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Meditation is to let go of all planning for future, and let go of past resentments and anger as well. Understanding Meditation: What is Meditation & What it is not? Meditation techniques are often misunderstood with other activities and rituals of religion. Understanding meditation begins with understanding the alchemy of "awareness" and knowing what activities are not meditation. Many people consider meditation as prayer or as worship. But that is not the case. The art of meditation is actually the art of "awareness". Any act which is done with awareness and which enhances awareness is called meditation. Watching your breath consciously with a feeling of non-attachment is a meditation technique. Listening to the birds (without any feelings of like/dislike, judgment, etc.) is another example of meditation. Simple acts like drinking tea or riding a bicycle can also be an act of meditation! All activities that are performed with awareness and are free from the mind's interference are "meditation". So, what is meditation? Meditation is a cessation of the thought process. Meditation is not simply limited to being a technique, but it is rather a way of life. It is a state of consciousness, in which the mind is free of its habitual "thought patterns" and scattered fragments of thoughts and emotions. Meditation is not contemplation. Contemplation is a mental activity that involves thinking about certain ideas, concepts, etc. in onepointed attention, but meditation is an act of going beyond the mind. In fact, active thinking is not a part of meditation. We just witness the mind's functions and thoughts in a passive and non-judgmental manner. Meditation is not auto-suggestion or hypnosis. In hypnosis, the mind is given suggestions - either by another person or by ourselves (as in selfhypnosis). The objective is to manipulate, program or condition the mind for certain positive results such as getting rid of addictions, positive affirmations, personality development, etc. However, in meditation, we observe our mind and by being a passive witness, we experience deeper levels of bliss, calmness and relaxation. There are no auto-suggestions or positive affirmations involved in the practice of meditation. How to Meditate? - Discover The Secret For Achieving Stress Relief & Bliss Through Meditation In 4 Easy Steps! How to meditate and what is meditation? These are the common questions that the modern man faces when he sets out on his journey to find bliss, peace and inner tranquility. Meditation can be described as a mental discipline that is aimed towards moving from a state of "thinking" mind to a more relaxed and aware state of being. There are many types of meditation techniques that can facilitate in achieving this blissful integrity of the mind. In order to learn how to meditate, it is essential to understand the meditation basics. The art of meditation involves using such techniques that calm the mind and bring it in a state of ease with itself. Once you know how to meditate, you can access this inner source of bliss any time and anywhere. The basic goal of all types of passive meditation techniques is to gradually quieten and still the mind; and bring it from its regular pattern of distracting thoughts towards a state of non-wavering and one-pointed awareness. Although there are many types of meditation techniques, here is a type of basic meditation technique that can be done by anyone. Here are a few meditation basics that you need to know in order to learn how to meditate -- 1) When to Meditate? Take out some time from your daily routine and allocate it for meditation. The benefits of meditation are significantly enhanced when you practice meditation consistently and regularly, rather than in sporadic periods of time. Choose a time in your daily routine when you are the least likely to be disturbed. Try to start meditating for a period of 15-45 minutes to see the full benefits of meditation. Although once you learn how to meditate, you can practice it at any time of the day. However, initially it is helpful to do the meditation in the morning time, as the body is fresher and the mind is also clear of other thoughts. Some people like to meditate in the night before sleeping, in order to clear their mind. Both the times are quite appropriate and beneficial. It is better to avoid meditation immediately after meals or at a time when you are hungry. This is because both feelings - whether intense hunger or a feeling of "heavy stomach" after meals, can be quite distracting while meditating. 2) Environment for Meditation As you learn to meditate, it is important that you practice it in a calm and relaxed environment. For beginners of meditation, it is essential to avoid as many obstacles that may come in the meditation practice as possible. For example, switch off the TV, phone, etc. as they might distract you right in the middle of meditation. Meditating at an outside place can be helpful, provided that it is not noisy. Choose a place where there is a sufficient circulation and inflow of fresh air. Meditating at the same place every day is also helpful to bring the meditative state more easily and quickly. 3) Meditation Posture Ideally, meditation is done in a sitting posture on the ground. You can also use a cushion or pillow to make the meditation experience as comfortable and beneficial as possible. You can sit in cross-legged posture. It is not necessary to sit in the lotus posture. But, make sure to keep your spine straight and erect. Meditating in an erect posture is very conducive and helpful in achieving high states of awareness and concentration for long duration of time. You can also sit on a chair for meditation. Make sure to keep your back straight and erect. You can either lean back on the chair or sit freely. Keep your feet firmly situated on the ground. You can also meditate in the lying down posture, provided that your spine is erect. But, there is the risk of falling asleep while you meditate in the lying down posture. 4) Witnessing - The Art of Meditation Notice the flow of thoughts. Don't try to control which thoughts should come in your mind and which thoughts shouldn't. Observe the passing thoughts passively with a sense of detachment. It might seem a bit difficult in the beginning as you learn how to meditate, but it shall soon become a joyful experience. Be a witness of the thoughts. You will notice that your mind wanders from one thought to another and makes observations about various things. The purpose of meditation is to gradually fade off this constant "chattering" going on in the mind. Find an "anchor" on which you can place your awareness. This is needed to calm your mind. You can focus on the flow of breath going in and out or you can focus your awareness on the sensations arising in your body. Find out what is more comfortable and easy for you to place your awareness on. By focusing on the flow of the breath and being non-judgmental, the chattering of the mind slows down and your awareness and perception of the reality improves. Your breathing also slows down and deepens, and your mind becomes more quiet and calm. Mantra meditation or chanting of a mantra such as "Aum" in a steady rhythm is also a very effective means to lead the mind to a state of concentration. Initially it is helpful to utter it verbally and later on it can be repeated non-verbally in the mind itself. But you should be careful and maintain awareness during this process of chanting. It should not become like a robotic activity. Building up of awareness is the prime objective of meditation and chanting may be used to raise our level of concentration and awareness. In a few days and a couple of weeks of meditation, you shall notice significant improvement and a marked difference in your ability to concentrate and focus. You shall achieve a greater clarity of vision, awareness and a state of calm and bliss throughout the day. You will also enjoy an improved health and a relaxed and stress-free state of mind. Meditation Tips - 10 Easy Tips For Meditation To Make Your Life Easier, Happier & More Blissful! What is the need of meditation tips? Meditation involves working with the mind and understanding it. It might lead to discomfort and frustration initially as we are not accustomed to meditation. Meditation instructions and tips help to overcome these hurdles and make the journey of meditation as smooth and fruitful as possible. 10 Easy Meditation Tips Meditation instructions can be very beneficial to make the most of the time spent for meditation and gain the maximum benefits of meditation techniques we practice. Here are 10 easy meditation tips that are highly beneficial for beginners and advanced meditators alike - 1) Place for meditation. It is helpful to meditate daily at a special place that is especially meant for meditation. Putting a picture of your guru, deity or idol and surrounding the meditation room with inspirational and sacred objects is quite beneficial in creating a positive vibration and the right environment for meditation. 2) Be mindful during the day. Even when you're not in an active meditation session, try to remain mindful and aware of your thoughts and routine actions at other times during the day. This shall help to sharpen your awareness and take your meditation to deeper levels. This is one of the meditation tips that can provide a quantum leap to your awareness levels. 3) Posture for meditation. Sitting in a cross-legged posture is how traditionally meditation is practiced. But, this might cause some numbness and pain in your feet and joints and can be distracting. You should sit in a meditation posture that does not lead to pain and aches in a short duration of practice. One of the other very helpful meditation tips is to stretch after a reasonable duration of meditation and then re-enter the seated posture of meditation. In fact, this is how the yoga postures were conceived and came into existence. 4) Using cushions for meditation. A comfortable and erect posture of meditation is essential to meditate free of all physical distractions and reap the full benefits of meditation. You can make use of special seats or cushions to sit comfortably in the right posture and be free of pains and aches that might occur during meditation due to sitting in the wrong posture. 5) Avoid chasing results. The benefits of meditation can be felt and experienced right from the very first session. It does not require the practitioner to be very focused and free of all thoughts for the gains to be felt. The practice of meditation itself is enough; its success lies in the practice itself. You will find that you are being less disturbed by incessant thoughts, negative emotions, anxiety, etc. after you start meditating. So, avoid being result-oriented. 6) Environment for meditation. Although advanced meditators can be in a meditative state any time and anywhere, for beginners it is advisable to meditate in the quietest environment possible which is free from any type of distractions. 7) How much meditation? A meditation session of 20-30 minutes is sufficient initially. You can add more sessions later in the day rather than trying to overdo or elongate one session of meditation. Find out your comfort level and meditate for that long only in each session. With practice and passage of time, meditation becomes natural. Then the length of practice can be gradually increased without going through any strain. Meditating at a specific time every day is also very beneficial. 8) To lie down or not? Meditating in the "lying down" posture has its own advantages and disadvantages. The threat of falling asleep is present throughout the time we meditate while lying down. While it may be beneficial for those suffering from insomnia, for others it might turn a meditation session into a "sleep session". While it is important that you feel comfortable while you meditate, be careful that you are not so comfortable that you fall asleep! 9) Using Timer in meditation. Meditation takes us to a state of timelessness and formlessness. Losing track of time is quite common in meditation. In order to keep track of the duration of meditation, it is helpful to set a timer and be free of the worry of how long to meditate. But make sure that the timer has a gentle sound, and not a very loud and an unpleasant tone. Looking at the clock or watch to keep track of the time during meditation can be quite distracting for many people. 10) Being here and now. It is important to keep the right mindset while meditating and not being goal oriented. Meditation is not about achieving Nirvana or enlightenment, neither is it about being anything or getting anywhere. In fact, it is not an act of quieting the mind, but paying attention and listening to it. Meditation is not an attempt to improve your personality. You are perfect as you are. Meditation is the art of being in the present and accepting yourself totally right here and right now. Yoga Meditation - Discover The Art And Science of Self Realization Through Self-Awareness! Yoga meditation is the art and science of remaining in a state of union without the distraction of thoughts. The meditator overcomes the false perception of separation and finds himself in the awareness of union. It is a form of Raja Yoga. Yoga Meditation technique involves a systematic viewing, acceptance, training and understanding of the respective levels of our being. The goal is to coordinate and integrate those aspects of ourselves, so that we can ultimately experience the all-pervading center of consciousness. "Yoga meditation" is actually not a separate part of Yoga. But, this phrase is used to distinguish between yoga meditation techniques as a complete system of self-realization and the popular belief of Yoga being just a couple of physical postures and exercises for a better health. The fact is that, Yoga or Meditation Yoga is a process that is complete unto itself, and only a small (but useful) part of it relates to the physical body. Meditation techniques of Yoga or simply "Yoga" involves systematically working with our body, senses, the various levels of mind, breath and gradually moving towards the center of consciousness. It makes use of various practices such as contemplation, meditation, mantra and prayer; and is holistic in nature. Yoga Nidra is one of the easiest and highly effective yoga meditation and relaxation technique. The final goal of meditation & yoga is to experience the eternal, pure and absolute center of consciousness or God. This can be done by overcoming the sense of separation and being in the awareness of union for long durations. The word yoga means "to join" or "to be one with". It means to be in a state of awareness of oneness or un-dividedness of the various aspects of yourself with the universal consciousness. The interesting thing is that they were never divided in the first place. Yoga and meditation practices are not a religion or a belief system. The primary source for learning the practices and science of the meditation technique yoga, meditation & meditation techniques is the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Guidelines for Daily Meditation Yoga Practices 1) The regular practice of asana and pranayam help to remove the distractions that are a barrier in yoga techniques and meditation practices. 2) Being in an erect and good seated posture during meditation is essential. The regular practice of yoga postures helps to strengthen those muscles that play a key role in maintaining an upright erect meditation posture. 3) The lower back, ankles and knees are the most commonly affected areas where numbness occurs due to restrictions in the blood circulation. 4) Asana and Pranayam should not be practiced too vigorously. They should be treated as a means for removing the obstacles that come in the awareness of Yoga, and not as an end in itself. They are most fruitful when they are practiced lightly and in balance. 5) The best approach is to blend and fine tune meditation, asana and pranayam together. Once the awareness of Yoga is achieved, it is easy to maintain it throughout the practice of Asana and Pranayam. Benefits of Meditation - Discover How Meditation Can Open The Floodgates of Happiness, Peace & Bliss in Your Life! Why should I meditate? What are the benefits of meditation? Is meditation helpful? These are the common questions that we face while seeking for the solution to the stress and tensions of our day to day life. In spite of having great success and achievements in life, we all feel an acute need for inner peace, silence and a moment of inner reflection. Meditation is the missing key to unlock the treasure of happiness and bliss that we are carrying within us. The benefits of Meditation are numerous. A few moments of deep meditation have the potential of fulfilling all desires and longings. It gives us the ability of deep introspection. Meditation has many far-reaching and profound benefits. While some changes are seen immediately, others take a little time to be visible. Meditation improves our physiological and psychological well-being. It has a healing effect and raises our level of consciousness. Although there are numerous benefits of meditation, we can divide them into 3 categories - Physiological Benefits of Meditation 1) Meditation reduces the heart rate, as well as the respiratory and metabolic rate. This helps to reduce the workload on the heart. It is highly beneficial for people suffering from high blood pressure. 2) Cortisol is often called the stress hormone and is related to a wide variety of health related problems - especially when it is in high levels in our body. Meditation lowers cortisol levels and provides relief from the adverse effects of cortisol on our health. Meditation helps to reduce stress in this way. It also reduces muscle tension and enhances the quality of living. 3) Regular practice of meditation reduces the creation of free radicals that are responsible for tissue damage and premature aging. 4) Meditation improves the breathing process. This helps to increase airflow to the lungs and has a revitalizing effect on our overall health. It enhances the level of strength, vigor and energy. 5) Meditation boosts the immune system and slows down the process of aging. 6) Meditation helps in reducing the symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome. 7) Meditation enhances the functioning of the brain. It is helpful in curing migraines, headaches, etc. and other neurological and nervous system problems. Psychological Benefits of Meditation 1) Research has shown that stress is one of the major causes in almost all the physical and psychological problems that the modern man is facing. It points out that a lot of physical ailments also have their roots in emotional and psychological turmoil within. Meditation is one of the best ways to lower the levels of anxiety and stress. It is very helpful in leading a healthy life free of any stress-related ailments. 2) Meditation enhances the level of creativity and intuition. 3) Meditation techniques help our mind to enter alpha, theta and delta waves very easily, which are the basis of deep relaxation and stress-relief. It calms down the mind deeply and gives a relaxation that is deeper than deepest of sleep. 4) Meditation reduces anxiety, depression, moodiness, irritability and brings greater emotional stability. It helps to develop the willpower, boosts the level of self-confidence and helps foster a positive attitude. 5) Meditation provides a deep level of physical, psychological and spiritual relaxation. It fosters a greater level of emotional equilibrium. Meditation techniques such as yoga nidra are highly effective for achieving this equilibrium. 6) A regular practice of meditation improves memory and our learning ability. It also improves the level of concentration, focus and productivity. A good concentration is essential to achieve success and our peak potential in any field of life. 7) Meditation is a one of the best stress-busters. It improves the level of serotonin in our body. A low level of serotonin is the precursor to problems such as obesity, depression, headache and insomnia. Meditation brings more happiness and joy in life and gives the feeling of rejuvenation throughout the day. 8) Meditation benefits include overcoming fears and phobias. Their presence in life causes a lot of stress and ill health. It is also helpful in getting rid of habits such as alcohol addiction, smoking, etc. 9) Meditation improves the communication between both the hemispheres of our brain. This sharpens our intelligence and improves the perceptual ability. 10) Meditation reduces the dependence on sedative pills, drugs and other tranquilizers. It is very helpful in curing insomnia and sleep deprivation also. 11) Meditation enhances the level of tolerance and patience. It gives more integrity to our personality and makes us a more balanced person by improving our emotional maturity. It teaches us to live with equanimity amidst the day to day turbulence in life. Spiritual Benefits of Meditation 1) Meditation helps us to find the inner source of happiness. It results from a total peace of mind. We come to know that happiness is not something that is found outside, but in fact it is within us at all times. Meditation techniques help us to easily draw that happiness and bliss when we want to. It gives us the source of happiness that is not dependent on outer events and circumstances. 2) Meditation benefits us by improving the human qualities like compassion, self-actualization and gratitude. 3) Meditation improves our wisdom and provides a deeper understanding of our self and other people. 4) Meditation helps in a greater acceptance of our self and brings a more positive attitude towards life. 5) Meditation is the alchemy to attain enlightenment. It helps us to be totally rooted in the present moment and helps to overcome the habit of the mind to wander here and there. 6) In our general state of mind, we consider ourselves separate from the rest of the universe and are aware of only our ego and our body. Meditation benefits us by making us realize that we are a part of the universe and are united. This is the realization of cosmic consciousness. The first-hand experience of this reality gives us a glimpse of our true eternal nature. Meditation is free of any kinds of side effects. There is nothing to lose by practicing meditation, but there is a lot to gain. It is very easy to learn and can be practiced at any time of the day. Meditation gives such a joy and bliss, that one easily transcends all desires very naturally. Given the long list of benefits of meditation, you might be wondering -- "why haven't I started meditating yet?" Meditation Instructions - Discover How To Achieve Peace, Relaxation & Bliss In Life Through Easy Meditation Tips! Meditation instructions play an essential role as an aide to meditation. We all are busy people; so taking out time for meditation is always difficult. The right meditation instructions help us to gain the maximum benefits for our efforts in whatever time we devote for meditation from our daily schedule. Understanding the mind is very important and meditation is the means to achieve that understanding. How would you consider operating a computer without understanding anything about the software and the programs; pushing the Keyboard buttons randomly and being amazed by the outcome on the screen! What would you say about a car driver that cannot differentiate between the break pedal and the accelerator? Similar is the case of those people who do not meditate and are totally unaware of how their mind functions. They have no understanding of their mind and are simply carried off in whichever direction their mind takes them! Meditation is the key to understand the mind and gain control over its actions. It is the key to unlock our hidden potential and achieve happiness and joy in life. A majority of the people get involved in some form of meditation or another during their life. But very few out of them actually continue meditating for a reasonable period of time to achieve its complete benefits. This is an unfortunate fact, but a hard-core reality. The main reason why this occurs is that most beginners of meditation are not aware of the basic meditation instructions and do not have the proper mindset while they start their journey of meditation. Meditation Instructions Meditation instructions are those guidelines which are helpful in the practice of any meditation techniques and help to make meditation sustainable, fruitful and effective. It helps to overcome the initial hurdles and gives long-term stability to meditation practices. Here are some meditation instructions and tips that can help to take your meditation practice to higher levels and are also very helpful in case you are just beginning to meditate -- 1) Set aside time for Meditation. Make sure to set aside a reasonable and sufficient amount of time every day for meditation. This approach is essential to reap the maximum benefits of meditation. You can observe that your day is much happier, calmer and sharper when you have meditated, and you'll find these qualities in a much lower degree on days when you have not meditated. 2) Stretch before you meditate. You can do a little bit of stretching before you sit for meditation. Stretching helps to loosen the muscles and improves the blood flow. It makes it possible to sit for longer durations in an erect posture and adds depth to the meditation. 3) Breathe deeply. You can take some deep and long breaths before meditating. This shall help in relaxing your muscles, slowing down the heart rate, and improve concentration and alertness during meditation. 4) Focus on the breath. Some thoughts might arise such as "why am I wasting my time here, I can do something else" or "why doesn't my mind become quiet". Continue to focus on your breath and soon you shall see the mind getting quite and thoughts coming at a much slower pace. This sort of frustration comes inevitably in the mind of every meditator in the beginning. 5) Experiment. Trying and experimenting with different types of meditation techniques and meditation postures is quite helpful. You can try meditating with your eyes open, eyes half closed or fully closed, lying down posture, sitting, etc. Once you find what is comfortable, you can continue meditating in that posture. 6) Focus on your body. As an alternative to focusing on the breath, an easier approach is to feel the sensations in each of your body parts with greater awareness. You can start with your feet and then gradually move upwards towards the head. It is a very easy and effective meditation technique for raising the level of your consciousness. 7) Place for meditation. It is helpful to meditate at the same place every day. Choose a room or area in your house where you can meditate daily. Avoid choosing the place where you work, eat or sleep. 8) Motivation for meditation. To help you remain motivated in the practice of meditation, it is helpful to read a book or two on meditation and its benefits. Listening to and following the meditation instructions in guided meditation CDs is also very helpful. Try to spend around 10 to 15 minutes for this everyday. 9) When to gauge progress in meditation? Meditation is similar to bathing and eating. It is a life-long activity. Just like bathing cleans our body, meditation cleans and clears our mind. Just like eating food nourishes our body, meditation nourishes our soul, mind and body. The maximum benefits of meditation are realized in the long-term. Rather than examining the results of your meditation on a daily basis, it is better to look at the improvements on a weekly or fortnightly basis. 10) Sharpen the sword. You can sharpen your awareness during the course of your daily activities also by occasionally bringing your awareness towards your breath and "being in the present" at various times in the day. 11) Keep distractions at bay. It is important to make all attempts to ensure that you won't be disturbed while meditating. If there is this concern that the phone may ring or a friend that you invited might drop by, it will hinder your meditation and come in the way of achieving deeper states of relaxation. 12) Observe the smallest improvements that occur in your awareness and concentration. These are qualities that improve drop by drop. They build up over time and keeping track of the smallest developments helps to keep you motivated in the practice of meditation. It also ensures that you are on the right track and making good progress. They might not be visible to others, but you can definitely know about them. 13) Using concentration meditation techniques. Improving your concentration by using meditation techniques such as Tratak (focusing on a candle flame), etc. can be very helpful for beginners. Initially it might be a bit difficult to meditate with closed eyes, so you can read the meditation instructions of concentration practices and use those meditation techniques which involve focusing your attention on an external object. 14) Always see the brighter side. Never allow negativity to come during or after your meditation practice. Look at the positive side of everything in life. A glass half empty is also a glass half full. The time spent for meditation is a time well spent. Don't be impatient to achieve the results and benefits of meditation. Remember: Patience is a virtue in meditation. 15) Meditate in a group. Meditating in a group or along with other meditators is a very helpful practice. It helps to maintain the regularity of the meditation practice and also gives a feeling of being a part of a group and helps to keep the level of motivation high. The role of a spiritual master or a guru is of also special significance in meditation. 16) When to meditate? Although meditation can be practiced at any time of the day and there are no special meditation instructions regarding this, meditating in the morning and during the night before sleeping has many additional benefits. In the morning, the mind is clear of any thoughts, the body is fresh and it is easier to meditate as there is a lower chance of being disturbed. It is considered as the best time for meditation. In the night, there is a greater silence around and it is very beneficial to meditate at that time before sleep. It helps to clear up your mind from all the thoughts, stress, anxiety, etc that has accumulated throughout the day. It provides a deeper sleep and relaxation throughout the night. 17) Be Grateful. After each session of meditation, be grateful for the peace and bliss that you found in meditation. Also congratulate yourself on being one of those fortunate few who have been able to take time for meditation amidst all the busy activities in life and are on their way to attaining the inner source of bliss. Meditation can seem difficult in the beginning, but it is very easy and natural once you get the knack and the art of meditation. Following the meditation instructions exactly and referring to them when in doubt would be very helpful. 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