ࡱ> :<9 bjbjΚΚ 4* 4,& 6,\!$RRRRRRRrET@ F0& V$R$RR& $ H:    Name: _______________________________________ Date: _____________ Per: ____ ARITHMETIC AND GEOMETRIC SEQUENCE WORD PROBLEM EXAMPLES All final solutions MUST use the formula. A recovering heart attack patient is told to get on a regular walking program. The patient is told to walk a distance of 5 km the first week, 8 km the second week, 11 km the third week and so on for a period of 10 weeks. At that point the patient is to maintain the distance walked during the 10th week. How far will the patient walk during the 10th week? Is the sequence arithmetic or geometric? Explain your answer. Write out the sequence using blanks where appropriate. Write an explicit formula for the sequence. How far will the patient walk during the 10th week? Show all work. Write your final answer as a sentence. A virus reproduces by dividing into two, and after a certain growth period, it divides into two again. As the virus continues to reproduce, it will continue to divide in two. How many viruses will be in a system starting with a single virus AFTER 10 divisions? Is the sequence arithmetic or geometric? Explain your answer. Write out the sequence using blanks where appropriate. Fill in the first three terms. Write an explicit formula for the sequence. How many viruses will be in a system starting with a single virus AFTER 10 divisions? Write your final answer as a sentence. 3. Sam has purchased a $30,000 car for his business. The car depreciates 30% every year. Depreciation means the value of the car goes down by that percent each year. What will be the value of the car after the 5th year? Note: The car is 0 years old when purchased so the first year is the second entry in the sequence. Is the sequence arithmetic or geometric? Explain your answer. Write out the sequence using blanks where appropriate. Fill in the first two terms. Hint: If the car value decreases by 30%, what percent did it retain? Show all work. Write an explicit formula for the sequence. What will be the value of the car AFTER the 5th year? Show all work. Write your final answer as a sentence. Allen is on the football team this year but he has poor time management skills. His mother told him that he is off the team if he fails anything in school. On his first math quiz he earned a 90, then he earned an 86 and an 82 on his next two quizzes. If his grades continue at this rate, what will his quiz grade be after the 8th quiz? Will he still be on the team? Is the sequence arithmetic or geometric? Explain your answer. Write out the sequence using blanks where appropriate. Write an explicit formula for the sequence. What can he expect to get on his 8th quiz? Show all work. Write your final answer as a sentence.  47FJXY   " # $ c d e wl`lUGhnG5B*CJaJphhV1zhICJaJhIhrXCJH*aJhIhrXCJaJhIhICJH*aJhIhICJaJhIhICJaJhIhe5CJaJhe5CJaJhI5CJaJh?D5CJaJhIhI5CJaJhZ//hV1z5CJaJh 5CJaJhV1z5CJaJhZ//hV1z5CJaJh5Bx5CJaJXY# $ c d f g    ^gdIh^hgdI & F 80`0gdIgdI & FgdI$a$gdIgdV1ze f g         F G H I N O P ٷ﷦ћѓxmbQ hIhWu75B*CJaJphhV1zhWu7CJaJhIhWu7CJaJhIhWu7CJaJhrXCJaJhDHCJaJhWu7CJaJhV1zhICJaJ hIhI5B*CJaJphhI5B*CJaJphhIhICJH*aJhICJaJhIhICJaJhIhICJaJ hIhI5B*CJaJph    F G H I O P    ^gdWu7h^hgdWu7 & F 80`0gdWu7gdWu7 & FgdIh^hgdI & F 80`0gdI^gdI      v w y z | } ~  Qѕsk`XPh\CJaJh`CJaJhV1zhWu7CJaJh CJaJ hIhWu75B*CJaJph hIh?D5B*CJaJph%h?D5B*CJH*OJQJaJphhWu75B*CJaJphhDHCJaJ%hWu75B*CJH*OJQJaJph hIhWu75B*CJaJphhWu7CJaJhIhWu7CJaJhIhWu7CJaJ v w z } ~  ,-./ & F 8^gdDH^gdIh^hgdI & F 80`0gdIgdDHgd ^gd?D^gdWu7 & F 80`0gdWu7h^hgdWu7Qsx~-./e  >@AEFøn]QhIhICJH*aJ hIhrX5B*CJaJph%hrX5B*CJH*OJQJaJphhIhDHCJaJhICJaJhDHCJaJhrXhICJaJ hIhI5B*CJaJphhIhICJaJhIhDHCJaJhDHhICJaJhIhrXCJaJhIhrXCJH*aJhXyCJaJhrXCJaJ WXZ\]^< & F0`0gdkgd}' & Fgdk^gdrXh^hgdI & F 80`0gdI^gdIh^hgdDHFVWXYZ[]^(5:>BJKMOWcdhn}̻̻ߜ|||ttt|hh}'h}'CJH*aJh94CJaJhDHCJaJh`CJaJh}'CJaJh|CJaJh`5B*CJaJph hrXhI5B*CJaJph hIhrX5B*CJaJph%hrX5B*CJH*OJQJaJphhI5B*CJaJphhIhICJaJhICJaJ$=>wxyߧߟߧziΧX hh`5B*CJaJph hIhV1z5B*CJaJph hIh}'5B*CJaJphh94h94CJH*aJh}'CJaJh94CJaJh`CJaJ h94h945B*CJaJphh`5B*CJaJph hIh`5B*CJaJphhIh`CJaJhIh}'CJaJh}'h`CJaJ<=>?vwxy^gd^gdV1z^gd}'^gd94 & F0`0gdk^gd`h^hgd`21h:pI/ =!"#$% 6666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH R`R Normal)B*CJOJQJ_HaJmH phsH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List PK!pO[Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢]yl#!MB;.n̨̽\A1&ҫ QWKvUbOX#&1`RT9<l#$>r `С-;c=1g~'}xPiB$IO1Êk9IcLHY<;*v7'aE\h>=^,*8q;^*4?Wq{nԉogAߤ>8f2*<")QHxK |]Zz)ӁMSm@\&>!7;wP3[EBU`1OC5VD Xa?p S4[NS28;Y[꫙,T1|n;+/ʕj\\,E:! t4.T̡ e1 }; [z^pl@ok0e g@GGHPXNT,مde|*YdT\Y䀰+(T7$ow2缂#G֛ʥ?q NK-/M,WgxFV/FQⷶO&ecx\QLW@H!+{[|{!KAi `cm2iU|Y+ ި [[vxrNE3pmR =Y04,!&0+WC܃@oOS2'Sٮ05$ɤ]pm3Ft GɄ-!y"ӉV . `עv,O.%вKasSƭvMz`3{9+e@eՔLy7W_XtlPK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-!pO[Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 -_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!!Z!theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ'( theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]#  *e QF   <  6= 'MNt :::::-#W5.czD,xA)#ho:6e\nxA)h hh^h`hH.h 88^8`hH.h L^`LhH.h   ^ `hH.h   ^ `hH.h xLx^x`LhH.h HH^H`hH.h ^`hH.h L^`LhH.h(hh^h`56B*CJOJQJo(phhH.h 88^8`hH.h L^`LhH.h   ^ `hH.h   ^ `hH.h xLx^x`LhH.h HH^H`hH.h ^`hH.h L^`LhH.^`CJo(. ^`hH. pL^p`LhH. @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. 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