ࡱ> /1. bjbj .l$$ B00000   ,| 9      00B  00 w 3j X0                 $ :    BLEEDING TOOTH SOCKET Introduction Post tooth extraction bleeding may be: % Primary, within 24 hours. Or % Secondary, delayed for several days. This will usually be due to infection. Clinical Assessment % Assess the degree of blood loss. % Consider the possibility of an underlying coagulopathy % Is the patient on warfarin? Investigations None will be  routinely necessary, unless the patient is significantly compromised by the blood loss and/or there is suspicion of an underlying coagulopathy or infection. The following will need to be considered: % FBE % CRP % Coagulation profile % Group and cross match. Management 1. Kaltostat Cophenylcaine forte spray is useful for anesthesia and vasoconstriction. Following this, the socket may be p02LNz ~ ` d   n r |    $ V *^bz|xz hKQPJ]hKQaJmHnHsH U hKQ5hKQ56\]hKQhKQ5>*B*phhKQaJmHnHsH @02LN| ~ b d   p $a$$a$p r ~   " $ <>$`a$$^a$ $0^`0a$$a$acked with Kaltostat, (consists of an absorbent fibrous fleece composed of the sodium and calcium salts of alginic acid in the ratio of 80:20) with the patient biting down to provide pressure. 2. Alternatively gauze soaked in 1:10,000 adrenaline solution may be used. 3. Antibiotics % Will be necessary for secondary infections. 4. Suture: % If bleeding continues or is severe a silk suture may be placed to close the socket. Disposition Admission will depend on the degree of clinical compromise, co-morbidity factors or the presence of an underlying coagulopathy Dental review Dr J. Hayes 1 November 2004 `bz|z|$a$ $0^`0a$ ,1h. A!"#$% 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH H`HNormalCJ_HaJmHnHsH tH uF@F Heading 1$$@&a$ PJaJsH V@V Heading 2$$@&a$6>*B* PJaJphsH V@V Heading 3$$@&a$5>*B* PJaJphsH H@H Heading 4$$@&a$6]aJsH DA D Default Paragraph FontVi@V 0 Table Normal :V 44 la (k ( 0No List <B@< Body Text$a$aJsH PK!pO[Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢]yl#!MB;.n̨̽\A1&ҫ QWKvUbOX#&1`RT9<l#$>r `С-;c=1g~'}xPiB$IO1Êk9IcLHY<;*v7'aE\h>=^,*8q;^*4?Wq{nԉogAߤ>8f2*<")QHxK |]Zz)ӁMSm@\&>!7;wP3[EBU`1OC5VD Xa?p S4[NS28;Y[꫙,T1|n;+/ʕj\\,E:! t4.T̡ e1 }; [z^pl@ok0e g@GGHPXNT,مde|*YdT\Y䀰+(T7$ow2缂#G֛ʥ?q NK-/M,WgxFV/FQⷶO&ecx\QLW@H!+{[|{!KAi `cm2iU|Y+ ި [[vxrNE3pmR =Y04,!&0+WC܃@oOS2'Sٮ05$ɤ]pm3Ft GɄ-!y"ӉV . `עv,O.%вKasSƭvMz`3{9+e@eՔLy7W_XtlPK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-!pO[Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 -_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!!Z!theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ'( theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]# lp  8@0( 2012.doc/ B S  ?nnU`m0^`0.U`m3TKQln@6~4l UnknownG*Times New Roman5Symbol3 *ArialI??Arial Unicode MSA$BCambria Math"hF{   !r0jj3QHP $P'3T2!xx ,Bleeding Tooth SocketThe Northern Hospital pescod User  Oh+'0 $0 T ` lx'Bleeding Tooth SocketThe Northern Hospital Normal.dotm pescod User10Microsoft Macintosh Word@@Eg%@rS ՜.+,0 hp  'Northern Health j Bleeding Tooth Socket Title  !"#$%'()*+,-0Root Entry FpI4j21Table WordDocument.SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8&CompObj` F Microsoft Word 97-2004 DocumentNB6WWord.Document.8