ࡱ> KMJq` ,bjbjqPqP 4<::$    4$z dddddddd$6"h$ dd dd4 FdddX `[ =J 0z %O%%djp>2ddd   dddz   Name: ______________________________________ Period: _________________ Date: _________ World History Extra Credit Review True/False. Directions: Indicate whether the statement is true (T) or false (F). ____ 1. The first part of the Stone Age is also called the Paleolithic Era. ____ 2. Early humans hunted animals and gathered wild plants, seeds, fruits, and nuts to survive. ____ 3. Permanent settlements were built when people began to raise crops and animals. ____ 4. Once Neolithic people learned to farm, they abandoned hunting and gathering altogether. ____ 5. The Sumerians established a wide trading network in order to obtain many raw materials needed for building and art. ____ 6. Mesopotamia is a larger geographic area than the Fertile Crescent. ____ 7. The Torah says that, on a mountain called Sinai, God gave Moses two stone tablets on which were ten moral laws. ____ 8. Israel split into two kingdoms called Canaan and Judah. ____ 9. The Persian Empire fell to Alexander the Great in the 330s BC. ____ 10. The Sumerians practiced polytheism. ____ 11. The development of cuneiform marked the transition from prehistory to the historical age. ____ 12. Egyptians settled far from the Nile River to avoid annual flooding that could destroy their homes and fields. ____ 13. Pyramids were built primarily by slaves captured during warfare, as well as by a few skilled craftspeople, such as architects and artists. ____ 14. Egyptians believed that Osiris brought civilization into Egypt and later became the judge of the dead. ____ 15. All Egyptians were mummified at death. ____ 16. Egyptian women had more rights than women in most ancient civilizations, and could own and inherit property, create wills, divorce their husbands, and work in some occupations. ____ 17. The Mycenaeans were probably peaceful traders with little or no military. ____ 18. Greeks gathered every four years at Olympia for the Olympic Games to compete against each other and to honor the gods. ____ 19. The Persian emperor Darius attacked the Greek mainland to gain control of Greeces vast natural resources. ____ 20. The leadership of Athens in the Persian Wars, its access to the treasury of the Delian League, and the patronage of Pericles led to the Golden Age of Athens. ____ 21. Macedonia was able to take control of all of Greece in the 340s BC because the Persian Empire had soundly defeated Athens and Sparta. ____ 22. A terrible plague struck Athens in 430 and 429 BC, changing the course of the Peloponnesian War. ____ 23. Since Plato believed that only philosophers should lead governments, he opposed Athenian democracy. ____ 24. Hellenistic culture blended elements of Greek civilization with ideas from Persia, Egypt, Central Asia, and other regions. ____ 25. Alexander the Great discouraged Greeks from mingling with people from the places he conquered. ____ 26. Alexander the Great built the largest empire the world had ever seen. ____ 27. Patricians forced the plebeians to make changes in the Roman government by refusing to defend the city during an invasion. ____ 28. Although it never conquered the Greek city-states, Rome was greatly influenced by Greek culture, copying its art forms and adopting the Greek gods. ____ 29. Throughout the Pax Romana the primary occupation of people was military service. ____ 30. Romans were especially entertained by bloody spectacles in the amphitheater. ____ 31. In Roman society, lowerclass women had more freedom than did upperclass women. ____ 32. Many European cities today still reflect the grid layouts originally planned by Roman engineers. ____ 33. As a conquered people in the Roman Empire, Jews were forced to convert to Christianity. ____ 34. Paul of Tarsus helped to attract non-Jews to Christianity by dispensing with some Jewish customs. ____ 35. Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead after his execution and spent another 40 days teaching his disciples on Earth before ascending into heaven. ____ 36. The increased size of Romes army and a prolonged economic crisis threatened the stability of the Roman Empire after the last of the Good Emperors died. ____ 37. The Augustan Age was marked by expansion of the Roman Empire, moral and religious reforms, and great creativity in Latin literature. ____ 38. The government of the Roman Empire brought uniformity to the cities of the Mediterranean world. ____ 39. After the Pax Romana, weak leaders and economic troubles hurt the Roman Empire. ____ 40. The emperor Constantine helped to spread Christianity when he became a Christian. ____ 41. Constantine built a new capital city in the village of Byzantium because the eastern half of the Roman Empire was richer and better defended than the west. ____ 42. Although the people of Constantinople referred to themselves as Romans, they were actually influenced more by the culture of Germanic tribes. ____ 43. Christianity greatly influenced both art and architecture in the Byzantine Empire. ____ 44. As early as the reign of Justinian, Muslim armies had threatened the Eastern Roman Empire. ____ 45. The Byzantine Empire fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453. ____ 46. The Byzantine Empires preservation of its ancient Greco-Roman heritage was an important legacy that benefited later generations. ____ 47. After the schism of 1054, a semi-independent Christian church was set up in Russia that eventually became the Russian Orthodox Church. ____ 48. Benedictine monks spent all of their time in prayer and meditation, relying on paid workers to run their monasteries. ____ 49. Most popes in the early Middle Ages had little authority. ____ 50. Justinian and his wife served as co-rulers of the Eastern Roman Empire. ____ 51. Over time theological differences divided the eastern and western churches. ____ 52. The Ottoman Turks attacked the city of Constantinople and renamed it Istanbul. ____ 53. The conversion of people such as the Anglo-Saxons and the Franks helped to make western Europe largely a Christian society. ____ 54. Charlemagne expanded his kingdom by conquering a people each year and then forming alliances with local leaders. ____ 55. Charlemagne believed that education should include only training in agricultural and battle skills. ____ 56. Serfs had ample opportunities to better their social and economic position. ____ 57. In medieval Europe, residents of a manor typically traded with other manors as far as three hundred miles away. ____ 58. A lord was required to treat his knights fairly, protect them if attacked, and settle disputes. ____ 59. Medieval castles were large, beautiful, had dozens of private bedrooms, and included many luxuries, such as indoor plumbing and ventilation systems. ____ 60. Monks who joined strict new orders after about AD 900 were widely admired for their dedication to their faith and their piety. ____ 61. The goal of the First Crusade was to take Jerusalem and the area around it, known as the Holy Land, away from the Muslims who controlled it. ____ 62. Peasants on the First Crusade slaughtered entire communities of Jews in Germany. ____ 63. As a result of the Crusades, most Jews and Muslims in the Holy Land came to see Christians as invaders. ____ 64. Most money-lenders were Jews because Christians were prohibited by religious laws from charging interest and because Jews were barred from many other occupations. ____ 65. Violence was relatively uncommon in medieval cities, although pickpockets freely roamed city streets. ____ 66. Fires and the spread of disease were constant threats in medieval cities. ____ 67. For everyday needs common people attended trade fairs several times a year. ____ 68. Anti-Semitic feelings in Europe increased as a result of the plague. ____ 69. Many Europeans believed that the Black Death had been sent by God to punish them for their sins. ____ 70. About 10 million people, or one sixth of Europes population, died during the years of the plague. ____ 71. The confusion that resulted from having more than one pope weakened the influence of the Catholic Church. ____ 72. Unlike earlier art, Renaissance religious paintings tended to focus on the personalities of religious figures, rather than on their religious significance. ____ 73. Johannes Gutenberg is traditionally given credit for inventing oil painting. ____ 74. Northern Renaissance art contains more realistic scenes than Italian Renaissance art does. ____ 75. The doctrine of predestination holds that God knows who will be saved and guides the lives of those destined for salvation. ____ 76. Anabaptists insisted on re-baptizing adults, a crime punishable by death at that time. ____ 77. Renaissance ideas spread through trade, artists who fled political unrest in Italy, and the explosion of printed materials. ____ 78. Nationalism weakened as a result of the Renaissance and Reformation. ____ 79. Calvinism was unique in giving its followers the freedom to choose their own meals, clothing, and festivities. ____ 80. The Jesuits concentrated on education as a means of combating the Protestant Reformation. ____ 81. Although Catholics viewed Jews and Muslims as heretics, Protestants did not. ____ 82. The Renaissance spread from northern Italy to northern Europe. ____ 83. During the 1500s, financial corruption, abuse of power, and immorality weakened peoples respect for priests, monks, and even popes. ____ 84. The Age of Exploration was driven in large part by the search for wealth. -3WXx y TU}~YZ YZkl""""3#4#$$''L)M){)|),,,ƹƹƨhJCJOJQJ^JaJ hJhJCJOJQJ^JaJhJ6OJQJ]^JhJhJ6OJQJ]^JhJhJOJQJ^JhJ5OJQJ\^JhJhJ5OJQJ\^J8Xz y 0 o # 1>2h?+ dh7$8$H$gdJ,+zK n-$}}p0Cu dh7$8$H$gdJu\ *!!1""O##$$5%%%+&&'t'(o((X))=**+f++ dh7$8$H$gdJ+,,,dhgdJ dh7$8$H$gdJ,,hJhJCJOJQJaJ21h:pJ/ =!8"#$% @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No List$<Xzy0o#1>2h ? + z K n-$}}p0Cu\*1O5+t o X!!=""#f##$$$000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000#$$$K0 &I0I0I0,,+u+,,>ӕd/ӕ"ӕ/ӕDf2ӕ.ӕ$^/ӕl8ӕ2ӕ2ӕԦ/ ӕ/!ӕdU"ӕ<#ӕ$ӕ%ӕ&ӕE 'ӕ(ӕ)ӕU*ӕ+ӕE ,ӕ<_/-ӕ|_/.ӕě/ӕW0ӕ81ӕ}"2ӕt23ӕ<84ӕ85ӕ6ӕ.7ӕl8ӕ) 9ӕ$B :ӕG#;ӕ<ӕB =ӕ-B >ӕB ?ӕ/@ӕ/B Aӕ\E Bӕt_CӕjDӕO7EӕFӕB Gӕ<Hӕ$* Iӕ/JӕB KӕNLӕtB Mӕ4NӕOӕ$ Pӕ+Qӕ$+Rӕ SӕLwkkMM U ` ` : : 3fo B^"-Q""##$      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=}rrSS [ f f > > ?r{!Nn2AW$""#$$  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=83*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity=7*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType=8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceNameB=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagscountry-region9>*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace >=>=>>87>=>3>=>3==3>3>3==>>3>3>>>>378>>>>>>>=>3>3>>3>>=>>>>==>f p $zy07ov#+ 19>F2:h p ? 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