Compliments are given by stating the persons name, then the compliment. Students respond to compliments by saying thank you, then using the name of the person who gave the compliment. Following Compliments, we discuss the Agenda. The Agenda is a piece of paper on which students write their names and the name(s) of the person(s) with whom they have had a problem that they were unable to resolve without assistance. I facilitate the BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT discussion of the agenda. A student begins discussing a problem by addressing the other person(s) by name and stating, I felt (hurt, angry, left out, annoyed, etc.), when you (called me a name, took my pencil, didnt let me play, kept talking to me, etc.). I then ask the students involved what they consider to be a fair solution. A solution is NOT a punishment. All students involved must reach an agreement regarding the solution. Examples of fair solutions are things such as giving a compliment after hurting someones feelings, replacing a broken item, or agreeing to a plan to remind a person not to disturb others by talking during work time. It takes practice to be able to suggest fair and reasonable solutions. The other class members may offer ideas for fair solutions if requested or needed. If the students involved are unable to agree upon a solution within a few minutes; the problem is tabled and remains on the agenda until the following Class Meeting, when it will be discussed again. Students may write on the Agenda, but ask to discuss their problem privately (either with me at a later time or simply with the person involved). This is always permitted. A student is not in trouble if his/her name is on the agenda. If a students name frequently occurs on the agenda (more than two or three times within a week), that student and I begin to look at reasons as to why such is occurring. (Is the student attempting to solve problems before writing them on the Agenda? Is the student writing others names on the Agenda in order to get back at them? Is the student having great difficulty controlling his/her behavior on the playground?) BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT THE CLASS SPREADSHEET The Class Spreadsheet includes the first and last initials of each student in our class. It has five columns, one for each day of the week. The Class Spreadsheet is used for monitoring student behavior in the classroom. If a student is talking during instruction, I place a t in the column for that student. If a student is walking around the classroom when s/he should be working, I place a w in the column for that student. The students may use the Class Spreadsheet to monitor their own behavior. I refer to the Class Spreadsheet when I am completing progress reports and for informational purposes. If a chronic problem is indicated on the Class Spreadsheet, I privately bring it to the students attention and we discuss a plan of action. TIME OUT Students whom are having difficulty completing their work due to inattention (i.e. fooling around) or whom are disrupting the class in some way may be sent to another classroom to complete their work or get their behavior under control. In these instances, the students are expected to return to our classroom upon completion of their work or at the moment they feel able to control themselves. Occasionally, a student may simply feel distracted in our room and be unable to complete his/her work. This student will be OFFERED the CHOICE of working in another room. CLASS RULES: THE WAYS OF OUR CLASS Love & Logic All feelings are accepted in this classroom. All behaviors are not. I will treat you with respect and kinds, so you will know how to treat me. Feel free to do anything that doesnt cause a problem for you or anyone else. If you cause a problem, I will ask you to solve it. If you cant solve it, or choose not to; I will do something. What I do will depend upon the special person and the special situation. If you feel something is unfair, tell me quietly and politely. Tell me (Or write me a polite note), Im not sure thats fair, and we will talk when we are both able. SNACKS AND WATER BOTTLES SNACKS The students are permitted to bring snacks to school. We will take our snacks to our morning Drink & Bathroom Break (recess). Please remind your child to bring only one or two healthy and energizing snacks (acceptable snacks are listed below) each day. I keep an apple slicer/corer (and usually have cinnamon available) to encourage children in this direction. If your child brings an unaccepted snack, s/he will be permitted to eat it with his/her lunch. Dr. Sousa (author of How the Brain Learns) states that Water is essential for healthy brain activity and is required to move neuron signals through the brain. He also believes that Eating a moderate portion of food containing glucose (fruits are an excellent source) can boost the performance and accuracy of working memory, attention, and motor function. Although, various nutritionists recommend a protein and a healthy fat always accompany the ingestion of a carbohydrate. (fruits & vegetables) So, there you have it! It is a good idea for your child to accept responsibility for bringing his/her snack to school. If your child forgets his/her snack, there are usually one or more children willing to share. If your child makes a habit of forgetting his/her snack, the other students become understandably less willing to share their snacks. ACCEPTED SNACKS SNACKS TO ENJOY AT LUNCH any type of fruit cookies any type of vegetable anything with chocolate cheese anything with marshmallows yogurt/Go-gurt candy trail mix without chocolate chips roll of deli meat Froot Loops cereal shelled edamame Lucky Charms cereal Total cereal Frosted Flakes cereal Wheaties cereal anything that might be a dessert Life cereal any RED drinks (school rule) nuts (Unless we have a severe allergy in our classroom.) WATER BOTTLES Students are encouraged to bring water bottles that CLOSE (to prevent spills) to school. There is only one drinking fountain in the classroom, so most students find bringing their own water bottle to be very convenient. MISCELLEANEOUS MISCELLEANEOUS CAFETERIA The cafeteria has a new system for purchasing lunches on line. All monetary information from previous years should have rolled over to MySchoolBucks.com from the previous website. If you have any challenges with this, please contact Linda Stewart at 480-541-1350 or  HYPERLINK "mailto:lstewa@kyrene.org" lstewa@kyrene.org or contact SFE (The food service provider) at 1-855-832-5226. ME TIME Your child is offered one day a month to share a fascinating artifact (A rock s/he found, a scar s/he has, etc.) or an important event (A party s/he attended, an argument s/he had with a sibling, etc.) with the class. Presentations are only two minutes. Your child will be assigned a week during each month and may present ONE AFTERNOON during that week. PERSONAL TIME LINES Your child should create a personal time line and present it during the month of his/her birthday. If your child has a June birthday, s/he may present any day during any week of August. If your child has a July birthday, s/he will present any day during the week of May. Your child should bring in a physical time line (example below drawing or photographs may be included, as well as other artifacts) depicting important events in his/her life. These may include: being born, being adopted, getting first tooth, taking first step, losing first step, getting a broken bone, starting school, moving to a new home, getting pet or a sibling, learning to ride a bike, a parent getting married, etc. Your child will have approximately five minutes to present his/her time line to the class.  QUARTER JAR I put ten dollars worth of quarters in a jar. When a child is short on lunch money, s/he may BORROW from the quarter jar. The child is expected to count the money correctly and place an I Owe You note in the jar, as well as taking home a copy of the note. Ideally, the child will reimburse the Quarter Jar with quarters, as students struggle the most with counting quarters. At the end of the year, I will match whatever funds are left to purchase a treat for the class. SUPPLY LIST SUPPLY LIST It would be very helpful if your child could bring the items listed below. All materials are placed in a classroom supply, so please keep it uniform rather than personalized. You can imagine how many arguments you will prevent this way! EVERY THIRD GRADE TEACHER Please do not purchase a notebook or folder for your child. Please make certain your childs backpack will fit inside a 10 x 0 cubby when full. Backpacks larger than that may be kept at home. 1 box facial tissue/Kleenex 1 large container disinfectant/Clorox Wipes 12 - #2 Pencils - sharpened One box of 24-crayons (No more) 6 large glue sticks 1 ream of White Copy Paper 1 ream of wide-ruled notebook paper, 3-hole-punched 4 PLAIN spiral notebooks with NO dividers per child in these colors: 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow GIRLS - One package of broad line markers for class supply, GIRLS - One package of broad line DRY ERASE markers for class supply BOYS - One package of fine-line markers for class supply, BOYS - One package of fine line DRY ERASE markers for class supply Individual Teachers May Request CHECK WITH YOUR CLASSROOM TEACHER BEFORE PURCHASING Ziploc Bags (SMITH Will request as needed) Friskers Scissors with a pointed tip (SMITH NO) Pencil Box (SMITH NO) Elmers Glue (SMITH Will request as needed) Daily Language/Daily Math books (SMITH NO) Pencil sharpener hand-held w/case (SMITH NO) Pencil Top Erasers (SMITH NO) Rectangle Erasers (SMITH YES) One shoebox with detachable lid (Sometime before February) (SMITH YES) DONATION ITEMS DONATION ITEMS Parents are often interested in donating items to the classroom. We will typically request donation items that we are seeking in the Classroom Newsletter as the need arises (items such as Kleenex, Band-Aids, Clorox Wipes, etc.) We have created a Wish List on www.amazon.com, as well. You can find it by selecting Wish List, (tab at top of page) Find a Wish List or Registry, (at side of page) then entering mhsmith@kyrene.org. There is also a link from our web page:  HYPERLINK "http://www.kyrene.org//Domain/1683" http://www.kyrene.org//Domain/1683 . The items listed on the Amazon page are all new, but we would be just as delighted with used items that you find around your house! Some donation request items are: PaperPro One Finger Prodigy Desktop Staplers Shoe boxes (The kind with the lid that comes off.) Paper towel and toilet paper tubes 3 x 5 white index cards Sound machine that makes ocean/wave sounds Pointed Fiskar scissors for kids Door stops Air Wick Air Freshener Oils (Island Paradise or Lavender Chamomile) Fine line dry erase markers (The kids seem to go through these faster than humanly possible!) Dual-hole pencil and crayon sharpeners Sand colored 5 x 8 area rug Happy Meal type toys for classroom Treasure Box DISMISSAL PROCEDURES Student Name _________________________ Dismissal Procedures (If this changes weekly, please request extra blank forms to complete as the year progresses.) Please fill in the dismissal information for your child and indicate day(s) of the week your child is dismissed in each manner. If your child will be doing something different for the first day of school, please indicate this, as well. ( _____Meet friend or sibling on school grounds. Who and where: _____________________________________________________________ ___Every day ___Mondays ___Tuesdays ___Wednesdays ___Thursdays ___Fridays _____Curb-side/drive-through ___Every day ___Mondays ___Tuesdays ___Wednesdays ___Thursdays ___Fridays _____Parent park and walk up. Location to find parent: _____________________________________________________________ ___Every day ___Mondays ___Tuesdays ___Wednesdays ___Thursdays ___Fridays _____Ride bus. Bus # ___ Depart bus at ________________________ ___Every day ___Mondays ___Tuesdays ___Wednesdays ___Thursdays ___Fridays _____Kyrene Kids Club ___Every day ___Mondays ___Tuesdays ___Wednesdays ___Thursdays ___Fridays _____Daycare van. Name of daycare provider: ____________________ ___Every day ___Mondays ___Tuesdays ___Wednesdays ___Thursdays ___Fridays _____Other: ________________________________________________ ___Every day ___Mondays ___Tuesdays ___Wednesdays ___Thursdays ___Fridays DISMISSAL PROCEDURES Do you pick up your child after school? PLEASE write your childs last name on a placard and place it in a visible location in the front windshield of your vehicle. Please let me know if you need more placards for additional vehicles for your family. This streamlines the curbside pick up process and reduces wait time for both you and your child.   VOLUNTEERING VOLUNTEERING There are a variety of volunteering opportunities in our classroom. As volunteering opportunities arise, a note will be sent home in the class Newsletter. If you are interested and able to volunteer at that time, you will mark the appropriate line and sign your name. The volunteering opportunities that appear in the Newsletter are activities such as field trips, guest readers, and class parties. Please complete and return this page of this handbook if you are interested in volunteering on a regular basis or in any of the other volunteer opportunities listed. Parent name ____________________________________________________________ Student name ___________________________________________________________ ____Art Masterpiece (This begins around January and ends around April. This person presents two works of Art & a related activity in each of those months.) Sometimes two parents co-present Art Masterpiece. Class photographers would be invited to these presentations. ____Class Photographers (We need several of these!) The Class Photographers will take photos at classroom events and/OR print/develop two copies of each photo. The photos are used at the end of the year to create individual photo albums. The newsletter will indicate upcoming events for which we would like to have photographers. Homeroom Parent (This person contacts the other parents from our class to gather materials and organize class parties.) (Select the party for which you would be interested in being the Homeroom Parent below.) We also need class photographers at each of these events. ___October Party (Beginning of October) We use a Football Theme for this, as Colina School has diverted the focus from Halloween. Activities requiring assistance include face painting; completing a megaphone craft; setting up, guiding students through, & putting away an obstacle course; and taking pictures at a photo booth. ___October Measuring Extravaganza (End of October) Students complete a variety of measuring activities using pumpkins. Parents lead stations for measuring, weighing, estimating, and floating. ___December Party We often have a Snow Ball theme and have had snow delivered a few times. Having snow delivered requires parents getting business donations. This would need to be set in place by October. ____Friendship Party (February) This typically is a very simple breakfast and service project assembly, to allow students time to read the letters that we write to each other in class. VOLUNTEERING ____Discovery Room The Discovery Room will include a variety of science inquiry activities and will be open during lunch. We are seeking enthusiastic parent volunteers to guide children in using and putting away equipment properly to maximize learning. ___Library Volunteer Contact Mary Spake ( HYPERLINK "mailto:mspake@kyrene.org" mspake@kyrene.org , 480-541-2628) or Heather Cannon ( HYPERLINK "mailto:hcannon@kyrene.org" hcannon@kyrene.org, 480-541-2628) if you would like to assist in the library by sharpening pencils, making copies, or shelving books. ___Mad Minute Copies Make copies of Mad Minute sheets at Kinkos, UPS, or similar business. ____Volunteer Regularly ___ weekly ___ bi-weekly ___monthly ___ morning ____ afternoon M T Th F ___ copying ____sharpening pencils ___ listening to kids read ___ Ill do anything! PLEASE enroll in SignUpGenius ( HYPERLINK "http://www.signupgenius.com/" www.signupgenius.com/) to simplify volunteering for parties. We have reviewed Ms. Smiths Third Grade Handbook. (Parents read the handbook & discussed what they felt was necessary with their child.) student name __________________________________________________________ parent name ___________________________________________________________ ____We have no questions at this time. ____We would like the following topics/pages to be discussed on Curriculum Night. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ____We would like a phone call to discuss our questions about the following topics/pages: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ____We would like to schedule a conference to discuss our questions about the following topics/pages: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________     PAGE  PAGE 27 Wednesday 8:45-9:30 Library with Mrs. Spake *Please bring your library books. Tuesday 8:45-9:30 Music with Mrs. McCleve Monday 8:45-9:30 P.E. with Mr. Moser *Please wear running shoes (sneakers) and pants or shorts. Friday 8:45-9:30 Art with Ms. Yorio Thursday 8:45-9:30 Computer Lab with Ms. Smith ( READING WORD STRATEGIES When stuck on a word, ask yourself. . . Does this sound like good language? Do I need to sound out the word? Do other words give me clues? Do I need to go slow and reread? What is happening here? What have I read before like this? What do I know about this? What is the author telling me? READING COMPREHENSION STRATEGIES Before, during, or after reading. . . Think about the reading Beginning, middle, end Characters, setting, plot Main idea, details, vocabulary Make connections Text to self Text to world Text to text Visualize Take pictures of the selection Tape-record it in your mind Show a movie in your head Ask questions I wonder . . . What if . . . ? How come . . . ? Infer Make predictions or conclusions Use the text for support Use examples from your life Determine Importance What is the main idea? What are the details? What do I want to learn? Watch what you are doing Monitor for when you get lost Reread Use one of these strategies READING VOCABULARY Adjective word describing a noun Adverb word that describes verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs Antonym word with opposite meaning of another word Authors Purpose reason for writing Cause reason that something happens Cause & Effect how one thing leads to another Character person (or anything that acts like a person) in a story Comparison way in which two things are the same and different Conflict main problem in a story Conjunction word that connects two parts of a sentence Context Clue hint from words around a word Contrast Way in which two things are different Detail information about the main idea Drawing a Conclusion Putting inferences together to understand Effect what the cause makes happen Fact claim that is always true and can be proven true Figurative Language words specially used to be more descriptive Graphic Organizer Drawings/charts (Like Thinking Maps) that help organize information Graphic visual aid to help you understand the words Heading bold or large words starting a new section, explaining it Homograph words spelled alike but with different meanings Homophones like-sounding words with different meaning and spelling Idiom a phrase that doesnt make sense, yet people understand it Inference Ideas or clues to help you figure out what is happening Informational Report a report with facts and details about a topic Main Idea the topic of a passage Metaphor Comparison between two different things Narrative story Noun person, place, thing, or animal Opinion belief that cannot be prove true for everyone at all times Personification animal or object that behaves like a person Plot events in a story, including conflict and resolution Prediction guess about what may happen, based on text clues Prefix group of letters before a root word Pronoun takes the place of a noun (He, she, they. . .) Resolution story ending , when the conflict is over Response written opinion about what is read, supported by text Sequence order in which things happen Setting time and place in which the story happens Simile compares two things, using the words like or as Skim and Scan quickly look through a passage for a key word Speaker character who is telling the story Suffix group of letters after a root word Summarize state the main idea and important details of a selection Synonym word with the same or similar meaning as another word Verb Tense verb form, depending on time (past, present, or future) Theme main lesson of a selection Web graphic with main topic in the center and details around it BEGINNINGS You could start your writing with. . . A simile She was as smart as. . . A metaphor He was a clever monkey. Alliteration A stunning student. . . An idiom It was a snap to. . . A question Have you ever wondered . . . A belief I have always felt sure. . . A single word Brains. Thats all I. . . A good fact The encyclopedia says. . . A sound Ka-blam! . . . A quote Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, . . . ORGANIZATION Try these transitions and conjunctions to organize your writing and boost sentence fluency! Conjunctions and, or, but, for, because, when, if, then Transitions INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH: first, in the beginning, to start MIDDLE PARAGRAPHS: also, additionally, furthermore, then CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH: summing it up, in conclusion, ultimately, finally WORD CHOICE Some synonyms for commonly used words Sad depressed, gloomy, miserable, unhappy, mournful Happy glad, jovial, joyful, cheerful, delighted Mad furious, enraged, livid, fuming, irate, seething Good awesome, cool, wonderful, fantastic, excellent Nice pleasant, delightful, kind, thoughtful, charming Beautiful lovely, glamorous, attractive, elegant, gorgeous Big huge, gigantic, enormous, massive, immense Walk strut, hobble, march, plod, stroll Run rush, bolt, jog, dash, scurry Said replied, stated, exclaimed, responded, remarked Laugh cackle, chuckle, giggle, snicker, chortle Very truly, surely, especially, chiefly, incredibly, extremely Like enjoy, adore, admire, appreciate, love SIX + 1 TRAITS OF WRITING Ideas Think of an interesting purpose, details, and message. (Small idea, great details) Organization Give your idea a good beginning, middle, and end; going from one to the other easily Voice Write so your words sound like you, your ideas and feelings. Let readers really understand YOU. Word Choice Use interesting words that makes pictures in readers minds. (Trying using a thesaurus) Sentence Fluency Shape sentences differently, some short and some long. Conventions Work on capitals, commas, and periods. Spell your best. +1 Presentation Write neatly or use word processor. Make it look good! ( SPELLING WORDS A about, actually, again, a lot, almost, always, another, anyone, August B basically, beautiful, because, before, believe, buy, by C cant, character, Colina, coming, could, country D December, described, determined, didnt., doesnt, dont E each, enough, especially, everybody, everything, except, exactly F favorite, February, first, foolish, forty, Friday, friend, furious G getting, giant, girl, government, great, guaranteed, guess H half, having, hear, heard, hole, honor, horror, hour, house I Im, impossible, instead, into, its, its J January, July, June K knew, know L language, laugh, lets, literature, little M making, March, meant, minute, Monday, myself N natural, necessary, new, November O obey, October, off, offer, often, once, one, only, other, our, own, owner P packet, people, piece, private, probably, prove, purpose Q quickly, quiet R raise, read, ready, really, rely, require, resist, right S said, Saturday, separate, September, since, school, something, sometimes, success, Sunday T teacher, terrible, thats, their, then, there, they, theyre, thought, threw, through, Thursday, to, tonight, too, trouble, truly, Tuesday, two U unaware, under, unfortunate, until, unusual, use, used, usually V vacuum, vegetable, very, violence, vocabulary, volunteer W   !^bwW    ʼʢzodo\QCQjh{h{Ujh{h{Uh{h{5hA[nh7EB*phhA[nh{B*phh{h{B*ph h{h{h{h{CJ(h{h{CJ(OJQJhu 6CJOJQJaJhu CJ`OJQJaJ`y(jhu UmHnHuhu CJ`OJQJaJ`h ]hu CJ8OJQJaJ8h ]hu CJ`OJQJaJ`hu CJ`OJQJaJ`  !T^_`abcdefgwxy! 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