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New month, Groundhog Day, when will spring be here? Song. New theme – Love the Lord with all your heart… This was a very important rule that God wanted his people to remember above all else. He wanted them to memorize it . Do you think you could memorize that? Let’s try to put to a rhythm with clapping and see how we do. Love the Lord (clap, clap), with all your heart (clap, clap), with all your soul (clap, clap), and all your might (clap, clap). Can we do it with stomping? OK, well maybe we can work this month on memorizing that verse. We’ll work on that some more next week. Right now, let’s watch our puppet show and see how God wanted his people to remember this important rule. OK, so this was really important and Moses told the people about several different ways to remember this rule. What are things we do in our homes to remind us to love God? We may have a family Bible that we keep nearby, some people have a bible verse on their calendars or maybe on their frig, maybe you have something hanging in your room that reminds you to love God. My girls have a cross hanging from their dresser mirror and a night light that is a statue of a girl kneeling in prayer. Some people have Bible verses hanging on their walls. These are all things we do to remind us to Love God with all our, what? Hearts. And with all our Soul and with all our might. And when we are reminded to Love God, we are reminded to make good choices and do the right things because we have God’s love in our hearts. Shall we pray? Dear God, help us remember that we can love you with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our might. Thank you for loving us. Amen. Puppet show Whiskers, Ribit Ribit: appears, looking sad. Whiskers: Hey, Ribit. What’s up? Did you see that Groundhog yesterday? I’m so glad he saw his shadow. I like spring – with the flowers blooming and everything turning green again. Don’t you like spring, Ribit? Ribit? Ribit: (responding gloomily) Oh, hey, Whiskers. Were you saying something? Whiskers: Uh, yeah, I was talking about Groundhog Day and spring coming? Ribit: Oh. Sorry. I’m just thinking about something else right now and feeling bad about it. Whiskers: What’s that, Ribit? Ribit: Well, I forgot my best friend, Croak’s birthday. I should have done something really special for him. But instead, I forgot and I think it made him a little sad. It’s hard sometimes to remember things like that. I guess I’m gonna have to get one of those fancy little phone things. What are they called, i-pads? I wonder how people used to remember things before we had all this new fancy electronic stuff. Whiskers: It’s an i-pod, Ribit, not an i-pad. And it’s used for playing music, not remembering things. But you’re right, a long time ago, nobody had stuff like that but they still remembered things just fine. Ribit: Yeah, I guess they just wrote it all down on their calendars and stuff. Wish I had remembered to look at my calendar yesterday, then I might have remembered Croak’s birthday. Whiskers: You know, Ribit, people have been writing things down for a long time in order to remember them. That reminds me of our Bible story today. Moses told the people about a very important rule that God wanted them to remember. I think the kids started learning it today. It’s “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might”. And God had specific ways he wanted his people to remember this rule. He told them to tell their children everyday, to talk about this rule at home and away, when you lie down and when you rise. He told them to put it on their hands and foreheads, and to write it on the doorposts of their houses. So even in Bible times, people were writing things down to remember them. They didn’t have paper like we have today, but they had other things to write on. And after Moses told them about this important rule and how God wanted them to remember it, all of God’s people wrote it down on a small scroll and put in a small wooden box by their front door. It’s called a Mezuzah. Ribit: Oh yeah, I remember learning about that back in Bible School. Wow, so even back in Bible times people needed to write important things down so they wouldn’t forget. Maybe I should think about things I can put around the pond to remind me and others about God’s love. I think I’ll get started on that right now – right after I take Croak his late birthday present. I made him some awesome fly meringue pie – hopefully he’ll forgive me for being a day late. Thanks for sharing that story, Whiskers. See ‘ya round the pond! Whiskers: See ya, Whiskers. And boys and girls, I’ll see you here next week. We’ll be working on our new Bible verse again. Can you help me say it? Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your might. That’s great. See you next week! *69:;ОП" f m  УЯрцўпхx}йсљŸЈЊtz-6SXkt„…їђїђїђїђычычпчзчзчзчЯчЯчЯчЯђчЯчЯчЯчЯчЫhџhнRvhaZj5hvy_haZj5haZjhaZj5haZj huЌhaZj haZj5hЇњhaZj5&;Пљ! 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