ࡱ> #` r:bjbj 14444444H'''8(|(\HHt((()))+++sssssss$(vhxs45+@+55s44))t<<<5<4)4)s<5s<<l44o)( ae] '90m,st0Htmy%;HyXooy4?q+.*<%12+++ssm<X+++Ht5555HHH$ld HHHlHHH444444  GIMS Site Selection Criteria and Proposal Information - (Should be filled out 48+ months from Conference Date) (Version 0.5 - June 16, 2007) Prospective Conference Location and Dates ____Miami, Florida_________________________________________________________________________ ____December 5-10, 2010________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Management Is there an Organizing Committee Chair/Planning Chair person in place who will serve as a point of contact with GIMS over the next four years? Please list name and affiliation of individual(s) who would serve: Dr. Kia Makki, Florida International University, USA (Executive Chair, Globecom 2010) Dr. David Sincoskie, Telcordia, USA (General Co-Chair, Globecom 2010) Mr. Hart Rossman, SAIC, USA (General Co-Chair, Globecom 2010) Dr. Niki Pissinou, Florida International University, USA (Vice General Co-Chair, Globecom 2010) Dr. Jie Wu, National Science Foundation (NSF), USA (Vice General Co-Chair, Globecom 2010) Dr. Haohong Wang, Marvell Semiconductors, Inc., USA (TPC Co-Chair, Globecom 2010) Dr. Mukesh Singhal, Professor and Gartner Group Endowed Chair in Networking, University of Kentucky, USA (TPC Co-Chair, Globecom 2010) Dr. Osama Mohammad, Florida International University, USA (Local Arrangement Co-Chair, Globecom 2010) Mr. Michael Corbit, Executive Director of ICoast, USA (Local Arrangement Co-Chair, Globecom 2010) Dr. Robert Ulman, Army Research Office Program Manager, USA (Government Advisory Co-Chair, Globecom 2010) Mr. Matt Meyerson, Mobile FYI Inc. and Neateam Inc., CEO, USA (Industrial Advisory Co-Chair, Globecom 2010) Dr. Forouzan Golshani, Dean of College of Engineering, California State University, Long Beach (Workshop Chair, Globecom 2010) Dr. Stavros Georgakopoulos, FIU (Financial Chair, Globecom 2010) Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Is there an existing management structure in place to handle the myriad of details for putting together the conference? (ie: list any corporate, chapter or region, or sister society involvement established, and which positions on the organizing committee have been instituted) Comments: ____IEEE Miami Chapter, Dr. Kia Makki is the IEEE Miami Chapter Chair IEEE Miami Section Chairman, Dr. Osama Mohammed ______ ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Venues Is there a conference venue large enough to accommodate the conference based on the conference specifications provided by ComSoc Staff? Comments: ______Hyatt Regency + InterContinental Miami _________________________________________ Hyatt: $209 per room/night, 612 guest room, 27 meeting rooms, large exhibit space InterContinental: $269 per BLG room/night, 641 Guest room, 34 suits, 30 meeting rooms Are there sufficient hotels within close proximity of the conference site with reasonable rates and are they available on the conference dates? Comments: ______ 30+ hotels and 5000+ rooms are available in downtown Miami within close proximity of the ______ Conference site, which provide attendees sufficient choices based on their hotel rate budgets. All the hotels are in walking distance ____________________________________________________________________________________ Does conference city, location, or venue offer sufficient attractions of a recreational nature that the conference attendance will be increased by having it there? (ie. Museums, cultural events, etc) Comments: _______Miami offers plenty of attractions and recreational nature, including: _________________ _______Everglades National Park, Miami Beach, South Beach, Bal Harbour Beach, ___________ _______Crandon Park Beach, etc., as well as events such as Art Basel Miami, ________________ _______and International film festival.___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Are there any Visa restrictions for the proposed city/country that would prevent full participation by all ComSoc members? Comments: _______No__________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Transportation Is the conference city easily accessible via direct Air and Ground Transportation at affordable rates? (i.e., How many airlines service the airport, how many direct flights are there, etc.) Comments: ______Miami International Airport is one of the top airports in US. Here is the statistics of year 2006s MIAs ranking among the US airports: 1st International Freight 3rd International Passengers 4 th Total Freight 4th Total Cargo (Freight + Mail) 15th Total Passengers Direct flights from Miami to 48 cities in US & Canada, 9 major cities in Europe, 21 cities in South America, and 41 cities in Central America ________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Is the need for local transportation within the host city both minimal and convenient for conference attendees to travel to and among hotel and conference sites? Comments: ______No, all the hotels are all in walking distance._________________________________________ ______Plenty of local transportation available, including: metro mover (NO charge), Metro rail ($1.5 per way), super shuttle, and taxi. ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Human Resources Have a group of volunteers been identified to help with organizing the conference over the next 4 years? (ie. Where will you be recruiting your volunteers from local companies, local or regional IEEE chapter/sections, sister societies, etc) Comments: ____Yes. The volunteers will be recruited from IEEE Miami ComSoc Chapter (around 70 members) and IEEE Miami Section (around 250 members), local universities (Univ. of Miami, Florida International University, Florida Atlanta University, and Florida Institute of Technology), as well as IEEE Technical Committees, such as MMTC (Multimedia Communications TC), TCCC, etc. In addition, ICoast (Michael Corbit, Executive Director of ICoast) will attracts the local companies to get involve both financially and non financially. _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Is there a local ComSoc chapter that is offering human resources to support this conference? Comments: _____IEEE ComSoc Miami Chapter, Dr. Kia Makki is the Chair of IEEE Miami Chapter ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Finances What is your expected or targeted paid attendance? Approximately, between $800,000 and $1,200,000 (I have done a similar figure for IEEE Infocom2005). Perhaps more. Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Have you secured local corporate, government, or organizational patronage in the form of a pledge of patronage money (or like in-kind services, people, etc.) for the conference? (ie. What companies in the area may have been a patron at other similar events in the past, does the government offer any programs, etc) Comments: We have been working on this. We are expecting to receive pledges from local Industries such as Motorola Labs (Dr. Lance Hester), Citrix Systems Inc. (Mark Templeton, President and CEO), Simens, Avaya, IBM, CISCO, and Mobile FYI (Matt Meyerson). On the other hand, we have successfully involved senior management of the following companies in our efforts for future potential patronage: AT&T (Dr. Dan Baeza, General Manager), Google (Dr. Vint Cerf, VP and Chief Internet Evangelist), Qualcomm (Dr. Matt Grob, Senior VP) , NTT Docomo (Dr. Kazuo Imai, CEO, Docomo USA Labs), Mitsubishi (Dr. Huifang Sun, VP), SAIC (Mr. Hart Rossman, CTO, Integrated Security and Systems), Telcordia (Dr. David Sincoskie, Senior VP). Both Matt Meyerson and Michael Corbit have been assigned such tasks as Local Arrangement Co-Chair and Industrial Advisory Co-Chair. They will have the right contacts in the local and National Industries and Businesses to attract the required partnerships and financial support for Globecom2010. In addition we are going to attract funding from government agencies such as National Science Foundation (NSF) (Dr. Jie Wu, TPC Co-Chair), DoD, DOE, Army Research Office (ARO/ARL) (Dr. Robert Ulman, Program Manager, Globecom 2010 Government Advisory Co-Chair, etc___ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Is there a local ComSoc chapter that is offering financial resources to support this conference? Comments: Yes, IEEE Miami Chapter, Dr. Kia Makki is the IEEE Miami Chapter Chair IEEE Miami Section Chairman, Dr. Osama Mohammed IEEE Miami Section currently has around 250 members and IEEE ComSoc Miami Chapter has around 70 members. We believe to have Globecom 2010 hosted by Miami would help to advertise IEEE and expand the IEEE Miami Section and ComSoc Miami Chapter. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ What is your expected surplus? Approximately, between $200,000 and $400,000. I had done the same in IEEE Infocom 2005. Perhaps more. Please see more details in our tentative financial plan (spreadsheet). We are expecting a 26% surplus. (IEEE Miami Chapter is the Co-Sponsor, would provide financial support to this conference) Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Overall Comments: I have been Program Chair and General Chair of many conferences including: The Technical Program Co-Chair for IEEE Infocom 2005 and General Co-Chair of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IC3N 2002). Thus I have ample experience to deal with such huge conferences such as Globecom 2010. In fact, every time that I took over such a conferences I have always made much more successful than these previous years and this can be verified by the people in charge of those conferences Such as Dr. Harvey Freeman (IEEE Infocom Founder and is Executive Chair), Dr. EK. Park (IC3N Co-Founder and its Executive Chair), etc. In fact, people still talks about the success of these conferences in Miami. For both Infocom 2005 and IC3N 2002, we had huge surpluses those years by having lots of attendees and Government and Industrial financial supports. Dr. Wang (TPC Co-Chair) and Dr. Mukesh Singhal (TPC Co-chair) have similar successes with the conferences that they organized. Therefore, we have set of experienced organizing committees handling the Globecom 2010. Thus, we only expect more success for IEEE Globecom 2010. In summary, Miami has the following advantages for hosting Globecom 2010: Convenient Location for attendees from all over the world Luxury hotels and superior meeting facility Nice weather especially in winter Plenty of attractions and activities Very experienced and capable management team Full commitments from Industry/Technical Advisory Board Strong supports from local and external resources Solid financial plan for GLOBECOM 2010 Strong historic connection between Miami and GLOBECOM     GIMS Site Selection Criteria and Proposal Information Page  PAGE 5 of  NUMPAGES 5 %:<=>RSU]rs   ĸvovg]YYh;axhpx;h;ax56hPKhK5 hPK5>*hPKhK5>*hVVPhKhLh) hY3h)hPKh6hPKh)6hPKh*h)hPKhKh;axhpx;h;ax56 h%>56( 1 p , ~   l 8#demn`gd3WW`gdP & FgdP^gdP^gd9x^gdc^gdpx;^gdV e h } ~  k l p ~ 8<kmijāmYmYE'hh56B*PJnH phtH 'hh9x56B*PJnH phtH 'hhV 56B*PJnH phtH 'hV h9x56B*PJnH phtH hV hc56'hV hc56B*PJnH phtH !hV 56B*PJnH phtH hV h9x56hV h3W!56'hV h-c356B*PJnH phtH hV hpx;56hV h-c356"#en^lmnpvxyz%0<Hnx¾¶wwmhsxAh3WW56hsxAhU56 hsxA56hsxAhpx;56hVVPhIFh*ph\hRZHhhoVhN8hlzh)h3WWhPKh7['hh9x56B*PJnH phtH 'hh56B*PJnH phtH !hR56B*PJnH phtH *X>?IJKLMK`gd:&d P `gd7`gd7 & F & F hgd.gdVVP`gd3WWWX7<=>?IOv{KMNQTVbiHKRŽ௥Ņʼn}sl} h:56h:h:56h:hphYEh=1fhUh(LOh756h(LOhVVP56h(LOh(LO56h(LOh:56hhT'/h\hN8h*p hVVP5hVVPh7[5>*h3WWhVVP5hUhUB*CJOJPJQJ^JaJnH phtH )R\a:;_`lqry(Żŷŭ{{sib h56hh56hh\hh56\h56\hh0J6 h0J6hhh280J6hh2856h28h28h2856huhhmH sH  h7hh`ih9h7hVVPh 'h:h:56 h '56 ;<r)|MNXVWfg & F hgd.`gd & Fgdugdu`gd & F`gd7()0OP{|NO_aUVWfgj'2859ͷɕŕŕ|||||h6h/K56H*h6h/K56h6hhN8h hu5huh=1f5>* hr 5>*h28h2856hhph`ihr h7hhh56hu/hh5B*OJPJQJ\nH ph@ptH 0g'(23JK/'(2i ^`gdj-x`gd6 & F`gd0u^gd/Kp^pgd}?^gd`gd & Fgd9IJYd./ %&'(278JVfuhiwwwsݒhj-xhj-xhh&56 hj-x56hj-xhj-x56hj-xh56hj-xhu56hj-xhsxA56hj-xh656 hh&56h6hYEh`tQhh`hh: hu h0u56 h: 56 h/K56h6h/K56- K"L"5####=$>$H$$$C%D%N%O%% & Fgd!w`gd!w & F^gd6`gd & Fgd & F hgd.  8 : !!!!5!6!L!a!!!I"J"L"Z"b"p"r""""˽˶˯˨˝qqihche(5'h|uhe(56B*PJnH phtH h|uhe(56h|uhU56h|uh h|u56 hU56 h|56 hA56 h656 ha56h6h656hah#hlhhO9hN8h% h%5huh`tQ5>*("4#5######$$=$H$M$Q$Y$f$v$$$$$$B%C%D%L%M%N%O%q%v%%%%%%%%Ż襛脀vlel hr_56hr_h56hr_h256h $hhWI h5h'h#5>*h'hc.D5>*h'h5>*h!wh'hk_|h6hSc(56 hSc(56 hk_|56 h|u56h6h656hahhlzh#h`hhu%%%%%&V&&''>(?(N(O(E)F)++D,E,P---gd#^gd#^gdV'% & Fgd'^gd!w`gd!w8^8gdr_h^hgd $%%%%%%%%&U&V&&&&''A'J'u''''''?(M(N(O((((((#)%)))D)))f*t*****ÿӻ׷ðzzpzpzpzph#h#56 h#56hV'%h` 56 h56hV'%he(56hV'%hK256hV'%hp 56 hV'%56h+hO9h]NhlzhN8h!wh'hWIhhr_h56hr_hE56hr_h56 h}H56,*+++++,,),C,E,t,,,,,,,, -)-2-I-L-O-P-T------e.f.g.n..//\/۶۶۶ukdk h 56h h 56h h#y56hh#yh]Nhph!wh'h#hV'%h!w56hV'%h'56 hV'%56hV'%h9x56hV'%h+&A56 h56hV'%h#56hV'%hK256hV'%h` 56h#h#56 h#56'--[.\.g....N///O00000-111128^8gdgd $ & F`gd?`gd^gd ^gd`gd#ygd]N & Fgd'\/_////N0O0000000000011,1-1q111111112U2V22223333ǽyuukghKh`7hK5>*hk*h"hH56 hW56h"h"56hh: 56 hG56 hp56hhE56 h: 56hh56hh256h $h]'hHh'h?h h'56h h 56 h 56&2V22333377778I8k888 & F 88^8gd^E & F 88^8gd^E & F 88^8gd^E & F 88^8gd^E & F 88^8gd^E^gd & F hgd.`gd?3-313]3^3T4U444555555556)6W6e6m66=7>7Y7a7777999999999999 :R:S:Y:Z:ƼƲ~~!jh1#h}?0JCJUaJh}?0JCJaJh1#h}?0JCJaJhjhUhh^E56h^Eh^E56 h^E56 hO956hh56 hJ#56hh56 h56hh#y56.88'9N9999999999999o:p:gd1#$a$gdjG!^gd^gd^E & F 88^8gd^E & F 88^8gd^E & F 88^8gd^E & F 88^8gd^EZ:[:\:`:a:k:l:m:n:o:p:q:r:hh^E56hh}?h}?0JCJaJh1#h}?0JCJaJ!jh1#h}?0JCJUaJh}?0JCJaJmHnHu p:q:r:^gd21h:pag/ =!"#$% n\k)(ۤMPNG  IHDR}(abKGDS/ cmPPJCmp0712`[IDATx^݋aHmI` `p-E0r"h+X4X4:NRݮO ŏ_@@ ! @@B @җ5 @h78! @@-@?@H_ H @@ Z@ }Y  }C /k@ohqC@e  Z -N @B @җ5 @h78! @@-@?@H_ H @@ Z@ }Y  }C /k@ohqC@e  Z -N @B @җ5 @h78! @@-@?@H_ H @@ Z@ }Y  }C /k@ohqC@e  Z -N @B @җ5 @h78! @@-@?@H_ H @@ Z@ }Y  }C /k@ohqC@e  Z -N @B @җ5 @h78! @@-@?@H_ H @@ Z@ }Y  }C /k@ohqC@e  Z -N @B @008y̼&5@"xڟ+qu*  @|u֘=Gh[!|0j ph QlgFP@`,]yy"E@d mӓI;E+ _ڭP@^<({J  8]mr  }5'|,xn,@#nzsߪ=/T%9 J(nϪrK*@xʳBSoTiD!@H_5>j;n4 Q@<]q~51 У:\6͝W: 0.mv;}@`Du:YqjD W-}}بyʸߥL \NV/Lw^" Q5l=mamvf @`|[f} |=0<@O~*6uybQ 0xoL֧?9Ń_ @o;QGwy =El9Z@ L;}{oT_.<LZ`/s0@),{)<7_D)1D @+pZ,H/: DzxMo M\>6Y+?iOO`WTе0WC&C:tYۿh&xΞ[NdR};X|t>6,ߪ] _/h L0}MB/=425Bwsm*?>vǢeg/ 7"@ 05x(=e SX~o7]ck/mS2 cZר!fn[eq8ʸ@kXl ˛n~kX3yZ~8@D`Z[sM4l˛}tVjZsDCiJ7|:wSrtzG PT.516MߞǢ{/{LN`J ߦJ5X[>TxHmD @&eV0oԕU7li8( 0t餯惾;llns4|~+FB!@! 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