ࡱ> TVQRSy 0bjbj ;{{rljjj~~~8T ~r*333WrYrYrYrYrYrYr$uw}rj33@333}rr8883~RjWr83Wr88AbH"f_ie5c*Crr0rdHx#6BHxTffHxji33833333}r}re70333r3333Hx333333333 : 7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 61 Word: reputationPart of Speech: Charge: (Neutral)Definition: the opinion of someone/something based on what happened in the past  1) What is the words part of speech? Fill it in above. 2) Connections (Does this word remind you of another book, movie or part of your life?) __________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Using the sentence below, replace the underlined vocabulary word with a synonym. Rewrite the sentence (you can change the order of the words if it makes sense). Dally had quite a reputation. They had a file on him down at the police station. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 4) In school, the class clown has earned her reputation by____________________________________ and ____________________________________________________________________________. 5) Complete one of the following activities: 1. Write a sentence with the word. (Bad example = The boy was malicious. Good example = The boy was malicious because he liked to spread rumors and make people cry. 2. Draw a picture and provide a caption that shows meaning of the word. 3. Write words you associate with the vocab word and explain why you associate the words together. 4. Write down examples or non-examples of the word and explain why its an example or non-example. 7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 62 Word: suspicious Part of Speech: adjCharge: Definition: feeling that you dont like or trust something or someone  1) What is the words charge (neutral, negative or positive)? Fill it in above. 2) Related words (ex: passionate ( passion) ______________________________________________ 3) Using the sentence below, replace the underlined vocabulary word with a synonym. Rewrite the sentence (you can change the order of the words if it makes sense). Johnny always had a nervous, suspicious look in his eyes after the near death beating he got from the Socs. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 4) We were suspicious when we saw ____________________________________________________ pulling up to the park. 5) You are suspicious that someone has broken into your locker. What might have prompted this suspicion? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Complete one of the following activities: 1. Write a sentence with the word. (Bad example = The boy was malicious. Good example = The boy was malicious because he liked to spread rumors and make people cry. 2. Draw a picture and provide a caption that shows meaning of the word. 3. Write words you associate with the vocab word and explain why you associate the words together. 4. Write down examples or non-examples of the word and explain why its an example or non-example. 7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 63 Word: aloofPart of Speech: nounCharge: -Definition: distant or separated from people or their emotions  1) The girl was aloof at the party because ________________________________________________  2) What does it mean when the author writes Socs were always behind a wall of aloofness, careful not to let their real selves show through (38)? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 3) If your teacher told you to stop acting aloof in class, what might you be doing? __________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Antonym (opposite) __________________________ 5) Synonym __________________________ 6) Complete one of the following activities: 1. Write a sentence with the word. (Bad example = The boy was malicious. Good example = The boy was malicious because he liked to spread rumors and make people cry. 2. Draw a picture and provide a caption that shows meaning of the word. 3. Write words you associate with the vocab word and explain why you associate the words together. 4. Write down examples or non-examples of the word and explain why its an example or non-example. 7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 64 Word: rivalryPart of Speech: Charge: Definition: competition over a long period of time  1) What is the words part of speech? Fill it in above. 2) Related words (ex: passionate ( passion) ______________________________________________ 3) Using the sentence below, replace the underlined vocabulary word with a synonym. Rewrite the sentence (you can change the order of the words if it makes sense). The Greasers and the Socs had a long standing rivalry. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Connections (Does this word remind you of another book, movie or part of your life?) __________________________________________________________________________________ 5) What is sibling rivalry? ____________________________________________________________ 6) In the book/movie _______________________________________ there is a rivalry between ______________________________and _____________________________. 7) Complete one of the following activities: 1. Write a sentence with the word. (Bad example = The boy was malicious. Good example = The boy was malicious because he liked to spread rumors and make people cry. 2. Draw a picture and provide a caption that shows meaning of the word. 3. Write words you associate with the vocab word and explain why you associate the words together. 4. Write down examples or non-examples of the word and explain why its an example or non-example. 7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 65 Word: sympathetic Part of Speech: adjCharge: Definition: caring and feeling sorry about someone's problems 1) Related words (ex: passionate ( passion) ______________________________________________ 2) Connections (Does this word remind you of another book, movie or part of your life?) __________________________________________________________________________________ 3) I felt sympathy for my friend when she _______________________________________________ at the school assembly. 4) You just found out your best friends puppy died. How might you show your sympathy for that friend? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Using the sentence below, replace the underlined vocabulary word with a synonym. Rewrite the sentence (you can change the order of the words if it makes sense). Sodas eyes can be gentle and sympathetic at one moment and blazing with anger the next. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Illustrate the word and provide a caption using the word sympathetic or sympathy: Caption: ___________________________________________________________________________ 7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 66 Word: apprehensivePart of Speech: adjCharge: -Definition: worried or fearful about the future  1) Personal connections (Does this word remind you of another book, movie or part of your life?) __________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Synonym (similar) ___________________________ 3) Using the sentence below, replace the underlined vocabulary word with a synonym. Rewrite the sentence (you can change the order of the words if it makes sense). After Ponyboy saw how drunk Dally was, he became apprehensive. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Before my test I felt _________________________ because _______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Describe a time when you felt apprehensive about your future and explain why (if youve never felt this way, make it up!) __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Complete one of the following activities: 1. Write a sentence with the word. 2. Draw a picture and provide a caption that shows meaning of the word. 3. Write words you associate with the vocab word and explain why you associate the words together. 4. Write down examples or non-examples of the word and explain why its an example or non-example. 7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 67 Word: gallantPart of Speech: adjCharge: +Definition: brave and kind  1) Connections (Does this word remind you of another book, movie or part of your life?) __________________________________________________________________________________ 2) In the book/movie __________________________ is gallant because _______________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Who do you think Ponyboy would describe as gallant and why? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Complete one of the following activities: 1. Write a sentence with the word. (Bad example = The boy was malicious. Good example = The boy was malicious because he liked to spread rumors and make people cry. 2. Draw a picture and provide a caption that shows meaning of the word. 3. Write words you associate with the vocab word and explain why you associate the words together. 4. Write down examples or non-examples of the word and explain why its an example or non-example.  5) Antonym (opposite) __________________________ 6) Synonym (similar) ___________________________ 7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 68 Word: indignantPart of Speech: Charge: -Definition: angry because you have been insulted or treated badly  1) What is the words part of speech? Fill it in above. 2) Using the sentence below, replace the underlined vocabulary word with a synonym. Rewrite the sentence (you can change the order of the words if it makes sense). Youre starved? Johnny was so indignant he nearly squeaked (80). __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Mary felt indignant when her brother __________________________________________________ __________________________________________ and she was punished for it. 4) What event in the novel might make Johnny feel indignant? __________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Antonym (opposite) __________________________ 6) Synonym (similar) ___________________________ 7) Complete one of the following activities: 1. Write a sentence with the word. (Bad example = The boy was malicious. Good example = The boy was malicious because he liked to spread rumors and make people cry. 2. Draw a picture and provide a caption that shows meaning of the word. 3. Write words you associate with the vocab word and explain why you associate the words together. 4. Write down examples or non-examples of the word and explain why its an example or non-example. 7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 69 Word: contemptPart of Speech: Charge: -Definition: extreme dislike  1) What is the words part of speech? Fill it in above. 2) Using the sentence below, replace the underlined vocabulary word with a synonym. Rewrite the sentence (you can change the order of the words if it makes sense). The Greasers have nothing but contempt for the Socs. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________  4) His contempt for the opposing team was obvious when he ________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Why do Bob and Randy feel contempt for Johnny and Ponyboy the night of the drive-in movie? _________________________________________________________________________________  6) Antonym (opposite) __________________________ 7) Synonym (similar) ___________________________ 7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 70 Word: sullenPart of Speech: Charge: -Definition: angry and silent, especially because you feel life has been unfair to you  1) What is the words part of speech? Fill it in above. 2) Using the sentence below, replace the underlined vocabulary word with a synonym. Rewrite the sentence (you can change the order of the words if it makes sense). Ponyboy sat in sullen silence after Johnny cut his hair. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________  4) I acted sullen when my parents decided that I could not ___________________________________ __________________________________this weekend. 5) If you were screaming at someone in anger, would you be described as sullen? Explain why or why not. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Antonym? ____________________________________ 7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 71 Word: to mourn, mourning Part of Speech: verb, nounCharge: -Definition: to mourn (v): to show great sadness because someone has died mourning (n): great sadness because someone has died 1) Connections (Does this word remind you of another book, movie or part of your life?) __________________________________________________________________________________ 2) John was __________________________the death of his pet ___________________ whom he loved dearly. 3) Who would be mourning Bob? Why? Use complete sentences! __________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Using the sentence below, replace the underlined vocabulary word with a synonym. Rewrite the sentence (you can change the order of the words if it makes sense). After my shower, I put on some clean clothes and spent five minutes or so hunting for a hint of a beard on my face and mourning over my hair (104). __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Illustrate the word and provide a caption using the words mourn or mourning: Caption: _______________________________________________________________________ 7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 72 Word: resemblancePart of Speech: nounCharge: Definition: a similarity between people or things  1) Related words (ex: passionate ( passion) ______________________________________________ 2) Connections (Does this word remind you of another book, movie or part of your life?) __________________________________________________________________________________ 3) The resemblance between _______________________________ and me is obvious. We both have __________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Describe the resemblance between a panda and a zebra. (use complete sentences) __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Johnnys mom is described here: she was a little woman, with straight black hair and big black eyes like Johnnys. But that was as far as the resemblance went (123). What do you think it means when the author writes the bolded sentence? __________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________. 6) Complete one of the following activities: 1. Write a sentence with the word. 2. Draw a picture and provide a caption that shows meaning of the word. 3. Write words you associate with the vocab word and explain why you associate the words together. 4. Write down examples or non-examples of the word and explain why its an example or non-example. 7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 73 Word: aghastPart of Speech: adjCharge: Definition: feeling or looking shocked or amazed by something you have seen or just found out  1) What is the words charge (neutral, negative or positive)? Fill it in above. 2) Connections (Does this word remind you of another book, movie or part of your life?) __________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Antonym (opposite) __________________________ 4) Synonym (similar) ___________________________ 5) Using the sentence below, replace the underlined vocabulary word with a synonym. Rewrite the sentence (you can change the order of the words if it makes sense). Darry and Sodapop were aghast when they saw Ponyboys new haircut. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 6) The teacher was aghast when the students ______________________________________________ 7) Your teacher walks into the classroom with a bright orange Mohawk. Would you feel aghast? Explain why or why not. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________  7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 74 Word: reluctantPart of Speech: adjCharge: -Definition: unwilling and slow to do something  1) Connections (Does this word remind you of another book, movie or part of your life?) __________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Antonym (opposite) __________________________ 3) Synonym (similar) ___________________________ 4) The child was ________________ to pet the dog because of its ________________________ and _____________________________. 5) What is something that youre reluctant to do? Why? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Why might Ponyboy be reluctant to fight the Socs? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 7) Complete one of the following activities: 1. Write a sentence with the word. (Bad example = The boy was malicious. Good example = The boy was malicious because he liked to spread rumors and make people cry. 2. Draw a picture and provide a caption that shows meaning of the word. 3. Write words you associate with the vocab word and explain why you associate the words together. 4. Write down examples or non-examples of the word and explain why its an example or non-example. 7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 75 Word: to conformPart of Speech: verbCharge: Definition: to behave in the same way that most people in your group/school/town behave  1) Looking at the above definition, what do you think the word conformity (noun) means? __________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Do you believe people should conform to fit in? Explain why or why not. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Julie fought the pressures of conformity when she bought a new _________________________that no one at school had. 4) Connections (Does this word remind you of another book, movie or part of your life?) HINT: Think of the short story The Lottery __________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Antonym (opposite) __________________________ 6) Complete one of the following activities: 1. Write a sentence with the word. (Bad example = The boy was malicious. Good example = The boy was malicious because he liked to spread rumors and make people cry. 2. Draw a picture and provide a caption that shows meaning of the word. 3. Write words you associate with the vocab word and explain why you associate the words together. 4. Write down examples or non-examples of the word and explain why its an example or non-example. 7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 76 Word: deliriousPart of Speech: adjCharge: Definition: acting overly excited, anxious, or frantic  1) Describe a situation when someone might be delirious in a negative way? __________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Describe a situation when someone might be delirious in a positive way? __________________________________________________________________________________ 3) I was so happy I felt delirious when I got _____________________________ as a birthday present. 4) Using the sentence below, replace the underlined vocabulary word with a synonym. Rewrite the sentence (you can change the order of the words if it makes sense). When Ponyboy was sick after the fight, he was acting delirious and couldnt remember anything he said. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Complete one of the following activities: 1. Write a sentence with the word. (Bad example = The boy was malicious. Good example = The boy was malicious because he liked to spread rumors and make people cry. 2. Draw a picture and provide a caption that shows meaning of the word. 3. Write words you associate with the vocab word and explain why you associate the words together. 4. Write down examples or non-examples of the word and explain why its an example or non-example.  7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 77 Word: idolizePart of Speech: verbCharge: Definition: to admire and love someone so much that you think they are perfect  1) Related words (ex: passionate ( passion) ______________________________________________ 2) What is the words charge (neutral, negative or positive)? Fill it in above. Why did you choose this charge? __________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Describe someone you idolize. Why do you idolize this person? (If you dont idolize anybody, make it up!) __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 4) The celebrity that most people my age ______________ is ___________________________. 5) Is it healthy or harmful to idolize someone? Take a side and explain why you chose it. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Complete one of the following activities: 1. Write a sentence with the word. (Bad example = The boy was malicious. Good example = The boy was malicious because he liked to spread rumors and make people cry. 2. Draw a picture and provide a caption that shows meaning of the word. 3. Write words you associate with the vocab word and explain why you associate the words together. 4. Write down examples or non-examples of the word and explain why its an example or non-example. 7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 78 Word: bewildered Part of Speech: adjCharge: -Definition: very worried and not sure what to do  1) Synonyms ___________________________ 2) Antonyms__________________________ 3) I was _________________ when Ms. Joseph announced __________________________________ over the loudspeaker. 4) Using the sentence below, replace the underlined vocabulary word with a synonym. Rewrite the sentence (you can change the order of the words if it makes sense). I was bewildered. I killed him. I had a switchblade and I was scared they were going to beat him up (165). __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Why does Ponyboy feel bewildered about Bobs death? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Complete one of the following activities: 1. Write a sentence with the word. (Bad example = The boy was malicious. Good example = The boy was malicious because he liked to spread rumors and make people cry. 2. Draw a picture and provide a caption that shows meaning of the word. 3. Write words you associate with the vocab word and explain why you associate the words together. 4. Write down examples or non-examples of the word and explain why its an example or non-example. 7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 79 Word: vaguePart of Speech: adjCharge: Definition: unclear, not enough detail  1) What is the words charge (neutral, negative or positive)? Fill it in above. Why did you choose this? __________________________________________________________________________________ 2) The directions to ____________________ were very ______________ so we got ______________ 3) Explain why the following question is vague: What happened to him? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Antonym __________________________ 5) Synonym ___________________________ 6) Using the sentence below, replace the underlined vocabulary word with a synonym. Rewrite the sentence (you can change the order of the words if it makes sense). The picture of Bob in an old yearbook looked vaguely familiar to Ponyboy. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 7) Complete one of the following activities: 1. Write a sentence with the word. (Bad example = The boy was malicious. Good example = The boy was malicious because he liked to spread rumors and make people cry. 2. Draw a picture and provide a caption that shows meaning of the word. 3. Write words you associate with the vocab word and explain why you associate the words together. 4. Write down examples or non-examples of the word and explain why its an example or non-example. 7th Grade Vocabulary Dictionary # 80 Word: desertPart of Speech: verbCharge: -Definition: to leave someone for good  1) In the novel Twilight Bella wants to _______________ her family and become a ______________. 2) Is it acceptable for a greaser to desert their gang during a rumble? Explain why or why not. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Connections (Does this word remind you of another book, movie or part of your life?) __________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Antonym __________________________ 5) Synonym ___________________________ 6) Using the sentence below, replace the underlined vocabulary word with a synonym. Rewrite the sentence (you can change the order of the words if it makes sense). Dally had been one of our gang and we wouldnt desert him. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________7) Complete one of the following activities: 1. Write a sentence with the word. (Bad example = The boy was malicious. Good example = The boy was malicious because he liked to spread rumors and make people cry. 2. Draw a picture and provide a caption that shows meaning of the word. 3. Write words you associate with the vocab word and explain why you associate the words together. 4. Write down examples or non-examples of the word and explain why its an example or non-example.      Name: _______________________________ Advisory: _________________: Date: ___/___/___ 3) Complete one of the following activities: 1. Write a sentence with the word. (Bad example = The boy was malicious. Good example = The boy was malicious because he liked to spread rumors and make people cry. 2. Draw a picture and provide a caption that shows meaning of the word. 3. Write words you associate with the vocab word and explain why you associate the words together. 4. Write down examples or non-examples of the word and explain why its an example or non-example. 3) Complete one of the following activities: 1. Write a sentence with the word. (Bad example = The boy was malicious. Good example = The boy was malicious because he liked to spread rumors and make people cry. 2. Draw a picture and provide a caption that shows meaning of the word. 3. Write words you associate with the vocab word and explain why you associate the words together. 4. Write down examples or non-examples of the word and explain why its an example or non-example.  !#%&'-./89IJKLSTUW`abdpq Žͽͣ䌁yuqmqmieh^WvhC <h8mkh[&h%\h}CJ4aJ4h-h-CJ4aJ4hhXCJ4aJ4hXhXCJ4aJ4hKh17hCJ4aJ4h17hCJ4aJ4h-CJ4aJ4h8mkCJ4aJ4hh17h#PuCJ4aJ4h+CJ4aJ4h#Puh)nh|hN@hJhJH*hJ' !#&'-.9IJLTUa $$Ifa$gdX $IfgdF,$IfabcF= $IfgdF,kd$$Ifl\ <'wdJ t0644 lap(yt^Wvcdq|s $Ifgd- $Ifgd} $Ifgdqkd$$Ifl<'' t0644 lap yt^WvI J B G  vvvvv $IfgdC < $Ifgd[&$Ifqkdr$$Ifl<'' t0644 lap yt^Wv $ ( A B \ n x U V Y      < = H P Q ^ { üüüüëzririhC>*CJaJhCJaJh@!hCJaJh@!h5CJaJhnhCJaJ hC5h#h5>* h5h#PuhC <h8mk6 h8mkh8mkh8mk hC <6hC <hC <6>*hC <hC <6 h^Wv6h)nhuth^WvhC <h^Wv>* h^Wv>*hC <&  U V   = |ob $If^gd8mk H$If^Hgdqkd$$Ifl<'' t0644 lap yt^Wv $Ifgd8mk $IfgdC <    . / 9 L m q "#$%-89JKNOXY˿娿uuuh17h>CJ4aJ4h8mkCJ4aJ4h>CJ4aJ4hJh>H*h>hN@hRh#Puh@!hCJaJhnh6CJaJhnh5CJaJhnh56CJaJh@!h5CJaJhnhCJaJhCJaJhCCJaJ. 0 {vgd>qkd$$Ifl<'' t0644 lap yt^Wv$If $If^gd8mk  "%&,-9IJOWXZ $$Ifa$gdK $IfgdKgd> YZ[kl %VWY$Vcuv<?dֳ֐։֐֐֐| h>5hOPh8mk>* h8mkhR 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