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Total height of staircase (m) = total height of staircase (cm) divided by 100 Part II Next decide who will be climbing the stairs and who will be recording the time of the stair climber. Write the weight of the stair climber in the blank space below. Weight of climber: _______________________________________________________ To figure out weight in Newtons, multiply pounds by 0.25 kg and then by the force of gravity (9.8 m/s2) Have the stair climber climb the stairs slowly and steadily. Record the time it takes in seconds in Table 2 under the column labeled slowly. Do three trials and calculate the average time. Now have the same stair climber climb the stairs rapidly. Record the time it takes in seconds in Table 2 under the column labeled rapidly. Do three trials and calculate the average time. Table 2: Time Trials Climbing StairsSlowlyRapidlyTrials 123Avg.123Avg.Time (seconds) Part III Calculate the work done by the stair climber in climbing the stairs slowly and rapidly using units of joules. Record your answers in Table 3 below. Formula: Work done (joules) = height of staircase (m) X weight of stair climber (N) Table 3: Work Done Climbing StairsSlowlyRapidlyWork done (Joules)  Was the work done by climbing the stairs slowly the same as or different from climbing the stairs rapidly? Does you answer surprise you? Part IV Calculate the power output of climbing the stairs slowly and rapidly in watts. Record your answers in the appropriate spaces below. Formula: Power = Work done climbing stairs (Joules) Time required to climb stairs (seconds) Power output of person climbing stairs slowly _____________________ watts Power output of person climbing stairs rapidly _____________________ watts Part V Suppose the power output of a person climbing stairs could somehow be directly converted into electrical power. How many 100-watt light bulbs could a person light by climbing the stairs slowly and rapidly? Formula: Watts (from above) 100      www.lodi.k12.wi.us/.../Calculating%20Work%20and%20Power%20by%... /EFGHTY Z Tw067;<>?ABDEHIJalos|Ū:hV55B* CJOJQJ\^JaJfHph3q 4hV5B* CJOJQJ^JaJfHph3q hV5jhUD6UjhV50JU hUD6>* hUD6H*jhUD6CJUmHnHuhUD6 hUD65\)FHP Q R Y Z \ $If$a$ & F $Ifnkd$$Ifl0,"8` 064 la @ A $Ifnkd$$Ifl0,"8` 064 laA B $Ifnkd $$Ifl0,"8` 064 la E xyz $$Ifa$$a$ & Fnkd$$Ifl0,"8` 064 laOI$Ifkd$$IflF ,"   06    4 lap $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$ kd$$Ifl  hJ," 06$$$$4 la$If  kd[$$Ifl  hJ," 06$$$$4 la $$Ifa$$If$a$ & F "#$%XRRRR$Ifkd$$IflF ,"   06    4 lap%&'ABw~|w||||u|w|p$a$ & Fkd$$IflF ,"   06    4 la w:;<CD0;=>@ACDFGHgdV5$a$ & F01h/R / =!"#$% `!=ɦ{y  #^1f?#, x}w\UT@,Q "nEsoܣ{{R3)#W[,W%=ϗϸ5θ$b؏2Te7g,bڟEYQcY%1'<%U(/ȫW.UIj,H[ғL/h7eK%t4ԹlrV(-uir\ʟzCcui%Ӣpoy *5:t|V;Z g[iczUMu[lbj iN7Vц[;͈}4 S7[ek-_Z*(տj eqepumb_3SǛYЌMf~nFQ/tע6U j~csl,3Z\O-uD Ių4Yҁ2H}_enlSȗzyw>S_/iO#u{^z^ݤ't!=~J;nS5h}*-oVhyOSR2KYoϵm<'lj4bi[,V?d@1n{]zJ?G}o=]t2ZfnwfPd=*PoVwlެgdLWu6eRb3X'6@Z-k얯 L򃬒3[T RN#pdE N=Ds?+#UrmnU#k#\' 7w%a~Z˦ Z@kTښg:!= mwK+#h O8ڎfƎf1Wʌg~t6.ޖD,sU*K`I9-q 2g/wHQ^tc^gW'tžYj'oX)5?DtJ6$OdܑrIޗNv}"%^abwӲF+ܤ=YN"aEDp8|v¹gQľGK렊9 Y1MX=-_=sM}yE}LW- 塢馉 ͮuM%NvpC۱q1q<;Qi]m@#m4Lk g.mZf[vsmg,v4Hƞ8*CvjLYQeLidhS JaWVPRZӦ#tПC`0vJڙn|8 i煝^SGPh'<Ɵ{Q{ 3}t?1}{:ilj SS0LT&Y3/gbtuҸЧ_a؃^]xl`]+Wv5ZX6v󾇲}K>>:2QP aS]4]`bɌ!VS,ZLo3t3>߁C $l#L/t1㻟g⻇&@=ԆL&o& R !bwo?O<®_m75%9x ~yj?'Yώ~7E䊣Dn0Mv$AԠ^ǖkWg//1W./3}u08c7XϙEv[So—Y#35d=e'20t~'q6L:ٺ=yo 5RO[BdC5ȂLȀtiPR$C$BD#+n ^-asWg'uA.0>g?~}6vZ ۝&j*dn-qbdF'Gp"s%3)- n8ȣdq+$kYZY2#g92h}+#*2s8uL|th.e<}4eP] \9φjnVPE&0eEJi 3#osEe5ބj)OULrr(%Ǫm⵮Iz#r6l'Wiy݈9V>NC\uxCyMO}G~Yn12Bs}<;|5=v&g;g@S"7]xEEų%q~gr~dkVQ3gsgv&T tH=t|8]h[B9KBy,_zy0+y3;:9#::3+Юzwwyu]VJXGQwEo-٤weޣ=Yka5,z9{"XX?,Fiȝ3flƞsȧtە հV]t I]u6uOCw~^W}?ZRP_Ju4A0e|!9(]Cvh|?e<_ykz12XʘK{ :,A ݖ{>:v{*d6;:TBNEʺ﷚pW<=7-6ZSPj>m0wZk:s'[h5lwY؜.6zXkaf`w]]u%BOֽp\ͱ9u-2[#-cuםyN}C{$I0)0atzkg Lot<uc ~/텏c_Wݨoa[gt{;ĭ.v|t %u-t1,ص5Vgj7 bt\PVgy`>XעztL\>-|o!>[hmNf'Dgo+r 26MDd#gv~[kǸKb1,JϹ0Y0f-%s\"1G'-h3A4}A<}? )9j`Wlj=ƖĨveNĖX{4+b 8+``D@Y_A.x#}"2@vCƨXyx6?f0~e|.18*@8cyл,ÎP(\y|!(ytal<+`.d^~}cWk3xM@O+:|jXEVQ6khVR?vq$6ǯÐ1alģ7c`ucXХ-keOϗ? l `ߋ[¼^Nc%cw2zt؈c mC .bnⷋ8BN֪N6n%[cػ9!_kcZl6zNf.=kaM1S[po\mii+a];9ڙgyriFq}iS.>sm3#_oJԻu6wYfp}n)L2d"w ܷsksGF2ܲi emgi}(࣍e9xD>M!j"!JSCڴoL3A֛:t>:<K|у\3N;c;s68qsqҺqqq*qqRqbqrYBV+דS+;[4+ۋ˓˓S̃S՝͍ύS;քPpfMo-iѯ2DVg ;0s&cT,xNEéSЊlKZiĊn.Љ܋U<9bÜZɚ*COC5V5NoYYvƣߑёӉԙU؅5z=ŞEZG>IeҢ $@4Pㇾd@$G c+vmhےܫ4f̄&~l Bu&}B! 2! 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