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These are popular patriot publications that in my humble opinion are junk and not worth reading. Many of these are on the income tax by people I consider to be cons, charlatans and shysters out to make a buck. If youd like to learn more on this issue, I respectfully recommend you visit Larry Becrafts legal site. He is a constitutional attorney with 28 years experience as a criminal defense attorney, primarily defending individuals against the IRS. He has seen the system from a perspective most of these tax gurus never have, but with their garbage publications which sell poison, its their customers that end up in jail. Larrys site is:  HYPERLINK "http://home.hiwaay.net/~becraft/" http://home.hiwaay.net/~becraft/ Where to obtain books:  HYPERLINK "http://www.newswithviews.com" www.newswithviews.com  HYPERLINK "http://www.alibris.com" www.alibris.com they are very good about finding out of print and hard to get books Emissary Publications has many that you cant find from other sources and they are great people - 1.503.824.2050  HYPERLINK "http://www.worldnetdaily.com" www.worldnetdaily.com  HYPERLINK "http://www.amazon.com" www.amazon.com If there is no ISBN number, it means the book was published before these were used or one just wasnt provided either on the jacket or inside pages. THE definitive work on the Federal Reserve: Pieces of Eight (Revised) by Dr. Edwin Vieira. Two volumnes; contains model legislation for states. Order:  HYPERLINK "http://www.piecesofeight.us" http://www.piecesofeight.us CrashMaker. This is a novel by Edwin and it is absolutely stunning and break taking all at once. A true masterpiece that should win a Pulitzer, but wont for obvious reasons. Edwin has woven every court case and history of the central bank into this novel that is mammoth in size (1500+ pages), but I couldnt put it down. Order:  HYPERLINK "http://www.devvy.com/newbook_20000710.html" http://www.devvy.com/newbook_20000710.html How to Dethrone the Imperial Judiciary by Dr. Edwin Vieira * This is a scholarly work on cases such as Lawrence v Texas on how the U.S. Supreme Court is destroying the moral fabric of our culture and society. A superior work. ISBN: 0-9755264-1-3 Debt Virus by Dr. Jacques Jaikaran * ISBN 0-944435-13-0. The Creature From Jekyll Island * ISBN 0-912986-15-8 Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Debt: The Solution of the Economic Paradox by Federick Soddy, M.A. F.R.S. Omni Publications Judaism's Strange Gods by Michael A. Hoffman II. This is a very controversial book. However, it is also a thoroughly documented book. Hoffman gives a reference for every sample and the book is full of footnotes so people can research on their own. Quite frankly, I found this work shocking and have been following up on verifying his research. So far, I found no mistakes in his footnotes, but it is a cumbersome research project I only work on when I can get down to the big university library. This is the description provided for the book on Amazon: Michael A. Hoffman II was educated at the State University of New York at Oswego. He is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press and the author of several books, including Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare and The Great Holocaust Trial. Product Description: In this scholarly and deeply considered work, the author documents his provocative thesis that Judaism is not the religion of the Old Testament, but the newly formalized belief system of the Pharisees, which arose in Babylon with the commitment of the formerly oral tradition of the elders to writing, in the wake of the crucifixion of Israels Messiah and the destruction of the Temple. Basing his findings on authoritative Judaic sources, Hoffman demonstrates that Judaism is a man-made religion of tradition and superstition, which represents the institutionalized nullification of Biblical law and doctrine. Liberating the reader from the accumulated shackles of decades of misinformation, this book shows that Judaisms God is not the God of Israel, but the strange gods of Talmud and Kabbalah, and the racial self-worship they inculcate. Making a relentless case with massive documentation and a lapidary attention to detail, Judaisms Strange Gods constitutes a shocking and original revelation about a subject we thought we knew only too well. Crossing the Rubicon is an absolute must:  HYPERLINK "http://www.fromthewilderness.com" http://www.fromthewilderness.com The Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullin, who was commissioned to do this book by the well known 20th Century Scholar, Ezra Pound. * Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Industry Conspiracy Against America by Eustace Mullins. This book probably saved my life. In 1993 I refused to take an injection when diagnosed in the ER for the Beijing flu because I had read this thoroughly researched, foot noted book. The ER doctor ranted to my husband and said I could die. For the next eight days I was sick as ten dogs, but pulled through and havent had the flu since. I highly recommend it.  HYPERLINK "http://curezone.com/books/best/book.asp?ID=412" http://curezone.com/books/best/book.asp?ID=412 - ISBN: 0880606940 Constitutional Chaos by Judge Andrew Pl Napolitano. * A superb piece of writing and a must read. Order from  HYPERLINK "http://www.worldnetdail.com" www.worldnetdail.com Constitutional Income: Do You Have Any? By Phil Hart, Idaho State Representative. This is an absolute must for every American. Read about this mans amazing research that will prove the government has been lying about the income tax:  HYPERLINK "http://www.constitutionalincome.com/" http://www.constitutionalincome.com/ Kinsey: Crimes & Consequences by Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D. * The definitive work on the pedophile Alfred C. Kinsey. ISBN: 0-9666624-1-5 Lincoln: Money Martyred by Dr. R.E. Search (1935) The Thunder of Justice: The Warning, The Miracle, The Chastisement, The Era of Peace by Ted and Maureen Flynn. * Forward by the late Malachi Martin. A must for any Catholic. ISBN: 0-9634307-0-X Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed its Own POWs in Vietnam by Monika Jensen-Stevenson & William Stevenson. * I read this when it first came out and my heart broke into a million pieces. This is the U.S. government: rotten, corrupt and evil. Read this intensely researched work. But for the Grace of God, it could be YOU and America doesnt even care well a few of us do, but since the mainstream media controls the flow of information and puts out propaganda, most Americans really dont know just how bad they have been betrayed. ISBN: 0-452-26671-8 Money - The Greatest Hoax on Earth by Merrill M. E. Jenkins, Sr. Order: Monetary Realist, 11591 Joslyn Court, St. Louis, MO 63138 or try 503-824-2050 Throw Off The Yoke by Charles S. Norburn, Omni Publications (1979) Twelfth Report Un-American Activities in California 1963. Same as below. A fascinating read. Fifteenth Report: Un-American Activities in California 1970. Report of the Senate Fact Finding Subcommittee on Un-American Activities to the 1970 Regular Session of The California State Legislature. 1970. Investigation of the General Secretary of the Communist Party USA, The John Birch Society, Communist Party of California, The National Party and many others. A fascinating read. You might still be able to obtain copies from the California State Library. How Americans Can Buy American: A Guide to Distinguishing Between American and Foreign Products and Services by Roger Simmermaker. * Another must read for all consumers. Each time you buy Made in someplace other than America, you have cost an American their job. ISBN 0-944957-63-3 A Cure Worse Than the Disease: Fighting Discrimination Through Government Control by M. Lester OShea * Another must read. ISBN 0-87319-048-3 Witness to a Century by George Seldes. * A really fine book. ISBN 0-345-35329-3 The Case Against Immigration: The moral, economic, social and environmental reasons for reducing U.S. immigration back to traditional levels by Roy Beck (1996). How prophetic. ISBN 0-393-03915-3 Hillary Rodham Clinton: What Every American Should Know by Christian Josi (2000) The Business End of Government: An in-depth look t how Federal regulators threaten to destroy the American businessman by Dan Smoot. * Oh, boy, Dan could see into the future and its only gotten worse and it will get far, far worse. (1973) The Actor: The True Story of John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State 1953-1959 by Alan Stang * (1968) Shanghai Conspiracy by Major General Charles A. Willoughby, MacArthurs Chief of Intelligence 1941-1951. This is a great read on a very serious subject. (1952_ Russia and the Big Red Lie: Exposes the hoax of Soviet Supremacy in missiles, air power, space medicine and science by Lloyd Mallan. (1959) The United States as a Communist NationUnder Which Flag? Statement of Austin T. Flett before members of the Internal Security Subcommittee, United States Senate March 4, 1958, with brief documentation Combined with his testimony before the Committee on Foreign Relations Mary 11, 1956 June 18, 1957. This is yet another warning: Democracy Cooperation Internationalism The United Nations and One World Government $1.00 per copy. Miracle on Main Street by Tupper Saussey * One of the first books I read in my research. ISBN: 0911805001 The Coming Battle by M.W. Walbert * Order this from:  HYPERLINK "http://www.newswithviews.com" www.newswithviews.com Money The Greatest Hoax on Earth by Merrill M.E. Jenkins, Sr. (1971) The Diversity Myth: Multiculturalism and Political Intolerance on Campus by David O. Sacks and Peter A. Thiel * This is one of those must reads. ISBN 0-9545999-76-3 Trust Betrayed: Inside the AARP by Dale Van Atta * ISBN 0-89526-485-4 Disney: The Mouse Betrayed ** ISBN: 0895263874 An absolute must read before you put another nickel into Disneys pocket. Tennessee Waltz: The Making of a Political Prisoner by James Earl Ray * ISBN 0-911805-07-9 The Secret Life of Bill Clinton by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard ISBN 0-89526-408-0 Other Losses: The Shocking Truth Behind the Mass Deaths of Disarmed German Soldiers and Civilians under General Eisenhowers Command by James Bacque * Forward by: Dr. Ernest F. Fisher, Jr., Colonel, A.U.S. (Ret.), former Senior Historian, U.S. Army This book will make you sick. ISBN 1-55958-099-2 JFK: The CIA, Vietnam and The Plot of Assassinate John F. Kennedy by L. Fletcher Prouty. * This book inspired the movie JFK by Oliver Stone. Regardless of how anyone feels about Oliver Stone, this work truly is worth reading. ISBN 1-55972-130-8 Six Wars at a Time by Howard Shaff & Audrey Karl Shaff. The life and times of Gutzon Borglum, sculptor of Mount Rushmore. So interesting. ISBN 0-932195-06-7 The Greatest Story Never told: Winston Churchill and the Crash of 1929 by Pat Riott. Well documented.* Based on history that will forever change your thoughts on the money grabbers drunk with power. ISBN 0-9640046-0-7 Figuring Out the Fed by Margaret Thoren ISBN 0-9606938-6-6 The Last Days of the Romanovs by Robert Wilton. How Tsar Nicholas II and Russias Imperial Family Were Murdered. * This is a very fascinating read written by veteran British journalist Wilton and based on the on-site investigation the most thorough ever conducted. ISBN 0-939484-47-1 Constitution: Fact or Fiction. The story of the Nations descent from a Constitutional Republic through a Constitutonal Dictatorship to an Unconstitutional Dictatorship by Dr. Eugene Shroder * ISBN 1-885534-06-X An Enemy Hath Done This by Ezra Taft Benson * (1969) Keynes at Harvard: Economic Deception as a Political Credo. A rare and remarkable booklet if you can find it. 1962 by the Veritas Foundation Big Sister is Watching You: Hillary Clinton and the White House Feminists Who Now Control America and Tell the President What To Do. * ISBN 0-9620086-9-9 The Clinton Chronicles ISBN 1-878993-63-1 Defrauding America A Pattern of Related Scandals. Dirty Secrets of the CIA and Other Government Operations by Rodney Stich, author of Unfriendly Skies ISBN 0-932438-07-5 Hiding in Plain Sight: Unmasking How Secret Combinations Operate in the Last Days by Ken Bowers ISBN 1-55517-498-1 Arab & Jew: Wounded Spirits in A Promised Land by David K. Shipler * Outstanding book on understanding the clash of cultures. ISBN 0-14-010376-7 The Birth of World Government Through Global Deception, Intrigue and War by Michael S. Coffman, Ph.D. * I highly recommend this short work. Newswithviews.com has some of the few copies left. China Doll: Clinton & Gore And the Selling of the U.S. Presidency by Dr. Roger Canfield and Richard A. Delgaudio * Excellent short work. USBN 0-9702053-0-9 The Praetorian Guard: The U.S. Role in the New World Order by John Stockwell * Excellent. Stockwell is the highest ranking CIA officer ever to quit the agency and expose the toxic agenda of the U.S. government. ISBN 0-89608-395-0 Paine Collected Writings. Common Sense. The Crisis. Rights of Man. The Age of Reason. Pamphlets, Articles & Letters ISBN 1-883011-03-5 War Scare: Russia and America on the Nuclear Brink by Peter Vincent Pry, former CIA* ISBN: 0-275-96643-7 The Road to Kosovo: A Balkan Diary by Greg Campbell * ISBN 0-8133-3589-2 Code Blue: Health Care in Crisis by Edward R. Annis, M.D., Past President, AMA * ISBN 0-89526-515-X Reds in America by R.M. Whitney.* (1924 & 1970) Good information on the ACLU. No ISBN Hope of the Wicked: The Master Plan to Rule the World by Ted Flynn. ISBN None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen. * I believe the last figures I saw was approximately seven million copies sold. This is the must primer. (1971) The Great Betrayal: The Elites War on Middle America by Louis T. March & Brent Nelson ISBN 1-887898-00-X The Peoples Pottage by Garet Garrett (1953) The Anti-Christ and the New World Order by Marvin Moore ISBN 0-8163-1150-1 The Ugly Truth About the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) by the Editors o the Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) ISBN 0-943235-07-3 You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists) by Dr. Fred Schwarz. More than a million copies sold. (1962) The Downing of TWA Flight 800: The Shocking Truth Behind the Worst Airplane Disaster in U.S. History by James Sanders * A must read. ISBN 0-8217-5828-2 Altered Evidence: How the Justice Department Framed a Journalist and His Wife by James D. Sanders. This is the U.S. government at its most corrupt to cover-up the truth. * ISBN: 0-9676658-0-9 Wedemeyer Reports. An objective, dispassionate examination of World War II, postwar policies and Grand Strategy by Albert C. Wedemeyer (1958) The Law That Never Was by Bill Benson & Red Beckman [ 2 Vols.] Order from Bills web site:  HYPERLINK "http://www.thelawthatneverwas.com" http://www.thelawthatneverwas.com Soviets in the Classroom: America's Latest Education Fad by Charlotte T. Iserbyt Research Manual: America 2000/Goals 2000 - Moving the Nation Educationally to a "New World Order" * When the World Will be One: The Coming New World Order by Tal Brooke ISBN 0-89081-749-9 Set Up & Sold Out by Holly Swanson * ISBN: 0964510812 Environmental Overkill by the late Dixy Lee Ray, former Gov of the state of Washington, Chmn of the Atomic Energy Commission and Asst. Secty of state in the U.S. Bureau of oceans, etc. She blows the whistle on this environmental fraud being slammed down the throat of America. ISBN 0-89526-512-5 The Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations by G. Edward Griffin * A must read. (1964) These are MUST READS. Americans dont have the intellectual ammunition they need to reject the communitarian/altruistic doctrine that is driving Americans to self-destruct and accept communist morality. All are available through:  HYPERLINK "http://www.americanfreedompress.com" www.americanfreedompress.com 1 - Triumph Over Tryanny, Taxation and Treason: Americas Last Battle of the War Against Totalitarianism by Jeri Lynn Ball 2 - The Voices of America's Destruction read second 3 - The Great Communitarian Hoax read first 4 - Masters of Seduction 5 - Time Bomb While You Slept: Our tragedy in Asia and Who Made It. The amazing, step-by-step story of how the American left wing took over our most influential media, radio, movies, magazines and books and persuaded our leaders to support the Communist Plan to turn China and Korea over to the Soviet empire. (1951) The UN Treaty and all subsequent treaties under the Communist United Nothing are available on their web site:  HYPERLINK "http://www.un.org/" http://www.un.org/ The Pooring of America: competition and the Myth of Free Trade by Dr. Ravi Batra * ISBN 0-02-016555-2 The Nightmare of Camelot by Gus R. Seltzer. An expose of the Free Trade Trojan Horse. An outstanding work VoteScam: The Stealing of America by James and Ken Collier * ISBN 0-9634163-0-8 The Immigration Invasion by Wayne Lutton & John Tanton * ISBN 1-881780-01-5 The New World Order: Whats Behind the Headlines: by Russell Burrill ISBN 1-882704-00-2 On Liberty by John Stuart Mill (1906-1873) Published 1999 Praying for Those We Love as they Serve Our Country * ISBN: 0-310-80577-5 The Essential George Washington: Two Hundred Years of Observations on the Man, the Myth, the Patriot * Peter Hannaford ISBN: 188459223-6 Excellent. The Illuminati by Larry Burkett ISBN: 0-7852-7529-0 Oral Enzymes: Basic Inforamtion and Clincal Studies. Gordon Research Institute (1992) Oral Enzymes: New Approach to Cancer Treatment. Immunological concepts for general and clinical practice. Same as above. July 4, 2006: The Last Independence Day by Dr. Adrian Krieg author of The Satori and the New Mandarins. * ISBN: 0-87319-047-5 Government, God and Freedom: A Fundamental Trinity by Timothy Robert Walters and Richard Mack * ISBN: 9-780964-193529 Surviving the AIDS Plague by Taki N. Anagnoston, MD ISBN: 0-922356-44-0 None Dare Call It Education by John A. Stormer * ISBN: 0-914053-14-0 Gun Control Means People Control by Phoebe Courtney. What is Behind this drive to disarm law-abiding citizens? * (1974) Al Gore: America in the Balance by Kerri Houston and Patricia Fava (2000). Distributed by The American Conservative Union  HYPERLINK "http://www.conservative.org" www.conservative.org Masters of Deceit: The Story of Communism in America and How to Fight It by J. Edgar Hoover, (1958) History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks) Edited by a Commission of the Central Committee of the C.P.S.U. (1936) Circle of Intrigue by Texe Marrs ISBN 1-884302-00-9 Disavow: A CIA Saga of Betrayal by Rodney Stich & T. Conan Russell ISBN: 0-9648005-0-0 Gestapo Chief: The 1948 Interrogation of Heinrich Muller by Gregory Douglas. From Secret U.S. Intelligence Files * This is a very disturbing book, but I do recommend people read it because it is based on actual documents. ISBN 0-9122138-73-4 Unbridled Power: Inside the Secret Culture of the IRS by Shelley L. Davis * Davis was hired in 1988 by the IRS as its first and last official historian. This book will make you ill. ISBN 0-88730-829-5 Senseless Secrets: The Failures of U.S. Military Intelligence from George Washington to the Present by Lt. Col. (Ret.) Michael Lee Lanning * ISBN 1-55972-322-X No More Wacos: Whats Wrong with Federal Law Enforcement and How to Fix It by David Kopel & Paul H. Blackman * ISBN 1-57392-125-4 The Mythology of the Liberal Gods or Six Roads to Hell by Franklin Walker (1991) The War on Gold by Anthony C. Sutton * (1977) Women in the Military: Flirting with Disaster by Brian Mitchell * This man has been right on in his predictions. I highly recommend this book. ISBN 0-89526-376-9 Under Fire: An American Story. About Oliver North. This book is more fiction than truth once you have done real research. ISBN 0-06-018334-9 The End of Privacy: Personal Rights in the Surveillance Society by Charles J. Sykes, author of Dumbing Down our Kinds and a Nation of Victims. Very good. ISBN 0-312-20350-0 Called to Serve by Bo Gritz. This is a very interesting book and supposedly inspired the first Rambo movie. ISBN 0-916095-38-4. The author is Americas most decorated Green Beret Commander and a subject of much controversy. Domestic Tranquility: A Brief Against Feminism by F. Carolyn Graglia. * I highly recommend this book. ISBN 0-9653208-6-3 Morgan: American Financier by Jean Strouse. Fascinating book. ISBN 0-375-50166-5 The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin. * One of those must read books. ISBN 0-912986-15-8 The IRS and The Black Robed Cover-Up by M.J. Red Beckman * (1983) Final Report: Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments. This will make you gag. 1995.Available from the Government Printing Office 202.512.2250 An analysis of The World Trade Organization and Final Act embodying the Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations (GATT). I dont know if this number is still good: 800-888-9999 The full text of GATT is 28,000+ pages and can be purchased from the government. Only one senator in the entire Congress read the entire treaty. NAFTA: North American Fraud & Theft Agreement, aka North American Free Trade Agreement. A handful of the 535 members of Congress read a 20-age synopsis of this 4,800 page treaty. Same phone number as above. These were distributed by For the People, A Divison of Peoples Network, Inc. The Most Secret Science * by Archibald E. Roberts, Lt. Col. AUS ret. (1984) Banking and Currency and the Money Trust by Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. * The European Union Collective: Enemy of Its States by By Christopher Story * Empire if the City by E.C. Knuth, 1946 * The amazing story of "The City" of London and Rothschild's world empire. An amazing book with facts never before published. Foundations by Rene A. Wormser * A definitive in-depth 1953 investigation of foundations made by a Special Congressional Committee headed by Representative Carroll Reece of Tennessee. The investigation of these tax-free organizations, writes Rene Wormser the committee's general counsel, "leads one to the conclusion that there was, indeed, something in the nature of a conspiracy among certain leading educators in the United States to bring about Socialism through the use of our school systems. Part of this complex are the Rockefeller and Carnegie groups of foundations." In his famous book, Tragedy and Hope, Dr. Carroll Quigley (late known as Bill Clinton's chief mentor at Georgetown) revealed that "people of immense wealth" soon made it known that they would be very "unhappy if the investigation went too far." As a result of various types of bribery, pressure, coercion and intimidation inspired by these "people of immense wealth," the committee was soon dissolved ... and its investigation forgotten by most. Foundations: Their Power and Influence is a vitally important source of knowledge and understanding regarding the use of the school system in the subversion of America. The Two Faces of George Bush by Anthony C. Sutton * This hard hitting book brings to light the little known background of the father of the man who is now president of the United States. Learn of Bush's involvement with a high level secret society --- Skull and Bones --- and his lavish praise for a Marxist dictator. The Perestroika Deception: The World's Slide Towards The 'Second October Revolution' By Anatoliy Golitsyn (the famous genuine Soviet defector and author of New Lies for Old). * In his new book, the author develops his remarkable analyses in New Lies For Old, a study of which has revealed that 94 percent of Golitsyn's predictions of how the Soviets would behave (dating from the early 1980s) had been fulfilled by 1993. The new work contains innumerable further predictions that have since materialized or are clearly in the process of being fulfilled. Golitsyn's record of predicting Soviet strategy, derived from his years as an officer in the "inner KGB", puts all other analysts to shame and leaves Western intelligence communities looking negligent, incompetent, and penetrated. The Perestroika Deception provides the correct framework for understanding why the world is in such a mess today. It shows that there has been no discontinuity of Soviet Leninist-satanic revolutionary strategy, which seeks the destruction of nation states and their replacement by regional and global "collective governance" (a world Communist Dictatorship). -- Edited by Christopher Story, Editor and Publisher, Soviet Analyst. The Shadows of Power by James Perloff * This is the story of the Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline. It began in 1921 as a front organization for J.P. Morgan and Company. By World War II it has acquired unrivalled influence on American foreign policy. Hundreds of U.S. government administrators and diplomats have been drawn from its ranks ?dless of which party has occupied the White House. What does the Council on Foreign Relations stand for? Why do the major media avoid discussing it? What has been its impact on America's past ?what is it planning for the future? These questions and more are answered by James Perloff in Shadows of Power. "To not read this book is to live dangerously" -- Philip Crane, United States Congressman. Neutralizers like Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Bill OReilly and others poo-poo the power and influence on Congress and control our lives. They are dead wrong, but their multi-million dollar paychecks depend on keeping the American people in the dark and dumbed down. The Federalist Papers * ISBN 0-451-62541-2 Also available on line Sir William Wallace by James Paterson * ISBN 1-892276-03-8. First published in 1870. A wonderful book, but its a little difficult to read because its in Old English. Taking America Back by Joseph Farah * ISBN 0-7852-6392-6 Restoring the Constitution: Is Judicial Activism Destroying the Constituton? * ISBN 0-945241-00-3 Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization by Patrick J. Buchanan * There is so much truth in this book. ISBN 0-312-28548-5 Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse by James Wesley Rawles ISBN 1-56384-155-X Anti-Seminitism and the Babylonian Connection by Des Griffin * ISBN 0-941380-05-X Martin Luther King: The Man Behind the Myth by Des Griffin. A disturbing, well documented book. * ISBN 0-941380-04-1 Available through Emissary Publications Civil Rights Fraud Committed by the Government Against the People by Thomas Marvin Maxwell with Ken Gullekson ISBN 0-9653136-1-1 An American Insurrection: The Battle of Oxford, Mississippi, 1962 * ISBN 0-385-49969-8 The Teacher Unions: How They Sabotage Educational Reform and Why by Myron Lieberman * 1-893554-21-X Patriot Hearts: An Anthology of American Patriotism by Major William T. Coffey, Jr. ISBN 0-97041-24028-1 Testament of Sovereignty by Dick Simkanin. (2000). I confess I havent read this book. Somehow, it has been sitting in one of my book cases and got lost in the shuffle. ISBN 0-615-11610-8 The End of Freedom on Planet Earth: God Bless America? Why Should He? By Robert Alan Balaicius ISBN 1-58840-046-8 Now You Can Be Your Own Best Doctor by John Lubecki, D.C. (1991) Michael New: Mercenary or American Soldier? By Daniel New with Cliff Kincaid * ISBN 0-9666813-0-4 Gun Control Means People Control by Phoebe Courtney From My Cold Dead Fingers by former Sheriff of Graham County, AZ, Richard Mack ISBN: 0964193515 The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt. * A must read for every parent. ISBN 0-945019-73-4 Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy. * This is a must read. I am Roman Catholic. Many Catholics called this a hate book. It absolutely is not. ISBN 0-96773768-0-7 Wild at Heart by John Eldredge: Discovering the Secret of a Mans Soul. A very fine read for Christian menand women! ISBN 0-7852-6883-9 Peace in the Holy Land: A Biblical Plan by Gilman Hill (1973) No Wonder We Are Losing by Robert Morris (1958) Hate Crimes: Criminal Law & Identity Politics by James B. Jacobs and Kimberly Potter. * I highly recommend this book. ISBN 0-19-511448-5 Jurisdiction Over Federal Areas Within the States: Report of the Interdepartmental Committee for the Sutdy of Jurisdiction Over Federal Areas Within the States. Parts I & II: The Facts and Committee Recommendations. Submitted to the Attorney General and transmitted to the President. April 1956. Bill Benson. I cant recommend this enough; try the Government Printing Office. Beyond NATO: Staying Out of Europes Wars by Ted Galen Carpenter. * ISBN 1-882577-17-5 In the Lions Den: The Story of Senator Orrin Hatch by Richard Vetterli & Brad Hainsworth. I consider Hatch to be a toilet that wont flush. I was sorry to see Richard Vetterli write this book because he is also the author of one fantastic book titled: PowderKeg. It is a novel and when I spoke with Richard years ago when it first came out, if I remember correctly, he told me that Kevin Costner had optioned the movie rights. Im so sorry that it hasnt been made. PowderKeg is a great read. ISBN 0-89141-435-5. I guess sometimes when youre too close to a person who is a politician, sometimes you cant see the forest through the trees. The Tyranny of Gun Control by Richard M. Ebeling & Jacob G. Hornberger, Future of Freedom Foundation, Fairfax, VA, Bernadine Smith, Second Amendment Committee, P.O. Box 1776, Hanford, California 93232 En Route to Global Occupation by Gary H. Kah: A High Ranking Government Liaison Exposes the Secret Agenda for World Unification ISBN 0-910311-97-8 Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility of Desireability of Peace * 1967 The Planned Destruction of America by James W. Wardner ISBN 0-9632190-5-7 The CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and President Clinton by Phoebe Courtney Bill Clinton: Friend or Foe? by Ann Wilson ISBN 0-9640180-3-9 "Ann Wilson's book is an answer to a prayer. It takes the complicated equations of the international conspiracy to control the world and makes them simple enough for the average person to understand. I have never doubted that, if the truth ever reached the masses, the masses would save themselves. Ann Wilson's book has made this possible and every freedom-loving American owes her a debt of gratitude." Jim Johnson, Arkansas Supreme Court Judge, Retired. SECRET: FBI Documents Link Bill & Hillary Clinton to Marxist-Terrorist Network. Sunset Research Group, 608 N. West St., #236, Wichita, Kansas 67203 Out of print.. All these books on the New Age really need to be read to understand this religion. New Gods for New Age by Richmond Odom ISBN 1-56384-062-6 New Age Messiah Identified by Troy Lawrence ISBN 0-910311-17-X Who Will Rule The Future by Paul McGuire ISBN 0-910311-94-3 Inside the New Age Nightmare by a former top leader of this wacko cult passed off as a religion. Author: Randall N. Baer. A must read. ISBN 0-910311-58-7 The American Covenant: The Untold Story by Marshall Foster. * ISBN 0-941370-00-3 War, Central Planning and Corporations by Dr. Eugene Schroder ISBN 188553408-6 Constitution: Fact or Fiction by Dr. Eugene Schroder The Failure of U.S. Tax Policy/Revenue and Politics by Seldon D. Pollack ISBN 0-271-01838-0 Clarence Darrow for the Defense by Irving Stone (1943) Great American Speeches, Library of Freedom. Edited with introductions by Gregory R. Suriano ISBN 0-517-09117-8 If you are a Mason or any order, please research this topic. Most decent men who are Masons really dont know the truth about the roots of Freemasonry, but they need to very much. Many of the books below were written by former 32nd level Masons who were horrified about what they found out when they reached that level. Some have died mysterious, violent deaths. Most Masons have never read Morals & Dogma by Albert C. Pike. I have and if Masons just would, theyd run like heck in the other direction. The Dark Side of Freemasonry by Ed Decker The Deadly Deception by Jim Shaw Lucifer, Eliphas, Albert Pike and the Masonic Lodge by David Carrico The Masonic/Egyptian/Satanic Connection by David Carrico Freemasonry - Antichrist Upon Us Freemasonry Exposed by Capt. William Morgan The New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies by William Still Questions People Ask About Freemasonry by Tom McKenney Stuart Crane - Conrad Jarrel Tapes: 2 Cassettes. During a 15 hour meeting Dr. Crane explained to Conrad Jerrel the connection between the John Birch Society and the Masons. A full, first hand account of this meeting is contained on two 90-minute cassettes. Order from Emissary Publications The Immigration Invasion by Wayne Lutton & John Tanton ISBN 1-881780-01-5 The Case for Hanging Errant Public Officials by James Farrell, Author of The Judas Syndrome. An excellent work. ISBN 0918756-04 OKC: Day One OKBOMB! By Jim Keith ISBN 1-881532-08-9 Bomb Damage Analysis of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, OKC, July 30, 1995 by Benton K. Partin, Brigadier General, United States Air Force, retired. 8908 Captains Row, Alexandria, Virginia 22308 How the FBI's Criminal Espionage Investigation of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Was Foiled. Sunset Research America's God and Country. An outstanding work of quotations by William J. Federer * ISBN 1-880563-09-6 The Franklin Cover-Up by former Nebraska State Senator, John W. DeCamp. ISBN 0-9632158-0-9 New Age Bible Versions by G. A. Riplinger. A very important book. ISBN 0-9635845-0-2 The man Who Knew Too Much by Dick Russell. An 800 pg tome by a former staff member of Sports Illustrated and TV guide - a right-winger for sure! This book is remarkable and is about Richard Case Nagel - the man who knows more about the JFK assassination than anyone outside the CIA. ISBN 0-88184-900-6 Decent Into Slavery by Des Griffin. Order 503-824-2050 Fourth Reich of the Rich by Des Griffin. * Order 503-824-2050 Storming the Gates of Hell by Des Griffin. * Same as above True and False Democracy by Nicholas Murray Butler (1907) The Rise and Fall of Anti-Christ by George E. Vandeman ISBN 0-8163-0634-6 The Trojan Horse in the Temple: The Hidden Agenda of the Ecumenical Movement by Alan Morrison ISBN 0-900329-36-X The Truth in Money Book by Theodore R. Thoren & Richard F. Warner ISBN: 0-9606938-4-X One in a Million: An IRS Travesty by Pat Shannan. A good read. ISBN: 0-933451-42-3 Rothschild Money Trust by George Armstrong. * Excellent (1940) America: Who Stole the Dream? By Donald L. Bartlett and James B. Steele ISBN: 0-8362-1314-9 Roosevelts Road to Russia by George N. Crocker (1959) The Federal Reserve: Conspiracy & Rockefeller Their Gold Corner by Emanuel M. Josephson (1968) Chaos in America by John L. King 9-780922-356-24-6 The John Franklin Letters (1959) Tax Fraud & Evasion: The War Stories by Donald MacPherson. * A must read by a great American. ISBN: 0-9617124-6-5 The Master Plan by Al Duncan ISBN: 0-9663533-3-1 Freedom or Slavery by Pat Brooks, Dale Crowley Jr, Des Griffin & the late Haviv Schieber * Same order number as above Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman ISBN 0-922356-57-2. Fourth Edition also available. Political Correctness: The Cloning of the American Mind by David Thibodaux, Ph.D. * Excellent ISBN 1-56384-026-X Federal Register, Volume 34, Number 209, October 30, 1969, Part II, Executive Order 11490: Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to Federal Departments and Agencies - Covers specifically Executive Orders for the past ten presidents or I should say Monarchs since they are ruling outside the boundaries of the Constitution. Publisher: Western Islands, Belmont, Massachusetts 02178 The Naked Capitalist by former 16-year veteran of the FBI, W. Cleon Skoussen.* A must read. (1970) The Immaculate Deception: The Bush Crime Family Exposed by Retired Brigadier General Russell S. Bowen* ISBN 0-922356-80-7 OKBOMB! Conspiracy & cover-Up by Jim Keith ISBN 1-881532-08-9 War, Central Planning and Corporations: The Corporate State by Dr. Eugene Shroder. * ISBN 188553408-6 From Major Jordans Diaries by George Racey Jordan. Very interesting. (1952) The CFR and President Clinton: The Latest Expose of the Council on Foreign Relations by Phoebe Courtney * (1993) The End of Cancer by Charlotte Dubois and Dr. John Lubecki, D.C. This book explains how new discoveries made by European holistic researchers have brought final victory over cancer within our reach. ISBN 1-884030-00-9 What You Should Know About Socialism: The Truth About the Great Society by W. S. McBirnie. The Rockefeller File by Gary Allen * Another Must read. (1976) The Energy Non-Crisis by Lindsey Williams (1980) The Judas Syndrome by James Farrell * Excellent ISBN 0-918756-03 The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan by E.G. White (1988) Animal Farm by George Orwell. A must read classic. ISBN 0-451-52466-7 Who Runs Congress? By Ralph Nader (1972) Knowedge Equals Freedom by Dennis Grover. 702.329.5968 This is a list of organizations nationwide; thousands of them. Project Seek: Onassis, Kennedy and the Gemstone Thesis by Gerald A. Carroll. ISBN: 0-9640104-0-2 The World Conspiracy by Nicola M. Nicolov. Very good, but hard to find. (1990) Project L.U.C.I.D.: The Beast 666 Universal Human Control System by Texe Marrs * ISBN: 9-781884-302022 Global Taxes for World Government by Cliff Kincaid * ISBN: 1-56384-125-8 Global Bondage: The U.N. Plan to Rule the World by Cliff Kincaid * ISBN: 1-56384-103-7 A Declaration of Financial Independence by John Grandbouche * ISBN: 0-911805-03-6 The Buying of the President: An inside look at the special interests behind Clinton, Dole, Gramm, Wilson, Alexander, Buchanan and Others by Charles Lewis and the Center for Public Integrity. * ISBN: 0-380-78420-3 The Credit-Money Blue Book by Peter Cook, M.Sc. C.M.E. (1990) How to Read the Federalist by Holmes Alexander (1961) In This Age of Plenty: A new conception of economics: Social Credit by Louis Even ISBN 2-9801332-6-4 Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey * ISBN 0-310-27791-4 Why Courts Dont Work by Richard Neely * ISBN 0-07-046151-1 Who Will Rule the Future? A Resistance to the New World Order by Paul McGuire ISBN 0-910311-94-3 Vaccines: Are They Really Safe & Effective. * This 70 page manual should be read by everyone with children. ISBN 1-881217-10-8 The Federal Seige at Ruby Ridge by Randy & Sara Weaver (In his own words) ISBN 0-966-43340-8 Dark Majesty: The Secret Brotherhood and the Magic of A Thousand Points of Light (George Bush is a big promoter of this evil) ISBN 0-9620086-7-2 The Big White Lie: The CIA and the Cocaine Crack Epidemic by Michael Levine, former 25-year veteran of the Drug Enforcement Agency - A must read ISBN 1-56025-064-X The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene, A Joost Elffers Production ISBN 0-670-88146-5 New Gods for a New Age by Richard Odom * ISBN 1-56384-062-6 New Age Messiah Identified: Who is Lord Maitreya? By Troy Lawrence. Very interesting book; highly recommended. ISBN 0-910311-17-X Civil War Two: The Coming Break Up of America by Thomas W. Chittum ISBN: 9-780929-408179 Conquest or Consent? By W.B. Vennard * (1963) An excellent read. The New Economic Disorder by Larry Bates ISBN 0-88419-383-7 Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Debt: The Solution of the Economic Paradox by Frederick Soddy * (1926) The Healing Power of Enzymes by DicQie Fuller, PH.D., D., D.Sc. ISBN 0-8281-1289-4 Twilight of the Universities by F X Foulke-ffeinberg* ISBN 1-880177-01-3 Hill Rat: Blowing the Lid Off Congress by John L. Jackey* ISBN 0-89526-529-X The Libertarian Theology of Freedom by The Reverend Edmund A. Optiz * ISBN 0-87319-046-7 J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and The Secrets by Curt Gentry, author of Helter Skelter ISBN 0-393-02404-0 Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola - Nature, Accident or Intentional? by Harvard graduate, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., * 888-508-4787 Compromised: Clinton, Bush & The CIA by Terry Reed & John Cummings. ISBN 1-56171-249-3 Unlimited Access by Gary Aldrich ISBN 0-89526-454-4 Pamphlet form publications of less than 100 pages. While I have dozens of them from all sorts of groups and organizations, these are all very interesting. My Farewell to Isreal, The Thorn in the Mideast by Jack Bernstein as told to Len Martin. It is available through Emissary Publications. Holy Land Betrayed by Haviv Schieber as told to Len Martin. Available through Emissary Publications. A Controverisal booklet. A Christmas Present for the President: A Short History of the Creation of the Federal Reserve System by Gerlad T. Dunne. A fine piece of propaganda made available to schools through the Federal Reserve of St. Louis. Published by the Graduate Schoolf of Business, Indiana U. Its no wonder our young college grads come out of these institutuiotns of higher learning brainwashed. Money, the Root of All Evil by Barney McCoy. Dont know if this address is still good as Ive had many of these books for a decade or more: P.O. Box 110013, West End Station, Birmingham, Alabama 35211 The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx available on-line. Walls in Our Minds by M. J. Red Beckman (1990) The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel by Jack Bernstein as told to Len Martin. ISBN: 0-939482-01-0 The Proclamation of London of the European Liberation Front by Francis Parker Yockey (1949) The Patriots Primer by Wylie C. Sampson (1967) The New World Order Decrees the Destruction of Christianity by Dr. John Coleman (1986) The Phoenix Phenomenon by Fred Holden (1984) In the Quest of Justice by Arlo C. Peterson (1993) The Hidden Tyranny by Benjamin H. Freedman. Also available through Emissary The Voices of Comfort compiled by Jeanine Corbin. This has nothing to do with world history. It is a wonderful little booklet of inspirational messages to heal your heart when you lose a pet. It hurts and I just want folks to know theres a wonderful little booklet out there to help. Someone sent a copy to me when my little Keeley girl died in 1998. I still miss her funny little face. Firing Line. Host William Fr. Buckley, Jr., with Michael Davies, Monsignor Joseph Champlin 1980 The Anatomy of a Revolution by Archibald E. Roberts, Lt. Col., AUS (Ret.) Betsy Ross Press Videos there are tons of them out there. Cancer: It Doesn't Scare Me Anymore! by one of the most remarkable women I have ever had the honor of knowing: Dr. Lorraine Day, internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best selling author. 15 years on the faculty of the University of SF, School of Medicine, Assoc. Prof and Vice Chmn of the Department of orthopedics; Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at SF General Hospital and recognized world-wide as an AIDS expert. 800-574-2437 Lorraines very informative web site is:  HYPERLINK "http://www.drday.com" www.drday.com The Mena Cover-Up: Drugs, Deception and the Making Of A President (Clinton). WACO: The Rules of Engagement. Nominated in the 1998 Oscar run for Best Documentary of the Year. Here's the real truth America didn't see. Cover-Up in Oklahoma Available from Worldnetdaily.com 1. 800-496-3266 This video was made from my raw film. The 60 Minutes Deception. You will see on this absolutely riveting video the actual footage of Mike Wallace shamelessly admitting to using drugs with his own daughter and her friends, his racist slurs about black Americans and a lot more. I swear this is a must viewing. If all of America could see this amazing expose, they might finally realize that they are nothing more than dupes to the "establishment" media. Order: http://www.newsmaxstore.com/nms/showdetl.cfm?st=0&st2=0&st3=0&CATID=2&Product_ID=255&DID=6 America's Vanishing Jobs: This is the tape Washington DC does not want Americans to see. Capital Crimes - the BEST video on the "Federal" Reserve by Bill Still, order from Emissary Publications The International Wilderness Congress and the New World Bank by George Hunt * Undoubtedly one of the most significant exposes on the International Power Grabbers in recent years. Contains startling revelations, supported by irrefutable documentation. This explosive 60-minutes video expose was made by an official host of the Enviro-Aristocrat Congress (The Wilderness Congress) held in Denver, Colorado, September 11-17, 1987. Hear the actual recorded voices of the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and their top agents as they lay out their plans to seize control of the natural resources of Third World countries and thus bring all nations totally under their direct control. Learn who really runs the environmental movement, and how they plan to "clean up" in more ways than one as a result of their carefully orchestrated and implemented long-term plans. Learn the truth about the World Conservation Bank, the second world Marshall Plan, the world dollar and the One World Religion. 9-11 in Plane Sight. Directors cut now available:  HYPERLINK "http://www.911inplanesite.com/" http://www.911inplanesite.com/ Now you know what Ive been doing for the past 14 years! Obviously I purchase new books as they come out, so this only covers the list through February 2005. 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