ࡱ> _ bjbjzz  0:  Killer Words of Customer Service Leaders Guide Copyright Telephone Doctor, Inc. All Rights Reserved  Improving the way your organization communicates with customers. 30 Hollenberg Court St. Louis, MO 63044 PHONE: 314.291.1012 800.882.9911 FAX: 314.291.3710 www.telephonedoctor.com CONTENTS The Goal of the Course and Course Objectives 3 Training Outline: Killer Words of Customer Service 4 Before You Begin: Tips for Trainers 5-7 Buy-In Activity 8 Discussion Questions & Skill Practice Key Point #1: Calm Down 9-10 Discussion Questions & Skill Practice Key Point #2: Can I Be Honest With You? 11-12 Discussion Questions & Skill Practice Key Point #3: No Problem 13-14 Discussion Questions & Skill Practice Key Point #4: Our Computers Are Slow 15-16 Discussion Questions & Skill Practice Key Point #5: What Was Your Name Again? 17-18 Discussion Questions & Skill Practice Key Point #6: Yes, BUT 19-20 Discussion Questions & Skill Practice Key Point #7: Sorry, Thats Our Policy 21-23 Discussion Questions & Skill Practice Key Point #8: You Dont Understand. 24-25 Post Program Activity 26 A Call to Action 27 Before They Go 28 Closing Words 29 Key Points 30 About Telephone Doctor, Inc. Customer Service Training Telephone Doctor, Inc. is a St. Louis based customer service training company that offers products and techniques designed to improve the service skills of customer contact employees. This program is presented by Nancy Friedman, our founder and president. Through DVDs, web-based courses, books, audio programs and instructor-led workshops, Telephone Doctor, Inc. has helped tens of thousands of organizations increase revenue, improve customer satisfaction ratings and reduce employee turnover. For additional information, please visit www.telephonedoctor.com. And now some legal stuff... We aim to be the nicest customer service training company in the world. :-) However, even the nicest company needs to diligently protect its intellectual property. Please respect the terms of our license and the copyright of our intellectual property. This material is licensed solely for display by the licensed organization to its employees. It is illegal to loan, rent, or sell this material outside the licensed organization. It is illegal to display this material to train persons outside the licensed organization without a separate agreement for that purpose. Please contact 800.882.9911 or HYPERLINK "mailto:info@telephonedoctor.com" \t "_blank" info@telephonedoctor.comto inquire about additional uses of our material. Telephone Doctor works to educate, detect, pursue and prosecute copyright violators using every civil and criminal remedy available. We offer a reward for information which leads to a recovery from individuals and/or organizations who pirate our content. Please contact 800.882.9911 or HYPERLINK "mailto:info@telephonedoctor.com" \t "_blank" info@telephonedoctor.comto report an act of copyright piracy. Telephone Doctor, Inc. assumes no patent liability with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every precaution has been taken in preparing this material, the publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions, or for any damage or injuries, resulting from use of the information contained herein. Telephone Doctor is a registered trademark of Telephone Doctor, Inc. The Goal of the Course: Killer Words of Customer Service Learn the customer service ramifications of some commonly used words; sayings that we have designated as killer words. These killer words can, and will, cause damage to business relationships. Understand that these killer words are normally used very innocently, and with positive intentions. However, this collection of killer words are proven to annoy and alienate clients and prospective customers and very possibly damage the opportunity to do business or continue a relationship with them. Objectives: In support of this goal, participants who have successfully completed this course will have demonstrated, through written, verbal, and/or Skill Practice exercises, the ability to: Discover Telephone Doctor s Eight Killer Words of Customer Service. Learn effective replacement words or techniques to eliminate these killer words. Enhance communication skills with your company s customers and prospects. Become skilled at how to defuse daily challenges instead of escalating them. The long-term value of this program creates a need to utilize the content in a variety of different uses. The following outline is based on a more traditional approach of showing the program in its entirety, then participating in discussions. Additional uses include: % One Key Point at a time during a staff meeting % Use a single segment as a buy-in activity % Individual Key Points can be used to add another dimension to other training programs Training Outline: Killer Words of Customer Service I. Introduction to the Topic (See  The Goal of the Course on page 3) (3 min.) A. State the goal of the course in your opening comments B. Include the class objectives II. Getting Acquainted (see Before You Begin: Tips for Trainers on pages 5-7) (15 min.) A. Introduction of trainer B. Use an icebreaker or buy-in activity of your own C. Administer the buy-in activity (page 8) III. View Program: Killer Words of Customer Service (22 min.) IV. Application of Key Points (35 min.) A. For each Key Point: f& Ask the class discussion questions provided in the Leader s Guide f& Have participants complete the accompanying Participant Workbook pages f& Optional: Use corresponding Skill Practices B. Administer the Post-Program Activity (page 26) V. Wrap Up (see Before They Go on pages 28) (15 min) Select method of review Use a commitment activity Hand out Desktop Reminder Cards Ask participants to complete evaluation NOTE: The normal total length of this class is approximately 90 minutes using the Key Point discussion questions only. For each Skill Practice activity included in the session, increase the total length of the class by approximately 10 minutes. For example, if using Skill Practices #1, 3 & 5, the total length of the class is approximately 2 hours. Depending on the time available and with some imagination, the training can be as short as only watching the program or extended to a full day session. Before You Begin: Tips for Trainers To help participants receive the maximum benefits from this course, here are some tips for success: Assemble Learning Resources % Locate DVD program Killer Words of Customer Service and companion CD that includes the PowerPoint presentation and Participant Workbook. % Using the PowerPoint presentation and Participant Workbook for attendees will greatly enhance the training. (To customize your training materials, your organization logo may be inserted in the PowerPoint and Workbook.) % Desktop Reminder Cards for each participant will encourage behavior modification after the class. % You ll need: A flip chart, or white board and markers, or chalkboard and chalk. Media equipment: TV with DVD player or computer with DVD drive, speakers and screen or wall. Create a Comfortable Learning Atmosphere % Choose a comfortable, well-lighted room with no distractions. % Arrange straight tables in a U-shaped set-up or use round tables. Either way, it is important that each participant be able to make eye contact with other participants. % Use name tents or name tags for participants. % Encourage note taking by using the Participant Workbooks or supply pencil and paper. % Introduce yourself. Give the participants a brief sketch of your background, your experience and how you relate to the training subject. The more comfortable the participants are with you, the more effective you will be in facilitating their learning. % Allow the participants to get comfortable with each other. Use self-introductions or icebreaking exercises to get the group relaxed. 1. The participants can use your introduction as a model, which will help them overcome any natural reluctance to talk about themselves. 2. Divide the class into groups of two. Give each pair of participants a few minutes to interview each other. Each one in turn introduces his or her partner to the group. This will speed the process of getting the participants to function as a group. 3. Multiple sources for icebreaker exercises exist. Bring your own or visit your favorite bookstore or local library for ideas. % Schedule breaks as needed. Before You Begin: Tips for Trainers (Cont.) Create a Comfortable Learning Atmosphere (Cont.) % Acquaint the participants with  housekeeping items. Advise the participants regarding the important features of the training environment (e.g., location of restrooms and lounge facilities, breaks, etc.). % Establish clear goals. The specific learning objectives for this class are included in the Leader s Guide (page 3). Keep in mind that the clearer the participants understanding of their objectives, the more likely it is that they will achieve those objectives. Involve the Participants % Choose the segments of the program that best meet your needs. Decide the viewing method that works best (start/stop, all inclusive, minus the review segment, etc.). % When using Telephone Doctor Participant Workbooks, there are a variety of ways to complete the questions. 1. Divide participants into two groups, assign each group a page and have the group prepare to discuss one or two questions from each page. 2. Prior to class, instructor selects most pertinent questions to be completed during class. 3. Assign homework to participants to complete remaining questions. % Verify participant understanding by asking questions. They should do most of the work. Resist the urge to take over. Facilitate, but don t dominate. Ask questions, coax answers, encourage give and take. % Encourage involvement of the participants by beginning questions with phrases such as:  What did you think about that?  Tell me what you just saw. How do you relate to that vignette? That was interesting; what was your take on it? What were your initial impressions? How did that scene make you feel? Before You Begin: Tips for Trainers (Cont.) Involve the Participants (Cont.) % Reduce participants apprehension by positively reinforcing their comments with statements such as:  That s interesting; tell me more about what you mean.  I hadn t considered that angle yet.  Good point.  Okay, thanks for sharing that with us.  That ll be one of the things we need to consider.  I really like your insight.  That s sure a unique perspective. Who else has some ideas? % Reward participants for their enthusiastic participation. Prizes are always coveted. NOTE: Telephone Doctor encourages you to create your own Skill Practices for each Key Point to simulate issues specific to your organization. Buy-In Activity ~ Killer Words of Customer Service Before watching the DVD program: Killer Words of Customer Service, ask participants to answer question 'A' below to the best of their ability. Then, review answers as a group. Save this information for our "Post Program Activity" at the end of this training session. Facilitator: Distribute blank sheets of paper and read the question below. Ask a volunteer to read the 'Goals and Course Objectives' on page 3 to participants. Question A: (Allow 3-5 minutes) Based on the goal of this course, let's create individual lists with eight - ten words we each feel "KILL or STOP" a conversation or put the relationship with our customers in a damaging situation. Facilitator: On a Flip Chart or Large Board: (Allow 3-5 minutes) Now compile a group list for class review. Ask participants to write two of their responses on the class board (avoid duplicates). Expect some responses to match the upcoming program's words; there are many KILLER WORDS out there.  Discuss the NEW list. Ask a few participants to select one word they feel is the MOST offensive and briefly explain WHY to the group? (Allow 6-8 minutes) Discussion Questions Key Point #1: Calm Down 1. In a business situation, why is it ineffective to tell a customer to calm down? f& Telling a person to calm down is considered rude. f& It s offensive, will annoy and alienate customers. f& Will damage the opportunity to continue to keep that customer. f& Can strongly affect the conversation in a negative manner. f& You should expect the opposite reaction. 2. What are a few of the responses you would likely offer when you re frustrated and someone tells you to CALM DOWN? f& Don t tell me to calm down. f& Excuse me, where s your supervisor? f& I m taking my business elsewhere. What does the phrase:  Life is a series of roles mean? f& We act and speak different ways when we face different situations. f& We communicate differently to our family, friends and co-workers. f& The focus of today s program: How we speak to our company s customers and prospects. In the program, Jessica sidetracked the conversation by telling the customer to calm down. Why is that like throwing gasoline on a fire? f& The customer will react negatively. f& The conversation will now escalate from upset to furious. f& Its patronizing and will have the opposite reaction on their behavior. TELEPHONE DOCTOR PRESCRIPTION: Expect the opposite to happen. Customers dont like being told to Calm Down. Focus effort on solving the problem. Skill Practice Key Point #1: Calm Down Facilitator: Please make sure everyone gets a chance to participate. There is no right or wrong answers in brainstorming, so encourage the participants to share whatever comes to mind. Divide your participants into eight groups; assign one of the killer words to each group. On paper or participant workbooks - Instruct each group to create killer word mantras using the eight words from this program and Prescriptions on the bottom of discussion pages. These mantras will help to encourage internal awareness & participation. (Allow 10-15 minutes) Prior to conducting the session, create eight templates using the example below.   As a class, read off mantras and discuss how to implement & reinforce these in your organization. (Posters, contests, emails, games, discussion groups, prizes)   Discussion Questions  Key Point #2: Can I Be Honest With You? What are the ramifications of saying to a customer: Can I be honest with you? f& Customers may not trust you or your company. f& It s considered  social noise. f& Reduces your credibility because your customers expect honesty. f& There s a hidden message in what you re telling me. 2. What are similar frustrating responses as:  Can I be honest &  which we should eliminate? f& Can I tell you the truth? f& Let me be perfectly frank. f& You want the truth, right? f& Look, I m gonna level with you. f& Can I be candid with you? 3. Is there ever an appropriate time when it s okay to use these killer words? f& It s not effective, you should avoid these killer words. f& These words are totally useless. f& These words question your own integrity. TELEPHONE DOCTOR PRESCRIPTION: Avoid this common credibility buster. Considered social noise. Customers expect the truth. Skill Practice Key Point #2: Can I Be Honest With You? Facilitator: Complete the exercise below and have a group discussion. When we hear Can I be honest we tend to wonder about previous and forthcoming information. We expect the truth every time so why the disclaimer? In this exercise, lets brainstorm negative words associated with each letter in HONEST. Allow 5-10 minutes.   Eliminate these credibility busters and your communications will be more effective. Discussion Questions  Key Point #3: No Problem 1. Where did the killer words  No Problem &  No Worries originally come from? f& Tropical islands. f& Travel and hospitality industry. 2. Why do some people find these words offensive? f& Sounds as though sometimes it is a problem to assist customers. f& Customers may view this statement as being dismissive. f& Sounds trite and too informal. 3. What words can replace these killer words? f& Certainly, we re happy to help. f& You are most welcome. f& It was my pleasure, we appreciate your business. 4. When customers appreciate the service theyve received and say Thank you, its okay for customer service representatives to respond back by saying, No problem, thats my job. Is this accurate? True or False f& False, customers deserve to hear  You re Welcome. It is the gold standard for customer service providers! TELEPHONE DOCTOR PRESCRIPTION:  No problem is perceived as dismissive to customers.  You re welcome is the gold standard for customer service providers. Skill Practice Key Point #3: No Problem Facilitator: Complete the two step exercise below; then discuss potential in-house reinforcements. On a large board or flip chart paper, lets brainstorm various responses weve heard in a conversation when ending a transaction or showing appreciation. Step I - On the left side of a flip chart, brainstorm similar killer words. Step II - On the right side of the same flip chart, generate positive alternatives.  How many different reinforcement methods can we think of to encourage the elimination of these killer words? Responses you may hear: Contests, posters, monitoring, games such as You Say You Pay, Catch Me If You Can. Discussion Questions Key Point #4: Our Computers Are Slow 1. What mental pictures are created when you hear these words? f& This organization doesn t have adequate technology. f& Geeesh, stop complaining and talking down about your company. f& This company has internal issues preventing them from serving customers. f& I m dealing with a less than  top notch organization. Name a few of the occasional drawbacks/challenges at your organization? f& Out of stock/back orders on popular items. f& Technical issues or systems are down. f& New rule or policy isn t to your liking. f& Being under or short staffed due to economy, vacations or illness. f& High call/traffic volume and longer than normal hold/wait times. f& Office temperature is too hot or cold. 3. Why does telling the truth to a customer regarding operational problems serve no purpose? f& Sharing negative details has no positive purpose. f& Remember to shield your customers so their experience is as positive as possible. TELEPHONE DOCTOR PRESCRIPTION: There is no value in sharing negative information. Offer solutions, not excuses. Skill Practice  Key Point #4: Our Computers Are Slow Facilitator: Complete the activity below on a flip chart or large board. As a group, brainstorm the types of organizations or businesses where we frequently hear these killer words.  Imagine all of the businesses and organizations listed above watched Telephone Doctors Killer Words of Customer Service last month and eliminated these negative words. Discuss how youd feel the next time you communicated with them? Do you think youd notice a difference? On a flip chart, large board and/or Participants Workbook page, ask participants to help generate a list of positive alternatives to saying: Our computers are slow. Responses you may hear: Bear with me while I review your information. Im retrieving your records now this will take a moment. Thank you for your patience, Im bringing your records up now. Are you able to hold while I locate your information? Lets work together, allow me a few minutes to research this information. Discussion Questions  Key Point #5: What s Your Name Again? 1. Why do people sometimes use these killer words:  What s your name again? f& Not paying attention or listening. f& Didn t hear it. f& Distractions or noises in the background. f& The person spoke too fast. f& They haven t received communications training from Telephone Doctor. f& Perhaps they have a last name with no vowels. 2. What are the four steps recommended, which are  less abrasive to get a name when you ve missed it? Acknowledge request Apologize Tell the truth Reintroduce yourself and politely gather name What are similar killer words we ve heard that are just as abrasive? f& What? f& Can I ask you to repeat what you said, I didn t have a pen? f& I wasn t listening. f& Who is this again? f& I didn t hear that, say that again. f& Huh? Are you on a cell phone or land line? TELEPHONE DOCTOR PRESCRIPTION: When you ve missed the name, regroup. Apply the four step technique to smoothly gather the name. Skill Practice  Key Point #5: What s Your Name Again? Facilitators: Divide your participants into two teams. Complete the activity below then regroup and compare information. Allow 10-15 minutes for this activity. On blank paper or corresponding Participant Workbook page, ask each team to ad-lib the unhappy customer part and create an employee script. Allow time for team practices; then regroup for the performances. A fast-talking customer has been transferred several times and is very unhappy about your organizations ! (Website, Ordering Process, Shipment Tracking, etc.) Employee using the four step recommended technique: Acknowledge request: Apologize: Tell the truth: Reintroduce yourself and politely gather name: Facilitator Example: Acknowledge Request: Sure, I can help you with that. Apologize: I apologize. Tell the Truth: I know you said your name, I missed it. Reintroduce Yourself and Politely Gather Name: Again, my name isand Im speaking with? As a group, discuss how your customers would feel after each of these conversations. Which is more effective and why? Discussion Questions Key Point #6: Yes, BUT In the customer service world the word BUT is thought of as the BIG ERASER. What do customers think when this killer word is said? Something negative is about to happen. The conversation is going downhill. Im not going to get what Im asking for. Okay, here it comes disappointment lies ahead. Why does Telephone Doctor call the killer words Yes, BUT the TWO STAGE NO? Theres going to be restrictions or conditions involved. This isnt going to be easy or make someone happy. Positive statements will soon be down graded. Name a few buffer phrases, which will smooth or soften the verbiage and replace Yes, BUT Lets go ahead and research your replacement costs. Of course, well need you to ship those items back by a traceable method. Certainly, Im curious what happened when you rebooted? Sure, lets discuss your refund options. Yes, let me review your invoices and double check your terms. I wish that was an option, what we can do is TELEPHONE DOCTOR PRESCRIPTION: State the customers options. Avoid this Two Stage No. Skill Practice Key Point #6: Yes, BUT Facilitator: Complete the exercise below and have a group discussion to recap. Remember the old definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results. Well, reacting to a customers need is much like that. Responding to customer needs requires much more thought, weighing of pros and cons, and is based on caring. The goals are to take care of an immediate problem and build a long-term customer-responsive relationship. Yes, BUT is a TWO STEP NO. Usually a quick, knee jerk answer. Lets discuss the consequences of answering without thinking. Most times the fast reacting answer has short-term negative consequences while responding answers have long-term positive results. Divide participants into two groups. Each group should have its own large board or paper for this exercise. Offer a few examples to launch the groups discussions. Allow 5 minutes. REACTING vs. RESPONDING: Short-Term Consequences vs. Long-Term Results  Compare the two groups responses. In closing, read below and ask participants if they agree or disagree: If the customer is not the central concern of your organization, you may not have an organization to be concerned about. Anonymous author Discussion Questions Key Point #7: Sorry, Thats Our Policy Weve all heard it! Think back to an experience when you were told by a business, Sorry, thats our policy. How did you feel? Frustrated and angry Taken aback Felt like a deer in the headlights Really? In most cases, an employee is simply stating a policy, rules or regulations as an explanation. So whats wrong with restating company information back to your customers? It can be considered harsh and may damage ongoing relationships. Your customers dont care. Its confrontational. What other forms of Sorry, thats our policy also alienate customers? Thats Standard Operating Procedure here! According to your warranty Youll need to call back and ask for my manager. FYI, thats what my boss told me to say. We have certain protocols we follow. According to my screen/script, we cant do that. I dont have the authority. TELEPHONE DOCTOR PRESCRIPTION: Customers arent interested in your companys policies. Look for solutions to the problems. Exceptions can sometimes be made to prevent alienating customers. Skill Practice Key Point #7: Sorry, Thats Our Policy Facilitator: Complete the exercise below and have a group discussion to recap. On a large board or flip chart, lets make a list of the issues that may cause someone to say Sorry, thats our policy in an attempt to remedy a situation. (Allow 5 minutes)  Use paper or corresponding Participant Workbook page. Divide your group into small teams with 2-3 members each. Assign a policy issue from the list to each team. Ask each team to script an effective response which eliminates the killer words: Sorry, thats our policy. (Allow 5 minutes) Ask each team to select one member to act as the customer, another to act as a company representative. Discuss: How can our company implement these changes? Ask: What are you empowered to do regarding customer satisfaction? Food for thought Sorry, Thats Our Policy. Facilitator: Read the article below and facilitate a group discussion. Shop Owner Refuses Refund to Grieving Parents And the award for the worst customer service might have already been won. Nicholas had a pair of steel-toed boots under the tree a gift from his mother. The 31-year-old mechanic and volunteer firefighter never got to see them, though, as he died walking home from a Christmas party on December 15. After the holidays, his grieving father gathered the strength to bring the shoes back to the store for a refund. The owner of the store refused, simply citing the stores no-refund policy. These boots should fit you Nicholas father says he was told. You could use them to go trekking. Nicholas father thinks his circumstances warrant an exception. Reprinted with permission of Belding Skills Training & Development Facilitator: Ask participants what would they have done? Discussion Questions Key Point #8: You Dont Understand 1. What are some of the reasons customers dont understand directions offered by employees? f& The verbiage may be generational, geographical or technology based. f& Language barrier might affect understanding. f& Customers are not as familiar with products or topics as employees. f& Normally, customers are distracted and not expecting directions. f& The terminology offered may need to be simplified. f& They need to hear directions  step-by-step for accuracy. 2. Why isn t it effective to repeat the same directions over again to a customer that doesn t understand? f& When there s a miscommunication, y345DKefP R [ ͻ񢍢zobPA2Ah+6CJOJQJ]^JhChBCJOJQJ^J"hChB5CJ OJQJ\^JhChBCJOJQJhChBOJQJ$jhChBCJUmHnHu)hD>hB5CJH*OJQJ\^JaJ"hChB5CJOJQJ\^J hChB"hCh+5CJ$OJQJ\^J"hB56CJ0OJQJ\]^J"h+56CJ0OJQJ\]^JhChBCJOJQJ^J     45DEFGHIJKm 2 $a$ & 9 Q R [ \  `' x$a$ " # 1 : ; ? g h v    & ) * / W X f  尡wiwiiwiwih8G@CJOJQJ^Jh`6@CJOJQJ^Jhqq@CJOJQJ^Jh_@CJOJQJ^JhChB@CJOJQJ hChB@CJOJQJ^JhqqCJOJQJ^JhHzCJOJQJ^Jh0ECJOJQJ^JhChBCJOJQJ^JhZCJOJQJ^J' @ 0 ! s <=$ Ad7$8$H$a$gdB$ s]s^`a$gdB$ p(x7$8$H$a$gdB `' xgd8G `' xgdHz `' xgdv `' x     ! 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I need to ship back one of the items we purchased last week. My boss ordered an extra by mistake. Can you waive your restocking fee? Representative says: Hi Kathy, Im happy to help you with this return. Our shipping instructions are on the back of your packing slip. I apologize, were not able to waive the 10% restocking fee it covers expenses. Alternate response for a demanding customer. Representative says: Kathy, we appreciate your business and dont want you unhappy. Let me research our options and Ill call you back. y "'(2345bxyz߯tgWGWGWGWghTh\CJOJQJ\^JhTh8CJOJQJ\^Jhd1CJOJQJ\^Jh\CJOJQJ\^Jh8CJOJQJ\^Jhy )>*CJOJQJ\^J"h9hy )>*CJOJQJ\^Jh _hd1CJOJQJ\^JhTha(CJOJQJ\^JhTh:CJOJQJ\^JhThy )CJOJQJ\^JhThECJOJQJ\^Jµ"hChB5CJ OJQJ\^Jh ilh  h9h\h\CJOJQJ\^JhTh\CJOJQJ\^Jhd1CJOJQJ\^JhTha(CJOJQJ\^JhTh8CJOJQJ\^J xX^Xgd h^h`gd\h^hgd _6&P1h:plh0/ =!"#$% 6&P1h:p / =!8"8#$h% 9 0&P1h:plh0/ =!8"8#$% 9 0&P1h:plh0/ =!8"8#$% 9 0&P1h:plh0/ =!8"8#$% 9 0&P1h:plh0/ =!8"8#$% n2E6h[92,Bew7PNG  IHDR^pa$PLTE!֧ڋ5Ěi755J9yvvGEDZWWiff"!!bxӞa{6Gա@{}}OLLpmm_\\瘵Ö0㰮b@>=4/..SQPc`_K0bKGDH cmPPJCmp0712HsIDATx^] ;x !6w;Ļ~dBKjOUIB|.gu]KjT*.cXjxGQ᥷V5*0,^x6ˮԏPKx>2liOr[i7GvA{Tf7[C=j羥hܿ a7t T1v8T?E~s o~ր͗Lm2üDZ9DB7d#|gh5D[K&)ncwnW+NΞi?We.3٘+Dc|Og5IL~&Їw|y}xf&9s *`mPe說,JEO75qA{B5^W_X9E;}x҇3^WMǖq xipwW vg2S\'k/q9} ~wr/Soޗ:&Ɨi:.'{ 9H?~Mߏ߲埿Lx5NCs] +°  Q!*mǗ믣l.2+}5-u{.B@[#7&>Mסyĝ^M!3 ޢ^k]pf fDPS Z˕0RA6khv= g2x|@ؒCRƪd% PaứRFЌm?f3*̒'sܢޅSR 2mxͲޓhY va"T*KejAt}vIY5zL;?iifXdi? p7{!s{1MxFeM]LK}d `V/ ޮwC0Ө@Ȳ6Zzm2Q:WNh@lj wz͋:ֶb^1o]yZ,}9HEܒn%zzsSl+4ZMXUEb›m|2]0;i|b)0_W«/Rȋ}]8CtcS,[6 21𶡍$Ou'SJzjj׶ &a(_wCb\{؛tBKa9: )ޫ}4+3(m $ݐ{פ<x+unlt} : xoid`T6̂WVRC> fMU)^x>mYsFxfˀ/ػ6wZp%,&OX{Q_'7V\D#ަNm"5&_SރS^]bA>zs#eѶR:jrVLz07i粸Ux! 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