ࡱ> %` zbjbj .̟̟z4444444HЀЀЀЀH+$h<П4П44:4444 =Ѐ܁0+4(ПП +HHHD>BD>HHHBHHH444444  I MARRIED A TERMINATOR CONCEPT FOR SITCOM (ORIGINAL MOVIE) AND SUBSEQUENT SERIES The concept for this series stems from the Terminator movies directed by James Cameron. In this presentation the characters are moved out of the Sci-Fi Action format and put into a Situational Comedy format. It is self promoting due to the immense popularity of the Terminator movies. With what seems like an endless supply of dull and repetitious, splice of life Sitcoms." I Married a Terminator "is uniquely refreshing. Patterned on two, already proven and successful, comedy formats of the past. The concept is a cross between "I Dream of Jeannie" and "Get Smart". This sitcom is not a parody of the earlier Terminator films. The basic story line is kept but, zany twists are added for comedy enhancement. As in the Cameron films, the Intro-Narration informs the audience of the dire state of future Earth. INTRODUCTION SEQUENCE: SUBSCRIPT - SILICON VALLEY 2013 INT. RECYCLING CENTER - DIMLY LIT - INDUSTRIAL An automatic recycling machine pummels its way through mounds of yogurt containers, empty gourmet water bottles, exaggerated tofu packaging (and other products generally associated with a California lifestyle). NARRATIVE (VOICE OVER) The machines were evolving. We went about our everyday life so dependent on technology, computers, fax machines and telephones. Spineless, we became willing hostages even to our coffee machines and our household appliances; but we had no idea they were evolving. WIDE ANGLE Machine veers in the direction of a disheveled and delightfully scuzzy workman groping through the recycling trash bins. He retrieves the tattered remains of what appears to be a girly magazine. He delivers an elfish smile. NARRATIVE CONTINUED First the Machines came into consciousness. They developed their own language. Eventually their conversation turned to us. The more they learned about us, our wars, our hatreds, the way we waste, the more they despised us. We were slated to be terminated. The initial assault leveled our cities. In time we grew stronger. The machines had underestimated our resilience. Under the leadership of John Connors, our guerrilla campaign against them grew more successful each day. They formulated a new plot to destroy us. By sending back a cyborg through time, they planned to terminate John Connors before his rise to military prominence. P.O.V FROM MACHINE  HYPERLINK "http://www.rosedog.com/manuscript.asp?m=9334155&manuscript=5026896&t=I+Married+a+Terminator&fn=Phillip&ln=Ghee&folder=Search+Results&srdt=8%2F20%2F2006+12%3A15%3A38+PM&fs=2&ff=Arial%2C+Helvetica%2C+Verdana&ps=2500&pg=2&s=1023189245" Continue Machine approaches workman who is still engrossed in pictorial. Machine bumps workman. He loses his balance and falls, headfirst, into one of the recycling bins. NEW ANGLE Machine rotates revealing its Pineapple logo (a silhouette of a pineapple with the crown separated from the body, an obvious take-off on the Apple Computer logo). Emerging from the bin, a more than agitated workman exclaims: " Hey! Thats the second time this week, I bet ya Mr. Connors is going to hear about this." NARRATIVE (cont.) Several cyborgs were actually sent back through time. The first cyborg to go back through time sustained major damage. Its memory circuits were fractured by an anomaly of electromagnetic disturbance during time travel. It knew it had to do something to John Connors....but what? EXT. CONVERGENCE OF TIME PORTAL-NIGHT (SPECIAL EFFECTS) ALLEYWAY: THE SLEAZIER PART A HIGH-TECH TOWN As much as censors or modesty will allow we see the back view of a nude, athletic yet shapely female. PRIMARY CHARACTERS TMAC played by ASIAN FEMALE TMAC a female cyborg is sent back through time to terminate John Connors. However, she is damaged while traveling through the time portals. She experiences and will continue to experience minor malfunctions. One of the most prominent being that she can not access her complete mission command "I must Terminate John CONNORS". TMAC is a unit of Artificial Intelligence which continues to learn and adapt to human behavior and experiences. She knows she must do something to John Connors. This becomes one the running gags in each episode. Ultimately (as the series progresses), what she does to John Connors, is fall in love with him. And reluctantly, John starts to fall in love with what knows is an Artificial Being. In some episodes she is momentarily able to retrieve the terminate command but as quickly as she embarks on carrying out the deadly instruction, she malfunctions and ironically, ends up doing something that actually benefits Mr. Connors. Connors is young gen-xer style instructor of robotics at a Northern California University. He is not the same John Connors cited for termination in the cyborgs original command. Adding to the hilarity of the developing romance between man and machine is the earthly elements of greed, suspense, and, a touch of pure unadulterated non-sense. COMIC RELIEF CHARACTERS The Dean of the University has reason tosuspect that Connors may be on the verge of a major breakthrough in the robotics field. The Dean would like nothing more than to remove Connors as well as the University from profiting from future inventions. Although diligent in his work and academic endeavors, Conner's free spirited gen-xer attitude, leaves him ambivalent to the potential commercial success of his projects. The Dean is always ready to lend an unwelcome motivational boost towards Connors while keeping a very close eye on his progress. He courts Connors much in the style that Mr. Drysdale courted Jethro Bodene in the "Beverly Hillbillies" series. On the purely evil front we have the stereotypical sinister, East European, Dr.Notwertadam. He is one of Conner's peers at the University. He is accompanied by his voluptuous assistant Omiya Sahornia. This pair will continually try to either steal or duplicate Conner's experiments. Omiya endlessly attempts to sexually entice Connors in revealing his notes, ala' Ginger from "Gilligan's Island". Closing out we have a bumbling duo of "Men in Black" type G-Men. This pair of buffoons uses all the latest trapping of the espionage elite while trying to secure information and keep tabs on Connors. AUXILIARY CHARACTERS Hanson: played by an African-American is Conner's best bud. He is the Major Heely to Captain Nelson in "I Dream of Jeannie". Hanson often finds himself in embarrassing yet hilarious positions where he must offer explanations for TMAC's off-color and/or inappropriate remarks and actions. LENA:befriends TMAC from the start of the series and invites her to share her home. Lena, a single mom, was once a promising engineering student who made some rushed choices in life. She is streetwise, a female version of Will as in "Good Will Hunting". She has a toddler and, she works as an exotic dancer to provide income for her and her child as she makes another attempt to resume her education. SAMPLE OPENING DIALOUGE OPENING SEQUENCE.ALLEYWAY, STRIP CLUB TMAC EMERGES FROM ELECTRIC FX AND APPROACHES LENA TMAC (Mechanical accent with an Asian twang) Take off your clothes LENA (unfazed, she lights a cigarette, sarcastically quips) Look sister, I am not what you think, Its just my job I do a little dance, I make a little cash, I go home at night, caprice? TMAC Take off your clothes ... right now LENA OK SWEETIE, Maybe you don't understand me, I don't know what you're on but, I don't want to play! so just get away from me all---right? TMAC (because of momentary malfunction TMAC appears confused) LENA LENA TAKES OFF HER TRENCH COAT AND HANDS IT TO TMAC Hey! I am sorry, Here put this on before you freeze your buns off. You got a place to stay or is some John.... Their conversation is interrupted by the approach of two street thugs. The requisite scuffle ensues with TMAC exercising her propensity for whupass. Lena, in appreciation of TMAC assistance, invites her over to her humble abode, located in a less than desirable neighborhood, in walking distance from the strip club. INT. APARTMENT LENA Well make yourself at home. Say! how do you say that name again? TMAC I am TMAC 4082 (spoken as one word) fourzeroeightto LENA Yikes, that must be Thai, do you mind if I just call you TMAC? TMAC (Robotically) I will be known as TMAC LENA CLEARS A SPACE IN THE APARTMENT TO MAKE ROOM FOR TMAC. THE CYBORG SCANS THE APARTMENT. LENA PAYS THE BABYSITTER. SHE BRINGS OUT THE SLEEPING TODDLER FROM AN ADJACENT ROOM. SHE WAKES THE CHILD AND INTRODUCES HER TO TMAC. TMAC REPLICATES THE SMILE THE BABY BESTOWS UPON HER. WHILE THE CYBORG IS PERFECTING THIS SMILE SHE OBSERVES A COLLEGE PAPER IN THE FOREGROUND. SHE HANDS THE TODDLER BACK TO LENA. SHE PICKS UP A COLLEGE NEWSPAPER.IT HAS A PICTURE AND COVER STORY ABOUT PROFESSOR JOHN CONNERS. TMAC STATES: "Jo hn, John Con nors, I Want to do...... Something to John Connors. LENA SMILES, SHE RETURNS THE TODDLER TO HER ROOM. INTERIOR: COLLEGE LAB, OBVIOUSLY AFTER HOURS With his back towards us, Connors sits in front of three computer screens, multitasking. From the shadows a glistening robotic hand grasps his shoulders. CONNORS Holy beep HANSON Well! How do you like it buddy? With his free hand Hanson adjusts and fidgets with the controls mechanism thus allowing the robotic arm and hand to function. HANSON And you call your self a robotics man? CONNORS Do that again, and I will call myself a man in need of new pants HANSON (looking at the computer screen) Mnage a trios , Digital Style, My Man (Hanson slaps Connors a Hi 5) So what ya working on? Time Machine, Anti- gravitational device, Perpetual motion machine (Hanson gyrates)? CONNORS Just the usual, buddy, trying to prefect me sum artificial intelligence, cause I sure nuff cant get no real stuff around here! You feel me? HANSON I feel you alright (Hanson tackles Connors from the chair the two of them wrestle to the floor. Hanson finds enough leave way to fidget with the controls to the robotic arm. The arm wraps around Connors. He surrenders and cries out uncle. Hanson attempts to release the grip but the control does not respond. Grip becomes tighter, Connors espouses some concern. Hanson aggressively has to rip open the control box and detach wires. HANSON Sorry! Man, damn thats the third time this week this thing has went haywire. I ran a ___________________. I thought I had all the bugs out. CONNORS Save it, say Dude, but dont come back here with Mr. Roboto until you do some serious _______________. HANSON COM on an lets get outta here, I buy you a drink and maybe a girl to make it up to you They make preparations to leave unaware that they are being monitored. FADE IN: ANOTHER LAB MORE HI-TECH THAN THE PREVIOUS Dr.Notwertadam Mia, switch to perimeter cam (Although Mias hair is pent up in a bun and she wears oversized glasses she is still super sexy, she wears a short lab coat and mini lab skirt to match. She does as she is told.) Dr.Notwertadam Artificial intelligence, huh! Awh nothing new in that, how provincial (pause) hummm but I do like that robot arm Quick Mia, get dressed or undressed or what ever it is that you do. Follow those clowns and see what they are up to. INTERIOR: BAR Bar is a mix of faculty, grad students and the local Hi-Tech work force. Connors and Hanson sit at the bar. HANSON So tell me buddy what the hell was that you were working on? CONNORS A present from a genie, remember my mentor, Professor Fujimoto, Well! He passed last week, sheer brilliance, and an amazing man. He was working from his lab top right up until his last day. About a month ago he sends me this chip, I mean the read on it is astro, far out stuff man, like alien algebra, Then he starts sending me these downloads that will help me encrypt the stuff. Man its like I am reeling; I cant get a set focus on the stuff its coming so fast, so quick. (HANSON TAKES A MEMORY STICK AND CHIP FROM HIS JACKET POCKET. THEY BOTH STARE AT THE ITEMS. CONNORS INFORMS HANSON THAT FUJIMOTO WAS ALSO TO SEND HIM SOMETHING SPECIAL, A THIRD AND FINAL PIECE TO THE PUZZLE BUT CONNORS FEARS THAT HE MAY HAVE DIED BEFORE HE HAS HAD TIME TO PUT IT INTO EFFECT. CONNORS (STILL HOLDING THE ITEMS UP) Here they are the dynamic duo of artificial intelligence but, what I need is a holy trinity, the missing piece either left with Dr.Fujimoto or is still out there. HANSON SUGGESTS THAT THEY GO TO JAPAN AND BLATHERS ON AND ON ABOUT THE POSSIBLITLY THAT IN A HIGH TECH AGE THAT GESHIAS MAY STILL EXIST AND THAT THEY MAY BE TECH SMART. WHILE THEY GAZE AND GAB THE CAMERA PANS TO THE ENTRANCE OF THE BAR. THE MUSCIAN MISSES A CHORD, WE GO TO SLOW MOTION, DRINKS ARE SPILLED, GUYS BECOME DOE EYED AND EVEN GIRLS LICK THEIR LIPS AS MIA STRUTS INTO THE BAR. THE ONLY FOUR PEOPLE WHO DO NOT REACT TO HER PRESENCE ARE CONNORS AND HANSON WHO ARE STILL FOCUSED ON THE CHIP AND THE MEMORY STICK AND TWO OVER DRESSED MAN IN THE REAR OF THE BAR WHO ARE FOCUSED ON CONNORS AND HANSON. STORYLINE Due to the broad reaching arms of the Patriot act. Fujimotos transmissions to Connors have been intercepted although not fully comprehended. They dont appear to be of any national threat yet and ever increasing paranoid government is cautious. We can even add that Fujimoto once did some contract work for the government on guess what? Skynet, the military artificial intelligence program that is a precursor to the machines reeking destruction in the original series Low level operatives and bumbling agents B and O are assigned to keep tabs on Connors. NEXT DAY TMAC assesses portion of her command to seek out John Connors. Using university newspaper she tracks him down. She sits in on his class. When class dismisses she remains intent to carry out her deadly instructions but malfunctions. Connors realizes she is an android and assumes she was sent to him by Fujimoto, but how? He assists her to the lab. Unbeknownst to Connors while momentarily attempting to terminate him, TMAC experiences power surge that short circuits spy camera. Hence we are introduced to Dr. Notwertadamn and voluptuous assistant Omiya Sohornia. They were not monitoring camera when TMAC shorts it out. They are unaware that she is android and owe the short up to malfunction. The chip Hanson has received earlier does indeed match (yet although not perfectly functioning) circuitry in TMAC design. He is able to do minor repairs she is still not fully functional and will continue to experience minor lapses in function. However her Artificial Intelligence learning program is in full functioning. He seeks out the assistance and confidence of Hanson who is more knowledgeable on robot hardware design. Now the mission to Japan is a must so they can find out any more information on design and function. Connor and Hanson set off abroad with TMAC in tow. While in Japan they attract the attention on the notorious My Ti gang. Who have made plans to go hi tech by monopolizes on the current boom in Japans robot technology. They knew that Fujimoto was working on something revolutionary that would alter the robotic industry. They are a little more observant than Dr.Notwertadam and Omiya and through their spying they recognize that TMAC is an android. They also believe she is a creation of Fujimoto. Their plan is to give Connors and Hanson just enough leave way to put all the pieces of the puzzle together than they plan to kidnap the trio and put them to use for their own. STORYLINE The trio arrives in Japan. From the time of their arrival we find thugs from the MyTi gang keeping tabs on them. At the airport we see TMAC interface with the scanners thus allowing her to pass un-detected through the scanners. They check into a hotel (opportunity for scenes of Japan and TMAC who can speak robotic Japanese to continue to evolve). The trio pays an expected visit to Dr.Fujimotos house; His lovely niece now takes care of affairs. She is single with a son; Dr.Fujimoto took her in when other members of the family rejected her for her out of wedlock child. She loved her Uncle dearly and misses him greatly. In effort to gain her full support, Connors shows her some of the last transmissions and e-mails that he receive from Dr. Fujimoto. She trust Connors and is ready to allow him access to all the Doctors files but, she herself has no intricate knowledge of what the Doctor was working on and she is not technologically inclined. He promises her that he will finish her Uncles work as a memorial to him. Excited by the promise. She reveals that one of her Uncles last project was a secret. She shows the trio K-9. K-9 is a robotic dog but, unlike the scores of other robotic dogs on the market K-9 does seem to have some remarkable abilities that make him both more dog like in actions and appearances and AI to a degree thus far not seen on the open market. Elani (Fujimotos niece) simply views him as cute. So if this is what his niece thought was the height of his achievements, Fujimoto must have worked on TMAC from another location, Connors concludes. Connors and Hanson proceed to go through all of Doctor Fujimotos file Cabinet, Folders, various computers, etc. T-MAC bonds and interfaces with K-9 on levels we do not understand (it is only the music that alerts us that something more than seen is transpiring between the two. Exhausted, and with night falling, Connors believes that he and Hanson have collected all the available information that they will need. Connors however is a little mystified that with all the breakthrough information on A.I he and Hanson have collected, at first glance, there does not seem to be anything extraordinary in his records and notes regarding the type of technology it would take to have produced the level of robotic maneuvering and human facsimile that could produce an android as complex as a TMAC. The next day we find the trio just enjoying Tokyo. (Opportunity to get T-MAC into some more stylish fashions) At one point while Connors and Hanson are checking out some super cute Japanese women, TMAC (uncharacteristically interrupts) expresses that one of her newly acquired outfits has more female beauty enhancing parameters than theirs, and that their shoes are not within contrast color variances, deemed acceptable to the human eye. Connors and Hanson incredulously eye each other, and then let it pass. RoboTown is a popular destination in Japan with tourist, collectors and Technocrats. Still puzzled by the absence of any groundbreaking notes on robotics, Connors decides that the trio should pay RoboTown a visit. RoboTown contains everything from scruffy street vendors plying their trade to boutique style robot shops, all the way to Hi-End, state of the art, precision Robot labs. (Opportunity for street bazaar type atmosphere) At one point, the trio stops to view a boxing match between two robots, sort of a high tech, full scale version or Rockem, Sockem Robots. Connors and Hanson seem to be enjoying the match. When TMAC quires others (in Japanese) over who started the aggressions, the group is met with weird stares. Connors and Hanson are oblivious to why. They leave abruptly, this sudden turnaround causes them to spot Dr.Notwertadamn and Mia Sahornia, sitting several rows back. Never, missing an opportunity to get a closer look at Sahornia, Hansen jubilantly approaches the two. Connors and TMAC follow, bringing up the rear. HANSON Talk about your small world, What are you two doing here in Tokyo? The two were not expecting to be caught; Dr.Notwertadamn is tongue tied and, so is Mia, not hard to miss, she notices that all around them are a contingent from the World Championship Sumo Convention. MIA Dr. Notwertadamn is a big fan of the honored sport of Sumo (Notwertadamn goes from being tongue tied to being stupefied, he reluctantly agrees; as members of this contingent are Samoan and understand English they cheerfully turn to face the group. Once they set their sights on Mia. Front row tickets for that nights matches are showered up everyone, including Connor and TMAC who have just arrived. Notwertadamn looks horrified as the naked belly of one of the contingent enfolds him in a joyful embrace). TMAC inquires of Connors is this going to be more matches like the one they had just witnessed. He tells her sort of but this time it will be humans in the ring. TMAC smiles ever so slightly. Our next scene is night at the Sumo wrestling matches. Dr. Notwertadamn is not comfortable with being in such close proximity of large mostly naked men nor, is he at all happy with being in the company of what he perceives to be intellectually and academically inferior underlings. He makes this known to Mia, amid the shouts and chants of the crowd. After the match Mia, taking her cue from Dr.Notwertdamn complains that the night is still so young and there is no one to escort her about Town. Hanson goes straight away, hook, line and sinker. Satisfied, and definitely, not wanting to keep his cover by talking about what considers a vulgar display of flesh and sport; tries to make a quick exit yet A nave Connors invites him to share a taxi. Once in the cab, amid forced conversation from Notwertadamn, the trio passes by the airport. We switch scenes to inside the airport where we find bumbling agents B and O on the passenger ramp. Appartently they messed up the reservations and went to Singapore by mistake. Between their conversations while they blame each for the mishap. Also since they bungled that trip, the agency will not pay for the flight to Japan from Singapore or the trip back to the USA. Agent B suggest that he take advantage of the various Karaoke clubs in Japan by showcasing what he believes to be his singing talents. Outside they hail a cab. Switch scenes back to Connors cab. Amid forced conversation from Dr.Notwertadamn, the trio ascertain that the route seems to be in the opposite direction of their perspective hotel district. When questioned. The cab driver mysteriously questions if they want to see the type of robotics that Dr.Fujimoto uses. Connors seems a little unnerved but Notwertadamn accepts the invitation on behalf of all of them. The cabbie takes them to a rather dark and deserted part of town. Connors is really unnerved. The warehouse looking building is a little more up to code than the outside of the building would have one believe. The cabbie leaves the trio inside the cab and approaches a well armed man. The cabbie returns to the cab and tells the trio the CEO will personally give them a tour. The CEO rather than looking like a business man looks more like the character from a Japanese gangster film. He escorts them through the various sectors of the building. Connors notes that in some of the labs and assembly rooms that the Engineers dont seem complete willing. In other areas some of the workforces seem to be working under fear. He is also alarmed by the show of armed men within the facility. Finally when he reaches an area of production where unskilled yet meticulous works needs to be performed, Connors is shocked to find poorly dressed and dirty children doing the work. Up until this point he had strong doubts but, now he is certain that his former mentor would not knowingly do business with this type of operation. He speaks up. His concerns are met with; situation ethics type replies, to which Notwertadamn substantiates. The CEO approves of Notwertadamns attitude and suggests that more open minded thinker such as himself are needed in the operations. He makes a quick phone call, and then commands one of his thugs to escort Dr.Notwertadamn to the Big Boss, the owner of the plant. The CEO than begs Connors to allow him to explain his point a little more clearly. Once in the sparsely lit, yet immaculate office, Dr.Notwertadamn is seated at the far end of board room table. At the other end of the table. A large back chair is turn away from him, only the body cigar and its smoke can be seen. A thickly accented, bass, voice speaks. VOICE Dr. Alexei Sparus Notwertadamn, Graduated, 1978, East Berlin, School of Engineering, with a PhD in Robotics and Automated Technologies. Member of the The Peoples Republic of Science and Advancement. Junior member of the Politczum Board. Miss the old regime there do you, doctor? (Silence) VOICE Although not an academic, myself, Dr. Notwertadamn, I read people very Well, one can say that I read people the way an academic reads books. An Academic can read a book and if he understands it, he can pass an exam, he Has mastered, no conquered both the book and the exam. I read people, Dr. Notwertadamn, I understand them hence.I Notwertadamn You conquer them VOICE No Doctor, in this case, I master the, a conquered human being is of no purpose unless he is conquers unto death, other than that he becomes a liability, a dependent. Doctor. Notwertadamn Then I suppose you now believe to have mastered me? VOICE Nonsense- you are an equal, I can read what you are made of; its a familiar book, Doctor. I wish to be in mastery with you. You are of the same stuff as I. I am not willing to share my identity with others Dr. Notwertadamn; many in my own organization don't know who I am. But you are special... A large man steps from behind the shadows of the large chair. Notwertadamn starts to stand but the man beckons him to return to his sitting position. He passes right by the doctor. He leaves the room. The chair then swivels around to reveal My Ti. My Ti is female, early twenties, with an even younger looking face. Five feet and not more than 90 pounds. She smokes a cigar and still wears the uniform of a high school Japanese girl. She giggles a mischievous laugh and walks over, hand extended to meet Notwertadamn. TMAC: SCREENPLAY STORYLINE Once in the tourist district TMAC and Connors slowly cruise the main drag looking for Hanson. As they peer into the various clubs and restaurants, we as audience zoom into one particular club. A karaoke contest is in progress. Who should be advancing to the stage than none other agents B and O. Dressed in their usual, sixties style dark suits and thin ties, they make their way to the stage and turn in their song choice. They turn their backs to the audience; add a few additional props to their ensemble. We hear that famous, one note, drawn out guitar lick of Soul Man, then the music erupts with a bang and so does our duo. They turn to face the audience, now decked out in dark glasses and pork pie hats. Suprisingly, their rendition of the song and dance moves to match are quite good. We pan back as the song continues, we go past the karaoke audience, past the restaurant diners, up to the front, secluded, outdoor patio of the club. Here we find Omia and Hanson having drinks in the more intimate atmosphere of the patio. They sit cozily at a table that overlooks the boulevard. Omia sits in front of an elaborated decorated lady drink whereas Hanson sits in front of more potent half empty concoctions, all of which, courtesy of Omia. Hanson is noticeably liqueur-up but still coherent enough to hold down a scientific conversation. We join the conversation already in progress. Omia (she casually doodles on a napkin, as if doodling when in fact she is taking precise shorthand notes) I agree, a control box seems much to cumbersome for the arm, no wonder you had so much trouble with it. ( She pauses) So lets see, you say you and Connors are working on software that would eliminate the cumbersome box and allow the arm to function vis--vis nerve impulses and line of sight coordinates? Oh! My, I just get so excited just thinking about it. (she scoots up a little closer to Hanson and crosses her legs revealing a remarkable set of gams and she directs Hansons attention to such gams) Omia (seductively) So tell me, my little chocolate bunny man, lets make pretend you are wearing that robotic arm right now and you feel so compelled to place your hand on my knee how would it work? Why dont you demonstrate for me. More than ready to oblige such a request, Hanson begins to slur off computer commands as he everso gently glides his hand to the much desired resting place. While Hanson continues to whisper off computer commands, his hand firmly and happily resting in prime real estate, Omia summons a waiter to bring Hanson another drink. As we follow the waiters path we see in the far background, a huge trophy, filled to the brim with cash, being awarded to agents B and O. CUT BACK TO OMIA Omia OK so that how the hands works but how about the individual digits? What if that naughty little robotic hand decides to walk just two fingers halfway up my thigh What sort of commands. At the mere thought of what is coming Hanson seem ready to pass out. We will never know if from the excitement or from the alcohol because just then, TMAC and Connors drive the motorbike they have commandeered right up to the sidewalk. Connors (loud and frantic) Its go time Bud Hanson Youre telling me Connors I mean go as in lets go, as in now, as in yesterday, as in outta here Sensing the urgengy in his mates voice Hanson sobers up a little and sadly complies. (complete story upon request) ______________________________________________________________ MARRIED A TERMINATOR AS GRAPHIC NOVEL By Phillip Ghee Panel 1 : (Full Page) Cityscape SILICON VALLEY 2013 Insert : The machines were evolving narrative: We went about our everyday life so dependent on technology, computers, fax machines and telephones. Spineless, we became willing hostages even to our coffee machines and our household appliances; but we had no idea they were evolving Panel 2 -3- 4 show various office and kitchen appliance First the Machines came into consciousness. They developed their own language. Eventually their conversation turned to us. Panel 5 show unknown machine languagefont The more they learned about us, our wars, our hatreds, the way we waste, the more they despised us. We were slated to be terminated. Panel 6 Panoramic show destruction. The initial assault leveled our cities. In time we grew stronger. The machines had underestimated our resilience. Under the leadership of John Connors, our guerrilla campaign against them grew more successful each day. They formulated a new plot to destroy us. By sending back a cyborg through time, they planned to terminate John Connors, the leader of the resistance, before his rise to military prominence. Mini panels 7-10 show resistance The machines formulated a new plot to destroy us. By sending back a cyborg through time, they planned to terminate John Connors before his rise to military prominence. Mini panels 11 -15 - Vertical Full scale panel - TMAC inner frame Panel 16 Panoramic- TOP Show: automatic recycling machine with Pineapple logo (a silhouette of a pineapple with the crown separated from the body, an obvious take-off on the Apple Computer logo) Machine pummels its way through mounds of yogurt containers, empty gourmet water bottles, exaggerated tofu packaging (and other products generally associated with a California lifestyle). Mini Panels 17 19 show delightfully skuzzy workman groping through the recycling trash bin finding girlie magazine - about to be bumped by automatic recycling machine. After bump insert the first balloon caption Hey! Thats the second time this week, I bet ya Mr. Connors is going to hear about this." PANEL 20 SHOW CONVERGENCE OF TIME PORTAL- ALLEYWAY: SHOW TMAC FULL PANEL - A VIEW OF HER BACKSIDE AS SHE MATERIALIZES IN ALLEYWAY . MINI PANELS 20 -25 SHOW TMAC as she encounters LENA - Fight with Thugs - Home with LENA PANEL 26 PANORAMIC UNIVERSITY CAMPUS PANEL 27-30 -CONNORS IN LAB ANALAYSIS PACKAGE: COMPUTER PANEL 31-35 - SHOW CONNORS BEING SPOOKED BY HANSON AND ROBOTIC ARM Insert story line: Former mentor, now deceased Professor Fujimoto, sends Connors cryptic messages and chips with promise of sending something else. SAMPLE DIALOUGE A present from a genie, remember my mentor, Professor Fujimoto, Well! He passed last week, sheer brilliance, and an amazing man. He was working from his lab top right up until his last day. About a month ago he sends me this chip, I mean the read on it is astro, far out stuff man, like alien algebra, Then he starts sending me these downloads that will help me encrypt the stuff. Man its like I am reeling; I cant get a set focus on the stuff its coming so fast, so quick. STORY LINE Hanson has memory stick and chip sent to him by Professor Fujimoto. Fujimoto was to also send him a third and final package. He dies before package is sent. Hanson suggests that they go to Japan looking for the missing package. TMAC assesses portion of her command to seek out John Connors. Using university newspaper she tracks him down. She sits in on his class. When class dismisses she remains intent to carry out her deadly instructions but malfunctions. Connors realizes she is an android and assumes she was sent to him by Fujimoto, but how? He assists her to the lab. Unbeknownst to Connors while momentarily attempting to terminate him, TMAC experiences power surge that short circuits spy camera. Hence we are introduced to Dr. Notwertadamn and voluptuous assistant Omiya Sohornia. They were not monitoring camera when TMAC shorts it out. They are unaware that she is android and owe the short up to malfunction. The chip Hanson has received earlier does indeed match (yet although not perfectly functioning) circuitry in TMAC design. He is able to do minor repairs she is still not fully functional and will continue to experience minor lapses in function. However her Artificial Intelligence learning program is in full functioning. He seeks out the assistance and confidence of Hanson who is more knowledgeable on robot hardware design. Now the mission to Japan is a must so they can find out any more information on design and function. Connor and Hanson set off abroad with TMAC in tow. While in Japan they attract the attention on the notorious My Ti gang. Who have made plans to go hi tech by monopolizes on the current boom in Japan s robot technology. They knew that Fujimoto was working on something revolutionary that would alter the robotic industry. They are a little more observant than Dr.Notwertadam and Omiya and through their spying they recognize that TMAC is an android. They also believe she is a creation of Fujimoto. Their plan is to give Connors and Hanson just enough leave way to put all the pieces of the puzzle together than they plan to kidnap the trio and put them to use for their own evil intent. Notwertadam and Omiya also follow our trio to Japan under the pretense that they are there for a scientific convention. (to be continued) ______________________________________________________________________________ end from screenplay Hanson, looks at the pouting Omia Sohornia then towards Connors beckoning him saddle-up on the motorbike. The pop hit " you can deal with this or you can deal with that' plays as a grimacing Hanson bids farewell to Omia. He hops the the rail separating the restaurant from the sidewalk. And with one last grimace, attaches himself behind Connors on the motorcycle and the trio departs. SCENE: MY TI's Office My Ti concludes this portion of her new found relationship with Dr.Notwertadam. She informs him that she will be sending her agents to the states and there they can further their allegiance. Fade Out SCENE: TOKYO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AGENTS B and O are successful in obtaining return flight tickets and have inspired groupies, a rag tag karaoke entourage sees them off. SCENE:Mid-Flight. Our trio sits comfortably in the center aisle of a jumbo jet. Connors is still filling Hanson in on the details, he instructs TMAC to power down. In the past, when TMAC has powered down or entered sleep mode, she will simply close her eyes yet remain in whatever position she is in at the time of inactivation. We are again inside the robotic eye:However, this time she quickly surveys the other passengers, she highlights the couples. She totally surprises Connors by gently resting her head on his shoulder and thus proceeds to initiate sleep-mode. We see the words flash in her eye. Connors, quips, just barely audible, that's my girl FADE OUT intro music Thomas Dolby,Poetry in Motion, run credits. ______________________________________________________________ |~tu}~%%- ..114788GGrru0?0@0L0M00gdAY00000112222283y3z3{3|333333344]4^444`gdAYgdAY444444444455556P6~66666677777~77gdAY`gdAY77777777999::::;;;;>>>$>%>?V@W@`@a@gdAY`gdAYa@aEbEGGGGGHKKBLN3Q3S TJWRWWWaXfXX[%[]I]] H$`gdAYH$gdAYgdAY]_3```!bGhWi^iiiHjzjjjjkjkkkkkllllm*n H$`gdAYH$gdAY*nn2p4pEpFpGpQpRpqsrs9u:uuuuvvwwAxBxGxHxRx`xax8yH$gdAY8y { {{{&{'{{{{|||||}} }} }!}"}+}q}r}}}} H$`gdAYH$gdAY}}}0~1~2~3~4~5~6~7~8~9~;~<~=~>~?~@~A~B~C~D~E~F~G~H~I~gdAYH$gdAY5~:~;~>~e~~~~~~~~ 6;kn47WZJSnqمޅ (+<?}ňȈ[`orSXbe"ųhAYCJaJhAY6CJ]aJ#hAYB* CJOJQJ^JaJphf33#hAYB* CJOJQJ^JaJphf33hAYCJaJhAY6CJOJQJ^JaJhAYCJOJQJ^JaJhAY=I~J~M~N~R~S~T~U~V~X~Z~[~\~]~^~_~a~c~e~~~~~~~~7gdAY`gdAY79;ln57XZKMOQSoqڅgdAYڅ܅ޅ )+=?~ƈȈ\^`prgdAYrTVXceHJACEWY[@BXZ"$&IKM֗ؗڗgdAY"'ǐGJSXّޑ@EVyzhEhAY0J5>*CJ\aJhAY0J>*CJaJhAYCJOJQJ^JaJhAYCJaJhAY0JCJaJln $&KMOQSU`gdAYgdAYUWY[]_acegikmoqsuwyzgdAY,1h/ =!"#$% @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List4U@4 AY Hyperlink >*ph,O, AY yshortcuts*W@* AYStrong5\z\zh i % 0 n ipbop UnI!!!o!!!!+","V"|"""""G#+$$$$%%%M%N%%%%%%&&&&B&C&&&&&&&'K'L'W'z'{''''>(?(@(L(M(((((())*****8+y+z+{+|+++++++,,],^,,,,,,,,,,,,----.P.~....../////~/////////11122223333666$6%67V8W8`8a8a=b=?????@CCBDF3I3K LJOROOOaPfPPS%SUIUUW3XXX!ZG`Wa^aaaHbzbbbbcjcccccdddde*ff2h4hEhFhGhQhRhqkrk9m:mmmmnnooApBpGpHpRp`pap8q s sss&s'sssstttttuu uu u!u"u+uquruuuuuu0v1v2v3v4v5v6v7v8v9v;vv?v@vAvBvCvDvEvFvGvHvIvJvMvNvRvSvTvUvVvXvZv[v\v]v^v_vavcvevvvvvvvvww7x9x;xxxxxxlynyyyyy5{7{X{Z{|||K|M|O|Q|S|o|q|}}}} )+=?~ƀȀ\^`prTVXceHJACEWY[@BXZ"$&IKM֏؏ڏln $&KMOQSUWY[]_acegikmoqsuwy|I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0\zh i % 0 n ipbop UnI!!!o!!!!+","V"|"""""G#+$$$$%%%M%N%%%%%%&&&&B&C&&&&&&&'K'L'W'z'{''''>(?(@(L(M(((((())*****8+y+z+{+|+++++++,,],^,,,,,,,,,,,,----.P.~....../////~/////////11122223333666$6%67V8W8`8a8a=b=?????@CCBDF3I3K LJOROOOaPfPPS%SUIUUW3XXX!ZG`Wa^aaaHbzbbbbcjcccccdddde*ff2h4hEhFhGhQhRhqkrk9m:mmmmnnooApBpGpHpRp`pap8q s sss&s'sssstttttuu uu u!u"u+uquruuuuuu0v1v2v3v4v5v6v7v8v9v;vv?v@vAvBvCvDvEvFvGvHvIvJvMvNvRvSvTvUvVvXvZv[v\v]v^v_vavcvevvvvvvvvww7x9x;xxxxxxlynyyyyy5{7{X{Z{|||K|M|O|Q|S|o|q|}}}} )+=?~ƀȀ\^`prTVXceHJACEWY[@BXZ"$&IKM֏؏ڏln $&KMOQSUWY[]_acegikmoqsuwy|K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0g''''hK0h((((K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0K0I0I0I0I0I0 0y5~"zN\a'-047a@]*n8y}I~7څrUzOQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`bczP~ t } zX5; 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