ࡱ> Root Entry0  FJabҾ !RaWordDocumentS w@@:S M w9,DCompObjjSummaryInformation(HPCURVIT'``  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_bdefghjklmnoqrstuvwxyz{|}~iRoot Entry0  FJabҾ !RaWordDocumentS w@@:S M w9,DCompObjjSummaryInformation(HPCURVIT'`  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_qrstuvwxyz{|}~ܥh_esDxdddddddj>,jjjj@jO88888888?+?iX]dfp 88]dd88Alexander Sedov29Microsoft Word for Windows 95y@=@⃽@B̓/@!R Lࡱ> ՜.+,0HPdlt |  Elcom Ltd``T P ALEX (ANDER) {E[UGEN(IEVICH)]} SEDOV, ࡱ>ܥh_esDxdddddddj>,jjjj@jO88888888?+?iX]dfp 88]dd88d8d8 !RxJ|dddd8 ALEXANDER E. SEDOV Doctor in Biology (both Russian degrees since 1994). Present job: The Institute for the History of Addresses. IHST RAS: Russia, Moscow, 103012, K-12, Staropansky per., 1/5, fl. 3, room 15. home: R., M., 121099, Smolenskaya naberezhnaya, h.2, ap.49. SEE BELOW: Curriculum Vitae List of publications List of oral presentations Other interests. ********************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************** Curriculum vitae (Release Dec.1, 2000). ALEXANDER E. SEDOV, Doctor of Biology (Both Russian degrees). Born: April 12, 1954 in Moscow. Graduated: Moscow special Spanish school No 110 & 262 Moscow school - Golden Medal 1971. Moscow State University (MSU), Department of Biology, Genetics & Selection Chair: Honors Diploma 1977. Preceeding jobs: MSU Interdept. Laboratory of Bioorganical Chemistry & Molecular Biology 1977-1979 (DNA in mouse meiotic pachytene: cells fractionation, stages reassociation kinetics). Institute of General Genetics (now RAS) 1979-81 (rRNA transcription dynamics in Drosophila larvae brain, drosophila cells cultivation). VNIIGenetica (GlavMicroBioProm, now MinMedProm), 1981-83 (bacillus riboflavin operon subcloning and the beginning of its sequencing). VINITI & Institute of Molecular Genetics (now RAS), 1983-87 (DNA-RNA-Protein Database formats: EMBL feature table terms, EMBL DNA/RNA Sequence Database re-editing ; development in PC-readable formats of: all sequencing-used organisms classification, genomes-sequences extraction, restriction &subcloning strategy, keywords general thesaurus in multi-factor cluster form.). (The works of 1979-87 were published only partially, this authors name was mainly omitted.). The Institute for the History of Science & Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHST RAS) - since 1988 up today. The Moscow institute for the school education improvement (MIPKRO) - since Sept.1998 Thesis theme: The history of DNA/RNA taxonomy and its phylogenetical applications (501 p., multi-color cognitive graphics, 996 references). It was defended twice: Candidate of Biological Sciences - March 12. 1994, Doctor of Biological Sciences - Dec. 02. 1994, confirmed by VAC at March 1995. Fields of interests now: evolution, DNA/RNA/protein taxonomy, phylogenetics, genomics, macromolecular evolution, developmental biology, neurobiology, metaphors and cognitive models in genetics, information theory and semiotics in biology, concepts in biological cognition, pre-biological concepts along the history of different human cultures long before & during the development of rational sciences - up today, data representation forms in biology, modern biological education for school teachers. Languages in use: English, Russian, Spanish. List of professional publications A.The scientific articles written only in Russian The names are written by Cyrillics, but also are translated in English - see after each appropriate Russian reference, inside [ ]. If needed, any of these articles can be re-written in English by the author or commented by summaries. .. ( in situ). // . : - , 1980. 267 . . 78-85. [Sedov A.E. Methods for DNA and RNA molecular hybridization on the cytological preparations. (in situ hybridization).//Molecular bases for DNA/RNA systematics. Moscow, MSU Ed., 1980. 267 p.. P.78-85. ]. .., .., .. , . // . C . ... ... . , 1986. C.9-14. [ Milgram V.D., Sedov A.E., Stanishevskaya O.M. The analysis of the completeness of the documents presented in the modern nucleotide sequence databases. //Theoretical research and databases in molecular biology and genetics. Ed. by V. A. Ratner. Inst. Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Division of USSR Acad. Sci., Novosibirsk, 1986. P.9-14.]. 3. A .., .., .. . // . .36-39. [Alexandrov A. A., [Milgram V. D., Sedov A. E. Technology for making nucleotide sequence database in VINITI. //Ibid. P.36-39.]. 4. .. - . // . .40-43. [Sedov A.E. Some variants of informational searching tasks in the databases of coding biopolymers. Ibid. P.40-43.]. 5. .. . // . XVI Ȓ. , 20-22.10.1987. 2. .65-68. [Sedov A.E. Formation and tasks of automated thesaurus for the databases of coding biopolymers' primary structures. // Topics in informational technology of the first step of GASNTI. Theses of the XVI All-Union seminar "GASNTI system research .". Yaroslavl, 20-22.10.1987. Part 2. P.65-68.]. 6. .. . // . . . , 1987. . . 12 . [Sedov A.E. Some methodological bases for DNA/RNA taxonomy. //Issues of the XXX conference of the post-graduate students and young specialists in the history of sciences and technology. Section of history of biochemistry. IHST RAS. Moscow, 1987. Theses. Deposed in VINITI. 13 p.]. 7. .. . // I . . . , 1988. . . . 12 .. [Sedov A.E. The history of the main problems of systematics.//The similar reference - the XXXI conference. Theses. Moscow, 1988. Deposed In VINITI. 12 p.]. 8. C .. . // III . . . , 1991. [Sedov A.E. The specific methods of the development of DNA-RNA systematics methods. //The similar reference - the XXXIII conference. Theses. Moscow, 1991. Deposed in VINITI. 15 p.]. 9. .. - . // II . . . , 1989. . . 16 .. [Sedov A.E. Analysis of the living forms and analysis of coding texts - two styles in biology and in culture. The similar reference for the XXXII conference. Moscow, 1989. Dep. In VINITI. 16 p.] 10. .. . // . . -, 1988. . . , 1988. .16-19. [Sedov A. E. The development of the analysis of the genetic texts and the new forms of the organization of the world scientific society. //The social and cultural bases for the scientific activity. All-Union school of the young scientists and specialists. Ust-Narva, Nov.1988. Theses. IHST RAS. Moscow, 1988. P.16-19.]. 11. .. - . // . . - , 1988. . . , 1988. .156-164. [Sedov A.E. The interactions between the analyses of spatial-temporal and literal structures in the history of biological systematics. Ibid. P.156-164.]. 12. .. - ʻ , ( 1960- - 1970- .). // . , 1988. .156-164. [Sedov A. E. The influence of the "paradigm of only protein-coding DNAs" on the analysis of genetic texts during the period before their direct sequencing (early 1960s-late 1970s). //Modern research in scientology and history of sciences. Moscow, 1988. P.156-164.]. 13. .. . . , 1990. No 48. 19 .. [Sedov A. E. The living forms' and the coding texts interrelations as the manifestation of the additivity principle in biology and culture - IHST reprint No48, Moscow, 1990. 19 p.]. 14. . 501 ., . ( ), . 1994 . 2 - . . . . [Sedov A.E. The dissertation named above.]. 15. .. : . // : . . . ... , . , 1995. .67-69. [Sedov A.E. Developing DNA-RNA systematics: towards the reconstruction of cognitive topology. //History of sciences and technologies: problems and perspectives. Ed. Volodarski A.I. National committee for the history of science and technology RAS, IHST RAS. Moscow, 1995. P.67-69.]. 16. .. : . // . 1-3 1996. -, 1996. .48-50. [Sedov A. E. Molecular genetics: from the physical to the humanitarian knowledge. //World models of interactions between science and high education. Theses of the International conference June 1-3 1996. St.-Peterburg, 1996. P.48-50.]. 17. .. . // - . ., , .1996. [Sedov A.E. Forms of data representation in biology and their combinations in its different branches. //Materials of the conference-school "Theoretical biology and theoretical economics". Emmaus (Russia, Tver region), Febr.1996. 18. .. . // , 1996, No 3. .165-167. [Sedov A.E. The school in the theoretical biology "The theoretical biology and the theoretical economics". //The problems of the history of science and technology, 1996. No 3. P.165-167.]. 19. .. . // . . . . . . . . . ... - -ʻ. , 1996. . 244-246. [Sedov A.E. The specific features of the native groups and schools in theoretical biology. //IHST RAS. Annual scientific conference. "Yanus-K" Ed., Moscow, 1996. P.244-246.]. 20. .. , : . I. . . //. . .. .-.., ... , - , 1997. .1. .35-47. [Sedov A.E. The history of genetics as impressed in the metaphors of the genetic language: quantitative and structural analysis. I. The main principles of the analysis. Metaphorical terms. //The problems of the social linguistics and the many-language phenomena. Eds. A.-K.S. Balamamedov, V. A. Tatarinov. Moscow, "The Moscow Lyceum" Ed., 1997. Issue 1. P.35-47.]. 21. .. , : . II. . // : . , - , 1998. .6. .20-26. [Sedov A.E. The history of genetics as impressed in the metaphors of the genetic language. II. The analysis of the reasonings in the problematic monographies: aims and principles. //Functional research: collection of articles in linguistics. Moscow, 'The Moscow Lyceum", 1998. Issue 6. P.20-26. 22. .. : .// . . . . . . . . . ... - -ʻ. , 1997. .95-100. [Sedov A. E. Information concepts in biology: the searches for interdisciplinary methodology and their pecularities in the native science. //IHST RAS. Annual scientific conference. "Yanus-K" Ed., Moscow, 1997. P.95-100.]. 23. .., .., ..: . : //, 1998. ( - . 0.7 . .). [Sedov A. E., Popov L.V., Chudov S.V. The development of the concepts of information in the context of biology. The searches for the interdisciplinary methodology: history and nowadays. //Polygnosis, 1998. No5. In press - near 700 full lines.]. 24. .., .., .. . // , , . , 1998 .. . - 7 .). [Popov L.V., Sedov A. E., Chudov S.V. The development of the information theory and the basic problems of the analysis of the biological systems. //The theses on the International conference "Mathematics, omputer, Education". Dubna (Russia), Jan. 1998. In press - 7 pages.]. 25. .. - . // .: ", : ". ., , 1998. .66-68. [Sedov A.E. Metaphorical terms in genetics and the history of the changes in its paradigms.// Science, technology, and industry: the historical experience. IHST RAS, Moscow, 1998. P.66- 68.]. 26. .. : , .// - " ". , 16-18 .1997 ( ). [Sedov A.E. The sustainable development in the biosystems: phenomena, paradoxes, and social analogies. //Int. Conference "The regional problems and concepts of sustainable development of Russia". Moscow, 1997, Dec. 16-18. In press - 9 p..]. 27. .. - : . // , 1998. T.1. C.121-136. [Sedov A. E. Texts and forms - in the living bodies and inside them: the roots of modern biology in the memorials of different cultures. //The Russian historical herald. 1998. V.1. P.121-126.]. 28. .. : " " " .". //, 1998. No 3. C. 116-129. [Sedov A.E. The cultures as interpreters of biology: "life as texts" and "life as forms". //Polygnosis, 1998. No 3. P.116-129.]. 29. .., .., .., .., .., ..: : , , . " " . // . 1998, No5. .108-123. [Borinskaya S.V., Korochkin L.I., Nazaretian A. P., Platonov E.S., Sedov A. E., Yankovsky N.K.: Genetic engeneering: technological possibilities, social perspectives, ethical problems. "The round table" of the scientists. //The social sciences and the present. 1998, No 5. P. 108-123.]. 30. .. : , , . // . 14-16 1998. ( ). [Sedov A. E. Cloning and manipulations with the embryonic genes and cells: the past, the present, the future. //Issues of the IHST RAS annual conference. April 14-16, 1998. In press - 8 p.]. 31. ..: : , , .// ." ". . XI . XIII. , - "". 1999. .120-125. [Sedov A.E. Cloning and manipulations with the embryonic genes and cells: yesterday, today, tomorrow. //In "Problems of the activities of the scientists and the scientific communities". The International annual. The Materials of the XI session of the International school of the sociology of science and technics. Issue XIII. Sanct-Peterburg, "Nestor", 1999. P.120-125.]. 32. .. - : . // " : . ". , 16-20 1998. . 8-12. [Sedov A. E. Biology for ethnographists: on some productive analogies. //Issues of the International conference "From the natural history to the social one: the past in the present and in the future.". IHST RAS, Nov.16-20, 1998. P.8-12.]. 33. .. : . // . " : .". ., 22-23.10.1998. . , . .162-164. [Sedov A. E. Changing the external and the internal nature of man: experiments and fears. //Issues of the Confer. "The problem of the man: the multidisciplinary approach.". Moscow, Oct. 22-23. 1998. Inst. for microeconomics of the RF Economic Ministry, Institute of Man RAS. P. 162-164.]. 34. .. .. . // . " 1999". , - . ., 1999. . 98-102. [Sedov A.E. The concepts of A.A.Liubischev and some actual problems of systematics and evolution. //In: "Liubischevskie readings 1999". Ulianovsk, Ulianovsky State Pedagogical University ed., 1999. P.98-102.]. 35. .. . // XII ". ., 24 - 4 1999. [Sedov A. E. The analytical approaches to the motivations of scientific activity of the biologists. // Issues of the XI session of the International School of the sociology of science and technology. St.-Peterburg Dept. of IHST RAS et al., June 22 - July 4 1998.]. 36. .. : ""? //" .". . XV. XIII " , ." (24 -4 1999 .).. -, - "", 2000. .144-147. [Sedov A.E. The communications in the mind of the mankind: the system of local centers or the common global "superbrain"?//"Problems of activities of scientist and of scientific communities.". The international annual. Issue XV. Materials of the XIII session of the International school of the sociology of sciences and technologies "National systems of professional communications in science and technology, economics, and politics." (June 24 - July 4, 2000). Sanct-Peterburg, "Nestor", 2000. P.144-147.]. 37. .. , : . // (). 1999, , 9. .10-20. [Sedov A.E. Logics and history of science as impressed in metaphors of its language: the quantitative and structural analysis of the professional terms and reasonings in genetics. //The informational herald of the Vavilov society of geneticists and breeders (VOGiS). July 1999, No9. P.10-20.]. 38. .. . . 2000. 4. .10-24. [Sedov A.E. Metaphors in genetics. The Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2000. No4. P.10-24]. 39. .. : . // . 1999 .. , , 2000. .249-252. [Sedov A.E. The informational concepts in the developmental biology: the main historical steps. //IHST RAS. Materials of the Annual conference of 1999. Editorial URSS, Moscow, 2000. P.249-252.]. 40. .., .. . ( .). // . 2000. T.34, 3. .488-518. [This article is translated in English - see reference 46]. 41. .. : . // . 2000 .. ( .). [Sedov A.E. Bioinformatics and biosemiotics: the hisorical way from theories to practices. //IHST RAS. Materials of the Annual conference 2000. (In press.).]. 42. .. . // " - .". , , 3-10 2000 .. ( .). [Sedov A.E. Modern genetics towards the key problems of evolution.//Materials of the International annual conference "From history of nature to history of society". Moscow, June 3-10, IHST RAS & Paleontological Institute of RAS. (In press). ]. 43. .. " " , . // - ", . ". - , 26 - 3 2000 .. ( .). [Sedov A.E. The "hot spots" in modern biology, the problems of school education, and the prospectives of the interactive educational technologies. //Materials of the International conference "Science, technologies and education in Russia during globalization and transformation of the social life.". Sanct-Peterburg, June 26 - July 3, 2000. (In press.).]. 44. .. : . //"-2000. ". III "" , , 24-25 2000 .. , - , 2000. .40. [Sedov A.E. RAMS Ed., 2000. P.40.]. 45. .. " ". - "" 11-12 12- .// . ( . 20 .). [Sedov A.E. "The world: viewpoint of biology.". The program of the bio-block in the integrative course "The natural sciences" for 10th -11th grades in future 12-year schools. //The compendium of MIPKRO on the integrative aproaches to teach natural sciences. (In press. Near 20 pages.). B. The scientific articles written in English. 46. Levina E.S., Sedov A.E. Molecular biology in the Soviet Russia. (An Essay). //The English variant - in the regularly translated Russian journal "Molecularnaya Biologiya" ["Molecular Biology"]. 2000. Vol.34, No3. P.420-447.). 47. Sedov A.E. Genetics as developing hypertext: sets of metaphors in multilevel cognitive models.// The 7th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS) @Sign processes in complex systems". Technical University of Dresden, Germany, Oct.6-12, 1999. P.347 (The abstract of the lecture made there.). 48. Sedov A.E. Genes, cells, and societies: basic similarities among sign-interpreting systems. //The Materials of the International Conference on Semiotics. International Semiotics Institute, Imatra, Finland. June 12-20, 2000. "Commentationes in honorem Thomas A.Sebeok octogenarii.". P.125-132. 49. Sedov A.E. New Russian myths about genetic research in mass-media and in common mind. //The Materials of the International Conference on Semiotics. International Semiotics Institute, Imatra, Finland. June 12-20. 2000. (In press, must be published these days.). 50. Sedov A.E. Modern macromolecular biology as the possible source for new biomorphic semiosis in architecture.//Materials of the International Congress "The future of the architect. Land, mind, society.". Universitat Politecnica de Catalun'a. Barcelona, Spain. June 7-11,2000. (The summary of the lecture was admitted by the Org. Committee). 51. Sedov A.E. On some biomorphisms of the Russian one-headed orthodox churches as interpretations of their surroundings.//Materials of the International Congress "The future of the architect. Land, mind, society.". Universitat Politecnica de Catalun'a. Barcelona, Spain. June 7-11, 2000. (The summary of the lecture was admitted by the Org. Committee.). 52. Sedov A.E. Modern genetics and cell biology towards orality and gestuality. //International Conference "ORAGE 2001 (Orality and gestuality)". //Universite de Provence, Aix-Marceille I, France. June 18-22, 2001. (The summary of the lecture is admitted by the Org. Committee). 53. Sedov A.E. Metaphors in multilevel concepts of genetics: quantitative and structural analysis reveals both influences of other sciences and genetical hidden knowledge.// The International Conference on Metaphors. Tunis, University of Manouba, April 4-6, 2001. (The summary of the report is admitted by the Org. Committee.). C. Popular articles written in Russian (The names are also translated at English - see below. These articles can also be re-written and/or summarized in English by the author) : 54. ..: . // "". No 40 (490). 3-9 1998. .10. (0.4 . .). [Sedov A. E. Making the living doubles. //"Poisk" (RAS newspaper), No 40 (490). Oct. 3-9 1998. P.10. Approx. 300 full lines.]. 55. ..: . // . (1997). [Sedov A. E.: Boris Lvovich Astaurov //The teachers' newspaper "September 1. Biology." The cycle "Russian biology in the personalities" -at 1997.]. 56. ..: . ( , 1998). [Sedov A. E. Andrey Nikolaevich Belozersky. //Ibid., at 1998.]. 57. ..: ... // . 1998. No5. C.20-24. [Sedov A. E. Genetics and ... metaphors. // The biology in the school. 1998. No 5. P.20-24.]. 58. .. : - "". // : . 2000, 20. .2-4. [Sedov A.E. The integrated excursions on the natural sciences: the museum-reservation "Tsaritsino". //The September 1: Physics. May 2000, No20. P.2-4. 59. .. . // . 2000, 4. .8-14. [Sedov A.E. Life and information. //The journal "Biology in schools". 2000, No4. P.8-14. 60. .. 7- . // . 2000, 4. .79. [Sedov A.E. The 7th International Congress on Semiotics ant the modern biology. //The journal "Biology in Schools". 2000, No4. P.79. 61. .. "" : . (: .). // , 2000. 2. .18-25; 3 - . [Sedov A.E. "Copying and multiplication" of humans and animals, and changing of their heredity: reality and myths. (Biology: the essay about cloning.).//The journal "The lyceum at home", 2000. No2. P.18-25; No3 - in press. 62-72. .. "" " ", ""(3- : , "-". - 70 . .): : 62. . 63. . 64. : , , . " .". 65. . 66. . : 67. . 68. . , : 69. . 70. . 71. . . 72. . [62-72. Sedov A.E. The chapter "Heredity" In the volume "The man" of the Childish Encyclopedia (The 3rd edition. Moscow, "Pedagogics-Press" Ed.. Appr. 70 pages. Admitted by the editorial board.). The subjects of genetics: 62. Heredity. 63. Genotype and phenotype. 64. Genomes: DNAs and RNAs, genes, chromosomes. The International Program "Human Genome". 65. Mutations. 66. Hereditary diseases. The modern genetical methods: 67. Genetic engineering. 68. Cloning. Some phenomena connected with heredity: 69. Conception and pregnancy. 70. Twins. 71. Sex. Hermaphrodythism. 72. Glossary of the main genetic terms. D. Educational activities, i.e. the original lecture courses. 1993-94 . . 7- - : - 7 , - 2 , . [In 1993-94, in "The international educational academy": the express-lectures and examinations: "Topics in modern biology" - 7 times per 7 hours each, "General genetics" - 2 times per 7 hours.]. 1996-97 . . ( ) ( - ѻ): , , ; 140 (2 - ), ( ), , , . [In 1996-97, in the Institute for psychoanalysis in the Academy of the humanitarian research - the course "Structures and functions of nervous systems (the modern neurobiology for psychoanalysts)". 140 lecture hours, themes'-oriented excursions in the museums of paleontology and of anthropology, programs, examinations.]. 1997-98 . . " (" " )" (78 ), " ." (40 ), " " - " " (40 ). [From 1997-98 up today, in MIPKRO (See above) - the lecture courses: "The modern biology: ("White spots" of school manuals)" (78 h.), "The bases of modern ecology" (40 h.).], for those who are re-qualified to become the correctional educators - "Bases of modern genetics" (40 h.)]. E. Single oral lectures in Russian (Only those made since 1996 are named here). 1. : . 20- 1995, .. ( 1995). ( - . 55.). [A.N.Belozersky: the enigmas of biography. 20 min. report in the scientific board of the MSU Institute of bioorganical chemistry and molecular biology - at Nov. 1995. (See ref.55.)]. 2. : , . , , - - . . 1996 . ( - .17.). [The plural data representation forms in the theoretical biology: multilevel models, paradoxes, and ideas. 1- hour lecture on the Emmaus conference. (See ref. 17.)]. 3. . 1996 . ( - .19). [The specificity of the native schools and groups on theoretical biology. Plenary report in the annual conference in IHST RAS, 1996. (See ref. 19)]. 4. . . : . . . 12.11.1998. [Genes and genetics in the stream of time. One-hour report on the Inter-departmental seminar on the time research. The semester theme: Time. Life. Society. Moscow State Univ., 12.11.1998.]. 5. , : . 25- . , , 21-23.06.1996. ( - . 20,21,25,37,38, 46,55). [The history of genetics as impressed in the metaphors of the genetic discourse: the quantitative and the structural analyses. 25-min. Report on the All-Russian conference on terminology. Moscow, Dept. of philology, 21-23.06.1996 (See ref. 20,21,25,37,38,46,55)]. 6. - . . -, 26.06.-03.07.1996. ( - . 16.). [Genetics - from the quasi-physical knowledge up to the humanitarian one. Two one-hour lectures on the International conference "The world models of the interactions between the cience and the high education". St. Peterburg, 26.06.-03.07.1996. (See ref. 16)]. : . 25- . 1997 . ( - . 22). [Information concepts in biology: the searches for interdisciplinary methodology and their peculiarities in the native science. 25-min. plenary report on the Annual conference of IHST RAS. Apr. 1997 (See ref. 22)]. . 30- - . 1997 .. ( - .: 22-24,41,57). [What could and what couldn't give the information theory to the biologists. The 30-min. report in the problem group seminar in IHST RAS. Oct.1997.(See ref.22-24,41,57)]. 9. : , . 30- . , , . 16-18.12.1997. ( .26.). [Sustainable development in biosystems: phenomena, paradoxes, the social analogies. The 30-min. report on the Int. Conf. "Regional problems and concepts of sustainable development of Russia.". Moscow, The International center for the educational systems, the RF President institute for the state service, 16-18.12.1997. (See ref. 26)]. 10. : . . ( - . 29,30, 31,44,48,52,59,65,66). [Cloning and manipulations with human genes: popular myths and scientific realities. Reports on various "Round tables" See ref. 29,30,31,44,48,52,59,65,66)]. 11. : 'case study' - . 30-. " . , 3- . ., 20.06.1998. (. , 10.). [Genetic terms: the historical dynamics of metaphors and one case study of the day, i.e. cloning. The 30-min. report on the International conference "The terminological meeting of RossTerm.". Moscow, 3-th Medical Inst., June 20.1998. (See the same references as for 10)]. 12. - : . 30-. 2- . , . .. , 1998. ( - . 32). [Biology for ethnography: on some useful analogies. The 30-min. report on the 2-th Humiliov conference. Moscow, A.E.Fersman Museum, June 1998. (See ref.32)]. 13. 30-. . , , 26.06.-03.07.1998. [The similar 30-min. report on the International school for the sociology of science and technique. St. Peterburg Division of IHST RAS, St.Pb. State Univ., June 26 - July 3, 1998.]. 14. , : , , . . 30-. . ( - .31). [Cloning and reconstructing of genes, cells, and organisms: history, myth-making, reality. The new Russian myths around genetics. The 30-min. report on the same conference. See ref.31.]. 15. : ( ). 30- " .". , , 15.10.1998. ( - . 33,44). [Experiments form genes to brains: ethics of personality versus pragmatics of megapolis. The 30-min. report on the International conference "The problems of man in the megapolis". Moscow, Home of Europe, Oct. 15, 1998. (See ref.33,44.)]. 17. : , . 30-. - . 33). [The history of directed changes in the human nature: social practices, popular myths, and the scientific ethics. The 30-min. report on the Conference. (See ref. 34.)]. 18. .. "c" - . 20- " ". , , 24.03. 1999. ( - .36). [The V.Vernadsky's idea on the intellectual centre of the mankind and the modern "superbrain" - Internet. The 20-min.report on the Int.Conf.:"The V.Vernadsky's idea on the intellectual centre of the mankind". Moscow, IHST RAS, 24.03.1999. (See ref.36.)]. 19. : "c"? XIII " , ". ., 24 - 4 1999. ( - .36.). [The common mind of the mankind: the system of the local centers or the united global superbrain"? The lecture on the XIII session of the International school for sociology of science and technics National systems of professional communications in sciences, technologies, economics, and politics.". (See ref.36.).]. 20. : . // 1999 .. ( - .39.). [Information concepts in developmental biology: the main historical steps.// The report in the IHST RAS Annual scientific conference, 1999. (See ref. 39)]. 21. : . // 2000 ..( - . 41.). [Bioinformatics and biosemiotics: the historical trend form theories to practice. //IHST RAS. The lecture on the Annual scientific conference 2000. (See ref. 41)]. 22. . - , 27 2000 .. ( - .42). [Modern genetics towards the key problemsd8d8|!RxJ|dddd8 ALEXANDER E. SEDOV Doctor in Biology (both Russian degrees since 1994). Present job: The Institute for the History of  F Microsoft Word MSWordDocWord.Document.69qࡱOh+'0 ,8H `l    P ALEX (ANDER) {E[UGEN(IEVICH)]} SEDOV, !DAlexandre KatalovFA NormalNatural Sciences and Technology of Russian Academy of Sciences (IHST RAS): the senior research staff in the Problem group of the history of theoretical and experimental biology (since Sept.1995 up today). The Moscow Institute for the Improvement of School Teachers' Education (MIPKRO): the head of the department of biology (since Sept.1998 up today). Dissertation theme: History ofp DNA-RNA taxonomy and its phylogenetical applications (Russia, Moscow, IHST RAS, 1994). Current research themes: *Pre-biological views in the history of different human cultures: the additivity and interactions of the cognitive models life as texts and life as forms in various visual arts, myths, beliefs, mystical and mental concepts as paths to the modern biology. *History, development and diversity of the cognitive models of the multilevel biological structures and processes. *History and cognitive dynamics of multilevel concepts as impressed in the metaphors of genetics: the quantitative, structural and semantic analysis of terms and reasonings in the professional genetic discourse. *History of the information theory in biology (both in the open world and in the fSU contexts). *Polymorphism of data representation forms and their hybrids in the history of biology. *Some topics of modern biology (genetic texts and their evolutionary principles; genes action in cell differentiation, morphogenesis, cancer, and aging) - as the source of conceptual models, paradoxes and analogies valuable for ecology, philosophy, basic and applied humanitarian knowledge. *Just why the biology? The spectra of external and internal motivations (the possible research approaches, some notable biographies, etc.). *The totalitarian power and the biologists. Types and examples of interrelations in the different research areas (---). *Cloning and reconstructing of genes, genomes, and living organisms. Real world history and culture: experimental biology and prophetic fantasy (books, songs, pictures). New Russian myths in mass media and in common mind. *The modern childish biological education in Moscow and Russia: the school teachers' improvement. Contact information: Telephone: (at home) (+095) 248-72-97 (at work) (+095) 928-11-89 (tues. & thurs., 15.-17.00) Fax: (at work) (+095) 925-99-11 E-mail: sedov@history.ihst.ru URL: (the old version yet): http://www.ihst.ru/Sedov.htm XPmnǙș$zÚ{ڛ.ۜ2ep p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p  48.  48.  48.  sQ{ϡ(1?;p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p gp gp gp  48.  48.  48.  48.  48. 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