ࡱ> wyv_ Dbjbj F5\5\ 88888lD\n (4444mmmmmmm$orrm8m8844mj8484mm`f47kyb8smm0nb s| spff s8Km(mmn s> : Scientific Method 1. Scientific Method & Experimental Design & conversions (prep for chemistry) Variables Sample sizeControls Reading graphs Chemistry & Biochemistry 2. Chemistry Basics Important Elements?! CHONPS!!! Order of items from atoms to organisms? Non-living vs. living? Inorganic vs. organic? Differences? Bonds: Hydrogen, Ionic, covalent? Where found? Significance of valence electrons? Water!?! Why important? Bonds between & within H2O molecules? 3. Organic Molecules: Monomers (building blocks)? Polymers? Examples? Functions in cells? Elements? Structure? Importance? Nucleotides. Proteins. Carbohydrates. Lipids. 4. Cellular Respiration & Photosynthesis Where do they occur? What is required? Why important? What factors affect these processes? Relationship between the reactions? Cells and Differentiation 5. Types of Cells: Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes, Plants vs. Animals 6. Cell Membranes! Structure? Draw a membrane? Transport: Active vs. passive. ATP? Diffusion vs. Osmosis Selectively permeable! 7. Differential Gene Expression & Central Dogma & DNA How does a zygote become something much, much more complicated? What is differential gene expression? Cell Specialization? Structure of DNA. Be able to draw. Replication: where does this happen? Transcription: where does this happen? Components involved? Translation: where does this happen? Components involved? What is a gene? Cell Division & Genetics Mitosis & Meiosis & the Cell Cycle Diploid vs. haploid. Somatic vs. sex cell. Importance? Stages? What happens? When? Variation & Meiosis. Why important? Compared to Prokaryotic cell division Sexual vs. asexual reproduction: advantages & disadvantages to each? Nondisjunction & karyotype Homologous Chromosomes Autosomes vs. Sex chromosomes Mutations & cancer: Mutations: good, bad, no effect? Mutations: caused by? What is cancer? 9. Mendel & Genetics Alleles Genotype vs. Phenotype Heterozygote vs. Homozygote Punnet squares Monohybrid & dihybrid crosses Traits & probability Pedigrees (know how to read/create) Test cross Sex linked genes? Incomplete vs. Co-dominance Mendel: Pea Plants! Why? Law of independent assortment Law of segregation 10. Evolution Why is variation in a population SO important? The points of Darwins theory of evolution by natural selection? Terms: Speciation & Species. Lamarck vs. Darwin Relationship between traits and genes and DNA Analogous vs. Homologous vs. Vestigial characteristics Mechanisms for changing the frequency of alleles in populations? Remember natural selection, genetic drift, migration, mutation, and sexual selection???? Do individuals or populations evolve? How do scientists think that eukaryotes evolved from prokaryotes? A theory to explain the evolution of life as we know it? Where did all these organic molecules come from? 15. Other: Characteristics of Living Things!!! Resources:  HYPERLINK "http://www.johnkyrk.com" www.johnkyrk.com  HYPERLINK "http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/" http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/ Your Textbook!!!!! The interweb My teacher page at the Metro HS site     Honors Bio Spring Final Study Guide KMZ Honors Biology Spring Final Study Guide KMZ Honors Biology Ms. Zs Study Guide Spring Semester Test 1 Honors Biology Ms. Zs Study Guide Spring Semester Test 1 Biology 250 Study Guide Fall Final Kerry Zimmerman Biology 250 Study Guide: Exam 2 Spring 2010 Kerry Zimmerman Biology 250 Study Guide: Exam 2 Spring 2010 Kerry Zimmerman Biology 250 Study Guide Winter: Exam 1 Kerry Zimmerman Biology 250 Study Guide Winter: Exam 1 Kerry Zimmerman Biology 250 Study Guide: Exam 2 Spring 2010 Kerry Zimmerman Biology 250 Study Guide: Exam 2 Spring 2010 Kerry Zimmerman Biology 250 Study Guide Fall Final Kerry Zimmerman Biology 250 Study Guide Fall Final Kerry Zimmerman Biology 250 Study Guide Fall Final Kerry Zimmerman Biology 250 Study Guide Spring Final KMZ Biology 250 Study Guide Spring Final KMZ Honors Biology Ms. Zs Study Guide Spring Final 2013 Honors Biology Ms. Zs Study Guide Spring Final Honors Biology Study Guide Spring Test 2 Kerry Zimmerman Biology 250 Study Guide Fall Final Kerry Zimmerman Study Guide Kerry Zimmerman Biology 250 Study Guide Fall Final Kerry Zimmerman _ab# $ H I ` a p q | } ~ Ȼȕȕȉ~p`SHhK hs8OJQJhkhs8CJ OJQJh&fhs8CJ OJQJ\aJ h* hs85>*OJQJhs85>*OJQJhs8CJ OJQJaJ hhs8OJQJh* hs85>*OJQJ\hs85>*OJQJ\hs8CJ OJQJ\aJ hs8OJQJhgdhs8OJQJhgdhs8>*OJQJhs8>*OJQJhs85:>*CJOJQJ\abl$ I  & F 8X89D]X^8gds8 & F 9D] gds8 & F9Dgds8 9DXD<gds89Dgds8^gds8^gds8 & Fgds8gds8$a$gds8 ` a b p } " F G H & F9Dgds89Dgds8 & F 889D^8gds8 & F hL9D]^`Lgds8 & F 9Dgds8 & F9Dgds8gds8 G H c u v x ՈsgXI=hs85>*OJQJ\hzhs8CJ OJQJaJ h shs8CJOJQJaJhs8CJOJQJaJhkhs8>*OJQJhs8OJQJ\hkhs8OJQJ\hsWhs85>*OJQJ\(hBMhs85:>*CJOJQJ\aJh9hs8CJOJQJaJhPzhs8>*OJQJ\hs8>*OJQJ\hs8CJ OJQJ\aJ hs8OJQJhK hs8OJQJH c  . / 0 f  & F 9D`gds8 & F F9D^gds8 & F 9Dgds8 hdT9D^hgds8 h9D^hgds8gds8 d9Dgds8 $d9Da$gds8    - . / 0 _ e f ڼڱڡxlaVFh,phs8CJ OJQJ\aJ hsWhs8OJQJhzhs8OJQJhohs86OJQJhsWhs85>*OJQJhs85>*OJQJ\hsWhs85>*OJQJ\hsWhs8>*CJOJQJ\hgdhs8OJQJhvhs8OJQJhkhs8OJQJhnIOJQJhs8OJQJh* hs85>*OJQJh* hs85>*OJQJ\f  . l #Lq & F gdnI & F gds8 & F h0`0gds8 & Fd9Dgds8 $d9Da$gds8 & F9Dgds8 & F9Dgds8gds8 & Fgds8 & F]gds8 !"#6KLU~q_OBhDhs8CJOJQJhDhs8>*CJOJQJ\"hkhs8>*CJOJQJ\aJ hkhs8CJOJQJhkhs8OJQJhths85>*OJQJhnIhs8OJQJhsWhs8OJQJhs8OJQJhgdhs8OJQJhw>chs8>*OJQJ\hs8>*OJQJ\(hVhs85:>*CJ OJQJ\aJ "hs85:>*CJ OJQJ\aJ -Abx BM_{ & Fgds8 & F9Dgds89Dgds8gds8 & Fgds8 & Fgds8 & Fgds8 & F gds8 ABz{-@QRSо}rc[PDhs856OJQJ\h!hs8OJQJhf<OJQJh!hs856OJQJ\hs8>*OJQJ\hY@hs8>*OJQJ\hcehs8>*OJQJ"h!hs8>*CJ OJQJ\aJ (hWhs85:>*CJOJQJ\aJ"hs85:>*CJOJQJ\aJ(hhs85:>*CJ OJQJ\aJ hs8OJQJhDhs8OJQJhnIOJQJ J{RST9Dgds8 dTxx9Dgds8 h9D^hgds8 & F 9Dgds8$a$gds8$d<<9Da$gds8gds8 & F9Dgds8ST`JKLнеpbNb&jhB&hs85OJQJUhB&hs80J5OJQJ&jhB&hs85OJQJUhchs85OJQJhs85OJQJjhs85OJQJUhhs85>*OJQJhs8OJQJ$hihs85:>*OJQJ\aJ hs8>*OJQJ\hs85:>*OJQJ\aJ (hhs85:>*CJOJQJ\aJL_l !&$dNgds8 !&&dPgds8 & Fgds8gds8LY]^125<Eopu$%1K\]^ʻʻʻʨʙʙʊʊʙʙʙʙhzhs8aJhhs8CJOJQJaJh|OYhs8CJOJQJaJhC2Dhs8CJOJQJaJhs8hZhs8CJOJQJaJhs8CJOJQJaJhmajhmaUhs8OJQJhs85OJQJh6/hs85OJQJ22345pqrstu$%\]^gds8gds8 $dNgds8 !&$dNgds8 !&&dPgds8^j3DGSiz} >?BIRsty  .?BCD˿˿ڬhs8OJQJhmahhs8CJOJQJaJhs8CJOJQJaJhfhs8CJOJQJaJhs8 hvNmhs8hs8CJOJQJaJh|OYhs8CJOJQJaJ@^DEFGz{|} $dNgds8 !&&dPgds8gds8 !&$dNgds8  ?@ABtuvwxy  $dNgds8 !&$dNgds8 !&&dPgds8    ?@ABCDgds8 !&&dPgds8 $dNgds8 5 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% 9 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% P 9 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% P 5 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% 9 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% P K 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% P0 p5 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% / 01h/ =!"#$% _ 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% P0  5 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% 9 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% P 5 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% 9 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% P 5 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% 9 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% P 5 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% 9 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% P 5 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% 9 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% P 9 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% P @5 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% 9 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% P @5 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% K 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% P0  9 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% P 5 01h:ps8/ =!"#$% DyK www.johnkyrk.comyK 2http://www.johnkyrk.com/UDyK 8http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/yK phttp://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/s6866666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p(8HX`~8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List 4@4 |OYHeader  !4 @4 |OYFooter  !6U@6 YB Hyperlink >*B*phPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VvnB`2ǃ,!"E3p#9GQd; H xuv 0F[,F᚜K sO'3w #vfSVbsؠyX p5veuw 1z@ l,i!b I jZ2|9L$Z15xl.(zm${d:\@'23œln$^-@^i?D&|#td!6lġB"&63yy@t!HjpU*yeXry3~{s:FXI O5Y[Y!}S˪.7bd|n]671. tn/w/+[t6}PsںsL. 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