Corpus ID: 7721728

Exercise and neuroplasticity in persons living with Parkinson's disease.

  title={Exercise and neuroplasticity in persons living with Parkinson's disease.},
  author={Mark Alexander Hirsch and Becky G. Farley},
  journal={European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine},
  volume={45 2},
  • M. Hirsch, B. Farley
  • Published 2009
  • Medicine
  • European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine
For many years, exercise was not a recommended rehabilitation strategy for persons with a diagnosis of idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD). Since it was believed that exercise had no measurable effect on PD, or might worsen the underlying pathology, it was to be avoided. A rich vein of bench and translational research now suggest non-pharmacological approaches, such as exercise or physiotherapy, have a far greater effect on the cardinal features of PD than previously believed. In particular… Expand
Harnessing Cueing Training for Neuroplasticity in Parkinson Disease
It is posed that external cueing facilitates the conditions for goal-based exercise training to improve gait and gait-related activities of patients with PD and predicts that compensatory mechanisms play a role in cueing training. Expand
Rehabilitation for Parkinson's disease: Current outlook and future challenges.
The rehabilitative program for PD should be "goal-based" (targeted to practicing and learning specific activities in the core areas), but a number of practice variables need to be identified and the program should tailored to the individual patients' characteristics. Expand
Exercise exerts neuroprotective effects on Parkinson's disease model of rats
The results suggest that exercise exerts neuroprotective effects or enhances the neuronal differentiation in Parkinson's disease model of rats with subsequent improvement in deteriorated motor function. Expand
The Importance of Rehabilitation Treatment in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
Rehabilitation programs contain kinesiotherapeutic procedures for balance, posture, the range of motionsespecially rotation of the trunk, strength, elongation, as well as exercise for functionally reduced motion types. Expand
Aging with Parkinson’s Disease
This chapter highlights the etiology, clinical manifestations, and current rehabilitation options for older adults with Parkinson’s disease (PD) within the context of normal aging and considers current options with a focus on exercise-based therapy for PD. Expand
Effects of Physical Exercise on Neuroinflammation, Neuroplasticity, Neurodegeneration, and Behavior
It is clear that parameters influencing the effect of exercise, such as intensity, still remain to be investigated in animal studies in order to find the optimal program that can be translated into exercise interventions for patients with neurodegenerative diseases. Expand
Rehabilitative therapy in patients with Parkinson's disease
Findings have accentuated the important role of exercise and rehabilitation in the management of PD and documented the value of exercise for improving motor performance and potentially slowing progression of motor symptoms and neural degeneration. Expand
Treatment Options for Motor and Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
The best strategy for treating PD is to hope to slow disorder progression and strive to achieve stability with neuroprotection, an integrative medicine and health strategy that highlights five treatment options for people with Parkinson’s. Expand
Partnered Dancing to Improve Mobility for People With Parkinson's Disease
A meta-analysis investigating several types of music based movement therapies (dance and gait-based interventions using music as an auditory rhythmic cue) found significant positive effects on balance performance, UPDRS-II, Walking velocity, stride length, dual task walking velocity, 6 m walk test, and the timed-up-and go test. Expand
Intensive Rehabilitation Treatment in Early Parkinson’s Disease
The results suggest that MIRT might slow down the progression of motor decay, it might delay the need for increasing drug treatment, and thus, it may have a neuroprotective effect. Expand


Rehabilitation and neurologic repair in Parkinson's disease.
This special issue explores current and future approaches to neurorehabilitation in PD and identifies risk factors for falling in PD appropriately grounded within the context of falling in the elderly. Expand
Parkinson's disease and resistive exercise: Rationale, review, and recommendations
A clear rationale for the efficacy of resistance training in individuals with Parkinson's disease is established and musculoskeletal weakness and its relationship to function as well as potential training‐induced adaptive alterations in the neuromuscular system are highlighted. Expand
Restorative effect of endurance exercise on behavioral deficits in the chronic mouse model of Parkinson's disease with severe neurodegeneration
This study indicates that in spite of the drastic loss of dopaminergic neurons and depletion of dopamine in the severe chronic MPD, endurance exercise training effectively reverses the Parkinson's like behavioral deficits related to regular movement, balance and gait performance. Expand
Exercise induces behavioral recovery and attenuates neurochemical deficits in rodent models of Parkinson's disease
It is demonstrated that exercise following nigrostriatal damage ameliorates related motor symptoms and neurochemical deficits in rodent models of PD. Expand
Endurance exercise promotes cardiorespiratory rehabilitation without neurorestoration in the chronic mouse model of Parkinsonism with severe neurodegeneration
It is suggested that 4 weeks of treadmill exercise promoted physical endurance, resulting in cardiorespiratory and metabolic adaptations in the chronic parkinsonian mice with severe neurodegeneration without demonstrating a restorative potential for the nigrostriatal dopaminergic function. Expand
Forced Nonuse in Unilateral Parkinsonian Rats Exacerbates Injury
Results suggest decreased physical activity not only is a symptom of PD but also may act to potentiate the underlying degeneration. Expand
Neurobiology of exercise
Mechanisms explaining these adaptations are not as yet known, but metabolic and neurochemical pathways among skeletal muscle, the spinal cord, and the brain offer plausible, testable mechanisms that might help explain effects of physical activity and exercise on the central nervous system. Expand
The effect of exercise training in improving motor performance and corticomotor excitability in people with early Parkinson's disease.
The findings suggest the dose-dependent benefits of exercise and that high-intensity exercise can normalize corticomotor excitability in early PD. Expand
Stress reduces the neuroprotective effect of exercise in a rat model for Parkinson's disease
The behavioural results confirm a previous finding suggesting that voluntary exercise is neuroprotective and a novel finding is that mild stressors cancel the neuroprotection afforded by voluntary exercise. Expand
Clinical relevance of rehabilitation programs for Parkinson's disease. I: Non-symptom-specific therapeutic approaches.
A rating system was developed considering effectiveness, everyday life relevance, long-term effect, therapy frequency and setting, duration of the therapy units, effects on quality of life, and assessment and found four studies with a Level I of statistical quality and four Studies with high clinically relevant information. Expand