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Part I Create a Magazine Style Layout- Due Today at the end of class Using your template create an html file and save it as lab8Axx.html in your All_102Submissions folder, where xx are your first and last name initials. Create four div elements in the body of your html document. The first div will function as the banner across the top, the second as the first column, the third as the second column and the fourth as a banner across the bottom. Give each div an id attribute value that reflects its role. Using the Lorem Ipsum text generator, give each column a few paragraphs of filler text. Include an h3 element with some content at the top of each column. Include an h2 in the top banner. Include an h4 in the bottom banner. Using an internal style sheet, position the div elements using absolute positioning. Give each div a top, left, and width property, make sure they do not overlap, and make sure there is some space between them. The combined width of the columns should be between 600 and 800 pixels wide. For each column set the text-align to justify. Include an image related to USC football at the top of the first column below the banner in the first column. Do not use an image that is wider than the column. Be creative and add colors, borders, etc. An example of a magazine layout can be found at http://cl1.cse.sc.edu/102lab8/lab8a_example.png Your lab is different from the example shown above. ______________________________________________________________________ Part II Using the CSS column property Go to  HYPERLINK "https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_columns.asp" https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_columns.asp and look at the column property. You can click on try it yourself, change the code on the left and click the button again to run the code. Scroll on down the page and try the different sets of code. Change the code and click the button to see how it works. Create a new document and save it as lab8Bxx.html in your All102Submissions folder, where xx are your first and last name initials. Create a page with three columns using the column property as shown in the examples you just tried. Use Lorem Ipsum to generate dummy text to fill the columns. Insert a heading above the three columns (also shown in the examples you used on the web from W3Schools). Enclose the entire contents in a div. Apply style to the div Give it a width of 650px (Notice that the text no longer moves when you shrink the window size.) Give it a border Apply other styles Part III Create a structured HTML5 document Create a new document and save it as lab8Cxx.html in your All102Submissions folder, where xx are your first and last name initials. Inside the body element, create a container for the entire page with the article element. Inside the article element: give the page a banner with the header element, followed by the nav element, and then the section element. Inside the section element include another header element and two paragraph elements. Copy/paste this section element exactly three more times. Fill in the content of this page with whatever you want, but structure it precisely as described. Give the page a title by filling in the article header. For each section: fill in the paragraph, and fill in the header with a title for the section. Just as in part one you may use the Lorem Ipsum text generator to give content to the paragraphs. Inside the nav element add an unordered list with a list item (li) for each section you created in the previous step. Each list item should contain an internal link to the corresponding section. Do this by giving the header in each section a unique id, and then link to it internally with the anchor element (just as in lab 2 (fragment identifier)). I.e., the navigation element will contain list items that when clicked will cause the page to scroll to the corresponding location within the page (the particular section). Use an internal style sheet to accomplish the following: Set the display property of article, header, nav, and section to block using the group selector (comma). Set the margin of every element to be 0 using the universal selector (asterisk). I.e., *{margin:5px;} Set the width of the article to something other than the default 100%, e.g., 960px is a widely accepted standard width. Center the article by setting both margin-left and margin-right to auto. Set the list items to display inline (they are block-level by default). Set the text decoration property to none when you hover over the anchor elements in the unordered list (use a pseudo class). Create a CSS rule that will give the article header a large font. Create a separate CSS rule that will give the section headers a large font (but not as large as the article header). Hint: use nesting to apply the style to only header elements that are descendants of section elements (nested). Continue to customize the style of the document to make it look good. Use a color scheme ( HYPERLINK "http://www.colorcombos.com/" \h http://www.colorcombos.com/), add padding/margin to elements that you think may need it, add borders where you think they make sense, etc. When you have finished, your page should look something like: http://cl1.cse.sc.edu/102lab8/lab8b_example.png Apply style to make your page look good. Part IV Update All_102Submissions Add a link to lab8Axx.html to the list. Add a link to lab8Bxx.html to the list. Add a link to lab8Cxx.html to the list.  Go to  HYPERLINK "http://www.lipsum.com/" \h http://www.lipsum.com/ and select Generate Lorem Ipsum. Then copy/paste the text to the paragraphs in your html code.  The property bottom is not necessary if you use top, likewise the right property is not necessary if you use left.       "#IJmnN O  ( )   |n`RRh3CJOJQJ^JaJhRUhRU5>*B*phhRUh h5>*B*ph hq5\ h.5\ h h5\hqh hhqCJOJQJ^JaJh hCJOJQJ^JaJhq5OJQJ^Jh h5OJQJ^Jhq:CJ$aJ$nH tH hH:CJ$aJ$nH tH h6=u:CJ$aJ$nH tH h h:CJ$aJ$nH tH  #JnO ) E U $ & Fxa$gd6 $ & Fxa$ $^a$gdRU$ & Fa$#$d %d&d'dNOPQ$a$ D E Z  " % ; A P d p   ! 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