ࡱ> ;=:q bjbjt+t+ CAA6]xxx      $  " kkkk  kk3   @*%d Alpha Omega Labs: Book Review Healing Secrets from the Bible (1996) Dr. Patrick Quillin God Wants You to Be Healthy. This chapter focuses on convincing Christians that they do not have to suffer, because God wants them to be healthy. However, we in our nation have developed some of the worst eating habits known to man. That must be corrected before we can be naturally healthy. There are several things we can do: one, stop the over-use and abuse of modern medicine, two, balance our spiritual, intellectual, physical, and financial lives, and three, correct several problem areas in our lifestyles. These include stress, belief systems, drunkenness, detoxification, fidelity versus promiscuity, exercise, and circumcision. Quillin explains how modern science and Gods guidelines are alike in these areas. For example, studies have shown that those who have many sexual partners are at a higher risk for cancer; promiscuity is also something God warns against in the Bible. Lastly, Quillin answers the question, If God really loves us, then why is there sickness? Quillins answers are that we need to need each other, we learn best from nature when things go wrong, we learn humility in disease, we better appreciate life when we recognize our mortality, and that illness can serve as an avenue to enlightenment. The Wisdom and Healing Power of Gods Whole Foods. In this chapter, Quillin again likens the recommendations of worldly organizations, like the American Cancer Society, to the word of God. Both advocate unprocessed foods, low-fat diet, few dairy products, and the importance of regularity. Quillin points out several places in the scriptures that name Gods Superfoods. These are plant foods, clean meat, garlic, carotenoids, cruciferous vegetables, barley, apples, fish, honey, legumes, and yogurt. Quillin credits the synergistic forces in these foods for their healing properties. The A, B, Cs of Healing. This chapter is an alphabetical listing of helpful foods, tips, and information. They are: Antioxidants Back Maintenance Chew your food to a liquid before swallowing. Decisions and consequences Ethnic background Fat control in the body and in diet Gods food is better than mans food. Help yourself to whole grains, veggies, legumes, fruit, fish, and poultry. Immune system Jesus as our role model KISS method of Keep It Simple, Student Love Maintain healthy blood sugar Nutrient density Oxygen is the most essential nutrient. Purify your body, mind, and spirit. Quiet Time Real world eating (90% healthy, 10% junk food) Thyroid monitoring Understand the importance of the seven Fs: (faith, family, fun, feelings, food, fitness, and finances) Vitamin supplements Water X-ercise Yes to superfoods Zoo animals eat their God-given dietshouldnt we? Compact Guide to Nutritional and Herbal Medicine. This chapter is indeed an easy-to-use and helpful guide to herbal supplements and the conditions they prevent. It is organized by symptom in a column to the left and supplements or methods that can alleviate the symptom on the right, and it runs from acne to high blood pressure, from obesity to worms. An inspiring collection of remedies. Health Benefits from Gods Kitchen. This chapter lists foods, again in alphabetical order, that can prevent disease. All the possible benefits of each food are listed. The cruciferous veggies and fresh fruits are there, but so is chili pepper, chocolate, fenugreek seeds, ginger, mustard, rice, and tea. Nutritious and Delicious: One Week Meal Plan with Recipes. Along with the recipes in this chapter, Quillin asks the readers to give themselves a chance to acquire a taste for the different foods his diet calls for, and provides a short question and answer section. The questions include, Can you cut sugar in a favorite recipe? and What is the best way to cook vegetables? Critical Interpretation Although in some sense this book repeats some of the same information in Beating Cancer with Nutrition, it is probably a valuable and welcome alternative to Christians who are looking for spiritual guidance. This book is briefer and more concise, and focuses on matching Bible verses to nutritional precepts even accepted by mans laws. It also serves to link nutrition therapy to a connection with a higher power. If what many cancer researchers say is true, that connecting to a higher power helps a patient survive, then this book is a specific answer to that claim, because it embraces the idea that the higher power wants you to survive. Quillins nutritional guidelines and alphabetical listings are fascinating, scientifically founded, and potentially life saving, and so this book is worth a look if only for those reasons. However, those not interested in a faith-based nutrition should perhaps search elsewhere, since most of what Quillin writes is first linked to Biblical concepts.  According to Gods decree in Abrahams day, cows, sheep, turkeys, and chicken qualify as clean meats. Toxins accumulate as you move up the food chain, Quillin notes.  ?H]y4 f !w()A67 j0JU>*CJj0JCJU6CJCJ>*>*CJj>*CJUmH! !H\]4 $ R  E P dI & F !H\]4 $ R  E P dI$Gow()AB6¿zwqnk V      b L3[Hjx+c      *$Gow()AB6 & F6/ =!"#$%FϫlU7RnZ\+دqm۳!2:d r\LҭA'|*qs$9wd-`#+hE7O[>(Ua GV^po~մcUyf 3;do".w:SsST[e | @zw*3qfd1ijD#_|yN3 b`(^#$st'4ceXI#7V8!NWӵ![BH綉K 1V\?(r01o@4 \~Wi}9')sM-L2Be/mcR7\E)Y_B]b|'ByX7OAҧ-A+6f#2vC`@@W=}kV&)sX<-Ɣ{|*KKۖ-qYY|G]ۥL ۖ$ W۷)r&D-ߔK\#9VW8*i6i>:IK?76{wng'9(44‚ǜ #'FO"~J+rH􋧒$0,Utۃt>i+I-|Hƺv4 >&\B7/YLgt3Tp|-MghK9<>ob/Yj3]hIp1'vZ)g6w6{y#ƪyٓAG]M?#{[D{7K\ /orJM,XmANp=LݘͮX]n|@ @Rzچ k[+Uɂ$\\VdBͮpqUmJ"J7749q`E-3ep0ÑNehIF$v e!ۍ@Y)$ߘTWi#oH3h;L_Jligk6j\dD̮ `3;UKu),#`7e݂IQciMXI&8آ<8sYEImZ#2dm`OU%>ʜ+"Fn-84jJN}i[]= 4vW@vKB) / =L&ͧ3x92GV5 ${mv _A1 @'$WVvfKI 0h2AkUowII>}?׻䃟n+|=bWmcXf+iq8^'wP#+/b>is,FЅ^6v)xM mܖ|iRMVQ+srJ(Ϣ1HEvOiMvAnp64m@I'1oN[?6s!YQ]ݎHL =fk;'a] ;M$-v1Aeۋ-Bx~PzqYB,_6NOC3F?_/+kSOCCSx-+r_:i.Q"zhF&uhK$dࣃuA[ST9{.<׸;OD/AұNq'z5orj5ei'%Y!2JwMYYQϩxZ)Tj+$#'yksK mZQ,XRYYHog?P)#%uZRkF."XH'Qk毁/}sUe;qF8$ xSusjj/ԩ%Hּ8nc\ȢHreY3ddZ6:<'.S>X!r2pXdi.ȿK^Y7E5PFH0} %/XkOi%q-8!sبJ|*ֱ^D $HCȮr#+ݻ⣪-[9'*3OCkYTf'l~IX)'ds:l4Ő;*뒼ݹF N-!l !ir#{{V:vEy^{:i|B`lzTW2BHevrL~ffnޝ畑#[VP8:^deARpGҋţV)j5J9$5tެƼ_*>~6Ϲ+x7hnфnڶ+64<q?JR]TP-,0XBFyS\cKb?.,j"&SV ŵĖ̠ 7OA\կȒH!gqxJ mާ8YƼ*Ju}${֩%}PIXbx6f7#1;˰4fj~G{HCd8 ׊p*BZ3Enr<Gֻ%&ήHH*/yIhAq% aե?Rȃ}5 ^q?旡ׇ,NE\ '+ut5?)9YȆF߽vSعr=kxn@S58R#qTGap'EQKQI;(`Wk5ѵ71lv'bE8u!+]6/7?Se)?ipܤU7I^ȸU @+R7t<&yHenpjk0`ppLT"# dc駩pѩ֖#TֱS$~Z q1RPQ$+*踻4q/l5X3[`\W ZEL߾Hե͘8U~+č!lJ4[KlCuKmfVj5sN|ۢU~~1G؟twK#6 MP]ՄH"5D4Z ί[.Sɫ\Gy߃k D$5iABA[O*&(Śn=U9A)RD^cO@ObBSޏ¥ѨiՑE麆Vt)!1le?ZtSJjHv,"՜PٕUms]r'],svIU8KtO9E ^z 6l,3 DJwl{GFf];p1WFcBH4)/|6wA|8”px hҔʊT@wȭ!as?03lqVAkmg&QQ~Y%qd7P^={rޤa˦DgefvE^~av1nKy$`zR~ĄJʐEAQmXb&;A*,sy#ʑxi)Ż={2ўb?WQfڃYN2=+m?Rĩ 6ZfxG^EV}JGcM?Bb&1ԾF; fu8-RiJALx# =ae3k""em<$sLkRmE,%:4؆ qn|t-J{Ių}dGސqfvEڶw>auߧj\رmܛ)?={;j - 洈k-q3[m(= z/1iq S9;[=[ t{e5}I7E떎P އZt~De??W_KՑ9%ec#6=skq ]"΍ovC\K;mv/Zq%_nV?UDIt?Ծ00WM?&b  ijxIX{zr 'jyl^$}= x[KnI f;x7FcC/5W{v5m|& 8K֨xj*;JKQmmoYā棖SnD- [0@0 Normal_HmH sH tH 6@6 Heading 1$@& 5>*CJ:@: Heading 2$$@&a$5CJ<A@< Default Paragraph Font.@. 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