ࡱ>  5@bjbj22.XX'fZZZZZZZnr{r{r{8{Fdnu`2"؄؄؄TTTTTTT$aRc"U Z"UZZ؄؄/`L^Z؄Z؄TTlihOZZT؄ 0}&0r{v08Q4TE`0u`lQpdufdhTnnZZZZdZT "U"Unnur{"nnr{UNIT 1: NOUNS: 0S0MLER Types of Nouns 1. Singular Nouns (Tekil 0simler) a house (bir ev) - a garden (bir bahe) 2. Plural Nouns (oul 0simler) houses (evler) - gardens (baheler) 3. Proper Nouns (zel 0sim) Ahmet - Istanbul - London 4. Common Nouns (Yayg1n 0simler - Cins 0simler) apple (elma) - hospital (hastane) 5. Concrete Nouns (Somut 0sim) house (ev) - garden (bahe) 6. Abstract Nouns (Soyut 0simler) love (sevgi) - feeling (duygu) - spirit (ruh) 7. Countable Nouns (Say1labilir isimler) two books (iki kitap) - three schools ( okul) - a cat (bir kedi) 8. Uncountable Nouns - Mass Nouns - (Say1lamayan 0simler) cheese (peynir) - rice (pirin) - bread (ekmek) 9. Collective Nouns (Topluluk 0simler) team (tak1m) - commitee (topluluk) A. PLURAL NOUNS 0ngilizce adlar1n oul _ekilleri -s ekiyle yap1l1r. oul ekinin yaz1l1_1 dei_iklikler gsterir. 1. Tekil isimleri oul yaparken birounun sonuna -s tak1s1 ilave edilir. student - students apple - apples 2. Sonlar1 O-S-SH-CH-X ve Z harfleri ile biten isimlerin sonlar1na -es tak1s1 ilave edilir. potato-potatoes class-classes brush-brushes box-boxes church-churches quiz-quizzes 3. Sonlar1 -Y ile biten kelimelerde -Y den nceki sessiz bir harf ise -Y harfi -i harfi haline getirilir ve kelimeye -ies eklenir. lady-ladies party-parties baby-babies 4. Sonlar1 -F ve -FE olan isimlere oul eki geldiinde -F ve  FE, -v yap1ld1ktan sonra -es getirilir. wife-wives knife-knives shelf-shelves leaf-leaves 5. Sonlar1 sesli harften sonra  O ile biten isimlerin oulu -s ile yap1l1r. radio-radios zoo-zoos studio-studios B. IRREGULAR SINGULAR AND PLURAL NOUNS man-men goose-geese child-children woman-women louse-lice foot-feet mouse-mice tooth-teeth ox-oxen C. TEK0L VE OUL ^EK0LLER0 AYNI OLAN ADLAR fish-fish deer-deer sheep-sheep aircraft-aircraft species-species means-means series-series D. YAPI OLARAK OUL ANLAM OLARAK TEK0L OLAN ADLAR Hastal1k adlar1 (illness) measles, chills, mumps Baz1 oyun adlar1 (game) billiards, dominoes, darts Bilim ve bilim adlar1 (science) mathematics, politics, linguistics Baz1 zel adlar Brussels, Wales, The United Nations E. DA0MA OUL OLAN ADLAR Baz1 aletler glasses, pliers, scissors Giyim e_yalar1 ile varl1k ad. pyjamas, trousers, pants, shorts, goods Dier yandan dier zel oul olan isimler people, police, cattle F. OUL EKLER0 OLMAYAN ADLAR advice - furniture - information - knowledge - luggage - news - rubbish G. COUNTABLE NOUNS Say1labilen isimlerle many - a few - few - some - any - a lot of - lots of - a great number of - a large number of szckleri kullan1l1r. Bu szcklerden sonra isim daima oul haldedir. many cars a few books a lot of books H. UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS (MASS NOUNS) Say1lamayan ismlerden nce miktar belirten much - a little - little - some - any - a lot of - lots of - a great deal of - a good deal of - a large quantity of gibi szckler kullan1l1r. Bu szcklerden sonra gelen isimler asla oul yap1lmazlar. much coffee a little milk a great deal of time lots of money Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns many much a few a little (very) few (very) little a great number of a great deal of a large number of a good deal of a large quantity of HEM SAYILAB0LEN HEMDE SAYILAMAYAN 0S0MLERLE KULLANILAN M0KTAR GSTER0C0LER0: any - some - a lot of - lots of - plenty of 0ngilizcede say1lamayan isimleri sayabilmek iin say1lamayan isimlerden nce l ve miktar belirten szckleri kullan1r1z. a bag of rice, sugar a bar of soap, gold, chocolate a bottle of milk, coke, beer a bowl of soup, fruit a box of chalk, tea a can of beer, apple juice a cup of tea, coffee a dish of ice-cream, candy a gallon of gasoline, milk a slice of bread, tomato, cake a bunch of flower a roll of bread a glass of water, milk a jar of honey, jam a jug of wine a piece of chalk, bread, paper a pound of meat, cheese, sugar a guart of oil, milk a sheet of paper a stick of chewing gum a loaf of bread a barrel of beer, wine a tube of toothpaste a round of ammunition UNIT 2: ADJECTIVES: SIFATLAR DEFINITION: Varl1klar1n biimlerini, durumlar1n1, renklerini ve e_itlerini bildiren ve onlar1n miktar ya da say1lar1n1 belirten szclere s1fat denir. Adjective is a word used to describe or give more information about a noun. That modifies nouns Adjectives answer the questions which begin WHAT KIND - HOW MANY - HOW MUCH - WHICH ONE SIFATLARIN KULLANILDII YERLER 1.  BE fiilinden sonra gelir I am tired. She is unhappy. They are angry. 2. Niteledikleri isimlerden nce gelirler. Say1 ve renklerini belirtirler. He is a young boy. She is an old woman. 3. Certain verblerden sonra kullan1l1r: Go - Stay - Look -Smell - Sound - Taste - Get - Become - Turn - Rema1n - Seem - Appear Henry seems sad. I went crazy. Her voice sounds pretty. 4. Noun is used as adjective. Gold is metal.My watch is made of gold. I have a gold watch.I need a paper cup. I eat two golden apples everyday. 5. Fillerin Past Participle halleri (Verb3) s1fat olarak kullan1l1r. The broken window The stolen car the neglected woman ** Eer sal11m1zdan bahsediyorsak FEEL fiilinden sonra GOOD  un yerine WELL de kullan1l1r. How do you feel ? I feel well. 0ngilizcede baz1 s1fatlardan nce "UN - IN - IL - IM - DIS - IR - NON" tak1lar1 getirilerek s1fatlar1n anlamlar1n1 olumsuzla_t1r1r. UN- important - unimportant IN- expensive - inexpensive harmful - unharmful adequate - inadequate healthy - unhealthy seperable - inseperable IL- legal - illegal IM- possible - impossible logical - illogical mortal - immortal DIS- like - dislike IR- regular - irregular similar - dissimilar responsible - irresponsible NON- commissioned - noncommissioned commercial - noncommercial E^0TL0K BEL0RTEN SIFATLAR -- EQUALITY DEGREE OF ADJECTIVES --- AS ................ AS We use an as............as construction with adjectives and adverbs to make comparisons. Jack is 20 years old. Bill is 20 years old. Jack is as old as Bill (They are the same age) Fred is rich. He is richer than his brother John. John is not as rich as his brother Fred. (Fred is richer) Lind finished her work in two hours. Betty finished in the same time. Betty worked as fast as Linda worked. ( Betty and Linda worked at the same speed.) Bob studies hard every night. Mary sometimes studies. Mary doesnt study as hard as Bob does. ( Bob studies harder than Mary.) E_itlik belirten s1fatlar1n/zarflar1n k1yaslanmas1nda s1fat tek heceli veya ok heceli de olsa hibir tak1 almaks1z1n AS - adj/adv- AS in aras1na getirilir. Olumsuz cmlelerde AS adv/adj AS kullan1labildii gibi SO adj/adv AS de kullan1l1r. Mary is 21 years old. Cathy is 21 years old. Mary is as old as Cathy (written English) Mary is as old as her (oral English) Ahmet runs as fast as Oswald. Cindy did her homework as well as her friend My shirt isnt so expensive as his That line isnt so busy as that line. AS--------AS miktar kar_1la_t1r1lmas1 da gsterebilir. Nobody can make as much money as he does. Read as many book as you can. COMPARATIVE DEGREE (STNLK DERECES0) 0ngilizcede s1fatlar iki ayr1 grup iersinde deerlendirilir: - with one or sometimes two syllable (tek heceli veya bazen iki heceli s1fatlar); - with two or more than two syllables (iki veya ikiden fazla heceli s1fatlar) A. Eer s1fat veya zarf bir veya bazen iki heceli ise bu s1fatlar1n stnlk derecesini elde etmek iin s1fat veya zarf1n soununa  ER tak1s1 getirildikten sonra THAN kelimesi konularak elde edilir. +++ -er and than are added to regular adjectives to compare people or things. Greg is taller than Dona. This window is cleaner than that one. +++ Words that end in a consonant with a short vowel sound before the consonant will double the cosonant before adding er and than His shoes are wetter than his coat. +++ Words that end in a consonant -y change the -y to -i and add -er and than The men were happier than the women. +++ Words that end in -e need only -r and than Todays weather is nicer than yesterdays. My brother is taller than George. She is younger than Martha. B. Eer s1fat veya zarf iki veya daha fazla heceden olu_mu_sa s1fat veya zarf1n nne MORE kelimesi ve s1fat veya zarf1n sonuna THAN kelimesi eklenerek stnlk derecesi elde edilmi_ olur. Health is more important than money Leyla is more beautiful than her sister. This problem is less difficult than that one. ** Her iki stnlk derecesinde de iki nesnenin veya _ahs1n ortak noktalar1 mukayese edilir. ** much, a lot, a great deal, far (ok daha iyi) ve a little, a bit, slightly (biraz daha iyi) comparative ile kullan1l1r. SUPERLATIVEDEGREE(EN STNLK DERECES0) A. With one or sometimes two syllable (bir veya bazen iki heceli s1fatlar) B. With two or more than two syllables (iki yada ikiden fazla heceli s1fatlar) 1. Eer s1fat veya zarf bir veya bazen iki heceden meydana geliyorsa en stnlk derecesini elde etmek iin s1fat veya zarf1n ba_1na THE article 1 ile s1fat veya zarf1n sonuna  EST tak1s1 getirilerek elde edilir. Subject + To Be + The + Adjective + -est + Object My brother is the tallest boy in the classroom. K1z1l1rmak is the longest river in Turkey. 2. Eer S1fat veya zarf iki veya daha fazla heceden meydana geliyorsa s1fat veya zarf1n nne THE MOST kelimeleri eklenerek en stnlk derecesi elde edilir. Subject + To Be + The + Most/Least + Adjective + Object Health is the most important of all Leyla is the most beautiful girl in the classroom. This story is the least interesting of all. ** 0kiden fazla nesne veya canl1lar1n ortak noktalar1n1n mukayesesi en stnlk derecesinde sz konusudur. ** by far (kat kat fazla/daha iyi) superlative ile kullan1l1r. IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES Adject1ve Comparat1ve Superlat1ve good / well better the best bad worse the worst much / many more the most little less the least far farther / further the farthest/furthest KIYASLAMALARIN YAPILDII D0ER KALIPLAR 1. THE SAME : Ayn1 ALIKE : Benzer SIMILAR : Benzer DIFFERENT : Farkl1 ** Bu szckler oul znelerle kulan1l1rlar. Plural Subject + To Be/Verb + The Same/Similar/Alike/Different These buildings aren t alike. These buildings are different. These two brothers are the same. Those two brothers look similar. 2. THE SAME AS : -nin ayn1s1 SIMILAR TO : -a benzer LIKE : -a benzer DIFFERENT FROM : -den/dan farkl1 ** Bu szckler tekil znelerle kullan1labildii gibi oul znelerle de kullan1labilirler Singular Subject + Verb/To Be + The Same As + Noun/ Pronoun Similar To/Like/Different From This book is different from that book/one His car looks like yours This lesson is similar to that one ** S1fatlar1n anlam1n1 peki_tirmek iin s1fattan nce INTENDIFIER yani peki_tiriciler kullan1l1r. very - quite - mighty - rather - extremely - awfully - too - pretty I drive rather fast. I am extremely sorry. It is awfully hot. Your book is pretty good. 3. THE COMPARATIVE - THE COMPARATIVE: ne kadar .. o kadar The more.... the more..., The sooner.... the better.. veya the harder... the more.. gibi dei_ik formlarda da olabilir. COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES COMPARISONS OF QUANTITY a- To show no difference: as much as , as many as, as few as, as little as as many as / as few as + countable nouns as much as / as little as + uncountable nouns With countable nouns: They have as many children as us. We have as many customers as them. Tom has as few books as Jane. You know as many people as I do. With uncountable nouns: John eats as much food as Peter. Jim has as little food as Sam. He's had as much success as his brother has. They've got as little water as we have. b- To show difference: more, less, fewer + than With countable nouns: more / fewer Eloise has more children than Chantal. Chantal has fewer children than Eloise. There are fewer dogs in Cardiff than in Bristol I have visited fewer countries than my friend has. With uncountable nouns: more / less Eloise has more money than Chantal. Chantal has less money than Eloise. I spend less time on homework than you do. This new dictionary gives more information than the old one. So, the rule is: MORE + nouns that are countable or uncountable FEWER + countable nouns LESS + uncountable nouns UNIT 3: ADVERBS: ZARFALAR DEFINITION: Zarflar eylemleri, s1fatlar1, ba_ka zarflar1 ya da bir cmleyi niteler ya da anlamlar1na katk1da bulunurlar. Anlamlar1na gre zarflar1 _u _ekilde s1n1fland1rabiliriz: 1-Adverbs of Manner: Tarz zarflar1 bir hareketin nas1l yap1ld11n1 anlat1rlar. HOW sorusuna cevap verirler: accurately, actively, badly, beautifully, boldly, calmly, carefully, carelessly, clearly, distinctively, eagerly, easily, equally, fast, gladly, intentionally, nicely, promptly, quickly, quietly, simply, sincerally, slowly, unwillingly, well, willingly, wisely, wrongly She went into the bedroom silently. He wrote the sentences carefully. 2-Adverbs of Time: Hareketin getii zaman1 belirtirler. a- WHEN sorusuna cevap veren zaman zarflar1: after, afterwards, already, before, early, immediately, last night/.., late, lately, next week/.., now, once, presently, shortly, soon, still, today, tonight, tomorrow, yesterday, yet He finished the book yesterday. They are flying to 0stanbul tomorrow. b- HOW OFTEN sorusuna cevap verirler. Frequency adverbs olarakta adland1r1lan bu s1kl1k zarflar1 iki gruba ayr1labilir. b1- Cmle iinde kullan1lanlar1: Normal fiilden nce, be fiilinden sonra kullan1l1rlar: always, continually, ever, frequently, generally, hardly ever, never, occasionally, often, rarely, regularly, scarcely ever, seldom, sometimes, usually They have never done that before. She can seldom find time to read. b2- Cmle sonunda kullan1lanlar1. Bunlar1n cmle ba_1nda da kullan1mlar1 vard1r: every now and then/again, every so often, every (other) hour/day.., every two/three.. minutes/hours.., every few minutes/.., every second/third.. day/week.., once/twice an hour/a day/a week/.., three/four.. times a day/a week.., several times a day/a week.., again and again The trains run every hour. I have English lesson every other day. 3-Adverbs of Place: Hareketin nerede olduunu belirtirler. WHERE sorusuna cevap verirler ve hareket ile yn gsterirler: above, abroad, across, along, anywhere, apart, around, ashore, away, back, backwards, below, by, down, downstairs, downstream, downtown, everywhere, here, in, indise, near, nowhere, on, out, outside, somewhere, past, there, through, together, under, upstairs, upstream At the meeting he will stand there. She drew the curtains apart. 4-Adverbs of Degree: Ne dereceye kadar olduunu belirlerler. Genelde s1fat veya ba_ka bir zarfla kullan1l1rlar: asolutely, awfully, a lot, certainly, completely, deeply, distinctly, dreadfully, enormously, entirely, equally, exactly, exceedingly, extremely, fairly, fearfully, highly, horribly, just, much, nearly, perfectly, practically, quite, rather, really, scarcely, slightly, so, somewhat, too, to some extent, thoroughly, totally, utterly, very I am terribly sorry I am late. She speaks English too quickly for me to follow. 5-Interrogative Adverbs: When, where, how ve why soru zarf1 olarak kullan1l1r. When are you going away? How did you come here? 6-Demonstrative Adverbs: Here ve there i_aret zarflar1 olarak kullan1l1r. Here is my book. There is my car. 7-Adverbs of Affirmation: Yes ve no zarflar1d1rlar. No, we didn t telephone her. 8-Quantity Adverbs: Miktar zarflar1 olarak yayg1n bir _ekilde kulan1lan zarflar _unlard1r: a lot, much, more, the most She doesn t write to me much. You are going to fail, so study more. COMPARATIVE FORMS OF ADVERBS In general, comparative and superlative forms of adverbs are the same as for adjectives: add -er or -est to short adverbs: Adverb Comparative Superlative hard harder the hardest late later the latest fast faster the fastest Jim works harder than his brother. Everyone in the race ran fast, but John ran the fastest of all. with adverbs ending in -ly, use more for the comparative and most for the superlative: Adverb Comparative Superlative quietly more quietly most quietly slowly more slowly most slowly seriously more seriously most seriously The teacher spoke more slowly to help us to understand. Could you sing more quietly please? Some adverbs have irregular comparative forms: Adverb Comparative Superlative badly worse worst far farther/further farthest/furthest little less least well better best The little boy ran further than his friends. You're driving worse today than yesterday ! BE CAREFUL! Sometimes 'most' can mean 'very': We were most grateful for your help UNIT 4: SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE WITH ACTION VERBS: DEFINITION: We use the present simple to talk about things in general. We use it to say something happens all the time, regularly or habitually or something is true in general. (Geni_ zaman al1_1lagelmi_ eylemleri ifade etmek iin kullan1l1r.) KULLANILDII YERLER: 1. Yinelenen i_leri, al1_kanl1klar1, becerileri ve gnlk aktiviteleri anlat1r I sleep late on Sundays. She always comes to school on time. I study for two hours every night. She speaks English fluently. 2. Ataszleri ve doa gerekleri gibi zamana ba1ml1 olmayan yarg1lar1 bildirir. A rolling stone gathers no mass. The earth moves around the sun. Honesty is the best policy. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. 3. Yap1lmas1 planlanm1_ i_leri anlat1r. zellikle gezi planlar1nda geerli bir anlat1m e_ididir. We fly to Istanbul on May 2. 4. Gelecek zaman zarflar1yla gelecek zaman bildirir. He leaves for Ankara next week. 5. yk anlam1nda gemi_ zaman ifade eder. Atatrk comes to Samsun on May 19,1919. 6. Gazete ba_l1klar1nda gemi_ zanam yerine kullan1l1r. Seven students die in a traffic accident. 7. Zarf cmleciklerinde gelecek zaman yerine kullan1l1r. When I see him tomorrow, I will thank him. 8. ^art cmleciklerinde kullan1l1r. TYPE  1 If you heat ice,it melts. HELPING WORDS (AUXILIARY) - YARDIMCI F00LLER: DO/DOES ADVERB OF TIME: EVERY week, every day once a day weekend morning twice a week month afternoon three times a year year summer May Monday Now and then / From time to time / Almost every day About four times a week FREQUENCY ADVERBS: 1. always - usually - often - frequently - sometimes - occasionally - rarely - seldom never, eylemlerden nce, to be fiilinden sonra gelir. I always like ice-cream. I am usually late for school. 2. Sometimes ve occasionally olumsuz cmlelerde DOESN T  dan nce gelirler. Always, ever DOESN T dan sonra kullan1l1r. Often, usually ve generally zarflar1 ise DOESN T dan ncede sonrada kullan1labilirler. He sometimes doesn t watch TV. He doesn t ever watch TV. He often doesn t watch TV./ He doesn t often watch TV. 3. Rarely, seldom ve never olumsuz anlam ta_1d1klar1ndan olumsuz cmle ile kullan1lmazlar. NC TEK0L ^AHISLARDA F00LLER0N KULLANIMI 1. Sonu -CH, -S, -SH, -X, -Z, ve -O harfleriyle biten fiiller -ES tak1s1 al1r. Finish Finishes Bus Buses Watch Watches Box Boxes 2. Sonu  Y harfiyle biten ve  y den nceki harf sessiz bir harf ise fiildeki  Y harfi d_er  IES gelir. Fakat -y nin nnde sesli harf varsa sonuna sadece - s gelir. Study studies Try tries Baby babies Boy boys 3. Sonu f veya fe ile biten szckler -ves tak1s1yla oul olurlar. Knife knives Shellf shellves SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE WITH TO BE TO BE verbs are AM, IS, ARE. KULLANIMI: FORMS OF THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE 1. AD BE0 + BE EYLEM0 + SIFAT 2. AD BE0 + BE EYLEM0 + AD BE0 A good tree is a good shelter. Business is business. 3. AD BE0 + BE EYLEM0 + ZARF They are at home. I am here. 4. THERE + BE EYLEM0 + ZARF There is a pencil in the box. There are two kinds of teachers. SOME USAGES OF TO BE 1. In greetings: How are you ? I am fine. 2. With this,these,that,those : This is a pencil. 3. Origin : I am from Turkey. 4. Profession : What are you ? I am a student. 5. Age How old are you ? I am twelve years old. 6. With the days of the week: What day is today ? Today is................ 7. With the months of the year . What is the second month of the year. It is ........... February is the second month of the year. 8. With the time. What time is the time ? It is one oclock. 9. With the destination. How far is it to Ankara ? It is 450 kilometres. 10. With the price . How much is that book ? It is four dollars. UNIT 5: PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE: DEFINITION: Present Continuous Tense is used to talk about something which is happeninig at the time of speaking. (Konu_ma an1nda devam etmekte olan hareketleri ifade eder.) HELPING VERBS : am, is, are VERB FORM : Ving ADVERB OF TIME : now, right now, at this moment, just now SOME USAGES OF PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE. 1. Konu_ma an1nda devam eden i_leri anlat1r. The telephone is ringing. 2. Kimi eylemlerle geni_ zaman ifade eder. Ahmet is living in a big city. 3. Gelecek zaman zarflar1yla gelecek zaman ifade eder. We are going to Izmir next Monday. 4. Konu_mac1n1n kararl1l11n1 gsterebilir. You are not smoking here. 5. Always,constantly,continually ve perpetually gibi zaman zarflar1yla srekli yinelenen i_leri anlat1r. You are always lying. She is continually making mistakes. You are perpetually complaining. 6. Kimi eylemlerde geni_ zaman ifade eder. She is always coming late to the class. Sonu -e ile biten fiillerde -e d_er -ing gelir. Make making Write writing Come coming Dance dancing Sonu -ie ile biten fiiller -ying tak1s1 al1rlar Lie lying Die dying Tie tying Eer tek heceli bir fiilin sonu ( sesli + sessiz ) harf ile bitiyorsa son sessiz ikilenerek -ing tak1s1 al1r. 0ki veya daha fazla heceli fiilerde son sessizin ikilenmesine gerek yoktur. Stop stopping Run running Get getting Swim swimming Hot hotter Thin thinner Eer bir fiilin sonu (-y) veya (- w) sesizlerinden biri ile bitiyorsa, fiil tek heceli bile olsa son sessiz ikilenmez. Draw drawing Play playing Sonu iki sessizle biten tek heceli fiiler direkt olarak - ing tak1s1 al1rlar. Help helping Work working Baz1 Fiiller Present Continuous Tense 0le Kullan1lmazlar Bu fiiller simple present tense ile kullan1larak ayn1 anlam verilir. 1. DUYU EYLEMLER0: feel, hear, see, smell, taste. 2. Z0H0NSEL ETK0NL0K EYLEMLER0: believe, know, mean, recognize, remember, think, understand. 3. 0YEL0K EYLEMLER0: belong to, have, own, possess. 4. D0ERLER0: appear, appreciate, care, consist, contain, cost, depend, dislike, doubt, envy, exist, fear, hate, imagine, include, like, look, love, need, owe, possess, prefer, realise, seem, sound, suppose, want. NOT: Bilinli yap1lan eylemler iin (kasten yap1lan) See, Feel, Smell, Hear eylemleri V+ing _eklinde kullan1l1rlar. UNIT 6: SIMPLE PAST TENSE: DEFINITION: We use simple past tense to talk about actions or situations in the past. (Gemi_te yap1l1p bitmi_ eylemleri anlatmak iin kullan1l1r.) HELPING VERB: did VERB FORM: V2 ADVERB OF TIME: LAST night, a day ago, yesterday, week two days ago yesterday morning month a minute ago yesterday afternoon summer three years ago yesterday evening year the other day Monday in 1980 June KULLANILDII YERLER: 1. Gemi_te bilinen bir zamanda yap1l1p tamamlanm1_ i_leri ifade eder. She saw the film last night. I had a busy day yesterday. 2. Gemi_te aral1klarla yinelenmi_ i_leri anlatabilir. His mother wrote him every week last year. 3. Dolayll1 anlat1mda geni_ zaman yerine geer. Ali says  I like Adana Ali said that he liked Adana 4. Belirli yap1larla,geree ayk1r1 geni_ zaman yada varsay1m gsterebilir. a- I wish I were rich. (Ke_ke zengin olsam.) b- If you studied harder it would be better. (Daha ok al1_san iyi olur.) c- He acts as if he wanted to make trouble (Sanki dert 1karmak istermi_ gibi davran1yor.) d- It is high time you went to bed. (Yatma zaman1 geldi.) ** WHEN kullan1ld11nda nokta belirtir ve Past Tense ile kullan1l1r. ** It s time  Simple past tense ile kullan1l1r. SIMPLE PAST TENSE WITH TO BE Eer gemi_ zaman ile kullan1lan bir cmleninfiili yoksa veya gemi_te belirli bir zamanda olan durum, davran1_, ve olu_u ifade etmek iin was, were kullan1l1r. Hareket bildirmez. Last year Rachel was 22, so she is 23 now. When I was a child, I was afraid of dogs. HELPING VERBS: WAS WERE (to be) ADVERB OF TIME: just the same as simple past tense. UNIT 7: THE PAST PROGRESSIVE(CONTINUOUS) TENSE: DEFINITION: We use the past continuous tense to say that someone was in the middle of doing something at a certain time. The action had already started before this time but hadnt finished.The past continuous tense doesnt tell us whether an action was finished or not. (Gemi_ zamanda belirli bir anda devam eden eylemlerin anlat1m1nda kullan1l1r.) Yesterday Tom and Jim played tennis. They began at 10 o clock and finished at 11 o clock They were playing tennis at 10.30 HELPING VERBS: WAS - WERE VERB FORM: Ving ADVERB OF TIME : just the same as past tense (past tense ile ayn1) USAGE OF PAST CONTI. TENSE: (KULLANILDII YERLER) 1. Gemi_te belli bir anda devam etmekte olan i_leri anlat1r. She was playing tennis all this morning. 2. Gemi_te olu_ zamanlar1 kesi_en 2 i_ten srekli olan1 ifade eder. When the telephone rang she was taking a shower. 3. Olu_ zamanlar1 kesi_en iki srekli i_i de anlat1r. While we were studying they were watching TV. 4. Gemi_te iki zaman noktas1 aras1nda sren i_leri anlat1r. Between May and June last year,she was preparing for her wedding. 5. Belli yap1larla geree ayk1r1 geni_ zaman ya da varsay1m1 ifade eder. A- I wish we were going home now. B- I d rather she was sleeping. ** NOT: 1. WHEN + PAST TENSE + PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE 2. WHILE + PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE + PAST CONTI. TENSE 3. WHILE + PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE + PAST TENSE 4. AS + PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE + PAST TENSE UNIT 8: PRESENT PERFECT TENSE: DEFINITION: When we talk about a period of time that continues upto the present we use the present perfect. Yak1n gemi_ zaman veya zaman1 belli olmayan gemi_ zaman olarak ifade edilir. Trkede kar_1l11 yoktur. (yapm1_1md1r, yapm1_ bulunuyorum.) HELPING VERBS: HAVE - HAS VERB FOR: V3 ADVERB OF TIME: 1. Upto now, up till now, so far 2. Often, many times 3. Just, already, yet, ever, never 4. For, since, ever since, since then 5. Finally, recently, lately, for the last two years, in this morning JUST: K1sa bir sre nce yap1lm1_ i_leri anlat1r. Olumlu cmlelerde kullan1l1r. We have just called Mary. Daha _imdi Mary i arad1k. ALREADY: Bir i_in hali haz1rda yap1lm1_ olduunu gsterir. Olumlu cmlede kullan1l1r. I have already talked to him. (Onunla konu_tum bile.) YET: Olumsuz ve soru cmlelerinde kullan1l1r. (henz,tam _imdi) EVER: Soru cmlelerinde kullan1l1r. Hi anlam1 ta_1r. (Olumlu cmlelerde de kullan1l1r.) Have you ever eaten Turkish Kebab? NEVER: Ever ile sorulan sorularda cevap olumsuz ise NEVER kullan1l1r. Ancak cmle olumlu haldedir. Anlam olumsuzdur. FOR: dan sonra bir zaman dilimi (period of time), (d1r) SINCE: den sonra bir zaman noktas1 (point in time), (den beri) FOR a day, two days SINCE yesterday a week yesterday morning a month, five months last week, month a year I was born a long time I was a child all my life 5 days, months, years ago years 1926, 1876 ages 10 oclock centuries an hour, two hours KULLANILDII YERLER: 1. Gemi_te ba_lam1_ ve hala devam etmekte olan i_leri anlat1r. Bu zaman periyodu btn hayat1m1zdaki deneyimleri kapsayabilir. Hayat1m1z da herhangi bir deneyimi ya_ay1p ya_amad11m1z bu tens ile sorulur. I have always walked to work. I have lived in Istanbul since 1982. Have you ever been to China(Hi inde bulundunmu?) Have you ever eaten caviar. ( Hi havyar yedinmi ? ) 2. Gemi_te yap1lm1_ olmakla birlikte etkisini hala devam ettiren i_leri anlat1r. All my money has been stolen. Btn param al1nd1. Param yok. He told me his name butI've forgotten it.Ad1n1 sylemi_ti fakat unuttum. 3. ^u andan nceki bir aktivitenin tekrar1n1 vurgular, her tekrar1n kesin zaman1 nemli deildir. We have had four tests so far this semester I have written my wife a letter every other day for the last two weeks. I have met many people since I came here in june 4. Gemi_te belirsiz bir zamanda yap1lm1_ i_leri anlat1r. Kesin zaman1n nemli olmad11 durumlarda kullan1l1r. (Eer belirli bir zaman varsa Simple past kullan1l1r.) They have moved into a new apartment. Have you ever visited Mexico. I have read that book. I have seen this film before 5. Gemi_le bugn balayan bir kpr olarak kullan1l1r. I started learninig english in september. I am still lerning english. I have lerned English since september. (Eyllden beri ingilizce reniyorum.) Ay_e is my best friend. I met Ay_e seven years ago I have known her for 7 years. ( Onu yedi y1ld1r tan1yorum. ) 6. Bir zaman zarf1n1n sresi tamamlanmam1_sa gemi_te yap1lan i_i ifade etmekte kullan1l1r. (Henz hafta tamamlanmam1_) NOT: Gone (to)vebeen (to) aras1ndaki farkl1l1k: Jim is away on holiday. He has gone to Spain. (Jim ispanyaya gitti ve hala orada) Jane has been to Italy. (Jane italyaya gitti ve geri geldi) NOT: By, Perfect tens lerle kullan1l1r. It s first time, This is the best  Present perfect tense ile kullan1l1r. UNIT 9: PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE: DEFINITION: It is used when we talk about an action which began in the past and has recently stopped. We also use it to ask how long something has been happening. HELPING VERB: HAVE/HAS BEEN VERB FORM: Ving ADVERB OF TIME: FOR, SINCE KULLANILDII YERLER: 1. Gemi_te ba_lam1_ ve halen devam etmekte olan i_leri ifade etmede kullan1l1r. I have been studying English for 13 years. A _ahs1 avrupa turuna 1km1_ ve B _ahs1yla 0spanyada kar_1la_1yorA' n1n gidecei yerler s1ral1: 1. France 2. England 3. Spain 4. Germany 5. Italy A: What have you been doing ? ( Ne yap1yorsun ) B: I have been traveling around Europe. (Eer A _ahs1: What are you doing deseydi, B _ahs1 o anda ne yap1yorsa onu sylerdi al1_veri_ yap1yorum vs. derdi.) A: Which countries have you visited. B: I have visited France and England and now I'm in Spain, I haven't been Germany and Italy yet. 2. 0_in sreklilik gsterdiini vurgulamak iin kullan1lr. Tense bu anlam1 zaman1 simgeleyen kelimelerle veririz. For, Since, all morning, all day, all week. He is carrying a toothbrush and some tooth paste because he has been brushing his teeth. I have been sitting here since seven o'clock. You have been studying for five straight hourse 3. Kimi eylemlerde yar1m kalm1_ i_leri anlat1r. I have been reading this book for a week now. 4. Present perfect continuous tens zaman1n herhangi bir spesifik anlam1 d1_1nda kullan1ld11nda, genel bir aktivitenin son zamanlardaki srekliliini vurgular. All of the students have been studying hard. Finalexams start next week. My back hurts, so I have been sleeping on the floor lately. The bed is too soft. UNIT 10: PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE 0LE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE 0N KAR^ILA^TIRILMASI: 1. Present perfect continuous tense gemi_te ba_lay1p _u ana kadar devam etmekte olan eylemleri anlat1r. Present Perfect Tense te ise olay1n bitmi_ olas1l11 vard1r. I have been living in Istanbul for 10 years I have lived in Istanbul for ten years. 2. Present Perfect Continuous Tense de kimi eylemlerde yar1m kalm1_ i_leri anlat1r. Present Perfect Tense de ise bu kullan1m grlmez. I have been reading this book. I have read this book. 3. Present Perfect Continuous Tense ounlukla gemi_te ba_lay1p devam eden tek bir i_i anlatmakta kullan1l1r. Bu nedenle 'already - just - never - ever - finally - recently' gibi zaman zarflar1yla beraber kullan1lmazlar. Sadece for-since kullan1l1r. UNIT 11: PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE 0LE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE N0N KAR^ILA^TIRILMASI: 1. Present Continuous Tense konu_ma an1nda devam eden eylemi anlat1r. Present Perfect Continuous Tense ise gemi_te ba_lay1p konu_ma an1nda da devam eden eylemleri anlat1r. She has been working for 2 hours. She is working now. 2. Present Continuous Tense gelecek zaman1 ifade eder. Present Perfect Continuous Tense te ise byle bir kullan1m1 yoktur. Mary has been playing the piano for an hour. Mary is playing the piano for an hour. (Mary bir saat piano alacak) UNIT 12: PAST PERFECT TENSE: DEFINITION: We use the Past Perfect Tense to say that something had already happened before this time. Gemi_te belirli bir zamandan nce yap1lm1_ ve bitmi_ bir i_i veya olay1 anlat1r. Bu nedenle gemi_te bitmi_ zaman diye bilinmektedir. Gemi_te ba_lay1p bitmi_ i_lerden nce yap1lm1_ olan1 Past Perfect Tense ile, daha sonra yap1lan1 ise Simple Past Tense ile anlat1l1r. Bu iki gemi_ durumu belirten cmleler birbirine ounlukla AFTER - BEFORE - WHEN balalar1yla balan1r. HELPING VERB: HAD VERB FORM: V3 ADVERB OF TIME: WHEN - BEFORE - AFTER - AS SOON AS - UNTIL -NO SOONER....THAN - BY THE TIME - ONCE KULLANILDII YERLER: 1. Gemi_te yap1lm1_ iki i_ten daha nce yap1lm1_ olan1n1 gsterir. Mr.Brown had never eaten Turkish Kebab before he came to Turkey. My parents had already eaten by the time I got home 2. Gemi_te belli bir ana kadar srm_ i_leri anlat1r. By the time he married he had written four books. Until yesterday, I had never heard about it. 3. Dolayl1 anlat1mda Present Perfect ve Simple Past Tense nin yerine geer. Ali said;  I wrote the letter Ali said he had written .............. Ali said,  I have written the letter. Ali said he had written........... 4. Belli yap1larla geree ayk1r1 gemi_ zaman ifade eder. I wish I had had a lot of money. If she had had time she would have helped you. Eer bir cmlede before veya after kullan1l1yorsa genellikle past perfect tense gerekli deildir. NOT: Past Perfect Tense Before Simple Past Tense After Past Perfect Tense, Simple Past Tense Past Perfect Tense By the time Simple Past Tense Burada By the time, When veya Before manas1 vermektedir. *** Eer, iki olay ayn1 zamanda olmu_ ise veya s1ralama nemli deilse, arada o kadar nemli zaman fark1 yok ise iki cmlede Simple Past Tense olabilir. UNIT 13: THE PAST PERFECT TENSE 0LE SIMPLE PAST TENSE N0N KAR^ILA^TIRILMASI: 1. The simple past tense gemi_te belli bir zamanda yap1lan i_leri anlat1r. The past Perfect Tenseise gemi_te yap1lan bir i_ten yada gemi_te belli bir andan daha nce yap1lan i_leri anlat1r. I wrote the letter. (three hours ago) I wrote the letter. ( after I had eaten my dinner ) 2. S1fat ve ad cmleciklerinde gemi_te yap1lan eylemlerin hangisinin daha nce yap1ld11 (simple past-past perfect) z1tl11 ile ifade edilir. I realized that my homework had been taken. He said that he had cleaned his table. UNIT 14: PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE: DEFINITION: We can use the past Perfect Continuous Tense to say how long something had been happening before something else happened. (nceden yap1lmakta olan bir i_in devaml1l11n1 ifade eder.) HELPING VERB: HAD BEEN VERB FORM: V+ing ADVERB OF TIME: FOR - SINCE - CONJUNTION Yesterday morning I got up and looked out of the windows. The sun was shining but the ground was very wet. It was not raining when I looked out of the window, the sun was shining. But it had been raining.That s why the ground was wet. KULLANILDII YERLER: 1. Gemi_te olmu_ iki eylem var ve bunlardan nce olan1n sreklilii past perfect conti. tense ile vurgulan1r. I had been studying English for half an hour before my brother came in. Our game of tennis was interrupted. We'd been playing for about half an hour when it started to rain very havily. 2. Dolayl1 anlat1mda (Indirect Speech) past continuous ve Present Perfect Continuous tenslerin yerine geer. Ali said  I have been working for years Ali said that he had been working for years. 3. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense, The Present Perfect Continuous Tense gibi tek bir i_in srekliliini vurgular. They had been eating their dinner before I got there. 4. Past perfect conti. gemi_te bir eylemden nce ba_ka bir eylemin sreklilik ierisinde olduunu vurgular. When judy got home, her hair was still wet because she had been swimming. Her eyes were red because she had been crying. UNIT 15: ZAMAN KEL0MELER0: BEFORE: ........... meden nce He lost more than he expected. Then he stopped gambling. Before he stopped gambling he had lost more than he expected. ** Eer bir i_ daha nce ba_lamas1na ramen bitirilmeden kesilmi_se before Past Perfect Tense li cmlenin ba_1nda yer alabilir. My roommate took my math book away before I had finished studying. AFTER: ...........d1ktan sonra After he had lost more than he expected he stopped gambling BY THE TIME:...... e kadar. Past perfect veya Future perfect tens lerle kullan1l1r. (Time yerine kerhangi bir zaman da gelebilir.) We had already got up by the time the clock rang. WHEN: ..............dii, ....d11 zaman, diinde, ...........d11nda I had had my breakfast when the visitors came. AS SOON AS: yapar yapmaz As soon as I had come into the room we started to study UNTIL: .............. e kadar, ..........e dein I did not say anything until I had listened to him completely. ONCE: as soon as, when Once the visitors had left we had our dinner. NO SOONER................ THAN: fazla gemeden. I had no sooner come home than he called me. (Gelir gelmez beni arad1) ADVERBIAL TIME EXPRESSIONS (Zaman Belirten Zarflar) PRESENT TIME: now, right now, at the moment. PAST TIME: the day before yesterday, two days ago, ago, yesterday, last (day, week, year...) FUTURE TIME: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, two days from now. UNIT 16: FUTURE TENSE: DEFINITION: When we decide to do something for the future at the time of speaking. (Gelecek zaman nceden tasarlanmadan yap1lacak i_leri ve gelecekte olacak olaylar1 anlatmak iin kullan1l1r.) Will veya be going to, gelecek zaman1 vurgulamak iin kullan1l1r. Konu_ma an1nda gelecee dnk bir eylemi ifade etmek iin will kullan1l1r. Going to ise nceden yap1lan planlar ve niyetler iin kullan1l1r. He will finished his work tomorrow. He is going to finish his work tomorrow. I think he will go on vacation. HELPING VERB: WILL VERB FORM: V1 ADVERB OF TIME : tomorrow, tomorrow morning/afternoon/ evening/night, next week/month/year/Monday/January/weekend/ summer, a week later, two months later, five years later, tonight, this morning/etc. ** 0ngiliz ingilizcesinde I ve We zneleri iin SHALL yard1mc1 fiili kullan1lmaktad1r. WE USE  WILL IN THESE SITUATIONS 1. Offering to do something That bag looks heavy. I will help you with it. 2. Agreeing or refusing to do something I will bring the book back tomorrow (agree) The car will not start.(refuse) 3. Promising to do something I promise I will phone you as soon as I arrive 4. Asking someone to do something Will you shut the door,please? ** Cmlede action verb yoksa BE (am-is-are) fiili kullan1l1r. ** Before, Until, When, After,... cmlenin ba_1nda ise bu cmlede will kullan1lmaz.  BE (AM/IS/ARE) GOING TO FUTURE TENSE DEFINITION: We use  going to  when when we say what we have already decided to do what we intend to do in the future. (nceden znenin i_i tasarlad11n1 ve yapmaya kararl1 olduunu gsterir. Bu kal1pta amal1l1k (Intention) ve kuvvetli olas1l1k (Strong Probability) anlamlar1 nem kazan1r. Will de ihtimal vard1r.) HELPING VERB: TO BE GOING TO VERB FORM: V1 ADVERB OF TIME: Future tense ile ayn1 GOING TO = GONNA (argo dilinde yayg1n olarak kullan1l1r) INTENTION: I am going to learn how to write in English STRONG PROBABILITY: It is going to rain soon. 0NG0L0ZCEDE GELECEK ZAMAN 0FADE EDEN YAPILAR: 1. I will leave tomorrow. 2. I am going to leave tomorrow. 3. I leave tomorrow. 4. I am leaving tomorrow. 5. I am to leave tomorrow. 6. I am about to leave. 7. I am on the point of leaving. ***WAS /WERE GOING TO means to say what someone intended to do in the past ( but didnt do ) BE (AM/IS/ARE) TO FUTURE TENSE Genelde resmiyet ifade etmek iin kullan1l1r. 1-  will (definitely) anlam1nda kullan1l1r. The Queen is to visit New Zealand. 2-  should anlam1nda kullan1l1r. You are to do your homework. (Ev devini yapman gerek.) UNIT 17: FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE: DEFINITION: We use it to say that we will be in the middle of doing something at a certain time in the future. (Gelecekte belli bir sre devam edecek eylemleri anlat1r.) It is used to express an action that will be in progress at or up to a particular time in the future. We will be leaving at noon on Friday A- Is it all right if I come about 8.30. B- No, dont come then. I will be watching the match on TV. Tom wont be leaving until midnight tonight. HELPING VERB: WILL BE VERB FORM: V+ING ADVERB OF TIME: At this time next week, At this time tomorrow month in June May at 7 oclock summer on Tuesday KULLANILDII YERLER: 1. Gelecekte belli bir anda devam etmekte olaca1n1 anlat1r. They will be running at this time tomorrow. We will be studying English at 4 o clock tomorrow. 2. Gelecekte belirsiz zamanlarda olacak i_leri anlat1r. She will be visiting Istanbul from time to time. 3. Gelecek zaman ile ilgili tahmin gsterir. It will be getting dark soon. 4. Kibarca soru sormakta kullan1labilir. Will you be staying at this hotel? *** be going to nun continuous formu: be going to + be + - ing Bazen future conti. ile s. future aras1nda ok ok az bir farkl1l1k vard1r veya hibir farkl1l1k yoktur. zellikle gelecekteki olay belirsiz bir zaman da meydana gelmi_se. Don't get impatient. She will be coming soon Don't get impatient. She will come soon Not : Teklif sorular1nda mutlaka shall kullan, will kullanma. Shall we phone to see what time the film start Shall I carry that heavy case for you UNIT 18: THE FUTURE PERFECT TENSE: DEFINITION: We use it to say that something will already have happened before a certain time in the future. HELPING VERB: WILL HAVE VERB FORM: V3 ADVERB OF TIME: BY tomorrow/ next week/ next month, BY THIS TIME tomorrow/next week/ next month, in a week, in two hours, in a year, in fifteen days Next year is Kemal and Canans 20th wedding anniversary. They will have been married for 20 years. KULLANILDII YERLER: 1. Bir i_in gelecekte belli bir zamandan nce yap1laca1n1 gsterir. I will have finished my homework by midnight. She will have been a teacher for 15 years by this time next year. 2. Olas1l1k yada varsay1m ifade edebilir. It is ten oclock. She will have arrived there by now. We are late. The film will already have started by the time we get to the cinema. UNIT 19: THE FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE: DEFINITION: Gelecekte belli bir andan nce tamamlanacak i_in sreklilik zellii ta_1d11n1 vurgular. HELPING VERB: WILL HAVE BEEN VERB FORM: VERB+ING ADVERB OF TIME: FOR A YEAR BY THEN, IN 1945............ FOR FIVE YEARS On May 3, 1999 we will have been working in this school for five years. By the end of this year I will have been doing the same job for two years. KULLANILDII YERLER: 1. Gelecekteki bir zaman diliminde bir eylemin srekliliini vurgular. She will have been teaching here for thirty years by the time she retires next year. Margeret was born in 1950. by the year 2000, she will have been living on this earth for 50 years 2. Gelecekte ba_ka bir zaman veya olaydan nce bir eylemin sreklilik iinde olaca1n1 vurgular. I will go to bed at ten p.m. He will get home at midnight. At midnight I will be sleeping. I will have been sleeping for two hours by the time he gets home. UNIT 20: SEQUENCE OF TENSES: ZAMAN UYUMU Independent (Main) Clause Dependent (Subordinate) Clause - Simple present tense - Present conti. tense - Present perfect tense - Present perfect conti. tense 1. Simple present tense - Future tense - Future conti. tense - Future perfect tense - Simple past tense - Past conti. tense - Past perfect tense - Simple present tense - Simple past tense 2. Present continous tense - Present perfect tense - Present perfect conti. tense - Future tense - Simple past tense 3. Simple past tense - Past conti. tense - Past perfect tense - Past perfect conti. tense - Simple past tense 4. Past continuous tense - Past conti. tense - Past perfect tense - Past perfect conti. tense - Simple present tense - Present conti. tense - Present perfect tense 5. Present perfect tense - Present perfect conti. tense - Future tense - Future conti. tense - Future perfect tense - Simple past tense 6. Past perfect tense - Simple past tense - Simple present tense - Present conti. tense 7. Future tense - Future conti. tense - Future perfect tense UNIT 21: MODALS: K0P BEL0RTELER0 CAN: ^imdiki zaman yada gelecek zaman da yetenek belirtir. KULLANILDII YERLER: ABILITY: Bir i_i yapabilme,bir i_e gc yetme. (Zaman uyumu bunda geerlidir.) I can drive when I drink. I can carry this suitcase ABILITY: Bir i_in nas1l yap1ld11n1 bilme Mary can speak French. POSSIBILITY: Olas1l1k (%99 oran1nda dorudur.) Too much sun can be dangerous. POLITE REQUEST: Rica Can you open the door please ? PERMISSION: 0zin isteme/ verme Can we smoke in this room ? PROBABILITY: SUGGESTION: neriyi yap1p yapmama size bal1d1r. INFORMAL REQUEST: ** Zihinsel etkinlik ve duyu eylemleri ile pek kullan1lmazlar. Remember - Understand - See - Hear - Feel - Smell - Taste I can see it = I see it WILL: KULLANILDII YERLER: FUTURE: Btn ki_ilerle gelecek zaman. The show will begin at 7 o clock. INSISTENCE: Kararl1l1k ( zellikle birici tekil _ah1slarda) I will pass the exam. PROMISE: Sz verme You will get your money back. PREDICTABILITY: Ka1n1lmazl1k, beklenti Accidents wil happen. (Kazalar olacakt1r.) REFUSAL: Reddetme I will not discuss the problem with you. WILLINGNESS: 0steklilik , niyet He will do anything for money ORDER: Emir All staff will leave the building at once. REQUEST: Rica (informal) Will you lend me your pen for a moment ? INVITATION: Davet etmek Come inside, won t you ? DETERM0NAT0ON: MAY: KULLANILDII YERLER: POLITE REQUEST: Kibarca izin isteme,izin verme,rica PERMISSION: 0zin (resmi durumlarda) May I borrow your dictionary ? POSSIBILITY: Olas1l1k (weak) It may rain tomorrow morning BENEDICTIONS: Dualar ,beddualar MALEDICTION: May he rest in peaca (huzur iinde uyusun) May he never set foot in this house again. (Bir daha bu eve ayak basmak k1smet olmas1n) FORMAL REQUEST: (Sadece I iin kullan1l1r.) MUST: KULLANILDII YERLER: STRONG OBLIGATION/NECESSITY: Zorunluluk, gereklilik. Zorunluluk belirttiinde MUST = HAVE TO / HAS TO dur. Must bizden kaynaklanan, have to ise d1_ardan kaynaklanan zorunluluktur. Drivers must obey the traffic rules. LOGICAL CONCLUCION: Gzleme dayal1 ak1l yrtme. She spends a lot of money. He must be rich. PROHIBITION: Yasak ( Olumsuz kullan1m1) You must not drink when you drive. POSSIBILITY: (%95) ASSUMPTION: Beklenti %100 e yak1n. ** Konu_mac1 kendisi hakk1nda konu_uyorsa gereklilie inanmas1 sz konusudur. ** MUST 1n past1 HAD TO dur (zorunluluk belirttiinde). MIGHT: KULLANILDII YERLER: POSSIBILITY: Olas1l1k (May e gre daha zay1f) I don t know where he is. He might be at home INDIRECT SPEECH: Dolayl1 anlat1mda May in yerine. He says that it may rain tomorrow. He said that it might rain the following day. SHALL: KULLANILDII YERLER: FUTURE: Birinci tekil ve oul ki_ilerle gelecek zamanda kullan1l1r. We shall help them. INSISTENCE: Kararl1l1k,israr I shall tell the truth. OFFERING SUGGESTION: Yard1m nerisinde bulunmak,bir _ey yapmay1 nermek. Shall I get you a glass of water ? Shall we go to the movies ? Let s go/ Let s not. THREAT: Tehdit If you do that again,you shall be punished severely. LEGAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Kamu duyurular1ndaki kurallarda MUST yerine. These rooms shall be kept ready at all times. LEGAL TEXTS: Hukuk dilinde You shall not steal. RELIGIOUS TEXTS: Dinsel metinlerde He who digs a pit shall fall into it. SHOULD: KULLANILDII YERLER: NECESSITY: D1_ardan birisi taraf1ndan nerilir.Gereklilik ve tavsiye ierir. You should eat less; You are too fat. LOGICAL CONCLUSION: Beklenti,ak1l yrtme ,tahmin Helen took dancing lessons for years. She shold be a good dancer. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES: Ko_ul cmlelerinde bir olas1l11n zay1fl11n1 vurgular. If anything should go wrong with your washing machine, contact us. (^irketin rnlerine gvendiini gsteriyor.) SUGGESTION: Sadece 1. Tekil _ah1s ile ko_ul cmleciinde t vermek. The weather is very cold. If I were you I should wear a coat. SUGGESTION: Negatif kullan1ld11nda bir neri belirtir. Shouldn t you study very hard? Don t you think you should study very hard. OBLIGATION: Zorunluluk. You should clean your teeth everyday. ADVISIBILITY: EXPECTATION: ADVICE:Bu t yap1lmazsa zarar verir (Suggestion da bu yoktur). WOULD: Arzular1 ve istekleri ifade etmekte kullan1l1r. KULLANILDII YERLER: POLITE REQUEST: Rica A- Would you show me the way to the station. B- I am afraid I can t/certainly. INDIRECT: Dolayl1 anlat1mda Will in yerine He says he will go. He said he would go. PAST CUSTOM: Gemi_te al1_kanl1k (USED TO yerine ) When we were children we would go to the cinema every week. REFUSAL: Gemi_te reddetme He would never answer my question UNREAL PRESENT: Ko_ul cmlelerinde (TYPE-2) If she were ready she would make her speech. PRESENT WILLINGNESS: _imdiki zamana ait istekleri bildirmek zere WISH-IF ONLY-WHAT ile I wish you would stop driving so fast. If only you would not make this noise. What wouldn t I give for good teeth ! Olumsuzluk durumunda isteksizlik belirtir. He would not try to learn English.(0ngilizce renmek iin aba sarfetmedi.) COULD: KULLANILDII YERLER: Gemi_te yetenek,yeterlilik ve g belirtir. Srekli yada al1_1lm1_ bir yetenei anlat1r. COULD=BE ABLE TO. Can den ya daha fazla formal ya da naziktir. POLITE REQUEST: Rica Could you tell me the time ? PAST ABILITY: Gemi_te fiziksel ve zihinsel yetenek He could walk for hours. POSSIBILITY: Geni_ ve gelecek zamana ait olas1l1k (%50) You could be right. INDIRECT SPEECH: Dolayl1 anlat1mda CAN yerine. He said that he could play the piano. UNREAL PRESENT: Ko_ul cmleciklerinde (TYPE-2) If she knew English she could easily find a job. POSSIBILITY: Gemi_te olmu_ art1k mmkn olmayan i_ler. Only ten years ago you could buy a house for ten million. SUGGESTION: Can deki gibidir. PERMISSION: Sen izin isterken. RECOMMENDATION: OUGHT TO: Ought to is not usually used in the negative or in questions. (Should anlam1n1 ta_1r. Ought to ile soru yap1lmaz. Bunun yerine should kullan1l1r.) KULLANILDII YERLER: OBLIGATION/DUTY: Grev/zorunluluk Citizens ought to vote in national elections. SUGGESTION: Tavsiye You ought to eat less you are putting on weight. You don t look good. You ought to see a doctor. EXPECTATION: Beklenti, ak1l yrtme. The door bell is ringing. That ought to be my aunt. ADVISIBILITY: OUGHT TO HAVE: KULLANILDII YERLER: SUGGESTION: Gemi_le ilgili tavsiye grev She ought to have told us she was ill.(Hasta olduunu bize sylemesi gerekirdi.) You oughtn t to have crossed the road when the lights were red. EXPECTATION: Gemi_le ilgili beklenti, olas1l1k She left for Paris half an hour ago. She ought to have arrived at the airport by now. (^imdiye kadar hava alan1na varm1_ olmal1.) NEED: Birbirleriyle ili_kili olan ayr1 NEED szc vard1r. 1. Bir _eye ihtiyac1 olmak: You look terrible. You need a rest. 2. OBLIGATION .................... yapmak, zorunda kalmak She does not need to cook tonight. 3. NECESSITY: Kip belirteci, gereklilik. NEED sadece olumsuz ve soru cmlelerinde kullan1l1r. You needn t go yet, need you? (Henz gitme gereklilii duymuyorsun deil mi?) Need you work so hard? ** NEED ba_ka _ekillerle olumsuz yap1lm1_ cmlelerde kullan1l1r. I don t suppose I need wear a coat today. NEED I .....................? = MUST I................. ? I NEEDN T ............. = I DON T HAVE TO........... : It isn t necesarry. Need I study ? Yes, You must.No, You needn t. No, You don t have to. TO BE ABLE TO = CAN Btn tense lerle YAPAB0LME ifade eder. She was able to play tennis yesterday. She will be able to study tomorrow. TO BE ABLE TO (in the past) = COULD 1. Yetenekler iin could veya be able to in the past aras1nda hi bir fark yoktur.Yani Could WAS/WERE ABLE TO olarak kullan1l1r. When I was a child I could climb any tree in the forest. 2. Belli bir olayda kan1tlanm1_ yetenek iin WAS/WERE ABLE TO kullan1l1r. Although the pilot was badly hurt he was able to explain what had happened. AM-IS-ARETO FUTURE: Gelecee ili_kin plan, kararla_t1r1lm1_ i_ ** AM-IS-ARE TO = WILL DUTY OR PROHIBITION: Grev yada yasak bildirme You are not to smoke here. EXPECTATION: mit etme If I am to succeed, I have to be more careful. WAS / WERE TO 1. Gemi_e ait bir plan1n yap1l1p yap1lmad11 bilinmiyor. Ali was to go to Spain to buy some rugs last week. 2. Gemi_te olaca1 belirten i_ He felt nervous because she was to meet the teacher. HAVE TO - HAVE GOT TO - MUST Bu yap1 gereklilik bildirirken hemen hemen ayn1 kullan1ma sahiptirler HAVE TO / HAS TO: Uzun sre sz konusu olan gereklilii ifade eder. NOT HAVE / HAS TO is used to express lack of necessity Tomorrow is Saturday. We don t have to go to class. We have a lot of time. We don t have to study. HAVE GOT TO / HAS GOT TO: Bir defaya mahsus gereklilik ifade eder. MUST: Gereklilik konu_mac1dan kaynaklan1r. Must is used with the simple present tense or the present progressive to express probability. Must is used when we are very sure or very certain about something. Steve is smiling. He must be happy, I smell smoke. Something must be burning. MUST NOT is used for the negative and to express prohibition. You must not smoke in the building. (Dont smoke in the building) You must not drive through a red light. (Dont drive through a red light.) HAVE TO: Gereklilik bir ba_ka yerden kaynaklan1r. MUST and HAVE TO/HAS TO both express necessity and obligation. You must have money to buy a car. I can not go. I have to study for a test. I have an appointment tomorrow at 7 o clock. So I have got to get up early tomorrow. Mr.Brown has a very difficult life. He has to work 12 hours a day. 1. I must give up smoking (Sigaray1 b1rakmam gerekiyor. Kendim istiyorum.) 2. I have to give up smoking (Sigaray1 b1rakmam gerek doktor syledi.) 3. John s lights are off. He must not be at home. 4. Betty is not eating. She must not be hungry. KULLANILDII YERLER: NECESSITY: Gereklilik. If there are no buses we will have to walk. LOGICAL CONCLUSION: Ak1l yrtme. She has to be clever. Look what she has done. DON T HAVE TO / HAVEN T GOT TO: Gerekmezlik. HAD TO: KULLANILDII YERLER: 1. Gemi_te zorunlu olarak yap1lm1_ i_ler We had to walk home because we had missed the bus. 2. Dolayl1 anlat1mda HAVE TO ve bazen MUST  1n yerine kullan1l1r. She said  I have to study . She said she had to study He said  Ali must watch TV . He said that Ali had to watch TV. ** HAD TO nun olumsuzu DIDN T HAVE TO dur. MUST HAVE + v3 (Present Infinitive) Gemi_le ilgili ak1l yrtme (kuvvetli tahmin) ifade eder. Anlam unrealite deil. I am sure the plane took of at 2 p.m Yes, It must have taken off at 2 p.m MAY HAVE + v3 Gemi_le ilgili (zay1f) olas1l1k ifade eder. Olas1l11n gerekle_ip gerekle_medii bilinmez. Anlam unrealite deil. She is late again. She may have missed the bus. (Yine ge kald1. Otobs ka1rm1_ olmal1.) MIGHT HAVE + v3 KULLANILDII YERLER: Anlam unrealite deil. 1. May Have ile ayn1 anlamda kullan1labilir. He is not in his office.He might have gone home. 2. Gemi_te gerekle_memi_ bir olas1l1k (zay1f olas1l1k) If we had taken the other road we might have arrived earlier 3. Gemi_te yap1lmam1_ bir i_ nedeniyle birisine k1zg1nl1k. You might have waited till I came. SHOULD HAVE + v3 KULLANILDII YERLER: Unrealite belirtir. (olmal1yd1m) 1. Gemi_te yap1lmas1 gereken ama yap1lmam1_ i_ These courses should have been taken years ago. 2. Gemi_le ilgili ak1l yrtme (obligation, expectation, advice) Mary should have finished typing the letter by now. It is 5 o clock. COULD HAVE + v3 KULLANILDII YERLER: Unrealite belirtir. (yapm1_ olacakt1m) (Would have V3 de - olabilirdim) 1. Gemi_te gerekle_memi_a. Yapabilme b. 0zin c. Olas1l1k ifade eder. Henry could not have written the book without his wife s help. If I had seen him yesterday, I could have barrowed some money from him. 2. Gemi_le ilgili zay1f olas1l1k He could have gone to Ankara last weekend but I don t think he did. 3. Gemi_le ilgili ak1l yrtme Nobody but Henry could have written these letters. (Bu mektuplar1 Henry den ba_kas1 yazm1_ olamaz.) ** CAN T / COULD T HAVE V3 olas1l1k (%99) belirtir. HAD BETTER: KULLANILDII YERLER: ** HAD BETTER = SHOULD = OUGHT TO 1. SUGGESTION: Tavsiye OUGHT TO ve HAD BETTER belli bir duruma ili_kin tavsiyede SHOULD ise genel durumlar iin kullan1l1r. She had better put her coat on, the weather is getting cold. 2. WARNING: Uyar1 You had better be careful. 3. OLMAMASI GLK DOURACAK 0^ It had better rain or all our crops will fail. 4. STRONG ADVISIBILITY ** had better + present bare inf. (present/future reference) ** have been better if + past perfect (past reference) USED TO: KULLANIMLARI: USED TO + VERB 1 TO BE USED TO + NOUN(s) / TO BE USED TO + VERB+ing TO GET USED TO + NOUN(s) / TO GET USED TO + VERB+ing 1. USED TO + infinitive Gemi_te al1_1lagelmi_ olaylar1 anlatmak iin veya _imdiki zamanla eli_en olaylar1 anlatmak iin kullan1l1r. Used to expresses a habit, activity or situation that existed in the past but which no longer exists. I used to smoke but not now. (I dont smoke anymore/anylonger) I used to smoke, now I smoke a pipe. My father used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day. ( Babam gnde 40 sigara ierdi ) NEGATIVE: I didnt use to smoke. = I used not to smoke QUESTION: Did I use to smoke ? 2. TO BE USED TO (TO BE ACCUSTOMED TO) + V-ing (al1_k1n olmak) Al1_1lagelmi_ olaylar iin kullan1l1r. ^u an1 belirtir, al1_k1n olmay1 ifade eder. I am used to noise. (Grltye al1_11m.) I am used to working in a noisy room. (Grltl odada al1_maya al1_11m.) I am used to sitting at this desk, I sit here every day. 3. TO GET USED TO (TO BECOME ACCUSTOMED TO) + V- ing (al1_mak) Al1_mak fiilidir. I get used to noise. (Grlty al1_1r1m) I am getting used to noise. (Grltye al1_1yorum) I will get used to noise. (Grltye al1_aca1m.) I am getting used to speaking English now. (0ngilizce konu_maya _imdi al1_1yorum.) Bob moved to alaska. After a while he got used to living in a cold climate. If you come to england you will have to get used to driving on the left hand side of the road 4. WOULD + infinitive Would, gemi_te dzenli olarak tekrar eden bir eylemi vurgulamak iin kullan1l1r. Used to ile ayn1 anlam1 verir. Fakat used to nun her kullan1ld11 durumda kullan1lmaz. used to : eylem + sreklilik arzeden durum would : eylem 1. Every summer our parents would take us to the seaside. 2. He would catch the 7:30 train. 3. When I was a child, my father would read me a story at night before bed. 4. I used to live in California. ( Would olmaz ) 5. He used to have a ford. ( Would olmaz ) NOT: would'un olumsuzunu veya soru _eklini kullanma, ba_ka anlam verir. NEEDN T HAVE + v3 Gemi_te bir i_in gerekli olmad11 halde yap1ld11n1 belirtir. Tom ran all the way. It wasn t necessary. Tom needn t have run all the way. (Ko_mas1 gerekmezdi) Tom didn t need to run all the way. (Tom'un btn yol boyu ko_mas1 gerekmiyordu. Ko_tu mu ko_mad1 m1 bilmiyoruz.) WOULD RATHER/SOONER Would rather = I d prefer Sooner daha resmi durumlarda kullan1l1r. Ba_ka hibir farklar1 yoktur. zneler ayn1 olduunda (tercih eden ile yapan ayn1 ki_i olduunda) I d rather + V1 : Present V1 (Preference/ Future reference) I d rather + have + V3 : Perfect bare infi. (Past reference) I d rather stay in tonight. I d rather not have taken the bus, but I had no choice. zneler farkl1 olduunda: I d rather + sbd. + Simple Past (Preference/ Future reference) I d rather + sbd. + Past Perfect (Past reference) I d rather you went. I d rather you had come with me yesterday. - prefer + gerund/noun + to + gerund/noun (general) I prefer watching TV to reading books. - prefer + full infinitive + rather than + bare inf. (general preference) I prefer to eat what I want rather than count calories. - would prefer + full infinitive + rather than + bare inf. (specific prefe.) Id prefer to play football rather than watch it. - would rather + bare infinitive + than + bare inf. Id rather ski than skate. UNIT 22: CONDITIONAL CLAUSES: KO^UL CMLEC0KLER0 DEFINITION: Bu cmlelerle; make predictions, discuss mistakes in the past, express dreams, give advice, make apologies yap1l1r. 1. TYPE-I REAL PRESENT - GEREK GEN0^ ZAMAN a. Olanak ve olas1l1k belirten ko_ul tr.Genellikle IF li cmlelerde GEN0^ ZAMAN + GELECEK ZAMAN _ekli kullan1l1r. IF + SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE + FUTURE TENSE Present Perfect (Conti.) Tense will/may/can/might/must/ Present Conti. Tense should/ought to +V1 Modals (except will) bare inf. (yal1n hal) If it rains, I won t go for a picnic. If this book is very thick, I can t read it. If we don't leave now, we'll miss the train. If you pass your exams, I will give you a job. If you come to London again, you must call and see us. b. Main Clause ile Conditional Clause cmlelerinin her ikiside Simple Present Tense olursa genel dorular (genelleme)durumu sz konusudur. IF=WHEN Gerek anlamda ko_ul cmlesi deildir. IF + SIMPLE PRESENT T. + SIMPLE PRESENT T. If I am tired I go to bed early. (Yorgun olursam erken yatar1m.) If you don't water plants, they die. (Bitkileri sulamazsan lrler ) If the phone rings, answer it. (Talimat verildiinde zne yok.) NOT: In case bu formda kullan1l1r. Bu tip if cmlecii SHOULD ile devrik yap1l1r. 2. TYPE-II UNREAL PRESENT (GEREE AYKIRI GEN0^ VE GELECEK ZAMAN) a. Gerek d1_1 ko_ul veya varsay1m belirten ko_ul tr. Bu tr ko_ul cmleleri _u anda veya gelecektegerekle ilgisi olmayan ko_ullar1 ifade eder. If li cmlelerde BE fiilinin kullan1lmas1 gerekiyor ise zne ister tekil ister oul olsun If li cmlelerde WERE kullan1l1r. IF + PAST TENSE + FUTURE IN THE PAST Past Conti. Tense Would, Could, Should, Might + V1 Could/had to + V1 bare inf. If it rained I wouldn t go for a picnic. If I were a carpenter, I would build my own house. ( Eer bir marangoz olsayd1m kendi evimi yapmak isterdim. ) You would feel healtier, if you did more exercises. If I were you, I would't drive so fast. b. Main clause ile Conditional clause cmlelerinin her ikiside past tense olursa anlam olarak gemi_ zamand1r. IF=WHEN anlam1na gelebilir IF + PAST TENSE + PAST TENSE If I was tired I went to bed early. (Yorgunsam erken yatt1m) If Tom was at home yesterday he watched television. (Tom un evde olup olmad11n1 bilmiyoruz ama evdeyse televizyon seyretti) Bu tip if cmlecii WERE ile devrik yap1l1r. 3. TYPE-III UNREAL PAST - GEREK DI^I GEM0^ ZAMAN Gemi_teki olaylarda hayali durumlardan bahseder, pi_manl1k veya kritik ifade etmede kullan1l1r. Gemi_te gereklikle ilgisi bulunmayan ko_ul tr. IF + PAST PERFECT (CONTI.) TENSE + MODAL PERFECT Had (been)+V3 + Would, could, might, should+Have+V3 If it had rained I wouldn t have gone for a picnic. If Bob had asked me to keep the news a secret, I wouldn't have told anybody. (Eer Bob haberleri gizli tutmam1 istemi_ olsayd1 kimseye sylemezdim.) Bu tip if cmlecii HAD ile devrik yap1l1r. 4. MIXED TYPE (IF Type 3, Type 2) IF + PAST PERFECT T. + PAST TENSE Would, Could, Should + V1 + (now-gizli) NOT: Unless, In case, Only if, Suppose/Supposing (that), Provided/ Providing (that), As long as/So long as, On condition that, What if, But for (=If it had/were not been for .., Had/Were it not been for...), Even if/ Even though, Whether or not, In the event (that) gibi ba_ka conditional kelimeler de vard1r. CONDITIONAL CMLELERDE ZEL DURUMLAR(DEVR0K) 1. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn t take such a risk. Were I in your shoes I wouldn t take such a risk? 2. If he called you tomorrow, what would you tell him? Were he to call you tomorrow, what would you tell him? 3. If you should see him, please give him my regards Should you see him, please give him my regards? 4. If Cleopatras nose had been a bit shorter, the whole world history would have been different. Had Cleopatras nose been a bit shorter, the whole world history would have been different ? 5. If cmleciinde WILL ve WOULD: Dier zarf cmleciklerinde olduu gibi IF cmlecii deFUTURE anlaml1 WILL ve WOULD almaz. Bu iki kip belirteci IF cmleciide dei_ik anlamlar ta_1r. WILL: 1. agree to 2. polite request 3. habit 4. result WOULD: 1. agree to 2. polite request 3. habit. If the bank manager will grant me a loan.I will buy a house. If you will get drunk every night you may get ill. You would like Chinese food if you would try it. UNIT 23: WISH CLAUSES: DEFINITION: Buradaki kullan1m _ekli gerek d1_1 (UNREAL or CONTRARY TO FACT) bir durum belirtir. Wish'i dei_tirmek istediimiz fakat kontrolmz d1_1nda olan veya gemi_te kalm1_ olmas1 sebebiyle dei_tiremediimiz olaylar1 ifade ederken kullan1r1z. Eer BE fiilinin kullan1lmas1 gerekiyor ise WISH (THAT) ten sonra gelen isim ister tekil isterse oul olsun daima WERE olarak kullan1l1r. I WISH = IF ONLY. A- Future: I wish + past simple: 1. She can't came tomorrow. (O yar1n gelemiyor) 2. She will not tell me 3. He isn't going to be here I wish she could come tomorrow. (Onun yar1n gelebilmesini isterdim.) I wish (that) she would tell me I wish he were going to be here B- Present: I wish + Past simple: 1. I'm not a student. ( ^u an renci deilim ) 2. I don't know french 3. It is raining right now 4. I can't speak japanese I wish I was a student. (Ke_ke renci olsayd1m ) I wish Iknew french I wish it weren't raining right now I wish I could speak japanese C- Past : I wish + Past perfect: 1. I didn't work harder. ( ok al1_mad1m ) 2. John didn't come. 3. Mary could't come. I wish I had worked harder. ( ke_ke gemi_te daha ok al1_sayd1m ) I wish he had come I wish she could have come Not: Wish yerine Wished kullan1lm1_sa kesinlikle Past Perfect kullan1l1r. D- Wish ...Would: Genellikle bir durumdan _ikayet ederken kullan1l1r. 1. ^u anki bir durumdan _ikayet ederken kullan1r1z: A dog is barking. I wish that dog would stop barking. The road is icy. I wish you wouldn't drive so fast. 2. Kontrolmz d1_1ndaki bir olay hakk1nda ok sab1rs1z olduumuzda You're waiting for the bus. I wish the bus would come. Not1: if only genellikle wish in yerine kullan1labilir ve bir anlam dei_ikliine yol amaz. ok gl bir istek ifade eder. If only Sue was here. She'd know what to do. (ke_ke Sue burada olsayd1 o ne yapmas1 gerektiini bilirdi). Not2: I wish I would OLMAZ Not3: Should, had better, may, might, would rather ve must WISH ile kullan1lmazlar. E- Wish + to infinitive: Buradaki wish, want anlam1na gelmektedir. I wish to visit her. (I want to visit her.) He wishes to renew his enrolment. (He wants to renew his enrolment.) UNREALITE BEL0RTEN YAPILAR 1- If clause Type II, wish, I d rather/sooner sbd, suppose/supposing, as if/as though, It s (about/high) time: Bunlarla present ta unrealite yap1l1r. Ama ifadeler, cmleler Simple Past Tense ile yaz1l1r. 2- If clause Type III, wish, I d rather/sooner sbd, suppose/supposing, as if/as though: Yine bunlarla past ta unrealite yap1l1r. Cmleler Past Perfect Tense ile yaz1l1r. UNIT 24: TAG QUESTIONS: DEFINITION: Eklenti sorular1 dz cmlelerin sonuna eklenir ve o cmleyi soruya dn_trr. Olumlu cmlenin eklenti sorusu olumsuz, olumsuz cmlenin eklenti sorusu ise olumlu olur. 1. Bir cmlede HARDLY-SCARCELY-BARELY-SELDOM-NEVER zarflar1ndan biri varsa cmle olumsuz kabul edilir. The old man hardly walk, can he? 2. NOTHING-NOBODY zne olarak kullan1l1rsa cmle olumsuz kabul edilir. Nobody iin zamir olarak They, Nothing iin ise It kullan1l1r. Nothing can stop us, can it? 3. Will you? - Won t you? - Would you? - Can you? - Can t you?  Could you? emir cmlelerini izleyerek rica ifade eder. Be quiet, will you? Open the windows, would you? 4. Olumsuz emir cmlesinde sadece WILL YOU kullan1l1r. Don t shout, will you? 5. Somebody-Someone-Everybody-Everyone-Anybody/Anyone iin genellikle THEY kullan1l1r. Somebody stole her diamond ring, didn t they? 6. LET S li cmlelede SHALL WE diye kullan1l1r. 7. THIS ve THAT iin IT; THESE ve THOSE iin ise THEY kullan1l1r. This is your book, isn t it? zel durumu bulunan eklenti soru rnekleri: 1- I am your teacher, aren t I? 2- He has to study hard, doesn t he? 3- You don t have to go to work, do you? 4- He had to send her money, didn t he? 5- He used to smoke a lot, didn t he? 6- She didn t use to write letters, did she? UNIT 25: THE ARTICLES: DEFINITION: 1. Belirsiz tan1ml1k herhangi bir anlama gelirken belirli tan1ml1k da belli bir anlam1na gelir. There was a man and a woman sitting in front of me on the bus. The woman kept talking but the man never said anything. 2. Ad1 niteleyici bir yap1yla kullan1l1r. The man with the briefcase is afraid of dogs.. 3. zel ad1n izledii cins adlarda belirli tan1ml1l1k gerektirir. The writer Balzac the planet Earth the play Hamlet 4. Say1lamayan adlar niteleyici bir ifadeyle belirlendiinde belirli tan1ml1l1k gereklidir. Lif is sweet. The life of a butterfly is short 5. Dnyada tek olan varl1klar1 niteler The sun risesin the east. 6. Mzik aletini almak kastediliyor ise mzik aletleri adlar1ndan nce gelir. He has learned to play the piano 7. S1ra say1 s1fatlar1ndan nce kullan1l1r. The first speaker was very good but the second one was boring. 8. S1fatlar1n en stnlk derecelerinden nce kullan1l1r. Rize is the smallest city in Turkey. 9. Bulu_lar1 niteler. Graham Bell invented the telephone. The automobile is a great invention. 10. The Adject1ve = The + Adject1ve + People anlam1ndad1r. The blind need help. The sick should be treated in hospitals 11. Aile adlar1nda kullan1l1r. The Taylors are a friendly family. 12. Dans adlar1yla kullan1l1r. The waltz and even the tango seem to be out of fashion these days. 13. The+........... er, The +............er / The More.............The More......... The larger the pearl is, the more valuable it is. The more you eat the fatter you got. 14. Belli durumlarda ki_i ve yer adlar1n1 niteleyebilir. There is an Arthur Clarke on the phone. Is that the Arthur Clarke whom you told me about ? 15. lkeler,devletler,kentler Turkey, ColombiaThe Republic of TurkeyThe United Kingdom Oklohoma, BostonThe state of OklohomaThe city of Boston ** Kural d1_1olarak bunlarda the al1rlar:the Congo, the Sudan, the Vatican, the Netherland 16. K1talar,Corafi blgeler. Asia, Africa the Equator, the north pole, the 70th Parallel 17. Uak, gemi, tren adlar1 the Titanic, the Orient Express 18. 0mparatorluklar ve hanedanlar the Ottoman Empire 19. Adalar, gller, dalar, krfezler Lake Van, Mount Ar1 the Canary Islands the Taurus Hudson Bay the Bay of Biscay 20. Okyanuslar, denizler, nehirler, ormanlar, ller, kanallar Duden Fall, Niagara Fall the Atlantic Ocean the Mississipi River the Sahara Desert the black forestthe Suez Canal 21. niversiteler, okullar, enstitler New York University The University of New York Ankara University The University of Ankara 22. Mzeler, ktphaneler, binalar. Independence Hallthe library of Congressthe Empire State Building the White House the Eiffel Tower 23. Tatiller Christmas, Easter the fourth of July 24. Maazalar, _irketler, lokantalar, oteller Hotel Ambassador/Mary s Cornerthe White Green Store/the Ritz Hotel 25. Resmi grevler Prime Minister Ecevit the Prime Minister of Turkey President Bush the President of the U.S. 26. Dernekler, kulupler, komiteler, anla_malar, resmi belgeler, siyasi partiler, tarihi dnemler, sava_lar, ordular World War II the Rotary Clubthe muiddle agesthe civil war/the Navy the Second World Warthe Labor Partythe police UNIT 26: THE CAUSATIVE SENTENCES: ETT0RGEN ATI DEFINITION: Bir i_in ba_kas1na yapt1r1lmas1na izin verilmesi anlamlar1na gelen ifadelerde kullan1l1r. Bu yap1da HAVE, GET, MAKE ve LET kullan1l1r. HAVE: a. HAVE SOMETHING V3 Bir _eyi rica ile yapt1rtmak anlam1na gelir. Edilgen cmle anlam1 verir. We had our watch repaired I have my shoes shined everyday. Where do you have your car repaired. b. HAVE SOMEONE DO SOMETHING: Birine bir_ey yapt1rtmak, rica etme. I had the barber cut my hair Jane had the waiter bring her some tea. I will have the doctor examine my eyes Please have the bellboy carry my luggage. GET: a. GET SOMETHING DONE: Bir_ey rica ile yapt1rtmak. Edilgen cmle anlam1n1 verir. I would like to get my uniform cleaned and pressed I will get my watch fixed. b. GET SOMEONE TO DO SOMETHING: Birisine bir_ey yapt1rtmak, rica etme. I will get the dentist to clean my teeth. Sam was reluctant, but we finally got him to play his guitar for us. We get the maid to wax the floors MAKE: a. MAKE SOMEONE DO SOMETHING: Birine bir_eyi zorla yapt1rtmak, ba_ka seenei yok. (Force someone to do something veya cause someone to do something anlam1n1 verir.) The clowns make us laugh. You make me mad. Mrs. Lee madeher son clean his room. The ice made me fall down. b. MAKE SOMETHING DONE: Bir_eyi zorla yapt1rtmak. I was made to sweep the garden. She was made to drink poison. LET: a. LET SOMEONE DO SOMETHING: Birisine bir_eyi yapmas1 iin izin vermek. Please let me stay with you. Her father doesn t let her go out with her boy friend. She let her son watch the TV. b. LET SOMETHING BE DONE/DO: Bir_eyin yap1lmas1na izin vermek. Let the exercises be done in class. Not 1: make ve have den sonra fiilerin simple formunun, get den sonra ise infinitive (to'lu) hallerinin kullan1lmas1 gerekir. Not 2: Have veget den sonra past participle kullan1l1rsa, bu cmleye passive anlam verir ve bu gibi haller de have ve get aras1nda pek bir anlam fark1 yoktur. Normalde have, get ten biraz daha formaldir. UNIT 27: SPECIAL STUDY OF THE VERBS SAY-TELL-MAKE-DO: DEFINITION: a. SAY: Demek. 1. We use say with direct quotation He said Hello. He always says Good Morning 2. SAY SOMETHING TO SOMEBODY I said Goodbye to the teacher. She always says Good Morning to me. b. TELL: Sylemek, anlatmak- Kendisinden sonra genellikle indirect object gelir: TELL SOMEONE SOMETHING TELL: a. the timeb. the truthc. the newsd. the factse. a lie f. a story g. a jokeh. a secret i. the plan j. someone idea c. MAKE: Fiziksel olarak yapmak a. make ones living-do for a living b. make money-save money, earn money c. make a fire-build a fire d. make a mistake-make an error e. make a speech-give a speech f. make friend- g. make ones bed-arrange ones bed h. make any difference for someone-matter to someone i. make an effort-try ones best j. make coffee-prepare coffee k. make a dress-to sew a dress l. make it-to come/to succeed m. make enemies- n. make up: invent/reconcile/apply cosmetics/to put together/to form d. DO: as a main verb it is yapmak icra etmek As a helping verb. Simple Present Tense Do the exercises / do the work / do the assigment / do the explaining / do the dishes / do the coding / do ones best = try to do someone a favor / do an errand for someone / do business / do ones lesson / do without something / someone. e. GET: barrow, buy, arrive, pick up, receive, get+adjective = become I want to get some books from the library = barrow I have to get my clock at the repair shop = pick up I got a pair of shoes last week = buy They got to Ankara last week = arrive Did you get any mail today? = receive The weather is getting cold = become HAVE: a date with someone a headache a pain a sore throat a good time a lot of things to do a nice trip a lot of time an appointment with someone MAY = BE LIKELY TO ** May ile soru yap1lmaz. Bunun yerine BE LIKELY TO kullan1l1r. a. Is he likely to come tonight ? Bu gece gelebilirmi ? b. Are they likely to stay at home ? Evde oturabilirlermi ? MAYBE = Perhaps,Possibly = Belki MAY BE = Possibility = olabilir. The accident may be true. =Kaza doru olabilir. Maybe the accident is true. = Belki kaza dorudur. UNIT 28: PASSIVE VOICE: ED0LGEN ATI DEFINITION: We often prefer the passive when it is not so important who or what did the action. Active : Etken (0_in zne taraf1ndan yap1ld11 belliyse) Passive: Edilgen (0_in zne taraf1ndan yap1ld11 belli deilse) KULLANILDII YERLER: 1. Nesne zneden daha nemlidir. The headmaster was murdered by a burglar. 2. zne bilinmemektedir. Her necklace was stolen last night. 3. 0_i neyin yada kimin yapt11 konu d1_1d1r. Bilimsel metinler bu kullan1_a uygundur. English is spoken all over the world. 4. Kimi zaman dzgn ifade iin edilgen at1 zorunludur. While studying English a barking dog disturbed me. (Bu cmleye gre 0ngilizceyi kpek al1_maktad1r.) While studying English I was disturbed by a barking dog. She gave me a book. S+ V2+ OP+ Direct Object I was given a book. Active cmlede indirect object (me, you, him, her, it, us, them) dururmunda bulunan object ler passive cmlede subject (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) _eklinde zne olurlar. ACTIVE PASSIVE Simple Present Tense am/is/areV3 Simple Past Tense was/were V3 Present Continuous Tense am/is/are being V3 Present Perfect Tense have/hasbeen V3 Past Continuous Tense was/werebeing V3 Past Perfect Tense hadbeenV3 Future Tense will be V3 Future Perfect Tense will have been V3 Modal modal be V3 Modal have modal have been V3 Simple Present: Active: Mary helps John Passive : John is helped by Mary Present Conti.: Active : Mary is helping John Passive : John is being helped by Mary Present Perfect: Active : Mary has helped John Passive : John has been helped by Mary Simple Past: Active : Mary helped John Passive : John was helped by Mary Past contin.: Active : Mary was helping John Passive : John was being helped by Mary Past Perfect: Active : Mary had helped John Passive : John had been helped by Mary Simple Future: Active : Mary will help John Passive : John will be helped by Mary Be going to: Active : Mary is going to help John Passive : John is going to be helped by Mary Future Perfect: Active : Mary will have helped John Passive : John will have been helped Mary Active Modal Passive Modal Bob will mail it It will be mailed by Bob Bob can mail it It can be mailed by Bob Bob should mail it It should be mailed by Bob Bob ought to mail it It ought to be mailed by Bob Bob must mail it It must be mailed by Bob Bob has to mail it It has to be mailed by Bob Bob may mail it It may be mailed by Bob Bob might mail it It might be mailed by Bob Bob need mail it It need to be mailed by Bob Bob is to mail it It is to be mailed by Bob Bob may have mailed it It may have been mailed by Bob Note: The continuous forms of the present perfect, past perfect, future and future perfect are very rarely used in the passive. Verbs that can be used in the passive : 1. Most transitive verbs can be used in the passive. A transitive verb is a verb which has an object. The policecaught the thief. S V O The thief was caught by police 2. Intransitive verbs cannot be used in the passive . An intransitive verb is a verb which does not have an object. Rodney fell and hurt his leg. Passive constructions with the infinitive: Doru olup olmad11n1 bilmediimiz bir bilgi aktarmak istediimizde veya bu bilginin kayna1n1 vermek istemediimizde passive yap1y1 _u fiillerle kullan1r1z: think, believe, report, consider, know, say, expect+ infinitive. 1. Bilgi _u anki bir durumla ilgiliyse : passive + infinitive. The queen is believed to be one of the richest people in the world. Mr Smit is thought to be staying with friends 2. Bilgi gemi_teki bir durumla ilgiliyse: passive + the past infinitive ( to have + past participle) Cher is said to have had a face lift. NOT: The passive of doing = being done, seeing = being seen. Active: I don't like people telling me what to do Passive: I don't like being told what to do Active: Mr Miller hates people keeping him waiting Passive:Mr miller hates being kept waiting It s said that ... gibi isim cmleciklerinin passive yap1lmas1: acknowledge, admit, allege, assume, believe, claim, consider, estimate, expect, fear, feel, imagine, know, mean, point, presume, report, rumour, say, see, show, suppose, state, think, understand gibi baz1 fiillerden sonra gelen isim cmlecikleri _ekilde passive yap1labilir. Active: People believe that he died in the mountains. Passive: a. It is believed that he died in the mountains. b. He is believed to have died in the mountains. c. That he died in the mountains is believed. Uygulamada daha ok a ve b yap1lar1 kullan1lmaktad1r. UNIT 29: DIRECT - INDIRECT SPEECH (REPORTED SPEECH): DEFINITION: 0ki ki_inin veya iki grubun yapm1_ olduu konu_may1 nc bir _ahsa veya nc bir gruba aktar1lmas1na dolayl1 anlat1m denir. Indirect speech reports what another person has said. For this reason, it is also called reported speech. The speaker s exact words aren t repeated in indirect speech. 1. Affirmative Sentences 2. Interrogative Sentences with helping verbs/with question words 3. Imperatives with positive and negative sentences 4. Exclamation Sentences. DIRECT B0R CMLEN0N INDIRECT HALE GEL0RKEN SAH0P OLDUU DE0^0MLER. 1. Tense dei_meleri 2. Zamir dei_meleri 3. Zaman ve yer zarf1 dei_meleri 4. Dier dei_meler. TENSE DE0^MELER0: DIRECTINDIRECT Simple Present Tense Simple Past Tense Present Continuous Tense Past Continuous Tense Present Perfect Tense Past Perfect Tense Present Perfect Conti. 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Past Tense Past Perfect T., Past Tense Past Continuous Tense Past Perfect Cont. T., Past Cont. T. Will Would Shall Should, Would Can Could May Might Must Must, Had to, Would have to Have to/Has to Had to Could Could, Had been able to Had beter, used to Had beter, used to Should, might, ought to Should, might, ought to Mustn t Wasn t/Were t to + infinitive, mustn t Needn t Needn t, wouldn t have to NOT: Past perfect, Might, Ought to, Should, Would - Bunlar Reported speech te dei_mezler. ZAM0R DE0^0KL0KLER0: KONU^AN DIRECT INDIRECT HeI, my, me, myself he, him, his, himself She I, my, me, myself she, her, her, herself He, She, They You, your, you, yourself I/we, my/our, me/us Myself/ourselves He, She, They We, our, us, ourselves They/their/them Themselves YER VE ZAMAN ZARFLARINDAK0 DE0^0KL0KLER: DIRECT INDIRECT Here There This That These Those Ago Before Tomorrow The following day,the next day Yesterday The previous day,tha last day Today That day, the same day The day before yesterday Two days ago The day after tomorrow In two days time Last week, month, year The week,month,year before Next week, year The week,the year after Now Then, at the time, at that moment This (adverb) It These(adverb) Them two days ago two days before, two days earlier come go this the or it that the or it these the those the DIRECT- INDIRECT CMLE TRANSFERLER0NDE NEML0 NOKTALAR: 1. Eer giri_ cmlesi Simple Present, Present Continuous, Present Perfect veya Future Tens den meydana geliyor ise indirect speech deki zamanda herhangibir dei_me yap1lmaz. 2. nl ki_ilerin vecizele_mi_ szleri aktar1l1rken bir derece past 1 al1nmaz Aristotle says that Poverty is the parent of the crime and revolution. 3. Aktar1lan szn iinde bulunan anda da gereklii devam ediyorsa gene bir derece past1 al1nmaz. Ahmet says I live in Adana.Ahmet said that he lives in Adana. 4. Ko_ul cmlelerinde Type 2 ve Type 3 de tense dei_iklii dolayl1 anlat1mda olmaz. Kemal says  If I were you I would go to Izmir Kemal said that if he were me he would go to Izmir. 5. Tarihsel gerekler ve durumlar simple past tense ile ifade edilir. Ancak dolayl1 anlat1mda simple past tense olarak kal1r. The teacher says  The Second World War broke out in 1939 . The teacher said that The Second World War broke out in 1939. 6. Past veya Past Continuous cmlecikler  WHEN ve WHILE balalar1 ile yap1lan zarf cmlacikleri olduunda tenslerde bir dei_iklik yap1lmaz. Ali Said  I was taking a shower when you called me . Ali said that he was taking a shower when I called him. 7. Genel olaylarda geni_ zaman kullan1l1r. He said tea grows in Rize. 8. WISH, WOULD RATHER ve IT IS TIME yap1lar1ndan sonra kullan1lan past tense ler dei_mez. He said,  I wish I knew German. He said that he wished he knew German. She said,  I d rather Jack stayed at home. She said that she d rather Jack stayed at home. G0R0^ KEL0MELER0: AFFIRMATIVE: Say, tell, add, admit, announce, answer, argue, complain, deny, explain, inform, point out, promise, protest, repeat, reply, report, shout, warn. QUESTION: Ask, enquire, want to know, want to learn, wonder. IMPERATIVE: Tell,ask, advise, beg, command, encourage, forbid, implore, order, please, recommend, remind, request, want, warn EXCLAMATION: Said, tell Ali said  What s a sad story ! (Olumlu hale getirilip past 1 al1n1r) Ali said that it was a sad story Ali said  What a terrible noise! (This is) Ali said what a terrible noise it was. NOT: Say ile Tell aras1ndaki fark: He said (that) he ...., He told sbd (that) he .... He said to sbd (that) he ... DIRECT SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH I'm a nurse, she said She said she was a nurse I'm not going, he said He said he wasn't going Tony did it, she said She said Tony had done it I haven't read it, she said She said she hadn't read it I was lying, he said He said he had been lying I will get it, she said She said she would get it I can speak french, he said He said he could speak french I may be late, she said She said she might be late I must go, he said He said he had to go NOT: Reporting advice, commands, requests and warnings these kind of speech using the verbs: advice, tell, ask and warn + Personal object pronoun + infinitive. 1. You really should stop (advice) - She adviced me to stop 2. Don't interrupt me (command) - He told me not to interrupt him 3. Could you close the door please (request)- She asked me to close the door 4. If you tell anyone, I will... (warning)- She warned me not to tell anyone UNIT 30: ADJECTIVE CLAUSES: SIFAT CMLEC0KLER0 DEFINITION: Cmlede ilgi, ba kurma grevlerini salamas1 ynnden 0ngilizcede ou kez RELATIVES ad1 alt1nda incelenen bu tip cmlecikler birer s1fat cmleciidir. Onun iin bunlara ADJECTIVE CLAUSES denir. S1fat cmlecikleri isimleri nitelerler. Takdim szckleri olan WHO - WHOM - WHICH - THAT - WHERE niteledikleri isim veya isimlerden hemen sonra yer al1rlar. American 0ngilizcesinde WHOM yerine WHO kullan1l1r. A relative clause tells us which person or thing or what kind of person or thing the speaker means. WHO -ki o, -ki onlar (insanlar iin) WHOM* -ki o, -ki onlar (insanlar iin) WHICH -ki o, -ki onu (e_yalar ve hayvanlar iin) WHERE* -ki orada (yer iin) (in/at/on/to which) WHEN* -ki ozaman (zaman iin) (in/on/at which) WHY* - (sebep iin) (for which) THAT -ki o, -ki onu (hepsi iin) WHOSE* -ki onun (insanlar ve e_yalar iin) (*) Bunlardan sonra tam bir cmle gelmelidir. NOT: Noun dan sonra  , gelirse burada THAT kullan1lmaz. WHO : S1fat cmlesinin znesi veya nesnesi olabilir. WHOM : S1fat cmleciinin yaln1z nesnesidir. znesi olarak grev yapamaz. i/e halidir. WHICH : S1fat cmleciinin znesi veya nesnesidir. WHOSE : 0yelik s1fat1d1r. Possessive adjective yerine geer. WHOSE dan sonra isim gelir. 0nsanlar, hayvanlar ve e_yalar iin kullan1l1r. Hayvanlar ve cans1zlar iin dahaok OF WHICH kullan1l1r. 1. The boy is my brother. He is playing the piano now. The boy who is playing the piano now is my brother. 2. I have a pen. It is yellow. I have a pen which is yellow. 3. She has a very clever brother. His books are very famous. She has a very clever brother whose books are very famous. 4. The tourists are very poor. I saw them at the shop yesterday. The tourists whom I saw at the shop yesterday are very poor. Who, that, which'ten sonra ZNES0 olan bir cmle ba_l1yorsa; who, that, which'i hi yazmasak ta olur. Fakat who, that, whichbir znenin yerine kullan1l1yorsa mutlaka yazmak zorunday1z, bir nesnenin yerine kullan1l1yorlarsa yazmasak da olur. 1. The woman who I wanted to see was away. The woman I wanted to see was away. 2. Have you found the keys that you lost Have you found the keys you lost 3. The dress that Ann bought doesn't fit her very well The dress Ann bought doesn't fit her very well The woman lives next door. She is a doctor The woman who lives next door is a doctor (She d_t yani, zne d_t burada who veya that mutlaka yaz1lmal1d1r.) Have you found the keys? you lost them. Have you found the keys which you lost. (them d_t yani, nesne d_t) Have you found the keys you lost. We use WHOSE in relative clause instead of his / her / their We saw some people whose /their car had broken down. A widow is a woman whose /her husband is dead. I met a man whose / her sister knows you. You can use WHERE in relative clause to talk about a place The hotel - we stayed there - wasn't very clean The hotel where we stayed wasn't very clean WHAT = the thing (s) that Did you hear what they said ( the things that they said ) Tell me what you want and I'll try to get it for you. I don't agree with what you 've just said. I don't trust him. I don't believe anything that he says (what kullan1lmaz) I don't believe anything he says. What kullan1lm1_ olsayd1: anything the thing that he says. OLMAZ They give their children everything that they want. (what kullan1lmaz) They give their children everything they want. what kullan1lm1_ olsa: everything the thing that they want. OLMAZ WHOM Whom sadece yaz1 ingilizcesinde kullan1l1r ve who, that, which'in hi yaz1lmasa da (who bir nesnenin yerine kullan1lm1_sa) olduu durumlarda who nun yerine whom kullan1l1r. The woman who I wanted to see was away on holiday The woman whom I wanted to see was away on holiday. The woman I wanted to see was away on holiday. Whom prepositionlarla da kullan1l1r(to whom, from whom, with whom...) The woman with whom he fell in love, left him after a few weeks ( he fell in love with her. ) tr relative clause vard1r: Type 1 : The woman who lives next door is a doctor. (Burada who kad1n hakk1nda bize bilgi veriyor.) Type 2 : My brother Jim, who lives in London, is a doctor. ( Buradaki who my brother'i a1klam1yor nk zaten onun Jim olduu verilmi_) i_te bu tip relative clauseler, extra information veren tiptekilerdir ve bunlar, iki virgl aras1na al1n1rlar: , extra information , Type 3 : He died young, which was a pity. (Sentential Relative Clause) Defining ve non-defining yap1larda ortak olan nokta tamlayan blmn kendisinden nce gelen ismi nitelendirmesidir. Sentential Relative Clause yap1da ise tamlanan virglden nceki cmlenin tmdr. Around 40,000 people bought tickets for the stadium concert, which was more than was expected. Extra information veren relative clauselerin (non-defining r. c.) zellikleri: 1. Tamlayan blm bir tr fazladan bilgi verir konumdad1r ve bu yzden ana cmleden virgl yolu ile ayr1lmaktad1r. 2. Bunlarda that kullan1lmaz. Yani: Ki_iler iin sadece who; Nesneler iin sadece which kullan1l1r. 3. Ek bilgi veren s1fat tamlamalar1nda nesne olarak kullan1lan who, whom ve which' i mutlaka kulllanmak zorundas1n, ihmal edemezsin. Prof. Henry Brown, who(m) we met yesterday, is an internationally recognized scientist. 4. Where, whose ve whom kullan1_lar1 yine ayn1d1r. John, who speaks french, works as a tourist guide We stayed at the Grand hotel, which Ann recommended to us, & This morning I met Diane, whom / who I hadn't seen for ages, & You can use a preposition before whom and which (to whom, with whom, about which, for which.....) Fortunately we had a map, without which we would have got lost. (a) few of, both of, half of, each of, one of, two of + which (things) all of, most of, non of, neither of, any of, either of, some of, many of, much of + whom (people) iin kullan1l1r. Marry has three brothers, all of them are married Mary has three brothers, all of whom are married. Two men, neither of whom I had ever seen before, come into my office. They've got three cars, two of which they never use. NOT: Relative clauses d_rme iki _ekilde yap1l1r. Aktif yap1larda; zne ve yard1. fiil d_er ve fiil Ving _ekline dn_trlr. Pasif yap1larda; zne ve yard1mc1 fiil d_er ve fiil V3 _ekline dn_trlr UNIT 31: ADJECTIVE CLAUSELERDE TAKD0M KEL0MES0 N0N KALDIRILMASI: DEFINITION: 1. Tan1mlayan yan cmleciklerde takdim kelimesi nesne durumunda (OBJECT CASE) ise zellikle konu_madilinde takdim kelimesi olan That-Which-Whom s1fat cmleciklerinden at1labilir (kullan1lmayabilir). nk bu tip cmlelerde takdim kelimesinden sonra bir zne gelmi_tir. The book which I read was terrible. The book I read was terrible. 2. Tan1mlayan yan cmleciklerde takdim kelimesi zne durumunda (SUBJECT CASE) ise ve takdim kelimesinden sonra TO BE fiili gelirse hem takdim hem de TO BE fiili kald1r1l1r. 1. The dishes which were made in Japan are the cheapest. The dishes made in Japan are the cheapest. 2. She is going to a movie that is on Maple Street . She is going to a movie, on Maple Street. D0KKAT ED0LECEK HUSUSLAR: 1. The music TO WHICH we listened was good. a. Resmi kullan1mda PREPOSITION (0lge) WHICH den nce gelir. THAT bu _ekilde kullan1lmaz. b. THAT ve WHICH nesne durumunda olduklar1ndan at1labilirler. 2. Charles Dickens is the writer ABOUT WHOM I read a. Resmi kullan1mda ilgeler WHOM dan nce gelir. WHO ve THAT byle kullan1lmazlar. b. WHO- WHOM ve THAT at1labilir. 3. She will never forget the day ON WHICH she met her husband. a. ON WHICHve AT WHICH gibi yap1lar bir zaman ad1n1 niteliyorsa yerlerine WHEN kullan1labilir. 4. That is the restaurant IN WHICH we held our meeting. a. IN WHICH ve AT WHICH gibi yap1lar yer gsteren bir ad1 niteliyorlarsa yerlerineWHERE kullan1labilir 5. The dedective never found out the reason FOR WHICH the old man was killed a. REASON ad1n1 niteliyen FOR WHICH  WHY olarak k1salabilir. 6. In our class there are 30 students, MOST OF WHOM (several-none-only a few-half) are from Ankara. a. Bu tr s1fat cmlecikleri miktar gsteren ifadelerle kullan1l1r. b. I have two brothers, both of whom (neither) know English. c. The teachers discussed my friend, one of whose problems was poor study habits. UNIT 32:  THAT 0LG0 ZAM0R0N0N KULLANIMI: DEFINITION: 1. THAT ilgi zamiri btn varl1klar1n yerine kullan1labilir. S1fat cmleciinde hem zne hem de nesne grevi yapar. 2. THAT ilgi zamiri bir ilge ten sonra gelemez. The people WITH WHOM I work are friendly. The people THAT I work are friendly. 3. all, any, few, little, no, none, much, only gibi szckleri ta_1yan ad beklerini niteleyecek adject1ve clause lar da that ilgi zamiriyle yap1l1r. We couldn t find anything (THAT) we wanted in the shop. A few of the eggs (THAT) my brother bought were stale. 4. f1rst, last, next gibi s1fatlar1n niteledii adlardan sonra gelecek s1fat cmlecikleri de that ilgi zamirini anlat1r. This is the first film that I have seen. 5. Belirsiz zamirleri niteleyecek s1fat cmlecikleri de that ilgi zamirini ta_1r. ALL + NOUN + that.......................................... EVERYTHING + that is kept here belongs to a smuggler. ANYTHING + (that) you see here belongs to a smuggler. THAT 1n kullan1m1na rnekler: 1. I think that Ali will be rewarded for his outstanding achievement. 2. I think the boy that will be rewarded for his outstanding achievement is Ali. 3.That boy who was rewarded for his outstanding achievement is Ali. 4.That Ali will be rewarded for his outstanding achievement is aclear fact. PERSONAL PRONOUNS Dn_l / zne Nesne 0yelik Zamiri 0yelik S1fat1 Peki_tirici Z Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive Pronou. Pronou. Pronouns Adject1ves Pronouns I Me Mine My+Noun Myself You You Yours Your+Noun Yourself He Him His His+Noun Himself She Her Hers Her+Noun Herself It It Its Its+Noun Itself We Us Ours Our+Noun Ourselves You You Yours Your+Noun Yourselves They Them Theirs Their+Noun Themselves PEK0^T0R0C0 ZAM0RLER0N GREVLER0 1. Bir i_i znenin tek ba_1na yapt11n1 gsterir. We ourselves painted the house. 2. Herhangi bir nedenle zne yada nesnenin vurguland11n1 gsterir. You yourself told methis.(Bunu bana sen kendin syledin.) I saw Ali wash the car myself. (Alinin arabay1 y1kad11n1 ben kendim grdm.) UNIT 33: NOUN CLAUSES: 0S0M CMLEC0KLER0 A. NOUN CLAUSE AS OBJECT: 1. Bu yap1larda bala olarak THAT kullan1l1r. Most cancers are curable. Ali knows that most cancers are curable I believed that he didn t study very hard. He thought that I was fourteen years old. He noticed that she was nervous = He noticed her nervousness. Noun clauses introduced by  that can occur as direct objects of a limited number of verbs I told him that he was wrong. Everybody knows that the earth is round. ** The following verbs frequently have noun clauses introduced by  that as direct objects: BELIEVE - DISCOVER - FEEL - FIND OUT - HOPE - IMAGINE - KNOW - NOTICE - REALISE - SAY - SUGGEST - SUPPOSE - TELL - THINK - UNDERSTAND - WISH a. Questions with question words. 1. What did you buy for her? She didn t know. She didn t know what you bought for her. 2. Who knows. Who stole the money. Who knows who stole the money. b. Questions with Helping Verbs: Are many cancers curable? She doesn t know. She doesn t know if many cancers are curable. Does the bus stop here? I don t know. I don t know if the bus stops here. ** Yard1mc1 fiillerle yap1lan NOUN CLAUSE larda giri_ cmlesinden sonra IF balac1 getirilerek cmle dzgn halde yaz1l1r. Eer IF in yerine WHETHER kullan1ld11 takdirde cmlenin sonu OR NOT olarak bitebilir. 2. When a noun clause introduced by  that occurs as the direct object of a verb,  that is frequently omitted in informal use. I told him that he was wrong. I told him he was wrong. 3. Noun Clauses as object may also be introduced by WH__. Interrogative words. I can t imagine what made Fane do such a thing. The teacher explained why all the students had to work hard. Fernandez found where Marcia was and lived. The police discovered how the burglar had got into the house. The students didn t know which dictionary they had to buy. B. NOUN CLAUSES AS SUBJECT: 1. Noun clauses as subject can be introduced by a WH_ word ending in ever (Whoever - whatever - whichever ) Whoever laughs last,laughs longest. Whoever wants to be successful, must work hard. Whatever he says is true. Whatever is written in the law is for the citizens benefit. Whichever you choose I will buy it. 2. The introduction of noun clause as subject with  Who, whoever, whom, whomever, whose, what, whatever, which, whichever, where, wherever, when, whenever, why, whether (or not), that ( the fact that), how, however, how much, how many, how long, often, soon, and soon. Noun clauses in the following examples function as the subject of the verb. When the book will be available depends on the publishes. What John really need is a house in his town. How a person plans his career is very important. Why she crying is a mystery? (Niin alad11 bir s1r.) 3. Noun clauses after IT S + NOUN and IT S + ADJECTIVE Noun clauses with or without THAT may follow  IT S + NOUN and IT S + ADJ. It is true that John sings well. It is true John sings well. It is a pitty that you have forgotten to bring your camera. It is shame that the weather is so bad. Noun clause as subject: Whatever - Whoever - Whichever 1. Whoever comes don t waken me. (Her kim gelirse gelsin beni uyand1rmaz.) Whoever give it to you doesn t concern me at all. (Her kim onu sana verdiyse beni hi ilgilendirmez.) 2. Whatever she wears is beautiful. 3. Whichever you choose is very expensive. NOUN CLAUSE ler de REDUCTION a- 0sim cmleciklerinin znesi ile temel cmlenin znesi ayn1 ise to infinitive ile k1salt1labilir: I am glad that I am an English teacher. I am glad to be an English teacher. Mothers know what they will cook for their children. Mothers know what to cook for their children. He can t decide whether he will pay the bill or not. He can t decide whether to pay the bill or not. b- It is said that Ay_e will be killed the next time. Ay_e is said to be killed the next time. It is said that Ay_e was killed the last time. Ay_e is said to have been killed the last time. G0ZL0 SHOULD: Urgent (acil, ivedi) bildiren kelimelerden sonra gelen NOUN Clauselerde fiil V1 formundad1r ve SHOULD yaz1lmaz. (The doctor suggested that I (should) take an aspirin.) Bu kelimeler _unlard1r: Fiiller: advise, ask, command, demand, desire, insist, move (purpose), order, prefer, propose, recommend, request, rule, require, suggest, urge. S1fatlar: advisable, best, crucial, desirable, essential, imperative, important, mandatory, necessary, obligatory, recommendable, significant, urgent, vital. 0simler: advice, demand, insistence, necessity, obligation, order, proposal, recommendation, requirement, suggestion. UNIT 34: SUBORDINATED INFORMATION QUESTIONS: DEFINITION: 1. What time does the film begin ? Could you tell me What time the film begins ? 2. Where is the library ? I don t know where the library is. QUESTION WORD + TO V1 I know what I should do = I know what to do. S + V1+ Object Could you tell me how to get to Ankara? Do you know who to talk to? Will you please tell me how to write? ** 0sim cmlecikleri fiilin nesnesi durumunda kullan1l1yor ve yap1lan veya yap1lacak i_ belirli ise  DO YOU KNOW  I DO NOT KNOW gibi ana cmlecikten hemen sonra  HOW TO ,  WHERE TO ,  WHEN TO ,  WHAT TO gibi ifadeler isim cmlecii yerine kullan1l1r. I don t know what I will do tomorrow. I don t know what to do tomorrow. Do you know where you will go tonight? Do you know where to go tonight? UNIT 35: COORDINATION Cmleyi olu_turan unsurlar birbirlerine  coordination yolu ile baland1klar1nda, e_itli  coordinator ler kullan1lmaktad1r. Bunlardan nce ne varsa sonrada ayn1 zellikte olan ifade mutlaka olmal1d1r. (Paralelizm kural1) 1- COORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS Bir tmce iinde birbirine e_it konumda olan eleri balayan balalard1r. Single words: 0ki ismi, fiili, zarf1, nesneyi vb. birle_tirmede and ve but kullan1l1r. Prepositional phrases: Edat ve isimden olu_an sz bekleri and, or ve yet ile birle_tirilir. Verb phrases: Bunlar and, or ve but ile birle_tirilir. Dependent clauses (incomplete sentences): Bunlar and ve or ile birle_tirilir. Independent cla. (complete sente.): Bunlar and, or, nor, but, yet, for ve so ile birle_tirilir. Birinci cmlenin sonunda mutlaka  , bulunmal1d1r. And shows addition. Or, nor express an alternative or choice. Sometimes express a condition (Bu durumda or  else ile birlikte kullan1l1r. Nor usually connects only independent clauses. But and yet show contrast. But and yet are often used with  not . For introduces a cause or reason. For only connects independent clauses. So introduces a reason. So usually connects only independent clauses. 2- CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS Correlatives may connect complete sentences (indp. cla.) or similar structures (word and phrases of the same kind). Bunlar hep iftler halinde kullan1l1rlar. Either ... or ( ya bu .. ya o): Means  one or the other . It indicates a choice or alternative. 0ki cmle birle_tirildiinde, birinci cmleden sonra  , vard1r. Cmle iinde ortak olanlar paranteze al1nabilir. ^ayet zneler ortak paranteze al1n1rsa  or un nndeki zne oul ise yrd. fiil oul, tekil ise yrd. fiil tekil olur. Neither ... nor (ne bu .. ne o): Means  not one or the other . Olumlu cmlelerde kullan1l1r. Ama mana olumsuzdur. Cmle birle_tirildiinde iki cmle de devrik yap1l1r ve yine birinci cmleden sonra  , vard1r. Yine iki cmle birle_tirildiinde cmle iinde ortak olanlar paranteze al1nabilir, bu durumda da devriklik ortadan kalkar. ^ayet zneler ortak paranteze al1n1rsa  nor un nndeki zne oul ise yrd. fiil oul, tekil ise yrd. fiil tekil olur. Not only ... but also (sadece bu deil ... bu da): Cmle birle_tirildiinde ilk k1s1m devrik yap1l1r ve yine birinci cmleden sonra  , vard1r. Yine iki cmle birle_tirildiinde cmle iinde ortak olanlar paranteze al1nabilir, bu durumda da devriklik ortadan kalkar. But also k1sm1 vurgu iin dei_ik formlarda yaz1labilir. Both ... and (hem bu ... hem o): It is usually used to connect only words and phrases that are similar in structure. It is rarely used to connect complete sentences. zneler birle_tirildiinde  and ile birle_tirilme yap1ld11ndan zne oul olur. Not to ... but to ..., the former... the latter... _eklindeki gibi farkl1 tipleri de bulunmaktad1r. NOT: Devrik yap1 dz cmlenin soru formunda yaz1lmas1d1r.(Cmle sonunda soru i_areti bulunmaz!) Olumsuzluk ifade eden yap1larda kullan1l1r: Hardly.....when...(0lk cmle devriktir.) No sooner... than... (0lk cmle devriktir.) In no time... Only (dz ifade).... Not only... Neither... Never... Nor... gibi yap1lar cmlenin ba_1na geldiinde cmle devrik olur. 3- CONJUNCTIVE ADVERBS These words join complete sentences (indep. cla.) and express a logical relationship between the ideas in the sentences. Conjuntive adverb lerle tek kelimeler, sz bekleri, ve ba1ml1 cmleler birle_tirilmez. Conjuntive adverb ler genellikle main verb veya yrd. fiilin nnde yer al1rlar ve  , ile ayr1l1rlar (then, aferward ve later (on) hari). 0ki cmle aras1nda kullan1ld1klar1nda, ncesinde de  ; ve sonras1nda da  , bulunur. Contrast: These words show a contrast (z1tl1k) between the ideas in two sentences: However, yet, but, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, still, on the other hand, on the contrary, despite, in spite of, while, whereas, for all that Additional information: They add to the idea in the first sentence: Moreover, furthermore, also, besides, in fact, as well as, what is more, in addition Cause - result: The second sentence gives the result of the idea in the first sentence: Hence, therefore, consequently, thus, as a result, as a consequence, accordingly Condition: This word expresses a condition: Otherwise, or else Time sequence: The following words show a time sequence: Then, afterward, later (on) UNIT 36: ADVERB CLAUSES: ZARF CMLEC0KLER0 0lk cmle adverb clause ise ana cmleden nce  , kullan1l1r. Adverb clause ana cmle iinde bulunuyorsa; adverb clause nin ncesinde ve sonras1nda  , kullan1l1r. ^ayet ilk nce ana cmle mevcut ise  , kullan1lmaz (though, although, even though, while ve in spite of the fact that hari, yani bunlardan nce  , kullan1l1r). Adverb clauses can be grouped according to the type of relationship they express. 1- CLAUSES OF TIME Clauses of time are introduced by: after, as, as/so long as, as soon as, before, since, by the time (that) (=before, not later than), every time, immediately, just as, once, the moment (that), until/till (=up to the time when), now that, scarcely/hardly...when, no sooner than, when, whenever, while, etc. Bu zaman cmlecii balalar1 WHEN sorusuna cevap verir. WHEN indicates a specific point in time and during a period of time. JUST is often used before the words  as and  when . WHILE indicates period of time during which another simultaneous action takes place and during a period of time. WHENEVER means  any time . UNTIL indicates from an unknown point in the past up to the time that something happens. Main clause deki fiil future tense de ise zaman cmleciinin fiili present tense de olur. Yani zaman cmleciinde future tense (will/would) kullan1lmaz. Main clause present perfect, present perfect conti. veya past perfect tense iken Since kullan1ld11 zaman, zaman (Since) cmlecii Past tense olmak zorundad1r. Zaman cmlecii kullan1ld11nda zaman uyumuna dikkat edilmelidir. 2- CLAUSES OF MANNER Clauses of manner are introduced by: as if/as though, as, how, (in) the way, (in) the way that, the way in which, (in) the same way, (in) the same way as. Bu tr adverb clause balalar1 HOW sorusuna cevap verir. as if/as though gibi yap1lar unrealite belirttiinde btn _ah1slar iin WERE kullan1l1r. as if/as though + any tense form (showing probability/similarity) as if/as though + simple past/past conti. (unreal in the present) as if/as though + past perfect (unreal in the past) 3- CLAUSES OF PLACE Clauses of place are introduced by: where, wherever, everywhere, anywhere, as near as, as far as, etc. Bu tr adverb clause balalar1 WHERE sorusuna cevap verir. Bu tip adverb clauselerde will/would asla kullan1lmaz. 4- CLAUSES OF REASON Clauses of reason are introduced by: as, because, since, for, as/so long as, inasmuch as, now that, seeing that, on the grounds that, in that, the reason for, the reason (why), etc. Bu tr adverb clause balalar1 WHY sorusuna cevap verir. For (=Because) daima bir  , den sonra gelir. Neden gsteren zarf cmlesidir. Because of/ Due to + noun/-ing form gelir, Because of/ Due to/Owing to/On account of/In view of + the fact that den sonra ise bir tam cmle gelir. 5- CLAUSES OF PURPOSE Clauses of purpose are introduced by: so that, in order that, because, so, in order to, for fear (that), lest, for the purpose that, in case, etc. Bu tr cmleciklerin balalar1 WHY sorusuna cevap verir. So that genellikle can, could, may, might, will ve would ile kullan1l1r. Eer ba1ms1z cmledeki (main clause) fiil present, present perfect veya future tense ise So that den sonra can, may ve will kullan1l1r. Ana cmledeki fiil past tense de ise could, might ve would kullan1l1r. In order that, so that 1n daha resmi (formal) biimidir ve genellikle may ve might ile kullan1l1r. In order to dan sonra fiilin birinci hali (V1) gelir. So nun sadece kendiside bir clause of purpose ifade edebilir. Bu durumda so dan nce  , kullan1lmaz. Clauses of purpose follow the rule of the sequence of tenses. Hareketin yap1lma amac1n1 anlat1r. Purpose is expressed with: -- to/in order to/so as to + inf -- so that + can/will (present/future reference) -- so that + could/would (past reference) -- with a view to/with the aim of + -ing form -- for + noun/-ing form -- in case + Present (present/future reference) -- in case + Past (past reference) Negative Purpose is normally expressed with: -- so as not/in order not + to + inf -- so that + can t/won t (present/future reference) -- so that + couldn't/wouldn't (past reference) -- for fear/test + might/should -- for fear of sth/doing sth -- prevent + noun/pronoun + (from) + -ing form -- avoid + -ing form 6- CLAUSES OF CONDITION Clauses of condition are introduced by: as/so long as, if, even if, only if, in case (that), unless, provided/ing (that), in the event (that), suppose/ing, on condition that, whether or not, if it weren t for/if it hadn t been for. Bu tr cmleciklerin balalar1 ON WHAT CONDITION sorusuna cevap verir. 7- CLAUSES OF RESULT Clauses of result are introduced by: so & that, such (a/an) & that, (and) as a result, (and) as a consequence, so, etc. so & that, such (a/an) & that in kullan1mlar1 a_a1daki gibidir. -- so + adj/adv + that -- so + many/few + plural noun + that -- so + much/little + uncountable noun + that -- so + adj + article + noun + that -- such + article + adj + singular countable noun + that -- such + adj + uncountable noun + that -- such + adj + plural uncountable noun + that -- such + a lot of + noun + that -- as a result/therefore/consequently/so + clause 8- CLAUSES OF CONTRAST Clauses of contrast are introduced by: although, though, even though, even if, whereas, while, however, no matter+QW, despite/in spite of the fact that, much as, etc. A comma is used when the clause of concession either precedes or follows the main clause. Concession is expressed with: -- Although/Even though/Though + clause. Though can also be put at the end of the sentence. -- Despite/In spite of/Notwithstanding + noun/-ing form. -- Despite/In spite of + the fact that  clause. -- while/whereas/but/on the other hand/yet + clause. -- nevertheless/however + clause. -- However/No matter how + adj/adv + subject (+ may) + verb. -- adj/adv + though + subject + verb/(may + bare inf). -- adj/adv + as + subject + verb. EXCLAMATIONS Exclamations are used to express anger, fear, shock, surprise etc. They always take an exclamation mark (!). Some exclamations are: Oh dear!, Ah!, Oh!, Good gracious! etc. -- What + a(n) + (adjective) + singular countable noun -- What + (adjective) + uncountable/plural noun -- How + adjective/adverb -- How + adjective + a(n) + noun -- You + (adjective) + noun -- such (a/an) + (adjective) + noun -- so + adjective/adverb -- adverb/adverbial particle + subject + verb of movement -- Here/There + subject + verb (But when the subject is a proper noun, it follows the verb.) -- Interrogative - negative question at the beginning of the sentence LINKING WORDS Linking words show the logical relationship between sentences or parts of a sentence. Positive Addition and, both...and, not only& (but also/as well), too, moreover, in addition to, furthermore, further, also, not to mention the fact that, besides He is rich and good-looking. Negative Addition neither...nor, nor, neither, either Neither Tracy nor Maeve speaks Spanish. Contrast but, not...but, although, while, whereas, despite, even if, even though, on the other hand, in contrast, however, (and) yet, at the same time Nick doesn't like pop music, but he loves opera. I can't cook, whereas my husband can. Similarity similarly, likewise, in the same way, equally Cyclists should wear helmets; similarly, horse riders should, too. Concession but, even so, however, (and) still, (and) yet, nevertheless, on the other hand, although, even though, despite/in spite of, regardless of, admittedly, considering, whereas, while, nonetheless London is a very noisy city but still I like it. London is a very noisy city and yet I like it. Alternative or, on the other hand, either...or, alternatively We could either go to a restaurant or get a take away. Emphasis besides, not only this but...also, as well, what is more, in fact, as a matter of fact, to tell you the truth, actually, indeed, let alone, not only that She never even made the bed, let alone cleaned the house. Exemplification such as, like, for example, for instance, particularly, especially, in particular I enjoyed all Charlotte Bronte's books, especially "Jane Eyre". Clarification that is to say, specifically, in other words, to put it another way, I mean Fiona finds learning French very difficult, specifically, remembering the grammar rules. Cause / Reason as, because, because of. since, on the grounds that, seeing that, due to, in view of, owing to, for, now that, so The factory workers asked for a pay rise on the grounds that the cost of living had risen. Manner as, (in) the way, how, the way in which, (in) the same way (as), as if, as though He behaves as if he owned the place, but he's only a waiter. Condition if, in case, assuming (that), on condition (that), provided (that), providing (that), unless, in the event (that), in the event of, as/so long as, whether, whether...or (alternative condition), only if, even if, otherwise, or (else), in case of Allen told the children they could stay up late provided that they didn't watch too much TV. Consequence of consequently, then, under those circumstances, thus, a condition if so, if not, so, therefore, in that case, otherwise, I'm hoping that John will let us have the car tonight. If not, I'm afraid we won t be able to go out. Purpose so that, so as (not) to, in order (not) to, in case in order that, for fear (that) Louise went to bed early so as not to be tired during exam. Effect / Result such/so...that, consequently, for this reason, as a consequence, thus, therefore, so It rained all day, and therefore we couldn t go to the zoo. Comparison as...as, (more)... than, half as...as, nothing like, the...the, twice as...as, less...than Even though they are twins, they are nothing like each other. Time when, whenever, as, while, now (that), before, until, till, after, since I will leave when I m ready. Place where, wherever Richard tends to make friends wherever he goes. Exception but (for), except (for), apart from When I was at school, I was good at most of subjects except for maths. Relative who, whom, whose, which, what, that That woman over there is the one who owns the hotel by the sea. Chronological beginning: initially, first..., at first, to start/begin with, first of all continuing: secondly ..., after this/that, second..., afterwards, then, next, before this concluding: finally, at last, in the end, eventually, lastly, last but not least Firstly heat the oil in a pan. Then break the eggs and beat them. Finally, pour the eggs into the pan and stir them gently. Reference concerning, regarding, with respect/regard/reference to, in respect/regard/reference to this/to the fact that Write the report with reference to the points we discussed last week. Summarising in conclusion, in summary, to sum up, as I have said, as (it) was previously stated, on the whole, in all, all in all, altogether, in short, briefly, to put it briefly All in all I enjoyed the book, although I found the plot hard to follow in places. REDUCTION ADVERB CLAUSES Sometimes we can reduce a longer, more complicated word group to a shorter, simpler word group. This is called reduction. To reduce a word group means to simplify it without changing the meaning of your statement. Some adverb clauses can be reduced to phrases without changing the meaning of your idea. While, when, before, because, since, after, although bunlardan baz1lar1d1r. D_rme yap1labilmesi iin independent ve dependent cmlelerinin zneleri ayn1 olmak zorundad1r. D_rmeler iki _ekilde yap1l1r. 1- zne ve BE eylemi at1labilir. While he was sitting in the sauna, he had a heart attack. While sitting in the sauna, he had a heart attack. 2- Eylem BE deilse, zne ve yard1mc1 fiil d_er, eylem V-ing formuna dn_trlr. D_rmelerde bazen subordinating conjunctions larda (While, Before, Since, After, etc.) d_rlebilir. After I had cleaned may car, I drove to work. After having cleaned may car, I drove to work. Having cleaned may car, I drove to work. When he speaks (Speaking) English, he often makes mistakes. NOT: Adverb clause ile Adjective clause aras1ndaki fark: I eat at the restaurant WHERE I work. (isim a1klan1yor- Adj. Cla.) I eat WHERE I work. (fiili niteler (vurgu fiile)- Adv. Cla.) UNIT 37: GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES: 0S0M F00LLER  Gerunds ve 0nfinitives ler, Trke deki ismin halleri durumunda kullan1l1rlar. 0ngilizce de ise bir yklemden sonra ekilmemi_ fiiller mastar yap1s1nda gramatik a1dan konumda gelebilirler. 1) Gerund (speaking, going gibi) e.g. I like swimming. 2) Infinitive (to speak, to go gibi) e.g. I want to swim 3) Bare infinitive (Yal1n mastar) (speak, go gibi) e.g. He made me cry.  renmeyi istiyorum cmlesinde  istemek cmlenin yklemidir.  renmeyi ise ekilmemi_ konumda olup, 0ngilizce de gramatikal olarak yukar1da da sylendii gibi _ekilden biri ile ifade edilebilir. 0ngilizce'de, cmlede ekimsiz bir fiil denince  Gerunds ve 0nfinitives olmak zere iki kullan1m akla gelir. Bu durumda biri dieri iin altarnatif konumundad1r. Yani eer cmlede gerund kullan1lm1yorsa, onun alternatifi olan infinitive e gidilir. Ayr1ca fiilden sonra isim gelirse, bundan sonra ya infinitive, ya gerund ya da yal1n hal gelir. A- GERUNDS DEFINITION: Gerund isim fiil (verbal noun) demektir. Bir fiilin  ing alm1_ biimidir. Gerund lar, bir fiil ve bir isim zellii ta_1rlar. Cmlede isim veya zamir olarak kullan1l1rlar. The object of a verb is usually a noun or pronoun. I like football. (noun) I like playing football. (gerund) I like playing football. (gerund phrase) A gerund or gerund phrase can also be used as the subject of a sentence. Driving on wet roads can be dangerous. Learning a second language is fun. I remember my mother taking me to the zoo. A gerund or gerund phrase can be used as the object of a preposition. You can turn off the radio by pushing this botton. Are you interested in learning German ? He apologized for being late. The following is a list of common preposition combinations with verbs and adjectives that gerunds can follow. A_a1daki fiillerden sonra Gerund kullan1l1r. abhor deny finish prevent acknowledge detest hate prohibit admit discuss imagine put off advocate dispute include quit anticipate endanger involve recall (remember) appreciate enjoy justify recollect-remember avoid envisage keep (continue) recommend can't help escape mention report complete *excuse mind (dislike) resent contemplate fancy miss resist consider favor necessitate risk defer foresee pardon suggest delay forgive postpone tolerate practice *understand * These verbs are always followed by the possessive before the gerund. The teacher excused my coming late. Example:These verbs followed immediately by a gerund or gerund phrase. He has admitted taking the money. We have deferred making a final decision until next month. Most people detest waiting in long lines at the movie. The teacher excused my being late. She forgave my shouting at her yesterday. Can you imagine winning a thousand dollars? I didn't mention seeing you yesterday. Do you mind not smoking in class? Sometimes it's impossible to prevent fighting among children. She recommended getting a tutor. I really resent being the last one in line. Gerunds after Prepositions There are many verb + preposition, adjective + preposition, and noun + preposition combinations in English. When a verb is placed immediately after a preposition the gerund form must be used. The children insisted on idling to the zoo. Their mother had no objection to taking them there. However, she was not interested in staying all day. Verb + Preposition + Gerund/Gerund Phrase The verb + preposition combinations listed below can be used in the following patterns. Pattern A: subject + verb + gerund phrase He approved of writing the story. Pattern B: subject + verb + possessive + gerund phrase Bob apologized for his being late. The following verb + prepositions can only be used in pattern A. apologize for concentrate on look forward to apologize to sbd. for consist of object to adjust to deal with oppose to agree with depend on/upon participate in approve of dream about/of plan on argue about disapprove of put off believe in feel like refer to blame sbd. for forgive sbd. for see about care about forget about succeed in care for give up take advantage of carry on go on talk about charge with insist on think about/of comment on keep on warn sbd. about complain about leave off worry about subject + verb + indirect object + gerund phrase The police officer accused me of speeding the freeway. accuse sbd. of deter sbd. from pay sbd. for apologize to sbd. for devote sbd. to prevent sbd. from arrest sbd. for discourage sbd. from punish sbd. for award sbd. for excuse sbd. for stop sbd. from blame sbd. for forgive sbd. for suspect sbd. of charge sbd. with involve sbd. in thank sbd. for complain to sbd. about keep sbd. from warn sbd. about/again congratulate sbd. on Adjective + Preposition + Gerund/Gerund Phrase The following adjective + preposition combinations can he used after the verbs be, seem, appear, remain, look, become. accused of excellent in lazy about *accustomed to *excited about opposed to afraid of exposed to proud of angry at famous for quick at appropriate for fed up with responsible for ashamed of fined for similar to aware of fond of slow at bad at generous about sorry about/for brilliant at good at successful in bored with grateful to sbd. for suitable for capable of guilty for sure of/about *concerned about hopeless at *surprised at content with incapable of terrified at *delighted at *interested in *tired of/from different from jealous of used to (accustomed to) essential for/to keen on *worried about *Note: These words are past participles used as adjectives. Noun + Preposition + Gerund/Gerund Phrase The following is a list of commonly used noun + preposition combinations. These combinations may be followed by a gerund or by a possessive form and a gerund except for the four combinations with asterisks. difficulty in in favor of in the middle of in addition to in return of need for in charge of instead of (in lien of) reason for in danger of interest in technique for in the course of the point of After some structures be accustomed to object to go hiking can t help there s no point in go hunting can t stand a waste of time/money go running get accustomed to be used to go shopping be worth get used to go sightsing look forward to feel like go skating it s no good go camping go skiing opposite to go fishing go swimming it s no use B- INFINITIVES DEFINITION: ekimsiz fiilin kullan1ld11 yap1dan biri de Infinitives lerdir. Mastar hareketlerinde Infinitives lerden faydalan1l1r. Bu yap1da, yklemden hemen sonra Infinitive geldii iin hem yklemin hem de Infinitive'in znesi ayn1d1r. zne ve nesne olarak kullan1l1r. After certain verbs Group 1: Verbs followed immediately by an infinitive or an infinitive phrase Pattern: subject + verb + infinitive phrase I hesitated to answer the question. " afford be choose (prefer) demand agree beg claim deserve aim bother come desire appear (seen) can afford condescend determine arrange care consent elect ask change decide endeavor expect learn (how) promise swear fail long propose(intend) tend forget look prove threaten get (reach) manage refuse trouble guarantee mean regret try happen neglect request undertake hasten offer remember venture help " plan resolve volunteer hesitate prepare seek vow hope pretend seem wait intend proceed strive want know (how) profess struggle wish would love " The verb afford is always used with a form of can or be able to: They can afford to buy a new house, but they aren't able to afford to get a new cat, too. The verb plan indicates future time when used in the simple present tense: We plan to leave soon. Example: Group 1: These verbs followed immediately by an infinitive or an infinitive phrase We can't afford to take a vacation this year. We'll arrange to go to Hawaii. Everyone consented to try it tonight. That student has always endeavored to do well. At my surprise birthday party, I pretended to be surprised. Your decision proved to be the wrong one. Never refuse to tell the truth. I regret to tell you that your luggage is missing. The students struggle to stay a wake in that history class. The defendant swore to tell the truth in court. Verbs followed by object + to infinitive Group II: Verbs followed by a noun or pronoun plus infinitive Pattern: subject + verb + object + infinitive phrase The doctor advised Bill /me to lake a long vacation. The following verbs must be follow by an object then the infinitive. These verbs are never used with an infinitive alone expect when the main verb is in the passive voice. advise allow ask beg aid appoint assist believe cause encourage instruct request caution entice get invite require challenge entitle lead select choose entreat motivate show (how to) command expect notify stimulate commission find oblige summon compel forbid order teach convince force permit tell defy help persuade tempt desire hire prefer trouble direct impel press trust drive implore promise urge elect incite prompt want empower induce provoke warn (negative) enable inspire remind wish Example: Group 2: These verbs requiring a (pro)noun + an infinitive or infinitive phrase The referee cautioned the members of both teams to play fairly. I can't convince you to do anything you don't want to do. The usher directed us to sit in the third row. His strong desires have enabled him to succeed. Her mother forbids her to tell a lie. I implore even one to help the tornado victims. Human decency obliges us to treat all people equally She persuaded me to go with her. You know that was wrong. What tempted you to do it? I urge you to think before you act. Group III: Verbs followed by object + infinitive construction or by an infinitive construction only. Pattern: subject + verb + object + infinitive phrase I want you to help him. OR Pattern: subject + verb + infinitive phrase I want to help him. The following verbs may be followed by a noun or pronoun object + infinitive phrase or by an infinitive phrase only. However, notice that the meaning of each pattern is different. ask choose expect need promise wish beg dare like prefer want NOT: Only the verb  promise keeps the same meaning in both patterns. Example: Group 3: These verbs followed by an object + infinitive construction or by an infinitive construction only. (The sentences in each pair differ in meaning.) She asked to talk with the manager. She asked me to talk with the manager. He begged to come with us. He begged us to come with him. The director chose to investigate the problem. The director chose a committee to investigate the problem. Infinitive/Infinitive Phrase as Adjective Complement As complement of an adjective, the infinitive or infinitive phrase completes the meaning started by the adjective. I am glad to have you here. I will be sorry to see you leave. able disgusted pleased smart afraid disturbed proud sorry amazed eager puzzled stupid angry glad ready supposed anxious happy relieved surprised ashamed horrified sad thankful astonished likely selfish unable delighted lucky shocked unlikely disappointed obliged silly upset Additional Uses of the Infinitive and Infinitive Phrase 1- adjective + enough + infinitive/infinitive phrase 2- adverb + enough + infinitive/infinitive phrase 3- enough + noun + infinitive 4- too + adjective + infinitive/infinitive phrase 5- too + adverb + infinitive/infinitive phrase (for + noun/pronoun maybe used before the infinitive construction.) Verbs Followed by Gerunds or Infinitives as Direct Object A. The following verbs may be followed by either a gerund or an infinitive construction with no change in meaning. advise bother deserve forbear allow cannot bear dislike forbid attempt cease dread hate authorize continue encourage intend begin decline fear like loathe omit prefer start love permit propose urge need plan recommend venture neglect To forget our fear, we attempted singing. To forget our fear, we attempted to sing. It has begun raining. Roll up the car windows. It has begun to rain. Roll up the car windows. I'm taking you to the hospital. I can't bear seeing you in pain. I'm taking you to the hospital. I can't bear to see you in pain. I really dread being alone in a big house at night. I really dread to be alone in a big house at night. The law forbids driving over the-speed limit. The law forbids motorists to drive over the speed limit. I hate asking such a big favor from you, but I need help. I hate to ask such a big favor from you, but I need help. Who intends staying here tonight? Who intends to stay here tonight? I'm sorry. We do not permit loud talking in this theater. I'm sorry. We do not permit anyone to talk loudly in this theater. The students prefer not having a final exam. The students prefer not to have a final exam. She started giving a long explanation to the police officer. She started to give a long explanation to the police officer. B. The following verbs may be followed by either a gerund or an infinitive construction, but there is a change in meaning. Bu fiillerden sonra infinitive kullan1l1rsa bu future ifade eder (eylem yap1lmam1_t1r), eer gerund kullan1l1rsa daha nce yap1lmakta (veya yap1lm1_) olan olaylar1 ifade eder. forget propose remember try be used to mean regret stop used to l. forget I forgot to take my camera to the mountains last weekend. I'll never forget taking those beautiful pictures on our vacation last month. 2. mean (intend) We mean to find a solution to this problem before we go home. mean (result in) It may mean staying up all night until we arrive an answer. 3. propose (plan) As the chairman, I propose to start the meeting time tomorrow. propose (suggest) May I propose starting at nine instead of ten o'clock? 4. regret I regret to tell you that History 203 has cancelled for this quarter. I regret not being able to take that course. 5. remember I remembered to lock the door before we left. Don't worry. I remember doing it. 6. stop Sue stopped to talk to Bob. She stopped talking to him five weeks ago. 7. try (make an effort) They tried to warn him of the danger of speeding. try (experiment) They even tried showing him pictures of accident victims. 8. used to (habitual past) I used to walk to classes at the university every day. be used to (accustomed to) I am used to walking everywhere, so I enjoy it. NOT: to learn (Inf., Act., Present) renmek to be learned (Inf., Pas., Present) renilmek to have learned (Inf., Act., Past) renmi_ olmak to have been learned (Inf., Pas., Past) renilmi_ olmak learning (Ger., Act., Present) renme being learned (Ger., Pas., Present) renilme having learned (Ger., Act., Past) renmi_ olma having been learned (Ger., Pas., Past) renilmi_ olma UNIT 38: INDEFINITE PRONOUNS: SOMEONE & SOMEBODY Someone and somebody are used in affirmative statements and questions. Someone wants to speak to you on the phone. Somebody forgot to put gas in the car. Can someone please take this book to the library? Has somebody been using my pen without asking me? NO ONE & NOBODY No one and nobody are used in affirmative statements No one wants to leave before the director does. The weather was awful ; nobody got to work on time. ANYONE & ANYBODY Anyone and anybody are used in affirmative and negative statements and affirmative questions. Anybody can learn another language. I didn t know anyone at the party last night. Can anyone give me a ride home after class? Was anybody in the office when you got there? ** Bunlar tekildirler. UNIT 39: THE SUFFIX -Y: DEFINITION: A suffix is a letter or group of letters added at the end of a word. When the suffix -y is added to a noun, the noun becomes an adjective which means  like ,  full of  , or  characterized by  something. The water was soapy. (The water was full of soap) cloud cloudysun sunny fun funny rain rainy grease greasy salt salty ice icysnow snowy leak leaky soap soapy noise noisy storm stormy oil oily water watery There is a leak in the kitchen faucet. Can you fix a leaky faucet? The children had fun at the show. They thought the movie was funny. There was too much salt in the soup. Was the soup salty ? UNIT 40: INFINITIVE PHRASE OF PURPOSE (TO): DEFINITE: An infinitive or infinitive phrase placed after a verb tells the reason for which something is done. Jim didn t have any news. He just called to talk. (He only called because he wanted to talk ) Beth stopped at the store to buy some milk. (She stopped because she needed to buy some milk.) Ray moved to save a little money. Steven went to talk to the director . Don t use a pen to mark the answer sheet. Roger called to invite us to his party. We didn t stay to watch all of the show. ENOUGH As an adjective which modifies both count and mass nouns. Anlam olumlu olduunda kullan1l1r. TOO ise cmleye olumsuz anlam verir. TO BE /VERB + ADJ./ADV. + ENOUGH + TO + V1 Joe is driving fast. He will arrive in time. Joe is driving fast enough to arrive in time. She was polite enough to apologize. It is too diffucult to solve SO TOO ile e_ anlaml1d1r. Fakat cmle kurulu_u farkl1d1r. Olumlu cmle + and+ so+ yard1mc1 fiil/ to be + zne David has been in Turkey and so has Mike I will go to Dalyan tomorrow and so will Kemal EITHER................... OR.............................. Ya, yada anlam1n1 verir. Olumlu anlam ta_1r. She can either come with us or stay here. (Ya bizimle gelebilir ya da burada kal1rs1n1z.) You can either learn English or German. (Ya 0ngilizce ya da Almanca renebilirsiniz.) NEITHER..................... NOR.................... Ne, ne de anlam1n1 verir. Olumsuz anlam ta_1r. I am neither poor nor rich. Ne zenginim ne de fakir. Neither Ali nor Veli is going to the cinema. Neither the students nor the teacher is going to the concert. Neither the teacher nor the students are here. NOT ONLY...................BUT ALSO....................... Yaln1z......... deil......de I not only speak English but also French We not only watched TV but also listened to the radio. VERY ok anlam1na gelir ve cmle olumludur. nne geldii s1fat veya zarf1n anlam1n1 glendirir. Kar_1la_t1rmalarda kullan1l1r. Very is used to make the meaning of adjectives or adverbs stronger. He is very tired. She speaks English very well. It is used as an intensifier. DARE Kip belirteci olarak olumsuz ve soru cmlelerinde kullan1l1r. KULLANILDII YERLER: COURAGE: 1. Cesaret gsterme,tehlikeyi gze alma She daren t go out alone at night. Dare she climb that tree? 2. K1zg1nl1k. (How soru kelimesi ile kullan1ld11nda) How dare you say such a thing ? 3. I dare say = I suppose I dare say you are right. (San1r1m hakl1s1n1z) BE SUPPOSED TO KULLANILDII YERLER: DUTY: 1. Grev (Should) We are supposed to start work at 9 everymorning. BELIEF: 2. Genel inan1_ Milk is supposed to be good for our health. PROHIBITION: 3. Yasak You are not supposed to smoke here. PLANNED WORK: 4. Planl1 i_ The football game is supposed to begin at 8 O clock. BE SUPPOSED TO is used to express something that ++ is planned or arranged: The train was supposed to arrive at 10.30. The movie is supposed to start at 7:00. ++ is to be expected (because of duty or law) Are the men supposed to clean their rooms ? We are supposed to watch Tv at 2 in the afternoon. BE NOT SUPPOSED TO is used to express something that is not allowed or advisable. You are not supposed to wear your hats inside tha building. They are not supposed to watch Tv at 2 in the morning. DIRECT AND INDIRECT OBJECT Direct object nesnedir. Indirect object ise _ah1slard1r. Direct ve indirect object ler fiile WHAT ve WHO(M) sorularak bulunur. I gave him a present last week. Ind.Obj. Dir.Obj. I gave a present to him last week. Dir.Obj Ind.Obj. A_a1da belirtilen fiiller genellikle iki object e sahiptirler. like - hand - offer - pass - fix - show - buy - get - give - make  write - tell ** Baz1 fiiller FOR dierleri ise TO al1rlar. call for pass to fetch to do for hand to br1ng to buy for wr1te to f1x for g1ve to get for tell to make for offer to ASK ve COST fiilleri kesinlikle TO veya FOR almaz. ANOTHER: One of many Last summer we travelled from one country to another. THE OTHER: a. One of two There are two people on the bus.One is the driver and the other is a passanger. b. It can be an adjective : As an adjective Which lamp do you like ? This one or the other one. OTHERS: There are a lot of people in the park. Some of them are riding bikes and others are walking. THE OTHERS: The Rest. There are five pencils on the desk. Three of them are yellow. The others are red. AND & FOR: The conjunctions and and but can be used to join two statements. AND shows addition and is used when the statements are similar. I called Jan. We talked for an hour. I called Jan, and we talked for an hour. BUT is used to connect statements that express opposite ideas. I also called Steve. He wasn t at home. I also called Steve, but he wasn t at home. UNIT 41: PREPOSITIONS: 0LGELER PREPOSITIONS OF TIME: ZAMAN EDATLARI at - in - on - for - during - since - after - before - until - at the beginning of - at the end of - in the middle of 1. AT: Saatlerle ve baz1 ifadelerle kullan1l1r. AT; one o clock, four o clock, 7.00 p.m., 3.00 a.m., a quarter past seven, ten to six, nine-thirty, half past one, noon, night, midnight, Christmas. AT is used with the time of the day, with an age, and with the words night, first, last, beginning,and end. 2. IN: Aylardan, y1llardan ve mevsimlerden nce ve baz1 ifadelerle kullan1l1r. IN is used with the quantities of time and with the words beginning and end. IN; January, September, 1492, 1992, the spring, the fall, the morning, the afternoon, the evening,an hour, two hours, a minute, five minutes, a second, three seconds, a short time, time. 3. ON: a. Haftan1n gnlerinden nce kullan1l1r. Ancak bu her zaman olmayabilir. on Monday, on Saturday ** I ll see you Monday. b. Ay1n gnlerinden nce kullan1l1r. ON January first, third, fifth, the first of September, the tenth of March, my birthday, time, NewYear s Day. c. Tarihlerde kullan1l1r. Mary was born on July 20,1956. ON is used with days and dates. It can also be used with parts of a certain day and the words time and schedule. 4. BY: It is used not later than. At that time or before/not later than date. By the end of June, I will have read all these books. 5. UNTIL: Until is used to say how long a situation continues. Shall we go now? No, let s wait until it stops raining. Tom will be away until tomorrow. 6. BY: - e kadar herhangi bir zamanda. He will get here by six o clock. ** Eer cmle olumsuz ise; He had not come by six o clock (Alt1ya kadar gelmemi_ti; Saat alt1 oldu. Henz gelmemi_ti. Belki daha sonra gelebilir.) 7. TILL/ UNTIL: ---- e kadar devaml1. They can be used alone with days, dates, and times: Until next Friday, till next week, until 1999, till August 10, until 10.00 p.m., till midnight. He worked from five till six. (Be_ten alt1ya kadar devaml1 al1_t1.) ** Eer cmle olumsuz ise (Basit gemi_ ile kullan1l1r.) Walt didn t sleep till five o clock. (Be_e kadar uyumad1 hep uyan1kt1.) AFTER and BEFORE are used with time of the day, with dates, and with nouns that name events or occurences. before noon, after 5 o clock, before December 31, after April 15, before the game, after dinner After can also be used with a quantity of time. After six months, after thirty years. JUST & SOON Just and soon are adverbs of time. Just is used to indicate recent completion in the past. Soon is used to indicate expected completion in the near future. John just arrived from New York. His brother will arrive from Los Angeles soon. PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE OR POSITION on - in - by - beside - near - against - behind - in back of - in front of - in the back of - from - to - over under - beneath - on top of - inside -outside - above - below - under - through - down - up - between - among -at the bottom of - at next to  underneath IN means inside. 0n the armchair,in her bag,in Italy AT means near or in a particular place. At the traffic lights,at the bus stop ON means in contact with the top surface of another object. On the table, on a chair. FROM is used to express seperation,to be from is used to state the place of origin of a person or a thing Washington is 250 miles away from New York.The coffee is from Brasil UNDER means lower than required, states lower than under 21, under the table. OVER = ABOVE UNDER = BELOW PREPOSITIONS OF DIRECTON INTO - OUT OF - TOWARD - TO toward the city hall BY WAY OF You can go by way of Panama Channel. PREPOSITION OF MANNER BY train, car, bus, plane, ON foot, a tram, a bus, a horseback IN a car, ink, a hurry LIKE He walks like an old man ** AT 12 Badat Street ** ON Regent Street. GO downtown, home, upstairs, downstairs, shopping, fishing, dancing, hunting, swimming GO TO school, town, New York, Ankara, Turkey, Japan GO TO THE hospital, bank, airport, post office, theatre, library, bus station, U.S.A, U.K. UNIT 42: BAZI ZEL DURUMLAR SOON: 0leriyi (yak1n gelecei) ifade eder. Ama bazan Past ta da kullan1labilir. BY :Perfect lerle kullan1l1r. THE MOMENT: When ONCE : Genelde Present Perfect ile kullan1l1r. (When, After, as soon as, manas1 verebilir.) NO MATTER HOW: However NO MATTER WHAT: Whatever ON = Onto = Upon NOW THAT= Because, in that, since, as RECENT: Olay1 Past a atar. PREVIOUSLY: nceki zamana (Past a) gider. EVERY ve EACH tekil ile kullan1l1rlar. IN VIEW OF=Because of WHEREAS, so that, however, besides: bunlardan sonra cmle gelir. DO NOT: A1k olarak yaz1ld11 zaman vurgu yapmaktad1r. 0nsanlar iin on ki_iden derken OF deil IN kullan1l1r. JUST AS=As ve JUST WHEN=When dir. Just sadece vurgu yapar. ONE TIME=Once WHATEVER dan sonra isim gelir. LIKEWISE: Benzerlik belirtir. AS WELL, ALSO, TOO: Olumlu cmlelerde kullan1l1r. EITHER ve NEITHER: Olumsuz cmlelerde kullan1l1r. IT LOOKS...sonra as if/as though yap1s1 gelir. IT IS EXACTLY olur, The Exactly olmaz. FINALLY : Nokta belirtir. Dolay1s1yla Simple Past ile kullan1l1r. IN A FEW YEARS: Birka y1l iinde. Future belirtir. .....,cmle: Byle bir durumuda ba_ taraf; ya a1klamad1r ya da ba1ml1 cmle (subordinate) dir. D_rme yap1lm1_ olabilir. Ama zneler ayn1d1r. GREAT NUMBER: Bundan sonra Of gelmelidir. NONE Of: Cmleyi olumsuz yapar. DUE TO: Sonras1nda isim gelir. MOST/MOST OF THE + 0S0M gelmelidir. A GREAT DEAL = A lot of = A number Sebep sonu ili_kisi varsa NK ile cevap verilmelidir. Fiillerden sonra gelen THAT cmlecii 0S0M cmleciidir ve tam cmledir. Sadece WHICH cmlecii tm cmleyi nitelendirebilir. (Cmle sonundaki  , WHICH ) IN AS MUCH AS: Because (ok resmi durumlarda kullan1l1r.) LEST: Cmleyi olumsuz yapar. (-memesi/-mamas1 iin, -mesin diye) IN CASE OF: 0sim gelir. IN THE EVENT THAT = In case that LEAVE: Leave for un manalar1 birbirine z1tt1r. FUTURE TENSE, by the time Present Tense PAST PERFECT TENSE, by the time Past Tense SO FAR = By now, until now LIKE: 0simle, (Bu babas1 gibidir) AS: Eylemle kullan1l1r.(Bu babas1n1n yapt11 gibi yap1yor) BOTH, E0THER, THAT BOTH: Sonra cmle gelir. IN BOTH: Cmle gelmez. S1fat ba_a gelir ve AS ile devam edilirse bu ALTHOUGH dir. (Fragile as it sometimes seems ...= Although it sometimes seems fragile ...) Past yapmak iin fiilin nne TO HAVE getirilir. It is nice to meet you. It was nice to have met you. It is known/...to + V1: Present It is believed/... to + have + V3: Past TO BE TO: Zorunluluk belirtir. 0sim NO ile olumsuz yap1l1r, NOT ile deil. IN ORDER TO = So as to SEE sbd. DO stg. HEAR sbd. DOING stg. Eylemin kendisinde bahsediliyorsa V1, eylemin srekliliinden bahsediliyorsa V+ing kullan1l1r. (I saw him write/writing on the paper.  Mana ayn1d1r.) (JUST) AS ...(cmle) SO ...(cmle). ^eklinde kullan1l1r. Yirmi ya_1ndaki k1z dendiinde oul kullan1lmaz: twenty-year old girl _eklinde yaz1l1r. Yirmi ya_ dendiinde ise: twenty years olur. IN TIME: Zaman1 ierisinde ON TIME: Tam zaman1nda AT TIME: Sometime PROVIDE stg. FOR sbd. PROVIDE sbd. WITH stg. IN FRONT OF + stg. :n k1s1mda (D1_ardan) IN THE FRONT OF + stg. :n k1s1mda (0eriden) AGREE With sbd. - AGREE On stg. AGREE With sbd. On Sth. GIVE sbd. stg. GIVE stg. to sbd. FOR un kullan1m alanlar1 (manas1): 1- Although, even though, though, in spite of ve despite 2- , for = because 3- iin Zaman konusunda bir i_aret yoksa ifade Present tir veya zay1f olas1l1kla Perfect olabilir. TO nun kullan1m alanlar1 (manas1): 1- -e, -a 2- -mek, -mak (infinitive deki kullan1m) 3- -mek/mak iin (in order to) 4- gre (according) to me/.. SINCE nin kullan1m alanlar1 (manas1): 1- Because 2- For (den beri): Perfect tense/S. Present-bazan), since S. Past Sense of Perception: I saw Ay_e crying. (Olay devam ediyor.) I saw Ay_e cry. (Olay bitmi_.) THAT FAR: O zamana kadar manas1ndad1r ve S. Past ile kullan1l1r. YET in kullan1m alanlar1 (manas1): 1- The class hasn t started yet. 2- The class is yet to start. (1 ve 2 ayn1 manadad1r.) 3- The class was started. Yet, the teacher is absent. UNTIL: E_ zamanl1 yap1lan i_ler ifade edilir. BY THE TIME: Yap1lan i_lerde ncelik sonral1k vard1r. EVER SINCE = Since then BUT cmlenin ya ba_1nda ya da sonunda bulunur. HOWEVER cmlenin her taraf1nda bulunabilir. HAD V3 / WOULD HAVE V3 kullan1m1 sadece IF te bulunmaktad1r. 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