ࡱ>  bjbj?? UU$,,4t"""""`4b4b4b4b4b4b4,]694"4"" 4:""`4`4*23Nu:2L4404299(33&34449 l:    Interested In Learning More About The Bible, Jesus, And His Church? How About A Home Bible Study? All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. -- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Why would anyone want to know more about the Bible? Isnt it outdated, filled with old-fashioned ideas that are totally irrelevant for todays modern society? What well-educated, well-informed person today would spend time reading and learning what the Bible has to say? Consider what presidents of the United States have said about the Bible: So great is my veneration for the Bible that the earlier my children begin to read it the more confident will be my hope that they will prove useful citizens of their country and respectable members of society. I have for many years made it a practice to read through the Bible once every year. - John Quincy Adams If you take out of your statutes, your constitution, your family life all that is taken from the Sacred Book, what would there be left to bind society together? - Benjamin Harrison I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good from the Savior of the world is communicated to us through this book. - Abraham Lincoln No man, educated or uneducated, can afford to be ignorant of the Bible. A thorough understanding of the Bible is better than a college education. - Theodore Roosevelt We cannot read the history of our rise and development as a nation, without reckoning with the place the Bible has occupied in shaping the advances of the Republic. - Franklin Roosevelt. The fundamental basis of this nation's laws was given to Moses on the Mount. The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings we get from Exodus and Saint Matthew, from Isaiah and Saint Paul. - Harry Truman Within the covers of this one single book, the Bible, are all the answers to all the problems we face today. If only we would read it and believe. - Ronald Reagan The Bible has certainly made an impact on the United States Of American and many other countries around the world. It has had similar impact on countless individual lives. Here are just a few reasons why: THE BIBLE IS GODS POWER TO SAVE By creating faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God (He 11:6), and faith in Jesus is necessary to be saved (Jn 8:24). As with the gospel of John (Jn 20:30-31), the Word of God is designed to create saving faith (Ro 10:17). By causing one to be born again. Jesus taught that we must be born again to enter the kingdom of God (Jn 3:3-5). The Word of God is the means by which one is born again (1Pe 1:23-25), for it tells us what to do to be born anew or regenerated (Mk 16:15-16; Ac 2:38; Ti 3:5). By keeping one saved. There is a very real danger of falling away (He 3:12), but the Bible was written to prevent apostasy (1Co 10:11-12; Ac 20:32). IT IS GODS POWER TO COMFORT By the hope it gives. Through the record of Gods dealings with Israel, Christians can have great hope knowing that God keeps His promise (Ro 15:4). Thus we have hope looking forward to the grace that is yet to come (1Pe 1:13). By the peace it gives. The Word of God in the Old Testament was a great source of peace to the people of God then (Psa 119:92-93,165). So the words of Jesus and His apostles offer great peace to those who read and follow them today (Jn 14:27; 16:33; Ph 4:9). By the happiness it gives. The one who delights in the Word of God is the truly blessed (happy) person (Psa 1:1-3). Especially living in dark times, it offers light (Psa 119:105). If you are interested in learning more about the Bible, Jesus, and His church, I would be happy to have a home Bible study with you. WHO AM I? My name is Mark Copeland. I am simply a Christian, a disciple of Jesus Christ, and member of the Lord's body, the church, as described in the New Testament. I've been blessed to serve as a minister of the gospel of Christ for over forty years, working with churches made up of individuals who are likewise simply Christians. For twenty-three years I have been preaching for the Fortune Road Church of Christ located in Kissimmee, Florida. I recently began serving as one of its elders. The churchs website is listed below. Feel free to Google my name, and check out my website, ExecutableOutlines.com, which is a repository of over 1700 sermon outlines and Bible studies that I have developed over the years. WHAT AM I OFFERING? When people want to learn more about the Bible, Jesus, and His church, I like to use a six lesson course called Know Your Bible. It is available as a correspondence course, but I have found it useful for home Bible studies. The course offers an overall summary of the Bible with its Old and New Testaments. With a focus on the primary message of the gospel of Jesus and His church, the lessons include studies on the nature and problem of sin, the need for the death of Jesus Christ, examples of conversion, and the beginning of the Lords church as revealed in the New Testament. If you think you might be interested, why not give me a call (407-319-1725)? Ill be happy to answer any questions you might have about the Bible study, and/or set up a date and time for the study at your convenience. Of course, you do not have to agree to a home Bible study to call me any time that you think I might be of some assistance. Id be honored to hear from you. Meanwhile, why not accept an invitation to visit the church at Fortune Road? I would love for you to meet the wonderful Christians who worship there! I hear their preacher is not so bad either . ~ Fortune Road Church of Christ ~ 2431 Fortune Road Kissimmee, FL 34744 (407) 348-0300 KissimmeeChurch.org Sunday Bible Classes 9:30am Morning Worship 10:30am Evening Worship 6:00pm Wednesday Bible Classes 7:00pm Mark Copeland Evangelist (407) 319-1725 $:;PQghijd f g i z { |  8 X  Ǿ{tojfbf^f^fVh-h-6hvhvhC hU5 hC5 hAhQQhp6CJaJhAhQQ6CJaJhphp6CJaJhQQ6CJaJh~hQQ5CJHaJHhp5CJHaJHhQQhQQ5CJ0aJ0h~hQQCJ0aJ0hQQCJ0aJ0hpCJ0aJ0hQQCJaJheTCJaJjheTUmHnHu      gdQQ !"#$;Qijv{f { |   $a$gd-$a$gdQQ$a$gdQQgdp$a$gdQQgdQQ      , C g v x  !"[^km"#&'(-/AJbctuļļijh7&h rh rh7&5h^0h^05 h r5haWhs]h^0 hv5hvhv5hvhvhv6 h-h-h-h-6hvh-5hvh-6 h-6h-h-5h-8 w x !"lm'(@AbcOPde $a$gd-$a$gdQQ DLPp4Eaez 56By %tÿ˴ਠ䨠he-She-Shf5hfhf5hfhfh 5 h h h-h^0h h^05 h 5h h r5h h 5h hli3h rh r5h rh rh7&5h7&7  FGQRcd34}~YZ$a$gdn$a$gd-t} EGQ]j(6 ;bi3Js48<|}~οοολλοοοολλλλλ﫧hOhnhR|qhtWh+h+5h+ hZhZhZhZ5hZ h+5h+hZ5h+he-S5hHhH5hHhe-She-She-S5?+F!56=QRSbk{}¼¼³hVghQQCJaJh ahnaJ hnaJhXdJhn5aJ h ahnhrhn5hXdJhn5CJaJhn5CJaJhnhVghVg5hVg"!56=Sl$a$gdVggdn$a$gdn$a$gdnC 00&P1F0:pVg= /!h"h#$% P @F 000&P1F0:paW= /!h"h#$% P @nUx޻؎j::qPNG  IHDRJsRGB pHYs+wIDATx^T/v{# U@ bDFK45=1QcMǮX!(D@:nΙw}f}8sg9{We{C=lGGmgU|ah䓿}viSvY ϨUψW=6DNxO_ՙG?ѥL|ͨxDySkE]s7οWFty[o4 N_DncxO. }u⬑GFhƢNy00>jz~oգ_㓫iGV{o{ʬȊEgt$צOqF_c OF5K~xc-?9wVAʜfԋkS/={=bhF\F.|隌v^uTiᕞz.x 6q/xonF(K%?Fu:̪R1}JV'~& ;E[|JY/1Kv1a[5Q#*N3Uj[1k^v;<~kLVI9~O"{ w9gEu~w;3!VZl V 졨3\tr~GkXTJEz lalbYY.,:wYR0:ˡ%L)3Se"3d#3WZYPK%4zxg<7X| b rsa:d]Y*wuL77tz?wy'&T*9=($aߺiiptJ岪" +* 0{F1O{̃y֕R׾~erMV6j~gӦpgi%._ Y|GozZfs-}奃>IP,trșg}%_ O8s*qZh b1XE2KgcK,`oH$RVTSUn7CQT/&}:'ut[Ə[eNU[Q4/WtI*ߨⲶ]\}ɒgAHpxm߽?p1Ǚ t r2 q&hk!r_ 5%>Sb! gNqF~Uu]Ǐ ~_.^@0A.3<3z1pP?dEڈ>U)Nngqh`pGϙo*9 %SC0"  F ^$~'I*e?t7| ,Jp+rʲLirnay@07 DJx4Ji`\*OJn,I}>w$pH./j7ţ>o] 'ippOo9糙.̳3immLthF t1dAw巖[N/͙Asg=3U蠃4R*kbktec/$4-MQwq;>J6:勧Pyܗxcٲ{kՇEP'I8 sÍһm &e < Yt *Aީx"+ ݗ ee,+kz[=~%mʊ.NthxfJRVW҆޻sy,>_ti2al*A-d_LœQ>h׬Xb嫶h ْJ0gJS,%#z3YlnaK] &A+fx-K:#̄sXd%K/FKo\e1>CO=3`i_9$c%kk?>b;k"O10|zx67,[wف/}1]vaYx-/p&Ub[ n[7<>#06 CŅ%H5k(]aXdm~z6IJژP̒Fl̠- HEHjg\<-zH0U^V-3,W.[KF\t)^Xha`.F?/Zֶy0W'閇0B+]Jykم_Z7 놱aqo)JJEEt7^0 *]ҳE^(d)˂ q QQh=r>-Ҁ=Bʉ!!I[ Ķx+ꊕåa,{z$k!0M ȵ8VThdS)BR\l椱F $$~Bܰh \DlXlڄU` V)ۗjժ˗2 Lv"N1}M'~5ohP\8<ϥiIOlx:ۂLϺ=~%[a C Jy=~vYK`Bm(JR8)4ph8ػ`F Q{f(0ž:,W.GWpbvkI0B wj*szmPR,cmH[-`-s}IQS^ .iW_/t}msc)3fK=Rxz7.w+3sL; -G 4J͜MiRw3]H#eLHyX7lJR65  Wy 'tJ3Y ӠY\ʙAo^y?t32'}dybx›]#mgcXIL vM_(k(ZAðIdr7xz1 苦?0{:U-hS1 z06 V/߲yp~¼ l8]ܼe멧GCM7T" :{ nHuv NomBJ{Lz1i|ɻb!E.c| &:EO?lHՙaV jiiֳ}lٺu$ATw-؄zzT>lwF4Aqc ˨kds>J(9Xpcs;bEB\7{*seM o}|sr/y&_Z>7w>d-6ƦřXga@Z%20b-\agFicF掳`<,XWitA=F$čD0``>ƍ`ֽMP] GUd$CTBZDpu4'ܻ =pB*: l.\X " xHMIL=k7oڗ:?h> Z.`/CEw6R&!nLo|X¶2c|)CZOXN\J4PU?ɳ?@qڬY9 d},lN:y؄T{1ܦHvv9G#qȟQ5FiΘnH`O_ϘNv{e߅ӤPOڦ z:ի_{q;,߲w|f s p|W2`gfe]õ{{&|$b'C؟n^X?vVe-7@Y#q~ IU57E-+r?~[a֣ ICĀi6YY; '}Qǟ[g~`>M>œG/-S)rs֐o݈( z"X%>*X7>#<7ZFP]K#&Lor)>s#y /#)a6l,{݅mr<ߘg< y:K3ht5۶,xǀ_?b`,2({dXpa' [VD&rF%Z`  2k`8˒`U/f쯐X24;HTkh Y`^M.*>Xl6+\,8#+.x`1ʲ zoh?'739kf͚si>E"|mJ-^{ыLEV;Z;{^o,o񠓴I:4Y;~V/T aC&fyѨA!K.&1ş_~9|L Px QjT3|cHƵwT Đ h $;"4e0X vd #&.- C QX,?4LW] |+/9bcxq^ӻ(boqBlHx-`<`x$I 7`R9]xNMgaZw~hZ2Qd|[x43R)n5 `uԘ6u̅8IQD>ḿ1ղ 35]u8}ngdhϟs0q]D)Оǚ|&9`;}څ؏ X$lڰzɓRi-o$uן;{ ia tu<rA_DRHut;.hT@|K0pI+eJZ<) G#'gxW,b}5. <#; bMLMn` kc\j>xܔGaq Ntƚ`h]w wJb}#> "@4 -ioW|'0 D-53?]N:x|ztc:) r.ݚ {o%l6rpo%+^aG1-Cɮ抬E]K5(^"W*%>q:eL>=^/ ']!iOCx 5;g>I|zG4ມ%hViH,[s˗1<ᑠ,שZ%NxBf\:.d ZFRYhfHv_(CX_IY;ǽ~+X{J錀`f%hhN 5㾟ȅ Sq4,ϾI&-Т|b^#+,WA?֠b0LJ ^8q 3'? v^vs1TlhH+'_*[\8ó=lk.š P'Dhc@h<R^$NOn21g/|^ >YJ y4"(x@qӅR ćѠǔu &S6nIb:8LØꆶ}TäbZ2D\1ܗ}U+p(RuLjz%PGV(O0Xxح^}uV.]1S:.={6gIpL{x\A[$w@G ?Rlj ">Ö,yaSabxw$wt4w`4Uzp8<>k@al;{[[:@\f%tWBq3FVcrӟtc,ؐg3u'{"]xbqil9_tul{5ʱG$ = iv.La8j`` Ъuzi[|K@LWd(C-uė^VRmFByR('k3)w 4ɀC"IP ط9x )q,U!̬/uOnDrjQJ#sĽS {Baz`הb-s8 @', xAA3TޑḶ@%,0bv(Pk/qNC'RTO%Ykjp?0]0ȟd1{9g_utwcGC7G K/:3g=e;9]-m㥒2?+5m;+aGWw8ƳM|m #0N<Jr2)@QD3?>ܷM, d:S;pBZ>,BA@dݑ.6:^R&z\>YP!k8gym \17]uVCD`D"JleR WNf"pó8?dYCL?'N^K\q'xL ?MM ?9qť ťjtp}C\0@;CՋ/Og0R4U9`}~dr8܆ j~ s[+";kgvܜ1gl㊒v?/BWc`@e3UnnE h U8"w~C - X 4p89ΜO! 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