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Explain why you feel this way. 4. Insects share our world with us. They are almost everywhere around us. What kind of insect do you think is the most interesting? Think about insects that you have learned about, read about, or observed. Write a paper telling about the insect that you think is the most interesting. Remember to tell at least three reasons why this type of insect is interesting. Use specific details to explain and support your reasons. 5. Do you have an idea about would like to do when you "grow up." Think about the career you would like to have when you finish school. Think about why you would like to have this career. Write a paper discussing this career and why you would want to have it when you "grow up." Explain at least three reasons why this is what you would like to do. Use specific details to explain and support your reasons. 6. You have been asked to help your classmates make decisions about meals they would like added to the cafeteria menu choices. As a nutrition expert, recommend choices for different groups of students. Explain the advantages of your selections. 7. Think of a game that is unique to your culture. Where did it originate? How is it played? What is the history behind the game? Be sure to include as many details as possible. 8. Everyone has thought about a pet that they would like to have. What pet would you really like to have? Think about reasons you would like to have this pet. Write a paper telling about the pet you would like to have most and at least three reasons why you would choose it. Remember to use specific details to support and explain your reasons. 9. Identify an activity, such as a hobby, pastime or sport, you enjoy or do well. Explain what you do and why you chose that activity. Be sure to discuss the history of the sport, as well as how it is played now. 10. There are many different modes of transportation: airplane, car, buses, train, and foot just to name a few. Which mode of transportation do you feel is the safest and best way to travel? Use some examples of safety advancements that have been made for this mode of travel. 11. Many students say they feel safest when they are in school. Think about all the things we do in school to stay safe, and research what other schools do, to come up with a master plan for keeping children safe at school. 12. Think about someone you admire. Write to explain the admirable qualities this person has and how they have influenced you and your behavior. 13. Many organizations rely on volunteers to help them accomplish their mission. Suppose each student in your school were required to volunteer for 40 hours over the course of the school year. What are some of the organizations you would encourage them to volunteer in and why? Provide information to your peers about these organizations so they can make informed decisions. 14. Most of us have all our senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. Write about the role each of these senses plays in your life. Which of your senses would be the most difficult to live without? Write about how it would be most difficult to live without this sense. 15. Think about all the inventions that have affected our lives. Select one invention and write to explain why this invention has been good or bad for society. Remember to use at least three examples from your research to back up your opinion. 16. Students in our school are being taught to recycle, renew and reuse. Explain to these students what they can do to benefit the environment by recycling, renewing an reusing materials. Be sure to include the benefits of all three. 17. From kitchen appliances, to computers, to iPods- technical advancements have affected everyone. Identify and research one technological advancement that you could not do without and explain why. 18. Music is a part of every culture and plays different roles in peoples lives. Tell how music plays a role in your culture and/or in your own life. Discuss different types of music and how they are used for different things. 19. You and a friend are having a conversation about a popular group of students. Write an essay sharing your thoughts about popularity in general, and what makes someone popular. Be sure to discuss how society perceives certain types of people and how this may affect their popularity status. 20. The Student Organization has asked students to share their ideas about new playground equipment and games to be used by middle schooler students at recess. Research different types of equipment and games and come up with three suggestions for the S.O. My top three writing prompts are: 1. 2. 3. To help organize your essay, you can visit the following website: http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/essaymap/ $% ; = @ s &05=@jַֻˢֻÔuuuuugûû_hg3OJQJh)B*OJQJ^Jph!h)h)B*OJQJ^Jphhg3B*OJQJ^Jphh5MB*OJQJ^Jph(jh)h)OJQJUmHnHuhSh5MOJQJh)OJQJh)h)OJQJhSOJQJh)h)5CJOJQJaJ"h)h)5>*CJOJQJaJ%$% < =  $h^ha$gdS $h^ha$gdg3 $h^ha$gd}h^hgd} $h^ha$gd)IFJ]nrCDEFGHIǿϿǿǿǿǷyh)h OJQJh)h)OJQJh)OJQJhShSOJQJhS5OJQJhShS5OJQJhg3OJQJhSOJQJh}OJQJh5MOJQJhg35OJQJhg3B*OJQJ^Jph!h)hg3B*OJQJ^Jph/EFmn$a$gdS $h^ha$gd}CDEFGHIgd}$a$gd} $h^ha$gd}$a$gdS 21h:p}/ =!"#$@% F2 GAnJFIF,,C    ("&#0$&*+-.-"251,5(,-,C  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"A!1AQ"2aq#B3Rbr$CS4s-!1AQaq"#2 ?4Fhѣ@4h4˫]?"\駔7 NDUS;[Ѹ7H^$Xb0W΢JG*P-7Ϧ#>1@6Yg`l&Hٗz2uS{u NG< mH,v\}0j(~6LikR#FU> .]Wi ,ҳ? ƀo># &t )2A#'<N.qtUTjRF + $d(jUGs(X⇏fhн?j6Nt}.l'}cFhѣ@4h4Fhѣ@4h4Fhhk8ʥқaP2Nhѣ@[GOp%t1ȍٔڡꎩs )ݽqt ӑAYΒ"FrvK;s8f`8YmOOmzB3O2ѱR9:&'VWGr"Q+g5 #Mo ZIoH? 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