ࡱ> sur~U 0Ibjbjnn MaaA5 44444l98888888$<P?8484449R!!!B448!8!!002 R18b9H91?r ?022F?44!88T!9? B :  Author Instructions instructions to Prepare prepare a Manuscript manuscript for Kuwait Journal of Science First author1, *, Second author2 1 Dept. or Equivalent, Organization, City, State, Country Contact Information (Phone, Fax, E-mail) 2 Dept. or Equivalent, Organization, City, State, Country Contact Information (Phone, Fax, E-mail) * Corresponding Author: xyz@abc.ghi Abstract The first major section of the manuscript is an abstract. Authors are responsible for typing accuracy and proofreading the manuscript. The abstract (not exceeding 300 words) should state the objectives achieved and give main findings of the work described in the paper. It should be independent of the text and should not contain abbreviations or bibliographical references. The manuscript must look professional and be technically correct in order to be accepted. Keywords: Five Key words relating to the concerned subject should be given in alphabetical order separated by semicolons. Only the first letter of the first word must be capital. 1. Introduction Each manuscript should begin with an introduction that gives some background on the topic and briefly states the objective of the paper and how it relates to other works in the field. The main text should follow the abstract and conform to the current style of the Journal. The following hierarchy for headings should be used. Heading and subheadings should be left indented lower case characters (except the first letter). All main headings should be numbered and in bold characters. Sub-headings should be in normal characters (not bold) and shall follow the number from main headings (Example:1. Heading,1.1 Sub Heading 1.2 Sub Heading etc.) The manuscripts should report original research or technical developments and their applications. They should contain quality scientific or technical information. Manuscripts of a commercial nature will be rejected. Kuwait Journal of Science will not be held responsible for any errors appearing in the final text. Authors assume sole responsibility for their manuscript, both for its form and its substance. Remember to check the manuscript carefully before submission. The manuscript should be submitted by only one author. Once submitted, no changes to the manuscript will be accepted unless it is recommended by the reviewers, Branch Editor, or Language Editor. 2. Headings format The titles of the main sections have to be left aligned, numbered and in 11-point bold type with first letter capital letters followed by lowercase. With the exception of the abstract, references, and acknowledgments section headings have to be numbered. Blank lines need to be placed above and below each main section title. Each paragraph shall start with 5 space tab, except the first paragraph immediately after the headings. Words to be printed in italics should appear as italics in the manuscript. Genus and species must be italicized. 2.1 Sub-Section Headings Sub-sections headings have to be in lower case, 11-point left aligned type letters. A blank line has to be placed above, but not below them. 2.1.1 Sub-sub-section headings: Sub-sub-sections should be avoided. If they are used, they should be justified left, in normal small letters, with the text beginning to the right. 3. Format of the manuscript 3.1 Reference Number Place the paper ID number at the top right corner of the header in a bold type (for example, 101); i.e., if you use this template, replace the ### in the header of this document with the paper ID number. The paper ID number should be followed by a page number (for example, 2101, Page 1 for the first page). 3.2 Manuscript Title Center the manuscript title with font size of 11-point bolded with a blank line below the title. Title should be in lower case characters except the first letter. A Running Title for the MS should be present at the end of the Manuscript. 3.3 Authors All authors should be listed by their full name with the family name appearing last, i.e., how the name is written in English (e.g., Yu Li CHO, John SMITH, Tae-yong KIM). Author names should be in the following format, Example: Mohammad M. Afzal, Tarek A. Hassan, Ibrahim Yousef (if no middle name). Middle name should be abbreviated. Order of Author names should be suffixed with number in superscript (Example: Mohammad M. Afzal1, Tarek A. Hassan2, Ibrahim Yousef3). If the affiliation for all the authors is the same then of superscript is not needed. Corresponding Author's name should be identified with a superscript asterisk * (Example: Mohammad M. Afzal1, *). Authors are required to fill up the entire authors name when they fill up the metadata to submit the paper. It is important to mention the correct corresponding author with his/her email and full corresponding address. Copyright form should be downloaded(HYPERLINK "https://journalskuwait.org/kjs/copy.pdf" \o "Copyright Form" \t "_blank"https://journalskuwait.org/kjs/copy.pdfto download the Copyright Form), fill it up and get it signed by all the authors and upload it as a supplementary file within two weeks of submission of the paper. Manuscript file size should be less than 2 MB and if the file size exceeds this size, compress the file or split the document by submitting the figures separately. 3.4 Number of Pages The entire manuscript (i.e., text, figures, tables, bibliography, etc.) must be no more than ten (10) pages long including graphs, tables and pictures. 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Page margins for manuscripts 3.7 Format of Citations Within the text of the manuscript, bibliographical sources are to be cited by giving the last name(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication. The year should always be in parentheses. Citations must be given in Harvard style in the text (Salamaet al., 1991; Misfir, 1988), or Salamaet al. (1991) or according to Misfir (1988) and Kepper & Astry (1993)., If two or more works by different authors or authoring bodies are cited at one point in the text, use a semi-colon to separate them: (Larsen 2000; Malinowski 1999). If the number of authors is five, include all author names in the references section. If the authors are more than five, then put names of the first five authors followed byet al.,.et al., 3.8 Figures and Tables Each table must be numbered (Table 1., 2., 3., etc.), with the caption centered above the table and table number in bold as shown in Table 1. Each figure must be numbered (Figure 1, 2, 3, etc.), with the caption centered below the figure and figure number in bold as shown in Fig. 1. ... All composite figures should be mounted together and the parts labeled (a), (b), (c), etc. Page size montages of photographs count as a single figure. Avoid mixed montages of photographs and line drawings. Figures and tables should be incorporated into the main body of the text. Authors should ensure that all tables and figures appear in their entirety on one page. All tables and figures must be sharp, clear, AND check that they are legible in black and white. All axis and data series must be labeled correctly. All text within the table and diagrams should be in Englishin English. Clear digital photographs (high resolution) are accepted in TIF or GIF formats. Field photographs must contain a scale. Maps and field sketches must include a metric bar scale. Regional maps must include a North arrow and at least 2 latitude and 2 longitude numbers on each of its respective sides; National Grid numbers may also be used. Map keys should be given on map or figure, not as numbered boxes.  Fig. 1. Text area for manuscripts (U.S. Letter format) 3.9 Format of Equations Equations are to be left aligned, numbered in order (i.e., (1), (2), (3), etc.) down the right-hand side of the page and cited in the text with its number, e.g., as listed in equation (1). Use 1.5 spacing, if necessary, for equations. Authors must provide instructions on how symbols and equations should be set.Symbolsset. Symbols used in equations should be explained directly below the equation in which they first appear or in a nomenclature section at the end of the manuscript. E.g., a method (Cheap and Fee, 1986) to estimate the cost of attending meetings is given in Equation (1). Formatting of equations has to be checked before submittal of the manuscript.   EMBED Equation.2  (1)(1) 3.10 Units Format SI units only or dual units have to be used. If dual units are used, the equivalent values in the secondary units, enclosed in parentheses, will immediately follow the original values in the primary units, i.e., SI (IP) or IP (SI). Acronyms may be acceptable, but must be defined at first usage. 3.11 Footer and Page Numbering Authors are asked to include the one-line footer centered on each page of their manuscript. The footer has to be placed 0.5 inch (1.27 cm) from the bottom edge of the page for the 8.511 inch U.S. Standard Letter format. The required footer is included in the footer of the author template for your conference. The page number should be appended to the paper ID number in the header. 4. Submission of manuscript Submit your manuscripts electronically at  HYPERLINK "https://journalskuwait.org/kjs/index.php/KJS" https://journalskuwait.org/kjs/index.php/KJS Submit manuscripts as a Doc/pdf-file that is smaller than 20 MB including an abstract, graphs and figures. 4.1 Submission Preparation Checklist As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration. I understand that, this manuscript cannot be withdrawn or submitted to another Journal once it is reviewed. If So, KJS has the right to take the proper action according to its bylaws. For more details, Pleasesee ( HYPERLINK "https://journalskuwait.org/kjs/index.php/KJS/about" https://journalskuwait.org/kjs/index.php/KJS/about) The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the HYPERLINK "http://journals.ku.edu.kw/kjs/index.php/KJS/about/submissions" \l "authorGuidelines" \t "_new" Author Guidelines ( HYPERLINK "https://journalskuwait.org/kjs/index.php/KJS/about/submissions" \l "authorGuidelines" https://journalskuwait.org/kjs/index.php/KJS/about/submissions#authorGuidelines), which is found in About the Journal. The submission file should be in Microsoft Word and PDF document file format. Copyright form is ready with every Author's Signatures, which needs to be uploaded as supplementary file. ((HYPERLINK "https://journalskuwait.org/kjs/copy.pdf" \o "Copyright Form" \t "_blank"https://journalskuwait.org/kjs/copy.pdfto download the form) Manuscripts must be with double spacing and wide margins (25mm) on all sides. A font type of "Times New Roman" and size of "12 points" is required. 4.2 Revision of Manuscripts Manuscripts must be returned to the Editor-in-Chief within 1 month of the author's receipt of referees' reports. Revision time is around 1 month. Revised Manuscript must be professionally checked and edited by a Language Editor / Copy editor and it should be formatted strictly as per the Journal style. Figures and tables along with their captions must be placed next to the relevant text in the article. The acceptance letter will be provided only upon the receipt of the final edited MS. 4.2.1 Page Proofs One set of proofs will be emailed to the corresponding author to be checked for typesetting and editing. Corrections or changes must not be made which constitute departure from the article in its accepted form.Check proofs thoroughly and return them within 48 hrs to the publisher from date of receipt. Publication of Paper: There is no publication fee to submit or publish papers in Kuwait Journal of Science. 5. Conclusions Conclusions can be in paragraph form or bullet items. Reprints: 1- Five copies of each published paper will be supplied free of charge to the principal or corresponding author. Additional copies may be requested for cost using the order form provided with the proofs. 2- All manuscripts become property of the Journal and are not returned to authors, even if a manuscript is rejected. Original manuscripts and illustrations are discarded two months after publication, unless a prior arrangement is made with the Editor-in-Chief. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT An acknowledgement is located at the end of the text to indicate the sponsor of the study presented and/or to acknowledge additional contributors to the paper. Personal acknowledgements should precede those of institutions or agencies only(not referees). References References are to be placed at the end of the manuscript in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author. All sources cited in the text have to be listed in the list of references in alphabetical order of the author's name, or of the lead authors name (if there are several authors) at the end of the manuscript. The total number of references should not be exceeded 40. References should not be numbered. The Year in references should be within brackets. Example: (1981). Authors are responsible for accuracy of references. References must be on separate page at the end of the text. An alphabetical list of all literature cited in the text should follow the text, headed by References, and double spaces in Times New Roman font size 12. Names of the periodicals should be given in full. References should be highlighted in the text part. Page number should be mentioned in the references. Example References Journal: Abhilash, P.A., Harikrishnan, R. & Indira, M. (2013)Ascorbic acid is superior to silymarin in the recovery of ethanol-induced inflammatory reactions in hepatocytes of guinea pigs. Journal of Physiological Biochemistry, 69(4):785-798. Al-Awadi, N.A. (1990)Gas Phase pyrolytic reaction. Journal of the Chemical Society, 2(1): 2179-2189. Sorkhoh, N., Al-Hasan, R. & Radwan, S. (1989)Self-cleaning of the Gulf. Nature, 359: 109. Al-Awadi, N.A. (1990)Gas Phase pyrolytic reaction. Journal of the Chemical Society, 2(1): 2179-2189. Book: Jenny, H. (1980)The soil resources. Springer-Berlag, Berlin. Pp. 124. Book Chapter: Verklig, A.J. & Schat, H. (1990)Mechanisms of metal tolerance in plants. In: Shaw, A.J. (Ed.). Heavy Metal Tolerance in Plants, Pp. 179-193. CRC Press, Boca Raton. Conference or Symposium: Al-Hasan, R. (2000)Oil accumulation by picophytoplanktons from the Arabian Gulf. Proceedings of the 4th Asia Pacific conference on Algal Biotechnology. The Asia-Pacific Society for Applied Physiology. Hong Kong, China. Dissertation: Redha, A. (1998)Induction and analysis of chromosome doubling of microspore derived wheat haploids. Ph.D. thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland.     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